Hash join: Difference between revisions

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Line 1,956:
<lang ruby>func hashJoin(table1, index1, table2, index2) {
var a = Arr.new;[]
var h = Hash.new;()
# hash phase
table1.each { |s|
h{s[index1]} := [] -><< append(s);
# join phase
table2.each { |r|
a += h{r[index2]}.map{[_,r]};
return a;
Line 1,976:
[28, "Glory"],
[18, "Popeye"],
[28, "Alan"]];
var t2 = [["Jonah", "Whales"],
Line 1,982:
["Alan", "Ghosts"],
["Alan", "Zombies"],
["Glory", "Buffy"]];
hashJoin(t1, 1, t2, 0).each { .dump.say };</lang>
<pre>[[27, 'Jonah'], ['Jonah', 'Whales']]

Revision as of 12:23, 19 August 2016

Hash join
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

An inner join is an operation that combines two data tables into one table, based on matching column values. The simplest way of implementing this operation is the nested loop join algorithm, but a more scalable alternative is the hash join algorithm.

Implement the "hash join" algorithm, and demonstrate that it passes the test-case listed below.

You should represent the tables as data structures that feel natural in your programming language.


The "hash join" algorithm consists of two steps:

  1. Hash phase: Create a multimap from one of the two tables, mapping from each join column value to all the rows that contain it.
    • The multimap must support hash-based lookup which scales better than a simple linear search, because that's the whole point of this algorithm.
    • Ideally we should create the multimap for the smaller table, thus minimizing its creation time and memory size.
  2. Join phase: Scan the other table, and find matching rows by looking in the multimap created before.

In pseudo-code, the algorithm could be expressed as follows:

let A = the first input table (or ideally, the larger one)
let B = the second input table (or ideally, the smaller one)
let jA = the join column ID of table A
let jB = the join column ID of table B
let MB = a multimap for mapping from single values to multiple rows of table B (starts out empty)
let C = the output table (starts out empty)

for each row b in table B do
   place b in multimap MB under key b(jB)

for each row a in table A do
   for each row b in multimap MB under key a(jA)
      let c = the concatenation of row a and row b
      place row c in table C
Input Output
Age Name
27 Jonah
18 Alan
28 Glory
18 Popeye
28 Alan
Character Nemesis
Jonah Whales
Jonah Spiders
Alan Ghosts
Alan Zombies
Glory Buffy
= Name (i.e. column 1) = Character (i.e. column 0)
A.Age A.Name B.Character B.Nemesis
27 Jonah Jonah Whales
27 Jonah Jonah Spiders
18 Alan Alan Ghosts
18 Alan Alan Zombies
28 Glory Glory Buffy
28 Alan Alan Ghosts
28 Alan Alan Zombies

The order of the rows in the output table is not significant.
If you're using numerically indexed arrays to represent table rows (rather than referring to columns by name), you could represent the output rows in the form [[27, "Jonah"], ["Jonah", "Whales"]].


This solution creates a hash table for the smaller relation in the function join. This function takes as arguments the smallest table, the biggest table and then three pieces of code: two patterns that describe each table's field order and code that generates one row of output. These pieces of code are inserted in a fixed skeleton of code using macro substitution. <lang bracmat>( (27.Jonah)

 : ?table-A

& (Jonah.Whales)

 : ?table-B

& new$hash:?H & !table-A:? [?lenA & !table-B:? [?lenB & ( join

 =     smalltab bigtab smallschema bigschema joinschema
     , key val val2 keyval2
   .     !arg
       : (?smalltab.?bigtab.(=?smallschema.?bigschema.?joinschema))
     & :?rel
     & !(
        ' (   whl
            ' ( !smalltab:$smallschema ?smalltab
              & (H..insert)$(!key.!val)
          &   whl
            ' ( !bigtab:$bigschema ?bigtab
              & (   (H..find)$!key:?keyval2
                  &   whl
                    ' ( !keyval2:(?key.?val2) ?keyval2
                      & $joinschema !rel:?rel
     & !rel

& out

 $ ( join
   $ (   !lenA:~<!lenB
       & ( !table-B
         . !table-A
         . (
           = (?key.?val).(?val.?key).!val.!key.!val2
     | ( !table-A
       . !table-B
       . (=(?val.?key).(?key.?val).!val2.!key.!val)

& );</lang> Output:



using LINQ to Objects

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;

namespace HashJoin {

   public class AgeName
       public AgeName(byte age, string name)
           Age = age;
           Name = name;
       public byte Age { get; private set; }
       public string Name { get; private set; }
   public class NameNemesis
       public NameNemesis(string name, string nemesis)
           Name = name;
           Nemesis = nemesis;
       public string Name { get; private set; }
       public string Nemesis { get; private set; }
   public class DataContext
       public DataContext()
           AgeName = new List<AgeName>();
           NameNemesis = new List<NameNemesis>();
       public List<AgeName> AgeName { get; set; }
       public List<NameNemesis> NameNemesis { get; set; }
   public class AgeNameNemesis
       public AgeNameNemesis(byte age, string name, string nemesis)
           Age = age;
           Name = name;
           Nemesis = nemesis;
       public byte Age { get; private set; }
       public string Name { get; private set; }
       public string Nemesis { get; private set; }
   class Program
       public static void Main()
           var data = GetData();
           var result = ExecuteHashJoin(data);
       private static void WriteResultToConsole(List<AgeNameNemesis> result)
           result.ForEach(ageNameNemesis => Console.WriteLine("Age: {0}, Name: {1}, Nemesis: {2}",
               ageNameNemesis.Age, ageNameNemesis.Name, ageNameNemesis.Nemesis));
       private static List<AgeNameNemesis> ExecuteHashJoin(DataContext data)
           return (data.AgeName.Join(data.NameNemesis, 
               ageName => ageName.Name, nameNemesis => nameNemesis.Name,
               (ageName, nameNemesis) => new AgeNameNemesis(ageName.Age, ageName.Name, nameNemesis.Nemesis)))
       private static DataContext GetData()
           var context = new DataContext();
           context.AgeName.AddRange(new [] {
                   new AgeName(27, "Jonah"), 
                   new AgeName(18, "Alan"), 
                   new AgeName(28, "Glory"), 
                   new AgeName(18, "Popeye"), 
                   new AgeName(28, "Alan")
               new NameNemesis("Jonah", "Whales"),
               new NameNemesis("Jonah", "Spiders"),
               new NameNemesis("Alan", "Ghosts"),
               new NameNemesis("Alan", "Zombies"),
               new NameNemesis("Glory", "Buffy")
           return context;


Age: 27, Name: Jonah, Nemesis: Whales
Age: 27, Name: Jonah, Nemesis: Spiders
Age: 18, Name: Alan, Nemesis: Ghosts
Age: 18, Name: Alan, Nemesis: Zombies
Age: 28, Name: Glory, Nemesis: Buffy
Age: 28, Name: Alan, Nemesis: Ghosts
Age: 28, Name: Alan, Nemesis: Zombies


<lang clojure> (defn hash-join [table1 col1 table2 col2]

 (let [hashed (group-by col1 table1)]
     (for [r table2]
       (for [s (hashed (col2 r))]
         (merge s r))))))

(def s '({:age 27 :name "Jonah"}

        {:age 18 :name "Alan"}
        {:age 28 :name "Glory"}
        {:age 18 :name "Popeye"}
        {:age 28 :name "Alan"}))

(def r '({:nemesis "Whales" :name "Jonah"}

        {:nemesis "Spiders" :name "Jonah"}
        {:nemesis "Ghosts" :name "Alan"}
        {:nemesis "Zombies" :name "Alan"}
        {:nemesis "Buffy" :name "Glory"}))

(pprint (sort-by :name (hash-join s :name r :name))) </lang>

({:nemesis "Ghosts", :age 18, :name "Alan"}
 {:nemesis "Ghosts", :age 28, :name "Alan"}
 {:nemesis "Zombies", :age 18, :name "Alan"}
 {:nemesis "Zombies", :age 28, :name "Alan"}
 {:nemesis "Buffy", :age 28, :name "Glory"}
 {:nemesis "Whales", :age 27, :name "Jonah"}
 {:nemesis "Spiders", :age 27, :name "Jonah"})

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defparameter *table-A* '((27 "Jonah") (18 "Alan") (28 "Glory") (18 "Popeye") (28 "Alan")))

(defparameter *table-B* '(("Jonah" "Whales") ("Jonah" "Spiders") ("Alan" "Ghosts") ("Alan" "Zombies") ("Glory" "Buffy")))

Hash phase

(defparameter *hash-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))

(loop for (i r) in *table-A*

  for value = (gethash r *hash-table* (list nil))  do
  (setf (gethash r *hash-table*) value)
  (push (list i r) (first value)))
Join phase

(loop for (i r) in *table-B* do

    (let ((val (car (gethash i *hash-table*))))
      (loop for (a b) in val do 

(format t "{~a ~a} {~a ~a}~%" a b i r))))</lang>

{27 Jonah} {Jonah Whales}
{27 Jonah} {Jonah Spiders}
{28 Alan} {Alan Ghosts}
{18 Alan} {Alan Ghosts}
{28 Alan} {Alan Zombies}
{18 Alan} {Alan Zombies}
{28 Glory} {Glory Buffy}


Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.typecons;

auto hashJoin(size_t index1, size_t index2, T1, T2)

            (in T1[] table1, in T2[] table2) pure /*nothrow*/ @safe

if (is(typeof(T1.init[index1]) == typeof(T2.init[index2]))) {

   // Hash phase.
   T1[][typeof(T1.init[index1])] h;
   foreach (const s; table1)
       h[s[index1]] ~= s;
   // Join phase.
   Tuple!(const T1, const T2)[] result;
   foreach (const r; table2)
       foreach (const s; h.get(r[index2], null)) // Not nothrow.
           result ~= tuple(s, r);
   return result;


void main() {

   alias T = tuple;
   immutable table1 = [T(27, "Jonah"),
                       T(18, "Alan"),
                       T(28, "Glory"),
                       T(18, "Popeye"),
                       T(28, "Alan")];
   immutable table2 = [T("Jonah", "Whales"),
                       T("Jonah", "Spiders"),
                       T("Alan",  "Ghosts"),
                       T("Alan",  "Zombies"),
                       T("Glory", "Buffy")];
   foreach (const row; hashJoin!(1, 0)(table1, table2))
       writefln("(%s, %5s) (%5s, %7s)", row[0][], row[1][]);


(27, Jonah) (Jonah,  Whales)
(27, Jonah) (Jonah, Spiders)
(18,  Alan) ( Alan,  Ghosts)
(28,  Alan) ( Alan,  Ghosts)
(18,  Alan) ( Alan, Zombies)
(28,  Alan) ( Alan, Zombies)
(28, Glory) (Glory,   Buffy)

Déjà Vu

Translation of: Python

<lang dejavu>hashJoin table1 index1 table2 index2:

   local :h {}
   # hash phase
   for s in table1:
       local :key s! index1
       if not has h key:
           set-to h key []
       push-to h! key s
   # join phase
   for r in table2:
       for s in copy h! r! index2:
           push-through swap [ s r ]

local :table1 [ [ 27 "Jonah" ] [ 18 "Alan" ] [ 28 "Glory" ] [ 18 "Popeye" ] [ 28 "Alan" ] ] local :table2 [ [ "Jonah" "Whales" ] [ "Jonah" "Spiders" ] [ "Alan" "Ghosts" ] [ "Alan" "Zombies" ] [ "Glory" "Buffy" ] ]

for row in hashJoin table1 1 table2 0:

   !. row</lang>
[ [ 27 "Jonah" ] [ "Jonah" "Whales" ] ]
[ [ 27 "Jonah" ] [ "Jonah" "Spiders" ] ]
[ [ 28 "Alan" ] [ "Alan" "Ghosts" ] ]
[ [ 18 "Alan" ] [ "Alan" "Ghosts" ] ]
[ [ 28 "Alan" ] [ "Alan" "Zombies" ] ]
[ [ 18 "Alan" ] [ "Alan" "Zombies" ] ]
[ [ 28 "Glory" ] [ "Glory" "Buffy" ] ]


Since this is a real, professional application, we build the hash tables in permanent (local) storage. <lang lisp> (define ages '((27 "Jonah") (18 "Alan") (28 "Glory") (18 "Popeye") (28 "Alan"))) (define nemesis '(("Jonah" "Whales") ("Jonah" "Spiders") ("Alan" "Ghosts") ("Alan" "Zombies") ("Glory" "Buffy")))

table name
input list
procedure returning the join value ('name' in this task)

(define (table-hash table source key-proc ) (local-make-store table) (for ((r source)) (local-put-value (key-proc r) (append (list r) (local-get-value (key-proc r) table)) table)))

build the two tables

(define-syntax-rule (second record) (cadr record)) (define (key-name-age record) (second record)) (table-hash 'AGES ages key-name-age)

(define (key-nemesis-name record) (first record)) (table-hash 'NEMESIS nemesis key-nemesis-name)


(for* ((k (local-keys 'AGES)) (a (local-get-value k 'AGES)) (n (local-get-value k 'NEMESIS))) (writeln a n)) </lang>


<lang lisp> (28 "Alan") ("Alan" "Zombies") (28 "Alan") ("Alan" "Ghosts") (18 "Alan") ("Alan" "Zombies") (18 "Alan") ("Alan" "Ghosts") (28 "Glory") ("Glory" "Buffy") (27 "Jonah") ("Jonah" "Spiders") (27 "Jonah") ("Jonah" "Whales") </lang>


<lang ECL> LeftRec := RECORD

 STRING6   Name;


LeftFile := DATASET([{27,'Jonah'},{18,'Alan'},{28,'Glory'},{18,'Popeye'},{28,'Alan'}],LeftRec);

RightRec := RECORD

 STRING6   Name;
 STRING7   Nemesis;


RightFile := DATASET([{'Jonah','Whales'},{'Jonah','Spiders'},{'Alan','Ghosts'},{'Alan','Zombies'},{'Glory','Buffy'}],


HashJoin := JOIN(LeftFile,RightFile,Left.Name = RIGHT.Name,HASH);


//The HASH JOIN is built-in to the ECL JOIN by using the HASH JOIN Flag

/* OUTPUT: Age Name Nemesis 18 Alan Ghosts 18 Alan Zombies 28 Alan Ghosts 28 Alan Zombies 28 Glory Buffy 27 Jonah Whales 27 Jonah Spiders

  • /



Translation of: Ruby

<lang elixir>defmodule Hash do

 def join(table1, index1, table2, index2) do
   h = Enum.group_by(table1, fn s -> elem(s, index1) end)
   Enum.flat_map(table2, fn r ->
     Enum.map(h[elem(r, index2)], fn s -> {s, r} end)


table1 = [{27, "Jonah"},

         {18, "Alan"},
         {28, "Glory"},
         {18, "Popeye"},
         {28, "Alan"}]

table2 = [{"Jonah", "Whales"},

         {"Jonah", "Spiders"},
         {"Alan",  "Ghosts"},
         {"Alan",  "Zombies"},
         {"Glory", "Buffy"}]

Hash.join(table1, 1, table2, 0) |> Enum.each(&IO.inspect &1)</lang>

{{27, "Jonah"}, {"Jonah", "Whales"}}
{{27, "Jonah"}, {"Jonah", "Spiders"}}
{{28, "Alan"}, {"Alan", "Ghosts"}}
{{18, "Alan"}, {"Alan", "Ghosts"}}
{{28, "Alan"}, {"Alan", "Zombies"}}
{{18, "Alan"}, {"Alan", "Zombies"}}
{{28, "Glory"}, {"Glory", "Buffy"}}


<lang Erlang> -module( hash_join ).

-export( [task/0] ).

task() ->

   Table_1 = [{27, "Jonah"}, {18, "Alan"}, {28, "Glory"}, {18, "Popeye"}, {28, "Alan"}],
   Table_2 = [{"Jonah", "Whales"}, {"Jonah", "Spiders"}, {"Alan", "Ghosts"}, {"Alan", "Zombies"}, {"Glory", "Buffy"}],
   Dict = lists:foldl( fun dict_append/2, dict:new(), Table_1 ),
   lists:flatten( [dict_find( X, Dict ) || X <- Table_2] ).

dict_append( {Key, Value}, Acc ) -> dict:append( Value, {Key, Value}, Acc ).

dict_find( {Key, Value}, Dict ) -> dict_find( dict:find(Key, Dict), Key, Value ).

dict_find( error, _Key, _Value ) -> []; dict_find( {ok, Values}, Key, Value ) -> [{X, {Key, Value}} || X <- Values]. </lang>

15> hash_join:task().


Works with: Forth

Works with any ANS Forth

Needs the FMS-SI (single inheritance) library code located here: http://soton.mpeforth.com/flag/fms/index.html <lang forth> include FMS-SI.f include FMS-SILib.f

\ Since the same join attribute, Name, occurs more than once \ in both tables for this problem we need a hash table that \ will accept and retrieve multiple identical keys if we want \ an efficient solution for large tables. We make use \ of the hash collision handling feature of class hash-table.

\ Subclass hash-table-m allows multiple entries with the same key. \ After a get: hit one can inspect for additional entries with \ the same key by using next: until false is returned.

class hash-table-m <super hash-table

\ called within insert: method in superclass

:m (do-search): ( node hash -- idx hash false )
     swap drop idx @ swap false ;m
:m next: ( -- val true | false )
   last-node @ dup
      ( node ) next: dup
       dup key@: @: key-addr @ key-len @ compare 0=
            if dup last-node ! val@: true exit then
   then ;m

\ begin hash phase

obj ( addr len -- obj )
 heap> string+ dup >r !: r> ;

hash-table-m R 1 r init s" Whales " obj s" Jonah" r insert: s" Spiders " obj s" Jonah" r insert: s" Ghosts " obj s" Alan" r insert: s" Buffy " obj s" Glory" r insert: s" Zombies " obj s" Alan" r insert: s" Vampires " obj s" Jonah" r insert: \ end hash phase

\ create Age Name table S o{ o{ 27 'Jonah' }

  o{ 18 'Alan' }
  o{ 28 'Glory' }
  o{ 18 'Popeye' }
  o{ 28 'Alan' } } value s  

\ Q is a place to store the relation object-list2 Q

\ join phase

join \ { obj | list -- }
 0 locals| list obj |
 1 obj at: @: r get: \ hash the join-attribute and search table r
 if \ we have a match, so concatenate and save in q
   heap> object-list2 to list list q add: \ start a new sub-list in q
   0 obj at: copy: list add: \ place age from list s in q
   1 obj at: copy: list add: \ place join-attribute (name) from list s in q
   ( str-obj ) copy: list add: \ place first nemesis in q
     r next: \ check for more nemeses
      ( str-obj ) copy: list add: \ place next nemesis in q
 then ;
   s each: \ for each tuple object in s
   ( obj ) join \ pass the object to function join
 repeat ;

probe \ execute the probe function

q p: \ print the saved relation

\ free allocated memory s <free r free2: q free:


o{ 27 'Jonah' Whales Spiders Vampires } 
o{ 18 'Alan' Ghosts Zombies } 
o{ 28 'Glory' Buffy } 
o{ 28 'Alan' Ghosts Zombies } } 


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

   tableA := []struct {
       value int
       key   string
       {27, "Jonah"}, {18, "Alan"}, {28, "Glory"}, {18, "Popeye"},
       {28, "Alan"},
   tableB := []struct {
       key   string
       value string
       {"Jonah", "Whales"}, {"Jonah", "Spiders"},
       {"Alan", "Ghosts"}, {"Alan", "Zombies"}, {"Glory", "Buffy"},
   // hash phase
   h := map[string][]int{}
   for i, r := range tableA {
       h[r.key] = append(h[r.key], i)
   // join phase
   for _, x := range tableB {
       for _, a := range h[x.key] {
           fmt.Println(tableA[a], x)


{27 Jonah} {Jonah Whales}
{27 Jonah} {Jonah Spiders}
{18 Alan} {Alan Ghosts}
{28 Alan} {Alan Ghosts}
{18 Alan} {Alan Zombies}
{28 Alan} {Alan Zombies}
{28 Glory} {Glory Buffy}


Semi-imperative style: <lang Groovy> def hashJoin(table1, col1, table2, col2) {

   def hashed = table1.groupBy { s -> s[col1] }
   def q = [] as Set
   table2.each { r ->
       def join = hashed[r[col2]]
       join.each { s ->
           q << s.plus(r)

} </lang>

More functional style: <lang Groovy> def hashJoin(table1, col1, table2, col2) {

   def hashed = table1.groupBy { s -> s[col1] }
   table2.collect { r ->
       hashed[r[col2]].collect { s -> s.plus(r) }

} </lang>

Sample run (either version as the result is the same): <lang Groovy> def s = [[age: 27, name: 'Jonah'],

        [age: 18, name: 'Alan'],
        [age: 28, name: 'Glory'],
        [age: 18, name: 'Popeye'],
        [age: 28, name: 'Alan']]

def r = [[name: 'Jonah', nemesis: 'Whales'],

        [name: 'Jonah', nemesis: 'Spiders'],
        [name: 'Alan', nemesis: 'Ghosts'],
        [name: 'Alan', nemesis: 'Zombies'],
        [name: 'Glory', nemesis: 'Buffy']]

hashJoin(s, "name", r, "name").sort {it.name}.each { println it } </lang>


[age:18, name:Alan, nemesis:Ghosts]
[age:28, name:Alan, nemesis:Ghosts]
[age:18, name:Alan, nemesis:Zombies]
[age:28, name:Alan, nemesis:Zombies]
[age:28, name:Glory, nemesis:Buffy]
[age:27, name:Jonah, nemesis:Whales]
[age:27, name:Jonah, nemesis:Spiders]


The ST monad allows us to utilise mutable memory behind a referentially transparent interface, allowing us to use hashtables (efficiently).

Our hashJoin function takes two lists and two selector functions.

Placing all relations with the same selector value in a list in the hashtable allows us to join many to one/many relations. <lang Haskell>{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, TupleSections #-} import qualified Data.HashTable.ST.Basic as H import Data.Hashable import Control.Monad.ST import Control.Monad import Data.STRef

hashJoin :: (Eq k, Hashable k) =>

           [t] -> (t -> k) -> [a] -> (a -> k) -> [(t, a)]

hashJoin xs fx ys fy = runST $ do

 l <- newSTRef []
 ht <- H.new
 forM_ ys $ \y -> H.insert ht (fy y) =<< 
   (H.lookup ht (fy y) >>= \case
     Nothing -> return [y]
     Just v -> return (y:v))
 forM_ xs $ \x -> do
   H.lookup ht (fx x) >>= \case
     Nothing -> return ()
     Just v -> modifySTRef' l ((map (x,)  v) ++) 
 readSTRef l

main = mapM_ print $ hashJoin

   [(1, "Jonah"), (2, "Alan"), (3, "Glory"), (4, "Popeye")]
   [("Jonah", "Whales"), ("Jonah", "Spiders"), 
     ("Alan", "Ghosts"), ("Alan", "Zombies"), ("Glory", "Buffy")]



The task require hashtables; however, a cleaner and more functional solution would be to use Data.Map (based on binary trees): <lang Haskell>{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Control.Applicative

mapJoin xs fx ys fy = joined

 where yMap = foldl' f M.empty ys
       f m y = M.insertWith (++) (fy y) [y] m
       joined = concat .
                mapMaybe (\x -> map (x,) <$> M.lookup (fx x) yMap) $ xs

main = mapM_ print $ mapJoin

   [(1, "Jonah"), (2, "Alan"), (3, "Glory"), (4, "Popeye")]
   [("Jonah", "Whales"), ("Jonah", "Spiders"), 
    ("Alan", "Ghosts"), ("Alan", "Zombies"), ("Glory", "Buffy")]





<lang J>table1=: ;:;._2(0 :0)

 27 Jonah
 18 Alan
 28 Glory
 18 Popeye
 28 Alan


table2=: ;:;._2(0 :0)

 Jonah Whales
 Jonah Spiders
 Alan Ghosts
 Alan Zombies
 Glory Buffy


The task does not specify the hash function to use, so we'll use an identity function. But SHA-1 could be used instead, with a little more work (you'd need to convert the name into the bit vector needed by the SHA-1 interface). Practically speaking, though, the only benefit of SHA-1 in this context would be to slow down the join.


<lang J>hash=: ] dojoin=:3 :0

 c1=. {.{.y
 c2=. (1 {"1 y) -. a:
 c3=. (2 {"1 y) -. a:


JOIN=: ; -.&a: ,/each(hash@{."1 <@dojoin/. ]) (1 1 0&#inv@|."1 table1), 1 0 1#inv"1 table2</lang>


<lang J> JOIN ┌─────┬──┬───────┐ │Jonah│27│Whales │ ├─────┼──┼───────┤ │Jonah│27│Spiders│ ├─────┼──┼───────┤ │Alan │18│Ghosts │ ├─────┼──┼───────┤ │Alan │18│Zombies│ ├─────┼──┼───────┤ │Alan │28│Ghosts │ ├─────┼──┼───────┤ │Alan │28│Zombies│ ├─────┼──┼───────┤ │Glory│28│Buffy │ └─────┴──┴───────┘</lang>


Translation of: PHP
Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import java.util.*;

public class HashJoin {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       String[][] table1 = {{"27", "Jonah"}, {"18", "Alan"}, {"28", "Glory"},
       {"18", "Popeye"}, {"28", "Alan"}};
       String[][] table2 = {{"Jonah", "Whales"}, {"Jonah", "Spiders"},
       {"Alan", "Ghosts"}, {"Alan", "Zombies"}, {"Glory", "Buffy"},
       {"Bob", "foo"}};
       hashJoin(table1, 1, table2, 0).stream()
               .forEach(r -> System.out.println(Arrays.deepToString(r)));
   static List<String[][]> hashJoin(String[][] records1, int idx1,
           String[][] records2, int idx2) {
       List<String[][]> result = new ArrayList<>();
       Map<String, List<String[]>> map = new HashMap<>();
       for (String[] record : records1) {
           List<String[]> v = map.getOrDefault(record[idx1], new ArrayList<>());
           map.put(record[idx1], v);
       for (String[] record : records2) {
           List<String[]> lst = map.get(record[idx2]);
           if (lst != null) {
               lst.stream().forEach(r -> {
                   result.add(new String[][]{r, record});
       return result;


[[27, Jonah], [Jonah, Whales]]
[[27, Jonah], [Jonah, Spiders]]
[[18, Alan], [Alan, Ghosts]]
[[28, Alan], [Alan, Ghosts]]
[[18, Alan], [Alan, Zombies]]
[[28, Alan], [Alan, Zombies]]
[[28, Glory], [Glory, Buffy]]


Works with: jq version 1.4

Relational tables can be represented in several ways in JSON, and so in this section we present two distinct "hash join" functions in jq:

  • "hashJoin" can be used if the tables are represented as arrays of JSON objects, or as arrays of arrays, but the result may include the join-column twice;
  • "hashJoinArrays" is intended for use if the tables are represented as arrays of arrays, and avoids the duplication mentioned above.

Both versions are relationally symmetric, and both versions allow the join columns to contain any JSON value. To achieve this generality, the collision-free hash function, h, is used.


<lang jq># hashJoin(table1; key1; table2; key2) expects the two tables to be

  1. arrays, either of JSON objects, or of arrays.
  1. In the first case, that is, if the table's rows are represented as
  2. objects, then key1 should be the key of the join column of table1,
  3. and similarly for key2; if the join columns have different names,
  4. then they will both be included in the resultant objects.
  1. In the second case, that is, if the rows are arrays, then the
  2. 0-based indices of the join columns should be specified, and the
  3. rows are simply pasted together, resulting in duplication of the
  4. join columns.

def hashJoin(table1; key1; table2; key2):

 # collision-free hash function:
 def h:
   if type == "object" then with_entries(.value = (.value|h)) | tostring
   elif type == "array" then map(h)|tostring
   else (type[0:1]+tostring)
 # hash phase:
 reduce table1[] as $row
    ($row[key1]|h) as $key
    | . + { ($key): (.[$key] + [$row]) } )
 | . as $hash
 # join phase
 | reduce table2[] as $row
      ($row[key2]|h) as $key
      | if $hash|has($key) then
          reduce $hash[$key][] as $r (.; . +  [ $row + $r ] )
 	 else . end)

Example <lang jq>def table1:

 [ {"age": 27, "name": "Jonah"},
   {"age": 18, "name": "Alan"},
   {"age": 28, "name": "Glory"},
   {"age": 18, "name": "Popeye"},
   {"age": 28, "name": "Alan"} ]

def table2:

 [ {"name": "Jonah", "nemesis": "Whales"},
   {"name": "Jonah", "nemesis": "Spiders"},
   {"name": "Alan", "nemesis": "Ghosts"},
   {"name": "Alan", "nemesis": "Zombies"},
   {"name": "Glory", "nemesis": "Buffy"} ]

def table1a:

 [[27, "Jonah"],
  [18, "Alan"],
  [28, "Glory"],
  [18, "Popeye"],
  [28, "Alan"] ]

def table2a:

 [["Jonah", "Whales"],
  ["Jonah", "Spiders"],
  ["Alan", "Ghosts"],
  ["Alan", "Zombies"],
  ["Glory", "Buffy"],
  ["Holmes", "Moriarty"] ]

def pp:

 reduce .[] as $row (""; . + "\n" + ($row|tostring));

( hashJoin(table1; "name"; table2; "name"),

 hashJoin(table1a; 1; table2a; 0)

) | pp</lang>


<lang sh>$ jq -c -r -n -f HashJoin.jq

{"age":27,"name":"Jonah","nemesis":"Whales"} {"age":27,"name":"Jonah","nemesis":"Spiders"} {"age":28,"name":"Alan","nemesis":"Ghosts"} {"age":28,"name":"Alan","nemesis":"Zombies"} {"age":28,"name":"Glory","nemesis":"Buffy"}

[27,"Jonah","Jonah","Whales"] [27,"Jonah","Jonah","Spiders"] [28,"Alan","Alan","Ghosts"] [28,"Alan","Alan","Zombies"] [28,"Glory","Glory","Buffy"]</lang>


<lang jq># The tables should be arrays of arrays;

  1. index1 and index2 should be the 0-based indices of the join columns.

def hashJoinArrays(table1; index1; table2; index2):

 # collision-free hash function:
 def h:
   if type == "object" then with_entries(.value = (.value|h)) | tostring
   elif type == "array" then map(h)|tostring
   else (type[0:1]+tostring)
 # hash phase:
 reduce table1[] as $row
    ($row[index1]|h) as $key
    | . + (.[$key] += [ $row ])  )
 | . as $hash
 # join phase
 | reduce table2[] as $row
      ($row[index2]|h) as $key
      | if $hash|has($key) then
          reduce $hash[$key][] as $r

(.; . + [ $r + $row[0:index2] + $row[index2+1:] ] )

 	 else . end)


In the following example, the previously defined pretty-print function (pp) and tables (table1 and table2) are used, so their definitions are not repeated here. <lang jq>hashJoinArrays(table1; 1; table2; 0) | pp</lang>


<lang sh>$ jq -c -r -n -f HashJoinArrays.jq

[27,"Jonah","Whales"] [27,"Jonah","Spiders"] [28,"Alan","Ghosts"] [28,"Alan","Zombies"] [28,"Glory","Buffy"]</lang>


<lang lisp> (defun hash (column table)

   (lambda (x acc)
     (orddict:append (proplists:get_value column x) x acc))

(defun get-hash (col hash-table)

    (proplists:get_value col r)

(defun merge (row-1 row-2)

   (lambda (k v1 v2) v2)
   (lists:sort row-1)
   (lists:sort row-2)))

(defun hash-join (table-1 col-1 table-2 col-2)

 (let ((hashed (hash col-1 table-1)))
   (lc ((<- r table-2))
       (lc ((<- s (get-hash col-2 hashed)))
           (merge r s)))))


Table definitions in the LFE REPL: <lang lisp> > (set ss '((#(age 27) #(name "Jonah"))

           (#(age 18) #(name "Alan"))
           (#(age 28) #(name "Glory"))
           (#(age 18) #(name "Popeye"))
           (#(age 28) #(name "Alan"))))

> (set rs '((#(nemesis "Whales") #(name "Jonah"))

           (#(nemesis "Spiders") #(name "Jonah"))
           (#(nemesis "Ghosts") #(name "Alan"))
           (#(nemesis "Zombies") #(name "Alan"))
           (#(nemesis "Buffy") #(name "Glory"))))


Output in LFE REPL: <lang lisp> > (hash-join ss 'name rs 'name) (((#(age 27) #(name "Jonah") #(nemesis "Whales")))

((#(age 27) #(name "Jonah") #(nemesis "Spiders")))
((#(age 18) #(name "Alan") #(nemesis "Ghosts"))
 (#(age 28) #(name "Alan") #(nemesis "Ghosts")))
((#(age 18) #(name "Alan") #(nemesis "Zombies"))
 (#(age 28) #(name "Alan") #(nemesis "Zombies")))
((#(age 28) #(name "Glory") #(nemesis "Buffy"))))


Mathematica / Wolfram Language

Works with: Mathematica version 10

Updated version is now able to join wider tables by giving the index. The smaller table is hashed but this might result in different column ordering. Uses Associations introduced in Mathematica Version 10 <lang mathematica>hashJoin[table1_List,table1colindex_Integer,table2_List,table2colindex_Integer]:=Module[{h,f,t1,t2,tmp}, t1=If[table1colindex != 1,table1[[All,Prepend[Delete[Range@Length@table11,table1colindex],table1colindex]]],table1]; t2=If[table2colindex != 1, table2[[All,Prepend[Delete[Range@Length@table21,table2colindex],table2colindex]]],table2];

If[Length[t1]>Length[t2],tmp=t1;t1=t2;t2=tmp;]; h= GroupBy[t1,First]; f[{a_,b_List}]:={a,#}&/@b; Partition[Flatten[Map[f,{#2;;,h[#1]}&/@t2 ]],Length[t11]+Length[t21]-1] ];</lang> Sample run:

table1 = {{18, "Alan", 1}, {27, "Jonah", 2}, {28, "Alan", 3}, {28, 
    "Glory", 4}};
table2 = {{"Alan", "Ghosts"}, {"Alan", "Zombies"}, {"Glory", 
    "Buffy"}, {"Jonah", "Spiders"}, {"Jonah", "Whales"}};
table1colindex = 2;
table2colindex = 1;

hashJoin[table1, table1colindex, table2, table2colindex] // TableForm

Ghosts	Alan	18	1
Ghosts	Alan	28	3
Zombies	Alan	18	1
Zombies	Alan	28	3
Buffy	Glory	28	4
Spiders	Jonah	27	2
Whales	Jonah	27	2

table1 = {{18, "Alan", 1}, {27, "Jonah", 2}, {28, "Alan", 3}, {28, 
    "Glory", 4}};
table2 = {{33, "Alan", "Ghosts"}, {34, "Alan", "Zombies"}, {35, 
    "Glory", "Buffy"}, {36, "Jonah", "Spiders"}, {37, "Jonah", 
table1colindex = 2;
table2colindex = 2;

hashJoin[table1, table1colindex, table2, table2colindex] // TableForm

33	Ghosts	Alan	18	1
33	Ghosts	Alan	28	3
34	Zombies	Alan	18	1
34	Zombies	Alan	28	3
35	Buffy	Glory	28	4
36	Spiders	Jonah	27	2
37	Whales	Jonah	27	2

table1 = {{19, "Zorro", 8}, {17, "Zorro", 7}, {17, "Zorro", 9}, {18, 
    "Alan", 1}, {27, "Jonah", 2}, {28, "Alan", 3}, {28, "Glory", 4}};
table2 = {{33, "Alan", "Ghosts"}, {34, "Alan", "Zombies"}, {35, 
    "Glory", "Buffy"}, {36, "Jonah", "Spiders"}, {37, "Jonah", 
    "Whales"}, {39, "Zorro", "Fox"}};
table1colindex = 2;
table2colindex = 2;

hashJoin[table1, table1colindex, table2, table2colindex] // TableForm

19	8	Zorro	39	Fox
17	7	Zorro	39	Fox
17	9	Zorro	39	Fox
18	1	Alan	33	Ghosts
18	1	Alan	34	Zombies
27	2	Jonah	36	Spiders
27	2	Jonah	37	Whales
28	3	Alan	33	Ghosts
28	3	Alan	34	Zombies
28	4	Glory	35	Buffy


Works with oo2c version 2 <lang oberon2> MODULE HashJoin; IMPORT



 (* Some Aliases *)
 Age= Boxed.LongInt;
 Name= STRING;
 Nemesis= STRING;
 (* Generic Tuple *)
 Tuple(E1: Object.Object; E2: Object.Object) = POINTER TO TupleDesc(E1,E2);
 TupleDesc(E1: Object.Object; E2: Object.Object) = RECORD
   _1: E1;
   _2: E2;
 (* Relations *)
 RelationA = ARRAY 5 OF Tuple(Age,Name);
 RelationB = ARRAY 5 OF Tuple(Name,Nemesis);


 tableA: RelationA;
 tableB: RelationB;
 dict: Dictionary.Dictionary(Name,LinkedList.LinkedList(Age));
 ll: LinkedList.LinkedList(Age);
 PROCEDURE (t: Tuple(E1, E2)) INIT*(e1: E1; e2: E2);
   t._1 := e1;
   t._2 := e2;
 PROCEDURE DoHashPhase(t: RelationA;VAR dict: Dictionary.Dictionary(Name,LinkedList.LinkedList(Age)));
   i: INTEGER;
   ll: LinkedList.LinkedList(Age);
   i := 0;
   WHILE (i < LEN(t)) & (t[i] # NIL) DO
     IF (dict.HasKey(t[i]._2)) THEN
       ll := dict.Get(t[i]._2);
       ll := NEW(LinkedList.LinkedList(Age));
 END DoHashPhase;
 PROCEDURE DoJoinPhase(t: RelationB; dict: Dictionary.Dictionary(Name,LinkedList.LinkedList(Age)));
   i: INTEGER;
   age: Age;
   iterll: LinkedList.Iterator(Age);
   FOR i := 0 TO LEN(t) - 1 DO
   ll := dict.Get(t[i]._1);
   iterll := ll.GetIterator(NIL);
   WHILE iterll.HasNext() DO
     age := iterll.Next();
 END DoJoinPhase;


 (* tableA initialization *)
 tableA[0] := NEW(Tuple(Age,Name),NEW(Age,27),"Jonah");
 tableA[1] := NEW(Tuple(Age,Name),NEW(Age,18),"Alan");
 tableA[2] := NEW(Tuple(Age,Name),NEW(Age,28),"Glory");
 tableA[3] := NEW(Tuple(Age,Name),NEW(Age,18),"Popeye");
 tableA[4] := NEW(Tuple(Age,Name),NEW(Age,28),"Alan");
 (* tableB initialization *)
 tableB[0] := NEW(Tuple(Name,Nemesis),"Jonah","Whales");
 tableB[1] := NEW(Tuple(Name,Nemesis),"Jonah","Spiders");
 tableB[2] := NEW(Tuple(Name,Nemesis),"Alan","Ghost");
 tableB[3] := NEW(Tuple(Name,Nemesis),"Alan","Zombies");
 tableB[4] := NEW(Tuple(Name,Nemesis),"Glory","Buffy");  
 dict := NEW(Dictionary.Dictionary(Name,LinkedList.LinkedList(Age)));

END HashJoin. </lang> Output:

  27     Jonah    Whales
  27     Jonah   Spiders
  18      Alan     Ghost
  28      Alan     Ghost
  18      Alan   Zombies
  28      Alan   Zombies
  28     Glory     Buffy


This exploits the fact that Hashtbl implements a hash table that can store multiple values for a key, for an especially simple solution: <lang ocaml>let hash_join table1 f1 table2 f2 =

 let h = Hashtbl.create 42 in
 (* hash phase *)
 List.iter (fun s ->
   Hashtbl.add h (f1 s) s) table1;
 (* join phase *)
 List.concat (List.map (fun r ->
   List.map (fun s -> s, r) (Hashtbl.find_all h (f2 r))) table2)</lang>

Sample run:

# let table1 = [27, "Jonah";
                18, "Alan";
                28, "Glory";
                18, "Popeye";
                28, "Alan"];;
# let table2 = ["Jonah", "Whales";
                "Jonah", "Spiders";
                "Alan", "Ghosts";
                "Alan", "Zombies";
                "Glory", "Buffy"];;
# hash_join table1 snd table2 fst;;
- : ((int * string) * (string * string)) list =
[((27, "Jonah"), ("Jonah", "Whales")); ((27, "Jonah"), ("Jonah", "Spiders"));
 ((28, "Alan"), ("Alan", "Ghosts")); ((18, "Alan"), ("Alan", "Ghosts"));
 ((28, "Alan"), ("Alan", "Zombies")); ((18, "Alan"), ("Alan", "Zombies"));
 ((28, "Glory"), ("Glory", "Buffy"))]


<lang perl>use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper);

sub hashJoin {

   my ($table1, $index1, $table2, $index2) = @_;
   my %h;
   # hash phase
   foreach my $s (@$table1) {

push @{ $h{$s->[$index1]} }, $s;

   # join phase
   map { my $r = $_;

map [$_, $r], @{ $h{$r->[$index2]} }

   } @$table2;


@table1 = ([27, "Jonah"],

          [18, "Alan"],
          [28, "Glory"],
          [18, "Popeye"],
          [28, "Alan"]);

@table2 = (["Jonah", "Whales"],

          ["Jonah", "Spiders"],
          ["Alan", "Ghosts"],
          ["Alan", "Zombies"],
          ["Glory", "Buffy"]);

$Data::Dumper::Indent = 0; foreach my $row (hashJoin(\@table1, 1, \@table2, 0)) {

   print Dumper($row), "\n";


$VAR1 = [[27,'Jonah'],['Jonah','Whales']];
$VAR1 = [[27,'Jonah'],['Jonah','Spiders']];
$VAR1 = [[18,'Alan'],['Alan','Ghosts']];
$VAR1 = [[28,'Alan'],['Alan','Ghosts']];
$VAR1 = [[18,'Alan'],['Alan','Zombies']];
$VAR1 = [[28,'Alan'],['Alan','Zombies']];
$VAR1 = [[28,'Glory'],['Glory','Buffy']];

Perl 6

The .classify method returns a multimap represented as a Hash whose values are Arrays.

Works with: Rakudo version 2016.07

<lang perl6>sub hash-join(@a, &a, @b, &b) {

   my %hash := @b.classify(&b);
   @a.map: -> $a {
       |(%hash{a $a} // next).map: -> $b { [$a, $b] }



<lang perl6>my @A =

   [27, "Jonah"],
   [18, "Alan"],
   [28, "Glory"],
   [18, "Popeye"],
   [28, "Alan"],

my @B =

   ["Jonah", "Whales"],
   ["Jonah", "Spiders"],
   ["Alan", "Ghosts"],
   ["Alan", "Zombies"],
   ["Glory", "Buffy"],

.say for hash-join @A, *[1], @B, *[0];</lang>

[[27 Jonah] [Jonah Whales]]
[[27 Jonah] [Jonah Spiders]]
[[18 Alan] [Alan Ghosts]]
[[18 Alan] [Alan Zombies]]
[[28 Glory] [Glory Buffy]]
[[28 Alan] [Alan Ghosts]]
[[28 Alan] [Alan Zombies]]


<lang php><?php function hashJoin($table1, $index1, $table2, $index2) {

   // hash phase
   foreach ($table1 as $s)
       $h[$s[$index1]][] = $s;
   // join phase
   foreach ($table2 as $r)
   	foreach ($h[$r[$index2]] as $s)

$result[] = array($s, $r);

   return $result;


$table1 = array(array(27, "Jonah"),

          array(18, "Alan"),
          array(28, "Glory"),
          array(18, "Popeye"),
          array(28, "Alan"));

$table2 = array(array("Jonah", "Whales"),

          array("Jonah", "Spiders"),
          array("Alan", "Ghosts"),
          array("Alan", "Zombies"),
          array("Glory", "Buffy"),
          array("Bob", "foo"));

foreach (hashJoin($table1, 1, $table2, 0) as $row)



    [0] => Array
            [0] => 27
            [1] => Jonah

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Jonah
            [1] => Whales

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 27
            [1] => Jonah

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Jonah
            [1] => Spiders

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 18
            [1] => Alan

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Alan
            [1] => Ghosts

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 28
            [1] => Alan

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Alan
            [1] => Ghosts

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 18
            [1] => Alan

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Alan
            [1] => Zombies

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 28
            [1] => Alan

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Alan
            [1] => Zombies

    [0] => Array
            [0] => 28
            [1] => Glory

    [1] => Array
            [0] => Glory
            [1] => Buffy



<lang python>from collections import defaultdict

def hashJoin(table1, index1, table2, index2):

   h = defaultdict(list)
   # hash phase
   for s in table1:
   # join phase
   return [(s, r) for r in table2 for s in h[r[index2]]]

table1 = [(27, "Jonah"),

         (18, "Alan"),
         (28, "Glory"),
         (18, "Popeye"),
         (28, "Alan")]

table2 = [("Jonah", "Whales"),

         ("Jonah", "Spiders"),
         ("Alan", "Ghosts"),
         ("Alan", "Zombies"),
         ("Glory", "Buffy")]

for row in hashJoin(table1, 1, table2, 0):

((27, 'Jonah'), ('Jonah', 'Whales'))
((27, 'Jonah'), ('Jonah', 'Spiders'))
((18, 'Alan'), ('Alan', 'Ghosts'))
((28, 'Alan'), ('Alan', 'Ghosts'))
((18, 'Alan'), ('Alan', 'Zombies'))
((28, 'Alan'), ('Alan', 'Zombies'))
((28, 'Glory'), ('Glory', 'Buffy'))


<lang racket>#lang racket (struct A (age name)) (struct B (name nemesis)) (struct AB (name age nemesis) #:transparent)

(define Ages-table

 (list (A 27 "Jonah") (A 18 "Alan")
       (A 28 "Glory") (A 18 "Popeye")
       (A 28 "Alan")))

(define Nemeses-table

  (B "Jonah" "Whales") (B "Jonah" "Spiders")
  (B "Alan" "Ghosts") (B "Alan" "Zombies")
  (B "Glory" "Buffy")))
Hash phase

(define name->ages#

 (for/fold ((rv (hash)))
   ((a (in-list Ages-table)))
   (match-define (A age name) a)
   (hash-update rv name (λ (ages) (append ages (list age))) null)))
Join phase


   ((b (in-list Nemeses-table))
    (key (in-value (B-name b)))
    (age (in-list (hash-ref name->ages# key))))
 (AB key age (B-nemesis b)))</lang>
(#(struct:AB "Jonah" 27 "Whales")
 #(struct:AB "Jonah" 27 "Spiders")
 #(struct:AB "Alan" 18 "Ghosts")
 #(struct:AB "Alan" 28 "Ghosts")
 #(struct:AB "Alan" 18 "Zombies")
 #(struct:AB "Alan" 28 "Zombies")
 #(struct:AB "Glory" 28 "Buffy"))


<lang rexx>/*REXX program demonstrates the classic hash join algorithm for two relations. */

                    S.  =                   ;         R.  =
                    S.1 = 27 'Jonah'        ;         R.1 = "Jonah Whales"
                    S.2 = 18 'Alan'         ;         R.2 = "Jonah Spiders"
                    S.3 = 28 'Glory'        ;         R.3 = "Alan Ghosts"
                    S.4 = 18 'Popeye'       ;         R.4 = "Alan Zombies"
                    S.5 = 28 'Alan'         ;         R.5 = "Glory Buffy"

hash.= /*initialize the hash table (array). */

     do #=1  while S.#\==;   parse var  S.#  age  name          /*extract information*/
     hash.name=hash.name #                      /*build a hash table entry with its idx*/
     end   /*#*/                                /* [↑]  REXX does the heavy work here. */
  1. =#-1 /*adjust for the DO loop (#) overage.*/
     do j=1  while R.j\==                     /*process a nemesis for a name element.*/
     parse var  R.j  x  nemesis                 /*extract the name  and  its nemesis.  */
     if hash.x==  then do;   #=# + 1          /*Not in hash?  Then a new name; bump #*/
                               S.#=','  x       /*add a new name to the    S   table.  */
                               hash.x=#         /* "  "  "    "   "  "   hash    "     */
                         end                    /* [↑]  this  DO  isn't used today.    */
          do k=1  for words(hash.x);   _=word(hash.x, k)          /*obtain the pointer.*/
          S._=S._  nemesis                      /*add the nemesis ──► applicable hash. */
          end   /*k*/
     end        /*j*/

_='─' /*the character used for the separator.*/ pad=left(, 4) /*spacing used in header and the output*/ say pad center('age', 3) pad center("name", 20 ) pad center('nemesis', 30 ) say pad center('───', 3) pad center("" , 20, _) pad center( , 30, _)

     do n=1  for #;      parse  var  S.n    age  name  nems       /*obtain information.*/
     if nems==  then iterate                                    /*No nemesis?  Skip. */
     say pad right(age,3) pad center(name,20) pad center(nems,30) /*display an  "S".   */
     end   /*n*/                                /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */</lang>

output   when using the in-code relations (data):

     age              name                         nemesis
     ───      ────────────────────      ──────────────────────────────
      27             Jonah                      Whales Spiders
      18              Alan                      Ghosts Zombies
      28             Glory                          Buffy
      28              Alan                      Ghosts Zombies


<lang ring>Table1 = [[27, "Jonah"], [18, "Alan"], [28, "Glory"], [18, "Popeye"], [28, "Alan"]] Table2 = [["Jonah", "Whales"], ["Jonah", "Spiders"], ["Alan", "Ghosts"], ["Alan", "Zombies"], ["Glory", "Buffy"]] hTable = [] Qtable = []

for a in table1 h = hashing(a[2]) add(htable,[h , a]) next

for b in table2 h = hashing(b[1]) for sh in htable if sh[1] = h add(qtable, sh[2] + b[2]) ok next next


  1. ===============End of Execution=========

func print lst see "--------------------------------------------------- Age | Name || Name | Nemesis

" for l in lst see string(l[1]) + char(9) + "| " + l[2] + copy(char(9),2) + "|| " + l[2] + " " + char(9) + "| " + l[3] + nl next

func Hashing str r = 0 if len(str) > 4 r = (ascii(str[1]) + ascii(str[len(str)]) + ascii(str[ceil(len(str) * 0.25)]) + ascii(str[ceil(len(str) * 0.75)])) else for s in str r += ascii(s) next ok return r</lang>

Age     | Name          || Name         | Nemesis
27      | Jonah         || Jonah        | Whales
27      | Jonah         || Jonah        | Whales
18      | Alan          || Alan         | Ghosts
28      | Alan          || Alan         | Ghosts
18      | Alan          || Alan         | Ghosts
28      | Alan          || Alan         | Ghosts
28      | Glory         || Glory        | Buffy


<lang ruby>def hashJoin(table1, index1, table2, index2)

 # hash phase
 h = table1.group_by {|s| s[index1]}
 h.default = []
 # join phase
 table2.collect {|r|
   h[r[index2]].collect {|s| [s, r]}


table1 = [[27, "Jonah"],

         [18, "Alan"],
         [28, "Glory"],
         [18, "Popeye"],
         [28, "Alan"]]

table2 = [["Jonah", "Whales"],

         ["Jonah", "Spiders"],
         ["Alan", "Ghosts"],
         ["Alan", "Zombies"],
         ["Glory", "Buffy"]]

hashJoin(table1, 1, table2, 0).each { |row| p row }</lang>

[[27, "Jonah"], ["Jonah", "Whales"]]
[[27, "Jonah"], ["Jonah", "Spiders"]]
[[18, "Alan"], ["Alan", "Ghosts"]]
[[28, "Alan"], ["Alan", "Ghosts"]]
[[18, "Alan"], ["Alan", "Zombies"]]
[[28, "Alan"], ["Alan", "Zombies"]]
[[28, "Glory"], ["Glory", "Buffy"]]


<lang Runbasic>sqliteconnect #mem, ":memory:"

  1. mem execute("CREATE TABLE t_age(age,name)")
  2. mem execute("CREATE TABLE t_name(name,nemesis)")
  1. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_age VALUES(27,'Jonah')")
  2. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_age VALUES(18,'Alan')")
  3. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_age VALUES(28,'Glory')")
  4. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_age VALUES(18,'Popeye')")
  5. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_age VALUES(28,'Alan')")
  1. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_name VALUES('Jonah','Whales')")
  2. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_name VALUES('Jonah','Spiders')")
  3. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_name VALUES('Alan','Ghosts')")
  4. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_name VALUES('Alan','Zombies')")
  5. mem execute("INSERT INTO t_name VALUES('Glory','Buffy')")
  1. mem execute("SELECT *,t_age.name FROM t_age LEFT JOIN t_name ON t_name.name = t_age.name")

WHILE #mem hasanswer() #row = #mem #nextrow() age = #row age() name$ = #row name$() nemesis$ = #row nemesis$() print age;" ";name$;" ";nemesis$ WEND</lang>Output:

27 Jonah Spiders
27 Jonah Whales
18 Alan Ghosts
18 Alan Zombies
28 Glory Buffy
18 Popeye 
28 Alan Ghosts
28 Alan Zombies


<lang rust> use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {

   let table_a = vec![
       (27, "Jonah"), (18, "Alan"), (28, "Glory"), 
       (18, "Popeye"), (28, "Alan")
   let table_b = vec![
       ("Jonah", "Whales"), ("Jonah", "Spiders"), ("Alan", "Ghosts"), 
       ("Alan", "Zombies"), ("Glory", "Buffy")
   // hash phase
   let mut h = HashMap::new();
   for (i, a) in table_a.iter().enumerate() {
   // join phase
   for b in table_b {
       for i in h.get(b.0).unwrap_or(&vec![]) {
           let a = table_a.get(*i).unwrap();
           println!("{:?} {:?}", a, b);

} </lang>

(27, "Jonah") ("Jonah", "Whales")
(27, "Jonah") ("Jonah", "Spiders")
(18, "Alan") ("Alan", "Ghosts")
(28, "Alan") ("Alan", "Ghosts")
(18, "Alan") ("Alan", "Zombies")
(28, "Alan") ("Alan", "Zombies")
(28, "Glory") ("Glory", "Buffy")


<lang Scala>def join[Type](left: Seq[Seq[Type]], right: Seq[Seq[Type]]) = {

   val hash = right.groupBy(_.head) withDefaultValue Seq()
   left.flatMap(cols => hash(cols.last).map(cols ++ _.tail))


// Example:

val table1 = List(List("27", "Jonah"),

                 List("18", "Alan"),
                 List("28", "Glory"),
                 List("18", "Popeye"),
                 List("28", "Alan"))

val table2 = List(List("Jonah", "Whales"),

                 List("Jonah", "Spiders"),
                 List("Alan", "Ghosts"),
                 List("Alan", "Zombies"),
                 List("Glory", "Buffy"))

println(join(table1, table2) mkString "\n")</lang>

List(27, Jonah, Whales)
List(27, Jonah, Spiders)
List(18, Alan, Ghosts)
List(18, Alan, Zombies)
List(28, Glory, Buffy)
List(28, Alan, Ghosts)
List(28, Alan, Zombies)


Works with: Gauche Scheme

<lang Scheme>(use srfi-42)

(define ages '((27 Jonah) (18 Alan) (28 Glory) (18 Popeye) (28 Alan)))

(define nemeses '((Jonah Whales) (Jonah Spiders) (Alan Ghosts)

                 (Alan Zombies) (Glory Buffy)
                 (unknown nothing)))

(define hash (make-hash-table 'equal?))

(dolist (item ages)

 (hash-table-push! hash (last item) (car item)))


 (: person nemeses)
 (:let name (car person))
 (if (hash-table-exists? hash name))
 (: age (~ hash name))
 (print (list (list age name)


((27 Jonah) (Jonah Whales))
((27 Jonah) (Jonah Spiders))
((28 Alan) (Alan Ghosts))
((18 Alan) (Alan Ghosts))
((28 Alan) (Alan Zombies))
((18 Alan) (Alan Zombies))
((28 Glory) (Glory Buffy))


<lang ruby>func hashJoin(table1, index1, table2, index2) {

   var a = []
   var h = Hash()
   # hash phase
   table1.each { |s|
       h{s[index1]} := [] << s
   # join phase
   table2.each { |r|
       a += h{r[index2]}.map{[_,r]}
   return a


var t1 = [[27, "Jonah"],

          [18, "Alan"],
          [28, "Glory"],
          [18, "Popeye"],
          [28, "Alan"]]

var t2 = [["Jonah", "Whales"],

          ["Jonah", "Spiders"],
          ["Alan", "Ghosts"],
          ["Alan", "Zombies"],
          ["Glory", "Buffy"]]

hashJoin(t1, 1, t2, 0).each { .say }</lang>

[[27, 'Jonah'], ['Jonah', 'Whales']]
[[27, 'Jonah'], ['Jonah', 'Spiders']]
[[18, 'Alan'], ['Alan', 'Ghosts']]
[[28, 'Alan'], ['Alan', 'Ghosts']]
[[18, 'Alan'], ['Alan', 'Zombies']]
[[28, 'Alan'], ['Alan', 'Zombies']]
[[28, 'Glory'], ['Glory', 'Buffy']]


Setting up the data is a bit verbose: <lang sql>create table people (age decimal(3), name varchar(16)); insert into people (age, name) values (27, 'Jonah'); insert into people (age, name) values (18, 'Alan'); insert into people (age, name) values (28, 'Glory'); insert into people (age, name) values (18, 'Popeye'); insert into people (age, name) values (28, 'Alan');

create table nemesises (name varchar(16), nemesis varchar(16)); insert into nemesises (name, nemesis) values ('Jonah', 'Whales'); insert into nemesises (name, nemesis) values ('Jonah', 'Spiders'); insert into nemesises (name, nemesis) values ('Alan', 'Ghosts'); insert into nemesises (name, nemesis) values ('Alan', 'Zombies'); insert into nemesises (name, nemesis) values ('Glory', 'Buffy');</lang>

Doing the join is concise. But we don't actually have control over how the join is implemented, so this might not actually be a hash join... <lang sql>select * from people p join nemesises n on p.name = n.name</lang>

       AGE NAME             NAME             NEMESIS
---------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
        27 Jonah            Jonah            Whales
        27 Jonah            Jonah            Spiders
        28 Alan             Alan             Ghosts
        18 Alan             Alan             Ghosts
        28 Alan             Alan             Zombies
        18 Alan             Alan             Zombies
        28 Glory            Glory            Buffy


Tcl uses hash tables to implement both its associative arrays and its dictionaries. <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

  1. Only for lmap, which can be replaced with foreach

proc joinTables {tableA a tableB b} {

   # Optimisation: if the first table is longer, do in reverse order
   if {[llength $tableB] < [llength $tableA]} {

return [lmap pair [joinTables $tableB $b $tableA $a] { lreverse $pair }]

   foreach value $tableA {

lappend hashmap([lindex $value $a]) [lreplace $value $a $a] #dict version# dict lappend hashmap [lindex $value $a] [lreplace $value $a $a]

   set result {}
   foreach value $tableB {

set key [lindex $value $b] if {![info exists hashmap($key)]} continue #dict version# if {![dict exists $hashmap $key]} continue foreach first $hashmap($key) { #dict version# foreach first [dict get $hashmap $key] lappend result [list {*}$first $key {*}[lreplace $value $b $b]] }

   return $result


set tableA {

   {27 "Jonah"} {18 "Alan"} {28 "Glory"} {18 "Popeye"} {28 "Alan"}

} set tableB {

   {"Jonah" "Whales"} {"Jonah" "Spiders"} {"Alan" "Ghosts"} {"Alan" "Zombies"}
   {"Glory" "Buffy"}

} set joined [joinTables $tableA 1 $tableB 0] foreach row $joined {

   puts $row


27 Jonah Whales
27 Jonah Spiders
18 Alan Ghosts
28 Alan Ghosts
18 Alan Zombies
28 Alan Zombies
28 Glory Buffy


Generic hash join. Arguments left-key and right-key are functions applied to the elements of the left and right sequences to retrieve the join key.

<lang txrlisp>(defvar age-name '((27 Jonah)

                  (18 Alan)
                  (28 Glory)
                  (18 Popeye)
                  (28 Alan)))

(defvar nemesis-name '((Jonah Whales)

                      (Jonah Spiders)
                      (Alan Ghosts)
                      (Alan Zombies)
                      (Glory Buffy)))

(defun hash-join (left left-key right right-key)

 (let ((join-hash [group-by left-key left])) ;; hash phase
   (append-each ((r-entry right))            ;; join phase
     (collect-each ((l-entry [join-hash [right-key r-entry]]))
       ^(,l-entry ,r-entry)))))

(format t "~s\n" [hash-join age-name second nemesis-name first])</lang>

$ txr hash-join.tl
(((27 Jonah) (Jonah Whales)) ((27 Jonah) (Jonah Spiders)) ((18 Alan) (Alan Ghosts)) ((28 Alan) (Alan Ghosts)) ((18 Alan) (Alan Zombies)) ((28 Alan) (Alan Zombies)) ((28 Glory) (Glory Buffy)))


<lang vb> Dim t_age(4,1) t_age(0,0) = 27 : t_age(0,1) = "Jonah" t_age(1,0) = 18 : t_age(1,1) = "Alan" t_age(2,0) = 28 : t_age(2,1) = "Glory" t_age(3,0) = 18 : t_age(3,1) = "Popeye" t_age(4,0) = 28 : t_age(4,1) = "Alan"

Dim t_nemesis(4,1) t_nemesis(0,0) = "Jonah" : t_nemesis(0,1) = "Whales" t_nemesis(1,0) = "Jonah" : t_nemesis(1,1) = "Spiders" t_nemesis(2,0) = "Alan" : t_nemesis(2,1) = "Ghosts" t_nemesis(3,0) = "Alan" : t_nemesis(3,1) = "Zombies" t_nemesis(4,0) = "Glory" : t_nemesis(4,1) = "Buffy"

Call hash_join(t_age,1,t_nemesis,0)

Sub hash_join(table_1,index_1,table_2,index_2) Set hash = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") For i = 0 To UBound(table_1) hash.Add i,Array(table_1(i,0),table_1(i,1)) Next For j = 0 To UBound(table_2) For Each key In hash.Keys If hash(key)(index_1) = table_2(j,index_2) Then WScript.StdOut.WriteLine hash(key)(0) & "," & hash(key)(1) &_ " = " & table_2(j,0) & "," & table_2(j,1) End If Next Next End Sub </lang>

27,Jonah = Jonah,Whales
27,Jonah = Jonah,Spiders
18,Alan = Alan,Ghosts
28,Alan = Alan,Ghosts
18,Alan = Alan,Zombies
28,Alan = Alan,Zombies
28,Glory = Glory,Buffy

Visual FoxPro

Hashing using the common key (name) gives ambiguous results as the name column is not unique in either table (a unique key could be formed by using the age and name columns) . This implementation forces a unique key on the people table. <lang vfp> LOCAL i As Integer, n As Integer CLOSE DATABASES ALL

  • !* Create and populate the hash tables

CREATE CURSOR people_ids(id I, used L DEFAULT .F.) INDEX ON id TAG id COLLATE "Machine" INDEX ON used TAG used BINARY COLLATE "Machine" SET ORDER TO 0 CREATE CURSOR nem_ids(id I, used L DEFAULT .F.) INDEX ON id TAG id COLLATE "Machine" INDEX ON used TAG used BINARY COLLATE "Machine" SET ORDER TO 0 n = 100 FOR i = 1 TO n

   INSERT INTO people_ids (id) VALUES (i)
   INSERT INTO nem_ids (id) VALUES (i)


CREATE CURSOR people (age I, name V(16), id I) INDEX ON id TAG id COLLATE "Machine" INDEX ON name TAG name COLLATE "Machine" SET ORDER TO 0 INSERT INTO people (age, name) VALUES (27, "Jonah") INSERT INTO people (age, name) VALUES (18, "Alan") INSERT INTO people (age, name) VALUES (28, "Glory") INSERT INTO people (age, name) VALUES (18, "Popeye") INSERT INTO people (age, name) VALUES (28, "Alan") REPLACE id WITH HashMe("people_ids") ALL

  • !* The plural of nemesis is nemeses

CREATE CURSOR nemeses (name V(16), nemesis V(16), p_id I, id I) INDEX ON id TAG id COLLATE "Machine" INDEX ON p_id TAG p_id COLLATE "Machine" INDEX ON name TAG name COLLATE "Machine" SET ORDER TO 0

INSERT INTO nemeses (name, nemesis) VALUES ("Jonah", "Whales") INSERT INTO nemeses (name, nemesis) VALUES ("Jonah", "Spiders") INSERT INTO nemeses (name, nemesis) VALUES ("Alan", "Ghosts") INSERT INTO nemeses (name, nemesis) VALUES ("Alan", "Zombies") INSERT INTO nemeses (name, nemesis) VALUES ("Glory", "Buffy") REPLACE id WITH HashMe("nem_ids") ALL UPDATE nemeses SET p_id = people.id FROM people ; WHERE nemeses.name = people.name

  • !* Show the join

SELECT pe.age, pe.name, ne.nemesis FROM people pe ; JOIN nemeses ne ON pe.id = ne.p_id TO FILE "hashjoin.txt"

FUNCTION HashMe(cTable As String) As Integer LOCAL ARRAY a[1] SELECT MIN(id) FROM (cTable) WHERE NOT used INTO ARRAY a UPDATE (cTable) SET used = .T. WHERE id = a[1] RETURN a[1] ENDFUNC </lang>

AGE NAME      NEMESIS                                                
 27 Jonah     Whales                                                 
 27 Jonah     Spiders                                                
 18 Alan      Ghosts                                                 
 18 Alan      Zombies                                                
 28 Glory     Buffy                                                  


Join two tables by hashing on the common key (name). The resulting join is the intersection of the two tables. <lang zkl>ageName:=T(27,"Jonah", 18,"Alan", 28,"Glory", 18,"Popeye", 28,"Alan"); nameNemesis:=T("Jonah","Whales", "Jonah","Spiders", "Alan","Ghosts",

     "Alan","Zombies", "Glory","Buffy");

fcn addAN(age,name,d){ // keys are names, values are ( (age,...),() )

  if (r:=d.find(name)) d[name] = T(r[0].append(age),r[1]);
  else d.add(name,T(T(age),T));
  d	// return d so pump will use that as result for assignment

} fcn addNN(name,nemesis,d){ // values-->( (age,age...), (nemesis,...) )

  if (r:=d.find(name)){
     ages,nemesises := r;
     d[name] = T(ages,nemesises.append(nemesis));


   // Void.Read --> take existing i, read next one, pass both to next function

var d=ageName.pump(Void,Void.Read,T(addAN,Dictionary())); nameNemesis.pump(Void,Void.Read,T(addNN,d));

d.println(); // the union of the two tables d.keys.sort().pump(Console.println,'wrap(name){ //pretty print the join

  val:=d[name]; if (not val[1])return(Void.Skip);

})</lang> zkl Dictionaries only have one key
