Category talk:Wren-fmt: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content deleted Content added
PureFox (talk | contribs)
→‎Source code: Added a note to slwrite method about printing a literal dollar symbol.
PureFox (talk | contribs)
→‎Source code: Added Fmt.u method for Unicode codepoint lists. Removed type aliases which are no longer needed.
Line 299: Line 299:
// Applies the 's' format to the kind (i.e. type) of 'v'.
// Applies the 's' format to the kind (i.e. type) of 'v'.
static k(w, v) { s(w, v.type) }
static k(w, v) { s(w, v.type) }

// Converts a list of Unicode code points to a string and then applies the 's' format to it.
static u(w, v) {
if (!(v is List)) Fiber.abort("Second argument must be list of code points.")
var str = ""
for (c in v) str = str + String.fromCodePoint(c)
return s(w, str)

// Embeds a string or value 'v' in 'cc', a string with no more than two characters.
// Embeds a string or value 'v' in 'cc', a string with no more than two characters.
Line 512: Line 520:
(fn == "n") ? n(w, v) :
(fn == "n") ? n(w, v) :
(fn == "k") ? k(w, v) :
(fn == "k") ? k(w, v) :
(fn == "u") ? u(w, v) :
(fn == "q") ? q(v) :
(fn == "q") ? q(v) :
(fn == "e") ? e(w, v, p) :
(fn == "e") ? e(w, v, p) :
Line 603: Line 612:
// $[flag][width][.precision][letter] of which all bracketed items except [letter] are optional.
// $[flag][width][.precision][letter] of which all bracketed items except [letter] are optional.
// The letter must be one of the 'short' methods:
// The letter must be one of the 'short' methods:
// a, b, c, d, e, E, f, g, h, i, k, m, n, o, q, r, s, t, x, X or z.
// a, b, c, d, e, E, f, g, h, i, k, m, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, x, X or z.
// If present, the flag (there can only be one) must be one of the following:
// If present, the flag (there can only be one) must be one of the following:
// + always prints a + or - sign ('dp', 'fp', 'gp' or 'hp' methods)
// + always prints a + or - sign ('dp', 'fp', 'gp' or 'hp' methods)
Line 673: Line 682:
var fn = ""
var fn = ""
var ds = ""
var ds = ""
if ("abcdeEfghikmnoqrstxXz".codePoints.contains(cp)) { // format letter
if ("abcdeEfghikmnoqrstuxXz".codePoints.contains(cp)) { // format letter
fn = Conv.itoc(cp)
fn = Conv.itoc(cp)
} else if (cp == 42) { // star
} else if (cp == 42) { // star
Line 708: Line 717:

if (fn == "") {
if (fn == "") {
if (!"abcdeEfghikmnoqrstxXz".codePoints.contains(cp)) {
if (!"abcdeEfghikmnoqrstuxXz".codePoints.contains(cp)) {
Fiber.abort("Unrecognized character in format string.")
Fiber.abort("Unrecognized character in format string.")
Line 735: Line 744:
if (next < a.count) {
if (next < a.count) {
var e = a[next]
var e = a[next]
if ((e is Sequence) && !(e is String) && fn != "n") {
if ((e is Sequence) && !(e is String) && fn != "n" && fn != "u") {
if (hash && "btodxX".contains(fn[0])) {
if (hash && "btodxX".contains(fn[0])) {
var rr = []
var rr = []
Line 834: Line 843:
static mprint(m, w) { mprint(m, w, precision, "|") }
static mprint(m, w) { mprint(m, w, precision, "|") }
static mprint(m) { mprint(m, 0, precision, "|") }
static mprint(m) { mprint(m, 0, precision, "|") }

// Type aliases for classes in case of any name clashes with other modules.
var Fmt_Conv = Conv
var Fmt_Fmt = Fmt</lang>

Revision as of 10:17, 11 December 2021

Source code

<lang ecmascript>/* Module "fmt.wren" */

/* Conv contains routines which do conversions between types. */ class Conv {

   // All possible digits.
   static digits { "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" }
   // All possible digits (upper case).
   static upperDigits { "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" }
   // Maximum safe integer = 2^53 - 1.
   static maxSafeInt { 9007199254740991 }
   // Prefix map for different bases.
   static prefixes { { "b": "0b", "t": "0t", "o": "0o", "d": "0d", "x": "0x", "X": "0X" } }
   // Converts an integer to a numeric ASCII string with a base between 2 and 36.
   static itoa(n, b) {
       if (!(n is Num && n.isInteger && n.abs <= maxSafeInt)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a safe integer.")
       if (b < 2 || b > 36) Fiber.abort("Base must be between 2 and 36.")
       if (n == 0) return "0"
       var neg = (n < 0)
       if (neg) n = -n
       var res = ""
       while (n > 0) {
           res = res + "%(digits[n%b])"
           n = (n/b).floor
       return ((neg) ? "-" : "") + res[-1..0]
   // Private helper function. Converts ASCII string to upper case.
   static upper_(s) { { |b|
       return String.fromByte((b >= 97 && b <= 122) ? b - 32 : b)
   }.join() }
   // As itoa(n, b) but resulting digits are upper case.
   static Itoa(n, b) { (b < 11) ? itoa(n, b) : upper_(itoa(n, b)) }
   // Converts a numeric ASCII string with a base between 2 and 36 to an integer.
   // The string can optionally begin with a base specifier provided it is consistent with the base.
   static atoi(s, b) {
       if (!(s is String && s != "" && s.count == s.bytes.count)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be an ASCII string.")
       if (b < 2 || b > 36) Fiber.abort("Base must be between 2 and 36.")
       var neg = false
       if (s.startsWith("+")) {
           s = s[1..-1]
       } else if (s.startsWith("-")) {
           s = s[1..-1]
           neg = true
       if (s == "") Fiber.abort("String must contain some digits.")
       s = upper_(s)
       if ((s.startsWith("0B") && b == 2) || (s.startsWith("0T") && b == 3) ||
           (s.startsWith("0O") && b == 8) || (s.startsWith("0X") && b == 16)) {
           s = s[2..-1]
           if (s == "") Fiber.abort("String after base specifier must contain some digits.")
       var res = 0
       var digs = upperDigits[0...b]
       for (d in s) {
           var ix = digs.indexOf(d)
           if (ix == -1) Fiber.abort("String contains an invalid digit '%(d)'.")
           res = res * b + ix
       return (neg) ? -res : res
   // Convenience versions of itoa and atoi which use a base of 10.
   static itoa(s) { itoa(s, 10) }
   static atoi(s) { atoi(s, 10) }
   // Integer/bool conversion routines.
   static itob(i) { (i is Num && i.isInteger) ? (i != 0) : null }
   static btoi(b) { (b is Bool) ? (b ? 1 : 0) : null }
   // Integer/character conversion routines.
   static itoc(i) { (i is Num && i.isInteger && i >= 0 && i <= 0x10ffff) ? String.fromCodePoint(i) : null }
   static ctoi(c) { (c is String && c.count == 1) ? c.codePoints[0] : null }
   static bin(n) { itoa(n, 2) }        // Converts an integer to binary.
   static ter(n) { itoa(n, 3) }        // Converts an integer to ternary.
   static oct(n) { itoa(n, 8) }        // Converts an integer to octal.
   static dec(n) { itoa(n, 10) }       // Ensures safe decimal integers printed as such.
   static hex(n) { itoa(n, 16) }       // Converts an integer to hex.
   static Hex(n) { Conv.Itoa(n, 16) }  // Converts an integer to hex (upper case digits).
   static pdec(n) { ((n >= 0) ? "+" : "") + dec(n) }  // Adds '+' for non-negative integers.
   static mdec(n) { ((n >= 0) ? " " : "") + dec(n) }  // Only uses '-', leaves space for '+'.
   // Converts a non-negative integer to its ordinal equivalent.
   static ord(n) {
       if (!(n is Num && n.isInteger && n >= 0)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a non-negative integer.")
       var m = n % 100
       if (m >= 4 && m <= 20) return "%(n)th"
       m = m % 10
       var suffix = "th"
       if (m == 1) {
           suffix = "st"
       } else if (m == 2) {
           suffix = "nd"
       } else if (m == 3) {
           suffix = "rd"
       return "%(n)%(suffix)"


/* Fmt contains routines which format numbers or strings in various ways. */ class Fmt {

   // Left justifies 's' in a field of minimum width 'w' using the pad character 'p'.
   static ljust(w, s, p) {
       if (!w.isInteger || w < 0) Fiber.abort("Width must be a non-negative integer.")
       if (!(p is String) || p.count != 1) Fiber.abort("Padder must be a single character string.")
       if (!(s is String)) s = "%(s)"
       var c = s.count
       return (w > c) ? s + p * (w - c) : s
   // Right justifies 's' in a field of minimum width 'w' using the pad character 'p'.
   static rjust(w, s, p) {
       if (!w.isInteger || w < 0) Fiber.abort("Width must be a non-negative integer.")
       if (!(p is String) || p.count != 1) Fiber.abort("Padder must be a single character string.")
       if (!(s is String)) s = "%(s)"
       var c = s.count
       return (w > c) ? p * (w - c) + s : s
   // Centers 's' in a field of minimum width 'w' using the pad character 'p'.
   static cjust(w, s, p) {
       if (!w.isInteger || w < 0) Fiber.abort("Width must be a non-negative integer.")
       if (!(p is String) || p.count != 1) Fiber.abort("Padder must be a single character string.")
       if (!(s is String)) s = "%(s)"
       var c = s.count
       if (w <= c) return s
       var l = ((w-c)/2).floor
       return p * l + s + p * (w - c - l)
   // Convenience versions of the above which use a space as the pad character.
   static ljust(w, s) { ljust(w, s, " ") }
   static rjust(w, s) { rjust(w, s, " ") }
   static cjust(w, s) { cjust(w, s, " ") }
   // Right justifies 's' in a field of minimum width 'w' using the pad character '0'.
   // Unlike rjust, any sign or elided sign (i.e. space) will be placed before the padding.
   // Should normally only be used with numbers or numeric strings.
   static zfill(w, s) {
       if (!w.isInteger || w < 0) Fiber.abort("Width must be a non-negative integer.")
       if (!(s is String)) s = "%(s)"
       var c = s.count
       if (w <= c) return s
       var sign = (c > 0 && "-+ ".contains(s[0])) ? s[0] : ""
       if (sign == "") return "0" * (w - c) + s
       return sign + "0" * (w - c) + s[1..-1]
   // Private helper method for 'commatize' method.
   // Checks whether argument is a numeric decimal string.
   static isDecimal_(n) {
       if (!(n is String && n != "" && "+- 0123456789".contains(n[0]))) return false
       if ("-+ ".contains(n[0])) {
           if (n.count == 1) return false
           n = n[1..-1]
       return n.all { |c| "0123456789".contains(c) }
   // Adds 'thousand separators' to a decimal integer or string.
   static commatize(n, c) {
       if (!(n is Num && n.isInteger) && !isDecimal_(n)) Fiber.abort("Argument is not a decimal integer nor string.")
       if (!(c is String) || c.count != 1) Fiber.abort("Separator must be a single character string.")
       if (n is Num) n = "%(Conv.dec(n))"
       var signed = "-+ ".contains(n[0])
       var sign = ""
       if (signed) {
           sign = n[0]
           n = n[1..-1]
       if (n.startsWith("0") && n != "0") {
           n = n.trimStart("0")
           if (n == "") n = "0"
       var i = n.count - 3
       while (i >= 1) {
           n = n[0...i] + c + n[i..-1]
           i = i - 3
       return (signed) ? sign + n : n
   // Convenience version of the above method which uses a comma as the separator.
   static commatize(n) { commatize(n, ",") }
   // Adds 'thousand' separators' to an ordinal number.
   static ordinalize(n, c) { commatize(n, c) + Conv.ord(n)[-2..-1] }
   // Convenience version of the above method which uses a comma as the separator.
   static ordinalize(n) { ordinalize(n, ",") }
   // Private helper method for 'abbreviate' method.
   static sub_(s, r) { s.toList[r].join() }
   // Abbreviates a string 's' to a maximum number of characters 'w' (non-overlapping) at either end
   // or, if 'w' is negative from the front only, using 'sep' as the separator.
   // Doesn't abbreviate a string unless at least one character would need to be suppressed.
   static abbreviate(w, s, sep) {
       if (!(w is Num && w.isInteger && w.abs >= 1)) Fiber.abort("Maximum width must be a positive integer.")
       if (!(sep is String)) Fiber.abort("Separator must be a string.")
       if (!(s is String)) s = "%(s)"
       var c = s.count
       if (c <= ((w < 0) ? -w : 2*w)) return s
       var le = (w >= 0) ? w : -w
       return sub_(s, 0...le) + sep + ((w >= 0) ? sub_(s, -le..-1) : "")
   // Convenience version of the above method which uses 'three dots' as the separator.
   static abbreviate(w, s) { abbreviate(w, s, "...") }
   // Gets or sets precision for 'f(w, n)' style convenience methods.
   static precision { ( __precision != null) ? __precision : 6 }
   static precision=(p) { __precision = ((p is Num) && p.isInteger && p >= 0) ? p : __precision }
   /* 'Short name' methods, useful for formatting values in interpolated strings. */

   // Formats an integer 'n' in (d)ecimal, (b)inary, (t)ernary, (o)ctal, he(x) or upper case he(X).
   // Pads with spaces to a minimum width of 'w'.
   // Negative 'w' left justifies, non-negative 'w' right justifies.
   static d(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.dec(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.dec(n)) }
   static b(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.bin(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.bin(n)) }
   static t(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.ter(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.ter(n)) }     
   static o(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.oct(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.oct(n)) }
   static x(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.hex(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.hex(n)) }
   static X(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.Hex(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.Hex(n)) }
   // As above but pads with leading zeros instead of spaces.
   // Any minus sign will be placed before the padding.
   // When used with negative 'w' behaves the same as the above methods.
   static dz(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, Conv.dec(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.dec(n)) }
   static bz(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, Conv.bin(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.bin(n)) }
   static tz(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, Conv.ter(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.ter(n)) }
   static oz(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, Conv.oct(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.oct(n)) }
   static xz(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, Conv.hex(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.hex(n)) }
   static Xz(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, Conv.Hex(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.Hex(n)) }
   // Formats 'n' in decimal, space padded, with a leading '+' if 'n' is non-negative or '-' otherwise.
   static dp(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.pdec(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.pdec(n)) }
   // Formats 'n' in decimal, space padded, with a leading ' ' if  'n' is non-negative or '-' otherwise.
   static dm(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.mdec(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.mdec(n)) }
   // Formats 'n' in commatized form, space padded, using ',' as the separator.
   static dc(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, commatize(Conv.dec(n))): ljust(-w, commatize(Conv.dec(n))) }
   // Ranks a non-negative integer 'n' i.e. expresses it in ordinal form, space padded.
   static r(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.ord(n)) : ljust(-w, Conv.ord(n)) }
   // As the above method but commatizes the ordinal number, using ',' as the separator.
   static rc(w, n) { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, ordinalize(n)) : ljust(-w, ordinalize(n)) }
   // Pads a character (equivalent to the codepoint 'n') with spaces to a minimum width of 'w'.
   // Negative 'w' left justifies, non-negative 'w' right justifies.
   static c(w, n)  { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, Conv.itoc(n)): ljust(-w, Conv.itoc(n)) }
   // Pads a string or value 'v' with spaces to a minimum width of 'w'.
   // Negative 'w' left justifies, non-negative 'w' right justifies.
   static s(w, v)  { (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, v) : ljust(-w, v) }
   // As 's' above but pads with leading zeros instead of spaces.
   // Any minus sign will be placed before the padding.
   // When used with negative 'w' behaves the same as the above method.
   static sz(w, v) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, v) : ljust(-w, v) }
   // Formats a string or value 'v' in commatized form, space padded, using ',' as the separator.
   static sc(w, v) {
       if (!(v is String)) v = "%(v)"
       return (w >= 0) ? rjust(w, commatize(v)): ljust(-w, commatize(v))
   // These methods use the appropriate 'd' format if 'v' is a safe integer or the 's' format otherwise.
   static i(w, v)  { (v is Num && v.isInteger && v.abs <= Conv.maxSafeInt) ? d (w, v) : s (w, v) }
   static iz(w, v) { (v is Num && v.isInteger && v.abs <= Conv.maxSafeInt) ? dz(w, v) : sz(w, v) }
   static ic(w, v) { (v is Num && v.isInteger && v.abs <= Conv.maxSafeInt) ? dc(w, v) : sc(w, v) }
   // Middles a string or value 'v' within a field of minimum width 'w'. Pads with spaces.
   static m(w, v)  { cjust(w, v) }
   // 'Short name' synonym for abbreviate(w, s) method except doesn't abbreviate (rather than throwing
   // an error) if a width of '0' is passed.
   static a(w, v)  { (w != 0) ? abbreviate(w, v) : s(0, v) }
   // Enables a value to be printed in its 'normal' form (i.e. by applying the 'toString' method),
   // within a space-padded minimum field of width 'w', notwithstanding any special formatting 
   // that would otherwise be applied by 'short name' methods.
   static n(w, v) { s(w, v.toString) }
   // Applies the 's' format to the kind (i.e. type) of 'v'.
   static k(w, v) { s(w, v.type) }
   // Converts a list of Unicode code points to a string and then applies the 's' format to it.
   static u(w, v) {
       if (!(v is List)) Fiber.abort("Second argument must be list of code points.")
       var str = ""
       for (c in v) str = str + String.fromCodePoint(c)
       return s(w, str)
   // Embeds a string or value 'v' in 'cc', a string with no more than two characters.
   // If it has none, no embedding takes place. If has one, it's doubled.
   // The first character is added at the left and the second at the right.
   static q(v, cc) {
       var len
       if (!(cc is String && (len = cc.count) < 3)) {
           Fiber.abort("Second argument must be a string with no more than 2 characters.")
       if (len == 0) return (v is String) ? v : "%(v)"
       if (len == 1) cc = cc + cc
       return "%(cc[0])%(v)%(cc[1])"
   // Convenience version of the above which uses double quotes as the embedding characters.
   static q(v) { "\"%(v)\"" }
   // Formats a number 'n' (using 'h' format) to a maximum precision of 14 decimal places.
   // It then converts it to exponential format and formats the mantissa to 'p' decimal places. 
   // The result is then padded with spaces to a minimum width 'w'.
   // Negative 'w' left justifies, non-negative 'w' right justifies.
   static e(w, n, p) {   
       var f = Fmt.h(w, n, 14).trim()
       if (f.contains("e") || n.isInfinity || n.isNan) return Fmt.s(w, n) // use 'normal' representation
       var dix = f.indexOf(".")
       if (dix >= 0) {
           f = f.replace(".", "")
       } else {
           dix = f.count
       // look for index of first non-zero digit if there is one
       var nzix = -1
       var i = (f[0] == "-") ? 1 : 0
       while (i < f.count) {
           if (f[i] != "0") {
               nzix = i
           i = i + 1
       if (nzix == -1) return "0e00"
       var delta = dix - nzix
       f = (nzix+1<f.count) ? f[nzix] + "." + f[nzix+1..-1] : f[nzix]
       if (n < 0) f = "-" + f
       f = Fmt.h(p+2, Num.fromString(f), p).trim()   
       var exp = (delta >= 0) ?, delta-1) :, delta-1)     
       return Fmt.s(w, "%(f)e%(exp)")         
   // Works like 'e' except that the exponent symbol 'e' is replaced by upper case 'E'.
   static E(w, n, p) { e(w, n, p).replace("e", "E") }
   // Pads a number 'n' with leading spaces to a minimum width 'w' and a precision of 'p' decimal places.
   // Precision is restricted to 14 places though entering a higher figure is not an error.
   // Numbers are rounded and/or decimal places are zero-filled where necessary.
   // Numbers which can't be expressed exactly use their default representation.
   // Negative 'w' left justifies, non-negative 'w' right justifies.
   static f(w, n, p) {
       if (!w.isInteger) Fiber.abort("Width must be an integer.")
       if (!(n is Num)) Fiber.abort("Argument must be a number.")
       if (!p.isInteger || p < 0) Fiber.abort("Precision must be a non-negative integer")
       if (n.abs > Conv.maxSafeInt || n.isInfinity || n.isNan) return s(w, n) // use 'normal' representation
       if (p > 14) p = 14
       var i = (p == 0) ? n.round : n.truncate
       var ns = "%(Conv.dec(i))"
       if (i == 0 && n < 0) ns = "-" + ns
       if (n.isInteger || p == 0) {
           if (p > 0) return s(w, ns + "." + "0" * p)
           return s(w, ns)
       var d = (n - i).abs
       var pw = 10.pow(p)
       d = (d * pw).round
       if (d >= pw) {
           ns = "%(Conv.dec(n.round))"
           d = 0
       if (d == 0) return s(w, ns + "." + "0" * p)
       var ds = "%(d)"
       var c = ds.count
       if (c < p) ds = "0" * (p-c) + ds
       return s(w, ns + "." + ds[0...p])
   // Works like 'f' except replaces any trailing zeros after the decimal point with spaces.
   // If the resulting string would end with a decimal point, a zero is first added back.
   static g(w, n, p) {
       var f = f(w, n, p)
       if (f.contains(".") && (f[-1] == "0" || f[-1] == " ")) {
           var l1 = f.count
           f = f.trimEnd("0 ")
           if (f[-1] == ".") f = f + "0"
           f = f + (" " * (l1 - f.count))
       return f
   // Works like 'f' except replaces any trailing zeros after the decimal point with spaces.
   // If the resulting string would end with a decimal point, that is also replaced with a space.    
   static h(w, n, p) {
       var f = f(w, n, p)
       if (f.contains(".") && (f[-1] == "0" || f[-1] == " ")) {
           var l1 = f.count
           f = f.trimEnd("0 ")
           if (f[-1] == ".") f = f[0..-2]
           f = f + (" " * (l1 - f.count))
       return f
   // As above but pads with leading zeros instead of spaces.
   // Any minus sign will be placed before the padding.
   // When used with negative 'w' behaves the same as the above methods.
   static fz(w, n, p) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, f(w, n, p).trimStart()) : f(w, n, p) }
   static gz(w, n, p) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, g(w, n, p).trimStart()) : g(w, n, p) }
   static hz(w, n, p) { (w >= 0) ? zfill(w, h(w, n, p).trimStart()) : h(w, n, p) }
   // As above but prepends non-negative numbers with a '+' sign.
   static fp(w, n, p) { signFloat_("f", w, n, p) }
   static gp(w, n, p) { signFloat_("g", w, n, p) }
   static hp(w, n, p) { signFloat_("h", w, n, p) }
   // Private helper method for signing floating point numbers.
   static signFloat_(fn, w, n, p) {
       var fmt = "$%(w).%(p)%(fn)"
       if (n < 0) return swrite(fmt, n)
       if (n > 0) return swrite(fmt, -n).replace("-", "+")
       return swrite(fmt, -1).replace("-1", "+0")
   // Formats the integer part of 'n' in commatized form, space padded,
   // using ',' as the separator. The decimal part is not affected.
   static fc(w, n, p) {
       var f = f(w, n, p)
       if (f.contains("infinity") || f == "nan" || f.contains("e")) return f
       var ix = f.indexOf(".")
       var dp = (ix >= 0) ? f[ix..-1] : ""
       var c = dp.count
       w = (w >= 0) ? w - c : w + c
       if (w < 0) w = 0
       return dc(w, n.truncate) + dp
   // Works like 'fc' except replaces any trailing zeros after the decimal point with spaces.
   // If the resulting string would end with a decimal point, a zero is first added back.
   static gc(w, n, p) {
       var f = fc(w, n, p)
       if (f.contains(".") && (f[-1] == "0" || f[-1] == " ")) {
           var l1 = f.count
           f = f.trimEnd("0 ")
           if (f[-1] == ".") f = f + "0"
           f = f + (" " * (l1 - f.count))
       return f
   // Works like 'fc' except replaces any trailing zeros after the decimal point with spaces.
   // If the resulting string would end with a decimal point, that is also replaced with a space.
   static hc(w, n, p) {
       var f = fc(w, n, p)
       if (f.contains(".") && (f[-1] == "0" || f[-1] == " ")) {
           var l1 = f.count
           f = f.trimEnd("0 ")
           if (f[-1] == ".") f = f[0..-2]
           f = f + (" " * (l1 - f.count))
       return f
   // Applies the 'f' format to each component, x and y, of a complex number 'n'
   // before joining them together in the form x ± yi.
   static z(w, n, p) {
       if (n is Num) return f(w, n, p)
       if (n.type.toString != "Complex") Fiber.abort("Argument must be a complex or real number.")
       var real = f(w, n.real, p)
       var sign = (n.imag >= 0) ? " + " : " - "
       var imag = f(w, n.imag.abs, p)
       return real + sign + imag + "i"
   // Convenience versions of the above methods which use the default precision.
   static e(w, n)  { e(w, n, precision)     }
   static E(w, n)  { Fmt.E(w, n, precision) }
   static f(w, n)  { f(w, n, precision)     }
   static g(w, n)  { g(w, n, precision)     }
   static h(w, n)  { h(w, n, precision)     }
   static z(w, n)  { z(w, n, precision)     }
   static fz(w, n) { fz(w, n, precision)    }
   static gz(w, n) { gz(w, n, precision)    }
   static hz(w, n) { hz(w, n, precision)    }
   static fp(w, n) { fp(w, n, precision)    }
   static gp(w, n) { gp(w, n, precision)    }
   static hp(w, n) { hp(w, n, precision)    }
   static fc(w, n) { fc(w, n, precision)    }
   static gc(w, n) { gc(w, n, precision)    }
   static hc(w, n) { hc(w, n, precision)    }    
   // Private worker method which calls a 'short name' method and returns its result.
   static callFn_(fn, w, v, p) {
       return (fn == "d")  ? d(w, v)        :                   
              (fn == "b")  ? b(w, v)        :
              (fn == "t")  ? t(w, v)        :
              (fn == "o")  ? o(w, v)        :
              (fn == "x")  ? x(w, v)        :
              (fn == "X")  ? Fmt.X(w, v)    :
              (fn == "r")  ? r(w, v)        :
              (fn == "c")  ? c(w, v)        :
              (fn == "s")  ? s(w, v)        :
              (fn == "i")  ? i(w, v)        :
              (fn == "m")  ? m(w, v)        :
              (fn == "a")  ? a(w, v)        :
              (fn == "n")  ? n(w, v)        :
              (fn == "k")  ? k(w, v)        :
              (fn == "u")  ? u(w, v)        :
              (fn == "q")  ? q(v)           :
              (fn == "e")  ? e(w, v, p)     :
              (fn == "E")  ? Fmt.E(w, v, p) :
              (fn == "f")  ? f(w, v, p)     :
              (fn == "g")  ? g(w, v, p)     :
              (fn == "h")  ? h(w, v, p)     :
              (fn == "z")  ? z(w, v, p)     :
              (fn == "dz") ? dz(w, v)       :
              (fn == "bz") ? bz(w, v)       :
              (fn == "tz") ? tz(w, v)       :
              (fn == "oz") ? oz(w, v)       :
              (fn == "xz") ? xz(w, v)       :
              (fn == "Xz") ? Fmt.Xz(w, v)   :
              (fn == "sz") ? sz(w, v)       :
              (fn == "iz") ? iz(w, v)       :
              (fn == "fz") ? fz(w, v, p)    :
              (fn == "gz") ? gz(w, v, p)    :
              (fn == "hz") ? hz(w, v, p)    :
              (fn == "fp") ? fp(w, v, p)    :
              (fn == "gp") ? gp(w, v, p)    :
              (fn == "hp") ? hp(w, v, p)    :
              (fn == "dp") ? dp(w, v)       :
              (fn == "dm") ? dm(w, v)       :
              (fn == "dc") ? dc(w, v)       :
              (fn == "rc") ? rc(w, v)       :
              (fn == "sc") ? sc(w, v)       :
              (fn == "ic") ? ic(w, v)       :
              (fn == "fc") ? fc(w, v, p)    :
              (fn == "gc") ? gc(w, v, p)    :
              (fn == "hc") ? hc(w, v, p)    : Fiber.abort("Method not recognized.")
   // Applies a 'short' formatting method to each element of a list or sequence 'seq'.
   // The method to be applied is specified (as a string) in 'fn'.
   // The parameters to be passed to the method are specified in 'w' and 'p'
   // 'p' is needed for 'e', 'E', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'z', 'fz', 'gz', 'hz', 'fp', 'gp' 
   // 'hp', 'fc', 'gc' or 'hc' but is ignored otherwise.
   // The resulting strings are then joined together using the separator 'sep'.
   // having first applied the 'q' method, with parameter 'cc', to each of them.
   // Finally, the 'q' method is applied again, with parameter 'bb', to the whole
   // string, if a prefix/suffix is needed.
   static v(fn, w, seq, p, sep, bb, cc) {
       var l = List.filled(seq.count, "")
       var i = 0
       for (e in seq) {
           l[i] = q(callFn_(fn, w, e, p), cc)
           i = i + 1
       return q(l.join(sep), bb)
   // Convenience versions of the above method which use default values
   // for some parameters.
   static v(fn, w, seq, p, sep, bb) { v(fn, w, seq, p, sep, bb, "") }
   static v(fn, w, seq, p, sep)     { v(fn, w, seq, p, sep, "[]", "") }
   static v(fn, w, seq, p)          { v(fn, w, seq, p, ", ", "[]", "") }
   static v(fn, w, seq)             { v(fn, w, seq, precision, ", ", "[]", "") }
   // Applies a 'short' formatting method to each element of a two-dimensional 
   // list or sequence 'm'. 
   // A Matrix or CMatrix object is automatically converted to a 2D list of numbers.
   // The parameters: 'fn', 'w', 'p', 'sep', 'bb' and 'cc'
   // are applied using the 'v' method to each row of 'm'. 
   // The rows are then joined together using the separator 'ss'.
   static v2(fn, w, m, p, sep, bb, cc, ss) {
       var s = m.type.toString
       if (s == "Matrix" || s == "CMatrix") m = m.toList
       var nr = m.count
       if (nr == 0) return ""
       var l = List.filled(nr, "")
       var i = 0
       for (row in m) {
           l[i] = v(fn, w, row, p, sep, bb, cc)            
           i = i + 1
       return l.join(ss)
   // Convenience versions of the above method which use default values
   // for some parameters.
   static v2(fn, w, m, p, sep, bb, cc) { v(fn, w, m, p, sep, bb, cc, "\n") }
   static v2(fn, w, m, p, sep, bb)     { v(fn, w, m, p, sep, bb, "", "\n") }
   static v2(fn, w, m, p, sep)         { v(fn, w, m, p, sep, "|", "", "\n") }
   static v2(fn, w, m, p)              { v(fn, w, m, p, " ", "|", "", "\n") }
   static v2(fn, w, m)                 { v(fn, w, m, precision, " ", "|", "", "\n") }    
   // Provides a 'sprintf' style method where the arguments are passed in a separate list and
   // formatted in turn by verbs embedded in a format string. Excess arguments are ignored but
   // it is an error to provide insufficient arguments. Verbs must be given in this form:
   // $[flag][width][.precision][letter] of which all bracketed items except [letter] are optional.
   // The letter must be one of the 'short' methods:
   // a, b, c, d, e, E, f, g, h, i, k, m, n, o, q, r, s, t, u, x, X or z.
   // If present, the flag (there can only be one) must be one of the following:
   //     +    always prints a + or - sign ('dp', 'fp', 'gp' or 'hp' methods)
   //  (space) leaves a space for the sign but only prints minus ('dm' method)
   //     ,    commatizes the following number ('dc', 'rc', 'sc', 'ic', 'fc', 'gc' or 'hc' methods)
   //     #    adds the appropriate prefix for the number formats: b, t, o, d, x and X
   //     *    reads the width from the argument before the one to be formatted
   //     0    when followed by an explicit width, pads with leading zeros rather than spaces:
   //          ('dz', 'bz', 'tz', 'oz', 'xz, 'Xz', 'sz', iz', 'fz', 'gz' and 'hz' methods)            
   // If present, the width is the minimum width (+/-) to be passed to the appropriate method.
   // It doesn't include any '#' flag prefix. If [width] is absent, a width of one is passed.
   // If present, the precision is the number of decimal places to be passed to the appropriate
   // 'e', 'E', 'f', 'g', 'h' or 'z' style method. If absent, the default precision is passed.
   // Where any optional item is inappropriate to the method being used it is simply ignored.
   // Where one of the arguments is a sequence (other than a string) this method senses it
   // and applies the 'v' method to it. However, the 'sep' parameter is always a single space
   // and the 'bb' and 'cc' parameters are always empty strings. Finally, to print a literal
   // dollar symbol use $$.
   static slwrite(fmt, a) {
       if (!(fmt is String)) Fiber.abort("First argument must be a string.")
       if (!(a is List)) Fiber.abort("Second argument must be a list.")
       if (fmt == "") return ""
       var cps = fmt.codePoints.toList
       var le = cps.count      // number of codepoints
       var s = ""              // accumulates the result string
       var i = 0               // current codepoint index
       var cp = 0              // current codepoint
       var next = 0            // index of next argument to be formatted
       // Gets the next numeric string from the format.
       var getNumber = { |minusAllowed|
           i = i + 1
           if (i == le) Fiber.abort("Invalid format string.")
           cp = cps[i]
           var ns = ""
           if (cp == 45) {
               if (!minusAllowed) Fiber.abort("Invalid format string")
               ns = "-"
               i = i + 1
               if (i == le) Fiber.abort("Invalid format string.")
               cp = cps[i]
           while (cp >= 48 && cp <= 57) {
               ns = ns + Conv.itoc(cp)
               i = i + 1
               if (i == le) Fiber.abort("Invalid format string.")
               cp = cps[i]
           if (ns == "-") Fiber.abort("Invalid format string.")
           return ns
       while (i < le) {
           cp = cps[i]
           if (cp != 36) { // not a dollar sign
               s = s + Conv.itoc(cp)
           } else if (i < le -1 && cps[i + 1] == 36) { // check for $$
               s = s + "$"
               i = i + 1
           } else {
               var ns =
               if (ns != "" && "*+,#".codePoints.contains(cp)) {
                   Fiber.abort("Invalid format string.")
               var plus  = false
               var comma = false
               var space = false 
               var hash  = false
               var fn = ""
               var ds = ""
               if ("abcdeEfghikmnoqrstuxXz".codePoints.contains(cp)) { // format letter
                   fn = Conv.itoc(cp)
               } else if (cp == 42) {    // star
                   if (next < a.count) {
                       ns = "%(a[next])"
                       next = next + 1
                   } else {
                       Fiber.abort("Insufficient arguments passed.")
                   i = i + 1
                   cp = cps[i]
                   if (cp == 46) ds =             
               } else if (cp == 43) {  // plus sign
                   plus = true
                   ns =
                   if (cp == 46) ds =
               } else if (cp == 44) {  // comma
                   comma = true
                   ns =
                   if (cp == 46) ds =        
               } else if (cp == 46) {  // dot
                   ds =
               } else if (cp == 32) {  // space
                   space = true
                   ns =
                   if (cp == 46) ds =
               } else if (cp == 35) {  // hash
                   hash = true
                   ns =
                   if (cp == 46) ds =
               } else {
                   Fiber.abort("Unrecognized character in format string.")
               if (fn == "") {
                   if (!"abcdeEfghikmnoqrstuxXz".codePoints.contains(cp)) {
                       Fiber.abort("Unrecognized character in format string.")
                   fn = Conv.itoc(cp)
               if (fn == "d") {
                   if (plus) {
                       fn = "dp"
                   } else if (space) {
                       fn = "dm"
                   } else if (comma) {
                       fn = "dc"
               } else if ((fn == "f" || fn == "g" || fn == "h") && plus) {
                   fn = fn + "p"
               } else if ((fn == "r" || fn == "s" || fn == "i" || fn == "f" || 
                           fn == "g" || fn == "h") && comma) {
                   fn = fn + "c"
               if (ns == "") ns = "1"
               if (ns[0] == "0" && ns.count > 1 && "dbtoxXsifgh".contains(fn[0])) {
                   fn = fn[0] + "z"
               var w = Num.fromString(ns)
               var p = (ds != "") ? Num.fromString(ds) : precision
               if (next < a.count) {
                   var e = a[next]
                   if ((e is Sequence) && !(e is String) && fn != "n" && fn != "u") {
                       if (hash && "btodxX".contains(fn[0])) {
                           var rr = []
                           for (ee in e) {
                               var r = callFn_(fn, w, ee, p)
                               if (r[0] == "-") {
                                   r = "-" + Conv.prefixes[fn[0]] + r[1..-1]
                               } else {
                                   r = Conv.prefixes[fn[0]] + r
                           s = s + rr.join(" ")
                       } else {
                           s = s + Fmt.v(fn, w, e, p, " ", "", "")
                   } else {
                       var r = callFn_(fn, w, e, p)
                       if (hash && "btodxX".contains(fn[0])) {
                           if (r[0] == "-") {
                               r = "-" + Conv.prefixes[fn[0]] + r[1..-1]
                           } else {
                               r = Conv.prefixes[fn[0]] + r
                       s = s + r
                   next = next + 1
               } else {
                   Fiber.abort("Insufficient arguments passed.")
           i = i + 1
       return s
   // Convenience versions of the 'slwrite' method which allow up to 5 arguments
   // to be passed individually rather than in a list.
   static swrite(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)  { slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5]) }
   static swrite(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4)      { slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3, a4]) }
   static swrite(fmt, a1, a2, a3)          { slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3]) }
   static swrite(fmt, a1, a2)              { slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2]) }
   static swrite(fmt, a1)                  { slwrite(fmt, [a1]) }
   // Applies slwrite to the arguments and then 'writes' it (no following \n) to stdout.
   static write(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) { System.write(slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5])) }
   static write(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4)     { System.write(slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3, a4])) }
   static write(fmt, a1, a2, a3)         { System.write(slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3])) }
   static write(fmt, a1, a2)             { System.write(slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2])) }
   static write(fmt, a1)                 { System.write(slwrite(fmt, [a1])) }
   static lwrite(fmt, a)                 { System.write(slwrite(fmt, a)) }
   // Applies slwrite to the arguments and then 'prints' it (with a following \n) to stdout.   
   static print(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) { System.print(slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3, a4, a5])) }
   static print(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4)     { System.print(slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3, a4])) }
   static print(fmt, a1, a2, a3)         { System.print(slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2, a3])) }
   static print(fmt, a1, a2)             { System.print(slwrite(fmt, [a1, a2])) }
   static print(fmt, a1)                 { System.print(slwrite(fmt, [a1])) }
   static lprint(fmt, a)                 { System.print(slwrite(fmt, a)) }
   // Prints (with a following \n) an array 'a' to stdout using a typical layout.
   // An 'array' for this purpose is a list or sequence of objects.
   // The parameters: 'w', 'p' and 'bb' are applied using the 'v' method to 'a'.
   // The settings for the other parameters are:
   // 'fn' = "f" for numbers, "z" for complex numbers,"s" otherwise
   // ('p' is ignored for latter) 'sep' = " ", 'cc' = "". 
   static aprint(a, w, p, bb) {
       var fn = (a.count > 0 && (a[0] is Num)) ? "f" :
                (a.count > 0 && (a[0].type.toString == "Complex")) ? "z" : "s"
       System.print(Fmt.v(fn, w, a, p, " ", bb, ""))
   // Convenience versions of the above method which use default values for
   // some parameters.
   static aprint(a, w, p) { aprint(a, w, p, "[]") }
   static aprint(a, w)    { aprint(a, w, precision, "[]") }
   static aprint(a)       { aprint(a, 0, precision, "[]") }
   // Prints (with a following \n) a matrix 'm' to stdout using a typical layout.
   // A 'matrix' for this purpose is a two-dimensional list or sequence of objects.
   // A Matrix or CMatrix object is automatically converted to a 2D list of numbers.
   // The parameters: 'w', 'p' and 'bb' are applied using the 'v2' method to 'm'.
   // The settings for the other parameters are:
   // 'fn' = "f" for numbers, "z" for complex numbers, "s" otherwise
   // ('p' is ignored for latter) 'sep' = " ", 'cc' = "", 'ss' = "\n".
   static mprint(m, w, p, bb) {
      var s = m.type.toString
      if (s == "Matrix" || s == "CMatrix") m = m.toList
      var fn = (m.count > 0 && m[0].count > 0 && (m[0][0] is Num)) ? "f" :
               (m.count > 0 && m[0].count > 0 && (m[0][0].type.toString == "Complex")) ? "z" : "s"
      System.print(Fmt.v2(fn, w, m, p, " ", bb, "", "\n"))
   // Convenience versions of the above method which use default values for
   // some parameters.    
   static mprint(m, w, p) { mprint(m, w, p, "|") }
   static mprint(m, w)    { mprint(m, w, precision, "|") }
   static mprint(m)       { mprint(m, 0, precision, "|") }
