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PIN number 8145 missing
<lang groovy>import java.util.function.BiConsumer
class DeBruijn {
interface Recursable<T, U> {
void apply(T t, U u, Recursable<T, U> r);
static <T, U> BiConsumer<T, U> recurse(Recursable<T, U> f) {
return { t, u -> f.apply(t, u, f) }
private static String deBruijn(int k, int n) {
byte[] a = new byte[k * n]
Arrays.fill(a, (byte) 0)
List<Byte> seq = new ArrayList<>()
BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> db = recurse({ int t, int p, f ->
if (t > n) {
if (n % p == 0) {
for (int i = 1; i < p + 1; ++i) {
} else {
a[t] = a[t - p]
f.apply(t + 1, p, f)
int j = a[t - p] + 1
while (j < k) {
a[t] = (byte) (j & 0xFF)
f.apply(t + 1, t, f)
db.accept(1, 1)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
for (Byte i : seq) {
sb.append(sb.subSequence(0, n - 1))
return sb.toString()
private static boolean allDigits(String s) {
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
char c = s.charAt(i)
if (!Character.isDigit(c)) {
return false
return true
private static void validate(String db) {
int le = db.length()
int[] found = new int[10_000]
Arrays.fill(found, 0)
List<String> errs = new ArrayList<>()
// Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
// to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
for (int i = 0; i < le - 3; ++i) {
String s = db.substring(i, i + 4)
if (allDigits(s)) {
int n = Integer.parseInt(s)
for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; ++i) {
if (found[i] == 0) {
errs.add(String.format(" PIN number %d is missing", i))
} else if (found[i] > 1) {
errs.add(String.format(" PIN number %d occurs %d times", i, found[i]))
if (errs.isEmpty()) {
System.out.println(" No errors found")
} else {
String pl = (errs.size() == 1) ? "" : "s"
System.out.printf(" %d error%s found:\n", errs.size(), pl)
static void main(String[] args) {
String db = deBruijn(10, 4)
System.out.printf("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is %d\n\n", db.length())
System.out.printf("The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: %s\n\n", db.substring(0, 130))
System.out.printf("The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: %s\n\n", db.substring(db.length() - 130))
System.out.println("Validating the de Bruijn sequence:")
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(db)
String rdb = sb.reverse().toString()
System.out.println("Validating the de Bruijn sequence:")
sb = new StringBuilder(db)
sb.setCharAt(4443, '.' as char)
System.out.println("Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:")
<pre>The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003
The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350
The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000
Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
No errors found
Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
No errors found
Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:
4 errors found:
PIN number 1459 is missing
PIN number 4591 is missing
PIN number 5814 is missing
PIN number 8145 is missing</pre>

Revision as of 23:53, 18 May 2021

De Bruijn sequences
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The sequences are named after the Dutch mathematician   Nicolaas Govert de Bruijn.

A note on Dutch capitalization:   Nicolaas' last name is   de Bruijn,   the   de   isn't normally capitalized unless it's the first word in a sentence.   Rosetta Code (more or less by default or by fiat) requires the first word in the task name to be capitalized.

In combinatorial mathematics,   a   de Bruijn sequence   of order   n   on a   size-k   alphabet (computer science)   A   is a cyclic sequence in which every possible   length-n   string (computer science, formal theory)   on   A   occurs exactly once as a contiguous substring.

Such a sequence is denoted by   B(k, n)   and has length   kn,   which is also the number of distinct substrings of length   n   on   A;    
de Bruijn sequences are therefore optimally short.

There are:

                         (k!)k(n-1)   ÷   kn

distinct de Bruijn sequences   B(k, n).


For this Rosetta Code task,   a   de Bruijn   sequence is to be generated that can be used to shorten a brute-force attack on a   PIN-like   code lock that does not have an "enter" key and accepts the last   n   digits entered.

Note:   automated teller machines (ATMs)   used to work like this,   but their software has been updated to not allow a brute-force attack.


A   digital door lock   with a 4-digit code would have B (10, 4) solutions,   with a length of   10,000   (digits).

Therefore, only at most     10,000 + 3     (as the solutions are cyclic or wrap-around)   presses are needed to open the lock.

Trying all 4-digit codes separately would require   4 × 10,000   or   40,000   presses.

Task requirements
  •   Generate a de Bruijn sequence for a 4-digit (decimal) PIN code.
  •   Show the length of the generated de Bruijn sequence.
  •   (There are many possible de Bruijn sequences that solve this task,   one solution is shown on the discussion page).
  •   Show the first and last   130   digits of the de Bruijn sequence.
  •   Verify that all four-digit (decimal)   1,000   PIN codes are contained within the de Bruijn sequence.
  •   0000, 0001, 0002, 0003,   ...   9996, 9997, 9998, 9999   (note the leading zeros).
  •   Reverse the de Bruijn sequence.
  •   Again, perform the (above) verification test.
  •   Replace the 4,444th digit with a period (.) in the original de Bruijn sequence.
  •   Perform the verification test (again).   There should be several PIN codes missing.

(The last requirement is to ensure that the verification tests performs correctly.   The verification processes should list any and all missing PIN codes.)

Show all output here, on this page.

Other tasks related to string operations:
Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases


8080 Assembly

<lang 8080asm>bdos: equ 5 ; BDOS entry point putch: equ 2 ; Write character to console puts: equ 9 ; Write string to console org 100h lhld bdos+1 ; Put stack at highest usable address sphl ;;; Generate de_bruijn(10,4) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mvi c,40 ; Zero out a[] xra a lxi d,arr zloop: stax d inx d dcr c jnz zloop lxi h,seq ; H = start of sequence lxi b,0101h ; db(1,1) call db_ lxi d,seq ; Allow wrap-around by appending first 3 digits mvi c,3 wrap: ldax d ; get one of first digits mov m,a ; store after last digit inx d ; advance pointers inx h dcr c ; do this 3 times jnz wrap push h ; store end of data ;;; Print length ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lxi d,slen ; print "Length: " call pstr lxi d,-seq ; calculate length (-seq+seqEnd) dad d call puthl ; print length call pnl ; print newline ;;; Print first and last 130 digits ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lxi d,sfrst ; print "First 130: " call pstr lxi h,seq ; print first 130 digits call p130 call pnl ; print newline lxi d,slast ; print "Last 130: " call pstr pop h ; Get end of sequence push h lxi d,-130 ; 130th last digit dad d call p130 ; print last 130 digits call pnl call verify ; verify that all numbers are there ;;; Reverse and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lxi d,srev ; Print "reversing..." call pstr pop h ; HL = address of last digit dcx h push h ; stack = address of last digit lxi d,seq ; DE = address of first digit call rvrs ; Reverse call verify ; Verify that all numbers are there lxi d,seq ; Then reverse again (restoring it) pop h call rvrs ;;; Replace 4444th digit with '.' and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lxi d,s4444 call pstr mvi a,'.' sta seq+4444 call verify rst 0 ;;; db(t,p); t,p in B,C; end of sequence in HL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; db_: mov a,b ; if t>n (n=4) cpi 5 ; t >= n+1 jc dbelse mov a,c ; 4%p==0, for p in {1,2,3,4}, is false iff p=3 cpi 3 rz ; stop if p=3, i.e. 4%p<>0 lxi d,arr+1 ; copy P elements to seq forom arr[1..] dbextn: ldax d ; take from a[] mov m,a ; store in sequence inx h ; advance pointers inx d dcr c ; and do this P times jnz dbextn ret dbelse: mov a,b ; t - p sub c mvi d,arr/256 mov e,a ; a[] is page-aligned for easier indexing ldax d ; get a[t-p] mov e,b ; store in a[t] stax d push b ; keep T and P inr b ; db(t+1, p) call db_ pop b ; restore T and P mov a,b ; get a[t-p] sub c mvi d,arr/256 mov e,a ldax d ; j = a[t-p] dbloop: inr a ; j++ cpi 10 ; reached K = 10? rnc ; then stop mvi d,arr/256 mov e,b stax d ; a[t] = j push psw ; keep j push b ; keep t and p mov c,b inr b call db_ ; db(t+1, t) pop b ; restore t and p pop psw ; restore j jmp dbloop ;;; Verify that all numbers are there ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; verify: lxi d,sver ; print "Verifying... " call pstr mvi d,0 ; Zero out the flag array lxi b,10000 lxi h,val vzero: mov m,d inx h dcx b mov a,b ora c jnz vzero lxi h,seq ; Sequence pointer donum: push h ; Store sequence pointer push h ; Push two copies lxi h,0 ; Current 4-digit number mvi c,4 ; Number has 4 digits dgtadd: mov d,h ; HL *= 10 mov e,l dad h dad h dad d dad h xthl ; Get sequence pointer mov a,m ; Get digit inx h ; Advance pointer cpi 10 ; Valid digit? jnc dinval ; If not, go do next 4-digit number xthl ; Back to number mov e,a mvi d,0 dad d ; Add digit to number dcr c ; More digits? jnz dgtadd ; Then get digit lxi d,val ; HL is now the current 4-digit number dad d inr m ; val[HL]++ (we've seen it) dinval: pop h ; Pointer to after last valid digit pop h ; Pointer to start of current number inx h ; Get 4-digit number that starts at next digit mov d,h ; Next pointer in DE mov e,l lxi b,-(seq+10000) ; Are we there yet? dad b mov a,h ora l xchg ; Next pointer back in HL jnz donum ; If not done, do next number. lxi h,val ; Done - get start of validation array mvi b,0 ; B will be set if one is missing vnum: mov a,m ; Have we seen HL-val? ana a jnz vnext ; If so, do the next number push h ; Otherwise, keep current address, lxi d,-val ; Subtract val (to get the number) dad d call puthl ; Print this number as being missing mvi b,1 ; Set B, pop h ; and then restore the address vnext: inx h ; Increment the number push h lxi d,-(val+10000) ; Are we there yet? dad d mov a,h ora l pop h jnz vnum ; If not, check next number. dcr b ; At the end, if B was not set, lxi d,snone ; print "none missing", jnz pstr lxi d,smiss ; otherwise, print "missing" jmp pstr ;;; Subroutines ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; reverse memory starting at DE and ending at HL rvrs: mov b,m ; Load [HL] ldax d ; Load [DE] mov m,a ; [HL] = old [DE] mov a,b stax d ; [DE] = old [HL] inx d ; Move bottom pointer upwards, dcx h ; Move top pointer downwards, mov a,d ; D<H = not there yet cmp h jc rvrs mov a,e ; E<L = not there yet cmp l jc rvrs ret ;;; print number in HL, saving registers puthl: push h ; save registers push d push b lxi b,nbuf ; number buffer pointer push b ; keep it on the stack dgt: lxi b,-10 lxi d,-1 dgtdiv: inx d ; calculate digit dad b jc dgtdiv mvi a,'0'+10 add l pop h ; get pointer from stack dcx h ; go to previous digit mov m,a ; store digit push h ; put pointer back xchg ; are there any more digits? mov a,h ora l jnz dgt ; if so, calculate next digit pop d ; otherwise, get pointer to first digit jmp pstr_ ; and print the resulting string ;;; print 130 digits from the sequence, starting at HL p130: push h push d push b mvi b,130 ; 130 digits p130l: mov a,m ; get current digit adi '0' ; make ASCII inx h ; advance pointer push b ; save pointer and counter push h mvi c,putch ; print character mov e,a call bdos pop h ; restore pointer and counter pop b dcr b ; one fewer character left jnz p130l ; if characters left, print next jmp rsreg ; otherwise, restore registers and return ;;; print newline pnl: lxi d,snl ;;; print string in DE, saving registers pstr: push h ; store registers push d push b pstr_: mvi c,puts ; print string using CP/M call bdos rsreg: pop b ; restore registers pop d pop h ret snl: db 13,10,'$' slen: db 'Length: $' sfrst: db 'First 130: $' slast: db 'Last 130: $' srev: db 'Reversing...',13,10,'$' s4444: db 'Set seq[4444] to `.`...',13,10,'$' sver: db 'Verifying... $' snone: db 'none ' smiss: db 'missing',13,10,'$' db '00000' ; number output buffer nbuf: db ' $' arr: equ ($/256+1)*256 ; Place to store a[] (page-aligned) val: equ arr+40 ; Place to store validation flags seq: equ val+10000 ; Place to store De Bruijn sequence</lang>

Length: 10003
First 130: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350
Last 130: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000
Verifying... none missing
Verifying... none missing
Set seq[4444] to `.`...
Verifying... 1459 4591 5914 8145 missing

8086 Assembly

<lang asm>putch: equ 2 ; Print character puts: equ 9 ; Print string cpu 8086 bits 16 section .text org 100h ;;; Calculate de_bruijn(10, 4) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; xor ax,ax ; zero a[] mov di,arr mov cx,20 ; 20 words = 40 bytes rep stosw mov di,seq ; start of sequence mov dx,0101h ; db(1,1) call db_ mov si,seq ; Add first 3 to end for wrapping mov cx,3 rep movsb lea bp,[di-1] ; Store pointer to last digit in BP ;;; Print length ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov ah,puts ; Print "Length:" mov dx,slen int 21h mov ax,di ; Length = end - start sub ax,seq call putax ; Print length ;;; Print first and last 130 characters and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov ah,puts ; Print "First 130..." mov dx,sfrst int 21h mov si,seq ; print first 130 digits call p130 mov ah,puts ; Print "Last 130..." mov dx,slast int 21h mov si,di ; print last 130 digit sub si,130 call p130 call verify ;;;; Reverse the sequence and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov ah,puts ; Print "Reversing..." mov dx,srev int 21h mov si,seq ; SI = first digit in sequence mov di,bp ; DI = last digit in sequence call rvrs ; Reverse call verify ; Verify mov si,seq ; Reverse again, putting it back mov di,bp call rvrs ;;; Set seq[4444] to '.' and verify ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov ah,puts ; Print "set seq[4444] to '.'" mov dx,s4444 int 21h mov [seq+4444],byte '.' call verify ; Verify ret ;;; db(t, p); t=dh p=dl, di=seq ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; db_: cmp dh,4 ; t>n? (n=4) jbe .els cmp dl,3 ; for p in {1,2,3,4}, 4%p==0 iff p=3 je .out mov si,arr+1 ; add DL=P bytes from a[1..] to sequence mov cl,dl xor ch,ch rep movsb jmp .out .els: xor bh,bh mov bl,dh sub bl,dl ; t - p mov al,[arr+bx] ; al = a[t-p] mov bl,dh ; t mov [arr+bx],al ; a[t] = al push dx ; keep arguments inc dh ; db(++t,p) call db_ pop dx ; restore arguments mov bl,dh ; al = a[t-p] sub bl,dl mov al,[arr+bx] .loop: inc al ; al++ cmp al,10 ; when al>=k, jae .out ; then stop. mov bl,dh mov [arr+bx],al ; a[t] = j push ax ; keep state push dx mov dl,dh ; db(t+1, t) inc dh call db_ pop dx pop ax jmp .loop .out: ret ;;; Verify that all numbers are there ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; verify: mov ah,puts ; Print "verifying..." mov dx,sver int 21h mov di,val ; Zero validation array mov cx,5000 ; 10000 bytes = 5000 words xor ax,ax rep stosw mov di,val mov si,seq ; Pointer to start of sequence mov cx,6409h ; CH=100 (multiplier), CL=9 (highest digit) .num: mov ax,[si] ; Read first two digits cmp ah,cl ; Check that they are valid ja .inval cmp al,cl ja .inval xchg al,ah ; High digit * 10 + low digit aad mul ch ; Multiply by 100 (to add in next two) mov bx,ax mov ax,[si+2] ; Read last two digits cmp ah,cl ; Check that they are valid ja .inval cmp al,cl ja .inval xchg al,ah ; High digit * 10 + low digit aad add bx,ax ; BX = final 4-digit number inc byte [di+bx] ; Mark this 4-digit number as seen .inval: inc si ; Next digit cmp si,seq+10000 ; Are we at the end yet? jne .num ; If not, do next number mov si,val ; For each number < 10000, check if it's there xor cl,cl ; Will be set if a number is missing .test: lodsb ; Do we have this number? test al,al jnz .tnext ; If so, try next number mov ax,si ; Otherwise, print the missing number sub ax,val call putax mov cl,1 ; And set CL .tnext: cmp si,val+10000 ; Are we at the end yet? jne .test test cl,cl mov dx,smiss ; Print "... missing" jnz .print ; if CL is set mov dx,snone ; or "none missing" otherwise. .print: mov ah,puts int 21h ret ;;; Subroutines ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; Print number in AX putax: push ax ; Keep registers we're changing push dx push bx push di mov di,numbuf ; Pointer to number buffer mov bx,10 ; Divisor .digit: xor dx,dx ; Divide AX by 10 div bx add dl,'0' ; Add '0' to remainder (digit) dec di ; Store digit in buffer mov [di],dl test ax,ax ; Any more digits? jnz .digit ; If so, do next digits mov dx,di ; At the end, print the string mov ah,puts int 21h pop di ; Restore registers pop bx pop dx pop ax ret ;;; Print 130 digits starting at SI p130: mov cx,130 ; 130 characters mov ah,putch ; Print characters .loop: lodsb ; Get digit add al,'0' ; Make ASCII mov dl,al ; Print digit int 21h loop .loop ret ;;; Reverse memory starting at SI and ending at DI rvrs: mov al,[si] ; Load [SI], mov ah,[di] ; Load [DI], mov [di],al ; Set [DI] = old [SI] mov [si],ah ; Set [SI] = old [DI] inc si ; Increment bottom pointer dec di ; Decrement top pointer cmp si,di ; If SI >= DI, we're done jb rvrs ret section .data slen: db 'Length: $' sfrst: db 13,10,'First 130: $' slast: db 13,10,'Last 130: $' srev: db 13,10,'Reversing... $' s4444: db 13,10,'Set seq[4444] to `.`...$' sver: db 13,10,'Verifying... $' snone: db 'none ' smiss: db 'missing.$' db '00000' numbuf: db ' $' section .bss arr: resb 40 ; a[] val: resb 10000 ; validation array seq: equ $</lang>

Length: 10003
First 130: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350
Last 130: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000
Verifying... none missing.
Verifying... none missing.
Set seq[4444] to `.`...
Verifying... 1460 4592 5915 8146 missing.


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text;

namespace DeBruijn {

   class Program {
       const string digits = "0123456789";
       static string DeBruijn(int k, int n) {
           var alphabet = digits.Substring(0, k);
           var a = new byte[k * n];
           var seq = new List<byte>();
           void db(int t, int p) {
               if (t > n) {
                   if (n % p == 0) {
                       seq.AddRange(new ArraySegment<byte>(a, 1, p));
               } else {
                   a[t] = a[t - p];
                   db(t + 1, p);
                   var j = a[t - p] + 1;
                   while (j < k) {
                       a[t] = (byte)j;
                       db(t + 1, t);
           db(1, 1);
           var buf = new StringBuilder();
           foreach (var i in seq) {
           var b = buf.ToString();
           return b + b.Substring(0, n - 1);
       static bool AllDigits(string s) {
           foreach (var c in s) {
               if (c < '0' || '9' < c) {
                   return false;
           return true;
       static void Validate(string db) {
           var le = db.Length;
           var found = new int[10_000];
           var errs = new List<string>();
           // Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
           // to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
           for (int i = 0; i < le - 3; i++) {
               var s = db.Substring(i, 4);
               if (AllDigits(s)) {
                   int.TryParse(s, out int n);
           for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; i++) {
               if (found[i] == 0) {
                   errs.Add(string.Format("    PIN number {0,4} missing", i));
               } else if (found[i] > 1) {
                   errs.Add(string.Format("    PIN number {0,4} occurs {1} times", i, found[i]));
           var lerr = errs.Count;
           if (lerr == 0) {
               Console.WriteLine("  No errors found");
           } else {
               var pl = lerr == 1 ? "" : "s";
               Console.WriteLine("  {0} error{1} found:", lerr, pl);
       static string Reverse(string s) {
           char[] arr = s.ToCharArray();
           return new string(arr);
       static void Main() {
           var db = DeBruijn(10, 4);
           var le = db.Length;
           Console.WriteLine("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is {0}", le);
           Console.WriteLine("\nThe first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: {0}", db.Substring(0, 130));
           Console.WriteLine("\nThe last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: {0}", db.Substring(le - 130, 130));
           Console.WriteLine("\nValidating the deBruijn sequence:");
           Console.WriteLine("\nValidating the reversed deBruijn sequence:");
           var bytes = db.ToCharArray();
           bytes[4443] = '.';
           db = new string(bytes);
           Console.WriteLine("\nValidating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:");


The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing


Translation of: D

<lang cpp>#include <algorithm>

  1. include <functional>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <iterator>
  4. include <string>
  5. include <sstream>
  6. include <vector>

typedef unsigned char byte;

std::string deBruijn(int k, int n) {

   std::vector<byte> a(k * n, 0);
   std::vector<byte> seq;
   std::function<void(int, int)> db;
   db = [&](int t, int p) {
       if (t > n) {
           if (n % p == 0) {
               for (int i = 1; i < p + 1; i++) {
       } else {
           a[t] = a[t - p];
           db(t + 1, p);
           auto j = a[t - p] + 1;
           while (j < k) {
               a[t] = j & 0xFF;
               db(t + 1, t);
   db(1, 1);
   std::string buf;
   for (auto i : seq) {
       buf.push_back('0' + i);
   return buf + buf.substr(0, n - 1);


bool allDigits(std::string s) {

   for (auto c : s) {
       if (c < '0' || '9' < c) {
           return false;
   return true;


void validate(std::string db) {

   auto le = db.size();
   std::vector<int> found(10000, 0);
   std::vector<std::string> errs;
   // Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
   // to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
   for (size_t i = 0; i < le - 3; i++) {
       auto s = db.substr(i, 4);
       if (allDigits(s)) {
           auto n = stoi(s);
   for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
       if (found[i] == 0) {
           std::stringstream ss;
           ss << "    PIN number " << i << " missing";
       } else if (found[i] > 1) {
           std::stringstream ss;
           ss << "    PIN number " << i << " occurs " << found[i] << " times";
   if (errs.empty()) {
       std::cout << "  No errors found\n";
   } else {
       auto pl = (errs.size() == 1) ? "" : "s";
       std::cout << "  " << errs.size() << " error" << pl << " found:\n";
       for (auto e : errs) {
           std::cout << e << '\n';


int main() {

   std::ostream_iterator<byte> oi(std::cout, "");
   auto db = deBruijn(10, 4);
   std::cout << "The length of the de Bruijn sequence is " << db.size() << "\n\n";
   std::cout << "The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ";
   std::copy_n(db.cbegin(), 130, oi);
   std::cout << "\n\nThe last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ";
   std::copy(db.cbegin() + (db.size() - 130), db.cend(), oi);
   std::cout << "\n";
   std::cout << "\nValidating the de Bruijn sequence:\n";
   std::cout << "\nValidating the reversed de Bruijn sequence:\n";
   auto rdb = db;
   std::reverse(rdb.begin(), rdb.end());
   auto by = db;
   by[4443] = '.';
   std::cout << "\nValidating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:\n";
   return 0;


The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang d>import std.array; import std.conv; import std.format; import std.range; import std.stdio;

immutable DIGITS = "0123456789";

string deBruijn(int k, int n) {

   auto alphabet = DIGITS[0..k];
   byte[] a;
   a.length = k * n;
   byte[] seq;
   void db(int t, int p) {
       if (t > n) {
           if (n % p == 0) {
               auto temp = a[1..p + 1];
               seq ~= temp;
       } else {
           a[t] = a[t - p];
           db(t + 1, p);
           auto j = a[t - p] + 1;
           while (j < k) {
               a[t] = cast(byte)(j & 0xFF);
               db(t + 1, t);
   db(1, 1);
   string buf;
   foreach (i; seq) {
       buf ~= alphabet[i];
   return buf ~ buf[0 .. n - 1];


bool allDigits(string s) {

   foreach (c; s) {
       if (c < '0' || '9' < c) {
           return false;
   return true;


void validate(string db) {

   auto le = db.length;
   int[10_000] found;
   string[] errs;
   // Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
   // to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
   foreach (i; 0 .. le - 3) {
       auto s = db[i .. i + 4];
       if (allDigits(s)) {
           auto n =!int;
   foreach (i; 0 .. 10_000) {
       if (found[i] == 0) {
           errs ~= format("    PIN number %04d missing", i);
       } else if (found[i] > 1) {
           errs ~= format("    PIN number %04d occurs %d times", i, found[i]);
   if (errs.empty) {
       writeln("  No errors found");
   } else {
       auto pl = (errs.length == 1) ? "" : "s";
       writeln("  ", errs.length, " error", pl, " found:");
       writefln("%-(%s\n%)", errs);


void main() {

   auto db = deBruijn(10, 4);
   writeln("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is ", db.length);
   writeln("\nThe first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ", db[0 .. 130]);
   writeln("\nThe last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ", db[$ - 130 .. $]);
   writeln("\nValidating the deBruijn sequence:");
   writeln("\nValidating the reversed deBruijn sequence:");
   auto by = db.dup;
   by[4443] = '.';
   db = by.idup;
   writeln("\nValidating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:");


The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing


<lang go>package main

import (



const digits = "0123456789"

func deBruijn(k, n int) string {

   alphabet := digits[0:k]
   a := make([]byte, k*n)
   var seq []byte
   var db func(int, int) // recursive closure
   db = func(t, p int) {
       if t > n {
           if n%p == 0 {
               seq = append(seq, a[1:p+1]...)
       } else {
           a[t] = a[t-p]
           db(t+1, p)
           for j := int(a[t-p] + 1); j < k; j++ {
               a[t] = byte(j)
               db(t+1, t)
   db(1, 1)
   var buf bytes.Buffer
   for _, i := range seq {
   b := buf.String()
   return b + b[0:n-1] // as cyclic append first (n-1) digits


func allDigits(s string) bool {

   for _, b := range s {
       if b < '0' || b > '9' {
           return false
   return true


func validate(db string) {

   le := len(db)
   found := make([]int, 10000)
   var errs []string
   // Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
   // to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
   for i := 0; i < le-3; i++ {
       s := db[i : i+4]
       if allDigits(s) {
           n, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
   for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
       if found[i] == 0 {
           errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("    PIN number %04d missing", i))
       } else if found[i] > 1 {
           errs = append(errs, fmt.Sprintf("    PIN number %04d occurs %d times", i, found[i]))
   lerr := len(errs)
   if lerr == 0 {
       fmt.Println("  No errors found")
   } else {
       pl := "s"
       if lerr == 1 {
           pl = ""
       fmt.Printf("  %d error%s found:\n", lerr, pl)
       fmt.Println(strings.Join(errs, "\n"))


func reverse(s string) string {

   bytes := []byte(s)
   for i, j := 0, len(s)-1; i < j; i, j = i+1, j-1 {
       bytes[i], bytes[j] = bytes[j], bytes[i]
   return string(bytes)


func main() {

   db := deBruijn(10, 4)
   le := len(db)
   fmt.Println("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is", le)
   fmt.Println("\nThe first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are:")
   fmt.Println("\nThe last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are:")
   fmt.Println("\nValidating the de Bruijn sequence:")
   fmt.Println("\nValidating the reversed de Bruijn sequence:")
   dbr := reverse(db)
   bytes := []byte(db)
   bytes[4443] = '.'
   db = string(bytes)
   fmt.Println("\nValidating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:")


The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are:

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are:

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing


Translation of: Java

<lang groovy>import java.util.function.BiConsumer

class DeBruijn {

   interface Recursable<T, U> {
       void apply(T t, U u, Recursable<T, U> r);
   static <T, U> BiConsumer<T, U> recurse(Recursable<T, U> f) {
       return { t, u -> f.apply(t, u, f) }
   private static String deBruijn(int k, int n) {
       byte[] a = new byte[k * n]
       Arrays.fill(a, (byte) 0)
       List<Byte> seq = new ArrayList<>()
       BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> db = recurse({ int t, int p, f ->
           if (t > n) {
               if (n % p == 0) {
                   for (int i = 1; i < p + 1; ++i) {
           } else {
               a[t] = a[t - p]
               f.apply(t + 1, p, f)
               int j = a[t - p] + 1
               while (j < k) {
                   a[t] = (byte) (j & 0xFF)
                   f.apply(t + 1, t, f)
       db.accept(1, 1)
       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder()
       for (Byte i : seq) {
       sb.append(sb.subSequence(0, n - 1))
       return sb.toString()
   private static boolean allDigits(String s) {
       for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
           char c = s.charAt(i)
           if (!Character.isDigit(c)) {
               return false
       return true
   private static void validate(String db) {
       int le = db.length()
       int[] found = new int[10_000]
       Arrays.fill(found, 0)
       List<String> errs = new ArrayList<>()
       // Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
       // to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
       for (int i = 0; i < le - 3; ++i) {
           String s = db.substring(i, i + 4)
           if (allDigits(s)) {
               int n = Integer.parseInt(s)
       for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; ++i) {
           if (found[i] == 0) {
               errs.add(String.format("    PIN number %d is missing", i))
           } else if (found[i] > 1) {
               errs.add(String.format("    PIN number %d occurs %d times", i, found[i]))
       if (errs.isEmpty()) {
           System.out.println("    No errors found")
       } else {
           String pl = (errs.size() == 1) ? "" : "s"
           System.out.printf("  %d error%s found:\n", errs.size(), pl)
   static void main(String[] args) {
       String db = deBruijn(10, 4)
       System.out.printf("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is %d\n\n", db.length())
       System.out.printf("The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: %s\n\n", db.substring(0, 130))
       System.out.printf("The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: %s\n\n", db.substring(db.length() - 130))
       System.out.println("Validating the de Bruijn sequence:")
       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(db)
       String rdb = sb.reverse().toString()
       System.out.println("Validating the de Bruijn sequence:")
       sb = new StringBuilder(db)
       sb.setCharAt(4443, '.' as char)
       System.out.println("Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:")


The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
    No errors found

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
    No errors found

Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 is missing
    PIN number 4591 is missing
    PIN number 5814 is missing
    PIN number 8145 is missing


definitions. The C. verb computes the cycles. J's sort is not a stable sort. <lang J>NB. implement inverse Burrows—Wheeler transform sequence method

repeat_alphabet=: [: , [: i.&> (^ <:) # [ assert 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 -: 2 repeat_alphabet 4

de_bruijn=: ({~ ([: ; [: C. /:^:2))@:repeat_alphabet NB. K de_bruijn N

pins=: #&10 #: [: i. 10&^ NB. pins y generates all y digit PINs groups=: [ ]\ ] , ({.~ <:)~ NB. length x infixes of sequence y cyclically extended by x-1 verify_PINs=: (/:~@:groups -: pins@:[) NB. LENGTH verify_PINs SEQUENCE </lang>Task<lang J> NB. A is the sequence

  A=: 10 de_bruijn 4
  NB. tally A


  NB. literally the first and final 130 digits
  Num_j_ {~ 130 ({. ,: ({.~ -)~) A

0000101001101111000210020102110202001210120112111202121200221022012211220222122220003100320030103110321030203120322030300131013201 9469956996699769986990799179927993799479957996799779987990899189928993899489958996899789988990999199929993999499959996999799989999

  NB. verifications.  seriously?
  4 verify_PINs A


  4 (verify_PINs |.) A


  4 verify_PINs (a.i.'.') (<: 4444)} A

0 </lang>


Translation of: C++

<lang java>import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

public class DeBruijn {

   public interface Recursable<T, U> {
       void apply(T t, U u, Recursable<T, U> r);
   public static <T, U> BiConsumer<T, U> recurse(Recursable<T, U> f) {
       return (t, u) -> f.apply(t, u, f);
   private static String deBruijn(int k, int n) {
       byte[] a = new byte[k * n];
       Arrays.fill(a, (byte) 0);
       List<Byte> seq = new ArrayList<>();
       BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> db = recurse((t, p, f) -> {
           if (t > n) {
               if (n % p == 0) {
                   for (int i = 1; i < p + 1; ++i) {
           } else {
               a[t] = a[t - p];
               f.apply(t + 1, p, f);
               int j = a[t - p] + 1;
               while (j < k) {
                   a[t] = (byte) (j & 0xFF);
                   f.apply(t + 1, t, f);
       db.accept(1, 1);
       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
       for (Byte i : seq) {
       sb.append(sb.subSequence(0, n - 1));
       return sb.toString();
   private static boolean allDigits(String s) {
       for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ++i) {
           char c = s.charAt(i);
           if (!Character.isDigit(c)) {
               return false;
       return true;
   private static void validate(String db) {
       int le = db.length();
       int[] found = new int[10_000];
       Arrays.fill(found, 0);
       List<String> errs = new ArrayList<>();
       // Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
       // to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
       for (int i = 0; i < le - 3; ++i) {
           String s = db.substring(i, i + 4);
           if (allDigits(s)) {
               int n = Integer.parseInt(s);
       for (int i = 0; i < 10_000; ++i) {
           if (found[i] == 0) {
               errs.add(String.format("    PIN number %d is missing", i));
           } else if (found[i] > 1) {
               errs.add(String.format("    PIN number %d occurs %d times", i, found[i]));
       if (errs.isEmpty()) {
           System.out.println("    No errors found");
       } else {
           String pl = (errs.size() == 1) ? "" : "s";
           System.out.printf("  %d error%s found:\n", errs.size(), pl);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String db = deBruijn(10, 4);
       System.out.printf("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is %d\n\n", db.length());
       System.out.printf("The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: %s\n\n", db.substring(0, 130));
       System.out.printf("The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: %s\n\n", db.substring(db.length() - 130));
       System.out.println("Validating the de Bruijn sequence:");
       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(db);
       String rdb = sb.reverse().toString();
       System.out.println("Validating the de Bruijn sequence:");
       sb = new StringBuilder(db);
       sb.setCharAt(4443, '.');
       System.out.println("Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:");


The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
    No errors found

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
    No errors found

Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 is missing
    PIN number 4591 is missing
    PIN number 5814 is missing
    PIN number 8145 is missing


<lang julia>function debruijn(k::Integer, n::Integer)

   alphabet = b"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"[1:k]
   a = zeros(UInt8, k * n)
   seq = UInt8[]
   function db(t, p)
       if t > n
           if n % p == 0
               append!(seq, a[2:p+1])
           a[t + 1] = a[t - p + 1]
           db(t + 1, p)
           for j in a[t-p+1]+1:k-1
               a[t + 1] = j
               db(t + 1, t)
   db(1, 1)
   return String([alphabet[i + 1] for i in vcat(seq, seq[1:n-1])])


function verifyallPIN(str, k, n, deltaposition=0)

   if deltaposition != 0
       str = str[1:deltaposition-1] * "." * str[deltaposition+1:end]
   result = true
   for i in 1:k^n-1
       pin = string(i, pad=n)
       if !occursin(pin, str)
           println("PIN $pin does not occur in the sequence.")
           result = false
   println("The sequence does ", result ? "" : "not ", "contain all PINs.")


const s = debruijn(10, 4) println("The length of the sequence is $(length(s)). The first 130 digits are:\n",

   s[1:130], "\nand the last 130 digits are:\n", s[end-130:end])

print("Testing sequence: "), verifyallPIN(s, 10, 4) print("Testing the reversed sequence: "), verifyallPIN(reverse(s), 10, 4) println("\nAfter replacing 4444th digit with \'.\':"), verifyallPIN(s, 10, 4, 4444)


The length of the sequence is 10003. The first 130 digits are:
and the last 130 digits are:
Testing sequence: The sequence does contain all PINs.
Testing the reversed sequence: The sequence does contain all PINs.

After replacing 4444th digit with '.':
PIN 1459 does not occur in the sequence.
PIN 4591 does not occur in the sequence.
PIN 5814 does not occur in the sequence.
PIN 8145 does not occur in the sequence.
The sequence does not contain all PINs.


Translation of: Go

<lang scala>const val digits = "0123456789"

fun deBruijn(k: Int, n: Int): String {

   val alphabet = digits.substring(0, k)
   val a = ByteArray(k * n)
   val seq = mutableListOf<Byte>()
   fun db(t: Int, p: Int) {
       if (t > n) {
           if (n % p == 0) {
       } else {
           a[t] = a[t - p]
           db(t + 1, p)
           var j = a[t - p] + 1
           while (j < k) {
               a[t] = j.toByte()
               db(t + 1, t)
   db(1, 1)
   val buf = StringBuilder()
   for (i in seq) {
   val b = buf.toString()
   return b + b.subSequence(0, n - 1)


fun allDigits(s: String): Boolean {

   for (c in s) {
       if (c < '0' || '9' < c) {
           return false
   return true


fun validate(db: String) {

   val le = db.length
   val found = MutableList(10_000) { 0 }
   val errs = mutableListOf<String>()
   // Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
   // to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
   for (i in 0 until le - 3) {
       val s = db.substring(i, i + 4)
       if (allDigits(s)) {
           val n = s.toInt()
   for (i in 0 until 10_000) {
       if (found[i] == 0) {
           errs.add("    PIN number %04d missing".format(i))
       } else if (found[i] > 1) {
           errs.add("    PIN number %04d occurs %d times".format(i, found[i]))
   val lerr = errs.size
   if (lerr == 0) {
       println("  No errors found")
   } else {
       val pl = if (lerr == 1) {
       } else {
       println("  $lerr error$pl found:")


fun main() {

   var db = deBruijn(10, 4)
   val le = db.length
   println("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is $le")
   println("\nThe first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ${db.subSequence(0, 130)}")
   println("\nThe last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ${db.subSequence(le - 130, le)}")
   println("\nValidating the deBruijn sequence:")
   println("\nValidating the reversed deBruijn sequence:")
   val bytes = db.toCharArray()
   bytes[4443] = '.'
   db = String(bytes)
   println("\nValidating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:")


The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing


Translation of: C++

<lang lua>function tprint(tbl)

   for i,v in pairs(tbl) do


function deBruijn(k, n)

   local a = {}
   for i=1, k*n do
       table.insert(a, 0)
   local seq = {}
   function db(t, p)
       if t > n then
           if n % p == 0 then
               for i=1, p do
                   table.insert(seq, a[i + 1])
           a[t + 1] = a[t - p + 1]
           db(t + 1, p)
           local j = a[t - p + 1] + 1
           while j < k do
               a[t + 1] = j % 256
               db(t + 1, t)
               j = j + 1
   db(1, 1)
   local buf = ""
   for i,v in pairs(seq) do
       buf = buf .. tostring(v)
   return buf .. buf:sub(1, n - 1)


function allDigits(s)

   return s:match('[0-9]+') == s


function validate(db)

   local le = string.len(db)
   local found = {}
   local errs = {}
   for i=1, 10000 do
       table.insert(found, 0)
   -- Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
   -- to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
   for i=1, le - 3 do
       local s = db:sub(i, i + 3)
       if allDigits(s) then
           local n = tonumber(s)
           found[n + 1] = found[n + 1] + 1
   local count = 0
   for i=1, 10000 do
       if found[i] == 0 then
           table.insert(errs, "    PIN number " .. (i - 1) .. " missing")
           count = count + 1
       elseif found[i] > 1 then
           table.insert(errs, "    PIN number " .. (i - 1) .. " occurs " .. found[i] .. " times")
           count = count + 1
   if count == 0 then
       print("  No errors found")


function main()

   local db = deBruijn(10,4)
   print("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is " .. string.len(db))
   io.write("The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ")
   print(db:sub(0, 130))
   io.write("The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ")
   print("Validating the de Bruijn sequence:")
   print("Validating the reversed de Bruijn sequence:")
   db = db:sub(1,4443) .. "." .. db:sub(4445)
   print("Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:")



The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing


Translation of: D

<lang Nim>import algorithm, parseutils, strformat, strutils

const Digits = "0123456789"

  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

func deBruijn(k, n: int): string =

 let alphabet = Digits[0..<k]
 var a = newSeq[byte](k * n)
 var sequence: seq[byte]
 func db(t, p: int) =
   if t > n:
     if n mod p == 0:
       sequence &= a[1..p]
     a[t] = a[t - p]
     db(t + 1, p)
     var j = a[t - p] + 1
     while j < k.uint:
       a[t] = j
       db(t + 1, t)
       inc j
 db(1, 1)
 for i in sequence:
   result &= alphabet[i]
 result &= result[0..(n-2)]
  1. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

proc validate(db: string) =

 var found: array[10_000, int]
 var errs: seq[string]
 ## Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
 ## to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
 for i in 0..(db.len - 4):
   let s = db[i..(i+3)]
   var n: int
   if s.parseInt(n) == 4:
     inc found[n]
 for n, count in found:
   if count == 0:
     errs &= fmt"    PIN number {n:04d} missing"
   elif count > 1:
     errs &= fmt"    PIN number {n:04d} occurs {count} times"
 if errs.len == 0:
   echo "  No errors found"
   let plural = if errs.len == 1: "" else: "s"
   echo fmt"  {errs.len} error{plural} found"
   for err in errs: echo err
  1. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

var db = deBruijn(10, 4)

echo fmt"The length of the de Bruijn sequence is {db.len}" echo "" echo fmt"The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: {db[0..129]}" echo "" echo fmt"The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: {db[^130..^1]}" echo ""

echo "Validating the deBruijn sequence:" db.validate() echo "" echo "Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:" reversed(db).join().validate() echo ""

db[4443] = '.' echo "Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:" db.validate()</lang>

The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:
  4 errors found
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing


Translation of: Raku

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say';

my $seq; for my $x (0..99) {

   my $a = sprintf '%02d', $x;
   next if substr($a,1,1) < substr($a,0,1);
   $seq .= (substr($a,0,1) == substr($a,1,1)) ? substr($a,0,1) : $a;
   for ($a+1 .. 99) {
       next if substr(sprintf('%02d', $_), 1,1) <= substr($a,0,1);
       $seq .= sprintf "%s%02d", $a, $_;

} $seq .= '000';

sub check {

   my($seq) = @_;
   my %chk;
   for (0.. -1 + length $seq) { $chk{substr($seq, $_, 4)}++ }
   say 'Missing: ' . join ' ', grep { ! $chk{ sprintf('%04d',$_) } } 0..9999;
   say 'Extra:   ' . join ' ', sort grep { $chk{$_} > 1 } keys %chk;


my $n = 130; say "de Bruijn sequence length: " . length $seq; say "\nFirst $n characters:\n" . substr($seq, 0, $n ); say "\nLast $n characters:\n" . substr($seq, -$n, $n); say "\nIncorrect 4 digit PINs in this sequence:"; check $seq;

say "\nIncorrect 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence:"; check(reverse $seq);

say "\nReplacing the 4444th digit, '@{[substr($seq,4443,1)]}', with '5'"; substr $seq, 4443, 1, 5; say "Incorrect 4 digit PINs in the revised sequence:"; check $seq;</lang>

de Bruijn sequence length: 10003

First 130 characters:

Last 130 characters:

Incorrect 4 digit PINs in this sequence:

Incorrect 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence:

Replacing the 4444th digit, '4', with '5'
Incorrect 4 digit PINs in the revised sequence:
Missing: 1459 4591 5814 8145
Extra:   1559 5591 5815 8155


Translation of: zkl
Translation of: Go

<lang Phix>string deBruijn = "" for n=0 to 99 do

   string a = sprintf("%02d",n)
   integer {a1,a2} = a
   if a2>=a1 then
       deBruijn &= iff(a1=a2?a1:a)
       for m=n+1 to 99 do
           string ms = sprintf("%02d",m)
           if ms[2]>a1 then
               deBruijn &= a&ms
           end if
       end for
  end if

end for deBruijn &= "000" printf(1,"de Bruijn sequence length: %d\n\n",length(deBruijn)) printf(1,"First 130 characters:\n%s\n\n",deBruijn[1..130]) printf(1,"Last 130 characters:\n%s\n\n",deBruijn[-130..-1])

function check(string text)

   sequence res = {}
   sequence found = repeat(0,10000)
   integer k
   for i=1 to length(text)-3 do
       k = to_integer(text[i..i+3],-1)+1
       if k!=0 then found[k] += 1 end if
   end for
   for i=1 to 10000 do
       k = found[i]
       if k!=1 then
           string e = sprintf("Pin number %04d ",i-1)
           e &= iff(k=0?"missing":sprintf("occurs %d times",k))
           res = append(res,e)
       end if
   end for
   k = length(res)
   if k=0 then
       res = "No errors found"
       string s = iff(k=1?"":"s")
       res = sprintf("%d error%s found:\n ",{k,s})&join(res,"\n ")
   end if
   return res

end function

printf(1,"Missing 4 digit PINs in this sequence: %s\n", check(deBruijn)) printf(1,"Missing 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence: %s\n",check(reverse(deBruijn))) printf(1,"4444th digit in the sequence: %c (setting it to .)\n", deBruijn[4444]) deBruijn[4444] = '.' printf(1,"Re-running checks: %s\n",check(deBruijn))</lang>

de Bruijn sequence length: 10003

First 130 characters:

Last 130 characters:

Missing 4 digit PINs in this sequence: No errors found
Missing 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence: No errors found
4444th digit in the sequence: 4 (setting it to .)
Re-running checks: 4 errors found:
 Pin number 1459 missing
 Pin number 4591 missing
 Pin number 5814 missing
 Pin number 8145 missing


<lang python>

  1. from

def de_bruijn(k, n):

   de Bruijn sequence for alphabet k
   and subsequences of length n.
       # let's see if k can be cast to an integer;
       # if so, make our alphabet a list
       _ = int(k)
       alphabet = list(map(str, range(k)))
   except (ValueError, TypeError):
       alphabet = k
       k = len(k)
   a = [0] * k * n
   sequence = []
   def db(t, p):
       if t > n:
           if n % p == 0:
               sequence.extend(a[1:p + 1])
           a[t] = a[t - p]
           db(t + 1, p)
           for j in range(a[t - p] + 1, k):
               a[t] = j
               db(t + 1, t)
   db(1, 1)
   return "".join(alphabet[i] for i in sequence)

def validate(db):

   Check that all 10,000 combinations of 0-9 are present in 
   De Bruijn string db.
   Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:
     No errors found
   Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:
     4 errors found:
       PIN number 1459 missing
       PIN number 4591 missing
       PIN number 5814 missing
       PIN number 8145 missing
   dbwithwrap = db+db[0:3]
   digits = '0123456789'
   errorstrings = []
   for d1 in digits:
       for d2 in digits:
           for d3 in digits:
               for d4 in digits:
                   teststring = d1+d2+d3+d4
                   if teststring not in dbwithwrap:
   if len(errorstrings) > 0:
       print("  "+str(len(errorstrings))+" errors found:")
       for e in errorstrings:
           print("  PIN number "+e+"  missing")
       print("  No errors found")

db = de_bruijn(10, 4)

print(" ") print("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is ", str(len(db))) print(" ") print("The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: "+db[0:130]) print(" ") print("The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: "+db[-130:]) print(" ") print("Validating the deBruijn sequence:") validate(db) dbreversed = db[::-1] print(" ") print("Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:") validate(dbreversed) dboverlaid = db[0:4443]+'.'+db[4444:] print(" ") print("Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:") validate(dboverlaid) </lang>

The length of the de Bruijn sequence is  10000
The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350
The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 8976898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999
Validating the deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found
Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found
Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
  PIN number 1459  missing
  PIN number 4591  missing
  PIN number 5814  missing
  PIN number 8145  missing


Translation of: Go

<lang racket>#lang racket

(define (de-bruijn k n)

 (define a (make-vector (* k n) 0))
 (define seq '())
 (define (db t p)
     [(> t n) (when (= (modulo n p) 0)
                (set! seq (cons (call-with-values
                                 (thunk (vector->values a 1 (add1 p)))
     [else (vector-set! a t (vector-ref a (- t p)))
           (db (add1 t) p)
           (for ([j (in-range (add1 (vector-ref a (- t p))) k)])
             (vector-set! a t j)
             (db (add1 t) t))]))
 (db 1 1)
 (define seq* (append* (reverse seq)))
 (append seq* (take seq* (sub1 n))))

(define seq (de-bruijn 10 4)) (printf "The length of the de Bruijn sequence is ~a\n\n" (length seq)) (printf "The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are:\n~a\n\n"

       (take seq 130))

(printf "The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are:\n~a\n\n"

       (take-right seq 130))

(define (validate name seq)

 (printf "Validating the ~ade Bruijn sequence:\n" name)
 (define expected (for/set ([i (in-range 0 10000)]) i))
 (define actual (for/set ([a (in-list seq)]
                          [b (in-list (rest seq))]
                          [c (in-list (rest (rest seq)))]
                          [d (in-list (rest (rest (rest seq))))])
                  (+ (* 1000 a) (* 100 b) (* 10 c) d)))
 (define diff (set-subtract expected actual))
   [(set-empty? diff) (printf "  No errors found\n")]
   [else (for ([n (in-set diff)])
           (printf "  ~a is missing\n" (~a n #:width 4 #:pad-string "0")))])

(validate "" seq) (validate "reversed " (reverse seq)) (validate "overlaid " (list-update seq 4443 add1))</lang>

The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are:
(0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 9 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 3 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 5 0 0 1 6 0 0 1 7 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 9 0 0 2 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 2 4 0 0 2 5 0 0 2 6 0 0 2 7 0 0 2 8 0 0 2 9 0 0 3 1 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 4 0 0 3 5 0)

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are:
(6 8 9 8 6 8 9 9 6 9 6 9 7 7 6 9 7 8 6 9 7 9 6 9 8 7 6 9 8 8 6 9 8 9 6 9 9 7 6 9 9 8 6 9 9 9 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 7 9 7 7 8 8 7 7 8 9 7 7 9 8 7 7 9 9 7 8 7 8 7 9 7 8 8 8 7 8 8 9 7 8 9 8 7 8 9 9 7 9 7 9 8 8 7 9 8 9 7 9 9 8 7 9 9 9 8 8 8 8 9 8 8 9 9 8 9 8 9 9 9 9 0 0 0)

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:
  1459 is missing
  4591 is missing
  8145 is missing
  5814 is missing


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2019.07.1

Deviates very slightly from the task spec. Generates a randomized de Bruijn sequence and replaces the 4444th digit with a the digit plus 1 mod 10 rather than a '.', mostly so it can demonstrate detection of extra PINs as well as missing ones.

<lang perl6># Generate the sequence my $seq;

for ^100 {

   my $a = .fmt: '%02d';
   next if $a.substr(1,1) < $a.substr(0,1);
   $seq ~= ($a.substr(0,1) == $a.substr(1,1)) ?? $a.substr(0,1) !! $a;
   for +$a ^..^ 100 {
       next if .fmt('%02d').substr(1,1) <= $a.substr(0,1);
       $seq ~= sprintf "%s%02d", $a, $_ ;


$seq = $seq.comb.list.rotate((^10000).pick).join;

$seq ~= $seq.substr(0,3);

sub check ($seq) {

   my %chk;
   for ^($seq.chars) { %chk{$seq.substr( $_, 4 )}++ }
   put 'Missing: ', (^9999).grep( { not %chk{ .fmt: '%04d' } } ).fmt: '%04d';
   put 'Extra:   ', %chk.grep( *.value > 1 )».key.sort.fmt: '%04d';


    1. The Task

put "de Bruijn sequence length: " ~ $seq.chars;

put "\nFirst 130 characters:\n" ~ $seq.substr( 0, 130 );

put "\nLast 130 characters:\n" ~ $seq.substr( * - 130 );

put "\nIncorrect 4 digit PINs in this sequence:"; check $seq;

put "\nIncorrect 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence:"; check $seq.flip;

my $digit = $seq.substr(4443,1); put "\nReplacing the 4444th digit, ($digit) with { ($digit += 1) %= 10 }"; put "Incorrect 4 digit PINs in the revised sequence:"; $seq.substr-rw(4443,1) = $digit; check $seq;</lang>

Sample output:
de Bruijn sequence length: 10003

First 130 characters:

Last 130 characters:

Incorrect 4 digit PINs in this sequence:

Incorrect 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence:

Replacing the 4444th digit, (1) with 2
Incorrect 4 digit PINs in the revised sequence:
Missing: 0961 1096 6109 9610
Extra:   0962 2096 6209 9620


The   de Bruijn   sequence generated by these REXX programs are identical to the sequence shown on the   discussion   page   (1st topic).

hard-coded node to be removed

<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates the de Bruijn sequence for all pin numbers (4 digit decimals). */ $= /*initialize the de Bruijn sequence. */

  1. =10; lastNode= (#-2)(#-2)(#-1)(#-2) /*this number is formed when this # ···*/
                                                /*  ··· is skipped near the cycle end. */
 do j=0  for 10;  $= $ || j;  jj= j || j        /*compose the left half of the numbers.*/
                                                /* [↓]     "  right  "   "  "     "    */
                               do k=jj+1  to 99;      z= jj || right(k, 2, 0)
                               if z==lastNode  then iterate    /*the last node skipped.*/
                               if pos(z, $)\==0  then iterate  /*# in sequence? Skip it*/
                               $= $ || z        /* ◄─────────────────────────────────┐ */
                               end   /*k*/      /*append a number to the sequence──◄─┘ */
    do r= jj  to (j || 9);  b= right(r, 2, 0)   /*compose the left half of the numbers.*/
    if b==jj  then iterate
    $= $ || right(b, 2, 0)                      /* [↓]     "  right  "   "  "     "    */
                               do k= b+1  to 99;      z= right(b, 2, 0) || right(k, 2, 0)
                               if pos(z, $)\==0  then iterate  /*# in sequence? Skip it*/
                               $= $ || z        /* ◄─────────────────────────────────┐ */
                               end   /*k*/      /*append a number to the sequence──◄─┘ */
    end   /*r*/
 end      /*j*/
                     @deB= 'de Bruijn sequence' /*literal used in some SAY instructions*/

$= $ || left($, 3) /*append 000*/ /*simulate "wrap-around" de Bruijn seq.*/

      say 'length of the' @deB " is " length($) /*display the length of  de Bruijn seq.*/

say; say 'first 130 digits of the' @deB":" /*display the title for the next line. */

      say left($, 130)                          /*display 130 left-most digits of seq. */

say; say ' last 130 digits of the' @deB":" /*display the title for the next line. */

      say right($, 130)                         /*display 130 right-most digits of seq.*/

say /*display a blank line. */ call val $ /*call the VAL sub for verification. */

              @deB= 'reversed'   @deB           /*next,  we'll check on a reversed seq.*/

$$= reverse($) /*do what a mirror does, reversify it.*/ call val $$ /*call the VAL sub for verification. */ $= overlay(., $, 4444) /*replace 4,444th digit with a period. */

              @deB= 'overlaid' subword(@deB, 2) /* [↑] this'll cause a validation barf.*/

call val $ /*call the VAL sub for verification. */ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ val: parse arg $$$; e= 0; _= copies('─',8) /*count of errors (missing PINs) so far*/

    say;      say _ 'validating the'    @deB"." /*display what's happening in the pgm. */
        do pin=0  for 1e4; pin4= right(pin,4,0) /* [↓]  maybe add leading zeros to pin.*/
        if pos(pin4, $$$)\==0  then iterate     /*Was number found?  Just as expected. */
        say 'PIN number '      pin       " wasn't found in"         @deb'.'
        e= e + 1                                /*bump the counter for number of errors*/
        end   /*pin*/                           /* [↑]  validate all 10,000 pin numbers*/
    if e==0  then e= 'No'                       /*Gooder English (sic) the error count.*/
    say _   e   'errors found.'                 /*display the number of errors found.  */
length of the de Bruijn sequence  is  10003

first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence:

 last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence:

──────── validating the de Bruijn sequence.
──────── No errors found.

──────── validating the reversed de Bruijn sequence.
──────── No errors found.

──────── validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence.
PIN number  1459  wasn't found in overlaid de Bruijn sequence.
PIN number  4591  wasn't found in overlaid de Bruijn sequence.
PIN number  5814  wasn't found in overlaid de Bruijn sequence.
PIN number  8145  wasn't found in overlaid de Bruijn sequence.
──────── 4 errors found.

programmatically removing of a node

Programming note:   instead of hardcoding the   lastNode   (that is elided from the sequence),   the 5th to the last node could simply be deleted.

This method slightly bloats the program and slows execution. <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm calculates the de Bruijn sequence for all pin numbers (4 digit decimals). */ $= /*initialize the de Bruijn sequence. */

  do j=0  for 10;  $= $ j;   jj= j || j          /*compose the left half of the numbers.*/
 $$= space($, 0)                                /* [↓]     "  right  "   "  "     "    */
                               do k=jj+1  to 99;      z= jj || right(k, 2, 0)
                               if pos(z, $$)\==0  then iterate /*# in sequence? Skip it*/
                               $= $ z           /* ◄─────────────────────────────────┐ */
                               end   /*k*/      /*append a number to the sequence──◄─┘ */
 $$= space($, 0)
    do r= jj  to (j || 9);  b= right(r, 2, 0)   /*compose the left half of the numbers.*/
    if b==jj  then iterate
    $= $ right(b, 2, 0)                         /* [↓]     "  right  "   "  "     "    */
    $$= space($, 0);           do k= b+1  to 99;      z= right(b, 2, 0) || right(k, 2, 0)
                               if pos(z, $$)\==0  then iterate /*# in sequence? Skip it*/
                               $= $ z           /* ◄─────────────────────────────────┐ */
                               end   /*k*/      /*append a number to the sequence──◄─┘ */
    $$= space($, 0)
    end   /*r*/
 end      /*j*/

$= delword($, words($)-4, 1) /*delete 5th from the last word in $. */ $= space($, 0)

                     @deB= 'de Bruijn sequence' /*literal used in some SAY instructions*/

$= $ || left($, 3) /*append 000*/ /*simulate "wrap-around" de Bruijn seq.*/

      say 'length of the' @deB " is " length($) /*display the length of  de Bruijn seq.*/

say; say 'first 130 digits of the' @deB":" /*display the title for the next line. */

      say left($, 130)                          /*display 130 left-most digits of seq. */

say; say ' last 130 digits of the' @deB":" /*display the title for the next line. */

      say right($, 130)                         /*display 130 right-most digits of seq.*/

call val $ /*call the VAL sub for verification. */

              @deB= 'reversed'   @deB           /*next,  we'll check on a reversed seq.*/

$r= reverse($) /*do what a mirror does, reversify it.*/ call val $r /*call the VAL sub for verification. */ $= overlay(., $, 4444) /*replace 4,444th digit with a period. */

              @deB= 'overlaid' subword(@deB, 2) /* [↑] this'll cause a validation barf.*/

call val $ /*call the VAL sub for verification. */ exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ val: parse arg $$$; e= 0; _= copies('─',8) /*count of errors (missing PINs) so far*/

    say;      say _ 'validating the'    @deB"." /*display what's happening in the pgm. */
        do pin=0  for 1e4; pin4= right(pin,4,0) /* [↓]  maybe add leading zeros to pin.*/
        if pos(pin4, $$$)\==0  then iterate     /*Was number found?  Just as expected. */
        say 'PIN number '      pin       " wasn't found in"         @deb'.'
        e= e + 1                                /*bump the counter for number of errors*/
        end   /*pin*/                           /* [↑]  validate all 10,000 pin numbers*/
    if e==0  then e= 'No'                       /*Gooder English (sic) the error count.*/
    say _   e   'errors found.'                 /*display the number of errors found.  */
output   is identical to the 1st REXX version.


Translation of: D

<lang ruby>def deBruijn(k, n)

   alphabet = "0123456789"
   @a = * n, 0)
   @seq = []
   def db(k, n, t, p)
       if t > n then
           if n % p == 0 then
               temp = @a[1 .. p]
               @seq.concat temp
           @a[t] = @a[t - p]
           db(k, n, t + 1, p)
           j = @a[t - p] + 1
           while j < k do
               @a[t] = j # & 0xFF
               db(k, n, t + 1, t)
               j = j + 1
   db(k, n, 1, 1)
   buf = ""
   for i in @seq
       buf <<= alphabet[i]
   return buf + buf[0 .. n-2]


def validate(db)

   le = db.length
   found =, 0)
   errs = []
   # Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
   # to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
   for i in 0 .. le-4
       s = db[i .. i+3]
       if s.scan(/\D/).empty? then
           found[s.to_i] += 1
   for i in 0 .. found.length - 1
       if found[i] == 0 then
           errs <<= ("    PIN number %04d missing" % [i])
       elsif found[i] > 1 then
           errs <<= ("    PIN number %04d occurs %d times" % [i, found[i]])
   if errs.length == 0 then
       print "  No errors found\n"
       pl = (errs.length == 1) ? "" : "s"
       print "  ", errs.length, " error", pl, " found:\n"
       for err in errs
           print err, "\n"


db = deBruijn(10, 4) print "The length of the de Bruijn sequence is ", db.length, "\n\n" print "The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ", db[0 .. 129], "\n\n" print "The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: ", db[-130 .. db.length], "\n\n"

print "Validating the de Bruijn sequence:\n" validate(db) print "\n"

db[4443] = '.' print "Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:\n" validate(db)</lang>

The length of the de Bruijn sequence is 10003

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the de Bruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid de Bruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing

Visual Basic .NET

Translation of: C#

<lang vbnet>Imports System.Text

Module Module1

   ReadOnly DIGITS As String = "0123456789"
   Function DeBruijn(k As Integer, n As Integer) As String
       Dim alphabet = DIGITS.Substring(0, k)
       Dim a(k * n) As Byte
       Dim seq As New List(Of Byte)
       Dim db As Action(Of Integer, Integer) = Sub(t As Integer, p As Integer)
                                                   If t > n Then
                                                       If n Mod p = 0 Then
                                                           Dim seg = New ArraySegment(Of Byte)(a, 1, p)
                                                       End If
                                                       a(t) = a(t - p)
                                                       db(t + 1, p)
                                                       Dim j = a(t - p) + 1
                                                       While j < k
                                                           a(t) = j
                                                           db(t + 1, t)
                                                           j += 1
                                                       End While
                                                   End If
                                               End Sub
       db(1, 1)
       Dim buf As New StringBuilder
       For Each i In seq
       Dim b = buf.ToString
       Return b + b.Substring(0, n - 1)
   End Function
   Function AllDigits(s As String) As Boolean
       For Each c In s
           If c < "0" OrElse "9" < c Then
               Return False
           End If
       Return True
   End Function
   Sub Validate(db As String)
       Dim le = db.Length
       Dim found(10000) As Integer
       Dim errs As New List(Of String)
       ' Check all strings of 4 consecutive digits within 'db'
       ' to see if all 10,000 combinations occur without duplication.
       For i = 1 To le - 3
           Dim s = db.Substring(i - 1, 4)
           If (AllDigits(s)) Then
               Dim n As Integer = Nothing
               Integer.TryParse(s, n)
               found(n) += 1
           End If
       For i = 1 To 10000
           If found(i - 1) = 0 Then
               errs.Add(String.Format("    PIN number {0,4} missing", i - 1))
           ElseIf found(i - 1) > 1 Then
               errs.Add(String.Format("    PIN number {0,4} occurs {1} times", i - 1, found(i - 1)))
           End If
       Dim lerr = errs.Count
       If lerr = 0 Then
           Console.WriteLine("  No errors found")
           Dim pl = If(lerr = 1, "", "s")
           Console.WriteLine("  {0} error{1} found:", lerr, pl)
           errs.ForEach(Sub(x) Console.WriteLine(x))
       End If
   End Sub
   Function Reverse(s As String) As String
       Dim arr = s.ToCharArray
       Return New String(arr)
   End Function
   Sub Main()
       Dim db = DeBruijn(10, 4)
       Dim le = db.Length
       Console.WriteLine("The length of the de Bruijn sequence is {0}", le)
       Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: {0}", db.Substring(0, 130))
       Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: {0}", db.Substring(le - 130, 130))
       Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "Validating the deBruijn sequence:")
       Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:")
       Dim bytes = db.ToCharArray
       bytes(4443) = "."
       db = New String(bytes)
       Console.WriteLine(vbNewLine + "Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:")
   End Sub

End Module</lang>

The first 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 0000100020003000400050006000700080009001100120013001400150016001700180019002100220023002400250026002700280029003100320033003400350

The last 130 digits of the de Bruijn sequence are: 6898689969697769786979698769886989699769986999777787779778877897798779978787978887889789878997979887989799879998888988998989999000

Validating the deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the reversed deBruijn sequence:
  No errors found

Validating the overlaid deBruijn sequence:
  4 errors found:
    PIN number 1459 missing
    PIN number 4591 missing
    PIN number 5814 missing
    PIN number 8145 missing


Translation of: Phix
Library: Wren-fmt
Library: Wren-str

<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Fmt import "/str" for Str

var deBruijn = "" for (n in 0..99) {

   var a = Fmt.rjust(2, n, "0")
   var a1 = a[0].bytes[0]
   var a2 = a[1].bytes[0]
   if (a2 >= a1) {
       deBruijn = deBruijn + ((a1 == a2) ? String.fromByte(a1): a)
       var m = n + 1
       while (m <= 99) {
           var ms = Fmt.rjust(2, m, "0")
           if (ms[1].bytes[0] > a1) deBruijn = deBruijn + a + ms
           m = m + 1


deBruijn = deBruijn + "000" System.print("de Bruijn sequence length: %(deBruijn.count)\n") System.print("First 130 characters:\n%(deBruijn[0...130])\n") System.print("Last 130 characters:\n%(deBruijn[-130..-1])\n")

var check = { |text|

   var res = []
   var found = List.filled(10000, 0)
   var k = 0
   for (i in 0...(text.count-3)) {
       var s = text[i..i+3]
       if (Str.allDigits(s)) {
           k = Num.fromString(s)
           found[k] = found[k] + 1
   for (i in 0...10000) {
       k = found[i]
       if (k != 1) {
           var e = "  Pin number %(, i)) "
           e = e + ((k == 0) ? "missing" : "occurs %(k) times")
   k = res.count
   if (k == 0) {
       res = "No errors found"
   } else {
       var s = (k == 1) ? "" : "s"
       res = "%(k) error%(s) found:\n" + res.join("\n")
   return res


System.print("Missing 4 digit PINs in this sequence: %(") System.print("Missing 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence: %([-1..0]))")

System.print("\n4,444th digit in the sequence: '%(deBruijn[4443])' (setting it to '.')") deBruijn = deBruijn[0..4442] + "." + deBruijn[4444..-1] System.print("Re-running checks: %(")</lang>

de Bruijn sequence length: 10003

First 130 characters:

Last 130 characters:

Missing 4 digit PINs in this sequence: No errors found
Missing 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence: No errors found

4,444th digit in the sequence: '4' (setting it to '.')
Re-running checks: 4 errors found:
  Pin number 1459 missing
  Pin number 4591 missing
  Pin number 5814 missing
  Pin number 8145 missing


Translation of: Raku

<lang zkl>dbSeq:=Data(); // a byte/character buffer foreach n in (100){

  a,a01,a11 := "%02d".fmt(n), a[0,1], a[1,1];
  if(a11<a01) continue;
  dbSeq.append( if(a01==a11) a01 else a );
  foreach m in ([n+1 .. 99]){
     if("%02d".fmt(m)[1,1] <= a01) continue;

} dbSeq.append("000");</lang> <lang zkl>seqText:=dbSeq.text; println("de Bruijn sequence length: ",dbSeq.len());

println("\nFirst 130 characters:\n",seqText[0,130]); println("\nLast 130 characters:\n", seqText[-130,*]);

fcn chk(seqText){

  foreach n in ([0..seqText.len()-1]){ chk[seqText[n,4]]=True }
  (9999).pump(List,"%04d".fmt,'wrap(k){ if(chk.holds(k)) Void.Skip else k })

} println("\nMissing 4 digit PINs in this sequence: ", chk(seqText).concat(" ")); print("Missing 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence: ",chk(seqText.reverse()).concat(" "));

println("\n4444th digit in the sequence: ", seqText[4443]); dbSeq[4443]="."; println("Setting the 4444th digit and reruning checks: ",chk(dbSeq.text).concat(" "));</lang>

de Bruijn sequence length: 10003

First 130 characters:

Last 130 characters:

Missing 4 digit PINs in this sequence: 
Missing 4 digit PINs in the reversed sequence: 
4444th digit in the sequence: 4
Setting the 4444th digit and reruning checks: 1459 4591 5814 8145