Detect division by zero

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Revision as of 09:29, 28 February 2008 by rosettacode>Badmadevil (+D)
Detect division by zero
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Write a function to detect a divide by zero error without checking if the denominator is zero.


The following checks a floating number's normality by Floating Point Comparisons in D.
For integral type, either traps exception or pre-checks zero denominator.

module divzero ;
import std.stdio ;
import std.format ;

// check if unordered (NaN)
bool isNaN(T)(T a) { return a !<>= T.min ; } 
// check for +ve & -ve infinity
bool isInf(T)(T a) { return a == T.infinity || -a == T.infinity ; }
// check if neither NaN nor Inf
bool isNormal(T)(T a) { return !(a !<> T.infinity || -a !<> T.infinity) ; }

string divCheck(T)(T numer, T denom) {
  T result ;
  string msg = "" ;
  static if (is(T : long)) { // Integral Type
    try {
      result = numer / denom ;
    } catch(Exception e) {
      msg = "! " ~ e.msg ~"(by Exception)" ;
      result = T.max ;
  } else {                   // Float Type
    result = numer / denom ;
    if(isNormal(numer) && isInf(result))
      msg = "! Division by Zero" ;
    else if (!isNormal(result)) {
      if (isNaN(numer))
        msg = "! NaN numerator" ;
      else if(isNaN(denom))
        msg = "! NaN denominator" ;
      else if(isInf(numer))
        msg = "! Inf numerator" ;
        msg = "! <should never displayed this>" ;
  return std.format.format("%5s %s", std.format.format("%1.1g", cast(real)result), msg) ;

void main() {
  writefln("Div with Check") ;
  writefln("int     1/ 0  : %s", divCheck(1, 0)) ;  
  writefln("ubyte   1/ 0  : %s", divCheck(cast(ubyte)1, cast(ubyte)0)) ;  
  writefln("real    1/ 0  : %s", divCheck(1.0L, 0.0L)) ;  
  writefln("real   -1/ 0  : %s", divCheck(-1.0L, 0.0L)) ; 
  writefln() ;
  writefln("real   -4/-2  : %s", divCheck(-4.0L,-2.0L)) ; 
  real inf = -1.0L / 0.0L ; // make an infinity float
  writefln("real    2/-inf: %s", divCheck(2.0L, inf)) ; 
  writefln() ;
  writefln("real -inf/-2  : %s", divCheck(inf, -2.0L)) ;  
  writefln("real +inf/-2  : %s", divCheck(real.infinity, -2.0L)) ;  
  writefln("real  nan/-2  : %s", divCheck(real.nan, -2.0L)) ; 
  writefln("real   -2/ nan: %s", divCheck(-2.0L, real.nan)) ; 
  writefln("real  inf/ inf: %s", divCheck(real.infinity, real.infinity)) ;  
  writefln("real  nan/ nan: %s", divCheck(real.nan, real.nan)) ;  


Div with Check
int     1/ 0  : 2e+09 ! Integer Divide by Zero(by Exception)
ubyte   1/ 0  : 3e+02 ! Integer Divide by Zero(by Exception)
real    1/ 0  :   inf ! Division by Zero
real   -1/ 0  :  -inf ! Division by Zero

real   -4/-2  :     2
real    2/-inf:    -0

real -inf/-2  :   inf ! Inf numerator
real +inf/-2  :  -inf ! Inf numerator
real  nan/-2  :   nan ! NaN numerator
real   -2/ nan:   nan ! NaN denominator
real  inf/ inf:  -nan ! Inf numerator
real  nan/ nan:   nan ! NaN numerator


Two ways to accomplish this task are presented here. They each return true if there is a division by zero or if Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY is used as a numerator.

One way to do this check in Java is to use the isInfinite function from the Double class:

public static boolean infinity(double numer, double denom){
	return Double.isInfinite(numer/denom);

Another way is to use the ArithmeticException as a check (which is not preferred because it expects an exception):

public static boolean except(double numer, double denom){
		int dummy = (int)numer / (int)denom;//ArithmeticException is only thrown from integer math
		return false;
	}catch(ArithmeticException e){return true;}