Determine sentence type: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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PureFox (talk | contribs)
m →‎{{header|Wren}}: Changed to Wren S/H
Rob-codes (talk | contribs)
m Removed extraneous period from sample text. Changed output re this correction.
(7 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
Line 160: Line 160:
N Neutral
N Neutral

<syntaxhighlight lang="bruijn">
:import std/List .
:import std/Char .

determine [∅?0 '?' ([(0 =? '?' 'Q' (0 =? '.' 'S' (0 =? '!' 'E' 'N')))] _0)]

:test (determine empty) ('?')
:test (determine "hi there, how are you today?") ('Q')
:test (determine "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.") ('S')
:test (determine "You have been nominated to win one of these!") ('E')
:test (determine "Just make sure you don't break it") ('N')

Line 310: Line 324:
Just make sure you don''t break it (N)
Just make sure you don''t break it (N)

func$ stype s$ .
h$ = substr s$ len s$ 1
ind = strpos "?!." h$ mod1 4
return substr "QESN" ind 1
txt$[] = [ "hi there, how are you today?" "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001." "You have been nominated to win one of these!" "Just make sure you don't break it" ]
for t$ in txt$[]
print t$ & " -> " & stype t$
hi there, how are you today? -> Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. -> S
You have been nominated to win one of these! -> E
Just make sure you don't break it -> N

=={{header|Emacs Lisp}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="lisp">
(defun get-last-character (str)
"Return the last character of STR."
(let ((str-length))
(setq str-length (length str))
(substring str (- str-length 1) str-length)))

(defun classify-sentence (str)
"Classify the type of sentence based on final punctuation."
(let ((last-character (get-last-character str)))
(cond ((string= last-character ".") (format "S - %s" str))
((string= last-character "!") (format "E - %s" str))
((string= last-character "?") (format "Q - %s" str))
(t (format "N - %s" str)))))

(defun classify-multiple-sentences (str)
"Classify each sentence as Q, S, E, or N."
;; sentence boundary is defined as:
;; a period (full stop), comma, or question mark
;; followed by one space
;; followed by a capital letter
;; while the above will work for this exercise, it won't
;; work in other situations. See the Perl code in this section
;; for cases that the above will not cover.
(let ((regex-sentence-boundary "\\([.?!]\\) \\([[:upper:]]\\)"))
;; split the text into list of individual sentences
(dolist (one-sentence (split-string (replace-regexp-in-string regex-sentence-boundary "\\1\n\\2" str) "\n"))
;; classify each sentence
(insert (format "\n%s" (classify-sentence one-sentence))))))

To run the Emacs Lisp code, evaluate the following:

(classify-multiple-sentences "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it")

Q - hi there, how are you today?
S - I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.
E - You have been nominated to win one of these!
N - Just make sure you don't break it

Line 454: Line 533:

<syntaxhighlight lang="futurebasic">
local fn SentenceType( sentence as CFStringRef ) as CFStringRef
CFStringRef type
select ( fn StringCharacterAtIndex( sentence, len(sentence)-1 ) )
case _"?" : type = @"Q"
case _"." : type = @"S"
case _"!" : type = @"E"
case else : type = @"N"
end select
end fn = type

print fn SentenceType( @"hi there, how are you today?" )
print fn SentenceType( @"I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001." )
print fn SentenceType( @"You have been nominated to win one of these!" )
print fn SentenceType( @"Just make sure you don't break it" )

Line 648: Line 754:
You have been nominated to win one of these! → E
You have been nominated to win one of these! → E
Just make sure you don't break it → N
Just make sure you don't break it → N

<syntaxhighlight lang="delphi">
function SentenceType(s: string): char;
case s[^1] of
'?': Result := 'Q';
'!': Result := 'E';
'.': Result := 'S';
else Result := 'N';

var ss := Arr('hi there, how are you today?',
'I''d like to present to you the washing machine 9001.',
'You have been nominated to win one of these!',
'Just make sure you don''t break it');
foreach var s in ss do
hi there, how are you today? -> Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. -> S
You have been nominated to win one of these! -> E
Just make sure you don't break it -> N

Line 911: Line 1,046:

The syntax highlighting here for Raku isn't the best. | S</pre>
The syntax highlighting here for Raku isn't the best. | S</pre>

<syntaxhighlight lang="refal">$ENTRY Go {
, 'hi there, how are you today? I\'d like to '
'present to you the washing machine 9001. '
'You have been nominated to win one of these! '
'Just make sure you don\'t break it': e.Sentences
= <Prout <SentenceTypes e.Sentences>>;

SentenceTypes {
e.X '?' = Q;
e.X '? ' e.Y = Q <SentenceTypes e.Y>;
e.X '.' = S;
e.X '. ' e.Y = S <SentenceTypes e.Y>;
e.X '!' = E;
e.X '! ' e.Y = E <SentenceTypes e.Y>;
e.X = N;
<pre>Q S E N</pre>

Line 1,082: Line 1,238:
The following alternative version takes the simplistic view that (unless they end the final sentence of the paragraph) '''?''', '''!''' or '''.''' will only end a sentence if they're immediately followed by a space. This of course is nonsense, given the way English is written nowadays, but it's probably an improvement on the first version without the need to search through an inevitably incomplete list of abbreviations.
The following alternative version takes the simplistic view that (unless they end the final sentence of the paragraph) '''?''', '''!''' or '''.''' will only end a sentence if they're immediately followed by a space. This of course is nonsense, given the way English is written nowadays, but it's probably an improvement on the first version without the need to search through an inevitably incomplete list of abbreviations.
<syntaxhighlight lang="ecmascript">import "./pattern" for Pattern
<syntaxhighlight lang="wren">import "./pattern" for Pattern
import "./iterate" for Indexed
import "./iterate" for Indexed

Latest revision as of 14:29, 9 July 2024

Determine sentence type
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Use these sentences: "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it."

Search for the last used punctuation in a sentence, and determine its type according to its punctuation.
Output one of these letters
"E" (Exclamation!), "Q" (Question?), "S" (Serious.), "N" (Neutral).
Make your code able to determine multiple sentences.

Don't leave any errors!

Other tasks related to string operations:
Song lyrics/poems/Mad Libs/phrases


Translation of: Go
F sentenceType(s)
   I s.empty
      R ‘’

   [Char] types
   L(c) s
      I c == ‘?’
      E I c == ‘!’
      E I c == ‘.’

   I s.last !C ‘?!.’

   R types.join(‘|’)

V s = ‘hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it’


Classifies an empty string as "".

BEGIN # determuine the type of a sentence by looking at the final punctuation  #
    CHAR exclamation = "E"; # classification codes... #
    CHAR question    = "Q";
    CHAR serious     = "S";
    CHAR neutral     = "N";
    # returns the type(s) of the sentence(s) in s - exclamation, question,     #
    #                     serious or neutral; if there are multiple sentences  #
    #                     the types are separated by |                         #
    PROC classify = ( STRING s )STRING:
            STRING result := "";
            BOOL pending neutral := FALSE; 
            FOR s pos FROM LWB s TO UPB s DO
                IF   pending neutral := FALSE;
                     CHAR c = s[ s pos ];
                     c = "?"
                THEN result +:= question    + "|"
                ELIF c = "!"
                THEN result +:= exclamation + "|"
                ELIF c = "."
                THEN result +:= serious     + "|"
                ELSE pending neutral := TRUE
            IF   pending neutral
            THEN result +:= neutral + "|"
            # if s was empty, then return an empty string, otherwise remove the final separator #
            IF result = "" THEN "" ELSE result[ LWB result : UPB result - 1 ] FI
         END # classify # ;
    # task test case #
    print( ( classify( "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. "
                     + "You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"
           , newline


Sentence := "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"
Msgbox, % SentenceType(Sentence)

SentenceType(Sentence) {
	Sentence := Trim(Sentence)
	Loop, Parse, Sentence, .?!
		N := (!E && !Q && !S)
		, S := (InStr(SubStr(Sentence, InStr(Sentence, A_LoopField)+StrLen(A_LoopField), 3), "."))
		, Q := (InStr(SubStr(Sentence, InStr(Sentence, A_LoopField)+StrLen(A_LoopField), 3), "?"))
		, E := (InStr(SubStr(Sentence, InStr(Sentence, A_LoopField)+StrLen(A_LoopField), 3), "!"))
		, type .= (E) ? ("E|") : ((Q) ? ("Q|") : ((S) ? ("S|") : "N|"))
		, D := SubStr(Sentence, InStr(Sentence, A_LoopField)+StrLen(A_LoopField), 3)
	return (D = SubStr(Sentence, 1, 3)) ? RTrim(RTrim(type, "|"), "N|") : RTrim(type, "|")


    str = "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"
    main("Exclamation! Question? Serious. Neutral")
function main(str,  c) {
    while (length(str) > 0) {
      c = substr(str,1,1)
      sentence = sentence c
      if (c == "!") {
      else if (c == ".") {
      else if (c == "?") {
      str = substr(str,2)
function prn(type) {
    gsub(/^ +/,"",sentence)
    printf("%s %s\n",type,sentence)
    sentence = ""
Q hi there, how are you today?
S I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.
E You have been nominated to win one of these!
N Just make sure you don't break it

E Exclamation!
Q Question?
S Serious.
N Neutral


:import std/List .
:import std/Char .

determine [∅?0 '?' ([(0 =? '?' 'Q' (0 =? '.' 'S' (0 =? '!' 'E' 'N')))] _0)]

:test (determine empty) ('?')
:test (determine "hi there, how are you today?") ('Q')
:test (determine "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.") ('S')
:test (determine "You have been nominated to win one of these!") ('E')
:test (determine "Just make sure you don't break it") ('N')


#include <exception>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

char sentence_type(const std::string& sentence) {
	if ( sentence.empty() ) {
		throw std::invalid_argument("Cannot classify an empty sentence");

	char result;
	const char last_character = sentence.back();
	switch (last_character) {
		case '?': result = 'Q'; break;
		case '.': result = 'S'; break;
		case '!': result = 'E'; break;
		default:  result = 'N'; break;
	return result;

int main() {
	const std::vector<std::string> sentences = { "hi there, how are you today?",
									  	  	     "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.",
												 "You have been nominated to win one of these!",
												 "Just make sure you don't break it" };

	for ( const std::string& sentence : sentences ) {
		std::cout << sentence << " -> " << sentence_type(sentence) << std::endl;
hi there, how are you today? -> Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. -> S
You have been nominated to win one of these! -> E
Just make sure you don't break it -> N


% This iterator takes a string and yields one of 'E', 'Q',
% 'S' or 'N' for every sentence found.
% Because sentences are separated by punctuation, only the
% last one can be 'N'.

sentence_types = iter (s: string) yields (char)
    own punct: string := "!?."  % relevant character classes
    own space: string := " \t\n"
    own types: string := "EQS"  % sentence type characters
    prev_punct: bool := false   % whether the previous character was punctuation
    last_punct: int := 0        % index of last punctuation character encountered
    sentence: bool := true      % whether there are words since the last punctuation
    for c: char in string$chars(s) do
        pu: int := string$indexc(c, punct)
        sp: int := string$indexc(c, space)
        if pu ~= 0 then
            prev_punct := true
            last_punct := pu 
        elseif sp ~= 0 then
            if prev_punct then
                % a space after punctuation means a sentence has ended here
                sentence := false
            prev_punct := false
            sentence := false
            sentence := true
    % handle the last sentence
    if prev_punct then yield(types[last_punct])
    elseif sentence then yield('N')
end sentence_types

% Test
start_up = proc ()
    po: stream := stream$primary_output()
    test: string := 
        "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to " ||
        "present to you the washing machine 9001. You " ||
        "have been nominated to win one of these! Just " ||
        "make sure you don't break it" 

    % print the type of each sentence
    for c: char in sentence_types(test) do  
        stream$putc(po, c)
end start_up


Works with: Delphi version 6.0

const TestStrings = 'hi there, how are you today? I''''d like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don''''t break it';

procedure AnalyzeSentenceType(Memo: TMemo; S: string);
{Extract sentences from string and analyze terminating punctuation}
var I: integer;
var Sent,SType: string;
for I:=1 to Length(S) do
	{Look terminating char or condition}
	if (S[I] in ['?','!','.']) or (I>=Length(S)) then
		{If found, determine sentence type}
		case Sent[Length(Sent)] of
		 '?': SType:=' (Q)';
		 '!': SType:=' (E)';
		 '.': SType:=' (S)';
		 else SType:=' (N)';
		{Display it}

procedure TestSentenceTypes(Memo: TMemo);
{Analyze some test sentences}
AnalyzeSentenceType(Memo, TestStrings);
hi there, how are you today? (Q)
I''d like to present to you the washing machine 9001. (S)
You have been nominated to win one of these! (E)
Just make sure you don''t break it (N)


func$ stype s$ .
   h$ = substr s$ len s$ 1
   ind = strpos "?!." h$ mod1 4
   return substr "QESN" ind 1
txt$[] = [ "hi there, how are you today?" "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001." "You have been nominated to win one of these!" "Just make sure you don't break it" ]
for t$ in txt$[]
   print t$ & " -> " & stype t$
hi there, how are you today? -> Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. -> S
You have been nominated to win one of these! -> E
Just make sure you don't break it -> N

Emacs Lisp

(defun get-last-character (str)
  "Return the last character of STR."
  (let ((str-length))
    (setq str-length (length str))
    (substring str (- str-length 1) str-length)))

(defun classify-sentence (str)
  "Classify the type of sentence based on final punctuation."
  (let ((last-character (get-last-character str)))
    (cond ((string= last-character ".") (format "S - %s" str))
          ((string= last-character "!") (format "E - %s" str))
          ((string= last-character "?") (format "Q - %s" str))
          (t (format "N - %s" str)))))

(defun classify-multiple-sentences (str)
  "Classify each sentence as Q, S, E, or N."
  ;; sentence boundary is defined as:
  ;;   a period (full stop), comma, or question mark
  ;;   followed by one space
  ;;   followed by a capital letter
  ;; while the above will work for this exercise, it won't
  ;; work in other situations. See the Perl code in this section
  ;; for cases that the above will not cover.
  (let ((regex-sentence-boundary "\\([.?!]\\) \\([[:upper:]]\\)"))
    ;; split the text into list of individual sentences
    (dolist (one-sentence (split-string (replace-regexp-in-string regex-sentence-boundary "\\1\n\\2"  str) "\n"))
      ;; classify each sentence
      (insert (format "\n%s" (classify-sentence one-sentence))))))

To run the Emacs Lisp code, evaluate the following:

(classify-multiple-sentences "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it")

Q - hi there, how are you today?
S - I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.
E - You have been nominated to win one of these!
N - Just make sure you don't break it


const SentenceTypes: {

fn DetermineSentenceType(Char)
	return SentenceTypes[Char]||"N"

fn GetSentences(Text)
	var Sentences: [],
		Index: 0,
		Length: #Text
	loop i:0;i<Length;i+:1 do
		var Char: string.subs(Text,i,1)
		var Type: DetermineSentenceType(Char)
		if Type != "N" || i==Length-1 then
			log(string.sub(Text,Index,i+1)+" ("+Type+")")

GetSentences("hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it")
hi there, how are you today? (Q)
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. (S)
You have been nominated to win one of these! (E)
Just make sure you don't break it (N)


This program attempts to prevent common abbreviations from ending sentences early. It also tries to handle parenthesized sentences and implements an additional type for exclamatory questions (EQ).

Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-06-02
USING: combinators io kernel regexp sequences sets splitting
wrap.strings ;

! courtesy of

CONSTANT: common-abbreviations {
    "A.B." "abbr." "Acad." "A.D." "alt." "A.M." "Assn."
    "at. no." "at. wt." "Aug." "Ave." "b." "B.A." "B.C." "b.p."
    "B.S." "c." "Capt." "cent." "co." "Col." "Comdr." "Corp."
    "Cpl." "d." "D.C." "Dec." "dept." "dist." "div." "Dr." "ed."
    "est." "et al." "Feb." "fl." "gal." "Gen." "Gov." "grad."
    "Hon." "i.e." "in." "inc." "Inst." "Jan." "Jr." "lat."
    "Lib." "long." "Lt." "Ltd." "M.D." "Mr." "Mrs." "mt." "mts."
    "Mus." "no." "Nov." "Oct." "Op." "pl." "pop." "pseud." "pt."
    "pub." "Rev." "rev." "R.N." "Sept." "Ser." "Sgt." "Sr."
    "St." "uninc." "Univ." "U.S." "vol." "vs." "wt."

: sentence-enders ( str -- newstr )
    R/ \)/ "" re-replace
    " " split harvest
    unclip-last swap
    [ common-abbreviations member? ] reject
    [ last ".!?" member? ] filter
    swap suffix ;

: serious? ( str -- ? ) last CHAR: . = ;
: neutral? ( str -- ? ) last ".!?" member? not ;
: mixed? ( str -- ? ) "?!" intersect length 2 = ;
: exclamation? ( str -- ? ) last CHAR: ! = ;
: question? ( str -- ? ) last CHAR: ? = ;

: type ( str -- newstr )
        { [ dup serious? ] [ drop "S" ] }
        { [ dup neutral? ] [ drop "N" ] }
        { [ dup mixed? ] [ drop "EQ" ] }
        { [ dup exclamation? ] [ drop "E" ] }
        { [ dup question? ] [ drop "Q" ] }
        [ drop "UNKNOWN" ]
    } cond ;

: sentences ( str -- newstr )
    sentence-enders [ type ] map "|" join ;

: show ( str -- )
    dup sentences " -> " glue 60 wrap-string print ;

"Hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it" show
"(There was nary a mouse stirring.) But the cats were going
bonkers!" show
"\"Why is the car so slow?\" she said." show
"Hello, Mr. Anderson!" show
"Are you sure?!?! How can you know?" show
Hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the
washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of
these! Just make sure you don't break it -> Q|S|E|N

(There was nary a mouse stirring.) But the cats were going
bonkers! -> S|E

"Why is the car so slow?" she said. -> S

Hello, Mr. Anderson! -> E

Are you sure?!?! How can you know? -> EQ|Q


function sentype( byref s as string ) as string
    'determines the sentence type of the first sentence in the string
    'returns "E" for an exclamation, "Q" for a question, "S" for serious
    'and "N" for neutral.
    'modifies the string to remove the first sentence
    for i as uinteger = 1 to len(s)
        if mid(s, i, 1) = "!" then
            return "E"
        end if
        if mid(s, i, 1) = "." then
            return "S"
        end if 
        if mid(s, i, 1) = "?" then
            return "Q"
        end if 
    next i
    'if we get to the end without encountering punctuation, this
    'must be a neutral sentence, which can only happen as the last one
    return "N"
end function

dim as string spam = "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"

while len(spam)>0
    print sentype(spam)



local fn SentenceType( sentence as CFStringRef ) as CFStringRef
  CFStringRef type
  select ( fn StringCharacterAtIndex( sentence, len(sentence)-1 ) )
    case _"?" : type = @"Q"
    case _"." : type = @"S"
    case _"!" : type = @"E"
    case else : type = @"N"
  end select
end fn = type

print fn SentenceType( @"hi there, how are you today?" )
print fn SentenceType( @"I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001." )
print fn SentenceType( @"You have been nominated to win one of these!" )
print fn SentenceType( @"Just make sure you don't break it" )



Translation of: Wren
package main

import (

func sentenceType(s string) string {
    if len(s) == 0 {
        return ""
    var types []string
    for _, c := range s {
        if c == '?' {
            types = append(types, "Q")
        } else if c == '!' {
            types = append(types, "E")
        } else if c == '.' {
            types = append(types, "S")
    if strings.IndexByte("?!.", s[len(s)-1]) == -1 {
        types = append(types, "N")
    return strings.Join(types, "|")

func main() {
    s := "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"


import java.util.List;

public final class DetermineSentenceType {

	public static void main(String[] aArgs) {
		List<String> sentences = List.of( "hi there, how are you today?",
										  "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.",
										  "You have been nominated to win one of these!",
										  "Just make sure you don't break it" );

		for ( String sentence : sentences ) {
			System.out.println(sentence + " -> " + sentenceType(sentence));
	private static char sentenceType(String aSentence) {
		if ( aSentence.isEmpty() ) {
			throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot classify an empty sentence");
		final char lastCharacter = aSentence.charAt(aSentence.length() - 1);
		return switch (lastCharacter) {
			case '?' -> 'Q';
			case '.' -> 'S';
			case '!' -> 'E';
			default  -> 'N';
hi there, how are you today? -> Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. -> S
You have been nominated to win one of these! -> E
Just make sure you don't break it -> N


Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq

The following parses sentences with embedded quotations naively, so that for example the sentence "He asked 'How are you?'." results in: Q S

# Input: a string
# Output: a stream of sentence type indicators
def sentenceTypes:
  def trim: sub("^ +";"") | sub(" +$";"");
  def parse:
    capture("(?<s>[^?!.]*)(?<p>[?!.])(?<remainder>.*)" )
    // {p:"", remainder:""};
  def encode:
    if   . == "?" then "Q"
    elif . == "!" then "E"
    elif . == "." then "S"
    else "N"
  | select(length>0)
  | parse
  | (.p | encode), (.remainder | sentenceTypes);

def s: "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it";

s | sentenceTypes


const text = """
Hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.
You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"""

haspunctotype(s) = '.' in s ? "S" : '!' in s ? "E" : '?' in s ? "Q" : "N"

text = replace(text, "\n" => " ")
parsed = strip.(split(text, r"(?:(?:(?<=[\?\!\.])(?:))|(?:(?:)(?=[\?\!\.])))"))
isodd(length(parsed)) && push!(parsed, "")  # if ends without pnctuation
for i in 1:2:length(parsed)-1
    println(rpad(parsed[i] * parsed[i + 1], 52),  " ==> ", haspunctotype(parsed[i + 1]))
Hi there, how are you today?                         ==> Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. ==> S
You have been nominated to win one of these!         ==> E
Just make sure you don't break it                    ==> N


text = "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"
p2t = { [""]="N", ["."]="S", ["!"]="E", ["?"]="Q" }
for s, p in text:gmatch("%s*([^%!%?%.]+)([%!%?%.]?)") do
  print(s..p..":  "..p2t[p])
hi there, how are you today?:  Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.:  S
You have been nominated to win one of these!:  E
Just make sure you don't break it:  N


type SentenceType {.pure.} = enum Q, E, S, N

func sentenceType(s: string): SentenceType =
  ## Return the type of a sentence.
  if s.len == 0: return
  result = case s[^1]
           of '?': Q
           of '!': E
           of '.': S
           else: N

iterator sentences(text: string): string =
  ## Cut a text into sentences.
  var sentence = ""
  for ch in text:
    if ch == ' ' and sentence.len == 0: continue
    sentence.add ch
    if ch in "?!.":
      yield sentence
  if sentence.len > 0:
    yield sentence

const Text = "hi there, how are you today? " &
             "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. " &
             "You have been nominated to win one of these!" &
             "Just make sure you don't break it"

for sentence in Text.sentences():
  echo sentence, " → ", sentenceType(sentence)
hi there, how are you today? → Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. → S
You have been nominated to win one of these! → E
Just make sure you don't break it → N


function SentenceType(s: string): char;
  case s[^1] of
    '?': Result := 'Q';
    '!': Result := 'E';
    '.': Result := 'S';
    else Result := 'N';

  var ss := Arr('hi there, how are you today?',
    'I''d like to present to you the washing machine 9001.',
    'You have been nominated to win one of these!',
    'Just make sure you don''t break it');
  foreach var s in ss do
hi there, how are you today? -> Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. -> S
You have been nominated to win one of these! -> E
Just make sure you don't break it -> N


use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Lingua::Sentence;

my $para1 = <<'EOP';
hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine
9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't
break it

my $para2 = <<'EOP';
Just because there are punctuation characters like "?", "!" or especially "."
present, it doesn't necessarily mean you have reached the end of a sentence,
does it Mr. Magoo? The syntax highlighting here for Perl isn't bad at all.

my $splitter = Lingua::Sentence->new("en");
for my $text ($para1, $para2) {
  for my $s (split /\n/, $splitter->split( $text =~ s/\n//gr ) {
    print "$s| ";
    if    ($s =~ /!$/)  { say 'E' }
    elsif ($s =~ /\?$/) { say 'Q' }
    elsif ($s =~ /\.$/) { say 'S' }
    else                { say 'N' }
hi there, how are you today?| Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.| S
You have been nominated to win one of these!| E
Just make sure you don't break it.| N
Just because there are punctuation characters like "?", "!" or especially "." present, it doesn't necessarily mean you have reached the end of a sentence, does it Mr. Magoo?| Q
The syntax highlighting here for Perl isn't bad at all.| S


with javascript_semantics
constant s = `hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present 
to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win 
one of these! Just make sure you don't break it`
sequence t = split_any(trim(s),"?!."),
         u = substitute_all(s,t,repeat("|",length(t))),
         v = substitute_all(u,{"|?","|!","|.","|"},"QESN"),
         w = join(v,'|')


import re

txt = """
Hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.
You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"""

def haspunctotype(s):
    return 'S' if '.' in s else 'E' if '!' in s else 'Q' if '?' in s else 'N'

txt = re.sub('\n', '', txt)
pars = [s.strip() for s in re.split("(?:(?:(?<=[\?\!\.])(?:))|(?:(?:)(?=[\?\!\.])))", txt)]
if len(pars) % 2:
    pars.append('')  # if ends without punctuation
for i in range(0, len(pars)-1, 2):
    print((pars[i] + pars[i + 1]).ljust(54), "==>", haspunctotype(pars[i + 1]))
Hi there, how are you today?                           ==> Q
I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.   ==> S
You have been nominated to win one of these!           ==> E
Just make sure you don't break it                      ==> N

Or for more generality, and an alternative to hand-crafted regular expressions:

'''Grouping and tagging by final character of string'''

from functools import reduce
from itertools import groupby

# tagGroups :: Dict -> [String] -> [(String, [String])]
def tagGroups(tagDict):
    '''A list of (Tag, SentenceList) tuples, derived
       from an input text and a supplied dictionary of
       tags for each of a set of final punctuation marks.
    def go(sentences):
        return [
            (tagDict.get(k, 'Not punctuated'), list(v))
            for (k, v) in groupby(
                sorted(sentences, key=last),
    return go

# sentenceSegments :: Chars -> String -> [String]
def sentenceSegments(punctuationChars):
    '''A list of sentences delimited by the supplied
       punctuation characters, where these are followed
       by spaces.
    def go(s):
        return [
            ''.join(cs).strip() for cs
            in splitBy(
    return go

# sentenceBreak :: Chars -> (Char, Char) -> Bool
def sentenceBreak(finalPunctuation):
    '''True if the first of two characters is a final
       punctuation mark and the second is a space.
    def go(a, b):
        return a in finalPunctuation and " " == b
    return go

# ------------------------- TEST -------------------------
# main :: IO ()
def main():
    '''Join, segmentation, tags'''

    tags = {'!': 'E', '?': 'Q', '.': 'S'}

    # Joined by spaces,
    sample = ' '.join([
        "Hi there, how are you today?",
        "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.",
        "You have been nominated to win one of these!",
        "Might it be possible to add some challenge to this task?",
        "Feels as light as polystyrene filler.",
        "But perhaps substance isn't the goal!",
        "Just make sure you don't break off before the"

    # segmented by punctuation,
    sentences = sentenceSegments(

    # and grouped under tags.
    for kv in tagGroups(tags)(sentences):

# ----------------------- GENERIC ------------------------

# last :: [a] -> a
def last(xs):
    '''The last element of a non-empty list.'''
    return xs[-1]

# splitBy :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
def splitBy(p):
    '''A list split wherever two consecutive
       items match the binary predicate p.
    # step :: ([[a]], [a], a) -> a -> ([[a]], [a], a)
    def step(acp, x):
        acc, active, prev = acp

        return (acc + [active], [x], x) if p(prev, x) else (
            (acc, active + [x], x)

    # go :: [a] -> [[a]]
    def go(xs):
        if 2 > len(xs):
            return xs
            h = xs[0]
            ys = reduce(step, xs[1:], ([], [h], h))
            # The accumulated sublists, and the final group.
            return ys[0] + [ys[1]]

    return go

# MAIN ---
if __name__ == '__main__':
('E', ['You have been nominated to win one of these!', "But perhaps substance isn't the goal!"])
('S', ["I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.", 'Feels as light as polystyrene filler.'])
('Q', ['Hi there, how are you today?', 'Might it be possible to add some challenge to this task?'])
('Not punctuated', ["Just make sure you don't break off before the"])


#lang racket

(define input "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it")

(define sentence-types #hash((#\. . "S") (#\? . "Q") (#\! . "E")))
(define punctuation (hash-keys sentence-types))

(let ([characters (string->list input)])
  (for ([i characters])
    (when (member i punctuation)
      (printf "~a|" (hash-ref sentence-types i))))
  (unless (member (last characters) punctuation)
    (printf "N")))


use Lingua::EN::Sentence;

my $paragraph = q:to/PARAGRAPH/;
hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine
9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't
break it

Just because there are punctuation characters like "?", "!" or especially "."
present, it doesn't necessarily mean you have reached the end of a sentence,
does it Mr. Magoo? The syntax highlighting here for Raku isn't the best.

say join "\n\n", $paragraph.& {
    $_ ~ ' | ' ~ do
    given $0 {
        when '!' { 'E' };
        when '?' { 'Q' };
        when '.' { 'S' };
        default  { 'N' };
hi there, how are you today? | Q

I'd like to present to you the washing machine
9001. | S

You have been nominated to win one of these! | E

Just make sure you don't
break it | N

Just because there are punctuation characters like "?", "!" or especially "."
present, it doesn't necessarily mean you have reached the end of a sentence,
does it Mr. Magoo? | Q

The syntax highlighting here for Raku isn't the best. | S


    , 'hi there, how are you today? I\'d like to '
      'present to you the washing machine 9001. '
      'You have been nominated to win one of these! '
      'Just make sure you don\'t break it': e.Sentences
    = <Prout <SentenceTypes e.Sentences>>;

SentenceTypes {
    e.X '?' = Q;
    e.X '? ' e.Y = Q <SentenceTypes e.Y>;
    e.X '.' = S;
    e.X '. ' e.Y = S <SentenceTypes e.Y>;
    e.X '!' = E;
    e.X '! ' e.Y = E <SentenceTypes e.Y>;
    e.X = N;


see "working..." + nl
sType = []
sent = "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! How do you like this washing machine? Buy it, don't hesitate! You will be satisfied with it. Just make sure you don't break it"

ind = 1
while true
      pos = substring(sent,"?",ind)
      if pos > 0
         ind = pos+1

ind = 1
while true
      pos = substring(sent,"!",ind)
      if pos > 0
         ind = pos+1

ind = 1
while true
      pos = substring(sent,".",ind)
      if pos > 0
         ind = pos+1

if pos < len(sent)
   neut = "N"
   neut = ""

sType = sort(sType)

text = ""
for n = 1 to len(sType)
    if sent[sType[n]] = "?"
       text = text + "Q" + "|"
    if sent[sType[n]] = "!"
       text = text + "E" + "|"
    if sent[sType[n]] = "."
       text = text + "S" + "|"
see text + neut  + nl
see "done..." + nl

func substring str,substr,n
	nr = substr(newstr, substr)
	if nr = 0
		return 0
		return n + nr -1


Works with: Halcyon Calc version 4.2.8
≪ OVER SIZE → str seps len 
  ≪ 1 CF { 0 } 1 len FOR j 
     IF seps str j DUP SUB POS THEN 
        j + IF j len == THEN 1 SF END 
     END NEXT 
     IF 1 FC? THEN len + END 
     { } SWAP 1 OVER SIZE 1 - FOR j 
       str OVER j GETI 1 + ROT ROT 

≪ "?!." SWAP OVER PARSE "QES" → seps sents types
  ≪ 1 sents SIZE FOR j 
       sents j GET seps
          "=" types LAST DUP SUB + 
       ELSE "=N" END + 
"hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it" STYPE
4: "hi there, how are you today?=Q"
3: " I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.=S"
2: " You have been nominated to win one of these!=E"
1: " Just make sure you don't break it=N"

V (Vlang)

Translation of: Go
fn sentence_type(s string) string {
    if s.len == 0 {
        return ""
    mut types := []string{}
    for c in s.split('') {
        if c == '?' {
            types << "Q"
        } else if c == '!' {
            types << "E"
        } else if c == '.' {
            types << "S"
    if s[s.len-1..s.len].index_any('?!.') == -1 {
        types << "N"
    return types.join("|")
fn main() {
    s := "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"


var sentenceType = { |s|
    if (s.count == 0) return ""
    var types = []
    for (c in s) {
        if (c == "?") {
        } else if (c == "!") {
        } else if (c == ".") {
    if (!"?!.".contains(s[-1])) types.add("N")
    return types.join("|")

var s = "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it"

Library: Wren-pattern
Library: Wren-iterate

The following alternative version takes the simplistic view that (unless they end the final sentence of the paragraph) ?, ! or . will only end a sentence if they're immediately followed by a space. This of course is nonsense, given the way English is written nowadays, but it's probably an improvement on the first version without the need to search through an inevitably incomplete list of abbreviations.

import "./pattern" for Pattern
import "./iterate" for Indexed

var map = { "?": "Q", "!": "E", ".": "S", "": "N" }
var p ="[? |! |. ]")
var paras = [
    "hi there, how are you today? I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001. You have been nominated to win one of these! Just make sure you don't break it",
    "hi there, how are you on St.David's day (isn't it a holiday yet?), Mr.Smith? I'd like to present to you (well someone has to win one!) the washing machine 900.1. You have been nominated by Capt.Johnson('?') to win one of these! Just make sure you (or Mrs.Smith) don't break it. By the way, what the heck is an exclamatory question!?"

for (para in paras) {
    para = para.trim()
    var sentences = p.splitAll(para)
    var endings = p.findAll(para).map { |m| m.text[0] }.toList
    var lastChar = sentences[-1][-1]
    if ("?!.".contains(lastChar)) {
        sentences[-1] = sentences[-1][0...-1]
    } else {
    for (se in {
        var ix = se.index
        var sentence = se.value
        System.print("%(map[endings[ix]]) <- %(sentence + endings[ix])")
Q <- hi there, how are you today?
S <- I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.
E <- You have been nominated to win one of these!
N <- Just make sure you don't break it

Q <- hi there, how are you on St.David's day (isn't it a holiday yet?), Mr.Smith?
S <- I'd like to present to you (well someone has to win one!) the washing machine 900.1.
E <- You have been nominated by Capt.Johnson('?') to win one of these!
S <- Just make sure you (or Mrs.Smith) don't break it.
Q <- By the way, what the heck is an exclamatory question!?


include xpllib; \for StrLen
int  Sentence, N, Len;
char Str;
[Sentence:= ["hi there, how are you today?",
             "I'd like to present to you the washing machine 9001.",
             "You have been nominated to win one of these!",
             "Just make sure you don't break it"];
for N:= 0 to 3 do
    [Str:= Sentence(N);
    Len:= StrLen(Str);
    case Str(Len-1) of
      ^!: ChOut(0, ^E);
      ^?: ChOut(0, ^Q);
      ^.: ChOut(0, ^S)
    other ChOut(0, ^N);
    if N < 3 then ChOut(0, ^|);