Chebyshev coefficients: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
(→‎{{header|REXX}}: corrected algorithm, added/changed comments and whitespace, added output.)
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: changed numeric digits in COS subroutine.)
Line 148: Line 148:
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */
cos: procedure; parse arg x; numeric digits digits()+9; numeric fuzz 5
cos: procedure; parse arg x; numeric digits digits()+10; numeric fuzz 5
z=1; _=1; x=r2r(x); a=abs(x); q=x*x
z=1; _=1; x=r2r(x); a=abs(x); q=x*x
if a=pi then return -1; if a=pi*.5 | a=pi*2 then return 0; pi3=pi/3
if a=pi then return -1; if a=pi*.5 | a=pi*2 then return 0; pi3=pi/3

Revision as of 05:26, 6 August 2015

Chebyshev coefficients is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Chebyshev coefficients are the basis of polynomial approximations of functions. Write a program to generate Chebyshev coefficients.

Calculate coefficients: cosine function, 10 coefficients, interval 0 1


<lang C>// Program to calculate Chebyshev coefficients // Code taken from Numerical Recipes in C 1/e

  1. include <math.h>
  2. define PI 3.141592653589793

void chebft(float a, float b, float c[], int n, float (*func)(float)) {

     int k,j;
     float fac,bpa,bma,f[300];

     bma = 0.5 * (b-a);
     bpa = 0.5 * (b+a);
     for(k = 0;k<n;k++) {
           float y = cos(PI*(k+0.5)/n);
           f[k] = (*func)(y*bma+bpa);
     fac = 2.0/n;
     for (j = 0;j<n;j++) {
           double sum = 0.0;
           for(k = 0;k<n;k++)
                 sum += f[k] * cos(PI*j*(k+0.5)/n);
           c[j] = fac*sum;



From 'J for C Programmers: Calculating Chebyshev Coefficients [[1]] <lang J> chebft =: adverb define

f =. u 0.5 * (+/y) - (-/y) * 2 o. o. (0.5 + i. x) % x

  (2 % x) * +/ f * 2 o. o. (0.5 + i. x) *"0 1 (i. x) % x

) </lang> Calculate coefficients: <lang J>

     10 (2&o.) chebft 0 1

1.64717 _0.232299 _0.0537151 0.00245824 0.000282119 _7.72223e_6 _5.89856e_7 1.15214e_8 6.59629e_10 _1.00227e_11 </lang>

Perl 6

Translation of: C

<lang perl6>sub chebft ( Code $func, Real $a, Real $b, Int $n ) {

   my $bma = 0.5 * ( $b - $a );
   my $bpa = 0.5 * ( $b + $a );
   my @pi_n = ( (^$n).list »+» 0.5 ) »*» ( pi / $n );
   my @f    = ( @pi_n».cos »*» $bma »+» $bpa )».$func;
   my @sums = map { [+] @f »*« ( @pi_n »*» $_ )».cos }, ^$n;
   return @sums »*» ( 2 / $n );


say .fmt('%+13.7e') for chebft &cos, 0, 1, 10;</lang>


+1.6471695e+00 -2.3229937e-01 -5.3715115e-02 +2.4582353e-03 +2.8211906e-04 -7.7222292e-06 -5.8985565e-07 +1.1521427e-08 +6.5962992e-10 -1.0021994e-11


Translation of: C

<lang racket>#lang typed/racket (: chebft (Real Real Nonnegative-Integer (Real -> Real) -> (Vectorof Real))) (define (chebft a b n func)

 (define b-a/2 (/ (- b a) 2))
 (define b+a/2 (/ (+ b a) 2))
 (define pi/n (/ pi n))
 (define fac (/ 2 n))
 (define f (for/vector : (Vectorof Real)
             ((k : Nonnegative-Integer (in-range n)))
             (define y (cos (* pi/n (+ k 1/2))))
             (func (+ (* y b-a/2) b+a/2))))
 (for/vector : (Vectorof Real)
   ((j : Nonnegative-Integer (in-range n)))
   (define s (for/sum : Real
               ((k : Nonnegative-Integer (in-range n)))
               (* (vector-ref f k)
                  (cos (* pi/n j (+ k 1/2))))))
   (* fac s)))

(module+ test

 (chebft 0 1 10 cos))
Tim Brown 2015</lang>


Translation of: C

plus optimizations.

<lang rexx>/*REXX program calculates ten Chebyshev coefficients for the range 0 ──► 1.*/ /*Pafnuty Lvovich Chebysheff: Chebysheff [English transliteration] */ /*─────────────────────────── Chebyshov [ " " ] */ /*─────────────────────────── Tchebychev [French " ] */ /*─────────────────────────── Tchebysheff [ " " ] */ /*─────────────────────────── Tschebyschow [German " ] */ /*─────────────────────────── Tschebyschev [ " " ] */ /*─────────────────────────── Tschebyschef [ " " ] */ /*─────────────────────────── Tschebyscheff [ " " ] */ numeric digits length(pi()) /*DIGITS default is 9, but use more. */ parse arg a b n . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if a== | a==',' then a=0 /*A not specified? Then use default.*/ if b== | b==',' then b=1 /*B " " " " " */ if n== | n==',' then n=10 /*N " " " " " */ bma =(b-a)/2 /*calculate one─half of the difference.*/ bpa =(b+a)/2 /* " " " " sum. */ pi@n=pi/n /*calculate a handy─dandy value. */

           do k=0  for n
           f.k=cos(cos(pi@n * (k+.5)) * bma  +  bpa)
           end   /*k*/

fac=2/n /*calculate another handy─dandy value. */

           do j=0  for n;  $=0
           z=pi@n * j
                          do m=0  for n
                          $=$  +  f.m * cos(z * (m+.5))
                          end   /*m*/
           cheby.j=fac*$              /*uses 150 digs, but only shows 30 ►──┐*/
           say right(j,length(n)+3)   ' Chebyshev coefficient  is:',      /*│*/
               left(,cheby.j>=0)      format(cheby.j,,30)  /* ◄───────────┘*/
           end  /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ cos: procedure; parse arg x; numeric digits digits()+10; numeric fuzz 5

                             z=1;    _=1;     x=r2r(x);   a=abs(x);    q=x*x
    if a=pi   then return -1;    if a=pi*.5 | a=pi*2  then return 0;   pi3=pi/3
    if a=pi3  then return .5;    if a=2*pi3           then return -.5
      do ?=2  by 2  until p=z;   p=z;   _=-_*q/(?*(?-1));   z=z+_;   end  /*?*/
    return z

/*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ pi: pi=3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781||, 64062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081

    return pi                         /* ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑  150 decimal digits of pi.*/

/*────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ r2r: return arg(1) // (pi()*2) /*normalize radians ───► a unit circle.*/</lang> output   when using the default inputs:

    0  Chebyshev coefficient  is:   1.647169475390313686961473816798
    1  Chebyshev coefficient  is:  -0.232299371615171942121038341178
    2  Chebyshev coefficient  is:  -0.053715114622047555071596203933
    3  Chebyshev coefficient  is:   0.002458235266981479866768882753
    4  Chebyshev coefficient  is:   0.000282119057434005702410217295
    5  Chebyshev coefficient  is:  -0.000007722229155810577892832847
    6  Chebyshev coefficient  is:  -5.898556452177103343296676960522E-7
    7  Chebyshev coefficient  is:   1.152142733310315857327524390711E-8
    8  Chebyshev coefficient  is:   6.596300035120132380676859918562E-10
    9  Chebyshev coefficient  is:  -1.002259170944625675156620531665E-11