99 Bottles of Beer/Scala: Difference between revisions

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<lang scala>99 to 1 by -1 foreach {n =>
println("""|%d bottles of beer on the wall
|%d bottles of beer
|Take one down, pass it around
|%d bottles of beer on the wall\n""".stripMargin format (n, n, n -1))}</lang>
The above running in paralell using a ParRange
<lang scala>(99 to 1 by -1).par foreach {n =>
println("""|%d bottles of beer on the wall
|%d bottles of beer

Revision as of 21:59, 13 May 2011

99 Bottles of Beer/Scala is part of 99 Bottles of Beer. You may find other members of 99 Bottles of Beer at Category:99 Bottles of Beer.

The trivial solution to it would be this:

<lang scala>99 to 1 by -1 foreach {n =>

 println("""|%d bottles of beer on the wall
            |%d bottles of beer
            |Take one down, pass it around
            |%d bottles of beer on the wall\n""".stripMargin format (n, n, n -1))}</lang>

The above running in paralell using a ParRange

<lang scala>(99 to 1 by -1).par foreach {n =>

 println("""|%d bottles of beer on the wall
            |%d bottles of beer
            |Take one down, pass it around
            |%d bottles of beer on the wall\n""".stripMargin format (n, n, n -1))}</lang>

A Regex solution:

<lang scala>object NinetyNineBottlesOfBeer {

 val verse = """|99 bottles of beer on the wall
                |99 bottles of beer
                |Take one down, pass it around
                |98 bottles of beer on the wall""".stripMargin
 val song = new scala.collection.mutable.Queue() ++= verse.lines += ""
 val Bottles = "(\\d+) bottles of beer.*".r
 def changeLine(line: String) = line match {
     case Bottles("0") => song clear ()
     case Bottles(n) => song enqueue line.replace(n, n.toInt - 1 toString)
     case _ => song enqueue line
 def sing = while(!song.isEmpty) {
   val line = song dequeue ()


However, I much prefer the following:

<lang scala>object Song {

 import scala.actors._
 import scala.actors.Actor._
 abstract class Beverage { def name = this.toString.toLowerCase }
 case object Beer extends Beverage
 object Wall {
   private var contents: List[Beverage] = Nil
   def count(what: Beverage) = contents count (_ == what)
   def isEmpty = contents isEmpty
   def stock(n: Int, what: Beverage) = contents :::= List.fill(n)(what)
   def get(what: Beverage) {
     def takeOneFrom(contents: List[Beverage]): List[Beverage] = contents match {
       case `what` :: rest => rest
       case other :: rest => other :: takeOneFrom(rest)
       case Nil => println("Sorry, we are out of "+what.toString.toLowerCase); Nil
     contents = takeOneFrom(contents)
 sealed abstract class Messages
 case class SingSong(what: Beverage) extends Messages
 case class HowManyMore(what: Beverage) extends Messages
 case class HowManyNow(what: Beverage) extends Messages
 case class ThereAreStill(n: Int, what: Beverage) extends Messages
 case class ThereAreNow(n: Int, what: Beverage) extends Messages
 case class Gimme(what: Beverage) extends Messages
 case class HereIs(what: Beverage) extends Messages
 case object ClosingTime extends Messages
 def plural(count: Int, noun: String, nouns: String) = if (count == 1) noun else nouns
 def countIt(n: Int, what: Beverage) = "%d %s of %s" format (n, plural(n, "bottle", "bottles"), what.name) 
 object Waitress extends Actor {
   def tellThem(what: String) = println("%s on the wall" format what)
   def act = loop {
     react {
       case HowManyMore(it) =>
         val total = Wall count it
         tellThem(countIt(total, it))
         reply (ThereAreStill(total, it))
       case Gimme(it) =>
         print("Take one down, ")
         Wall get it
         reply (HereIs(it))
       case HowManyNow(it) =>
         val total = Wall count it
         tellThem(countIt(total, it))
         if (Wall isEmpty) {
             reply (ClosingTime) // You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here
         } else
         reply (ThereAreNow(total, it))
       case _ =>
         println("You wish, honey!")
 object Patrons extends Actor {
   def act = loop {
     react {
       case SingSong(what: Beverage) =>
         Waitress ! HowManyMore(what)
       case ThereAreStill(n, it) =>
         println(countIt(n, it))
         Waitress ! Gimme(it)
       case HereIs(it) =>
         println("pass it around")
         Waitress ! HowManyNow(it)
       case ThereAreNow(n, it) =>
         Waitress ! HowManyMore(it)
       case ClosingTime =>
       case _ =>
         println("Say what???")
 def Sing99Beers = {
   Wall stock (99, Beer)
   Patrons ! SingSong(Beer)
