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<lang vlang>import os
import rand
import rand.seed
import math
fn main() {
mut n := []int{len: 4}
for i in 0.. n.len {
n[i] = rand.intn(9) or {0}
println("Your numbers: $n")
expr := os.input("Enter RPN: ")
if expr.len != 7 {
println("invalid. expression length must be 7." +
" (4 numbers, 3 operators, no spaces)")
mut stack := []f64{len: 0, cap:4}
for r in expr.split('') {
if r >= '0' && r <= '9' {
if n.len == 0 {
println("too many numbers.")
mut i := 0
for n[i] != r.int() {
if i == n.len {
println("wrong numbers.")
stack << f64(r[0]-'0'[0])
if stack.len < 2 {
println("invalid expression syntax.")
match r {
'+' {
stack[stack.len-2] += stack[stack.len-1]
'-' {
stack[stack.len-2] -= stack[stack.len-1]
'*' {
stack[stack.len-2] *= stack[stack.len-1]
'/' {
stack[stack.len-2] /= stack[stack.len-1]
else {
println("$r invalid.")
stack = stack[..stack.len-1]
if math.abs(stack[0]-24) > 1e-6 {
println("incorrect. ${stack[0]} != 24")
} else {
Sample game:
Make 24 using these digits: [2, 3, 5, 1]
> 23*51-*

Revision as of 15:07, 25 May 2022

24 game
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The 24 Game tests one's mental arithmetic.


Write a program that randomly chooses and displays four digits, each from 1 ──► 9 (inclusive) with repetitions allowed.

The program should prompt for the player to enter an arithmetic expression using just those, and all of those four digits, used exactly once each. The program should check then evaluate the expression.

The goal is for the player to enter an expression that (numerically) evaluates to 24.

  • Only the following operators/functions are allowed: multiplication, division, addition, subtraction
  • Division should use floating point or rational arithmetic, etc, to preserve remainders.
  • Brackets are allowed, if using an infix expression evaluator.
  • Forming multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits is disallowed. (So an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 is wrong).
  • The order of the digits when given does not have to be preserved.

  • The type of expression evaluator used is not mandated. An RPN evaluator is equally acceptable for example.
  • The task is not for the program to generate the expression, or test whether an expression is even possible.

Related tasks



Translation of: C++

<lang 11l>T Error

  String message
  F (message)
     .message = message

T RPNParse

  [Float] stk
  [Int] digits
  F op(f)
     I .stk.len < 2
        X Error(‘Improperly written expression’)
     V b = .stk.pop()
     V a = .stk.pop()
     .stk.append(f(a, b))
  F parse(s)
     L(c) s
        I c C ‘0’..‘9’
        E I c == ‘+’ {.op((a, b) -> a + b)}
        E I c == ‘-’ {.op((a, b) -> a - b)}
        E I c == ‘*’ {.op((a, b) -> a * b)}
        E I c == ‘/’ {.op((a, b) -> a / b)}
        E I c != ‘ ’
           X Error(‘Wrong char: ’c)
  F get_result()
     I .stk.len != 1
        X Error(‘Improperly written expression’)
     R .stk.last

[Int] digits print(‘Make 24 with the digits:’, end' ‘’) L 4

  V n = random:(1..9)
  print(‘ ’n, end' ‘’)


V parser = RPNParse()


  V r = parser.get_result()
  I sorted(digits) != sorted(parser.digits)
     print(‘Error: Not using the given digits’)
     print(‘Result: ’r)
     I r C 23.999<.<24.001
        print(‘Good job!’)
        print(‘Try again.’)

X.catch Error error

  print(‘Error: ’error.message)</lang>

The same as in C++.


This is a fully-worked sample of the game in 8th, showing error-detection and user-restriction techniques: <lang forth> \ Generate four random digits and display to the user \ then get an expression from the user using +, -, / and * and the digits \ the result must equal 24 \ http://8th-dev.com/24game.html

\ Only the words in namespace 'game' are available to the player: ns: game

+ n:+ ;
- n:- ;
* n:* ;
/ n:/ ;

ns: G

var random-digits var user-input

one-digit \ a -- a

rand n:abs 9 n:mod n:1+ a:push ;

gen-digits \ - a

[] clone nip \ the clone nip is not needed in versions past 1.0.2... ' one-digit 4 times ' n:cmp a:sort random-digits !  ;


cr "The digits are: " . random-digits @ . cr ;


cr "Thanks for playing!\n" . cr 0 die ;


70 null con:accept dup user-input ! null? if drop goodbye then ;


true swap ( \ inputed-array index dup >r a:@ random-digits @ r> a:@ nip n:= not if break swap drop false swap then ) 0 3 loop drop ;

/^\D*(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)\D*$/ var, digits-regex


user-input @ digits-regex @ r:match null? if drop false else 5 = not if false else \ convert the captured digits in the regex into a sorted array: digits-regex @ ( r:@ >n swap ) 1 4 loop drop 4 a:close ' n:cmp a:sort compare-digits then then ;


0 user-input @ eval 24 n:= dup not if cr "Sorry, that expression is wrong" . cr then ;


reset all-digits? if does-eval? if cr "Excellent! Your expression: \"" . user-input @ . "\" worked!" . cr then else cr "You did not use the digits properly, try again." . cr then ;

intro quote |

Welcome to the '24 game'!

You will be shown four digits each time. Using only the + - * and / operators and all the digits (and only the digits), produce the number '24'

Enter your result in 8th syntax, e.g.: 4 4 + 2 1 + *

To quit the game, just hit enter by itself. Enjoy!

| . ;


\ don't allow anything but the desired words ns:game only intro repeat gen-digits prompt-user get-input check-input again ;

start </lang>

AArch64 Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi 3B version Buster 64 bits

<lang AArch64 Assembly> /* ARM assembly AARCH64 Raspberry PI 3B */ /* program game24_64.s */

/*******************************************/ /* Constantes file */ /*******************************************/ /* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly*/ .include "../includeConstantesARM64.inc"

.equ NBDIGITS, 4 // digits number .equ TOTAL, 24 .equ BUFFERSIZE, 100 .equ STACKSIZE, 10 // operator and digits number items in stacks

/*********************************/ /* Initialized data */ /*********************************/ .data szMessRules: .ascii "24 Game 64 bits.\n"

                   .ascii "The program will display four randomly-generated \n"
                   .ascii "single-digit numbers and will then prompt you to enter\n"
                   .ascii "an arithmetic expression followed by <enter> to sum \n"
                   .ascii "the given numbers to 24.\n"
                   .asciz "Exemple : 9+8+3+4   or (7+5)+(3*4) \n\n"

szMessExpr: .asciz "Enter your expression (or type (q)uit to exit or (n) for other digits): \n" szMessDigits: .asciz "The four digits are @ @ @ @ and the score is 24. \n" szMessNoDigit: .asciz "Error : One digit is not in digits list !! \n" szMessSameDigit: .asciz "Error : Two digits are same !! \n" szMessOK: .asciz "It is OK. \n" szMessNotOK: .asciz "Error, it is not ok total = @ \n" szMessErrOper: .asciz "Unknow Operator (+,-,$,/,(,)) \n" szMessNoparen: .asciz "no opening parenthesis !! \n" szMessErrParen: .asciz "Error parenthesis number !! \n" szMessNoalldigits: .asciz "One or more digits not used !!\n" szMessNewGame: .asciz "New game (y/n) ? \n" szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n" .align 4 qGraine: .quad 123456 /*********************************/ /* UnInitialized data */ /*********************************/ .bss sZoneConv: .skip 24 sBuffer: .skip BUFFERSIZE iTabDigit: .skip 8 * NBDIGITS iTabTopDigit: .skip 8 * NBDIGITS /*********************************/ /* code section */ /*********************************/ .text .global main main: // entry of program

   ldr x0,qAdrszMessRules            // display rules
   bl affichageMess


   mov x3,#0
   ldr x12,qAdriTabDigit
   ldr x11,qAdriTabTopDigit
   ldr x5,qAdrszMessDigits

2: // loop generate random digits

   mov x0,#8
   bl genereraleas 
   add x0,x0,#1
   str x0,[x12,x3,lsl #3]            // store in table
   mov x1,#0
   str x1,[x11,x3,lsl #3]            // raz top table
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                   // call decimal conversion
   //mov x2,#0
   //strb w2,[x1,x0]                   // reduce size display area with zéro final
   mov x0,x5
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv              // insert conversion in message
   bl strInsertAtCharInc
   mov x5,x0
   add x3,x3,#1
   cmp x3,#NBDIGITS                  // end ?
   blt 2b                            // no -> loop
   mov x0,x5
   bl affichageMess

3: // loop human entry

   ldr x0,qAdrszMessExpr
   bl affichageMess
   bl saisie                         // entry
   cmp x0,#'q'
   beq 100f
   cmp x0,#'Q'
   beq 100f
   cmp x0,#'n'
   beq 1b
   cmp x0,#'N'
   beq 1b

   bl evalExpr                      // expression evaluation
   cmp x0,#0                        // ok ?
   bne 3b                           // no - > loop

10: // display new game ?

   ldr x0,qAdrszCarriageReturn
   bl affichageMess
   ldr x0,qAdrszMessNewGame
   bl affichageMess
   bl saisie
   cmp x0,#'y'
   beq 1b
   cmp x0,#'Y'
   beq 1b

100: // standard end of the program

   mov x0, #0                        // return code
   mov x8, #EXIT                     // request to exit program
   svc #0                            // perform the system call

qAdrszCarriageReturn: .quad szCarriageReturn qAdrszMessRules: .quad szMessRules qAdrszMessDigits: .quad szMessDigits qAdrszMessExpr: .quad szMessExpr qAdrszMessNewGame: .quad szMessNewGame qAdrsZoneConv: .quad sZoneConv qAdriTabDigit: .quad iTabDigit qAdriTabTopDigit: .quad iTabTopDigit /******************************************************************/ /* evaluation expression */ /******************************************************************/ /* x0 return 0 if ok -1 else */ evalExpr:

   stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
   stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
   stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
   stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
   stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!        // save  registres
   stp x10,fp,[sp,-16]!       // save  registres
   mov x0,#0
   ldr x1,qAdriTabTopDigit
   mov x2,#0

1: // loop init table top digits

   str x0,[x1,x2,lsl #3]
   add x2,x2,#1
   cmp x2,#NBDIGITS
   blt 1b
   sub sp,sp,#STACKSIZE * 8   // stack operator
   mov fp,sp
   sub sp,sp,#STACKSIZE * 8   // stack digit
   mov x1,sp
   ldr x10,qAdrsBuffer
   mov x8,#0                  // indice character in buffer
   mov x7,#0                  // indice digits stack
   mov x2,#0                  // indice operator stack
   mov x9,0

1: // begin loop

   ldrb w9,[x10,x8]
   cmp x9,#0xA               // end expression ?
   beq 90f
   cmp x9,#' '               // space  ?
   cinc x8,x8,eq             // loop
   beq 1b
   cmp x9,#'('               // left parenthesis -> store in operator stack
   bne 11f
   str x9,[fp,x2,lsl 3]
   add x2,x2,#1
   add x8,x8,#1             // and loop
   b 1b


   cmp x9,#')'               // right parenthesis ?
   bne 3f
   mov x0,fp                  // compute operator stack until left parenthesis
   sub x2,x2,#1


   ldr x6,[fp,x2,lsl 3]
   cmp x6,#'('                // left parenthesis
   cinc x8,x8,eq              //  end ?
   beq 1b                     // and loop
   sub x7,x7,#1               // last digit
   mov x3,x7
   bl compute
   sub x2,x2,#1
   cmp x2,#0
   bge 2b
   ldr x0,qAdrszMessNoparen   // no left parenthesis in stack
   bl affichageMess
   mov x0,#-1
   b 100f


   cmp x9,#'+'               // addition
   beq 4f
   cmp x9,#'-'               // soustraction
   beq 4f
   cmp x9,#'*'               // multiplication
   beq 4f
   cmp x9,#'/'               // division
   beq 4f
   b 5f                       // not operator

4: // control priority and depile stacks

   mov x0,fp
   mov x3,x7
   mov x4,x9
   bl depileOper
   mov x7,x3
   add x8,x8,#1
   b 1b                       // and loop 

5: // digit

   sub x9,x9,#0x30
   mov x0,x9
   bl digitControl
   cmp x0,#0                  // error ?
   bne 100f
   str x9,[x1,x7,lsl #3]     // store digit in digits stack
   add x7,x7,#1
   add x8,x8,#1
   beq 1b    
   b 100f

90: // compute all stack operators

   mov x0,fp
   sub x7,x7,#1


   subs x2,x2,#1
   blt 92f
   mov x3,x7
   bl compute
   sub x7,x7,#1
   b 91b


   ldr x0,[x1]                 // total = first value on digits stack
   cmp x0,#TOTAL               // control total 
   beq 93f                     // ok 
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10             // call decimal conversion
   mov x2,#0
   strb w2,[x1,x0]
   ldr x0,qAdrszMessNotOK
   ldr x1,qAdrsZoneConv        // insert conversion in message
   bl strInsertAtCharInc
   bl affichageMess
   mov x0,#-1
   b 100f

93: // control use all digits

   ldr x1,qAdriTabTopDigit
   mov x2,#0

94: // begin loop

   ldr x0,[x1,x2,lsl #3]       // load top
   cmp x0,#0            
   bne 95f
   ldr x0,qAdrszMessNoalldigits
   bl affichageMess
   mov x0,#-1
   b 100f


   add x2,x2,#1
   cmp x2,#NBDIGITS
   blt 94b

96: // display message OK

   ldr x0,qAdrszMessOK
   bl affichageMess
   mov x0,#0
   b 100f


   add sp,sp,8 * (STACKSIZE *2)    // stack algnement
   ldp x10,fp,[sp],16          // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x8,x9,[sp],16           // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x6,x7,[sp],16           // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x4,x5,[sp],16           // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x2,x3,[sp],16           // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x1,lr,[sp],16           // restaur des  2 registres

qAdrszMessNoparen: .quad szMessNoparen qAdrszMessNotOK: .quad szMessNotOK qAdrszMessOK: .quad szMessOK qAdrszMessNoalldigits: .quad szMessNoalldigits /******************************************************************/ /* depile operator */ /******************************************************************/ /* x0 operator stack address */ /* x1 digits stack address */ /* x2 operator indice */ /* x3 digits indice */ /* x4 operator */ /* x2 return a new operator indice */ /* x3 return a new digits indice */ depileOper:

   stp x4,lr,[sp,-16]!    // save  registres
   stp x5,x6,[sp,-16]!    // save  registres
   stp x7,x8,[sp,-16]!    // save  registres
   cmp x2,#0              // first operator ?
   beq 60f
   sub x5,x2,#1


   ldr x6,[x0,x5,lsl #3]  // load stack operator
   cmp x6,x4              // same operators
   beq 50f
   cmp x6,#'*'            // multiplication
   beq 50f
   cmp x6,#'/'            // division
   beq 50f
   cmp x6,#'-'            // soustraction
   beq 50f
   b 60f

50: // depile operators stack and compute

   sub x2,x2,#1
   sub x3,x3,#1
   bl compute
   sub x5,x5,#1
   cmp x5,#0
   bge 1b


   str x4,[x0,x2,lsl #3]  // add operator in stack
   add x2,x2,#1


   ldp x7,x8,[sp],16           // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x5,x6,[sp],16           // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x4,lr,[sp],16           // restaur des  2 registres

/******************************************************************/ /* compute */ /******************************************************************/ /* x0 operator stack address */ /* x1 digits stack address */ /* x2 operator indice */ /* x3 digits indice */ compute:

   stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x8,x9,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   ldr x6,[x1,x3,lsl 3]  // load second digit
   sub x5,x3,#1
   ldr x7,[x1,x5,lsl 3]  // load first digit
   ldr x8,[x0,x2,lsl 3]  // load operator
   cmp x8,#'+'
   bne 1f
   add x7,x7,x6           // addition
   str x7,[x1,x5,lsl 3] 
   b 100f


   cmp x8,#'-'
   bne 2f
   sub x7,x7,x6           // soustaction
   str x7,[x1,x5,lsl 3] 
   b 100f


   cmp x8,#'*'
   bne 3f                 // multiplication
   mul x7,x6,x7
   str x7,[x1,x5,lsl 3] 
   b 100f


   cmp x8,#'/'
   bne 4f
   udiv x7,x7,x6          // division
   str x7,[x1,x5,lsl 3]
   b 100f


   cmp x8,#'('            // left parenthesis ?
   bne 5f
   ldr x0,qAdrszMessErrParen //  error 
   bl affichageMess
   mov x0,#-1
   b 100f


   ldr x0,qAdrszMessErrOper
   bl affichageMess
   mov x0,#-1


   ldp x8,x9,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x6,x7,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x4,x5,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x2,x3,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x1,lr,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres

qAdrszMessErrOper: .quad szMessErrOper qAdrszMessErrParen: .quad szMessErrParen /******************************************************************/ /* control digits */ /******************************************************************/ /* x0 return 0 if OK 1 if not digit */ digitControl:

   stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   ldr x1,qAdriTabTopDigit
   ldr x2,qAdriTabDigit
   mov x3,#0


   ldr x4,[x2,x3,lsl #3]  // load digit
   cmp x0,x4              // equal ?
   beq 2f                 // yes
   add x3,x3,#1           // no -> loop
   cmp x3,#NBDIGITS       // end ?
   blt 1b
   ldr x0,qAdrszMessNoDigit // error
   bl affichageMess
   mov x0,#1
   b 100f

2: // control prev use

   ldr x4,[x1,x3,lsl #3]
   cmp x4,#0
   beq 3f
   add x3,x3,#1
   cmp x3,#NBDIGITS
   blt 1b
   ldr x0,qAdrszMessSameDigit
   bl affichageMess
   mov x0,#1
   b 100f


   mov x4,#1
   str x4,[x1,x3,lsl #3]
   mov x0,#0


   ldp x4,x5,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x2,x3,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x1,lr,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres

qAdrszMessNoDigit: .quad szMessNoDigit qAdrszMessSameDigit: .quad szMessSameDigit /******************************************************************/ /* string entry */ /******************************************************************/ /* x0 return the first character of human entry */ saisie:

   stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x6,x7,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   mov x0,STDIN          // Linux input console
   ldr x1,qAdrsBuffer    // buffer address 
   mov x2,BUFFERSIZE     // buffer size 
   mov x8,READ           // request to read datas
   svc 0                 // call system
   ldr x1,qAdrsBuffer    // buffer address 
   ldrb w0,[x1]          // load first character


   ldp x6,x7,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x4,x5,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x2,x3,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x1,lr,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres

qAdrsBuffer: .quad sBuffer /***************************************************/ /* Generation random number */ /***************************************************/ /* x0 contains limit */ genereraleas:

   stp x1,lr,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x2,x3,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   stp x4,x5,[sp,-16]!   // save  registres
   ldr x4,qAdrqGraine
   ldr x2,[x4]
   ldr x3,qNbDep1
   mul x2,x3,x2
   ldr x3,qNbDep2
   add x2,x2,x3
   str x2,[x4]           // maj de la graine pour l appel suivant 
   cmp x0,#0
   beq 100f
   add x0,x0,#1
   udiv x3,x2,x0
   msub x0,x3,x0,x2      // résult = remainder
   ldp x4,x5,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x2,x3,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres
   ldp x1,lr,[sp],16     // restaur des  2 registres

/*****************************************************/ qAdrqGraine: .quad qGraine qNbDep1: .quad 0x0019660d qNbDep2: .quad 0x3c6ef35f /********************************************************/ /* File Include fonctions */ /********************************************************/ /* for this file see task include a file in language AArch64 assembly */ .include "../includeARM64.inc" </lang>


See 24 game/ABAP


game24.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Float_Text_IO; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random; procedure Game_24 is

  subtype Digit is Character range '1' .. '9';
  package Random_Digit is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random (Digit);
  Exp_Error : exception;
  Digit_Generator : Random_Digit.Generator;
  Given_Digits : array (1 .. 4) of Digit;
  Float_Value : constant array (Digit) of Float :=
     (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0);
  function Apply_Op (L, R : Float; Op : Character) return Float is
     case Op is
        when '+' =>
           return L + R;
        when '-' =>
           return L - R;
        when '*' =>
           return L * R;
        when '/' =>
           return L / R;
        when others =>
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Unexpected operator: " & Op);
           raise Exp_Error;
     end case;
  end Apply_Op;
  function Eval_Exp (E : String) return Float is
     Flt : Float;
     First : Positive := E'First;
     Last : Positive;
     function Match_Paren (Start : Positive) return Positive is
        Pos : Positive := Start + 1;
        Level : Natural := 1;
           if Pos > E'Last then
              Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Unclosed parentheses.");
              raise Exp_Error;
           elsif E (Pos) = '(' then
              Level := Level + 1;
           elsif E (Pos) = ')' then
              Level := Level - 1;
              exit when Level = 0;
           end if;
           Pos := Pos + 1;
        end loop;
        return Pos;
     end Match_Paren;
     if E (First) = '(' then
        Last := Match_Paren (First);
        Flt := Eval_Exp (E (First + 1 .. Last - 1));
     elsif E (First) in Digit then
        Last := First;
        Flt := Float_Value (E (First));
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Unexpected character: " & E (First));
        raise Exp_Error;
     end if;
        if Last = E'Last then
           return Flt;
        elsif Last = E'Last - 1 then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Unexpected end of expression.");
           raise Exp_Error;
        end if;
        First := Last + 2;
        if E (First) = '(' then
           Last := Match_Paren (First);
           Flt := Apply_Op (Flt, Eval_Exp (E (First + 1 .. Last - 1)),
                            Op => E (First - 1));
        elsif E (First) in Digit then
           Last := First;
           Flt := Apply_Op (Flt, Float_Value (E (First)),
                            Op => E (First - 1));
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Unexpected character: " & E (First));
           raise Exp_Error;
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Eval_Exp;


  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("24 Game");
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("- Enter Q to Quit");
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("- Enter N for New digits");
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Note: Operators are evaluated left-to-right");
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      (use parentheses to override)");
  Random_Digit.Reset (Digit_Generator);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Generating 4 digits...");
  for I in Given_Digits'Range loop
     Given_Digits (I) := Random_Digit.Random (Digit_Generator);
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Your Digits:");
  for I in Given_Digits'Range loop
     Ada.Text_IO.Put (" " & Given_Digits (I));
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Enter your Expression: ");
     Value : Float;
     Response : constant String := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line;
     Prev_Ch : Character := ' ';
     Unused_Digits : array (Given_Digits'Range) of Boolean :=
       (others => True);
     if Response = "n" or Response = "N" then
        goto GEN_DIGITS;
     end if;
     if Response = "q" or Response = "Q" then
     end if;
     -- check input
     for I in Response'Range loop
           Ch : constant Character := Response (I);
           Found : Boolean;
           if Ch in Digit then
              if Prev_Ch in Digit then
                 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Illegal multi-digit number used.");
                 goto GET_EXP;
              end if;
              Found := False;
              for J in Given_Digits'Range loop
                 if Unused_Digits (J) and then
                       Given_Digits (J) = Ch then
                    Unused_Digits (J) := False;
                    Found := True;
                 end if;
              end loop;
              if not Found then
                 Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Illegal number used: " & Ch);
                 goto GET_EXP;
              end if;
           elsif Ch /= '(' and Ch /= ')' and Ch /= '+' and
                 Ch /= '-' and Ch /= '*' and Ch /= '/' then
              Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Illegal character used: " & Ch);
              goto GET_EXP;
           end if;
           Prev_Ch := Ch;
     end loop;
     -- check all digits used
     for I in Given_Digits'Range loop
        if Unused_Digits (I) then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Digit not used: " & Given_Digits (I));
           goto GET_EXP;
        end if;
     end loop;
     -- check value
        Value := Eval_Exp (Response);
        when Exp_Error =>
           goto GET_EXP; -- Message displayed by Eval_Exp;
     if abs (Value - 24.0) > 0.001 then
        Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Value ");
        Ada.Float_Text_IO.Put (Value, Fore => 0, Aft => 3, Exp => 0);
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (" is not 24!");
        goto GET_EXP;
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("You won!");
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Enter N for a new game, or try another solution.");
        goto GET_EXP;
     end if;

end Game_24;</lang>

24 Game
- Enter Q to Quit
- Enter N for New digits
Note: Operators are evaluated left-to-right
      (use parentheses to override)
Generating 4 digits...
Your Digits: 2 9 5 9
Enter your Expression: 9+9+5-2
Value 21.000 is not 24!
Your Digits: 2 9 5 9
Enter your Expression: N
Generating 4 digits...
Your Digits: 7 7 1 3
Enter your Expression: (7-1)*(7-3)
You won!
Enter N for a new game, or try another solution.


Works with: Dyalog APL

<lang APL>tfgame←{⎕IO←1



      tfgame 4
6 9 4 5

      tfgame 6
4 9 7 9 1 1
Ummm... I'm too tired.


Works with: Argile version 1.0.0

<lang Argile>use std, array, list


 generate random digits
 show random digits
 let result = parse expression (get input line)
 if result != ERROR
   if some digits are unused
     print "Wrong ! (you didn't use all digits)" ; failure++
   else if result == 24.0
     print "Correct !" ; success++
     print "Wrong ! (you got "result")" ; failure++
while play again ?

print "success:"success" failure:"failure" total:"(success+failure) as int

let success = 0, failure = 0.

.: generate random digits :.

  our nat seed = 0xc6f31 (: default seed when /dev/urandom doesn't exist :)
  let urandom = fopen "/dev/urandom" "r"
  if  urandom isn't nil
    fread &seed size of seed 1 urandom
    fclose urandom
  Cfunc srandom seed
  seed = (Cfunc random) as nat
  for each (val int d) from 0 to 3
    digits[d] = '1' + (seed % 9)
    seed /= 9

let digits be an array of 4 byte

.: show random digits :.

  print "Enter an expression that equates to 24 using only all these digits:"
  printf "%c , %c , %c , %c\n"(digits[0])(digits[1])(digits[2])(digits[3])
  printf "24 = "

.: some digits are unused :. -> bool

  for each (val int d) from 0 to 3
    return true if digits[d] != '\0'

.: get input line :. -> text

  our array of 64 byte line
  Cfunc fgets (line) (size of line) (stdin)
  let int i
  for (i = 0) (line[i] != 0) (i++)
    line[i] = '\0' if (line[i] == '\n')
  line as text

.: play again ? :. -> bool

  while true
    printf "Play again ? (y/n) " ; Cfunc fflush stdout
    let answer = get input line
    switch answer[0]
      case 'n' {return false}
      case 'y' {return true }
      default  {continue    }

=: ERROR := -> real {-32202.0}

.: parse expression <text expr> :. -> real

  let x = 0.0, x_is_set = false, op = ' '.
  let stack be a list of State ; class State {byte op; real x}
  for (stack = nil) (*expr != 0) (expr++)
    switch *expr
      case '+' ; case '-' ; case '*' ; case '/'
        error "bad syntax" if not x_is_set

op = *expr

      case '1' ; case '2' ; case '3' ; case '4' ; case '5'
      case '6' ; case '7' ; case '8' ; case '9'

error "missing operator" if (x_is_set and op == ' ') error "unavailable digit" unless consume digit expr[0] do operation with (expr[0] - '0') as real

      case (Cgen "'('")

error "missing operator" if (op == ' ' but x_is_set) (new list (new State) (code of del State())) << stack op = ' ' ; x_is_set = false (: start fresh state :)

      case (Cgen "')'")
        error "mismatched parenthesis" if stack is nil

error "wrong syntax" if not x_is_set let y = x x = stack.data.x ; op = stack.data.op delete pop stack do operation with y

      default {error "disallowed character"}
      .:new State          :. -> State {let s=new(State); s.x=x; s.op=op; s}
      .:del State <State s>:.          {               free s              }
      .:do operation with <real y>:.
 	 switch op

case '+' {x += y} case '-' {x -= y} case '*' {x *= y} case '/' {x /= y} default {x = y; x_is_set = true}

        op = ' '
  =:error<text msg>:= ->real {eprint "Error: "msg" at ["expr"]";return ERROR}
  .:consume digit <byte b>:. -> bool
    for each (val int d) from 0 to 3
      if digits[d] == b
        digits[d] = '\0'
      	 return true
  if stack isn't nil
    delete all stack
    error "unclosed parenthesis"
  return x

</lang> compile with: arc 24_game.arg -o 24_game.c && gcc 24_game.c -o 24_game /usr/lib/libargrt.a

ARM Assembly

Works with: as version Raspberry Pi

<lang ARM Assembly> /* ARM assembly Raspberry PI */ /* program game24.s */

/* REMARK 1 : this program use routines in a include file

  see task Include a file language arm assembly 
  for the routine affichageMess conversion10 
  see at end of this program the instruction include */

/* for constantes see task include a file in arm assembly */ /************************************/ /* Constantes */ /************************************/ .include "../constantes.inc" .equ STDIN, 0 @ Linux input console .equ READ, 3 @ Linux syscall .equ NBDIGITS, 4 @ digits number .equ TOTAL, 24 .equ BUFFERSIZE, 100 .equ STACKSIZE, 10 @ operator and digits number items in stacks

/*********************************/ /* Initialized data */ /*********************************/ .data szMessRules: .ascii "24 Game\n"

                   .ascii "The program will display four randomly-generated \n"
                   .ascii "single-digit numbers and will then prompt you to enter\n"
                   .ascii "an arithmetic expression followed by <enter> to sum \n"
                   .ascii "the given numbers to 24.\n"
                   .asciz "Exemple : 9+8+3+4   or (7+5)+(3*4) \n\n"

szMessExpr: .asciz "Enter your expression (or type (q)uit to exit or (n) for other digits): \n" //szMessErrChoise: .asciz "invalid choice.\n " szMessDigits: .asciz "The four digits are @ @ @ @ and the score is 24. \n" szMessNoDigit: .asciz "Error : One digit is not in digits list !! \n" szMessSameDigit: .asciz "Error : Two digits are same !! \n" szMessOK: .asciz "It is OK. \n" szMessNotOK: .asciz "Error, it is not ok total = @ \n" szMessErrOper: .asciz "Unknow Operator (+,-,$,/,(,)) \n" szMessNoparen: .asciz "no opening parenthesis !! \n" szMessErrParen: .asciz "Error parenthesis number !! \n" szMessNoalldigits: .asciz "One or more digits not used !!\n" szMessNewGame: .asciz "New game (y/n) ? \n" szCarriageReturn: .asciz "\n" .align 4 iGraine: .int 123456 /*********************************/ /* UnInitialized data */ /*********************************/ .bss sZoneConv: .skip 24 sBuffer: .skip BUFFERSIZE iTabDigit: .skip 4 * NBDIGITS iTabTopDigit: .skip 4 * NBDIGITS /*********************************/ /* code section */ /*********************************/ .text .global main main: @ entry of program

   ldr r0,iAdrszMessRules            @ display rules
   bl affichageMess


   mov r3,#0
   ldr r12,iAdriTabDigit
   ldr r11,iAdriTabTopDigit
   ldr r5,iAdrszMessDigits

2: @ loop generate random digits

   mov r0,#8
   bl genereraleas 
   add r0,r0,#1
   str r0,[r12,r3,lsl #2]            @ store in table
   mov r1,#0
   str r1,[r11,r3,lsl #2]            @ raz top table
   ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10                   @ call decimal conversion
   mov r2,#0
   strb r2,[r1,r0]                   @ reduce size display area with zéro final
   mov r0,r5
   ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv              @ insert conversion in message
   bl strInsertAtCharInc
   mov r5,r0
   add r3,r3,#1
   cmp r3,#NBDIGITS                  @ end ?
   blt 2b                            @ no -> loop
   mov r0,r5
   bl affichageMess

3: @ loop human entry

   ldr r0,iAdrszMessExpr
   bl affichageMess
   bl saisie                         @ entry
   cmp r0,#'q'
   beq 100f
   cmp r0,#'Q'
   beq 100f
   cmp r0,#'n'
   beq 1b
   cmp r0,#'N'
   beq 1b

   bl evalExpr                      @ expression evaluation
   cmp r0,#0                        @ ok ?
   bne 3b                           @ no - > loop

10: @ display new game ?

   ldr r0,iAdrszCarriageReturn
   bl affichageMess
   ldr r0,iAdrszMessNewGame
   bl affichageMess
   bl saisie
   cmp r0,#'y'
   beq 1b
   cmp r0,#'Y'
   beq 1b

100: @ standard end of the program

   mov r0, #0                        @ return code
   mov r7, #EXIT                     @ request to exit program
   svc #0                            @ perform the system call

iAdrszCarriageReturn: .int szCarriageReturn iAdrszMessRules: .int szMessRules iAdrszMessDigits: .int szMessDigits iAdrszMessExpr: .int szMessExpr iAdrszMessNewGame: .int szMessNewGame iAdrsZoneConv: .int sZoneConv iAdriTabDigit: .int iTabDigit iAdriTabTopDigit: .int iTabTopDigit /******************************************************************/ /* evaluation expression */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 return 0 if ok -1 else */ evalExpr:

   push {r1-r11,lr}           @ save registers
   mov r0,#0
   ldr r1,iAdriTabTopDigit
   mov r2,#0

1: @ loop init table top digits

   str r0,[r1,r2,lsl #2]
   add r2,r2,#1
   cmp r2,#NBDIGITS
   blt 1b
   sub sp,sp,#STACKSIZE * 4   @ stack operator
   mov fp,sp
   sub sp,sp,#STACKSIZE * 4   @ stack digit
   mov r1,sp
   ldr r10,iAdrsBuffer
   mov r8,#0                  @ indice character in buffer
   mov r7,#0                  @ indice digits stack
   mov r2,#0                  @ indice operator stack

1: @ begin loop

   ldrb r9,[r10,r8]
   cmp r9,#0xA               @ end expression ?
   beq 90f
   cmp r9,#' '               @ space  ?
   addeq r8,r8,#1             @ loop
   beq 1b
   cmp r9,#'('               @ left parenthesis -> store in operator stack
   streq r9,[fp,r2,lsl #2]
   addeq r2,r2,#1
   addeq r8,r8,#1             @ and loop
   beq 1b
   cmp r9,#')'               @ right parenthesis ?
   bne 3f
   mov r0,fp                  @ compute operator stack until left parenthesis
   sub r2,r2,#1


   ldr r6,[fp,r2,lsl #2]
   cmp r6,#'('                @ left parenthesis
   addeq r8,r8,#1             @ end ?
   beq 1b                     @ and loop
   sub r7,r7,#1               @ last digit
   mov r3,r7
   bl compute
   sub r2,r2,#1
   cmp r2,#0
   bge 2b
   ldr r0,iAdrszMessNoparen   @ no left parenthesis in stack
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,#-1
   b 100f


   cmp r9,#'+'               @ addition
   beq 4f
   cmp r9,#'-'               @ soustraction
   beq 4f
   cmp r9,#'*'               @ multiplication
   beq 4f
   cmp r9,#'/'               @ division
   beq 4f
   b 5f                       @ not operator

4: @ control priority and depile stacks

   mov r0,fp
   mov r3,r7
   mov r4,r9
   bl depileOper
   mov r7,r3
   add r8,r8,#1
   b 1b                       @ and loop 

5: @ digit

   sub r9,r9,#0x30
   mov r0,r9
   bl digitControl
   cmp r0,#0                  @ error ?
   bne 100f
   str r9,[r1,r7,lsl #2]     @ store digit in digits stack
   add r7,r7,#1
   add r8,r8,#1
   beq 1b    
   b 100f

90: @ compute all stack operators

   mov r0,fp
   sub r7,r7,#1


   subs r2,r2,#1
   blt 92f
   mov r3,r7
   bl compute
   sub r7,r7,#1
   b 91b


   ldr r0,[r1]                 @ total = first value on digits stack
   cmp r0,#TOTAL               @ control total 
   beq 93f                     @ ok 
   ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv
   bl conversion10             @ call decimal conversion
   mov r2,#0
   strb r2,[r1,r0]
   ldr r0,iAdrszMessNotOK
   ldr r1,iAdrsZoneConv        @ insert conversion in message
   bl strInsertAtCharInc
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,#-1
   b 100f

93: @ control use all digits

   ldr r1,iAdriTabTopDigit
   mov r2,#0

94: @ begin loop

   ldr r0,[r1,r2,lsl #2]       @ load top
   cmp r0,#0            
   bne 95f
   ldr r0,iAdrszMessNoalldigits
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,#-1
   b 100f


   add r2,r2,#1
   cmp r2,#NBDIGITS
   blt 94b

96: @ display message OK

   ldr r0,iAdrszMessOK
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,#0
   b 100f


   add sp,sp,#80               @ stack algnement
   pop {r1-r11,lr}
   bx lr                       @ return 

iAdrszMessNoparen: .int szMessNoparen iAdrszMessNotOK: .int szMessNotOK iAdrszMessOK: .int szMessOK iAdrszMessNoalldigits: .int szMessNoalldigits /******************************************************************/ /* depile operator */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 operator stack address */ /* r1 digits stack address */ /* r2 operator indice */ /* r3 digits indice */ /* r4 operator */ /* r2 return a new operator indice */ /* r3 return a new digits indice */ depileOper:

   push {r4-r8,lr}        @ save registers
   cmp r2,#0              @ first operator ?
   beq 60f
   sub r5,r2,#1


   ldr r6,[r0,r5,lsl #2]  @ load stack operator
   cmp r6,r4              @ same operators
   beq 50f
   cmp r6,#'*'            @ multiplication
   beq 50f
   cmp r6,#'/'            @ division
   beq 50f
   cmp r6,#'-'            @ soustraction
   beq 50f
   b 60f

50: @ depile operators stack and compute

   sub r2,r2,#1
   sub r3,r3,#1
   bl compute
   sub r5,r5,#1
   cmp r5,#0
   bge 1b


   str r4,[r0,r2,lsl #2]  @ add operator in stack
   add r2,r2,#1


   pop {r4-r8,lr}
   bx lr                  @ return 

/******************************************************************/ /* compute */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 operator stack address */ /* r1 digits stack address */ /* r2 operator indice */ /* r3 digits indice */ compute:

   push {r1-r8,lr}        @ save registers
   ldr r6,[r1,r3,lsl #2]  @ load second digit
   sub r5,r3,#1
   ldr r7,[r1,r5,lsl #2]  @ load first digit
   ldr r8,[r0,r2,lsl #2]  @ load operator
   cmp r8,#'+'
   bne 1f
   add r7,r7,r6           @ addition
   str r7,[r1,r5,lsl #2] 
   b 100f


   cmp r8,#'-'
   bne 2f
   sub r7,r7,r6           @ soustaction
   str r7,[r1,r5,lsl #2] 
   b 100f


   cmp r8,#'*'
   bne 3f                 @ multiplication
   mul r7,r6,r7
   str r7,[r1,r5,lsl #2] 
   b 100f


   cmp r8,#'/'
   bne 4f
   udiv r7,r7,r6          @ division
   str r7,[r1,r5,lsl #2]
   b 100f


   cmp r8,#'('            @ left parenthesis ?
   bne 5f
   ldr r0,iAdrszMessErrParen @  error 
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,#-1
   b 100f


   ldr r0,iAdrszMessErrOper
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,#-1


   pop {r1-r8,lr}
   bx lr                   @ return 

iAdrszMessErrOper: .int szMessErrOper iAdrszMessErrParen: .int szMessErrParen /******************************************************************/ /* control digits */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 return 0 if OK 1 if not digit */ digitControl:

   push {r1-r4,lr}        @ save registers
   ldr r1,iAdriTabTopDigit
   ldr r2,iAdriTabDigit
   mov r3,#0


   ldr r4,[r2,r3,lsl #2]  @ load digit
   cmp r0,r4              @ equal ?
   beq 2f                 @ yes
   add r3,r3,#1           @ no -> loop
   cmp r3,#NBDIGITS       @ end ?
   blt 1b
   ldr r0,iAdrszMessNoDigit @ error
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,#1
   b 100f

2: @ control prev use

   ldr r4,[r1,r3,lsl #2]
   cmp r4,#0
   beq 3f
   add r3,r3,#1
   cmp r3,#NBDIGITS
   blt 1b
   ldr r0,iAdrszMessSameDigit
   bl affichageMess
   mov r0,#1
   b 100f


   mov r4,#1
   str r4,[r1,r3,lsl #2]
   mov r0,#0


   pop {r1-r4,lr}
   bx lr                   @ return 

iAdrszMessNoDigit: .int szMessNoDigit iAdrszMessSameDigit: .int szMessSameDigit /******************************************************************/ /* string entry */ /******************************************************************/ /* r0 return the first character of human entry */ saisie:

   push {r1-r7,lr}        @ save registers
   mov r0,#STDIN          @ Linux input console
   ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer     @ buffer address 
   mov r2,#BUFFERSIZE     @ buffer size 
   mov r7,#READ           @ request to read datas
   svc 0                  @ call system
   ldr r1,iAdrsBuffer     @ buffer address 
   ldrb r0,[r1]           @ load first character


   pop {r1-r7,lr}
   bx lr                   @ return 

iAdrsBuffer: .int sBuffer /***************************************************/ /* Generation random number */ /***************************************************/ /* r0 contains limit */ genereraleas:

   push {r1-r4,lr}         @ save registers 
   ldr r4,iAdriGraine
   ldr r2,[r4]
   ldr r3,iNbDep1
   mul r2,r3,r2
   ldr r3,iNbDep2
   add r2,r2,r3
   str r2,[r4]             @ maj de la graine pour l appel suivant 
   cmp r0,#0
   beq 100f
   add r1,r0,#1            @ divisor
   mov r0,r2               @ dividende
   bl division
   mov r0,r3               @ résult = remainder

100: @ end function

   pop {r1-r4,lr}          @ restaur registers
   bx lr                   @ return

/*****************************************************/ iAdriGraine: .int iGraine iNbDep1: .int 0x343FD iNbDep2: .int 0x269EC3 /***************************************************/ /* ROUTINES INCLUDE */ /***************************************************/ .include "../affichage.inc" </lang>

24 Game
The program will display four randomly-generated
single-digit numbers and will then prompt you to enter
an arithmetic expression followed by <enter> to sum
the given numbers to 24.
Exemple : 9+8+3+4   or (7+5)+(3*4)

The four digits are 5 1 1 5 and the score is 24.
Enter your expression (or type (q)uit to exit or (n) for other digits):
The four digits are 8 2 5 3 and the score is 24.
Enter your expression (or type (q)uit to exit or (n) for other digits):
It is OK.

New game (y/n) ?


<lang rebol>print "-----------------------------" print " Welcome to 24 Game" print "-----------------------------"

digs: map 1..4 'x -> random 1 9

print ["The numbers you can use are:" join.with:" " digs]

print ""

validExpression?: function [expr][

   loop expr 'item [
       if or? inline? item block? item [
           if not? validExpression? item -> return false
       if symbol? item [
           if not? contains? [+ / - *] item -> return false
       if integer? item [
           if not? contains? digs item -> return false
   return true


result: 0

while [result<>24][

   got: input "Enter an expression to form 24: "
   blo: to :block got
   if? validExpression? blo [
       result: do blo
       print ["The result is:" result]
   else [
       print "Invalid expression. Please try again!"
   print ""


print "Well done!"</lang>

 Welcome to 24 Game
The numbers you can use are: 3 2 2 1 

Enter an expression to form 24: 3+2+2+1\
Invalid expression. Please try again!

Enter an expression to form 24: 3+2+2+1
The result is: 8 

Enter an expression to form 24: (3+3+3+3+3)+2+2+1+1
The result is: 21 

Enter an expression to form 24: (3+3+3+3+3)+2+2+1+1+1          
The result is: 22 

Enter an expression to form 24: 3+3+3+3+3+2+2+2+2+1+1
The result is: 25 

Enter an expression to form 24: 3+3+3+3+3+2+2+2+2+1
The result is: 24 

Well done!


<lang autohotkey>AutoExecute:

   Title := "24 Game" 
   Gui, -MinimizeBox 
   Gui, Add, Text, w230 vPuzzle 
   Gui, Add, Edit, wp vAnswer 
   Gui, Add, Button, w70, &Generate 
   Gui, Add, Button, x+10 wp Default, &Submit 
   Gui, Add, Button, x+10 wp, E&xit 

ButtonGenerate: ; new set of numbers

   Loop, 4 
       Random, r%A_Index%, 1, 9 
   Puzzle = %r1%, %r2%, %r3%, and %r4% 
   GuiControl,, Puzzle, The numbers are:  %Puzzle%  - Good luck! 
   GuiControl,, Answer ; empty the edit box 
   ControlFocus, Edit1 
   Gui, -Disabled 
   Gui, Show,, %Title% 

Return ; end of auto execute section

ButtonSubmit: ; check solution

   Gui, Submit, NoHide 
   Gui, +Disabled 
   ; check numbers used 
   RegExMatch(Answer, "(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)", $) 
   ListPuzzle := r1 "," r2 "," r3 "," r4 
   ListAnswer := $1 "," $2 "," $3 "," $4 
   Sort, ListPuzzle, D, 
   Sort, ListAnswer, D, 
   If Not ListPuzzle = ListAnswer { 
       MsgBox, 48, Error - %Title%, Numbers used!`n%Answer% 
       Goto, TryAgain 
   ; check operators used 
   StringReplace, $, $, +,, All 
   StringReplace, $, $, -,, All 
   StringReplace, $, $, *,, All 
   StringReplace, $, $, /,, All 
   StringReplace, $, $, (,, All 
   StringReplace, $, $, ),, All 
   Loop, 9 
       StringReplace, $, $, %A_Index%,, All 
   If StrLen($) > 0 
   Or InStr(Answer, "**") 
   Or InStr(Answer, "//") 
   Or InStr(Answer, "++") 
   Or InStr(Answer, "--") { 
       MsgBox, 48, Error - %Title%, Operators used!`n%Answer% 
       Goto, TryAgain 
   ; check result 
   Result := Eval(Answer) 
   If Not Result = 24 { 
       MsgBox, 48, Error - %Title%, Result incorrect!`n%Result% 
       Goto, TryAgain 
   ; if we are sill here 
   MsgBox, 4, %Title%, Correct solution! Play again? 
   IfMsgBox, Yes 
       Gosub, ButtonGenerate 


TryAgain: ; alternative ending of routine ButtonSubmit

   ControlFocus, Edit1 
   Gui, -Disabled 
   Gui, Show 


GuiClose: GuiEscape: ButtonExit:




Eval(Expr) { ; evaluate expression using separate AHK process

   ; credit for this function goes to AutoHotkey forum member Laszlo 
   ; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic9578.html 
   static File := "24$Temp.ahk" 
   ; delete old temporary file, and write new 
   FileDelete, %File% 
   FileContent := "#NoTrayIcon`r`n" 
               .  "FileDelete, " File "`r`n" 
               .  "FileAppend, `% " Expr ", " File "`r`n" 
   FileAppend, %FileContent%, %File% 
   ; run AHK to execute temp script, evaluate expression 
   RunWait, %A_AhkPath% %File% 
   ; get result 
   FileRead, Result, %File% 
   FileDelete, %File% 
   Return, Result 



<lang AutoIt>

AutoIt Script Example
by Daniel Barnes
spam me at djbarnes at orcon dot net dot en zed
Choose four random digits (1-9) with repetitions allowed

global $digits FOR $i = 1 TO 4 $digits &= Random(1,9,1) NEXT

While 1 main() WEnd

Func main() $text = "Enter an equation (using all of, and only, the single digits "&$digits &")"&@CRLF $text &= "which evaluates to exactly 24. Only multiplication (*) division (/)"&@CRLF $text &= "addition (+) and subtraction (-) operations and parentheses are allowed:" $input = InputBox ("24 Game",$text,"","",400,150) If @error Then exit

;remove any spaces in input $input = StringReplace($input," ","")

;check correct characters were used For $i = 1 To StringLen($input) $chr = StringMid($input,$i,1) If Not StringInStr("123456789*/+-()",$chr) Then MsgBox (0, "ERROR","Invalid character used: '"&$chr&"'") return endif Next

;validate the equation uses all of the 4 characters, and nothing else $test = $input $test = StringReplace($test,"(","") $test = StringReplace($test,")","")

;validate the length of the input - if its not 7 characters long then the user has done something wrong If StringLen ($test) <> 7 Then MsgBox (0,"ERROR","The equation "&$test&" is invalid") return endif

$test = StringReplace($test,"/","") $test = StringReplace($test,"*","") $test = StringReplace($test,"-","") $test = StringReplace($test,"+","")

For $i = 1 To StringLen($digits) $digit = StringMid($digits,$i,1) For $ii = 1 To StringLen($test) If StringMid($test,$ii,1) = $digit Then $test = StringLeft($test,$ii-1) & StringRight($test,StringLen($test)-$ii) ExitLoop endif Next Next If $test <> "" Then MsgBox (0, "ERROR", "The equation didn't use all 4 characters, and nothing else!") return endif

$try = Execute($input)

If $try = 24 Then MsgBox (0, "24 Game","Well done. Your equation ("&$input&") = 24!") Exit Else MsgBox (0, "24 Game","Fail. Your equation ("&$input&") = "&$try&"!") return endif EndFunc </lang>


<lang bbcbasic> REM Choose four random digits (1-9) with repetitions allowed:

     DIM digits%(4), check%(4)
     FOR choice% = 1 TO 4
       digits%(choice%) = RND(9)
     NEXT choice%
     REM Prompt the player:
     PRINT "Enter an equation (using all of, and only, the single digits ";
     FOR index% = 1 TO 4
       PRINT ; digits%(index%) ;
       IF index%<>4 PRINT " " ;
     PRINT ")"
     PRINT "which evaluates to exactly 24.  Only multiplication (*), division (/),"
     PRINT "addition (+) & subtraction (-) operations and parentheses are allowed:"
     INPUT "24 = " equation$
       REM Check that the correct digits are used:
       check%() = 0
       FOR char% = 1 TO LEN(equation$)
         digit% = INSTR("0123456789", MID$(equation$, char%, 1)) - 1
         IF digit% >= 0 THEN
           FOR index% = 1 TO 4
             IF digit% = digits%(index%) THEN
               IF NOT check%(index%) check%(index%) = TRUE : EXIT FOR
           NEXT index%
           IF index% > 4 THEN
             PRINT "Sorry, you used the illegal digit "; digit%
             EXIT REPEAT
       NEXT char%
       FOR index% = 1 TO 4
         IF NOT check%(index%) THEN
           PRINT "Sorry, you failed to use the digit " ; digits%(index%)
           EXIT REPEAT
       NEXT index%
       REM Check that no pairs of digits are used:
       FOR pair% = 11 TO 99
         IF INSTR(equation$, STR$(pair%)) THEN
           PRINT "Sorry, you may not use a pair of digits "; pair%
           EXIT REPEAT
       NEXT pair%
       REM Check whether the equation evaluates to 24:
       ON ERROR LOCAL PRINT "Sorry, there was an error in the equation" : EXIT REPEAT
       result = EVAL(equation$)
       IF result = 24 THEN
         PRINT "Congratulations, you succeeded in the task!"
         PRINT "Sorry, your equation evaluated to " ; result " rather than 24!"
     INPUT '"Play again", answer$
     IF LEFT$(answer$,1) = "y" OR LEFT$(answer$,1) = "Y" THEN CLS : RUN


<lang befunge>v > > >> v 2 2 1234 4 ^1?3^4 >8*00p10p> >? ?5> 68*+00g10gpv

         v9?7v6              0
           8                 0
         > > >> ^            g
        ^p00  _v#   `\*49:+1 <

_>"rorrE",,,,,$ >~:67*-!#v_:167*+-!#v_:95*-!#v_:295*+-!#v_:586*+\`#v_:97*2--!#v

                        $          $        $          $          :          $
                        *          +        -          /          1          :

^ < < < < 8 .

                                                                  6          6
                                                                  *          4
                                                                  +          *
                                                                  \          -
                                                                  `    >    v_v
^                                       <                         _v        e

^ _^#+*28:p2\*84\-*86g2:-+*441< s

                                                 >    1                |-*49"#<
                                                 |   -*84gg01g00<p00*84<v   <
                                                 >00g:1+00p66*`#^_ "niW">:#,_@

</lang> The code functions by placing the 4 randomly generated numbers into the points labelled 1,2,3,4. In order to play, press the corresponding label to draw that number onto the stack, then press the corresponding operation (+,-,*,/) to perform it on the stack elements postfix-wise according to the rules of befunge (i.e. pop the values operate and push the answer back to the stack). When you wish to check your answer enter "=" and it will perform the checks to ensure that you haven't performed any illegal operations, that you have used all four numbers and that your final value is 24.

Unfortunately, due to the lack of floating-point arithmetic in befunge, divide will result in the answer truncated to an integer.

Example: 6566

24 Win


<lang Bracmat> ( 24-game

 =     m-w m-z 4numbers answer expr numbers
     , seed get-random convertBinaryMinusToUnary
     , convertDivisionToMultiplication isExpresssion reciprocal
   .   (seed=.!arg:(~0:~/#?m-w.~0:~/#?m-z))
     & seed$!arg
     & ( get-random
         .   36969*mod$(!m-z.65536)+div$(!m-z.65536):?m-z
           & 18000*mod$(!m-w.65536)+div$(!m-w.65536):?m-w
           & mod$(!m-z*65536+!m-w.9)+1
     & ( convertBinaryMinusToUnary
       =   a z
         .     @(!arg:%?a "-" ?z)
             & str$(!a "+-1*" convertBinaryMinusToUnary$!z)
           | !arg
     & (reciprocal=.!arg^-1)
     & ( convertDivisionToMultiplication
       =   a z
         .     @(!arg:?a "/" ?z)
             & str$(!a "*reciprocal$" convertDivisionToMultiplication$!z)
           | !arg
     & ( isExpresssion
       =   A Z expr
         .   @( !arg
              :   ?A
                  ( ?Z
                  & isExpresssion$!A
                  & isExpresssion$!Z
           |   !numbers:?A !arg ?Z
             & !A !Z:?numbers
           |   ( @(!arg:"(" ?expr ")")
               | @(!arg:(" "|\t) ?expr)
               | @(!arg:?expr (" "|\t))
             & isExpresssion$!expr
     &   out
       $ "Enter an expression that evaluates to 24 by combining the following numbers."
     & out$"You may only use the operators + - * /"
     & out$"Parentheses and spaces are allowed."
     &   whl
       ' (   get-random$() get-random$() get-random$() get-random$
           : ?4numbers
         & out$!4numbers
         &   whl
           ' ( get'(,STR):?expr:~
             & !4numbers:?numbers
             & ~(isExpresssion$!expr&!numbers:)
             &   out
               $ ( str
                 $ ( "["
                     "] is not a valid expression. Try another expression."
         & !expr:~
         & convertBinaryMinusToUnary$!expr:?expr
         & convertDivisionToMultiplication$!expr:?expr
         & get$(!expr,MEM):?answer
         & out$(str$(!expr " = " !answer))
         &   !answer
           : ( 24&out$Right!
             | #&out$Wrong!
         & out$"Try another one:"
     & out$bye

& 24-game$(13.14) & ;</lang>

Enter an expression that evaluates to 24 by combining the following numbers.
You may only use the operators + - * /
Parentheses and spaces are allowed.
4 2 2 7
4*7 - 2-2
4*7 +-1* 2+-1*2 = 24
Try another one:
4 7 9 8
((4) *(8 - (9- 7))
[((4) *(8 - (9- 7))] is not a valid expression. Try another expression.
((4) *(8 - (9- 7)))
((4) *(8 +-1* (9+-1* 7))) = 24
Try another one:
9 5 8 5
5 * 5 - (9 - 8)
5 * 5 +-1* (9 +-1* 8) = 24
Try another one:
5 9 7 8
5*8 - 9 - 7
5*8 +-1* 9 +-1* 7 = 24
Try another one:
7 8 6 2
8 * ((7 - 6) + 2)
8 * ((7 +-1* 6) + 2) = 24
Try another one:
8 6 8 1
8 * (1 + 8 - 6)
8 * (1 + 8 +-1* 6) = 24
Try another one:
8 2 2 4
8 * (2 + 4)/2
8 * (2 + 4)*reciprocal$2 = 24
Try another one:
8 4 6 7



Simple recursive descent parser. It doesn't have a real lexer, because all tokens are single character (digits, operators and parens). Code is a little too long. <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <ctype.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include <setjmp.h>
  4. include <time.h>

jmp_buf ctx; const char *msg;


typedef struct expr_t *expr, expr_t; struct expr_t { int op, val, used; expr left, right; };

  1. define N_DIGITS 4

expr_t digits[N_DIGITS];

void gen_digits() { int i; for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) digits[i].val = 1 + rand() % 9; }

  1. define MAX_INPUT 64

char str[MAX_INPUT]; int pos;

  1. define POOL_SIZE 8

expr_t pool[POOL_SIZE]; int pool_ptr;

void reset() { int i; msg = 0; pool_ptr = pos = 0; for (i = 0; i < POOL_SIZE; i++) { pool[i].op = OP_NONE; pool[i].left = pool[i].right = 0; } for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) digits[i].used = 0; }

/* longish jumpish back to input cycle */ void bail(const char *s) { msg = s; longjmp(ctx, 1); }

expr new_expr() { if (pool_ptr < POOL_SIZE) return pool + pool_ptr++; return 0; }

/* check next input char */ int next_tok() { while (isspace(str[pos])) pos++; return str[pos]; }

/* move input pointer forward */ int take() { if (str[pos] != '\0') return ++pos; return 0; }

/* BNF(ish) expr = term { ("+")|("-") term } term = fact { ("*")|("/") expr } fact = number | '(' expr ')'

  • /

expr get_fact(); expr get_term(); expr get_expr();

expr get_expr() { int c; expr l, r, ret; if (!(ret = get_term())) bail("Expected term"); while ((c = next_tok()) == '+' || c == '-') { if (!take()) bail("Unexpected end of input"); if (!(r = get_term())) bail("Expected term");

l = ret; ret = new_expr(); ret->op = (c == '+') ? OP_ADD : OP_SUB; ret->left = l; ret->right = r; } return ret; }

expr get_term() { int c; expr l, r, ret; ret = get_fact(); while((c = next_tok()) == '*' || c == '/') { if (!take()) bail("Unexpected end of input");

r = get_fact(); l = ret; ret = new_expr(); ret->op = (c == '*') ? OP_MUL : OP_DIV; ret->left = l; ret->right = r; } return ret; }

expr get_digit() { int i, c = next_tok(); expr ret; if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { take(); ret = new_expr(); ret->op = OP_NUM; ret->val = c - '0'; for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) if (digits[i].val == ret->val && !digits[i].used) { digits[i].used = 1; return ret; } bail("Invalid digit"); } return 0; }

expr get_fact() { int c; expr l = get_digit(); if (l) return l; if ((c = next_tok()) == '(') { take(); l = get_expr(); if (next_tok() != ')') bail("Unbalanced parens"); take(); return l; } return 0; }

expr parse() { int i; expr ret = get_expr(); if (next_tok() != '\0') bail("Trailing garbage"); for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) if (!digits[i].used) bail("Not all digits are used"); return ret; }

typedef struct frac_t frac_t, *frac; struct frac_t { int denom, num; };

int gcd(int m, int n) { int t; while (m) { t = m; m = n % m; n = t; } return n; }

/* evaluate expression tree. result in fraction form */ void eval_tree(expr e, frac res) { frac_t l, r; int t; if (e->op == OP_NUM) { res->num = e->val; res->denom = 1; return; }

eval_tree(e->left, &l); eval_tree(e->right, &r);

switch(e->op) { case OP_ADD: res->num = l.num * r.denom + l.denom * r.num; res->denom = l.denom * r.denom; break; case OP_SUB: res->num = l.num * r.denom - l.denom * r.num; res->denom = l.denom * r.denom; break; case OP_MUL: res->num = l.num * r.num; res->denom = l.denom * r.denom; break; case OP_DIV: res->num = l.num * r.denom; res->denom = l.denom * r.num; break; } if ((t = gcd(res->denom, res->num))) { res->denom /= t; res->num /= t; } }

void get_input() { int i; reinput: reset(); printf("\nAvailable digits are:"); for (i = 0; i < N_DIGITS; i++) printf(" %d", digits[i].val); printf(". Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers.\n" "Your choice? [Expr/n/q] ");

while (1) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT; i++) str[i] = '\n'; fgets(str, MAX_INPUT, stdin); if (*str == '\0') goto reinput; if (str[MAX_INPUT - 1] != '\n') bail("string too long");

for (i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT; i++) if (str[i] == '\n') str[i] = '\0'; if (str[0] == 'q') { printf("Bye\n"); exit(0); } if (str[0] == 'n') { gen_digits(); goto reinput; } return; } }

int main() { frac_t f; srand(time(0));

gen_digits(); while(1) { get_input(); setjmp(ctx); /* if parse error, jump back here with err msg set */ if (msg) { /* after error jump; announce, reset, redo */ printf("%s at '%.*s'\n", msg, pos, str); continue; }

eval_tree(parse(), &f);

if (f.denom == 0) bail("Divide by zero"); if (f.denom == 1 && f.num == 24) printf("You got 24. Very good.\n"); else { if (f.denom == 1) printf("Eval to: %d, ", f.num); else printf("Eval to: %d/%d, ", f.num, f.denom); printf("no good. Try again.\n"); } } return 0; }</lang>

Available digits are: 5 2 3 9. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers.
Your choice? [Expr/n/q] 5*2*3/9
Eval to: 10/3, no good.  Try again.

Available digits are: 5 2 3 9. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers.
Your choice? [Expr/n/q] (5*(2+3)-9
Unbalanced parens at '(5*(2+3)-9'

Available digits are: 5 2 3 9. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers.
Your choice? [Expr/n/q] 3*9-(5-2)
You got 24.  Very good.

Available digits are: 5 2 3 9. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers.
Your choice? [Expr/n/q] n

Available digits are: 4 4 4 7. Type an expression and I'll check it for you, or make new numbers.
Your choice? [Expr/n/q] q

See 24 game/C


See 24 game/CSharp


Works with: C++11

This uses the C++11 standard to simplify several parts of the code. Input is given in RPN format.

<lang cpp>#include <random>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <stack>
  3. include <set>
  4. include <string>
  5. include <functional>

using namespace std;

class RPNParse { public:

 stack<double> stk;
 multiset<int> digits;
 void op(function<double(double,double)> f)
   if(stk.size() < 2)
     throw "Improperly written expression";
   int b = stk.top(); stk.pop();
   int a = stk.top(); stk.pop();
   stk.push(f(a, b));
 void parse(char c)
   if(c >= '0' && c <= '9')
     stk.push(c - '0');
     digits.insert(c - '0');
   else if(c == '+')
     op([](double a, double b) {return a+b;});
   else if(c == '-')
     op([](double a, double b) {return a-b;});
   else if(c == '*')
     op([](double a, double b) {return a*b;});
   else if(c == '/')
     op([](double a, double b) {return a/b;});
 void parse(string s)
   for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i)
 double getResult()
   if(stk.size() != 1)
     throw "Improperly written expression";
   return stk.top();


int main() {

 random_device seed;
 mt19937 engine(seed());
 uniform_int_distribution<> distribution(1, 9);
 auto rnd = bind(distribution, engine);
 multiset<int> digits;
 cout << "Make 24 with the digits: ";
 for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
   int n = rnd();
   cout << " " << n;
 cout << endl;
 RPNParse parser;
   string input;
   getline(cin, input);
   if(digits != parser.digits)
     cout << "Error: Not using the given digits" << endl;
     double r = parser.getResult();
     cout << "Result: " << r << endl;
     if(r > 23.999 && r < 24.001)
       cout << "Good job!" << endl;
       cout << "Try again." << endl;
 catch(char* e)
   cout << "Error: " << e << endl;
 return 0;


Make 24 with the digits:  1 4 9 9
9 9 + 4 * 1 +
Result: 73
Try again.

Make 24 with the digits:  3 9 9 2
9 9 + 3 2 * +
Result: 24
Good job!


Be sure to import ceylon.random in you ceylon.module file. <lang ceylon>import ceylon.random { DefaultRandom }

class Rational(shared Integer numerator, shared Integer denominator = 1) satisfies Numeric<Rational> {

assert (denominator != 0);

Integer gcd(Integer a, Integer b) => if (b == 0) then a else gcd(b, a % b);

shared Rational inverted => Rational(denominator, numerator);

shared Rational simplified => let (largestFactor = gcd(numerator, denominator)) Rational(numerator / largestFactor, denominator / largestFactor);

divided(Rational other) => (this * other.inverted).simplified;

negated => Rational(-numerator, denominator).simplified;

plus(Rational other) => let (top = numerator*other.denominator + other.numerator*denominator, bottom = denominator * other.denominator) Rational(top, bottom).simplified;

times(Rational other) => Rational(numerator * other.numerator, denominator * other.denominator).simplified;

shared Integer integer => numerator / denominator; shared Float float => numerator.float / denominator.float;

string => denominator == 1 then numerator.string else "``numerator``/``denominator``";

shared actual Boolean equals(Object that) { if (is Rational that) { value simplifiedThis = this.simplified; value simplifiedThat = that.simplified; return simplifiedThis.numerator==simplifiedThat.numerator && simplifiedThis.denominator==simplifiedThat.denominator; } else { return false; } } }

interface Expression { shared formal Rational evaluate(); }

class NumberExpression(Rational number) satisfies Expression { evaluate() => number; string => number.string; }

class OperatorExpression(Expression left, Character operator, Expression right) satisfies Expression { shared actual Rational evaluate() { switch (operator) case ('*') { return left.evaluate() * right.evaluate(); } case ('/') { return left.evaluate() / right.evaluate(); } case ('-') { return left.evaluate() - right.evaluate(); } case ('+') { return left.evaluate() + right.evaluate(); } else { throw Exception("unknown operator ``operator``"); } }

string => "(``left.string`` ``operator.string`` ``right.string``)"; }

"A simplified top down operator precedence parser. There aren't any right

binding operators so we don't have to worry about that."

class PrattParser(String input) {

value tokens = input.replace(" ", ""); variable value index = -1;

shared Expression expression(Integer precedence = 0) { value token = advance(); variable value left = parseUnary(token); while (precedence < getPrecedence(peek())) { value nextToken = advance(); left = parseBinary(left, nextToken); } return left; }

Integer getPrecedence(Character op) => switch (op) case ('*' | '/') 2 case ('+' | '-') 1 else 0;

Character advance(Character? expected = null) { index++; value token = tokens[index] else ' '; if (exists expected, token != expected) { throw Exception("unknown character ``token``"); } return token; }

Character peek() => tokens[index + 1] else ' ';

Expression parseBinary(Expression left, Character operator) => let (right = expression(getPrecedence(operator))) OperatorExpression(left, operator, right);

Expression parseUnary(Character token) { if (token.digit) { assert (is Integer int = Integer.parse(token.string)); return NumberExpression(Rational(int)); } else if (token == '(') { value exp = expression(); advance(')'); return exp; } else { throw Exception("unknown character ``token``"); } } }

shared void run() {

value random = DefaultRandom();

function random4Numbers() => random.elements(1..9).take(4).sequence();

function isValidGuess(String input, {Integer*} allowedNumbers) { value allowedOperators = set { *"()+-/*" }; value extractedNumbers = input .split((Character ch) => ch in allowedOperators || ch.whitespace) .map((String element) => Integer.parse(element)) .narrow<Integer>(); if (extractedNumbers.any((Integer element) => element > 9)) { print("number too big!"); return false; } if (extractedNumbers.any((Integer element) => element < 1)) { print("number too small!"); return false; } if (extractedNumbers.sort(increasing) != allowedNumbers.sort(increasing)) { print("use all the numbers, please!"); return false; } if (!input.every((Character element) => element in allowedOperators || element.digit || element.whitespace)) { print("only digits and mathematical operators, please"); return false; } variable value leftParens = 0; for (c in input) { if (c == '(') { leftParens++; } else if (c == ')') { leftParens--; if (leftParens < 0) { break; } } } if (leftParens != 0) { print("unbalanced brackets!"); return false; } return true; }

function evaluate(String input) => let (parser = PrattParser(input), exp = parser.expression()) exp.evaluate();

print("Welcome to The 24 Game. Create a mathematical equation with four random numbers that evaluates to 24. You must use all the numbers once and only once, but in any order. Also, only + - / * and parentheses are allowed. For example: (1 + 2 + 3) * 4 Also: enter n for new numbers and q to quit. -----------------------------------------------");

value twentyfour = Rational(24);

while (true) {

value chosenNumbers = random4Numbers(); void pleaseTryAgain() => print("Sorry, please try again. (Your numbers are ``chosenNumbers``)");

print("Your numbers are ``chosenNumbers``. Please turn them into 24.");

while (true) { value line = process.readLine()?.trimmed; if (exists line) { if (line.uppercased == "Q") { // quit print("bye!"); return; } if (line.uppercased == "N") { // new game break; } if (isValidGuess(line, chosenNumbers)) { try { value result = evaluate(line); print("= ``result``"); if (result == twentyfour) { print("You did it!"); break; } else { pleaseTryAgain(); } } catch (Exception e) { print(e.message); pleaseTryAgain(); } } else { pleaseTryAgain(); } } } } }</lang>


<lang Clojure> (ns rosettacode.24game)

(def ^:dynamic *luser* "You guessed wrong, or your input was not in prefix notation.")

(def ^:private start #(println "Your numbers are: " %1 ". Your goal is " %2 ".\n" "Use the ops [+ - * /] in prefix notation to reach" %2 ".\n" "q[enter] to quit."))

(defn play

 ([] (play 24))
 ([goal] (play goal (repeatedly 4 #(inc (rand-int 9)))))
 ([goal gns]
    (start gns goal)
    (let [input (read-string (read-line))
          flat  (flatten input)]
       (if (and (re-find #"^\([\d\s+*/-]+\d?\)$" (pr-str flat))
                (= (set gns) (set (filter integer? flat)))
                (= goal (eval input)))
        "You won the game!"
     (when (not= input 'q) (recur goal gns)))))
* checks prefix form, then checks to see that the numbers used
and the numbers generated by the game are the same.




  • > This code is dedicated to the public domain
  • > This is GNUCobol 2.0

identification division. program-id. twentyfour. environment division. configuration section. repository. function all intrinsic. data division. working-storage section. 01 p pic 999. 01 p1 pic 999. 01 p-max pic 999 value 38. 01 program-syntax pic x(494) value

  • >statement = expression;
       '001 001 000 n'
   &   '002 000 004 ='
   &   '003 005 000 n'
   &   '004 000 002 ;'
  • >expression = term, {('+'|'-') term,};
   &   '005 005 000 n'
   &   '006 000 016 ='
   &   '007 017 000 n'
   &   '008 000 015 {'
   &   '009 011 013 ('
   &   '010 001 000 t'
   &   '011 013 000 |'
   &   '012 002 000 t'
   &   '013 000 009 )'
   &   '014 017 000 n'
   &   '015 000 008 }'
   &   '016 000 006 ;'
  • >term = factor, {('*'|'/') factor,};
   &   '017 017 000 n'
   &   '018 000 028 ='
   &   '019 029 000 n'
   &   '020 000 027 {'
   &   '021 023 025 ('
   &   '022 003 000 t'
   &   '023 025 000 |'
   &   '024 004 000 t'
   &   '025 000 021 )'
   &   '026 029 000 n'
   &   '027 000 020 }'
   &   '028 000 018 ;'
  • >factor = ('(' expression, ')' | digit,);
   &   '029 029 000 n'
   &   '030 000 038 ='
   &   '031 035 037 ('
   &   '032 005 000 t'
   &   '033 005 000 n'
   &   '034 006 000 t'
   &   '035 037 000 |'
   &   '036 000 000 n'
   &   '037 000 031 )'
   &   '038 000 030 ;'.

01 filler redefines program-syntax.

   03  p-entry occurs 038.
       05  p-address pic 999.
       05  filler pic x.
       05  p-definition pic 999.
       05  p-alternate redefines p-definition pic 999.
       05  filler pic x.
       05  p-matching pic 999.
       05  filler pic x.
       05  p-symbol pic x.

01 t pic 999. 01 t-len pic 99 value 6. 01 terminal-symbols

   pic x(210) value
       '01 +                               '                                                               
   &   '01 -                               '                                                               
   &   '01 *                               '
   &   '01 /                               '
   &   '01 (                               '
   &   '01 )                               '.

01 filler redefines terminal-symbols.

   03  terminal-symbol-entry occurs 6.
       05  terminal-symbol-len pic 99.
       05  filler pic x.
       05  terminal-symbol pic x(32).

01 nt pic 999. 01 nt-lim pic 99 value 5. 01 nonterminal-statements pic x(294) value

       "000 ....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,....,"
   &   "001 statement = expression;                      "                                                       
   &   "005 expression = term, {('+'|'-') term,};        "                                                      
   &   "017 term = factor, {('*'|'/') factor,};          "                                                             
   &   "029 factor = ('(' expression, ')' | digit,);     "                                                           
   &   "036 digit;                                       ".                                                            

01 filler redefines nonterminal-statements.

   03  nonterminal-statement-entry occurs 5.
       05  nonterminal-statement-number pic 999.
       05  filler pic x.
       05  nonterminal-statement pic x(45).

01 indent pic x(64) value all '| '. 01 interpreter-stack.

   03  r pic 99. *> previous top of stack
   03  s pic 99. *> current top of stack
   03  s-max pic 99 value 32.
   03  s-entry occurs 32.
       05  filler pic x(2) value 'p='.
       05  s-p pic 999. *> callers return address
       05  filler pic x(4) value ' sc='.
       05  s-start-control pic 999. *> sequence start address
       05  filler pic x(4) value ' ec='.
       05  s-end-control pic 999. *> sequence end address
       05  filler pic x(4) value ' al='.
       05  s-alternate pic 999. *> the next alternate 
       05  filler pic x(3) value ' r='.
       05  s-result pic x. *> S success, F failure, N no result
       05  filler pic x(3) value ' c='.
       05  s-count pic 99. *> successes in a sequence
       05  filler pic x(3) value ' x='.
       05  s-repeat pic 99. *> repeats in a {} sequence
       05  filler pic x(4) value ' nt='.
       05  s-nt pic 99. *> current nonterminal

01 language-area.

   03  l pic 99.
   03  l-lim pic 99.
   03  l-len pic 99 value 1.
   03  nd pic 9.
   03  number-definitions.
       05  n occurs 4 pic 9.
   03  nu pic 9.
   03  number-use.
       05  u occurs 4 pic x.
   03  statement.
       05  c occurs 32.
           07  c9 pic 9.

01 number-validation.

   03  p4 pic 99.
   03  p4-lim pic 99 value 24.
   03  permutations-4 pic x(96) value
       & '1243'
       & '1324'
       & '1342'
       & '1423'
       & '1432'
       & '2134'
       & '2143'
       & '2314'
       & '2341'
       & '2413'
       & '2431'
       & '3124'
       & '3142'
       & '3214'
       & '3241'
       & '3423'
       & '3432'
       & '4123'
       & '4132'
       & '4213'
       & '4231'
       & '4312'
       & '4321'.
    03  filler redefines permutations-4.
        05  permutation-4 occurs 24 pic x(4).
    03  current-permutation-4 pic x(4).
    03  cpx pic 9.
    03  od1 pic 9.
    03  od2 pic 9.
    03  odx pic 9.
    03  od-lim pic 9 value 4.
    03  operator-definitions pic x(4) value '+-*/'.
    03  current-operators pic x(3).
    03  co3 pic 9.
    03  rpx pic 9.
    03  rpx-lim pic 9 value 4.
    03  valid-rpn-forms pic x(28) value
       & 'nnnonoo'
       & 'nnnoono'
       & 'nnnnooo'.
   03  filler redefines valid-rpn-forms.
       05  rpn-form occurs 4 pic x(7).
   03  current-rpn-form pic x(7).

01 calculation-area.

   03  osx pic 99.
   03  operator-stack pic x(32).
   03  oqx pic 99.
   03  oqx1 pic 99.
   03  output-queue pic x(32).
   03  work-number pic s9999.
   03  top-numerator pic s9999 sign leading separate.
   03  top-denominator pic s9999 sign leading separate.
   03  rsx pic 9.
   03  result-stack occurs 8.
       05  numerator pic s9999.
       05  denominator pic s9999.

01 error-found pic x. 01 divide-by-zero-error pic x.

  • > diagnostics

01 NL pic x value x'0A'. 01 NL-flag pic x value space. 01 display-level pic x value '0'. 01 loop-lim pic 9999 value 1500. 01 loop-count pic 9999 value 0. 01 message-area value spaces.

   03  message-level pic x.
   03  message-value pic x(128).
  • > input and examples

01 instruction pic x(32) value spaces. 01 tsx pic 99. 01 tsx-lim pic 99 value 14. 01 test-statements.

   03  filler pic x(32) value '1234;1 + 2 + 3 + 4'.
   03  filler pic x(32) value '1234;1 * 2 * 3 * 4'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '1234;((1)) * (((2 * 3))) * 4'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '1234;((1)) * ((2 * 3))) * 4'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '1234;(1 + 2 + 3 + 4'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '1234;)1 + 2 + 3 + 4'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '1234;1 * * 2 * 3 * 4'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '5679;6 - (5 - 7) * 9'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '1268;((1 * (8 * 6) / 2))'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '4583;-5-3+(8*4)'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '4583;8 * 4 - 5 - 3'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '4583;8 * 4 - (5 + 3)'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '1223;1 * 3 / (2 - 2)'. 
   03  filler pic x(32) value '2468;(6 * 8) / 4 / 2'. 

01 filler redefines test-statements.

   03  filler occurs 14.
       05  test-numbers pic x(4).
       05  filler pic x.
       05  test-statement pic x(27).

procedure division. start-twentyfour.

   display 'start twentyfour'
   perform generate-numbers
   display 'type h <enter> to see instructions'
   accept instruction
   perform until instruction = spaces or 'q'
       evaluate true
       when instruction = 'h'
           perform display-instructions
       when instruction = 'n'
           perform generate-numbers
       when instruction(1:1) = 'm'
           move instruction(2:4) to number-definitions
           perform validate-number
           if divide-by-zero-error = space
           and 24 * top-denominator = top-numerator
               display number-definitions ' is solved by ' output-queue(1:oqx)
               display number-definitions ' is not solvable'
       when instruction = 'd0' or 'd1' or 'd2' or 'd3'
           move instruction(2:1) to display-level
       when instruction = 'e'
           display 'examples:'
           perform varying tsx from 1 by 1
           until tsx > tsx-lim
               move spaces to statement
               move test-numbers(tsx) to number-definitions
               move test-statement(tsx) to statement
               perform evaluate-statement
               perform show-result
       when other
           move instruction to statement
           perform evaluate-statement
           perform show-result
       move spaces to instruction
       display 'instruction? ' with no advancing
       accept instruction
   display 'exit twentyfour'
   stop run


   perform with test after until divide-by-zero-error = space
   and 24 * top-denominator = top-numerator
       compute n(1) = random(seconds-past-midnight) * 10 *> seed
       perform varying nd from 1 by 1 until nd > 4
           compute n(nd) = random() * 10
           perform until n(nd) <> 0
               compute n(nd) = random() * 10
       perform validate-number
   display NL 'numbers:' with no advancing
   perform varying nd from 1 by 1 until nd > 4
       display space n(nd) with no advancing
   display space


   perform varying p4 from 1 by 1 until p4 > p4-lim
       move permutation-4(p4) to current-permutation-4 
       perform varying od1 from 1 by 1 until od1 > od-lim
           move operator-definitions(od1:1) to current-operators(1:1)
           perform varying od2 from 1 by 1 until od2 > od-lim
               move operator-definitions(od2:1) to current-operators(2:1)
               perform varying odx from 1 by 1 until odx > od-lim
                   move operator-definitions(odx:1) to current-operators(3:1)
                   perform varying rpx from 1 by 1 until rpx > rpx-lim
                       move rpn-form(rpx) to current-rpn-form
                       move 0 to cpx co3
                       move spaces to output-queue
                       move 7 to oqx
                       perform varying oqx1 from 1 by 1 until oqx1 > oqx
                           if current-rpn-form(oqx1:1) = 'n'
                               add 1 to cpx
                               move current-permutation-4(cpx:1) to nd
                               move n(nd) to output-queue(oqx1:1)
                               add 1 to co3
                               move current-operators(co3:1) to output-queue(oqx1:1)
                   perform evaluate-rpn
                   if divide-by-zero-error = space
                   and 24 * top-denominator = top-numerator
                       exit paragraph


   display '1)  Type h <enter> to repeat these instructions.'
   display '2)  The program will display four randomly-generated'
   display '    single-digit numbers and will then prompt you to enter'
   display '    an arithmetic expression followed by <enter> to sum'
   display '    the given numbers to 24.'
   display '    The four numbers may contain duplicates and the entered'
   display '    expression must reference all the generated numbers and duplicates.'
   display '    Warning:  the program converts the entered infix expression'
   display '    to a reverse polish notation (rpn) expression'
   display '    which is then interpreted from RIGHT to LEFT.'
   display '    So, for instance, 8*4 - 5 - 3 will not sum to 24.' 
   display '3)  Type n <enter> to generate a new set of four numbers.'
   display '    The program will ensure the generated numbers are solvable.'
   display '4)  Type m#### <enter> (e.g. m1234) to create a fixed set of numbers'
   display '    for testing purposes.'
   display '    The program will test the solvability of the entered numbers.'
   display '    For example, m1234 is solvable and m9999 is not solvable.'
   display '5)  Type d0, d1, d2 or d3 followed by <enter> to display none or'
   display '    increasingly detailed diagnostic information as the program evaluates' 
   display '    the entered expression.'
   display '6)  Type e <enter> to see a list of example expressions and results'
   display '7)  Type <enter> or q <enter> to exit the program' 


   if error-found = 'y'
   or divide-by-zero-error = 'y'
       exit paragraph
   display 'statement in RPN is' space output-queue
   evaluate true
   when top-numerator = 0
   when top-denominator = 0
   when 24 * top-denominator <> top-numerator
       display 'result (' top-numerator '/' top-denominator ') is not 24'
   when other
       display 'result is 24'


   compute l-lim = length(trim(statement))
   display NL 'numbers:' space n(1) space n(2) space n(3) space n(4)
   move number-definitions to number-use
   display 'statement is' space statement  
   move 1 to l
   move 0 to loop-count
   move space to error-found
   move 0 to osx oqx
   move spaces to output-queue
   move 1 to p
   move 1 to nt
   move 0 to s
   perform increment-s
   perform display-start-nonterminal
   perform increment-p
   *> interpret ebnf
   perform until s = 0 
   or error-found = 'y'
       evaluate true
       when p-symbol(p) = 'n'
       and p-definition(p) = 000 *> a variable
          perform test-variable
      if s-result(s) = 'S'
              perform increment-l
          perform increment-p
      when p-symbol(p) = 'n'
      and p-address(p) <> p-definition(p) *> nonterminal reference
          move p to s-p(s)
          move p-definition(p) to p
      when p-symbol(p) = 'n'
      and p-address(p) = p-definition(p) *> nonterminal definition
          perform increment-s
          perform display-start-nonterminal
          perform increment-p
       when p-symbol(p) = '=' *> nonterminal control
           move p to s-start-control(s)
           move p-matching(p) to s-end-control(s)
           perform increment-p
       when p-symbol(p) = ';' *> end nonterminal
           perform display-end-control
           perform display-end-nonterminal
           perform decrement-s
           if s > 0
               evaluate true
               when s-result(r) = 'S'
                   perform set-success
               when s-result(r) = 'F'
                   perform set-failure
               move s-p(s) to p
               perform increment-p
               perform display-continue-nonterminal
   when p-symbol(p) = '{' *> start repeat sequence
           perform increment-s
           perform display-start-control
           move p to s-start-control(s)
           move p-alternate(p) to s-alternate(s)
           move p-matching(p) to s-end-control(s)
           move 0 to s-count(s)
           perform increment-p
       when p-symbol(p) = '}' *> end repeat sequence
           perform display-end-control
           evaluate true
           when s-result(s) = 'S' *> repeat the sequence
               perform display-repeat-control
               perform set-nothing
               add 1 to s-repeat(s)
               move s-start-control(s) to p
               perform increment-p
          when other
              perform decrement-s
              evaluate true
              when s-result(r) = 'N'
              and s-repeat(r) = 0 *> no result
                  perform increment-p
              when s-result(r) = 'N'
              and s-repeat(r) > 0 *> no result after success
                  perform set-success
                  perform increment-p
              when other *> fail the sequence
                  perform increment-p
       when p-symbol(p) = '(' *> start sequence
           perform increment-s
           perform display-start-control
           move p to s-start-control(s)
           move p-alternate(p) to s-alternate(s)
           move p-matching(p) to s-end-control(s)
           move 0 to s-count(s)
           perform increment-p
      when p-symbol(p) = ')' *> end sequence
          perform display-end-control
          perform decrement-s
          evaluate true
          when s-result(r) = 'S' *> success
              perform set-success
              perform increment-p
          when s-result(r) = 'N' *> no result
              perform set-failure
              perform increment-p
           when other *> fail the sequence
              perform set-failure
              perform increment-p
       when p-symbol(p) = '|' *> alternate
           evaluate true
           when s-result(s) = 'S' *> exit the sequence
               perform display-skip-alternate
               move s-end-control(s) to p
           when other
               perform display-take-alternate
               move p-alternate(p) to s-alternate(s) *> the next alternate
               perform increment-p
               perform set-nothing
       when p-symbol(p) = 't' *> terminal
           move p-definition(p) to t
           move terminal-symbol-len(t) to t-len
           perform display-terminal
           evaluate true
           when statement(l:t-len) = terminal-symbol(t)(1:t-len) *> successful match
              perform set-success
              perform display-recognize-terminal
              perform process-token
              move t-len to l-len
              perform increment-l
              perform increment-p
           when s-alternate(s) <> 000 *> we are in an alternate sequence
              move s-alternate(s) to p
           when other *> fail the sequence
              perform set-failure
              move s-end-control(s) to p
       when other *> end control
           perform display-control-failure *> shouldnt happen
    evaluate true *> at end of evaluation
    when error-found = 'y'
    when l <= l-lim *> not all tokens parsed
        display 'error: invalid statement'
        perform statement-error
    when number-use <> spaces
        display 'error:  not all numbers were used: ' number-use
        move 'y' to error-found


   evaluate true
   when l > l-lim *> end of statement
   when other
       add l-len to l
       perform varying l from l by 1 
       until c(l) <> space
       or l > l-lim
       move 1 to l-len
       if l > l-lim
           perform end-tokens


   evaluate true
   when p >= p-max
       display 'at' space p ' parse overflow'
           space 's=<' s space s-entry(s) '>'
       move 'y' to error-found
   when other
       add 1 to p
       perform display-statement


   evaluate true
   when s >= s-max
       display 'at' space p ' stack overflow '
           space 's=<' s space s-entry(s) '>'
       move 'y' to error-found
   when other
       move s to r
       add 1 to s
       initialize s-entry(s)
       move 'N' to s-result(s)
       move p to s-p(s)
       move nt to s-nt(s)


   if s > 0
       move s to r
       subtract 1 from s
       if s > 0
           move s-nt(s) to nt


   move 'F' to s-result(s)
   if s-count(s) > 0
       display 'sequential parse failure'
       perform statement-error


   move 'S' to s-result(s)
   add 1 to s-count(s)


   move 'N' to s-result(s)
   move 0 to s-count(s)


   display statement
   move spaces to statement
   move '^ syntax error' to statement(l:)
   display statement
   move 'y' to error-found
  • >=====================
  • > twentyfour semantics
  • >=====================


   *> check validity
   perform varying nd from 1 by 1 until nd > 4
   or c(l) = n(nd)
   *> check usage
   perform varying nu from 1 by 1 until nu > 4
   or c(l) = u(nu)
   evaluate true
   when l > l-lim
       perform set-failure
   when c9(l) not numeric
       perform set-failure
   when nd > 4
       display 'invalid number'
       perform statement-error
   when nu > 4
       display 'number already used'
       perform statement-error
   when other
       move space to u(nu)
       perform set-success
       add 1 to oqx
       move c(l) to output-queue(oqx:1)
  • > ==================================
  • > Dijkstra Shunting-Yard Algorithm
  • > to convert infix to rpn
  • > ==================================


   evaluate true
   when c(l) = '('
       add 1 to osx
       move c(l) to operator-stack(osx:1)
   when c(l) = ')'
       perform varying osx from osx by -1 until osx < 1
       or operator-stack(osx:1) = '('
           add 1 to oqx
           move operator-stack(osx:1) to output-queue(oqx:1)
       if osx < 1
           display 'parenthesis error'
           perform statement-error
           exit paragraph
       subtract 1 from osx
   when (c(l) = '+' or '-') and (operator-stack(osx:1) = '*' or '/')
       *> lesser operator precedence
       add 1 to oqx
       move operator-stack(osx:1) to output-queue(oqx:1) 
       move c(l) to operator-stack(osx:1)
   when other
       *> greater operator precedence
       add 1 to osx
       move c(l) to operator-stack(osx:1)


   *> 1) copy stacked operators to the output-queue
   perform varying osx from osx by -1 until osx < 1
   or operator-stack(osx:1) = '('
       add 1 to oqx
       move operator-stack(osx:1) to output-queue(oqx:1)
   if osx > 0
       display 'parenthesis error'
       perform statement-error
       exit paragraph
   *> 2) evaluate the rpn statement
   perform evaluate-rpn
   if divide-by-zero-error = 'y'
       display 'divide by zero error'


   move space to divide-by-zero-error
   move 0 to rsx *> stack depth
   perform varying oqx1 from 1 by 1 until oqx1 > oqx
       if output-queue(oqx1:1) >= '1' and <= '9'
           *> push current data onto the stack
           add 1 to rsx
           move top-numerator to numerator(rsx)
           move top-denominator to denominator(rsx)
           move output-queue(oqx1:1) to top-numerator
           move 1 to top-denominator
           *> apply the operation
           evaluate true
           when output-queue(oqx1:1) = '+'
               compute top-numerator = top-numerator * denominator(rsx)
                   + top-denominator * numerator(rsx)
               compute top-denominator = top-denominator * denominator(rsx)  
           when output-queue(oqx1:1) = '-' 
               compute top-numerator = top-denominator * numerator(rsx)
                   - top-numerator * denominator(rsx)
               compute top-denominator = top-denominator * denominator(rsx)  
           when output-queue(oqx1:1) = '*' 
               compute top-numerator = top-numerator * numerator(rsx)
               compute top-denominator = top-denominator * denominator(rsx)  
           when output-queue(oqx1:1) = '/'
               compute work-number = numerator(rsx) * top-denominator
               compute top-denominator = denominator(rsx) * top-numerator
               if top-denominator = 0
                   move 'y' to divide-by-zero-error
                   exit paragraph
               move work-number to top-numerator
           *> pop the stack
           subtract 1 from rsx
  • >====================
  • > diagnostic displays
  • >====================


   perform varying nt from nt-lim by -1 until nt < 1
   or p-definition(p) = nonterminal-statement-number(nt)
   if nt > 0
       move '1' to NL-flag
       string '1' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' start ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
           into message-area perform display-message
       move nt to s-nt(s)


   move s-nt(s) to nt
   string '1' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p space p-symbol(p) ' continue ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt)) ' with result ' s-result(s)
           into message-area perform display-message


   move s-nt(s) to nt
   move '2' to NL-flag
   string '1' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' end ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt)) ' with result ' s-result(s)
           into message-area perform display-message


   string '2' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' start ' p-symbol(p) ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
       into message-area perform display-message


   string '2' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' repeat ' p-symbol(p) ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))  ' with result ' s-result(s)
       into message-area perform display-message


   string '2' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' end ' p-symbol(p)  ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt)) ' with result ' s-result(s)
       into message-area perform display-message


   string '2' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' take alternate' ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
       into message-area perform display-message


   string '2' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' skip alternate' ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
       into message-area perform display-message


   string '1' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p
       ' compare ' statement(l:t-len) ' to ' terminal-symbol(t)(1:t-len)
       ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
       into message-area perform display-message


   string '1' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' recognize terminal: ' c(l) ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
       into message-area perform display-message


   string '1' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p ' recognize digit: ' c(l) ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
       into message-area perform display-message


   compute p1 = p - s-start-control(s)
   string '3' indent(1:s + s) 'at ' s space p
       ' statement: ' s-start-control(s) '/' p1
       space p-symbol(p) space s-result(s)
       ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
       into message-area perform display-message


   display loop-count space indent(1:s + s) 'at' space p ' control failure' ' in ' trim(nonterminal-statement(nt))
   display loop-count space indent(1:s + s) '   ' 'p=<' p p-entry(p) '>'
   display loop-count space indent(1:s + s) '   ' 's=<' s space s-entry(s) '>'
   display loop-count space indent(1:s + s) '   ' 'l=<' l space c(l)'>'
   perform statement-error


   if display-level = 1
       move space to NL-flag
   evaluate true
   when loop-count > loop-lim *> loop control
       display 'display count exceeds ' loop-lim
       stop run
   when message-level <= display-level
       evaluate true
       when NL-flag = '1'
            display NL loop-count space trim(message-value)
       when NL-flag = '2'
            display loop-count space trim(message-value) NL
       when other
            display loop-count space trim(message-value)
   add 1 to loop-count
   move spaces to message-area
   move space to NL-flag

end program twentyfour. </lang>


Works with: node.js

<lang coffeescript>tty = require 'tty' tty.setRawMode true

buffer = "" numbers = []

for n in [0...4]

   numbers.push Math.max 1, Math.floor(Math.random() * 9)

console.log "You can use the numbers: #{numbers.join ' '}"

process.stdin.on 'keypress', (char, key) ->

   # accept operator
   if char and isNaN(char) and /[()*\/+-]/.test(char) and buffer.substr(-1) isnt char
       buffer += char
       process.stdout.write char
   # accept number
   else if !isNaN(+char) and (buffer ==  or isNaN(buffer.substr -1))
       buffer += char
       process.stdout.write char
   # check then evaluate expression
   if key?.name is 'enter'
       result = calculate()
       process.stdout.write '\n'
       if result and result is 24
           console.log " = 24! congratulations."
           console.log "#{result}. nope."
       process.exit 0
   # quit
   if key?.name is 'escape' or (key?.name == 'c' and key.ctrl)
       process.exit 0

calculate = () ->

   if /[^\d\s()+*\/-]/.test buffer
       console.log "invalid characters"
       process.exit 1
   used = buffer.match(/\d/g)
   if used?.length != 4 or used.sort().join() != numbers.sort().join()
       console.log "you must use the 4 numbers provided"
       process.exit 1
   res = try eval buffer catch e
   return res or 'invalid expression'

  1. begin taking input

process.stdin.resume() </lang>

Commodore BASIC

This solution was taken from the ZX Spectrum example further down, however, BASIC on the Spectrum features slightly different string handling functions. Most importantly, while the val() function on the Spectrum is able to parse complete mathematical expressions within a string while converting it to a number, Commodore BASIC will obtain only a single number provided that the first character is a valid numeric character and up to any non-numeric character. (Even floating-point numbers where 0 < n < 1 must begin with a leading 0 prior to the decimal point.)

To get around this, this program utilizes BASIC's ability to parse expressions containing simple math operators, and is in fact technically a self-modifying program. Line 2005 is a line padded with colons which simply allow BASIC to join multiple statements on a single line, otherwise perform no operation. This reserves sufficient space in memory for inserting the user's expression—by overwriting the first several bytes of colons—which can then be evaluated in the normal course of the program's execution. The subroutine at 1400 initializes a simple translation table for exchanging the operators into their proper BASIC tokens. Parenthesis, numerals, and variable names do not need to be translated.

After the user types in an expression, the program validates the input (same algorithms as the ZX Spectrum example), writes the expression as R=expression as tokenized BASIC into line 2005, and then executes the subroutine at 2000 to obtain the value. Upon return, the content of the variable R is evaluated to see if it is 24.

If the statement at line 645 is uncommented, this will allow the program to "erase" line 2005 and thus "hide" the trick. As is, if you list the program after making an attempt, you will see the last expression given to the program.

Since Commodore BASIC v2 was the initial target for this program, all other versions of Commodore BASIC are compatible as long as the base memory address for BASIC programs is adjusted. (BASIC tokens maintain compatibility across all versions.) Simply use the appropriate values for bh and bl in lines 11-15.

<lang gwbasic>1 rem 24 game 2 rem for rosetta code 10 rem use appropriate basic base address 11 bh=08:bl=01: rem $0801 commodore 64 12 rem bh=16:bl=01: rem $1001 commodore +4 13 rem bh=18:bl=01: rem $1201 commodore vic-20 (35k ram) 14 rem bh=04:bl=01: rem $0401 commodore pet 15 rem bh=28:bl=01: rem $1c01 commodore 128 (bank 0)

35 print chr$(147);chr$(14);"Initializing...":gosub 1400 40 n$="":x=rnd(-ti):rem similar to 'randomize' 45 for i=1 to 4 50 t$=str$(int(rnd(1)*9)+1) 55 n$=n$+mid$(t$,2,1) 60 next i

65 print chr$(147) 70 print spc(16);"24 Game" 71 print:print " The goal of this game is to formulate" 72 print:print " an arithmetic expression that" 73 print:print " evaluates to a value of 24, however" 74 print:print " you may use only the four numbers" 75 print:print " given at random by the computer and" 76 print:print " the standard arithmetic operations of" 77 print:print " add, subtract, multiply, and divide." 78 print:print " Each digit must be used by itself. " 79 print:print " (e.g. if given 1, 2, 3, 4, you cannot" 80 print:print " combine 1 and 2 to make 12.)" 89 gosub 1000

90 i$="":f$="":p$="" 95 print chr$(147);"Allowed characters:" 100 i$=n$+"+-*/()" 110 print 120 for i=1 to len(i$) 130 print mid$(i$,i,1);" "; 140 next i:print 150 print:print "Spaces are ignored." 155 print "Enter 'end' to end.":print 160 input "Enter the formula";f$ 170 if f$="end" then print "Program terminated.":end

180 print:print "Checking syntax... ";tab(34); 190 for i=1 to len(f$) 200 if mid$(f$,i,1)=" " then next i 210 c$=mid$(f$,i,1) 220 if c$="+" or c$="-" or c$="*" or c$="/" then p$=p$+"o":goto 250 230 if c$="(" or c$=")" then p$=p$+c$:goto 250 240 p$=p$+"n" 250 next i 260 restore 270 for i=1 to 11 280 read t$ 290 if t$=p$ then i=11 300 next i 310 if t$<>p$ then gosub 1100:gosub 1000:goto 90

315 print "OK":print "Checking for illegal numbers... ";tab(34); 320 for i=1 to len(f$) 330 for j=1 to 10 335 ft$=mid$(f$,i,1) 336 il$=left$(i$,j-1):it$=mid$(i$,j,1):ir$=mid$(i$,j+1,len(i$)) 340 if ft$=it$ and ft$>"0" and ft$<="9" then i$=il$+" "+ir$ 350 next j 360 next i 370 if mid$(i$,1,4)<>" " then gosub 1200:gosub 1000:goto 90

375 print "OK":print "Evaluating expression...":print:print tab(10);f$;" ="; 380 gosub 600:rem r=val(f$) 390 print r;" " 400 if r<>24 then gosub 1300:gosub 1000:goto 90 410 print "Correct!"

420 print:print "Would you like to go again (y/n)? "; 425 get k$:if k$<>"y" and k$<>"n" then 425 430 print k$ 435 if k$="y" then goto 40 440 print:print "Very well. Have a nice day!" 450 end

500 rem pattern matching 501 data "nononon","(non)onon","nono(non)" 504 data "no(no(non))","((non)on)on","no(non)on" 507 data "(non)o(non)","no((non)on)","(nonon)on" 510 data "(no(non))on","no(nonon)"

600 rem get basic to evaluate our expression 605 a$="r="+f$:gosub 1440 610 for i=1 to len(a$) 615 rem simple token translation 620 b=asc(mid$(a$,i,1)) 625 if (b>41 and b<48) or b=61 or b=94 then b=t(b) 630 poke (ad+i-1),b 635 next 640 gosub 2000 645 rem gosub 1440:rem uncomment to clear evaluation line after use 650 return

1000 rem screen pause 1005 pt$=" Press a key to continue. " 1010 print:print spc(20-int(len(pt$)/2)); 1015 print chr$(18);pt$;chr$(146); 1020 get k$:if k$=""then 1020 1030 return

1100 rem syntax error 1105 print "ERROR":print 1110 print "Maybe something is out of place..." 1120 return

1200 rem invalid arguments 1205 print "ERROR":print 1210 print "?Invalid Arguments - " 1215 print "You used a number that is not allowed." 1220 return

1300 rem wrong formula 1305 print:print "Wrong answer. Try again." 1310 return

1400 dim t(94):t(43)=170:t(45)=171:t(42)=172:t(47)=173:t(61)=178:t(94)=174 1405 rem locate line 2005 in ram 1410 lh=bh:ll=bl:nh=0:nl=0 1415 ad=lh*256+ll 1420 lh=peek(ad+1):ll=peek(ad) 1425 nl=peek(ad+2):nh=peek(ad+3):n=nh*256+nl 1430 if n<>2005 then goto 1415 1435 ad=ad+4:return

1440 for j=ad to ad+73:poke j,asc(":"):next 1445 return

2000 rem put 74 colons on the next line 2005 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2010 return </lang>


                24 Game

 The goal of this game is to formulate

 an arithmetic expression that

 evaluates to a value of 24, however

 you may only use four numbers provided

 at random by the computer and the

 standard arithmetic operations of add,

 subtract, multiply, and divide. Each

 digit must be used by itself. (e.g. if

 given 1, 2, 3, 4, you cannot combine

 1 and 2 to make 12.)

        Press a key to continue.

Allowed characters:

6 3 3 5 + - * / ( )

Spaces are ignored.
Enter 'end' to end.

Enter the formula? (6-3)*(3+5)

Checking syntax...               OK
Checking for illegal numbers...  OK
Evaluating expression...

          (6-3)*(3+5) = 24

Would you like to go again (y/n)? n

Very well. Have a nice day!

list 2005

2005 r=(6-3)*(3+5)::::::::::::::::::::::


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(define-condition choose-digits () ()) (define-condition bad-equation (error) ())

(defun 24-game ()

 (let (chosen-digits)
   (labels ((prompt ()
              (format t "Chosen digits: ~{~D~^, ~}~%~
                         Enter expression (or `bye' to quit, `!' to choose new digits): "
            (lose () (error 'bad-equation))
            (choose () (setf chosen-digits (loop repeat 4 collecting (1+ (random 9)))))
            (check (e)
              (typecase e
                ((eql bye) (return-from 24-game))
                ((eql !) (signal 'choose-digits))
                (atom (lose))
                (cons (check-sub (car e) (check-sub (cdr e) chosen-digits)) e)))
            (check-sub (sub allowed-digits)
              (typecase sub
                ((member nil + - * /) allowed-digits)
                 (if (member sub allowed-digits)
                     (remove sub allowed-digits :count 1)
                (cons (check-sub (car sub) (check-sub (cdr sub) allowed-digits)))
                (t (lose))))
            (win ()
              (format t "You win.~%")
              (return-from 24-game)))
          (if (= 24 (eval (check (prompt)))) (win) (lose))
        (error () (format t "Bad equation, try again.~%"))
        (choose-digits () (choose)))))))</lang>

Verbose Implementation

Works with: clisp version 2.47

<lang lisp> (defconstant +ops+ '(* / + -))

(defun expr-numbers (e &optional acc)

 "Return all the numbers in argument positions in the expression."
  ((numberp e) (cons e acc))
  ((consp e)
   (append (apply #'append
                  (mapcar #'expr-numbers (cdr e)))

(defun expr-well-formed-p (e)

 "Return non-nil if the given expression is well-formed."
  ((numberp e) t)
  ((consp e)
   (and (member (car e) +ops+)
        (every #'expr-well-formed-p (cdr e))))
  (t nil)))

(defun expr-valid-p (e available-digits)

 "Return non-nil if the expression is well-formed and uses exactly

the digits specified."

 (and (expr-well-formed-p e)
      (equalp (sort (copy-seq available-digits) #'<)
              (sort (expr-numbers e) #'<))))

(defun expr-get (&optional using)

 (emit "Enter lisp form~@[ using the digit~P ~{~D~^ ~}~]: "
       (when using
         (length using)) using)
 (let (*read-eval*)

(defun digits ()

 (sort (loop repeat 4 collect (1+ (random 9))) #'<))

(defun emit (fmt &rest args)

 (format t "~&~?" fmt args))

(defun prompt (digits)

 (emit "Using only these operators:~%~%~
          ~2T~{~A~^ ~}~%~%~
        And exactly these numbers \(no repetition\):~%~%~
          ~2T~{~D~^ ~}~%~%~
       +ops+ digits (secondary-prompt)))

(defun secondary-prompt ()

 (fill-to 50 "Enter a lisp form which evaluates to ~
              the integer 24, or \"!\" to get fresh ~
              digits, or \"q\" to abort."))

(defun fill-to (n fmt &rest args)

 "Poor-man's text filling mechanism."
 (loop with s = (format nil "~?" fmt args)
       for c across s
       and i from 0
       and j = 0 then (1+ j) ; since-last-newline ctr
       when (char= c #\Newline)
       do (setq j 0)
       else when (and (not (zerop j))
                      (zerop (mod j n)))
       do (loop for k from i below (length s)
                when (char= #\Space (schar s k))
                do (progn
                     (setf (schar s k) #\Newline
                           j 0)
       finally (return s)))

(defun 24-game ()

 (loop with playing-p = t
       and initial-digits = (digits)
       for attempts from 0
       and digits = initial-digits then (digits)
       while playing-p
       do (loop for e = (expr-get (unless (zerop attempts)
                (case e
                  (! (loop-finish))
                  (Q (setq playing-p nil)
                  (R (emit "Current digits: ~S" digits))
                   (if (expr-valid-p e digits)
                       (let ((v (eval e)))
                         (if (eql v 24)
                               (emit "~%~%---> A winner is you! <---~%~%")
                               (setq playing-p nil)
                           (emit "Sorry, the form you entered ~
                                  computes to ~S, not 24.~%~%"
                     (emit "Sorry, the form you entered did not ~
       initially (prompt initial-digits)))</lang>

Example Usage:

CL-USER 97 > (24-game)
Using only these operators:

  * / + -

And exactly these numbers (no repetition):

  3 7 7 9

Enter a lisp form which evaluates to the integer 24,
or "!" to get fresh digits, or "q" to abort.
Enter lisp form: (eval (read-from-string "(/ 1 0)"))
Sorry, the form you entered did not compute.

Enter lisp form: !
Enter lisp form using the digits 4 5 7 8: !
Enter lisp form using the digits 1 2 4 5: (* 4 (* 5 (- 2 1)))
Sorry, the form you entered computes to 20, not 24.

Enter lisp form using the digits 1 2 4 5: (* 4 (+ 5 (- 2 1)))

---> A winner is you! <---



<lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.math, std.algorithm, std.range,


void main() {

   void op(char c)() {
       if (stack.length < 2)
           throw new Exception("Wrong expression.");
       stack[$ - 2] = mixin("stack[$ - 2]" ~ c ~ "stack[$ - 1]");
   const problem = iota(4).map!(_ => uniform(1, 10))().array();
   writeln("Make 24 with the digits: ", problem);
   double[] stack;
   int[] digits;
   foreach (const char c; readln())
       switch (c) {
           case ' ', '\t', '\n': break;
           case '1': .. case '9':
               stack ~= c - '0';
               digits ~= c - '0';
           foreach (o; TypeTuple!('+', '-', '*', '/')) {
               case o: op!o(); break;
           default: throw new Exception("Wrong char: " ~ c);
   if (!digits.sort().equal(problem.dup.sort()))
       throw new Exception("Not using the given digits.");
   if (stack.length != 1)
       throw new Exception("Wrong expression.");
   writeln("Result: ", stack[0]);
   writeln(abs(stack[0] - 24) < 0.001 ? "Good job!" : "Try again.");

}</lang> Example:

Make 24 with the digits: [1, 8, 9, 8]
8 1 - 9 + 8 +
Result: 24
Good job!


<lang scheme> (string-delimiter "")

check that nums are in expr, and only once

(define (is-valid? expr sorted: nums)

   (when (equal? 'q expr) (error "24-game" "Thx for playing"))
   (unless (and 
       (list? expr) 
       (equal? nums (list-sort < (filter number? (flatten expr)))))
   (writeln "🎃 Please use" nums)
4 random digits

(define (gen24)

    (->> (append (range 1 10)(range 1 10)) shuffle (take 4) (list-sort < )))

(define (is-24? num)

   (unless (= 24 num)
   (writeln "😧 Sorry - Result = " num)

(define (check-24 expr)

   (if (and 
       (is-valid? expr nums) 
       (is-24?  (js-eval (string expr)))) ;; use js evaluator
       "🍀 🌸 Congrats - (play24) for another one."
       (input-expr check-24 (string nums))))

(define nums null) (define (play24)

   (set! nums (gen24))
   (writeln "24-game - Can you combine" nums "to get 24 ❓ (q to exit)")
   (input-expr check-24 (string-append  (string nums) " -> 24 ❓")))


24-game - Can you combine     (2 5 6 7)     to get 24 ❓ (q to exit) 
difficult game
🎃 Please use     (2 5 6 7)    
12 * 2
🎃 Please use     (2 5 6 7)    
6 * (7 - 5 + 2)
🍀 🌸 Congrats - (play24) for another one.
24-game - Can you combine     (3 5 8 9)     to get 24 ❓ (q to exit)    
3 + 5 + 8 * 9
😧 Sorry - Result =      80    
9 * 3 - (8 - 5)
🍀 🌸 Congrats - (play24) for another one.
24-game - Can you combine     (1 8 8 9)     to get 24 ❓ (q to exit)    
9 + 8 + 8 - 1
🍀 🌸 Congrats - (play24) for another one.


ELENA 5.0 : <lang elena>import system'routines; import system'collections; import system'dynamic; import extensions;

// --- Expression ---

class ExpressionTree {

   object theTree;
       auto level := new Integer(0);
           var node := new DynamicStruct();
           ch =>
               $43 { node.Level := level + 1; node.Operation := __subj add }        // +
               $45 { node.Level := level + 1; node.Operation := __subj subtract }   // -
               $42 { node.Level := level + 2; node.Operation := __subj multiply }   // *
               $47 { node.Level := level + 2; node.Operation := __subj divide }     // /
               $40 { level.append(10); ^ self }                               // (
               $41 { level.reduce(10); ^ self }                               // )
               : {
                   node.Leaf := ch.toString().toReal();
                   node.Level := level + 3
           if (nil == theTree)
               theTree := node 
               if (theTree.Level >= node.Level)
                   node.Left := theTree;
                   node.Right := nilValue;
                   theTree := node
                       var top := theTree;
                       while ((nilValue != top.Right)&&(top.Right.Level < node.Level))
                           { top := top.Right };
                       node.Left := top.Right;
                       node.Right := nilValue;
                       top.Right := node
       if (node.containsProperty(subjconst Leaf))
           ^ node.Leaf 
           var left := self.eval(node.Left);
           var right := self.eval(node.Right);
           var op := node.Operation;
           ^ op(left, right);
   get Value()
       <= eval(theTree);
   readLeaves(list, node)
       if (nil == node)
           { InvalidArgumentException.raise() };
       if (node.containsProperty(subjconst Leaf))
           self.readLeaves(list, node.Left);
           self.readLeaves(list, node.Right)
       <= readLeaves(list,theTree);


// --- Game ---

class TwentyFourGame {

   object theNumbers;
       theNumbers := new object[]
           1 + randomGenerator.eval:9, 
           1 + randomGenerator.eval:9, 
           1 + randomGenerator.eval:9, 
           1 + randomGenerator.eval:9
           .printLine:"------------------------------- Instructions ------------------------------"
           .printLine:"Four digits will be displayed."
           .printLine:"Enter an equation using all of those four digits that evaluates to 24"
           .printLine:"Only * / + - operators and () are allowed"
           .printLine:"Digits can only be used once, but in any order you need."
           .printLine:"Digits cannot be combined - i.e.: 12 + 12 when given 1,2,2,1 is not allowed"
           .printLine:"Submit a blank line to skip the current puzzle."
           .printLine:"Type 'q' to quit"
           .printLine:"Example: given 2 3 8 2, answer should resemble 8*3-(2-2)"
           .printLine:"------------------------------- --------------------------------------------"
       theNumbers.forEach:(n){ console.print(n," ") };
       console.print:": "
       var tree := new ExpressionTree(expr);
       var leaves := new ArrayList();
       ifnot (leaves.ascendant().sequenceEqual(theNumbers.ascendant()))
           { console.printLine:"Invalid input. Enter an equation using all of those four digits. Try again."; ^ self };
       var result := tree.Value;
       if (result == 24)
           console.printLine("Good work. ",expr,"=",result);
           console.printLine("Incorrect. ",expr,"=",result)


extension gameOp {

       if (expr == "q")
           ^ false
           if (expr == "")
               console.printLine:"Skipping this puzzle"; self.newPuzzle()
               catch(Exception e)
                   console.printLine:"An error occurred.  Check your input and try again."
           ^ true


public program() {

   var game := new TwentyFourGame().help();
   while (game.prompt().playRound(console.readLine())) {}


------------------------------- Instructions ------------------------------
Four digits will be displayed.
Enter an equation using all of those four digits that evaluates to 24
Only * / + - operators and () are allowed
Digits can only be used once, but in any order you need.
Digits cannot be combined - i.e.: 12 + 12 when given 1,2,2,1 is not allowed
Submit a blank line to skip the current puzzle.
Type 'q' to quit

Example: given 2 3 8 2, answer should resemble 8*3-(2-2)
------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
7 6 9 6 :
Skipping this puzzle
8 6 2 6 : 6*6-8-2
Incorrect. 6*6-8-2=26.0
8 6 2 6 :
Skipping this puzzle
5 2 7 7 : 7+7+(5*2)
Good work. 7+7+(5*2)=24.0


Translation of: Erlang

<lang elixir>defmodule Game24 do

 def main do
   IO.puts "24 Game"
 defp play do
   IO.puts "Generating 4 digits..."
   digts = for _ <- 1..4, do: Enum.random(1..9)
   IO.puts "Your digits\t#{inspect digts, char_lists: :as_lists}"
 defp read_eval(digits) do
   exp = IO.gets("Your expression: ") |> String.strip
   if exp in ["","q"], do: exit(:normal)        # give up
   case {correct_nums(exp, digits), eval(exp)} do
     {:ok, x} when x==24 -> IO.puts "You Win!"
     {:ok, x} -> IO.puts "You Lose with #{inspect x}!"
     {err, _} -> IO.puts "The following numbers are wrong: #{inspect err, char_lists: :as_lists}"
 defp correct_nums(exp, digits) do
   nums = String.replace(exp, ~r/\D/, " ") |> String.split |> Enum.map(&String.to_integer &1)
   if length(nums)==4 and (nums--digits)==[], do: :ok, else: nums
 defp eval(exp) do
   try do
     Code.eval_string(exp) |> elem(0)
     e -> Exception.message(e)



24 Game
Generating 4 digits...
Your digits     [9, 6, 7, 4]
Your expression: (9+7)*6/4
You Win!
Generating 4 digits...
Your digits     [3, 2, 2, 4]
Your expression: 3*(2+2+4)
You Win!


<lang Erlang>-module(g24). -export([main/0]).

main() ->

   io:format("24 Game~n"),

play() ->

   io:format("Generating 4 digits...~n"),
   Digts = [random:uniform(X) || X <- [9,9,9,9]],
   io:format("Your digits\t~w~n", [Digts]),

read_eval(Digits) ->

   Exp = string:strip(io:get_line(standard_io, "Your expression: "), both, $\n),
   case {correct_nums(Exp, Digits), eval(Exp)} of
       {ok, X} when X == 24 -> io:format("You Win!~n");
       {ok, X} -> io:format("You Lose with ~p!~n",[X]);
       {List, _} -> io:format("The following numbers are wrong: ~p~n", [List])

correct_nums(Exp, Digits) ->

   case re:run(Exp, "([0-9]+)", [global, {capture, all_but_first, list}]) of
       nomatch ->
           "No number entered";
       {match, IntLs} ->
           case [X || [X] <- IntLs, not lists:member(list_to_integer(X), Digits)] of
               [] -> ok;
               L -> L

eval(Exp) ->

   {X, _} = eval(re:replace(Exp, "\\s", "", [{return, list},global]),

eval([], Val) ->


eval([$(|Rest], Val) ->

   {NewVal, Exp} = eval(Rest, Val),
   eval(Exp, NewVal);

eval([$)|Rest], Val) ->

   {Val, Rest};

eval([$[|Rest], Val) ->

   {NewVal, Exp} = eval(Rest, Val),
   eval(Exp, NewVal);

eval([$]|Rest], Val) ->

   {Val, Rest};

eval([$+|Rest], Val) ->

   {NewOperand, Exp} = eval(Rest, 0),
   eval(Exp, Val + NewOperand);

eval([$-|Rest], Val) ->

   {NewOperand, Exp} = eval(Rest, 0),
   eval(Exp, Val - NewOperand);

eval([$*|Rest], Val) ->

   {NewOperand, Exp} = eval(Rest, 0),
   eval(Exp, Val * NewOperand);

eval([$/|Rest], Val) ->

   {NewOperand, Exp} = eval(Rest, 0),
   eval(Exp, Val / NewOperand);

eval([X|Rest], 0) when X >= $1, X =< $9 ->

   eval(Rest, X-$0).


The evaluator uses a simple infix scheme that doesn't care about operator precedence, but does support brackets and parentheses alike. Thus, ((9+1)*2)+2+2 is evaluated as:

9 + 1 = 10
10 * 2 = 20
2 + 2 = 4
20 + 4


1> c(g24).    
2> g24:main().
24 Game
Generating 4 digits...
Your digits     [7,4,6,8]
Your expression: 6*4
You Win!
Generating 4 digits...
Your digits     [4,1,5,8]
Your expression: 6*4
The following numbers are wrong: ["6"]
Generating 4 digits...
Your digits     [8,5,8,2]
Your expression: 2*([8/5]*2)
You Lose with 6.4!
Generating 4 digits...
Your digits     [7,4,8,1]


<lang fsharp>open System open System.Text.RegularExpressions

// Some utilities let (|Parse|_|) regex str =

  let m = Regex(regex).Match(str)
  if m.Success then Some ([for g in m.Groups -> g.Value]) else None

let rec gcd x y = if x = y || x = 0 then y else if x < y then gcd y x else gcd y (x-y) let abs (x : int) = Math.Abs x let sign (x: int) = Math.Sign x let cint s = Int32.Parse(s) let replace m (s : string) t = Regex.Replace(t, m, s)

// computing in Rationals type Rat(x : int, y : int) =

   let g = if y <> 0 then gcd (abs x) (abs y) else raise <| DivideByZeroException()
   member this.n = sign y * x / g   // store a minus sign in the numerator
   member this.d =
       if y <> 0 then sign y * y / g else raise <| DivideByZeroException()
   static member (~-) (x : Rat) = Rat(-x.n, x.d)
   static member (+) (x : Rat, y : Rat) = Rat(x.n * y.d + y.n * x.d, x.d * y.d)
   static member (-) (x : Rat, y : Rat) = x + Rat(-y.n, y.d)
   static member (*) (x : Rat, y : Rat) = Rat(x.n * y.n, x.d * y.d)
   static member (/) (x : Rat, y : Rat) = x * Rat(y.d, y.n)
   override this.ToString() = sprintf @"<%d,%d>" this.n this.d
   new(x : string, y : string) = if y = "" then Rat(cint x, 1) else Rat(cint x, cint y)

// Due to the constraints imposed by the game (reduced set // of operators, all left associativ) we can get away with a repeated reduction // to evaluate the algebraic expression. let rec reduce (str :string) =

   let eval (x : Rat) (y : Rat) = function
   | "*" -> x * y | "/" -> x / y | "+" -> x + y | "-" -> x - y | _ -> failwith "unknown op"
   let subst s r = str.Replace(s, r.ToString())
   let rstr =
       match str with
       | Parse @"\(<(-?\d+),(\d+)>([*/+-])<(-?\d+),(\d+)>\)" [matched; xn; xd; op; yn; yd] -> 
           subst matched <| eval (Rat(xn,xd)) (Rat(yn,yd)) op
       | Parse @"<(-?\d+),(\d+)>([*/])<(-?\d+),(\d+)>" [matched; xn; xd; op; yn; yd] -> 
           subst matched <| eval (Rat(xn,xd)) (Rat(yn,yd)) op
       | Parse @"<(-?\d+),(\d+)>([+-])<(-?\d+),(\d+)>" [matched; xn; xd; op; yn; yd] -> 
           subst matched <| eval (Rat(xn,xd)) (Rat(yn,yd)) op
       | Parse @"\(<(-?\d+),(\d+)>\)" [matched; xn; xd] -> 
           subst matched <| Rat(xn,xd)
       | Parse @"(?<!>)-<(-?\d+),(\d+)>" [matched; xn; xd] -> 
           subst matched <| -Rat(xn,xd)
       | _ -> str
   if str = rstr then str else reduce rstr

let gameLoop() =

   let checkInput dddd input =
       match input with
       | "n" | "q" -> Some(input)
       | Parse @"[^1-9()*/+-]" [c] ->
           printfn "You used an illegal character in your expression: %s" c
       | Parse @"^\D*(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)\D+(\d)(?:\D*(\d))*\D*$" [m; d1; d2; d3; d4; d5] ->
           if d5 = "" && (String.Join(" ", Array.sort [|d1;d2;d3;d4|])) = dddd then Some(input)
           elif d5 = "" then
               printfn "Use this 4 digits with operators in between: %s." dddd
               printfn "Use only this 4 digits with operators in between: %s." dddd
       | _ ->
           printfn "Use all 4 digits with operators in between: %s." dddd
   let rec userLoop dddd  =
       let tryAgain msg =
           printfn "%s" msg
           userLoop dddd
       printf "[Expr|n|q]: "
       match Console.ReadLine() |> replace @"\s" "" |> checkInput dddd with
       | Some(input) -> 
           let data = input |> replace @"((?<!\d)-)?\d+" @"<$&,1>"
           match data with
           | "n" -> true | "q" -> false
           | _ ->
                   match reduce data with
                   | Parse @"^<(-?\d+),(\d+)>$" [_; x; y] ->
                       let n, d = (cint x), (cint y)
                       if n = 24 then
                           printfn "Correct!"
                       elif d=1 then tryAgain <| sprintf "Wrong! Value = %d." n
                       else tryAgain <| sprintf "Wrong! Value = %d/%d." n d
                   | _ -> tryAgain "Wrong! not a well-formed expression!"
                   | :? System.DivideByZeroException ->
                       tryAgain "Wrong! Your expression results in a division by zero!"
                   | ex ->
                       tryAgain <| sprintf "There is an unforeseen problem with yout input: %s" ex.Message
       | None -> userLoop dddd
   let random = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond)
   let rec loop() =
       let dddd = String.Join(" ", Array.init 4 (fun _ -> 1 + random.Next 9) |> Array.sort)
       printfn "\nCompute 24 from the following 4 numbers: %s" dddd
       printfn "Use them in any order with * / + - and parentheses; n = new numbers; q = quit"
       if userLoop dddd then loop()


Compute 24 from the following 4 numbers: 3 3 3 5
Use them in any order with * / + - and parentheses; n = new numbers; q = quit
[Expr|n|q]: n

Compute 24 from the following 4 numbers: 3 5 6 7
Use them in any order with * / + - and parentheses; n = new numbers; q = quit
[Expr|n|q]: (7 + 5) + 6/3
Wrong! Value = 14.
[Expr|n|q]: (7 + 5) * 6/3

Compute 24 from the following 4 numbers: 3 3 4 5
Use them in any order with * / + - and parentheses; n = new numbers; q = quit
[Expr|n|q]: q


<lang factor>USING:

   math math.ranges
   sets ;

IN: 24game

choose4 ( -- seq )
   4 [ 9 [1,b] random ] replicate ;
step ( numbers -- ? )
           ! Is only allowed tokens used?
           [ swap { + - / * } append subset? ]
           ! Digit count in expression should be equal to the given numbers.
           [ [ number? ] count swap length = ]
           ! Of course it must evaluate to 24
           [ nip call( -- x ) 24 = ]
       } 2&&
       [ f "You got it!" ]
       [ t "Expression isnt valid, or doesnt evaluate to 24." ]
   [ 3drop f "Could not parse that." ]
   recover print flush ;
main ( -- )
   [ "Your numbers are %[%s, %], make an expression\n" printf flush ]
   [ '[ _ step ] loop ]
   bi ;

</lang> Sample: <lang factor> IN: scratchpad main Your numbers are { 4, 1, 8, 2 }, make an expression 8 4 + 2 * 1 / You got it! </lang>


<lang falcon>load compiler

function genRandomNumbers( amount )

 rtn = []
 for i in [ 0 : amount ]: rtn += random( 1, 9 )
 return( rtn )


function getAnswer( exp )

 ic = ICompiler()
 return( ic.result )


function validInput( str )

 for i in [ 0 : str.len() ]
   if str[i] notin ' ()[]0123456789-+/*'
     > 'INVALID Character = ', str[i]
     return( false )
 return( true )


printl(' The 24 Game

Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.

An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24

Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed. ')

num = genRandomNumbers( 4 )

while( true )

 >>  "Here are the numbers to choose from: "
 map({ a => print(a, " ") }, num)
 exp = input()
 switch exp
   case "q", "Q"
   case "!"
     > 'Generating new numbers list'
     num = genRandomNumbers( 4 )
     if not validInput( exp ): continue
     answer = getAnswer( exp )
     if answer == 24
       > "By George you GOT IT! Your expression equals 24"
       > "Ahh Sorry, So Sorry your answer of ", answer, " does not equal 24."



Clever implementation

Indicate operator precedence by parentheses; e.g. (3+(5*6))-9. No whitespace is admissible. The program uses Insertion_sort in Fortran. <lang Fortran>program game_24

 implicit none
 real               :: vector(4), reals(11), result, a, b, c, d
 integer            :: numbers(4), ascii(11), i
 character(len=11)  :: expression
 character          :: syntax(11)
 ! patterns:
 character, parameter :: one(11)   = (/ '(','(','1','x','1',')','x','1',')','x','1' /)
 character, parameter :: two(11)   = (/ '(','1','x','(','1','x','1',')',')','x','1' /)
 character, parameter :: three(11) = (/ '1','x','(','(','1','x','1',')','x','1',')' /)
 character, parameter :: four(11)  = (/ '1','x','(','1','x','(','1','x','1',')',')' /)
 character, parameter :: five(11)  = (/ '(','1','x','1',')','x','(','1','x','1',')' /)
   call random_number(vector)
   numbers = 9 * vector + 1
   write (*,*) 'Digits: ',numbers
   write (*,'(a)',advance='no') 'Your expression: '
   read (*,'(a11)') expression
   forall (i=1:11) syntax(i) = expression(i:i)
   ascii = iachar(syntax)
   where (syntax >= '0' .and. syntax <= '9')
     syntax = '1'  ! number
   elsewhere (syntax == '+' .or. syntax == '-' .or. syntax == '*' .or. syntax == '/')
     syntax = 'x'  ! op
   elsewhere (syntax /= '(' .and. syntax /= ')')
     syntax = '-'  ! error
   end where
   reals = real(ascii-48)
   if ( all(syntax == one) ) then
     a = reals(3); b = reals(5); c = reals(8); d = reals(11)
     call check_numbers(a,b,c,d)
     result = op(op(op(a,4,b),7,c),10,d)
   else if ( all(syntax == two) ) then
     a = reals(2); b = reals(5); c = reals(7); d = reals(11)
     call check_numbers(a,b,c,d)
     result = op(op(a,3,op(b,6,c)),10,d)
   else if ( all(syntax == three) ) then
     a = reals(1); b = reals(5); c = reals(7); d = reals(10)
     call check_numbers(a,b,c,d)
     result = op(a,2,op(op(b,6,c),9,d))
   else if ( all(syntax == four) ) then
     a = reals(1); b = reals(4); c = reals(7); d = reals(9)
     call check_numbers(a,b,c,d)
     result = op(a,2,op(b,5,op(c,8,d)))
   else if ( all(syntax == five) ) then
     a = reals(2); b = reals(4); c = reals(8); d = reals(10)
     call check_numbers(a,b,c,d)
     result = op(op(a,3,b),6,op(c,9,d))
     stop 'Input string: incorrect syntax.'
   end if
   if ( abs(result-24.0) < epsilon(1.0) ) then
     write (*,*) 'You won!'
     write (*,*) 'Your result (',result,') is incorrect!'
   end if
   write (*,'(a)',advance='no') 'Another one? [y/n] '
   read (*,'(a1)') expression
   if ( expression(1:1) == 'n' .or. expression(1:1) == 'N' ) then
   end if  
 end do


 pure real function op(x,c,y)
   integer, intent(in) :: c
   real, intent(in) :: x,y
   select case ( char(ascii(c)) )
     case ('+')
       op = x+y
     case ('-')
       op = x-y
     case ('*')
       op = x*y
     case ('/')
       op = x/y
   end select
 end function op
 subroutine check_numbers(a,b,c,d)
   real, intent(in) :: a,b,c,d
   integer          :: test(4)
   test = (/ nint(a),nint(b),nint(c),nint(d) /)
   call Insertion_Sort(numbers)
   call Insertion_Sort(test)
   if ( any(test /= numbers) ) then
     stop 'You cheat ;-) (Incorrect numbers)'
   end if
 end subroutine check_numbers
 pure subroutine Insertion_Sort(a)
   integer, intent(inout) :: a(:)
   integer                :: temp, i, j
   do i=2,size(a)
     j = i-1
     temp = a(i)
     do while ( j>=1 .and. a(j)>temp )
       a(j+1) = a(j)
       j = j - 1
     end do
     a(j+1) = temp
   end do
 end subroutine Insertion_Sort

end program game_24 </lang>

As a more general recursive descent parser:

Permits spaces and arbitrary parentheses.

<lang FORTRAN> ! implement a recursive descent parser module evaluate_algebraic_expression

 integer, parameter :: size = 124
 character, parameter :: statement_end = achar(0)
 character(len=size) :: text_to_parse
 integer :: position
 data position/0/,text_to_parse/' '/


 character function get_token()
   ! return the current token
   implicit none
   if (position <= size) then
      get_token = text_to_parse(position:position)
      do while (get_token <= ' ')
         call advance
         if (size < position) exit
         get_token = text_to_parse(position:position)
      end do
   end if
   if (size < position) get_token = statement_end
 end function get_token
 subroutine advance ! consume a token.  Move to the next token.  consume_token would have been a better name.
   position = position + 1    
 end subroutine advance
 logical function unfinished()
   unfinished = get_token() /= statement_end
 end function unfinished
 subroutine parse_error()
   write(6,*)'"'//get_token()//'" unexpected in expression at',position
   stop 1
 end subroutine parse_error
 function precedence3() result(a)
   implicit none
   real :: a
   character :: token
   character(len=10), parameter :: digits = '0123456789'
   token = get_token()
   if (verify(token,digits) /= 0) call parse_error()
   a = index(digits, token) - 1
   call advance()
 end function precedence3
 recursive function precedence2() result(a)
   real :: a
   character :: token
   token = get_token()
   if (token /= '(') then
      a = precedence3()
      call advance
      a = precedence0()
      token = get_token()
      if (token /= ')') call parse_error()
      call advance
   end if
 end function precedence2
 recursive function precedence1() result(a)
   implicit none
   real :: a
   real, dimension(2) :: argument
   character(len=2), parameter :: tokens = '*/'
   character :: token
   a = 0
   token = get_token()
   argument(1) = precedence2()
   token = get_token()
   do while (verify(token,tokens) == 0)
      call advance()
      argument(2) = precedence2()
      if (token == '/') argument(2) = 1 / argument(2)
      argument(1) = product(argument)       
      token = get_token()
   end do
   a = argument(1)
 end function precedence1
 recursive function precedence0() result(a)
   implicit none
   real :: a
   real, dimension(2) :: argument
   character(len=2), parameter :: tokens = '+-'
   character :: token
   a = 0
   token = get_token()
   argument(1) = precedence1()
   token = get_token()
   do while (verify(token,tokens) == 0)
      call advance()
      argument(2) = precedence1()
      if (token == '-') argument = argument * (/1, -1/)
      argument(1) = sum(argument)
      token = get_token()
   end do
   a = argument(1)
 end function precedence0
 real function statement()
   implicit none
   if (unfinished()) then
      statement = precedence0()
   else                        !empty okay
      statement = 0
   end if
   if (unfinished()) call parse_error()
 end function statement
 real function evaluate(expression)
   implicit none
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: expression
   text_to_parse = expression
   evaluate = statement()
 end function evaluate

end module evaluate_algebraic_expression

program g24

 use evaluate_algebraic_expression
 implicit none
 integer, dimension(4) :: digits
 character(len=78) :: expression
 real :: result
 ! integer :: i
 call random_seed!easily found internet examples exist to seed by /dev/urandom or time
 call deal(digits)
 ! do i=1, 9999 ! produce the data to test digit distribution
 !   call deal(digits)
 !   write(6,*) digits
 ! end do
 write(6,'(a13,4i2,a26)')'Using digits',digits,', and the algebraic dyadic'
 write(6,*)'operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.'
 expression = ' '
 read(5,'(a78)') expression
 if (invalid_digits(expression, digits)) then
    write(6,*)'invalid digits'
    result = evaluate(expression)
    if (nint(result) == 24) then
       write(6,*) result, ' close enough'
       write(6,*) result, ' no good'
    end if
 end if


 logical function invalid_digits(e,d) !verify the digits
   implicit none
   character(len=*), intent(in) :: e
   integer, dimension(4), intent(inout) :: d
   integer :: i, j, k, count
   logical :: unfound
   count = 0
   invalid_digits = .false. !validity assumed
   do i=1, len_trim(e)
      if (verify(e(i:i),'0123456789') == 0) then
         j = index('0123456789',e(i:i))-1
         unfound = .true.
         do k=1, 4
            if (j == d(k)) then
               unfound = .false.
            end if
         end do
         if (unfound) then
            invalid_digits = .true.
            !return or exit is okay here
            d(k) = -99
            count = count + 1
         end if
      end if
   end do
   invalid_digits = invalid_digits .or. (count /= 4)
 end function invalid_digits
 subroutine deal(digits)
   implicit none
   integer, dimension(4), intent(out) :: digits
   integer :: i
   real :: harvest
   call random_number(harvest)
   do i=1, 4
      digits(i) = int(mod(harvest*9**i, 9.0))   + 1
   end do
   !    NB. computed with executable Iverson notation, www.jsoftware.oom
   !    #B NB. B are the digits from 9999 deals
   ! 39996
   !    ({.,#)/.~/:~B  # show the distribution of digits
   ! 0 4380
   ! 1 4542
   ! 2 4348
   ! 3 4395
   ! 4 4451
   ! 5 4474
   ! 6 4467
   ! 7 4413
   ! 8 4526
   !    NB. this also shows that I forgot to add 1.  Inserting now...
 end subroutine deal

end program g24 </lang>

Compilation and too many examples. Which would you cut?

$ gfortran -g -O0 -std=f2008 -Wall f.f08 -o f.exe && echo '8*(9/9+2)' | ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
   24.000000      close enough
$ ./f.exe 
$  Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
$  operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
$     8 *   ( 9 / 9  +    2   )
$    24.000000      close enough
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
   28.000000      no good
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
   24.000000      close enough
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
 "9" unexpected in expression at           2
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
 invalid digits
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
 invalid digits
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
 invalid digits
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
 invalid digits
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
 "x" unexpected in expression at           3
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
 "^@" unexpected in expression at         125
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
   24.000000      close enough
$ ./f.exe
 Using digits 9 9 8 2, and the algebraic dyadic
 operators +-*/() enter an expression computing 24.
   7.8888888      no good


Solución en RPN: <lang freebasic> ' The 24 game en FreeBASIC

Const operaciones = "*/+-"

Declare Sub Encabezado Declare Function escoge4() As String Declare Function quitaEspacios(cadena As String, subcadena1 As String, subcadena2 As String) As String Declare Function evaluaEntrada(cadena As String) As Integer Declare Function evaluador(oper1 As Byte, oper2 As Byte, operacion As String) As Integer

Dim Shared As String serie, entrada, cadena Dim As Integer resultado

Sub Encabezado

   Cls: Color 15
   Print "The 24 Game"
   Print "============" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
   Print "Dados cuatro dígitos en el rango de 1 a 9, que pueden repetirse, "
   Print "usando solo los operadores aritméticos suma (+), resta (-), "
   Print "multiplicación (*) y división (/) intentar obtener un resultado de 24." + Chr(13) + Chr(10)
   Print "Use la notación polaca inversa (primero los operandos y luego los operadores)."
   Print "Por ejemplo: en lugar de 2 + 4, escriba 2 4 +" + Chr(13) + Chr(10)

End Sub

Function escoge4() As String

   Dim As Byte i
   Dim As String a, b
   Print "Los dígitos a utilizar son:   ";
   For i = 1 To 4

a = Str(Int(Rnd*9)+1) Print a;" "; b = b + a

   Next i
   escoge4 = b

End Function

Function evaluaEntrada(cadena As String) As Integer

   Dim As Byte oper1, oper2, n(4), i
   Dim As String op
   oper1 = 0: oper2 = 0: i = 0
   While cadena <> ""

op = Left(cadena, 1) entrada = Mid(cadena, 2) If Instr(serie, op) Then i = i + 1 n(i) = Val(op)

       Elseif Instr(operaciones, op) Then

oper2 = n(i) n(i) = 0 i = i - 1 oper1 = n(i) n(i) = evaluador(oper1, oper2, op)


Print "Signo no v lido"

       End If
   evaluaEntrada = n(i)

End Function

Function evaluador(oper1 As Byte, oper2 As Byte, operacion As String) As Integer

   Dim As Integer t
   Select Case operacion
   Case "+": t = oper1 + oper2
   Case "-": t = oper1 - oper2
   Case "*": t = oper1 * oper2
   Case "/": t = oper1 / oper2
   End Select
   evaluador = t

End Function

Function quitaEspacios(cadena As String, subcadena1 As String, subcadena2 As String) As String

   Dim As Byte len1 = Len(subcadena1), len2 = Len(subcadena2)
   Dim As Byte i
   i = Instr(cadena, subcadena1)
   While i
       cadena = Left(cadena, i - 1) & subcadena2 & Mid(cadena, i + len1)
       i = Instr(i + len2, cadena, subcadena1)
   quitaEspacios = cadena

End Function

'--- Programa Principal --- Randomize Timer Do

   serie = escoge4
   Print: Line Input "Introduzca su fórmula en notación polaca inversa: ", entrada
   entrada = quitaEspacios(entrada, " ", "")
   If (Len(entrada) <> 7) Then
       Print "Error en la serie introducida."
       resultado = evaluaEntrada(entrada)
       Print "El resultado es = "; resultado
       If resultado = 24 Then
           Print "¡Correcto!"
           Print "¡Error!"
       End If
   End If
   Print "¿Otra ronda? (Pulsa S para salir, u otra tecla para continuar)"

Loop Until (Ucase(Input(1)) = "S") End '-------------------------- </lang>

The 24 Game

Dados cuatro dígitos en el rango de 1 a 9, que pueden repetirse,
usando solo los operadores aritmÚticos suma (+), resta (-),
multiplicación (*) y división (/) intentar obtener un resultado de 24.

Use la notación polaca inversa (primero los operandos y luego los operadores).
Por ejemplo: en lugar de 2 + 4, escriba 2 4 +

Los dígitos a utilizar son:   4      9      7      5
Introduzca su fórmula en notación polaca inversa: 49*57+-
El resultado es =  24
¿Otra ronda? (Pulsa S para salir, u otra tecla para continuar)


Solution in RPN: <lang gap>Play24 := function() local input, digits, line, c, chars, stack, stackptr, cur, p, q, ok, a, b, run; input := InputTextUser(); run := true; while run do digits := List([1 .. 4], n -> Random(1, 9)); while true do Display(digits); line := ReadLine(input); line := Chomp(line); if line = "end" then run := false; break; elif line = "next" then break; else ok := true; stack := [ ]; stackptr := 0; chars := "123456789+-*/ "; cur := ShallowCopy(digits); for c in line do if c = ' ' then continue; fi; p := Position(chars, c); if p = fail then ok := false; break; fi; if p < 10 then q := Position(cur, p); if q = fail then ok := false; break; fi; Unbind(cur[q]); stackptr := stackptr + 1; stack[stackptr] := p; else if stackptr < 2 then ok := false; break; fi; b := stack[stackptr]; a := stack[stackptr - 1]; stackptr := stackptr - 1; if c = '+' then a := a + b; elif c = '-' then a := a - b; elif c = '*' then a := a * b; elif c = '/' then if b = 0 then ok := false; break; fi; a := a / b; else ok := false; break; fi; stack[stackptr] := a; fi; od; if ok and stackptr = 1 and Size(cur) = 0 then if stack[1] = 24 then Print("Good !\n"); break; else Print("Bad value: ", stack[1], "\n"); continue; fi; fi; Print("Invalid expression\n"); fi; od; od; CloseStream(input); end;

  1. example session
  2. type "end" to quit the game, "next" to try another list of digits

gap> Play24(); [ 7, 6, 8, 5 ] 86*75-/ Good ! [ 5, 9, 2, 7 ] end gap></lang>


RPN solution. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   n := make([]rune, 4)
   for i := range n {
       n[i] = rune(rand.Intn(9) + '1')
   fmt.Printf("Your numbers: %c\n", n)
   fmt.Print("Enter RPN: ")
   var expr string
   if len(expr) != 7 {
       fmt.Println("invalid. expression length must be 7." +
           " (4 numbers, 3 operators, no spaces)")
   stack := make([]float64, 0, 4)
   for _, r := range expr {
       if r >= '0' && r <= '9' {
           if len(n) == 0 {
               fmt.Println("too many numbers.")
           i := 0
           for n[i] != r {
               if i == len(n) {
                   fmt.Println("wrong numbers.")
           n = append(n[:i], n[i+1:]...)
           stack = append(stack, float64(r-'0'))
       if len(stack) < 2 {
           fmt.Println("invalid expression syntax.")
       switch r {
       case '+':
           stack[len(stack)-2] += stack[len(stack)-1]
       case '-':
           stack[len(stack)-2] -= stack[len(stack)-1]
       case '*':
           stack[len(stack)-2] *= stack[len(stack)-1]
       case '/':
           stack[len(stack)-2] /= stack[len(stack)-1]
           fmt.Printf("%c invalid.\n", r)
       stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
   if math.Abs(stack[0]-24) > 1e-6 {
       fmt.Println("incorrect.", stack[0], "!= 24")
   } else {

}</lang> Example game:

Your numbers: [5 8 1 3]
Enter RPN: 83-5*1-


<lang Gosu> uses java.lang.Double uses java.lang.Integer uses java.util.ArrayList uses java.util.List uses java.util.Scanner uses java.util.Stack

function doEval( scanner : Scanner, allowed : List<Integer> ) : double {

   var stk = new Stack<Double>()
   while( scanner.hasNext() ) {
       if( scanner.hasNextInt() ) {
           var n = scanner.nextInt()
           // Make sure they're allowed to use n
           if( n <= 0 || n >= 10 ) {
               print( n + " isn't allowed" )
               return 0
           var idx = allowed.indexOf( n )
           if( idx == -1 ) {
               print( "You aren't allowed to use so many " + n + "s!" )
               return 0
           // Add the input number to the stack
           stk.push( new Double( n ) )
           // Mark n as used
           allowed.remove( idx )
       } else {
           // It has to be an operator...
           if( stk.size() < 2 ) {
               print( "Invalid Expression: Stack underflow!" )
               return 0
           // Gets the next operator as a single character token
           var s = scanner.next("[\\+-/\\*]")
           // Get the operands
           var r = stk.pop().doubleValue()
           var l = stk.pop().doubleValue()
           // Determine which operator and invoke it
           if( s.equals( "+" ) ) {
               stk.push( new Double( l + r ) )
           } else if( s.equals( "-" ) ) {
               stk.push( new Double( l - r ) )
           } else if( s.equals( "*" ) ) {
               stk.push( new Double( l * r ) )
           } else if( s.equals( "/" ) ) {
               if( r == 0.0 ) {
                   print( "Invalid Expression: Division by zero!" )
                   return 0
               stk.push( new Double( l / r ) )
           } else {
               print( "Internal Error: looking for operator yielded '" + s + "'" )
               return 0
   // Did they skip any numbers?
   if( allowed.size() != 0 ) {
       print( "You didn't use ${allowed}" )
       return 0
   // Did they use enough operators?
   if( stk.size() != 1 ) {
       print( "Invalid Expression: Not enough operators!" )
       return 0
   return stk.pop().doubleValue()


// Pick 4 random numbers from [1..9] var nums = new ArrayList<Integer>() var gen = new java.util.Random( new java.util.Date().getTime() ) for( i in 0..3 ) {

   nums.add( gen.nextInt(9) + 1 )


// Prompt the user print( "Using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, write an" ) print( "expression that evaluates to 24 using" ) print( "${nums.get(0)}, ${nums.get(1)}, ${nums.get(2)} and ${nums.get(3)}" ) print( "" ) print( "Please enter your expression in RPN" )

// Build a tokenizer over a line of input var sc = new Scanner( new java.io.BufferedReader( new java.io.InputStreamReader( java.lang.System.in ) ).readLine() )

// eval the expression var val = doEval( sc, nums )

// winner? if( java.lang.Math.abs( val - 24.0 ) < 0.001 ) {

   print( "You win!" )

} else {

   print( "You lose!" )

} </lang>


Translation of: Ruby

This solution breaks strict adherence to the rules in only one way: any line that starts with the letter "q" causes the game to quit. <lang groovy>final random = new Random() final input = new Scanner(System.in)

def evaluate = { expr ->

   if (expr == 'QUIT') {
       return 'QUIT'
   } else {
       try { Eval.me(expr.replaceAll(/(\d)/, '$1.0')) }
       catch (e) { 'syntax error' }


def readGuess = { digits ->

   while (true) {
       print "Enter your guess using ${digits} (q to quit): "
       def expr = input.nextLine()
       switch (expr) {
           case ~/^[qQ].*/:
               return 'QUIT'
           case ~/.*[^\d\s\+\*\/\(\)-].*/:
               def badChars = expr.replaceAll(~/[\d\s\+\*\/\(\)-]/, )
               println "invalid characters in input: ${(badChars as List) as Set}"
           case { (it.replaceAll(~/\D/, ) as List).sort() != ([]+digits).sort() }:
               println you didn't use the right digits
           case ~/.*\d\d.*/:
               println 'no multi-digit numbers allowed'
               return expr


def digits = (1..4).collect { (random.nextInt(9) + 1) as String }

while (true) {

   def guess = readGuess(digits)
   def result = evaluate(guess)
   switch (result) {
       case 'QUIT':
           println 'Awwww. Maybe next time?'
       case 24:
           println 'Yes! You got it.'
       case 'syntax error':
           println "A ${result} was found in ${guess}" 
           println "Nope: ${guess} == ${result}, not 24"
           println 'One more try, then?'


Sample Run:

$ groovy TwentyFour.gsh
Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): 4836
no multi-digit numbers allowed
Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): 4  ++ ++ 8/ 3-6
A syntax error was found in 4  ++ ++ 8/ 3-6
Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): btsjsb
invalid characters in input: [t, s, b, j]
Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): 1+3+2+2
you didn't use the right digits
Enter your guess using [4, 8, 3, 6] (q to quit): q
Awwww. Maybe next time?

$ groovy TwentyFour.gsh
Enter your guess using [6, 3, 2, 6] (q to quit): 6+6+3+2
Nope: 6+6+3+2 == 17.0, not 24
One more try, then?
Enter your guess using [6, 3, 2, 6] (q to quit): (6*3 - 6) * 2
Yes! You got it.


<lang Haskell>import Data.List (sort) import Data.Char (isDigit) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Control.Monad (foldM) import System.Random (randomRs, getStdGen) import System.IO (hSetBuffering, stdout, BufferMode(NoBuffering))

main = do

 hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering
   [ "THE 24 GAME\n"
   , "Given four digits in the range 1 to 9"
   , "Use the +, -, *, and / operators in reverse polish notation"
   , "To show how to make an answer of 24.\n"
 digits <- fmap (sort . take 4 . randomRs (1, 9)) getStdGen :: IO [Int]
 putStrLn ("Your digits: " ++ unwords (fmap show digits))
 guessLoop digits
   guessLoop digits =
     putStr "Your expression: " >> fmap (processGuess digits . words) getLine >>=
     either (\m -> putStrLn m >> guessLoop digits) putStrLn

processGuess _ [] = Right "" processGuess digits xs

 | not matches = Left "Wrong digits used"
   matches = digits == (sort . fmap read $ filter (all isDigit) xs)

processGuess digits xs = calc xs >>= check

   check 24 = Right "Correct"
   check x = Left (show (fromRational (x :: Rational)) ++ " is wrong")

-- A Reverse Polish Notation calculator with full error handling calc xs =

 foldM simplify [] xs >>=
 \ns ->
    (case ns of
       [n] -> Right n
       _ -> Left "Too few operators")

simplify (a:b:ns) s

 | isOp s = Right ((fromJust $ lookup s ops) b a : ns)

simplify _ s

 | isOp s = Left ("Too few values before " ++ s)

simplify ns s

 | all isDigit s = Right (fromIntegral (read s) : ns)

simplify _ s = Left ("Unrecognized symbol: " ++ s)

isOp v = elem v $ fmap fst ops

ops = [("+", (+)), ("-", (-)), ("*", (*)), ("/", (/))]</lang>


<lang HicEst>DIMENSION digits(4), input_digits(100), difference(4) CHARACTER expression*100, prompt*100, answers='Wrong,Correct,', protocol='24 game.txt'

1 digits = CEILING( RAN(9) ) 2 DLG(Edit=expression, Text=digits, TItle=prompt)

  READ(Text=expression, ItemS=n) input_digits
  IF(n == 4) THEN
    ALIAS(input_digits,1,  input,4)
    SORT(Vector=digits, Sorted=digits)
    SORT(Vector=input, Sorted=input)
    difference = ABS(digits - input)
    IF( SUM(difference) == 0 ) THEN
      EDIT(Text=expression, ScaNnot='123456789+-*/ ()', GetPos=i, CoPyto=prompt)
      IF( i > 0 ) THEN
        prompt = TRIM(expression) // ': ' //TRIM(prompt) // ' is an illegal character'
        prompt = TRIM(expression) // ': Syntax error'
        result = XEQ(expression, *2) ! on error branch to label 2
        EDIT(Text=answers, ITeM=(result==24)+1, Parse=answer)
        WRITE(Text=prompt, Name) TRIM(expression)//': ', answer, result
      WRITE(Text=prompt) TRIM(expression), ': You used ', input, ' instead ', digits
    prompt = TRIM(expression) // ': Instead 4 digits you used ' // n
  OPEN(FIle=protocol, APPend)
  WRITE(FIle=protocol, CLoSe=1) prompt
  DLG(TItle=prompt, Button='>2:Try again', B='>1:New game', B='Quit')

END</lang> <lang HicEst>4 + 8 + 7 + 5: You used 4 5 7 8 instead 4 4 7 8 4 + 8 + 7 + a: Instead 4 digits you used 3 4 + 8 + 7 + a + 4: a is an illegal character 4 + 8 + 7a + 4: a is an illegal character 4 + 8 + 7 + 4:; answer=Wrong; result=23; 4 * 7 - 8 + 4:; answer=Correct; result=24;</lang>


<lang huginn>#! /bin/sh exec huginn --no-argv -E "${0}"

  1. ! huginn

import Algorithms as algo; import Mathematics as math; import RegularExpressions as re;

make_game( rndGen_ ) {

 board = "";
 for ( i : algo.range( 4 ) ) {
   board += ( " " + string( character( rndGen_.next() + integer( '1' ) ) ) );
 return ( board.strip() );


main() {

 rndGen = math.randomizer( 9 );
 no = 0;
 dd = re.compile( "\\d\\d" );
 while ( true ) {
   no += 1;
   board = make_game( rndGen );
   print( "Your four digits: {}\nExpression {}: ".format( board, no ) );
   line = input();
   if ( line == none ) {
     print( "\n" );
   line = line.strip();
   try {
     if ( line == "q" ) {
     if ( ( pos = line.find_other_than( "{}+-*/() ".format( board ) ) ) >= 0 ) {
       print( "Invalid input found at: {}, `{}`\n".format( pos, line ) );
     if ( dd.match( line ).matched() ) {
       print( "Digit concatenation is forbidden.\n" );
     res = real( line );
     if ( res == 24.0 ) {
       print( "Thats right!\n" );
     } else {
       print( "Bad answer!\n" );
   } catch ( Exception e ) {
     print( "Not an expression: {}\n".format( e.what() ) );
 return ( 0 );


Icon and Unicon

This plays the game of 24 using a simplified version of the code from the Arithmetic evaluation task. <lang Icon>invocable all link strings # for csort, deletec

procedure main() help() repeat {

  every (n := "") ||:= (1 to 4, string(1+?8))
  writes("Your four digits are : ")
  every writes(!n," ") 
  e := trim(read()) | fail
  case e of {
     "q"|"quit": return
     "?"|"help": help()
     default: {
        e := deletec(e,' \t')         # no whitespace
        d := deletec(e,~&digits)      # just digits
        if csort(n) ~== csort(d) then # and only the 4 given digits
           write("Invalid repsonse.") & next 
        if e ? (ans := eval(E()), pos(0)) then # parse and evaluate
           if ans = 24 then write("Congratulations you win!") 
           else write("Your answer was ",ans,". Try again.")
        else write("Invalid expression.")


procedure eval(X) #: return the evaluated AST

  if type(X) == "list" then {
     x := eval(get(X))
     while x := get(X)(real(x), real(eval(get(X) | stop("Malformed expression."))))
  return \x | X


procedure E() #: expression

  put(lex := [],T())
  while put(lex,tab(any('+-*/'))) do
  suspend if *lex = 1 then lex[1] else lex     # strip useless []  


procedure T() #: Term

  suspend 2(="(", E(), =")") | # parenthesized subexpression, or ...
      tab(any(&digits))        # just a value


procedure help() return write(

  "Welcome to 24\n\n",
  "Combine the 4 given digits to make 24 using only + - * / and ( ).\n ",
  "All operations have equal precedence and are evaluated left to right.\n",
  "Combining (concatenating) digits is not allowed.\n",
  "Enter 'help', 'quit', or an expression.\n")  


strings.icn provides deletec and sortc

Welcome to 24

The object of the game is to combine the 4 given digits using only + - * / and ( ).
All operations have equal precedence and are evaluated left to right.
Combining (concatenating) digits is not allowed.
Enter 'help', 'quit', or an expression.

Your four digits are : 8 1 7 2
Congratulations you win!
Your four digits are : 4 2 7 6
Your answer was 50. Try again.
Your four digits are : 7 7 8 8
Invalid expression.
Your four digits are : 9 3 2 3
Malformed expression.


<lang J>require'misc' deal=: 1 + ? bind 9 9 9 9 rules=: smoutput bind 'see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_Game' input=: prompt @ ('enter 24 expression using ', ":, ': '"_)

wellformed=: (' '<;._1@, ":@[) -:&(/:~) '(+-*%)' -.&;:~ ] is24=: 24 -: ". ::0:@]

respond=: (;:'no yes') {::~ wellformed * is24

game24=: (respond input)@deal@rules</lang>

Example use:

   game24 ''
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_Game
enter 24 expression using 6 5 9 4: 6+5+9+4
   game24 ''
see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/24_Game
enter 24 expression using 3 3 3 3: 3+3+3+3+3+3+3+3


Works with: Java version 7

<lang java>import java.util.*;

public class Game24 {

   static Random r = new Random();
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       int[] digits = randomDigits();
       Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
       System.out.print("Make 24 using these digits: ");
       System.out.print("> ");
       Stack<Float> s = new Stack<>();
       long total = 0;
       for (char c : in.nextLine().toCharArray()) {
           if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
               int d = c - '0';
               total += (1 << (d * 5));
               s.push((float) d);
           } else if ("+/-*".indexOf(c) != -1) {
               s.push(applyOperator(s.pop(), s.pop(), c));
       if (tallyDigits(digits) != total)
           System.out.print("Not the same digits. ");
       else if (Math.abs(24 - s.peek()) < 0.001F)
           System.out.print("Not correct.");
   static float applyOperator(float a, float b, char c) {
       switch (c) {
           case '+':
               return a + b;
           case '-':
               return b - a;
           case '*':
               return a * b;
           case '/':
               return b / a;
               return Float.NaN;
   static long tallyDigits(int[] a) {
       long total = 0;
       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
           total += (1 << (a[i] * 5));
       return total;
   static int[] randomDigits() {        
       int[] result = new int[4];
       for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
           result[i] = r.nextInt(9) + 1;
       return result;


Make 24 using these digits: [1, 2, 4, 8]
> 12*48+*


<lang javascript> function twentyfour(numbers, input) {

   var invalidChars = /[^\d\+\*\/\s-\(\)]/;
   var validNums = function(str) {
       // Create a duplicate of our input numbers, so that
       // both lists will be sorted.
       var mnums = numbers.slice();
       // Sort after mapping to numbers, to make comparisons valid.
       return str.replace(/[^\d\s]/g, " ")
           .map(function(n) { return parseInt(n, 10); })
           .every(function(v, i) { return v === mnums[i]; });
   var validEval = function(input) {
       try {
           return eval(input);
       } catch (e) {
           return {error: e.toString()};
   if (input.trim() === "") return "You must enter a value.";
   if (input.match(invalidChars)) return "Invalid chars used, try again. Use only:\n + - * / ( )";
   if (!validNums(input)) return "Wrong numbers used, try again.";
   var calc = validEval(input);
   if (typeof calc !== 'number') return "That is not a valid input; please try again.";
   if (calc !== 24) return "Wrong answer: " + String(calc) + "; please try again.";
   return input + " == 24.  Congratulations!";


// I/O below.

while (true) {

   var numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4].map(function() {
       return Math.floor(Math.random() * 8 + 1);
   var input = prompt(
       "Your numbers are:\n" + numbers.join(" ") +
       "\nEnter expression. (use only + - * / and parens).\n", +"'x' to exit.", "");
   if (input === 'x') {
   alert(twentyfour(numbers, input));

} </lang>


This implementation, because it is based on the Julia parser and evaluator, allows the user to enter arbitrary infix expressions, including parentheses. (These expressions are checked to ensure that they only include the allowed operations on integer literals.) <lang julia>validexpr(ex::Expr) = ex.head == :call && ex.args[1] in [:*,:/,:+,:-] && all(validexpr, ex.args[2:end]) validexpr(ex::Int) = true validexpr(ex::Any) = false findnumbers(ex::Number) = Int[ex] findnumbers(ex::Expr) = vcat(map(findnumbers, ex.args)...) findnumbers(ex::Any) = Int[] function twentyfour()

   digits = sort!(rand(1:9, 4))
   while true
       print("enter expression using $digits => ")
       ex = parse(readline())
           validexpr(ex) || error("only *, /, +, - of integers is allowed")
           nums = sort!(findnumbers(ex))
           nums == digits || error("expression $ex used numbers $nums != $digits")
           val = eval(ex)
           val == 24 || error("expression $ex evaluated to $val, not 24")
           println("you won!")
       catch e
           if isa(e, ErrorException)
               println("incorrect: ", e.msg)


julia> twentyfour()
enter expression using [2,5,8,9] => 5 * 2 - 8 + 9
incorrect: expression (5 * 2 - 8) + 9 evaluated to 11, not 24
enter expression using [2,5,8,9] => 5 * 5 + 2 + 8 - 9
incorrect: expression (5 * 5 + 2 + 8) - 9 used numbers [2,5,5,8,9] != [2,5,8,9]
enter expression using [2,5,8,9] => 8*2*2
incorrect: expression 8 * 2 * 2 used numbers [2,2,8] != [2,5,8,9]
enter expression using [2,5,8,9] => (8 + 9) + (5 + 2)
you won!


<lang scala>import java.util.Random import java.util.Scanner import java.util.Stack

internal object Game24 {

   fun run() {
       val r = Random()
       val digits = IntArray(4).map { r.nextInt(9) + 1 }
       println("Make 24 using these digits: $digits")
       print("> ")
       val s = Stack<Float>()
       var total = 0L
       val cin = Scanner(System.`in`)
       for (c in cin.nextLine()) {
           when (c) {
               in '0'..'9' -> {
                   val d = c - '0'
                   total += (1 shl (d * 5)).toLong()
                   s += d.toFloat()
               else ->
                   if ("+/-*".indexOf(c) != -1) {
                       s += c.applyOperator(s.pop(), s.pop())
       when {
           tally(digits) != total ->
               print("Not the same digits. ")
           s.peek().compareTo(target) == 0 ->
           else ->
               print("Not correct.")
   private fun Char.applyOperator(a: Float, b: Float) = when (this) {
       '+' -> a + b
       '-' -> b - a
       '*' -> a * b
       '/' -> b / a
       else -> Float.NaN
   private fun tally(a: List<Int>): Long = a.reduce({ t, i -> t + (1 shl (i * 5)) }).toLong()
   private val target = 24


fun main(args: Array<String>) = Game24.run()</lang>


This solution requires web input from the user via a form of the expression.

On submit the expression is checked for valid chars, that the integers are valid and in the original array (which also takes care of non-duplicate integers), and that the integers are not in consecutive positions.

If a valid expression it is evaluated, and the result and success state shown to the user. <lang Lasso>[ if(sys_listunboundmethods !>> 'randoms') => { define randoms()::array => { local(out = array) loop(4) => { #out->insert(math_random(9,1)) } return #out } } if(sys_listunboundmethods !>> 'checkvalid') => { define checkvalid(str::string, nums::array)::boolean => { local(chk = array('*','/','+','-','(',')',' '), chknums = array, lastintpos = -1, poscounter = 0) loop(9) => { #chk->insert(loop_count) } with s in #str->values do => { #poscounter++ #chk !>> #s && #chk !>> integer(#s) ? return false integer(#s) > 0 && #lastintpos + 1 >= #poscounter ? return false integer(#s) > 0 ? #chknums->insert(integer(#s)) integer(#s) > 0 ? #lastintpos = #poscounter } #chknums->size != 4 ? return false #nums->sort #chknums->sort loop(4) => { #nums->get(loop_count) != #chknums(loop_count) ? return false } return true } } if(sys_listunboundmethods !>> 'executeexpr') => { define executeexpr(expr::string)::integer => { local(keep = string) with i in #expr->values do => { if(array('*','/','+','-','(',')') >> #i) => { #keep->append(#i) else integer(#i) > 0 ? #keep->append(decimal(#i)) } } return integer(sourcefile('['+#keep+']','24game',true,true)->invoke) } }

local(numbers = array, exprsafe = true, exprcorrect = false, exprresult = 0) if(web_request->param('nums')->asString->size) => { with n in web_request->param('nums')->asString->split(',') do => { #numbers->insert(integer(#n->trim&)) } }

  1. numbers->size != 4 ? #numbers = randoms()

if(web_request->param('nums')->asString->size) => { #exprsafe = checkvalid(web_request->param('expr')->asString,#numbers) if(#exprsafe) => { #exprresult = executeexpr(web_request->param('expr')->asString) #exprresult == 24 ? #exprcorrect = true } }


24 Game

Enter an expression that evaluates to 24

  • Only multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction operators/functions are allowed.
  • Brackets are allowed.
  • Forming multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits is disallowed. (So an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 is wrong).
  • The order of the digits when given does not have to be preserved.


[#numbers->join(', ')] (<a href="?">Reload</a>)

[!#exprsafe ? '

Please provide a valid expression


<form><input type="hidden" value="[#numbers->join(',')]" name="nums"><input type="text" name="expr" value="[web_request->param('expr')->asString]"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"></form> [if(#exprsafe)]

Result: [#exprresult] [#exprcorrect ? 'is CORRECT!' | 'is incorrect']


Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>dim d(4) dim chk(4) print "The 24 Game" print print "Given four digits and using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the" print "possible use of brackets, (), enter an expression that equates to 24."


   for i = 1 to 4
       d(i)=int(rnd(1)*9)+1    '1..9
       d$=d$;d(i)  'valid digits, to check with Instr
   print "These are your four digits: ";
   for i = 1 to 4
       print d(i);left$(",",i<>4);
   Print "Enter expression:"
   Input "24 = ";expr$
   'check expr$ for validity
   'check right digits used
   failed = 0
   for i = 1 to len(expr$)
       if instr("123456789", c$)<>0 then 'digit
           if instr(d$, c$)=0 then failed = 1: exit for
           if i>1 and instr("123456789", mid$(expr$,i-1,1))<>0 then failed = 2: exit for
           for j =1 to 4
               if chk(j)=val(c$) then chk(j)=0: exit for
       end if
   if failed=1 then
       print "Wrong digit (";c$;")"
       goto [fail]
   end if
   if failed=2 then
       print "Multiple digit numbers is disallowed."
       goto [fail]
   end if
   'check all digits used
   if chk(1)+ chk(2)+ chk(3)+ chk(4)<>0 then
       print "Not all digits used"
       goto [fail]
   end if
   'check valid operations
   failed = 0
   for i = 1 to len(expr$)
       if instr("+-*/()"+d$, c$)=0 then failed = 1: exit for
   if failed then
       print "Wrong operation (";c$;")"
       goto [fail]
   end if
   'some errors (like brackets) trapped by error handler
   if Err$<>"" then
       print "Error in expression"
       goto [fail]
   end if
   if res = 24 then
       print "Correct!"
       print "Wrong! (you got ";res ;")"
   end if


   Input "Play again (y/n)? "; ans$

loop while ans$="y" end

function evalWithErrCheck(expr$)

   on error goto [handler]
   exit function

[handler] end function</lang>


GUI version

1. Open livecode and create a new mainstack

2. Create 3 fields and 1 button

3. label fields "YourNumbersField", "EvalField" and "AnswerField"

4. label button "StartButton"

5. Add the following to the code of "StartButton"<lang livecode>on mouseUp

   put empty into fld "EvalField"
   put empty into fld "AnswerField"
   put random(9) & comma & random(9) & comma & random(9) & comma & random(9) into fld "YourNumbersField"

end mouseUp</lang> 6. Add the following to the code of field "EvalField"<lang livecode> on keyDown k

   local ops, nums, allowedKeys, numsCopy, expr
   put "+,-,/,*,(,)" into ops
   put the text of fld "YourNumbersField" into nums
   put the text of fld "EvalField" into expr
   if matchText(expr & k,"\d\d") then 
       answer "You can't enter 2 digits together"
       exit keyDown
   end if
   repeat with n = 1 to the number of chars of expr
       if offset(char n of expr, nums) > 0 then
           delete char offset(char n of expr, nums) of nums
       end if
   end repeat
   put ops & comma & nums into allowedKeys
   if k is among the items of allowedKeys then
       put k after expr
       delete char offset(k, nums) of nums
       replace comma with empty in nums
           put the value of merge("expr") into fld "AnswerField"
           if the value of fld "AnswerField" is 24 and nums is empty then
               answer "You win!"
           end if
       end try
       pass keyDown
       exit keyDown
   end if

end keyDown</lang>

Locomotive Basic

<lang locobasic>10 CLS:RANDOMIZE TIME 20 PRINT "The 24 Game" 30 PRINT "===========":PRINT 40 PRINT "Enter an arithmetic expression" 50 PRINT "that evaluates to 24," 60 PRINT "using only the provided digits" 70 PRINT "and +, -, *, /, (, )." 80 PRINT "(Just hit Return for new digits.)" 90 ' create new digits 100 FOR i=1 TO 4:a(i)=INT(RND*9)+1:NEXT 110 PRINT 120 PRINT "The digits are";a(1);a(2);a(3);a(4) 130 PRINT 140 ' user enters solution 150 INPUT "Your solution";s$ 160 IF s$="" THEN PRINT "Creating new digits...":GOTO 100 170 GOTO 300 180 ' a little hack to create something like an EVAL function 190 OPENOUT "exp.bas" 200 PRINT #9,"1000 x="s$":return" 210 CLOSEOUT 220 CHAIN MERGE "exp",240 230 ' now evaluate the expression 240 ON ERROR GOTO 530 250 GOSUB 1000 260 IF x=24 THEN PRINT "Well done!":END 270 PRINT "No, this evaluates to"x:PRINT "Please try again." 280 GOTO 150 290 ' check input for correctness 300 FOR i=1 TO LEN(s$) 310 q=ASC(MID$(s$,i,1)) 320 IF q=32 OR (q>39 AND q<44) OR q=45 OR (q>46 AND q<58) THEN NEXT 330 IF i-1=LEN(s$) THEN 370 340 PRINT "Bad character in expression:"CHR$(q) 350 PRINT "Try again":GOTO 150 360 ' new numbers in solution? 370 FOR i=1 TO LEN(s$)-1 380 q=ASC(MID$(s$,i,1)):p=ASC(MID$(s$,i+1,1)) 390 IF q>47 AND q<58 AND p>47 AND p<58 THEN PRINT "No forming of new numbers, please!":GOTO 150 400 NEXT 410 FOR i=1 TO 9:orig(i)=0:guess(i)=0:NEXT 420 FOR i=1 TO 4:orig(a(i))=orig(a(i))+1:NEXT 430 FOR i=1 TO LEN(s$) 440 v$=MID$(s$,i,1) 450 va=ASC(v$)-48 460 IF va>0 AND va<10 THEN guess(va)=guess(va)+1 470 NEXT 480 FOR i=1 TO 9 490 IF guess(i)<>orig(i) THEN PRINT "Only use all the provided digits!":GOTO 150 500 NEXT 510 GOTO 190 520 ' syntax error, e.g. non-matching parentheses 530 PRINT "Error in expression, please try again." 540 RESUME 150</lang>

Note: The program needs a writable disk in the active disk drive.

Works with: UCB_Logo version 5.5

<lang logo>; useful constants make "false 1=0 make "true 1=1 make "lf char 10 make "sp char 32

non-digits legal in expression

make "operators (lput sp [+ - * / \( \)])

display help message

to show_help :digits

 type lf
 print sentence quoted [Using only these digits:] :digits 
 print sentence quoted [and these operators:] [* / + -]
 print quoted [\(and parentheses as needed\),]
 print quoted [enter an arithmetic expression 
    which evaluates to exactly 24.]
 type lf
 print quoted [Enter \"!\" to get fresh numbers.]
 print quoted [Enter \"q\" to quit.]
 type lf


make "digits [] make "done false until [done] [

 if empty? digits [
   make "digits (map [(random 9) + 1] [1 2 3 4])
 (type "Solution sp "for sp digits "? sp )
 make "expression readrawline
 ifelse [expression = "?] [
   show_help digits
 ] [ifelse [expression = "q] [
   print "Bye!
   make "done true
 ] [ifelse [expression = "!] [
   make "digits []
 ] [
   make "exprchars ` expression
   make "allowed (sentence digits operators)
   ifelse (member? false (map [[c] member? c allowed] exprchars)) [
     (print quoted [Illegal character in input.])
   ] [
     catch "error [
       make "syntax_error true
       make "testval (run expression)
       make "syntax_error false
     ifelse syntax_error [
       (print quoted [Invalid expression.])
     ] [
       ifelse (testval = 24) [
         print quoted [You win!]
         make "done true
       ] [
         (print (sentence 
           quoted [Incorrect \(got ] testval quoted [instead of 24\).]))

] bye</lang>

Solution for 3 8 9 5? ?

Using only these digits: 3 8 9 5
and these operators: * / + -
(and parentheses as needed),
enter an arithmetic expression which evaluates to exactly 24.

Enter "!" to get fresh numbers.
Enter "q" to quit.

Solution for 3 8 9 5? !
Solution for 9 2 8 5? 9+2+8+5
You win!


<lang lua> local function help() print [[

The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions,
Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of
brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of "q" will quit the game.
An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits.
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits,
so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.


local function generate(n) result = {} for i=1,n do result[i] = math.random(1,9) end return result end

local function check(answer, digits) local adig = {} local ddig = {} local index local lastWasDigit = false for i=1,9 do adig[i] = 0 ddig[i] = 0 end allowed = {['(']=true,[')']=true,[' ']=true,['+']=true,['-']=true,['*']=true,['/']=true,['\t']=true,['1']=true,['2']=true,['3']=true,['4']=true,['5']=true,['6']=true,['7']=true,['8']=true,['9']=true} for i=1,string.len(answer) do if not allowed[string.sub(answer,i,i)] then return false end index = string.byte(answer,i)-48 if index > 0 and index < 10 then if lastWasDigit then return false end lastWasDigit = true adig[index] = adig[index] + 1 else lastWasDigit = false end end for i,digit in next,digits do ddig[digit] = ddig[digit]+1 end for i=1,9 do if adig[i] ~= ddig[i] then return false end end return loadstring('return '..answer)() end

local function game24() help() math.randomseed(os.time()) math.random() local digits = generate(4) local trial = 0 local answer = 0 local ans = false io.write 'Your four digits:' for i,digit in next,digits do io.write (' ' .. digit) end print() while ans ~= 24 do trial = trial + 1 io.write("Expression "..trial..": ") answer = io.read() if string.lower(answer) == 'q' then break end if answer == '!' then digits = generate(4) io.write ("New digits:") for i,digit in next,digits do io.write (' ' .. digit) end print() else ans = check(answer,digits) if ans == false then print ('The input '.. answer ..' was wonky!') else print (' = '.. ans) if ans == 24 then print ("Thats right!") end end end end end game24()</lang>

Alternately, using the lpeg.re module:

<lang lua>function twentyfour()

  print [[
The 24 Game

Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions,
Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of
brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.

An answer of "q" will quit the game.
An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits.

Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits,
so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.

  expr = re.compile[[   --matches properly formatted infix expressions and returns all numerals as captures
        expr <- (!.) / (<paren> / <number>) (<ws> <oper> <ws> <expr>)?
        number <- {[0-9]}
        ws <- " "*
        oper <- [-+/*]
        paren <- "(" <ws> <expr> <ws> ")"   ]]
  local val_t = {math.random(9), math.random(9), math.random(9), math.random(9)}
  print("the digits are " .. table.concat(val_t, ", "))
  local ex = io.read()
  a, b, c, d, e = expr:match(ex)
  if a and b and c and d and not e then --if there is a fifth numeral the player is cheating
     local digs = {a + 0, b + 0, c + 0, d + 0}
     local flag = false -- (terrorism!)
     for i = 1, 4 do

flag = digs[i] ~= val_t[i] and not print"Wrong digits!" or flag

     if not flag and loadstring("return " .. ex)() == 24 then
        print"You win!"
        print"You lose."
  else print"wat" --expression could not be interpreted as arithmetic

end twentyfour()</lang>


Click here to try this game online. <lang maple>play24 := module() export ModuleApply; local cheating; cheating := proc(input, digits) local i, j, stringDigits; use StringTools in stringDigits := Implode([seq(convert(i, string), i in digits)]); for i in digits do for j in digits do if Search(cat(convert(i, string), j), input) > 0 then return true, ": Please don't combine digits to form another number." end if; end do; end do; for i in digits do if CountCharacterOccurrences(input, convert(i, string)) < CountCharacterOccurrences(stringDigits, convert(i, string)) then return true, ": Please use all digits."; end if; end do; for i in digits do if CountCharacterOccurrences(input, convert(i, string)) > CountCharacterOccurrences(stringDigits, convert(i, string)) then return true, ": Please only use a digit once."; end if; end do; for i in input do try if type(parse(i), numeric) and not member(parse(i), digits) then return true, ": Please only use the digits you were given."; end if; catch: end try; end do; return false, ""; end use; end proc:

ModuleApply := proc() local replay, digits, err, message, answer; randomize(): replay := "": while not replay = "END" do if not replay = "YES" then digits := [seq(rand(1..9)(), i = 1..4)]: end if; err := true: while err do message := ""; printf("Please make 24 from the digits: %a. Press enter for a new set of numbers or type END to quit\n", digits); answer := StringTools[UpperCase](readline()); if not answer = "" and not answer = "END" then try if not type(parse(answer), numeric) then error; elif cheating(answer, digits)[1] then message := cheating(answer, digits)[2]; error; end if; err := false; catch: printf("Invalid Input%s\n\n", message); end try; else err := false; end if; end do: if not answer = "" and not answer = "END" then if parse(answer) = 24 then printf("You win! Do you wish to play another game? (Press enter for a new set of numbers or END to quit.)\n"); replay := StringTools[UpperCase](readline()); else printf("Your expression evaluated to %a. Try again!\n", parse(answer)); replay := "YES"; end if; else replay := answer; end if;

printf("\n"); end do: printf("GAME OVER\n"); end proc: end module:


Please make 24 from the digits: [4, 7, 6, 8]. Press enter for a new set of numbers or type END to quit
You win! Do you wish to play another game? (Press enter for a new set of numbers or END to quit.)

Please make 24 from the digits: [3, 7, 4, 7]. Press enter for a new set of numbers or type END to quit
Your expression evaluated to 21. Try again!

Please make 24 from the digits: [3, 7, 4, 7]. Press enter for a new set of numbers or type END to quit


Mathematica/Wolfram Language

Works with: Mathematica version 6

Since Mathematica hasn't historically had good custom I/O support (the command-line allowed all operations, not very good for UI-generation), I had to roll some custom GUI (with a text box), which requires Mathematica 6.

Most of the job is already done by Mathematica (the expression conversion); in fact, it is too good—it automatically converts ex. 3/4 to Times[3, Power[4, -1]], which we have to specifically test for so that real powers don't get through.

<lang Mathematica>isLegal[n_List, x_String] :=

  With[{h = ToExpression[x, StandardForm, HoldForm]}, 
   If[Cases[Level[h, {2, \[Infinity]}, Hold, Heads -> True], 
       Except[_Integer | Plus | _Plus | Times | _Times | Power | 
         Power[_, -1]]] === {} && 
     Sort[Level[h /. Power[q_, -1] -> q, {-1}] /. 
        q_Integer -> Abs[q]] === Sort[n], ReleaseHold[h]]], Null]]


   "new numbers", {a, b, c, d} = Table[RandomInteger[{1, 9}], {4}]], 
  InputField[Dynamic[x], String]}, {Dynamic[{a, b, c, d}], 
  Dynamic[Switch[isLegal[{a, b, c, d}, x], Null, 
    "Sorry, that is invalid.", 24, "Congrats! That's 24!", _, 
    "Sorry, that makes " <> ToString[ToExpression@x, InputForm] <> 
     ", not 24."]]}}]</lang>

MATLAB / Octave

<lang Matlab> function twentyfour()

 N = 4;
 n = ceil(rand(1,N)*9);
 printf('Generate a equation with the numbers %i, %i, %i, %i and +, -, *, /, () operators ! \n',n);
 s = input(': ','s');
 t = s;
 for k = 1:N,
   [x,t] = strtok(t,'+-*/() \t');
    if length(x)~=1,
      error('invalid sign %s\n',x);
    y = x-'0';
    if ~(0 < y & y < 10) 
      error('invalid sign %s\n',x);
    z(1,k) = y;  	
 if any(sort(z)-sort(n)) 
   error('numbers do not match.\n');	
 val =  eval(s);
 if val==24,
   fprintf('expression "%s" results in %i.\n',s,val);	
   fprintf('expression "%s" does not result in 24 but %i.\n',s,val);
 end; 	</lang>


We use a simple recursive descent parser, with a bit of extra code to make sure that only available digits are used, and all of them are used. <lang MiniScript>evalAddSub = function()

   result = evalMultDiv
   while true
       if not tokens then return result
       op = tokens[0]
       if op != "+" and op != "-" then return result
       tokens.pull  // (discard operator)
       rhs = evalMultDiv
       if result == null or rhs == null then return null
       if op == "+" then result = result + rhs
       if op == "-" then result = result - rhs
   end while

end function

evalMultDiv = function()

   result = evalAtom
   while true
       if not tokens then return result
       op = tokens[0]
       if op != "*" and op != "/" then return result
       tokens.pull  // (discard operator)
       rhs = evalAtom
       if result == null or rhs == null then return null
       if op == "*" then result = result * rhs
       if op == "/" then result = result / rhs
   end while

end function

evalAtom = function()

   if tokens[0] == "(" then
       result = evalAddSub
       if not tokens or tokens.pull != ")" then
           print "Unbalanced parantheses"
           return null
       end if
       return result
   end if
   num = val(tokens.pull)
   idx = availableDigits.indexOf(num)
   if idx == null then
       print str(num) + " is not available"
       return null
       availableDigits.remove idx
   end if
   return num

end function

choices = [] for i in range(1, 4)

   choices.push ceil(rnd*9)

end for result = null while result != 24

   availableDigits = choices[0:]  // (clones the list)
   print "Using only the digits " + availableDigits + ","
   tokens = input("enter an expression that comes to 24: ").replace(" ","").values
   result = evalAddSub
   if availableDigits then
       print "You forgot to use: " + availableDigits
       result = null
   end if
   if result != null then print "That equals " + result + "."

end while print "Great job!"</lang>

Using only the digits [5, 5, 2, 7],
enter an expression that comes to 24:
You forgot to use: [5]
Using only the digits [5, 5, 2, 7],
enter an expression that comes to 24:
That equals 25.
Using only the digits [5, 5, 2, 7],
enter an expression that comes to 24:
That equals 24.
Great job!

mIRC Scripting Language

<lang mirc>alias 24 {

 dialog -m 24-Game 24-Game


dialog 24-Game {

 title "24-Game"
 size -1 -1 100 70
 option dbu
 text "", 1, 29 7 42 8
 text "Equation", 2, 20 21 21 8
 edit "", 3, 45 20 40 10
 text "Status", 4, 10 34 80 8, center
 button "Calculate", 5, 5 45 40 20
 button "New", 6, 57 47 35 15


on *:DIALOG:24-Game:init:*: {

 did -o 24-Game 1 1 Numbers: $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9)


on *:DIALOG:24-Game:sclick:*: {

 if ($did == 5) {
   if ($regex($did(3),/^[ (]*\d *[-+*/][ (]*\d[ ()]*[-+*/][ ()]*\d[ )]*[-+*/] *\d[ )]*$/)) && ($sorttok($regsubex($did(3),/[^\d]+/g,$chr(32)),32) == $sorttok($remove($did(1),Numbers:),32)) {
     did -o 24-Game 4 1 $iif($calc($did(3)) == 24,Correct,Wrong)
   else {
     did -o 24-Game 4 1 Wrong Numbers or Syntax
 elseif ($did == 6) {
   did -o 24-Game 1 1 Numbers: $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9) $rand(1,9)



<lang modula2>MODULE TwentyFour;

FROM InOut IMPORT WriteString, WriteLn, Write, ReadString, WriteInt; FROM RandomGenerator IMPORT Random;

TYPE operator_t = (add, sub, mul, div); expr_t = RECORD operand : ARRAY[0..3] OF CARDINAL; operator : ARRAY[1..3] OF operator_t; END;(*of RECORD*) numbers_t = SET OF CHAR;

VAR expr : expr_t; numbers : numbers_t; (*******************************************************************createExpr*) (*analyse the input string *) PROCEDURE createExpr(s: ARRAY OF CHAR);

VAR index, counter : INTEGER; token : CHAR; temp_expr : expr_t; operand : CARDINAL; operator : operator_t;

(************************************nextToken*) (* returns the next CHAR that isn`t a space *) PROCEDURE nextToken(): CHAR; BEGIN INC(index); WHILE (s[index] = ' ') DO INC(index); END;(*of WHILE*) RETURN(s[index]); END nextToken; (***********************************set_operand*) (* checks if the CHAR o inerhits a valid number*) (* and sets 'operand' to its value *) PROCEDURE set_operand(o: CHAR); BEGIN CASE o OF '0'..'9': IF o IN numbers THEN operand := ORD(o)-48; numbers := numbers - numbers_t{o}; ELSE WriteString("ERROR: '"); Write( o); WriteString( "' isn`t a available number "); WriteLn; HALT; END;(*of IF*)| 0  : WriteString("ERROR: error in input "); WriteLn; HALT; ELSE WriteString("ERROR: '"); Write( o); WriteString( "' isn`t a number "); WriteLn; HALT; END;(*of CASE*) END set_operand; (**********************************set_operator*) (* checks if the CHAR o inerhits a valid *) (* operator and sets 'operator' to its value *) PROCEDURE set_operator(o: CHAR); BEGIN CASE o OF '+' : operator := add;| '-' : operator := sub;| '*' : operator := mul;| '/' : operator := div;| 0  : WriteString("ERROR: error in input "); WriteLn; HALT; ELSE WriteString("ERROR: '"); Write( o); WriteString( "' isn`t a operator "); WriteLn; HALT; END;(*of CASE*) END set_operator; (************************************************) BEGIN index := -1;

token := nextToken(); set_operand(token); expr.operand[0] := operand;

token := nextToken(); set_operator(token); expr.operator[1] := operator;

token := nextToken(); set_operand(token); expr.operand[1] := operand;

token := nextToken(); set_operator(token); expr.operator[2] := operator;

token := nextToken(); set_operand(token); expr.operand[2] := operand;

token := nextToken(); set_operator(token); expr.operator[3] := operator;

token := nextToken(); set_operand(token); expr.operand[3] := operand; END createExpr;

(*****************************************************************evaluateExpr*) (* evaluate the expresion that was createt by 'createExpr' *)

PROCEDURE evaluateExpr(VAR num: REAL);

VAR index : INTEGER; BEGIN WITH expr DO num := VAL(REAL,operand[0]); FOR index := 1 TO 3 DO CASE operator[index] OF add : num := num + VAL(REAL,operand[index]);| sub : num := num - VAL(REAL,operand[index]);| mul : num := num * VAL(REAL,operand[index]);| div : num := num / VAL(REAL,operand[index]); END;(*of CASE*) END;(*of FOR*) END;(*of WITH*) END evaluateExpr;

(**************************************************************generateNumbers*) (* generates the 4 random numbers ond write them *) PROCEDURE generateNumbers; VAR index,ran : INTEGER; BEGIN numbers := numbers_t{}; ran := Random(0,9); FOR index := 1 TO 4 DO WHILE (CHR(ran+48) IN numbers )DO ran := Random(0,9); END;(*of While*) Write(CHR(ran+48)); WriteLn; numbers := numbers + numbers_t{CHR(ran+48)} END;(*of FOR*) END generateNumbers; (****************************************************************Main Programm*) VAR str : ARRAY[0..255] OF CHAR; sum : REAL; BEGIN WriteString("Welcome to the 24 game in MODULA-2"); WriteLn; WriteString("Here are your numbers:"); WriteLn; generateNumbers; WriteString("Enter your equation(This implementation dosn`t support brackets yet): "); WriteLn; ReadString(str); createExpr(str); evaluateExpr(sum); WriteLn; WriteString("Result:"); WriteLn; WriteInt(TRUNC(sum),0); WriteLn; CASE (TRUNC(sum) - 24) OF 0 : WriteString("Perfect!");| 1 : WriteString("Almost perfect."); ELSE WriteString("You loose!"); END;(*of CASE*) WriteLn; END TwentyFour.</lang>


<lang mumps>24Game k number, operator, bracket ; generate 4 random numbers each between 1 & 9 ; duplicates allowed! s n1=$r(9)+1, n2=$r(9)+1, n3=$r(9)+1, n4=$r(9)+1 ; save a copy of them so that we can keep restarting ; if the user gets it wrong s s1=n1,s2=n2,s3=n3,s4=n4 Question s (numcount,opcount,lbrackcount,rbrackcount)=0 ; restart with the random numbers already found s n1=s1,n2=s2,n3=s3,n4=s4 w !,"Enter an arithmetic expression that evaluates to 24 using (", n1," ",n2," ",n3," ",n4,"): " r !,expr q:expr="" ; validate numbers and operators s error="" f n=1:1:$l(expr) { s char=$e(expr,n) if char?1n { s number($i(numcount))=char w ! zw char } elseif char?1(1"*",1"/",1"+",1"-") { s operator($i(opcount))=char } elseif char?1"(" { s bracket($i(lbrackcount))=char } elseif char?1")" { s bracket($i(rbrackcount))=char } else { s error="That ain't no character I wanted to see" q } } if error'="" w error g Question if numcount'=4 { w "Does not have 4 numbers, do it again." g Question } s error="" f n=1:1:4 { if number(n)=n1 { s n1="dont use again" continue } if number(n)=n2 { s n2="dont use again" continue } if number(n)=n3 { s n3="dont use again" continue } if number(n)=n4 { s n4="dont use again" continue } s error="Numbers entered do not match all of the randomly generated numbers." q } if error'="" { w error g Question } if opcount'=3 { w "Does not have 3 operators." g Question } if lbrackcount'=rbrackcount { w "brackets must be in pairs." g Question } x "s x="_expr if x'=24 { w !,"Answer does not = 24" g Question } w x q </lang>


<lang Nanoquery>import Nanoquery.Lang import Nanoquery.Util

// a function to get the digits from an arithmetic expression def extract_digits(input) input = str(input) digits = {}

loc = 0 digit = "" while (loc < len(input)) if input[loc] in "0123456789" digit += input[loc] else if len(digit) > 0 digits.append(int(digit)) digit = "" end end loc += 1 end // check if there's a final digit if len(digit) > 0 digits.append(int(digit)) end

return digits end

// a function to duplicate a digit list def dup(list) nlist = {}

for n in list nlist.append(new(Integer, n)) end

return nlist end

// generate four random digits and output them random = new(Random) randDigits = {} for i in range(1, 4) randDigits.append(random.getInt(8) + 1) end println "Your digits are: " + randDigits + "\n"

// get expressions from the user until a valid one is found won = false while !won print "> " expr = input() tempDigits = dup(randDigits)

// check for invalid digits in the expression invalid = false digits = extract_digits(expr) for (i = 0) (!invalid and (i < len(digits))) (i += 1) if not digits[i] in tempDigits invalid = true println "Invalid digit " + digits[i] else tempDigits.remove(tempDigits) end end

// if there were no invalid digits, check if the expression // evaluates to 24 if !invalid a = null try exec("a = " + expr) catch println "Invalid expression " + expr end println a

if a = 24 println "Success!" won = true end end end</lang>

Your digits are: [2, 5, 4, 6]

> 2*5+(4*6)
> 2*4+5*6
> 5*6-(2*4)
> 5*6-(2+4)


Translation of: D
Works with: Nim Compiler version 1.0.0

<lang nim>from random import randomize, rand from strutils import Whitespace from algorithm import sort from sequtils import newSeqWith



 problem = newSeqWith(4, rand(1..9))
 stack: seq[float]
 digits: seq[int]

echo "Make 24 with the digits: ", problem

template op(c: untyped) =

 let a = stack.pop
 stack.add c(stack.pop, a)

for c in stdin.readLine:

 case c
 of '1'..'9':
   digits.add c.ord - '0'.ord
   stack.add float(c.ord - '0'.ord)
 of '+': op `+`
 of '*': op `*`
 of '-': op `-`
 of '/': op `/`
 of Whitespace: discard
 else: raise newException(ValueError, "Wrong char: " & c)

sort digits sort problem if digits != problem:

 raise newException(ValueError, "Not using the given digits.")

if stack.len != 1:

 raise newException(ValueError, "Wrong expression.")

echo "Result: ", stack[0] echo if abs(stack[0] - 24) < 0.001: "Good job!" else: "Try again."</lang> Example game:

Make 24 with the digits: @[8, 1, 3, 1]
8 3 * 1 + 1 -
Result: 24.0
Good job!


Source: the Nit’s official repository

<lang nit>redef class Char fun is_op: Bool do return "-+/*".has(self) end

  1. Get `numbers` and `operands` from string `operation` collect with `gets` in `main` function
  2. Fill `numbers` and `operands` array with previous extraction

fun exportation(operation: String, numbers: Array[Int], operands: Array[Char]) do var previous_char: nullable Char = null var number: nullable Int = null var negative = false

for i in operation.length.times do var current_char = operation[i] var current_int = current_char.to_i

if (previous_char == null or previous_char.is_op) and current_char == '-' then negative = true continue end

if current_char.is_digit then if number == null then number = current_int else number = number * 10 + current_int end end

if negative and (current_char.is_op or i == operation.length - 1) then number = number - number * 2 negative = false end

if (current_char.is_op or i == operation.length - 1) and number != null then numbers.add(number) number = null end

if not negative and current_char.is_op then operands.add(current_char) end previous_char = current_char end # Update `numbers` and `operands` array in main function with pointer end

  1. Create random numbers between 1 to 9

fun random: Array[Int] do return [for i in 4.times do 1 + 9.rand] end

  1. Make mathematical operation with `numbers` and `operands` and add the operation result into `random_numbers`

fun calculation(random_numbers, numbers: Array[Int], operands: Array[Char]) do var number = 0 var temp_numbers = numbers.clone

while temp_numbers.length > 1 do var operand = operands.shift var a = temp_numbers.shift var b = temp_numbers.shift

if operand == '+' then number = a + b if operand == '-' then number = a - b if operand == '*' then number = a * b if operand == '/' then number = a / b

temp_numbers.unshift(number) end if number != 0 then random_numbers.add(number) end

  1. Check if used `numbers` exist in the `random_numbers` created

fun numbers_exists(random_numbers, numbers: Array[Int]): Bool do for number in numbers do if not random_numbers.count(number) >= numbers.count(number) then return false end return true end

  1. Remove `numbers` when they are used

fun remove_numbers(random_numbers, numbers: Array[Int]) do for number in numbers do random_numbers.remove(number) end

  1. Check if the mathematical `operation` is valid

fun check(operation: String): Bool do var previous_char: nullable Char = null var next_char: nullable Char = null var next_1_char: nullable Char = null

for i in operation.length.times do var current_char = operation[i]

if i + 1 < operation.length then next_char = operation[i + 1] if i + 2 < operation.length then next_1_char = operation[i + 2] else next_1_char = null end else next_char = null end

if not current_char.is_op and not current_char.is_digit then return false if next_char == null and current_char.is_op then return false

if previous_char == null then if next_char == null or next_1_char == null then return false if current_char == '-' and not next_char.is_digit then return false if current_char != '-' and not current_char.is_digit then return false else if next_char != null then if previous_char.is_digit and current_char.is_op and not (next_char == '-' and next_1_char != null and next_1_char.is_digit or next_char.is_digit) then return false end end end previous_char = current_char end return true end

var random_numbers = new Array[Int] var operation = ""

random_numbers = random while not random_numbers.has(24) and random_numbers.length > 1 do var numbers = new Array[Int] var operands = new Array[Char]

print "numbers: " + random_numbers.join(", ") operation = gets if check(operation) then exportation(operation, numbers, operands) if numbers_exists(random_numbers, numbers) then calculation(random_numbers, numbers, operands) remove_numbers(random_numbers, numbers) else print "NUMBERS ERROR!" end else print "STRING ERROR!" end end

if random_numbers.has(24) then print "CONGRATULATIONS" else print "YOU LOSE"</lang>


Translation of: C++

<lang objeck>use Collection.Generic; use System.Matrix;

class RPNParser {

 @stk : Stack<IntHolder>;
 @digits : List<IntHolder>;
 function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
   digits := List->New()<IntHolder>;
   "Make 24 with the digits: "->Print();
   for(i := 0; i < 4; i += 1;) {
     n : Int := Int->Random(1, 9);
       " {$n}"->Print();
   parser := RPNParser->New();
   if(parser->Parse(System.IO.Console->ReadString(), digits)) {
     result := parser->GetResult();
     if(result = 24) {
       "Good job!"->PrintLine();
     else {
       "{$result}, Try again."->PrintLine();
   else {
     "Invalid sequence"->PrintLine();
 New() {
   @stk := Stack->New()<IntHolder>;
   @digits := List->New()<IntHolder>;
 method : Op(f : \Func->Calc) ~ Nil {
   if(@stk->Size() < 2) { "Improperly written expression"->ErrorLine(); Runtime->Exit(1); };
   b := @stk->Pop();
   a := @stk->Pop();
   @stk->Push(f(a, b));
 method : Parse(c : Char) ~ Nil {
   if(c >= '0' & c <= '9') {
     value : Int := c - '0';
   else if(c = '+') {
     Op(\Func->Calc : (a, b) => a + b);
   else if(c = '-') {
     Op(\Func->Calc : (a, b) => a - b);
   else if(c = '*') {
     Op(\Func->Calc : (a, b) => a * b);
   else if(c = '/') {
     Op(\Func->Calc : (a, b) => { if(b <> 0) { return a / b;  } else { return 0; }; });
 method : GetResult() ~ Int {
   if(@stk->Size() = 1) {
     return @stk->Top();
   return 0;
 method : Parse(s : String, digits : List<IntHolder>) ~ Bool {
   each(i : s) {
   while(@digits->More()) {      
     left := @digits->Get()->Get();
     found := false;
     while(digits->More() & found = false) {
       right := digits->Get()->Get();
       if(left = right) { 
         digits->Remove(); found := true;  
       else { 
   return digits->IsEmpty();


alias Func {

 Calc : (IntHolder, IntHolder) ~ IntHolder



Compile with:

ocamlopt -pp camlp4o g24.ml -o g24.opt

<lang ocaml>type expression =

 | Const of float
 | Sum  of expression * expression   (* e1 + e2 *)
 | Diff of expression * expression   (* e1 - e2 *)
 | Prod of expression * expression   (* e1 * e2 *)
 | Quot of expression * expression   (* e1 / e2 *)

let rec eval = function

 | Const c -> c
 | Sum (f, g) -> eval f +. eval g
 | Diff(f, g) -> eval f -. eval g
 | Prod(f, g) -> eval f *. eval g
 | Quot(f, g) -> eval f /. eval g

let rec extract acc = function

 | Const c -> (c::acc)
 | Sum (f, g) -> (extract acc f) @ (extract [] g)
 | Diff(f, g) -> (extract acc f) @ (extract [] g)
 | Prod(f, g) -> (extract acc f) @ (extract [] g)
 | Quot(f, g) -> (extract acc f) @ (extract [] g)

open Genlex

let lexer = make_lexer ["("; ")"; "+"; "-"; "*"; "/"]

let rec parse_expr = parser

    [< e1 = parse_mult; e = parse_more_adds e1 >] -> e
and parse_more_adds e1 = parser
    [< 'Kwd "+"; e2 = parse_mult; e = parse_more_adds (Sum(e1, e2)) >] -> e
  | [< 'Kwd "-"; e2 = parse_mult; e = parse_more_adds (Diff(e1, e2)) >] -> e
  | [< >] -> e1
and parse_mult = parser
    [< e1 = parse_simple; e = parse_more_mults e1 >] -> e
and parse_more_mults e1 = parser
    [< 'Kwd "*"; e2 = parse_simple; e = parse_more_mults (Prod(e1, e2)) >] -> e
  | [< 'Kwd "/"; e2 = parse_simple; e = parse_more_mults (Quot(e1, e2)) >] -> e
  | [< >] -> e1
and parse_simple = parser
  | [< 'Int i >] -> Const(float i)
  | [< 'Float f >] -> Const f
  | [< 'Kwd "("; e = parse_expr; 'Kwd ")" >] -> e

let parse_expression = parser [< e = parse_expr; _ = Stream.empty >] -> e

let read_expression s = parse_expression(lexer(Stream.of_string s))

let () =

 print_endline "
 The 24 Game
 Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions,
 Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of
 brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
 An answer of 'q' will quit the game.
 An answer of '!' will generate a new set of four digits.
 Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
 Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits,
 so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.\n";
 let sort = List.sort compare in
 let digits = ref [] in
 let digit_set () =
   let ar = Array.init 4 (fun _ -> 1 + Random.int 9) in
   digits := Array.to_list(Array.map float_of_int ar);
   print_string "The four digits: ";
   List.iter (Printf.printf " %g") !digits;
 while true do
   print_string "Expression: ";
   let str = read_line() in
   if str = "q" then exit 0;
   if str = "!" then digit_set()
   else begin
     let expr = read_expression str in
     let res = eval expr in
     Printf.printf " = %g\n%!" res;
     if res = 24.
     && (sort !digits) = (sort (extract [] expr))
     then (print_endline "Congratulations!"; digit_set())
     else print_endline "Try again"


<lang Oforth>import: mapping


| l expr w n i |

  4 #[ 9 rand ] Array init ->l

  System.Out "Digits : " << l << " --> RPN Expression for 24 : " << drop 
  System.Console accept ->expr

  expr words forEach: w [
     w "+" == ifTrue: [ + continue ]
     w "-" == ifTrue: [ - continue ]
     w "*" == ifTrue: [ * continue ]
     w "/" == ifTrue: [ >float / continue ]

     w >integer dup ->n  ifNull: [ System.Out "Word " << w << " not allowed " << cr break ]
     n l indexOf dup ->i ifNull: [ System.Out "Integer " << n << " is wrong " << cr break ]
     n l put(i, null)
  #null? l conform? ifFalse: [ "Sorry, all numbers must be used..." . return ]
  24 if=: [ "You won !" ] else: [ "You loose..." ] .


While the solution shown within this page at Rexx version 2 was created for Classic Rexx it also can be used unchanged by the ooRexx interpreter and so can be considered a solution for the ooRexx language too.

Incompatibilities(*) that were originally in Rexx version 1 were meanwhile "fixed", so it also can be used unchanged by the ooRexx interpreter and so can be considered a solution for the ooRexx language too.

(*) Classic Rexx accepts assignment without an expression (x=;), ooRexx does not.


The dynamic query parser is used to evaluate the expression. <lang Progress (OpenEdge ABL)>DEFINE TEMP-TABLE tt NO-UNDO FIELD ii AS INTEGER.





  p_deanswer = i_de.


/* generate problem */ DO ii = 1 TO 4:

     idigits [ii]   =  RANDOM( 1, 9 ).
     Digits         =  Digits + STRING( idigits [ii] ) + " "


/* ui */ DISPLAY Digits. UPDATE Answer.

/* check valid input */ DO ii = 1 TO 7:

  cchar = SUBSTRING( Answer, ii, 1 ).
  IF cchar > "" THEN DO:
     IF ii MODULO 2 = 1 THEN DO:
        IF LOOKUP( cchar, Digits, " " ) = 0 THEN
           cmessage = cmessage + SUBSTITUTE( "Invalid digit: &1.~r", cchar ).
           ENTRY( LOOKUP( cchar, Digits, " " ), Digits, " " ) = "".
     ELSE DO:
        IF LOOKUP( cchar, "+,-,/,*" ) = 0 THEN
           cmessage = cmessage + SUBSTITUTE( "&1 is not a valid operator.~r", cchar ).

END. IF TRIM( Digits ) > "" THEN

  cmessage = cmessage + SUBSTITUTE( "You did not use digits: &1":U, TRIM( Digits ) ).

IF cmessage = "" THEN DO:

  /* expressions need spacing */
  DO ii = 1 TO 7:
     cexpression = cexpression + SUBSTRING( Answer, ii, 1 ) + " ".
  /* use dynamic query to parse expression */
        "WHERE NOT DYNAMIC-FUNCTION( 'calculate', DECIMAL( &1 ) )",
  IF p_deanswer <> 24 THEN
     cmessage = cmessage + SUBSTITUTE( "The expression evaluates to &1.", p_deanswer ).
     cmessage = "Solved!".


MESSAGE cmessage VIEW-AS ALERT-BOX. </lang>


This example is untested. Please check that it's correct, debug it as necessary, and remove this message.

<lang parigp>game()={

 print("Form 24 using */+-() and: "v);
   if (!valid(s,v), next);
     print("Arithmetic error");
     if(eval(s)==24, break, print("Bad sum"))
 print("You win!")

}; valid(s,v)={

     print("Invalid character "s[i]);
       print(s[i]" not allowed");
     print("Concatenating digits is not allowed!");
   print("Invalid digits");



<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use feature 'say';

print <<'EOF'; The 24 Game

Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of parentheses, (), show how to make an answer of 24.

An answer of "q" or EOF will quit the game. A blank answer will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24.

Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed. EOF

my $try = 1; while (1) {

 my @digits = map { 1+int(rand(9)) } 1..4;
 say "\nYour four digits: ", join(" ", @digits);
 print "Expression (try ", $try++, "): ";
 my $entry = <>;
 if (!defined $entry || $entry eq 'q') 
   { say "Goodbye.  Sorry you couldn't win."; last; }
 $entry =~ s/\s+//g;  # remove all white space
 next if $entry eq ;
 my $given_digits = join "", sort @digits;
 my $entry_digits = join "", sort grep { /\d/ } split(//, $entry);
 if ($given_digits ne $entry_digits ||  # not correct digits
     $entry =~ /\d\d/ ||                # combined digits
     $entry =~ m|[-+*/]{2}| ||          # combined operators
     $entry =~ tr|-0-9()+*/||c)         # Invalid characters
   { say "That's not valid";  next; }
 my $n = eval $entry;
 if    (!defined $n) { say "Invalid expression"; }
 elsif ($n == 24)    { say "You win!"; last; }
 else                { say "Sorry, your expression is $n, not 24"; }



-- Note this uses simple/strict left association, so for example:
--  1+2*1*8 is ((1+2)*1)*8 not 1+((2*1)*8) [or 1+(2*(1*8))], and
--  7-(2*2)*8 is (7-(2*2))*8 not 7-((2*2)*8)
--  Does not allow unary minus on the first digit.
-- Uses solve24() from the next task, when it can.
--  (you may want to comment out the last 2 lines/uncomment the if 0, in that file)
--include 24_game_solve.exw
--with trace
forward function eval(string equation, sequence unused, integer idx=1)
-- (the above definition is entirely optional, but good coding style)
constant errorcodes = {"digit expected",                    -- 1
                       "')' expected",                      -- 2
                       "digit already used",                -- 3
                       "digit not offered",                 -- 4
                       "operand expected"}                  -- 5
function card(integer idx)  -- (for error handling)
    if idx=1 then return "1st" end if
    if idx=2 then return "2nd" end if
    -- (assumes expression is less than 21 characters)
    return sprintf("%dth",idx)
end function
function errorchar(sequence equation, integer idx)
    if idx>length(equation) then return "" end if
    return sprintf("(%s)",equation[idx])
end function
sequence rset = repeat(0,4)
procedure new_rset()
    for i=1 to length(rset) do
        rset[i] = rand(9)
    end for
end procedure
function get_operand(string equation, integer idx, sequence unused)
    integer error = 1 -- "digit expected"
    atom res
    if idx<=length(equation) then
        integer ch = equation[idx]
        if ch='(' then
            {error,res,unused,idx} = eval(equation,unused,idx+1)
            if error=0
            and idx<=length(equation) then
                ch = equation[idx]
                if ch=')' then
                    return {0,res,unused,idx+1}
                end if
            end if
            if error=0 then
                error = 2   -- "')' expected"
            end if
        elsif ch>='0' and ch<='9' then
            res = ch-'0'
            integer k = find(res,unused)
            if k!=0 then
                unused[k..k] = {}
                return {0,res,unused,idx+1}
            end if
            if find(res,rset) then
                error = 3  -- "digit already used"
                error = 4  -- "digit not offered"
            end if
        end if
    end if
    return {error,0,unused,idx}
end function
function get_operator(string equation, integer idx)
    integer error = 5 -- "operand expected"
    if idx<=length(equation) then
        integer ch = equation[idx]
        if find(ch,"+-/*") then
            return {0,ch,idx+1}
        end if
    end if
    return {error,0,idx}
end function
function eval(string equation, sequence unused, integer idx=1)
    atom lhs, rhs
    integer ch, error
    {error,lhs,unused,idx} = get_operand(equation,idx,unused)
    if error=0 then
        while 1 do
            {error,ch,idx} = get_operator(equation,idx)
            if error!=0 then exit end if
            {error,rhs,unused,idx} = get_operand(equation,idx,unused)
            if error!=0 then exit end if
            if    ch='+' then       lhs += rhs
            elsif ch='-' then       lhs -= rhs
            elsif ch='/' then       lhs /= rhs
            elsif ch='*' then       lhs *= rhs
            else ?9/0 -- (should not happen)
            end if
            if idx>length(equation) then
                return {0,lhs,unused,idx}
            end if
            ch = equation[idx]
            if ch=')' then
                return {0,lhs,unused,idx}
            end if
        end while
    end if
    return {error,0,unused,idx}
end function
function strip(string equation)
    for i=length(equation) to 1 by -1 do
        if find(equation[i]," \t\r\n") then
            equation[i..i] = ""
        end if
    end for
    return equation
end function
function strip0(atom a) -- (for error handling)
    string res = sprintf("%f",a)
    for i=length(res) to 2 by -1 do
        integer ch = res[i]
        if ch='.' then return res[1..i-1] end if
        if ch!='0' then return res[1..i] end if
    end for
    return res
end function
procedure play()
    sequence unused
    string equation
    integer error,idx
    atom res
    printf(1,"Enter an expression which evaluates to exactly 24\n"&
             "Use all of, and only, the digits %d, %d, %d, and %d\n"&
             "You may only use the operators + - * /\n"&
             "Parentheses and spaces are allowed\n",rset)
    while 1 do
        equation = strip(gets(0))
        if upper(equation)="Q" then exit end if
        if equation="?" then
            integer r_solve24 = routine_id("solve24") -- see below
            if r_solve24=-1 then -- (someone copied just this code out?)
                puts(1,"no solve24 routine\n")
            end if
            {error,res,unused,idx} = eval(equation, rset)
            if error!=0 then
                printf(1,"  %s on the %s character%s\n",{errorcodes[error],card(idx),errorchar(equation,idx)})
            elsif idx<=length(equation) then
                printf(1,"\neval() returned only having processed %d of %d characters\n",{idx,length(equation)})
            elsif length(unused) then
                printf(1," not all the digits were used\n",error)
            elsif res!=24 then
                printf(1,"\nresult is %s, not 24\n",{strip0(res)})
                puts(1," correct!  Press any key to quit\n")
                {} = wait_key()
            end if
        end if
        puts(1,"enter Q to give up and quit\n")
    end while
end procedure


Translation of: Perl

<lang PHP>#!/usr/bin/env php The 24 Game

Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.

An answer of "q" will quit the game. An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24

Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.


while (true) {

   $numbers = make_numbers();
   for ($iteration_num = 1; ; $iteration_num++) {
       echo "Expresion $iteration_num: ";
       $entry = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
       if ($entry === '!') break;
       if ($entry === 'q') exit;
       $result = play($numbers, $entry);
       if ($result === null) {
           echo "That's not valid\n";
       elseif ($result != 24) {
           echo "Sorry, that's $result\n";
       else {
           echo "That's right! 24!!\n";


function make_numbers() {

   $numbers = array();
   echo "Your four digits: ";
   for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
       $number = rand(1, 9);
       // The check is needed to avoid E_NOTICE from PHP
       if (!isset($numbers[$number])) {
           $numbers[$number] = 0;
       print "$number ";
   print "\n";
   return $numbers;


function play($numbers, $expression) {

   $operator = true;
   for ($i = 0, $length = strlen($expression); $i < $length; $i++) {
       $character = $expression[$i];
       if (in_array($character, array('(', ')', ' ', "\t"))) continue;
       $operator = !$operator;
       if (!$operator) {
           if (!empty($numbers[$character])) {
       elseif (!in_array($character, array('+', '-', '*', '/'))) {
   foreach ($numbers as $remaining) {
       if ($remaining > 0) {
   return eval("return $expression;");

} ?></lang>


<lang Picat>import util.

main =>


play =>

   Digits = [random() mod 9 + 1 : _ in 1..4].sort(),
   println("Enter \"q\" to quit"),
   println("Enter \"!\" to request a new set of four digits."),
   printf("Or enter expression using %w => ", Digits),
   Exp = read_line().strip(),

evaluate(_Digits,"q") => halt. evaluate(_Digits,"!") => play. evaluate(Digits,Exp) =>

   Operands = [to_int(D) : D in Exp, digit(D)].sort(),
   (Digits !== Operands ->
       println("You must use the given digits:" ++ to_string(Digits))
       catch(Term = parse_term(Exp), Exception, println(Exception)),
       Res is Term,
       (Res =:= 24 ->
           println("Good work!")
           println("Wong expression")



<lang PicoLisp> (load "@lib/frac.l")

(de random4digits ()

  (setq Numbers (make (do 4 (link (rand 1 9)))))
  Numbers )

(de prompt ()

     "^JPlease enter a 'Lisp' expression (integer or fractional math) that equals 24,^J"
     "using (, ), frac, + or f+, - or f-, * or f*, / or f/, and " Numbers "^J"
     "(use each number only once). Enter . to quit." ) )

(de getinput ()

  (setq Expression (catch ’NIL (in NIL (read))))
  Expression )

(de checkexpression (Numbers Expression)

     (when (diff Numbers (fish num? Expression))
        (link "Not all numbers used.") )
     (when (diff (fish num? Expression) Numbers)
        (link "Using wrong number(s)."))
     (if (sub? "f" (pack Expression))
        (when (diff (fish sym? Expression) '(frac f+ f- f* f/))
           (link "Illegal operator(s). If fractional expression, must use frac, f+, f-, f*, f/ only.") )
        (when (diff (fish sym? Expression) '(+ - * /))
           (link "Using illegal operator(s).") ) ) ) )

(de instructions ()

  (prinl "Example 'Lisp' expression: (- (* 3 9) (+ 1 2))")
     "Example 'Lisp' fractional expression:^J"
     "(f- (f* (frac 3 1)(frac 9 1)) (f+ (frac 1 1)(frac 2 1)))" )
     "Use a fractional expression 'just for fun (as above)' OR if your solution^J"
     "would lose remainder value(s) otherwise (through integer division)." ) )

(de loopuntilquit ()

     (set 'Numbers (random4digits))
     (set 'Expression (getinput))
     (if (= Expression ".") (prog (prinl "bye!") (bye)))
     (set 'Check (checkexpression Numbers Expression))
     (if (car Check)
        (mapcar prinl Check)
           (set 'Evaluated (eval Expression))
           (if (or (= Evaluated 24) (= Evaluated (24 . 1)))
              (prinl "Congratulations!")
              (prinl "That evaluated to " Evaluated " Try again!") ) ) ) ) )



pil 24game.l +
Example 'Lisp' expression: (+ (* 4 5) (- 1 2))
Example 'Lisp' fractional expression: (f+ (f* (frac 4 1)(frac 5 1)) (f- (frac 1 1)(frac 2 1)))
Use a fractional expression if your solution would lose remainder value(s) otherwise.

Please enter a 'Lisp' expression (regular or fractional math style) that equals 24,
using (, ), frac, + or f+, - or f-, * or f*, / or f/, and 1329.
Enter . to quit.
(f- (f* (frac 3 1)(frac 9 1)) (f+ (frac 1 1)(frac 2 1)))

Please enter a 'Lisp' expression (regular or fractional math style) that equals 24,
using (, ), frac, + or f+, - or f-, * or f*, / or f/, and 3758.
Enter . to quit.
(+ (* (- 8 5) 7) 3)

Please enter a 'Lisp' expression (regular or fractional math style) that equals 24,
using (, ), frac, + or f+, - or f-, * or f*, / or f/, and 3758.
Enter . to quit.
(f- (f* (frac 3 1)(frac 7 1)) (+ (frac 5 1)(frac 8 1))) 
Using wrong number(s).
Illegal operator(s). If fractional expression, must use frac, f+, f-, f*, f/ only.

Please enter a 'Lisp' expression (regular or fractional math style) that equals 24,
using (, ), frac, + or f+, - or f-, * or f*, / or f/, and 2713.
Enter . to quit.
(^ 2 7 1 3)
Using illegal operator(s).

Please enter a 'Lisp' expression (regular or fractional math style) that equals 24,
using (, ), frac, + or f+, - or f-, * or f*, / or f/, and 8367.
Enter . to quit.
(+ 8 3 6)
Not all numbers used.

Please enter a 'Lisp' expression (regular or fractional math style) that equals 24,
using (, ), frac, + or f+, - or f-, * or f*, / or f/, and 1635.
Enter . to quit.


<lang pli> /* Plays the game of 24. */

TWENTYFOUR: procedure options (main); /* 14 August 2010 */

CTP: procedure (E) returns (character(50) varying);

  declare E character (*) varying;
  declare OUT character (length(E)) varying;
  declare S character (length(E)) varying controlled;
  declare c character (1);
  declare i fixed binary;

/* This procedure converts an arithmetic expression to Reverse Polish Form. */ /* A push-down pop-up stack is used for operators. */ priority: procedure (a) returns (fixed decimal (1));

  declare a character (1);
  declare ops character (10) initial ('#+-*/') varying static;
  declare pri(6) fixed decimal (1) initial (1,2,2,3,3,4) static;
  declare i fixed binary;
  i = index(ops,a);
  return (pri(i));

end priority;

  allocate S; S = '#'; out = ;
  do i = 1 to length(E);
     c = substr(E, i, 1);
     if index('+-*/', c) > 0 then
           /* Copy any higher priority operators on the stack to the output. */
           do while ( priority(c) <= priority((S)) );
              out = out || S;
              free S;
           /* Copy the input character to the stack. */
           allocate S; S = c;
     if index('123456789', c) > 0 then
        out = out || c;
  do while (allocation(S) > 1);
     out = out || s;
     free S;
  return (out);

end CTP;

/* Given a push-down pop-up stack, and an expresion in */ /* Reverse Polish notation, evaluate the expression. */ EVAL: procedure (E) returns (fixed decimal(15));

  declare E character (*) varying;
  declare S fixed decimal (15) controlled;
  declare (a, b) fixed decimal (15);
  declare c character (1);
  declare p fixed binary;
  declare (empty_stack, invalid_expression) condition;
  on condition (empty_stack) begin;
     put skip list ('Your expression is not valid.');
  on condition (invalid_expression) begin;
     put skip list ('Your expression is not valid.');
  do p = 1 to length(E);
     c = substr(E, p, 1);
     if index('123456789', c) > 0 then
        do; allocate S; S = c; end;
           if allocation(S) = 0 then signal condition (empty_stack);
           b = S; free S;
           if allocation(S) = 0 then signal condition (empty_stack);
           a = S;
           select (c);
              when ('+') S = a + b; 
              when ('-') S = a - b;
              when ('*') S = a * b;
              when ('/') S = a / b;
              when ('^') S = a ** b;
              otherwise signal condition (invalid_expression);
  if allocation(S) ^= 1 then signal condition (invalid_expression);
  return (S);

END eval;

/* Check that the player has used every digit and no others. */ VALIDATE: procedure (E);

  declare E character (*) varying;
  declare E2 character (length(E)), (i, j) fixed binary;
  declare digits(9) character (1) static initial
     ('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9');
  E2 = translate(E, '    ', '+-*/' );
  do i = 1 to 4;
     j = index(E2, digits(k(i)));
     if j > 0 then
        substr(E2, j, 1) = ' ';
        do; put skip list ('You must use the digits supplied.'); stop; end;
  if E2 ^=  then
     do; put skip list ('You must use every digit supplied, and no others.'); stop; end;


  declare E character (40) varying;
  declare k(4) fixed decimal;
  declare (time, random) builtin;
  declare V fixed decimal (15);
  k = random(TIME);
  k = 9*random() + 1;
  put skip edit ('Here are four integers:', k) (a);
  put skip list ('With these integers, make up an arithmetic expression' ||
     ' that evaluates to 24.');
  put skip list ('You can use any of the operators +, -, *, and /');
  put skip list ('E.g., Given the integers 1, 3, 7, and 6,' ||
     ' the expression 6*3+7-1 evaluates to 24.');
  put skip list ('Please type an arithmetic expression :');
  get edit (E) (L) COPY;
  CALL VALIDATE (E); /* Check that the player has used every digit and no others. */
  E = CTP(E);
  V = EVAL (E);
  if V = 24 then
     put skip list ('Congratulations: the expression evaluates to 24.');
     put skip edit ('The result is ', trim(V), ' which is not correct') (a);

end TWENTYFOUR; </lang>


<lang Potion>is_num = (s):

 x = s ord(0)
 if (x >= "0"ord && x <= "9"ord): true.
 else: false.

nums = (s):

 res = ()
 0 to (s length, (b):
   c = s(b)
   if (is_num(c)):
     res push(c).

try = 1 while (true):

 r = rand string
 digits = (r(0),r(1),r(2),r(3))
 "\nMy next four digits: " print
 digits join(" ") say
 digit_s = digits ins_sort string
 ("Your expression to create 24 (try ", try, "): ") print
 entry = read slice(0,-1)
 expr = entry eval
 parse = nums(entry)
 parse_s = parse clone ins_sort string
 if (parse length != 4):
   ("Wrong number of digits:", parse) say.
 elsif (parse_s != digit_s):
   ("Wrong digits:", parse) say.
 elsif (expr == 24):
   "You won!" say
   entry print, " => 24" say
   (entry, " => ", expr string, " != 24") join("") say.



The "isNumeric" function was taken from the "Determine_if_a_string_is_numeric" task.

todo: add a validation that all given digits were used. Right now the validation is that 4 digits should be used in the expression, but not exactly the ones given. (example: if you are given the digits 2, 2, 6, 9 this program accepts the following solution: 6 * 4 * 2 / 2)

<lang powershell> CLS

Function isNumeric ($x) {

   $x2 = 0    
   $isNum = [System.Int32]::TryParse($x,[ref]$x2)

Return $isNum }

$NumberArray = @() While( $NumberArray.Count -lt 4 ){

   $NumberArray += Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 10


Write-Host @" Welcome to the 24 game!

Here are your numbers: $($NumberArray -join ","). Use division, multiplication, subtraction and addition to get 24 as a result with these 4 numbers. "@

Do { $Wrong = 0 $EndResult = $null $TempChar = $null $TempChar2 = $null $Count = $null

$AllowableCharacters = $NumberArray + "+-*/()".ToCharArray()

   $Result = Read-Host
       Foreach($Char in $Result.ToCharArray())
           If( $AllowableCharacters -notcontains $Char ){ $Wrong = 1 }
       If($Wrong -eq 1)
           Write-Warning "Wrong input! Please use only the given numbers."
       Foreach($Char in $Result.ToCharArray())
           If((IsNumeric $TempChar) -AND (IsNumeric $Char))
               Write-Warning "Wrong input! Combining two or more numbers together is not allowed!"
           $TempChar = $Char
       Foreach($Char in $Result.ToCharArray())
           If(IsNumeric $Char)
       If($Count -eq 4)
           $EndResult = Invoke-Expression $Result
               If($EndResult -eq 24)
                   Write-Host "`nYou've won the game!"
                   Write-Host "`n$EndResult is not 24! Too bad."
           Write-Warning "Wrong input! You did not supply four numbers."

} While($EndResult -ne 24) </lang>


This example uses the math module: <lang ProDOS>:a editvar /modify -random- = <10 printline These are your four digits: -random- -random- -random- -random- printline Use an algorithm to make the number 24. editvar /newvar /value=a /userinput=1 /title=Algorithm: do -a- if -a- /hasvalue 24 printline Your algorithm worked! & goto :b ( ) else printline Your algorithm did not work.


editvar /newvar /value=b /userinput=1 /title=Do you want to play again? if -b- /hasvalue y goto :a else exitcurrentprogram</lang>


Works with: GNU Prolog

<lang prolog>:- initialization(main).

answer(24). play :- round, play ; true.

round :-

   prompt(Ns), get_line(Input), Input \= "stop"
 , ( phrase(parse(Ns,[]), Input) -> Result = 'correct'
                                  ; Result = 'wrong'
   ), write(Result), nl, nl
 . % where
   prompt(Ns)  :- length(Ns,4), maplist(random(1,10), Ns)
                , write('Digits: '), write(Ns), nl

parse([],[X]) --> { answer(X) }. parse(Ns,[Y,X|S]) --> "+", { Z is X + Y }, parse(Ns,[Z|S]). parse(Ns,[Y,X|S]) --> "-", { Z is X - Y }, parse(Ns,[Z|S]). parse(Ns,[Y,X|S]) --> "*", { Z is X * Y }, parse(Ns,[Z|S]). parse(Ns,[Y,X|S]) --> "/", { Z is X div Y }, parse(Ns,[Z|S]). parse(Ns,Stack) --> " ", parse(Ns,Stack). parse(Ns,Stack) --> { select(N,Ns,Ns1), number_codes(N,[Code]) }

                   , [Code], parse(Ns1,[N|Stack])

get_line(Xs) :- get_code(X)

             , ( X == 10 -> Xs = [] ; Xs = [X|Ys], get_line(Ys) )

main :- randomize, play, halt.</lang> Example "session":

Digits: [9,4,6,9]

Digits: [7,4,7,8]
8 4 7 7 / - *

Digits: [7,2,8,2]

Digits: [2,6,7,1]

Digits: [3,6,5,8]

Digits: [2,1,7,7]


<lang PureBasic>#digitCount = 4 Global Dim digits(#digitCount - 1) ;holds random digits

Procedure showDigits()

 Print(#CRLF$ + "These are your four digits: ")
 Protected i
 For i = 0 To #digitCount - 1
   If i < (#digitCount - 1)
     Print(", ")
 Print("24 = ")


Procedure playAgain()

 Protected answer.s
   Print("Play again (y/n)? ")
   answer = LCase(Left(Trim(Input()), 1))
   Select answer
     Case "n"
       ProcedureReturn #False
     Case "y"
       ProcedureReturn #True


Procedure allDigitsUsed()

 Protected i
 For i = 0 To #digitCount - 1
   If digits(i) <> 0
     ProcedureReturn #False
 ProcedureReturn #True 


Procedure isValidDigit(d)

 For i = 0 To #digitCount - 1
   If digits(i) = d
     digits(i) = 0
     ProcedureReturn #True
 ProcedureReturn #False


Procedure doOperation(List op.c(), List operand.f())

 Protected x.f, y.f, op.c
 op = op(): DeleteElement(op())
 If op = '('
   ProcedureReturn #False ;end of sub-expression
 y = operand(): DeleteElement(operand())
 x = operand()
 Select op
   Case '+'
     x + y
   Case '-'
     x - y
   Case '*' 
     x * y
   Case '/' 
     x / y
 operand() = x
 ProcedureReturn #True ;operation completed


returns error if present and the expression results in *result\f

Procedure.s parseExpression(expr.s, *result.Float)

 NewList op.c()
 NewList operand.f()
 expr = ReplaceString(expr, " ", "") ;remove spaces
 If Len(expr) = 0: *result\f = 0: ProcedureReturn "": EndIf ;no expression, return zero
 Protected *ech.Character = @expr, lastWasDigit, lastWasOper, parenCheck, c.c
 While *ech\c
   c = *ech\c
   Select c
     Case '*', '/', '-', '+'
       If Not lastWasDigit: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, need a digit between operators.": EndIf
       If ListSize(op()) And (FindString("*/", Chr(op()), 1) Or (FindString("+-", Chr(op()), 1) And FindString("+-", Chr(c), 1)))
         doOperation(op(), operand())
       AddElement(op()): op() = c
       lastWasOper = #True: lastWasDigit = #False
     Case '('
       If lastWasDigit: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, need an operator before left paren.": EndIf
       AddElement(op()): op() = c
       parenCheck + 1: lastWasOper = #False
     Case ')'
       parenCheck - 1: If parenCheck < 0: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, missing a left paren.": EndIf
       If Not lastWasDigit: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, missing a digit before right paren.": EndIf
       Repeat: Until Not doOperation(op(),operand())
       lastWasDigit = #True
     Case '1' To '9'
       If lastWasDigit: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, need an operator between digits.": EndIf
       AddElement(operand()): operand() = c - '0'
       If Not isValidDigit(operand()): ProcedureReturn "'" + Chr(c) + "' is not a valid digit.": EndIf
       lastWasDigit = #True: lastWasOper = #False
       ProcedureReturn "'" + Chr(c) + "' is not allowed in the expression."
   *ech + SizeOf(Character)
 If parenCheck <> 0 Or lastWasOper: ProcedureReturn "Improper syntax, missing a right paren or digit.": EndIf
   If Not ListSize(op()): Break: EndIf
 Until Not doOperation(op(),operand())
 *result\f = operand()
 ProcedureReturn "" ;no error


Define success, failure, result.f, error.s, i If OpenConsole()

 PrintN("The 24 Game" + #CRLF$)
 PrintN("Given four digits and using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the")
 PrintN("possible use of brackets, (), enter an expression that equates to 24.")
   For i = 0 To #digitCount - 1
     digits(i) = 1 + Random(8)
   error = parseExpression(Input(), @result)
   If error = ""
     If Not allDigitsUsed()
       PrintN( "Wrong! (you didn't use all digits)"): failure + 1
     ElseIf result = 24.0
       PrintN("Correct!"): success + 1
       Print("Wrong! (you got ")
       If result <> Int(result)
         PrintN(StrF(result, 2) + ")")
         PrintN(Str(result) + ")")
       failure + 1
     PrintN(error): failure + 1
 Until Not playAgain()
 PrintN("success:" + Str(success) + " failure:" + Str(failure) + " total:" + Str(success + failure))
 Print(#CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()


The 24 Game

Given four digits and using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the
possible use of brackets, (), enter an expression that equates to 24.

These are your four digits: 9, 2, 8, 7
24 = 9*8/2-7
Wrong! (you got 29)
Play again (y/n)? y

These are your four digits: 5, 5, 5, 6
24 = 5*5+5-6
Play again (y/n)? n
success:1 failure:1 total:2


Python: Original, with output

Uses eval, the built-in expression evaluator of infix expressions. <lang python>

The 24 Game
Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions,
Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of
brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
An answer of "q" will quit the game.
An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits.
Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits,
so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.

from __future__ import division, print_function import random, ast, re import sys

if sys.version_info[0] < 3: input = raw_input

def choose4():

   'four random digits >0 as characters'
   return [str(random.randint(1,9)) for i in range(4)]

def welcome(digits):

   print (__doc__)
   print ("Your four digits: " + ' '.join(digits))

def check(answer, digits):

   allowed = set('() +-*/\t'+.join(digits))
   ok = all(ch in allowed for ch in answer) and \
        all(digits.count(dig) == answer.count(dig) for dig in set(digits)) \
        and not re.search('\d\d', answer)
   if ok:
           ok = False
   return ok

def main():

   digits = choose4()
   trial = 0
   answer = 
   chk = ans = False
   while not (chk and ans == 24):
       trial +=1
       answer = input("Expression %i: " % trial)
       chk = check(answer, digits)
       if answer.lower() == 'q':
       if answer == '!':
           digits = choose4()
           print ("New digits:", ' '.join(digits))
       if not chk:
           print ("The input '%s' was wonky!" % answer)
           ans = eval(answer)
           print (" = ", ans)
           if ans == 24:
               print ("Thats right!")
   print ("Thank you and goodbye")   

if __name__ == '__main__': main() </lang>

 The 24 Game

 Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions,
 Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of
 brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.

 An answer of "q" will quit the game.
 An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits.

 Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits,
 so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.

Your four digits: 3 2 4 6
Expression 1: (3 - 1)*(6*4)
The input '(3 - 1)*(6*4)' was wonky!
Expression 2: (3 - 2) * 6 * 4
 =  24
That's right!
Thank you and goodbye.

Python: Alternative

<lang python>import random, re chars = ["(",")","/","+","-","*"] while True:

   charsandints, ints = [], []
   for x in range(4):
   charsandints = chars + ints
   print "Numbers are:", ints
   guess = raw_input("Enter your guess:")
   if guess.lower() == "q":
   elif guess.lower() == "|":
       flag = True
       for a in guess:
           if a not in charsandints or guess.count(a) > charsandints.count(a):
               flag = False
       if re.search("\d\d", guess):
           print "You cannot combine digits."
       if flag:
           print "Your result is: ", eval(guess)
           if eval(guess) == 24:
               print "You won"
               print "You lost"
           print "You cannot use anthing other than", charsandints

print "Thanks for playing"</lang>


switch, case, and otherwise are defined at Metaprogramming#Quackery.

<lang Quackery> [ stack ] is operators ( --> s )

 0 $ "*/+-" witheach [ bit | ]
 operators put
 [ stack ]                                       is numbers         (   --> s )
 [ 0 swap
   witheach [ bit | ]
   numbers put ]                                 is putnumbers      ( $ -->   )
 [ $ "123456789" shuffle 4 split drop sort ]     is choosenumbers   (   --> $ )
 [ say "Using any of the operators * / + -" cr
   say "and each of the numbers "
   witheach [ emit sp ] say "once," cr
   say "enter an RPN expression equal to 24." cr
   $ "Spaces between characters are optional: "
   input ]                                       is getexpression   ( $ --> $ )
 [ $ "" swap witheach
     [ dup space = iff drop else join ] ]        is stripspaces     ( $ --> $ )
 [ stack ]                                       is opcount         (   --> s )
 [ stack ]                                       is numcount        (   --> s )
 [ stack ]                                       is numsused        (   --> s )
 [ true swap
   0 opcount put
   0 numcount put
   0 numsused put
     [ bit dup numbers share & iff
         [ 1 numcount tally
           numsused take | numsused put ]
         [ operators share & if
             [ 1 opcount tally ] ]
       opcount share numcount share < not if
         [ drop false conclude ] ]
   numsused take
   numbers share != if [ drop false ]
   numcount take 4 != if [ drop false ] 
   opcount take 3 != if [ drop false ] ]         is checkexpression ( $ --> b )
 [ $ "" swap
     [ dup char 0 char 9 1+ within iff
         [ join $ " n->v " join ] done
       [ switch
         char * case [ $ "v* " join ]
         char / case [ $ "v/ " join ]
         char + case [ $ "v+ " join ]
         char - case [ $ "v- " join ]
         otherwise [ $ "Error!" fail ] ] ] ]     is quackerise      ( $ --> [ )
   [ choosenumbers
     dup putnumbers
     [ dup getexpression
       dup checkexpression not while
       say "Badly formed expression. Try again."
       cr cr
       drop again ]
     say "Your expression is equal to "
     2dup 10 point$ echo$
     24 n->v v- v0= iff
     [ say ". :-)" ] else [ say ". :-(" ] 
     numbers release ]                           is game            (   -->   )</lang>

As a dialogue in the Quackery shell.

O> game
Using any of the operators * / + -
and each of the numbers 2 3 8 9 once,
enter an RPN expression equal to 24.
Spaces between characters are optional: 5 7 6 2 * + +

Your expression is equal to 24. :-)
Stack empty.

/O> game
Using any of the operators * / + -
and each of the numbers 2 3 8 9 once,
enter an RPN expression equal to 24.
Spaces between characters are optional: 2 + 5 + 8 + 9

Badly formed expression. Try again.

Using any of the operators * / + -
and each of the numbers 2 5 8 9 once,
enter an RPN expression equal to 24.
Spaces between characters are optional: 25+8+9+

Your expression is equal to 24. :-)
Stack empty.

/O> game
Using any of the operators * / + -
and each of the numbers 1 3 4 7 once,
enter an RPN expression equal to 24.
Spaces between characters are optional: 1 3 * 4 / 7 +

Your expression is equal to 7.75. :-(
Stack empty.


This makes use of R's metaprogramming (parse, eval, etc.). It uses parse to obtain a parse tree, which is scanned for containing only permitted elements before evaluating.

<lang r>twenty.four <- function(operators=c("+", "-", "*", "/", "("),

                       selector=function() sample(1:9, 4, replace=TRUE),
                       goal=24) {
 newdigits <- function() {
   arguments <<- selector()
   cat("New digits:", paste(arguments, collapse=", "), "\n")
 help <- function() cat("Make", goal,
     "out of the numbers",paste(arguments, collapse=", "),
     "and the operators",paste(operators, collapse=", "), ".",
     "\nEnter 'q' to quit, '!' to select new digits,",
     "or '?' to repeat this message.\n")
 repeat {
   switch(input <- readline(prompt="> "),
          q={ cat("Goodbye!\n"); break },
            expr <- parse(text=input, n=1)1
            check.call(expr, operators, arguments)
            result <- eval(expr)
            if (isTRUE(all.equal(result, goal))) {
            } else {
              cat("Evaluated to", result, "( goal", goal, ")\n")
          },error=function(e) cat(e$message, "\n")))


check.call <- function(expr, operators, arguments) {

 unexpr <- function(x) {
   if (is.call(x))
   else if (is.list(x))
   else x
 leaves <- unlist(unexpr(expr))
 if (any(disallowed <-
         !leaves %in% c(lapply(operators, as.name),
                        as.list(arguments)))) {
   stop("'", paste(sapply(leaves[disallowed], as.character),
                   collapse=", "),
        "' not allowed. ")
 numbers.used <- unlist(leaves[sapply(leaves, mode) == 'numeric'])
 if (! isTRUE(all.equal(sort(numbers.used), sort(arguments))))
  stop("Must use each number once.")

}</lang> Example Session <lang r>> twenty.four()

Make 24 out of the numbers 1, 6, 7, 5 and the operators +, -, *, /, ( . Enter 'q' to quit, '!' to select new digits, or '?' to repeat this message. > 6*(5-1) Must use each number once. > 1 + 6*5 - 7 Correct! New digits: 7, 2, 9, 3 > (7+9)/2*3 Correct! New digits: 1, 4, 1, 7 > 4*(7-1) Must use each number once. > (7-1)*4*1 Correct! New digits: 1, 5, 2, 8 > (5-1)^2+8 '^' not allowed. > ! New digits: 2, 8, 5, 2 > 52-28 '52, 28' not allowed. > (8-2)*(5-2/2) Must use each number once. > (8+2)*2+5 Evaluated to 25 ( goal 24 ) > q Goodbye! </lang>


The functional interpreter of an expression given in the infix form. It parses the S-expression representing the user's answer and handles invalid cases.

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (interprete expr numbers)

 ;; the cashe for used numbers
 (define cashe numbers)
 ;; updating the cashe and handling invalid cases
 (define (update-cashe! x)
   (unless (member x numbers) (error "Number is not in the given set:" x))
   (unless (member x cashe)   (error "Number is used more times then it was given:" x))
   (set! cashe (remq x cashe)))
 ;; the parser
 (define parse
     ;; parsing arythmetics
     [`(,x ... + ,y ...) (+ (parse x) (parse y))]
     [`(,x ... - ,y ...) (- (parse x) (parse y))]
     [`(,x ... * ,y ...) (* (parse x) (parse y))]
     [`(,x ... / ,y ...) (/ (parse x) (parse y))]
     [`(,x ,op ,y ...)   (error "Unknown operator: " op)]
     ;; opening redundant brackets
     [`(,expr)           (parse expr)]
     ;; parsing numbers
     [(? number? x)      (update-cashe! x) x]
     ;; unknown token
     [x                  (error "Not a number: " x)]))
 ;; parse the expresion
 (define result (parse expr))
 ;; return the result if cashe is empty
 (if (empty? cashe)
     (error "You didn`t use all numbers!")))


Testing the interpreter:

> (interprete '(1 - 2 * 3 + 8) '(1 2 3 8))
> (interprete '(1 - 2 * (3 + 8)) '(1 2 3 8))
> (interprete '((1 - 2) * (3 + 8)) '(1 2 3 8))
> (interprete '((1 - 2) * 3 + 8) '(1 2 3 8))
> (interprete '((1 - 2) * 3 + 8) '(1 2 3 4))
 Number is not in the given set: 8
> (interprete '((1 - 2) * 3 + 2) '(1 2 3 3))
 Number is used more times then it was given: 2
> (interprete '((1 - 2) ^ 3 + 2) '(1 2 3 2))
 Unknown operator:  ^
> (interprete '((1 - 2) * 3) '(1 2 3 2))
 You didn`t use all numbers!

The program which uses the interpreter to play the game:

<lang racket>

starting the program

(define (start)

 (displayln "Combine given four numbers using operations + - * / to get 24.")
 (displayln "Input 'q' to quit or your answer like '1 - 3 * (2 + 3)'")
starting a new game

(define (new-game)

 ;; create a new number set
 (define numbers (build-list 4 (λ (_) (+ 1 (random 9)))))
 (apply printf "Your numbers: ~a  ~a  ~a  ~a\n" numbers)
 (new-input numbers))
processing a new user input

(define (new-input numbers)

 ;; if an exception is raized while processing, show the exeption message
 ;; and prompt for another input, but do not stop the program.
 (with-handlers ([exn? (λ (exn)
                         (displayln (exn-message exn))
                         (new-input numbers))])
   ;; get the answer
   (define user-expr (read-the-answer))
   ;; interprete it
   (case user-expr
     [(q) (display "Good buy!")]
     [(n) (new-game)]
     [else (define ans (interprete user-expr numbers))
           (case ans
             [(24) (printf "Indeed! ~a = 24\n" user-expr)
             [else (error "Wrong!" user-expr '= ans)])])))
reading and preparing the user's answer
"1 + 2 * (3 + 4)" --> '(1 + 2 * (3 + 4))

(define (read-the-answer)

 (read (open-input-string (format "(~a)" (read-line)))))



(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2015.12

<lang perl6>use MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL;

say "Here are your digits: ", constant @digits = (1..9).roll(4)».Str;

grammar Exp24 {

   token TOP { ^ <exp> $ { fail unless EVAL($/) == 24 } }
   rule exp { <term>+ % <op> }
   rule term { '(' <exp> ')' | <@digits> }
   token op { < + - * / > }


while my $exp = prompt "\n24? " {

   if try Exp24.parse: $exp {
       say "You win :)";
   } else {
       say (
           'Sorry.  Try again.' xx 20,
           'Try harder.' xx 5,
           'Nope.  Not even close.' xx 2,
           'Are you five or something?',
           'Come on, you can do better than that.'

} </lang>

The MONKEY-SEE-NO-EVAL pragma enables the dangerous EVAL function, which will compile and execute even user input. In this example, the grammar used to parse the input should ensure that only safe expressions are evaluated.


<lang Red> Red [] print "Evaluation from left to right with no precedence, unless you use parenthesis." print "" a: "123456789" guess: "" valid: "" sucess: false random/seed now/time loop 4 [append valid last random a] print ["The numbers are: " valid/1 ", " valid/2 ", " valid/3 " and " valid/4] sort valid insert valid " "

expr: [term ["+" | "-"] expr | term] term: [primary ["*" | "/"] term | primary] primary: [some digit | "(" expr ")"] digit: charset valid

while [not sucess] [ guess: ask "Enter your expression: " if guess = "q" [halt] numbers: copy guess sort numbers numbers: take/last/part numbers 4 insert numbers " " either (parse guess expr) and (valid = numbers) [ repeat i length? guess [insert at guess (i * 2) " "] result: do guess print ["The result of your expression is: " result] if (result = 24) [sucess: true] ][ print "Something is wrong with the expression, try again." ] ] print "You got it right!"

</lang> Output:

Evaluation from left to right with no precedence, unless you use parenthesis.

The numbers are:  7 ,  1 ,  9  and  3
Enter your expression: 7+1+9
Something is wrong with the expression, try again.
Enter your expression: 7+1+8+3
Something is wrong with the expression, try again.
Enter your expression: 1+7*(9/3)
The result of your expression is:  24
You got it right!

Red: Alternative

<lang Red> Red [

   Title: "24 Game"
   Author: "gltewalt"


op: charset "*/+-" term: [opt "(" num opt ")"] valid-expression: [term op term op term op term]

explode: func [val][

   extract/into val 1 c: copy []


check-expression: does [

   if "q" = e: ask "Enter expression: " [halt]
   either parse trim/all e valid-expression [
       either 24 = m: math to-block form explode e [
           print ["You got it!" m]
           print ["Not quite correct. That's" m]]
       print "Invalid expression."


main: does [

   numbers: collect [loop 4 [keep random 9]]
   num: charset form numbers
   print [newline "Using the following numbers, enter an expression that equals 24: (pmdas)" numbers]
   if none? attempt [check-expression][print "Invalid expression."]


forever [main] </lang>


A large part of this program deals with validating the user input   (and issuing appropriate and meaningful error
messages),   and also that the digits presented to the user, do in fact, have a possible solution.

This REXX version uses an in─line documentation (for help).

<lang rexx>/*REXX program helps the user find solutions to the game of 24.

╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Argument is either of these forms: (blank) ║⌂ ║ ssss ║⌂ ║ ssss,total,limit ║⌂ ║ ssss-ffff ║⌂ ║ ssss-ffff,total,limit ║⌂ ║ -ssss ║⌂ ║ +ssss ║⌂ ║ ║⌂ ║ where SSSS and/or FFFF must be exactly four numerals (decimal digits) ║⌂ ║ comprised soley of the numerals (digits) 1 ──► 9 (no zeroes). ║⌂ ║ ║⌂ ║ SSSS is the start, and FFFF is the end (inclusive). ║⌂ ║ ║⌂ ║ If ssss has a leading plus (+) sign, it's used as the digits, and ║⌂ ║ the user is prompted to enter a solution (using those decimal digits). ║⌂ ║ ║⌂ ║ If ssss has a leading minus (-) sign, a solution is searched for and ║⌂ ║ the user is told there is a solution (or not), but no solutions are shown).║⌂ ║ ║⌂ ║ If no argument is specified, this program generates four digits (no zeros) ║⌂ ║ which has at least one solution, and shows the sorted digits to the user, ║⌂ ║ requesting that they enter a solution (the digits used may be in any order).║⌂ ║ ║⌂ ║ If TOTAL is entered, it's the desired answer. The default is 24. ║⌂ ║ If LIMIT is entered, it limits the number of solutions shown. ║⌂ ║ ║⌂ ║ A solution to be entered can be in the form of: ║ ║ ║ ║ digit1 operator digit2 operator digit3 operator digit4 ║ ║ ║ ║ where DIGITn is one of the digits shown (in any order), and ║ ║ OPERATOR can be any one of: + - * / ║ ║ ║ ║ Parentheses () may be used in the normal manner for grouping, as well as ║ ║ brackets [] or braces {}. Blanks can be used anywhere. ║ ║ ║ ║ I.E.: for the digits 3448 the following could be entered: 3*8 + (4-4) ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ */

numeric digits 30 /*where rational arithmetic is needed. */ parse arg orig; uargs= orig /*get the guess from the command line*/ orig= space(orig, 0) /*remove all the blanks from ORIG. */ negatory= left(orig, 1)=='-' /*=1, suppresses showing. */ pository= left(orig, 1)=='+' /*=1, force pgm to use specific number.*/ if pository | negatory then orig=substr(orig,2) /*now, just use the absolute vaue. */ parse var orig orig ',' $ "," limit /*get optional total ($) and/or limit*/ parse var orig start '-' finish /*get start and finish (maybe). */ opers= '*' || "/+-" /*arithmetic opers; order is important.*/ ops= length(opers) /*the number of arithmetic operators. */ groupsym= space(' ( ) [ ] { } « » ', 0) /*the allowable grouping symbols. */ indent= left(, 30) /*indents the display of solutions. */ show= 1 /*=1, shows solutions (a semifore). */ digs= 123456789 /*numerals (digits) that can be used.*/ if $== then $= 24 /*the name (goal) of the game: (24) */ if limit== then limit= 1 /*=1, shows only one solution. */ __= copies('─', 8) /*used for output messages to the user.*/ abuttals = 0 /*=1, allows digit abuttal: 12+12 */

     do j=1  for ops;  o.j= substr(opers, j, 1) /*these are used for fast execution.   */
     end  /*j*/

if \datatype(limit, 'N') then do; call ger limit "isn't numeric"; exit 13; end limit= limit / 1 /*normalize the number for limit. */ if \datatype($, 'N') then do; call ger $ "isn't numeric"; exit 13; end $= $ / 1 /*normalize the number for total. */ if start\== & \pository then do; call ranger start,finish; exit 1; end show= 0 /*stop blabbing solutions in SOLVE. */

             do forever  while  \negatory       /*keep truckin' until a solution.      */
             x.= 0                              /*way to hold unique expressions.      */
             rrrr= random(1111, 9999)           /*get a random set of digits.          */
             if pos(0, rrrr)\==0  then iterate  /*but don't the use of zeroes.         */
             if solve(rrrr)\==0   then leave    /*try to solve for these digits.       */
             end   /*forever*/

show= 1 /*enable SOLVE to show solutions. */ if pository then rrrr= start /*use what's specified. */ rrrr= sortc(rrrr) /*sort four elements. */ rd.= x.

                 do j=1  for 9;    _= substr(rrrr, j, 1);         rd._= #chrs(rrrr, _)
                 end   /*j*/                    /* [↑]  count for each digit in  RRRR. */
 do guesses=1;                 say
 say __   "Using the numerals (digits) "   rrrr", enter an expression that equals "   $
 say right('(or  ?  or  Quit):', 79)
 pull y;        uargs= y;      y= space(y, 0)   /*obtain user's response (expression). */
 if abbrev('QUIT', y, 1)  then exit 0           /*does the user want to quit this game?*/
 if y=='?'  then do j=2  for sourceline()-1;  _= sourceline(j)   /*get  a line of pgm. */
                 if right(_, 1)=='⌂'  then iterate               /*ignore this doc part*/
                 say '  '  strip( left(_, 79), 'T')              /*show "   "   " doc. */
                 if left(_, 1)=='╚'  then iterate guesses
                 end   /*j*/                    /* [↑]  use an in─line way to show help*/
 _v= verify(y, digs || opers || groupsym)       /*any illegal characters?              */
 if _v\==0  then do;   call ger 'invalid character:'  substr(y, _v, 1);   iterate;    end
 if   y=  then do;   call validate y;   iterate;    end
   do j=1  for length(y)-1  while \abuttals     /*check for two adjacent decimal digits*/
   if datatype( substr(y, j, 1), 'W')   &   datatype( substr(y, j+1, 1), 'W')  then ,
                          do;  call ger 'invalid use of digit abuttal:'   substr(y, j, 2)
                               iterate guesses
   end   /*j*/
 yy= translate(y, ')))', "]}»")                 /*use a simlier form for the expression*/
   do j=1  for 9  while \abuttals               /*check for a dig following a group sym*/
   _= pos(')'j, yy)                             /*is there a string with:   )DIGIT   ? */
   if _>0  then do;  call ger 'invalid use of digit abuttal' substr(y, _, 2)
                     iterate guesses
   end   /*j*/
 yd= #chrs(y, digs)                             /*count of legal digits  123456789     */
 if yd<4  then do;  call ger 'not enough numerals were entered.';  iterate guesses;   end
 if yd>4  then do;  call ger 'too many numerals were entered.'  ;  iterate guesses;   end
     do j=1  for length(groupsym)  by 2
     if #chrs(y, substr(groupsym, j  , 1))\==,
        #chrs(y, substr(groupsym, j+1, 1))  then do;   call ger 'mismatched' ,
                                                                 substr(groupsym, j, 2)
                                                       iterate guesses
     end   /*j*/
       do k=1  for 2                            /*check for     **     and     //      */
       _= copies( substr( opers, k, 1), 2)      /*only examine the first two operators.*/
       if pos(_, y)\==0  then do;  call ger 'illegal operator:' _;  iterate guesses;  end
       end   /*k*/
   do j=1  for 9;    if rd.j==0  then iterate;       _d= #chrs(y, j)
   if _d==rd.j  then iterate
   if _d<rd.j   then call ger  'not enough'   j   "numerals were entered, must be"   rd.j
                else call ger  'too many'     j   "numerals were entered, must be"   rd.j
   iterate guesses
   end   /*j*/
 y= translate(y, '()()', "[]{}")                /*change extended grouping symbols──►()*/
 interpret  'ans=('  y   ") / 1"                /*evalualte a normalized expression.   */
 oldDigs= digits()                              /*save current decimal digit setting.  */
 numeric digits digits()%2                      /*normalize expresssion to less digits.*/
 if ans/1=$  then leave guesses                 /*the expression calculates to  24.    */
 say __   "incorrect, "   y"="ans               /*issue an error message  (incorrect). */
 numeric digits oldDigs                         /*re─instate the decimal digs precision*/
 end   /*guesses*/

say; say center('┌─────────────────────┐', 79)

                say center('│                     │', 79)
                say center('│  congratulations !  │', 79)
                say center('│                     │', 79)
                say center('└─────────────────────┘', 79);     say

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/

  1. chrs:procedure; parse arg x,c; return length(x) - length( space( translate(x, , c), 0) )

div: procedure; parse arg q; if q=0 then q=1e9; return q /*tests if dividing by zero.*/ ger: say __ '***error*** for argument: ' uargs; say __ arg(1); errCode= 1; return 0 s: if arg(1)==1 then return arg(3); return word( arg(2) 's', 1) /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ ranger: parse arg ssss,ffff /*parse args passed to this sub. */

       ffff= word(ffff ssss, 1)                 /*create a   FFFF   if necessary.      */
              do g=ssss  to ffff                /*process possible range of values.    */
              if pos(0, g)\==0  then iterate    /*ignore any   G   number with zeroes. */
              sols= solve(g);  wols= sols
              if sols==0  then wols= 'No'       /*un─geek number of solutions (if any).*/
              if negatory & sols\==0  then wols= 'A'  /*found only the first solution? */
              if sols==1  & limit==1  then wols= 'A'
              say;            say wols   'solution's(sols)    "found for"    g
              if $\==24  then say  'for answers that equal'    $
              end   /*g*/

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ solve: parse arg qqqq; finds= 0; x.=0; nq.= x. /*parse args passed to this function. */

      if \validate(qqqq)  then return -1
      parse value '( (( )) )'   with  L LL RR R /*assign some static variables (fastly)*/
          do jq=1  for 4;  _= substr(qqqq,jq,1) /*count the   number   of each digit.  */
          nq._= nq._ + 1
          end   /*jq*/
                   gLO= 1111;  gHI= 9999

if $==24 then do; gLO= 1118; gHI= 9993; end /*24: lowest poss.# that has solutions*/

 do gggg=gLO  to gHI;  if pos(0, gggg)\==0  then iterate   /*ignore values with zeroes.*/
 if verify(gggg, qqqq)\==0  then iterate
 if verify(qqqq, gggg)\==0  then iterate
 ng.= 0
        do jg=1  for 4;  _= substr(gggg, jg, 1);       g.jg= _;            ng._= ng._ + 1
        end   /*jg*/                            /* [↑]  count the number of each digit.*/
                         do kg=1  for 9;   if nq.kg\==ng.kg  then iterate gggg
                         end   /*kg*/           /* [↑]  verify number has same # digits*/
   do       i=1  for ops                        /*insert operator after 1st numeral.   */
     do     j=1  for ops                        /*  "        "      "   2nd    "       */
       do   k=1  for ops                        /*  "        "      "   3rd    "       */
         do m=0  for 10;       !.=              /*nullify all grouping symbols (parens)*/
           select                               /*used to generate grouped expressions.*/
           when m==1  then do; !.1=L;           !.3=R;                                end
           when m==2  then do; !.1=L;                              !.5=R;             end
           when m==3  then do; !.1=L;           !.3=R;   !.4=L;              !.6=R;   end
           when m==4  then do;          !.2=L;                     !.5=R;             end
           when m==5  then do;          !.2=L;                               !.6=R;   end
           when m==6  then do; !.1=LL;                             !.5=R;    !.6=R;   end
           when m==7  then do;          !.2=LL;                    !.5=R;    !.6=R;   end
           when m==8  then do; !.1=L;   !.2=L;                               !.6=RR;  end
           when m==9  then do;          !.2=L;           !.4=L;              !.6=RR;  end
           otherwise  nop
           end   /*select*/
         e= space(!.1 g.1 o.i     !.2 g.2 !.3 o.j      !.4 g.3 !.5 o.k      g.4  !.6,  0)
         if x.e  then iterate                   /*was the expression already used?     */
         x.e= 1                                 /*mark this expression as being used.  */
         origE= e                               /*keep original version for the display*/
         pd= pos('/(', e)                       /*find pos of     /(      in  E.       */
         if pd\==0  then do                     /*Found?  Might have possible ÷ by zero*/
                         eo= e
                         lr= lastpos(')', e)    /*find the last right parenthesis.     */
                         lm= pos('-', e, pd+1)  /*find a minus sign (-)    after  (    */
                         if lm>pd & lm<lr  then e= changestr('/(',e,"/div(")   /*change*/
                         if eo\==e then if x.e  then iterate /*expression already used?*/
                         x.e= 1                 /*mark this expression as being used.  */
         interpret 'x=('   e   ") / 1"          /*have REXX do the heavy lifting here. */
         if x\==$  then do                      /*Not correct?   Then try again.       */
                        numeric digits 9;    x= x / 1               /*re─do evaluation.*/
                        numeric digits 12                           /*re─instate digits*/
                        if x\==$  then iterate  /*Not correct?   Then try again.       */
         finds= finds + 1                       /*bump number of found solutions.      */
         if \show | negatory  then return finds
         _= translate(origE, '][', ")(")                      /*display  [],  not  (). */
         if show  then say indent   'a solution for'  gggg':'  $"="  _ /*show solution.*/
         if limit==1 & finds==limit  then leave gggg                   /*leave big loop*/
         end     /*m*/
       end       /*k*/
     end         /*j*/
   end           /*i*/
 end             /*gggg*/

return finds /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ sortc: procedure; arg nnnn; @.= /*sorts the digits of NNNN */

             do i=1  for length(nnnn); _= substr(nnnn, i, 1);   @._= @._||_;   end  /*i*/
      return @.0 || @.1 || @.2 || @.3 || @.4 || @.5 || @.6 || @.7 || @.8 || @.9

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ validate: parse arg y; errCode= 0; _v= verify(y, digs)

                 when y==         then call ger 'no digits were entered.'
                 when length(y)<4   then call ger 'not enough digits entered, must be 4'
                 when length(y)>4   then call ger 'too many digits entered, must be 4'
                 when pos(0,y)\==0  then call ger "can't use the digit  0 (zero)"
                 when _v\==0        then call ger 'illegal character:'  substr(y, _v, 1)
                 otherwise          nop
                 end   /*select*/</lang>

Some older REXXes don't have a   changestr   BIF,   so one is included here   ──►   CHANGESTR.REX.

output   of a sample execution:
──────── Using the numerals (digits)  1689, enter an expression that equals  24
                                                             (or  ?  or  Quit):
8 * {9-6} / 1               ◄■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ this is the user input.

                            │                     │
                            │  congratulations !  │
                            │                     │


<lang ring>

  1. Project : 24 game

load "stdlib.ring" digits = list(4) check = list(4) for choice = 1 to 4

    digits[choice] = random(9)


see "enter an equation (using all of, and only, the single digits " + nl for index = 1 to 4

    see digits[index] 
    if index != 4 
       see " "

next see ")" see " which evaluates to exactly 24. only multiplication (*), division (/)," + nl see "addition (+) & subtraction (-) operations and parentheses are allowed:" + nl see "24 = " give equation see "equation = " + equation + nl

while true

       for char = 1 to len(equation)
            digit = substr("0123456789", equation[char]) - 1
            if digit >= 0
               for index = 1 to 4
                    if digit = digits[index] 
                       if not check[index]
                          check[index] = 1
               if index > 4 
                  see "sorry, you used the illegal digit " + digit + nl
                  exit 2 
       for index = 1 to 4
            if check[index] = 0
               see "sorry, you failed to use the digit " + digits[index] + nl
               exit 2
       for pair = 11 to 99
            if substr(equation, string(pair))
               see "sorry, you may not use a pair of digits " + pair + nl
       eval("result = " + equation)
       if result = 24
          see "congratulations, you succeeded in the task!" + nl
          see "sorry, your equation evaluated to " + result + " rather than 24!" + nl

end </lang> Output:

enter an equation (using all of, and only, the single digits 
3 1 4 5) which evaluates to exactly 24. only multiplication (*), division (/),
addition (+) & subtraction (-) operations and parentheses are allowed:
24 = 4*5+3+1
equation = 4*5+3+1
congratulations, you succeeded in the task!

enter an equation (using all of, and only, the single digits 
5 7 2 5) which evaluates to exactly 24. only multiplication (*), division (/),
addition (+) & subtraction (-) operations and parentheses are allowed:
24 = 98+72
equation = 98+72
sorry, you used the illegal digit 9


<lang ruby>class Guess < String

 def self.play
   nums = Array.new(4){rand(1..9)}
   loop do
     result = get(nums).evaluate!
     break if result == 24.0
     puts "Try again! That gives #{result}!"
   puts "You win!"
 def self.get(nums)
   loop do
     print "\nEnter a guess using #{nums}: "
     input = gets.chomp
     return new(input) if validate(input, nums)
 def self.validate(guess, nums)
   name, error =
       invalid_character:  ->(str){ !str.scan(%r{[^\d\s()+*/-]}).empty? },
       wrong_number:       ->(str){ str.scan(/\d/).map(&:to_i).sort != nums.sort },
       multi_digit_number: ->(str){ str.match(/\d\d/) }
       .find {|name, validator| validator[guess] }
   error ? puts("Invalid input of a(n) #{name.to_s.tr('_',' ')}!") : true
 def evaluate!
   as_rat = gsub(/(\d)/, '\1r')        # r : Rational suffix
   eval "(#{as_rat}).to_f"
 rescue SyntaxError
   "[syntax error]"




The solution below converts the infix notation to RPN and then calculates the result.

I am still new to Rust so i am certain it could be written in a shorter way. So if there is someone better than me please feel free to improve.

Library: rand

<lang rust>use std::io::{self,BufRead}; extern crate rand; use rand::Rng;

fn op_type(x: char) -> i32{

   match x {
       '-' | '+' => return 1,
       '/' | '*' => return 2,
       '(' | ')' => return -1,
       _   => return 0,


fn to_rpn(input: &mut String){

   let mut rpn_string : String = String::new();
   let mut rpn_stack : String = String::new();
   let mut last_token = '#';
   for token in input.chars(){
       if token.is_digit(10) {
       else if op_type(token) == 0 {
       else if op_type(token) > op_type(last_token) || token == '(' {
       else {
           while let Some(top) = rpn_stack.pop() {
               if top=='(' {
           if token != ')'{
   while let Some(top) = rpn_stack.pop() {
   println!("you formula results in {}", rpn_string);


fn calculate(input: &String, list : &mut [u32;4]) -> f32{

   let mut stack : Vec<f32> = Vec::new();
   let mut accumulator : f32 = 0.0;
   for token in input.chars(){
       if token.is_digit(10) {
           let test = token.to_digit(10).unwrap() as u32;
           match list.iter().position(|&x| x == test){
               Some(idx) => list[idx]=10 ,
               _         => println!(" invalid digit: {} ",test),
           accumulator = test as f32;
           let a = stack.pop().unwrap();
           accumulator = match token {
               '-' => a-accumulator,
               '+' => a+accumulator,
               '/' => a/accumulator,
               '*' => a*accumulator,
               _ => {accumulator},//NOP
   println!("you formula results in {}",accumulator);


fn main() {

   let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
   let mut list :[u32;4]=[rng.gen::<u32>()%10,rng.gen::<u32>()%10,rng.gen::<u32>()%10,rng.gen::<u32>()%10];
   println!("form 24 with using + - / * {:?}",list);
   //get user input
   let mut input = String::new();
   io::stdin().read_line(&mut input).unwrap();
   //convert to rpn
   to_rpn(&mut input);
   let result = calculate(&input, &mut list);
   if list.iter().any(|&list| list !=10){
       println!("and you used all numbers");
       match result {
           24.0 => println!("you won"),
           _ => println!("but your formulla doesn't result in 24"),
       println!("you didn't use all the numbers");



The solution below is much more complex than strictly needed, because it shows off Scala's Parser library, which enables easy construction of parsers from EBNF grammars.

Only problems with solution are shown to the user.

<lang scala>object TwentyFourGame {
 def main(args: Array[String]) {
   import Parser.TwentyFourParser
   var parser = new TwentyFourParser(problemsIterator.next)
   println("Your four digits: "+parser+".")
   var finished = false
   var expressionCount = 1
   do {
     val line = Console.readLine("Expression "+expressionCount+": ")
     line match {
       case "!" =>
         parser = new TwentyFourParser(problemsIterator.next)
         println("New digits: "+parser+".")
       case "q" =>
         finished = true
       case _ =>
         parser readExpression line match {
           case Some(24) => println("That's right!"); finished = true
           case Some(n) => println("Sorry, that's "+n+".")
           case None =>
     expressionCount += 1
   } while (!finished)
   println("Thank you and goodbye!")
 val welcome = """|The 24 Game
                  |Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions,
                  |Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of
                  |brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.
                  |An answer of "q" will quit the game.
                  |An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits.
                  |Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24
                  |Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits,
                  |so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.
 val problemsIterator = (
   continually List.fill(4)(scala.util.Random.nextInt(9) + 1 toDouble) 
   filter hasSolution
 def hasSolution(l: List[Double]) = permute(l) flatMap computeAllOperations exists (_ == 24)
 def computeAllOperations(l: List[Double]): List[Double] = l match {
   case Nil => Nil
   case x :: Nil => l
   case x :: xs =>
     for {
       y <- computeAllOperations(xs)
       z <- if (y == 0) List(x*y, x+y, x-y) else List(x*y, x/y, x+y, x-y)
     } yield z
 def permute(l: List[Double]): List[List[Double]] = l match {
   case Nil => List(Nil)
   case x :: xs =>
     for {
       ys <- permute(xs)
       position <- 0 to ys.length
       (left, right) = ys splitAt position
     } yield left ::: (x :: right)
 object Parser {
   /*  Arithmetic expression grammar production rules in EBNF form:
    * <expr> --> <term> ( '+' <term> | '-' <term> )*
    * <term> --> <factor> ( '*'  <factor> | '/'  <factor> )*
    * <factor> --> '(' <expr> ')' | <digit>
    * <digit> --> 0 | 1  | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
    * Semantically, <digit> can only be a digit from the list of remaining digits.
   class TwentyFourParser(digits: List[Double]) extends scala.util.parsing.combinator.RegexParsers {
     require(digits.length == 4 && digits.forall(d => 0 <= d && d <= 9))
     override val toString = digits.map(_.toInt).mkString(", ")
     // Grammar
     def exprConsumingAllDigits = expr ^? (remainingDigits.allDigitsConsumed, digitsRemainingError) // Guarantees all digits consumed
     def expr : Parser[Double] = term ~ rep( "+" ~ term | "-" ~ term) ^^ solveOperationChain
     def term = factor ~ rep( "*" ~ factor | "/" ~ factor) ^^ solveOperationChain
     def factor = "(" ~> expr <~ ")" | digit
     def digit = digitRegex ^? (remainingDigits.consumeDigit, digitNotAllowedError) 
     def digitRegex = "\\d".r | digitExpected
     def digitExpected: Parser[String] = ".".r <~ failure(expectedDigitError) // Produces clear error messages
     // Evaluate expressions
     def readExpression(input: String): Option[Double] = {
       remainingDigits = new DigitList(digits) // Initialize list of digits to be consumed
       parseAll(exprConsumingAllDigits, input) match {
         case Success(result, _) => Some(result)
         case NoSuccess(msg, next) =>
           println(ParsingErrorFormatter(msg, next))
     // List of digits to be consumed
     private var remainingDigits: DigitList = _
     // Solve partial results from parsing
     private def solveOperationChain(partialResult: ~[Double,List[~[String,Double]]]): Double = partialResult match {
       case first ~ chain => chain.foldLeft(first)(doOperation)
     private def doOperation(acc: Double, op: ~[String, Double]): Double = op match {
       case "+" ~ operand => acc + operand
       case "-" ~ operand => acc - operand
       case "*" ~ operand => acc * operand
       case "/" ~ operand => acc / operand
       case x => error("Unknown operation "+x+".") 
     // Error messages
     private def digitNotAllowedError(d: String) = "Digit "+d+" is not allowed here. Available digits: "+remainingDigits+"."
     private def digitsRemainingError(x: Any) = "Not all digits were consumed. Digits remaining: "+remainingDigits+"."
     private def expectedDigitError = "Unexpected input. Expected a digit from the list: "+remainingDigits+"."
   private object ParsingErrorFormatter {
     def apply[T](msg: String, next: scala.util.parsing.input.Reader[T]) =
       "%s\n%s\n%s\n" format (msg, next.source.toString.trim, " "*(next.offset - 1)+"^")
   private class DigitList(digits: List[Double]) {
     private var remainingDigits = digits
     override def toString = remainingDigits.map(_.toInt).mkString(", ")
     def consumeDigit: PartialFunction[String, Double] = {
       case d if remainingDigits contains d.toDouble =>
         val n = d.toDouble
         remainingDigits = remainingDigits diff List(n)
     def allDigitsConsumed: PartialFunction[Double, Double] = {
       case n if remainingDigits.isEmpty => n
C:\Workset>scala TwentyFourGame
The 24 Game

Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions,
Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of
brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.

An answer of "q" will quit the game.
An answer of "!" will generate a new set of four digits.
Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24

Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits,
so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.

Your four digits: 2, 7, 7, 2.
Expression 1: 2*7+2+7
Sorry, that's 23.0.
Expression 2: 7*7/2-2
Sorry, that's 22.5.
Expression 3: 2*7+(7-2)
Sorry, that's 19.0.
Expression 4: 2*(7+7-2)
That's right!
Thank you and goodbye!


Works with: PLT Scheme version 4

This uses read to read in a scheme expression, and eval to evaluate it, so in that sense it's not ideal (eval is evil etc.) but any expression that is valid should be safe and terminate in a timely manner.

<lang scheme>#lang scheme (require srfi/27 srfi/1) ;; random-integer, every

(define (play)

 (let* ([numbers (build-list 4 (lambda (n)
                                 (add1 (random-integer 9))))]
        [valid?  (curryr valid? numbers)])
   (printf startup-message numbers)
   (let loop ([exp (read)])
     (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (err)
                                  (printf error-message exp (exn-message err))
                                  (loop (read)))])
      (cond [(eq? exp '!) (play)]
            [(or (eq? exp 'q)
                 (eof-object? exp)) (printf quit-message)]
            [(not (valid? exp))
             (printf bad-exp-message exp)
             (loop (read))]
            [(not (= (eval exp) 24))
             (printf bad-result-message exp (eval exp))
             (loop (read))]
            [else (printf winning-message)])))))

(define (valid? exp numbers)

 ;; must contain each number exactly once and only valid symbols
 (define (valid-symbol? sym)
   ;; only +, -, *, and / are valid
   (case sym
     [(+ - * /) #t]
     [else #f]))
 (let* ([ls (flatten exp)]
        [numbers* (filter number? ls)]
        [symbols  (remove number? ls)])
   (and (equal? (sort numbers <)
                (sort numbers* <))
        (every valid-symbol? symbols))))

(define startup-message " Write a lisp expression that evaluates to 24 using only (, ), +, -, *, / and these four numbers: ~a

or '!' to get a new set of numbers or 'q' to quit")

(define error-message " Your expression ~a raised an exception:


Please try again")

(define bad-exp-message "Sorry, ~a is a bad expression.") (define bad-result-message "Sorry, ~a evaluates to ~a, not 24.") (define quit-message "Thanks for playing...") (define winning-message "You win!")

(provide play) </lang>

> (require "24game.ss")
> (play)

Write a lisp expression that evaluates to 24
using only (, ), +, -, *, /
and these four numbers: (2 7 2 5)

or '!' to get a new set of numbers
or 'q' to quit

Write a lisp expression that evaluates to 24
using only (, ), +, -, *, /
and these four numbers: (9 2 7 6)

or '!' to get a new set of numbers
or 'q' to quit
(9 7 6 2)

Your expression (9 7 6 2) raised an exception:

  "procedure application: expected procedure, given: 9; arguments were: 7 6 2"

Please try again
(+ 9 7 6 2)
You win!


<lang ruby>const digits = (1..9 -> pick(4)) const grammar = Regex(

   '^ (?&exp) \z
         (?<exp> ( (?&term) (?&op) (?&term) )+ )
         (?<term> \( (?&exp) \) | [' + digits.join + '])
         (?<op> [\-+*/] )
     )', 'x'


say "Here are your digits: #{digits.join(' ')}"

loop {

   var input = read("Expression: ", String)
   var expr = input
   expr -= /\s+/g     # remove all whitespace
   if (input == 'q') {
       say "Goodbye.  Sorry you couldn't win."
   var given_digits = digits.map{.to_s}.sort.join
   var entry_digits = input.scan(/\d/).sort.join
   if ((given_digits != entry_digits) || (expr !~ grammar)) {
       say "That's not valid"
   given(var n = eval(input)) {
       when (24) { say "You win!"; break }
       default   { say "Sorry, your expression is #{n}, not 24" }


Here are your digits: 8 2 3 4
Expression: 8 * (2 - (3 + 4))    
Sorry, your expression is -40, not 24
Expression: 8 * (2 - (3 -            
That's not valid
Expression: 8 * (2 - (3 - 4))
You win!


<lang simula>BEGIN


           IF STACKPOS > 0 THEN
       END POP;

           STACKPOS := STACKPOS + 1;
       END PUSH;

           REAL X, Y; X := POP; Y := POP;
           IF      OPERATOR = '+' THEN PUSH(Y + X)
           ELSE IF OPERATOR = '-' THEN PUSH(Y - X)
           ELSE IF OPERATOR = '*' THEN PUSH(Y * X)
                                           IF X = 0 THEN
                                               EVALUATEDERR :- "DIV BY ZERO";
                                               GOTO ERR;
                                           PUSH(Y / X);
               GOTO ERR;
       END CALC;


           WHILE (CH = SPACE) OR (CH = TAB) OR (CH = CR) OR (CH = LF) DO

           REAL NUMBR;
               NEGATIVE := FALSE;
               WHILE (CH = '+') OR (CH = '-') DO
                   IF CH = '-' THEN NEGATIVE :=  NOT NEGATIVE;
               BUSYBOX(TERM, ERR);
               IF NEGATIVE THEN
                   NUMBR := POP; PUSH(0 - NUMBR);
               WHILE (CH = '+') OR (CH = '-') DO
                   OPERATOR := CH; READCHAR(CH);
                   BUSYBOX(TERM, ERR); CALC(OPERATOR, ERR);
           ELSE IF OP = TERM THEN
               BUSYBOX(FACTOR, ERR);
               WHILE (CH = '*') OR (CH = '/') DO
                   OPERATOR := CH; READCHAR(CH);
               IF (CH = '+') OR (CH = '-') THEN
                 BUSYBOX(EXPRESSION, ERR)
               ELSE IF (CH >= '0') AND (CH <= '9') THEN
                 BUSYBOX(NUMBER, ERR)
               ELSE IF CH = '(' THEN
                   BUSYBOX(EXPRESSION, ERR);
                   IF CH = ')' THEN READCHAR(CH) ELSE GOTO ERR;
               ELSE GOTO ERR;
               NUMBR := 0;
               WHILE (CH >= '0') AND (CH <= '9') DO
                   NUMBR := 10 * NUMBR + RANK(CH) - RANK('0'); READCHAR(CH);
               IF CH = '.' THEN
                   REAL FAKTOR;
                   FAKTOR := 10;
                   WHILE (CH >= '0') AND (CH <= '9') DO
                       NUMBR := NUMBR + (RANK(CH) - RANK('0')) / FAKTOR;
                       FAKTOR := 10 * FAKTOR;

           STACKPOS := 0;
           T :- COPY(INP.STRIP);
         ! OUTTEXT("T = '");
         ! OUTTEXT(T);
         ! OUTTEXT("'");
         ! OUTTEXT(", T.POS = ");
         ! OUTINT(T.POS, 0);
         ! OUTTEXT(", STACKPOS = ");
         ! OUTINT(STACKPOS, 0);
         ! OUTTEXT(", T.MORE = ");
         ! OUTCHAR(IF T.MORE THEN 'T' ELSE 'F');
         ! OUTTEXT(", CH = ");
         ! OUTCHAR(CH);
         ! OUTIMAGE;
               EVALUATED := POP;
               EVAL := TRUE;
               GOTO NOERRORLABEL;
           EVAL := FALSE;
       END EVAL;

           RESULT := EVALUATED;
           ERR :- EVALUATEDERR;
       TEXT T;
       REAL ARRAY STACK(0:31);
       EXPRESSION := 1;
       TERM := 2;
       FACTOR := 3;
       NUMBER := 4;
       TAB := CHAR(9);
       LF := CHAR(10);
       CR := CHAR(13);
       SPACE := CHAR(32);
       EOT := CHAR(0);
   E :- NEW EXPR;


       TEXT INP;
       LASTC := CHAR(0);
       FOR I := 1 STEP 1 UNTIL 4 DO
           OUTINT(DIGITS(I), 2);
           C := INP.GETCHAR;
           IF (C >= '0') AND (C <= '9') THEN
               INTEGER D;
               IF (LASTC >= '0') AND (LASTC <= '9') THEN
                   OUTTEXT("NUMBER HAS TOO MANY DIGITS: ");
                   GOTO L;
               D := RANK(C) - RANK('0');
               DIGITSTAKEN(D) := DIGITSTAKEN(D) + 1;
           ELSE IF NOT ((C = '+') OR (C = '-') OR (C = '/') OR (C = '*') OR
                        (C = ' ') OR (C = '(') OR (C = ')')) THEN
               GOTO L;
           LASTC := C;
       FOR I := 0 STEP 1 UNTIL 9 DO
               OUTTEXT("NOT THE SAME DIGITS.");
               GOTO L;
           OUTTEXT("RESULT IS ");
           OUTFIX(E.RESULT, 4, 10);
           OUTTEXT(IF ABS(E.RESULT - 24) < 0.001
                   THEN "YOU WIN"
                   ELSE "YOU LOOSE");

END. </lang>

(9 - 7 + 6) * 3
RESULT IS    24.0000


<lang swift>import Darwin import Foundation

println("24 Game") println("Generating 4 digits...")

func randomDigits() -> Int[] {

   var result = Int[]();
   for var i = 0; i < 4; i++ {
   return result;


// Choose 4 digits let digits = randomDigits()

print("Make 24 using these digits : ")

for digit in digits {

   print("\(digit) ")

} println()

// get input from operator var input = NSString(data:NSFileHandle.fileHandleWithStandardInput().availableData, encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding)

var enteredDigits = Int[]()

var enteredOperations = Character[]()

let inputString = input as String

// store input in the appropriate table for character in inputString {

   switch character {
       case "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9":
           let digit = String(character)
       case "+", "-", "*", "/":
       case "\n":
           println("Invalid expression")


// check value of expression provided by the operator var value = Int()

if enteredDigits.count == 4 && enteredOperations.count == 3 {

   value = enteredDigits[0]
   for (i, operation) in enumerate(enteredOperations) {
       switch operation {
           case "+":
               value = value + enteredDigits[i+1]
           case "-":
               value = value - enteredDigits[i+1]
           case "*":
               value = value * enteredDigits[i+1]
           case "/":
               value = value / enteredDigits[i+1]
               println("This message should never happen!")


if value != 24 {

   println("The value of the provided expression is \(value) instead of 24!")

} else {

   println("Congratulations, you found a solution!")

} </lang>


Translation of: Python

This version also terminates cleanly on end-of-file. <lang tcl># Four random non-zero digits proc choose4 {} {

   set digits {}
   foreach x {1 2 3 4} {lappend digits [expr {int(1+rand()*9)}]}
   return [lsort $digits]


  1. Print out a welcome message

proc welcome digits {

   puts [string trim "

The 24 Game

Given any four digits in the range 1 to 9, which may have repetitions, Using just the +, -, *, and / operators; and the possible use of brackets, (), show how to make an answer of 24.

An answer of \"q\" will quit the game. An answer of \"!\" will generate a new set of four digits. Otherwise you are repeatedly asked for an expression until it evaluates to 24

Note: you cannot form multiple digit numbers from the supplied digits, so an answer of 12+12 when given 1, 2, 2, and 1 would not be allowed.

   puts "\nYour four digits: $digits"


  1. Check whether we've got a legal answer

proc check {answer digits} {

   if {

[regexp "\[^-+*/() \t[join $digits {}]\]" $answer] || [regexp {\d\d} $answer]

   } then {

return false

   set digs [lsort [regexp -inline -all {\d} $answer]]
   if {$digs ne $digits} {

return false

   expr {![catch {expr $answer}]}


  1. The main game loop

proc main {} {

   fconfigure stdout -buffering none
   set digits [choose4]
   welcome $digits
   set trial 0
   while true {

puts -nonewline "Expression [incr trial]: " gets stdin answer

       # Check for various types of non-answer

if {[eof stdin] || $answer eq "q" || $answer eq "Q"} { break } elseif {$answer eq "!"} { set digits [choose4] puts "New digits: $digits" continue } elseif {![check $answer $digits]} { puts "The input '$answer' was wonky!"



       # Check to see if it is the right answer

set ans [expr [regsub {\d} $answer {&.0}]] puts " = [string trimright $ans .0]" if {$ans == 24.0} { puts "That's right!"



   puts "Thank you and goodbye"

} main</lang>


Includes an equation parser to avoid using eval. To use, type startTwentyFourGame(); in the console. <lang Torque>function startTwentyFourGame() { if($numbers !$= "") { echo("Ending current 24 game..."); endTwentyFourGame(); }

echo("Welcome to the 24 game!"); echo("Generating 4 numbers..."); for(%a = 0; %a < 4; %a++) $numbers = setWord($numbers, %a, getRandom(0, 9));

echo("Numbers generated! Here are your numbers:"); echo($numbers); echo("Use try24Equation( equation ); to try and guess the equation.");

$TwentyFourGame = 1; }

function endTwentyFourGame() { if(!$TwentyFourGame) { echo("No 24 game is active!"); return false; }

echo("Ending the 24 game."); $numbers = ""; $TwentyFourGame = 0; }

function try24Equation(%equ) { if(!$TwentyFourGame) { echo("No 24 game is active!"); return false; } %numbers = "0123456789"; %operators = "+-*x/()"; %tempchars = $numbers; %other = strReplace(%tempchars, " ", "");

//Check it and make sure it has all the stuff %equ = strReplace(%equ, " ", ""); %length = strLen(%equ);

for(%a = 0; %a < %Length; %a++) { %Char = getSubStr(%equ, %a, 1); if(%a+1 != %Length) %Next = getSubStr(%equ, %a+1, 1); else %Next = " ";

if(strPos(%numbers @ %operators, %char) < 0) { echo("The equation you entered is invalid! Try again."); return false; } if(strPos(%tempchars, %char) < 0 && strPos(%operators, %char) < 0) { echo("The equation you entered uses a number you were not given! Try again."); return false; } else if(strPos(%numbers, %next) >= 0 && strPos(%numbers, %char) >= 0) { echo("No numbers above 9 please! Try again."); echo(%next SPC %char SPC %a); return false; } else if(strPos(%operators, %char) > 0) continue;

%pos = 2*strPos(%other, %char); if(%pos < 0) return "ERROROMG";

//Remove it from the allowed numbers %tempchars = removeWord(%tempchars, %pos/2); %other = getSubStr(%other, 0, %pos) @ getSubStr(%other, %pos+1, strLen(%other));

   %result = doEquation(%equ);
   if(%result != 24)
       echo("Your equation resulted to" SPC %result @ ", not 24! Try again.");
       return false;
   for(%a = 0; %a < 4; %a++)
       $numbers = setWord($numbers, %a, getRandom(0, 9));
   echo("Great job!" SPC %equ SPC "Does result to 24! Here's another set for you:");


//Evaluates an equation without using eval. function doEquation(%equ) { //Validate the input

   %equ = strReplace(%equ, " ", "");%equ = strReplace(%equ, "*", "x");
   %equ = strReplace(%equ, "+", " + ");%equ = strReplace(%equ, "x", " x ");
   %equ = strReplace(%equ, "/", " / ");%equ = strReplace(%equ, "-", " - ");
   while(strPos(%equ, "(") > -1 && strPos(%equ, ")") > 0)
       %start = strPos(%equ, "(");
       %end = %start;
       %level = 1;
       while(%level != 0 && %end != strLen(%equ))
           if(getsubStr(%equ, %end, 1) $= "(") %level++;
           if(getsubStr(%equ, %end, 1) $= ")") %level--;
       if(%level != 0)
           return "ERROR";
       %inbrackets = getsubStr(%equ, %start+1, %end - strLen(getsubStr(%equ, 0, %start + 1)));
       %leftofbrackets = getsubStr(%equ, 0, %start);
       %rightofbrackets = getsubStr(%equ, %end + 1, strLen(%equ) - %end);
       %equ = %leftofbrackets @ doEquation(%inbrackets) @ %rightofbrackets;
   if(strPos(%equ, "ERROR") >= 0)
       return "ERROR";
   //Multiplication/Division loop
   for(%a = 0; %a < getWordCount(%equ); %a++)
       if(getWord(%equ, %a) $= "x" || getWord(%equ, %a) $= "/" && %a != 0)
           %f = getWord(%equ, %a - 1);
           %l = getWord(%equ, %a + 1);
           %o = getWord(%equ, %a);
               case "x": %a--;
                   %equ = removeWord(removeWord(setWord(%equ, %a+1, %f * %l), %a+2), %a);
               case "/": %a--;
                   %equ = removeWord(removeWord(setWord(%equ, %a+1, %f / %l), %a+2), %a);
   //Addition/Subraction loop
   for(%a = 0; %a < getWordCount(%equ); %a++)
       if(getWord(%equ, %a) $= "+" || getWord(%equ, %a) $= "-" && %a != 0)
           %f = getWord(%equ, %a - 1);
           %l = getWord(%equ, %a + 1);
           %o = getWord(%equ, %a);
               case "+": %a--;
                   %equ = removeWord(removeWord(setWord(%equ, %a+1, %f + %l), %a+2), %a);
               case "-": %a--;
                   %equ = removeWord(removeWord(setWord(%equ, %a+1, %f - %l), %a+2), %a);
   return %equ;



<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT BUILD X_TABLE blanks = ":': :"

SECTION game operators="*'/'+'-'(')",numbers=""

LOOP n=1,4 number=RANDOM_NUMBERS (1,9,1) numbers=APPEND(numbers,number) ENDLOOP

SET allowed=APPEND (numbers,operators) SET allowed=MIXED_SORT (allowed) SET allowed=REDUCE (allowed) BUILD S_TABLE ALLOWED =* DATA '{allowed}'

SET checksum=DIGIT_SORT (numbers)

printnumbers=EXCHANGE (numbers,blanks) printoperat=EXCHANGE (operators,blanks)

PRINT "Your numbers ", printnumbers PRINT "Use only these operators ", printoperat PRINT "Enter an expression that equates to 24" PRINT "Enter 'l' for new numbers" PRINT "Your 4 digits: ",printnumbers


SECTION check_expr

SET pos = VERIFY (expr,allowed)
IF (pos!=0) THEN
 PRINT "wrong entry on position ",pos
 DO play
 SET yourdigits   = STRINGS (expr,":>/:")
 SET yourchecksum = DIGIT_SORT (yourdigits)
  IF (checksum!=yourchecksum) THEN
   PRINT/ERROR "wrong digits"
   DO play


SECTION play LOOP n=1,3 ASK "Expression {n}": expr="" IF (expr=="l") THEN RELEASE S_TABLE allowed PRINT "Your new numbers" DO game ELSEIF (expr!="") THEN DO check_expr sum={expr}

IF (sum!=24) THEN
 PRINT/ERROR expr," not equates 24 but ",sum
 PRINT "BINGO ", expr," equates ", sum




Your numbers 2 8 9 9
Use only these operators * / + - ( )
Enter an expression that equates to 24
Enter 'l' for new numbers
Your 4 digits: 2 8 9 9
Expression 1 >l
Your new numbers
Your numbers 2 4 2 3
Use only these operators * / + - ( )
Enter an expression that equates to 24
Enter 'l' for new numbers
Your 4 digits: 2 4 2 3
Expression 1 >2+4+2+3
@@@@@@@@  2+4+2+3 not equates 24 but 11                                @@@@@@@@
Expression 2 >2+2+2+3
@@@@@@@@  wrong digits                                                 @@@@@@@@
Expression 1 >2+2+a+3
wrong entry on position 5
Expression 1 >(2+4+2)*3
BINGO (2+4+2)*3 equates 24

UNIX Shell

Tried to be POSIX. Not sure about corner-cases. <lang bash>gen_digits() {

   awk 'BEGIN { srand()
                for(i = 1; i <= 4; i++) print 1 + int(9 * rand())
        }' | sort


same_digits() {

   [ "$(tr -dc 0-9 | sed 's/./&\n/g' | grep . | sort)" = "$*" ]


guessed() {

   [ "$(echo "$1" | tr -dc '\n0-9()*/+-' | bc 2>/dev/null)" = 24 ]


while : do

   echo Digits: $digits
   read -r expr
   echo " $expr" | same_digits "$digits" || \
       { echo digits should be: $digits; continue; }
   guessed "$expr" && message=correct \
                   || message=wrong
   echo $message



<lang vb> Sub Rosetta_24game()

Dim Digit(4) As Integer, i As Integer, iDigitCount As Integer Dim stUserExpression As String Dim stFailMessage As String, stFailDigits As String Dim bValidExpression As Boolean, bValidDigits As Boolean, bValidChars As Boolean Dim vResult As Variant, vTryAgain As Variant, vSameDigits As Variant

' Generate 4 random digits GenerateNewDigits:

   For i = 1 To 4
       Digit(i) = [randbetween(1,9)]
   Next i

' Get user expression GetUserExpression:

   bValidExpression = True
   stFailMessage = ""
   stFailDigits = ""
   stUserExpression = InputBox("Enter a mathematical expression which results in 24, using the following digits: " & _
       Digit(1) & ", " & Digit(2) & ", " & Digit(3) & " and " & Digit(4), "Rosetta Code | 24 Game")

' Check each digit is included in user expression

   bValidDigits = True
   stFailDigits = ""
   For i = 1 To 4
       If InStr(stUserExpression, Digit(i)) = 0 Then
           bValidDigits = False
           stFailDigits = stFailDigits & " " & Digit(i)
       End If
   Next i
   If bValidDigits = False Then
       bValidExpression = False
       stFailMessage = "Your expression excluded the following required digits: " & stFailDigits & vbCr & vbCr
   End If

' Check each character of user expression is a valid character type

   bValidDigits = True
   stFailDigits = ""
   For i = 1 To Len(stUserExpression)
       If InStr("0123456789+-*/()", Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1)) = 0 Then
           bValidDigits = False
           stFailDigits = stFailDigits & " " & Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1)
       End If
   Next i
   If bValidDigits = False Then
       bValidExpression = False
       stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained invalid characters:" & stFailDigits & vbCr & vbCr
   End If

' Check no disallowed integers entered

   bValidDigits = True
   stFailDigits = ""
   iDigitCount = 0
   For i = 1 To Len(stUserExpression)
       If Not InStr("0123456789", Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1)) = 0 Then
           iDigitCount = iDigitCount + 1
           If IsError(Application.Match(--(Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1)), Digit, False)) Then
               bValidDigits = False
               stFailDigits = stFailDigits & " " & Mid(stUserExpression, i, 1)
           End If
       End If
   Next i
   If iDigitCount > 4 Then
       bValidExpression = False
       stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained more than 4 digits" & vbCr & vbCr
   End If
       If iDigitCount < 4 Then
       bValidExpression = False
       stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained less than 4 digits" & vbCr & vbCr
   End If
   If bValidDigits = False Then
       bValidExpression = False
       stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained invalid digits:" & stFailDigits & vbCr & vbCr
   End If

' Check no double digit numbers entered

   bValidDigits = True
   stFailDigits = ""
   For i = 11 To 99
       If Not InStr(stUserExpression, i) = 0 Then
           bValidDigits = False
           stFailDigits = stFailDigits & " " & i
       End If
   Next i
   If bValidDigits = False Then
       bValidExpression = False
       stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression contained invalid numbers:" & stFailDigits & vbCr & vbCr
   End If

' Check result of user expression

   On Error GoTo EvalFail
   vResult = Evaluate(stUserExpression)
   If Not vResult = 24 Then
       bValidExpression = False
       stFailMessage = stFailMessage & "Your expression did not result in 24. It returned: " & vResult
   End If

' Return results

   If bValidExpression = False Then
       vTryAgain = MsgBox(stFailMessage & vbCr & vbCr & "Would you like to try again?", vbCritical + vbRetryCancel, "Rosetta Code | 24 Game | FAILED")
           If vTryAgain = vbRetry Then
               vSameDigits = MsgBox("Do you want to use the same numbers?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Rosetta Code | 24 Game | RETRY")
               If vSameDigits = vbYes Then
                   GoTo GetUserExpression
                   GoTo GenerateNewDigits
               End If
           End If
       vTryAgain = MsgBox("You entered: " & stUserExpression & vbCr & vbCr & "which resulted in: " & vResult, _
           vbInformation + vbRetryCancel, "Rosetta Code | 24 Game | SUCCESS")
       If vTryAgain = vbRetry Then
           GoTo GenerateNewDigits
       End If
   End If
   Exit Sub


   bValidExpression = False
   vResult = Err.Description

End Sub



Translation of: Go

<lang vlang>import os import rand import rand.seed import math

fn main() {

   mut n := []int{len: 4}
   for i in 0.. n.len {
       n[i] = rand.intn(9) or {0}
   println("Your numbers: $n")
   expr := os.input("Enter RPN: ")
   if expr.len != 7 {
       println("invalid. expression length must be 7." +
           " (4 numbers, 3 operators, no spaces)")
   mut stack := []f64{len: 0, cap:4}
   for r in expr.split() {
       if r >= '0' && r <= '9' {
           if n.len == 0 {
               println("too many numbers.")
           mut i := 0
           for n[i] != r.int() {
               if i == n.len {
                   println("wrong numbers.")
           stack << f64(r[0]-'0'[0])
       if stack.len < 2 {
           println("invalid expression syntax.")
       match r {
           '+' {
               stack[stack.len-2] += stack[stack.len-1]
           '-' {
               stack[stack.len-2] -= stack[stack.len-1]
           '*' {
               stack[stack.len-2] *= stack[stack.len-1]
           '/' {
               stack[stack.len-2] /= stack[stack.len-1]
           else {
               println("$r invalid.")
       stack = stack[..stack.len-1]
   if math.abs(stack[0]-24) > 1e-6 {
       println("incorrect. ${stack[0]} != 24")
   } else {



Sample game:

Make 24 using these digits: [2, 3, 5, 1]
> 23*51-*


Translation of: Java
Library: Wren-ioutil
Library: Wren-seq

<lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random import "/ioutil" for Input import "/seq" for Stack

var R = Random.new()

class Game24 {

   static run() {
       var digits = List.filled(4, 0)
       for (i in 0..3) digits[i] = R.int(1, 10)
       System.print("Make 24 using these digits: %(digits)")
       var cin = Input.text("> ")
       var s = Stack.new()
       var total = 0
       for (c in cin) {
           var d = c.bytes[0]
           if (d >= 48 && d <= 57) {
               d = d - 48
               total = total + (1 << (d*5))
           } else if ("+-*/".indexOf(c) != -1) s.push(applyOperator_(s.pop(), s.pop(), c))
       if (tallyDigits_(digits) != total) {
           System.write("Not the same digits.")
       } else if ((24 - s.peek()).abs < 0.001) {
       } else {
           System.write("Not correct.")
   static applyOperator_(a, b, c) {
       if (c == "+") return a + b
       if (c == "-") return b - a
       if (c == "*") return a * b
       if (c == "/") return b / a
       return 0/0
   static tallyDigits_(a) {
       var total = 0
       for (i in 0...a.count) total = total + (1 << (a[i]*5))
       return total




Sample game:

Make 24 using these digits: [2, 3, 5, 1]
> 23*51-*


With reverse polish notation <lang Yabasic>operadores$ = "*/+-" espacios$ = " "

clear screen print "24 Game" print "============\n" print "The player is provided with 4 numbers with which to perform operations" print "of addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*) or division (/) to attempt" print "to get 24 as result." print "Use reverse Polish notation (first the operands and then the operators)." print "For example: instead of 2 + 4, type 2 4 +\n\n"

repeat print at(0,9) espacios$, espacios$, espacios$, espacios$, espacios$, espacios$ print at(0,9); serie$ = ordenaCadena$(genSerie$()) validos$ = serie$+operadores$ line input "Enter your formula in reverse Polish notation: " entrada$ entrada$ = quitaEspacios$(entrada$) entradaOrd$ = ordenaCadena$(entrada$) if (right$(entradaOrd$,4) <> serie$) or (len(entradaOrd$)<>7) then print "Error in the entered series" else resultado = evaluaEntrada(entrada$) print "The result is = ",resultado," " if resultado = 24 then print "Correct!" else print "Error!" end if end if print "Want to try again? (press N to exit, or another key to continue)" until(upper$(left$(inkey$(),1)) = "N")

sub genSerie$() local i, c$, s$

print "The numbers to be used are: "; i = ran() for i = 1 to 4 c$ = str$(int(ran(9))+1) print c$," "; s$ = s$ + c$ next i print return s$ end sub

sub evaluaEntrada(entr$) local d1, d2, c$, n(4), i

while(entr$<>"") c$ = left$(entr$,1) entr$ = mid$(entr$,2) if instr(serie$,c$) then i = i + 1 n(i) = val(c$) elseif instr(operadores$,c$) then d2 = n(i) n(i) = 0 i = i - 1 d1 = n(i) n(i) = evaluador(d1, d2, c$) else print "Invalid sign" return end if wend

return n(i)

end sub

sub evaluador(d1, d2, op$) local t

switch op$ case "+": t = d1 + d2 : break case "-": t = d1 - d2 : break case "*": t = d1 * d2 : break case "/": t = d1 / d2 : break end switch

return t end sub

sub quitaEspacios$(entr$) local n, i, s$, t$(1)

n = token(entr$,t$()," ")

for i=1 to n s$ = s$ + t$(i) next i return s$ end sub

sub ordenaCadena$(cadena$) local testigo, n, fin, c$

fin = len(cadena$)-1 repeat testigo = false for n = 1 to fin if mid$(cadena$,n,1) > mid$(cadena$,n+1,1) then testigo = true c$ = mid$(cadena$,n,1) mid$(cadena$,n,1) = mid$(cadena$,n+1,1) mid$(cadena$,n+1,1) = c$ end if next n until(testigo = false) return cadena$ end sub</lang>

Translation of: ZX Spectrum Basic

<lang Yabasic>do clear screen n$="" for i=1 to 4 n$=n$+str$(int(ran(9)+1)) next i print at(35,0) "24 GAME\n" print "Combine numbers and operators for obtain 24." print "Allowed characters: "; i$=n$+"+-*/()" for i=1 to 10 print mid$(i$,i,1)," "; next i print "[nothing to end program]\n" label accept p$="" i$=n$+"+-*/()" print at(0,4);:input "Enter the formula: " f$ if f$="" end for i=1 to len(f$) c$=mid$(f$,i,1) switch c$ case " ": f$=left$(f$,i-1)+right$(f$,len(f$)-i): break case "+":case "-":case "*":case "/": p$=p$+"o": break case "(":case ")": p$=p$+c$: break case mid$(i$,1,1): p$=p$+"n": mid$(i$,1,1)=" ": break case mid$(i$,2,1): p$=p$+"n": mid$(i$,2,1)=" ": break case mid$(i$,3,1): p$=p$+"n": mid$(i$,3,1)=" ": break case mid$(i$,4,1): p$=p$+"n": mid$(i$,4,1)=" ": break default: message(" = Invalid argument! "): break end switch if f$="" goto accept next i restore for i=1 to 11 read t$ if t$=p$ break next i if t$<>p$ then message(" = Bad construction! ") goto accept end if let r=eval(f$) print "\n",f$," = ",r," "; if r<>24 then message(" = Wrong! ") goto accept else message(" = Correct! ") pause 5 end if loop

DATA "nononon" DATA "(non)onon" DATA "nono(non)" DATA "no(no(non))" DATA "((non)on)on" DATA "no(non)on" DATA "(non)o(non)" DATA "no((non)on)" DATA "(nonon)on" DATA "(no(non))on" DATA "no(nonon)"

sub message(m$) print at(0,7) f$,m$ beep: beep: beep pause 1 print at(19,4) " " f$="" end sub

sub eval(c$) static linea

linea=linea+1 c$="sub s"+str$(linea+1000000,"#######")+"():return "+c$+":end sub" compile c$ return execute(mid$(c$,5,8)) end sub </lang>


<lang zkl>while(1){

  digits := [1..4].pump(String,(0).random.fpM("11-",1,9));
  exp := ask("Enter an expression using the digits ",digits,

" that evals to 24: ") - " \n";

  expf:=exp.apply(fcn(c){if ("1"<=c<="9") "(%s).toFloat()".fmt(c) else c});
  reg r;
  try { Compiler.Compiler.compileText(expf).__constructor(); r=vm.regX }
  catch { println("bad expression"); continue; }
     extra := (exp - "+-/*()" - digits);
     if (extra) { println("Extra goodies in expression: ",extra); continue; }
     (digits.split("").sort() != (exp - "+-/*()").split("").sort()) :
        if(_) { println("You can only use the digits ",digits," once each"); continue; };
     if (exp.matches("*[1-9][1-9]*"))

{ println("no repeated digits"); continue; }

     if (r.closeTo(24,0.001)) "nice!".println();
     else println("That evaled to ",r,", not 24");


Enter an expression using the digits 8833 that evals to 24: (8/(3-(8/3)))
Enter an expression using the digits 8833 that evals to 24: (8/(3-(8/9)))
Extra goodies in expression: 9
Enter an expression using the digits 8833 that evals to 24: (8/(3-(8/8)))
You can only use the digits 8833 once each
Enter an expression using the digits 7155 that evals to 24: 7+1+5+5
That evaled to 18, not 24
Enter an expression using the digits 8332 that evals to 24: 8*3*(3-2)

ZX Spectrum Basic

<lang zxbasic>10 LET n$="" 20 RANDOMIZE 30 FOR i=1 TO 4 40 LET n$=n$+STR$ (INT (RND*9)+1) 50 NEXT i 60 LET i$="": LET f$="": LET p$="" 70 CLS 80 PRINT "24 game" 90 PRINT "Allowed characters:" 100 LET i$=n$+"+-*/()" 110 PRINT AT 4,0; 120 FOR i=1 TO 10 130 PRINT i$(i);" "; 140 NEXT i 150 PRINT "(0 to end)" 160 INPUT "Enter the formula";f$ 170 IF f$="0" THEN STOP 180 PRINT AT 6,0;f$;" = "; 190 FOR i=1 TO LEN f$ 200 LET c$=f$(i) 210 IF c$=" " THEN LET f$(i)="": GO TO 250 220 IF c$="+" OR c$="-" OR c$="*" OR c$="/" THEN LET p$=p$+"o": GO TO 250 230 IF c$="(" OR c$=")" THEN LET p$=p$+c$: GO TO 250 240 LET p$=p$+"n" 250 NEXT i 260 RESTORE 270 FOR i=1 TO 11 280 READ t$ 290 IF t$=p$ THEN LET i=11 300 NEXT i 310 IF t$<>p$ THEN PRINT INVERSE 1;"Bad construction!": BEEP 1,.1: PAUSE 0: GO TO 60 320 FOR i=1 TO LEN f$ 330 FOR j=1 TO 10 340 IF (f$(i)=i$(j)) AND f$(i)>"0" AND f$(i)<="9" THEN LET i$(j)=" " 350 NEXT j 360 NEXT i 370 IF i$( TO 4)<>" " THEN PRINT FLASH 1;"Invalid arguments!": BEEP 1,.01: PAUSE 0: GO TO 60 380 LET r=VAL f$ 390 PRINT r;" "; 400 IF r<>24 THEN PRINT FLASH 1;"Wrong!": BEEP 1,1: PAUSE 0: GO TO 60 410 PRINT FLASH 1;"Correct!": PAUSE 0: GO TO 10 420 DATA "nononon" 430 DATA "(non)onon" 440 DATA "nono(non)" 450 DATA "no(no(non))" 460 DATA "((non)on)on" 470 DATA "no(non)on" 480 DATA "(non)o(non)" 485 DATA "no((non)on)" 490 DATA "(nonon)on" 495 DATA "(no(non))on" 500 DATA "no(nonon)"</lang>