Bilinear interpolation: Difference between revisions

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Bilinear Interpolation is linear interpolation in 2 dimensions. Typically used for image scaling
== {{header|C }}==
<prelang c>
#include <stdint.h>
typedef struct {
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Revision as of 14:21, 11 June 2013

Bilinear interpolation
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Bilinear Interpolation is linear interpolation in 2 dimensions. Typically used for image scaling ...


<lang c>

  1. include <stdint.h>

typedef struct {

   uint32_t *pixels;
   int w;
   int h;


  1. define getByte(value, n) (value >> (n*8) & 0xFF)

uint32_t getpixel(image_t *image, int x, int y){

   return image->pixels[(y*image->w)+x];

} float lerp(float s, float e, float t){return s+(e-s)*t;} float blerp(float c00, float c10, float c01, float c11, float tx, float ty){

   return lerp(lerp(c00, c10, tx), lerp(c01, c11, tx), ty);

} void putpixel(image_t *image, unsigned int x, unsigned int y, uint32_t color){

   image->pixels[(y*image->w) + x] = color;

} void scale(image_t *src, image_t *dst, float scalex, float scaley){

   int newWidth = (int)src->w*scalex;
   int newHeight= (int)src->h*scaley;
   int x, y;
   for(x= 0, y=0; y < newHeight; x++){
       if(x > newWidth){
           x = 0; y++;
       float gx = x / (float)(newWidth) * (src->w-1);
       float gy = y / (float)(newHeight) * (src->h-1);
       int gxi = (int)gx;
       int gyi = (int)gy;
       uint32_t result=0;
       uint32_t c00 = getpixel(src, gxi, gyi);
       uint32_t c10 = getpixel(src, gxi+1, gyi);
       uint32_t c01 = getpixel(src, gxi, gyi+1);
       uint32_t c11 = getpixel(src, gxi+1, gyi+1);
       uint8_t i;
       for(i = 0; i < 3; i++){
           //((uint8_t*)&result)[i] = blerp( ((uint8_t*)&c00)[i], ((uint8_t*)&c10)[i], ((uint8_t*)&c01)[i], ((uint8_t*)&c11)[i], gxi - gx, gyi - gy); // this is shady
           result |= (uint8_t)blerp(getByte(c00, i), getByte(c10, i), getByte(c01, i), getByte(c11, i), gx - gxi, gy -gyi) << (8*i);
       putpixel(dst,x, y, result);

} </lang>


This mimics the Wikipedia example.

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require images/flomap)

(define fm

  (λ (dc)
    (define (pixel x y color)
      (send dc set-pen color 1 'solid)
      (send dc draw-point (+ x .5) (+ y 0.5)))  
    (send dc set-alpha 1)
    (pixel 0 0 "blue")
    (pixel 0 1 "red")
    (pixel 1 0 "red")
    (pixel 1 1 "green"))
  2 2))


 4 250 250
 (λ (k x y)
    fm k (+ 1/2 (/ x 250)) (+ 1/2 (/ y 250))))))
