Call a function in a shared library: Difference between revisions

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Line 336: Line 336:
: (native "/usr/lib/" "XCloseDisplay" 'I Display)
: (native "/usr/lib/" "XCloseDisplay" 'I Display)
-> 0</lang>
-> 0</lang>

<lang Purebasic>
OpenLibrary(0, "USER32.DLL")
*MessageBox = GetFunction(0, "MessageBoxA")
CallFunctionFast(*MessageBox, 0, "Body", "Title", 0)


Revision as of 09:08, 23 March 2010

Call a function in a shared library
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Show how to call a function in a shared library (without dynamically linking to it at compile-time). In particular, show how to call the shared library function if the library is available, otherwise use an internal equivalent function.

This is a special case of calling a foreign language function where the focus is close to the ABI level and not at the normal API level.



The following solution calls MessageBox from Windows' dynamic library user32.dll. It does not use Win32 bindings, which would be meaningless, because MessageBox is already there. Instead of that it links statically to kernel32.dll, which required to load anything under Windows. From there it uses LoadLibrary to load user32.dll and then GetProcAddress to get the MessageBox entry point there. Note how Windows mangles names of functions in the import libraries. So "LoadLibrary" becomes "_LoadLibraryA@4", which is its real name. "A" means ASCII. Once address of MessageBox is obtained it is converted to a pointer to a function that has an interface corresponding to it. Note Windows' call convention, which is stdcall. <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with System; use System;

with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;

procedure Shared_Library_Call is

  -- Interface to kernel32.dll which is resposible for loading DLLs under Windows.
  -- There are ready to use Win32 binding. We don't want to use them here.
  type HANDLE is new Unsigned_32;
  function LoadLibrary (lpFileName : char_array) return HANDLE;
  pragma Import (stdcall, LoadLibrary, "LoadLibrary", "_LoadLibraryA@4");
  function GetProcAddress (hModule : HANDLE; lpProcName : char_array)
     return Address;
  pragma Import (stdcall, GetProcAddress, "GetProcAddress", "_GetProcAddress@8");
  -- The interface of the function we want to call. It is a pointer (access type)
  -- because we will link it dynamically. The function is from User32.dll
  type MessageBox is access function 
       (  hWnd      : Address     := Null_Address;
          lpText    : char_array;
          lpCaption : char_array  := To_C ("Greeting");
          uType     : Unsigned_16 := 0
       )  return Integer_16;
  pragma Convention (Stdcall, MessageBox);
  function To_MessageBox is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Address, MessageBox);
  Library : HANDLE  := LoadLibrary (To_C ("user32.dll"));
  Pointer : Address := GetProcAddress (Library, To_C ("MessageBoxA"));


  if Pointer /= Null_Address then
        Result : Integer_16;
        Result := To_MessageBox (Pointer) (lpText => To_C ("Hello!"));
     Put_Line ("Unable to load the library " & HANDLE'Image (Library));
  end if;

end Shared_Library_Call;</lang>


Here we are using the dl library statically (-ldl switch upon linking) and Xlib dynamically ( The function dlopen loads a library. The function dlsym looks up for an entry point there. From, first XOpenDisplay is called to open an X11 display, which name is in the DISPLAY environment variable. Then XDisplayWidth of the display is obtained an printed into the standard output. <lang Ada>with Ada.Environment_Variables; use Ada.Environment_Variables; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Interfaces; use Interfaces; with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with System; use System;

with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;

procedure Shared_Library_Call is

  -- Interface to libdl to load dynamically linked libraries
  function dlopen (FileName : char_array; Flag : int) return Address;
  pragma Import (C, dlopen);
  function dlsym (Handle : address; Symbol : char_array) return Address;
  pragma Import (C, dlsym);
  -- The interfaces of the functions we want to call. These are pointers
  -- (access type) because we will link it dynamically. The functions
  -- come from
  type XOpenDisplay is access function (Display_Name : char_array) return Address;
  pragma Convention (C, XOpenDisplay);
  function To_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Address, XOpenDisplay);
  type XDisplayWidth is access function (Display : Address; Screen : int) return int;
  pragma Convention (C, XDisplayWidth);
  function To_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Address, XDisplayWidth);
  Library : Address := dlopen (To_C (""), 1);
  OpenDisplay  : XOpenDisplay  := To_Ptr (dlsym (Library, To_C ("XOpenDisplay")));
  DisplayWidth : XDisplayWidth := To_Ptr (dlsym (Library, To_C ("XDisplayWidth")));


  if OpenDisplay /= null and then DisplayWidth /= null then
        Display : Address;
        Display := OpenDisplay (To_C (Value ("DISPLAY")));
        if Display = Null_Address then
           Put_Line ("Unable to open display " & Value ("DISPLAY"));
           Put_Line (Value ("DISPLAY") & " width is" & int'image (DisplayWidth (Display, 0)));
        end if;
     Put_Line ("Unable to load the library");
  end if;

end Shared_Library_Call;</lang>


Works with: [AutoHotkey.dll]

dllhost.ahk <lang AutoHotkey>ahkdll := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "AutoHotkey.dll") clientHandle := DllCall("AutoHotkey\ahkdll", "str", "dllclient.ahk", "str" , "", "str", "parameter1 parameter2", "Cdecl Int")</lang> dllclient.ahk <lang AutoHotkey>Msgbox, hello from client</lang>


Works with: POSIX version .1-2001

Tested with gcc on a GNU/Linux system (on GNU/Linux dl* functions are available linking to libdl, i.e. with -ldl option)

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <dlfcn.h>

int myopenimage(const char *in) {

 static int handle=0;
 fprintf(stderr, "internal openimage opens %s...\n", in);
 return handle++;


int main() {

 void *imglib;
 int (*extopenimage)(const char *);
 int imghandle;
 imglib = dlopen("./", RTLD_LAZY);
 if ( imglib != NULL ) {
   /* extopenimage = (int (*)(const char *))dlsym(imglib,...)
      "man dlopen" says that C99 standard leaves casting from
      "void *" to a function pointer undefined. The following is the
      POSIX.1-2003 workaround found in man */
   *(void **)(&extopenimage) = dlsym(imglib, "openimage");
   /* the following works with gcc, gives no warning even with
      -Wall -std=c99 -pedantic options... :D */
   /* extopenimage = dlsym(imglib, "openimage"); */
   imghandle = extopenimage("fake.img");
 } else {
   imghandle = myopenimage("fake.img");
 printf("opened with handle %d\n", imghandle);
 /* ... */
 if (imglib != NULL ) dlclose(imglib);


The fake code is

<lang c>#include <stdio.h> /* gcc -shared -nostartfiles fakeimglib.c -o */ int openimage(const char *s) {

 static int handle = 100;
 fprintf(stderr, "opening %s\n", s);
 return handle++;


When the library fakeimglib.c exists in the current directory (this choice is senseful only for testing purposes), the output is:

opening fake.img
opened with handle 100

otherwise the output is:

internal openimage opens fake.img...
opened with handle 0


In Windows.

<lang csharp>using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

class Program {

   public static extern int fakefunction(int args);
   static void Main(string[] args) {
       int r = fakefunction(10);


Common Lisp

Library: CFFI

<lang lisp>CL-USER> (cffi:load-foreign-library "")


CL-USER> (cffi:foreign-funcall "XOpenDisplay"

                              :string #+sbcl (sb-posix:getenv "DISPLAY")
                                      #-sbcl ":0.0"
  1. .(SB-SYS:INT-SAP #X00650FD0)</lang>


Most of this was borrowed from Call a foreign-language function#J

<lang J>require 'dll' strdup=: 'msvcrt.dll _strdup >x *' cd < free=: 'msvcrt.dll free n x' cd < getstr=: free ] memr@,&0 _1

DupStr=:verb define

   getstr@strdup y


You get a domain error when the required library is not present at run time. A try/catch will let you handle this (as would the :: adverse operator).

Example use: <lang J> DupStr 'hello' hello

  getstr@strdup ::] 'hello'



The native keyword is the key here. For this method, the library must be written to the Java Native Interface; this is not a general FFI. <lang java>public class LoadLib{

  private static native void functionInSharedLib(); //change return type or parameters as necessary
  public static void main(String[] args){


Library: JNA

<lang java>import com.sun.jna.Library; import com.sun.jna.Native;

public class LoadLibJNA{

  private interface YourSharedLibraryName extends Library{
     //put shared library functions here with no definition
     public void sharedLibraryfunction();
  public static void main(String[] args){
     YourSharedLibraryName lib = (YourSharedLibraryName)Native.loadLibrary("sharedLibrary",//as in "sharedLibrary.dll"



In this example, if the library can't be found (user32), or the desired function in the library (MessageBoxA), the equivalent built-in function (MSGBOX) is at the "epicFail" label... but really, if you can't find user32.dll, you've got bigger things to worry about. <lang powerbasic>#INCLUDE ""


   DIM msg AS ASCIIZ * 14, titl AS ASCIIZ * 8
   hWnd = LoadLibrary ("user32")
   msg = "Hello, world!"
   titl = "Example"
       funcAddr& = GetProcAddress (hWnd, "MessageBoxA")
       IF ISTRUE (funcAddr&) THEN
           ASM push 0&
           tAdr& = VARPTR(titl)
           ASM push tAdr&
           mAdr& = VARPTR(msg)
           ASM push mAdr&
           ASM push 0&
           CALL DWORD funcAddr&
           GOTO epicFail
       END IF
       GOTO epicFail
   GOTO getMeOuttaHere


   MSGBOX msg, , titl


       tmp& = FreeLibrary (hWnd)
       IF ISFALSE(tmp&) THEN MSGBOX "Error freeing library... [shrug]"



This differs between the 32-bit and 64-bit versions. While the 64-bit version can interface directly to C functions (in external libraries or not), requires the 32-bit function some glue code. As an example, we use the GNU readline() function for command line editing, replacing the built-in line editor.

32-bit version

For the 32-bit version, we need some glue code: <lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/gcc.l")

(gcc "x11" '("-lX11") 'xOpenDisplay 'xCloseDisplay)

  1. include <X11/Xlib.h>

any xOpenDisplay(any ex) {

  any x = evSym(cdr(ex));    // Get display name
  char display[bufSize(x)];  // Create a buffer for the name
  bufString(x, display);     // Upack the name
  return boxCnt((long)XOpenDisplay(display));


any xCloseDisplay(any ex) {

  return boxCnt(XCloseDisplay((Display*)evCnt(ex, cdr(ex))));

} /**/

  1. With that we can open and close the display:
(setq Display (xOpenDisplay ":0.7")) # Wrong

-> 0

(setq Display (xOpenDisplay ":0.0")) # Correct

-> 158094320

(xCloseDisplay Display)

-> 0</lang>

64-bit version

In the 64-bit version, we can call the library directly: <lang PicoLisp>: (setq Display (native "/usr/lib/" "XOpenDisplay" 'N ":0.0")) -> 6502688

(native "/usr/lib/" "XCloseDisplay" 'I Display)

-> 0</lang>


<lang Purebasic> OpenLibrary(0, "USER32.DLL")

  • MessageBox = GetFunction(0, "MessageBoxA")

CallFunctionFast(*MessageBox, 0, "Body", "Title", 0)

CloseLibrary(0) </lang>


The import statement can be done in a try/except block <lang python>try:

   import psyco
   print "# With psyco JIT compiler"


   print "# Without psyco JIT compiler"
  1. Rest of program</lang>


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: It does not show how to provide a default implementation.

Using the

Library: RubyGems

package ffi, following C example

<lang ruby>require 'ffi' module FakeImgLib

 extend FFI::Library
 ffi_lib "path/to/"
 attach_function :openimage, [:string], :int


handle = FakeImgLib.openimage("path/to/image")</lang>

The Ruby/DL package also exists for this purpose.


Works with: GNU Smalltalk

The code tries to load the fakeimglib (cfr C example); if it succeed, the symbol openimage will exist, and will be called; otherwise, it is executed an "internal" code for openimage. In this example return code of the function of the library is ignored (ValueHolder null)

<lang smalltalk>DLD addLibrary: 'fakeimglib'.

Object subclass: ExtLib [

 ExtLib class >> openimage: aString [
   (CFunctionDescriptor isFunction: 'openimage')
   ifTrue: [
      (CFunctionDescriptor for: 'openimage'
                           returning: #int
                           withArgs: #( #string ) ) callInto: (ValueHolder null).
   ] ifFalse: [ ('internal open image %1' % { aString }) displayNl ]


ExtLib openimage: 'test.png'.</lang>


Library: Ffidl

<lang Tcl>package require Ffidl

if {[catch {

   ffidl::callout OpenImage {pointer-utf8} int [ffidl::symbol openimage]

}]} then {

   # Create the OpenImage command by other means here...

} set handle [OpenImage "/the/file/name"]</lang> Note that if the library is appropriately set up with the correct entry function, it can be accessed directly with load which will cause it to register a Tcl command for the functionality it exports. SWIG can be used to automatically generate the interface code. Alternatively, critcl can be used to allow writing glue C code directly embedded within a Tcl script.

With this many ways to perform the call, the best approach often depends on the size and complexity of the API being mapped. SWIG excels at large APIs, Ffidl is better when you just want to call a particular simple function, and critcl handles complex cases (callbacks, etc.) better than the other two.


When abs(x) is evaluated, a run time check is performed for the availability of the system library's absolute value function (fabs), and if found, it is used. If not, the user defined replacement function is invoked. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import flo

my_replacement = fleq/0.?/~& negative

abs = math.|fabs my_replacement</lang> Bold text