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Subprocess DAVID_51258 has completed
To create a more independent process requires a privilege, e.g. detach. There isn't a mechanism for passing parameters to the detached process, so we embed them in a jacket procedure (possibly created dynamically).
<lang DCL>$! procedure
$ set noverify ! detached processes have verify on by default which clutters up the output log file

Revision as of 17:45, 4 June 2015

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

In this task, the goal is to spawn a new process which can run simultaneously with, and independently of, the original parent process.


Library: POSIX

<lang ada>with Ada.Text_IO,


procedure Fork is

  use Ada.Text_IO,


  if Fork = Null_Process_ID then
     Put_Line ("This is the new process.");
     Put_Line ("This is the original process.");
  end if;


  when others =>
     Put_Line ("Something went wrong.");

end Fork;</lang>


<lang aikido>

   var pid = fork()
   switch (pid) {
   case <0:
       println ("fork error")
   case 0:
       println ("child")
       println ("parent")



Translation of: C
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9 - "fork" is not part of the standard's prelude.

<lang algol68>main: (

 INT pid;
 IF (pid:=fork)=0 THEN
   print("This is new process")
 ELIF pid>0 THEN
   print("This is the original process")
   print("ERROR: Something went wrong")

)</lang> Output:

This is new process
This is the original process


<lang autohotkey>MsgBox, 4, Fork, Start another process? IfMsgBox, Yes

   Run, %A_AhkPath% "%A_ScriptFullPath%"

MsgBox, 0, Fork, Stop this process.</lang>


Library: POSIX

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <unistd.h>
  3. include <sys/wait.h>
  4. include <err.h>

int main() { pid_t pid;

if (!(pid = fork())) { usleep(10000); printf("\tchild process: done\n"); } else if (pid < 0) { err(1, "fork error"); } else { printf("waiting for child %d...\n", (int)pid); printf("child %d finished\n", (int)wait(0)); }

return 0; }</lang>output<lang>waiting for child 3604...

       child process: done

child 3604 finished</lang>


Translation of: C
Library: POSIX

<lang cpp>#include<iostream>

  1. include<unistd.h>

int main() {

 pid_t pid = fork();
 if (pid == 0)
   std::cout << "This is the new process\n";
 else if (pid > 0)
   std::cout << "This is the original process\n";
   std::cerr << "ERROR: Something went wrong\n";
 return 0;



Through its Java interop capabilities, Clojure has full access to the JRE's process creation and control facilities. The API (in Clojure 1.2; there's an equivalent in 1.1 uses these facilities to provide a convenient way of running a shell command in a separate process, providing its arguments, input, environment, and working dir as necessary, and capturing the process's return code and its stdout and stderr output. <lang clojure>(require '[ :as shell]) (shell/sh "echo" "foo") ; evaluates to {:exit 0, :out "foo\n", :err ""}</lang> Though this starts a separate process, the code in shell/sh blocks until the process completes. We can get other stuff done in the meantime by running the function in a separate thread with the core function future. Suppose we want to find files named "needle.*" in a large directory tree haystack, and do other stuff while the search proceeds. Using the Unix-like command find the code would look something like <lang clojure>(let [search (future (shell/sh "find" "." "-name" "needle.*" :dir haystack))]

 (while (and (other-stuff-to-do?) (not (future-done? search)))
 (let [{:keys [exit out err]} @search]
   (if (zero? exit) 
     (do-something-with out)
     (report-errors-in err))))</lang>

Common Lisp

There's not a standard way to fork, but some implementations have built-in bindings for POSIX fork.

Translation of: C
Works with: SBCL

<lang lisp>(let ((pid (sb-posix:fork)))

  ((zerop pid) (write-line "This is the new process."))
  ((plusp pid) (write-line "This is the original process."))
  (t           (error "Something went wrong while forking."))))</lang>


In OpenVMS DCL, spawning a subprocess creates a partially independent process. The parent and child processes share certain pooled quotas, certain shared resources, and if the parent process is deleted then the child process is too automatically.

<lang DCL>$! procedure $ i = 10 $ loop: $ show time $ wait 'p1 $ i = i - 1 $ if i .gt. 0 then $ goto loop</lang>

$ spawn /nowait /notify @looper 0::2  ! up to 8 parameters are allowed
%DCL-S-SPAWNED, process DAVID_51258 spawned  ! random number suffix assigned
   4-JUN-2015 13:13:50
show default5 13:13:52  ! display anomaly due to parent and child overwriting output
   4-JUN-2015 13:13:54
   4-JUN-2015 13:13:57
   4-JUN-2015 13:13:59
 Interrupt  ! ctrl-c is the interrupt character; all child processes are deleted immediately

Subprocess DAVID_51258 has completed

To create a more independent process requires a privilege, e.g. detach. There isn't a mechanism for passing parameters to the detached process, so we embed them in a jacket procedure (possibly created dynamically). <lang DCL>$! procedure $ set noverify  ! detached processes have verify on by default which clutters up the output log file $ @looper 0::2</lang>

$ run /detach sys$system:loginout /input = fork /output = fork
%RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 23A4195C
$ stop/id=23A4195C  ! rather than just waiting the 10 loop iterations
$ type fork.log
$! procedure
$ set noverify
   4-JUN-2015 13:35:47
   4-JUN-2015 13:35:49
   4-JUN-2015 13:35:51
   4-JUN-2015 13:35:53
   4-JUN-2015 13:35:55
   4-JUN-2015 13:35:57


<lang erlang>-module(fork). -export([start/0]).

start() ->

   erlang:spawn( fun() -> child() end ),
   io:format("This is the original process~n").

child() ->

   io:format("This is the new process~n").</lang>

Then you can compile your code and execute it:

<lang erlang>c(fork). fork:start().</lang>


This works only in the terminal, if used from the UI the child process won't print.

<lang factor>USING: unix unix.process ;

[ "Hello form child" print flush 0 _exit ] [ drop "Hi from parent" print flush ] with-fork</lang>


There are many levels at which I can address this task. I'll start from the lowest possible level: <lang fexl>fork \pid print "pid = ";print pid;nl; </lang>

pid = 10077
pid = 0

The child process prints the 0, and the parent process prints the pid of that child, which in this case happened to be 10077.

At the next level up, we can define a "spawn" function which makes it easy to fork a child process and interact with its stdin, stdout, and stderr: <lang fexl>

  1. (spawn child_fn next)
  2. Fork the child function as a process and return its pid, stdin, stdout, and
  3. stderr.

\spawn =

   ### Use error-checking versions of system routines
   \pipe =
       pipe \status\read\write
       long_lt status 0 (die "pipe failed");
       next read write
   \dup2 =
       dup2 oldfd newfd \status
       long_lt status 0 (die "dup2 failed");
   \fdopen =
       fdopen fd mode next;
       die "fdopen failed"
   \fork =
       fork \pid
       long_lt pid 0 (die "fork failed");
       next pid
   # Now here's the spawn function itself.
   # First flush the parent's stdout and stderr to avoid any pending output
   # accidentally getting pushed into the child's input.  I've noticed this
   # can happen when your script output is sent to a file or pipe instead of
   # a console.
   get_stdout \fh fflush fh \_
   get_stderr \fh fflush fh \_
   # Now create a series of pipes, each with a read and write side.
   pipe \r_in\w_in
   pipe \r_out\w_out
   pipe \r_err\w_err
   fork \pid
   long_eq pid 0
       # Child process.
       # Duplicate one side of each pipe into stdin, stdout, and stderr
       # as appropriate.
       dup2 r_in 0;
       dup2 w_out 1;
       dup2 w_err 2;
       # Close unused file handles.  They're all unused because we duped the
       # ones we need.  Also, we must close w_in or the child hangs waiting
       # for stdin to close.
       close r_in; close w_in;
       close r_out; close w_out;
       close r_err; close w_err;
       # Now run the child function, which can use stdin, stdout, and stderr
       # normally.
       # Parent process.  Open the opposite side of each pipe into three new
       # file handles.
       fdopen w_in "w" \child_in
       fdopen r_out "r" \child_out
       fdopen r_err "r" \child_err
       # Close unused file handles.  We don't close the ones we fdopened
       # because they are still in play (i.e. fdopen does not dup).
       close r_in;
       close w_out;
       close w_err;
       # Return the child's pid, stdin, stdout, and stderr.
       next pid child_in child_out child_err


Next, we define a test_pipe function to test the whole apparatus:

<lang fexl> \test_pipe = (\next print "== test_pipe";nl;

      1. Handy
  1. Echo entire contents of stream fh to stdout.

\file_print ==

   fgetc fh \ch
   long_lt ch 0 next;
   putchar ch;
   file_print fh next
  1. Show a stream with a descriptive label.

\show_stream =

   print "[ ";print label;print ":";nl;
   file_print fh;
   print "]";nl;
      1. Here is a child function to try with spawn.

\child_fn =

   print "Hello from child.";nl;
   get_stdin \stdin
   show_stream "input from parent" stdin;
   print "Good bye from child.";nl;
   die "Oops the child had an error!";
  1. Spawn the child.

spawn child_fn \pid\child_in\child_out\child_err

  1. Now we can communicate with the child through its three file handles.

print "Hello from parent, child pid = ";print pid;print ".";nl;

  1. Say something to the child.


  1. Override print routines for convenience.

\print = (fwrite child_in) \nl = (print NL)

  1. Start talking.

print "Hello child, I am your parent!";nl; print "OK, nice talking with you.";nl; );

print "The parent is now done talking to the child.";nl;

  1. Now show the child's stdout and stderr streams.

show_stream "output from child" child_out; show_stream "error from child" child_err;

  1. Wait for child to finish.

wait \pid\status

  1. LATER shift and logical bit operators
  2. LATER WEXITSTATUS and other wait macros

\status = (long_div status 256)

print "Child ";print pid;print " exited with status ";

   print status;print ".";nl;

print "Good bye from parent.";nl;

print "test_pipe completed successfully.";nl; next ) </lang>

Finally we call the test function: <lang fexl>test_pipe;</lang>

== test_pipe
Hello from parent, child pid = 10391.
The parent is now done talking to the child.
[ output from child:
Hello from child.
[ input from parent:
Hello child, I am your parent!
OK, nice talking with you.
Good bye from child.
[ error from child:
Oops the child had an error!
Child 10391 exited with status 1.
Good bye from parent.
test_pipe completed successfully.


This program prints its own pid, then runs a copy of itself if given any argument on the command line. When it does so, it prints the pid of the child process it started. Output should show this pid matching the child's self reported pid. Note that on Unix like systems os.StartProcess is a wrapper around syscal.ForkExec (which as the name implies, safely calls fork and exec system calls). The os/exec package offers a higher level interface and may be simpler in some situations. For the purpose of this task though, there is little difference. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   fmt.Printf("PID: %v\n", os.Getpid())
   if len(os.Args) < 2 {
   cp, err := os.StartProcess(os.Args[0], nil,
       &os.ProcAttr{Files: []*os.File{nil, os.Stdout}},
   if err != nil {
   // Child process running independently at this point.
   // We have its PID and can print it.
   fmt.Printf("Child's PID: %v\n", cp.Pid)
   if _, err = cp.Wait(); err != nil {


PID: 28044
Child's PID: 28045
PID: 28045


Like Java, Groovy controls the standard I/O streams of its child processes. Unlike Java, Groovy provides convenience methods on the Process class to make this burden somewhat easier to manage. This sample code launches the child process and then ties that process's regular and error output streams into the Groovy program's own such streams. This allows us to verify simply that the parent and child processes are running independently.

For the subprocess this example uses Cygwin's bash shell and commands running under MS Windows. <lang groovy>println "BEFORE PROCESS" Process p = Runtime.runtime.exec( C:/cygwin/bin/sh -c " /usr/bin/date +'BEFORE LOOP: %T'; for i in 1 2 3 4 ; do

   /usr/bin/sleep 1;
   /usr/bin/echo \$i;

done; /usr/bin/date +'AFTER LOOP: %T'" ) p.consumeProcessOutput(System.out, System.err) (0..<8).each {

   print '.'

} p.waitFor() println "AFTER PROCESS"</lang>


BEFORE LOOP: 12:36:07
AFTER LOOP: 12:36:11


<lang haskell>import System.Posix.Process

main = do

 forkProcess (putStrLn "This is the new process")
 putStrLn "This is the original process"</lang>


<lang hicest>SYSTEM( RUN )

WRITE(Messagebox='?Y', IOStat=ios) "Another Fork?" IF(ios == 2) ALARM(999) ! quit immediately

! assume this script is stored as 'Fork.hic' SYSTEM(SHell='Fork.hic')

BEEP("c e g 'c") WRITE(Messagebox="!") "Waiting ..." ALARM(999)  ! quit immediately </lang>

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon>procedure main()

  if (fork()|runerr(500)) = 0 then
  else {

end</lang> Notes:

  • Fork should not fail. If an error 500 is generated there is a problem.
  • Fork is not supported under windows. Multitasking should be used instead.


This example works by calling fork in a shared object library of Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS . The verb given to adverb Fork evaluates in the child process. <lang J> load'dll' Fork =: (('Error'"_)`('Parent'"_)`)(@.([: >: [: * '/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ __fork > x' cd [: i. 0&[))</lang> The child process explicitly exits remaining as a zombie until the parent terminates.

   NB. interactive session demonstrating Fork
   Time =: 6!:
   SLEEP =: 3
   sleep =: SLEEP Time
   ([:exit 0:[:smoutput'child'[sleep)Fork 50  NB. start the child
   i._2 3 4 NB. interactive computations continue in the parent process
12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23

 0  1  2  3
 4  5  6  7
 8  9 10 11
   NB. zzzzz  50 seconds elapse, the child finishes.


Translation of: NetRexx

<lang Java> import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map;

public class RFork {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
   ProcessBuilder pb;
   Process pp;
   List<String> command;
   Map<String, String> env;
   BufferedReader ir;
   String currentuser;
   String line;
   try {
     command = Arrays.asList("");
     pb = new ProcessBuilder(command);
     env = pb.environment();
     currentuser = env.get("USER");
     command = Arrays.asList("ps", "-f", "-U", currentuser);
     pp = pb.start();
     ir = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pp.getInputStream()));
     line = "Output of running " + command.toString() + " is:";
     do {
     } while ((line = ir.readLine()) != null);
   catch (IOException iox) {

} </lang>

Output of running [ps, -f, -U, developer] is: 
  UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD 
  502 74079     1   0  8:13PM ??         0:00.02 /sbin/launchd
  502 74047 74045   0  8:13PM ttys000    0:00.05 bash
  502 74198 74047   0  8:18PM ttys000    0:00.21 /usr/bin/java -cp .:.. RFork
  502 74199 74047   0  8:18PM ttys000    0:00.00 tee data/RForkJ.log
    0 74200 74198   0  8:18PM ttys000    0:00.00 ps -f -U developer


Lasso is multithreaded by design. You can fork of an independent thread at anytime using split_thread. The second thread will inherit all local variables declared before it is split. <lang Lasso>local(mydata = 'I am data one')

split_thread => { loop(2) => { sleep(2000) stdoutnl(#mydata) #mydata = 'Oh, looks like I am in a new thread' } }

loop(2) => { sleep(3000) stdoutnl(#mydata) #mydata = 'Aha, I am still in the original thread' }</lang> Output:

I am data one
I am data one
Oh, looks like I am in a new thread
Aha, I am still in the original thread


<lang lisp>

This is a straight port from the Erlang version.
You can run this in the LFE REPL by slurping the file
> (slurp "fork.lfe")
> (start)

(defmodule fork

 (export (start 0)))

(defun start ()

 (spawn (lambda () (child))))

(defun child ()

 (lfe_io:format "This is the new process~n" '()))



Library: POSIX

<lang Lua>local posix = require 'posix'

local pid = posix.fork() if pid == 0 then

   print("child process")

elseif pid > 0 then

   print("parent process")


   error("unable to fork")



This code will run a standalone Mathematica kernel, putting the result of a command in a temporary file: <lang Mathematica>commandstring = First[$CommandLine] <> " -noprompt -run \"Put[Factorial[20],ToFileName[$TemporaryDirectory,ToString[temp1]]];Quit[]\"" ->"MathKernel -noprompt -run \"Put[Factorial[20],ToFileName[$TemporaryDirectory,ToString[temp1]]];Quit[]\""

Run[commandstring] ->0</lang>


<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols binary

runSample(arg) return

-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ method runSample(arg) private static

   pb = ProcessBuilder([String ])
   env = pb.environment()
   currentuser = String env.get('USER')
   command = Arrays.asList([String 'ps', '-f', '-U', currentuser])
   pp = pb.start()
   ir = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(pp.getInputStream()))
   line = String 'Output of running' command.toString() 'is:'
   loop label w_ until line = null
     say line
     line = ir.readLine()
     end w_
 catch iox = IOException


Output of running [ps, -f, -U, nrxuser] is: 
  UID   PID  PPID   C STIME   TTY           TIME CMD 
  501   277     1   0 21Aug13 ??         0:32.05 /sbin/launchd
    0   366   291   0 21Aug13 ttys001    0:00.02 login -pfl nrxuser /bin/bash -c exec -la bash /bin/bash
  501   368   366   0 21Aug13 ttys001    0:00.16 -bash
  501 72276   368   0  6:28PM ttys001    0:00.23 /usr/bin/java -cp .:.. RFork
  501 72277   368   0  6:28PM ttys001    0:00.00 tee data/RFork.log
    0 72278 72276   0  6:28PM ttys001    0:00.00 ps -f -U nrxuser
    0   380   291   0 21Aug13 ttys002    0:00.02 login -pfl nrxuser /bin/bash -c exec -la bash /bin/bash


<lang NewLISP>(let (pid (fork (println "Hello from child")))

  ((nil? pid) (throw-error "Unable to fork"))
  ('t (wait-pid pid))))</lang>


<lang nim>import posix

var pid = fork() if pid < 0:

   # error forking a child

elif pid > 0:

   # parent, and pid is process id of child


   # child
  1. further Parent stuff here</lang>


<lang ocaml>#load "unix.cma";; let pid = Unix.fork ();; if pid > 0 then

 print_endline "This is the original process"


 print_endline "This is the new process";;</lang>


version 1 using REPLY

<lang oorexx>sub=.fork~new sub~sub Call syssleep 1 Do 3

 Say 'program   ' time()
 Call syssleep 1
class fork
method sub

Reply Do 6

 Say 'subroutine' time()
 Call syssleep 1
subroutine 10:53:27
program    10:53:28
subroutine 10:53:29
program    10:53:35
subroutine 10:53:38
program    10:53:40
subroutine 10:53:40
subroutine 10:53:41
subroutine 10:53:42

version 2 using START

<lang oorexx>sub=.fork~new sub~start('start_working')

Call syssleep 1 Do 3

 Say 'program   ' time()
 Call syssleep 1
class fork
method start_working

Do 6

 Say 'subroutine' time()
 Call syssleep 1
subroutine 14:55:10
program    14:55:11
subroutine 14:55:11
subroutine 14:55:12
program    14:55:12
program    14:55:13
subroutine 14:55:13
subroutine 14:55:14
subroutine 14:55:15


Mozart's support for distributed programming is quite unique. We can send code accross the network and share data by lexical scoping. It doesn't matter whether we create the process on the local machine (as in this example) or on some remote computer as long as we have ssh access (or some similar method) and Mozart is installed.

<lang oz>declare

 ParentVar1 = "parent data"
 functor RemoteCode
 import QTk at 'x-oz://system/wp/QTk.ozf'
    %% Show a simple window. When it is closed by the user, set Result.
    Window =
     td(action:proc {$} Result = 42 end %% on close
        label(text:"In child process: "#ParentVar1))} %% read parent process variable
    {Window show}
    !ParentVar2 = childData %% write to parent process variable
    {Wait Result}
 %% create a new process on the same machine
 RM = {New Remote.manager init(host:localhost)}
 %% execute the code encapsulated in the given functor
 RemoteModule = {RM apply(RemoteCode $)}


 %% retrieve data from child process
 {Show RemoteModule.result} %% prints 42
 %% exit child process
 {RM close}
 {Show ParentVar2} %% print "childData"</lang>


This is a PARI implementation which uses fork() via PARI's pari_daemon. Of course fork() could be used directly.

<lang C>void foo() {

 if (pari_daemon())



Works with: Perl version 5.x

In the child code, you may have to re-open database handles and such.

<lang perl>FORK: if ($pid = fork()) {

   # parent code

} elsif (defined($pid)) {

   setsid; # tells apache to let go of this process and let it run solo
   # disconnect ourselves from input, output, and errors
   # re-open to /dev/null to prevent irrelevant warn messages.
   open(STDOUT, '>/dev/null');
   open(STDIN, '>/dev/null');
   open(STDERR, '>>/home/virtual/logs/err.log');
   # child code
   exit; # important to exit

} elsif($! =~ /emporar/){

   warn '[' . localtime() . "] Failed to Fork - Will try again in 10 seconds.\n";
   goto FORK;

} else {

   warn '[' . localtime() . "] Unable to fork - $!";


Obviously you could do a Fork in a lot less lines, but this code covers all the bases.

Another example using Proc::Fork module:

<lang perl>use Proc::Fork; run_fork {

   child {
       # child code ...
   parent {
       # parent code ...


Or: <lang perl>use Proc::Fork;

  1. parent code ...

run_fork {

   child {
       # child code ...


  1. parent code continues ...</lang>

More complex example with retries and error handling: <lang perl>use Proc::Fork; run_fork {

   child {
       # child code ...
   parent {
       # parent code ...
   retry {
       # retry code ...
   error {
       # error handling ...


Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo Star version 2013-01

<lang perl6>use NativeCall; sub fork() returns Int is native { ... }

if fork() -> $pid {

   print "I am the proud parent of $pid.\n";

} else {

   print "I am a child.  Have you seen my mommy?\n";


I am the proud parent of 17691.
I am a child.  Have you seen my mommy?


Translation of: C

<lang php><?php $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == 0)

 echo "This is the new process\n";

else if ($pid > 0)

 echo "This is the original process\n";


 echo "ERROR: Something went wrong\n";



<lang PicoLisp>(unless (fork) # In child process

  (println *Pid)                      # Print the child's PID
  (bye) )                             # and terminate</lang>


<lang PL/I> ATTACH SOLVE (X) THREAD (T5); </lang>


<lang pop11>lvars ress; if sys_fork(false) ->> ress then

  ;;; parent
  printf(ress, 'Child pid = %p\n');


  printf('In child\n');



Works with: Python version 2.5

<lang python>import os

pid = os.fork() if pid > 0:

# parent code


# child code</lang>


Looks like there are two popular things that people do for this task, so here are both. First, run some subprocess independently of Racket:

<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(define-values [P _out _in _err]

 (subprocess (current-output-port) (current-input-port) (current-error-port)
             (find-executable-path "du") "-hs" "/usr/share"))
wait for process to end, print messages as long as it runs

(let loop () (unless (sync/timeout 10 P) (printf "Still running...\n") (loop))) </lang>


Still running...
Still running...
Still running...
15G	/usr/share

Second, using fork() in its raw form, which is doable in racket, but as unsafe as you'd expect it to be:

<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(require ffi/unsafe) (define fork (get-ffi-obj 'fork #f (_fun -> _int))) (printf ">>> fork() => ~s\n" (fork)) </lang>


>>> fork() => 23834
>>> fork() => 0


This function only works with Regina REXX. <lang rexx>child = fork()</lang>


<lang ruby>pid = fork if pid

# parent code


# child code

end</lang> or <lang ruby>fork do

 # child code


  1. parent code</lang>


You can run a program until that program executes a wait statement. Once the program waits,you can use it's functions.

<lang runbasic>run "someProgram.bas",#handle render #handle ' this runs the program until it waits

                  ' both the parent and child are running

' -------------------------------------------------------- ' You can also call a function in the someProgram.bas program. ' For example if it had a DisplayBanner Funciton.

  1. handle DisplayBanner("Welcome!")</lang>


Library: Scala

A Linux version

<lang scala>import

object Fork extends App {

 val builder: ProcessBuilder = new ProcessBuilder()
 val currentUser: String = builder.environment.get("USER")
 val command: java.util.List[String] = java.util.Arrays.asList("ps", "-f", "-U", currentUser)
 try {
   val lines =
   println(s"Output of running $command is:")
   while (lines.hasNext) println(
 catch {
   case iox: IOException => iox.printStackTrace()


A Windows version

<lang scala>import

object Fork extends App {

 val command: java.util.List[String] = java.util.Arrays.asList("cmd.exe", "/C", "ECHO.| TIME")
 val builder: ProcessBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command)
 try {
   val lines =
   println(s"Output of running $command is:")
   while (lines.hasNext) println(
 catch {
   case iox: IOException => iox.printStackTrace()



<lang ruby>var x = 42; var child = { x += 1 }.fork; say child.wait; # prints: 43 say x; # but x is still 42</lang>


The following built-in method uses the cloneSystem primitive (which calls fork()) to fork code. The parent and the child both get a socket from a socketpair which they can use to communicate. The cloneSystem is currently unimplemented on windows (since there isn't a fork() system call).<lang slate>p@(Process traits) forkAndDo: b [| ret |

 (ret := lobby cloneSystem)
   first ifTrue: [p pipes addLast: ret second. ret second]
          ifFalse: [[p pipes clear. p pipes addLast: ret second. b applyWith: ret second] ensure: [lobby quit]]



<lang smalltalk>'Here I am' displayNl. |a| a := [

 (Delay forSeconds: 2) wait . 
 1 to: 100 do: [ :i | i displayNl ]

] fork. 'Child will start after 2 seconds' displayNl. "wait to avoid terminating first the parent;

a better way should use semaphores"

(Delay forSeconds: 10) wait.</lang>

Standard ML

<lang sml>case Posix.Process.fork () of

  SOME pid => print "This is the original process\n"
| NONE     => print "This is the new process\n";</lang>


(from the Tcl Wiki)

Fork is one of the primitives used for process creation in Unixy systems. It creates a copy of the process that calls it, and the only difference in internal state between the original and the copy is in the return value from the fork call (0 in the copy, but the pid of the copy in the parent).

The Expect package includes a fork. So does the TclX package.


<lang tcl>package require Expect

  1. or

package require Tclx

for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} {

   set pid [fork]
   switch $pid {
       -1 {
           puts "Fork attempt #$i failed."
       0 {
           puts "I am child process #$i."
       default {
           puts "The parent just spawned child process #$i."


In most cases though, one is not interested in spawning a copy of the process one already has, but rather wants a different process. When using POSIX APIs, this has to be done by first forking and then having the child use the exec system call to replace itself with a different program. The Tcl exec command does this fork&exec combination — in part because non-Unix OSs typicallly don't have "make a copy of parent process" as an intermediate step when spawning new processes.

Note that fork is only supported at all on unthreaded builds of Tcl. This is because the POSIX threads library does not sit well with the fork() system call.


<lang toka>needs shell getpid is-data PID [ fork getpid PID = [ ." Child PID: " . cr ] [ ." In child\n" ] ifTrueFalse ] invoke</lang>

UNIX Shell

Works with: Bourne Shell

<lang bash>i=0 (while test $i -lt 10; do

 sleep 1
 echo "Child process"
 i=`expr $i + 1`

done) & while test $i -lt 5; do

 sleep 2
 echo "Parent process"
 i=`expr $i + 1`


This uses the operator & to run the child process and the parent process at the same time. The output for the next 10 seconds is "Child process" every 1 second, and "Parent process" every 2 seconds. Both processes inherit i=0, but each process has its own i variable because processes are independent.

The original version of this code used a bash for-loop.

Works with: bash

<lang bash>(for ((i=0;i<10;i++)); do sleep 1; echo "Child process"; done) & for ((i=0;i<5;i++)); do

 sleep 2
 echo "Parent process"



Demonstrating a subshell getting forked, and running concurrently with the original process

<lang bash>(echo "Process 1" >&2 ;sleep 5; echo "1 done" ) | (echo "Process 2";cat;echo "2 done")</lang>


<lang wart>do (fork sleep.1


X86 Assembly

Works with: NASM version Linux

While it IS possible to use native syscalls to create forks, it's not recommended. sys_fork requires manual setup for the pt_regs structure. It further requires you to enter kernal space using sysenter/exit pairs, setup the registers then call sys_fork. Linking to the C library is simply less work for user space forks. The only time it's really used is during debugging applications. <lang asm> extern fork extern printf

section .text global _start

_start: call fork cmp eax, 0 je _child jg _parent jmp _exit

_parent: push p_msg call printf jmp _exit _child: push c_msg call printf jmp _exit

_exit: push 0x1 mov eax, 1 push eax int 0x80 ret

section .data c_msg db "Printed from Child process",13,10,0 p_msg db "Printed from Parent process",13,10,0 </lang>


Works with: Unix

This just tells the Unix shell to run the process in the background <lang zkl>zkl: System.cmd("ls &")</lang>

0  // return code from the shell, ls has been forked
zkl: 1_2_all_freq.txt      ff.zkl	     lua.zkl		      rot13.b
2hkprimes.txt	      fg.zkl	     lucas-lehmer.zkl	      rot13.zkl