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===Source code===
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascript">/* Module "ioutil.wren" */
import "io" for File, FileFlags, Stdin, Stdout

Revision as of 13:53, 29 August 2022

Source code

/* Module "ioutil.wren" */

import "io" for File, FileFlags, Stdin, Stdout
import "os" for Platform

   FileUtil supplements the File class with various other operations on files.
   All methods automatically close any files they have opened before returning.
class FileUtil {
    // Returns the string representing a line break for the current platform.
    static lineBreak { Platform.isWindows ? "\r\n" : "\n" }

    // Returns the default buffer size.
    static bufferSize { 4096 }

    // Returns whether or not two paths refer to the same file. The file(s) must exist.
    static areSameFile(path1, path2) { File.realPath(path1) == File.realPath(path2) }

    // Returns whether or not the contents of the two paths are exactly the same.
    // The files must exist and not be the same file.
    // Use only if the entire contents of both files can be held temporarily in memory.
    static areDuplicates(path1, path2) { !areSameFile(path1, path2) && read(path1) == read(path2) }

    // Private worker method for copying files.
    static copy_(fromPath, toPath, overwrite, checked) {
        if (!checked) {
            if (overwrite.type != Bool) Fiber.abort("Overwrite must be true or false.")
            if (!File.exists(fromPath)) Fiber.abort("'%(fromPath)' does not exist.")
            if (!overwrite && File.exists(toPath)) Fiber.abort("'%(toPath)' already exists.")
            if (fromPath == toPath) return
        var contents =
        File.create(toPath) { |file| file.writeBytes(contents) }

    // Copies a file from 'fromPath' to 'toPath'. If 'toPath' already exists it fails unless
    // 'overwrite' is set to true in which case it is truncated first.
    // Use only if the entire contents of 'fromPath' can be held temporarily in memory.
    static copy(fromPath, toPath, overwrite) { copy_(fromPath, toPath, overwrite, false) }

    // Convenience version of the 'copy' method in which 'overwrite' is always set to false.
    static copy(fromPath, toPath) { copy_(fromPath, toPath, false, false) }

    // Moves a file from 'fromPath' to 'toPath'. If 'toPath' already exists it fails unless.
    // 'overwrite' is set to true in which case it is truncated first.
    // Use only if the entire contents of 'fromPath' can be held temporarily in memory.
    static move(fromPath, toPath, overwrite) {
        if (overwrite.type != Bool) Fiber.abort("Overwrite must be true or false.")
        if (!File.exists(fromPath)) Fiber.abort("'%(fromPath)' does not exist.")
        if (!overwrite && File.exists(toPath)) Fiber.abort("'%(toPath)' already exists.")
        if (fromPath == toPath) return
        copy_(fromPath, toPath, overwrite, true)

    // Convenience version of the 'move' method in which 'overwrite' is always set to false.
    static move(fromPath, toPath) { move(fromPath, toPath, false) }

    // Private worker method for copying large files.
    static copyLarge_(fromPath, toPath, overwrite, checked) {
        if (!checked) {
            if (overwrite.type != Bool) Fiber.abort("Overwrite must be true or false.")
            if (!File.exists(fromPath)) Fiber.abort("'%(fromPath)' does not exist.")
            if (!overwrite && File.exists(toPath)) Fiber.abort("'%(toPath)' already exists.")
            if (fromPath == toPath) return
        var size = File.size(fromPath) 
        var chunks = (size/bufferSize).floor
        var rem = size % bufferSize
        if (rem > 0) chunks = chunks + 1
        var offset = 0
        var fout = File.create(toPath) { |fin|
            for (i in 1..chunks) {
                var bytes = fin.readBytes(bufferSize, offset)
                var offset = offset + bufferSize

    // Copies a file from 'fromPath' to 'toPath'. If 'toPath' already exists it fails unless
    // 'overwrite' is set to true in which case it is truncated first.
    // Use if the entire contents of 'fromPath' are too large to be held temporarily in memory.
    static copyLarge(fromPath, toPath, overwrite) { copyLarge_(fromPath, toPath, overwrite, false) }

    // Convenience version of the 'copyLarge' method in which 'overwrite' is always set to false.
    static copyLarge(fromPath, toPath) { copyLarge_(fromPath, toPath, false, false) }

    // Moves a file from 'fromPath' to 'toPath'. If 'toPath' already exists it fails unless
    // 'overwrite' is set to true in which case it is truncated first.
    // Use if the entire contents of 'fromPath' are too large to be held temporarily in memory.
    static moveLarge(fromPath, toPath, overwrite) {
        if (overwrite.type != Bool) Fiber.abort("Overwrite must be true or false.")
        if (!File.exists(fromPath)) Fiber.abort("'%(fromPath)' does not exist.")
        if (!overwrite && File.exists(toPath)) Fiber.abort("'%(toPath)' already exists.")
        if (fromPath == toPath) return    
        copyLarge_(fromPath, toPath, overwrite, true)

    // Convenience version of the 'moveLarge' method in which 'overwrite' is always set to false.
    static moveLarge(fromPath, toPath) { moveLarge(fromPath, toPath, false) }

    // Reads the entire contents of the file at 'path' and returns it as a string.
    // Use only if the entire contents of 'path' can be held in memory.
    // Works the same as but gives a clearer error message if 'path' does not exist.
    static read(path) {
        if (!File.exists(path)) Fiber.abort("'%(path)' does not exist.")

    // Reads and returns the entire contents of the file at 'path' split into lines.
    // Use only if the entire contents of 'path' can be held in memory.
    static readLines(path) {
        if (!File.exists(path)) Fiber.abort("'%(path)' does not exist.")

    // Returns a function which reads a file chunk by chunk and 'yields' each chunk to the calling fiber.
    // Use if the entire contents of 'path' are too large to be held in memory.
    static readLarge(path) {
        if (!File.exists(path)) Fiber.abort("'%(path)' does not exist.")
        return {
            var size = File.size(path)
            var chunks = (size/bufferSize).floor
            var rem = size % bufferSize
            if (rem > 0) chunks = chunks + 1
            var offset = 0
            var file =
            for (i in 1..chunks) {
                var bytes = file.readBytes(bufferSize, offset)
                var offset = offset + bufferSize

    // Returns a function which reads a file line by line and 'yields' each line to the calling fiber.
    // Use if the entire contents of 'path' are too large to be held in memory.
    static readEachLine(path) {
        if (!File.exists(path)) Fiber.abort("'%(path)' does not exist.")
        return {
            var file =
            var offset = 0
            var line = ""
            while(true) {
                var b = file.readBytes(1, offset)
                offset = offset + 1
                if (b == "\n") {
                    line = "" // reset line variable
                } else if (b == "\r") { // Windows
                    // wait for following "\n"
                } else if (b == "") { // end of stream
                } else {
                    line = line + b

    // Creates a new file, or truncates an existng one, and writes 'bytes' to it.
    static write(path, bytes) {
        if (bytes.type != String) Fiber.abort("'Bytes' must be a string.")
        File.create(path) { |file| file.writeBytes(bytes) }

    // Creates a new file, or truncates an existng one, and writes 'lines' to it.
    static writeLines(path, lines) {
        if (!(lines is Sequence)) Fiber.abort("'Lines' must be a sequence.")
        File.create(path) { |file|
           for (line in lines) {
                file.writeBytes((line is String) ? line : line.toString)

    // Appends 'bytes' to the end of the file at 'path'. If 'path' doesn't exist, a new file is created.
    static append(path, bytes) {
        if (bytes.type != String) Fiber.abort("'Bytes' must be a string.")
        var exists = File.exists(path)
        if (exists && bytes == "") return
        var flags = FileFlags.writeOnly
        if (!exists) flags = FileFlags.create | flags
        File.openWithFlags(path, flags) { |file| file.writeBytes(bytes) }

    // Appends 'lines' to the end of the file at 'path'. If 'path' doesn't exist, a new file is created.
    static appendLines(path, lines) {
        if (!(lines is Sequence)) Fiber.abort("'Lines' must be a sequence.")
        var exists = File.exists(path)
        if (exists && lines.isEmpty) return
        var flags = FileFlags.writeOnly
        if (!exists) flags = FileFlags.create | flags
        File.openWithFlags(path, flags) { |file|
            for (line in lines) {
                file.writeBytes((line is String) ? line : line.toString)

    // Removes up to 'numBytes' bytes from the end of the file at 'path'.
    // Use only if the entire contents of 'path' can be held temporarily in memory.
    static remove(path, numBytes) {
        if (!File.exists(path)) Fiber.abort("'%(path)' does not exist.")
        if (numBytes.type != Num || !numBytes.isInteger || numBytes < 1) {
            Fiber.abort("Number of bytes to be removed must be a positive integer.")
        var size = File.size(path)
        if (size <= number) {
        var contents =[0...-number]
        File.create(path) { |file| file.writeBytes(contents) }

    // Removes up to 'numLines' lines from the end of the file at 'path'.
    // Use only if the entire contents of 'path' can be held temporarily in memory. 
    static removeLines(path, numLines) {
        if (numLines.type != Num || !numLines.isInteger || numLines < 1) {
            Fiber.abort("Number of lines to be removed must be a positive integer.")
        var lines = readLines(path)
        var count = lines.count
        if (count <= numLines) {
        File.create(path) { |file|
            for (line in lines.take(count - numLines)) {

    // Truncates the file at 'path' to the specified size in bytes.
    // If the old size is not greater than the new size, the file is left unchanged.
    // Use only if the entire contents of 'path' can be held temporarily in memory. 
    static truncate(path, newSize) {
        if (!File.exists(path)) Fiber.abort("'%(path)' does not exist.")
        if (newSize.type != Num || !newSize.isInteger || newSize < 0) {
            Fiber.abort("New size must be a non-negative integer.")
        var oldSize = File.size(path)
        if (oldSize <= newSize) return
        var contents =[0...newSize]
        File.create(path) { |file| file.writeBytes(contents) }

    // Truncates the file at 'path' to the specified number of lines.
    // If the old length is not greater than the new length, the file is left unchanged.
    // Use only if the entire contents of 'path' can be held temporarily in memory. 
    static truncateLines(path, newLen) {
        if (newLen.type != Num || !newLen.isInteger || newLen < 0) {
            Fiber.abort("New length must be a non-negative integer.")
        var lines = readLines(path)
        if (lines.count <= newLen) return
        File.create(path) { |file|
            for (line in lines.take(newLen)) {

/* Input supplements Stdin with some additional methods for reading user input. */
class Input {
    // Prompts the user to enter some text and returns it.
    static text(prompt) {
        return Stdin.readLine()

    // Prompts the user to enter some text of a minimum length and returns it.
    static text(prompt, minLen) {
        if (minLen.type != Num || !minLen.isInteger || minLen < 0) {
            Fiber.abort("Minimum length must be a non-negative integer.")
        if (minLen == 0) return text(prompt)
        while (true) {
            var text = Stdin.readLine()
            if (text.count < minLen) {
                System.print("Must have a minimum length of %(minLen) characters, try again.")
            } else return text

    // Prompts the user to enter some text with a minimum/maximum length and returns it.
    static text(prompt, minLen, maxLen) {
        if (minLen.type != Num || !minLen.isInteger || minLen < 0) {
            Fiber.abort("Minimum length must be a non-negative integer.")
        if (maxLen.type != Num || !maxLen.isInteger || maxLen < minLen) {
            Fiber.abort("Maximum length must not be less than minimum length.")
        while (true) {
            var text = Stdin.readLine()
            if (text.count < minLen || text.count > maxLen) {
                if (maxLen > minLen) {
                    System.print("Must have a length between %(minLen) and %(maxLen) characters, try again.")
                } else {
                    System.print("Must have a length of exactly %(minLen) characters, try again.")
            } else return text

    // Prompts the user to enter a number and returns it.
    static number(prompt) {
        while (true) {
            var number = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
            if (!number) {
                System.print("Must be a number, try again.")
            } else return number

    // Prompts the user to enter a number with a minimum value and returns it.
    static number(prompt, min) {
        if (min.type != Num) Fiber.abort("Minimum value must be a number.")
        while (true) {
            var number = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
            if (!number || number < min) {
                System.print("Must be a number no less than %(min), try again.")
            } else return number

    // Prompts the user to enter a number with a minimum/maximum value and returns it.
    static number(prompt, min, max) {
        if (min.type != Num) Fiber.abort("Minimum value must be a number.")
        if (max.type != Num || max <= min) {
            Fiber.abort("Maximum value must be a number greater than minimum value.")
        while (true) {
            var number = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
            if (!number || number < min || number > max) {
                System.print("Must be a number between %(min) and %(max), try again.")
            } else return number
    // Prompts the user to enter an integer and returns it.
    static integer(prompt) {
        while (true) {
            var integer = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
            if (!integer || !integer.isInteger) {
                System.print("Must be an integer, try again.")
            } else return integer

    // Prompts the user to enter an integer with a minimum value and returns it.
    static integer(prompt, min) {
        if (min.type != Num || !min.isInteger) Fiber.abort("Minimum value must be an integer.")
        while (true) {
            var integer = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
            if (!integer || !integer.isInteger || integer < min) {
                System.print("Must be an integer no less than %(min), try again.")
            } else return integer

    // Prompts the user to enter an integer with a minimum/maximum value and returns it.
    static integer(prompt, min, max) {
        if (min.type != Num || !min.isInteger) Fiber.abort("Minimum value must be an integer.")
        if (max.type != Num || !max.isInteger || max <= min) {
            Fiber.abort("Maximum value must be an integer greater than minimum value.")
        while (true) {
            var integer = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
            if (!integer || !integer.isInteger || integer < min || integer > max) {
                System.print("Must be an integer between %(min) and %(max), try again.")
            } else return integer

    // Prompts the user to enter a single character option from a string of options and returns it.
    // Only the first character entered is significant, any others are ignored.
    // Where both lower and upper case characters are permitted both must be specified.
    static option(prompt, options) {
        if (options.type != String || options.count < 2) {
            Fiber.abort("Options must be a string of minimum length 2.")
        while (true) {
            var option = Stdin.readLine()
            if (option.count == 0) {
                System.print("Option must have (at least) one character, try again")
            } else {
                option = option[0]
                if (!options.contains(option)) {
                    System.print("Must be one of '%(options)', try again.")
                } else return option

    // Prompts the user to enter an option from a list of textual options and returns it.
    // The text entered, after any whitespace is trimmed off, must match an option exactly.
    static txtOpt(prompt, options) {
        if (options.type != List || options.count < 2 || options[0].type != String) {
            Fiber.abort("Options must be a list of strings of minimum length 2.")
        while (true) {
            var option = Stdin.readLine().trim()
            if (!options.contains(option)) {
                System.print("Must be one of %(options), try again.")
            } else return option

    // Prompts the user to enter an option from a list of numeric options and returns it.
    // The number entered must match an option exactly.
    static numOpt(prompt, options) {
        if (options.type != List || options.count < 2 || options[0].type != Num) {
            Fiber.abort("Options must be a list of numbers of minimum length 2.")
        while (true) {
            var option = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
            if (!option || !options.contains(option)) {
                System.print("Must be one of %(options), try again.")
            } else return option

    // Prompts the user to enter an option from a list of integral options and returns it.
    // The integer entered must match an option exactly.
    static intOpt(prompt, options) {
        if (options.type != List || options.count < 2 || options[0].type != Num || !options[0].isInteger) {
            Fiber.abort("Options must be a list of integers of minimum length 2.")
        while (true) {
            var option = Num.fromString(Stdin.readLine())
            if (!option || !option.isInteger || !options.contains(option)) {
                System.print("Must be one of %(options), try again.")
            } else return option

/* Output supplements Stdout with some additional methods to flush output automatically. */
class Output {
    // Prints a single value to the console, but does not print a newline character afterwards.
    // Converts the value to a string by calling toString on it and flushes output immediately.
    static fwrite(object) {

    // Iterates over sequence and prints each element, but does not print a single newline at the end.
    // Each element is converted to a string by calling toString on it and output is flushed immediately.
    static fwriteAll(sequence) {