Guess the number/With feedback (player): Difference between revisions

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{{incorrect|This solution solves the wrong task. It should act as the guesser and get feedback about too high/low from the user.}}
{{incorrect|Clojure|This solution solves the wrong task. It should act as the guesser and get feedback about too high/low from the user.}}
<lang Clojure>(defn guessgame []
<lang Clojure>(defn guessgame []

Revision as of 14:00, 28 April 2011

Guess the number/With feedback (player)
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The task is to write a player for the game that follows the following rules:

The scorer will choose a number between set limits. The computer player will print a guess of the target number. The computer asks for a score of whether its guess is higher than, lower than, or equal to the target. The computer guesses, and the scorer scores, in turn, until the computer correctly guesses the target number.

The computer should guess intelligently based on the accumulated scores given. One way is to use a Binary search based algorithm.

C.f: Guess the number/With Feedback, Bulls and cows/Player


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Guess_Number_Player is

  procedure Guess_Number (Lower_Limit : Integer; Upper_Limit : Integer) is
     type Feedback is (Lower, Higher, Correct);
     package Feedback_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Enumeration_IO (Feedback);
     My_Guess : Integer := Lower_Limit + (Upper_Limit - Lower_Limit) / 2;
     Your_Feedback : Feedback;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Think of a number!");
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("My guess: " & Integer'Image (My_Guess));
        Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Your answer (lower, higher, correct): ");
        Feedback_IO.Get (Your_Feedback);
        exit when Your_Feedback = Correct;
        if Your_Feedback = Lower then
           My_Guess := Lower_Limit + (My_Guess - Lower_Limit) / 2;
           My_Guess := My_Guess + (Upper_Limit - My_Guess) / 2;
        end if;
     end loop;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("I guessed well!");
  end Guess_Number;
  package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO (Integer);
  Lower_Limit : Integer;
  Upper_Limit : Integer;


     Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Lower Limit: ");
     Int_IO.Get (Lower_Limit);
     Ada.Text_IO.Put ("Upper Limit: ");
     Int_IO.Get (Upper_Limit);
     exit when Lower_Limit < Upper_Limit;
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Lower limit must be lower!");
  end loop;
  Guess_Number (Lower_Limit, Upper_Limit);

end Guess_Number_Player;</lang>


Works with the AutoHotkey entry at:

<lang AutoHotkey>MaxGuesses = 50

GetParams(LowerBound,UpperBound) If Not GuessNum(LowerBound,UpperBound,MaxGuesses)

MsgBox, 16, Error, Could not guess number within %MaxGuesses% guesses.

GetParams(ByRef LowerBound,ByRef UpperBound) {

WinWait, Number Guessing ahk_class #32770
Sleep, 100
WinGet, InputID, ID
ControlGetText, Temp1, Static1, ahk_id %InputID%
Temp2 := InStr(Temp1,A_Space,False,32)
LowerBound := SubStr(Temp1,31,Temp2 - 31)
UpperBound := SubStr(Temp1,Temp2 + 5,-1)


GuessNum(LowerBound,UpperBound,MaxGuesses) {

Loop, %MaxGuesses%
 Guess := LowerBound + ((UpperBound - LowerBound) // 2)
 Temp1 := SendGuess(Guess)
 ToolTip % Temp1
 If Temp1 = Too Low
  LowerBound = %Guess%
 Else If Temp1 = Too High
  UpperBound = %Guess%
  Return, 1


SendGuess(Guess) {

WinGet, InputID, ID, Number Guessing ahk_class #32770
ControlSetText, Edit1, %Guess%, ahk_id %InputID%
ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, ahk_id %InputID%
 Sleep, 50
 IfWinExist, Correct ahk_class #32770
 Else IfWinExist, Incorrect ahk_class #32770
ControlGetText, Temp1, Static2
IfInString, Temp1, low
 Return, "Too Low"
 Return, "Too High"



<lang C#>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; //Remember to add this if you want the game to pause in RealisticGuess.Start()

namespace ConsoleApplication1 {

   class RealisticGuess //Simulates a guessing game between two people. Guessing efficiency is not a goal.
       private int max;
       private int min;
       private int guess;
       public void Start()
           string input;
               Console.WriteLine("Please enter the lower boundary");
               input = Console.ReadLine();
               min = Convert.ToInt32(input);
               Console.WriteLine("Please enter the upper boundary");
               input = Console.ReadLine();
               max = Convert.ToInt32(input);
           catch (FormatException)
               Console.WriteLine("The entry you have made is invalid. Please make sure your entry is an integer and try again.");
           Console.WriteLine("Think of a number between {0} and {1}.", min, max);
           Console.WriteLine("Press any key to begin.");
           Guess(min, max);
       public void Guess(int min, int max)
           int counter = 1;
           string userAnswer;
           bool correct = false;
           Random rand = new Random();
           while (correct == false)
               guess = rand.Next(min, max);
               Console.WriteLine("{0}", guess);
               Console.WriteLine("Is this number correct? {Y/N}");
               userAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
               if (userAnswer != "y" && userAnswer != "Y" && userAnswer != "n" && userAnswer != "N")
                   Console.WriteLine("Your entry is invalid. Please enter either 'Y' or 'N'");
                   Console.WriteLine("Is the number correct? {Y/N}");
                   userAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
               if (userAnswer == "y" || userAnswer == "Y")
                   correct = true;
               if (userAnswer == "n" || userAnswer == "N")
                   if (max == min)
                       Console.WriteLine("Error: Range Intersect. Press enter to restart the game.");  //This message should never pop up if the user enters good data.
                       Console.ReadKey(true);                                                          //It handles the game-breaking exception that occurs
                       Guess(1, 101);                                                                  //when the max guess number is the same as the min number.
                   Console.WriteLine("Is the number you're thinking of lower or higher? {L/H}");
                   userAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
                   if (userAnswer != "l" && userAnswer != "L" && userAnswer != "h" && userAnswer != "H")
                       Console.WriteLine("Your entry is invalid. Please enter either 'L' or 'H'");
                       Console.WriteLine("Is the number you're thinking of lower or higher? {L/H}");
                       userAnswer = Console.ReadLine();
                   if (userAnswer == "l" || userAnswer == "L")
                       max = guess;
                   if (userAnswer == "h" || userAnswer == "H")
                       min = guess;
           if (correct == true)
       public void EndAndLoop(int iterations)
           string userChoice;
           bool loop = false;
           Console.WriteLine("Game over. It took {0} guesses to find the number.", iterations);
           while (loop == false)
               Console.WriteLine("Would you like to play again? {Y/N}");
               userChoice = Console.ReadLine();
               if (userChoice != "Y" && userChoice != "y" && userChoice != "N" && userChoice != "n")
                   Console.WriteLine("Sorry, your input is invalid. Please answer 'Y' to play again, or 'N' to quit.");
               if (userChoice == "Y" || userChoice == "y")
               if (userChoice == "N" || userChoice == "n")
   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           Console.Title = "Random Number";
           RealisticGuess game = new RealisticGuess();

} </lang>


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: This solution solves the wrong task. It should act as the guesser and get feedback about too high/low from the user.

Translation of: Python

<lang Clojure>(defn guessgame []

 (def inclusive-range [1 100])
 (def difference (apply - (reverse inclusive-range)))
 (def target (+ (first inclusive-range) (rand-int difference)))
 (defn getguess [i]
   (printf "Your guess (%d):" i)
  (printf "Guess my target number that is inside %s (inclusive).\n" inclusive-range)
  (loop [i 1]
     (let [guess (getguess i)]

(if (== guess target) (do (println "Correct") (println "Thanks for playing.")) (do (cond (not (number? guess)) (printf "Your input of '%s' is not a number.\n" guess) (or (< guess (first inclusive-range) (> guess (second inclusive-range)))) (println " Out of range!") (< guess target) (println " Too low.") (> guess target) (println " Too high.")) (recur (inc i))))))))</lang> Output

user=> (guessgame)
Guess my target number that is inside [1 100] (inclusive). 
Your guess (1): Too low.
Your guess (2): Too high.
Your guess (3): Too high.
Your guess (4): Too low.
Your guess (5): Too low.
Your guess (6): Too high.
Your guess (7): Too low.
Your guess (8):Correct
Thanks for playing.


Translation of: PureBasic

<lang euphoria>include get.e include wildcard.e

sequence Respons integer min, max, Guess min = 0 max = 100

printf(1,"Think of a number between %d and %d.\n",{min,max}) puts(1,"On every guess of mine you should state whether my guess was\n") puts(1,"too high, too low, or equal to your number by typing 'h', 'l', or '='\n")

while 1 do

   if max < min then
       puts(1,"I think something is strange here...\n")
   end if
   Guess = floor((max-min)/2+min)
   printf(1,"My guess is %d, is this correct? ", Guess)
   Respons = upper(prompt_string(""))
   if Respons[1] = 'H' then
       max = Guess-1
   elsif Respons[1] = 'L' then
       min = Guess+1
   elsif Respons[1] = '=' then
       puts(1,"I did it!\n")
       puts(1,"I do not understand that...\n")
   end if

end while</lang>


<lang fantom> class Main {

 public static Void main ()
   Int lowerLimit := 1
   Int higherLimit := 100
   echo ("Think of a number between 1 and 100")
   echo ("Press 'enter' when ready")
   while (true)
     if (higherLimit < lowerLimit)
     { // check that player is not cheating!
       echo ("Something has gone wrong ... I give up")
     myGuess := (higherLimit + lowerLimit) / 2
     echo ("My guess is $myGuess")
     echo ("Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal")
     switch (
       case "E": 
         echo ("I got it correct - thankyou!")
         break // game over
       case "H": 
         lowerLimit = myGuess + 1
       case "L":
         higherLimit = myGuess - 1
         echo ("Pardon? Let's try that again")

} </lang>


Think of a number between 1 and 100
Press 'enter' when ready

My guess is 50
Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal
Pardon? Let's try that again
My guess is 50
Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal
My guess is 25
Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal
My guess is 37
Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal
My guess is 43
Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal
My guess is 46
Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal
My guess is 48
Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal
My guess is 47
Enter 'H' if your number is higher, 'L' if lower, or 'E' if equal
I got it correct - thankyou!


Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

<lang fortran>program Guess_a_number_Player

 implicit none
 integer, parameter :: limit = 100
 integer :: guess, mx = limit, mn = 1
 real :: rnum
 character(1) :: score
 write(*, "(a, i0, a)") "Think of a number between 1 and ", limit, &
                        " and I will try to guess it." 
 write(*, "(a)")  "You score my guess by entering: h if my guess is higher than that number"
 write(*, "(a)")  "                                l if my guess is lower than that number"
 write(*, "(a/)") "                                c if my guess is the same as that number"
 call random_seed
 call random_number(rnum)
 guess = rnum * limit + 1
   write(*, "(a, i0, a,)", advance='no') "My quess is: ", guess, "   Score(h, l or c)?: "
   read*, score
   select case(score)
     case("l", "L")
       mn = guess
       guess = (mx-guess+1) / 2 + mn 
     case("h", "H")
       mx = guess
       guess = mx - (guess-mn+1) / 2 
     case("c", "C")
       write(*, "(a)") "I solved it!"
     case default
       write(*, "(a)") "I did not understand that"
   end select
 end do

end program</lang> Output

Think of a number between 1 and 100 and I will try to guess it.
You score my guess by entering: h if my guess is higher than that number
                                l if my guess is lower than that number
                                c if my guess is the same as that number

My guess is: 58   Score(h, l or c)?: h
My guess is: 29   Score(h, l or c)?: l
My guess is: 44   Score(h, l or c)?: l 
My guess is: 51   Score(h, l or c)?: l 
My guess is: 55   Score(h, l or c)?: l 
My guess is: 57   Score(h, l or c)?: c
I solved it!


Go's binary search function (sort.Search()) is general enough to be able to do this type of task, as mentioned in the documentation for the function itself.[1] <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   lower, upper := 0, 100

Think of integer number from %d (inclusive) to %d (exclusive) and I will guess it. After each guess, I will ask you if it is less than or equal to some number, and you will respond with "yes" or "no". `, lower, upper)

   answer := sort.Search(upper-lower, func (i int) bool {
       fmt.Printf("Is your number less than or equal to %d? ", lower+i)
       s := ""
       fmt.Scanf("%s", &s)
       return s != "" && s[0] == 'y'
   fmt.Printf("Your number is %d.\n", lower+answer)


Manual solution: <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   lower, upper := 1, 100

Think of integer number from %d (inclusive) to %d (inclusive) and I will guess it. After each guess, you respond with l,h,or c depending on if my guess was too low, too high, or correct. Press enter when you are thinking of a number. `, lower, upper)

   in := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
   for {
       guess := (upper+lower)/2
       fmt.Printf("My guess: %d (l/h/c) ", guess)
       s, err := in.ReadString('\n')
       if err != nil {
           fmt.Println("\nSo, bye.")
       switch s {
       case "l\n":
           lower = guess + 1
       case "h\n":
           upper = guess - 1
       case "c\n":
           fmt.Println("I did it. :)")
           fmt.Println("Please respond by pressing l, h, or c")



<lang j>require 'misc' guess=:3 :0

 'lo hi'=.y
 while.lo < hi do.
   smoutput 'guessing a number between ',(":lo),' and ',":hi
   select.{.deb tolower prompt 'is it ',(":guess),'? '
     case.'y'do. smoutput 'Win!' return.
     case.'l'do. lo=.guess+1
     case.'h'do. hi=.guess-1
     case.'q'do. smoutput 'giving up' return.
     case.   do. smouput 'options: yes, low, high, quit'


Example session:

<lang> guess 1 100 guessing a number between 1 and 100 is it 86? hi guessing a number between 1 and 85 is it 56? hi guessing a number between 1 and 55 is it 24? lo guessing a number between 25 and 55 is it 29? lo guessing a number between 30 and 55 is it 43? lo guessing a number between 44 and 55 is it 53? hi guessing a number between 44 and 52 is it 51? hi guessing a number between 44 and 50 is it 48? lo guessing a number between 49 and 50 is it 49? lo 50</lang>

This could be made more efficient by replacing guess=.lo+?hi-lo with guess=.<.-:lo+hi. (The above example would have finished on the first guess, but the range 1..100 would never take more than 6 guesses -- the remaining answers would be determined after six guesses.)


<lang PARI/GP> guessnumber2(b)={ my(c=0,d=b,a=0); for(x=1,b,

    print("I guess "a" am I h,l,or e ?");

} </lang>


Translation of: PureBasic

<lang PicoLisp>(de guessTheNumber (Min Max)

  (prinl "Think of a number between " Min " and " Max ".")
  (prinl "On every guess of mine you should state whether my guess was")
  (prinl "too high, too low, or equal to your number by typing 'h', 'l', Or '='")
  (use Guess
        (NIL (> Max Min)
           (prinl "I think somthing is strange here...") )
           "My guess is "
           (setq Guess (+ Min (/ (- Max Min) 2)))
           ",is this correct? " )
           (case (uppc (car (line)))
              ("H" (setq Max Guess))
              ("L" (setq Min Guess))
              ("=" (nil (prinl "I did it!")))
              (T (prinl "I do not understand that...")) ) ) ) ) )</lang>


: (guessTheNumber 1 99)
Think of a number between 1 and 99.
On every guess of mine you should state whether my guess was
too high, too low, or equal to your number by typing 'h', 'l', Or '='
My guess is 50,is this correct? h
My guess is 25,is this correct? h
My guess is 13,is this correct? l
My guess is 19,is this correct? l
My guess is 22,is this correct? =
I did it!


<lang PureBasic>min=0 max=100

If OpenConsole()

 PrintN("Think of a number between "+Str(min)+" and "+Str(max)+".")
 PrintN("On every guess of mine you should state whether my guess was")
 PrintN("too high, too low, or equal to your number by typing 'h', 'l', Or '='")
   If max<=min
     PrintN("I think somthing is strange here...")
   Print("My guess is "+Str(Guess)+",is this correct? "): Respons.s=UCase(Input())
   If Respons="H":     max=Guess-1
   ElseIf Respons="L": min=Guess+1
   ElseIf Respons="="
     PrintN("I did it!")
     PrintN("I do not understand that...")



<lang python>inclusive_range = mn, mx = (1, 10)

print(\ Think of a number between %i and %i and wait for me to guess it. On every guess of mine you should state whether the guess was too high, too low, or equal to your number by typing h, l, or =  % inclusive_range)

i = 0 while True:

   i += 1
   guess = (mn+mx)//2
   txt = input("Guess %2i is: %2i. The score for which is (h,l,=): "
               % (i, guess)).strip().lower()[0]
   if txt not in 'hl=':
       print("  I don't understand your input of '%s' ?" % txt)
   if txt == 'h':
       mx = guess-1
   if txt == 'l':
       mn = guess+1
   if txt == '=':
       print("  Ye-Haw!!")
   if (mn > mx) or (mn < inclusive_range[0]) or (mx > inclusive_range[1]):
       print("Please check your scoring as I cannot find the value")

print("\nThanks for keeping score.")</lang>

Sample Game-play

Think of a number between 1 and 10 and wait for me to guess it.
On every guess of mine you should state whether the guess was
too high, too low, or equal to your number by typing h, l, or =

Guess  1 is:  5. The score for which is (h,l,=): l
Guess  2 is:  8. The score for which is (h,l,=): l
Guess  3 is:  9. The score for which is (h,l,=): l
Guess  4 is: 10. The score for which is (h,l,=): =

Thanks for keeping score.


<lang rexx> /*REXX program to play guess-the-number (with itself!). */

parse arg low high . /*let them choose the range.*/ if low== then low=1 if high== then high=1000


say info="Try to guess my number (it's between" low 'and',

    high" inclusive)."
 do j=1
 say info
 call guesser
   when guess>? then info=right("It's too high.",40)
   when guess<? then info=right("It's too low. ",40)
   otherwise leave

say say 'Congratulations! You guessed the secret number in' j "tries." say exit

guesser: upper info if \datatype(newlow ,'N') then newlow =low if \datatype(newhigh,'N') then newhigh=high oldGuess=guess if pos('HIGH',info)\==0 then newhigh=guess if pos('LOW' ,info)\==0 then newlow =guess guess=newlow+(newhigh-newlow)%2 if guess==oldguess then guess=guess+1 say 'My guess is' guess return </lang> Output shown is from playing several games:

Try to guess my number  (it's between 1 and 1000 inclusive).

My guess is 500
                          It's too low.

My guess is 750
                          It's too low.

My guess is 875
                          It's too high.

My guess is 812
                          It's too low.

My guess is 843
                          It's too high.

My guess is 827
                          It's too high.

My guess is 819
                          It's too low.

My guess is 823
                          It's too low.

My guess is 825

Congratulations!  You guessed the secret number in 9 tries.


Try to guess my number  (it's between 1 and 1000 inclusive).

My guess is 500
                          It's too high.

My guess is 250
                          It's too high.

My guess is 125
                          It's too high.

My guess is 63
                          It's too high.

My guess is 32
                          It's too low.

My guess is 47
                          It's too low.

My guess is 55
                          It's too low.

My guess is 59
                          It's too high.

My guess is 57
                          It's too low.

My guess is 58

Congratulations!  You guessed the secret number in 10 tries.


Try to guess my number  (it's between 1 and 1000 inclusive).

My guess is 500
                          It's too high.

My guess is 250
                          It's too low.

My guess is 375
                          It's too high.

My guess is 312
                          It's too low.

My guess is 343
                          It's too low.

My guess is 359
                          It's too high.

My guess is 351

Congratulations!  You guessed the secret number in 7 tries.


Try to guess my number  (it's between 1 and 1000 inclusive).

My guess is 500
                          It's too low.

My guess is 750
                          It's too high.

My guess is 625
                          It's too low.

My guess is 687
                          It's too high.

My guess is 656

Congratulations!  You guessed the secret number in 5 tries.


Try to guess my number  (it's between 1 and 1000 inclusive).

My guess is 500
                          It's too high.

My guess is 250
                          It's too high.

My guess is 125

Congratulations!  You guessed the secret number in 3 tries.


<lang tcl>set from 1 set to 10 fconfigure stdout -buffering none while 1 {

   set guess [expr {($from+$to) / 2}]
   puts -nonewline "Guess: $guess\tWas it lower (<) equal (=) or higher (>)? "
   switch -- [gets stdin] {

< { set from [expr {$guess + 1}] } > { set to [expr {$guess - 1}] } = { puts "Found it: $guess" break } default { puts "What sort of a response was that?!" }

   if {$to < $from} {

puts "No answer possible?!" break


}</lang> Sample run:

Guess: 5	Was it lower (<) equal (=) or higher (>)? <
Guess: 8	Was it lower (<) equal (=) or higher (>)? >
Guess: 6	Was it lower (<) equal (=) or higher (>)? =
Found it: 6