Colour pinstripe/Display: Difference between revisions

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(→‎Tcl: Added implementation)
(→‎{{header|Tcl}}: Added PureBasic)
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After filling the top quarter of the, we switch to a wider 2 pixel wide pinstripe pattern. Halfway down the display we switch to 3 pixel wide pinstripe and then finally to a 4 pixels wide pinstripe for the last quarter of the display.
After filling the top quarter of the, we switch to a wider 2 pixel wide pinstripe pattern. Halfway down the display we switch to 3 pixel wide pinstripe and then finally to a 4 pixels wide pinstripe for the last quarter of the display.

<lang PureBasic>;Create a Pinstripe image with a pattern of vertical stripe colors
Procedure PinstripeDisplay(width, height, Array psColors(1), numColors = 0)
Protected x, imgID, psHeight = height / 4, psWidth = 1, psTop, horzBand, curColor

If numColors < 1: numColors = ArraySize(psColors()) + 1: EndIf
imgID = CreateImage(#PB_Any, width, height)
If imgID
x = 0
curColor = 0
Box(x, psTop, psWidth, psHeight, psColors(curColor))
curColor = (curColor + 1) % numColors
x + psWidth
Until x >= width
psWidth + 1
horzBand + 1
psTop = horzBand * height / 4 ;move to the top of next horizontal band of image
Until psTop >= height
ProcedureReturn imgID

;Open a window and display the pinstripe
If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 1, 1,"PureBasic Pinstripe", #PB_Window_Maximize | #PB_Window_SystemMenu)
Dim psColors(7)
psColors(0) = RGB($00, $00, $00) ;black
psColors(1) = RGB($FF, $00, $00) ;red
psColors(2) = RGB($00, $FF, $00) ;green
psColors(3) = RGB($00, $00, $FF) ;blue
psColors(4) = RGB($FF, $00, $FF) ;magenta
psColors(5) = RGB($00, $FF, $FF) ;cyan
psColors(6) = RGB($FF, $FF, $00) ;yellow
psColors(7) = RGB($FF, $FF, $FF) ;white

PicID = PinstripeDisplay(WindowWidth(0), WindowHeight(0), psColors())
ImageGadget(0, 0, 0, WindowWidth(0), WindowHeight(0), ImageID(PicID))
While WaitWindowEvent() <> #PB_Event_CloseWindow

Revision as of 03:55, 8 June 2011

Colour pinstripe/Display
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The task is to create 1 pixel wide colour pinstripes across the width of the graphics display. A basic of colours should be using including black, white and each of the primary colours. The pinstripes should either use the system palette sequence or the sequence Black, Red, Green, Blue, Magenta, Cyan, Yellow, White.

After filling the top quarter of the, we switch to a wider 2 pixel wide pinstripe pattern. Halfway down the display we switch to 3 pixel wide pinstripe and then finally to a 4 pixels wide pinstripe for the last quarter of the display.


<lang PureBasic>;Create a Pinstripe image with a pattern of vertical stripe colors Procedure PinstripeDisplay(width, height, Array psColors(1), numColors = 0)

 Protected x, imgID, psHeight = height / 4, psWidth = 1, psTop, horzBand, curColor
 If numColors < 1: numColors = ArraySize(psColors()) + 1: EndIf
 imgID = CreateImage(#PB_Any, width, height)
 If imgID
       x = 0
       curColor = 0
         Box(x, psTop, psWidth, psHeight, psColors(curColor))
         curColor = (curColor + 1) % numColors
         x + psWidth
       Until x >= width
       psWidth + 1
       horzBand + 1
       psTop = horzBand * height / 4  ;move to the top of next horizontal band of image
     Until psTop >= height 
 ProcedureReturn imgID


Open a window and display the pinstripe

If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 1, 1,"PureBasic Pinstripe", #PB_Window_Maximize | #PB_Window_SystemMenu)

 Dim psColors(7)
 psColors(0) = RGB($00, $00, $00) ;black
 psColors(1) = RGB($FF, $00, $00) ;red
 psColors(2) = RGB($00, $FF, $00) ;green
 psColors(3) = RGB($00, $00, $FF) ;blue
 psColors(4) = RGB($FF, $00, $FF) ;magenta
 psColors(5) = RGB($00, $FF, $FF) ;cyan
 psColors(6) = RGB($FF, $FF, $00) ;yellow
 psColors(7) = RGB($FF, $FF, $FF) ;white 
 PicID = PinstripeDisplay(WindowWidth(0), WindowHeight(0), psColors())
 ImageGadget(0, 0, 0, WindowWidth(0), WindowHeight(0), ImageID(PicID))
 While WaitWindowEvent() <> #PB_Event_CloseWindow



Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk 8.5

wm attributes . -fullscreen 1 pack [canvas .c -highlightthick 0] -fill both -expand 1 set colors {black red green blue magenta cyan yellow white}

set dy [expr {[winfo screenheight .c]/4}] set y 0 foreach dx {1 2 3 4} {

   for {set x 0} {$x < [winfo screenwidth .c]} {incr x $dx} {

.c create rectangle $x $y [expr {$x+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}] \

           -fill [lindex $colors 0] -outline {}

set colors [list {*}[lrange $colors 1 end] [lindex $colors 0]]

   incr y $dy
