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See [[RCHQ9+/Ruby]].
See [[RCHQ9+/Ruby]].

<lang rust>use std::env;

// HQ9+ requires that '+' increments an accumulator, but it's inaccessible (and thus, unused).
fn execute(code: &str) {
let mut accumulator = 0;

for c in code.chars() {
match c {
'Q' => println!("{}", code),
'H' => println!("Hello, World!"),
'9' => {
for n in (1..100).rev() {
println!("{} bottles of beer on the wall", n);
println!("{} bottles of beer", n);
println!("Take one down, pass it around");
if (n - 1) > 1 {
println!("{} bottles of beer on the wall\n", n - 1);
} else {
println!("1 bottle of beer on the wall\n");
'+' => accumulator += 1,
_ => panic!("Invalid character '{}' found in source.", c),

fn main() {

Line 1,415: Line 1,450:

<lang rust>use std::env;

// HQ9+ requires that '+' increments an accumulator, but it's inaccessible (and thus, unused).
fn execute(code: &str) {
let mut accumulator = 0;

for c in code.chars() {
match c {
'Q' => println!("{}", code),
'H' => println!("Hello, World!"),
'9' => {
for n in (1..100).rev() {
println!("{} bottles of beer on the wall", n);
println!("{} bottles of beer", n);
println!("Take one down, pass it around");
if (n - 1) > 1 {
println!("{} bottles of beer on the wall\n", n - 1);
} else {
println!("1 bottle of beer on the wall\n");
'+' => accumulator += 1,
_ => panic!("Invalid character '{}' found in source.", c),

fn main() {


Revision as of 20:36, 16 April 2016

Execute HQ9+
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Implement a HQ9+ interpreter or compiler for Rosetta Code.


see Execute HQ9+/Ada


Tested with Agena 2.9.5 Win32 <lang agena># HQ9+ interpreter

  1. execute an HQ9+ program in the code string - code is not case sensitive

hq9 := proc( code :: string ) is

   local hq9Accumulator := 0; # the HQ9+ accumulator
   local hq9Operations  :=    # table of HQ9+ operations and their implemntations
         [ "q" ~ proc() is print( code ) end
         , "h" ~ proc() is print( "Hello, world!" ) end
         , "9" ~ proc() is
                     local writeBottles := proc( bottleCount :: number, message :: string ) is
                                               print( bottleCount
                                                    & " bottle"
                                                    & if bottleCount <> 1 then "s " else " " fi
                                                    & message
                     for bottles from 99 to 1 by -1 do
                         writeBottles( bottles, "of beer on the wall" );
                         writeBottles( bottles, "of beer" );
                         print( "Take one down, pass it around," );
                         if bottles > 1 then
                             writeBottles( bottles - 1, "of beer on the wall." )
                     print( "No more bottles of beer on the wall." )
         , "+" ~ proc() is inc hq9Accumulator, 1 end
   for op in lower( code ) do
       if hq9Operations[ op ] <> null then
           hq9Operations[ op ]()
           print( '"' & op & '" not implemented' )


  1. prompt for HQ9+ code and execute it, repeating until an empty code string is entered


   local code;
       write( "HQ9+> " );
       code := io.read();
       hq9( code )
   until code = ""



Translation of DWScript. the accumulator is global. <lang algol68># the increment-only accumulator # INT hq9accumulator := 0;

  1. interpret a HQ9+ code string #

PROC hq9 = ( STRING code )VOID:

   FOR i TO UPB code
       CHAR   op = code[ i ];
       IF op = "Q" OR op = "q"
           # display the program #
           print( ( code, newline ) )
       ELIF op = "H" OR op = "h"
           print( ( "Hello, world!", newline ) )
       ELIF op = "9"
           # 99 bottles of beer #
           FOR bottles FROM 99 BY -1 TO 1 DO
                STRING bottle count = whole( bottles, 0 ) + IF bottles > 1 THEN " bottles" ELSE " bottle" FI;
                print( ( bottle count, " of beer on the wall", newline ) );
                print( ( bottle count, " bottles of beer.",    newline ) );
                print( ( "Take one down, pass it around,",     newline ) );
                IF bottles > 1
                    print( ( whole( bottles - 1, 0 ), " bottles of beer on the wall.", newline, newline ) )
           print( ( "No more bottles of beer on the wall.", newline ) )
       ELIF op = "+"
           # increment the accumulator #
           hq9accumulator +:= 1
           # unimplemented operation #
           print( ( """", op, """ not implemented", newline ) )

  1. test the interpreter #


   STRING code;
   print( ( "HQ9+> " ) );
   read( ( code, newline ) );
   hq9( code )



Based on ALGOL 68 (which is a translation of DWScript)... <lang algolw>begin

   procedure writeBottles( integer value bottleCount ) ;
           write( bottleCount, " bottle" );
           if bottleCount not = 1 then writeon( "s " ) else writeon( " " );
       end writeBottles ;
   procedure hq9 ( string(32) value code   % code to execute %
                 ; integer    value length % length of code  %
                 ) ;
       for i := 0 until length - 1 do begin
           string(1) op;
           % the increment-only accumulator %
           integer   hq9accumulator;
           hq9accumulator := 0;
           op             := code(i//1);
           if op = "Q" or op = "q" then write( code )
           else if op = "H" OR op = "h" then write( "Hello, World!" )
           else if op = "9" then begin
               % 99 bottles of beer %
               i_w := 1; s_w := 0;
               for bottles := 99 step -1 until 1 do begin
                   writeBottles( bottles ); writeon( "of beer on the wall" );
                   writeBottles( bottles ); writeon( "of beer" );;
                   write( "Take one down, pass it around," );
                   if bottles > 1 then begin
                       writeBottles( bottles - 1 ); writeon( "of beer on the wall." )
               write( "No more bottles of beer on the wall." )
           else if op = "+" then hq9accumulator := hq9accumulator + 1
           else write( """", op, """ not implemented" )
       end hq9 ;

   % test the interpreter %
       string(32) code;
       integer    codeLength;
       write( "HQ9+> " );
       read( code );
       codeLength := 31;
       while codeLength >= 0 and code(codeLength//1) = " " do codeLength := codeLength - 1;
       hq9( code, codeLength + 1 )


Applesoft BASIC

<lang ApplesoftBasic>100 INPUT "HQ9+ : "; I$ 110 LET J$ = I$ + CHR$(13) 120 LET H$ = "HELLO, WORLD!" 130 LET B$ = "BOTTLES OF BEER" 140 LET W$ = " ON THE WALL" 150 LET W$ = W$ + CHR$(13) 160 FOR I = 1 TO LEN(I$) 170 LET C$ = MID$(J$, I, 1) 180 IF C$ = "H" THEN PRINT H$ 190 IF C$ = "Q" THEN PRINT I$ 200 LET A = A + (C$ = "+") 210 IF C$ <> "9" THEN 280 220 FOR B = 99 TO 1 STEP -1 230 PRINT B " " B$ W$ B " " B$ 240 PRINT "TAKE ONE DOWN, "; 250 PRINT "PASS IT AROUND" 260 PRINT B - 1 " " B$ W$ 270 NEXT B 280 NEXT I</lang>

x86 Assembly

<lang X86 Assembly>

si: pointer to asciiz string containing HQ9++ source code

ExecuteHQ9: push ax push dx push si push di push es push bx mov bx, si .interpret: lodsb cmp al, 'H' je .doHelloWorld cmp al, 'Q' je .doPrintCode cmp al, '9' je .doDrinkBeer cmp al, '+' je .doCounter pop bx pop es pop di pop si pop dx pop ax ret

.doHelloWorld: push ds mov ax, cs mov ds, ax push si mov si, .dataHelloWorld call .printString pop si pop ds jmp .interpret

.doPrintCode: push si mov si, bx call .printString pop si jmp .interpret

.doDrinkBeer: push ds push si push ax mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov ax, 99 .beer_loop: call .printHexNumber mov si, .dataBeerSong1 call .printString call .printHexNumber mov si, .dataBeerSong2 call .printString dec ax call .printHexNumber mov si, .dataBeerSong3 call .printString test ax, ax jnz .beer_loop pop ax pop si pop ds jmp .interpret

.doCounter: push ax inc ax pop ax jmp .interpret

.printString: push ax push si .looping: lodsb test al, al jz .done mov ah, 0Eh int 10h jmp .looping .done: pop si pop ax ret

.printHexNumber: pusha push ds mov ax, cs mov ds, ax push word 0 mov bx, ax xor dx, dx mov cx, 4r .convert_loop: mov ax, bx and ax, 0Fh cmp ax, 9 ja .greater_than_9 add ax, '0' jmp .converted .greater_than_9: add ax, 'A'-0Ah .converted: push ax shr bx, 4 dec cx jnz .convert_loop .popoff: pop ax cmp ax, 0 je .done mov ah, 0Eh int 10h jmp .popoff .done: pop ds popa ret

.dataHelloWorld: db "Hello World!", 0 .dataBeerSong1: db " bottles of beer on the wall ", 0 .dataBeerSong2: db " bottles of beer", 13, 10, "Take one down, pass it around " .dataBeerSong3: db 0, " bottles of beer on the wall", 0



<lang AutoHotkey>; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=356268#356268

testCode := "hq9+HqQ+Qq"

MsgBox % RunHQ9Plus(testCode)


RunHQ9Plus(input) {

 Loop, Parse, input
   If ( A_LoopField = "+" )
   Else If ( A_LoopField = "H" )
     output .= "Hello, world!`n"
   Else If ( A_LoopField = "Q" )
     output .= input "`n"
   Else If ( A_LoopField = "9" )
     Loop, 99
       ; following 4 lines could be only 1 long line
       output .= (99+1-A_Index) " bottles of beer on the wall`n"
       output .= (99+1-A_Index) " bottles of beer`n"
       output .= "Take one down, pass it around`n"
       output .= (99-A_Index) " bottles of beer on the wall`n`n"
 Return output



<lang bbcbasic> PROChq9plus("hq9+HqQ+Qq")

     DEF PROChq9plus(code$)
     LOCAL accumulator%, i%, bottles%
     FOR i% = 1 TO LEN(code$)
       CASE MID$(code$, i%, 1) OF
         WHEN "h","H": PRINT "Hello, world!"
         WHEN "q","Q": PRINT code$
         WHEN "9":
           bottles% = 99
           WHILE bottles%
             PRINT ;bottles% " bottles of beer on the wall, ";
             PRINT ;bottles% " bottles of beer,"
             bottles% -= 1
             PRINT "Take one down, pass it around, ";
             PRINT ;bottles% " bottles of beer on the wall."
         WHEN "+": accumulator% += 1
     NEXT i%


Hello, world!
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.
98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall.
3 bottles of beer on the wall, 3 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around, 2 bottles of beer on the wall.
2 bottles of beer on the wall, 2 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around, 1 bottles of beer on the wall.
1 bottles of beer on the wall, 1 bottles of beer,
Take one down, pass it around, 0 bottles of beer on the wall.
Hello, world!


<lang c>void runCode(const char *code) {

   int c_len = strlen(code);
   int i, accumulator, bottles;
           case 'Q':
               printf("%s\n", code);
           case 'H':
               printf("Hello, world!\n");
           case '9':
               //Nice bottles song alg. from RC :)
               bottles = 99;
               do {
                   printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall\n", bottles);
                   printf("%d bottles of beer\n", bottles);
                   printf("Take one down, pass it around\n");
                   printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall\n\n", --bottles);
               } while( bottles > 0 );
           case '+':
               //Am I the only one finding this one weird? :o



Basically the same as the C example, although this has been C++'ified with strings and streams. <lang cpp>void runCode(string code) {

   int c_len = code.length();
   int accumulator, bottles;
   for(int i=0;i<c_len;i++)
           case 'Q':
               cout << code << endl;
           case 'H':
               cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;
           case '9':
               //Nice bottles song alg. from RC :)
               bottles = 99;
               do {
                   cout << bottles << " bottles of beer on the wall" << endl;
                   cout << bottles << " bottles of beer" << endl;
                   cout << "Take one down, pass it around" << endl;
                   cout << --bottles << " bottles of beer on the wall" << endl << endl;
               } while( bottles > 0 );
           case '+':
               //Am I the only one finding this one weird? :o



<lang csharp> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;

class Program {

   static void RunCode(string code)
       int accumulator = 0;
       var opcodes = new Dictionary<char, Action>
           {'H', () => Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"))},
           {'Q', () => Console.WriteLine(code) },
           {'9', () => Console.WriteLine(Enumerable.Range(1,100).Reverse().Select(n => string.Format("{0} bottles of beer on the wall\n{0} bottles of beer\nTake one down, pass it around\n{1} bottles of beer on the wall\n", n, n-1)).Aggregate((a,b) => a + "\n" + b))},
           {'+', () => accumulator++ }
       foreach(var c in code)

} </lang>


<lang ceylon>shared void run() {

void eval(String code) {

variable value accumulator = 0;

for(c in code.trimmed.lowercased) { switch(c) case('h') { print("Hello, world!"); } case('q') { print(code); } case('9') { function bottles(Integer i) => switch(i) case(0) "No bottles" case(1) "One bottle" else "``i`` bottles"; for(i in 99..1) { print("``bottles(i)`` of beer on the wall, ``bottles(i)`` of beer, take one down and pass it around, ``bottles(i - 1)`` of beer on the wall!"); } } case('+') { accumulator++; } else { print("syntax error"); } } }

eval("hq9+"); }</lang>


<lang clojure>(ns anthony.random.hq9plus

 (:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(defn bottles []

 (loop [bottle 99]
   (if (== bottle 0)
       (println (str bottle " bottles of beer on the wall"))
       (println (str bottle " bottles of beer"))
       (println "Take one down, pass it around")
       (println (str bottle " bottles of beer on the wall"))
       (recur (dec bottle))))))

(defn execute-hq9plus [& commands]

 (let [accumulator (atom 0)]
   (loop [pointer 0]
     (condp = (nth commands pointer)
       \H (println "Hello, world!")
       \Q (println (str/join commands))
       \9 (bottles)
       \+ (reset! accumulator (inc @accumulator)))
     (if-not (= (inc pointer) (count commands)) (recur (inc pointer))))))</lang>



      PROGRAM-ID. Exec-Hq9.
      78  Code-Length VALUE 256.
      01  i           PIC 999.
      01  accumulator PIC 999.
      01  bottles     PIC 999.
      01  hq9-code    PIC X(Code-Length).
          PERFORM VARYING i FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL Code-Length < i
              EVALUATE hq9-code (i:1)
                  WHEN "Q"
                      DISPLAY FUNCTION TRIM(hq9-code)
                  WHEN "H"
                      DISPLAY "Hello, World!"
                  WHEN "9"
                      MOVE 99 TO bottles
                      PERFORM UNTIL bottles = ZERO
                              bottles " bottles of beer on the wall"
                          DISPLAY bottles " bottles of beer"
                          DISPLAY "Take one down, pass it around"
                          SUBTRACT 1 FROM bottles
                              bottles " bottles of beer on the wall"
                          DISPLAY SPACE
                  WHEN "+"
                      ADD 1 TO accumulator

Common Lisp

See Execute HQ9+/Common Lisp.


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string;

void main(in string[] args) {

   if (args.length != 2 ||
       args[1].length != args[1].countchars("hHqQ9+")) {
       writeln("Not valid HQ9+ code.");
   ulong accumulator;
   foreach (immutable c; args[1]) {
       final switch(c) {
           case 'Q', 'q':
           case 'H', 'h':
               writeln("Hello, world!");
           case '9':
               int bottles = 99;
               while (bottles > 1) {
                   writeln(bottles, " bottles of beer on the wall,");
                   writeln(bottles, " bottles of beer.");
                   writeln("Take one down, pass it around,");
                   if (--bottles > 1)
                               " bottles of beer on the wall.\n");
               writeln("1 bottle of beer on the wall.\n");
           case '+':



Translation of: D

<lang dwscript>procedure RunCode(code : String); var

  i : Integer;
  accum, bottles : Integer;


  for i:=1 to Length(code) do begin
     case code[i] of
        'Q', 'q' : PrintLn(code);
        'H', 'h' : PrintLn('Hello, world!');
        '9' : begin
           while bottles>1 do begin
              Print(bottles); PrintLn(' bottles of beer on the wall,');
              Print(bottles); PrintLn(' bottles of beer.');
              PrintLn('Take one down, pass it around,');
              if bottles>1 then begin
                 Print(bottles); PrintLn(' bottles of beer on the wall.'#13#10);
           PrintLn('1 bottle of beer on the wall.');
        '+' : Inc(accum);
        PrintLn('Syntax Error');



See Execute HQ9+/E.


Impure approach

<lang ela>open unsafe.console char unsafe.cell imperative

eval src = eval' src

    where eval' [] = ()
          eval' (x::xs) | be 'H' = h() `seq` eval' xs
                        | be 'Q' = q() `seq` eval' xs
                        | be '9' = n() `seq` eval' xs
                        | be '+' = p() `seq` eval' xs
                        | else = fail ("Unrecognized " ++ x)
                        where r = ref 0
                              be c = char.upper x == c
                              h () = writen "Hello, world!"
                              q () = writen src
                              p () = r.+
                              n () = bottles [99,98..1]
                                 where bottles [] = ()
                                       bottles (x::xs) = rec write 
                                         (show x) " bottles of beer of the wall\r\n"
                                         (show x) " bottles of beer\r\n"
                                         "Take one down, pass it around\r\n"
                                         `seq` bottles xs</lang>

Pure version

An interpreter itself has no side effects:

<lang ela>open list char

eval src = eval' src 0

    where eval' [] a = []
          eval' (x::xs) a | be 'H' = h :: eval' xs a
                          | be 'Q' = q :: eval' xs a
                          | be '9' = force n :: eval' xs a
                          | be '+' = eval' xs (a+1)
                          | else   = fail "Invalid instruction."
                          where be c = char.upper x == c
                                h = "Hello, world!"
                                q  = src
                                n = (& bottles [99,98..1])
                                    where bottles [] = ""
                                          bottles (x::xs) = 
                                            show x ++ " bottles of beer of the wall\r\n"
                                            ++ show x ++ " bottles of beer\r\n"
                                            ++ "Take one down, pass it around\r\n"
                                            ++ bottles xs</lang>

It slightly alters an original HQ9+ specification. HQ9+ is an impure language that does console output. However console output is the only interaction that a user can see when executing HQ9+ program. This interpreter doesn't output to console but instead generates a list with all outputs. An accumulator is moved to the interpter arguments and the need for a reference cell is eliminated. Once an interpreter completes a client code can output to console using monads like so:

<lang ela>open imperative monad io

print_and_eval src = do

 res <- return $ eval src
 return $ each print res
 where print x = do putStrLn x

print_and_eval "HQ9+" ::: IO</lang>


<lang Erlang>% hq9+ Erlang implementation (JWL) % http://www.erlang.org/ -module(hq9p). -export([main/1]).

%% bottle helper routine bottle(0) ->

 io:format("No more bottles of beer ");

bottle(1) ->

 io:format("1 bottle of beer ");

bottle(N) when N > 0 ->

 io:format("~w bottles of beer ", [N]).

%% Implementation of instructions beer(0) ->

 bottle(0), io:format("on the wall~n"),
 bottle(0), io:format("on the wall~nGo to the store and buy some more~n"),
 io:format("99 bottles of beer on the wall.~n");

beer(N) ->

 bottle(N), io:format("on the wall~n"),
 bottle(N), io:format("~nTake one down and pass it around~n"),
 bottle(N-1), io:format("on the wall~n~n"),

hello() ->

 io:format("Hello world!~n", []).

prog(Prog) ->

 io:format("~s~n", [Prog]).

inc(Acc) ->


%% Interpreter execute(Instruction, Prog, Acc) ->

 case Instruction of
   $H -> hello(), Acc;
   $Q -> prog(Prog), Acc;
   $9 -> beer(99), Acc;
   $+ -> inc(Acc);
      _ -> io:format("Invalid instruction: ~c~n", [Instruction]), Acc

main([], _Prog, Acc) ->


main([Instruction | Rest], Prog, Acc) ->

 NewAcc = execute(Instruction, Prog, Acc),
 main(Rest, Prog, NewAcc).

main(Prog) ->

 Compiled = string:to_upper(Prog),
 main(Compiled, Prog, 0).



<lang forth>variable accumulator

H cr ." Hello, world!" ;
Q cr 2dup type ;
9 99 verses ; \ http://rosettacode.org/wiki/99_Bottles_of_Beer#Forth
+ 1 accumulator +! ;
hq9+ ( "code" -- )
 parse-word 2dup bounds ?do
   i 1 [ get-current literal ] search-wordlist
   if execute else true abort" invalid HQ9+ instruction"
 then loop 2drop ;</lang>


See RCHQ9+/Go.


See Execute HQ9+/Haskell.


<lang javascript>// live demo: http://try.haxe.org/#2E7D4 static function hq9plus(code:String):String { var out:String = ""; var acc:Int = 0; for (position in 0 ... code.length) switch (code.charAt(position)) { case "H", "h": out += "Hello, World!\n"; case "Q", "q": out += '$code\n'; case "9": var quantity:Int = 99; while (quantity > 1) { out += '$quantity bottles of beer on the wall, $quantity bottles of beer.\n'; out += 'Take one down and pass it around, ${--quantity} bottles of beer.\n'; } out += "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\n" + "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n" + "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\n" + "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n"; case "+": acc++; } return out; }</lang>

Inform 7

<lang inform7>HQ9+ is a room.

After reading a command: interpret the player's command; reject the player's command.

To interpret (code - indexed text): let accumulator be 0; repeat with N running from 1 to the number of characters in code: let C be character number N in code in upper case; if C is "H": say "Hello, world!"; otherwise if C is "Q": say "[code][line break]"; otherwise if C is "9": repeat with iteration running from 1 to 99: let M be 100 - iteration; say "[M] bottle[s] of beer on the wall[line break]"; say "[M] bottle[s] of beer[line break]"; say "Take one down, pass it around[line break]"; say "[M - 1] bottle[s] of beer on the wall[paragraph break]"; otherwise if C is "+": increase accumulator by 1.</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Process HQ9+ from command line arguments and input until an error or end-of file. <lang Icon>procedure main(A) repeat writes("Enter HQ9+ code: ") & HQ9(get(A)|read()|break) end

procedure HQ9(code) static bnw,bcr initial { # number matching words and line feeds for the b-th bottle

  bnw   := table(" bottles"); bnw[1] := " bottle"; bnw[0] := "No more bottles"
  bcr   := table("\n"); bcr[0]:=""

every c := map(!code) do # ignore case

  case c of {                                   # interpret
  "h"  : write("Hello, World!")                 # . hello
  "q"  : write(code)                            # . quine
  "9"  : {                                      # . 99 bottles 
         every b := 99 to 1 by -1 do writes(
            bcr[b],b,bnw[b]," of beer on the wall\n",
            b,bnw[b]," of beer\nTake one down, pass it around\n",
            1~=b|"",bnw[b-1]," of beer on the wall",bcr[b-1])            
         write(", ",map(bnw[b-1])," of beer.\nGo to the store ",
               "and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.")               
  "+"  : { /acc := 0 ; acc +:=1 }                # . yes it is weird
  default: stop("Syntax error in ",code)         # . error/exit

return end</lang>


From 99 Bottles of Beer <lang J>bob =: ": , ' bottle' , (1 = ]) }. 's of beer'"_ bobw=: bob , ' on the wall'"_ beer=: bobw , ', ' , bob , '; take one down and pass it around, ' , bobw@<:</lang>

The rest of the interpreter: <lang J>H=: smoutput bind 'Hello, world!' Q=: smoutput @ [ hq9=: smoutput @: (beer"0) bind (1+i.-99) hqp=: (A=:1)1 :'0 0$A=:A+m[y'@]

hq9p=: H`H`Q`Q`hq9`hqp@.('HhQq9+' i. ])"_ 0~</lang>

Example use:

<lang J> hq9p 'hqQQq' Hello, world! hqQQq hqQQq hqQQq hqQQq</lang>


See RCHQ9+/Java.


The function below executes a HQ9+ program and returns the program output as a string. <lang javascript>function hq9plus(code) {

 var out = ;
 var acc = 0;
 for (var i=0; i<code.length; i++) {
   switch (code.charAt(i)) {
     case 'H': out += "hello, world\n"; break;
     case 'Q': out += code + "\n"; break;
     case '9':
       for (var j=99; j>1; j--) {
         out += j + " bottles of beer on the wall, " + j + " bottles of beer.\n";
         out += "Take one down and pass it around, " + (j-1) + " bottles of beer.\n\n";
       out += "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\n" +
           "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n" +
           "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\n" +
           "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n";
     case '+': acc++; break;
 return out;


Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>'Try this hq9+ program - "hq9+HqQ+Qq" Prompt "Please input your hq9+ program."; code$ Print hq9plus$(code$) End

Function hq9plus$(code$)

   For i = 1 to Len(code$)
       Select Case
           Case Upper$(Mid$(code$, i, 1)) = "H"
               hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "Hello, world!"
           Case Upper$(Mid$(code$, i, 1)) = "Q"
               hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + code$
           Case Mid$(code$, i, 1) = "9"
               For bottles = 99 To 1 Step -1
                    hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + str$(bottles) + " bottle"
                    If (bottles > 1) Then hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "s"
                    hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + " of beer on the wall, " + str$(bottles) + " bottle"
                    If (bottles > 1) Then hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "s"
                    hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + " of beer,"  + chr$(13) + chr$(10) + "Take one down, pass it around, " + str$(bottles - 1) + " bottle"
                    If (bottles > 2) Or (bottles = 1) Then hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "s"
                    hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + " of beer on the wall." + chr$(13) + chr$(10)
               Next bottles
               hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer." _
                                   + chr$(13) + chr$(10) + "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall."
           Case Mid$(code$, i, 1) = "+"
               accumulator = (accumulator + 1)
       End Select
       If Mid$(code$, i, 1) <> "+" Then
           hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + chr$(13) + chr$(10)
       End If
   Next i
   hq9plus$ = Left$(hq9plus$, (Len(hq9plus$) - 2))

End Function</lang>

Mathematica / Wolfram Language

<lang>hq9plus[program_] :=

Module[{accumulator = 0, bottle}, 
 bottle[n_] := 
  ToString[n] <> If[n == 1, " bottle", " bottles"] <> " of beer"; 
 Do[Switch[chr, "H", Print@"hello, world", "Q", Print@program, "9", 
     Table[bottle[n] <> " on the wall\n" <> bottle[n] <> 
       "\ntake one down, pass it around\n" <> bottle[n - 1] <> 
       " on the wall" <> If[n == 1, "", "\n\n"], {n, 99, 1, -1}]], 
   "+", accumulator++], {chr, Characters@program}]; accumulator]</lang>


See RCHQ9+/NetRexx.


Modify contents of the program variable as you see fit.

<lang nim> var program = "9hHqQ+" var i = 0

proc bottle(n: int): string =

 case n
 of 0:
   result = "No more bottles"
 of 1:
   result = "1 bottle"
   result = $n & " bottles"

proc ninetyNineBottles =

 for n in countdown(99, 1):
   echo bottle(n), " bottle of beer on the wall"
   echo bottle(n), " bottle of beer"
   echo "Take one down, pass it around"
   echo bottle(n - 1), " of beer on the wall"

for token in items(program):

 case token
 of 'h', 'H':
   echo("Hello, world!")
 of 'q', 'Q':
 of '9':
 of '+':
   echo("Unknown command: ", token)



Unlike many other implementations, this version will not overflow when the accumulator hits 264 (or as low as 231 in some versions).

The lyrics are based on the reference implementation. The endline and case-insensitivity are from an example in the spec. <lang parigp>beer(n)={

 if(n == 1,
   print("1 bottle of beer on the wall");
   print("1 bottle of beer");
   print("Take one down and pass it around");
   print("No bottles of beer on the wall")
   print(n" bottles of beer on the wall");
   print(n" bottles of beer");
   print("Take one down and pass it around");
   print(n-1," bottles of beer on the wall\n");

}; HQ9p(s)={

   if(v[i] == "H" || v[i] == "h", print("Hello, world!"); next);
   if(v[i] == "Q" || v[i] == "q", print(s); next);
   if(v[i] == "9", beer(99); next);
   if(v[i] == "+", accum++, error("Nasal demons"))


Sample input/output:



This implementation uses the switch feature. <lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature qw(say switch);

my @programme = <> or die "No input. Specify a program file or pipe it to the standard input.\n";

for (@programme) {

   for my $char (split //) {
       given ($char) {
           when ('H') { hello()             }
           when ('Q') { quinne(@programme)  }
           when ('9') { bottles()           }
           default    { die "Unknown instruction $char.\n" } # Comment this line to ignore other instructions.


sub hello {

   print 'Hello World';


sub quinne {

   print @programme;


sub bottles {

   for my $n (reverse 0 .. 99) {
       my $before = bottle_count($n);
       my $after  = bottle_count($n - 1);
       my $action = bottle_action($n);
       say "\u$before of beer on the wall, $before of beer.";
       say "$action, $after of beer on the wall.";
       say q() if $n;


sub bottle_count {

   my $n = shift;
   given ($n) {
       when    (-1) { return '99 bottles'      }
       when    (0)  { return 'no more bottles' }
       when    (1)  { return '1 bottle'        }
       default      { return "$n bottles"      }


sub bottle_action {

   my $n = shift;
   return 'Take one down and pass it around' if $n > 0;
   return 'Go to the store and buy some more';


Perl 6

Works with: rakudo version 2015-09-10

The spec is kind of vague about how to do error handling... and whether white space is significant... and how the accumulator should be accessed... and pretty much everything else too.

<lang perl6>class HQ9Interpreter {

   has @!code;
   has $!accumulator;
   has $!pointer;

   method run ($code) {
       @!code = $code.comb;
       $!accumulator = 0;
       $!pointer = 0;
       while $!pointer < @!code {
           given @!code[$!pointer].lc {
               when 'h' { say 'Hello world!' }
               when 'q' { say @!code }
               when '9' { bob(99) }
               when '+' { $!accumulator++ }
               default  { note "Syntax error: Unknown command \"{@!code[$!pointer]}\"" }


   sub bob ($beer is copy) {
       sub what  { "{$beer??$beer!!'No more'} bottle{$beer-1??'s'!!} of beer" };
       sub where { 'on the wall' };
       sub drink { $beer--; "Take one down, pass it around," }
       while $beer {
           .say for "&what() &where(),", "&what()!",
                    "&drink()", "&what() &where()!", 


  1. Feed it a command string:

my $hq9 = HQ9Interpreter.new; $hq9.run("hHq+++Qq"); say ; $hq9.run("Jhq.k+hQ");</lang>


Hello world!
Hello world!

Syntax error: Unknown command "J"
Hello world!
Syntax error: Unknown command "."
Syntax error: Unknown command "k"
Hello world!

Or start a REPL (Read Execute Print Loop) and interact at the command line: <lang perl6>my $hq9 = HQ9Interpreter.new; while 1 {

   my $in = prompt('HQ9+>').chomp;
   last unless $in.chars;



<lang PicoLisp>(de hq9+ (Code)

  (let Accu 0
     (for C (chop Code)
        (case C
           ("H" (prinl "Hello, world"))
           ("Q" (prinl Code))
              (for (N 99 (gt0 N))
                 (prinl N " bottles of beer on the wall")
                 (prinl N " bottles of beer")
                 (prinl "Take one down, pass it around")
                 (prinl (dec 'N) " bottles of beer on the wall")
                 (prinl) ) )
           ("+" (inc 'Accu)) ) )
     Accu ) )</lang>


<lang PureBasic>Procedure hq9plus(code.s)

 Protected accumulator, i, bottles
 For i = 1 To Len(code)
   Select Mid(code, i, 1)
     Case "h", "H"
       PrintN("Hello, world!")
     Case "q", "Q"
     Case "9"
       bottles = 99
       While bottles
         PrintN(Str(bottles) + " bottles of beer on the wall, " + Str(bottles) + " bottles of beer,")
         bottles - 1
         PrintN("Take one down, pass it around, " + Str(bottles) + " bottles of beer on the wall.")
     Case "+"
       accumulator + 1
 Next i


If OpenConsole()

 Define testCode.s = "hq9+HqQ+Qq"
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()



See RCHQ9+/Python.


Getting HQ9+ code from standard output is not easy without a trailing newline. So I've extended the language (maybe the program could do with a flag to allow/ disallow newlines). To make up for that slackness, this implementation is strictly case-sensitive.

<lang racket>#lang racket

if we `for` over the port, we won't have the program in memory for 'Q'

(define (parse-HQ9+ the-program)

 (define oTW " on the wall")
 (and ; ensures the accumulator is never seen!
  (for/fold ((A 0))
    ((token (in-string the-program)))
    (case token
      ((#\H) (display "hello, world") A)
      ((#\Q) (display the-program) A)
      ;; official esolang version of 99-BoB at:
      ;;  http://esolangs.org/wiki/99_bottles_of_beer
       (let ((BoB (lambda (n)
                     (case n ((1) "1 bottle") ((0) "No bottles")
                       (else (format "~a bottles" n)))
                     " of beer"))))
          (for/list ((btls (in-range 99 0 -1)))
           (string-append (BoB btls)oTW",\n"(BoB btls)
                          ".\nTake one down, pass it around,\n"
                          (BoB (sub1 btls))oTW"."))
          "\n\n"))) A)
      ((#\+) (add1 A))
      ((#\newline) ; language extension, makes getting standard in easier
       (eprintf "warning: HQ9+: language extension ~s" token)
      (else (error "syntax error: HQ9+: unrecognised token ~s" token))))

(module+ main (parse-HQ9+ (port->string)))

(module+ test

 (require rackunit)
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ ""))) "")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ "H"))) "hello, world")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ "Q"))) "Q")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ "QQ"))) "QQQQ")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ "+"))) "")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ "+"))) "")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ "++"))) "")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ "+++"))) "")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ "+++++++++++++++++"))) "")
 (check-equal? (with-output-to-string (lambda () (parse-HQ9+ (make-string 10000 #\+)))) "")
 ;;; you can jolly well read (and sing along to) the output of '9'


<lang rexx>/*REXX program to implement the HQ9+ language.*/ parse arg pgm . accumulator=0

     do instructions=1  for length(pgm);     ?=substr(pgm,instructions,1)
       when ?=='H' then say "hello, world"   /*this salutation varies. */
       when ?=='Q' then do j=1 for sourceline();  say sourceline(j);  end
       when ?== 9  then call 99
       when ?=='+' then accumulator=accumulator+1
       otherwise say 'invalid HQ9+ instruction:' ?
       end   /*select*/
     end     /*instructions*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────99 subroutine───────────────────────*/ 99: do j=99 by -1 to 1

   say j 'bottle's(j) "of beer the wall,"
   say j 'bottle's(j) "of beer."
   say 'Take one down, pass it around,'
   if n==0 then n='no'                           /*cheating to use  0. */
   say n 'bottle's(j-1) "of beer the wall."

say 'No more bottles of beer on the wall,' /*finally, last verse.*/ say 'no more bottles of beer.' say 'Go to the store and buy some more,' say '99 bottles of beer on the wall.' return /*──────────────────────────────────S subroutine────────────────────────*/ s: if arg(1)==1 then return ; return "s" /*a simple pluralizer.*/</lang> output when using the input of: H+Q

hello, world
/*REXX program to implement the  HQ9+  language.*/         parse arg pgm .
      do instructions=1  for length(pgm);     ?=substr(pgm,instructions,1)
        when ?=='H' then say "hello, world"
        when ?=='Q' then do j=1 for sourceline();  say sourceline(j);  end
        when ?== 9  then call 99
        when ?=='+' then accumulator=accumulator+1
        otherwise say 'invalid HQ9+ instruction:' ?
        end   /*select*/
      end     /*instructions*/
exit                                   /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/
/*──────────────────────────────────99 subroutine───────────────────────*/
99: do j=99 by -1 to 1
    say j 'bottle's(j) "of beer the wall,"
    say j 'bottle's(j) "of beer."
    say 'Take one down, pass it around,'
    if n==0 then n='no'                           /*cheating to use  0. */
    say n 'bottle's(j-1) "of beer the wall."
say 'No more bottles of beer on the wall,'        /*finally, last verse.*/
say 'no more bottles of beer.'
say 'Go to the store and buy some more,'
say '99 bottles of beer on the wall.'
/*──────────────────────────────────S subroutine────────────────────────*/
s: if arg(1)==1 then return '';   return "s"      /*a simple pluralizer.*/


See RCHQ9+/Ruby.


<lang rust>use std::env;

// HQ9+ requires that '+' increments an accumulator, but it's inaccessible (and thus, unused).

  1. [allow(unused_variables)]

fn execute(code: &str) {

   let mut accumulator = 0;
   for c in code.chars() {
       match c {
           'Q' => println!("{}", code),
           'H' => println!("Hello, World!"),
           '9' => {
               for n in (1..100).rev() {
                   println!("{} bottles of beer on the wall", n);
                   println!("{} bottles of beer", n);
                   println!("Take one down, pass it around");
                   if (n - 1) > 1 {
                       println!("{} bottles of beer on the wall\n", n - 1);
                   } else {
                       println!("1 bottle of beer on the wall\n");
           '+' => accumulator += 1,
           _ => panic!("Invalid character '{}' found in source.", c),


fn main() {




<lang Scala>def hq9plus(code: String) : String = {

   var out = ""
   var acc = 0
   def bottle(num: Int) : Unit = {
       if (num > 1) {
           out += num + " bottles of beer on the wall, " + num + " bottles of beer.\n"
           out += "Take one down and pass it around, " + (num - 1) + " bottle"
           if (num > 2) out += "s"
           out += " of beer.\n\n"
           bottle(num - 1)
       else {
           out += "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\n" +
               "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n" +
               "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\n" +
               "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n"
   def handle(char: Char) = char match {
       case 'H' => out += "Hello world!\n"
       case 'Q' => out += code + "\n"
       case '+' => acc += 1
       case '9' => bottle(99)
   code.toList foreach handle


println(hq9plus("HQ9+")) </lang>


The program below accepts the HQ9+ program as command line parameter:

<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: runCode (in string: code) is func

   var char: ch is ' ';
   var integer: bottles is 0;
   var integer: accumulator is 0;
   for ch range code do
     case ch of
       when {'H'}: writeln("Hello, world!");
       when {'Q'}: writeln(code);
       when {'9'}: bottles := 99;
                     writeln(bottles <& " bottles of beer on the wall");
                     writeln(bottles <& " bottles of beer");
                     writeln("Take one down, pass it around");
                     writeln(bottles <& " bottles of beer on the wall");
                   until bottles = 0;
       when {'+'}: incr(accumulator);
     end case;
   end for;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   if length(argv(PROGRAM)) >= 1 then
   end if;
 end func;</lang>


Translation of: Perl 6

<lang ruby>class HQ9Interpreter {

   has pointer;
   has accumulator;
   func bob (beer) {
       func what  { "#{beer ? beer : 'No more'} bottle#{beer-1 ? 's' : } of beer" }
       func where { 'on the wall' }
       func drink { beer--; "Take one down, pass it around," }
       while (beer.is_pos) {
           [[what(), where()], [what()],
           [drink()], [what(), where()], []].each{.join(' ').say}
   method run (code) {
       var chars = code.chars;
       accumulator = 0;
       pointer = 0;
       while (pointer < chars.len) {
           given (chars[pointer].lc) {
               when ('h') { say 'Hello world!' }
               when ('q') { say code }
               when ('9') { bob(99) }
               when ('+') { accumulator++ }
               default    { warn %Q(Syntax error: Unknown command "#{chars[pointer]}") }


Usage: <lang ruby>var hq9 = HQ9Interpreter(); hq9.run("hHq+++Qq");</lang>

Hello world!
Hello world!

Or start a REPL (Read Execute Print Loop) and interact at the command line: <lang ruby>var hq9 = HQ9Interpreter(); loop {

   var in = read('HQ9+>', String) \\ break;



See RCHQ9+/Tcl.


See RCHQ9+/Ursala.


XSLT 1.0

Basic implementation

Requires bottles.xsl (below).

<lang xml><?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> <xsl:import href="bottles.xsl"/>

<xsl:output method="text" encoding="utf-8"/>

<xsl:variable name="hello-world"> <xsl:text>Hello, world! </xsl:text> </xsl:variable>

<xsl:template match="/"> <xsl:call-template name="run"> <xsl:with-param name="code" select="string(.)"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:template>

<xsl:template name="run"> <xsl:param name="code"/> <xsl:param name="starting-at" select="1"/>

<xsl:variable name="inst" select="translate(substring($code, $starting-at, 1), 'hq', 'HQ')"/>

<xsl:if test="$inst != "> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$inst = 'H'"> <xsl:value-of select="$hello-world"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$inst = 'Q'"> <xsl:value-of select="$code"/> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$inst = '9'"> <xsl:value-of select="$entire-bottles-song"/> </xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$inst = '+'"> </xsl:when> </xsl:choose>

<xsl:call-template name="run"> <xsl:with-param name="code" select="$code"/> <xsl:with-param name="starting-at" select="$starting-at + 1"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:if> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet></lang>


Input to this sheet is given by placing the entire source as a single <code/> element. For example, to run the example program qqqq, use the sheet to transform the document

<lang xml>qqqq</lang>

Newlines are added in roughly the same places as in the C version. For example, the program qqqq results in four lines of output rather than one long line.

XSLT has no meaningful way to process a write-only variable like the accumulator, so + is a no-op.

Characters other than HQhq9+ are no-ops, but are echoed verbatim by Q/q.

Implementation supporting multiple programs and accumulator output

Requires bottles.xsl (below)

<lang xml><?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0"> <xsl:import href="bottles.xsl"/>

<xsl:output method="xml" encoding="utf-8"/>

<xsl:variable name="hello-world"> <xsl:text>Hello, world! </xsl:text> </xsl:variable>

<xsl:template match="/"> <results> <xsl:apply-templates select="//code"/> </results> </xsl:template>

<xsl:template match="code"> <xsl:call-template name="run"> <xsl:with-param name="code" select="string(.)"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:template>

<xsl:template name="run"> <xsl:param name="code"/>

<xsl:call-template name="_run-remaining-code"> <xsl:with-param name="quine" select="concat($code,' ')"/>

<xsl:with-param name="code" select="translate($code, 'hq', 'HQ')"/>

<xsl:with-param name="output"/>

<xsl:with-param name="accumulator" select="0"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:template>

<xsl:template name="_run-remaining-code"> <xsl:param name="quine"/> <xsl:param name="code"/> <xsl:param name="output"/> <xsl:param name="accumulator"/>

<xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$code = "> <result> <xsl:if test="$accumulator != 0"> <xsl:attribute name="accumulator"><xsl:value-of select="$accumulator"/></xsl:attribute> </xsl:if> <xsl:copy-of select="$output"/> </result> </xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise> <xsl:variable name="inst" select="substring($code, 1, 1)"/> <xsl:variable name="remaining" select="substring($code, 2)"/>

<xsl:variable name="accumulator-inc"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$inst = '+'">1</xsl:when> <xsl:otherwise>0</xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:variable>

<xsl:variable name="output-inc"> <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="$inst = 'H'"><xsl:value-of select="$hello-world"/></xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$inst = 'Q'"><xsl:value-of select="$quine"/></xsl:when> <xsl:when test="$inst = '9'"><xsl:value-of select="$entire-bottles-song"/></xsl:when> </xsl:choose> </xsl:variable>

<xsl:call-template name="_run-remaining-code"> <xsl:with-param name="quine" select="$quine"/> <xsl:with-param name="code" select="$remaining"/> <xsl:with-param name="output"> <xsl:copy-of select="$output"/> <xsl:copy-of select="$output-inc"/> </xsl:with-param> <xsl:with-param name="accumulator" select="$accumulator + $accumulator-inc"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:otherwise> </xsl:choose> </xsl:template> </xsl:stylesheet></lang>


This sheet demonstrates the use of a tail-recursive template to simulate a narrowly mutable state, which is used for both the output and the accumulator.

Input to this sheet is given by placing one or more sources as <code/> elements. For example, to run the example program qqqq, use the sheet to transform the document

<lang xml>qqqq</lang>

or the programs qqqq and ++++ can be run in the same pass by transforming

<lang xml><programs>



The output document is a <results/> element containing a <result/> element for each <code/> element processed from the input. If a + appeared in the program, the <result/> element will indicate the final value of the accumulator in its accumulator attribute. For example, the output for the latter example, would be

<lang xml><results><result>qqqq qqqq qqqq qqqq </result><result accumulator="4"/></results></lang>


This sheet defines a value for the variable $entire-bottles-song (see 99 Bottles of Beer for the general idea).

<lang xml><?xml version="1.0"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" xmlns:lo="urn:uuid:59afd337-03a8-49d9-a7a8-8e2cbc4ef9cc">

<xsl:template name="lo:line"> <xsl:param name="count"/> <xsl:param name="suffix"> on the wall</xsl:param> <xsl:value-of select="$count"/> <xsl:text> bottle</xsl:text> <xsl:if test="$count != 1">s</xsl:if> <xsl:text> of beer</xsl:text> <xsl:value-of select="$suffix"/> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> </xsl:template>

<xsl:template name="lo:verse"> <xsl:param name="count"/> <xsl:call-template name="lo:line"> <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count"/> </xsl:call-template> <xsl:call-template name="lo:line"> <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count"/> <xsl:with-param name="suffix"/> </xsl:call-template> <xsl:text>Take one down, pass it around </xsl:text> <xsl:call-template name="lo:line"> <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count - 1"/> </xsl:call-template> <xsl:text> </xsl:text> </xsl:template>

<xsl:template name="lo:song"> <xsl:param name="count"/> <xsl:if test="$count > 0"> <xsl:call-template name="lo:verse"> <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count"/> </xsl:call-template> <xsl:call-template name="lo:song"> <xsl:with-param name="count" select="$count - 1"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:if> </xsl:template>

<xsl:variable name="entire-bottles-song"> <xsl:call-template name="lo:song"> <xsl:with-param name="count" select="99"/> </xsl:call-template> </xsl:variable>



<lang zkl>fcn runHQ9(code){

  foreach c in (code){

case("H"){ println("hello, world"); } case("Q"){ print(code); } case("+"){ acc+=1; } case("9"){ wall_O_beer(); }


} fcn wall_O_beer(){

     println(beers(n), " on the wall, ", beers(n).toLower(), ".\n",

n==0 and ("Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer") or ("Take one down and pass it around, " + beers(n-1).toLower()), " on the wall.\n")


} fcn beers(n){

   (n==0 and "No more bottles" or (n==1 and "1 bottle" or "" + n + " bottles"))
   + " of beer"

}</lang> <lang zkl>runHQ9("90HQ+junk");</lang>

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall.

98 bottles of beer on the wall, 98 bottles of beer.
Take one down and pass it around, 97 bottles of beer on the wall.
No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.
Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.

hello, world