Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Tcl}}: Do the actually requested task)
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set img [image create photo -filename filename.ppm]
output_jpeg $img filename.jpg</lang>
{{omit from|TI-83 BASIC}} {{omit from|TI-89 BASIC}} <!-- Does not have an external OS/command processor. -->

Revision as of 23:57, 13 August 2009

Bitmap/PPM conversion through a pipe
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Using the data storage type defined on this page for raster images, delegate writing a JPEG file through a pipe using the output_ppm function defined on this other page.

There are various utilities that can be used for this task, for example: cjpeg (package "jpeg-progs" on Linux), ppmtojpeg (package "netpbm" on Linux), convert (from ImageMagick, multi-platform).


Works with: POSIX version .1-2001

This one uses the ImageMagick convert tool.

<lang c>/* interface */ void print_jpg(image img, int qual);</lang>

<lang c>#define MAXCMDBUF 100 void print_jpg(image img, int qual) {

  char buf[MAXCMDBUF];
  unsigned int n;
  FILE *pipe;
  snprintf(buf, MAXCMDBUF, "convert ppm:- -quality %d jpg:-", qual);
  pipe = popen(buf, "w");
  if ( pipe != NULL )
          fprintf(pipe, "P6\n%d %d\n255\n", img->width, img->height);
          n = img->width * img->height;
          fwrite(img->buf, sizeof(pixel), n, pipe);


The code that writes to the pipe is the same of output_ppm of course. A complete example is

<lang c>#include "imglib.h"

int main() {

     image img;
     img = alloc_img(100,100);
     fill_img(img, 50, 20, 200);
     draw_line(img, 0, 0, 80, 80, 255, 0, 0);
     print_jpg(img, 75);

} </lang>

In order to make it working, you must link it with the raster image functions given by the codes here and here


<lang ocaml>let print_jpeg ~img ?(quality=96) () =

 let cmd = Printf.sprintf "cjpeg -quality %d" quality in
 let cmd = Printf.sprintf "ppmtojpeg -quality %d" quality in
 let cmd = Printf.sprintf "convert ppm:- -quality %d jpg:-" quality in
 let ic, oc = Unix.open_process cmd in
 output_ppm ~img ~oc;
   while true do
     let c = input_char ic in
     print_char c
 with End_of_file -> ()


Referring to Write ppm file#Tcl and Basic bitmap storage#Tcl

Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tk

proc output_jpeg {image filename {quality 75}} {

   set f [open |[list convert ppm:- -quality $quality jpg:- > $filename] w]
   fconfigure $f -translation binary
   puts -nonewline $f [$image data -format ppm]
   close $f


However, it is more normal to do this directly with the

Library: TkImg

which is bundled with many Tcl distributions.

<lang tcl>package require Tk package require img::jpeg

proc output_jpeg {image filename} {

   $image write $filename -format jpeg

} set img [image create photo -filename filename.ppm] output_jpeg $img filename.jpg</lang>