Galton box animation: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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(BBC BASIC code improved)
(+ simplified textual D entry)
Line 391:
* * * * *
To keep the code simpler some corner cases are ignored.
<lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.random, std.array;
enum int boxW = 41, boxH = 37;
enum int pegsBaseW = 19;
enum int nBalls = 55;
static assert(boxW >= 2 && boxH >= 2);
static assert((boxW - 4) >= (pegsBaseW * 2 - 1));
static assert((boxH - 3) >= pegsBaseW);
enum center = pegsBaseW + (boxW - (pegsBaseW * 2 - 1)) / 2 - 1;
alias CellBaseType = dchar;
enum Cell : CellBaseType { empty = ' ',
ball = 'o',
wall = '|',
corner = '+',
floor = '-',
peg = '.' }
Cell[boxW][boxH] box;
struct Ball {
int x, y;
this(int x_, int y_) { this.x = x_; this.y = y_; }
bool isFrozen() {
with (Cell) {
// It always piles on other balls.
static immutable obstacles = [ball, wall, corner, floor];
return y <= 0 || obstacles.canFind(box[y - 1][x]);
void doFallingStep() {
if (isFrozen())
if (box[y - 1][x] == Cell.empty) {
box[y][x] = Cell.empty;
box[y][x] = Cell.ball;
if (box[y - 1][x] == Cell.peg) {
box[y][x] = Cell.empty;
if (box[y][x - 1] == Cell.empty &&
box[y][x + 1] == Cell.empty) {
x += uniform(0, 2) * 2 - 1;
box[y][x] = Cell.ball;
if (box[y][x - 1] == Cell.empty)
box[y][x] = Cell.ball;
void initializeBox() {
box[0] = Cell.corner ~ [Cell.floor].replicate(boxW - 2)
~ Cell.corner;
box[$ - 1] = box[0][];
foreach (r; 1 .. boxH - 1)
box[r][0] = box[r][$ - 1] = Cell.wall;
foreach (nPegs; 1 .. pegsBaseW + 1)
foreach (peg; 0 .. nPegs)
box[boxH - 2 - nPegs][center + 1 - nPegs + peg * 2]
= Cell.peg;
void drawBox() {
foreach_reverse (ref row; box)
Ball[] balls;
void addBall() {
assert(box[$ - 2][center] == Cell.empty);
const b = Ball(center, boxH - 2);
balls ~= b;
box[b.y][b.x] = Cell.ball;
void main() {
foreach (i; 0 .. nBalls + boxH) {
if (i < nBalls)
writefln("\nStep %d:", i);
foreach (ref b; balls)
Step 0:
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Step 39:
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Step 91:
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=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==

Revision as of 14:24, 4 November 2012

Galton box animation
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Generate an animated simulation of Sir Francis Galton's device. An example can be found to the right.

Example of a Galton Box at the end of animation.

In a Galton box, there are a set of pins arranged in a triangular pattern. A number of balls are dropped so that they fall in line with the top pin, deflecting to the left or the right of the pin. The ball continues to fall to the left or right of subsequent pins before arriving at one of the collection points between and to the sides of the bottom row of pins.

For the purpose of this task the box should have at least 5 pins on the bottom row. Your solution can use graphics or ASCII animation. Provide a sample of the output/display such as a screenshot.

Your solution can have either one or more balls in flight at the same time. If multiple balls are in flight, ensure they don't interfere with each other.

Your solution should allow users to specify the number of balls or it should run until full or a preset limit. Optionally, display the number of balls.


Uses an edit box for the (text based) animation <lang AutoHotkey>AutoTrim Off

User settings

bottompegs := 6 SleepTime  := 200 fallspace  := 30

create the board

out := (pad2 := Space(bottompegs*2+1)) "`n" Loop % bottompegs { out .= Space(bottompegs-A_Index+1) Loop % A_Index out .= "* " out .= Space(bottompegs-A_Index+1) . "`n" } StringTrimRight, strboard, out, 1 ; remove last newline Loop % fallspace-1 strboard .= "`n" . pad2 strboard .= "`n" Loop % bottompegs*2+1 strboard .= "="

Create Gui

Gui Font, , Consolas Gui -Caption Gui Margin, 0, 0 Gui, Add, edit, -VScroll vE, % strboard Gui Show Loop { ballX := bottompegs+1, BallY := 1 strboard := ChangeChar(strboard, BallX, ballY, "O") GuiControl,, E, % strboard sleep SleepTime ; Make ball fall and bounce Loop % bottompegs { strboard := ChangeChar(strboard, BallX, BallY, " ") ballY += 1 ballX += RandAdd() ; MsgBox % ballX ", " ballY GuiControl,, E, % strboard := ChangeChar(strboard, ballX, ballY, "O") sleep SleepTime } ; now fall to the bottom While GetChar(strboard, BallX, BallY+1) = A_Space { strboard := ChangeChar(strboard, BallX, BallY, " ") BallY += 1 strboard := ChangeChar(strboard, BallX, BallY, "O") GuiControl,, E, % strboard sleep SleepTime } } ~Esc:: GuiClose: ExitApp

Space(n){ If n return " " Space(n-1) return "" } RandAdd(){ Random, n, 3, 4 return (n=3 ? -1 : 1) }

GetChar(s, x, y){ Loop Parse, s, `n if (A_Index = y) return SubStr(A_LoopField, x, 1) } ChangeChar(s, x, y, c){ Loop Parse, s, `n { If (A_Index = y) { Loop Parse, A_LoopField If (A_Index = x) out .= c else out .= A_LoopField } else out .= A_LoopField out .= "`n" } StringTrimRight, out, out, 1 ; removes the last newline return out }</lang>While the number of pegs, and falling space are configurable, here's output shortly after starting one configuration:

     * *O     
    * * *     
   * * * *    
  * * * * *   
 * * * * * *  
  O O        
  O O O O    
O O O O O    


Galton box animation created with BASIC-256

<lang basic256>graphsize 150,125 fastgraphics color black rect 0,0,graphwidth,graphheight refresh

N = 10 # number of balls M = 5 # number of pins in last row dim ball(N,5) # (pos_x to center, level, x, y, direction} dim cnt(M+1)

rad = 6 slow = 0.3 diamond = {0,rad,rad,0,0,-rad,-rad,0} stepx = {rad/sqr(2),rad/2,rad/2,(1-1/sqr(2))*rad,0} stepy = {(1-1/sqr(2))*rad,rad/2,rad/2,rad/sqr(2),rad} CX = graphwidth/2 : CY = graphheight/2 iters = 0

  1. Draw pins

for i = 1 to M y = 3*rad*i for j = 1 to i dx = (j-i\2-1)*4*rad + ((i-1)%2)*2*rad color purple stamp CX+dx,y,1.0,diamond color darkpurple stamp CX+dx,y,0.6,diamond next j next i gosub saverefresh

R = 0 : C = 0 font "Tahoma",10,50 do # Release ball if R<N then R = R + 1 ball[R-1,2] = CX : ball[R-1,3] = rad*(1-stepx[?]) : ball[R-1,4] = 0 # How many balls are released color black text 5,5,(R-1)+" balls" color green text 5,5,(R)+" balls" end if # Animate balls on this step for it = 0 to stepx[?]-1 for b = 0 to R-1 gosub moveball next b gosub saverefresh pause slow/stepx[?] next it # Where to go on the next step? for b = 0 to R-1 ball[b,1] = ball[b,1] + 1 if ball[b,1]<=M then if rand>=0.5 then ball[b,4] = 1 else ball[b,4] = -1 end if ball[b,0] = ball[b,0] + ball[b,4] else if ball[b,4]<>0 then gosub eraseball i = (ball[b,0]+M)/2 cnt[i] = cnt[i] + 1 ball[b,4] = 0 C = C + 1 end if end if next b # Draw counter color green y = 3*rad*(M+1) for j = 0 to M dx = (j-(M+1)\2)*4*rad + (M%2)*2*rad stamp CX+dx,y,{-1.2*rad,0,1.2*rad,0,1.2*rad,2*cnt[j],-1.2*rad,2*cnt[j]} next j gosub saverefresh until C >= N end

moveball: if ball[b,1]>M then return gosub eraseball if ball[b,4]<>0.0 then ball[b,2] = ball[b,2]+ball[b,4]*stepx[it] ball[b,3] = ball[b,3]+stepy[it] else ball[b,3] = ball[b,3]+rad end if gosub drawball

drawball: color darkgreen circle ball[b,2],ball[b,3],rad-1 color green circle ball[b,2],ball[b,3],rad-2 return

eraseball: color black circle ball[b,2],ball[b,3],rad-1 return

saverefresh: num$ = string(iters) for k = 1 to 4-length(num$) num$ = "0"+num$ next k imgsave num$+"-Galton_box_BASIC-256.png", "PNG" iters = iters + 1 refresh return</lang>


<lang bbcbasic> maxBalls% = 10

     DIM ballX%(maxBalls%), ballY%(maxBalls%)
     VDU 23,22,180;400;8,16,16,128
     ORIGIN 180,0
     REM Draw the pins:
     GCOL 9
     FOR row% = 1 TO 7
       FOR col% = 1 TO row%
         CIRCLE FILL 40*col% - 20*row% - 20, 800 - 40*row%, 12
     NEXT row%
     REM Animate
     last% = 0
     tick% = 0
     GCOL 3,3
       IF RND(10) = 5 IF (tick% - last%) > 10 THEN
         FOR ball% = 1 TO maxBalls%
           IF ballY%(ball%) = 0 THEN
             ballX%(ball%) = 0
             ballY%(ball%) = 800
             last% = tick%
             EXIT FOR
       FOR ball% = 1 TO maxBalls%
         IF ballY%(ball%) CIRCLE FILL ballX%(ball%), ballY%(ball%), 12
         IF POINT(ballX%(ball%),ballY%(ball%)-10) = 12 OR ballY%(ball%) < 12 THEN
           IF ballY%(ball%) > 500 END
           ballY%(ball%) = 0
       WAIT 2
       FOR ball% = 1 TO maxBalls%
         IF ballY%(ball%) THEN
           CIRCLE FILL ballX%(ball%), ballY%(ball%), 12
           ballY%(ball%) -= 4
           IF POINT(ballX%(ball%),ballY%(ball%)-10) = 9 THEN
             ballX%(ball%) += 40 * (RND(2) - 1.5)
       tick% += 1
     UNTIL FALSE</lang>


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  1. define BALLS 1024

int n, w, h = 45, *x, *y, cnt = 0; char *b;

  1. define B(y, x) b[(y)*w + x]
  2. define C(y, x) ' ' == b[(y)*w + x]
  3. define V(i) B(y[i], x[i])

inline int rnd(int a) { return (rand()/(RAND_MAX/a))%a; }

void show_board() { int i, j; for (puts("\033[H"), i = 0; i < h; i++, putchar('\n')) for (j = 0; j < w; j++, putchar(' ')) printf(B(i, j) == '*' ? C(i - 1, j) ? "\033[32m%c\033[m" : "\033[31m%c\033[m" : "%c", B(i, j)); }

void init() { int i, j; puts("\033[H\033[J"); b = malloc(w * h); memset(b, ' ', w * h);

x = malloc(sizeof(int) * BALLS * 2); y = x + BALLS;

for (i = 0; i < n; i++) for (j = -i; j <= i; j += 2) B(2 * i+2, j + w/2) = '*'; srand(time(0)); }

void move(int idx) { int xx = x[idx], yy = y[idx], c, kill = 0, sl = 3, o = 0;

if (yy < 0) return; if (yy == h - 1) { y[idx] = -1; return; }

switch(c = B(yy + 1, xx)) { case ' ': yy++; break; case '*': sl = 1; default: if (xx < w - 1 && C(yy, xx + 1) && C(yy + 1, xx + 1)) if (!rnd(sl++)) o = 1; if (xx && C(yy, xx - 1) && C(yy + 1, xx - 1)) if (!rnd(sl++)) o = -1; if (!o) kill = 1; xx += o; }

c = V(idx); V(idx) = ' '; idx[y] = yy, idx[x] = xx; B(yy, xx) = c; if (kill) idx[y] = -1; }

int run(void) { static int step = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) move(i); if (2 == ++step && cnt < BALLS) { step = 0; x[cnt] = w/2; y[cnt] = 0; if (V(cnt) != ' ') return 0; V(cnt) = rnd(80) + 43; cnt++; } return 1; }

int main(int c, char **v) { if (c < 2 || (n = atoi(v[1])) <= 3) n = 5; if (n >= 20) n = 20; w = n * 2 + 1; init();

do { show_board(), usleep(60000); } while (run());

return 0; }</lang>

Sample out put at begining of a run:


        *   *

      *   *   *

    *   *   *   *

  *   *   *   *   *


To keep the code simpler some corner cases are ignored. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.random, std.array;

enum int boxW = 41, boxH = 37; enum int pegsBaseW = 19; enum int nBalls = 55;

static assert(boxW >= 2 && boxH >= 2); static assert((boxW - 4) >= (pegsBaseW * 2 - 1)); static assert((boxH - 3) >= pegsBaseW);

enum center = pegsBaseW + (boxW - (pegsBaseW * 2 - 1)) / 2 - 1;

alias CellBaseType = dchar;

enum Cell : CellBaseType { empty = ' ',

                          ball   = 'o',
                          wall   = '|',
                          corner = '+',
                          floor  = '-',
                          peg    = '.' }

Cell[boxW][boxH] box;

struct Ball {

   int x, y;
   this(int x_, int y_) { this.x = x_; this.y = y_; }
   bool isFrozen() {
       with (Cell) {
           // It always piles on other balls.
           static immutable obstacles = [ball, wall, corner, floor];
           return y <= 0 || obstacles.canFind(box[y - 1][x]);
   void doFallingStep() {
       if (isFrozen())
       if (box[y - 1][x] == Cell.empty) {
           box[y][x] = Cell.empty;
           box[y][x] = Cell.ball;
       if (box[y - 1][x] == Cell.peg) {
           box[y][x] = Cell.empty;
           if (box[y][x - 1] == Cell.empty &&
               box[y][x + 1] == Cell.empty) {
               x += uniform(0, 2) * 2 - 1;
               box[y][x] = Cell.ball;
           if (box[y][x - 1] == Cell.empty)
           box[y][x] = Cell.ball;


void initializeBox() {

   box[0] = Cell.corner ~ [Cell.floor].replicate(boxW - 2)
            ~ Cell.corner;
   box[$ - 1] = box[0][];
   foreach (r; 1 .. boxH - 1)
       box[r][0] = box[r][$ - 1] = Cell.wall;
   foreach (nPegs; 1 .. pegsBaseW + 1)
       foreach (peg; 0 .. nPegs)
           box[boxH - 2 - nPegs][center + 1 - nPegs + peg * 2]
               = Cell.peg;


void drawBox() {

   foreach_reverse (ref row; box)


Ball[] balls;

void addBall() {

   assert(box[$ - 2][center] == Cell.empty);
   const b = Ball(center, boxH - 2);
   balls ~= b;
   box[b.y][b.x] = Cell.ball;


void main() {

   foreach (i; 0 .. nBalls + boxH) {
       if (i < nBalls)
       writefln("\nStep %d:", i);
       foreach (ref b; balls)


Step 0:
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Step 39:
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Step 91:
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Icon and Unicon

The code here is adapted from the Unicon Book.

<lang Icon>link graphics

global pegsize, pegsize2, height, width, delay

procedure main(args) # galton box simulation from Unicon book

  pegsize2 := (pegsize := 10) * 2    # pegs & steps
  delay := 2                         # ms delay
  n := integer(args[1]) | 100        # balls to drop 
  every 1 to n do galton(pegsize)


procedure setup_galtonwindow(n) # Draw n levels of pegs, local xpos, ypos, i, j

  # Pegboard size is 2n-1 square
  # Expected max value of histogram is (n, n/2)/2^n 
  # ... approximate with something simpler?
  height := n*n/2*pegsize + (width := (2*n+1)*pegsize)
  Window("size=" || width || "," || height, "fg=grayish-white")
  every ypos := (i := 1 to n) * pegsize2 do {
     xpos := width/2 - (i - 1) * pegsize - pegsize/2 - pegsize2
     every 1 to i do
        FillArc(xpos +:= pegsize2, ypos, pegsize, pegsize)
  WAttrib("fg=black","drawop=reverse")      # set drawing mode for balls


procedure galton(n) # drop a ball into the galton box local xpos, ypos, oldx, oldy

  xpos := oldx := width/2 - pegsize/2
  ypos := oldy := pegsize
  every 1 to n do {                         # For every ball...
     xpos +:= ((?2 = 1) | -1) * pegsize     # +/- pegsize
     animate(.oldx, .oldy, oldx := xpos, oldy := ypos +:= pegsize2)
  animate(xpos, ypos, xpos, ypos + 40)      # Now the ball falls ...
  animate(xpos, ypos+40, xpos, ypos + 200)  # ... to the floor
  draw_ball(xpos)                           # Record this ball


procedure animate(xfrom, yfrom, xto, yto)

  animate_actual(xfrom, yfrom, xto, yfrom, 4)
  animate_actual(xto, yfrom, xto, yto, 10)


procedure animate_actual(xfrom, yfrom, xto, yto, steps) # attribs already set local x, y, xstep, ystep, lastx, lasty

  x -:= xstep := (xto - (x := xfrom))/steps
  y -:= ystep := (yto - (y := yfrom))/steps
  every 1 to steps do {      
     FillArc(lastx := x +:= xstep, lasty := y +:= ystep, pegsize, pegsize)
     WDelay(delay)      # wait in ms
     FillArc(x, y, pegsize, pegsize)


procedure draw_ball(x) static ballcounts initial ballcounts := table(0)

  FillArc(x, height-(ballcounts[x] +:= 1)*pegsize, pegsize, pegsize)



First, we need to a representation for our pins:

<lang j>initpins=: '* ' {~ '1'&i.@(-@|. |."_1 [: ":@-.&0"1 <:~/~)@i.</lang>

For example:

<lang j> initpins 4

 * *  
* * * 
  • * * *</lang>

Note that we could introduce other pin arrangements, for example a Sierpinski triangle:

<lang j>initSpins=: [: }.@|. (1- 2&^@>:) ]\ [: ,] (,~ ,.~)@]^:[ ,: bind '* '</lang>

... but this will not be too interesting to use, because of the lack of interior pins for the balls to bounce off of.

Anyways, once we have that, we can add balls to our picture:

<lang j>init=: ' ',. ' ',.~ ] ,~ ' ',~ ' o' {~ (# ' ' ~: 1&{.)</lang>

For example:

<lang j> 3 (init initpins) 4

  * *   
 * * *  
* * * * </lang>

Now we just need some way of updating our datastructure.

We will need a mechanism to shift a ball left or right if it's above a pin:

<lang>bounce=: (C.~ ] <"1@:+ 0 1 -~/~ ? @: (2"0))"1 [: I. 'o*'&E."1&.|:</lang>

And, a mechanism to make the balls fall:

<lang>shift=: 4 :0

 fill=. {.0#,y
 x |.!.fill y


And then we need to separate out the balls from the pins, so the balls fall and the pins do not. Note also that in this representation, balls will have to fall when they bounce because they cannot occupy the same space that a pin occupies.

We will also want some way of preventing the balls from falling forever. For this task it's probably sufficient to introduce a baseline sufficiently deep to hold the stacks and have balls instantly fall as close as they can to the baseline once they are past the pins.

<lang j>pins=: '*'&= balls=: 'o'&=

bounce=: (C.~ 0 1 <@(-/~) [: (+ ?@2:"0) I.)"1

nxt=: ' ',~ [: clean ' *o' {~ pins + 2 * _1 shift balls bounce balls *. 1 shift pins

clean2=: ({. , -.&' '"1&.|:&.|.@}.)~ 1 + >./@(# | '*' i:~"1 |:) clean1=: #~ 1 1 -.@E. *./"1@:=&' ' clean=: clean1@clean2</lang>

For example:

<lang j> nxt nxt 3 (init initpins) 4

  * *   
 * * *  
* * * * 

Or, showing an entire animation sequence:

<lang j> nxt&.>^:a: <7 (init ' ',.' ',.~ initpins) 5 ┌─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────┐ │ o │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ *o │ * │ * │ * │ * │ * │ │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ *o │ *o* │ *o* │ * * │ * * │ * * │ * * │ │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ *o │ * *o │ * * *o │ * *o* │ * *o* │ * * * │ * * * │ * * * │ │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ *o │ * *o │ * *o* │ * *o* * │ * * * *o │ * *o* * │ * *o* * │ * * * * │ * * * * │ │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o* │ o* * │ *o* * │ * *o* * │ * * *o* * │ * *o* * * │ * * * * *o │ * * *o* * │ * *o* * * │ * * * * * │ │ o │ o │ o │ *o │ *o* │ * *o* │ * * *o* │ * * *o* * │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ │ │ o │ *o │ * *o │ * *o* │ * *o* * │ * * *o* * │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ o │ │ * │ * │ * * │ * * * │ * * * * │ * * * * * │ │ │ │ o │ o o │ o o o │ o │ o o │ │ * * │ * * │ * * * │ * * * * │ * * * * * │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ o o o │ o o o │ │ * * * │ * * * │ * * * * │ * * * * * │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ * * * * │ * * * * │ * * * * * │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ * * * * * │ * * * * * │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ └─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┴─────────────┘</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de galtonBox (Pins Height)

  (let (Bins (need (inc (* 2 Pins)) 0)  X 0  Y 0)
     (until (= Height (apply max Bins))
        (call 'clear)
           ((=0 Y) (setq X (inc Pins)  Y 1))
           ((> (inc 'Y) Pins)
              (inc (nth Bins X))
              (zero Y) ) )
        ((if (rand T) inc dec) 'X)
        (for Row Pins
           (for Col (+ Pins Row 1)
              (let D (dec (- Col (- Pins Row)))
                       ((and (= X Col) (= Y Row)) "o")
                       ((and (gt0 D) (bit? 1 D)) ".")
                       (T " ") ) ) ) )
           (prinl) )
        (for H (range Height 1)
           (for B Bins
              (prin (if (>= B H) "o" " ")) )
           (prinl) )
        (wait 200) ) ) )</lang>

Test: <lang PicoLisp>(galtonBox 9 11)</lang> Output:

# Snapshot after a few seconds:
        . .
       . . .
      . . . .
     . . . . .
    .o. . . . .
   . . . . . . .
  . . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . . . .

        o o
      o o o o
# Final state:
        . .
       . . .
      . . . .
     . . . . .
    . . . . . .
   . . . . . . .
  . . . . . . . .
 . . . . . . . . .

      o o
      o o
      o o
      o o o
      o o o o o
    o o o o o o


Works with SWI-Prolog and XPCE.

Sample display of Prolog solution

<lang Prolog>:- dynamic tubes/1.

- dynamic balls/2.
- dynamic stop/1.

% number of rows of pins (0 -> 9) row(9).

galton_box :- retractall(tubes(_)), retractall(balls(_,_)), retractall(stop(_)), assert(stop(@off)), new(D, window('Galton Box')), send(D, size, size(520,700)), display_pins(D), new(ChTubes, chain), assert(tubes(ChTubes)), display_tubes(D, ChTubes), new(Balls, chain), new(B, ball(D)), send(Balls, append, B), assert(balls(Balls, D)), send(D, done_message, and(message(ChTubes, clear), message(ChTubes, free), message(Balls, for_all, message(@arg1, free)), message(Balls, clear), message(Balls, free), message(@receiver, destroy))), send(D, open).

% class pin, balls travel between pins

- pce_begin_class(pin, circle, "pin").

initialise(P, Pos) :-> send(P, send_super, initialise, 18), send(P, fill_pattern, new(_, colour(@default, 0, 0, 0))), get(Pos, x, X), get(Pos, y, Y), send(P, geometry, x := X, y := Y).

- pce_end_class.

% class tube, balls fall in them

- pce_begin_class(tube, path, "tube where balls fall").

variable(indice, any, both, "index of the tube in the list"). variable(balls, any, both, "number of balls inside").

initialise(P, Ind, D) :-> row(Row), send(P, send_super, initialise, kind := poly), send(P, slot, balls, 0), send(P, slot, indice, Ind), X0 is 228 - Row * 20 + Ind * 40, X1 is X0 + 20, Y1 is 600, Y0 is 350, send_list(P, append, [point(X0, Y0), point(X0, Y1), point(X1,Y1), point(X1,Y0)]), send(D, display, P).

% animation stop when a tube is full add_ball(P) :-> get(P, slot, balls, B), B1 is B+1, send(P, slot, balls, B1), ( B1 = 12 -> retract(stop(_)), assert(stop(@on)) ; true).

- pce_end_class.

% class ball

- pce_begin_class(ball, circle, "ball").

variable(angle, any, both, "angle of the ball with the pin"). variable(dir, any, both, "left / right"). variable(pin, point, both, "pin under the ball when it falls"). variable(position, point, both, "position of the ball"). variable(max_descent, any, both, "max descent"). variable(state, any, both, "in_pins / in_tube"). variable(window, any, both, "window to display"). variable(mytimer, timer, both, "timer of the animation").

initialise(P, W) :-> send(P, send_super, initialise, 18), send(P, pen, 0), send(P, state, in_pins), send(P, fill_pattern, new(_, colour(@default, 65535, 0, 0))), Ang is 3 * pi / 2, send(P, slot, angle, Ang), send(P, slot, window, W), send(P, geometry, x := 250, y := 30), send(P, pin, point(250, 50)), send(P, choose_dir), send(P, mytimer, new(_, timer(0.005, message(P, move_ball)))), send(W, display, P), send(P?mytimer, start).

% method called when the object is destroyed % first the timer is stopped % then all the resources are freed unlink(P) :-> send(P?mytimer, stop), send(P, send_super, unlink).

choose_dir(P) :-> I is random(2), ( I = 1 -> Dir = left; Dir = right), send(P, dir, Dir).

move_ball(P) :-> get(P, state, State), ( State = in_pins -> send(P, move_ball_in_pins) ; send(P, move_ball_in_tube)).

move_ball_in_pins(P) :-> get(P, slot, angle, Ang), get(P, slot, pin, Pin), get(P, slot, dir, Dir), ( Dir = left -> Ang1 is Ang-0.15 ; Ang1 is Ang + 0.15), get(Pin, x, PX), get(Pin, y, PY), X is 21 * cos(Ang1) + PX, Y is 21 * sin(Ang1) + PY, send(P, geometry, x := X, y := Y), send(P?window, display, P), ( abs(Ang1 - pi) < 0.1 -> PX1 is PX - 20, send(P, next_move, PX1, PY) ; abs(Ang1 - 2 * pi) < 0.1 -> PX1 is PX + 20, send(P, next_move, PX1, PY) ; send(P, slot, angle, Ang1)).

next_move(P, PX, PY) :-> row(Row),

Ang2 is 3 * pi / 2, PY1 is PY + 30, ( PY1 =:= (Row + 1) * 30 + 50 -> send(P, slot, state, in_tube), NumTube is round((PX - 228 + Row * 20) / 40), tubes(ChTubes), get(ChTubes, find, message(@prolog, same_value,@arg1?indice, NumTube), Tube), send(Tube, add_ball), get(Tube, slot, balls, Balls), Max_descent is 600 - Balls * 20, send(P, slot, max_descent, Max_descent), send(P, slot, position, point(PX, PY))  ; send(P, choose_dir), send(P, slot, angle, Ang2), send(P, slot, pin, point(PX, PY1))).

move_ball_in_tube(P) :-> get(P, slot, position, Descente), get(Descente, x, PX1), get(Descente, y, PY), PY1 is PY+4, send(P, geometry, x := PX1, y := PY1), get(P, slot, max_descent, Max_descent), ( Max_descent =< PY1 -> send(P?mytimer, stop), ( stop(@off) -> send(@prolog, next_ball); true) ; send(P, slot, position, point(PX1, PY1))), send(P?window, display, P).

- pce_end_class.

next_ball :- retract(balls(Balls, D)), new(B, ball(D)), send(Balls, append, B), assert(balls(Balls, D)).

% test to find the appropriate tube same_value(V, V).

display_pins(D) :- row(Row), forall(between(0, Row, I), ( Start is 250 - I * 20, Y is I * 30 + 50, forall(between(0, I, J), ( X is Start + J * 40, new(P, pin(point(X,Y))), send(D, display, P))))).

display_tubes(D, Ch) :- row(Row), Row1 is Row+1, forall(between(0, Row1, I), ( new(T, tube(I, D)), send(Ch, append, T), send(D, display, T))). </lang>


Translation of: Unicon
Sample display of PureBasic solution

<lang purebasic>Global pegRadius, pegSize, pegSize2, height, width, delay, histogramSize, ball

Procedure eventLoop()

 Protected event
   event = WindowEvent()
   If event = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
 Until event = 0 


Procedure animate_actual(x1, y1, x2, y2, steps)

 Protected x.f, y.f, xstep.f, ystep.f, i, lastX.f, lastY.f
 x = x1
 y = y1
 xstep = (x2 - x1)/steps
 ystep = (y2 - y1)/steps
 For i = 1 To steps
   lastX = x
   lastY = y
     Circle(x, y, pegRadius, RGB(0, 255, 255))
   Delay(delay)      ; wait in ms
     Circle(x, y, pegRadius, RGB(0, 255, 255))
   x + xstep
   y + ystep


Procedure draw_ball(xpos, ypos)

 Static Dim ballcounts(0) ;tally drop positions
 If xpos > ArraySize(ballcounts())
   Redim ballcounts(xpos)
 ballcounts(xpos) + 1
 animate_actual(xpos, ypos, xpos, height - ballcounts(xpos) * pegSize, 20)
   Circle(xpos, height - ballcounts(xpos) * pegSize, pegRadius, RGB(255, 0, 0))
 If ballcounts(xpos) <= histogramSize
   ProcedureReturn 1 
 SetWindowTitle(0, "Ended after " + Str(ball) + " balls") ;histogramSize exceeded


Procedure animate(x1, y1, x2, y2)

 animate_actual(x1, y1, x2, y1, 4)
 animate_actual(x2, y1, x2, y2, 10)


Procedure galton(pegRows)

 ;drop a ball into the galton box
 Protected xpos, ypos, i, oldX, oldY
 oldX = width / 2 - pegSize / 2
 xpos = oldX
 oldY = pegSize
 ypos = oldY
 animate_actual(oldX, 0, xpos, ypos, 10)
 For i = 1 To pegRows 
   If Random(1)
     xpos + pegSize 
     xpos - pegSize
   ypos + pegSize2
   animate(oldX, oldY, xpos, ypos)
   oldX = xpos
   oldY = ypos
 ProcedureReturn draw_ball(xpos, ypos)


Procedure setup_window(numRows, ballCount)

 ;Draw numRows levels of pegs
 Protected xpos, ypos, i, j
 width = (2 * numRows + 2) * pegSize
 histogramSize = (ballCount + 2) / 3
 If histogramSize > 500 / pegSize: histogramSize = 500 / pegSize: EndIf
 height = width + histogramSize * pegSize
 OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, width, height, "Galton box animation", #PB_Window_SystemMenu)
 CanvasGadget(0, 0, 0, width, height) 
   Box(0, 0, width, height, RGB($EB, $EB, $EB))
   For i = 1 To numRows
     ypos = i * pegSize2
     xpos = width / 2 - (i - 1) * pegSize - pegSize / 2
     For j = 1 To i
       Circle(xpos, ypos, pegRadius, RGB(0, 0, 255))
       xpos + pegSize2
   For i = 1 To numRows
     Line((numRows - i + 1) * pegSize2 - pegSize / 2, width - pegSize, 1, histogramSize * pegSize, 0)


based on the galton box simulation from Unicon book

Define pegRows = 10, ballCount pegRadius = 4 pegSize = pegRadius * 2 + 1 pegSize2 = pegSize * 2 delay = 2  ; ms delay


 ballCount = Val(InputRequester("Galton box simulator","How many balls to drop?", "100"))

Until ballCount > 0

setup_window(pegRows, ballCount) eventLoop() For ball = 1 To ballCount

 If Not galton(pegRows): Break: EndIf

Next Repeat: eventLoop(): ForEver</lang>


Library: Shoes
Sample display of Ruby solution

<lang ruby>$rows_of_pins = 12 $width = $rows_of_pins * 10 + ($rows_of_pins+1)*14

   :width => $width + 14,
   :title => "Galton Box"

) do

 @bins =$rows_of_pins+1, 0)
 @x_coords =$rows_of_pins) {}
 @y_coords =$rows_of_pins)
 stack(:width => $width) do
   stroke gray
   fill gray
   1.upto($rows_of_pins) do |row|
     y = 14 + 24*row
     @y_coords[row-1] = y
     row.times do |i|
       x = $width / 2 + (i - 0.5*row)*24 + 14
       @x_coords[row-1] << x
       oval x+2, y, 6
 @y_coords << @y_coords[-1] + 24
 @x_coords << @x_coords[-1].map {|x| x-12} + [@x_coords[-1][-1]+12]
 @balls = stack(:width => $width) do
   stroke red
   fill red
 @histogram = stack(:width => $width) do
   fill black
 end.move(0, @y_coords[-1] + 10)
 @paused = false
 keypress do |key|
   case key
   when "\x11", :control_q
   when "\x10", :control_p
     @paused = !@paused
 @ball_row = 0
 @ball_col = 0
 animate(2*$rows_of_pins) do
   if not @paused
     y = @y_coords[@ball_row] - 12
     x = @x_coords[@ball_row][@ball_col]
     @balls.clear {oval x, y, 10}
     @ball_row += 1
     if @ball_row <= $rows_of_pins
       @ball_col += 1 if rand >= 0.5
       @bins[@ball_col] += 1
       @ball_row = @ball_col = 0
 def update_histogram
   y = @y_coords[-1] + 10
   @histogram.clear do
     @bins.each_with_index do |num, i|
       if num > 0
         x = @x_coords[-1][i]
         rect x-6, 0, 24, num



Translation of: C

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

oo::class create GaltonBox {

   variable b w h n x y cnt step dropping
   constructor {BALLS {NUMPEGS 5} {HEIGHT 24}} {

set n $NUMPEGS set w [expr {$n*2 + 1}] set h $HEIGHT puts -nonewline "\033\[H\033\[J" set x [set y [lrepeat $BALLS 0]] set cnt 0 set step 0 set dropping 1

set b [lrepeat $h [lrepeat $w " "]] for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} { for {set j [expr {-$i}]} {$j <= $i} {incr j 2} { lset b [expr {2*$i+2}] [expr {$j+$w/2}] "*" } }

   method show {} {

puts -nonewline "\033\[H" set oldrow {} foreach row $b { foreach char $row oldchar $oldrow { if {$char ne "*"} { puts -nonewline "$char " } elseif {$oldchar eq " "} { puts -nonewline "\033\[32m*\033\[m " } else { puts -nonewline "\033\[31m*\033\[m " } } set oldrow $row puts "" }

   method Move idx {

set xx [lindex $x $idx] set yy [lindex $y $idx] set kill 0

if {$yy < 0} {return 0} if {$yy == $h-1} { lset y $idx -1 return 0 }

switch [lindex $b [incr yy] $xx] { "*" { incr xx [expr {2*int(2 * rand()) - 1}] if {[lindex $b [incr yy -1] $xx] ne " "} { set dropping 0 } } "o" { incr yy -1 set kill 1 } }

set c [lindex $b [lindex $y $idx] [lindex $x $idx]] lset b [lindex $y $idx] [lindex $x $idx] " " lset b $yy $xx $c if {$kill} { lset y $idx -1 } else { lset y $idx $yy } lset x $idx $xx return [expr {!$kill}]

   method step {} {

set moving 0 for {set i 0} {$i < $cnt} {incr i} { set moving [expr {[my Move $i] || $moving}] } if {2 == [incr step] && $cnt < [llength $x] && $dropping} { set step 0 lset x $cnt [expr {$w / 2}] lset y $cnt 0 if {[lindex $b [lindex $y $cnt] [lindex $x $cnt]] ne " "} { return 0 } lset b [lindex $y $cnt] [lindex $x $cnt] "o" incr cnt } return [expr {($moving || $dropping)}]



GaltonBox create board 1024 {*}$argv while true {

   board show
   if {[board step]} {after 60} break

}</lang> After a sample run with input parameters 10 55:

                  *   *                   
                *   *   *                 
              *   *   *   *               
            *   *   *   *   *             
          *   *   *   *   *   *           
        *   *   *   *   *   *   *         
      *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *       
    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *     
                    o   o                 
  *   *   *   *   * o * o *   *   *   *   
                    o   o                 
                    o   o                 
                    o   o                 
                    o   o                 
                    o   o                 
                    o   o                 
                    o   o                 
                    o   o                 
                    o   o                 
            o       o   o                 
            o       o   o                 
            o       o   o                 
            o       o   o                 
            o       o   o                 
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
            o   o   o   o   o             
        o   o   o   o   o   o             
        o   o   o   o   o   o   o         
    o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o         
    o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o         
    o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o         
    o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o         
    o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o         

There is a much more comprehensive solution to this on the Tcler's Wiki.


This Peeks into some IBM-PC specific locations and hence is not entirely portable.

<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic code declarations define Balls = 80; \maximum number of balls int Bx(Balls), By(Balls), \character cell coordinates of each ball

       W, I, J, Peg, Dir;

[W:= Peek($40, $4A); \get screen width in characters Clear; CrLf(6); CrLf(6); for Peg:= 1 to 10 do \draw pegs

       [for I:= 1 to 12-Peg do ChOut(6,^ );    \space over to first peg
        for I:= 1 to Peg do [ChOut(6,^.);  ChOut(6,^ )];

for J:= 0 to 12-1 do \draw slots

       [for I:= 0 to 12-1 do [ChOut(6,^:);  ChOut(6,^ )];

for I:= 0 to 23-1 do ChOut(6,^.); \draw bottom for I:= 0 to Balls-1 do \make source of balls at top

       [Bx(I):= 11;  By(I):= 1];

Attrib($C); \make balls bright red repeat \balls away! ...

   for I:= 0 to Balls-1 do                     \for all the balls ...
       [Cursor(Bx(I), By(I));  ChOut(6, ^ );   \erase ball's initial position
       if Peek($B800, (Bx(I)+(By(I)+1)*W)*2) = ^ \is ball above empty location?
       then    By(I):= By(I)+1                 \yes: fall straight down
       else    [Dir:= Ran(3)-1;                \no: randomly fall right or left
               if Peek($B800, (Bx(I)+Dir+(By(I)+1)*W)*2) = ^  then
                       [Bx(I):= Bx(I)+Dir;  By(I):= By(I)+1];
       Cursor(Bx(I), By(I));  ChOut(6, ^o);    \draw ball at its new position
   Sound(0, 3, 1);                             \delay about 1/6 second

until KeyHit; \continue until a key is struck ]</lang>

Example output:

         . .o.
        .o. . .
       . .o. . .
      . .o. . . .
     . .o. . .o. .
    . . .o. . . . .
   . . . . . .o. . .
  . . . . .o. .o. . .
: : : : : : : : : : : :
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: : : : :o: : : : : : :
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