Colour bars/Display: Difference between revisions

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{{header|Liberty BASIC}}
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The task is to display a series of vertical color bars across the width of the display. The color bars should either use the system palette, or the sequence of colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, White.
The task is to display a series of vertical color bars across the width of the display. The color bars should either use the system palette, or the sequence of colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, White.


<lang j> load 'viewmat'
size=. 2{.".wd'qm' NB. J6
size=. getscreenwh_jgtk_ '' NB. J7
'rgb'viewmat (|.size){. (>.&.(%&160)|.size)$ 20# 256#.255*#:i.8</lang>

=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==

Revision as of 18:45, 22 June 2011

Colour bars/Display
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The task is to display a series of vertical color bars across the width of the display. The color bars should either use the system palette, or the sequence of colors: Black, Red, Green, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, White.


<lang j> load 'viewmat'

  size=. 2{.".wd'qm' NB. J6
  size=. getscreenwh_jgtk_  NB. J7
  'rgb'viewmat (|.size){. (>.&.(%&160)|.size)$ 20# 256#.255*#:i.8</lang>

Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>nomainwin colors$="black red green blue pink cyan yellow white" WindowWidth=DisplayWidth:WindowHeight=DisplayHeight UpperLeftX=1:UpperLeftY=1 barWidth=DisplayWidth/8 graphicbox #main.g, 0,0,DisplayWidth,DisplayHeight open "" for window_popup as #main

  1. main "trapclose [quit]"
  2. main.g "down; setfocus; when characterInput [quit]"
  3. main.g "when leftButtonUp [quit]"
  4. main.g "size ";barWidth

for x = barWidth/2 to DisplayWidth step barWidth

   if i>8 then i=1
   #main.g "color ";col$;"; line ";x;" 0 ";x;" ";DisplayHeight

next wait [quit] close #main:end



Translation of: UNIX Shell

<lang PicoLisp>(call 'clear)

(let Width (in '(tput cols) (read))

  (do (in '(tput lines) (read))
     (for B (range 0 7)
        (call 'tput 'setab B)
        (space (/ Width 8)) )
     (prinl) ) )

(call 'tput 'sgr0) # reset</lang>


Press Enter or Escape to exit the program. <lang PureBasic>Dim color(7) color(0) = RGB($00, $00, $00) ;black color(1) = RGB($FF, $00, $00) ;red color(2) = RGB($00, $FF, $00) ;green color(3) = RGB($00, $00, $FF) ;blue color(4) = RGB($FF, $00, $FF) ;magenta color(5) = RGB($00, $FF, $FF) ;cyan color(6) = RGB($FF, $FF, $00) ;yellow color(7) = RGB($FF, $FF, $FF) ;white

If Not InitKeyboard(): End: EndIf ;can't init keyboard If Not InitSprite(): End: EndIf ;can't init sprite/screen library If Not ExamineDesktops(): End: EndIf ;can't retrieve information about desktop

height = DesktopHeight(0) width = DesktopWidth(0) depth = DesktopDepth(0) If OpenScreen(width, height, depth, "Press ENTER to exit")

   For c = 0 To 7
     Box((width * c) / 8, 0, width / 8, height, color(c))
 Until KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Escape) Or KeyboardPushed(#PB_Key_Return)


Alternate method using console

<lang PureBasic>DataSection

 ;Black, Red, Green, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, White
 Data.i  0, 12, 10, 9, 13, 11, 14, 15


Dim colors(7) For c = 0 To 7

 Read.i colors(c)


If OpenConsole()

 ;The console display is 80 columns wide by 25 rows
 For r = 0 To 24
   For c = 0 To 7 
     ConsoleColor(colors(c), colors(c))
     Print(Space(80 / 8))
 ConsoleLocate(0, 0)
 ConsoleTitle("Press ENTER to exit"): Input()



Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk 8.5

wm attributes . -fullscreen 1 pack [canvas .c -highlightthick 0] -fill both -expand 1 set colors {black red green blue magenta cyan yellow white}

for {set x 0} {$x < [winfo screenwidth .c]} {incr x 8} {

   .c create rectangle $x 0 [expr {$x+7}] [winfo screenheight .c] \
           -fill [lindex $colors 0] -outline {}
   set colors [list {*}[lrange $colors 1 end] [lindex $colors 0]]


UNIX Shell

<lang sh>#!/bin/sh clear WIDTH=`tput cols` HEIGHT=`tput lines` NUMBARS=8 BARWIDTH=`expr $WIDTH / $NUMBARS`

l="1" # Set the line counter to 1 while [ "$l" -lt $HEIGHT ]; do

 b="0"    # Bar counter
 while [ "$b" -lt $NUMBARS ]; do
   tput setab $b
   while [ "$s" -lt $BARWIDTH ]; do
     echo -n " "
     s=`expr $s + 1`
   b=`expr $b + 1`
 echo    # newline
 l=`expr $l + 1`


tput sgr0 # reset</lang>

ZX Spectrum Basic

<lang basic>10 REM The ZX Spectrum display is 32 columns wide, so we have 8 columns of 4 spaces 20 FOR r=0 TO 20: REM There are 21 rows 30 FOR c=0 TO 7: REM We use the native colour sequence here 40 PAPER c: REM set the background colour for the spaces to be printed 50 PRINT " ";: REM four spaces, the semicolon prevents newline 60 NEXT c 70 REM at this point the cursor has wrapped, so we don't need a newline 80 NEXT r</lang>