2048: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content deleted Content added
better description of rules
moved comment to avoid potential confusion
Line 153:
# For every nonempty source cell and valid destination cell...
if {$cell != 0 && [valid-cell? $newIndex]} {
# Destination is empty.
if {[cell-get $newIndex] == 0} {
# Destination is empty.
if {$checkOnly} {
# -level 2 is to return from both forcells and move-all.
Line 164:
incr changedCells
# Destination is the same number as source.
} elseif {([cell-get $newIndex] eq $cell) &&
[string first + $cell] == -1} {
# Destination is the same number as source.
if {$checkOnly} {
return -level 2 true

Revision as of 09:09, 12 June 2014

2048 is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Implement a 2D sliding block puzzle game where blocks with numbers are combined to add their values.

The rules are that each turn the player must perform a valid move shifting all tiles in one direction (up, down, left or right). A move is valid when at least one tile can be moved in that direction. When moved against each other tiles with the same number on them combine into one. A new tile with the value of 2 is spawned at the end of each turn if there is an empty spot for it. To win the player must create a tile with the number 2048. The player loses if no valid moves are possible.

The name comes from the popular open-source implementation of this game mechanic, 2048.


  • "Non-greedy" movement. The tiles that were created by combining other tiles should not be combined again during the same turn (move). That is to say that moving the tile row of

to the right should result in


and not

  • Check for valid moves. The player shouldn't be able to skip their turn by trying a move that doesn't change the board.
  • Win condition.
  • Lose condition.


Text mode

<lang tcl>

  1. A minimal implementation of the game 2048 in Tcl.

package require Tcl 8.5 package require struct::matrix package require struct::list

  1. Board size.

set size 4

  1. Iterate over all cells of the game board and run script for each.
  2. The game board is a 2D matrix of a fixed size that consists of elements
  3. called "cells" that each can contain a game tile (corresponds to numerical
  4. values of 2, 4, 8, ..., 2048) or nothing (zero).
  5. - cellList is a list of cell indexes (coordinates), which are
  6. themselves lists of two numbers each. They each represent the location
  7. of a given cell on the board.
  8. - varName1 are varName2 are names of the variables the will be assigned
  9. the index values.
  10. - cellVarName is the name of the variable that at each step of iteration
  11. will contain the numerical value of the present cell. Assigning to it will
  12. change the cell's value.
  13. - script is the script to run.

proc forcells {cellList varName1 varName2 cellVarName script} {

   upvar $varName1 i
   upvar $varName2 j
   upvar $cellVarName c
   foreach cell $cellList {
       set i [lindex $cell 0]
       set j [lindex $cell 1]
       set c [cell-get $cell]
       uplevel $script
       cell-set "$i $j" $c


  1. Generate a list of cell indexes for all cells on the board, i.e.,
  2. {{0 0} {0 1} ... {0 size-1} {1 0} {1 1} ... {size-1 size-1}}.

proc cell-indexes {} {

   global size
   set list {}
   foreach i [::struct::list iota $size] {
       foreach j [::struct::list iota $size] {
           lappend list [list $i $j]
   return $list


  1. Check if a number is a valid cell index (is 0 to size-1).

proc valid-index {i} {

   global size
   expr {0 <= $i && $i < $size}


  1. Return 1 if the predicate pred is true when applied to all items on the list
  2. or 0 otherwise.

proc map-and {list pred} {

   set res 1
   foreach item $list {
       set res [expr {$res && [$pred $item]}]
       if {! $res} break
   return $res


  1. Check if list represents valid cell coordinates.

proc valid-cell? cell {

   map-and $cell valid-index


  1. Get the value of a game board cell.

proc cell-get cell {

   board get cell {*}$cell


  1. Set the value of a game board cell.

proc cell-set {cell value} {

   board set cell {*}$cell $value


  1. Filter a list of board cell indexes cellList to only have those indexes
  2. that correspond to empty board cells.

proc empty {cellList} {

   ::struct::list filterfor x $cellList {[cell-get $x] == 0}


  1. Pick a random item from the given list.

proc pick list {

   lindex $list [expr {int(rand() * [llength $list])}]


  1. Put a "2*" into an empty cell on the board. The star is to indicate it's new
  2. for the player's convenience.

proc spawn-new {} {

   set emptyCell [pick [empty [cell-indexes]]]
   if {[llength $emptyCell] > 0} {
       forcells [list $emptyCell] i j cell {
           set cell 2*


  1. Return vector sum of lists v1 and v2.

proc vector-add {v1 v2} {

   set result {}
   foreach a $v1 b $v2 {
       lappend result [expr {$a + $b}]
   return $result


  1. If checkOnly is false try to shift all cells one step in the direction of
  2. directionVect. If checkOnly is true just say if that move is possible.

proc move-all {directionVect {checkOnly 0}} {

   set changedCells 0
   forcells [cell-indexes] i j cell {
       set newIndex [vector-add "$i $j" $directionVect]
       set removedStar 0
       if {$cell eq {2*}} {
           set cell 2
           set removedStar 1
       # For every nonempty source cell and valid destination cell...
       if {$cell != 0 && [valid-cell? $newIndex]} {
           if {[cell-get $newIndex] == 0} {
               # Destination is empty.                
               if {$checkOnly} {
                   # -level 2 is to return from both forcells and move-all.
                   return -level 2 true
               } else {
                   # Move tile to empty cell.
                   cell-set $newIndex $cell
                   set cell 0
                   incr changedCells
           } elseif {([cell-get $newIndex] eq $cell) &&
                     [string first + $cell] == -1} {
               # Destination is the same number as source.                          
               if {$checkOnly} {
                   return -level 2 true
               } else {
                   # When merging two tiles into one mark the new tile with
                   # the marker of "+" to ensure it doesn't get combined
                   # again this turn.
                   cell-set $newIndex [expr {2 * $cell}]+
                   set cell 0
                   incr changedCells
       if {$checkOnly && $removedStar} {
           set cell {2*}
   if {$checkOnly} {
       return false
   # Remove "changed this turn" markers at the end of the turn.
   if {$changedCells == 0} {
       forcells [cell-indexes] i j cell {
           set cell [string trim $cell +]
   return $changedCells


  1. Is it possible to move any tiles in the direction of directionVect?

proc can-move? {directionVect} {

   move-all $directionVect 1


  1. Check win condition. The player wins when there's a 2048 tile.

proc check-win {} {

   forcells [cell-indexes] i j cell {
       if {$cell == 2048} {
           puts "You win!"
           exit 0


  1. Check lose condition. The player loses when the win condition isn't met and
  2. there are no possible moves.

proc check-lose {possibleMoves} {

   set values [dict values $possibleMoves]
   if {!(true in $values || 1 in $values)} {
       puts "You lose."
       exit 0


  1. Pretty-print the board.

proc print-board {} {

   forcells [cell-indexes] i j cell {
       if {$j == 0} {
           puts ""
       puts -nonewline [
           if {$cell != 0} {
               format "\[%4s\]" $cell
           } else {
               lindex "......"
   puts "\n"


proc main {} {

   global size
   struct::matrix board
   # Generate an empty board of a given size.
   board add columns $size
   board add rows $size
   forcells [cell-indexes] i j cell {
       set cell 0
   set controls {
       h {0 -1}
       j {1 0}
       k {-1 0}
       l {0 1}
   # Game loop.
   while true {
       set playerMove 0
       set possibleMoves {}
       # Find possible moves.
       foreach {button vector} $controls {
           dict set possibleMoves $button [can-move? $vector]
       check-lose $possibleMoves
       # Get valid input from the player.
       while {$playerMove == 0} {
           # Print prompt.
           puts -nonewline "Move ("
           foreach {button vector} $controls {
               if {[dict get $possibleMoves $button]} {
                   puts -nonewline $button
           puts ")?"
           set playerInput [gets stdin]
           # Validate input.
           if {[dict exists $possibleMoves $playerInput] &&
               [dict get $possibleMoves $playerInput]} {
               set playerMove [dict get $controls $playerInput]
       # Apply current move until no changes occur on the board.
       while true {
           if {[move-all $playerMove] == 0} break


main </lang>


See http://wiki.tcl.tk/39566.