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(→‎{{header|Fortran}}: A pause that refreshes.)
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TT -1 -1 -3
TT -1 -1 -3
Different compilers/systems may use different values for ''true'' and ''false'' and indeed on the IBM360 ''et seq'', Fortran and pl/i did just that. Nevertheless, it would be easy enough to extend the language by adding a function such as <lang Fortran> INTEGER FUNCTION IF2(A,B)
Different compilers/systems may use different values for ''true'' and ''false'' and indeed on the IBM360 ''et seq'', Fortran and pl/i did just that. Nevertheless, it would be easy enough to extend the language by adding a function such as: <lang Fortran> INTEGER FUNCTION IF2(A,B) !Combine two LOGICAL variables.
IF2 = 0 !Wasted effort if A is true.
IF (A) IF2 = 2 !But it avoids IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END IF blather.
IF (B) IF2 = IF2 + 1 !This relies on IF2 being a variable. (Standard in F90+)
IF2 = 3
END FUNCTION IF2 !Thus produce a four-way result.</lang>
which ignores the possibly peculiar numerical values of LOGICAL variables. The results of such a function could then be employed in a computed GO TO statement as above, or, in the SELECT CASE statement that is preferred by more modern programmers: <lang Fortran> SELECT CASE(IF2(A,B))
IF2 = 2
CASE(B"00"); WRITE (6,*) "Both false."
CASE(B"01"); WRITE (6,*) "B only."
IF2 = 1
CASE(B"10"); WRITE (6,*) "A only."
CASE(B"11"); WRITE (6,*) "Both true."
IF2 = 0
which ignores the numerical value of LOGICAL values and involves a single evaluation of conditions A and B (which might be expressions) even though the code inside the function has two tests of the second condition. The results of such a function could then be employed in computed GO TO statements as above, or, in the SELECT CASE statement that is preferred by more modern programmers.

But there is no extension to the allowed syntax, as such.
But there is no extension to the allowed syntax, as such.

Revision as of 00:20, 30 November 2017

Extend your language
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
Control Structures

These are examples of control structures. You may also be interested in:

Some programming languages allow you to extend the language. While this can be done to a certain degree in most languages (e.g. by using macros), other languages go much further. Most notably in the Forth and Lisp families, programming per se is done by extending the language without any formal distinction between built-in and user-defined elements.

If your language supports it, show how to introduce a new flow control mechanism. A practical and useful example is a four-way branch:

Occasionally, code must be written that depends on two conditions, resulting in up to four branches (depending on whether both, only the first, only the second, or none of the conditions are "true"). In a C-like language this could look like the following:

  if (condition1isTrue) {
     if (condition2isTrue)
  else if (condition2isTrue)

Besides being rather cluttered, the statement(s) for 'condition2isTrue' must be written down twice. If 'condition2isTrue' were a lengthy and involved expression, it would be quite unreadable, and the code generated by the compiler might be unnecessarily large.

This can be improved by introducing a new keyword if2. It is similar to if, but takes two conditional statements instead of one, and up to three 'else' statements. One proposal (in pseudo-C syntax) might be:

  if2 (condition1isTrue) (condition2isTrue)

Pick the syntax which suits your language. The keywords 'else1' and 'else2' are just examples. The new conditional expression should look, nest and behave analogously to the language's built-in 'if' statement.


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_If_2 is

  type Two_Bool is range 0 .. 3;
  function If_2(Cond_1, Cond_2: Boolean) return Two_Bool is
     (Two_Bool(2*Boolean'Pos(Cond_1)) + Two_Bool(Boolean'Pos(Cond_2)));


  for N in 10 .. 20 loop
     Put(Integer'Image(N) & " is ");
     case If_2(N mod 2 = 0, N mod 3 = 0) is

when 2#11# => Put_Line("divisible by both two and three."); when 2#10# => Put_Line("divisible by two, but not by three."); when 2#01# => Put_Line("divisible by three, but not by two."); when 2#00# => Put_Line("neither divisible by two, nor by three.");

     end case;
  end loop;

end Test_If_2;</lang>

 10 is divisible by two, but not by three.
 11 is neither divisible by two, nor by three.
 12 is divisible by both two and three.
 13 is neither divisible by two, nor by three.
 14 is divisible by two, but not by three.
 15 is divisible by three, but not by two.
 16 is divisible by two, but not by three.
 17 is neither divisible by two, nor by three.
 18 is divisible by both two and three.
 19 is neither divisible by two, nor by three.
 20 is divisible by two, but not by three.


<lang algol68># operator to turn two boolean values into an integer - name inspired by the COBOL sample # PRIO ALSO = 1; OP ALSO = ( BOOL a, b )INT: IF a AND b THEN 1 ELIF a THEN 2 ELIF b THEN 3 ELSE 4 FI;

  1. using the above operator, we can use the standard CASE construct to provide the #
  2. required construct, e.g.: #


 IN print( ( "both:    a and b are TRUE",  newline ) )
  , print( ( "first:   only a is TRUE",    newline ) )
  , print( ( "second:  only b is TRUE",    newline ) )
  , print( ( "neither: a and b are FALSE", newline ) )



This task requires syntax different from the if keyword in C. For example:

<lang c>/* Four-way branch.

* if2 (firsttest, secondtest
*			, bothtrue
*			, firstrue
*			, secondtrue
*			, bothfalse
*	)
  1. define if2(firsttest,secondtest,bothtrue,firsttrue,secondtrue,bothfalse)\

switch(((firsttest)?0:2)+((secondtest)?0:1)) {\ case 0: bothtrue; break;\ case 1: firsttrue; break;\ case 2: secondtrue; break;\ case 3: bothfalse; break;\ } </lang>

Example application:

<lang c>#include <limits.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>
  3. include "if2.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { char *arg= argv[i], *ep; long lval = strtol(arg, &ep, 10); /* convert arg to long */ if2 (arg[0] == '\0', *ep == '\0' , puts("empty string") , puts("empty string") , if2 (lval > 10, lval > 100 , printf("%s: a very big number\n", arg) , printf("%s: a big number\n", arg) , printf("%s: a very big number\n", arg) , printf("%s: a number\n", arg) ) , printf("%s: not a number\n", arg) ) } return 0; }</lang>

Example invocation:

<lang bash>$ make exten && ./exten 3 33 333 3a b " " -2 cc exten.c -o exten 3: a number 33: a big number 333: a very big number 3a: not a number b: not a number

: not a number

-2: a number</lang>

The following is probably easier to read, although fi2 is funny looking however you slice it. On the other hand, this kind of macros are unquestionably in the "bad" category. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. define if2(a, b) switch(((a)) + ((b)) * 2) { case 3:
  2. define else00 break; case 0: /* both false */
  3. define else10 break; case 1: /* true, false */
  4. define else01 break; case 2: /* false, true */
  5. define else2 break; default: /* anything not metioned */
  6. define fi2 } /* stupid end bracket */

int main() { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { printf("%d %d: ", i, j); if2 (i == 1, j == 1) printf("both\n"); else10 printf("left\n"); else01 printf("right\n"); else00 { /* <-- bracket is optional, flaw */, printf("neither\n"); if2 (i == 2, j == 2) printf("\tis 22"); printf("\n"); /* flaw: this is part of if2! */ else2 printf("\tnot 22\n"); fi2 } fi2 }

return 0; }</lang>


<lang clay>alias if2(cond1:Bool,



 var res1 = cond1;
 var res2 = cond2;
 if (res1 and res2) return both;
 if (res1) return first;
 if (res2) return second;
 return neither;

} </lang>


Clojure being a LISP has macros.

<lang clojure> (defmacro if2 [[cond1 cond2] bothTrue firstTrue secondTrue else]

 `(let [cond1# ~cond1
        cond2# ~cond2]
    (if cond1# (if cond2# ~bothTrue   ~firstTrue)
               (if cond2# ~secondTrue ~else))))


> (if2 [true true] 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else)
> (if2 [false true] 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else)
> (if2 [true false] 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else)
> (if2 [false false] 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else)
> (macroexpand '(if2 ['c1 'c2] 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else))
(let* [cond2__1806__auto__ (quote c2)] 
  (if (quote c1) (if cond2__1806__auto__ (quote bothTrue)   (quote firstTrue)) 
                 (if cond2__1806__auto__ (quote secondTrue) (quote else))))


Cobol already has a multiple-if: <lang cobol> EVALUATE EXPRESSION-1 ALSO EXPRESSION-2

     DISPLAY 'Both are true.'
     DISPLAY 'Expression 1 is true.'
     DISPLAY 'Expression 2 is true.'
     DISPLAY 'Neither is true.'

END-EVALUATE </lang> (Of course, Cobol is also inherently non-extensible.)

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defmacro if2 (cond1 cond2 both first second &rest neither)

 (let ((res1 (gensym))
       (res2 (gensym)))
   `(let ((,res1 ,cond1)
          (,res2 ,cond2))
      (cond ((and ,res1 ,res2) ,both)
            (,res1             ,first)
            (,res2             ,second)
            (t                 ,@neither)))))</lang>

Interactive tests to validate if2.

  1. Forms evaluate once
  2. Forms evaluate in left-to-right order
  3. Suppressed antecedents do not evaluate
[1]>(defmacro tr (form) `(progn (format t "form ~s evaluating~%" ',form) ,form))
[2]> (if2 (tr (< 1 2)) (tr (oddp 3)) (tr "both") (tr "first") (tr "second") (tr "neither"))
form (< 1 2) evaluating
form (ODDP 3) evaluating
form "both" evaluating
[3]> (if2 (tr (< 1 2)) (tr (oddp 4)) (tr "both") (tr "first") (tr "second") (tr "neither"))
form (< 1 2) evaluating
form (ODDP 4) evaluating
form "first" evaluating
[4]> (if2 (tr (< 2 1)) (tr (oddp 4)) (tr "both") (tr "first") (tr "second") (tr "neither"))
form (< 2 1) evaluating
form (ODDP 4) evaluating
form "neither" evaluating

Proper nesting and hygiene: check by inspection of macro expansions.

  1. Axiom: standard language features LET and COND nest properly.
  2. The local variables introduced into the expansion by the generated LET are using unique uninterned symbols (obvious by #: notation) that cannot possibly occur in the code. Even if #:G2908 appears in code, two occurrences of that notation produce different symbol objects not EQ to each other, which just have the same name. Two occurrences of #:G2908 in the macro expansion are the same symbol, because they are just two insertions of the same object into the list structure.
  3. Function space hygiene is not a problem by fiat: Common Lisp programs which define their own functions called LET, COND invoke undefined behavior by the ANSI standard. Macros make liberal use of the standard operators in their expansions.
[1]> (macroexpand '(if2 c1 c2 b f s n1 n2 n3))
(LET ((#:G2907 C1) (#:G2908 C2))
 (COND ((AND #:G2907 #:G2908) B) (#:G2907 F) (#:G2908 S) (T N1 N2 N3))) ;
[2]> (macroexpand '(if2 c1 c2 b f s n1 n2 n3))
(LET ((#:G2909 C1) (#:G2910 C2))
 (COND ((AND #:G2909 #:G2910) B) (#:G2909 F) (#:G2910 S) (T N1 N2 N3))) ;

;;; show that multiple gensyms are the same symbol using Lisp's
;;; circle notation which reveals shared substructures and cycles

[3]> (setf *print-circle* t)
[4]> (macroexpand '(if2 c1 c2 b f s n1 n2 n3))
(LET ((#1=#:G2917 C1) (#2=#:G2918 C2))
 (COND ((AND #1# #2#) B) (#1# F) (#2# S) (T N1 N2 N3))) ;


D features lazy arguments, which can be used for this task.

<lang d>void if2(T1, T2, T3, T4)(in bool c1, in bool c2,

                        lazy T1 first,
                        lazy T2 both,
                        lazy T3 second,
                        lazy T4 none) {
   if (c1) {
       if (c2)
   } else {
       if (c2)


void test(in bool a, in bool b) {

   import std.stdio;
   if2(a, b, writeln("first"),


void main() {

   test(1 < 2, 3 > 4);
   test(1 < 2, 1 < 2);
   test(3 > 4, 3 > 4);
   test(3 > 4, 1 < 2);




First example:

<lang delphi> procedure Check(Condition1: Boolean; Condition2: Boolean) begin

 if Condition1 = True then
   if Condition2 = True then
   if Condition2 = True then


Second example:

<lang delphi> procedure Check(Condition1: Boolean; Condition2: Boolean) begin

 if (Condition1 = True) and (Condition2 = True) then
 else if Condition1 = True then
 else if Condition2 = True then
 else NoConditionIsTrue;


In both examples if Condition1 and/or Condition2 are Booleans you can omit the '= True' (not when for instance comparing Integers: a = 1)


DUP, a FALSE derivative, enables the user to define new functions and/or operators.

The proper syntax for an ordinary if-statement is

[ ][ ]?

The if operator ? checks the top stack element for its truth value and executes the leftmost lambda ([ ]) if true, and the rightmost lambda if false.

The truth value for false is 0.

The truth value for true is -1 (or any other nonzero number).

For the implementation of a new two-conditional if operator ¿ we keep the conventional if-syntax and extend it to 4 lambdas:

[ ][ ][ ][ ]¿ with the execution conditions (2nd stack value/top stack value) = [true/true][true/false][false/true][false/false]¿

Execution of the proper lambda can be realized by manipulating the return stack with ( (move from data stack to return stack) ) (move from return stack to data stack) in two nested if-blocks. Usually the start locations of lambdas and locations of operators like ? are stored on the return stack.

<lang dup>{two-conditional if operator implementation} { [ top cond. = true ][ top cond. = false ]} { [ 2nd = true ][2nd = false ] [ 2nd = true ][ 2nd = false] } [(((([[)))!)))%%%%%][)))))!)%%%%%]?][[))))!))%%%%%][))))))!%%%%%]?]?]⇒¿ </lang>

Example program:

<lang dup>0 -1['t,'t,]['t,'f,]['f,'t,]['f,'f,]¿</lang>

Resulting output of the example program:



E may be thought of as like JavaScript or Smalltalk; you are expected to define control flow in terms of closures. In fact, all built-in loops internally expand to closures. However, we do provide (experimentally) a syntax for making your user-defined control structures look more like builtins.

The feature is called “lambda-args”, and it allows you to write controlName (args...) someKeyword params... { ... code ... } [ someKeyword params... { ... code ... }]*.

The control structure is built up and then executed by chained method calls (similar to jQuery) starting from the controlName object, one for each {}, each of which takes a closure as a parameter. The first closure actually returns the parenthesized args evaluated and a closure for the first {}, which the args are in scope for; the closures for all following {} do not have the args in scope.

<lang e>pragma.enable("lambda-args") # The feature is still experimental syntax

def makeIf2Control(evalFn, tf, ft, ff) {

 return def if2Control {
   to only1__control_0(tf) { return makeIf2Control(evalFn, tf, ft, ff) }
   to only2__control_0(ft) { return makeIf2Control(evalFn, tf, ft, ff) }
   to else__control_0 (ff) { return makeIf2Control(evalFn, tf, ft, ff) }
   to run__control() {
     def [[a :boolean, b :boolean], # Main parameters evaluated
          tt                        # First block ("then" case)
         ] := evalFn()
     return (
       if (a) { if (b) {tt} else {tf} } \
         else { if (b) {ft} else {ff} }


def if2 {

   # The verb here is composed from the keyword before the brace, the number of
   # parameters in the parentheses, and the number of parameters after the
   # keyword.
   to then__control_2_0(evalFn) {
       # evalFn, when called, evaluates the expressions in parentheses, then
       # returns a pair of those expressions and the first { block } as a
       # closure.
       return makeIf2Control(evalFn, fn {}, fn {}, fn {})


for a in [false,true] {

   for b in [false,true] {
       if2 (a, b) then {
       } only1 {
           println("a true")
       } only2 {
           println("b true")
       } else {


The internal expansion of the "if2" block above is:

<lang e>if2.then__control_2_0(fn {

   [[a, b], fn {

}).only1__control_0(fn {

   println("a true")

}).only2__control_0(fn {

   println("b true")

}).else__control_0(fn {




define-syntax and define-syntax-rules are here to extend the language <lang scheme> (define-syntax-rule (if2 cond1 cond2 both cond1-only cond2-only none) ;; new syntax

will expand to

(if cond1 (if cond2 both cond1-only) (if cond2 cond2-only none)))

  → #syntax:if2

(define (num-test n)

   (if2 (positive? n) (exact? n)

"positive and exact" "positive and inexact" "negative and exact" "negative and inexact"))

(num-test 3/4)

  → "positive and exact"

(num-test -666)

  → "negative and exact"

(num-test -666.42)

  → "negative and inexact"

(num-test PI)

  → "positive and inexact"



Not too hard, as long as you're not worried about choking to death on stack effects: <lang factor>( scratchpad ) : 2ifte ( ..a ?0 ?1 quot0: ( ..a -- ..b ) quot1: ( ..a -- ..b ) quot2: ( ..a -- ..b ) quot3: ( ..a -- ..b ) -- ..b ) [ [ if ] curry curry ] 2bi@ if ; inline ( scratchpad ) 3 [ 0 > ] [ even? ] bi [ 0 ] [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] 2ifte . 2</lang>


Control structures in Forth are just IMMEDIATE words, which flags them to be run at compile time. POSTPONE invokes the compile-time semantics of words instead of executing them. <lang forth>\ in this construct, either of the ELSE clauses may be omitted, just like IF-THEN.

BOTH postpone IF postpone IF ; immediate
ORELSE postpone THEN postpone ELSE postpone IF ; immediate
NEITHER postpone THEN postpone THEN ; immediate
fb ( n -- )
 dup 5 mod 0=  over 3 mod 0=
 BOTH   ." FizzBuzz "
 ELSE   ." Fizz "
 ORELSE ." Buzz "
 ELSE   dup .
 NEITHER drop ;
fizzbuzz ( n -- ) 0 do i 1+ fb loop ;



Fortran does not offer language extension facilities except in the form of allowing a programmer to define subroutines and especially functions, that extend the collection of library functions and which could look a bit like a new statement form if viewed sympathetically. Similarly, there is no built-in pre-processor (as in pl/i) which would enable the definition of what could look like an additional statement form. So, you're stuck with something like call DIRECTWRITE(F,FMT,B,X + 7) in place of WRITE (F,FMT) B,X + 7 where one is to pass over the appearance of "call" and disregard the placement of the ")" symbol.

Even so, Fortran programmers often confront a need for multiple condition tests, and, there being no "decision table" construction, one might proceed as follows: <lang Fortran> LOGICAL A,B !These are allocated the same storage

     INTEGER IA,IB		!As the default integer size.
     EQUIVALENCE (IA,A),(IB,B)	!So, this will cause no overlaps.
     WRITE (6,*) "Boolean tests via integers..."
     DO 199 IA = 0,1	!Two states for A.
       DO 199 IB = 0,1		!Two states for B.
         IF (IA) 666,99,109		!Not four ways, just three.
  99     IF (IB) 666,100,101		!Negative values are surely wrong.
 100     WRITE (6,*) "FF",IA,IB
         GO TO 199
 101     WRITE (6,*) "FT",IA,IB
         GO TO 199
 109     IF (IB) 666,110,111		!A second test.
 110     WRITE (6,*) "TF",IA,IB
         GO TO 199
 111     WRITE (6,*) "TT",IA,IB
 199 CONTINUE		!Both loops finish here.
     WRITE (6,*) "Boolean tests via integers and computed GO TO..."
     DO 299 IA = 0,1	!Two states for A.
       DO 299 IB = 0,1		!Two states for B.
         GO TO (200,201,210,211) 1 + IA*2 + IB	!Counting starts with one.
 200     WRITE (6,*) "FF",IA,IB
         GO TO 299
 201     WRITE (6,*) "FT",IA,IB
         GO TO 299
 210     WRITE (6,*) "TF",IA,IB
         GO TO 299
 211     WRITE (6,*) "TT",IA,IB
 299 CONTINUE		!Both loops finish here.
 300 WRITE (6,301)
 301 FORMAT (/,"Boolean tests via LOGICAL variables...",/
    1 " AB    IA    IB (IA*2 + IB)")
     A = .TRUE.	!Syncopation.
     B = .TRUE.	!Via the .NOT., the first pair will be FF.
     DO I = 0,1	!Step through two states.
       A = .NOT.A		!Thus generate F then T.
       DO J = 0,1		!Step through the second two states.
         B = .NOT.B			!Thus generate FF, FT, TF, TT.
         WRITE (6,302) A,B,IA,IB,IA*2 + IB	!But with strange values.
 302     FORMAT (1X,2L1,2I6,I8)		!Show both types.
       END DO			!Next value for B.
     END DO		!Next value for A.
     GO TO 999
 666 WRITE (6,*) "Huh?"

Which is to say that prior to Fortran 66 there were no LOGICAL variables, so one employed integer variables and used integer arithmetic with + and * for .OR. and .AND. on variables with the obvious values of zero and one - though additional values may be considered for more complex state collections with more complex calculations in mind. This involves re-interpreting what might appear to be integer arithmetic, but is not much of an extension to the language. With the introduction of LOGICAL variables and their associated operators, the results could be unexpected, as shown in the third lot of output:

 Boolean tests via integers...
 FF           0           0
 FT           0           1
 TF           1           0
 TT           1           1
 Boolean tests via integers and computed GO TO...
 FF           0           0
 FT           0           1
 TF           1           0
 TT           1           1

Boolean tests via LOGICAL variables...
 AB    IA    IB (IA*2 + IB)
 FF     0     0       0
 FT     0    -1      -1
 TF    -1     0      -2
 TT    -1    -1      -3

Different compilers/systems may use different values for true and false and indeed on the IBM360 et seq, Fortran and pl/i did just that. Nevertheless, it would be easy enough to extend the language by adding a function such as: <lang Fortran> INTEGER FUNCTION IF2(A,B) !Combine two LOGICAL variables.

      LOGICAL A,B		!These.
       IF2 = 0			!Wasted effort if A is true.
       IF (A) IF2 = 2		!But it avoids IF ... THEN ... ELSE ... END IF blather.
       IF (B) IF2 = IF2 + 1	!This relies on IF2 being a variable. (Standard in F90+)
     END FUNCTION IF2		!Thus produce a four-way result.</lang>

which ignores the possibly peculiar numerical values of LOGICAL variables. The results of such a function could then be employed in a computed GO TO statement as above, or, in the SELECT CASE statement that is preferred by more modern programmers: <lang Fortran> SELECT CASE(IF2(A,B))

      CASE(B"00"); WRITE (6,*) "Both false."
      CASE(B"01"); WRITE (6,*) "B only."
      CASE(B"10"); WRITE (6,*) "A only."
      CASE(B"11"); WRITE (6,*) "Both true."
     END SELECT</lang>

But there is no extension to the allowed syntax, as such.


<lang freebasic>' FB 1.05.0 Win64

  1. Macro If2(condition1, condition2)
  2. Define Else1 ElseIf CBool(condition1) Then
  3. Define Else2 ElseIf CBool(condition2) Then

If CBool(condition1) AndAlso CBool(condition2) Then

  1. Endmacro

Sub test(a As Integer, b As Integer)

 If2(a > 0, b > 0)
   print "both positive"
   print "first positive"
   print "second positive"
   print "neither positive"
 End If

End Sub

Dim As Integer a, b Print "a = 1, b = 1 => "; test(1, 1) Print "a = 1, b = 0 => "; test(1, 0) Print "a = 0, b = 1 => "; test(0, 1) Print "a = 0, b = 0 => "; test(0, 0) Print Print "Press any key to quit" Sleep</lang>

a = 1, b = 1 => both positive
a = 1, b = 0 => first positive
a = 0, b = 1 => second positive
a = 0, b = 0 => neither positive


Expressions in Haskell are not evaluated until they are needed, so ordinary functions can be control structures.

<lang haskell>if2 :: Bool -> Bool -> a -> a -> a -> a -> a if2 p1 p2 e12 e1 e2 e =

 if p1 then
   if p2 then e12 else e1
   else if p2 then e2 else e

main = print $ if2 True False (error "TT") "TF" (error "FT") (error "FF") </lang>

Icon and Unicon

Icon, and Unicon, provide a means of programmatically adding new control regimes but not of extending the syntax for the same into a new control structure. Instead, a Programmer-Defined Control Operation (PDCO) may be defined and used. Here is an example:

<lang unicon>procedure main(A)

   if2 { (A[1] = A[2]), (A[3] = A[4]),   # Use PDCO with all three else clauses
         write("1: both true"),
         write("1: only first true"),
         write("1: only second true"),
         write("1: neither true")
   if2 { (A[1] = A[2]), (A[3] = A[4]),    # Use same PDCO with only one else clause
         write("2: both true"),
         write("2: only first true"),


procedure if2(A) # The double-conditional PDCO

   suspend if @A[1] then 
       if @A[2] then |@A[3]    # Run-err if missing 'then' clause
       else @\A[4]	        # (all else clauses are optional)
   else if @A[2] then |@\A[5]
   else |@\A[6]


and some sample runs:

->eyl 1 1 2 2 
1: both true
2: both true
->eyl 1 1 2 3
1: only first true
2: only first true
->eyl 1 2 2 2 
1: only second true
->eyl 1 2 3 4
1: neither true

The use of a PDCO does impose some restrictions over native control structures. The largest is that each clause in the PDCO is fully isolated from the others, so variables defined and used in one clause are not accessible in another (this includes, in this example, the two conditional clauses). Similarly, changes to procedure local variables made in any clause are not recorded outside the PDCO. So the use of PDCO is best viewed as a partial solution to this particular task.

Inform 7


Inform 7 has two syntaxes for flow control blocks. Unfortunately, the newer indentation-based syntax only works with the built-in flow control statements, but it's possible to define new flow control statements using the older begin...end syntax: <lang inform7>To if2 (c1 - condition) and-or (c2 - condition) begin -- end: (- switch (({c1})*2 + ({c2})) { 3: do -). To else1 -- in if2: (- } until (1); 2: do { -). To else2 -- in if2: (- } until (1); 1: do { -). To else0 -- in if2: (- } until (1); 0: -).</lang>

Note that the "else0" part must be given, although "else1" and "else2" are optional. Demonstration: <lang inform7>Home is a room.

When play begins:

   if2 (the player is in Home) and-or (the player is a person) begin;
       say "both";
       say "only 1";
       say "only 2";
       say "neither";
   end if2.</lang>

Text substitution

<lang inform7>To say if2 (c1 - condition) and-or (c2 - condition) -- beginning if2:

   (- switch (({c1})*2 + ({c2})) { 3: -).

To say else1 -- continuing if2: (- 2: -). To say else2 -- continuing if2: (- 1: -). To say else0 -- continuing if2: (- 0: -). To say end if2 -- ending if2: (- } -).</lang>

Demonstration: <lang inform7>Home is a room.

When play begins:

   say "[if2 the player is not in Home and-or the player is not a person]both[else1]only 1[else2]only 2[else0]neither[end if2]".</lang>


In general, J's adverbs (1 :) and conjunctions (2 :) allow the creation of fairly arbitrary control words.

J's grammar uses a valence concept - originally from chemistry, but also used in linguistics. Briefly: J's nouns have no "binding potential" but can satisfy the binding needs of verbs, adverbs and conjunctions. Meanwhile, J's verbs can bind 1 or 2 nouns and can only produce a noun result. Verbs must bind with a noun on their right, and may optionally bind with a noun on their left (if and only if a noun is available for left binding). J's adverbs have a tight binding on their left which must be satisfied (and can be satisfied by either a noun or a verb). J's conjunctions have a tight binding on their left and right, both of which can be satisfied by either a noun or a verb. Adverbs and conjunctions can produce any kind of result (noun, adverb, conjunction, or verb) and their result's bindings must also be grammatically satisfied (in other words, they are somewhat like macros of other high level languages, though of course the formal details are a bit different).

Also, when creating an explicit definition using the : conjunction, the type of result is marked with a small integer indicating its binding potential: 0 (noun), 1 (adverb), 2 (conjunction), with higher values indicating various flavors of verbs (3 for the typical case).

Here, we extend our language by defining a conjunction if2 which consumes two nouns and produces a verb:

<lang j>if2=: 2 :0

 '`b1 b2'=. n
 m@.(b1 + 2 * b2) f.


Example use:

<lang j>f0=: [: smoutput 'neither option: ' , ": f1=: [: smoutput 'first option: ' , ": f2=: [: smoutput 'second option: ' , ": f3=: [: smoutput 'both options: ' , ":

isprime=: 1&p: iseven=: 0 = 2&|

  f0`f1`f2`f3 if2 (isprime`iseven)"0 i.5

second option: 0 neither option: 1 both options: 2 first option: 3 second option: 4</lang>

That said, note that a switch statement which combines the boolean conditions as a base 2 number might be more convenient.

Note also that J allows words to be defined with the semantic properties that would in TCL be accessed using uplevel 1. However, these are often not useful in J in part because the natural approach to J programming has blocks be named (and referred to by name), and meaningful names are hard to come up with for these side-effect-based constructs but mostly because it's usually far more concise and clear to express the desired calculations directly.

(Also, most operations in J have built in data-driven looping (and, thus, conditional) capabilities - J automatically loops over all values in an array, and both data selection and multiplication can be used to handle conditional issues - so re-inventing that wheel rather quickly loses its luster.)


Kotlin does not have macros or the like but, using a combination of chained functions and lambdas, it's possible to create something which closely resembles a language extension: <lang scala>// version 1.0.6

data class IfBoth(val cond1: Boolean, val cond2: Boolean) {

   fun elseFirst(func: () -> Unit): IfBoth {
       if (cond1 && !cond2) func()
       return this
   fun elseSecond(func: () -> Unit): IfBoth {
       if (cond2 && !cond1) func()
       return this
   fun elseNeither(func: () -> Unit): IfBoth {  
       if (!cond1 && !cond2) func()
       return this  // in case it's called out of order


fun ifBoth(cond1: Boolean, cond2: Boolean, func: () -> Unit): IfBoth {

   if (cond1 && cond2) func()
   return IfBoth(cond1, cond2)


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   var a = 0
   var b = 1
   ifBoth (a == 1, b == 3) {
       println("a = 1 and b = 3")
   .elseFirst {
       println("a = 1 and b <> 3") 
   .elseSecond {
       println("a <> 1 and b = 3") 
   .elseNeither {
       println("a <> 1 and b <> 3") 
   // It's also possible to omit any (or all) of the 'else' clauses or to call them out of order
   a = 1
   b = 0
   ifBoth (a == 1, b == 3) {
       println("a = 1 and b = 3")
   .elseNeither {
       println("a <> 1 and b <> 3") 
   .elseFirst {
       println("a = 1 and b <> 3") 


a <> 1 and b <> 3
a = 1 and b <> 3


Lasso doesn't allow you to define new keywords for the parser, but it does allow you to achieve a similar effect using captures and givenblock as illustrated below.

<lang Lasso>// Create a type to handle the captures

define if2 => type {

   data private a, private b
   public oncreate(a,b) => {
       .a = #a
       .b = #b
       handle => { thread_var_pop(.type)}
       return givenblock()
   public ifboth => .a && .b ? givenblock()
   public else1  => .a && !.b ? givenblock()
   public else2  => !.a && .b ? givenblock()
   public else => !.a && !.b ? givenblock()


// Define methods to consider givenblocks

define ifboth => thread_var_get(::if2)->ifboth => givenblock define else1 => thread_var_get(::if2)->else1 => givenblock define else2 => thread_var_get(::if2)->else2 => givenblock define else => thread_var_get(::if2)->else => givenblock</lang>

Example use:

<lang Lasso>if2(true,true) => {

   ifboth => {    
   else1 => { 
   else2 => { 
   else => {


Mathematica / Wolfram Language

Mathematica is not precisely a Lisp, but it can easily construct macros by holding the arguments to a function: <lang Mathematica> If2[test1_, test2_, condBoth_, cond1_, cond2_, condNone_] := With[

  {result1 = test1,
   result2 = test2},
   result1 && result2, condBoth,
   result1, cond1,
   result2, cond2,
   True, condNone]];

SetAttributes[If2, HoldAll]; </lang>

Example usage (note that the tests are evaluated only once per call): <lang Mathematica> x = 0; If2[Mod[(++x), 2] == 0, Mod[x, 3] == 1, Print["Both: ", x], Print["First: ", x], Print["Second: ", x], Print["Neither: ", x]]; If2[Mod[(++x), 2] == 0, Mod[x, 3] == 1, Print["Both: ", x], Print["First: ", x], Print["Second: ", x], Print["Neither: ", x]]; If2[Mod[(++x), 2] == 0, Mod[x, 3] == 1, Print["Both: ", x], Print["First: ", x], Print["Second: ", x], Print["Neither: ", x]]; If2[Mod[(++x), 2] == 0, Mod[x, 3] == 1, Print["Both: ", x], Print["First: ", x], Print["Second: ", x], Print["Neither: ", x]]; </lang>

Second: 1
First: 2
Neither: 3
Both: 4


Morfa's operator defining and overloading can be employed to provide more natural syntax for expressing an if2 "statement". <lang morfa> import morfa.base;

// introduce 4 new operators to handle the if2 syntax operator then { kind = infix, precedence = mul, associativity = right} operator else1 { kind = infix, precedence = not, associativity = left } operator else2 { kind = infix, precedence = not, associativity = left } operator none { kind = infix, precedence = not, associativity = left }

// function which bounds the condition expression to the if2 "actions" public func then(condition: IF2.Condition, actionHolder: IF2): void {



// functions (bound to operators) used to "build" the if2 "statement" public func else1(bothAction: func(): void, else1Action: func(): void): IF2 {

   return IF2([IF2.Condition.both -> bothAction,
               IF2.Condition.else1 -> else1Action]);

} public func else2(actionHolder: IF2, action: func(): void): IF2 {

   return checkAndAdd(actionHolder, action, IF2.Condition.else2);

} public func none(actionHolder: IF2, action: func(): void): IF2 {

   return checkAndAdd(actionHolder, action, IF2.Condition.none);


// finally, function which combines two conditions into a "trigger" for the if2 "statement" public func if2(condition1: bool, condition2: bool): IF2.Condition {

   if (condition1 and condition2)
       return IF2.Condition.both;
   else if (condition1)
       return IF2.Condition.else1;
   else if (condition2)
       return IF2.Condition.else2;
       return IF2.Condition.none;


// private helper function to build the IF2 structure func checkAndAdd(actionHolder: IF2, action: func(): void, actionName: IF2.Condition): IF2 {

   if (actionHolder.actions.contains(actionName))
       throw new Exception("action defined twice for one condition in if2");
       actionHolder.actions[actionName] = action;
   return actionHolder;


// helper structure to process the if2 "statement" struct IF2 {

   public enum Condition { both, else1, else2, none };
   public var actions: Dict<Condition, func(): void>;


// usage if2 (true, false) then func() {

   println("both true"); 

} else1 func() {

   println("first true"); 

} else2 func() {

   println("second true"); 

} none func() {

   println("none true"); 

}; </lang>


In file "if2macro.n": <lang Nemerle> // point of interest: the when keyword and && operator inside the macro definition are macros themselves

macro if2 (cond1, cond2, bodyTT, bodyTF, bodyFT, bodyFF) syntax ("if2", "(", cond1, ")", "(", cond2, ")", bodyTT, "elseTF", bodyTF, "elseFT", bodyFT, "else", bodyFF) {

       when($cond1 && $cond2) {$bodyTT};
       when($cond1 && !($cond2)) {$bodyTF};
       when(!($cond1) && $cond2) {$bodyFT};
       when(!($cond1) && !($cond2)) {$bodyFF};

}</lang> Compile with:

 ncc -r Nemerle.Compiler.dll -t:dll if2macro.n -o if2macro.dll

In file useif2.n: <lang Nemerle>using System; using System.Console;

module UseIf2 {

   Main() : void
       def happy = true;
       def knowit = false;
       if2 (happy) (knowit)
           Write("Clap hands")
           Write("You're happy")
           Write("Cheer up")
           Write("You're unhappy, cheer up");


Compile with:

ncc -r if2macro.dll useif2.n


<lang NewLISP>(context 'if2)

(define-macro (if2:if2 cond1 cond2 both-true first-true second-true neither)

   ((eval cond1)
     (if (eval cond2)
           (eval both-true)
           (eval first-true)))
   ((eval cond2)
     (eval second-true))  
     (eval neither))))

(context MAIN)

> (if2 true true 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else) bothTrue > (if2 true false 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else) firstTrue > (if2 false true 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else) secondTrue > (if2 false false 'bothTrue 'firstTrue 'secondTrue 'else) else </lang>


<lang nim>import macros

proc newIfElse(c, t, e): PNimNode {.compiletime.} =

 result = newIfStmt((c, t))

macro if2(x, y: expr; z: stmt): stmt {.immediate.} =

 var parts: array[4, PNimNode]
 for i in parts.low .. parts.high:
   parts[i] = newNimNode(nnkDiscardStmt).add(nil)
 assert z.kind == nnkStmtList
 assert z.len <= 4
 for i in 0 .. <z.len:
   assert z[i].kind == nnkCall
   assert z[i].len == 2
   var j = 0
   case $z[i][0].ident
   of "then":  j = 0
   of "else1": j = 1
   of "else2": j = 2
   of "else3": j = 3
   else: assert false
   parts[j] = z[i][1].last
 result = newIfElse(x,
   newIfElse(y, parts[0], parts[1]),
   newIfElse(y, parts[2], parts[3]))

if2 2 > 1, 3 < 2:

   echo "1"
   echo "2"
   echo "3"
   echo "4"
  1. Missing cases are supported:

if2 2 > 1, 3 < 2:

   echo "1"
   echo "3"
   echo "4"
  1. Order can be swapped:

if2 2 > 1, 3 < 2:

   echo "1"
   echo "3"
   echo "2"
   echo "4"</lang>


Of course the language can be extended with GP functions (starting with version 2.4.2, these are closures). <lang parigp>if2(c1,c2,tt,tf,ft,ff)={



GP can also be extended by adding C code directly to Pari: <lang C>GEN if2(GEN c1, GEN c2, GEN tt, GEN tf, GEN ft, GEN ff) {

 if (gequal0(c1))
   if (gequal0(c2))
     return ff ? closure_evalgen(ff) : gnil;
     return ft ? closure_evalgen(ft) : gnil;
   if (gequal0(c2))
     return tf ? closure_evalgen(tf) : gnil;
     return tt ? closure_evalgen(tt) : gnil;


This function, when compiled to the file if2.gp.so, can be loaded into GP with the following commands: <lang parigp>install("if2","GGDEDEDEDE","if2","./if2.gp.so"); addhelp(if2, "if2(a,b,{seq1},{seq2},{seq3},{seq4}): if a is nonzero and b is nonzero, seq1 is evaluated; if a is nonzero and b is zero, seq2 is evaluated; if a is zero and b is nonzero, seq3 is evaluated; otherwise seq4. seq1 through seq4 are optional.");</lang> Alternately, add these lines into the C course and run through gp2c-run: <lang C>/* GP;install("if2","GGDEDEDEDE","if2","./if2.gp.so"); GP;addhelp(if2, "if2(a,b,{seq1},{seq2},{seq3},{seq4}): if a is nonzero and b is nonzero, seq1 is evaluated; if a is nonzero and b is zero, seq2 is evaluated; if a is zero and b is nonzero, seq3 is evaluated; otherwise seq4. seq1 through seq4 are optional.");

  • /</lang>


Closures enable user-defined control structures, but the syntax is not always identical to that of built-in control structures. This example is a start, but needs improving.

<lang perl>

  1. !/usr/bin/perl

use warnings; use strict; use v5.10;

=for starters


   if2 condition1, condition2, then2 {
       # both conditions are true
   else1 {
       # only condition1 is true
   else2 {
       # only condition2 is true
   orelse {
       # neither condition is true

Any (but not all) of the `then' and `else' clauses can be omitted, and else1 and else2 can be specified in either order.

This extension is imperfect in several ways:

  • A normal if-statement uses round brackets, but this syntax forbids them.
  • Perl doesn't have a `then' keyword; if it did, it probably wouldn't be
 preceded by a comma.
  • Unless it's the last thing in a block, the whole structure must be followed
 by a semicolon.
  • Error messages appear at runtime, not compile time, and they don't show the
 line where the user's syntax error occurred.

We could solve most of these problems with a source filter, but those are dangerous. Can anyone else do better? Feel free to improve or replace.


  1. All the new `keywords' are in fact functions. Most of them return lists
  2. of four closures, one of which is then executed by if2. Here are indexes into
  3. these lists:

use constant {

   IdxThen     => 0,
   IdxElse1    => 1,
   IdxElse2    => 2,
   IdxOrElse   => 3


  1. Most of the magic is in the (&) prototype, which lets a function accept a
  2. closure marked by nothing except braces.

sub orelse(&) {

   my $clause = shift;
   return undef, undef, undef, $clause;


sub else2(&@) {

   my $clause = shift;
   die "Can't have two `else2' clauses"
       if defined $_[IdxElse2];
   return (undef, $_[IdxElse1], $clause, $_[IdxOrElse]);


sub else1(&@) {

   my $clause = shift;
   die "Can't have two `else1' clauses"
       if defined $_[IdxElse1];
   return (undef, $clause, $_[IdxElse2], $_[IdxOrElse]);


sub then2(&@) {

   die "Can't have two `then2' clauses"
       if defined $_[1+IdxThen];
   splice @_, 1+IdxThen, 1;
   return @_;


  1. Here, we collect the two conditions and four closures (some of which will be
  2. undefined if some clauses are missing). We work out which of the four
  3. clauses (closures) to call, and call it if it exists.

use constant {

   # Defining True and False is almost always bad practice, but here we
   # have a valid reason.
   True  => (0 == 0),
   False => (0 == 1)


sub if2($$@) {

   my $cond1 = !!shift;    # Convert to Boolean to guarantee matching
   my $cond2 = !!shift;    # against either True or False
   die "if2 must be followed by then2, else1, else2, &/or orelse"
       if @_ != 4
       or grep {defined and ref $_ ne 'CODE'} @_;
   my $index;
   given ([$cond1, $cond2]) {
       when ([False, False])   {$index = IdxOrElse}
       when ([False, True ])   {$index = IdxElse2 }
       when ([True,  False])   {$index = IdxElse1 }
       when ([True,  True ])   {$index = IdxThen  }
   my $closure = $_[$index];
   &$closure   if defined $closure;


  1. This is test code. You can play with it by deleting up to three of the
  2. four clauses.

sub test_bits($) {

   (my $n) = @_;
   print "Testing $n: ";
   if2 $n & 1, $n & 2, then2 {
       say "Both bits 0 and 1 are set";
   else1 {
       say "Only bit 0 is set";
   else2 {
       say "Only bit 1 is set";
   orelse {
       say "Neither bit is set";


test_bits $_ for 0 .. 7; </lang>

Sample run:

<lang> msl@64Lucid:~/perl$ ./if2 Testing 0: Neither bit is set Testing 1: Only bit 0 is set Testing 2: Only bit 1 is set Testing 3: Both bits 0 and 1 are set Testing 4: Neither bit is set Testing 5: Only bit 0 is set Testing 6: Only bit 1 is set Testing 7: Both bits 0 and 1 are set msl@64Lucid:~/perl$ </lang>

Perl 6

Writing the conditional blocks is no problem, since there's no distinction between built-in closures and user-defined. The if2 is currently just a function call, which requires a comma after the second condition; eventually we will be able to drop that in user-defined code, but none of our implementations can define parse actions in the statement_control category quite yet. (That syntax is special insofar as it's the only place Perl 6 allows two terms in a row.) So currently it requires the comma until the implementations catch up with the spec on that subject.

This solution is hygienic in both lexical and dynamic variables; the only caveat is that the user's program must avoid the dynamic variable being used by the implementation of conditional, $*IF2. This does not seem like a great hardship. (The conditionals will also nest correctly since that's how dynamic variables behave.) <lang perl6>my &if2 = -> \a, \b, &x { my @*IF2 = ?a,?b; x }

my &if-both = -> &x { x if @*IF2 eq (True,True) } my &if-first = -> &x { x if @*IF2 eq (True,False) } my &if-second = -> &x { x if @*IF2 eq (False,True) } my &if-neither = -> &x { x if @*IF2 eq (False,False)}

sub test ($a,$b) {

   $_ = "G";          # Demo correct scoping of topic.
   my $got = "o";     # Demo correct scoping of lexicals.
   my $*got = "t";    # Demo correct scoping of dynamics.
   if2 $a, $b, {
       if-both { say "$_$got$*got both" }
       if-first { say "$_$got$*got first" }
       if-second { say "$_$got$*got second" }
       if-neither { say "$_$got$*got neither" }


say test |$_ for 1,0 X 1,0;</lang>

Got both
Got first
Got second
Got neither


Phix does not support macro programming. Generally I would suggest one of the following <lang Phix>switch {condition1,condition2} do

   case {true,true}:
   case {true,false}:
   case {false,true}:
   case {false,false}:

end switch</lang> or <lang Phix>function if2(bool c1, bool c2)

   return c1*10+c2

end function

switch if2(condition1,condition2) do

   case 11:
   case 10:
   case 01:
   case 00:

end switch</lang> or <lang Phix>enum BOTH = 0b11, FIRST = 0b10, SECOND = 0b01, NEITHER = 0b00

function if2(bool c1, bool c2)

   return c1*2+c2

end function

integer r = if2(condition1,condition2) if r=BOTH then elsif r=FIRST then elsif r=SECOND then elsif r=NEITHER then end if</lang> I can accept that those could all be deemed cheating (and that the last does not look anywhere near as nice as I hoped it would).

However Phix is designed to be easily modifiable (albeit not dynamically) and I think it would be instructive to outline the changes that would be needed to the compiler sources to achieve this task.

First decide on the syntax:

if2 condition1, condition2 then
end if2

and pseudocode to match the above (the last of the above three being the most suitable internally):

if <tmp>=0b11 then
elsif <tmp>=0b10 then
elsif <tmp>=0b01 then
end if

Next add new keywords. Find the last use of tt_stringF in pttree.e and add them. We do not know the ttidx values yet, so just duplicate the last one(5200) <lang Phix>global constant T_if2 = 5200 tt_stringF("if2",T_if2) global constant T_else1 = 5200 tt_stringF("else1",T_else1) global constant T_else2 = 5200 tt_stringF("else2",T_else2)</lang> Then run p p and it will tell you what they should be

if2 should be 5208(not 5200)
else1 should be 5216(not 5200)
else2 should be 5224(not 5200)

Update the values and rebuild the compiler using "p -cp" (approx 10 seconds), then we can add the latter two to the block terminators (in pmain.e): <lang Phix>--constant T_endelseelsif = {T_end,T_else,T_elsif,T_case,T_default,T_fallthru,T_fallthrough} constant T_endelseelsif = {T_end,T_else,T_else1,T_else2,T_elsif,T_case,T_default,T_fallthru,T_fallthrough}</lang>

Admittedly the next part is non-trivial. Not really worthwhile showing here, the distribution includes the file demo\rosetta\if2.txt which contains a DoIf2() procedure (120 lines) that is simply a quick hack of DoSwitch() and would be added to pmain.e

Lastly, that would need to be hooked in, find the DoSwitch call (again in pmain.e) and insert after it: <lang Phix> elsif ttidx=T_if2 then DoIf2()</lang>

Recompile Phix (p -cp, approx 10s) and test. Obviously, while I have subsequently removed it, I have tried this myself and it worked fine: <lang Phix>for N=10 to 20 do

 printf(1,"%d is ",N)
 if2 mod(N,2)=0, mod(N,3)=0 then
    puts(1,"divisible by both two and three.\n")
    puts(1,"divisible by two, but not by three.\n")
    puts(1,"divisible by three, but not by two.\n")
    puts(1,"neither divisible by two, nor by three.\n")
 end if2

end for</lang>

10 is divisible by two, but not by three.
11 is neither divisible by two, nor by three.
12 is divisible by both two and three.
13 is neither divisible by two, nor by three.
14 is divisible by two, but not by three.
15 is divisible by three, but not by two.
16 is divisible by two, but not by three.
17 is neither divisible by two, nor by three.
18 is divisible by both two and three.
19 is neither divisible by two, nor by three.
20 is divisible by two, but not by three.


<lang phl>module stmts;

import phl::lang::io;

/* LinkedList --> Each element contains a condition */ struct @ConditionalChain { field @Boolean cond; field @ConditionalChain next;

@ConditionalChain init(@Boolean cond, @ConditionalChain next) [ this::cond = cond; this::next = next;

return this; ]

/* * If the condition is true executes the closure and returns a false element, otherwise returns the next condition * * Execution starts from the first element, and iterates until the right element is found. */ @ConditionalChain then(@Closure<@Void> closure) [ if (isNull(next())) return new @ConditionalChain.init(false, null); if (cond()) { closure(); return new @ConditionalChain.init(false, null); } else return next(); ]

/* Operators create a cool look */ @ConditionalChain operator then(@Closure<@Void> closure) alias @ConditionalChain.then; @ConditionalChain operator else1(@Closure<@Void> closure) alias @ConditionalChain.then; @ConditionalChain operator else2(@Closure<@Void> closure) alias @ConditionalChain.then; @ConditionalChain operator orElse(@Closure<@Void> closure) alias @ConditionalChain.then; };

/* Returns linked list [a && b, a, b, true] */ @ConditionalChain if2(@Boolean a, @Boolean b) [ return new @ConditionalChain.init(a && b, new @ConditionalChain.init(a, new @ConditionalChain.init(b, new @ConditionalChain.init(true, null)))); ]

@Void main [ if2(false, true) then [ println("Not this!"); ] else1 [ println("Not this!"); ] else2 [ println("This!"); ] orElse [ println("Not this!"); ]; ]</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(undef 'if2) # Undefine the built-in 'if2'

(de if2 "P"

  (if (eval (pop '"P"))
     (eval ((if (eval (car "P")) cadr caddr) "P"))
     (if (eval (car "P"))
        (eval (cadddr "P"))
        (run (cddddr "P")) ) ) )</lang>


(if2 (condition1isTrue) (condition2isTrue)
   (bothConditionsAreTrue)             # A single expression in each of the
   (firstConditionIsTrue)              # first three branches
   (noConditionIsTrue)                 # The final branch may contain
   (...) )                             # an arbitrary number of expressions

As another example of language extension, see Anonymous recursion#PicoLisp.


<lang PowerShell> function When-Condition {

       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=1)]
       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=2)]
       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=3)]
       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=4)]
       [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=5)]
   if ($Test1 -and $Test2)
       return (&$Both)
   elseif ($Test1 -and -not $Test2)
       return (&$First)
   elseif (-not $Test1 -and $Test2)
       return (&$Second)
       return (&$Neither)

} </lang> Full syntax: <lang PowerShell> When-Condition -Test1 (Test-Path .\temp.txt) -Test2 (Test-Path .\tmp.txt) `

   -Both { "both true"

} -First { "first true" } -Second { "second true" } -Neither { "neither true" } </lang>

neither true

Alternate syntax: <lang PowerShell> Set-Alias -Name if2 -Value When-Condition

if2 $true $false {

   "both true"

} { "first true" } { "second true" } { "neither true" } </lang>

first true


Macro programming is heavily discouraged in the Python community. One of the central tenets is that the Python syntax be immutable so that no matter what code is run, you have the assurance that the languages syntax stays the same.

However; having said that, Python allows deep reflection and there are packages such as MacroPy that would allow this task to be accomplished.


It is not possible to extend the language by adding keywords or creating macros. This kind of behaviour can be faked be creating functions that take expressions and evaluating them. (The switch and ifelse functions are existing examples.)

<lang r> if2 <- function(condition1, condition2, both_true, first_true, second_true, both_false) {

 expr <- if(condition1)
   if(condition2) both_true else first_true
 } else if(condition2) second_true else both_false

} </lang>

A test example: <lang r> for(x in 1:2) for(y in letters[1:2]) {

 print(if2(x == 1, y == "a", 
   "both conditions are true", 
   x + 99, 
     yy <- rep.int(y, 10)
     paste(letters[1:10], yy)  

} </lang>

A variation that brings the syntax more in line with that described in the task is <lang r> if2 <- function(condition1, condition2, expr_list = NULL) {

 cl <- as.call(expr_list)
 cl_name <- if(condition1)
   if(condition2) "" else "else1"
 } else if(condition2) "else2" else "else"
 if(!nzchar(cl_name)) cl_name <- which(!nzchar(names(cl)))

} </lang>

The usage here is modified to <lang r> for(x in 1:2) for(y in letters[1:2]) {

 print(if2(x == 1, y == "a", list(
   "both conditions are true",
   else1 = x + 99,
   else2 = 
     yy <- rep.int(y, 10)
     paste(letters[1:10], yy)  
   "else" = NULL

} </lang>


Racket, like other Schemes, makes this kind of thing almost trivial:

<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket
define a new syntax


 ;; this is the new syntax we want, in sexpr syntax:
 (if2 condition1isTrue condition2isTrue
 ;; and this is the syntax that implements it:
 (if condition1isTrue
   (if condition2isTrue
   (if condition2isTrue
... and that's all you need -- it now works

(define (try x y)

 (displayln (if2 (< x 10) (< y 10)
                 "Both small"
                 "First is small"
                 "Second is small"
                 "Neither is small")))

(try 1 1)  ; Both small (try 1 10)  ; First is small (try 10 1)  ; Second is small (try 10 10) ; Neither is small </lang>

But as usual, Racket takes this much more seriously. For example, here is how the same looks in an upcoming infix-style language in Racket:

#lang honu

var else1 = 1
var else2 = 1

macro if2 (else1 else2 else) {
  else1 firstConditionIsTrue:expression
  else2 secondConditionIsTrue:expression
  else noConditionIsTrue:expression}
  syntax(if (condition1isTrue) {
           if (condition2isTrue)
         } else if (condition2isTrue)

function try(x,y) {
  printf("~a\n", (if2 (x<10) (y<10) "Both small"
                  else1 "First is small"
                  else2 "Second is small"
                  else  "Neither is small"))
try(1, 1)   // Both small
try(1, 10)  // First is small
try(10, 1)  // Second is small
try(10, 10) // Neither is small

And here's another recent syntax experiment that was added:

#lang unstable/2d racket
(require unstable/2d/cond)
(define (try x y)
   ║           ║ (< x 10 )         ║ (>= x 10 )         ║
   ║ (< y 10 ) ║ "Both small"      ║ "First is small"   ║
   ║ (>= y 10) ║ "Second is small" ║ "Neither is small" ║
(try 1 1)   ; Both small
(try 1 10)  ; First is small
(try 10 1)  ; Second is small
(try 10 10) ; Neither is small


Since flow control is handled using combinators, we simply define a new one:

<lang Retro>: 4wayIf ( flag flag both neither first second )

 heap [ cons &cons dip [ [ cons ] dip ] dip rot ] preserve
 [ do [ -1 = ] bi@  and ] [ 2drop do drop do ] when
 [ do [  0 = ] bi@  and ] [ 2drop do nip do  ] when
 [ do 0 = swap -1 = and ] [ drop nip  do drop do ] when
 [ do -1 = swap 0 = and ] [ drop nip  do nip do  ] when
 drop 2drop ;</lang>

This is fairly noisy in terms of stack manipulations, but it's usage is clean and consistent with the rest of Retro:

<lang Retro>: test -1 -1 [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] 4wayIf .s drop

0  0 [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] 4wayIf  .s drop

-1 0 [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] 4wayIf .s drop

0 -1 [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ] [ 4 ] 4wayIf  .s drop ;</lang>


This REXX version is modeled after the   ADA   example.

Programming note:   the two arguments for the   if2   routine should be verified for having boolean values,
and also the number of arguments should be validated   (both have been omitted to make the code clearer).

Usage example: <lang rexx>if2( some-expression-that-results-in-a-boolean-value, some-other-expression-that-results-in-a-boolean-value)

               /*this part is a REXX comment*/         /*could be a DO structure.*/
   select      /*↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓*/         /*↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓*/
   when if.11  /*{condition 1 & 2  are true}*/   then    perform-a-REXX-statement
   when if.10  /*{condition 1       is true}*/   then       "    "   "      "
   when if.01  /*{condition 2       is true}*/   then       "    "   "      "
   when if.00  /*{no condition      is true}*/   then       "    "   "      "

/*an example of a DO structure for the first clause: */

   when if.11  /*{condition 1 & 2  are true}*/   then do;  x=12;  y=length(y);  end</lang>

<lang rexx>/*REXX program introduces the IF2 "statement", a type of a four-way compound IF: */ parse arg bot top . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if bot== | bot=="," then bot=10 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if top== | top=="," then top=25 /* " " " " " " */ w=max(length(bot), length(top)) + 10 /*W: max width, used for displaying #.*/

     do #=bot  to  top                          /*put a  DO  loop through its paces.   */
                                                /* [↓]  divisible by two and/or three? */
     if2( #//2==0, #//3==0)                     /*use a new  four-way IF  statement.   */
        select                                  /*now, test the four possible cases.   */
        when if.11  then say right(#,w)      " is    divisible by both two and three."
        when if.10  then say right(#,w)      " is    divisible by two, but not by three."
        when if.01  then say right(#,w)      " is    divisible by three, but not by two."
        when if.00  then say right(#,w)      " isn't divisible by two, nor by three."
        otherwise    nop                        /*◄──┬◄ this statement is optional and */
        end   /*select*/                        /*   ├◄ only exists in case one or more*/
     end      /*#*/                             /*   └◄ WHENs  (above)  are omitted.   */

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ if2: parse arg if.10, if.01 /*assign the cases of 10 and 01 */

              if.11=   if.10 & if.01            /*   "    "  case   "  11              */
              if.00= \(if.10 | if.01)           /*   "    "    "    "  00              */
    return </lang>


          10  is    divisible by two, but not by three.
          11  isn't divisible by two, nor by three.
          12  is    divisible by both two and three.
          13  isn't divisible by two, nor by three.
          14  is    divisible by two, but not by three.
          15  is    divisible by three, but not by two.
          16  is    divisible by two, but not by three.
          17  isn't divisible by two, nor by three.
          18  is    divisible by both two and three.
          19  isn't divisible by two, nor by three.
          20  is    divisible by two, but not by three.
          21  is    divisible by three, but not by two.
          22  is    divisible by two, but not by three.
          23  isn't divisible by two, nor by three.
          24  is    divisible by both two and three.
          25  isn't divisible by two, nor by three.


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Extend your language
  2. Date  : 2017/11/15
  3. Author : Gal Zsolt (~ CalmoSoft ~)
  4. Email  : <calmosoft@gmail.com>

see "a = 1, b = 1 => " test(1, 1) see "a = 1, b = 0 => " test(1, 0) see "a = 0, b = 1 => " test(0, 1) see "a = 0, b = 0 => " test(0, 0) see nl

func test(a,b)

      if a > 0 and b > 0
         see "both positive"
      but a > 0
          see "first positive"
      but b > 0
          see "second positive"
      but a < 1 and b < 1
          see "neither positive"
      see nl

</lang> Output:

a = 1, b = 1 => both positive
a = 1, b = 0 => first positive
a = 0, b = 1 => second positive
a = 0, b = 0 => neither positive


Ruby uses a hopelessly egocentric combinator (aka a combinator in which Kx = K for all x) and anonymous classes inherited from that combinator to do the job: <lang ruby># Define a class which always returns itself for everything class HopelesslyEgocentric

 def method_missing(what, *args) self end


def if2(cond1, cond2)

 if cond1 and cond2
 elsif cond1
   Class.new(HopelesslyEgocentric) do
     def else1; yield; HopelesslyEgocentric.new end
 elsif cond2
   Class.new(HopelesslyEgocentric) do
     def else2; yield; HopelesslyEgocentric.new end
   Class.new(HopelesslyEgocentric) do
     def neither; yield end

end</lang> Usage: <lang ruby>[true,false].product([true,false]).each do |cond1, cond2|

 print "%5s, %5s => " % [cond1, cond2]
 if2(cond1, cond2) do
   puts "both true"
 end.else1 do
   puts "first is true"
 end.else2 do
   puts "second is true"
 end.neither do
   puts "neither is true"


 true,  true => both true
 true, false => first is true
false,  true => second is true
false, false => neither is true


<lang rust>#![allow(unused_variables)] macro_rules! if2 {

   ($cond1: expr, $cond2: expr 
       => $both:expr 
       => $first: expr 
       => $second:expr 
       => $none:expr) 
   => {
       match ($cond1, $cond2) {
           (true, true) => $both,
           (true, _   ) => $first,
           (_   , true) => $second,
           _            => $none


fn main() {

   let i = 1;
   let j = 2;
   if2!(i > j, i + j >= 3
       => {
           // code blocks and statements can go here also
           let k = i + j;
           println!("both were true")
       => println!("the first was true")
       => println!("the second was true")
       => println!("neither were true")



Defining a new control construct: <lang scala>scala> def if2[A](x: => Boolean)(y: => Boolean)(xyt: => A) = new {

    |   def else1(xt: => A) = new {
    |     def else2(yt: => A) = new {
    |       def orElse(nt: => A) = {
    |         if(x) {
    |           if(y) xyt else xt
    |         } else if(y) {
    |           yt
    |         } else {
    |           nt
    |         }
    |       }
    |     }
    |   }
    | }

if2: [A](x: => Boolean)(y: => Boolean)(xyt: => A)java.lang.Object{def else1(xt: => A): java.lang.Object{def else2(yt: =>

A): java.lang.Object{def orElse(nt: => A): A}}}</lang>

Usage: <lang scala>scala> if2(true)(true) {

    |   1
    | } else1 {
    |   9
    | } else2 {
    |   11
    | } orElse {
    |   45
    | }

res0: Int = 1

scala> if2(false)(true) {

    |   "Luffy"
    | } else1 {
    |   "Nami"
    | } else2 {
    |   "Sanji"
    | } orElse {
    |   "Zoro"
    | }

res1: java.lang.String = Sanji</lang>


<lang scheme> (define-syntax if2

 (syntax-rules ()
   ((if2 cond1 cond2 both-true first-true second-true none-true)
    (let ((c2 cond2))
      (if cond1
          (if c2 both-true first-true)
          (if c2 second-true none-true))))))



Seed7 allows the definition of statement syntax and semantic. <lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

$ syntax expr: .if.().().then.().else1.().else2.().else3.().end.if is -> 25;

const proc: if (in boolean: cond1) (in boolean: cond2) then

             (in proc: statements1)
             (in proc: statements2)
             (in proc: statements3)
             (in proc: statements4)
           end if                     is func
   if cond1 then
     if cond2 then
     end if;
   elsif cond2 then
   end if;
 end func;

const proc: main is func

   if TRUE FALSE then
     writeln("error TRUE TRUE");
     writeln("TRUE FALSE");
     writeln("error FALSE TRUE");
     writeln("error FALSE FALSE");
   end if;
 end func;</lang>


Like most Lisps, this is trivial in Shen. <lang shen>(defmacro branch-if-macro

 [branch-if Cond1 Cond2 Both Fst Snd None] ->
   [if Cond1
       [if Cond2 Both Fst]
       [if Cond2 Snd None]])</lang>

Example: <lang shen> (define try

 X Y -> (branch-if (integer? X) 
                   (integer? Y)
          both-ints first-int second-int neither-int))

(map (/. X (do (print X) (nl)))

    [(try 1 2) (try 1 1.5) (try 1.5 1) (try 1.5 1.5)])</lang>


<lang ruby>class if2(cond1, cond2) {

   method then(block) {    # both true
       if (cond1 && cond2) {
       return self;
   method else1(block) {   # first true
       if (cond1 && !cond2) {
       return self;
   method else2(block) {   # second true
       if (cond2 && !cond1) {
       return self;
   method else(block) {    # none true
       if (!cond1 && !cond2) {
       return self;


if2(false, true).then {

   say "if2";

}.else1 {

   say "else1";

}.else2 {

   say "else2";        # <- this gets printed

}.else {

   say "else"



The core of Tcl's language-level extensibility are the uplevel and upvar commands, which respectively allow execution of arbitrary code in the caller's context and provide safe access to variables in the caller's context. To create an if2, only uplevel is required (together with list which does substitution-safe script generation as a side-effect): <lang tcl>proc if2 {cond1 cond2 bothTrueBody firstTrueBody secondTrueBody bothFalseBody} {

   # Must evaluate both conditions, and should do so in order
   set c1 [uplevel 1 [list expr $cond1]
   set c2 [uplevel 1 [list expr $cond2]
   # Now use that to decide what to do
   if {$c1 && $c2} {
       uplevel 1 $bothTrueBody
   } elseif {$c1 && !$c2} {
       uplevel 1 $firstTrueBody
   } elseif {$c2 && !$c1} {
       uplevel 1 $secondTrueBody
   } else {
       uplevel 1 $bothFalseBody

}</lang> Demonstrating: <lang tcl>if2 {1 > 0} {"grill" in {foo bar boo}} {

   puts "1 and 2"

} {

   puts "1 but not 2"

} {

   puts "2 but not 1"

} {

   puts "neither 1 nor 2"

}</lang> Which produces this output:

1 but not 2

Condition-free form

It's also possible to write this without any use of if at all, through the careful selection of variable names: <lang tcl>proc if2 {cond1 cond2 body00 body01 body10 body11} {

   # Must evaluate both conditions, and should do so in order
   # Extra negations ensure boolean interpretation
   set c1 [expr {![uplevel 1 [list expr $cond1]]}]
   set c2 [expr {![uplevel 1 [list expr $cond2]]}]
   # Use those values to pick the script to evaluate
   uplevel 1 [set body$c1$c2]

}</lang> This behaves exactly as above, so shall not be repeated here.

Other language extension forms

Tcl includes very strong support for language extension. For example, consider this code which implements a integer looping command: <lang tcl>proc loop {varName lowerBound upperBound body} {

   upvar 1 $varName var
   for {set var $lowerBound} {$var <= $upperBound} {incr var} {
       uplevel 1 $body

}</lang> That implements, in a few lines of code, a new looping construct that does integer iteration and which supports both break and continue, as any loop should. The loop variable is “owned” by the context which calls the loop, and the loop body can access all local variables. It's all also completely safe against complex substitutions. Here's an example of use: <lang tcl>proc timestables {M N} {

   loop i 1 $M {
       loop j 1 $N {
           puts "$i x $j = [expr {$i * $j}]"

} timestables 3 3</lang> Output:

1 x 1 = 1
1 x 2 = 2
1 x 3 = 3
2 x 1 = 2
2 x 2 = 4
2 x 3 = 6
3 x 1 = 3
3 x 2 = 6
3 x 3 = 9


Translation of: CommonLisp

<lang txrlisp>(defmacro if2 (cond1 cond2 both first second . neither)

 (let ((res1 (gensym))
       (res2 (gensym)))
   ^(let ((,res1 ,cond1)
          (,res2 ,cond2))
      (cond ((and ,res1 ,res2) ,both)
            (,res1             ,first)
            (,res2             ,second)
            (t                 ,*neither)))))</lang>

UNIX Shell

Bourne shells never have custom control structures. One can fake them with runtime evaluation, but the result has ugly syntax and evaluates code in the wrong scope.

Works with: Bourne Shell

<lang bash>if2() { if eval "$1"; then if eval "$2"; then eval "$3"; else eval "$4"; fi else if eval "$2"; then eval "$5"; else eval "$6"; fi fi }</lang>

<lang bash>if2 'test 7 -lt 9' 'test 7 -gt 9' ' echo both 1 and 2 ' ' echo 1 but not 2 ' ' echo 2 but not 1 ' ' echo neither 1 nor 2 '</lang>


Translation of: Tcl

<lang es>fn if2 cond1 cond2 body11 body10 body01 body00 { # Must evaluate both conditions, and should do so in order. # Negation ensures a boolean result: a true condition becomes

       # 1 for false; a false condition becomes 0 for true.

let (c1 = <={! $cond1}; c2 = <={! $cond2}) { # Use those values to pick the body to evaluate. $(body$c1$c2) } }</lang>

<lang es>if2 {test 1 -gt 0} {~ grill foo bar boo} { echo 1 and 2 } { echo 1 but not 2 } { echo 2 but not 1 } { echo neither 1 nor 2 }</lang>


Identifiers can't contain digits, so the function is named iftwo. <lang Ursala>iftwo("p","q") <"both","justp","justq","neither"> =



The type of iftwo is that of a function taking a pair of predicates and returning a function that takes a list of four functions. A function of the form iftwo(p,q) <f,g,h,i> applied to an argument x will cause each predicate to be applied to x, and exactly one of f(x), g(x),h(x) or i(x) to be returned.

In general, almost anything about the language can be extended with sufficient effort, because most of the compiler's internal tables and data structures can be modified or substituted by the user. However, such extreme measures are not meant to be needed because higher order functions such as iftwo can be routinely defined and used as shown.