Anagrams: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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Steenslag (talk | contribs)
m →‎{{header|Ruby}}: added remark.
Jono (talk | contribs)
m →‎{{header|Lasso}}: adding correct output format
Line 2,090:
<lang lasso>local(
anagrams = map,
words = include_url('') -> split('\n'),
max = 0,
Line 2,116:
#findings -> join('<br />\n')
Result -<pre> abel, able, bale, bela, elba
caret, carte, cater, crate, trace
angel, angle, galen, glean, lange
alger, glare, lager, large, regal
elan, lane, lean, lena, neal
evil, levi, live, veil, vile</pre>
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==

Revision as of 21:37, 16 November 2013

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Two or more words can be composed of the same characters, but in a different order. Using the word list at, find the sets of words that share the same characters that contain the most words in them.


<lang ABAP>report zz_anagrams no standard page heading. define update_progress.

     text = &1.


" Selection screen segment allowing the person to choose which file will act as input. selection-screen begin of block file_choice.

 parameters p_file type string lower case.

selection-screen end of block file_choice.

" When the user requests help with input, run the routine to allow them to navigate the presentation server. at selection-screen on value-request for p_file.

 perform getfile using p_file.

at selection-screen output.

 %_p_file_%_app_%-text = 'Input File: '.


 data: gt_data type table of string.
 " Read the specified file from the presentation server into memory.
 perform readfile using p_file changing gt_data.
 " After the file has been read into memory, loop through it line-by-line and make anagrams.
 perform anagrams using gt_data.

" Subroutine for generating a list of anagrams. " The supplied input is a table, with each entry corresponding to a word. form anagrams using it_data like gt_data.

 types begin of ty_map.
   types key type string.
   types value type string.
 types end of ty_map.
 data: lv_char     type c,
       lv_len      type i,
       lv_string   type string,
       ls_entry    type ty_map,
       lt_anagrams type standard table of ty_map,
       lt_c_tab    type table of string.
 field-symbols: <fs_raw> type string.
 " Loop through each word in the table, and make an associative array.
 loop at gt_data assigning <fs_raw>.
   " First, we need to re-order the word alphabetically. This generated a key. All anagrams will use this same key.
   " Add each character to a table, which we will then sort alphabetically.
   lv_len = strlen( <fs_raw> ).
   refresh lt_c_tab.
   do lv_len times.
     lv_len = sy-index  - 1.
     append <fs_raw>+lv_len(1) to lt_c_tab.
   sort lt_c_tab as text.
   " Now append the characters to a string and add it as a key into the map.
   clear lv_string.
   loop at lt_c_tab into lv_char.
     concatenate lv_char lv_string into lv_string respecting blanks.
   ls_entry-key = lv_string.
   ls_entry-value = <fs_raw>.
   append ls_entry to lt_anagrams.
 " After we're done processing, output a list of the anagrams.
 clear lv_string.
 loop at lt_anagrams into ls_entry.
   " Is it part of the same key --> Output in the same line, else a new entry.
   if lv_string = ls_entry-key.
       write: ', ', ls_entry-value.
     if sy-tabix <> 1.
       write: ']'.
     write:  / '[', ls_entry-value.
   lv_string = ls_entry-key.
 " Close last entry.
 write ']'.


" Read a specified file from the presentation server. form readfile using i_file type string changing it_raw like gt_data.

 data: l_datat type string,
 " Read the file into memory.
 update_progress 'Reading file...'.
 call method cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_upload
     filename = i_file
     data_tab = it_raw
     others   = 1.
 " Output error if the file could not be uploaded.
 if sy-subrc <> 0.
   write : / 'Error reading the supplied file!'.

endform.</lang> Output:

[ angel ,  angle ,  galen ,  glean ,  lange ]
[ elan ,  lane ,  lean ,  lena ,  neal ]
[ alger ,  glare ,  lager ,  large ,  regal ]
[ abel ,  able ,  bale ,  bela ,  elba ]
[ evil ,  levi ,  live ,  veil ,  vile ]
[ caret ,  carte ,  cater ,  crate ,  trace ]


<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps; with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets;

procedure Words_Of_Equal_Characters is

  package Set_Of_Words is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets (String);
  use Ada.Containers, Set_Of_Words;
  package Anagrams is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Maps (String, Set);
  use Anagrams;
  File   : File_Type;
  Result : Map;
  Max    : Count_Type := 1;
  procedure Put (Position : Anagrams.Cursor) is
     First : Boolean := True;
     List  : Set renames Element (Position);
     procedure Put (Position : Set_Of_Words.Cursor) is
        if First then
           First := False;
           Put (',');
        end if;
        Put (Element (Position));
     end Put;
     if List.Length = Max then
        Iterate (List, Put'Access);
     end if;
  end Put;


  Open (File, In_File, "unixdict.txt");
        Word : constant String     := Get_Line (File);
        Key  : String (Word'Range) := (others => Character'Last);
        List : Set;
        Position : Anagrams.Cursor;
        for I in Word'Range loop
           for J in Word'Range loop
              if Key (J) > Word (I) then
                 Key (J + 1..I) := Key (J..I - 1);
                 Key (J) := Word (I);
              end if;
           end loop;
        end loop;
        Position := Find (Result, Key);
        if Has_Element (Position) then
           List := Element (Position);
           Insert (List, Word);
           Replace_Element (Result, Position, List);
           Insert (List, Word);
           Include (Result, Key, List);
        end if;
        Max := Count_Type'Max (Max, Length (List));
  end loop;


  when End_Error =>
     Iterate (Result, Put'Access);
     Close (File);

end Words_Of_Equal_Characters;</lang> Sample output:



This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Need to print the sets of words that share thee same characters that contain the most words in them.

contributed by Laszlo on the ahk forum <lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % anagrams("able")

anagrams(word) {

  Static dict
  IfEqual dict,, FileRead dict, unixdict.txt ; file in the script directory
  w := sort(word)
  Loop Parse, dict, `n, `r
     If (w = sort(A_LoopField))
        t .= A_LoopField "`n"
  Return t


sort(word) {

  a := RegExReplace(word,".","$0`n")
  Sort a
  Return a



<lang AWK># JUMBLEA.AWK - words with the most duplicate spellings


{ for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {

     w = sortstr(toupper($i))
     arr[w] = arr[w] $i " "
     n = gsub(/ /,"&",arr[w])
     if (max_n < n) { max_n = n }

} END {

   for (w in arr) {
     if (gsub(/ /,"&",arr[w]) == max_n) {

} function sortstr(str, i,j,leng) {

   leng = length(str)
   for (i=2; i<=leng; i++) {
     for (j=i; j>1 && substr(str,j-1,1) > substr(str,j,1); j--) {
       str = substr(str,1,j-2) substr(str,j,1) substr(str,j-1,1) substr(str,j+1)

}</lang> Produces this output:

ABEL    abel able bale bela elba
ACERT   caret carte cater crate trace
AEGLN   angel angle galen glean lange
AEGLR   alger glare lager large regal
AELN    elan lane lean lena neal
EILV    evil levi live veil vile

Alternatively, non-POSIX version:

Works with: gawk

<lang awk>#!/bin/gawk -f

{ patsplit($0, chars, ".")

   sorted = ""
   for (i = 1; i <= length(chars); i++)

sorted = sorted chars[i]

   if (++count[sorted] > countMax) countMax++
   accum[sorted] = accum[sorted] " " $0



   for (i in accum)

if (count[i] == countMax) print substr(accum[i], 2) }</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> INSTALL @lib$+"SORTLIB"

     sort% = FN_sortinit(0,0)
     REM Count number of words in dictionary:
     nwords% = 0
     dict% = OPENIN("unixdict.txt")
     WHILE NOT EOF#dict%
       word$ = GET$#dict%
       nwords% += 1
     CLOSE #dict%
     REM Create arrays big enough to contain the dictionary:
     DIM dict$(nwords%), sort$(nwords%)
     REM Load the dictionary and sort the characters in the words:
     dict% = OPENIN("unixdict.txt")
     FOR word% = 1 TO nwords%
       word$ = GET$#dict%
       dict$(word%) = word$
       sort$(word%) = FNsortchars(word$)
     NEXT word%
     CLOSE #dict%
     REM Sort arrays using the 'sorted character' words as a key:
     C% = nwords%
     CALL sort%, sort$(1), dict$(1)
     REM Count the longest sets of anagrams:
     max% = 0
     set% = 1
     FOR word% = 1 TO nwords%-1
       IF sort$(word%) = sort$(word%+1) THEN
         set% += 1
         IF set% > max% THEN max% = set%
         set% = 1
     NEXT word%
     REM Output the results:
     set% = 1
     FOR word% = 1 TO nwords%-1
       IF sort$(word%) = sort$(word%+1) THEN
         set% += 1
         IF set% = max% THEN
           FOR anagram% = word%-max%+1 TO word%
             PRINT dict$(anagram%),;
         set% = 1
     NEXT word%
     DEF FNsortchars(word$)
     LOCAL C%, char&()
     DIM char&(LEN(word$))
     $$^char&(0) = word$
     C% = LEN(word$)
     CALL sort%, char&(0)
     = $$^char&(0)</lang>

Produces this output:

abel      able      bale      bela      elba
caret     carte     cater     crate     trace
angel     angle     galen     glean     lange
alger     glare     lager     large     regal
elan      lane      lean      lena      neal
evil      levi      live      veil      vile


This solution makes extensive use of Bracmat's computer algebra mechanisms. A trick is needed to handle words that are merely repetitions of a single letter, such as iii. That's why the variabe sum isn't initialised with 0, but with a non-number, in this case the empty string. Also te correct handling of characters 0-9 needs a trick so that they are not numerically added: they are prepended with a non-digit, an N in this case. After completely traversing the word list, the program writes a file product.txt that can be visually inspected. The program is not fast. (Minutes rather than seconds.) <lang bracmat>( get$("unixdict.txt",STR):?list & 1:?product & whl

 ' ( @(!list:(%?word:?w) \n ?list)
   & :?sum
   &   whl
     ' ( @(!w:%?let ?w)
       & (!let:~#|str$(N !let))+!sum:?sum
   & !sum^!word*!product:?product

& lst$(product,"product.txt",NEW) & 0:?max & :?group & ( !product

   :   ?
     * ?^(%+%:?exp)
     * ( ?
       &   !exp
         :   ?
           + ( [>!max:[?max&!exp:?group
             | [~<!max&!group !exp:?group
       & ~
 | out$!group

);</lang> Output:



<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <ctype.h>
  4. include <time.h>

char *sortedWord(const char *word, char *wbuf) {

   char *p1, *p2, *endwrd;
   char t;
   int swaps;
   strcpy(wbuf, word);
   endwrd = wbuf+strlen(wbuf);
   do {
      swaps = 0;
      p1 = wbuf; p2 = endwrd-1;
      while (p1<p2) {
         if (*p2 > *p1) {
            t = *p2; *p2 = *p1; *p1 = t;
            swaps = 1;
         p1++; p2--;
      p1 = wbuf; p2 = p1+1;
      while(p2 < endwrd) {
          if (*p2 > *p1) {
            t = *p2; *p2 = *p1; *p1 = t;
            swaps = 1;
          p1++; p2++;
   } while (swaps);
   return wbuf;


static short cxmap[] = {

   0x06, 0x1f, 0x4d, 0x0c, 0x5c, 0x28, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x33, 0x31, 0x56,
   0x52, 0x19, 0x29, 0x53, 0x32, 0x48, 0x35, 0x55, 0x5e, 0x14, 0x27, 0x24,
   0x02, 0x3e, 0x18, 0x4a, 0x3f, 0x4c, 0x45, 0x30, 0x08, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x03,
   0x0b, 0x0d, 0x4f, 0x07, 0x20, 0x1d, 0x51, 0x3b, 0x11, 0x58, 0x00, 0x49,
   0x15, 0x2d, 0x41, 0x17, 0x5f, 0x39, 0x16, 0x42, 0x37, 0x22, 0x1c, 0x0f,
   0x43, 0x5b, 0x46, 0x4b, 0x0a, 0x26, 0x2e, 0x40, 0x12, 0x21, 0x3c, 0x36,
   0x38, 0x1e, 0x01, 0x1b, 0x05, 0x4e, 0x44, 0x3d, 0x04, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x2a,
   0x23, 0x34, 0x25, 0x2f, 0x2b, 0x50, 0x3a, 0x54, 0x47, 0x59, 0x13, 0x57,
  1. define CXMAP_SIZE (sizeof(cxmap)/sizeof(short))

int Str_Hash( const char *key, int ix_max ) {

  const char *cp;
  short mash;
  int  hash = 33501551;
  for (cp = key; *cp; cp++) {
     mash = cxmap[*cp % CXMAP_SIZE];
     hash = (hash >>4) ^ 0x5C5CF5C ^ ((hash<<1) + (mash<<5));
     hash &= 0x3FFFFFFF;
  return  hash % ix_max;


typedef struct sDictWord *DictWord; struct sDictWord {

   const char *word;
   DictWord next;


typedef struct sHashEntry *HashEntry; struct sHashEntry {

   const char *key;
   HashEntry next;
   DictWord  words;
   HashEntry link;
   short wordCount;


  1. define HT_SIZE 8192

HashEntry hashTable[HT_SIZE];

HashEntry mostPerms = NULL;

int buildAnagrams( FILE *fin ) {

   char buffer[40];
   char bufr2[40];
   char *hkey;
   int hix;
   HashEntry he, *hep;
   DictWord  we;
   int  maxPC = 2;
   int numWords = 0;
   while ( fgets(buffer, 40, fin)) {
       for(hkey = buffer; *hkey && (*hkey!='\n'); hkey++);
       *hkey = 0;
       hkey = sortedWord(buffer, bufr2);
       hix = Str_Hash(hkey, HT_SIZE);
       he = hashTable[hix]; hep = &hashTable[hix];
       while( he && strcmp(he->key , hkey) ) {
           hep = &he->next;
           he = he->next;
       if ( ! he ) {
           he = malloc(sizeof(struct sHashEntry));
           he->next = NULL;
           he->key = strdup(hkey);
           he->wordCount = 0;
           he->words = NULL;
           he->link = NULL;
           *hep = he;
       we = malloc(sizeof(struct sDictWord));
       we->word = strdup(buffer);
       we->next = he->words;
       he->words = we;
       if ( maxPC < he->wordCount) {
           maxPC = he->wordCount;
           mostPerms = he;
           he->link = NULL;
       else if (maxPC == he->wordCount) {
           he->link = mostPerms;
           mostPerms = he;
   printf("%d words in dictionary max ana=%d\n", numWords, maxPC);
   return maxPC;


int main( ) {

   HashEntry he;
   DictWord  we;
   FILE *f1;
   f1 = fopen("unixdict.txt","r");
   f1 = fopen("anaout.txt","w");

// f1 = stdout;

   for (he = mostPerms; he; he = he->link) {
       fprintf(f1,"%d:", he->wordCount);
       for(we = he->words; we; we = we->next) {
           fprintf(f1,"%s, ", we->word);
       fprintf(f1, "\n");
   return 0;

}</lang> Output: (less than 1 second on old P500)

5:vile, veil, live, levi, evil, 
5:trace, crate, cater, carte, caret, 
5:regal, large, lager, glare, alger, 
5:neal, lena, lean, lane, elan, 
5:lange, glean, galen, angle, angel, 
5:elba, bela, bale, able, abel, 

A much shorter version with no fancy data structures: <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <fcntl.h>
  4. include <unistd.h>
  5. include <sys/stat.h>
  6. include <string.h>

typedef struct { const char *key, *word; int cnt; } kw_t;

int lst_cmp(const void *a, const void *b) { return strcmp(((const kw_t*)a)->key, ((const kw_t*)b)->key); }

/* Bubble sort. Faster than stock qsort(), believe it or not */ void sort_letters(char *s) { int i, j; char t; for (i = 0; s[i] != '\0'; i++) { for (j = i + 1; s[j] != '\0'; j++) if (s[j] < s[i]) { t = s[j]; s[j] = s[i]; s[i] = t; } } }

int main() { struct stat s; char *words, *keys; size_t i, j, k, longest, offset; int n_word = 0; kw_t *list;

int fd = open("unixdict.txt", O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) return 1; fstat(fd, &s); words = malloc(s.st_size * 2); keys = words + s.st_size;

read(fd, words, s.st_size); memcpy(keys, words, s.st_size);

/* change newline to null for easy use; sort letters in keys */ for (i = j = 0; i < s.st_size; i++) { if (words[i] == '\n') { words[i] = keys[i] = '\0'; sort_letters(keys + j); j = i + 1; n_word ++; } }

list = calloc(n_word, sizeof(kw_t));

/* make key/word pointer pairs for sorting */ for (i = j = k = 0; i < s.st_size; i++) { if (words[i] == '\0') { list[j].key = keys + k; list[j].word = words + k; k = i + 1; j++; } }

qsort(list, n_word, sizeof(kw_t), lst_cmp);

/* count each key's repetition */ for (i = j = k = offset = longest = 0; i < n_word; i++) { if (!strcmp(list[i].key, list[j].key)) { ++k; continue; }

/* move current longest to begining of array */ if (k < longest) { k = 0; j = i; continue; }

if (k > longest) offset = 0;

while (j < i) list[offset++] = list[j++]; longest = k; k = 0; }

/* show the longest */ for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) { printf("%s ", list[i].word); if (i < n_word - 1 && strcmp(list[i].key, list[i+1].key)) printf("\n"); }

/* free(list); free(words); */ close(fd); return 0; }</lang> output

abel able bale bela elba 
caret carte cater crate trace 
angel angle galen glean lange 
alger glare lager large regal 
elan lane lean lena neal 
evil levi live veil vile


<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <fstream>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <map>
  4. include <vector>
  5. include <algorithm>
  6. include <iterator>

int main() {

 std::ifstream in("unixdict.txt");
 typedef  std::map<std::string, std::vector<std::string> > AnagramMap;
 AnagramMap anagrams;

 std::string word;
 size_t count = 0;
 while (std::getline(in, word)) {
   std::string key = word;
   std::sort(key.begin(), key.end());
   // note: the [] op. automatically inserts a new value if key does not exist
   AnagramMap::mapped_type & v = anagrams[key];
   count = std::max(count, v.size());


 for (AnagramMap::const_iterator it = anagrams.begin(), e = anagrams.end();
      it != e; it++)
   if (it->second.size() >= count) {
     std::copy(it->second.begin(), it->second.end(),
               std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, ", "));
     std::cout << std::endl;
 return 0;

}</lang> Output:

abel, able, bale, bela, elba, 
caret, carte, cater, crate, trace, 
angel, angle, galen, glean, lange, 
alger, glare, lager, large, regal, 
elan, lane, lean, lena, neal, 
evil, levi, live, veil, vile,


<lang csharp>using System; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace Anagram {

   class Program
       const string DICO_URL = "";
       static void Main( string[] args )
           WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create(DICO_URL);
           string[] words;
           using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(request.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(), true)) {
               words = Regex.Split(sr.ReadToEnd(), @"\r?\n");
           var groups = from string w in words
                        group w by string.Concat(w.OrderBy(x => x)) into c
                        group c by c.Count() into d
                        orderby d.Key descending
                        select d;
           foreach (var c in groups.First()) {
               Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" ", c));

}</lang> output:

abel able bale bela elba
alger glare lager large regal
angel angle galen glean lange
caret carte cater crate trace
elan lane lean lena neal
evil levi live veil vile


Assume wordfile is the path of the local file containing the words. This code makes a map (groups) whose keys are sorted letters and values are lists of the key's anagrams. It then determines the length of the longest list, and prints out all the lists of that length. <lang clojure>(require '[ :as io])

(def groups

 (with-open [r (io/reader wordfile)]
   (group-by sort (line-seq r))))

(let [wordlists (sort-by (comp - count) (vals groups))

     maxlength (count (first wordlists))]
 (doseq [wordlist (take-while #(= (count %) maxlength) wordlists)]
   (println wordlist))</lang>


<lang coffeescript>http = require 'http'

show_large_anagram_sets = (word_lst) ->

 anagrams = {}
 max_size = 0
 for word in word_lst
   key = word.split().sort().join()
   anagrams[key] ?= []
   anagrams[key].push word
   size = anagrams[key].length
   max_size = size if size > max_size
 for key, variations of anagrams
   if variations.length == max_size
     console.log variations.join ' '

get_word_list = (process) ->

 options =
   host: ""
   path: "/pub/wordlists/unixdict.txt"
 req = http.request options, (res) ->
   s = 
   res.on 'data', (chunk) ->
     s += chunk
   res.on 'end', ->
     process s.split '\n'

get_word_list show_large_anagram_sets</lang> output <lang coffeescript>> coffee [ 'abel', 'able', 'bale', 'bela', 'elba' ] [ 'alger', 'glare', 'lager', 'large', 'regal' ] [ 'angel', 'angle', 'galen', 'glean', 'lange' ] [ 'caret', 'carte', 'cater', 'crate', 'trace' ] [ 'elan', 'lane', 'lean', 'lena', 'neal' ] [ 'evil', 'levi', 'live', 'veil', 'vile' ]</lang>

Common Lisp

Library: DRAKMA

to retrieve the wordlist.

<lang lisp>(defun anagrams (&optional (url ""))

 (let ((words (drakma:http-request url :want-stream t))
       (wordsets (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
   ;; populate the wordsets and close stream
   (do ((word (read-line words nil nil) (read-line words nil nil)))
       ((null word) (close words))
     (let ((letters (sort (copy-seq word) 'char<)))
       (multiple-value-bind (pair presentp)
           (gethash letters wordsets)
         (if presentp
          (setf (car pair) (1+ (car pair))
                (cdr pair) (cons word (cdr pair)))
          (setf (gethash letters wordsets)
                (cons 1 (list word)))))))
   ;; find and return the biggest wordsets
   (loop with maxcount = 0 with maxwordsets = '()
         for pair being each hash-value of wordsets
         if (> (car pair) maxcount)
         do (setf maxcount (car pair)
                  maxwordsets (list (cdr pair)))
         else if (eql (car pair) maxcount)
         do (push (cdr pair) maxwordsets)
         finally (return (values maxwordsets maxcount)))))</lang>

Evalutating <lang lisp>(multiple-value-bind (wordsets count) (anagrams)

 (pprint wordsets)
 (print count))</lang>

produces the following output.

(("vile" "veil" "live" "levi" "evil")
 ("regal" "large" "lager" "glare" "alger")
 ("lange" "glean" "galen" "angle" "angel")
 ("neal" "lena" "lean" "lane" "elan")
 ("trace" "crate" "cater" "carte" "caret")
 ("elba" "bela" "bale" "able" "abel"))

Another method, assuming file is local: <lang lisp>(defun read-words (file)

 (with-open-file (stream file)
   (loop with w = "" while w collect (setf w (read-line stream nil)))))

(defun anagram (file)

 (let ((wordlist (read-words file))

(h (make-hash-table :test #'equal)) longest)

   (loop for w in wordlist with ws do

(setf ws (sort (copy-seq w) #'char<)) (setf (gethash ws h) (cons w (gethash ws h))))

   (loop for w being the hash-keys in h using (hash-value wl)

with max-len = 0 do (let ((l (length wl))) (if (> l max-len) (setf longest nil max-len l)) (if (= l max-len) (push wl longest))))


(format t "~{~{~a ~}~^~%~}" (anagram "unixdict.txt"))</lang> output

elba bela bale able abel 
regal large lager glare alger 
lange glean galen angle angel 
trace crate cater carte caret 
neal lena lean lane elan 
vile veil live levi evil

Component Pascal

BlackBox Component Builder <lang oberon2> MODULE BbtAnagrams; IMPORT StdLog,Files,Strings,Args; CONST MAXPOOLSZ = 1024;

TYPE Node = POINTER TO LIMITED RECORD; count: INTEGER; word: Args.String; desc: Node; next: Node; END;


PROCEDURE NewNode(word: ARRAY OF CHAR): Node; VAR n: Node; BEGIN NEW(n);n.count := 0;n.word := word$; n.desc := NIL; := NIL; RETURN n END NewNode;

PROCEDURE Index(s: ARRAY OF CHAR;cap: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR i,sum: INTEGER; BEGIN sum := 0; FOR i := 0 TO LEN(s$) DO INC(sum,ORD(s[i])) END; RETURN sum MOD cap END Index;


       i, j: INTEGER; 
       t: CHAR; 


       FOR i := 0 TO LEN(s$) - 1 DO 

j := i; t := s[j]; WHILE (j > 0) & (s[j -1] > t) DO s[j] := s[j - 1]; DEC(j) END; s[j] := t


END ISort;


       RETURN x = y

END SameLetters;

PROCEDURE NewPoolWith(cap: INTEGER): Pool; VAR i: INTEGER; p: Pool; BEGIN NEW(p); p.capacity := cap; p.max := 0; NEW(p.words,cap); i := 0; WHILE i < p.capacity DO p.words[i] := NIL; INC(i); END; RETURN p END NewPoolWith;


PROCEDURE (p: Pool) Add(w: ARRAY OF CHAR), NEW; VAR idx: INTEGER; iter,n: Node; BEGIN idx := Index(w,p.capacity); iter := p.words[idx]; n := NewNode(w); WHILE(iter # NIL) DO IF SameLetters(w,iter.word) THEN INC(iter.count); IF iter.count > p.max THEN p.max := iter.count END; n.desc := iter.desc; iter.desc := n; RETURN END; iter := END; ASSERT(iter = NIL); := p.words[idx];p.words[idx] := n END Add;

PROCEDURE ShowAnagrams(l: Node); VAR iter: Node; BEGIN iter := l; WHILE iter # NIL DO StdLog.String(iter.word);StdLog.String(" "); iter := iter.desc END; StdLog.Ln END ShowAnagrams;

PROCEDURE (p: Pool) ShowMax(),NEW; VAR i: INTEGER; iter: Node; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LEN(p.words) - 1 DO IF p.words[i] # NIL THEN iter := p.words^[i]; WHILE iter # NIL DO IF iter.count = p.max THEN ShowAnagrams(iter); END; iter := END END END END ShowMax;

PROCEDURE GetLine(rd: Files.Reader; OUT str: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; b: BYTE; BEGIN rd.ReadByte(b);i := 0; WHILE (~rd.eof) & (i < LEN(str)) DO IF (b = ORD(0DX)) OR (b = ORD(0AX)) THEN str[i] := 0X; RETURN END; str[i] := CHR(b); rd.ReadByte(b);INC(i) END; str[LEN(str) - 1] := 0X END GetLine;

PROCEDURE DoProcess*; VAR params : Args.Params; loc: Files.Locator; fd: Files.File; rd: Files.Reader; line: ARRAY 81 OF CHAR; p: Pool; BEGIN Args.Get(params); IF params.argc = 1 THEN loc := Files.dir.This("Bbt"); fd := Files.dir.Old(loc,params.args[0]$,FALSE); StdLog.String("Processing: " + params.args[0]);StdLog.Ln;StdLog.Ln; rd := fd.NewReader(NIL); p := NewPool(); REPEAT GetLine(rd,line); p.Add(line); UNTIL rd.eof; p.ShowMax() ELSE StdLog.String("Error: Missing file to process");StdLog.Ln END; END DoProcess;

END BbtAnagrams. </lang> Execute:^Q BbtAnagrams.DoProcess unixdict.txt~

Processing: unixdict.txt

abel elba bela bale able 
elan neal lena lean lane 
evil vile veil live levi 
angel lange glean galen angle 
alger regal large lager glare 
caret trace crate cater carte 


Short Functional Version

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.range, std.string, std.exception;

void main() {

   string[][const ubyte[]] an;
   foreach (w; "unixdict.txt".File.byLine(
       an[w.dup.representation.sort().release.assumeUnique] ~= w.idup;
   immutable m =!q{ a.length }.reduce!max;
   writefln("%(%s\n%)", an.byValue.filter!(ws => ws.length == m));


["caret", "carte", "cater", "crate", "trace"]
["evil", "levi", "live", "veil", "vile"]
["abel", "able", "bale", "bela", "elba"]
["elan", "lane", "lean", "lena", "neal"]
["alger", "glare", "lager", "large", "regal"]
["angel", "angle", "galen", "glean", "lange"]

Runtime: about 0.08 seconds.

Faster Version

Less safe, same output. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.file, std.string;

void main() {

   auto keys = cast(char[])"unixdict.txt".read;
   immutable vals = keys.idup;
   string[][string] anags;
   foreach (w; keys.splitter) {
       immutable k = cast(string)w.representation.sort().release;
       anags[k] ~= vals[k.ptr-keys.ptr .. k.ptr-keys.ptr + k.length];
   //immutable m = anags.byValue.max!q{ a.length };
   immutable m =!q{ a.length }.reduce!max;
   writefln("%(%s\n%)", anags.byValue.filter!(ws => ws.length == m));

}</lang> Runtime: about 0.06 seconds.


<lang e>println("Downloading...") when (def wordText := <> <- getText()) -> {

   def words := wordText.split("\n")
   def storage := [].asMap().diverge()
   def anagramTable extends storage {
       to get(key) { return storage.fetch(key, fn { storage[key] := [].diverge() }) }
   var largestGroupSeen := 0
   for word in words {
       def anagramGroup := anagramTable[word.sort()]
       largestGroupSeen max= anagramGroup.size()
   for _ => anagramGroup ? (anagramGroup.size() == mostSeen) in anagramTable {



<lang elena>#define system.

  1. define system'collections.
  2. define extensions'text.
  3. define extensions'io.

// --- Normalized ---

  1. symbol Normalized = &&:aLiteral


    ^ Summing new:(String new) foreach:(arrayControl sort:(stringControl toArray:aLiteral)) Literal.


// --- Program ---

  1. symbol program =


   #var aDictionary := Dictionary new.
   textFileControl forEachLine:"unixdict.txt" &do: &&:aWord
       #var aKey := Normalized eval:aWord.
       #var anItem := aDictionary @ aKey.
       nil == anItem ?
           anItem := List new.
           aDictionary setAt:aKey:anItem.
       anItem += aWord.
   listControl sort:aDictionary &with: &&:aFormer:aLater [ aFormer Value Count > aLater Value Count ].
   listControl foreach:aDictionary &top:20 &do: &&:aPair [ consoleEx writeLine:(aPair Value) ].



The function fetch/2 is used to solve Anagrams/Deranged_anagrams. Please keep backwards compatibility when editing. Or update the other module, too. <lang erlang>-module(anagrams). -compile(export_all).

play() ->

   {ok, P} = file:read_file('unixdict.txt'),
   D = dict:new(),
   E=fetch(string:tokens(binary_to_list(P), "\n"), D),
   get_value(dict:fetch_keys(E), E).

fetch([H|T], D) ->

   fetch(T, dict:append(lists:sort(H), H, D));

fetch([], D) ->


get_value(L, D) -> get_value(L,D,1,[]). get_value([H|T], D, N, L) ->

   Var = dict:fetch(H,D),
   Len = length(Var),
       Len > N ->
           get_value(T, D, Len, [Var]);
       Len == N ->
           get_value(T, D, Len, [Var | L]);
       Len < N ->
           get_value(T, D, N, L)

get_value([], _, _, L) ->


</lang> Output:

1> anagrams:play().


<lang euphoria>include sort.e

function compare_keys(sequence a, sequence b)

   return compare(a[1],b[1])

end function

constant fn = open("unixdict.txt","r") sequence words, anagrams object word words = {} while 1 do

   word = gets(fn)
   if atom(word) then
   end if
   word = word[1..$-1] -- truncate new-line character
   words = append(words, {sort(word), word})

end while close(fn)

integer maxlen maxlen = 0 words = custom_sort(routine_id("compare_keys"), words) anagrams = {words[1]} for i = 2 to length(words) do

   if equal(anagrams[$][1],words[i][1]) then
       anagrams[$] = append(anagrams[$], words[i][2])
   elsif length(anagrams[$]) = 2 then
       anagrams[$] = words[i]
       if length(anagrams[$]) > maxlen then
           maxlen = length(anagrams[$])
       end if
       anagrams = append(anagrams, words[i])
   end if

end for if length(anagrams[$]) = 2 then

   anagrams = anagrams[1..$-1]

end if

for i = 1 to length(anagrams) do

   if length(anagrams[i]) = maxlen then
       for j = 2 to length(anagrams[i]) do
           puts(1,' ')
       end for
   end if

end for</lang> Output:

abel bela bale elba able
crate cater carte caret trace
angle galen glean lange angel
regal lager large alger glare
elan lean neal lane lena
live veil vile levi evil


Read the lines in the dictionary, group by the sorted letters in each word, find the length of the longest sets of anagrams, extract the longest sequences of words sharing the same letters (i.e. anagrams): <lang fsharp>let xss = Seq.groupBy (Array.ofSeq >> Array.sort) (System.IO.File.ReadAllLines "unixdict.txt") snd xss |> Seq.filter (Seq.length >> ( = ) ( (snd >> Seq.length) xss |> Seq.max))</lang> Note that it is necessary to convert the sorted letters in each word from sequences to arrays because the groupBy function uses the default comparison and sequences do not compare structurally (but arrays do in F#).

Takes 0.8s to return: <lang fsharp>val it : string seq seq =

   [seq ["abel"; "able"; "bale"; "bela"; "elba"];
    seq ["alger"; "glare"; "lager"; "large"; "regal"];
    seq ["angel"; "angle"; "galen"; "glean"; "lange"];
    seq ["caret"; "carte"; "cater"; "crate"; "trace"];
    seq ["elan"; "lane"; "lean"; "lena"; "neal"];
    seq ["evil"; "levi"; "live"; "veil"; "vile"]]</lang>


A little bit of cheating: literatim re-implementation of C solution in FBSL's Dynamic C layer. <lang C>#APPTYPE CONSOLE

DIM gtc = GetTickCount() Anagram() PRINT "Done in ", (GetTickCount() - gtc) / 1000, " seconds"


DYNC Anagram() #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h>

char* sortedWord(const char* word, char* wbuf) { char* p1, *p2, *endwrd; char t; int swaps;

strcpy(wbuf, word); endwrd = wbuf + strlen(wbuf); do { swaps = 0; p1 = wbuf; p2 = endwrd - 1; while (p1 < p2) { if (*p2 >* p1) { t = *p2; *p2 = *p1; *p1 = t; swaps = 1; } p1++; p2--; } p1 = wbuf; p2 = p1 + 1; while (p2 < endwrd) { if (*p2 >* p1) { t = *p2; *p2 = *p1; *p1 = t; swaps = 1; } p1++; p2++; } } while (swaps); return wbuf; }

static short cxmap[] = { 0x06, 0x1f, 0x4d, 0x0c, 0x5c, 0x28, 0x5d, 0x0e, 0x09, 0x33, 0x31, 0x56, 0x52, 0x19, 0x29, 0x53, 0x32, 0x48, 0x35, 0x55, 0x5e, 0x14, 0x27, 0x24, 0x02, 0x3e, 0x18, 0x4a, 0x3f, 0x4c, 0x45, 0x30, 0x08, 0x2c, 0x1a, 0x03, 0x0b, 0x0d, 0x4f, 0x07, 0x20, 0x1d, 0x51, 0x3b, 0x11, 0x58, 0x00, 0x49, 0x15, 0x2d, 0x41, 0x17, 0x5f, 0x39, 0x16, 0x42, 0x37, 0x22, 0x1c, 0x0f, 0x43, 0x5b, 0x46, 0x4b, 0x0a, 0x26, 0x2e, 0x40, 0x12, 0x21, 0x3c, 0x36, 0x38, 0x1e, 0x01, 0x1b, 0x05, 0x4e, 0x44, 0x3d, 0x04, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x2a, 0x23, 0x34, 0x25, 0x2f, 0x2b, 0x50, 0x3a, 0x54, 0x47, 0x59, 0x13, 0x57, }; #define CXMAP_SIZE (sizeof(cxmap) / sizeof(short))

int Str_Hash(const char* key, int ix_max) { const char* cp; short mash; int hash = 33501551; for (cp = key; *cp; cp++) { mash = cxmap[*cp % CXMAP_SIZE]; hash = (hash >>4) ^ 0x5C5CF5C ^ ((hash << 1) + (mash << 5)); hash &= 0x3FFFFFFF; } return hash % ix_max; }

typedef struct sDictWord* DictWord; struct sDictWord { const char* word; DictWord next; };

typedef struct sHashEntry* HashEntry; struct sHashEntry { const char* key; HashEntry next; DictWord words; HashEntry link; short wordCount; };

#define HT_SIZE 8192

HashEntry hashTable[HT_SIZE];

HashEntry mostPerms = NULL;

int buildAnagrams(FILE* fin) { char buffer[40]; char bufr2[40]; char* hkey; int hix; HashEntry he, *hep; DictWord we; int maxPC = 2; int numWords = 0;

while (fgets(buffer, 40, fin)) { for (hkey = buffer; *hkey && (*hkey != '\n'); hkey++); *hkey = 0; hkey = sortedWord(buffer, bufr2); hix = Str_Hash(hkey, HT_SIZE); he = hashTable[hix]; hep = &hashTable[hix]; while (he && strcmp(he->key, hkey)) { hep = &he->next; he = he->next; } if (! he) { he = (HashEntry)malloc(sizeof(struct sHashEntry)); he->next = NULL; he->key = strdup(hkey); he->wordCount = 0; he->words = NULL; he->link = NULL; *hep = he; } we = (DictWord)malloc(sizeof(struct sDictWord)); we->word = strdup(buffer); we->next = he->words; he->words = we; he->wordCount++; if (maxPC < he->wordCount) { maxPC = he->wordCount; mostPerms = he; he->link = NULL; } else if (maxPC == he->wordCount) { he->link = mostPerms; mostPerms = he; } numWords++; } printf("%d words in dictionary max ana=%d\n", numWords, maxPC); return maxPC; }

void main() { HashEntry he; DictWord we; FILE* f1;

f1 = fopen("unixdict.txt", "r"); buildAnagrams(f1); fclose(f1);

f1 = fopen("anaout.txt", "w");

for (he = mostPerms; he; he = he->link) { fprintf(f1, "%d: ", he->wordCount); for (we = he->words; we; we = we->next) { fprintf(f1, "%s, ", we->word); } fprintf(f1, "\n"); } fclose(f1); } END DYNC</lang> Console output (2.2GHz Intel Core2 Duo):

25104 words in dictionary max ana=5
Done in 0.031 seconds

Press any key to continue...

"anaout.txt" listing:

5: vile, veil, live, levi, evil, 
5: trace, crate, cater, carte, caret, 
5: regal, large, lager, glare, alger, 
5: neal, lena, lean, lane, elan, 
5: lange, glean, galen, angle, angel, 
5: elba, bela, bale, able, abel,


<lang factor> "resource:unixdict.txt" utf8 file-lines

[ [ natural-sort >string ] keep ] { } map>assoc sort-keys
[ [ first ] compare +eq+ = ] monotonic-split
dup 0 [ length max ] reduce '[ length _ = ] filter [ values ] map .</lang>

<lang factor>{

   { "abel" "able" "bale" "bela" "elba" }
   { "caret" "carte" "cater" "crate" "trace" }
   { "angel" "angle" "galen" "glean" "lange" }
   { "alger" "glare" "lager" "large" "regal" }
   { "elan" "lane" "lean" "lena" "neal" }
   { "evil" "levi" "live" "veil" "vile" }



<lang fantom>class Main {

 // take given word and return a string rearranging characters in order
 static Str toOrderedChars (Str word)
   Str[] chars := [,]
   word.each |Int c| { chars.add (c.toChar) }
   return chars.sort.join("")
 // add given word to anagrams map
 static Void addWord (Str:Str[] anagrams, Str word)
   Str orderedWord := toOrderedChars (word)
   if (anagrams.containsKey (orderedWord))
     anagrams[orderedWord].add (word)
     anagrams[orderedWord] = [word]
 public static Void main ()
   Str:Str[] anagrams := [:] // map Str -> Str[]
   // loop through input file, adding each word to map of anagrams
   File (`unixdict.txt`).eachLine |Str word|
     addWord (anagrams, word)
   // loop through anagrams, keeping the keys with values of largest size
   Str[] largestKeys := [,]
   anagrams.keys.each |Str k|
     if ((largestKeys.size < 1) || (anagrams[k].size == anagrams[largestKeys[0]].size))
       largestKeys.add (k)
     else if (anagrams[k].size > anagrams[largestKeys[0]].size)
       largestKeys = [k]
   largestKeys.each |Str k|
     echo ("Key: $k -> " + anagrams[k].join(", "))



Key: abel -> abel, able, bale, bela, elba
Key: aeln -> elan, lane, lean, lena, neal
Key: eilv -> evil, levi, live, veil, vile
Key: aegln -> angel, angle, galen, glean, lange
Key: aeglr -> alger, glare, lager, large, regal
Key: acert -> caret, carte, cater, crate, trace


This program: <lang fortran>!*************************************************************************************** module anagram_routines !*************************************************************************************** implicit none

!the dictionary file: integer,parameter :: file_unit = 1000 character(len=*),parameter :: filename = 'unixdict.txt'

!maximum number of characters in a word: integer,parameter :: max_chars = 50

!maximum number of characters in the string displaying the anagram lists: integer,parameter :: str_len = 256

type word character(len=max_chars) :: str = repeat(' ',max_chars) !the word from the dictionary integer  :: n = 0 !length of this word integer  :: n_anagrams = 0 !number of anagrams found logical  :: checked = .false. !if this one has already been checked character(len=str_len)  :: anagrams = repeat(' ',str_len) !the anagram list for this word end type word

!the dictionary structure: type(word),dimension(:),allocatable,target :: dict

contains !***************************************************************************************

!****************************************************************************** function count_lines_in_file(fid) result(n_lines) !****************************************************************************** implicit none

integer  :: n_lines integer,intent(in)  :: fid character(len=1)  :: tmp integer  :: i integer  :: ios

!the file is assumed to be open already.

rewind(fid) !rewind to beginning of the file

n_lines = 0 do !read each line until the end of the file. read(fid,'(A1)',iostat=ios) tmp if (ios < 0) exit !End of file n_lines = n_lines + 1 !row counter end do

rewind(fid) !rewind to beginning of the file

!****************************************************************************** end function count_lines_in_file !******************************************************************************

!****************************************************************************** pure elemental function is_anagram(x,y) !****************************************************************************** implicit none character(len=*),intent(in) :: x character(len=*),intent(in) :: y logical :: is_anagram

character(len=len(x)) :: x_tmp !a copy of x integer :: i,j

!a character not found in any word: character(len=1),parameter :: null = achar(0)

!x and y are assumed to be the same size.

x_tmp = x do i=1,len_trim(x) j = index(x_tmp, y(i:i)) !look for this character in x_tmp if (j/=0) then x_tmp(j:j) = null !clear it so it won't be checked again else is_anagram = .false. !character not found: x,y are not anagrams return end if end do

!if we got to this point, all the characters ! were the same, so x,y are anagrams: is_anagram = .true.

!****************************************************************************** end function is_anagram !******************************************************************************

!*************************************************************************************** end module anagram_routines !***************************************************************************************

!*************************************************************************************** program main !*************************************************************************************** use anagram_routines implicit none

integer :: n,i,j,n_max type(word),pointer :: x,y logical :: first_word real :: start, finish

call cpu_time(start) !..start timer

!open the dictionary and read in all the words: open(unit=file_unit,file=filename) !open the file n = count_lines_in_file(file_unit) !count lines in the file allocate(dict(n)) !allocate dictionary structure do i=1,n  ! read(file_unit,'(A)') dict(i)%str !each line is a word in the dictionary dict(i)%n = len_trim(dict(i)%str) !saving length here to avoid trim's below end do close(file_unit) !close the file

!search dictionary for anagrams: do i=1,n

x => dict(i) !pointer to simplify code first_word = .true. !initialize

do j=i,n

y => dict(j) !pointer to simplify code

!checks to avoid checking words unnecessarily: if (x%checked .or. y%checked) cycle !both must not have been checked already if (x%n/=y%n) cycle !must be the same size if (x%str(1:x%n)==y%str(1:y%n)) cycle !can't be the same word

! check to see if x,y are anagrams: if (is_anagram(x%str(1:x%n), y%str(1:y%n))) then !they are anagrams. y%checked = .true. !don't check this one again. x%n_anagrams = x%n_anagrams + 1 if (first_word) then !this is the first anagram found for this word. first_word = .false. x%n_anagrams = x%n_anagrams + 1 x%anagrams = trim(x%anagrams)//x%str(1:x%n) !add first word to list end if x%anagrams = trim(x%anagrams)//','//y%str(1:y%n) !add next word to list end if

end do x%checked = .true. !don't check this one again

end do

!anagram groups with the most words: write(*,*) n_max = maxval(dict%n_anagrams) do i=1,n if (dict(i)%n_anagrams==n_max) write(*,'(A)') trim(dict(i)%anagrams) end do

!anagram group containing longest words: write(*,*) n_max = maxval(dict%n, mask=dict%n_anagrams>0) do i=1,n if (dict(i)%n_anagrams>0 .and. dict(i)%n==n_max) write(*,'(A)') trim(dict(i)%anagrams) end do write(*,*)

call cpu_time(finish) !...stop timer write(*,'(A,F6.3,A)') '[Runtime = ',finish-start,' sec]' write(*,*)

!*************************************************************************************** end program main !***************************************************************************************</lang>

produces this output:


	[Runtime =  6.897 sec]


<lang gap>Anagrams := function(name)

 local f, p, L, line, word, words, swords, res, cur, r;
 words := [ ];
 swords := [ ];
 f := InputTextFile(name);
 while true do
   line := ReadLine(f);
   if line = fail then
     word := Chomp(line);
     Add(words, word);
     Add(swords, SortedList(word));
 p := SortingPerm(swords);
 L := Permuted(words, p);
 r := "";
 cur := [ ];
 res := [ ];
 for word in L do
   if SortedList(word) = r then
     Add(cur, word);
     if Length(cur) > 0 then
       Add(res, cur);
     r := SortedList(word);
     cur := [ word ];
 if Length(cur) > 0 then
   Add(res, cur);
 return Filtered(res, v -> Length(v) > 1);


ana := Anagrams("my/gap/unixdict.txt");;

  1. What is the longest anagram sequence ?

Maximum(List(ana, Length));

  1. 5
  1. Which are they ?

Filtered(ana, v -> Length(v) = 5);

  1. [ [ "abel", "able", "bale", "bela", "elba" ],
  2. [ "caret", "carte", "cater", "crate", "trace" ],
  3. [ "angel", "angle", "galen", "glean", "lange" ],
  4. [ "alger", "glare", "lager", "large", "regal" ],
  5. [ "elan", "lane", "lean", "lena", "neal" ],
  6. [ "evil", "levi", "live", "veil", "vile" ] ]</lang>


<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("unixdict.txt")
   if err != nil {
   var ma int
   m := make(map[string][]string)
   for _, word := range strings.Split(string(b), "\n") {
       bs := byteSlice(word)
       k := string(bs)
       a := append(m[k], word)
       if len(a) > ma {
           ma = len(a)
       m[k] = a
   for _, a := range m {
       if len(a) == ma {


type byteSlice []byte

func (b byteSlice) Len() int { return len(b) } func (b byteSlice) Swap(i, j int) { b[i], b[j] = b[j], b[i] } func (b byteSlice) Less(i, j int) bool { return b[i] < b[j] }</lang> Output:

[angel angle galen glean lange]
[elan lane lean lena neal]
[evil levi live veil vile]
[abel able bale bela elba]
[caret carte cater crate trace]
[alger glare lager large regal]


This program: <lang groovy>def words = new URL('').text.readLines() def groups = words.groupBy{ it.toList().sort() } def bigGroupSize = groups.collect{ it.value.size() }.max() def isBigAnagram = { it.value.size() == bigGroupSize } println groups.findAll(isBigAnagram).collect{ it.value }.collect{ it.join(' ') }.join('\n')</lang> produces this output:

abel able bale bela elba
alger glare lager large regal
angel angle galen glean lange
caret carte cater crate trace
elan lane lean lena neal
evil levi live veil vile


<lang haskell>import Data.List

groupon f x y = f x == f y

main = do

 f <- readFile "./../Puzzels/Rosetta/unixdict.txt"
 let  words = lines f
      wix = groupBy (groupon fst) . sort $ zip (map sort words) words
      mxl = maximum $ map length wix
 mapM_ (print . map snd) . filter ((==mxl).length) $ wix</lang>

Sample output: <lang haskell>*Main> main ["abel","able","bale","bela","elba"] ["caret","carte","cater","crate","trace"] ["angel","angle","galen","glean","lange"] ["alger","glare","lager","large","regal"] ["elan","lane","lean","lena","neal"] ["evil","levi","live","veil","vile"]</lang>

Icon and Unicon

<lang icon>procedure main(args)

   every writeSet(!getLongestAnagramSets())


procedure getLongestAnagramSets()

   wordSets := table()
   longestWSet := 0
   longSets := set()
   every word := !&input do {
       wChars := csort(word)
       /wordSets[wChars] := set()
       insert(wordSets[wChars], word)
       if 1 < *wordSets[wChars} == longestWSet then
           insert(longSets, wordSets[wChars])
       if 1 < *wordSets[wChars} > longestWSet then {
           longestWSet := *wordSets[wChars}
           longSets := set([wordSets[wChars]])
   return longSets


procedure writeSet(words)

   every writes("\t"|!words," ")


procedure csort(w)

   every (s := "") ||:= (find(c := !cset(w),w),c)
   return s

end</lang> Sample run:

->an <unixdict.txt
         abel bale bela able elba 
         lean neal elan lane lena 
         angle galen lange angel glean 
         alger glare lager large regal 
         veil evil levi live vile 
         caret cater crate carte trace


If the unixdict file has been retrieved and saved in the current directory (for example, using wget): <lang j> (#~ a: ~: {:"1) (]/.~ /:~&>) <;._2 ] 1!:1 <'unixdict.txt' +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |abel |able |bale |bela |elba | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |alger|glare|lager|large|regal| +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |angel|angle|galen|glean|lange| +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |caret|carte|cater|crate|trace| +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |elan |lane |lean |lena |neal | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ |evil |levi |live |veil |vile | +-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+</lang> Explanation: <lang J> <;._2 ] 1!:1 <'unixdict.txt'</lang> This reads in the dictionary and produces a list of boxes. Each box contains one line (one word) from the dictionary. <lang J> (]/.~ /:~&>)</lang> This groups the words into rows where anagram equivalents appear in the same row. In other words, creates a copy of the original list where the characters contained in each box have been sorted. Then it organizes the contents of the original list in rows, with each new row keyed by the values in the new list. <lang J> (#~ a: ~: {:"1)</lang> This selects rows whose last element is not an empty box.
(In the previous step we created an array of rows of boxes. The short rows were automatically padded with empty boxes so that all rows would be the same length.)


The key to this algorithm is the sorting of the characters in each word from the dictionary. The line Arrays.sort(chars); sorts all of the letters in the word in ascending order using a built-in quicksort, so all of the words in the first group in the result end up under the key "aegln" in the anagrams map.

Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java5>import*; import*; import java.util.*;

public class WordsOfEqChars {

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
       URL url = new URL("");
       InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(url.openStream());
       BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(isr);
       Map<String, Collection<String>> anagrams = new HashMap<String, Collection<String>>();
       String word;
       int count = 0;
       while ((word = reader.readLine()) != null) {
           char[] chars = word.toCharArray();
           String key = new String(chars);
           if (!anagrams.containsKey(key))
               anagrams.put(key, new ArrayList<String>());
           count = Math.max(count, anagrams.get(key).size());
       for (Collection<String> ana : anagrams.values())
           if (ana.size() >= count)


Works with: Java version 1.8+

<lang java5>import*; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.*; import java.util.function.*;

public interface Anagram {

 public static <AUTOCLOSEABLE extends AutoCloseable, OUTPUT> Supplier<OUTPUT> tryWithResources(Callable<AUTOCLOSEABLE> callable, Function<AUTOCLOSEABLE, Supplier<OUTPUT>> function, Supplier<OUTPUT> defaultSupplier) {
   return () -> {
     try (AUTOCLOSEABLE autoCloseable = {
       return function.apply(autoCloseable).get();
     } catch (Throwable throwable) {
       return defaultSupplier.get();
 public static <INPUT, OUTPUT> Function<INPUT, OUTPUT> function(Supplier<OUTPUT> supplier) {
   return i -> supplier.get();
 public static void main(String... args) {
   Map<String, Collection<String>> anagrams = new ConcurrentSkipListMap<>();
   int count = tryWithResources(
     () -> new BufferedReader(
       new InputStreamReader(
         new URL(
     reader -> () -> reader.lines()
       .mapToInt(word -> {
         char[] chars = word.toCharArray();
         String key = Arrays.toString(chars);
         Collection<String> collection = anagrams.computeIfAbsent(
           key, function(ArrayList::new)
         return collection.size();
     () -> 0
     .filter(ana -> ana.size() >= count)

}</lang> Output:

[angel, angle, galen, glean, lange]
[elan, lane, lean, lena, neal]
[alger, glare, lager, large, regal]
[abel, able, bale, bela, elba]
[evil, levi, live, veil, vile]
[caret, carte, cater, crate, trace]



This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Need to print the sets of words that share thee same characters that contain the most words in them.

<lang JavaScript>#!/usr/bin/env js

var anas = {}; var words = read('unixdict.txt').split(/\n/g);

for (var w in words) {

   var key = words[w].split("").sort().join();
   if (!(key in anas)) {
       anas[key] = [];


for (var a in anas) {

   if (anas[a].length >= 2) {



Sample output:



<lang Julia>url = ""

wordlist = map!(chomp,(open(readlines, download(url)))) ;

function anagram(wordlist)

 hash = Dict() ; ananum = 0
 for word in wordlist
   sorted = CharString(sort(collect(
   hash[sorted] = [ get(hash, sorted, {}), word ]
   ananum = max(length(hash[sorted]), ananum)
 collect(values(filter((x,y)-> length(y) == ananum, hash)))


julia> anagram(wordlist)
6-element Array{Any,1}:


<lang k>{x@&a=|/a:#:'x}{x g@&1<#:'g:={x@<x}'x}0::`unixdict.txt</lang>


<lang lasso>local( anagrams = map, words = include_url('')->split('\n'), key, max = 0, findings = array )

with word in #words do { #key = #word -> split() -> sort& -> join() if(not(#anagrams >> #key)) => { #anagrams -> insert(#key = array) } #anagrams -> find(#key) -> insert(#word) } with ana in #anagrams let ana_size = #ana -> size do { if(#ana_size > #max) => { #findings = array(#ana -> join(', ')) #max = #ana_size else(#ana_size == #max) #findings -> insert(#ana -> join(', ')) } }

  1. findings -> join('


abel, able, bale, bela, elba
caret, carte, cater, crate, trace
angel, angle, galen, glean, lange
alger, glare, lager, large, regal
elan, lane, lean, lena, neal
evil, levi, live, veil, vile

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>' count the word list open "unixdict.txt" for input as #1 while not(eof(#1))

   line input #1,null$

wend close #1

'import to an array appending sorted letter set open "unixdict.txt" for input as #1 dim wordList$(numWords,3) dim chrSort$(45) wordNum=1 while wordNum<numWords

   line input #1,actualWord$


'sort on letter set sort wordList$(),1,numWords,2

'count and store number of anagrams found wordNum=1 startPosition=wordNum numAnagrams=0 currentChrSet$=wordList$(wordNum,2) while wordNum < numWords

   while currentChrSet$=wordList$(wordNum,2)
   for n= startPosition to startPosition+numAnagrams


'sort on number of anagrams+letter set sort wordList$(),numWords,1,3

'display the top anagram sets found wordNum=1 while wordNum<150

   print "Anagram set";
   while currentChrSet$=wordList$(wordNum,2)
       print " : ";wordList$(wordNum,1);


close #1 end

function sorted$(w$)

   for chr = 1 to nchr
   sort chrSort$(),1,nchr
   for chr = 1 to nchr

end function</lang>


LiveCode could definitely use a sort characters command. As it is this code converts the letters into items and then sorts that. I wrote a merge sort for characters, but the conversion to items, built-in-sort, conversion back to string is about 10% faster, and certainly easier to write.

<lang LiveCode>on mouseUp

  put mostCommonAnagrams(url "")

end mouseUp

function mostCommonAnagrams X

  put 0 into maxCount
  repeat for each word W in X
     get sortChars(W)
     put W & comma after A[it]
     add 1 to C[it]
     if C[it] >= maxCount then
        if C[it] > maxCount then
           put C[it] into maxCount
           put char 1 to -2 of A[it] into winnerList
           put cr & char 1 to -2 of A[it] after winnerList
        end if
     end if
  end repeat
  return winnerList

end mostCommonAnagrams

function sortChars X

  get charsToItems(X)
  sort items of it
  return itemsToChars(it)

end sortChars

function charsToItems X

  repeat for each char C in X
     put C & comma after R
  end repeat
  return char 1 to -2 of R

end charsToItems

function itemsToChars X

  replace comma with empty in X
  return X

end itemsToChars</lang> Output:



Lua's core library is very small and does not include built-in network functionality. If a networking library were imported, the local file in the following script could be replaced with the remote dictionary file. This may or may not be a good implementation, but I thought the method was interesting. <lang lua>-- Build the word set local set = {} local file ="unixdict.txt") local str = file:read() while str do

   str = file:read()


-- Build the anagram tree local tree = {} for i,word in next,set do

   -- Sort a string from lowest char to highest
   local function sortString(str)
       if #str <= 1 then
           return str
       local less = 
       local greater = 
       local pivot = str:byte(1)
       for i = 2, #str do
           if str:byte(i) <= pivot then
               less = less..(str:sub(i,i))
               greater = greater..(str:sub(i,i))
       return sortString(less)..str:sub(1,1)..sortString(greater)
   local sortchar = sortString(word)
   if not tree[#word] then tree[#word] = {} end
   local node = tree[#word]
   for i = 1,#word do
       if not node[sortchar:byte(i)] then
           node[sortchar:byte(i)] = {}
       node = node[sortchar:byte(i)]


-- Gather largest groups by gathering all groups of current max size and droping gathered groups and increasing max when a new largest group is found local max = 0 local set = {} local function recurse (tree)

   local num = 0
   for i,node in next,tree do
       if type(node) == 'string' then
           num = num + 1
   if num > max then
       set = {}
       max = num
   if num == max then
       local newset = {}
       for i,node in next,tree do
           if type(node) == 'string' then
   for i,node in next,tree do
       if type(node) == 'table' then


recurse (tree) for i,v in next,set do io.write (i..':\t')for j,u in next,v do io.write (u..' ') end print() end</lang>


<lang M4>divert(-1) changequote(`[',`]') define([for],


define([_bar],include(t.txt)) define([eachlineA],


define([eachline],[eachlineA([$1],index($1,[ ]),[$2])]) define([removefirst],






define([_set],[define($1<$2>,$3)]) define([_get],[defn([$1<$2>])]) define([_max],1) define([_n],0) define([matchj],

        1,[define([_max],incr(_max))])[]_set([list],$2,[_get([list],$2) $1])])




        [$1 ])[]define([_n],incr(_n))])





divert eachline(_bar,[addword]) _max for([x],1,_n,[ifelse(_get([count],x),_max,[_get([list],x) ])])</lang>

Memory limitations keep this program from working on the full-sized dictionary. Run against the first 100 words, here is the output:

abel  able
aboard  abroad


The first line downloads the specified dictionary. (You could, instead, read it from a file, or use one of Maple's built-in word lists.) Next, turn it into a list of words. The assignment to T is where the real work is done (via Classify, in the ListTools package). This creates sets of words all of which have the same "hash", which is, in this case, the sorted word. The convert call discards the hashes, which have done their job, and leaves us with a list L of anagram sets. Finally, we just note the size of the largest sets of anagrams, and pick those off. <lang Maple> words := HTTP:-Get( "" )[2]: # ignore errors use StringTools, ListTools in

 T := Classify( Sort, map( Trim, Split( words ) ) )

end use: L := convert( T, 'list' ): m := max( map( nops, L ) ); # what is the largest set? A := select( s -> evalb( nops( s ) = m ), L ); # get the maximal sets of anagrams </lang> The result of running this code is <lang Maple> A := [{"abel", "able", "bale", "bela", "elba"}, {"angel", "angle", "galen", "glean", "lange"}, {"alger", "glare", "lager", "large", "regal"}, {"evil", "levi", "live", "veil", "vile"}, {"caret", "carte", "cater", "crate", "trace"} , {"elan", "lane", "lean", "lena", "neal"}]; </lang>


Download the dictionary, split the lines, split the word in characters and sort them. Now sort by those words, and find sequences of equal 'letter-hashes'. Return the longest sequences: <lang Mathematica>list=Import["","Lines"]; text={#,StringJoin@@Sort[Characters[#]]}&/@list; text=SortBy[text,#2&]; splits=Split[text,#12==#22&]All,All,1; maxlen=Max[Length/@splits]; Select[splits,Length[#]==maxlen&]</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>{{abel,able,bale,bela,elba},{caret,carte,cater,crate,trace},{angel,angle,galen,glean,lange},{alger,glare,lager,large,regal},{elan,lane,lean,lena,neal},{evil,levi,live,veil,vile}}</lang> An alternative is faster, but requires version 7 (for Gather): <lang Mathematica>splits = Gather[list, Sort[Characters[#]] == Sort[Characters[#2]] &]; maxlen = Max[Length /@ splits]; Select[splits, Length[#] == maxlen &]</lang>

Or using build-in functions for sorting and gathering elements in lists it can be implimented as: <lang Mathematica>anagramGroups = GatherBy[SortBy[GatherBy[list,Sort[Characters[#]] &],Length],Length]; anagramGroups-1</lang> Also, Mathematica's own word list is available; replacing the list definition with list = WordData[]; and forcing maxlen to 5 yields instead this result:



<lang maxima>read_file(name) := block([file, s, L], file: openr(name), L: [], while stringp(s: readline(file)) do L: cons(s, L), close(file), L)$

u: read_file("C:/my/mxm/unixdict.txt")$

v: map(lambda([s], [ssort(s), s]), u)$

w: sort(v, lambda([x, y], orderlessp(x[1], y[1])))$

ana(L) := block([m, n, p, r, u, v, w], L: endcons(["", ""], L), n: length(L), r: "", m: 0, v: [ ], w: [ ], for i from 1 thru n do (

  u: L[i],
  if r = u[1] then (
     w: cons(u[2], w)
  ) else (
     p: length(w),
     if p >= m then (
        if p > m then (m: p, v: []),
        v: cons(w, v)
     w: [u[2]],
     r: u[1]

), v)$

ana(w); /* [["evil", "levi", "live", "veil", "vile"],

   ["elan", "lane", "lean", "lena", "neal"],
   ["alger", "glare", "lager", "large", "regal"],
   ["angel", "angle", "galen", "glean", "lange"],
   ["caret", "carte", "cater", "crate", "trace"],
   ["abel", "able", "bale", "bela", "elba"]] */</lang>


<lang MUMPS>Anagrams New ii,file,longest,most,sorted,word Set file="unixdict.txt" Open file:"r" Use file For Quit:$ZEOF DO . New char,sort . Read word Quit:word="" . For ii=1:1:$Length(word) Do . . Set char=$ASCII(word,ii) . . If char>64,char<91 Set char=char+32 . . Set sort(char)=$Get(sort(char))+1 . . Quit . Set (sorted,char)="" For Set char=$Order(sort(char)) Quit:char="" Do . . For ii=1:1:sort(char) Set sorted=sorted_$Char(char) . . Quit . Set table(sorted,word)=1 . Quit Close file Set sorted="" For Set sorted=$Order(table(sorted)) Quit:sorted="" Do . Set ii=0,word="" For Set word=$Order(table(sorted,word)) Quit:word="" Set ii=ii+1 . Quit:ii<2 . Set most(ii,sorted)=1 . Quit Write !,"The anagrams with the most variations:" Set ii=$Order(most(""),-1) Set sorted="" For Set sorted=$Order(most(ii,sorted)) Quit:sorted="" Do . Write ! Set word="" For Set word=$Order(table(sorted,word)) Quit:word="" Write " ",word . Quit Write !,"The longest anagrams:" Set ii=$Order(longest(""),-1) Set sorted="" For Set sorted=$Order(longest(ii,sorted)) Quit:sorted="" Do . Write ! Set word="" For Set word=$Order(table(sorted,word)) Quit:word="" Write " ",word . Quit Quit

Do Anagrams</lang>

The anagrams with the most variations:
  abel  able  bale  bela  elba
  caret  carte  cater  crate  trace
  angel  angle  galen  glean  lange
  alger  glare  lager  large  regal
  elan  lane  lean  lena  neal
  evil  levi  live  veil  vile
The longest anagrams:
  conservation  conversation



Translation of: Java

<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

class RAnagramsV01 public

 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 method runSample(arg) public signals MalformedURLException, IOException
   parse arg localFile .
   isr = Reader
   if localFile =  then do
     durl = URL("")
     dictFrom = durl.toString()
     isr = InputStreamReader(durl.openStream())
   else do
     dictFrom = localFile
     isr = FileReader(localFile)
   say 'Searching' dictFrom 'for anagrams'
   dictionaryReader = BufferedReader(isr)
   anagrams = Map HashMap()
   aWord = String
   count = 0
   loop label w_ forever
     aWord = dictionaryReader.readLine()
     if aWord = null then leave w_
     chars = aWord.toCharArray()
     key = String(chars)
     if (\anagrams.containsKey(key)) then do 
       anagrams.put(key, ArrayList())
     (ArrayList anagrams.get(key)).add(Object aWord)
     count = Math.max(count, (ArrayList anagrams.get(key)).size())
     end w_
   ani = anagrams.values().iterator()
   loop label a_ while ani.hasNext()
     ana =
     if (ArrayList ana).size() >= count then do
       say ana
     end a_
 -- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 method main(args = String[]) public static
   arg = Rexx(args)
     ra = RAnagramsV01()
   Catch ex = Exception


Searching for anagrams
[abel, able, bale, bela, elba]
[elan, lane, lean, lena, neal]
[evil, levi, live, veil, vile]
[angel, angle, galen, glean, lange]
[alger, glare, lager, large, regal]
[caret, carte, cater, crate, trace]


Implemented with more NetRexx idioms such as indexed strings, PARSE and the NetRexx "built–in functions". <lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

runSample(arg) return

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method findMostAnagrams(arg) public static signals MalformedURLException, IOException

 parse arg localFile .
 isr = Reader
 if localFile =  then do
   durl = URL("")
   dictFrom = durl.toString()
   isr = InputStreamReader(durl.openStream())
 else do
   dictFrom = localFile
   isr = FileReader(localFile)
 say 'Searching' dictFrom 'for anagrams'
 dictionaryReader = BufferedReader(isr)
 anagrams = 0
 maxWords = 0
 loop label w_ forever
   aWord = dictionaryReader.readLine()
   if aWord = null then leave w_
   chars = aWord.toCharArray()
   key = Rexx(chars)
   parse anagrams[key] count aWords
   aWords = (aWords aWord).space()
   maxWords = maxWords.max(aWords.words())
   anagrams[key] = aWords.words() aWords
   end w_
 loop key over anagrams
   parse anagrams[key] count aWords
   if count >= maxWords then
     say aWords
     anagrams[key] = null  -- remove unwanted elements from the indexed string
   end key

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method runSample(arg) public static

 Catch ex = Exception


Searching for anagrams
abel able bale bela elba
elan lane lean lena neal
evil levi live veil vile
angel angle galen glean lange
alger glare lager large regal
caret carte cater crate trace


<lang nimrod> import tables

proc sort(s: string): string =

   i,j: int
   t: char
 result = s
 for i in 0 .. result.len - 1:
   j = i
   t = result[j]
   while(j > 0) and (result[j - 1] > t):
     result[j] = result[j - 1]
   result[j] = t
  1. end sort

proc maxCount(an: TTable[string,seq[string]]): int =

 result = 0
 for v in an.values:
   if v.len > result: 
     result = v.len
  1. end maxCount

proc showAnagrams(s: seq[string]) =

 for v in s: 
   write(stdout," ")
  1. end showAnagrams

proc processFile: TTable[string,seq[string]] =

   fd: TFile
   sline,line: string
 result = initTable[string,seq[string]]()
 if Open(fd,"unixdict.txt"):
   while not EndOfFile(fd):
     line = fd.readLine()
     sline = sort(line)
     if result.hasKey(sline):
       result[sline] = result[sline] & line
       result[sline] = @[line]


 anagrams:TTable[string,seq[string]] = processFile()
 max = anagrams.maxCount

for v in anagrams.values:

 if v.len == max: showAnagrams(v)

</lang> Output:

evil levi live veil vile 
caret carte cater crate trace 
elan lane lean lena neal 
alger glare lager large regal 
abel able bale bela elba 
angel angle galen glean lange 


Oxford Oberon-2 <lang oberon2> MODULE Anagrams; IMPORT Files,Out,In,Strings; CONST MAXPOOLSZ = 1024;


Node = POINTER TO NodeDesc; NodeDesc = RECORD; count: INTEGER; word: String; desc: Node; next: Node; END;

Pool = POINTER TO PoolDesc; PoolDesc = RECORD capacity,max: INTEGER; words: POINTER TO ARRAY OF Node; END;

PROCEDURE InitNode(n: Node); BEGIN n^.count := 0; n^.word := ""; n^.desc := NIL; n^.next := NIL; END InitNode;

PROCEDURE Index(s: ARRAY OF CHAR;cap: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR i,sum: INTEGER; BEGIN sum := 0; FOR i := 0 TO Strings.Length(s) DO INC(sum,ORD(s[i])) END; RETURN sum MOD cap END Index;


       i, j: INTEGER; 
       t: CHAR; 


       FOR i := 0 TO Strings.Length(s) - 1 DO 

j := i; t := s[j]; WHILE (j > 0) & (s[j -1] > t) DO s[j] := s[j - 1]; DEC(j) END; s[j] := t


END ISort;


       RETURN (Strings.Compare(x,y) = 0)

END SameLetters;

PROCEDURE InitPool(p:Pool); BEGIN InitPoolWith(p,MAXPOOLSZ); END InitPool;

PROCEDURE InitPoolWith(p:Pool;cap: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN p^.capacity := cap; p^.max := 0; NEW(p^.words,cap); i := 0; WHILE i < p^.capacity DO p^.words^[i] := NIL; INC(i); END; END InitPoolWith;

PROCEDURE (p: Pool) Add(w: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR idx: INTEGER; iter,n: Node; BEGIN idx := Index(w,p^.capacity); iter := p^.words^[idx]; NEW(n);InitNode(n);COPY(w,n^.word); WHILE(iter # NIL) DO IF SameLetters(w,iter^.word) THEN INC(iter^.count); IF iter^.count > p^.max THEN p^.max := iter^.count END; n^.desc := iter^.desc; iter^.desc := n; RETURN END; iter := iter^.next END; ASSERT(iter = NIL); n^.next := p^.words^[idx];p^.words^[idx] := n END Add;

PROCEDURE ShowAnagrams(l: Node); VAR iter: Node; BEGIN iter := l; WHILE iter # NIL DO Out.String(iter^.word);Out.String(" "); iter := iter^.desc END; Out.Ln END ShowAnagrams;

PROCEDURE (p: Pool) ShowMax(); VAR i: INTEGER; iter: Node; BEGIN FOR i := 0 TO LEN(p^.words^) - 1 DO IF p^.words^[i] # NIL THEN iter := p^.words^[i]; WHILE iter # NIL DO IF iter^.count = p^.max THEN ShowAnagrams(iter); END; iter := iter^.next END END END END ShowMax;

PROCEDURE DoProcess(fnm: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR stdinBck,istream: Files.File; line: String; p: Pool; BEGIN istream := Files.Open(fnm,"r"); stdinBck := Files.stdin; Files.stdin := istream; NEW(p);InitPool(p); WHILE In.Done DO In.Line(line); p.Add(line); END; Files.stdin := stdinBck; Files.Close(istream); p^.ShowMax(); END DoProcess;

BEGIN DoProcess("unixdict.txt"); END Anagrams. </lang> Output:

abel elba bela bale able 
elan neal lena lean lane 
evil vile veil live levi 
angel lange glean galen angle 
alger regal large lager glare 
caret trace crate cater carte 


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Need to print the sets of words that share the same characters that contain the most words in them.

<lang objeck>use HTTP; use Collection;

class Anagrams {

 function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
   lines := HttpClient->New()->Get("");
   if(lines->Size() = 1) {
     line := lines->Get(0)->As(String);
     words := line->Split("\n");
     anagrams := StringMap->New();
     each(i : words) {
       word := words[i]->Trim();
       key := String->New(word->ToCharArray()->Sort());
       list := anagrams->Find(key)->As(Vector);
       if(list = Nil) {
         list := Vector->New();
         anagrams->Insert(key, list);
     lists := anagrams->GetValues();
     each(i : lists) {
       list := lists->Get(i)->As(Vector);
       if(list->Size() > 1) {
         each(j : list) {
           if(j + 1 < list->Size()) {

} </lang>




<lang ocaml>let explode str =

 let l = ref [] in
 let n = String.length str in
 for i = n - 1 downto 0 do
   l := str.[i] :: !l

let implode li =

 let n = List.length li in
 let s = String.create n in
 let i = ref 0 in
 List.iter (fun c -> s.[!i] <- c; incr i) li;

let () =

 let h = Hashtbl.create 3571 in
 let ic = open_in "unixdict.txt" in
 try while true do
   let w = input_line ic in
   let k = implode (List.sort compare (explode w)) in
   let l =
     try Hashtbl.find h k
     with Not_found -> [] 
   Hashtbl.add h k (w::l);
 done with End_of_file -> ();
 let n = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ lw n -> max n (List.length lw)) h 0 in
 Hashtbl.iter (fun _ lw ->
   if List.length lw >= n then
   ( List.iter (Printf.printf " %s") lw;
     print_newline () )
 ) h</lang>


Two versions of this, using different collection classes.

Version 1: Directory of arrays

<lang ooRexx> -- This assumes you've already downloaded the following file and placed it -- in the current directory:

-- There are several different ways of reading the file. I chose the -- supplier method just because I haven't used it yet in any other examples. source = .stream~new('unixdict.txt')~supplier -- this holds our mappings of the anagrams anagrams = .directory~new count = 0 -- this is used to keep track of the maximums

loop while source~available

   word = source~item
   -- this produces a string consisting of the characters in sorted order
   -- Note: the ~~ used to invoke sort makes that message return value be
   -- the target array.  The sort method does not normally have a return value.
   key = word~makearray()~~sort~tostring("l", "")
   -- make sure we have an accumulator collection for this key
   list = anagrams[key]
   if list == .nil then do
      list = .array~new
      anagrams[key] = list
   -- this word is now associate with this key
   -- and see if this is a new highest count
   count = max(count, list~items)


loop letters over anagrams

   list = anagrams[letters]
   if list~items >= count then
       say letters":" list~makestring("l", ", ")

end </lang>

Version 2: Using the relation class

This version appears to be the fastest. <lang ooRexx> -- This assumes you've already downloaded the following file and placed it -- in the current directory:

-- There are several different ways of reading the file. I chose the -- supplier method just because I haven't used it yet in any other examples. source = .stream~new('unixdict.txt')~supplier -- this holds our mappings of the anagrams. This is good use for the -- relation class anagrams = .relation~new count = 0 -- this is used to keep track of the maximums

loop while source~available

   word = source~item
   -- this produces a string consisting of the characters in sorted order
   -- Note: the ~~ used to invoke sort makes that message return value be
   -- the target array.  The sort method does not normally have a return value.
   key = word~makearray()~~sort~tostring("l", "")
   -- add this to our mapping.  This creates multiple entries for each
   -- word that uses the same key
   anagrams[key] = word


-- now get the set of unique keys keys = .set~new~~putall(anagrams~allIndexes) count = 0 -- this is used to keep track of the maximums most = .directory~new

loop key over keys

   words = anagrams~allAt(key)
   newCount = words~items
   if newCount > count then do
       -- throw away our old set
       count = newCount
       most[key] = words
   -- matches our highest count, add it to the list
   else if newCount == count then
       most[key] = words


loop letters over most

   words = most[letters]
   say letters":" words~makestring("l", ", ")

end </lang> Timings taken on my laptop:

Version 1   1.2 seconds
Version 2   0.4 seconds
Rexx       51.1 seconds (!) as of 04.08.2013  (using ooRexx after adapting the code
                                               for incompatibilities: @->y, a=, Upper)
REXX v1     1.7 seconds     as of 05.08.2013  -"- (improved version of REXX code)
REXX v1     1.2 seconds     09.08.2013        -"-
REXX v2     1.2 seconds     09.08.2013
PL/I        4.3 seconds
NetRexx v1   .2 seconds (using local file, 4 seconds with remote)
NetRexx v2   .09 seconds (using local file)

It probably should be noted that the REXX timings are actually for ooRexx executing a modified version of the REXX code.

 sets number of words  
22022 1                
 1089 2                
  155 3                
   31 4                
    6 5  


<lang oz>declare

 %% Helper function
 fun {ReadLines Filename}
    File = {New class $ from Open.file Open.text end init(name:Filename)}
    for collect:C break:B do

case {File getS($)} of false then {File close} {B} [] Line then {C Line}

 %% Groups anagrams by using a mutable dictionary
 %% with sorted words as keys
 WordDict = {}
 for Word in {ReadLines "unixdict.txt"}  do
    Keyword = {String.toAtom {Sort Word Value.'<'}}
    WordDict.Keyword := Word|{CondSelect WordDict Keyword nil}
 Sets = {Dictionary.items WordDict}
 %% Filter such that only the largest sets remain
 MaxSetSize = {FoldL {Map Sets Length} Max 0}
 LargestSets = {Filter Sets fun {$ S} {Length S} == MaxSetSize end}


 %% Display result (make sure strings are shown as string, not as number lists)
 {Inspector.object configureEntry(widgetShowStrings true)}
 {Inspect LargestSets}</lang>


<lang pascal>Program Anagrams;

// assumes a local file


 classes, math;


 i, j, k, maxCount: integer;
 sortedString:      string;
 WordList:          TStringList;
 SortedWordList:    TStringList;
 AnagramList:       array of TStringlist;


 WordList := TStringList.Create;
 for i := 0 to WordList.Count - 1 do
   sortedString[1] := WordList.Strings[i][1];
   // sorted assign
   j := 2;
   while j <=  Length(WordList.Strings[i]) do
     k := j - 1;
     while (WordList.Strings[i][j] < sortedString[k]) and (k > 0) do
       sortedString[k+1] := sortedString[k];
       k := k - 1;
     sortedString[k+1] :=  WordList.Strings[i][j];
     j := j + 1;
   // create the stringlists of the sorted letters and 
   // the list of the original words
   if not assigned(SortedWordList) then
     SortedWordList := TStringList.Create;
     AnagramList[0] := TStringList.Create;
     j := 0;
     while sortedString <> SortedWordList.Strings[j] do
       if j = (SortedWordList.Count) then 
         setlength(AnagramList,length(AnagramList) + 1);
         AnagramList[j] := TStringList.Create;
 maxCount := 1;
 for i := 0 to length(AnagramList) - 1 do
   maxCount := max(maxCount, AnagramList[i].Count);
 // create output
 writeln('The largest sets of words have ', maxCount, ' members:');
 for i := 0 to length(AnagramList) - 1 do
   if AnagramList[i].Count = maxCount then
     write('"', SortedWordList.strings[i], '": ');
     for j := 0 to AnagramList[i].Count - 2 do
       write(AnagramList[i].strings[j], ', ');
     writeln(AnagramList[i].strings[AnagramList[i].Count - 1]);
 // Cleanup
 for i := 0 to length(AnagramList) - 1 do

end.</lang> Output:

The largest sets of words have 5 members:
"abel": abel, able, bale, bela, elba
"aeglr": alger, glare, lager, large, regal
"aegln": angel, angle, galen, glean, lange
"acert": caret, carte, cater, crate, trace
"aeln": elan, lane, lean, lena, neal
"eilv": evil, levi, live, veil, vile


<lang perl>use LWP::Simple; use List::Util qw(max);

my @words = split(' ', get('')); my %anagram; foreach my $word (@words) {

   push @{ $anagram{join(, sort(split(//, $word)))} }, $word;


my $count = max(map {scalar @$_} values %anagram); foreach my $ana (values %anagram) {

   if (@$ana >= $count) {
       print "@$ana\n";

}</lang> refactor of above: <lang perl>use LWP::Simple;

for (split ' ' => get '')

   {push @{$anagram{ join  => sort split // }}, $_}

$max > @$_ or $max = @$_ for values %anagram; @$_ >= $max and print "@$_\n" for values %anagram;</lang> Output:

alger glare lager large regal
abel able bale bela elba
evil levi live veil vile
angel angle galen glean lange
elan lane lean lena neal
caret carte cater crate trace

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2010.07

<lang perl6>my %anagram = slurp('unixdict.txt').words.classify( { .comb.sort.join } );

my $max = [max] map { +@($_) }, %anagram.values;

%anagram.values.grep( { +@($_) >= $max } )».join(' ')».say;</lang> Output:

caret carte cater crate trace
angel angle galen glean lange
alger glare lager large regal
elan lane lean lena neal
evil levi live veil vile
abel able bale bela elba

Just for the fun of it, here's one-liner that uses no temporaries. Since it would be rather long, we've oriented it vertically: <lang perl6> .say for # print each element of the array made this way: slurp('unixdict.txt')\ # load file in memory .words\ # extract words .classify( *.comb.sort.join )\ # group by common anagram .classify( *.value.elems )\ # group by number of anagrams in a group .max( :by(*.key) ).value\ # get the group with highest number of anagrams ».value # get all groups of anagrams in the group just selected</lang>


<lang php><?php $words = explode("\n", file_get_contents('')); foreach ($words as $word) {

   $chars = str_split($word);
   $anagram[implode($chars)][] = $word;


$best = max(array_map('count', $anagram)); foreach ($anagram as $ana)

   if (count($ana) == $best)



A straight-forward implementation using 'group' takes 48 seconds on a 1.7 GHz Pentium: <lang PicoLisp>(flip

  (by length sort
     (by '((L) (sort (copy L))) group
        (in "unixdict.txt" (make (while (line) (link @)))) ) ) )</lang>

Using a binary tree with the 'idx' function, it takes only 0.42 seconds on the same machine, a factor of 100 faster: <lang PicoLisp>(let Words NIL

  (in "unixdict.txt"
     (while (line)
        (let (Word (pack @)  Key (pack (sort @)))
           (if (idx 'Words Key T)
              (push (car @) Word)
              (set Key (list Word)) ) ) ) )
  (flip (by length sort (mapcar val (idx 'Words)))) )</lang>


-> (("vile" "veil" "live" "levi" "evil") ("trace" "crate" "cater" "carte" "caret
") ("regal" "large" "lager" "glare" "alger") ("neal" "lena" "lean" "lane" "elan"
) ("lange" "glean" "galen" "angle" "angel") ("elba" "bela" "bale" "able" "abel")
 ("tulsa" "talus" "sault" "latus") ...


<lang PL/I>/* Search a list of words, finding those having the same letters. */

word_test: proc options (main);

  declare words (50000) character (20) varying,
          frequency (50000) fixed binary;
  declare word character (20) varying;
  declare (i, k, wp, most) fixed binary (31);
  on endfile (sysin) go to done;
  words = ; frequency = 0;
  wp = 0;
  do forever;
     get edit (word) (L);
     call search_word_list (word);


  put skip list ('There are ' || wp || ' words');
  most = 0;
  /* Determine the word(s) having the greatest number of anagrams. */
  do i = 1 to wp;
     if most < frequency(i) then most = frequency(i);
  put skip edit ('The following word(s) have ', trim(most), ' anagrams:') (a);
  put skip;
  do i = 1 to wp;
     if most = frequency(i) then put edit (words(i)) (x(1), a);

search_word_list: procedure (word) options (reorder);

  declare word character (*) varying;
  declare i fixed binary (31);
  do i = 1 to wp;
     if length(words(i)) = length(word) then
        if is_anagram(word, words(i)) then
              frequency(i) = frequency(i) + 1;
  /* The word does not exist in the list, so add it. */
  if wp >= hbound(words,1) then return;
  wp = wp + 1;
  words(wp) = word;
  frequency(wp) = 1;

end search_word_list;

/* Returns true if the words are anagrams, otherwise returns false. */ is_anagram: procedure (word1, word2) returns (bit(1)) options (reorder);

  declare (word1, word2) character (*) varying;
  declare tword character (20) varying, c character (1);
  declare (i, j) fixed binary;
  tword = word2;
  do i = 1 to length(word1);
     c = substr(word1, i, 1);
     j = index(tword, c);
     if j = 0 then return ('0'b);
     substr(tword, j, 1) = ' ';
  return ('1'b);

end is_anagram;

end word_test;</lang> Output:

There are          23565 words 
The following word(s) have 5 anagrams:
 abel alger angel caret elan evil


Works with: PowerShell version 2

<lang powershell>$c = New-Object Net.WebClient $words = -split ($c.DownloadString('')) $top_anagrams = $words `

   | ForEach-Object {
         $_ | Add-Member -PassThru NoteProperty Characters `
                  (-join (([char[]] $_) | Sort-Object))
     } `
   | Group-Object Characters `
   | Group-Object Count `
   | Sort-Object Count `
   | Select-Object -First 1

$top_anagrams.Group | ForEach-Object { $_.Group -join ', ' }</lang> Output:

abel, able, bale, bela, elba
alger, glare, lager, large, regal
angel, angle, galen, glean, lange
caret, carte, cater, crate, trace
elan, lane, lean, lena, neal
evil, levi, live, veil, vile


Works with: SWI-Prolog version 5.10.0

<lang Prolog>:- use_module(library( http/http_open )).


       % we read the URL of the words

http_open('', In, []), read_file(In, [], Out), close(In),

       % we get a list of pairs key-value where key = a-word value = <list-of-its-codes>
       % this list must be sorted

msort(Out, MOut),

       % in order to gather values with the same keys

group_pairs_by_key(MOut, GPL),

       % we sorted this list in decreasing order of the length of values

predsort(my_compare, GPL, GPLSort),

% we extract the first 6 items

       GPLSort = [_H1-T1, _H2-T2, _H3-T3, _H4-T4, _H5-T5, _H6-T6 | _],
       % Tnn are lists of codes (97 for 'a'), we create the strings 

maplist(maplist(atom_codes), L, [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6] ),

maplist(writeln, L).

read_file(In, L, L1) :- read_line_to_codes(In, W), ( W == end_of_file ->

              % the file is read

L1 = L  ;

              % we sort the list of codes of the line

msort(W, W1),

              % to create the key in alphabetic order

atom_codes(A, W1),

              % and we have the pair Key-Value in the result list

read_file(In, [A-W | L], L1)).

% predicate for sorting list of pairs Key-Values % if the lentgh of values is the same % we sort the keys in alhabetic order my_compare(R, K1-V1, K2-V2) :- length(V1, L1), length(V2, L2), ( L1 < L2 -> R = >; L1 > L2 -> R = <; compare(R, K1, K2)).</lang> The result is



This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: ? Seems to have max size of a group of anagrams (4?) as a constant rather than being calculated

Works with: PureBasic version 4.4

<lang PureBasic>InitNetwork()  ; OpenConsole()

Procedure.s sortWord(word$)

 len.i = Len(word$)
 Dim CharArray.s (len)

 For n = 1 To len                                 ; Transfering each single character 
    CharArray(n) = Mid(word$, n, 1)      ; of the word into an array.

 SortArray(CharArray(),#PB_Sort_NoCase ) ; Sorting the array. 

 word$ ="" 
 For n = 1 To len                       ; Writing back each single 
    word$ + CharArray(n)             ; character of the array.

 ProcedureReturn word$


tmpdir$ = GetTemporaryDirectory() filename$ = tmpdir$ + "unixdict.txt" Structure ana



NewMap anaMap.ana()

If ReceiveHTTPFile("", filename$)

 If ReadFile(1, filename$)
     word$ = (ReadString(1))             ; Reading a word from a file.
     key$  = (sortWord(word$))             ; Sorting the word and storing in key$.
     If FindMapElement(anaMap(), key$)   ; Looking up if a word already had the same key$.
                                         ; if yes 
        anaMap()\anas  = anaMap()\anas+ ", " + word$   ; adding the word
        anaMap()\isana + 1   
                                         ; if no       
        anaMap(key$)\anas = word$        ; applying  a new record
        anaMap()\isana + 1 
   Until Eof(1)
   ;----- output -----
   ForEach anaMap()
     If anaMap()\isana >= 4      ; only emit what had 4 or more hits.
   PrintN("Press any key"): Repeat: Until Inkey() <> ""       

EndIf </lang>


Python 3.2 shell input (IDLE) <lang python>>>> import urllib.request >>> from collections import defaultdict >>> words = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().split() >>> anagram = defaultdict(list) # map sorted chars to anagrams >>> for word in words: anagram[tuple(sorted(word))].append( word )

>>> count = max(len(ana) for ana in anagram.values()) >>> for ana in anagram.values(): if len(ana) >= count: print ([x.decode() for x in ana])</lang>

Python 3.2.1 groupby (in place sort instead of max) <lang python>import urllib.request, itertools import time words = urllib.request.urlopen('').read().split() print('Words ready') t0 = time.clock() anagrams = [list(g) for k,g in itertools.groupby(sorted(words, key=sorted), key=sorted)] anagrams.sort(key=len, reverse=True) count = len(anagrams[0]) for ana in anagrams:

   if len(ana) < count:

t0 -= time.clock() print('Finished in %f s' % -t0)</lang>

Python 2.5 shell input (IDLE) <lang python>>>> import urllib >>> from collections import defaultdict >>> words = urllib.urlopen('').read().split() >>> len(words) 25104 >>> anagram = defaultdict(list) # map sorted chars to anagrams >>> for word in words: anagram[tuple(sorted(word))].append( word )

>>> count = max(len(ana) for ana in anagram.itervalues()) >>> for ana in anagram.itervalues(): if len(ana) >= count: print ana

['angel', 'angle', 'galen', 'glean', 'lange'] ['alger', 'glare', 'lager', 'large', 'regal'] ['caret', 'carte', 'cater', 'crate', 'trace'] ['evil', 'levi', 'live', 'veil', 'vile'] ['elan', 'lane', 'lean', 'lena', 'neal'] ['abel', 'able', 'bale', 'bela', 'elba'] >>> count 5 >>></lang>

Translation of: Haskell
Works with: Python version 2.6

sort and then group using groupby()

<lang python>>>> import urllib, itertools >>> words = urllib.urlopen('').read().split() >>> len(words) 25104 >>> anagrams = [list(g) for k,g in itertools.groupby(sorted(words, key=sorted), key=sorted)]

>>> count = max(len(ana) for ana in anagrams) >>> for ana in anagrams: if len(ana) >= count: print ana

['abel', 'able', 'bale', 'bela', 'elba'] ['caret', 'carte', 'cater', 'crate', 'trace'] ['angel', 'angle', 'galen', 'glean', 'lange'] ['alger', 'glare', 'lager', 'large', 'regal'] ['elan', 'lane', 'lean', 'lena', 'neal'] ['evil', 'levi', 'live', 'veil', 'vile'] >>> count 5 >>></lang>


<lang R>words <- readLines("") word_group <- sapply(

   strsplit(words, split=""), # this will split all words to single letters...
   function(x) paste(sort(x), collapse="") # ...which we sort and paste again


counts <- tapply(words, word_group, length) # group words by class to get number of anagrams anagrams <- tapply(words, word_group, paste, collapse=", ") # group to get string with all anagrams

  1. Results

table(counts) counts

   1     2     3     4     5 

22263 1111 155 31 6

anagrams[counts == max(counts)]

                              abel                               acert 
    "abel, able, bale, bela, elba" "caret, carte, cater, crate, trace" 
                             aegln                               aeglr 

"angel, angle, galen, glean, lange" "alger, glare, lager, large, regal"

                              aeln                                eilv 
    "elan, lane, lean, lena, neal"      "evil, levi, live, veil, vile" </lang>


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require net/url)

(define (get-lines url-string)

 (define port (get-pure-port (string->url url-string)))
 (for/list ([l (in-lines port)]) l))

(define (hash-words words)

 (for/fold ([ws-hash (hash)]) ([w words])
   (hash-update ws-hash 
                (list->string (sort (string->list w) < #:key (λ (c) (char->integer c))))
                (λ (ws) (cons w ws))
                (λ () '()))))

(define (get-maxes h)

 (define max-ws (apply max (map length (hash-values h))))
 (define max-keys (filter (λ (k) (= (length (hash-ref h k)) max-ws)) (hash-keys h)))
 (map (λ (k) (hash-ref h k)) max-keys))

(get-maxes (hash-words (get-lines ""))) </lang> Output:

'(("neal" "lena" "lean" "lane" "elan")
  ("trace" "crate" "cater" "carte" "caret")
  ("regal" "large" "lager" "glare" "alger")
  ("elba" "bela" "bale" "able" "abel")
  ("lange" "glean" "galen" "angle" "angel")
  ("vile" "veil" "live" "levi" "evil"))


<lang rascal>import Prelude;

list[str] OrderedRep(str word){ return sort([word[i] | i <- [0..size(word)-1]]); } public list[set[str]] anagram(){ allwords = readFileLines(|; AnagramMap = invert((word : OrderedRep(word) | word <- allwords)); longest = max([size(group) | group <- range(AnagramMap)]); return [AnagramMap[rep]| rep <- AnagramMap, size(AnagramMap[rep]) == longest]; }</lang> Returns: <lang rascal>value: [




version 1.1, idomatic

This version doesn't assume that the dictionary is in alphabetical order, nor
does it assume the words are in any specific case (lower/upper/mixed). <lang rexx>/*REXX program finds words with the largest set of anagrams (same size).*/ iFID='unixdict.txt' /*input file identifier, # words.*/ hc=; !.=; #.=0; w=0; words=0; most=0 /*initialize some REXX variables.*/

                                      /* [↓]  read entire file by line.*/
    do recs=0  while  lines(iFID)\==0 /*Got data?   Then read a record.*/
    x=space(linein(iFID),0)           /*pick off a word from the input.*/
    L=length(x); if L<3  then iterate /*onesies and twosies can't win. */
    if \datatype(x,'M')  then iterate /*filter out nonanagramable words*/
    words=words+1                     /*count of (useable) words.      */
    z=sortA(x)                        /*sort the letters in the word.  */
    !.z=!.z x;            #.z=#.z+1   /*append it to !.z, bump the ctr.*/
    if #.z>most  then do; hc=z;  most=#.z;  if L>w then w=L;  iterate; end
    if #.z==most then     hc=hc z     /*append sorted word─►max anagram*/
    end   /*recs*/                    /*hc◄─list of high count anagrams.*/

say '──────────────────────────────' recs 'words in the dictionary file: ' iFID say

    do m=1  for words(hc);      z=subword(hc,m,1) /*high count anagrams*/
    say '     '  left(subword(!.z,1,1),w)   '   [anagrams: '   subword(!.z,2)"]"
    end   /*m*/                       /* W  is the maximum width word. */

say say '───── Found' words(hc) "words (each of which have" #.z-1 'anagrams).' exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────SORTA subroutine────────────────────*/ sortA: procedure; arg char +1 xx _. /*get 1st letter of arg, _.=null.*/ _.char=char /*no need to concatenate 1st char*/

                                      /*[↓] put letters alphabetically.*/
 do length(xx);   parse var xx char +1 xx;    _.char=_.char||char;    end
                                      /*reassemble word, sorted letters*/

return _.a||_.b||_.c||_.d||_.e||_.f||_.g||_.h||_.i||_.j||_.k||_.l||_.m||,


Programming note:   the long (wide) assignment for     return _.a||...     could've been coded as an elegant   do   loop instead of hardcoding 26 letters,
but since the dictionary (word list) is rather large, a rather expaciated method was used for speed.

output when using the default input (dictionary)

────────────────────────────── 25104 words in the dictionary file:  unixdict.txt

      abel     [anagrams:  able bale bela elba]
      angel    [anagrams:  angle galen glean lange]
      elan     [anagrams:  lane lean lena neal]
      alger    [anagrams:  glare lager large regal]
      caret    [anagrams:  carte cater crate trace]
      evil     [anagrams:  levi live veil vile]

───── Found 6 words  (each of which have 4 anagrams).

version 1.2, optimized

This optimized version eliminates the   sortA   subroutine and puts that subroutine's code in-line. <lang rexx>/*REXX program finds words with the largest set of anagrams (same size).*/ iFID='unixdict.txt' /*input file identifier, # words.*/ hc=; !.=; #.=0; w=0; words=0; most=0 /*initialize some REXX variables.*/

                                      /* [↓]  read entire file by line.*/
    do recs=0  while  lines(iFID)\==0 /*Got data?   Then read a record.*/
    x=space(linein(iFID),0)           /*pick off a word from the input.*/
    L=length(x); if L<3  then iterate /*onesies and twosies can't win. */
    if \datatype(x,'M')  then iterate /*filter out nonanagramable words*/
    words=words+1                     /*count of (useable) words.      */
    parse upper var x y +1 u _.       /*get uppercase X & nullify "_." */
    xx='?'y;  _.xx=y                  /*get 1st letter  (special case).*/
                                      /*[↓] put letters alphabetically.*/
      do length(u);  parse var u y +1 u;   xx='?'y;   _.xx=_.xx||y;   end
                                      /*reassemble word, sorted letters*/
    !.z=!.z x;            #.z=#.z+1   /*append it to !.z, bump the ctr.*/
    if #.z>most  then do; hc=z;  most=#.z;  if L>w then w=L; iterate; end
    if #.z==most then     hc=hc z     /*append sorted word─►hc anagrams*/
    end   /*recs*/                    /*hc◄─list of high count anagrams*/

say '──────────────────────────────' recs 'words in the dictionary file: ' iFID say

    do m=1  for words(hc);      z=subword(hc,m,1) /*high count anagrams*/
    say '     '  left(subword(!.z,1,1),w)   '   [anagrams: '   subword(!.z,2)"]"
    end   /*m*/                       /* W  is the maximum width word. */

say say '───── Found' words(hc) "words (each of which have" #.z-1 'anagrams).'

                                      /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>

output is the same as version 1.1

Programming note:   the above REXX programs adopted the method that the REXX version 2 uses for extracting each character of a word.
The method is more obtuse, but when invoking the routine tens of thousands of times, this faster method lends itself to heavy use.

version 1.3, faster

<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds words with the largest set of anagrams (same size).*/ iFID='unixdict.txt' /*input file identifier, # words.*/ hc=; !.=; #.=0; ww=0; words=0; most=0 /*initialize some REXX variables.*/

                                      /* [↓]  read entire file by line.*/
  do recs=0  while  lines(iFID)\==0   /*Got data?   Then read a record.*/
  @=space(linein(iFID),0)             /*pick off a word from the input.*/
  LL=length(@); if LL<3  then iterate /*onesies and twosies can't win. */
  if \datatype(@,'M')    then iterate /*exclude non-anagramable words. */
  words=words+1                       /*count of (useable) words.      */
  parse upper var @ _ +1 xx _.        /*get uppercase @ & nullify "_." */
  _._=_                               /*get 1st letter  (special case).*/
                                      /*[↓] put letters alphabetically.*/
    do LL-1;  parse var xx _ +1 xx;   _._=_._||_;   end /*rest of word.*/
                                      /*reassemble word, sorted letters*/
  !.zz=!.zz @;   #.zz=#.zz+1          /*append it to !.zz, bump the ctr.*/
  if #.zz>most   then do; hc=zz;  most=#.zz;  if LL>ww then ww=LL; iterate; end
  if #.zz==most  then     hc=hc zz    /*append sorted word─►hc anagrams*/
  end   /*recs*/                      /*this loop can't have 1-letter vars.*/

say '──────────────────────────────' recs 'words in the dictionary file: ' iFID say

    do m=1  for words(hc);      z=subword(hc,m,1) /*high count anagrams*/
    say '     '  left(subword(!.z,1,1),ww)   '   [anagrams: '   subword(!.z,2)"]"
    end   /*m*/                       /* WW is the maximum width word. */

say say '───── Found' words(hc) "words (each of which have" #.z-1 'anagrams).'

                                      /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>

output is the same as version 1.1

Programming note:   the   do LL-1   loop takes a lexalphabetical shortcut and uses one-letter indices
(instead of compounded letters), which eliminates the need for setting the xx variable in version 1.2.
Howerver, the precludes the use of one-letter REXX variables in the main   do recs   loop,
so this method is discouraged for less maintainability and the changing or adding of new code.

Timing notes:

  • REXX version 1.2 is about 17% faster than version 1.1
  • REXX version 1.3 is about 19% faster than version 1.1

annotated version using   PARSE

<lang rexx>u='Halloween' /*the word to be sorted by letter*/ upper u /*fast method to uppercase a var.*/

                                      /*another:     u = translate(u)  */
                                      /*another:   parse upper var u u */
                                      /*another:        u = upper(u)   */
                                      /*not always available [↑]       */

say 'u=' u _.=

      do  until  u==                /*keep truckin' until  U is null.*/
      parse var u y +1 u              /*get the next (first) char in U.*/
      xx = '?'y                       /*assign a prefixed char to  XX. */
      _.xx = _.xx || y                /*append it to all the  Y  chars.*/
      end   /*until*/                 /*U  now has the first char gone.*/
                                      /*Note: the var  U  is destroyed.*/
                                      /* [↓] build sorted letter word. */


                  /*Note:  the  ?  is prefixed to the letter to avoid  */
                  /*collisions with other REXX one-character variables.*/

say 'z=' z</lang> output


annotated version using a   DO   loop

<lang rexx>u='Halloween' /*the word to be sorted by letter*/ upper u /*fast method to uppercase a var.*/ L=length(u) /*get the length of the word. */ say 'u=' u say 'L=' L _.=

      do k=1  for L                   /*keep truckin'  for  L  chars.  */
      y = substr(u,k,1)               /*get the next character in  U.  */
      xx = '?'y                       /*assign a prefixed char to  XX. */
      _.xx = _.xx || y                /*append it to all the  Y  chars.*/
      end   /*do k*/                  /*U  now has the first char gone.*/
                                      /* [↓] build sorted letter word. */



say 'z=' z</lang> output

L= 9

version 2

<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds words with the largest set of anagrams (same size)

  • 07.08.2013 Walter Pachl
  • sorta for word compression courtesy Gerard Schildberger,
  • modified, however, to obey lowercase
  • 10.08.2013 Walter Pachl take care of mixed case dictionary
  • following Version 1's method
                                                                                                                                            • /

Parse Value 'A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z',

      With  a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Call time 'R' ifid='unixdict.txt' /* input file identifier */ words=0 /* number of usable words */ maxl=0 /* maximum number of anagrams */ wl.= /* words that have ws */ Do ri=1 By 1 While lines(ifid)\==0 /* read each word in file */

 word=space(linein(ifid),0)     /* pick off a word from the input.*/
 If length(word)<3 Then         /* onesies and twosies can't win. */
 If\datatype(word,'M') Then     /* not an anagramable word        */
 words=words+1                  /* count of (useable) words.      */
 ws=sorta(word)                 /* sort the letters in the word.  */ word               /* add word to list of ws         */
 wln=words(               /* number of anagrams with ws     */
   When wln>maxl Then Do        /* a new maximum                  */
     maxl=wln                   /* use this                       */
     wsl=ws                     /* list of resulting ws values    */
   When wln=maxl Then           /* same as the one found          */
     wsl=wsl ws                 /* add ws to the list             */
   Otherwise                    /* shorter                        */
     Nop                        /* not yet of interest            */

Say ' ' Say copies('-',10) ri-1 'words in the dictionary file: ' ifid Say copies(' ',10) words 'thereof are anagram candidates' Say ' ' Say 'There are' words(wsl) 'set(s) of anagrams with' maxl,

                                                      'elements each:'

Say ' ' Do while wsl<>

 Parse Var wsl ws wsl
 Say '    '

Say time('E') Exit sorta: /**********************************************************************

  • sort the characters in word_p (lowercase translated to uppercase)
  • 'chARa' -> 'AACHR'
                                                                                                                                            • /
 Parse Upper Arg word_p
 Do While word_p>
   Parse Var word_p cc +1 word_p||cc
 Return c.a||c.b||c.c||c.d||c.e||c.f||c.g||c.h||c.i||c.j||c.k||c.l||,


---------- 25108 words in the dictionary file:  unixdict.txt
           24819 thereof are anagram candidates

There are 6 set(s) of anagrams with 5 elements each:

     abel able bale bela elba
     angel angle galen glean lange
     elan lane lean lena neal
     alger glare lager large regal
     caret carte cater crate trace
     evil levi live veil vile


<lang ruby>require 'open-uri'

anagram = {|hash, key| hash[key] = []} # map sorted chars to anagrams

open('') do |f|

 words =
 for word in words
   anagram[word.split().sort] << word


count = {|ana| ana.length}.max anagram.each_value do |ana|

 if ana.length >= count
   p ana

end</lang> Output:

["evil", "levi", "live", "veil", "vile"]
["abel", "able", "bale", "bela", "elba"]
["elan", "lane", "lean", "lena", "neal"]
["alger", "glare", "lager", "large", "regal"]
["angel", "angle", "galen", "glean", "lange"]
["caret", "carte", "cater", "crate", "trace"]

Short version (with lexical ordered result). <lang ruby>require 'open-uri'

anagrams = open(''){%7Cf%7C{|w| w.each_char.sort} } anagrams.values.group_by(&:size).max.last.each{|group| puts group.join(", ") } </lang>

abel, able, bale, bela, elba
alger, glare, lager, large, regal
angel, angle, galen, glean, lange
caret, carte, cater, crate, trace
elan, lane, lean, lena, neal
evil, levi, live, veil, vile


<lang scala>val src = io.Source fromURL "" val vls = src.getLines.toList.groupBy(_.sorted).values val max = vls filter (_.size == max) map (_ mkString " ") mkString "\n"</lang> Output:

abel able bale bela elba
angel angle galen glean lange
evil levi live veil vile
alger glare lager large regal
elan lane lean lena neal
caret carte cater crate trace

Another take: <lang scala>Source



abel	able	bale	bela	elba
angel	angle	galen	glean	lange
evil	levi	live	veil	vile
alger	glare	lager	large	regal
elan	lane	lean	lena	neal
caret	carte	cater	crate	trace


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

 include "gethttp.s7i";
 include "strifile.s7i";

const type: anagramHash is hash [string] array string;

const func string: sort (in string: stri) is func

   var string: sortedStri is "";
   var integer: i is 0;
   var integer: j is 0;
   var char: ch is ' ';
   sortedStri := stri;
   for i range 1 to length(sortedStri) do
     for j range succ(i) to length(sortedStri) do
       if sortedStri[i] > sortedStri[j] then
         ch := sortedStri[i];
         sortedStri @:= [i] sortedStri[j];
         sortedStri @:= [j] ch;
       end if;
     end for;
   end for;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   var file: dictFile is STD_NULL;
   var string: word is "";
   var string: sortedLetters is "";
   var anagramHash: anagrams is anagramHash.value;
   var integer: length is 0;
   var integer: maxLength is 0;
   dictFile := openStrifile(getHttp(""));
   while hasNext(dictFile) do
     readln(dictFile, word);
     sortedLetters := sort(word);
     if sortedLetters in anagrams then
       anagrams[sortedLetters] &:= word;
       anagrams @:= [sortedLetters] [] (word);
     end if;
     length := length(anagrams[sortedLetters]);
     if length > maxLength then
       maxLength := length;
     end if;
   end while;
   for sortedLetters range sort(keys(anagrams)) do
     if length(anagrams[sortedLetters]) = maxLength then
       writeln(join(anagrams[sortedLetters], ", "));
     end if;
   end for;
 end func;</lang>


abel, able, bale, bela, elba
caret, carte, cater, crate, trace
angel, angle, galen, glean, lange
alger, glare, lager, large, regal
elan, lane, lean, lena, neal
evil, levi, live, veil, vile


<lang SETL>h := open('unixdict.txt', "r"); anagrams := {}; while not eof(h) loop

 geta(h, word);
 if word = om or word = "" then
 end if;
 sorted := insertion_sort(word);
 anagrams{sorted} with:= word;

end loop;

max_size := 0; max_words := {}; for words = anagrams{sorted} loop

 size := #words;
 if size > max_size then
   max_size := size;
   max_words := {words};
 elseif size = max_size then
   max_words with:= words;
 end if;

end loop;

for w in max_words loop


end loop;

-- GNU SETL has no built-in sort() procedure insertion_sort(A);

 for i in [2..#A] loop
   v := A(i);
   j := i-1;
   while j >= 1 and A(j) > v loop
     A(j+1) := A(j);
     j := j - 1;
   end loop;
   A(j+1) := v; 
end loop;
return A;

end procedure;</lang> Output:

{abel able bale bela elba}
{alger glare lager large regal}
{angel angle galen glean lange}
{caret carte cater crate trace}
{elan lane lean lena neal}
{evil levi live veil vile}


<lang Smalltalk>list:= (FillInTheBlank request: 'myMessageBoxTitle') subStrings: String crlf. dict:= Dictionary new. list do: [:val| (dict at: val copy sort ifAbsent: [dict at: val copy sort put: OrderedCollection new]) add: val. ]. sorted:=dict asSortedCollection: [:a :b| a size > b size].</lang> Documentation:

First ask the user for the list.
Then create an empty dictionary (a Map). Which maps strings as keys to OrderedCollections as values.
For each entry in the list add an entry to the OrderedCollection under the key of the sorted string 
(and create a new empty OC if there was no previous entry).
Then create a SortedCollection sorting by comparing the sizes of the OrderedCollections.
The first 6 entries are:
an OrderedCollection('evil' 'levi' 'live' 'veil' 'vile') 
an OrderedCollection('angel' 'angle' 'galen' 'glean' 'lange') 
an OrderedCollection('alger' 'glare' 'lager' 'large' 'regal') 
an OrderedCollection('caret' 'carte' 'cater' 'crate' 'trace') 
an OrderedCollection('abel' 'able' 'bale' 'bela' 'elba') 
an OrderedCollection('elan' 'lane' 'lean' 'lena' 'neal')
Works with: Smalltalk/X

instead of asking for the strings, read the file: <lang smalltalk>d := Dictionary new. 'unixdict.txt' asFilename

   readingLinesDo:[:eachWord |
     (d at:eachWord copy sort ifAbsentPut:[OrderedCollection new]) add:eachWord

((d values select:[:s | s size > 1])

     do:[:s | s printCR]</lang>


OrderedCollection('angel' 'angle' 'galen' 'glean' 'lange')
OrderedCollection('abel' 'able' 'bale' 'bela' 'elba')
OrderedCollection('elan' 'lane' 'lean' 'lena' 'neal')
OrderedCollection('caret' 'carte' 'cater' 'crate' 'trace')
OrderedCollection('evil' 'levi' 'live' 'veil' 'vile')
OrderedCollection('alger' 'glare' 'lager' 'large' 'regal')
OrderedCollection('mate' 'meat' 'tame' 'team')

not sure if getting the dictionary via http is part of the task; if so, replace the file-reading with: <lang smalltalk>'' asURI contents asCollectionOfLines do:[:eachWord | ...</lang>


Works with: Macro Spitbol

Note: unixdict.txt is passed in locally via STDIN. Newlines must be converted for Win/DOS environment. <lang SNOBOL4>* # Sort letters of word

       define('sortw(str)a,i,j') :(sortw_end)

sortw a = array(size(str)) sw1 i = i + 1; str len(1) . a = :s(sw1)

       a = sort(a)

sw2 j = j + 1; sortw = sortw a<j> :s(sw2)f(return) sortw_end

  • # Count words in string
       define('countw(str)') :(countw_end)

countw str break(' ') span(' ') = :f(return)

       countw = countw + 1 :(countw)


       ana = table()

L1 wrd = input :f(L2) ;* unixdict.txt from stdin

       sw = sortw(wrd); ana<sw> = ana<sw> wrd ' '
       cw = countw(ana<sw>); max = gt(cw,max) cw
       i = i + 1; terminal = eq(remdr(i,1000),0) wrd :(L1)

L2 kv = convert(ana,'array') L3 j = j + 1; key = kv<j,1>; val = kv<j,2> :f(end)

       output = eq(countw(val),max) key ': ' val :(L3)

end</lang> Output:

abel: abel able bale bela elba 
aeglr: alger glare lager large regal 
aegln: angel angle galen glean lange 
acert: caret carte cater crate trace 
aeln: elan lane lean lena neal 
eilv: evil levi live veil vile


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require http

set url set response [http::geturl $url] set data [http::data $response] http::cleanup $response

set max 0 array set anagrams {}

foreach line [split $data \n] {

   foreach word [split $line] {
       set anagram [join [lsort [split $word ""]] ""]
       lappend anagrams($anagram) $word
       set max [::tcl::mathfunc::max $max [llength $anagrams($anagram)]]


foreach key [array names anagrams] {

   if {[llength $anagrams($key)] == $max} {
       puts $anagrams($key)

}</lang> Outputs:

evil levi live veil vile
caret carte cater crate trace
abel able bale bela elba
elan lane lean lena neal
angel angle galen glean lange
alger glare lager large regal


<lang tuscript>$$ MODE TUSCRIPT,{} requestdata = REQUEST ("")

DICT anagramm CREATE 99999


LOOP word=requestdata
 -> ? : any character
 charsInWord=STRINGS (word," ? ")
 charString =ALPHA_SORT (charsInWord)
 DICT anagramm APPEND/QUIET/COUNT charString,num,freq,word;" "

DICT anagramm UNLOAD charString,all,freq,anagrams

index =DIGIT_INDEX (freq) reverseIndex =REVERSE (index) freq =INDEX_SORT (freq,reverseIndex) anagrams =INDEX_SORT (anagrams,reverseIndex) charString =INDEX_SORT (charString,reverseIndex)

mostWords=SELECT (freq,1), adjust=MAX_LENGTH (charString)

LOOP cs=charString, f=freq, a=anagrams
 IF (f<mostWords) EXIT
  cs=CENTER (cs,-adjust)
  PRINT cs," ",f,": ",a

ENDCOMPILE</lang> Output:

e'i'l'v                                     5: evil levi live veil vile
a'e'l'n                                     5: elan lane lean lena neal
a'c'e'r't                                   5: caret carte cater crate trace
a'e'g'l'n                                   5: angel angle galen glean lange
a'e'g'l'r                                   5: alger glare lager large regal
a'b'e'l                                     5: abel able bale bela elba


Supplying the input file on the command line during compilation makes its contents accessible as a pre-declared identifier. The algorithm is to group the words together that are made from the same unordered lists of letters, then collect the groups together that have the same number of words in them, and then show the collection associated with the highest number. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. show+

anagrams = mat` * leql$^&h eql|=@rK2tFlSS ^(~&,-<&)* unixdict_dot_txt</lang> output:

evil levi live veil vile
caret carte cater crate trace
alger glare lager large regal
elan lane lean lena neal
angel angle galen glean lange
abel able bale bela elba

Vedit macro language

This implementation first sorts characters of each word using Insertion sort in subroutine SORT_LETTERS.
Then the word list is sorted using built-in Sort function.
Finally, groups of words are analyzed and largest groups are recorded.

The word list is expected to be in the same directory as the script. <lang vedit>File_Open("|(PATH_ONLY)\unixdict.txt")

Repeat(ALL) {

   Reg_Copy_Block(10, CP, EOL_Pos)     // original word
   Call("SORT_LETTERS")                // sort letters of the word
   IC(' ') Reg_Ins(10)                 // add the original word at eol
   Line(1, ERRBREAK)


Sort(0, File_Size) // sort list according to anagrams

BOF Search("|F") Search(' ') // first word in the list Reg_Copy_Block(10, BOL_Pos, CP+1) // reg 10 = sorted anagram word Reg_Copy_Block(11, CP, EOL_Pos) // reg 11 = list of words in current group Reg_Empty(12) // reg 12 = list of words in largest groups Reg_Set(13, " ")

  1. 1 = 1 // words in this group
  2. 2 = 2 // words in largest group found

Repeat(ALL) {

   Line(1, ERRBREAK)
   if (Match(@10, ADVANCE) == 0) {     // same group as previous word?
       Reg_Copy_Block(11, CP-1, EOL_Pos, APPEND)  // add word to this group
   } else {                            // different anagram group
       Search(" ", ERRBREAK)
       if (#1 == #2) {                 // same size as the largest?
           Reg_Set(12, @13, APPEND)    // append newline
           Reg_Set(12, @11, APPEND)    // append word list
       if (#1 > #2) {                  // new larger size of group
           Reg_Set(12, @11)            // replace word list
           #2 = #1
       Reg_Copy_Block(10, BOL_Pos, CP+1)
       Reg_Copy_Block(11, CP, EOL_Pos) // first word of new group
       #1 = 1


Buf_Quit(OK) // close word list file Buf_Switch(Buf_Free) // output results in a new edit buffer Reg_Ins(12) // display all groups of longest anagram words Return

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Sort characters in current line using Insertion sort //


GP(EOL_pos) #9 = Cur_Col-1 for (#1 = 2; #1 <= #9; #1++) {

   Goto_Col(#1) #8 = Cur_Char
   #2 = #1
   while (#2 > 1) {
       #7 = Cur_Char(-1)
       if (#7 <= #8) { break }
       Ins_Char(#7, OVERWRITE)
   Ins_Char(#8, OVERWRITE)

} return</lang> Output:

abel able bale bela elba
caret carte cater crate trace
angel angle galen glean lange
alger glare lager large regal
elan lane lean lena neal
evil levi live veil vile

Visual Basic .NET

<lang vbnet>Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel

Module Module1

 Dim sWords As New Dictionary(Of String, Collection(Of String))
 Sub Main()
   Dim oStream As StreamReader = Nothing
   Dim sLines() As String = Nothing
   Dim sSorted As String = Nothing
   Dim iHighCount As Integer = 0
   Dim iMaxKeyLength As Integer = 0
   Dim sOutput As String = ""
   oStream = New StreamReader("unixdict.txt")
   sLines = oStream.ReadToEnd.Split(New String() {vbCrLf}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
   For i As Integer = 0 To sLines.GetUpperBound(0)
     sSorted = SortCharacters(sLines(i))
     If Not sWords.ContainsKey(sSorted) Then sWords.Add(sSorted, New Collection(Of String))
     If sWords(sSorted).Count > iHighCount Then
       iHighCount = sWords(sSorted).Count
       If sSorted.Length > iMaxKeyLength Then iMaxKeyLength = sSorted.Length
     End If
   For Each sKey As String In sWords.Keys
     If sWords(sKey).Count = iHighCount Then
       sOutput &= "[" & sKey.ToUpper & "]" & Space(iMaxKeyLength - sKey.Length + 1) & String.Join(", ", sWords(sKey).ToArray()) & vbCrLf
     End If
 End Sub
 Private Function SortCharacters(ByVal s As String) As String
   Dim sReturn() As Char = s.ToCharArray()
   Dim sTemp As Char = Nothing
   For i As Integer = 0 To sReturn.GetUpperBound(0) - 1
     If (sReturn(i + 1)) < (sReturn(i)) Then
       sTemp = sReturn(i)
       sReturn(i) = sReturn(i + 1)
       sReturn(i + 1) = sTemp
       i = -1
     End If
   Return CStr(sReturn)
 End Function

End Module</lang> Output:

[ABEL]  abel, able, bale, bela, elba
[AEGLR] alger, glare, lager, large, regal
[AEGLN] angel, angle, galen, glean, lange
[ACERT] caret, carte, cater, crate, trace
[AELN]  elan, lane, lean, lena, neal
[EILV]  evil, levi, live, veil, vile