Assigning Values to an Array: Difference between revisions

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(→‎[[Perl]]: syntax highlight)
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'''Compiler:''' [[GCC]] 4.1.1
'''Compiler:''' [[GCC]] 4.1.1
int writeToIntArray(int *array, size_t array_sz, int loc, int val)
<highlightSyntax language=C>
int writeToIntArray(int *array, size_t array_sz, int loc, int val)
// Check bounds on array
if (loc > array_sz || loc < 0)
// Check bounds on array
return -1;
if (loc > array_sz || loc < 0)
return -1;
array[loc] = val;
array[loc] = val;
return 0;
return 0;

==[[C sharp | C#]]==
==[[C sharp | C#]]==
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For a single index/value assignment:
For a single index/value assignment:

$array[$index] = $value;
<highlightSyntax language=perl>
$array[$index] = $value;

To assign multiple values to multiple indices:
To assign multiple values to multiple indices:

@array[@indexes] = @values;
<highlightSyntax language=perl>
@array[@indexes] = @values;

To assign an array slice:
To assign an array slice:

@array[3..5] = @values;
<highlightSyntax language=perl>
@array[3..5] = @values;
# will replace the 4th, 5th and 6th elements with the first 3 values in @values
# will replace the 4th, 5th and 6th elements with the first 3 values in @values


Revision as of 14:33, 22 February 2007

Assigning Values to an Array
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This task has been flagged for clarification. Code on this page in its current state may be flagged incorrect once this task has been clarified. See this page's Talk page for discussion.

In this task, the goal is to assign a value to an element of an array. The value should only replace an existing value, and not insert a new key should the key not exist. If the key does not exist, an error should be returned.


arr[0] = 1;
arr[1] = 'a';
arr[2] = 5.678;


Compiler: GCC 4.1.2

  package Pkg is
     type Arr is array (Positive range <>) of Integer;
     procedure Assign (Value : Integer; To : in out Arr; Index : Positive);
     --  Raise exception Constraint_Error if Index > To'Last
  end Pkg;
  package body Pkg is
     procedure Assign (Value : Integer; To : in out Arr; Index : Positive) is
        To (Index) := Value;
     end Assign;
  end Pkg;


on writeToArray(array, location, value)
    -- very important -- list index starts at 1 not 0
    set item location of array to value
    return array
end writeToArray


Compiler: GCC 4.1.1

int writeToIntArray(int *array, size_t array_sz, int loc, int val)
  // Check bounds on array
  if (loc > array_sz || loc < 0)
    return -1;
  array[loc] = val;
  return 0;


Platform: .NET Language Version: 1.0+

  public void WriteToIntArray(int[] array, int loc, int val){  array[loc]=val;  }


Compiler: GCC 4.1.2

  template<class T>
  inline int writeToArray(T array[], size_t loc, const T& val)
    if (loc > sizeof(array))
      return -1; // Could throw an execption if so desired
    array[loc] = val;
    return 0;

Compiler: Visual C++ 2005

  template<class C>
  inline void writeToArray(C& container, typename C::size_type loc, const typename C::value_type& val)
    std::fill_n(container.begin() + loc, 1, val);


 <cffunction name="writeToArray">
   <cfargument name="array">
   <cfargument name="location">
   <cfargument name="value">
   <cfif arrayLen(arguments.array) GTE arguments.location>
     <cfset arguments.array[arguments.location] = arguments.value>
     <cfthrow message="Location does not exist">
   <cfreturn arguments.array>
 <cfset myArray = arrayNew(1)>
 <cfset myArray[1] = 1>
 <cfset myArray = writeToArray(myArray, 1, 123456)>

Note that throwing errors in ColdFusion doesn't give that "friendly" appearance. The standard way to change/add a value in an array would be simply:

 <cfset myArray[3] = 987654>

Common Lisp

  (defun assign-to-array (array index value)
    (setf (aref array index) value))


  procedure WriteToIntArray(var Arr: array of Integer; Loc: Integer; Val: Integer);
    Arr[Loc] := Val;


Interpreter: ANS Forth

  : ]! ( n addr ix -- ) cells + ! ; \ ex. 3 buffer[ 2 ]!


Compiler: Any ANSI F77 (e.g. GNU g77)

 a(55) = 12


Compiler: GHC 6.6


Most Haskell programs use lists instead of arrays. This is suitable for the general case.

Simple Version

    :: [a] -- Original list
    -> Int -- Index to insert at
    -> a -- Value to insert
    -> [a] -- Resulting list
setIndex xs ii v = 
        (h, (_ : ts)) = splitAt ii xs
        h ++ (v : ts)

Efficient Version

setIndex xs ii v
    | ii < 0 = error "Bad index"
    | otherwise = _setIndex xs ii v
        _setIndex [] _ _ = error "Bad index"
        _setIndex (_ : xs) 0 v = v : xs
        _setIndex (x : xs) ii v = x : (setIndex xs (ii - 1) v)


Technically, this creates clones the original array, then updates the new array; the original array still exists. This applies a list of changes to the array.

import Data.Array

-- Create the array of data
a1 = array (0, 4) [(ii, ii * 2) | ii <- [0 .. 4]]

-- Update 1 entry
a2 = a1 // [(2, 12)]
-- Update several entries
a3 = a1 // [(ii, ii + 10) | ii <- [1 .. 3]]


Platform: J2SE 1.2+

  public void writeToIntArray(int[] array, int loc, int val){  array[loc]=val;  }


function setElem(array, loc, val) { //returns 0 if out of bounds
  if(typeof array[loc] == typeof undefined) {
    return 0; //element doesn't already exist -- out of bounds
  } else {
    array[loc] = val
    return 1; //OK

var ary=[10,20,30] //0,1,2 defined
var ok = setElem(ary,3,'three')
if(!ok) alert('oops, error')

Simpler if you don't mind adding an element if it does not already exist:

function writeToArray(array, loc, val) { array[loc] = val; }

mIRC Scripting Language

Interpreter: mIRC Library: mArray Snippet

 alias write2array { echo -a $array_write(MyArray, 2, 3, Rosetta) }


Compiler: GCC 3.3+

 - (void)addValue:(id)value toArray:(NSMutableArray *)array position:(unsigned)pos
   [array insertObject:value atIndex:pos];


Interpreter: OCaml

  let writeToArray arr loc val = arr.(loc) <- val;;

Interpreter: OCaml

  let writeToArray = Array.set


Interpreter: Perl 5.8.8

For a single index/value assignment:

$array[$index] = $value;

To assign multiple values to multiple indices:

@array[@indexes] = @values;

To assign an array slice:

@array[3..5] = @values;
  1. will replace the 4th, 5th and 6th elements with the first 3 values in @values


function writeToArray(&$array, $index, $value)
    $array[$index] = $value;
// Usage example
writeToArray($array, 1, 6 );

Note that this is a "function" based example, and the relevant acting code is the following

$array[$index] = $value;

This does not conform to the (somewhat arbitrary) specific requirements of the task, in that it does not return an error if the key index) does not exist. To satisfy the task requirements:

function writeToArray(&$array, $index, $value)
    if(array_key_exists($index, $array)) $array[$index] = $value;
    else return false;
// Usage example
writeToArray($array, 1, 6 );


Interpreter: Oracle compiler

 set serveroutput on
 	type myarray is table of number index by binary_integer;
 	x myarray;
 	i pls_integer;
 	-- populate array
 	for i in 1..5 loop
 		x(i) := i;
 	end loop;
 	i :=0;
 	-- print array
 		i := i + 1;
 			when no_data_found then exit;
 	end loop;


Interpreter: Python

  array[index] = value

If the index is bigger than the size of the array (eg if the array is empty), an IndexError is thrown. To have the function append a value at the end of the array if the array is not of the right size:

Interpreter: Python



Interpreter: Ruby 1.8.5

  # To specify a value for a known index
  # Usage: arr[index] = value
  arr = 1,2,3,4,5
  arr[0] = 10
  # To push a value onto an array. This accepts single or multiple arguments:
  arr.push( 1 )
  arr.push( 1, 2, 3 )
  # To push a value onto an array. This accepts a single argument. This is
  # also consistent usage for concatenating strings which is an array of
  # bytes:
  arr << 1 
  "Hello " << "World!"  


 val array = new Array[int](10) // create a 10 element array of integers
 array(3) = 44
 array(22) = 11 // java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 22
 import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
 val array2 = new ArrayBuffer[int]
 array2 += 1
 array2 += 2
 array2 += 3
 array2(1) // 2 (zero based indexing)
 array2(1) = 33
 array2.toString // ArrayBuffer(1,33,3)
 var l = List(1,2,3)
 l = 44 :: l //  List(44,1,2,3)
 l(2) // 2


 proc setIfExist {theVariable value} {
     upvar 1 $theVariable variable
     if {[info exists theVariable]} {
         set theVariable $value
     } else {
         error "$theVariable doesn't exist"

Note that setIfExist is general purpose and works on regular variables as well as arrays:

 setIfExist foo(bar) 10 ;# error if foo(bar) doesn't exist
 setIfExist x 10        ;# error if x doesn't exist

Visual Basic

Language Version: 5.0+

Private Function writeToArray(intArray() As Integer, arraySize As Integer, loc As Integer, value As Integer) As Integer
   If loc > arraySize Then
     writeToArray = -1
     intArray(loc) = value
     writeToArray = 0
   End If
End Function


Simple Example

Define our Array

 Dim myArray (5)

Use a For Next loop to set the array data.

 For i = 0 To 4
   myArray(i) = i

Use a For Next loop and MsgBox to display the array data.

 MsgBox("Print array values")
 For i = 0 To 4
   msgbox("myArray element " & i & " = " & myArray(i))

Variable Array Length

Example where we don't know the required array size at the start and where we need to increase the array size as we go

Define an array - but we don't know how big yet.

 Dim myArray2 ()

OK, now we know how big an array we need.

 ReDim myArray2(3)

Load the array

 For i = 0 To 2
   myArray2(i) = i

Print the array

 MsgBox("We've set the new array size and set the data")
 For i = 0 To 2
   MsgBox "myArray2 element " & i & " = " & myArray2(i)

Now we need to make the array bigger. Note the Preserve keyword so that the existing data in the array is not lost when we resize it.

 ReDim Preserve myArray2(5)

Load the array

 For i = 3 To 4
   myArray2(i) = i

Print the array

 MsgBox ("We've increased the array size and loaded more data")
 For i = 0 To 4
   MsgBox "myArray2 element " & i & " = " & myArray2(i)