Heronian triangles: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: put statements on same line instead of splitting them for perusability.)
m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added another programming note in the REXX section header.)
Line 679:
Note that the   '''iSqrt'''   subroutine doesn't use floating point.
The REXX statement (line 22)     ''if pos(.,_)\==0''     isn't normally used for a general-purpose check if a number is an integer   (or not),
<br>this version was used because it's faster then the usual statement: &nbsp; &nbsp; ''if \datatype(_,'Whole')'' &nbsp; &nbsp; and because the number is well-formed.
This REXX program doesn't need to explicitly sort the triangles.

Revision as of 11:27, 7 January 2015

Heronian triangles
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Heron's formula for the area of a triangle given the length of its three sides a, b, and c is given by:

where s is half the perimeter of the triangle; that is,

Heronian triangles are triangles whose sides and area are all integers.

An example is the triangle with sides 3, 4, 5 whose area is 6 (and whose perimeter is 12).

Note that any triangle whose sides are all an integer multiple of 3,4,5; such as 6,8,10, will also be a heronian triangle.

Define a Primitive Heronian triangle as a heronian triangle where the greatest common divisor of all three sides is 1. this will exclude, for example triangle 6,8,10

The task is to:

  1. Create a named function/method/procedure/... that implements Hero's formula.
  2. Use the function to generate all the primitive heronian triangles with sides <= 200.
  3. Show the count of how many triangles are found.
  4. Order the triangles by first increasing area, then by increasing perimeter, then by increasing maximum side lengths
  5. Show the first ten ordered triangles in a table of sides, perimeter, and area.
  6. Show a similar ordered table for those triangles with area = 210

Show all output here.

Note: when generating triangles it may help to restrict


Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.math, std.range, std.algorithm, std.numeric, std.traits, std.typecons;

double hero(in uint a, in uint b, in uint c) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   immutable s = (a + b + c) / 2.0;
   immutable a2 = s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c);
   return (a2 > 0) ? a2.sqrt : 0.0;


bool isHeronian(in uint a, in uint b, in uint c) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   immutable h = hero(a, b, c);
   return h > 0 && h.floor == h.ceil;


T gcd3(T)(in T x, in T y, in T z) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   return gcd(gcd(x, y), z);


void main() /*@safe*/ {

   enum uint maxSide = 200;
   // Sort by increasing area, perimeter, then sides.
   //auto h = cartesianProduct!3(iota(1, maxSide + 1))
   auto r = iota(1, maxSide + 1);
   const h = cartesianProduct(r, r, r)
             //.filter!({a, b, c} => ...
             .filter!(t => t[0] <= t[1] && t[1] <= t[2] &&
                           t[0] + t[1] > t[2] &&
                           t[].gcd3 == 1 && t[].isHeronian)
             .schwartzSort!(t => tuple(t[].hero, t[].only.sum, t.reverse))
   static void showTriangles(R)(R ts) @safe {
       "Area Perimeter Sides".writeln;
       foreach (immutable t; ts)
           writefln("%3s %8d %3dx%dx%d", t[].hero, t[].only.sum, t[]);
   writefln("Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %d: %d", maxSide, h.length);
   "\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:".writeln;
   "\nAll with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:".writeln;
   showTriangles(h.filter!(t => t[].hero == 210));


Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:
Area Perimeter Sides
  6       12   3x4x5
 12       16   5x5x6
 12       18   5x5x8
 24       32   4x13x15
 30       30   5x12x13
 36       36   9x10x17
 36       54   3x25x26
 42       42   7x15x20
 60       36  10x13x13
 60       40   8x15x17

All with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:
Area Perimeter Sides
210       70  17x25x28
210       70  20x21x29
210       84  12x35x37
210       84  17x28x39
210      140   7x65x68
210      300   3x148x149


Supporting implementation:

<lang J>a=:0&{"1 b=:1&{"1 c=:2&{"1 s=:(a+b+c)%2: A=:2 %: s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c) P=:+/"1 isprimhero=:(0&~:*(=<.@+))@A*1=a+.b+.c

tri=: (/: A,.P,.{:"1) (#~ isprimhero)~./:"1~1+200 200 200#:i.200^3</lang>

Required examples:

<lang J> #tri 517

  10{.(,._,.A,.P) tri
3  4  5 _  6 12
5  5  6 _ 12 16
5  5  8 _ 12 18
4 13 15 _ 24 32
5 12 13 _ 30 30
9 10 17 _ 36 36
3 25 26 _ 36 54
7 15 20 _ 42 42

10 13 13 _ 60 36

8 15 17 _ 60 40
  (#~210=A) (,._,.A,.P) tri

17 25 28 _ 210 70 20 21 29 _ 210 70 12 35 37 _ 210 84 17 28 39 _ 210 84

7  65  68 _ 210 140
3 148 149 _ 210 300</lang>


Works with: jq version 1.4

<lang jq># input should be an array of the lengths of the sides def hero:

 (add/2) as $s
 | ($s*($s - .[0])*($s - .[1])*($s - .[2])) as $a2
 | if $a2 > 0 then ($a2 | sqrt) else 0 end;

def is_heronian:

 hero as $h
 | $h > 0 and ($h|floor) == $h;

def gcd3(x; y; z):

 # subfunction expects [a,b] as input
 def rgcd:
   if .[1] == 0 then .[0]
   else [.[1], .[0] % .[1]] | rgcd
 [ ([x,y] | rgcd), z ] | rgcd;

def task(maxside):

 def rjust(width): tostring |  " " * (width - length) + .;
 [ range(1; maxside+1) as $c
   | range(1; $c+1) as $b
   | range(1; $b+1) as $a
   | if ($a + $b) > $c and gcd3($a; $b; $c) == 1
     then [$a,$b,$c] | if is_heronian then . else empty end
     else empty
     end ]
 # sort by increasing area, perimeter, then sides
 | sort_by( [ hero, add, .[2] ] )  
 | "The number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to \(maxside): \(length)",
   "The first ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter, then maximum sides:",
   "      perimeter area",
   (.[0:10][] | "\(rjust(11)) \(add | rjust(3)) \(hero | rjust(4))" ),
   "All those with area 210, ordered as previously:",
   "      perimeter area",
   ( .[] | select( hero == 210 ) | "\(rjust(11)) \(add|rjust(3)) \(hero|rjust(4))" ) ;



<lang sh>$ time jq -n -r -f heronian.jq The number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517 The first ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter, then maximum sides:

     perimeter area
   [3,4,5]  12    6
   [5,5,6]  16   12
   [5,5,8]  18   12
 [4,13,15]  32   24
 [5,12,13]  30   30
 [9,10,17]  36   36
 [3,25,26]  54   36
 [7,15,20]  42   42
[10,13,13]  36   60
 [8,15,17]  40   60

All those with area 210, ordered as previously:

     perimeter area
[17,25,28]  70  210
[20,21,29]  70  210
[12,35,37]  84  210
[17,28,39]  84  210
 [7,65,68] 140  210

[3,148,149] 300 210</lang>


Derived from REXX with some changes <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm generates primitive Heronian triangles by side length & area.*/

 Call time 'R'
 Numeric Digits 12
 Parse Arg mxs area list
 If mxs = Then mxs =200
 If area= Then area=210
 If list= Then list=10
 tx='primitive Heronian triangles'
 Call heronian mxs            /* invoke sub with max SIDES.     */
 Say nt tx 'found with side length up to' mxs "(inclusive)."
 Call show '2'
 Call show '3'
 Say time('E') 'seconds elapsed'


 abc.=0  /* abc.ar.p.* contains 'a b c' for area ar and perimeter p */
 nt=0                              /* number of triangles found     */
 Do a=3 To mxs
   Do b=a To mxs
     Do c=b To mxs
       If hgcd(a,b,c)=1 Then Do    /* GCD=1                         */
         If pos('.',ar)=0 Then Do  /* is an integer                 */
           nt=nt+1                 /* a primitive Heronian triangle.*/
           Call minmax '0P',p
           Call minmax '0A',a
           abc_ar=right(per,4) right(a,4) right(b,4) right(c,4),
           Call mem abc_ar
 say 'min.p='min.0p
 say 'max.p='max.0p
 say 'min.a='min.0a
 say 'max.a='max.0a
 Return nt

hgcd: Procedure

 Parse Arg x
 Do j=2 For 2
   Do Until _==0
 Return x


 Parse Arg which,x
 If min.which= Then Do
 Else Do
 --Say which min.which '-' max.which


 p=ab+c                           /* perimeter                      */
 ar2=s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)          /* area**2                        */
 If pos(right(ar2,1),'014569')=0 Then /* ar2 cannot be              */
   Return '.'                         /* square of an integer*/
 If ar2>0 Then
   ar=sqrt(ar2)                   /* area                           */
 Return ar

show: Parse Arg which

   When which='2' Then Do
     Say 'Listing of the first' list tx":"
     Do i=1 To list
       Call ot i,mem.i
   When which='3' Then Do
     Say 'Listing of the' tx "with area=210"
     Do i=1 To mem.0
       Parse Var mem.i per a b c area
       If area=210 Then Do
         Call ot j,mem.i

ot: Parse Arg k,mem

   Parse Var mem per a b c area
   Say right(k,9)'     area:'right(area,6)||,
               '      perimeter:'right(per,4)'     sides:',
                      right(a,3) right(b,3) right(c,3)


 Parse Arg e
 Do i=1 To mem.0
   If mem.i>>e Then Leave
 Do j=mem.0 to i By -1

/* for "Classic" REXX sqrt: procedure; parse arg x;if x=0 then return 0;d=digits();numeric digits 11 numeric form; parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0' with g 'E' _ .; g=g*.5'E'_%2 p=d+d%4+2; m.=11; do j=0 while p>9; m.j=p; p=p%2+1; end; do k=j+5 to 0 by -1 if m.k>11 then numeric digits m.k;g=.5*(g+x/g);end;numeric digits d;return g/1

  • /

/* for ooRexx */

requires rxmath library
routine sqrt
 Return rxCalcSqrt(arg(1),14)</lang>
517 primitive Heronian triangles found with side length up to 200 (inclusive).

Listing of the first 10 primitive Heronian triangles:
        1     area:     6      perimeter:  12     sides:   3   4   5
        2     area:    12      perimeter:  16     sides:   5   5   6
        3     area:    12      perimeter:  18     sides:   5   5   8
        4     area:    30      perimeter:  30     sides:   5  12  13
        5     area:    24      perimeter:  32     sides:   4  13  15
        6     area:    36      perimeter:  36     sides:   9  10  17
        7     area:    60      perimeter:  36     sides:  10  13  13
        8     area:    60      perimeter:  40     sides:   8  15  17
        9     area:    42      perimeter:  42     sides:   7  15  20
       10     area:    84      perimeter:  42     sides:  13  14  15

Listing of the primitive Heronian triangles with area=210
        1     area:   210      perimeter:  70     sides:  17  25  28
        2     area:   210      perimeter:  70     sides:  20  21  29
        3     area:   210      perimeter:  84     sides:  12  35  37
        4     area:   210      perimeter:  84     sides:  17  28  39
        5     area:   210      perimeter: 140     sides:   7  65  68
        6     area:   210      perimeter: 300     sides:   3 148 149
26.054000 seconds elapsed 


Translation of: Perl 6

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw(max);

sub gcd { $_[1] == 0 ? $_[0] : gcd($_[1], $_[0] % $_[1]) }

sub hero {

   my ($a, $b, $c) = @_[0,1,2];
   my $s = ($a + $b + $c) / 2;
   sqrt $s*($s - $a)*($s - $b)*($s - $c);


sub heronian_area {

   my $hero = hero my ($a, $b, $c) = @_[0,1,2];
   sprintf("%.0f", $hero) eq $hero ? $hero : 0


sub primitive_heronian_area {

   my ($a, $b, $c) = @_[0,1,2];
   heronian_area($a, $b, $c) if 1 == gcd $a, gcd $b, $c;


sub show {

   print "   Area Perimeter   Sides\n";
   for (@_) {
       my ($area, $perim, $c, $b, $a) = @$_;

printf "%7d %9d %d×%d×%d\n", $area, $perim, $a, $b, $c;



sub main {

   my $maxside = shift // 200;
   my $first = shift // 10;
   my $witharea = shift // 210;
   my @h;
   for my $c (1 .. $maxside) {

for my $b (1 .. $c) { for my $a ($c - $b + 1 .. $b) { if (my $area = primitive_heronian_area $a, $b, $c) { push @h, [$area, $a+$b+$c, $c, $b, $a]; } } }

   @h = sort {

$a->[0] <=> $b->[0] or $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] or max(@$a[2,3,4]) <=> max(@$b[2,3,4])

   } @h;
   printf "Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %d: %d\n",
   scalar @h;
   print "First:\n";
   show @h[0 .. $first - 1];
   print "Area $witharea:\n";
   show grep { $_->[0] == $witharea } @h;



Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517
   Area Perimeter   Sides
      6        12    3×4×5
     12        16    5×5×6
     12        18    5×5×8
     24        32    4×13×15
     30        30    5×12×13
     36        36    9×10×17
     36        54    3×25×26
     42        42    7×15×20
     60        36    10×13×13
     60        40    8×15×17
Area 210:
   Area Perimeter   Sides
    210        70    17×25×28
    210        70    20×21×29
    210        84    12×35×37
    210        84    17×28×39
    210       140    7×65×68
    210       300    3×148×149

Perl 6

Works with: rakudo version 2015-01-03

<lang perl6>sub hero($a, $b, $c) {

   my $s = ($a + $b + $c) / 2;
   my $a2 = $s * ($s - $a) * ($s - $b) * ($s - $c);


sub heronian-area($a, $b, $c) {

   $_ when Int given hero($a, $b, $c).narrow;


sub primitive-heronian-area($a, $b, $c) {

   heronian-area $a, $b, $c
       if 1 == [gcd] $a, $b, $c;


sub show {

   say "   Area Perimeter   Sides";
   for @_ -> [$area, $perim, $c, $b, $a] {

printf "%6d %6d %12s\n", $area, $perim, "$a×$b×$c";



sub MAIN ($maxside = 200, $first = 10, $witharea = 210) {

   my \h = sort gather
       for 1 .. $maxside -> $c {
           for 1 .. $c -> $b {
               for $c - $b + 1 .. $b -> $a {
                   if primitive-heronian-area($a,$b,$c) -> $area {
                       take [$area, $a+$b+$c, $c, $b, $a];
   say "Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to $maxside: ", +h;
   say "\nFirst $first:";
   show h[^$first];
   say "\nArea $witharea:";
   show h.grep: *[0] == $witharea;


Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First 10:
   Area Perimeter   Sides
     6     12        3×4×5
    12     16        5×5×6
    12     18        5×5×8
    24     32      4×13×15
    30     30      5×12×13
    36     36      9×10×17
    36     54      3×25×26
    42     42      7×15×20
    60     36     10×13×13
    60     40      8×15×17

Area 210:
   Area Perimeter   Sides
   210     70     17×25×28
   210     70     20×21×29
   210     84     12×35×37
   210     84     17×28×39
   210    140      7×65×68
   210    300    3×148×149


<lang python>from math import sqrt from fractions import gcd from itertools import product

def hero(a, b, c):

   s = (a + b + c) / 2
   a2 = s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)
   return sqrt(a2) if a2 > 0 else 0

def is_heronian(a, b, c):

   a = hero(a, b, c)
   return a > 0 and a.is_integer()

def gcd3(x, y, z):

   return gcd(gcd(x, y), z)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   maxside = 200
   h = [(a, b, c) for a,b,c in product(range(1, maxside + 1), repeat=3) 
        if a <= b <= c and a + b > c and gcd3(a, b, c) == 1 and is_heronian(a, b, c)]
   h.sort(key = lambda x: (hero(*x), sum(x), x[::-1]))   # By increasing area, perimeter, then sides
   print('Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %i:' % maxside, len(h))
   print('\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:')
   print('\n'.join('  %14r perim: %3i area: %i' 
                   % (sides, sum(sides), hero(*sides)) for sides in h[:10]))
   print('\nAll with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:')
   print('\n'.join('  %14r perim: %3i area: %i' 
                   % (sides, sum(sides), hero(*sides)) for sides in h
                   if hero(*sides) == 210))</lang>
Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:
       (3, 4, 5) perim:  12 area: 6
       (5, 5, 6) perim:  16 area: 12
       (5, 5, 8) perim:  18 area: 12
     (4, 13, 15) perim:  32 area: 24
     (5, 12, 13) perim:  30 area: 30
     (9, 10, 17) perim:  36 area: 36
     (3, 25, 26) perim:  54 area: 36
     (7, 15, 20) perim:  42 area: 42
    (10, 13, 13) perim:  36 area: 60
     (8, 15, 17) perim:  40 area: 60

All with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:
    (17, 25, 28) perim:  70 area: 210
    (20, 21, 29) perim:  70 area: 210
    (12, 35, 37) perim:  84 area: 210
    (17, 28, 39) perim:  84 area: 210
     (7, 65, 68) perim: 140 area: 210
   (3, 148, 149) perim: 300 area: 210


<lang>#lang racket (require xml/xml data/order)

Returns the area of triangle sides a, b, c

(define (A a b c)

 (define s (/ (+ a b c) 2)) ; where s=\frac{a+b+c}{2}.
 (sqrt (* s (- s a) (- s b) (- s c)))) ; A = \sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}
Returns same as A iff a, b, c and A are integers; #f otherwise

(define (heronian?-area a b c)

 (and (integer? a) (integer? b) (integer? c)
      (let ((h (A a b c))) (and (integer? h) h))))
Returns same as heronian?-area, with the additional condition that (gcd a b c) = 1

(define (primitive-heronian?-area a b c)

 (and (= 1 (gcd a b c))
      (heronian?-area a b c)))

(define (generate-heronian-triangles max-side)

     ((a (in-range 1 (add1 max-side)))
      (b (in-range 1 (add1 a)))
      (c (in-range 1 (add1 b)))
      #:when (< a (+ b c))
      (h (in-value (primitive-heronian?-area a b c)))
      #:when h)
   (define rv (vector h (+ a b c) (sort (list a b c) >))) ; datum-order can sort this for the tables
Order the triangles by first increasing area, then by increasing perimeter,
then by increasing maximum side lengths

(define (tri<? t1 t2)

 (eq? '< (datum-order t1 t2)))

(define triangle->tds (match-lambda [`#(,h ,p ,s) `((td ,(~a s)) (td ,(~a p)) (td ,(~a h)))]))

(define (triangles->table ts)

   (tr (th "#") (th "sides") (th "perimiter") (th "area")) "\n"
   ,@(for/list ((i (in-naturals 1)) (t ts)) `(tr (td ,(~a i)) ,@(triangle->tds t) "\n"))))

(define (sorted-triangles-table triangles)

 (triangles->table (sort triangles tri<?)))

(module+ main

 (define ts (generate-heronian-triangles 200))
 (define div-out
     (p "number of primitive triangles found with perimeter "le" 200 = " ,(~a (length ts))) "\n"
     ;; Show the first ten ordered triangles in a table of sides, perimeter, and area.
     ,(sorted-triangles-table (take (sort ts tri<?) 10)) "\n"
     ;; Show a similar ordered table for those triangles with area = 210
     ,(sorted-triangles-table (sort (filter (match-lambda [(vector 210 _ _) #t] [_ #f]) ts) tri<?))))
 (displayln (xexpr->string div-out)))</lang>

This program generates HTML, so the output is inline with the page, not in a <pre> block.


number of primitive triangles found with perimeter ≤ 200 = 517

1(5 4 3)126
2(6 5 5)1612
3(8 5 5)1812
4(15 13 4)3224
5(13 12 5)3030
6(17 10 9)3636
7(26 25 3)5436
8(20 15 7)4242
9(13 13 10)3660
10(17 15 8)4060
1(28 25 17)70210
2(29 21 20)70210
3(37 35 12)84210
4(39 28 17)84210
5(68 65 7)140210
6(149 148 3)300210


Programming notes:

The   hGCD   subroutine is a specialized version of a GCD routine in that it doesn't check for non-positive integers.

Also, a fair amount of code was added to optimize the speed   (at the expense of program simplicity);   by thoughtful ordering of
the "elimination" checks, and also the use of an integer version of a   SQRT   subroutine, the execution time was greatly reduced.

Note that the   iSqrt   subroutine doesn't use floating point.

The REXX statement (line 22)     if pos(.,_)\==0     isn't normally used for a general-purpose check if a number is an integer   (or not),
this version was used because it's faster then the usual statement:     if \datatype(_,'Whole')     and because the number is well-formed.

This REXX program doesn't need to explicitly sort the triangles. <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm generates primitive Heronian triangles by side length & area.*/ parse arg N first area . /*get optional N (sides). */ if N== | N==',' then N=200 /*maybe use the default. */ if first== | first==',' then first= 10 /* " " " " */ if area== | area==',' then area=210 /* " " " " */ numeric digits 99; numeric digits max(9, 1+length(N**5)) /*ensure 'nuff*/ call Heron /*invoke Heron subroutine. */ say # ' primitive Heronian triangles found with sides up to ' N " (inclusive)." call show , 'listing of the first ' first ' primitive Heronian triangles:' call show area, 'listing of the (above) found primitive Heronian triangles with an area of ' area exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────HERON subroutine────────────────────*/ Heron: @.=.; y=' '; minP=9e9; maxP=0; minA=9e9; maxA=0; Ln=length(N)

                  #=0;  #.=0;  #.2=1  #.3=1;  #.7=1;  #.8=1  /*¬good √.*/
 do     a=3  to N                     /*start at a minimum side length.*/
 ev= \ (a//2);           inc=1+ev     /*if A is even, B & C must be odd*/  
   do   b=a+ev  to N  by inc; ab=a+b  /*AB:  is used for summing below.*/
     do c=b     to N  by inc; p=ab+c;     s=p/2     /*calc Perimeter, S*/
     _=s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c); if _<=0  then iterate   /*_ isn't positive.*/
     if pos(.,_)\==0                 then iterate   /*not an integer.  */
     parse var _  -1 q  ; if #.q   then iterate   /*not good square. */
     ar=Isqrt(_);     if ar*ar\==_   then iterate   /*area not integer.*/
     if hGCD(a,b,c)\==1              then iterate   /*GCD of sides ¬1. */
     #=#+1                                          /*got prim. H. tri.*/
     minP=min( p,minP);   maxP=max( p,maxP);     Lp=length(maxP)
     minA=min(ar,minA);   maxA=max(ar,maxA);     La=length(maxA);   @.ar=
     if @.ar.p.0==.  then @.ar.p.0=0;  _=@.ar.p.0+1 /*bump triangle ctr*/
     @.ar.p.0=_;  @.ar.p._=right(a,Ln) right(b,Ln) right(c,Ln) /*unique*/
     end   /*c*/                      /* [↑]  keep each unique P items.*/
   end     /*b*/
 end       /*a*/

return # /*return # of Heronian triangles.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────HGCD subroutine─────────────────────*/ hGCD: procedure; parse arg x /*this sub handles exactly 3 args*/

  do j=2  for 2;  y=arg(j);  do  until _==0; _=x//y; x=y; y=_;  end;  end

return x /*──────────────────────────────────ISQRT subroutine────────────────────*/ iSqrt: procedure; parse arg x; x=x%1; if x==0 | x==1 then return x; q=1

 do while q<=x; q=q*4; end;     r=0        /*Q will be > X at loop end.*/
 do while q>1 ; q=q%4; _=x-r-q; r=r%2; if _>=0 then do;x=_;r=r+q;end; end

return r /* R is a postive integer. */ /*──────────────────────────────────SHOW subroutine─────────────────────*/ show: m=0; say; say; parse arg ae; say arg(2); if ae\== then first=9e9 say /* [↓] skip the nothings. */

     do   i=minA  to maxA;   if @.i==.  then iterate
     if ae\== & i\==ae   then iterate    /*Area specified? Then check*/
       do j=minP  to maxP  until m>=first  /*only list  FIRST  entries.*/
       if @.i.j.0==.  then iterate         /*Not defined? Then skip it.*/
         do k=1  for @.i.j.0;  m=m+1       /*visit each perimeter entry*/
         say right(m,9) y'area:' right(i,La) y"perimeter:" right(j,Lp) y'sides:' @.i.j.k
         end   /*k*/
       end     /*j*/                       /* [↑]  use known perimeters*/
     end       /*i*/                       /* [↑]  show found triangles*/

return</lang> output

517  primitive Heronian triangles found with sides up to  200  (inclusive).

listing of the first  10  primitive Heronian triangles:

        1        area:     6        perimeter:  12        sides:   3   4   5
        2        area:    12        perimeter:  16        sides:   5   5   6
        3        area:    12        perimeter:  18        sides:   5   5   8
        4        area:    24        perimeter:  32        sides:   4  13  15
        5        area:    30        perimeter:  30        sides:   5  12  13
        6        area:    36        perimeter:  36        sides:   9  10  17
        7        area:    36        perimeter:  54        sides:   3  25  26
        8        area:    42        perimeter:  42        sides:   7  15  20
        9        area:    60        perimeter:  36        sides:  10  13  13
       10        area:    60        perimeter:  40        sides:   8  15  17

listing of the (above) found primitive Heronian triangles with an area of  210

        1        area:   210        perimeter:  70        sides:  17  25  28
        2        area:   210        perimeter:  70        sides:  20  21  29
        3        area:   210        perimeter:  84        sides:  12  35  37
        4        area:   210        perimeter:  84        sides:  17  28  39
        5        area:   210        perimeter: 140        sides:   7  65  68
        6        area:   210        perimeter: 300        sides:   3 148 149


<lang ruby>Triangle = Struct.new(:a, :b, :c) do

 include Comparable
 def self.valid?(a,b,c)      # class method
   short, middle, long = [a, b, c].sort
   short + middle > long
 def sides
   @sides ||= [a, b, c].sort
 def perimeter
   @perimeter ||= a + b + c
 def semiperimeter
   @semiperimeter ||= perimeter/2.0
 def area
   s = semiperimeter
   @area ||= Math.sqrt(s*(s - a)*(s - b)*(s - c))
 def heronian?
   area == area.to_i
 def <=>(other)
   [area, perimeter, sides] <=> [other.area, other.perimeter, other.sides]
 def to_s


max, area = 200, 210 prim_triangles = [] 1.upto(max) do |a|

 a.upto(max) do |b|
   b.upto(max) do |c|
     next if a.gcd(b).gcd(c) > 1
     prim_triangles << Triangle.new(a, b, c) if Triangle.valid?(a, b, c)


sorted = prim_triangles.select(&:heronian?).sort

puts "Primitive heronian triangles with sides upto #{max}: #{sorted.size}" puts "\nsides \tperim.\tarea" sorted.first(10).each{|tr| puts tr } puts "\nTriangles with an area of: #{area}" sorted.select{|tr| tr.area == area}.each{|tr| puts tr } </lang>

Primitive heronian triangles with sides upto 200: 517

sides     	perim.	area
3x4x5     	12	6.0
5x5x6     	16	12.0
5x5x8     	18	12.0
4x13x15   	32	24.0
5x12x13   	30	30.0
9x10x17   	36	36.0
3x25x26   	54	36.0
7x15x20   	42	42.0
10x13x13  	36	60.0
8x15x17   	40	60.0

Triangles with an area of: 210
17x25x28  	70	210.0
20x21x29  	70	210.0
12x35x37  	84	210.0
17x28x39  	84	210.0
7x65x68   	140	210.0
3x148x149 	300	210.0


Translation of: Python

<lang zkl>fcn hero(a,b,c){ //--> area (float)

  s,a2:=(a + b + c).toFloat()/2, s*(s - a)*(s - b)*(s - c);
  (a2 > 0) and a2.sqrt() or 0.0

} fcn isHeronian(a,b,c){

  (A>0) and A.modf()[1].closeTo(0.0,1.0e-6) and A  //--> area or False

}</lang> <lang zkl>const MAX_SIDE=200; heros:=Sink(List); foreach a,b,c in ([1..MAX_SIDE],[a..MAX_SIDE],[b..MAX_SIDE]){

  if(a.gcd(b).gcd(c)==1 and (h:=isHeronian(a,b,c))) heros.write(T(h,a+b+c,a,b,c));

} // sort by increasing area, perimeter, then sides heros=heros.close().sort(fcn([(h1,p1,_,_,c1)],[(h2,p2,_,_,c2)]){

  if(h1!=h2) return(h1<h2);
  if(p1!=p2) return(p1<p2);


println("Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %d: ".fmt(MAX_SIDE),heros.len());

println("First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:"); println("Area Perimeter Sides"); heros[0,10].pump(fcn(phabc){ "%3s %8d %3dx%dx%d".fmt(phabc.xplode()).println() });

println("\nAll with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:"); println("Area Perimeter Sides"); heros.filter(fcn([(h,_)]){ h==210 })

 .pump(fcn(phabc){ "%3s %8d %3dx%dx%d".fmt(phabc.xplode()).println() });</lang>
Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517
First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:
Area Perimeter Sides
  6       12   3x4x5
 12       16   5x5x6
 12       18   5x5x8
 24       32   4x13x15
 30       30   5x12x13
 36       36   9x10x17
 36       54   3x25x26
 42       42   7x15x20
 60       36  10x13x13
 60       40   8x15x17

All with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:
Area Perimeter Sides
210       70  17x25x28
210       70  20x21x29
210       84  12x35x37
210       84  17x28x39
210      140   7x65x68
210      300   3x148x149