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=={{header|ALGOL 68}}==
Based on the Algol W sample. This generates .NET IL assembler code which can be compiled with the .NET ilasm assembler to generate an exe that can be run under Windows (and presumably Mono though I haven't tried that).
<lang algol68># RC Compiler code generator #
this writes a .NET IL assembler source to standard output.
If the output is stored in a file called "",
it could be compiled the command:
ilasm /opt /out:rcsample.exe
(Note ilasm may not be in the PATH by default(

Note: The generated IL is *very* naiive

# parse tree nodes #
MODE NODE = STRUCT( INT type, REF NODE left, right, INT value );
INT nidentifier = 1, nstring = 2, ninteger = 3, nsequence = 4, nif = 5, nprtc = 6, nprts = 7
, nprti = 8, nwhile = 9, nassign = 10, nnegate = 11, nnot = 12, nmultiply = 13, ndivide = 14
, nmod = 15, nadd = 16, nsubtract = 17, nless = 18, nlessequal = 19, ngreater = 20
, ngreaterequal = 21, nequal = 22, nnotequal = 23, nand = 24, nor = 25
# op codes #
INT ofetch = 1, ostore = 2, opush = 3, oadd = 4, osub = 5, omul = 6, odiv = 7, omod = 8
, olt = 9, ogt = 10, ole = 11, oge = 12, oeq = 13, one = 14, oand = 15, oor = 16
, oneg = 17, onot = 18, ojmp = 19, ojz = 20, oprtc = 21, oprts = 22, oprti = 23, opushstr = 24
[]INT ndop
= ( -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1
, -1 , -1 , -1 , oneg , -1 , omul , odiv
, omod , oadd , osub , olt , -1 , ogt
, -1 , oeq , -1 , oand , oor
) ;
[]STRING ndname
= ( "Identifier" , "String" , "Integer" , "Sequence" , "If" , "Prtc" , "Prts"
, "Prti" , "While" , "Assign" , "Negate" , "Not" , "Multiply" , "Divide"
, "Mod" , "Add" , "Subtract" , "Less" , "LessEqual" , "Greater"
, "GreaterEqual" , "Equal" , "NotEqual" , "And" , "Or"
) ;
[]STRING opname
= ( "ldloc ", "stloc ", "ldc.i4 ", "add ", "sub ", "mul ", "div ", "rem "
, "clt ", "cgt ", "?le ", "?ge ", "ceq ", "?ne ", "and ", "or "
, "neg ", "?not ", "br ", "brfalse", "?prtc ", "?prts ", "?prti ", "ldstr "
) ;
# string and identifier arrays - a hash table might be better... #
INT max string number = 1024;
[ 0 : max string number ]STRING identifiers, strings;
FOR s pos FROM 0 TO max string number DO
identifiers[ s pos ] := "";
strings [ s pos ] := ""
# label number for label generation #
INT next label number := 0;
# returns the next free label number #
PROC new label = INT: next label number +:= 1;

# returns a new node with left and right branches #
PROC op node = ( INT op type, REF NODE left, right )REF NODE: HEAP NODE := NODE( op type, left, right, 0 );
# returns a new operand node #
PROC operand node = ( INT op type, value )REF NODE: HEAP NODE := NODE( op type, NIL, NIL, value );

# reports an error and stops #
PROC gen error = ( STRING message )VOID:
print( ( message, newline ) );
END # gen error # ;

# reads a node from standard input #
PROC read node = REF NODE:
REF NODE result := NIL;

# parses a string from line and stores it in a string in the text array #
# - if it is not already present in the specified textElement list. #
# returns the position of the string in the text array #
PROC read string = ( REF[]STRING text list, CHAR terminator )INT:
# get the text of the string #
STRING str := line[ l pos ];
l pos +:= 1;
WHILE IF l pos <= UPB line THEN line[ l pos ] /= terminator ELSE FALSE FI DO
str +:= line[ l pos ];
l pos +:= 1
IF l pos > UPB line THEN gen error( "Unterminated String in node file: (" + line + ")." ) FI;
# attempt to find the text in the list of strings/identifiers #
INT t pos := LWB text list;
BOOL found := FALSE;
INT result := LWB text list - 1;
FOR t pos FROM LWB text list TO UPB text list WHILE NOT found DO
IF found := text list[ t pos ] = str THEN
# found the string #
result := t pos
ELIF text list[ t pos ] = "" THEN
# have an empty slot for ther string #
found := TRUE;
text list[ t pos ] := str;
result := t pos
IF NOT found THEN gen error( "Out of string space." ) FI;
END # read string # ;
# gets an integer from the line - no checks for valid digits #
PROC read integer = INT:
INT n := 0;
WHILE line[ l pos ] /= " " DO
( n *:= 10 ) +:= ( ABS line[ l pos ] - ABS "0" );
l pos +:= 1
END # read integer # ;

STRING line, name;
INT l pos := 1, nd type := -1;
read( ( line, newline ) );
line +:= " ";
# get the node type name #
WHILE line[ l pos ] = " " DO l pos +:= 1 OD;
name := "";
WHILE IF l pos > UPB line THEN FALSE ELSE line[ l pos ] /= " " FI DO
name +:= line[ l pos ];
l pos +:= 1
# determine the node type #
nd type := LWB nd name;
IF name /= ";" THEN
# not a null node #
WHILE IF nd type <= UPB nd name THEN name /= nd name[ nd type ] ELSE FALSE FI DO nd type +:= 1 OD;
IF nd type > UPB nd name THEN gen error( "Malformed node: (" + line + ")." ) FI;
# handle the additional parameter for identifier/string/integer, or sub-nodes for operator nodes #
IF nd type = ninteger OR nd type = nidentifier OR nd type = nstring THEN
WHILE line[ l pos ] = " " DO l pos +:= 1 OD;
IF nd type = ninteger THEN result := operand node( nd type, read integer )
ELIF nd type = nidentifier THEN result := operand node( nd type, read string( identifiers, " " ) )
ELSE # nd type = nString # result := operand node( nd type, read string( strings, """" ) )
# operator node #
REF NODE left node = read node;
result := op node( nd type, left node, read node )
END # read node # ;

# returns a formatted op code for code generation #
PROC operation = ( INT op code )STRING: " " + op name[ op code ] + " ";
# defines the specified label #
PROC define label = ( INT label number )VOID: print( ( "lbl_", whole( label number, 0 ), ":", newline ) );
# generates code to load a string value #
PROC gen load string = ( INT value )VOID:
print( ( operation( opushstr ), " ", strings[ value ], """", newline ) )
END # push string # ;
# generates code to load a constant value #
PROC gen load constant = ( INT value )VOID: print( ( operation( opush ), " ", whole( value, 0 ), newline ) );
# generates an operation acting on an address #
PROC gen data op = ( INT op, address )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), " l_", identifiers[ address ], newline ) );
# generates a nullary operation #
PROC gen op 0 = ( INT op )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), newline ) );
# generates a "not" instruction sequence #
PROC gen not = VOID:
gen load constant( 0 );
print( ( operation( oeq ), newline ) )
END # gen not # ;
# generates a negated condition #
PROC gen not op = ( INT op, REF NODE n )VOID:
gen( left OF n );
gen( right OF n );
gen op 0( op );
gen not
END # gen not op # ;
# generates a jump operation #
PROC gen jump = ( INT op, label )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), " lbl_", whole( label, 0 ), newline ) );
# generates code to output something to System.Console.Out #
PROC gen output = ( REF NODE n, STRING output type )VOID:
print( ( " call " ) );
print( ( "class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()", newline ) );
gen( left OF n );
print( ( " callvirt " ) );
print( ( "instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(", output type, ")", newline ) )
END # gen output # ;

# generates the code header - assembly info, namespace, class and start of the Main method #
PROC code header = VOID:
print( ( ".assembly extern mscorlib { auto }", newline ) );
print( ( ".assembly RccSample {}", newline ) );
print( ( ".module RccSample.exe", newline ) );
print( ( ".namespace Rcc.Sample", newline ) );
print( ( "{", newline ) );
print( ( " .class public auto ansi Program extends [mscorlib]System.Object", newline ) );
print( ( " {", newline ) );
print( ( " .method public static void Main() cil managed", newline ) );
print( ( " {", newline ) );
print( ( " .entrypoint", newline ) );
# output the local variables #
BOOL have locals := FALSE;
STRING local prefix := " .locals init (int32 l_";
FOR s pos FROM LWB identifiers TO UPB identifiers WHILE identifiers[ s pos ] /= "" DO
print( ( local prefix, identifiers[ s pos ], newline ) );
local prefix := " ,int32 l_";
have locals := TRUE
IF have locals THEN
# there were some local variables defined - output the terminator #
print( ( " )", newline ) )
END # code header # ;

# generates code for the node n #
PROC gen = ( REF NODE n )VOID:
IF n IS REF NODE( NIL ) THEN # null node #
ELIF type OF n = nidentifier THEN # load identifier #
gen data op( ofetch, value OF n )
ELIF type OF n = nstring THEN # load string #
gen load string( value OF n )
ELIF type OF n = ninteger THEN # load integer #
gen load constant( value OF n )
ELIF type OF n = nsequence THEN # list #
gen( left OF n );
gen( right OF n )
ELIF type OF n = nif THEN # if-else #
INT else label := new label;
gen( left OF n );
gen jump( ojz, else label );
gen( left OF right OF n );
IF right OF right OF n IS REF NODE( NIL ) THEN
# no "else" part #
define label( else label )
# have an "else" part #
INT end if label := new label;
gen jump( ojmp, end if label );
define label( else label );
gen( right OF right OF n );
define label( end if label )
ELIF type OF n = nwhile THEN # while-loop #
INT loop label := new label;
INT exit label := new label;
define label( loop label );
gen( left OF n );
gen jump( ojz, exit label );
gen( right OF n );
gen jump( ojmp, loop label );
define label( exit label )
ELIF type OF n = nassign THEN # assignment #
gen( right OF n );
gen data op( ostore, value OF left OF n )
ELIF type OF n = nnot THEN # bolean not #
gen( left OF n );
gen not
ELIF type OF n = ngreaterequal THEN # compare >= #
gen not op( olt, n )
ELIF type OF n = nnotequal THEN # compare not = #
gen not op( oeq, n )
ELIF type OF n = nlessequal THEN # compare <= #
gen not op( ogt, n )
ELIF type OF n = nprts THEN # print string #
gen output( n, "string" )
ELIF type OF n = nprtc THEN # print character #
gen output( n, "char" )
ELIF type OF n = nprti THEN # print integer #
gen output( n, "int32" )
ELSE # everything else #
gen( left OF n );
gen( right OF n ); # right will be null for a unary op so no code will be generated #
print( ( operation( ndop( type OF n ) ), newline ) )
FI # gen # ;

# generates the code trailer - return instruction, end of Main method, end of class and end of namespace #
PROC code trailer = VOID:
print( ( " ret", newline ) );
print( ( " } // Main method", newline ) );
print( ( " } // Program class", newline ) );
print( ( "} // Rcc.Sample namespace", newline ) )
END # code trailer # ;

# parse the output from the syntax analyser and generate code from the parse tree #
REF NODE code = read node;
code header;
gen( code );
code trailer</lang>
.assembly extern mscorlib { auto }
.assembly RccSample {}
.module RccSample.exe
.namespace Rcc.Sample
.class public auto ansi Program extends [mscorlib]System.Object
.method public static void Main() cil managed
.locals init (int32 l_count
ldc.i4 1
stloc l_count
ldloc l_count
ldc.i4 10
brfalse lbl_2
call class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
ldstr "count is: "
callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(string)
call class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
ldloc l_count
callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(int32)
call class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
ldstr "\n"
callvirt instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(string)
ldloc l_count
ldc.i4 1
stloc l_count
br lbl_1
} // Main method
} // Program class
} // Rcc.Sample namespace

=={{header|ALGOL W}}==
=={{header|ALGOL W}}==

Revision as of 16:28, 19 November 2016

Compiler/code generator is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

A code generator translates the output of the syntax analyzer and/or semantic analyzer into lower level code, either assembly, object, or virtual.

Take the output of the Syntax analyzer task - which is a flattened Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) - and convert it to virtual machine code, that can be run by the Virtual machine interpreter. The output is in text format, and represents virtual assembly code.

The program should read input from a file and/or stdin, and write output to a file and/or stdout.

Example - given the simple program (below), stored in a file called while.t, create the list of tokens, using one of the Lexical analyzer solutions
lex < while.t > while.lex
Run one of the Syntax analyzer solutions
parse < while.lex > while.ast
while.ast can be input into the code generator.
The following table shows the input to lex, lex output, the AST produced by the parser, and the generated virtual assembly code.
Run as:  lex < while.t | parse | gen
Input to lex Output from lex, input to parse Output from parse Output from gen, input to VM

<lang c>count = 1; while (count < 10) {

   print("count is: ", count, "\n");
   count = count + 1;


    1      1   Identifier      count
    1      7   Op_assign
    1      9   Integer              1
    1     10   Semicolon
    2      1   Keyword_while
    2      7   LeftParen
    2      8   Identifier      count
    2     14   Op_less
    2     16   Integer             10
    2     18   RightParen
    2     20   LeftBrace
    3      5   Keyword_print
    3     10   LeftParen
    3     11   String          "count is: "
    3     23   Comma
    3     25   Identifier      count
    3     30   Comma
    3     32   String          "\n"
    3     36   RightParen
    3     37   Semicolon
    4      5   Identifier      count
    4     11   Op_assign
    4     13   Identifier      count
    4     19   Op_add
    4     21   Integer              1
    4     22   Semicolon
    5      1   RightBrace
    6      1   End_of_input
Identifier    count
Integer       1
Identifier    count
Integer       10
String        "count is: "
Identifier    count
String        "\n"
Identifier    count
Identifier    count
Integer       1
Datasize: 1 Strings: 2
"count is: "
   0 push  1
   5 store [0]
  10 fetch [0]
  15 push  10
  20 lt
  21 jz     (43) 65
  26 push  0
  31 prts
  32 fetch [0]
  37 prti
  38 push  1
  43 prts
  44 fetch [0]
  49 push  1
  54 add
  55 store [0]
  60 jmp    (-51) 10
  65 halt
Input format

As shown in the table, above, the output from the syntax analyzer is a flattened AST.

In the AST, Identifier, Integer, and String, are terminal nodes, e.g, they do not have child nodes.

Loading this data into an internal parse tree should be as simple as:

<lang python> def load_ast()

   line = readline()
   # Each line has at least one token
   line_list = tokenize the line, respecting double quotes
   text = line_list[0] # first token is always the node type
   if text == ";"
       return None
   node_type = text # could convert to internal form if desired
   # A line with two tokens is a leaf node
   # Leaf nodes are: Identifier, Integer String
   # The 2nd token is the value
   if len(line_list) > 1
       return make_leaf(node_type, line_list[1])
   left = load_ast()
   right = load_ast()
   return make_node(node_type, left, right)


Output format - refer to the table above
  • The first line is the header: Size of data, and number of constant strings.
    • size of data is the number of 32-bit unique variables used. In this example, one variable, count
    • number of constant strings is just that - how many there are
  • After that, the constant strings
  • Finally, the assembly code
  • sp: the stack pointer - points to the next top of stack. The stack is a 32-bit integer array.
  • pc: the program counter - points to the current instruction to be performed. The code is an array of bytes.

32-bit integers and strings


Each instruction is one byte. The following instructions also have a 32-bit integer operand:

fetch [index]

where index is an index into the data array.

store [index]

where index is an index into the data array.

push n

where value is a 32-bit integer that will be pushed onto the stack.

jmp (n) addr

where (n) is a 32-bit integer specifying the distance between the current location and the desired location. addr is an unsigned value of the actual code address.

jz (n) addr

where (n) is a 32-bit integer specifying the distance between the current location and the desired location. addr is an unsigned value of the actual code address.

The following instructions do not have an operand. They perform their operation directly against the stack:

For the following instructions, the operation is performed against the top two entries in the stack:


For the following instructions, the operation is performed against the top entry in the stack:


Print the word at stack top as a character.


Print the word at stack top as an integer.


Stack top points to an index into the string pool. Print that entry.


Unconditional stop.

Additional examples

Your solution should pass all the test cases above and the additional tests found Here.


The C and Python versions can be considered reference implementations.

Related Tasks


Based on the Algol W sample. This generates .NET IL assembler code which can be compiled with the .NET ilasm assembler to generate an exe that can be run under Windows (and presumably Mono though I haven't tried that). <lang algol68># RC Compiler code generator # COMMENT

   this writes a .NET IL assembler source to standard output.
   If the output is stored in a file called "",
   it could be compiled the command:
       ilasm /opt /out:rcsample.exe
   (Note ilasm may not be in the PATH by default(
   Note: The generated IL is *very* naiive


  1. parse tree nodes #

MODE NODE = STRUCT( INT type, REF NODE left, right, INT value ); INT nidentifier = 1, nstring = 2, ninteger = 3, nsequence = 4, nif = 5, nprtc = 6, nprts = 7

 , nprti         =  8, nwhile     =  9, nassign   = 10, nnegate    = 11, nnot       = 12, nmultiply = 13, ndivide = 14
 , nmod          = 15, nadd       = 16, nsubtract = 17, nless      = 18, nlessequal = 19, ngreater  = 20
 , ngreaterequal = 21, nequal     = 22, nnotequal = 23, nand       = 24, nor        = 25
  1. op codes #

INT ofetch = 1, ostore = 2, opush = 3, oadd = 4, osub = 5, omul = 6, odiv = 7, omod = 8

 , olt    =  9, ogt    = 10, ole   = 11, oge  = 12, oeq   = 13, one   = 14, oand  = 15, oor      = 16
 , oneg   = 17, onot   = 18, ojmp  = 19, ojz  = 20, oprtc = 21, oprts = 22, oprti = 23, opushstr = 24

[]INT ndop = ( -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1 , -1

 , -1               , -1             , -1            , oneg           , -1             , omul          , odiv
 , omod             , oadd           , osub          , olt            , -1             , ogt
 , -1               , oeq            , -1            , oand           , oor
 ) ;

[]STRING ndname = ( "Identifier" , "String" , "Integer" , "Sequence" , "If" , "Prtc" , "Prts"

 , "Prti"           , "While"        , "Assign"      , "Negate"       , "Not"          , "Multiply"    , "Divide"
 , "Mod"            , "Add"          , "Subtract"    , "Less"         , "LessEqual"    , "Greater"
 , "GreaterEqual"   , "Equal"        , "NotEqual"    , "And"          , "Or"
 ) ;

[]STRING opname = ( "ldloc ", "stloc ", "ldc.i4 ", "add ", "sub ", "mul ", "div ", "rem "

 , "clt    ",  "cgt    ",   "?le    ",  "?ge    ",  "ceq    ", "?ne    ",  "and    ",  "or     "
 , "neg    ",  "?not   ",   "br     ",  "brfalse",  "?prtc  ", "?prts  ",  "?prti  ",  "ldstr  "
 ) ;
  1. string and identifier arrays - a hash table might be better... #

INT max string number = 1024; [ 0 : max string number ]STRING identifiers, strings; FOR s pos FROM 0 TO max string number DO

   identifiers[ s pos ] := "";
   strings    [ s pos ] := ""


  1. label number for label generation #

INT next label number := 0;

  1. returns the next free label number #

PROC new label = INT: next label number +:= 1;

  1. returns a new node with left and right branches #

PROC op node = ( INT op type, REF NODE left, right )REF NODE: HEAP NODE := NODE( op type, left, right, 0 );

  1. returns a new operand node #

PROC operand node = ( INT op type, value )REF NODE: HEAP NODE := NODE( op type, NIL, NIL, value );

  1. reports an error and stops #

PROC gen error = ( STRING message )VOID:

       print( ( message, newline ) );
    END # gen error # ;
  1. reads a node from standard input #

PROC read node = REF NODE:

       REF NODE result := NIL;
       # parses a string from line and stores it in a string in the text array #
       # - if it is not already present in the specified textElement list.     #
       # returns the position of the string in the text array                  #
       PROC read string = ( REF[]STRING text list, CHAR terminator )INT:
               # get the text of the string #
               STRING str := line[ l pos ];
               l pos +:= 1;
               WHILE IF l pos <= UPB line THEN line[ l pos ] /= terminator ELSE FALSE FI DO
                   str   +:= line[ l pos ];
                   l pos +:= 1
               IF l pos > UPB line THEN gen error( "Unterminated String in node file: (" + line + ")." ) FI;
               # attempt to find the text in the list of strings/identifiers #
               INT  t pos  := LWB text list;
               BOOL found  := FALSE;
               INT  result := LWB text list - 1;
               FOR t pos FROM LWB text list TO UPB text list WHILE NOT found DO
                   IF found := text list[ t pos ] = str THEN
                       # found the string #
                       result := t pos
                   ELIF text list[ t pos ] = "" THEN
                       # have an empty slot for ther string #
                       found := TRUE;
                       text list[ t pos ] := str;
                       result := t pos
               IF NOT found THEN gen error( "Out of string space." ) FI;
            END # read string # ;
       # gets an integer from the line - no checks for valid digits #
       PROC read integer = INT:
                INT n := 0;
                WHILE line[ l pos ] /= " " DO
                    ( n *:= 10 ) +:= ( ABS line[ l pos ] - ABS "0" );
                    l pos +:= 1
            END # read integer # ;
       STRING line, name;
       INT    l pos := 1, nd type := -1;
       read( ( line, newline ) );
       line +:= " ";
       # get the node type name #
       WHILE line[ l pos ] = " " DO l pos +:= 1 OD;
       name := "";
       WHILE IF l pos > UPB line THEN FALSE ELSE line[ l pos ] /= " " FI DO
           name +:= line[ l pos ];
           l pos +:= 1
       # determine the node type #
       nd type := LWB nd name;
       IF name /= ";" THEN
           # not a null node #
           WHILE IF nd type <= UPB nd name THEN name /= nd name[ nd type ] ELSE FALSE FI DO nd type +:= 1 OD;
           IF nd type > UPB nd name THEN gen error( "Malformed node: (" + line + ")." ) FI;
           # handle the additional parameter for identifier/string/integer, or sub-nodes for operator nodes #
           IF nd type = ninteger OR nd type = nidentifier OR nd type = nstring THEN
               WHILE line[ l pos ] = " " DO l pos +:= 1 OD;
               IF     nd type = ninteger    THEN result := operand node( nd type, read integer )
               ELIF   nd type = nidentifier THEN result := operand node( nd type, read string( identifiers, " "  ) )
               ELSE # nd type = nString     #    result := operand node( nd type, read string( strings,     """" ) )
               # operator node #
               REF NODE left node = read node;
               result := op node( nd type, left node, read node )
    END # read node # ;
  1. returns a formatted op code for code generation #

PROC operation = ( INT op code )STRING: " " + op name[ op code ] + " ";

  1. defines the specified label #

PROC define label = ( INT label number )VOID: print( ( "lbl_", whole( label number, 0 ), ":", newline ) );

  1. generates code to load a string value #

PROC gen load string = ( INT value )VOID:

       print( ( operation( opushstr ), "  ", strings[ value ], """", newline ) )
    END # push string # ;
  1. generates code to load a constant value #

PROC gen load constant = ( INT value )VOID: print( ( operation( opush ), " ", whole( value, 0 ), newline ) );

  1. generates an operation acting on an address #

PROC gen data op = ( INT op, address )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), " l_", identifiers[ address ], newline ) );

  1. generates a nullary operation #

PROC gen op 0 = ( INT op )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), newline ) );

  1. generates a "not" instruction sequence #

PROC gen not = VOID:

       gen load constant( 0 );
       print( ( operation( oeq ), newline ) )
    END # gen not # ;
  1. generates a negated condition #

PROC gen not op = ( INT op, REF NODE n )VOID:

       gen(  left OF n );
       gen( right OF n );
       gen op 0( op );
       gen not
    END # gen not op # ;
  1. generates a jump operation #

PROC gen jump = ( INT op, label )VOID: print( ( operation( op ), " lbl_", whole( label, 0 ), newline ) );

  1. generates code to output something to System.Console.Out #

PROC gen output = ( REF NODE n, STRING output type )VOID:

       print( ( "            call       " ) );
       print( ( "class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()", newline ) );
       gen( left OF n );
       print( ( "            callvirt   " ) );
       print( ( "instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(", output type, ")", newline ) )
    END # gen output # ;
  1. generates the code header - assembly info, namespace, class and start of the Main method #

PROC code header = VOID:

       print( ( ".assembly extern mscorlib { auto }",                                  newline ) );
       print( ( ".assembly RccSample {}",                                              newline ) );
       print( ( ".module RccSample.exe",                                               newline ) );
       print( ( ".namespace Rcc.Sample",                                               newline ) );
       print( ( "{",                                                                   newline ) );
       print( ( "    .class public auto ansi Program extends [mscorlib]System.Object", newline ) );
       print( ( "    {",                                                               newline ) );
       print( ( "        .method public static void Main() cil managed",               newline ) );
       print( ( "        {",                                                           newline ) );
       print( ( "           .entrypoint",                                              newline ) );
       # output the local variables #
       BOOL   have locals  := FALSE;
       STRING local prefix := "           .locals init (int32 l_";
       FOR s pos FROM LWB identifiers TO UPB identifiers WHILE identifiers[ s pos ] /= "" DO
           print( ( local prefix, identifiers[ s pos ], newline ) );
           local prefix := "                        ,int32 l_";
           have locals  := TRUE
       IF have locals THEN
           # there were some local variables defined - output the terminator #
           print( ( "                        )", newline ) )
    END # code header # ;
  1. generates code for the node n #

PROC gen = ( REF NODE n )VOID:

    IF n IS REF NODE( NIL )        THEN # null node       #
    ELIF type OF n = nidentifier   THEN # load identifier #
       gen data op( ofetch, value OF n )
    ELIF type OF n = nstring       THEN # load string     #
       gen load string( value OF n )
    ELIF type OF n = ninteger      THEN # load integer    #
       gen load constant( value OF n )
    ELIF type OF n = nsequence     THEN # list            #
       gen(  left OF n );
       gen( right OF n )
    ELIF type OF n = nif           THEN # if-else         #
       INT else label := new label;
       gen( left OF n );
       gen jump( ojz, else label );
       gen( left OF right OF n );
       IF right OF right OF n IS REF NODE( NIL ) THEN
           # no "else" part #
           define label( else label )
           # have an "else" part #
           INT end if label := new label;
           gen jump( ojmp, end if label );
           define label( else label );
           gen( right OF right OF n );
           define label( end if label )
    ELIF type OF n = nwhile        THEN # while-loop      #
       INT loop label := new label;
       INT exit label := new label;
       define label( loop label );
       gen(  left OF n );
       gen jump( ojz,  exit label );
       gen( right OF n );
       gen jump( ojmp, loop label );
       define label( exit label )
    ELIF type OF n = nassign       THEN # assignment      #
       gen( right OF n );
       gen data op( ostore, value OF left OF n )
    ELIF type OF n = nnot          THEN # bolean not      #
       gen( left OF n );
       gen not
    ELIF type OF n = ngreaterequal THEN # compare >=      #
       gen not op( olt, n )
    ELIF type OF n = nnotequal     THEN # compare not =   #
       gen not op( oeq, n )
    ELIF type OF n = nlessequal    THEN # compare <=      #
       gen not op( ogt, n )
    ELIF type OF n = nprts         THEN # print string    #
       gen output( n, "string" )
    ELIF type OF n = nprtc         THEN # print character #
       gen output( n, "char" )
    ELIF type OF n = nprti         THEN # print integer   #
       gen output( n, "int32" )
    ELSE                                # everything else #
       gen(  left OF n );
       gen( right OF n ); # right will be null for a unary op so no code will be generated #
       print( ( operation( ndop( type OF n ) ), newline ) )
    FI # gen # ;
  1. generates the code trailer - return instruction, end of Main method, end of class and end of namespace #

PROC code trailer = VOID:

       print( ( "            ret",           newline ) );
       print( ( "        } // Main method",  newline ) );
       print( ( "    } // Program class",    newline ) );
       print( ( "} // Rcc.Sample namespace", newline ) )
    END # code trailer # ;
  1. parse the output from the syntax analyser and generate code from the parse tree #

REF NODE code = read node; code header; gen( code ); code trailer</lang>

.assembly extern mscorlib { auto }
.assembly RccSample {}
.module RccSample.exe
.namespace Rcc.Sample
    .class public auto ansi Program extends [mscorlib]System.Object
        .method public static void Main() cil managed
           .locals init (int32 l_count
            ldc.i4     1
            stloc      l_count
            ldloc      l_count
            ldc.i4     10
            brfalse    lbl_2
            call       class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
            ldstr      "count is: "
            callvirt   instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(string)
            call       class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
            ldloc      l_count
            callvirt   instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(int32)
            call       class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
            ldstr      "\n"
            callvirt   instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::Write(string)
            ldloc      l_count
            ldc.i4     1
            stloc      l_count
            br         lbl_1
        } // Main method
    } // Program class
} // Rcc.Sample namespace


<lang algolw>begin % code generator %

   % parse tree nodes %
   record node( integer         type
              ; reference(node) left, right
              ; integer         iValue % nString/nIndentifier number or nInteger value %
   integer    nIdentifier, nString, nInteger, nSequence, nIf,   nPrtc, nPrts
         ,    nPrti,       nWhile,  nAssign,  nNegate,   nNot,  nMultiply
         ,    nDivide,     nMod,    nAdd,     nSubtract, nLess, nLessEqual
         ,    nGreater,    nGreaterEqual,     nEqual,    nNotEqual,    nAnd, nOr
   string(14) array ndName ( 1 :: 25 );
   integer    array nOp    ( 1 :: 25 );
   integer    MAX_NODE_TYPE;
   % string literals and identifiers - uses a linked list - a hash table might be better... %
   string(1)  array text ( 0 :: 4095 );
   integer    textNext, TEXT_MAX;
   record textElement ( integer start, length; reference(textElement) next );
   reference(textElement) idList, stList;
   % op codes %
   integer    oFetch, oStore, oPush
         ,    oAdd,   oSub,   oMul, oDiv, oMod, oLt, oGt,   oLe,   oGe,   oEq,  oNe
         ,    oAnd,   oOr,    oNeg, oNot, oJmp, oJz, oPrtc, oPrts, oPrti, oHalt
   string(6)  array opName ( 1 :: 24 );
   % code - although this is intended to be byte code, as we are going to output    %
   %        an assembler source, we use integers for convenience                    %
   % labelLocations are: - ( referencing location + 1 ) if they have been referenced but not defined yet, %
   %                     zero     if they are unreferenced and undefined,                                 %
   %                     ( referencing location + 1 )   if they are defined                               %
   integer    array byteCode ( 0 :: 4095 );
   integer    array labelLocation( 1 :: 4096 );
   integer    nextLocation, MAX_LOCATION, nextLabelNumber, MAX_LABEL_NUMBER;
   % returns a new node with left and right branches %
   reference(node) procedure opNode ( integer value opType; reference(node) value opLeft, opRight ) ; begin
       node( opType, opLeft, opRight, 0 )
   end opNode ;
   % returns a new operand node %
   reference(node) procedure operandNode ( integer value opType, opValue ) ; begin
       node( opType, null, null, opValue )
   end operandNode ;
   % reports an error and stops %
   procedure genError( string(80) value message ); begin
       integer errorPos;
       write( s_w := 0, "**** Code generation error: " );
       errorPos := 0;
       while errorPos < 80 and message( errorPos // 1 ) not = "." do begin
           writeon( s_w := 0, message( errorPos // 1 ) );
           errorPos := errorPos + 1
       end while_not_at_end_of_message ;
       writeon( s_w := 0, "." );
       assert( false )
   end genError ;
   % reads a node from standard input %
   reference(node) procedure readNode ; begin
       reference(node) resultNode;
       % parses a string from line and stores it in a string in the text array %
       % - if it is not already present in the specified textElement list.     %
       % returns the position of the string in the text array                  %
       integer procedure readString ( reference(textElement) value result txList; string(1) value terminator ) ; begin
           string(256) str;
           integer     sLen, sPos, ePos;
           logical     found;
           reference(textElement) txPos, txLastPos;
           % get the text of the string %
           str  := " ";
           sLen := 0;
           str( sLen // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
           sLen := sLen + 1;
           lPos := lPos + 1;
           while lPos <= 255 and line( lPos // 1 ) not = terminator do begin
               str( sLen // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
               sLen := sLen + 1;
               lPos := lPos + 1
           end while_more_string ;
           if lPos > 255 then genError( "Unterminated String in node file." );
           % attempt to find the text in the list of strings/identifiers %
           txLastPos := txPos := txList;
           found := false;
           ePos := 0;
           while not found and txPos not = null do begin
               ePos  := ePos + 1;
               found := ( length(txPos) = sLen );
               sPos  := 0;
               while found and sPos < sLen do begin
                   found := str( sPos // 1 ) = text( start(txPos) + sPos );
                   sPos  := sPos + 1
               end while_not_found ;
               txLastPos := txPos;
               if not found then txPos := next(txPos)
           end while_string_not_found ;
           if not found then begin
               % the string/identifier is not in the list - add it %
               ePos := ePos + 1;
               if txList = null then txList := textElement( textNext, sLen, null )
                                else next(txLastPos) := textElement( textNext, sLen, null );
               if textNext + sLen > TEXT_MAX then genError( "Text space exhausted." )
               else begin
                   for cPos := 0 until sLen - 1 do begin
                       text( textNext ) := str( cPos // 1 );
                       textNext := textNext + 1
                   end for_cPos
           end if_not_found ;
       end readString ;
       % gets an integer from the line - no checks for valid digits %
       integer procedure readInteger ; begin
           integer n;
           n := 0;
           while line( lPos // 1 ) not = " " do begin
               n    := ( n * 10 ) + ( decode( line( lPos // 1 ) ) - decode( "0" ) );
               lPos := lPos + 1
           end while_not_end_of_integer ;
       end readInteger ;
       string(256) line;
       string(16)  name;
       integer     lPos, tPos, ndType;
       tPos := lPos := 0;
       readcard( line );
       % get the node type name %
       while line( lPos // 1 ) = " " do lPos := lPos + 1;
       name := "";
       while lPos < 256 and line( lPos // 1 ) not = " " do begin
           name( tPos // 1 ) := line( lPos // 1 );
           lPos := lPos + 1;
           tPos := tPos + 1
       end  while_more_name ;
       % determine the node type %
       ndType         := 1;
       resultNode     := null;
       if name not = ";" then begin
           % not a null node %
           while ndType <= MAX_NODE_TYPE and name not = ndName( ndType ) do ndType := ndType + 1;
           if ndType > MAX_NODE_TYPE then genError( "Malformed node." );
           % handle the additional parameter for identifier/string/integer, or sub-nodes for operator nodes %
           if ndType = nInteger or ndType = nIdentifier or ndType = nString then begin
               while line( lPos // 1 ) = " " do lPos := lPos + 1;
               if      ndType = nInteger    then resultNode := operandNode( ndType, readInteger )
               else if ndType = nIdentifier then resultNode := operandNode( ndType, readString( idList, " "  ) )
               else  % ndType = nString     %    resultNode := operandNode( ndType, readString( stList, """" ) )
           else begin
               % operator node %
               reference(node) leftNode;
               leftNode   := readNode;
               resultNode := opNode( ndType, leftNode, readNode )
       end if_non_null_node ;
   end readNode ;
   % returns the next free label number %
   integer procedure newLabel ; begin
       nextLabelNumber := nextLabelNumber + 1;
       if nextLabelNumber > MAX_LABEL_NUMBER then genError( "Program too complex" );
   end newLabel ;
   % defines the specified label to be at the next location %
   procedure defineLabel ( integer value labelNumber ) ; begin
       if labelLocation( labelNumber ) > 0 then genError( "Label already defined" )
       else begin
           % this is the first definition of the label, define it and if it has already been referenced, fill in the reference %
           integer currValue;
           currValue := labelLocation( labelNumber );
           labelLocation( labelNumber ) := nextLocation + 1; % we store pc + 1 to ensure the label location is positive %
           if currValue < 0 then % already referenced % byteCode( - ( currValue + 1 ) ) := labelLocation( labelNumber )
   end defineLabel ;
   % stores a byte in the code %
   procedure genByte ( integer value byteValue ) ; begin
       if nextLocation > MAX_LOCATION then genError( "Program too large" );
       byteCode( nextLocation ) := byteValue;
       nextLocation := nextLocation + 1
   end genByte ;
   % stores an integer in the code %
   procedure genInteger ( integer value integerValue ) ; begin
       % we are storing the bytes of the code in separate integers for convenience %
       genByte( integerValue ); genByte( 0 ); genByte( 0 ); genByte( 0 )
   end genInteger ;
   % generates an operation acting on an address %
   procedure genDataOp ( integer value opCode, address ) ; begin
       genByte( opCode );
       genInteger( address )
   end genDataOp ;
   % generates a nullary operation %
   procedure genOp0  ( integer value opCode ) ; begin
       genByte( opCode )
   end genOp0 ;
   % generates a unary/binary operation %
   procedure genOp ( reference(node) value n ) ; begin
       gen(  left(n) );
       gen( right(n) ); % right will be null for a unary op so no code will be generated %
       genByte( nOp( type(n) ) )
   end genOp ;
   % generates a jump operation %
   procedure genJump   ( integer value opCode, labelNumber ) ; begin
       genByte( opCode );
       % if the label is not defined yet - set it's location to the negative of the referencing location %
       % so it can be resolved later %
       if labelLocation( labelNumber ) = 0 then labelLocation( labelNumber ) := - ( nextLocation + 1 );
       genInteger( labelLocation( labelNumber ) )
   end genJump ;
   % generates code for the node n %
   procedure gen ( reference(node) value n ) ; begin
       if           n  = null        then % empty node % begin end
       else if type(n) = nIdentifier then genDataOp( oFetch, iValue(n) )
       else if type(n) = nString     then genDataOp( oPush,  iValue(n) - 1 )
       else if type(n) = nInteger    then genDataOp( oPush,  iValue(n) )
       else if type(n) = nSequence   then begin
           gen(  left(n) );
           gen( right(n) )
       else if type(n) = nIf         then % if-else         % begin
           integer elseLabel;
           elseLabel := newLabel;
           gen( left(n) );
           genJump( oJz, elseLabel );
           gen( left( right(n) ) );
           if right(right(n)) = null then % no "else" part % defineLabel( elseLabel )
           else begin
               % have an "else" part %
               integer endIfLabel;
               endIfLabel := newLabel;
               genJump( oJmp, endIfLabel );
               defineLabel( elseLabel );
               gen( right(right(n)) );
               defineLabel( endIfLabel )
       else if type(n) = nWhile      then % while-loop      % begin
           integer loopLabel, exitLabel;
           loopLabel := newLabel;
           exitLabel := newLabel;
           defineLabel( loopLabel );
           gen(  left(n) );
           genJump( oJz,  exitLabel );
           gen( right(n) );
           genJump( oJmp, loopLabel );
           defineLabel( exitLabel )
       else if type(n) = nAssign     then % assignment      % begin
           gen( right( n ) );
           genDataOp( oStore, iValue(left(n)) )
       else genOp( n )
   end gen ;
   % outputs the generated code to standard output %
   procedure emitCode ; begin
       % counts the number of elements in a text element list %
       integer procedure countElements ( reference(textElement) value txHead ) ; begin
           integer count;
           reference(textElement) txPos;
           count := 0;
           txPos := txHead;
           while txPos not = null do begin
               count := count + 1;
               txPos := next(txPos)
           end while_txPos_not_null ;
       end countElements ;
       integer pc, op;
       reference(textElement) txPos;
       % code header %
       write( i_w := 1, s_w := 0
            , "Datasize: ", countElements( idList )
            , " Strings: ", countElements( stList )
       % output the string literals %
       txPos := stList;
       while txPos not = null do begin
           integer cPos;
           write( """" );
           cPos := 1; % start from 1 to skip over the leading " %
           while cPos < length(txPos) do begin
               writeon( s_w := 0, text( start(txPos) + cPos ) );
               cPos := cPos + 1
           end while_not_end_of_string ;
           writeon( s_w := 0, """" );
           txPos := next(txPos)
       end while_not_at_end_of_literals ;
       % code body %
       pc := 0;
       while pc < nextLocation do begin
           op := byteCode( pc );
           write( i_w := 4, s_w := 0, pc, " ", opName( op ) );
           pc := pc + 1;
           if      op = oFetch or op = oStore then begin
               % data load/store - add the address in square brackets %
               writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, "[", byteCode( pc ) - 1, "]" );
               pc := pc + 4
           else if op = oPush                 then begin
               % push constant - add the constant %
               writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, byteCode( pc ) );
               pc := pc + 4
           else if op = oJmp   or op = oJz    then begin
               % jump - show the relative address in brackets and the absolute address %
               writeon( i_w := 1, s_w := 0, "(", ( byteCode( pc ) - 1 ) - pc, ") ", byteCode( pc ) - 1 );
               pc := pc + 4
       end while_pc_lt_nextLocation
   end emitCode ;
   oFetch :=  1; opName( oFetch ) := "fetch"; oStore :=  2; opName( oStore ) := "store"; oPush :=  3; opName( oPush ) := "push";
   oAdd   :=  4; opName( oAdd   ) := "add";   oSub   :=  5; opName( oSub   ) := "sub";   oMul  :=  6; opName( oMul  ) := "mul";
   oDiv   :=  7; opName( oDiv   ) := "div";   oMod   :=  8; opName( oMod   ) := "mod";   oLt   :=  9; opName( oLt   ) := "lt";
   oGt    := 10; opName( oGt    ) := "gt";    oLe    := 11; opName( oLe    ) := "le";    oGe   := 12; opName( oGe   ) := "ge";
   oEq    := 13; opName( oEq    ) := "eq";    oNe    := 14; opName( oNe    ) := "ne";    oAnd  := 15; opName( oAnd  ) := "and";
   oOr    := 16; opName( oOr    ) := "or";    oNeg   := 17; opName( oNeg   ) := "neg";   oNot  := 18; opName( oNot  ) := "not";
   oJmp   := 19; opName( oJmp   ) := "jmp";   oJz    := 20; opName( oJz    ) := "jz";    oPrtc := 21; opName( oPrtc ) := "prtc";
   oPrts  := 22; opName( oPrts  ) := "prts";  oPrti  := 23; opName( oPrti  ) := "prti";  oHalt := 24; opName( oHalt ) := "halt";
   nIdentifier      :=  1; ndName( nIdentifier   ) := "Identifier";   nString   :=  2; ndName( nString   ) := "String";
   nInteger         :=  3; ndName( nInteger      ) := "Integer";      nSequence :=  4; ndName( nSequence ) := "Sequence";
   nIf              :=  5; ndName( nIf           ) := "If";           nPrtc     :=  6; ndName( nPrtc     ) := "Prtc";
   nPrts            :=  7; ndName( nPrts         ) := "Prts";         nPrti     :=  8; ndName( nPrti     ) := "Prti";
   nWhile           :=  9; ndName( nWhile        ) := "While";        nAssign   := 10; ndName( nAssign   ) := "Assign";
   nNegate          := 11; ndName( nNegate       ) := "Negate";       nNot      := 12; ndName( nNot      ) := "Not";
   nMultiply        := 13; ndName( nMultiply     ) := "Multiply";     nDivide   := 14; ndName( nDivide   ) := "Divide";
   nMod             := 15; ndName( nMod          ) := "Mod";          nAdd      := 16; ndName( nAdd      ) := "Add";
   nSubtract        := 17; ndName( nSubtract     ) := "Subtract";     nLess     := 18; ndName( nLess     ) := "Less";
   nLessEqual       := 19; ndName( nLessEqual    ) := "LessEqual";    nGreater  := 20; ndName( nGreater  ) := "Greater";
   nGreaterEqual    := 21; ndName( nGreaterEqual ) := "GreaterEqual"; nEqual    := 22; ndName( nEqual    ) := "Equal";
   nNotEqual        := 23; ndName( nNotEqual     ) := "NotEqual";     nAnd      := 24; ndName( nAnd      ) := "And";
   nOr              := 25; ndName( nOr           ) := "Or";
   MAX_NODE_TYPE    := 25; TEXT_MAX := 4095; textNext := 0;
   stList := idList := null;
   for nPos := 1 until MAX_NODE_TYPE do nOp( nPos ) := -1;
   nOp( nPrtc     ) := oPrtc; nOp( nPrts      ) := oPrts; nOp( nPrti    ) := oPrti; nOp( nNegate       ) := oNeg; nOp( nNot      ) := oNot;
   nOp( nMultiply ) := oMul;  nOp( nDivide    ) := oDiv;  nOp( nMod     ) := oMod;  nOp( nAdd          ) := oAdd; nOp( nSubtract ) := oSub;
   nOp( nLess     ) := oLt;   nOp( nLessEqual ) := oLe;   nOp( nGreater ) := oGt;   nOp( nGreaterEqual ) := oGe;  nOp( nEqual    ) := oEq;
   nOp( nNotEqual ) := oNe;   nOp( nAnd       ) := oAnd;  nOp( nOr      ) := oOr;
   nextLocation     := 0; MAX_LOCATION := 4095;
   for pc := 0 until MAX_LOCATION do byteCode( pc ) := 0;
   nextLabelNumber := 0; MAX_LABEL_NUMBER := 4096;
   for lPos := 1 until MAX_LABEL_NUMBER do labelLocation( lPos ) := 0;
   % parse the output from the syntax analyser and generate code from the parse tree %
   gen( readNode );
   genOp0( oHalt );



The While Counter example

Datasize: 1 Strings: 2
"count is: "
   0 push  1
   5 store [0]
  10 fetch [0]
  15 push  10
  20 lt
  21 jz    (43) 65
  26 push  0
  31 prts
  32 fetch [0]
  37 prti
  38 push  1
  43 prts
  44 fetch [0]
  49 push  1
  54 add
  55 store [0]
  60 jmp   (-51) 10
  65 halt


Tested with gcc 4.81 and later, compiles warning free with -Wall -Wextra <lang C>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <stdarg.h>
  4. include <stdint.h>
  5. include <ctype.h>

typedef unsigned char uchar;

typedef enum {

   nd_Ident, nd_String, nd_Integer, nd_Sequence, nd_If, nd_Prtc, nd_Prts, nd_Prti, nd_While,
   nd_Assign, nd_Negate, nd_Not, nd_Mul, nd_Div, nd_Mod, nd_Add, nd_Sub, nd_Lss, nd_Leq,
   nd_Gtr, nd_Geq, nd_Eql, nd_Neq, nd_And, nd_Or

} NodeType;

typedef enum { FETCH, STORE, PUSH, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, MOD, LT, GT, LE, GE, EQ, NE, AND,


} Code_t;

typedef uchar code;

typedef struct Tree {

   NodeType node_type;
   struct Tree *left;
   struct Tree *right;
   char *value;

} Tree;

  1. define da_dim(name, type) type *name = NULL; \
                           int _qy_ ## name ## _p = 0;  \
                           int _qy_ ## name ## _max = 0
  1. define da_redim(name) do {if (_qy_ ## name ## _p >= _qy_ ## name ## _max) \
                               name = realloc(name, (_qy_ ## name ## _max += 32) * sizeof(name[0]));} while (0)
  1. define da_rewind(name) _qy_ ## name ## _p = 0
  1. define da_append(name, x) do {da_redim(name); name[_qy_ ## name ## _p++] = x;} while (0)
  2. define da_len(name) _qy_ ## name ## _p
  3. define da_add(name) do {da_redim(name); _qy_ ## name ## _p++;} while (0)

FILE *source_fp, *dest_fp; static int here; da_dim(object, code); da_dim(globals, const char *); da_dim(string_pool, const char *);

// dependency: Ordered by NodeType, must remain in same order as NodeType enum struct {

   char       *enum_text;
   NodeType   node_type;
   Code_t     opcode;

} atr[] = {

   {"Identifier"  , nd_Ident,    -1 },
   {"String"      , nd_String,   -1 },
   {"Integer"     , nd_Integer,  -1 },
   {"Sequence"    , nd_Sequence, -1 },
   {"If"          , nd_If,       -1 },
   {"Prtc"        , nd_Prtc,     -1 },
   {"Prts"        , nd_Prts,     -1 },
   {"Prti"        , nd_Prti,     -1 },
   {"While"       , nd_While,    -1 },
   {"Assign"      , nd_Assign,   -1 },
   {"Negate"      , nd_Negate,   NEG},
   {"Not"         , nd_Not,      NOT},
   {"Multiply"    , nd_Mul,      MUL},
   {"Divide"      , nd_Div,      DIV},
   {"Mod"         , nd_Mod,      MOD},
   {"Add"         , nd_Add,      ADD},
   {"Subtract"    , nd_Sub,      SUB},
   {"Less"        , nd_Lss,      LT },
   {"LessEqual"   , nd_Leq,      LE },
   {"Greater"     , nd_Gtr,      GT },
   {"GreaterEqual", nd_Geq,      GE },
   {"Equal"       , nd_Eql,      EQ },
   {"NotEqual"    , nd_Neq,      NE },
   {"And"         , nd_And,      AND},
   {"Or"          , nd_Or,       OR },


void error(const char *fmt, ... ) {

   va_list ap;
   char buf[1000];
   va_start(ap, fmt);
   vsprintf(buf, fmt, ap);
   printf("error: %s\n", buf);


Code_t type_to_op(NodeType type) {

   return atr[type].opcode;


Tree *make_node(NodeType node_type, Tree *left, Tree *right) {

   Tree *t = calloc(sizeof(Tree), 1);
   t->node_type = node_type;
   t->left = left;
   t->right = right;
   return t;


Tree *make_leaf(NodeType node_type, char *value) {

   Tree *t = calloc(sizeof(Tree), 1);
   t->node_type = node_type;
   t->value = strdup(value);
   return t;


/*** Code generator ***/

void emit_byte(int c) {

   da_append(object, (uchar)c);


void emit_int(int32_t n) {

   union {
       int32_t n;
       unsigned char c[sizeof(int32_t)];
   } x;
   x.n = n;
   for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(x.n); ++i) {


int hole() {

   int t = here;
   return t;


void fix(int src, int dst) {

   *(int32_t *)(object + src) = dst-src;


int fetch_var_offset(const char *id) {

   for (int i = 0; i < da_len(globals); ++i) {
       if (strcmp(id, globals[i]) == 0)
           return i;
   int n = da_len(globals) - 1;
   globals[n] = strdup(id);
   return n;


int fetch_string_offset(const char *st) {

   for (int i = 0; i < da_len(string_pool); ++i) {
       if (strcmp(st, string_pool[i]) == 0)
           return i;
   int n = da_len(string_pool) - 1;
   string_pool[n] = strdup(st);
   return n;


void code_gen(Tree *x) {

   int p1, p2, n;
   if (x == NULL) return;
   switch (x->node_type) {
       case nd_Ident:
           n = fetch_var_offset(x->value);
       case nd_Integer:
       case nd_String:
           n = fetch_string_offset(x->value);
       case nd_Assign:
           n = fetch_var_offset(x->left->value);
       case nd_If:
           code_gen(x->left);        // if expr
           emit_byte(JZ);                  // if false, jump
           p1 = hole();                    // make room for jump dest
           code_gen(x->right->left);   // if true statements
           if (x->right->right != NULL) {
               p2 = hole();
           fix(p1, here);
           if (x->right->right != NULL) {
               fix(p2, here);
       case nd_While:
           p1 = here;
           code_gen(x->left);        // while expr
           emit_byte(JZ);                  // if false, jump
           p2 = hole();                    // make room for jump dest
           code_gen(x->right);       // statements
           emit_byte(JMP);                 // back to the top
           fix(hole(), p1);                // plug the top
           fix(p2, here);                  // plug the 'if false, jump'
       case nd_Sequence:
       case nd_Prtc:
       case nd_Prti:
       case nd_Prts:
       case nd_Lss: case nd_Gtr: case nd_Leq: case nd_Geq: case nd_Eql: case nd_Neq:
       case nd_And: case nd_Or: case nd_Sub: case nd_Add: case nd_Div: case nd_Mul:
       case nd_Mod:
       case nd_Negate: case nd_Not:
           error("error in code generator - found %d, expecting operator\n", x->node_type);


void code_finish() {



void list_code() {

   fprintf(dest_fp, "Datasize: %d Strings: %d\n", da_len(globals), da_len(string_pool));
   for (int i = 0; i < da_len(string_pool); ++i)
       fprintf(dest_fp, "%s\n", string_pool[i]);
   code *pc = object;
   again: fprintf(dest_fp, "%5d ", (int)(pc - object));
   switch (*pc++) {
       case FETCH: fprintf(dest_fp, "fetch [%d]\n", *(int32_t *)pc);
                   pc += sizeof(int32_t);  goto again;
       case STORE: fprintf(dest_fp, "store [%d]\n", *(int32_t *)pc);
                   pc += sizeof(int32_t);  goto again;
       case PUSH : fprintf(dest_fp, "push  %d\n", *(int32_t *)pc);
                   pc += sizeof(int32_t);    goto again;
       case ADD  : fprintf(dest_fp, "add\n");      goto again;
       case SUB  : fprintf(dest_fp, "sub\n");      goto again;
       case MUL  : fprintf(dest_fp, "mul\n");      goto again;
       case DIV  : fprintf(dest_fp, "div\n");      goto again;
       case MOD  : fprintf(dest_fp, "mod\n");      goto again;
       case LT   : fprintf(dest_fp, "lt\n");       goto again;
       case GT   : fprintf(dest_fp, "gt\n");       goto again;
       case LE   : fprintf(dest_fp, "le\n");       goto again;
       case GE   : fprintf(dest_fp, "ge\n");       goto again;
       case EQ   : fprintf(dest_fp, "eq\n");       goto again;
       case NE   : fprintf(dest_fp, "ne\n");       goto again;
       case AND  : fprintf(dest_fp, "and\n");      goto again;
       case OR   : fprintf(dest_fp, "or\n");       goto again;
       case NOT  : fprintf(dest_fp, "not\n");      goto again;
       case NEG  : fprintf(dest_fp, "neg\n");      goto again;
       case JMP  : fprintf(dest_fp, "jmp    (%d) %d\n",
                       *(int32_t *)pc, (int32_t)(pc + *(int32_t *)pc - object));
                   pc += sizeof(int32_t); goto again;
       case JZ   : fprintf(dest_fp, "jz     (%d) %d\n",
                       *(int32_t *)pc, (int32_t)(pc + *(int32_t *)pc - object));
                   pc += sizeof(int32_t); goto again;
       case PRTC : fprintf(dest_fp, "prtc\n");     goto again;
       case PRTI : fprintf(dest_fp, "prti\n");     goto again;
       case PRTS : fprintf(dest_fp, "prts\n");     goto again;
       case HALT : fprintf(dest_fp, "halt\n");     break;
       default:error("listcode:Unknown opcode %d\n", *(pc - 1));


void init_io(FILE **fp, FILE *std, const char mode[], const char fn[]) {

   if (fn[0] == '\0')
       *fp = std;
   else if ((*fp = fopen(fn, mode)) == NULL)
       error(0, 0, "Can't open %s\n", fn);


NodeType get_enum_value(const char name[]) {

   for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(atr) / sizeof(atr[0]); i++) {
       if (strcmp(atr[i].enum_text, name) == 0) {
           return atr[i].node_type;
   error("Unknown token %s\n", name);
   return -1;


char *read_line(int *len) {

   static char *text = NULL;
   static int textmax = 0;
   for (*len = 0; ; (*len)++) {
       int ch = fgetc(source_fp);
       if (ch == EOF || ch == '\n') {
           if (*len == 0)
               return NULL;
       if (*len + 1 >= textmax) {
           textmax = (textmax == 0 ? 128 : textmax * 2);
           text = realloc(text, textmax);
       text[*len] = ch;
   text[*len] = '\0';
   return text;


char *rtrim(char *text, int *len) { // remove trailing spaces

   for (; *len > 0 && isspace(text[*len - 1]); --(*len))
   text[*len] = '\0';
   return text;


Tree *load_ast() {

   int len;
   char *yytext = read_line(&len);
   yytext = rtrim(yytext, &len);
   // get first token
   char *tok = strtok(yytext, " ");
   if (tok[0] == ';') {
       return NULL;
   NodeType node_type = get_enum_value(tok);
   // if there is extra data, get it
   char *p = tok + strlen(tok);
   if (p != &yytext[len]) {
       for (++p; isspace(*p); ++p)
       return make_leaf(node_type, p);
   Tree *left  = load_ast();
   Tree *right = load_ast();
   return make_node(node_type, left, right);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

   init_io(&source_fp, stdin,  "r",  argc > 1 ? argv[1] : "");
   init_io(&dest_fp,   stdout, "wb", argc > 2 ? argv[2] : "");
   return 0;


Output  —  While counter example:

Datasize: 1 Strings: 2
"count is: "
    0 push  1
    5 store [0]
   10 fetch [0]
   15 push  10
   20 lt
   21 jz     (43) 65
   26 push  0
   31 prts
   32 fetch [0]
   37 prti
   38 push  1
   43 prts
   44 fetch [0]
   49 push  1
   54 add
   55 store [0]
   60 jmp    (-51) 10
   65 halt


Reusing parse.e from the Syntax Analyzer task
Deviates somewhat from the task specification in that it generates executable machine code. <lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\Compiler\cgen.e -- ============================ -- -- The reusable part of cgen.exw --

include parse.e

global sequence vars = {},

               strings = {},
               stringptrs = {}

global integer chain = 0 global sequence code = {}

function var_idx(sequence inode)

   if inode[1]!=tk_Identifier then ?9/0 end if
   string ident = inode[2]
   integer n = find(ident,vars)
   if n=0 then
       vars = append(vars,ident)
       n = length(vars)
   end if
   return n

end function

function string_idx(sequence inode)

   if inode[1]!=tk_String then ?9/0 end if
   string s = inode[2]
   integer n = find(s,strings)
   if n=0 then
       strings = append(strings,s)
       stringptrs = append(stringptrs,0)
       n = length(strings)
   end if
   return n

end function

function gen_size(object t) -- note: must be kept precisely in sync with gen_rec! -- (relentlessly tested via estsize/actsize) integer size = 0

   if t!=NULL then
       integer n_type = t[1]
       string node_type = tkNames[n_type]
       switch n_type do
           case tk_Sequence:
               size += gen_size(t[2])
               size += gen_size(t[3])
           case tk_assign:
               size += gen_size(t[3])+6
           case tk_Integer:
               size += 5
           case tk_Identifier:
               size += 6
           case tk_String:
               size += 5
           case tk_while:
               -- emit: @@:<condition><topjmp(@f)><body><tailjmp(@b)>@@:
               size += gen_size(t[2])+3
               integer body = gen_size(t[3])
               integer stail = iff(size+body+2>128?5:2)
               integer stop  = iff(body+stail >127?6:2)
               size += stop+body+stail
           case tk_lt:
           case tk_le:
           case tk_ne:
           case tk_eq:
           case tk_gt:
           case tk_ge:
               size += gen_size(t[2])
               size += gen_size(t[3])
               size += 10
           case tk_add:
           case tk_and:
           case tk_sub:
               size += gen_size(t[2])
               size += gen_size(t[3])
               size += 4
           case tk_mul:
               size += gen_size(t[2])
               size += gen_size(t[3])
               size += 5
           case tk_div:
           case tk_mod:
               size += gen_size(t[2])
               size += gen_size(t[3])
               size += 6
           case tk_putc:
           case tk_Printi:
           case tk_Prints:
               size += gen_size(t[2])
               size += 5
           case tk_if:
               size += gen_size(t[2])+3
               if t[3][1]!=tk_if then ?9/0 end if
               integer truesize = gen_size(t[3][2])
               integer falsesize = gen_size(t[3][3])
               integer elsejmp = iff(falsesize=0?0:iff(falsesize>127?5:2))
               integer mainjmp = iff(truesize+elsejmp>127?6:2)
               size += mainjmp+truesize+elsejmp+falsesize
           case tk_not:
               size += gen_size(t[2])
               size += 9
           case tk_neg:
               size += gen_size(t[2])
               size += 4
       end switch
   end if
   return size

end function

procedure gen_rec(object t) -- the recursive part of code_gen

   if t!=NULL then
       integer initsize = length(code)
       integer estsize = gen_size(t)   -- (test the gen_size function)
       integer n_type = t[1]
       string node_type = tkNames[n_type]
       switch n_type do
           case tk_Sequence:
           case tk_assign:
               integer n = var_idx(t[2])
               code &= {0o217,0o005,chain,1,n,0}   -- pop [i]
               chain = length(code)-3
           case tk_Integer:
               integer n = t[2]
               code &= 0o150&int_to_bytes(n)       -- push imm32
           case tk_while:
               -- emit: @@:<condition><topjmp(@f)><body><tailjmp(@b)>@@:
               integer looptop = length(code)
               code &= {0o130,                                 -- pop eax
                        0o205,0o300}                           -- test eax,eax
               integer bodysize = gen_size(t[3])
               -- can we use short jumps?
               -- disclaimer: size calcs are not heavily tested; if in
               --             doubt reduce 128/7 by 8, and if that works
               --             then yep, you just found a boundary case.
               integer stail = iff(length(code)+bodysize+4-looptop>128?5:2)
               integer offset = bodysize+stail
               integer stop  = iff(offset>127?6:2)
               if stop=2 then
                   code &= {0o164,offset}                      -- jz (short) end
                   code &= {0o017,0o204}&int_to_bytes(offset)  -- jz (long) end
               end if
               offset = looptop-(length(code)+stail)
               if stail=2 then
                   code &= 0o353&offset                        -- jmp looptop (short)
                   code &= 0o351&int_to_bytes(offset)          -- jmp looptop (long)
               end if
           case tk_lt:
           case tk_le:
           case tk_gt:
           case tk_ge:
           case tk_ne:
           case tk_eq:
               integer xrm
               if    n_type=tk_ne then xrm = 0o225 -- (#95)
               elsif n_type=tk_lt then xrm = 0o234 -- (#9C)
               elsif n_type=tk_ge then xrm = 0o235 -- (#9D)
               elsif n_type=tk_le then xrm = 0o236 -- (#9E)
               elsif n_type=tk_gt then xrm = 0o237 -- (#9F)
               else ?9/0
               end if
               code &= { 0o061,0o300,                          -- xor eax,eax
                         0o132,                                -- pop edx
                         0o131,                                -- pop ecx
                         0o071,0o321,                          -- cmp ecx,edx
                         0o017,xrm,0o300,                      -- setcc al
                         0o120}                                -- push eax
           case tk_add:
           case tk_or:
           case tk_and:
           case tk_sub:
               integer op = find(n_type,{tk_add,tk_or,0,0,tk_and,tk_sub})
               op = 0o001 + (op-1)*0o010
               code &= { 0o130,                                -- pop eax
                         op,0o004,0o044}                       -- add/or/and/sub [esp],eax
           case tk_mul:
               code &= { 0o131,                                -- pop ecx
                         0o130,                                -- pop eax
                         0o367,0o341,                          -- mul ecx
                         0o120}                                -- push eax
           case tk_div:
           case tk_mod:
               integer push = 0o120+(n_type=tk_mod)*2
               code &= { 0o131,                                -- pop ecx
                         0o130,                                -- pop eax
                         0o231,                                -- cdq (eax -> edx:eax)
                         0o367,0o371,                          -- idiv ecx
                         push}                                 -- push eax|edx
           case tk_Identifier:
               integer n = var_idx(t)
               code &= {0o377,0o065,chain,1,n,0}               -- push [n]
               chain = length(code)-3
           case tk_putc:
           case tk_Printi:
           case tk_Prints:
               integer n = find(n_type,{tk_putc,tk_Printi,tk_Prints})
               code &= {0o350,chain,3,n,0}                     -- call :printc/i/s
               chain = length(code)-3
           case tk_String:
               integer n = string_idx(t)
               code &= {0o150,chain,2,n,0}                     -- push RawStringPtr(string)
               chain = length(code)-3
           case tk_if:
               -- emit: <condition><mainjmp><truepart>[<elsejmp><falsepart>]
               code &= {0o130,                                 -- pop eax
                        0o205,0o300}                           -- test eax,eax
               if t[3][1]!=tk_if then ?9/0 end if
               integer truesize = gen_size(t[3][2])
               integer falsesize = gen_size(t[3][3])
               integer elsejmp = iff(falsesize=0?0:iff(falsesize>127?5:2))
               integer offset = truesize+elsejmp
               integer mainjmp = iff(offset>127?6:2)
               if mainjmp=2 then
                   code &= {0o164,offset}                      -- jz (short) else/end
                   code &= {0o017,0o204}&int_to_bytes(offset)  -- jz (long) else/end
               end if
               if falsesize!=0 then
                   offset = falsesize
                   if elsejmp=2 then
                       code &= 0o353&offset                    -- jmp end if (short)
                       code &= 0o351&int_to_bytes(offset)      -- jmp end if (long)
                   end if
               end if
           case tk_not:
               code &= {0o132,                                 -- pop edx
                        0o061,0o300,                           -- xor eax,eax
                        0o205,0o322,                           -- test edx,edx
                        0o017,0o224,0o300,                     -- setz al
                        0o120}                                 -- push eax
           case tk_neg:
               code &= {0o130,                             -- pop eax
                        0o367,0o330,                       -- neg eax
                        0o120}                             -- push eax
               error("error in code generator - found %d, expecting operator\n", {n_type})
       end switch
       integer actsize = length(code)
       if initsize+estsize!=actsize then ?"9/0" end if -- (test gen_size)
   end if

end procedure

global procedure code_gen(object t) -- -- Generates proper machine code. -- -- Example: i=10; print "\n"; print i; print "\n" -- Result in vars, strings, chain, code (declared above) -- where vars is: {"i"}, -- strings is {"\n"}, -- code is { 0o150,#0A,#00,#00,#00, -- 1: push 10 -- 0o217,0o005,0,1,1,0 -- 6: pop [i] -- 0o150,8,2,1,0, -- 12: push ("\n") -- 0o350,13,3,3,0, -- 17: call :prints -- 0o377,0o065,18,1,1,0, -- 22: push [i] -- 0o350,24,3,2,0, -- 28: call :printi -- 0o150,29,2,1,0, -- 33: push ("\n") -- 0o350,34,3,3,0, -- 38: call :prints -- 0o303} -- 43: ret -- and chain is 39 (->34->29->24->18->13->8->0) -- The chain connects all places where we need an actual address before -- the code is executed, with the byte after the link differentiating -- between var(1), string(2), and builtin(3), and the byte after that -- determining the instance of the given type - not that any of them -- are actually limited to a byte in the above intermediate form, and -- of course the trailing 0 of each {link,type,id,0} is just there to -- reserve the space we will need. --

   code = append(code,0o303)   -- ret (0o303=#C3)

end procedure

include builtins/VM/puts1.e -- low-level console i/o routines

function setbuiltins() atom printc,printi,prints

       jmp :setbuiltins
       lea edi,[esp+4]
       mov esi,1
       call :%puts1ediesi  -- (edi=raw text, esi=length)
       ret 4
       mov eax,[esp+4]
       push 0              -- no cr
       call :%putsint      -- (nb limited to +/-9,999,999,999)
       ret 4
       mov edi,[esp+4]
       mov esi,[edi-12]
       call :%puts1ediesi  -- (edi=raw text, esi=length)
       ret 4
       mov eax,:printc
       lea edi,[printc]
       call :%pStoreMint
       mov eax,:printi
       lea edi,[printi]
       call :%pStoreMint
       mov eax,:prints
       lea edi,[prints]
       call :%pStoreMint
   return {printc,printi,prints}

end function

global constant builtin_names = {"printc","printi","prints"} global constant builtins = setbuiltins()

global atom var_mem, code_mem

function RawStringPtr(integer n) -- (based on IupRawStringPtr from pGUI.e) -- -- Returns a raw string pointer for s, somewhat like allocate_string(s), but using the existing memory. -- NOTE: The return is only valid as long as the value passed as the parameter remains in existence. -- atom res

   string s = strings[n]
           mov eax,[s]
           lea edi,[res]
           shl eax,2
           call :%pStoreMint
   stringptrs[n] = res
   return res

end function

global procedure fixup()

   var_mem = allocate(length(vars)*4)
   code_mem = allocate(length(code))
   while chain!=0 do
       integer this = chain
       chain = code[this]
       integer ftype = code[this+1]
       integer id = code[this+2]
       switch ftype do
           case 1: -- vars
           case 2: -- strings
           case 3: -- builtins
       end switch
   end while

end procedure</lang> And a simple test driver for the specific task: <lang Phix>-- -- demo\rosetta\Compiler\cgen.exw -- ============================== -- -- Generates 32-bit machine code (see note in vm.exw) --

include cgen.e

function get_var_name(atom addr)

   integer n = (addr-var_mem)/4+1
   if n<1 or n>length(vars) then ?9/0 end if
   return vars[n]

end function

function hxl(integer pc, object oh, string fmt, sequence args={}) -- helper routine to display the octal/hex bytes just decoded, -- along with the code offset and the human-readable text.

   if length(args) then fmt = sprintf(fmt,args) end if
   sequence octhex = {}
   atom base = code_mem+pc
   integer len = 0
   if integer(oh) then -- all octal
       for i=1 to oh do
           octhex = append(octhex,sprintf("0o%03o",peek(base)))
           base += 1
       end for
       len = oh
   else    -- some octal and some hex
       for i=1 to length(oh) by 2 do
           for j=1 to oh[i] do
               octhex = append(octhex,sprintf("0o%03o",peek(base)))
               base += 1
           end for
           len += oh[i]
           for j=1 to oh[i+1] do
               octhex = append(octhex,sprintf("#%02x",peek(base)))
               base += 1
           end for
           len += oh[i+1]
       end for
   end if
   printf(output_file,"%4d: %-30s %s\n",{pc+1,join(octhex,","),fmt})
   return len

end function

constant cccodes = {"o?" ,"no?","b?" ,"ae?","z" ,"ne" ,"be?","a?", -- 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ,

                   "s?" ,"ns?","pe?","po?","l" ,"ge" ,"le" ,"g" }

-- 8 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15

constant regs = {"eax","ecx","edx"} -- (others as/when needed)

procedure decode() -- for a much more complete (and better organised) disassembler, see p2asm.e integer pc = 0, -- nb 0-based

       opcode, xrm
   while pc<length(code) do
       opcode = peek(code_mem+pc)
       xrm = -1
       switch opcode do
           case 0o150:
               atom vaddr = peek4s(code_mem+pc+1)
               integer n = find(vaddr,stringptrs)
               object arg = iff(n?enquote(strings[n])
               pc += hxl(pc,{1,4},"push %s",{arg})
           case 0o217:
           case 0o377:
               integer n = find(opcode,{0o217,0o377})
               string op = {"pop","push"}[n]
               xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
               if n!=find(xrm,{0o005,0o065}) then exit end if
               atom addr = peek4u(code_mem+pc+2)
               pc += hxl(pc,{2,4},"pop [%s]",{get_var_name(addr)})
           case 0o061:
           case 0o071:
           case 0o205:
               integer n = find(opcode,{0o061,0o071,0o205})
               string op = {"xor","cmp","test"}[n]
               xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
               if and_bits(xrm,0o300)!=0o300 then exit end if
               string r1 = regs[and_bits(xrm,0o070)/0o010+1]
               string r2 = regs[and_bits(xrm,0o007)+1]
               pc += hxl(pc,2,"%s %s,%s",{op,r1,r2})
           case 0o017:
               xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
               switch xrm do
                   case 0o224:
                   case 0o225:
                   case 0o234:
                   case 0o235:
                   case 0o236:
                   case 0o237:
                       string cc = cccodes[and_bits(xrm,0o017)+1]
                       if peek(code_mem+pc+2)=0o300 then
                           pc += hxl(pc,3,"set%s al",{cc})
                       end if
                   case 0o204:
                       integer offset = peek4s(code_mem+pc+2)
                       pc += hxl(pc,{2,4},"jz %d",{pc+6+offset+1})
               end switch
           case 0o120:
           case 0o122:
           case 0o130:
           case 0o131:
           case 0o132:
               string op = {"push","pop"}[find(and_bits(opcode,0o070),{0o020,0o030})]
               string reg = regs[and_bits(opcode,0o007)+1]
               pc += hxl(pc,1,"%s %s",{op,reg})
           case 0o231:
               pc += hxl(pc,1,"cdq")
           case 0o164:
           case 0o353:
               string jop = iff(opcode=0o164?"jz":"jmp")
               integer offset = peek1s(code_mem+pc+1)
               pc += hxl(pc,{1,1},"%s %d",{jop,pc+2+offset+1})
           case 0o351:
               integer offset = peek4s(code_mem+pc+1)
               pc += hxl(pc,{1,4},"jmp %d",{pc+5+offset+1})
           case 0o303:
               pc += hxl(pc,1,"ret")
           case 0o350:
               integer offset = peek4s(code_mem+pc+1)
               atom addr = offset+code_mem+pc+5
               integer n = find(addr,builtins)
               pc += hxl(pc,{1,4},"call :%s",{builtin_names[n]})
           case 0o001:
           case 0o041:
           case 0o051:
               integer n = find(opcode,{0o001,0o041,0o051})
               string op = {"add","and","sub"}[n]
               xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
               switch xrm do
                   case 0o004:
                       if peek(code_mem+pc+2)=0o044 then
                           pc += hxl(pc,3,"%s [esp],eax",{op})
                       end if
               end switch
           case 0o367:
               xrm = peek(code_mem+pc+1)
               if and_bits(xrm,0o300)!=0o300 then exit end if
               integer n = find(and_bits(xrm,0o070),{0o030,0o040,0o070})
               if n=0 then exit end if
               string op = {"neg","mul","idiv"}[n]
               string reg = regs[and_bits(xrm,0o007)+1]
               pc += hxl(pc,2,"%s %s",{op,reg})
       end switch
   end while
   if pc<length(code) then
       if xrm=-1 then
           ?{pc+1,sprintf("0o%03o 0o%03o",{opcode,xrm})}
       end if
   end if

end procedure

procedure main(sequence cl)

   toks = lex()
   object t = parse()

end procedure

--main(command_line()) main({0,0,"gcd.c"})</lang>

   1: 0o150,#2F,#04,#00,#00          push 1071
   6: 0o217,0o005,#70,#BE,#73,#00    pop [a]
  12: 0o150,#05,#04,#00,#00          push 1029
  17: 0o217,0o005,#74,#BE,#73,#00    pop [b]
  23: 0o377,0o065,#74,#BE,#73,#00    push [b]
  29: 0o150,#00,#00,#00,#00          push 0
  34: 0o061,0o300                    xor eax,eax
  36: 0o132                          pop edx
  37: 0o131                          pop ecx
  38: 0o071,0o321                    cmp edx,ecx
  40: 0o017,0o225,0o300              setne al
  43: 0o120                          push eax
  44: 0o130                          pop eax
  45: 0o205,0o300                    test eax,eax
  47: 0o164,#32                      jz 99
  49: 0o377,0o065,#74,#BE,#73,#00    push [b]
  55: 0o217,0o005,#78,#BE,#73,#00    pop [new_a]
  61: 0o377,0o065,#70,#BE,#73,#00    push [a]
  67: 0o377,0o065,#74,#BE,#73,#00    push [b]
  73: 0o131                          pop ecx
  74: 0o130                          pop eax
  75: 0o231                          cdq
  76: 0o367,0o371                    idiv ecx
  78: 0o122                          push edx
  79: 0o217,0o005,#74,#BE,#73,#00    pop [b]
  85: 0o377,0o065,#78,#BE,#73,#00    push [new_a]
  91: 0o217,0o005,#70,#BE,#73,#00    pop [a]
  97: 0o353,#B4                      jmp 23
  99: 0o377,0o065,#70,#BE,#73,#00    push [a]
 105: 0o350,#2F,#49,#0B,#00          call :printi
 110: 0o303                          ret


Tested with Python 2.7 and 3.x <lang Python>from __future__ import print_function import sys, struct, shlex, operator

nd_Ident, nd_String, nd_Integer, nd_Sequence, nd_If, nd_Prtc, nd_Prts, nd_Prti, nd_While, \ nd_Assign, nd_Negate, nd_Not, nd_Mul, nd_Div, nd_Mod, nd_Add, nd_Sub, nd_Lss, nd_Leq, \ nd_Gtr, nd_Geq, nd_Eql, nd_Neq, nd_And, nd_Or = range(25)

all_syms = {

   "Identifier"  : nd_Ident,    "String"      : nd_String,
   "Integer"     : nd_Integer,  "Sequence"    : nd_Sequence,
   "If"          : nd_If,       "Prtc"        : nd_Prtc,
   "Prts"        : nd_Prts,     "Prti"        : nd_Prti,
   "While"       : nd_While,    "Assign"      : nd_Assign,
   "Negate"      : nd_Negate,   "Not"         : nd_Not,
   "Multiply"    : nd_Mul,      "Divide"      : nd_Div,
   "Mod"         : nd_Mod,      "Add"         : nd_Add,
   "Subtract"    : nd_Sub,      "Less"        : nd_Lss,
   "LessEqual"   : nd_Leq,      "Greater"     : nd_Gtr,
   "GreaterEqual": nd_Geq,      "Equal"       : nd_Eql,
   "NotEqual"    : nd_Neq,      "And"         : nd_And,
   "Or"          : nd_Or}


operators = {nd_Lss: LT, nd_Gtr: GT, nd_Leq: LE, nd_Geq: GE, nd_Eql: EQ, nd_Neq: NE,

   nd_And: AND, nd_Or: OR, nd_Sub: SUB, nd_Add: ADD, nd_Div: DIV, nd_Mul: MUL, nd_Mod: MOD}

unary_operators = {nd_Negate: NEG, nd_Not: NOT}

input_file = None code = bytearray() string_pool = {} globals = {} string_n = 0 globals_n = 0 word_size = 4

        • show error and exit

def error(msg):

   print("%s" % (msg))

def int_to_bytes(val):

   return struct.pack("<i", val)

def bytes_to_int(bstr):

   return struct.unpack("<i", bstr)

class Node:

   def __init__(self, node_type, left = None, right = None, value = None):
       self.node_type  = node_type
       self.left  = left
       self.right = right
       self.value = value

def make_node(oper, left, right = None):

   return Node(oper, left, right)

def make_leaf(oper, n):

   return Node(oper, value = n)

def emit_byte(x):


def emit_word(x):

   s = int_to_bytes(x)
   for x in s:

def emit_word_at(at, n):

   code[at:at+word_size] = int_to_bytes(n)

def hole():

   t = len(code)
   return t

def fetch_var_offset(name):

   global globals_n
   n = globals.get(name, None)
   if n == None:
       globals[name] = globals_n
       n = globals_n
       globals_n += 1
   return n

def fetch_string_offset(the_string):

   global string_n
   n = string_pool.get(the_string, None)
   if n == None:
       string_pool[the_string] = string_n
       n = string_n
       string_n += 1
   return n

def code_gen(x):

   if x == None: return
   elif x.node_type == nd_Ident:
       n = fetch_var_offset(x.value)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Integer:
   elif x.node_type == nd_String:
       n = fetch_string_offset(x.value)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Assign:
       n = fetch_var_offset(x.left.value)
   elif x.node_type == nd_If:
       code_gen(x.left)              # expr
       emit_byte(JZ)                 # if false, jump
       p1 = hole()                   # make room for jump dest
       code_gen(x.right.left)        # if true statements
       if (x.right.right != None):
           emit_byte(JMP)            # jump over else statements
           p2 = hole()
       emit_word_at(p1, len(code) - p1)
       if (x.right.right != None):
           code_gen(x.right.right)   # else statements
           emit_word_at(p2, len(code) - p2)
   elif x.node_type == nd_While:
       p1 = len(code)
       p2 = hole()
       emit_byte(JMP)                       # jump back to the top
       emit_word(p1 - len(code))
       emit_word_at(p2, len(code) - p2)
   elif x.node_type == nd_Sequence:
   elif x.node_type == nd_Prtc:
   elif x.node_type == nd_Prti:
   elif x.node_type == nd_Prts:
   elif x.node_type in operators:
   elif x.node_type in unary_operators:
       error("error in code generator - found %d, expecting operator" % (x.node_type))

def code_finish():


def list_code():

   print("Datasize: %d Strings: %d" % (len(globals), len(string_pool)))
   for k in sorted(string_pool, key=string_pool.get):
   pc = 0
   while pc < len(code):
       print("%4d " % (pc), end=)
       op = code[pc]
       pc += 1
       if op == FETCH:
           x = bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
           print("fetch [%d]" % (x));
           pc += word_size
       elif op == STORE:
           x = bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
           print("store [%d]" % (x));
           pc += word_size
       elif op == PUSH:
           x = bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
           print("push  %d" % (x));
           pc += word_size
       elif op == ADD:   print("add")
       elif op == SUB:   print("sub")
       elif op == MUL:   print("mul")
       elif op == DIV:   print("div")
       elif op == MOD:   print("mod")
       elif op == LT:    print("lt")
       elif op == GT:    print("gt")
       elif op == LE:    print("le")
       elif op == GE:    print("ge")
       elif op == EQ:    print("eq")
       elif op == NE:    print("ne")
       elif op == AND:   print("and")
       elif op == OR:    print("or")
       elif op == NEG:   print("neg")
       elif op == NOT:   print("not")
       elif op == JMP:
           x = bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
           print("jmp    (%d) %d" % (x, pc + x));
           pc += word_size
       elif op == JZ:
           x = bytes_to_int(code[pc:pc+word_size])[0]
           print("jz     (%d) %d" % (x, pc + x));
           pc += word_size
       elif op == PRTC:  print("prtc")
       elif op == PRTI:  print("prti")
       elif op == PRTS:  print("prts")
       elif op == HALT:  print("halt")
       else: error("list_code: Unknown opcode %d", (op));

def load_ast():

   line = input_file.readline()
   line_list = shlex.split(line, False, False)
   text = line_list[0]
   if text == ";":
       return None
   node_type = all_syms[text]
   if len(line_list) > 1:
       value = line_list[1]
       if value.isdigit():
           value = int(value)
       return make_leaf(node_type, value)
   left = load_ast()
   right = load_ast()
   return make_node(node_type, left, right)
        • main driver

input_file = sys.stdin if len(sys.argv) > 1:

       input_file = open(sys.argv[1], "r", 4096)
   except IOError as e:
       error("Can't open %s" % sys.argv[1])

n = load_ast() code_gen(n) code_finish() list_code()</lang>

Output  —  While counter example:

Datasize: 1 Strings: 2
"count is: "
   0 push  1
   5 store [0]
  10 fetch [0]
  15 push  10
  20 lt
  21 jz     (43) 65
  26 push  0
  31 prts
  32 fetch [0]
  37 prti
  38 push  1
  43 prts
  44 fetch [0]
  49 push  1
  54 add
  55 store [0]
  60 jmp    (-51) 10
  65 halt


Translation of: Python

<lang zkl>// This is a little endian machine

const WORD_SIZE=4; const{ var _n=-1; var[proxy]N=fcn{ _n+=1 }; } // enumerator const FETCH=N, STORE=N, PUSH=N, ADD=N, SUB=N, MUL=N, DIV=N, MOD=N,

     LT=N,    GT=N,    LE=N,   GE=N,   EQ=N,   NE=N, 
     AND=N,   OR=N,    NEG=N,  NOT=N,
     JMP=N,   JZ=N,    PRTC=N, PRTS=N, PRTI=N, HALT=N;

const nd_String=N, nd_Sequence=N, nd_If=N, nd_While=N; var all_syms=Dictionary(

   "Identifier"  ,FETCH,       "String"      ,nd_String,
   "Integer"     ,PUSH,        "Sequence"    ,nd_Sequence,
   "If"          ,nd_If,       "Prtc"        ,PRTC,
   "Prts"        ,PRTS,        "Prti"        ,PRTI,
   "While"       ,nd_While,    "Assign"      ,STORE,
   "Negate"      ,NEG,         "Not"         ,NOT,
   "Multiply"    ,MUL,         "Divide"      ,DIV,
   "Mod"         ,MOD,         "Add"         ,ADD,
   "Subtract"    ,SUB,         "Less"        ,LT,
   "LessEqual"   ,LE,          "Greater"     ,GT,
   "GreaterEqual",GE,          "Equal"       ,EQ,
   "NotEqual"    ,NE,          "And"         ,AND,
   "Or"          ,OR,		"halt"	      ,HALT);



class Node{

  fcn init(_node_type, _value, _left=Void, _right=Void){
     var type=_node_type, left=_left, right=_right, value=_value;


var vars=Dictionary(), strings=Dictionary(); // ( value:offset, ...) fcn doVar(value){

  var offset=-1;  // fcn local static var

} fcn doString(str){ str=str[1,-1]; // str is \"text\"

  var offset=-1;  // fcn local static var

} fcn _doValue(value,vars,offset){ //--> offset of value in vars

  if(Void!=(n:=vars.find(value))) return(n);	// fetch existing value
  vars[value]=offset+=1;			// store new value


fcn asm(node,code){

  if(Void==node) return(code);
  emitB:='wrap(n){ code.append(n) };
  emitW:='wrap(n){ code.append(n.toLittleEndian(WORD_SIZE)) }; // signed
     case(FETCH)    { emitB(FETCH); emitW(doVar(node.value));    }
     case(PUSH)     { emitB(PUSH);  emitW(node.value);           }
     case(nd_String){ emitB(PUSH);  emitW(doString(node.value)); }

emitB(STORE); emitW(doVar(node.left.value));


asm(node.left,code); # expr emitB(JZ); # if false, jump p1,p2 := code.len(),0; emitW(0); # place holder for jump dest asm(node.right.left,code); # if true statements if (node.right.right!=Void){ emitB(JMP); # jump over else statements p2=code.len(); emitW(0); } code[p1,WORD_SIZE]=(code.len() - p1).toLittleEndian(WORD_SIZE); if(node.right.right!=Void){ asm(node.right.right,code); # else statements code[p2,WORD_SIZE]=(code.len() - p2).toLittleEndian(WORD_SIZE) }


p1:=code.len(); asm(node.left,code); emitB(JZ); p2:=code.len(); emitW(0); # place holder asm(node.right,code); emitB(JMP); # jump back to the top emitW(p1 - code.len()); code[p2,WORD_SIZE]=(code.len() - p2).toLittleEndian(WORD_SIZE);

     case(nd_Sequence){ asm(node.left,code); asm(node.right,code); }
     case(PRTC,PRTI,PRTS){ asm(node.left,code); emitB(node.type); }

if(binOps.holds(node.type)){ asm(node.left,code); asm(node.right,code); emitB(node.type); } else if(unaryOps.holds(node.type)) { asm(node.left,code); emitB(node.type); } else throw(Exception.AssertionError( "error in code generator - found %d, expecting operator" .fmt(node.type)))


} fcn code_finish(code){

  // prepend the strings to the code, 
  // using my magic [66,1 byte len,text], no trailing '\0' needed

}</lang> <lang zkl>fcn unasm(code){

  all_ops,nthString := all_syms.pump(Dictionary(),"reverse"),-1;
  println("Datasize: %d bytes, Strings: %d bytes"
     .fmt(vars.len()*WORD_SIZE,strings.reduce(fcn(s,[(k,v)]){ s+k.len() },0)));
  word:='wrap(pc){ code.toLittleEndian(pc,WORD_SIZE,False) };  // signed
  pc:=0; while(pc<code.len()){
     op:=code[pc]; print("%4d: %2d ".fmt(pc,op));

n,str := code[pc], code[pc+=1,n].text; println("String #%d %3d \"%s\"".fmt(nthString+=1,n, Compiler.Asm.quotify(str))); pc+=n; }


println("%s [%d]".fmt(all_ops[op],word(pc))); pc+=WORD_SIZE; } case(ADD,SUB,MUL,DIV,MOD,LT,GT,LE,GE,EQ,NE,AND,OR,NEG,NOT, PRTC,PRTI,PRTS,HALT){ println(all_ops[op]) }



           println("jmp    (%d) %d".fmt(n, pc + n));

} case(JZ){ n:=word(pc);

           println("jz     (%d) %d".fmt(n, pc + n));

} else throw(Exception.AssertionError("Unknown opcode %d".fmt(op)));


}</lang> <lang zkl>fcn load_ast(file){

  line:=file.readln().strip();		// one or two tokens
  if(line[0]==";") return(Void);
  parts,type,value := line.split(),parts[0],parts[1,*].concat(" ");
     try{ value=value.toInt() }catch{}
  left,right := load_ast(file),load_ast(file);

}</lang> <lang zkl>ast:=load_ast(File(vm.nthArg(0))); code:=asm(ast,Data()); code_finish(code); unasm(code); File("code.bin","wb").write(code); println("Wrote %d bytes to code.bin".fmt(code.len()));</lang> File ast.txt is the text at the start of this task.

$ zkl codeGen.zkl ast.txt 
Datasize: 4 bytes, Strings: 11 bytes
   0: 66 String #0  10 "\ncount is:"
  12: 66 String #1   1 "\n"
  15:  2 Integer [1]
  20:  1 Assign [0]
  25:  0 Identifier [0]
  30:  2 Integer [10]
  35:  8 LessEqual
  36: 19 jz     (43) 80
  41:  2 Integer [0]
  46: 21 Prts
  47:  0 Identifier [0]
  52: 22 Prti
  53:  2 Integer [1]
  58: 21 Prts
  59:  0 Identifier [0]
  64:  2 Integer [1]
  69:  3 Add
  70:  1 Assign [0]
  75: 18 jmp    (-51) 25
  80: 23 halt
Wrote 81 bytes to code.bin

$ zkl hexDump code1.bin 
   0: 42 0a 63 6f 75 6e 74 20 | 69 73 3a 20 42 01 0a 02   B.count is: B...
  16: 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 | 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 0a   ................
  32: 00 00 00 08 13 2b 00 00 | 00 02 00 00 00 00 15 00   .....+..........
  48: 00 00 00 00 16 02 01 00 | 00 00 15 00 00 00 00 00   ................
  64: 02 01 00 00 00 03 01 00 | 00 00 00 12 cd ff ff ff   ................
  80: 17