Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm: Difference between revisions

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m →‎[[Bresenham's_line_algorithm#ALGOL 68]]: '''pragmat''' '''read''' "filename" is an extension
m →‎[[Bresenham's line algorithm#ALGOL 68]]: virtualise member, and tidy code
Line 82:
{{works with|ALGOL 68G|Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386}}
<!-- {{does not work with|ELLA ALGOL 68|Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386 - '''pragmat''' '''read''' is not part of algol68rs}} -->
<lang algol>PRAGMAT READ "Basic_bitmap_storage.a68" PRAGMAT;
PROC line OF class image := (REF IMAGE picture, POINT start, stop, PIXEL color)VOID:
REAL dx = ABS (x OF stop - x OF start);
REAL dy = ABS (y OF stop - y OF start);
REAL err;
INTPOINT xhere := x OF start;
INTPOINT ystep := y(1, OF start1);
INT step x := 1;
INT step y := 1;
IF x OF start > x OF stop THEN
step x OF step := -1
IF y OF start > y OF stop THEN
step y OF step := -1
IF dx > dy THEN
err := dx / 2;
WHILE x OF here /= x OF stop DO
picture[x OF here, y OF here] := color;
err -:= dy;
IF err < 0 THEN
y OF here +:= step y OF step;
err +:= dx
x OF here +:= step x OF step
err := dy / 2;
WHILE y OF here /= y OF stop DO
picture[x OF here, y OF here] := color;
err := err - dx;
IF err < 0 THEN
x OF here +:= step x OF step;
err +:= dy
y OF here +:= step y OF step
picture[x OF here, y OF here] := color # ensure dots to be drawn #
END # line #;
IF test THEN
the test program's
REF IMAGE x = INIT LOC[1:16, 1:16]PIXEL;
(fill OF class image)(x, white OF class image);
(line OF class image)(x, ( 1, 8), ( 8,16), black OF class image);
(line OF class image)(x, ( 8,16), (16, 8), black OF class image);
(line OF class image)(x, (16, 8), ( 8, 1), black OF class image);
(line OF class image)(x, ( 8, 1), ( 1, 8), black OF class image);
(print OF class image)(x)

Revision as of 19:13, 28 March 2009

Bitmap/Bresenham's line algorithm
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Using the data storage type defined on this page for raster graphics images, draw a line given 2 points with the Bresenham's algorithm.


<lang ada> procedure Line (Picture : in out Image; Start, Stop : Point; Color : Pixel) is

  DX  : constant Float := abs Float (Stop.X - Start.X);
  DY  : constant Float := abs Float (Stop.Y - Start.Y);
  Err : Float;
  X   : Positive := Start.X;
  Y   : Positive := Start.Y;
  Step_X : Integer := 1;
  Step_Y : Integer := 1;


  if Start.X > Stop.X then
     Step_X := -1;
  end if;
  if Start.Y > Stop.Y then
     Step_Y := -1;
  end if;
  if DX > DY then
     Err := DX / 2.0;
     while X /= Stop.X loop
        Picture (X, Y) := Color;
        Err := Err - DY;
        if Err < 0.0 then
           Y := Y + Step_Y;
           Err := Err + DX;
        end if;
        X := X + Step_X;
     end loop;
     Err := DY / 2.0;
     while Y /= Stop.Y loop
        Picture (X, Y) := Color;
        Err := Err - DX;
        if Err < 0.0 then
           X := X + Step_X;
           Err := Err + DY;
        end if;
        Y := Y + Step_Y;
     end loop;
  end if;
  Picture (X, Y) := Color; -- Ensure dots to be drawn

end Line; </lang> The test program's <lang ada>

  X : Image (1..16, 1..16);


  Fill (X, White);
  Line (X, ( 1, 8), ( 8,16), Black);
  Line (X, ( 8,16), (16, 8), Black);
  Line (X, (16, 8), ( 8, 1), Black);
  Line (X, ( 8, 1), ( 1, 8), Black);
  Print (X);

</lang> sample output

      H H
     H   H
    H     HH
   H        H
  H          H
 H            H
H              H
 H            H
  H          H
   H        H
    H      H
    H     H
     H   H
      H H


Translation of: Ada
Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - pragmat read is an extension
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386

<lang algol>PRAGMAT READ "Basic_bitmap_storage.a68" PRAGMAT;

line OF class image := (REF IMAGE picture, POINT start, stop, PIXEL color)VOID: BEGIN

  REAL dx = ABS (x OF stop - x OF start);
  REAL dy = ABS (y OF stop - y OF start);
  REAL err;
  POINT here := start;
  POINT step := (1, 1);
  IF x OF start > x OF stop THEN
     x OF step := -1
  IF y OF start > y OF stop THEN
     y OF step := -1
  IF dx > dy THEN
     err := dx / 2;
     WHILE x OF here /= x OF stop DO
        picture[x OF here, y OF here] := color;
        err -:= dy;
        IF err < 0 THEN
           y OF here +:= y OF step;
           err +:= dx
        x OF here +:= x OF step
     err := dy / 2;
     WHILE y OF here /= y OF stop DO
        picture[x OF here, y OF here] := color;
        err := err - dx;
        IF err < 0 THEN
           x OF here +:= x OF step;
           err +:= dy
        y OF here +:= y OF step
  picture[x OF here, y OF here] := color # ensure dots to be drawn #

END # line #;

IF test THEN

the test program's

  REF IMAGE x = INIT LOC[1:16, 1:16]PIXEL;
  (fill OF class image)(x, white OF class image);
  (line OF class image)(x, ( 1, 8), ( 8,16), black OF class image);
  (line OF class image)(x, ( 8,16), (16, 8), black OF class image);
  (line OF class image)(x, (16, 8), ( 8, 1), black OF class image);
  (line OF class image)(x, ( 8, 1), ( 1, 8), black OF class image);
  (print OF class image)(x)

FI</lang> Output:



To be added to imglib.h.

<lang c>void draw_line(

       image img,
       unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0,
       unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1,
       color_component r,
       color_component g,
       color_component b );</lang>

The implementation code:

<lang c>#include "imglib.h"

  1. define plot(x, y) put_pixel_clip(img, x, y, r, g, b)
  2. define swap_uint(a, b) do{ unsigned int tmp; tmp = a; a = b; b = tmp; }while(0)

void draw_line(

       image img,
       unsigned int x0, unsigned int y0,
       unsigned int x1, unsigned int y1,
       color_component r,
       color_component g,
       color_component b )


   unsigned short steep;
   steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0);
   if (steep) {
       swap_uint(x0, y0);
       swap_uint(x1, y1);
   if (x0 > x1) {
       swap_uint(x0, x1);
       swap_uint(y0, y1);
       int deltax = x1 - x0;
       int deltay = abs(y1 - y0);
       int error = deltax / 2;
       int ystep;
       int y = y0;
       int x;
       if (y0 < y1) ystep = 1; else ystep = -1;
       for (x = x0; x <= x1; ++x) {
           if (steep) plot(y,x); else plot(x,y);
           error = error - deltay;
           if (error < 0) {
               y = y + ystep;
               error = error + deltax;


  1. undef swap_uint
  2. undef plot</lang>


defer steep         \ noop or swap
defer ystep         \ 1+ or 1-

: line ( x0 y0 x1 y1 color bmp -- )
  { color bmp }
  rot swap
  ( x0 x1 y0 y1 )
  2dup  - abs >r
  2over - abs r> <
  if         ['] swap	\ swap use of x and y
  else 2swap ['] noop
  then       is steep
  ( y0 y1 x0 x1 )
  2dup >
  if swap 2swap swap	\ ensure x1 > x0
  else    2swap
  ( x0 x1 y0 y1 )
  2dup >
  if   ['] 1-
  else ['] 1+
  then is ystep
  over - abs    { y deltay }
  swap 2dup - dup { deltax }
  2/ rot 1+ rot
  ( error x1+1 x0 )
  do  color i y steep bmp b!
      deltay -
      dup 0<
      if   y ystep to y
           deltax +
  drop ;
5 5 bitmap value test
0 test bfill
1 0 4 1 red test line
4 1 3 4 red test line
3 4 0 3 red test line
0 3 1 0 red test line
test bshow cr
 * **
*   *
** * 


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later
Translation of: C

<lang fortran>module RCImagePrimitive

 use RCImageBasic
 implicit none
 type point
    integer :: x, y
 end type point
 private :: swapcoord


 subroutine swapcoord(p1, p2)
   integer, intent(inout) :: p1, p2
   integer :: t
   t = p2
   p2 = p1
   p1 = t
 end subroutine swapcoord
 subroutine draw_line(img, from, to, color)
   type(rgbimage), intent(inout) :: img
   type(point), intent(in) :: from, to
   type(rgb), intent(in) :: color
   type(point) :: rfrom, rto
   integer :: dx, dy, error, ystep, x, y
   logical :: steep
   rfrom = from
   rto = to
   steep = (abs(rto%y - rfrom%y) > abs(rto%x - rfrom%x))
   if ( steep ) then
      call swapcoord(rfrom%x, rfrom%y)
      call swapcoord(rto%x, rto%y)
   end if
   if ( rfrom%x > rto%x ) then
      call swapcoord(rfrom%x, rto%x)
      call swapcoord(rfrom%y, rto%y)
   end if
   dx = rto%x - rfrom%x
   dy = abs(rto%y - rfrom%y)
   error = dx / 2
   y = rfrom%y
   if ( rfrom%y < rto%y ) then
      ystep = 1
      ystep = -1
   end if
   do x = rfrom%x, rto%x
      if ( steep ) then
         call put_pixel(img, y, x, color)
         call put_pixel(img, x, y, color)
      end if
      error = error - dy
      if ( error < 0 ) then
         y = y + ystep
         error = error + dx
      end if
   end do
 end subroutine draw_line

end module RCImagePrimitive</lang>

Usage example:

<lang fortran>program BasicImageTests

 use RCImageBasic
 use RCImageIO
 use RCImagePrimitive
 implicit none
 type(rgbimage) :: animage
 integer :: x, y
 call alloc_img(animage, 200, 200)
 call fill_img(animage, rgb(255,255,255))
 call draw_line(animage, point(0,0), point(199,199), rgb(0,0,0))
 do y=0,219,20
    call draw_line(animage, point(0,0), point(199, y), &
 end do
 open(unit=10, file='outputimage.ppm', status='new')
 call output_ppm(10, animage)
 call free_img(animage)

end program BasicImageTests</lang>


<lang haskell>module Bitmap.Line(line) where

import Bitmap import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.ST import qualified Data.STRef

var = Data.STRef.newSTRef get = Data.STRef.readSTRef mutate = Data.STRef.modifySTRef

line :: Color c => Image s c -> Pixel -> Pixel -> c -> ST s () line i (Pixel (xa, ya)) (Pixel (xb, yb)) c = do

   yV <- var y1
   errorV <- var $ deltax `div` 2
   forM_ [x1 .. x2] (\x -> do
       y <- get yV
       setPix i (Pixel $ if steep then (y, x) else (x, y)) c
       mutate errorV $ subtract deltay
       error <- get errorV
       when (error < 0) (do
           mutate yV (+ ystep)
           mutate errorV (+ deltax)))
 where steep = abs (yb - ya) > abs (xb - xa)
       (xa', ya', xb', yb') = if steep
         then (ya, xa, yb, xb)
         else (xa, ya, xb, yb)
       (x1, y1, x2, y2) = if xa' > xb'
         then (xb', yb', xa', ya')
         else (xa', ya', xb', yb')
       deltax = x2 - x1
       deltay = abs $ y2 - y1
       ystep = if y1 < y2 then 1 else -1</lang>


<lang maple> SegmentBresenham := proc (img, x0, y0, x1, y1) local deltax, deltay, x, y, ystep, bool, e, img2, swap, x02, y02, x12, y12; x02 := y0; x12 := y1; y12 := x1; y02 := x0; bool := abs(x12-x02) < abs(y12-y02); img2 := copy(img); if bool then

   swap := x02; x02 := y02; y02 := swap; 
   swap := x12; x12 := y12; y12 := swap; 

end if; if x12 < x02 then

   swap := x02; x02 := x12; x12 := swap; 
   swap := y02; y02 := y12; y12 := swap; 

end if; deltax := x12-x02; deltay := abs(y12-y02); e := (1/2)*deltax; y := y02; if y02 < y12 then

   ystep := 1 else ystep := -1; end if; 

for x from x02 to x12 do

   if bool then 
       img2[y, x] := 0 
       img2[x, y] := 0;
   end if; 
   e := e-deltay; 
   if e < 0 then 
       y := y+ystep; 
       e := e+deltax;
   end if; 

end do; img2; end proc:</lang>


fn plot img coord steep col =
    if steep then
        swap coord[1] coord[2]
    setPixels img coord col

fn drawLine img start end col =
    local steep = (abs (end.y - start.y)) > (abs (end.x - start.x))
    if steep then
        swap start.x start.y
        swap end.x end.y
    if start.x > end.x then
        swap start.x end.x
        swap start.y end.y
    local deltaX = end.x - start.x
    local deltaY = abs (end.y - start.y)
    local error = deltaX / 2.0
    local yStep = -1
    local y = start.y
    if start.y < end.y then
        yStep = 1
    for x in start.x to end.x do
        plot img [x, y] steep col
        error -= deltaY
        if error < 0 then
            y += yStep
            error += deltaX

myBitmap = bitmap 512 512 color:(color 0 0 0)
myBitmap = drawLine myBitmap [0, 511] [511, 0] #((color 255 255 255))
display myBitmap


<lang ocaml>let draw_line ~img ~color ~p0:(x0,y0) ~p1:(x1,y1) =

 let steep = abs(y1 - y0) > abs(x1 - x0) in
 let plot =
   if steep
   then (fun x y -> put_pixel img color y x)
   else (fun x y -> put_pixel img color x y)
 let x0, y0, x1, y1 =
   if steep
   then y0, x0, y1, x1
   else x0, y0, x1, y1
 let x0, x1, y0, y1 =
   if x0 > x1
   then x1, x0, y1, y0
   else x0, x1, y0, y1
 let delta_x = x1 - x0
 and delta_y = abs(y1 - y0) in
 let error = -delta_x / 2
 and y_step =
   if y0 < y1 then 1 else -1
 let rec loop x y error =
   plot x y;
   if x <= x1 then
     let error = error + delta_y in
     let y, error =
       if error > 0
       then (y + y_step), (error - delta_x)
       else y, error
     loop (succ x) y error
 loop x0 y0 error


Library: Imlib2

<lang perl>#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use Image::Imlib2;

sub my_draw_line {

   my ( $img, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1) = @_;
   my $steep = (abs($y1 - $y0) > abs($x1 - $x0));
   if ( $steep ) {

( $y0, $x0 ) = ( $x0, $y0); ( $y1, $x1 ) = ( $x1, $y1 );

   if ( $x0 > $x1 ) {

( $x1, $x0 ) = ( $x0, $x1 ); ( $y1, $y0 ) = ( $y0, $y1 );

   my $deltax = $x1 - $x0;
   my $deltay = abs($y1 - $y0);
   my $error = $deltax / 2;
   my $ystep;
   my $y = $y0;
   my $x;
   $ystep = ( $y0 < $y1 ) ? 1 : -1;
   for( $x = $x0; $x <= $x1; $x += 1 ) {

if ( $steep ) { $img->draw_point($y, $x); } else { $img->draw_point($x, $y); } $error -= $deltay; if ( $error < 0 ) { $y += $ystep; $error += $deltax; }



  1. test

my $img = Image::Imlib2->new(160, 160); $img->set_color(255, 255, 255, 255); # white $img->fill_rectangle(0,0,160,160);

$img->set_color(0,0,0,255); # black my_draw_line($img, 10, 80, 80, 160); my_draw_line($img, 80, 160, 160, 80); my_draw_line($img, 160, 80, 80, 10); my_draw_line($img, 80, 10, 10, 80);


  1. let's try the same using its internal algo

$img->set_color(255, 255, 255, 255); # white $img->fill_rectangle(0,0,160,160); $img->set_color(0,0,0,255); # black $img->draw_line(10, 80, 80, 160); $img->draw_line(80, 160, 160, 80); $img->draw_line(160, 80, 80, 10); $img->draw_line(80, 10, 10, 80);


exit 0;</lang>

Images test0.png and test1.png look different since Imlib2 draw lines with antialiasing.


Use this routine together with the code from Basic bitmap storage to create a full application.

<lang rapidq> SUB draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, colour)

   x_dist = abs(x2-x1)
   y_dist = abs(y2-y1)
   IF y2-y1 < -x_dist OR x2-x1 <= -y_dist THEN
       SWAP x1, x2				' Swap start and end points

SWAP y1, y2

   IF x1 < x2 THEN x_step = 1 ELSE x_step = -1
   IF y1 < y2 THEN y_step = 1 ELSE y_step = -1
   IF y_dist > x_dist THEN			' steep angle, step by y

error = y_dist/2 x = x1 FOR y = y1 TO y2 canvas.Pset(x, y, colour) error = error - x_dist IF error < 0 THEN x = x + x_step error = error + y_dist END IF NEXT y

   ELSE					' not steep, step by x
       error = x_dist/2

y = y1 FOR x = x1 TO x2 canvas.Pset(x, y, colour) error = error - y_dist IF error < 0 THEN y = y + y_step error = error + x_dist END IF NEXT y


END SUB </lang>

Example usage:

<lang rapidq> SUB PaintCanvas

   draw_line 200,  10, 100, 200, &H00ff00
   draw_line 100, 200, 200, 400, &H00ff00
   draw_line 200, 400, 300, 200, &H00ff00
   draw_line 300, 200, 200,  10, &H00ff00

END SUB </lang>

Vedit macro language

//  Daw a line using Bresenham's line algorithm.
//  #1=x1, #2=y1; #3=x2, #4=y2

#31 = abs(#3-#1)		// x distance
#32 = abs(#4-#2)		// y distance
if (#4-#2 < -#31 || #3-#1 <= -#32) {
    #99=#1; #1=#3; #3=#99	// swap start and end points
    #99=#2; #2=#4; #4=#99
if (#1 < #3) { #34=1 } else { #34=-1 }	// x step
if (#2 < #4) { #35=1 } else { #35=-1 }	// y step

if (#32 > #31) {		// steep angle, step by Y
    #33 = #32 / 2		// error distance
    while (#2 <= #4) {
	#33 -= #31
	if (#33 < 0) {
	    #1 += #34		// move right
	    #33 += #32
	#2++			// move up
} else {			// not steep, step by X
    #33 = #31 / 2
    while (#1 <= #3) {
	#33 -= #32
	if (#33 < 0) {
	    #2 += #35		// move up
	    #33 += #31
	#1++			// move right