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Implement the Catmull-Clark surface subdivision.
Implement the Catmull-Clark surface subdivision.

([[wp:Catmull–Clark_subdivision_surface|Description on Wikipedia]].)


Revision as of 00:22, 7 January 2010

Catmull–Clark subdivision surface
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Implement the Catmull-Clark surface subdivision.

(Description on Wikipedia.)


The implementation below only supports quad faces, but it does handle surfaces with holes.

This code uses a module called Dynar (for dynamic array) because it needs a structure similar to arrays but with which we can push a new element at the end. (The source of this module is given in the sub-page.)

In the sub-page there is also a program in OCaml+OpenGL which displays a cube subdivided 2 times with this algorythm.

<lang ocaml>open Dynar

let add3 (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) (x3, y3, z3) =

 ( (x1 +. x2 +. x3),
   (y1 +. y2 +. y3),
   (z1 +. z2 +. z3) )

let mul m (x,y,z) = (m *. x, m *. y, m *. z)

let avg pts =

 let n, (x,y,z) =
     (fun (n, (xt,yt,zt)) (xi,yi,zi) ->
        succ n, (xt +. xi, yt +. yi, zt +. zi))
     (1, List.hd pts) ( pts)
 let n = float_of_int n in
 (x /. n, y /. n, z /. n)

let catmull ~points ~faces =

 let da_points = Dynar.of_array points in
 let new_faces = Dynar.of_array [| |] in
 let push_face face = Dynar.push new_faces face in
 let h1 = Hashtbl.create 43 in
 let h2 = Hashtbl.create 43 in
 let h3 = Hashtbl.create 43 in
 let h4 = Hashtbl.create 43 in
 let blg = Array.make (Array.length points) 0 in (* how many faces a point belongs to *)
 let f_incr p = blg.(p) <- succ blg.(p) in
 let eblg = Array.make (Array.length points) 0 in (* how many edges a point belongs to *)
 let e_incr p = eblg.(p) <- succ eblg.(p) in
 let edge a b = (min a b, max a b) in  (* suitable for hash-table keys *)
 let mid_edge p1 p2 =
   let x1, y1, z1 = points.(p1)
   and x2, y2, z2 = points.(p2) in
   ( (x1 +. x2) /. 2.0,
     (y1 +. y2) /. 2.0,
     (z1 +. z2) /. 2.0 )
 let mid_face p1 p2 p3 p4 =
   let x1, y1, z1 = points.(p1)
   and x2, y2, z2 = points.(p2)
   and x3, y3, z3 = points.(p3)
   and x4, y4, z4 = points.(p4) in
   ( (x1 +. x2 +. x3 +. x4) /. 4.0,
     (y1 +. y2 +. y3 +. y4) /. 4.0,
     (z1 +. z2 +. z3 +. z4) /. 4.0 )
 Array.iteri (fun i (a,b,c,d) ->
   f_incr a; f_incr b; f_incr c; f_incr d;
   let face_point = mid_face a b c d in
   let face_pi = pushi da_points face_point in
   Hashtbl.add h3 a face_point;
   Hashtbl.add h3 b face_point;
   Hashtbl.add h3 c face_point;
   Hashtbl.add h3 d face_point;
   let process_edge a b =
     let ab = edge a b in
     if not(Hashtbl.mem h1 ab)
     then begin
       let mid_ab = mid_edge a b in
       let index = pushi da_points mid_ab in
       Hashtbl.add h1 ab (index, mid_ab, [face_point]);
       Hashtbl.add h2 a mid_ab;
       Hashtbl.add h2 b mid_ab;
       Hashtbl.add h4 mid_ab 1;
     else begin
       let index, mid_ab, fpl = Hashtbl.find h1 ab in
       Hashtbl.replace h1 ab (index, mid_ab, face_point::fpl);
       Hashtbl.add h4 mid_ab (succ(Hashtbl.find h4 mid_ab));
   let mid_ab = process_edge a b
   and mid_bc = process_edge b c
   and mid_cd = process_edge c d
   and mid_da = process_edge d a in
   push_face (a, mid_ab, face_pi, mid_da);
   push_face (b, mid_bc, face_pi, mid_ab);
   push_face (c, mid_cd, face_pi, mid_bc);
   push_face (d, mid_da, face_pi, mid_cd);
 ) faces;
 Hashtbl.iter (fun (a,b) (index, mid_ab, fpl) ->
   e_incr a; e_incr b;
   if List.length fpl = 2 then <- avg (mid_ab::fpl)
 ) h1;
 Array.iteri (fun i old_vertex ->
   let n = blg.(i)
   and e_n = eblg.(i) in
   (* if the vertex doesn't belongs to as many faces than edges
      this means that this is a hole *)
   if n = e_n then
     let avg_face_points =
       let face_point_list = Hashtbl.find_all h3 i in
       (avg face_point_list)
     let avg_mid_edges = 
       let mid_edge_list = Hashtbl.find_all h2 i in
       (avg mid_edge_list)
     let n = float_of_int n in
     let m1 = (n -. 3.0) /. n
     and m2 = 1.0 /. n
     and m3 = 2.0 /. n in <-
         add3 (mul m1 old_vertex)
              (mul m2 avg_face_points)
              (mul m3 avg_mid_edges)
   else begin
     let mid_edge_list = Hashtbl.find_all h2 i in
     let mid_edge_list =
       List.fold_left (fun acc mid_edge ->
         match Hashtbl.find h4 mid_edge with
         | 1 -> mid_edge::acc
         | _ -> acc
       ) [] mid_edge_list
     in <- avg (old_vertex :: mid_edge_list)
 ) points;
 (Dynar.to_array da_points,
  Dynar.to_array new_faces)