
From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 13:58, 13 June 2020 by Chunes (talk | contribs) (Add Factor)
Geohash is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Geohashes are used to represent standard latitude and longitude coordinates as single values in the form of a simple string -- using the digits (0-9) and the letters (B-Z excluding I, L, O). They can vary in length, with more characters in the string representing more precision.


Generate a Geohash with a desired precision from a coordinate represented as an array of two doubles, latitude and longitude.

Example 1:
print (encodeGeohash (for: [51.433718, -0.214126], withPrecision: 2))
// Result: "gc" (all of Ireland, most of England and Wales, small part of Scotland)
Example 2:
print (encodeGeohash (for: [51.433718, -0.214126], withPrecision: 9))
// Result: "gcpue5hp4" (the umpire's chair on Center Court at Wimbledon)

From the Wikipedia page, geohashes can be "useful in database systems where queries on a single index are much easier or faster than multiple-index queries."



Factor comes with the geohash vocabulary. See the implementation here.

Works with: Factor version 0.99 2020-03-02

<lang factor>USING: formatting generalizations geohash io kernel sequences ;

encode-geohash ( latitude longitude precision -- str )
   [ >geohash ] [ head ] bi* ;

! Encoding 51.433718 -0.214126 2 51.433718 -0.214126 9 57.649110 10.407440 11 [

   3dup encode-geohash
   "geohash for [%f, %f], precision %2d = %s\n" printf

] 3 3 mnapply nl

! Decoding "u4pruydqqvj" dup geohash> "coordinates for %s ~= [%f, %f]\n" printf</lang>

geohash for [51.433718, -0.214126], precision  2 = gc
geohash for [51.433718, -0.214126], precision  9 = gcpue5hp4
geohash for [57.649110, 10.407440], precision 11 = u4pruydqqvj

coordinates for u4pruydqqvj ~= [57.649110, 10.407439]


Translation of: Swift

<lang go>package main

import (



type Location struct{ lat, lng float64 }

func (loc Location) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("[%f, %f]",, loc.lng) }

type Range struct{ lower, upper float64 }

var gBase32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"

func encodeGeohash(loc Location, prec int) string {

   latRange := Range{-90, 90}
   lngRange := Range{-180, 180}
   var hash strings.Builder
   hashVal := 0
   bits := 0
   even := true
   for hash.Len() < prec {
       val :=
       rng := latRange
       if even {
           val = loc.lng
           rng = lngRange
       mid := (rng.lower + rng.upper) / 2
       if val > mid {
           hashVal = (hashVal << 1) + 1
           rng = Range{mid, rng.upper}
           if even {
               lngRange = Range{mid, lngRange.upper}
           } else {
               latRange = Range{mid, latRange.upper}
       } else {
           hashVal <<= 1
           if even {
               lngRange = Range{lngRange.lower, mid}
           } else {
               latRange = Range{latRange.lower, mid}
       even = !even
       if bits < 4 {
       } else {
           bits = 0
           hashVal = 0
   return hash.String()


func main() {

   locs := []Location{
       {51.433718, -0.214126},
       {51.433718, -0.214126},
       {57.64911, 10.40744},
   precs := []int{2, 9, 11}
   for i, loc := range locs {
       geohash := encodeGeohash(loc, precs[i])
       fmt.Printf("geohash for %v, precision %-2d = %s\n", loc, precs[i], geohash)


geohash for [51.433718, -0.214126], precision 2  = gc
geohash for [51.433718, -0.214126], precision 9  = gcpue5hp4
geohash for [57.649110, 10.407440], precision 11 = u4pruydqqvj


<lang Swift>extension String {

 subscript(i: Int) -> String {
   String(self[index(startIndex, offsetBy: i)])


struct Coordinate {

 var latitude: Double
 var longitude: Double


let base32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz" // no "a", "i", "l", or "o"

func encodeGeohash (for location: Coordinate, withPrecision precision: Int = 9) -> String {

 var latitudeRange = -90.0...90.0
 var longitudeRange = -180...180.0
 var hash = ""
 var hashVal = 0
 var bits = 0
 var even = true
 while (hash.count < precision) {
   let val     = even ? location.longitude: location.latitude
   var range   = even ? longitudeRange : latitudeRange
   let mid     = (range.lowerBound + range.upperBound) / 2
   if (val > mid) {
     hashVal = (hashVal << 1) + 1
     range = mid...range.upperBound
     if even { longitudeRange = mid...longitudeRange.upperBound }
     else    { latitudeRange	 = mid...latitudeRange.upperBound }
   } else {
     hashVal = (hashVal << 1) + 0
     if even	{ longitudeRange = longitudeRange.lowerBound...mid }
     else    { latitudeRange	 = latitudeRange.lowerBound...mid }
   even = !even
   if (bits < 4) {
     bits += 1
   } else {
     bits = 0
     hash += base32[hashVal]
     hashVal = 0
 return hash



Translation of: Swift
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Fmt

var gBase32 = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz"

var encodeGeohash = { |location, prec|

   var latRange = -90..90
   var lngRange = -180..180
   var hash = ""
   var hashVal = 0
   var bits = 0
   var even = true
   while (hash.count < prec) {
       var val = even ? location[1] : location[0]
       var rng = even ? lngRange : latRange
       var mid = (rng.from + / 2
       if (val > mid) {
           hashVal = hashVal*2 + 1
           rng =
           if (even) lngRange = else latRange =
       } else {
           hashVal = hashVal * 2
           if (even) lngRange = lngRange.from..mid else latRange = latRange.from..mid
       even = !even
       if (bits < 4) {
           bits = bits + 1
       } else {
           bits = 0
           hash = hash + gBase32[hashVal]
           hashVal = 0
   return hash


var data = [

   [[51.433718, -0.214126], 2],
   [[51.433718, -0.214126], 9],
   [[57.64911,  10.40744 ], 11]


for (d in data) {

   var geohash =[0], d[1])
   var loc = "[%(Fmt.f(9, d[0][0], 6)), %(Fmt.f(9, d[0][1], 6))]"
   System.print("geohash for %(loc), precision %(Fmt.d(-2, d[1])) = %(geohash)")


geohash for [51.433718, -0.214126], precision 2  = gc
geohash for [51.433718, -0.214126], precision 9  = gcpue5hp4
geohash for [57.649110, 10.407440], precision 11 = u4pruydqqvj