Heronian triangles: Difference between revisions

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(Updated to compile with Nim 1.4. Improved formatting. Replaced module "strfmt" by module "strformat".)
Line 2,991:
<lang nim>import math, algorithm, strfmtlenientops, strformat, sequtils
type HeronianTriangle = tuple[a, b, c: int; p: int; area: int]
HeronianTriangle = tuple
a: int
b: int
c: int
s: float
A: int
procfunc `$` (t: HeronianTriangle): string =
fmt("{t.a:3d}, {t.b:3d}, {:3d}\t{:7.3f}\t{c:3d}", {t.a,p:7d} {t.b, t.c, t.s, t.A)area:8d}"
proc hero(a:int, b:int, c:int): tuple[s, A: float] =
let s: float = (a + b + c) / 2
result = (s, sqrt( s * (s - float(a)) * (s - float(b)) * (s - float(c)) ))
proc isHeronianTriangle(x: float): bool = ceil(x) == x and x.toInt > 0
procfunc gcdhero(x:a, intb, yc: int): intfloat =
let s: float = (a + b + c) / 2
result = (s, sqrt( s * (s - float(a)) * (s - float(b)) * (s - float(c)) ))
procfunc isHeronianTriangle(x: float): bool = ceil(x) ==> x0 and ceil(x.toInt) >== 0x
func gcd(x, y: int): int =
(dividend, divisor) = if x > y: (x, y) else: (y, x)
remainder = dividend mod divisor
while remainder != 0:
dividend = divisor
Line 3,020 ⟶ 3,014:
remainder = dividend mod divisor
result = divisor
var list = newSeq[HeronianTriangle]()
const max = 200
func max(a, b, c: int): int = max(a, max(b, c))
for c in 1..max:
func gcd(a, b, c: int): int = gcd(a, gcd(b, c))
const Header = " Sides Perimeter Area\n------------- --------- ----"
var list: = newSeqseq[HeronianTriangle]()
const maxMax = 200
for c in 1..maxMax:
for b in 1..c:
for a in 1..b:
let (s, A)area = hero(a, b, c)
if isHeronianTriangle(Aarea) and gcd(a, gcd(b, c)) == 1:
let t: HeronianTriangle = (a, b, c, sa + b + c, Aarea.toInt)
echo "NumbersNumber of Heronian Triangle triangles: ", list.len
list.sort do (x, y: HeronianTriangle) -> int:
result = cmp(x.Aarea, y.Aarea)
if result == 0:
result = cmp(x.sp, y.sp)
if result == 0:
result = cmp(max(x.a, x.b, x.c), max(y.a, y.b, y.c))
echo "\nOrdered list of first ten Heronian triangles:"
echo "Ten first Heronian triangle ordered : "
echo Header
echo "Sides Perimeter Area"
for t in list[0 .. < 10]: echo t
echo t
echo "Heronian\nOrdered trianglelist orderedof Heronian triangles with Areaarea 210 : "
echo Header
echo "Sides Perimeter Area"
for t in list.filterfilterIt(proc (x: HeronianTriangle): bool = xit.Aarea == 210): echo t
echo t</lang>
<pre>NumbersNumber of Heronian Triangle triangles: 517
Ten first Heronian triangle ordered :
Ordered list of first ten Heronian triangles:
Sides Perimeter Area
3, Sides 4, 5 6.000 Perimeter 6Area
------------- --------- ----
5, 5, 6 8.000 12
53, 54, 8 5 9.000 12 6
45, 13 5, 15 6 16.000 24 12
5, 12 5, 13 15.000 8 30 18 12
94, 1013, 17 15 18.000 36 32 24
35, 2512, 26 13 27.000 36 30 30
79, 1510, 20 17 21.000 42 36 36
10 3, 1325, 13 26 54 18.000 6036
87, 15, 17 20.000 60 42 42
10, 13, 13 36 60
Heronian triangle ordered with Area 210 :
Sides 8, 15, 17 Perimeter Area 40 60
17, 25, 28 35.000 210
Ordered list of Heronian triangles with area 210:
20, 21, 29 35.000 210
Sides Sides Perimeter Area
12, 35, 37 42.000 210
------------- --------- ----
17, 28, 39 42.000 210
17, 725, 65,28 68 70.000 210
20, 21, 29 35.000 70 210
3, 148, 149 150.000 210</pre>
12, 35, 37 42.000 84 210
17, 28, 39 42.000 84 210
7, 65, 68 140 210
3, 148, 149 150.000 300 210</pre>

Revision as of 19:06, 12 January 2021

Heronian triangles
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Hero's formula for the area of a triangle given the length of its three sides   a,   b,   and   c   is given by:

where   s   is half the perimeter of the triangle; that is,

Heronian triangles are triangles whose sides and area are all integers.

An example is the triangle with sides   3, 4, 5   whose area is   6   (and whose perimeter is   12).

Note that any triangle whose sides are all an integer multiple of   3, 4, 5;   such as   6, 8, 10,   will also be a Heronian triangle.

Define a Primitive Heronian triangle as a Heronian triangle where the greatest common divisor of all three sides is   1   (unity).

This will exclude, for example, triangle   6, 8, 10.

  1. Create a named function/method/procedure/... that implements Hero's formula.
  2. Use the function to generate all the primitive Heronian triangles with sides <= 200.
  3. Show the count of how many triangles are found.
  4. Order the triangles by first increasing area, then by increasing perimeter, then by increasing maximum side lengths
  5. Show the first ten ordered triangles in a table of sides, perimeter, and area.
  6. Show a similar ordered table for those triangles with area = 210

Show all output here.

Note: when generating triangles it may help to restrict


Translation of: Python

<lang 11l>F gcd(=u, =v)

  L v != 0
     (u, v) = (v, u % v)
  R abs(u)

F hero(a, b, c)

  V s = (a + b + c) / 2
  V a2 = s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)
  R I a2 > 0 {sqrt(a2)} E 0

F is_heronian(a, b, c)

  V x = hero(a, b, c)
  R x > 0 & fract(x) == 0

F gcd3(x, y, z)

  R gcd(gcd(x, y), z)

V MAXSIDE = 200 [(Int, Int, Int)] h L(x) 1..MAXSIDE

  L(y) x..MAXSIDE
     L(z) y..MAXSIDE
        I (x + y > z) & gcd3(x, y, z) == 1 & is_heronian(x, y, z)
           h [+]= (x, y, z)

h = sorted(h, key' x -> (hero(x[0], x[1], x[2]), sum(x), (x[2], x[1], x[0])))

print(‘Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to #.: #.’.format(MAXSIDE, h.len)) print("\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter, then maximum sides:") print(h[0.<10].map3((x, y, z) -> ‘ #14 perim: #3 area: #.’.format(String((x, y, z)), x + y + z, hero(x, y, z))).join("\n")) print("\nAll with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:") print(h.filter3((x, y, z) -> hero(x, y, z) == 210).map3((x, y, z) -> ‘ #14 perim: #3 area: #.’.format(String((x, y, z)), x + y + z, hero(x, y, z))).join("\n"))</lang>

Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter, then maximum sides:
       (3, 4, 5) perim:  12 area: 6
       (5, 5, 6) perim:  16 area: 12
       (5, 5, 8) perim:  18 area: 12
     (4, 13, 15) perim:  32 area: 24
     (5, 12, 13) perim:  30 area: 30
     (9, 10, 17) perim:  36 area: 36
     (3, 25, 26) perim:  54 area: 36
     (7, 15, 20) perim:  42 area: 42
    (10, 13, 13) perim:  36 area: 60
     (8, 15, 17) perim:  40 area: 60

All with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:
    (17, 25, 28) perim:  70 area: 210
    (20, 21, 29) perim:  70 area: 210
    (12, 35, 37) perim:  84 area: 210
    (17, 28, 39) perim:  84 area: 210
     (7, 65, 68) perim: 140 area: 210
   (3, 148, 149) perim: 300 area: 210


<lang Ada>with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets; with Ada.Finalization; with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Heronian is

  package Int_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO(Integer);
  use Int_IO;
  -- ----- Some math...
  function GCD (A, B : in Natural) return Natural is (if B = 0 then A else GCD (B, A mod B));
  function Int_Sqrt (N : in Natural) return Natural is
     R1 : Natural := N;
     R2 : Natural;
     if N <= 1 then
        return N;
     end if;
        R2 := (R1+N/R1)/2;
        if R2 >= R1 then
           return R1;
        end if;
        R1 := R2;
     end loop;
  end Int_Sqrt;   
  -- ----- Defines the triangle with sides as discriminants and a constructor which will
  -- compute its other characteristics
  type t_Triangle (A, B, C : Positive) is new Ada.Finalization.Controlled with record
     Is_Heronian  : Boolean;
     Perimeter    : Positive;
     Area         : Natural;
  end record;
  overriding procedure Initialize (Self : in out t_Triangle) is
     -- Let's stick to integer computations, therefore a modified hero's formula
     -- will be used : S*(S-a)*(S-b)*(S-c) = (a+b+c)*(-a+b+c)*(a-b+c)*(a+b-c)/16
     -- This will require long integers because at max side size, the product
     -- before /16 excesses 2^31
     Long_Product  : Long_Long_Integer;
     Short_Product : Natural;
     Self.Perimeter   := Self.A + Self.B + Self.C;
     Long_Product     :=   Long_Long_Integer(Self.Perimeter)
                         * Long_Long_Integer(- Self.A + Self.B + Self.C)
                         * Long_Long_Integer(  Self.A - Self.B + Self.C)
                         * Long_Long_Integer(  Self.A + Self.B - Self.C);
     Short_Product    := Natural(Long_Product / 16);
     Self.Area        := Int_Sqrt (Short_Product);
     Self.Is_Heronian := (Long_Product mod 16 = 0) and (Self.Area * Self.Area = Short_Product);
  end Initialize;
  -- ----- Ordering triangles with criteria (Area,Perimeter,A,B,C)
  function "<" (Left, Right : in t_Triangle) return Boolean is
    (Left.Area      < Right.Area      or else (Left.Area      = Right.Area      and then
    (Left.Perimeter < Right.Perimeter or else (Left.Perimeter = Right.Perimeter and then
    (Left.A         < Right.A         or else (Left.A         = Right.A         and then
    (Left.B         < Right.B         or else (Left.B         = Right.B         and then
     Left.C         < Right.C))))))));
  package Triangle_Lists is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Ordered_Sets (t_Triangle);
  use Triangle_Lists;
  -- ----- Displaying triangle characteristics
  Header : constant String := "  A   B   C Per  Area" & ASCII.LF & "---+---+---+---+-----";   
  procedure Put_Triangle (Position : Cursor) is
     Triangle : constant t_Triangle := Element(Position);
     Put(Triangle.A, 3);
     Put(Triangle.B, 4);
     Put(Triangle.C, 4);
     Put(Triangle.Perimeter, 4);
     Put(Triangle.Area,      6);
  end Put_Triangle;
  -- ----- Global variables
  Triangles : Set := Empty_Set;
  -- Instead of constructing two sets, or browsing all the beginning of the set during
  -- the second output, start/end cursors will be updated during the insertions.
  First_201 : Cursor := No_Element;
  Last_201  : Cursor := No_Element;
  procedure Memorize_Triangle (A, B, C : in Positive) is
     Candidate : t_Triangle(A, B, C);
     Position  : Cursor;
     Dummy     : Boolean;
     if Candidate.Is_Heronian then
        Triangles.Insert (Candidate, Position, Dummy);
        if Candidate.Area = 210 then
           First_201 := (if    First_201 = No_Element then Position
                         elsif Position < First_201   then Position
                         else  First_201);
           Last_201 :=  (if    Last_201  = No_Element then Position
                         elsif Last_201  < Position   then Position
                         else  Last_201);
        end if;
     end if;
  end Memorize_Triangle;


  -- Loops restrict to unique A,B,C (ensured by A <= B <= C) with sides < 200 and for
  -- which a triangle is constructible : C is not greater than B+A (flat triangle)
  for A in 1..200 loop
     for B in A..200 loop
        for C in B..Integer'Min(A+B-1,200) loop
           -- Filter non-primitive triangles
           if GCD(GCD(A,B),C) = 1 then 
              Memorize_Triangle (A, B, C);
           end if;
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end loop;
  Put_Line (Triangles.Length'Img & " heronian triangles found :");
  Put_Line (Header);
  Triangles.Iterate (Process => Put_Triangle'Access);
  Put_Line ("Heronian triangles with area = 201");
  Put_Line (Header);
     Position : Cursor := First_201;
        Put_Triangle (Position);
        exit when Position = Last_201;
        Position := Next(Position);
     end loop;

end Heronian;</lang>

 517 heronian triangles found :
  A   B   C Per  Area
  3   4   5  12     6
  5   5   6  16    12
  5   5   8  18    12
  4  13  15  32    24
  5  12  13  30    30
  9  10  17  36    36
  3  25  26  54    36
  7  15  20  42    42
 10  13  13  36    60
  8  15  17  40    60


Heronian triangles with area = 201
  A   B   C Per  Area
 17  25  28  70   210
 20  21  29  70   210
 12  35  37  84   210
 17  28  39  84   210
  7  65  68 140   210
  3 148 149 300   210


Translation of: Lua

<lang algol68># mode to hold details of a Heronian triangle # MODE HERONIAN = STRUCT( INT a, b, c, area, perimeter );

  1. returns the details of the Heronian Triangle with sides a, b, c or nil if it isn't one #

PROC try ht = ( INT a, b, c )REF HERONIAN:

       REF HERONIAN    t := NIL;
       REAL            s  = ( a + b + c ) / 2;
       REAL area squared  = s * ( s - a ) * ( s - b ) * ( s - c );
       IF area squared > 0 THEN
           # a, b, c does form a triangle #
           REAL area      = sqrt( area squared );
           IF ENTIER area = area THEN
               # the area is integral so the triangle is Heronian #
               t := HEAP HERONIAN := ( a, b, c, ENTIER area, a + b + c )
   END # try ht # ;
  1. returns the GCD of a and b #

PROC gcd = ( INT a, b )INT: IF b = 0 THEN a ELSE gcd( b, a MOD b ) FI;

  1. prints the details of the Heronian triangle t #

PROC ht print = ( REF HERONIAN t )VOID:

    print( ( whole( a OF t, -4 ), whole( b OF t, -5 ), whole( c OF t, -5 ), whole( area OF t, -5 ), whole( perimeter OF t, -10 ), newline ) );
  1. prints headings for the Heronian Triangle table #

PROC ht title = VOID: print( ( " a b c area perimeter", newline, "---- ---- ---- ---- ---------", newline ) );


   # construct ht as a table of the Heronian Triangles with sides up to 200 #
   [ 1 : 1000 ]REF HERONIAN ht;
   REF HERONIAN             t;
   INT                      ht count := 0;
   FOR c TO 200 DO
       FOR b TO c DO
           FOR a TO b DO
               IF gcd( gcd( a, b ), c ) = 1 THEN
                   t := try ht( a, b, c );
                       ht[ ht count +:= 1 ] := t
   # sort the table on ascending area, perimeter and max side length #
   # note we constructed the triangles with c as the longest side    #
       INT          lower := 1, upper := ht count;
       WHILE upper        := upper - 1;
             BOOL swapped := FALSE;
             FOR i FROM lower TO upper DO
                 REF HERONIAN h := ht[ i     ];
                 REF HERONIAN k := ht[ i + 1 ];
                 IF area OF k < area OF h OR (   area OF k =  area OF h
                                             AND (  perimeter OF k <  perimeter OF h
                                                 OR (   perimeter OF k = perimeter OF h
                                                    AND c OF k < c OF h
                     ht[ i     ] := k;
                     ht[ i + 1 ] := h;
                     swapped     := TRUE
       DO SKIP OD;
       # display the triangles #
       print( ( "There are ", whole( ht count, 0 ), " Heronian triangles with sides up to 200", newline ) );
       ht title;
       FOR ht pos TO 10 DO ht print( ht( ht pos ) ) OD;
       print( ( " ...", newline ) );
       print( ( "Heronian triangles with area 210:", newline ) );
       ht title;
       FOR ht pos TO ht count DO
           REF HERONIAN t := ht[ ht pos ];
           IF area OF t = 210 THEN ht print( t ) FI


There are 517 Heronian triangles with sides up to 200
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
   3    4    5    6        12
   5    5    6   12        16
   5    5    8   12        18
   4   13   15   24        32
   5   12   13   30        30
   9   10   17   36        36
   3   25   26   36        54
   7   15   20   42        42
  10   13   13   60        36
   8   15   17   60        40
Heronian triangles with area 210:
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
  17   25   28  210        70
  20   21   29  210        70
  12   35   37  210        84
  17   28   39  210        84
   7   65   68  210       140
   3  148  149  210       300


Translation of: Lua

<lang algolw>begin

   % record to hold details of a Heronian triangle %
   record Heronian ( integer a, b, c, area, perimeter );
   % returns the details of the Heronian Triangle with sides a, b, c or nil if it isn't one %
   reference(Heronian) procedure tryHt( integer value a, b, c ) ;
       real                s, areaSquared, area;
       reference(Heronian) t;
       s           := ( a + b + c ) / 2;
       areaSquared := s * ( s - a ) * ( s - b ) * ( s - c );
       t           := null;
       if areaSquared > 0 then begin
           % a, b, c does form a triangle %
           area    := sqrt( areaSquared );
           if entier( area ) = area then begin
               % the area is integral so the triangle is Heronian %
               t := Heronian( a, b, c, entier( area ), a + b + c )
   end tryHt ;
   % returns the GCD of a and b %
   integer procedure gcd( integer value a, b ) ; if b = 0 then a else gcd( b, a rem b );
   % prints the details of the Heronian triangle t %
   procedure htPrint( reference(Heronian) value t ) ; write( i_w := 4, s_w := 1, a(t), b(t), c(t), area(t), "     ", perimeter(t) );
   % prints headings for the Heronian Triangle table %
   procedure htTitle ; begin write( "   a    b    c area perimeter" ); write( "---- ---- ---- ---- ---------" ) end;
       % construct ht as a table of the Heronian Triangles with sides up to 200 %
       reference(Heronian) array ht ( 1 :: 1000 );
       reference(Heronian)       t;
       integer                   htCount;
       htCount := 0;
       for c := 1 until 200 do begin
           for b := 1 until c do begin
               for a := 1 until b do begin
                   if gcd( gcd( a, b ), c ) = 1 then begin
                       t := tryHt( a, b, c );
                       if t not = null then begin
                           htCount       := htCount + 1;
                           ht( htCount ) := t
       % sort the table on ascending area, perimeter and max side length %
       % note we constructed the triangles with c as the longest side %
           integer             lower, upper;
           reference(Heronian) k, h;
           logical             swapped;
           lower := 1;
           upper := htCount;
           while begin
               upper   := upper - 1;
               swapped := false;
               for i := lower until upper do begin
                   h := ht( i     );
                   k := ht( i + 1 );
                   if area(k) < area(h) or (   area(k) =  area(h)
                                           and (  perimeter(k) <  perimeter(h)
                                               or (   perimeter(k) = perimeter(h)
                                                  and c(k)         < c(h)
                   then begin
                       ht( i     ) := k;
                       ht( i + 1 ) := h;
                       swapped     := true;
           do  begin end;
       % display the triangles %
       write( "There are ", htCount, " Heronian triangles with sides up to 200" );
       for htPos := 1 until 10 do htPrint( ht( htPos ) );
       write( " ..." );
       write( "Heronian triangles with area 210:" );
       for htPos := 1 until htCount do begin
           reference(Heronian) t;
           t := ht( htPos );
           if area(t) = 210 then htPrint( t )


There are            517   Heronian triangles with sides up to 200
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
   3    4    5    6        12
   5    5    6   12        16
   5    5    8   12        18
   4   13   15   24        32
   5   12   13   30        30
   9   10   17   36        36
   3   25   26   36        54
   7   15   20   42        42
  10   13   13   60        36
   8   15   17   60        40
Heronian triangles with area 210:
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
  17   25   28  210        70
  20   21   29  210        70
  12   35   37  210        84
  17   28   39  210        84
   7   65   68  210       140
   3  148  149  210       300


By composition of functional primitives, and using post-Yosemite AppleScript's ability to import Foundation classes (mainly for sorting records, here).

Translation of: JavaScript

<lang AppleScript>use framework "Foundation"

-- HERONIAN TRIANGLES --------------------------------------------------------

-- heroniansOfSideUpTo :: Int -> [(Int, Int, Int)] on heroniansOfSideUpTo(n)

   script sideA
       on |λ|(a)
           script sideB
               on |λ|(b)
                   script sideC
                       -- primitiveHeronian :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool
                       on primitiveHeronian(x, y, z)
                           (x ≤ y and y ≤ z) and (x + y > z) and ¬
                               gcd(gcd(x, y), z) = 1 and ¬
                               isIntegerValue(hArea(x, y, z))
                       end primitiveHeronian
                       on |λ|(c)
                           if primitiveHeronian(a, b, c) then
                               Template:A, b, c
                           end if
                       end |λ|
                   end script
                   concatMap(sideC, enumFromTo(b, n))
               end |λ|
           end script
           concatMap(sideB, enumFromTo(a, n))
       end |λ|
   end script
   concatMap(sideA, enumFromTo(1, n))

end heroniansOfSideUpTo

-- TEST ---------------------------------------------------------------------- on run

   set n to 200
   set lstHeron to ¬
       sortByComparing({{"area", true}, {"perimeter", true}, {"maxSide", true}}, ¬
           map(triangleDimensions, heroniansOfSideUpTo(n)))
   set lstCols to {"sides", "perimeter", "area"}
   set lstColWidths to {20, 15, 0}
   set area to 210
   script areaFilter
       -- Record -> [Record]
       on |λ|(recTriangle)
           if area of recTriangle = area then
           end if
       end |λ|
   end script
   intercalate("\n \n", {("Number of triangles found (with sides <= 200): " & ¬
       length of lstHeron as string), ¬
           tabulation("First 10, ordered by area, perimeter, longest side", ¬
               items 1 thru 10 of lstHeron, lstCols, lstColWidths), ¬
           tabulation("Area = 210", ¬
               concatMap(areaFilter, lstHeron), lstCols, lstColWidths)})

end run

-- triangleDimensions :: (Int, Int, Int) -> -- {sides: (Int, Int, Int), area: Int, perimeter: Int, maxSize: Int} on triangleDimensions(lstSides)

   set {x, y, z} to lstSides
   {sides:[x, y, z], area:hArea(x, y, z) as integer, perimeter:x + y + z, maxSide:z}

end triangleDimensions

-- hArea :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Num on hArea(x, y, z)

   set s to (x + y + z) / 2
   set a to s * (s - x) * (s - y) * (s - z)
   if a > 0 then
       a ^ 0.5
   end if

end hArea

-- gcd :: Int -> Int -> Int on gcd(m, n)

   if n = 0 then
       gcd(n, m mod n)
   end if

end gcd

-- TABULATION ----------------------------------------------------------------

-- tabulation :: [Record] -> [String] -> String -> [Integer] -> String on tabulation(strLegend, lstRecords, lstKeys, lstWidths)

   script heading
       on |λ|(strTitle, iCol)
           set str to toTitle(strTitle)
           str & replicate((item iCol of lstWidths) - (length of str), space)
       end |λ|
   end script
   script lineString
       on |λ|(rec)
           script fieldString
               -- fieldString :: String -> Int -> String
               on |λ|(strKey, i)
                   set v to keyValue(strKey, rec)
                   if class of v is list then
                       set strData to ("(" & intercalate(", ", v) & ")")
                       set strData to v as string
                   end if
                   strData & replicate(space, (item i of (lstWidths)) - (length of strData))
               end |λ|
           end script
           tab & intercalate(tab, map(fieldString, lstKeys))
       end |λ|
   end script
   strLegend & ":" & linefeed & linefeed & ¬
       tab & intercalate(tab, ¬
       map(heading, lstKeys)) & linefeed & ¬
       intercalate(linefeed, map(lineString, lstRecords))

end tabulation

-- GENERIC FUNCTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------

-- concat :: a -> [a] | [String] -> String on concat(xs)

   if length of xs > 0 and class of (item 1 of xs) is string then
       set acc to ""
       set acc to {}
   end if
   repeat with i from 1 to length of xs
       set acc to acc & item i of xs
   end repeat

end concat

-- concatMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b] on concatMap(f, xs)

   concat(map(f, xs))

end concatMap

-- enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int] on enumFromTo(m, n)

   if m > n then
       set d to -1
       set d to 1
   end if
   set lst to {}
   repeat with i from m to n by d
       set end of lst to i
   end repeat
   return lst

end enumFromTo

-- foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a on foldl(f, startValue, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set v to startValue
       set lng to length of xs
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return v
   end tell

end foldl

-- intercalate :: Text -> [Text] -> Text on intercalate(strText, lstText)

   set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, strText}
   set strJoined to lstText as text
   set my text item delimiters to dlm
   return strJoined

end intercalate

-- isIntegerValue :: Num -> Bool on isIntegerValue(n)

   {real, integer} contains class of n and (n = (n as integer))

end isIntegerValue

-- keyValue :: String -> Record -> Maybe String on keyValue(strKey, rec)

   set ca to current application
   set v to (ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:rec)'s objectForKey:strKey
   if v is not missing value then
       item 1 of ((ca's NSArray's arrayWithObject:v) as list)
       missing value
   end if

end keyValue

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] on map(f, xs)

   tell mReturn(f)
       set lng to length of xs
       set lst to {}
       repeat with i from 1 to lng
           set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
       end repeat
       return lst
   end tell

end map

-- Lift 2nd class handler function into 1st class script wrapper -- mReturn :: Handler -> Script on mReturn(f)

   if class of f is script then
           property |λ| : f
       end script
   end if

end mReturn

-- replicate :: Int -> String -> String on replicate(n, s)

   set out to ""
   if n < 1 then return out
   set dbl to s
   repeat while (n > 1)
       if (n mod 2) > 0 then set out to out & dbl
       set n to (n div 2)
       set dbl to (dbl & dbl)
   end repeat
   return out & dbl

end replicate

-- List of {strKey, blnAscending} pairs -> list of records -> sorted list of records

-- sortByComparing :: [(String, Bool)] -> [Records] -> [Records] on sortByComparing(keyDirections, xs)

   set ca to current application
   script recDict
       on |λ|(x)
           ca's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithDictionary:x
       end |λ|
   end script
   set dcts to map(recDict, xs)
   script asDescriptor
       on |λ|(kd)
           set {k, d} to kd
           ca's NSSortDescriptor's sortDescriptorWithKey:k ascending:d selector:dcts
       end |λ|
   end script
   ((ca's NSArray's arrayWithArray:dcts)'s ¬
       sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:map(asDescriptor, keyDirections)) as list

end sortByComparing

-- toTitle :: String -> String on toTitle(str)

   set ca to current application
   ((ca's NSString's stringWithString:(str))'s ¬
       capitalizedStringWithLocale:(ca's NSLocale's currentLocale())) as text

end toTitle</lang>

Number of triangles found (with sides <= 200): 517

First 10, ordered by area, perimeter, longest side:

    Sides                   Perimeter          Area
    (3, 4, 5)               12                 6
    (5, 5, 6)               16                 12
    (5, 5, 8)               18                 12
    (4, 13, 15)             32                 24
    (5, 12, 13)             30                 30
    (9, 10, 17)             36                 36
    (3, 25, 26)             54                 36
    (7, 15, 20)             42                 42
    (10, 13, 13)            36                 60
    (8, 15, 17)             40                 60

Area = 210:

    Sides                   Perimeter          Area
    (17, 25, 28)            70                 210
    (20, 21, 29)            70                 210
    (12, 35, 37)            84                 210
    (17, 28, 39)            84                 210
    (7, 65, 68)             140                210
    (3, 148, 149)           300                210


<lang AutoHotkey>Primitive_Heronian_triangles(MaxSide){ obj :=[] loop, % MaxSide { a := A_Index loop % MaxSide-a+1 { b := A_Index+a-1 loop % MaxSide-b+1 { c := A_Index+b-1, s := (a+b+c)/2, Area := Sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)) if (Area = Floor(Area)) && (Area>0) && !obj[a/s, b/s, c/s] obj[a/s, b/s, c/s]:=1 ,res .= (res?"`n":"") StrReplace(Area, ".000000") "`t" a+b+c "`t" a ", " b ", " c } } } Sort, res, F Sort return res }

Sort(x, y){ x := StrSplit(x, "`t"), y := StrSplit(y, "`t") return x.1 > y.1 ? 1 : x.1 < y.1 ? -1 : x.2 > y.2 ? 1 : x.2 < y.2 ? -1 : 0 }</lang> Examples:<lang AutoHotkey>res := Primitive_Heronian_triangles(200) loop, parse, res, `n, `r { if A_Index<=10 res2.= A_LoopField "`n" if StrSplit(A_LoopField, "`t").1 = 210 res3.= A_LoopField "`n" Counter := A_Index }

MsgBox % Counter " results found" . "`n`nFirst 10 results:" . "`n" "Area`tPerimeter`tSides`n" res2 . "`nResults for Area = 210:" . "`n" "Area`tPerimeter`tSides`n" res3 return</lang>


517 results found

First 10 results:
Area	Perimeter	Sides
6	12	3, 4, 5
12	16	5, 5, 6
12	18	5, 5, 8
24	32	4, 13, 15
30	30	5, 12, 13
36	36	9, 10, 17
36	54	3, 25, 26
42	42	7, 15, 20
60	36	10, 13, 13
60	40	8, 15, 17

Results for Area = 210:
Area	Perimeter	Sides
210	70	20, 21, 29
210	70	17, 25, 28
210	84	17, 28, 39
210	84	12, 35, 37
210	140	7, 65, 68
210	300	3, 148, 149


Takes max side, number of triangles to print and area limit as inputs. Area should be -1 if it is not a restriction. Triangles are stored in a linked list which is built sorted and hence no post processing is required. Usage is printed out on incorrect invocation.

IMPORTANT: This is a C99 compatible implementation. May result in errors on earlier compilers. <lang C>

  1. include<stdlib.h>
  2. include<stdio.h>
  3. include<math.h>

typedef struct{ int a,b,c; int perimeter; double area; }triangle;

typedef struct elem{ triangle t; struct elem* next; }cell;

typedef cell* list;

void addAndOrderList(list *a,triangle t){ list iter,temp; int flag = 0;

if(*a==NULL){ *a = (list)malloc(sizeof(cell)); (*a)->t = t; (*a)->next = NULL; }

else{ temp = (list)malloc(sizeof(cell));

iter = *a; while(iter->next!=NULL){ if(((iter->t.area<t.area)||(iter->t.area==t.area && iter->t.perimeter<t.perimeter)||(iter->t.area==t.area && iter->t.perimeter==t.perimeter && iter->t.a<=t.a)) && (iter->next==NULL||(t.area<iter->next->t.area || t.perimeter<iter->next->t.perimeter || t.a<iter->next->t.a))){ temp->t = t; temp->next = iter->next; iter->next = temp; flag = 1; break; }

iter = iter->next; }

if(flag!=1){ temp->t = t; temp->next = NULL; iter->next = temp; } } }

int gcd(int a,int b){ if(b!=0) return gcd(b,a%b); return a; }

void calculateArea(triangle *t){ (*t).perimeter = (*t).a + (*t).b + (*t).c; (*t).area = sqrt(0.5*(*t).perimeter*(0.5*(*t).perimeter - (*t).a)*(0.5*(*t).perimeter - (*t).b)*(0.5*(*t).perimeter - (*t).c)); }

list generateTriangleList(int maxSide,int *count){ int a,b,c; triangle t; list herons = NULL;

*count = 0;

for(a=1;a<=maxSide;a++){ for(b=1;b<=a;b++){ for(c=1;c<=b;c++){ if(c+b > a && gcd(gcd(a,b),c)==1){ t = (triangle){a,b,c}; calculateArea(&t); if(t.area/(int)t.area == 1){ addAndOrderList(&herons,t); (*count)++; } } } } }

return herons; }

void printList(list a,int limit,int area){ list iter = a; int count = 1;


while(iter!=NULL && count!=limit+1){ if(area==-1 ||(area==iter->t.area)){ printf("\n%d x %d x %d\t%d\t\t%d",iter->t.a,iter->t.b,iter->t.c,iter->t.perimeter,(int)iter->t.area); count++; } iter = iter->next; } }

int main(int argC,char* argV[]) { int count; list herons = NULL;

if(argC!=4) printf("Usage : %s <Max side, max triangles to print and area, -1 for area to ignore>",argV[0]); else{ herons = generateTriangleList(atoi(argV[1]),&count); printf("Triangles found : %d",count); (atoi(argV[3])==-1)?printf("\nPrinting first %s triangles.",argV[2]):printf("\nPrinting triangles with area %s square units.",argV[3]); printList(herons,atoi(argV[2]),atoi(argV[3])); free(herons); } return 0; } </lang> Invocation and output :

C:\rosettaCode>heronian.exe 200 10 -1
Triangles found : 517
Printing first 10 triangles.
Dimensions      Perimeter       Area
5 x 4 x 3       12              6
6 x 5 x 5       16              12
8 x 5 x 5       18              12
15 x 13 x 4     32              24
13 x 12 x 5     30              30
17 x 10 x 9     36              36
26 x 25 x 3     54              36
20 x 15 x 7     42              42
13 x 13 x 10    36              60
17 x 15 x 8     40              60
C:\rosettaCode>heronian.exe 200 10 210
Triangles found : 517
Printing triangles with area 210 square units.
Dimensions      Perimeter       Area
28 x 25 x 17    70              210
29 x 21 x 20    70              210
37 x 35 x 12    84              210
39 x 28 x 17    84              210
68 x 65 x 7     140             210
149 x 148 x 3   300             210


<lang Csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace heron {

   class Program{
       static void Main(string[] args){           
           List<int[]> list = new List<int[]>();
           for (int c = 1; c <= 200; c++)
               for (int b = 1; b <= c; b++)
                   for (int a = 1; a <= b; a++)
                       if (gcd(a, gcd(b, c)) == 1 && isHeron(heronArea(a, b, c)))
                           list.Add(new int[] { a, b, c, a + b + c, (int)heronArea(a, b, c)});
           Console.WriteLine("Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: " + list.Count + "\n\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:\nSides\t\t\tPerimeter\tArea");
           for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
               Console.WriteLine(list[i][0] + "\t" + list[i][1] + "\t" + list[i][2] + "\t" + list[i][3] + "\t\t" + list[i][4]);
           Console.WriteLine("\nPerimeter = 210\nSides\t\t\tPerimeter\tArea");
           foreach (int[] i in list)
               if (i[4] == 210)
                   Console.WriteLine(i[0] + "\t" + i[1] + "\t" + i[2] + "\t" + i[3] + "\t\t" + i[4]);     
       static bool isHeron(double heronArea){
           return heronArea % 1 == 0 && heronArea != 0;
       static double heronArea(int a, int b, int c){
           double s = (a + b + c) / 2d;
           return Math.Sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));
       static int gcd(int a, int b){
           int remainder = 1, dividend, divisor;
           dividend = a > b ? a : b;
           divisor = a > b ? b : a;
           while (remainder != 0){
               remainder = dividend % divisor;
               if (remainder != 0){
                   dividend = divisor;
                   divisor = remainder;
           return divisor;
       static void sort(List<int[]> list){
           int[] temp = new int[5];
           bool changed = true;
               changed = false;
               for (int i = 1; i < list.Count; i++)
                   if (list[i][4] < list[i - 1][4] || list[i][4] == list[i - 1][4] && list[i][3] < list[i - 1][3]){
                       temp = list[i];
                       list[i] = list[i - 1];
                       list[i - 1] = temp;
                       changed = true;


Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:
Sides                   Perimeter       Area
3       4       5       12              6
5       5       6       16              12
5       5       8       18              12
4       13      15      32              24
5       12      13      30              30
9       10      17      36              36
3       25      26      54              36
7       15      20      42              42
10      13      13      36              60
8       15      17      40              60

Perimeter = 210
Sides                   Perimeter       Area
17      25      28      70              210
20      21      29      70              210
12      35      37      84              210
17      28      39      84              210
7       65      68      140             210
3       148     149     300             210


Works with: C++11

<lang cpp>#include <algorithm>

  1. include <cmath>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <tuple>
  4. include <vector>

int gcd(int a, int b) {

   int rem = 1, dividend, divisor;
   std::tie(divisor, dividend) = std::minmax(a, b);
   while (rem != 0) {
       rem = dividend % divisor;
       if (rem != 0) {
           dividend = divisor;
           divisor = rem;
   return divisor;


struct Triangle {

   int a;
   int b;
   int c;


int perimeter(const Triangle& triangle) {

   return triangle.a + triangle.b + triangle.c;


double area(const Triangle& t) {

   double p_2 = perimeter(t) / 2.;
   double area_sq = p_2 * ( p_2 - t.a ) * ( p_2 - t.b ) * ( p_2 - t.c );
   return sqrt(area_sq);


std::vector<Triangle> generate_triangles(int side_limit = 200) {

   std::vector<Triangle> result;
   for(int a = 1; a <= side_limit; ++a)
       for(int b = 1; b <= a; ++b)
           for(int c = a+1-b; c <= b; ++c) // skip too-small values of c, which will violate triangle inequality
               Triangle t{a, b, c};
               double t_area = area(t);
               if(t_area == 0) continue;
               if( std::floor(t_area) == std::ceil(t_area) && gcd(a, gcd(b, c)) == 1)
   return result;


bool compare(const Triangle& lhs, const Triangle& rhs) {

   return std::make_tuple(area(lhs), perimeter(lhs), std::max(lhs.a, std::max(lhs.b, lhs.c))) <
          std::make_tuple(area(rhs), perimeter(rhs), std::max(rhs.a, std::max(rhs.b, rhs.c)));


struct area_compare {

   bool operator()(const Triangle& t, int i) { return area(t) < i; }
   bool operator()(int i, const Triangle& t) { return i < area(t); }


int main() {

   auto tri = generate_triangles();
   std::cout << "There are " << tri.size() << " primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200\n\n";
   std::cout << "First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter, then maximum sides:\n";
   std::sort(tri.begin(), tri.end(), compare);
   std::cout << "area\tperimeter\tsides\n";
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
       std::cout << area(tri[i]) << '\t' << perimeter(tri[i]) << "\t\t" <<
                    tri[i].a << 'x' << tri[i].b << 'x' << tri[i].c << '\n';
   std::cout << "\nAll with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:\n";
   auto range = std::equal_range(tri.begin(), tri.end(), 210, area_compare());
   std::cout << "area\tperimeter\tsides\n";
   for(auto it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it)
       std::cout << area(*it) << '\t' << perimeter(*it) << "\t\t" <<
                    it->a << 'x' << it->b << 'x' << it->c << '\n';


There are 517 primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter, then maximum sides:
area    perimeter       sides
6       12              5x4x3
12      16              6x5x5
12      18              8x5x5
24      32              15x13x4
30      30              13x12x5
36      36              17x10x9
36      54              26x25x3
42      42              20x15x7
60      36              13x13x10
60      40              17x15x8

All with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:
area    perimeter       sides
210     70              28x25x17
210     70              29x21x20
210     84              37x35x12
210     84              39x28x17
210     140             68x65x7
210     300             149x148x3


Translation of: JavaScript

<lang coffeescript>heronArea = (a, b, c) ->

   s = (a + b + c) / 2
   Math.sqrt s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)

isHeron = (h) -> h % 1 == 0 and h > 0

gcd = (a, b) ->

   leftover = 1
   dividend = if a > b then a else b
   divisor = if a > b then b else a
   until leftover == 0
       leftover = dividend % divisor
       if leftover > 0
           dividend = divisor
           divisor = leftover

list = [] for c in [1..200]

   for b in [1..c]
       for a in [1..b]
           area = heronArea(a, b, c)
           if gcd(gcd(a, b), c) == 1 and isHeron(area)
               list.push new Array(a, b, c, a + b + c, area)

sort = (list) ->

   swapped = true
   while swapped
       swapped = false
       for i in [1..list.length-1]
           if list[i][4] < list[i - 1][4] or list[i][4] == list[i - 1][4] and list[i][3] < list[i - 1][3]
               temp = list[i]
               list[i] = list[i - 1]
               list[i - 1] = temp
               swapped = true

sort list

  1. some results:

console.log 'primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: ' + list.length console.log 'First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:' for i in list[0..10-1]

   console.log  i[0..2].join(' x ') + ', p = ' + i[3] + ', a = ' + i[4]

console.log '\nHeronian triangles with area = 210:' for i in list

   if i[4] == 210
       console.log i[0..2].join(' x ') + ', p = ' + i[3]</lang>
primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517
First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:
3 x 4 x 5, p = 12, a = 6
5 x 5 x 6, p = 16, a = 12
5 x 5 x 8, p = 18, a = 12
4 x 13 x 15, p = 32, a = 24
5 x 12 x 13, p = 30, a = 30
9 x 10 x 17, p = 36, a = 36
3 x 25 x 26, p = 54, a = 36
7 x 15 x 20, p = 42, a = 42
10 x 13 x 13, p = 36, a = 60
8 x 15 x 17, p = 40, a = 60

Heronian triangles with area = 210:
17 x 25 x 28, p = 70
20 x 21 x 29, p = 70
12 x 35 x 37, p = 84
17 x 28 x 39, p = 84
7 x 65 x 68, p = 140
3 x 148 x 149, p = 300


Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.math, std.range, std.algorithm, std.numeric, std.traits, std.typecons;

double hero(in uint a, in uint b, in uint c) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   immutable s = (a + b + c) / 2.0;
   immutable a2 = s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c);
   return (a2 > 0) ? a2.sqrt : 0.0;


bool isHeronian(in uint a, in uint b, in uint c) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   immutable h = hero(a, b, c);
   return h > 0 && h.floor == h.ceil;


T gcd3(T)(in T x, in T y, in T z) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {

   return gcd(gcd(x, y), z);


void main() /*@safe*/ {

   enum uint maxSide = 200;
   // Sort by increasing area, perimeter, then sides.
   //auto h = cartesianProduct!3(iota(1, maxSide + 1))
   auto r = iota(1, maxSide + 1);
   const h = cartesianProduct(r, r, r)
             //.filter!({a, b, c} => ...
             .filter!(t => t[0] <= t[1] && t[1] <= t[2] &&
                           t[0] + t[1] > t[2] &&
                           t[].gcd3 == 1 && t[].isHeronian)
             .schwartzSort!(t => tuple(t[].hero, t[].only.sum, t.reverse))
   static void showTriangles(R)(R ts) @safe {
       "Area Perimeter Sides".writeln;
       foreach (immutable t; ts)
           writefln("%3s %8d %3dx%dx%d", t[].hero, t[].only.sum, t[]);
   writefln("Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %d: %d", maxSide, h.length);
   "\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:".writeln;
   "\nAll with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:".writeln;
   showTriangles(h.filter!(t => t[].hero == 210));


Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:
Area Perimeter Sides
  6       12   3x4x5
 12       16   5x5x6
 12       18   5x5x8
 24       32   4x13x15
 30       30   5x12x13
 36       36   9x10x17
 36       54   3x25x26
 42       42   7x15x20
 60       36  10x13x13
 60       40   8x15x17

All with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:
Area Perimeter Sides
210       70  17x25x28
210       70  20x21x29
210       84  12x35x37
210       84  17x28x39
210      140   7x65x68
210      300   3x148x149


<lang scheme>

returns quintuple (A s a b c)
or #f if not hero

(define (hero a b c (s 0) (A 0)) (when (= 1 (gcd a b c)) (set! s (// (+ a b c) 2)) (set! A (* s (- s a)(- s b)(- s c))) (when (square? A) (list (sqrt A) (* s 2) c b a))))

all heroes a,b,c < sidemax
sorted by A|s|c & a <=b <= c

(define (heroes (sidemax 201)) (list-sort/fields 3 (for*/list ((a (in-range 1 sidemax)) (b (in-range a sidemax)) (c (in-range b sidemax))) #:continue (<= (+ a b) c) ;; triangle inequality must hold !! cut search #:continue (not (hero a b c)) (hero a b c))))

(define (print-hero h) (printf "A: %6d s: %6d sides: %dx%dx%d" (list-ref h 0) (list-ref h 1) (list-ref h 2)(list-ref h 3) (list-ref h 4))) (define (print-laurels H) (writeln '🌿🌿 (length H) 'heroes '🌿🌿)) </lang>

(define H (heroes))

(print-laurels H)
🌿🌿     517     heroes     🌿🌿    

(for-each print-hero (take H 10))

A:      6 s:     12 sides: 5x4x3
A:     12 s:     16 sides: 6x5x5
A:     12 s:     18 sides: 8x5x5
A:     24 s:     32 sides: 15x13x4
A:     30 s:     30 sides: 13x12x5
A:     36 s:     36 sides: 17x10x9
A:     36 s:     54 sides: 26x25x3
A:     42 s:     42 sides: 20x15x7
A:     60 s:     36 sides: 13x13x10
A:     60 s:     40 sides: 17x15x8

(for-each print-hero (filter (lambda(h) (= 210 (first h))) H))

A:    210 s:     70 sides: 28x25x17
A:    210 s:     70 sides: 29x21x20
A:    210 s:     84 sides: 37x35x12
A:    210 s:     84 sides: 39x28x17
A:    210 s:    140 sides: 68x65x7
A:    210 s:    300 sides: 149x148x3


<lang elixir>defmodule Heronian do

 def triangle?(a,b,c) when a+b <= c, do: false
 def triangle?(a,b,c) do
   area = area(a,b,c)
   area == round(area) and primitive?(a,b,c)
 def area(a,b,c) do
   s = (a + b + c) / 2
   :math.sqrt(s * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c))
 defp primitive?(a,b,c), do: gcd(gcd(a,b),c) == 1
 defp gcd(a,0), do: a
 defp gcd(a,b), do: gcd(b, rem(a,b))


max = 200 triangles = for a <- 1..max, b <- a..max, c <- b..max, Heronian.triangle?(a,b,c), do: {a,b,c} IO.puts length(triangles)

IO.puts "\nSides\t\t\tPerim\tArea" Enum.map(triangles, fn {a,b,c} -> {Heronian.area(a,b,c),a,b,c} end) |> Enum.sort |> Enum.take(10) |> Enum.each(fn {area, a, b, c} ->

    IO.puts "#{a}\t#{b}\t#{c}\t#{a+b+c}\t#{round(area)}"

IO.puts "" area_size = 210 Enum.filter(triangles, fn {a,b,c} -> Heronian.area(a,b,c) == area_size end) |> Enum.sort_by(fn {a,b,c} -> a+b+c end) |> Enum.each(fn {a, b, c} ->

    IO.puts "#{a}\t#{b}\t#{c}\t#{a+b+c}\t#{area_size}"

Sides                   Perim   Area
3       4       5       12      6
5       5       6       16      12
5       5       8       18      12
4       13      15      32      24
5       12      13      30      30
3       25      26      54      36
9       10      17      36      36
7       15      20      42      42
6       25      29      60      60
8       15      17      40      60

17      25      28      70      210
20      21      29      70      210
12      35      37      84      210
17      28      39      84      210
7       65      68      140     210
3       148     149     300     210



DIM LISTA%[600,4]


    IF J%>K% THEN
    END IF



   PRINT(CHR$(12);) !CLS
   FOR C%=1 TO 200 DO
      FOR B%=1 TO C% DO
         FOR A%=1 TO B% DO
            IF AREA#>0 THEN
            IF AREA#=INT(AREA#) THEN
                   IF RES%=1 THEN
                      LISTA%[COUNT%,0]=A%    LISTA%[COUNT%,1]=B%   LISTA%[COUNT%,2]=C%
                      LISTA%[COUNT%,3]=2*S#  LISTA%[COUNT%,4]=AREA#
                   END IF
            END IF
        END IF


PRINT("Number of triangles:";COUNT%)

! sorting array FLIPS%=TRUE WHILE FLIPS% DO

     IF LISTA%[I%,4]>LISTA%[I%+1,4] THEN
       FOR K%=0 TO 4 DO
       END FOR
     END IF


! first ten FOR I%=1 TO 10 DO



! triangle with area=210 FOR I%=1 TO COUNT% DO

   IF LISTA%[I%,4]=210 THEN


Number of triangles: 517
 3             4             5             12            6
 5             5             6             16            12
 5             5             8             18            12
 4             13            15            32            24
 5             12            13            30            30
 9             10            17            36            36
 3             25            26            54            36
 7             15            20            42            42
 10            13            13            36            60
 8             15            17            40            60

 17            25            28            70            210
 20            21            29            70            210
 12            35            37            84            210
 17            28            39            84            210
 7             65            68            140           210
 3             148           149           300           210


<lang factor>USING: accessors assocs backtrack combinators.extras combinators.short-circuit formatting io kernel locals math math.functions math.order math.parser math.ranges mirrors qw sequences sorting.slots ; IN: rosetta-code.heronian-triangles

TUPLE: triangle a b c area perimeter ;

area ( a b c -- x )
   a b + c + 2 / :> s
   s s a - * s b - * s c - * sqrt ;
<triangle> ( triplet-seq -- triangle )
   [ first3 ] [ first3 area >integer ] [ sum ] tri
   triangle boa ;
heronian? ( a b c -- ? )
   area dup [ complex? ] [ 0 number= ] bi or
   [ drop f ] [ dup >integer number= ] if ;
3gcd ( a b c -- n ) [ gcd nip ] twice ;
primitive-heronian? ( a b c -- ? )
   { [ 3gcd 1 = ] [ heronian? ] } 3&& ;
find-triangles ( -- seq )
       200 [1,b] amb-lazy :> c    ! Use backtrack vocab to test
       c   [1,b] amb-lazy :> b    ! permutations of sides such
       b   [1,b] amb-lazy :> a    ! that c >= b >= a.
       a b c primitive-heronian? must-be-true
       { a b c } <triangle>
   ] bag-of ;                     ! collect every triangle
sort-triangles ( seq -- seq' )
   { { area>> <=> } { perimeter>> <=> } } sort-by ;

CONSTANT: format "%4s%5s%5s%5s%10s\n"

print-header ( -- )
   qw{ a b c area perimeter } format vprintf
   "---- ---- ---- ---- ---------" print ;
print-triangle ( triangle -- )
   <mirror> >alist values [ number>string ] map format vprintf ;
print-triangles ( seq -- ) [ print-triangle ] each ; inline
first10 ( sorted-triangles -- )
   dup length "%d triangles found. First 10: \n" printf
   print-header 10 head print-triangles ;
area210= ( sorted-triangles -- )
   "Triangles with area 210: " print print-header
   [ area>> 210 = ] filter print-triangles ;
main ( -- )
   "Finding heronian triangles with sides <= 200..." print nl
   find-triangles sort-triangles
   [ first10 nl ] [ area210= ] bi ;

MAIN: main</lang>

Finding heronian triangles with sides <= 200...

517 triangles found. First 10: 
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
   3    4    5    6        12
   5    5    6   12        16
   5    5    8   12        18
   4   13   15   24        32
   5   12   13   30        30
   9   10   17   36        36
   3   25   26   36        54
   7   15   20   42        42
  10   13   13   60        36
   8   15   17   60        40

Triangles with area 210: 
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
  17   25   28  210        70
  20   21   29  210        70
  12   35   37  210        84
  17   28   39  210        84
   7   65   68  210       140
   3  148  149  210       300


Earlier Fortran doesn't offer special functions such as SUM, PRODUCT and MAXVAL of arrays, nor the ability to create compound data aggregates such as STASH to store a triangle's details. Simple code would have to be used in the absence of such conveniences, and multiple ordinary arrays rather than an array of a compound data entity. Rather than attempt to create the candidate triangles in the desired order, the simple approach is to sort a list of triangles, and using an XNDX array evades tossing compound items about. Rather than create a procedure to do the sorting, a comb sort is not too much trouble to place in-line once. Further, since the ordering is based on a compound key, having only one comparison to code is a boon. The three-way-if statement is central to the expedient evaluation of a compound sort key, but this facility is deprecated by the modernists, with no alternative offered that avoids re-comparison of parts. <lang Fortran>

     MODULE GREEK MATHEMATICIANS	!Two millenia back and more.
       INTEGER FUNCTION GCD(I,J)	!Greatest common divisor.
        INTEGER I,J	!Of these two integers.
        INTEGER N,M,R	!Workers.
         N = MAX(I,J)	!Since I don't want to damage I or J,
         M = MIN(I,J)	!These copies might as well be the right way around.
   1     R = MOD(N,M)		!Divide N by M to get the remainder R.

c write (6,*) "M,N,R",M,N,R

         IF (R.GT.0) THEN	!Remainder zero?
           N = M			!No. Descend a level.
           M = R			!M-multiplicity has been removed from N.
           IF (R .GT. 1) GO TO 1	!No point dividing by one.
         END IF			!If R = 0, M divides N.
         GCD = M			!There we are.
       END FUNCTION GCD	!Euclid lives on!
       FUNCTION GCD3(I,J,K)	!Double do.
        INTEGER I,J,K	!Three numbers.
        INTEGER R	!One remainder.
         R = GCD(I,J)		!Greatest common divisor.
         IF (R .GT. 1) R = GCD(R,K)	!The first two might be co-prime.
         GCD3 = R		!The result.
       REAL*8 FUNCTION HERO(SIDE)	!Hero's calculation for the area of a triangle.

Calculations could proceed with non-integer sides.

        INTEGER SIDE(3)	!The lengths of each of the sides.
        REAL*8 S		!A scratchpad.
         S = SUM(SIDE)		!Definitely integer arithmetic.
         S = S/2		!Full precision without muttering /2D0.
         S = S*PRODUCT(S - SIDE)	!Negative for non-joining triangles.
         HERO = SIGN(SQRT(ABS(S)),S)	!Protect the SQRT against such.
       END FUNCTION HERO		!As when one side is longer than the other two combined.
     END MODULE GREEK MATHEMATICIANS	!Only a selection here.
     PROGRAM TEST		!Find triangles with integral sides and areas.
     INTEGER LIMIT,LOTS	!And then descend to Furrytran.
     PARAMETER (LIMIT = 200, LOTS = 666)	!This should do.
     INTEGER I,J,K,SIDE(3)	!The lengths of the sides of the triangles.
     EQUIVALENCE (SIDE(1),I),(SIDE(2),J),(SIDE(3),K)	!I want two access styles.
     REAL*8 A			!The area of the triangle.
     TYPE ABLOB		!Define a stash for the desired results.
      INTEGER SIDE(3)		!The three sides,
      INTEGER PERIMETER	!Their summation, somewhat redundant.
      INTEGER AREA		!This is rather more difficult to calculate.
     END TYPE ABLOB		!That will do.
     TYPE(ABLOB) STASH(LOTS)	!I'll have some.
     INTEGER N,XNDX(LOTS)	!A counter and an index..
     INTEGER H,T		!Stuff for the in-line combsort.
     LOGICAL CURSE		!Rather than mess with subroutines and parameters.
     INTEGER TASTE,CHOICE	!Output selection stuff.
     PARAMETER (TASTE = 10, CHOICE = 210)	!As specified.

Collect some triangles.

     N = 0	!So, here we go.
     DO K = 1,LIMIT	!Just slog away,
       DO J = 1,K		!With brute force and ignorance.
         DO I = 1,J			!This way, a 3,4,5 triangle is in that order.
           IF (GCD3(I,J,K).GT.1) CYCLE	!A mere multiple. Seen it before.
           A = HERO(SIDE)		!Assess the area.
           IF (A.LE.0) CYCLE		!Not a valid triangle!
           IF (A .NE. INT(A)) CYCLE	!Not an integral area. Precision is adequate...
           N = N + 1			!Another candidate survives.
           IF (N.GT.LOTS) STOP "Too many!"	!Perhaps not for long!
           XNDX(N) = N			!So, keep a finger.
           STASH(N).SIDE = SIDE		!Stash its details.
           STASH(N).PERIMETER = SUM(SIDE)	!Calculate once, here.
           STASH(N).AREA = A			!And save this as an integer.

c WRITE (6,10) N,STASH(N)

  10       FORMAT (I4,":",3I4,I7,I8)	!A reasonable layout.
         END DO
       END DO
     END DO
     WRITE (6,11) N,LIMIT	!The first result.
  11 FORMAT (I0," triangles of integral area. Sides up to ",I0)

Comb sort involves coding only one test, and the comparison is to be compound...

     H = N - 1	!Last - First, and not +1.
  20 H = MAX(1,H*10/13)	!The special feature.
     IF (H.EQ.9 .OR. H.EQ.10) H = 11	!A twiddle.
     CURSE = .FALSE.		!So far, so good.
     DO 24 I = N - H,1,-1	!If H = 1, this is a BubbleSort.
       IF (STASH(XNDX(I)).AREA - STASH(XNDX(I + H)).AREA) 24,21,23 	!One compare. But, a compound key.
  21   IF (STASH(XNDX(I)).PERIMETER-STASH(XNDX(I+H)).PERIMETER)24,22,23 	!Equal area, so, perimeter?
  22   IF (MAXVAL(STASH(XNDX(I)).SIDE)			!Equal perimeter, so, longest side?
    1    - MAXVAL(STASH(XNDX(I+H)).SIDE)) 24,24,23	!At last, equality here can be passed over.
  23     T=XNDX(I); XNDX(I)=XNDX(I+H); XNDX(I+H)=T	!One swap.
         CURSE = .TRUE.			!One curse.
  24 CONTINUE				!One loop.
     IF (CURSE .OR. H.GT.1) GO TO 20	!Work remains?

Cast forth the results, as per the specification.

     WRITE (6,30) TASTE
  30 FORMAT ("First ",I0,", ordered by area, perimeter, longest side.",
    1 /,"Index ---Sides--- Perimeter Area")
     DO I = 1,TASTE
       WRITE (6,10) XNDX(I),STASH(XNDX(I))
     END DO
     WRITE (6,31) CHOICE
  31 FORMAT ("Those triangles with area",I7)
     DO I = 1,N	!I could go looking through the ordered list for CHOICE entries,
       IF (STASH(XNDX(I)).AREA.NE.CHOICE) CYCLE!But I can't be bothered.
       WRITE (6,10) XNDX(I),STASH(XNDX(I))	!Here is one such.
     END DO		!Just thump through the lot.


517 triangles of integral area. Sides up to 200
First 10, ordered by area, perimeter, longest side.
Index ---Sides--- Perimeter Area
   1:   3   4   5     12       6
   2:   5   5   6     16      12
   3:   5   5   8     18      12
   6:   4  13  15     32      24
   4:   5  12  13     30      30
   8:   9  10  17     36      36
  19:   3  25  26     54      36
  12:   7  15  20     42      42
   5:  10  13  13     36      60
   9:   8  15  17     40      60
Those triangles with area    210
  21:  17  25  28     70     210
  22:  20  21  29     70     210
  33:  12  35  37     84     210
  36:  17  28  39     84     210
  91:   7  65  68    140     210
 329:   3 148 149    300     210


<lang freebasic>' version 02-05-2016 ' compile with: fbc -s console

  1. Macro header
   Print "      a      b      c      s   area"
   Print "-----------------------------------"
  1. EndMacro

Type triangle

   Dim As UInteger a
   Dim As UInteger b
   Dim As UInteger c
   Dim As UInteger s
   Dim As UInteger area

End Type

Function gcd(x As UInteger, y As UInteger) As UInteger

   Dim As UInteger t
   While y
       t = y
       y = x Mod y
       x = t
   Return x

End Function

Function Heronian_triangles(a_max As UInteger, b_max As UInteger, _

           c_max As UInteger, result() As triangle) As UInteger
   Dim As UInteger a, b, c
   Dim As UInteger s, sqroot, total, temp
   For a = 1 To a_max
       For b = a To b_max
           ' make sure that a + b + c is even
           For c = b + (a And 1) To c_max Step 2
               ' to form a triangle a + b must be greater then c 
               If (a + b) <= c Then Exit For
               ' check if a, b and c have a common divisor
               If (gcd(c, b) <> 1 And gcd(c, a) <> 1) Then 
                   Continue For
               End If
               s = (a + b + c) \ 2
               temp = s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)
               sqroot = Sqr(temp)
               If (sqroot * sqroot) = temp Then
                   total += 1
                   With result(total)
                       .a = a
                       .b = b
                       .c = c
                       .s = s
                       .area = sqroot
                   End With
               End If
   Return total

End Function

Sub sort_tri(result() As triangle, total As UInteger)

   ' shell sort
   ' sort order: area, s, c
   Dim As UInteger x, y, inc, done
   inc = total
       inc = IIf(inc > 1, inc \ 2, 1)
           done = 0
           For x = 1 To total - inc
               y = x + inc
               If result(x).area > result(y).area Then
                   Swap result(x), result(y)
                   done = 1
                   If result(x).area = result(y).area Then
                       If result(x).s > result(y).s Then
                           Swap result(x), result(y)
                           done = 1
                           If result(x).s = result(y).s Then
                               If result(x).c > result(y).c Then
                                   Swap result(x), result(y)
                                   done = 1
                               End If
                           End If
                       End If
                   End If
               End If
       Loop Until done = 0
   Loop Until inc = 1

End Sub

' ------=< MAIN >=------

ReDim result(1 To 1000) As triangle Dim As UInteger x, y, total

total = Heronian_triangles(200, 200, 200, result() )

' trim the array by removing empty entries ReDim Preserve result(1 To total ) As triangle

sort_tri(result(), total)

Print "There are ";total;" Heronian triangles with sides <= 200" Print

Print "First ten sorted entries" header ' print header For x = 1 To IIf(total > 9, 10, total)

   With result(x)
       Print Using "  #####"; .a; .b; .c; .s; .area
   End With

Next Print Print

Print "Entries with a area = 210" header ' print header For x = 1 To UBound(result)

   With result(x)
       If .area = 210 Then
           Print Using "  #####"; .a; .b; .c; .s; .area
       End If
   End With


' empty keyboard buffer While Inkey <> "" : Wend Print : Print "hit any key to end program" Sleep End</lang>

There are 517 Heronian triangles with sides <= 200

First ten sorted entries

      a      b      c      s   area
      3      4      5      6      6
      5      5      6      8     12
      5      5      8      9     12
      4     13     15     16     24
      5     12     13     15     30
      9     10     17     18     36
      3     25     26     27     36
      7     15     20     21     42
     10     13     13     18     60
      8     15     17     20     60

Entries with a area = 210

      a      b      c      s   area
     17     25     28     35    210
     20     21     29     35    210
     12     35     37     42    210
     17     28     39     42    210
      7     65     68     70    210
      3    148    149    150    210


<lang futurebasic> include "ConsoleWindow"

// Set width of tabs def tab 10

local fn gcd( a as long, b as long ) dim as long result

if ( b != 0 )

  result = fn gcd( b, a mod b)


  result = abs(a)

end if end fn = result

begin globals dim as long triangleInfo( 600, 4 ) end globals

local fn CalculateHeronianTriangles( numberToCheck as long ) as long dim as long c, b, a, result, count : count = 0 dim as double s, area

for c = 1 to numberToCheck

  for b = 1 to c
     for a = 1 to b
        s = ( a + b + c ) / 2
        area = s * ( s - a ) * ( s - b ) * ( s  - c )
           if area > 0
              area = sqr( area )
              if area = int( area )
                 result = fn gcd( b, c )
                 result = fn gcd( a, result )
                    if result == 1
                       triangleInfo( count, 0 ) = a
                       triangleInfo( count, 1 ) = b
                       triangleInfo( count, 2 ) = c
                       triangleInfo( count, 3 ) = 2 * s
                       triangleInfo( count, 4 ) = area
                     end if
               end if
          end if

next end fn = count

dim as long i, k, count

count = fn CalculateHeronianTriangles( 200 )

print print "Number of triangles:"; count print print "---------------------------------------------" print "Side A", "Side B", "Side C", "Perimeter", "Area" print "---------------------------------------------"

// Sort array dim as Boolean flips : flips = _true while ( flips = _true )

  flips = _false
  for i = 1 to count - 1
     if triangleInfo( i, 4 ) > triangleInfo( i + 1, 4 )
        for k = 0 to 4
           swap triangleInfo( i, k ), triangleInfo( i + 1, k )
     flips = _true
     end if


// Find first 10 heronian triangles for i = 1 to 10

  print triangleInfo( i, 0 ), triangleInfo( i, 1 ), triangleInfo( i, 2 ), triangleInfo( i, 3 ), triangleInfo( i, 4 )

next print print "Triangles with an area of 210:" print // Search for triangle with area of 210 for i = 1 to count

  if triangleInfo( i, 4 ) == 210
     print triangleInfo( i, 0 ), triangleInfo( i, 1 ), triangleInfo( i, 2 ), triangleInfo( i, 3 ), triangleInfo( i, 4 )
  end if

next </lang>


Number of triangles: 517

Side A    Side B    Side C    Perimeter Area
 3         4         5         12        6
 5         5         6         16        12
 5         5         8         18        12
 4         13        15        32        24
 5         12        13        30        30
 9         10        17        36        36
 3         25        26        54        36
 7         15        20        42        42
 10        13        13        36        60
 8         15        17        40        60

Triangles with an area of 210:

 17        25        28        70        210
 20        21        29        70        210
 12        35        37        84        210
 17        28        39        84        210
 7         65        68        140       210
 3         148       149       300       210


<lang go>package main

import (



const (

   n = 200
   header = "\nSides          P   A"


func gcd(a, b int) int {

   leftover := 1
   var dividend, divisor int
   if (a > b) { dividend, divisor = a, b } else { dividend, divisor = b, a }
   for (leftover != 0) {
       leftover = dividend % divisor
       if (leftover > 0) {
           dividend, divisor = divisor, leftover
   return divisor


func is_heron(h float64) bool {

   return h > 0 && math.Mod(h, 1) == 0.0


// by_area_perimeter implements sort.Interface for [][]int based on the area first and perimeter value type by_area_perimeter [][]int

func (a by_area_perimeter) Len() int { return len(a) } func (a by_area_perimeter) Swap(i, j int) { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] } func (a by_area_perimeter) Less(i, j int) bool {

   return a[i][4] < a[j][4] || a[i][4] == a[j][4] && a[i][3] < a[j][3]


func main() {

   var l [][]int
   for c := 1; c <= n; c++ {
       for b := 1; b <= c; b++ {
           for a := 1; a <= b; a++ {
               if (gcd(gcd(a, b), c) == 1) {
                   p := a + b + c
                   s := float64(p) / 2.0
                   area := math.Sqrt(s * (s - float64(a)) * (s - float64(b)) * (s - float64(c)))
                   if (is_heron(area)) {
                       l = append(l, []int{a, b, c, p, int(area)})
   fmt.Printf("Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %d: %d", n, len(l))
   fmt.Printf("\n\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:" + header)
   for i := 0; i < 10; i++ { fmt.Printf("\n%3d", l[i]) }
   a := 210
   fmt.Printf("\n\nArea = %d%s", a, header)
   for _, it := range l  {
       if (it[4] == a) {
           fmt.Printf("\n%3d", it)


Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:
Sides          P   A
[  3   4   5  12   6]
[  5   5   6  16  12]
[  5   5   8  18  12]
[  4  13  15  32  24]
[  5  12  13  30  30]
[  9  10  17  36  36]
[  3  25  26  54  36]
[  7  15  20  42  42]
[ 10  13  13  36  60]
[  8  15  17  40  60]

Area = 210
Sides          P   A
[ 17  25  28  70 210]
[ 20  21  29  70 210]
[ 12  35  37  84 210]
[ 17  28  39  84 210]
[  7  65  68 140 210]
[  3 148 149 300 210]


<lang Haskell>import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Maybe import Data.Ord import Text.Printf

-- Determine if a number n is a perfect square and return its square root if so. -- This is used instead of sqrt to avoid fixed sized floating point numbers. perfectSqrt :: Integral a => a -> Maybe a perfectSqrt n

 | n == 1    = Just 1
 | n < 4     = Nothing
 | otherwise =
 let search low high =
       let guess = (low + high) `div` 2
           square = guess ^ 2
             | square == n  = Just guess
             | low == guess = Nothing
             | square < n   = search guess high
             | otherwise    = search low guess
       in next
 in search 0 n

-- Determine the area of a Heronian triangle if it is one. heronTri :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> Maybe a heronTri a b c =

 let -- Rewrite Heron's formula to factor out the term 16 under the root.
   areaSq16    = (a + b + c) * (b + c - a) * (a + c - b) * (a + b - c)
   (areaSq, r) = areaSq16 `divMod` 16
 in if r == 0
    then perfectSqrt areaSq
    else Nothing

isPrimitive :: Integral a => a -> a -> a -> a isPrimitive a b c = gcd a (gcd b c)

third (_, _, x, _, _) = x fourth (_, _, _, x, _) = x fifth (_, _, _, _, x) = x

orders :: Ord b => [(a -> b)] -> a -> a -> Ordering orders [f] a b = comparing f a b orders (f:fx) a b =

 case comparing f a b of
   EQ -> orders fx a b
   n  -> n

main :: IO () main = do

 let range = [1 .. 200]
     tris :: [(Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)]
     tris = L.sortBy (orders [fifth, fourth, third])
            $ map (\(a, b, c, d, e) -> (a, b, c, d, fromJust e))
            $ filter (isJust . fifth)
            [(a, b, c, a + b + c, heronTri a b c)
            | a <- range, b <- range, c <- range
            , a <= b, b <= c, isPrimitive a b c == 1]
     printTri (a, b, c, d, e) = printf "%3d %3d %3d %9d %4d\n" a b c d e
 printf "Heronian triangles found: %d\n\n" $ length tris
 putStrLn "   Sides    Perimeter Area"
 mapM_ printTri $ take 10 tris
 putStrLn ""
 mapM_ printTri $ filter ((== 210) . fifth) tris</lang>
Heronian triangles found: 517

   Sides    Perimeter Area
  3   4   5        12    6
  5   5   6        16   12
  5   5   8        18   12
  4  13  15        32   24
  5  12  13        30   30
  9  10  17        36   36
  3  25  26        54   36
  7  15  20        42   42
 10  13  13        36   60
  8  15  17        40   60

 17  25  28        70  210
 20  21  29        70  210
 12  35  37        84  210
 17  28  39        84  210
  7  65  68       140  210
  3 148 149       300  210


Hero's formula Implementation

<lang J>a=: 0&{"1 b=: 1&{"1 c=: 2&{"1 s=: (a+b+c) % 2: area=: 2 %: s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c) NB. Hero's formula perim=: +/"1 isPrimHero=: (0&~: * (= <.@:+))@area * 1 = a +. b +. c</lang>

We exclude triangles with zero area, triangles with complex area, non-integer area, and triangles whose sides share a common integer multiple.

Alternative Implementation

The implementation above uses the symbols as given in the formula at the top of the page, making it easier to follow along as well as spot any errors. That formula distinguishes between the individual sides of the triangles but J could easily treat these sides as a single entity or array. The implementation below uses this "typical J" approach:

<lang J>perim=: +/"1 s=: -:@:perim area=: [: %: s * [: */"1 s - ] NB. Hero's formula isNonZeroInt=: 0&~: *. (= <.@:+) isPrimHero=: isNonZeroInt@area *. 1 = +./&.|:</lang>

Required examples

<lang J> Tri=:(1-i.3)+"1]3 comb 202 NB. distinct triangles with sides <= 200

  HeroTri=: (#~ isPrimHero) Tri                  NB. all primitive Heronian triangles with sides <= 200
  # HeroTri                                      NB. count triangles found


  HeroTri=: (/: area ,. perim ,. ]) HeroTri      NB. sort by area, perimeter & sides
  (,. _ ,. perim ,. area) 10 {. HeroTri          NB. tabulate sides, perimeter & area for top 10 triangles
3  4  5 _ 12  6
5  5  6 _ 16 12
5  5  8 _ 18 12
4 13 15 _ 32 24
5 12 13 _ 30 30
9 10 17 _ 36 36
3 25 26 _ 54 36
7 15 20 _ 42 42

10 13 13 _ 36 60

8 15 17 _ 40 60
  (,. _ ,. perim ,. area) (#~ 210 = area) HeroTri NB. tablulate sides, perimeter & area for triangles with area = 210

17 25 28 _ 70 210 20 21 29 _ 70 210 12 35 37 _ 84 210 17 28 39 _ 84 210

7  65  68 _ 140 210
3 148 149 _ 300 210</lang>


<lang java>import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Heron {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       ArrayList<int[]> list = new ArrayList<>();
       for (int c = 1; c <= 200; c++) {
           for (int b = 1; b <= c; b++) {
               for (int a = 1; a <= b; a++) {
                   if (gcd(gcd(a, b), c) == 1 && isHeron(heronArea(a, b, c))){
                       int area = (int) heronArea(a, b, c);
                       list.add(new int[]{a, b, c, a + b + c, area});
       System.out.printf("Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up "
               + "to 200: %d\n\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then"
               + " perimeter:\nSides       Perimeter   Area", list.size());
       for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
           System.out.printf("\n%d x %d x %d   %d      %d",
                   list.get(i)[0], list.get(i)[1], list.get(i)[2],
                   list.get(i)[3], list.get(i)[4]);
       System.out.printf("\n\nArea = 210\nSides        Perimeter   Area");
       for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
           if (list.get(i)[4] == 210)
               System.out.printf("\n%d x %d x %d   %d      %d",
                       list.get(i)[0], list.get(i)[1], list.get(i)[2],
                       list.get(i)[3], list.get(i)[4]);
   public static double heronArea(int a, int b, int c) {
       double s = (a + b + c) / 2f;
       return Math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c));
   public static boolean isHeron(double h) {
       return h % 1 == 0 && h > 0;
   public static int gcd(int a, int b) {
       int leftover = 1, dividend = a > b ? a : b, divisor = a > b ? b : a;
       while (leftover != 0) {
           leftover = dividend % divisor;
           if (leftover > 0) {
               dividend = divisor;
               divisor = leftover;
       return divisor;
   public static void sort(ArrayList<int[]> list) {
       boolean swapped = true;
       int[] temp;
       while (swapped) {
           swapped = false;
           for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) {
               if (list.get(i)[4] < list.get(i - 1)[4] ||
                       list.get(i)[4] == list.get(i - 1)[4] &&
                       list.get(i)[3] < list.get(i - 1)[3]) {
                   temp = list.get(i);
                   list.set(i, list.get(i - 1));
                   list.set(i - 1, temp);
                   swapped = true;


Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:
Sides		Perimeter	Area
3 x 4 x 5	12		6
5 x 5 x 6	16		12
5 x 5 x 8	18		12
4 x 13 x 15	32		24
5 x 12 x 13	30		30
9 x 10 x 17	36		36
3 x 25 x 26	54		36
7 x 15 x 20	42		42
10 x 13 x 13	36		60
8 x 15 x 17	40		60

Area = 210
Sides		Perimeter	Area
17 x 25 x 28	70		210
20 x 21 x 29	70		210
12 x 35 x 37	84		210
17 x 28 x 39	84		210
7 x 65 x 68	140		210
3 x 148 x 149	300		210



<lang JavaScript> window.onload = function(){

   var list = [];
   var j = 0;	
   for(var c = 1; c <= 200; c++)
       for(var b = 1; b <= c; b++)
           for(var a = 1; a <= b; a++)

if(gcd(gcd(a, b), c) == 1 && isHeron(heronArea(a, b, c))) list[j++] = new Array(a, b, c, a + b + c, heronArea(a, b, c));



Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: " + list.length + "

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:

   for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
document.write(""); document.write("
" + list[i][0] + " x " + list[i][1] + " x " + list[i][2] + "" + list[i][3] + "" + list[i][4] + "

Area = 210

   for(var i = 0; i < list.length; i++)

if(list[i][4] == 210)

   function heronArea(a, b, c){

var s = (a + b + c)/ 2; return Math.sqrt(s *(s -a)*(s - b)*(s - c));

   function isHeron(h){
       return h % 1 == 0 && h > 0;
   function gcd(a, b){

var leftover = 1, dividend = a > b ? a : b, divisor = a > b ? b : a; while(leftover != 0){ leftover = dividend % divisor; if(leftover > 0){ dividend = divisor; divisor = leftover; } } return divisor;

   function sort(list){

var swapped = true; var temp = []; while(swapped){ swapped = false; for(var i = 1; i < list.length; i++){ if(list[i][4] < list[i - 1][4] || list[i][4] == list[i - 1][4] && list[i][3] < list[i - 1][3]){ temp = list[i]; list[i] = list[i - 1]; list[i - 1] = temp; swapped = true; } } }


} </lang>

Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:
Sides	Perimeter	Area
3 x 4 x 5	12	6
5 x 5 x 6	16	12
5 x 5 x 8	18	12
4 x 13 x 15	32	24
5 x 12 x 13	30	30
9 x 10 x 17	36	36
3 x 25 x 26	54	36
7 x 15 x 20	42	42
10 x 13 x 13	36	60
8 x 15 x 17	40	60

Area = 210
Sides	Perimeter	Area
17 x 25 x 28	70	210
20 x 21 x 29	70	210
12 x 35 x 37	84	210
17 x 28 x 39	84	210
7 x 65 x 68	140	210
3 x 148 x 149	300	210

Functional (ES5)

Using the list monad pattern to define a filtered cartesian product:

- Monadic bind/chain for lists is concat map.
- Return/inject for lists is λx -> [x]
- Monadic fail for lists is simply λx -> [].

List comprehension syntax is convenient and concise, but efficient use of it may be helped by a clearer understanding of the formally equivalent – but slightly more flexible – list monad pattern. See, for example List comprehension at wiki.haskell.org. (Haskell list comprehensions are themselves implemented in terms of concat map). ES6 JavaScript introduces syntactic sugar for list comprehensions, but the list monad pattern can already be used in ES5 – indeed in any language which supports the use of higher-order functions.

<lang JavaScript>(function (n) {

 var chain = function (xs, f) {                  // Monadic bind/chain
     return [].concat.apply([], xs.map(f));

   hArea = function (x, y, z) {
     var s = (x + y + z) / 2,
       a = s * (s - x) * (s - y) * (s - z);
     return a ? Math.sqrt(a) : 0;

   gcd = function (m, n) { return n ? gcd(n, m % n) : m; },

   rng = function (m, n) {
     return Array.apply(null, Array(n - m + 1)).map(function (x, i) {
       return m + i;

   sum = function (a, x) { return a + x; };


 var lstHeron = chain( rng(1, n), function (x) {
         return chain( rng(x, n), function (y) {
         return chain( rng(y, n), function (z) {

       return (
         (x + y > z) &&
         gcd(gcd(x, y), z) === 1 &&            // Primitive.
         (function () {                        // Heronian.
           var a = hArea(x, y, z);
           return a && (a === parseInt(a, 10))
       ) ? x, y, z : [];                   // Monadic inject or fail

 })})}).sort(function (a, b) {
   var dArea = hArea.apply(null, a) - hArea.apply(null, b);
   if (dArea) return dArea;
   else {
     var dPerim = a.reduce(sum, 0) - b.reduce(sum, 0);
     return dPerim ? dPerim : (a[2] - b[2]);


 var lstColumns = ['Sides Perimeter Area'.split(' ')],
   fnData = function (lst) {
     return [JSON.stringify(lst), lst.reduce(sum, 0), hArea.apply(null, lst)];
   wikiTable = function (lstRows, blnHeaderRow, strStyle) {
     return '{| class="wikitable" ' + (
       strStyle ? 'style="' + strStyle + '"' : 
     ) + lstRows.map(function (lstRow, iRow) {
       var strDelim = ((blnHeaderRow && !iRow) ? '!' : '|');

       return '\n|-\n' + strDelim + ' ' + lstRow.map(function (v) {
         return typeof v === 'undefined' ? ' ' : v;
       }).join(' ' + strDelim + strDelim + ' ');
     }).join() + '\n|}';

 return 'Found: ' + lstHeron.length +
   ' primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to ' + n + '.\n\n' +
   '(Showing first 10, sorted by increasing area, ' +
   'perimeter, and longest side)\n\n' +
     lstColumns.concat(lstHeron.slice(0, 10).map(fnData)),
   ) + '\n\n' +
   'All primitive Heronian triangles in this range where area = 210\n' +
   '\n(also in order of increasing perimeter and longest side)\n\n' +
     lstColumns.concat(lstHeron.filter(function (x) {
       return 210 === hArea.apply(null, x);
   ) + '\n\n';



Found: 517 primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200.

(Showing first 10, sorted by increasing area, perimeter, and longest side)

" + list[i][0] + " x " + list[i][1] + " x " + list[i][2] + "" + list[i][3] + "" + list[i][4] + "
Sides Perimeter Area
[3,4,5] 12 6
[5,5,6] 16 12
[5,5,8] 18 12
[4,13,15] 32 24
[5,12,13] 30 30
[9,10,17] 36 36
[3,25,26] 54 36
[7,15,20] 42 42
[10,13,13] 36 60
[8,15,17] 40 60

All primitive Heronian triangles in this range where area = 210

(also in order of increasing perimeter and longest side)

Sides Perimeter Area
[17,25,28] 70 210
[20,21,29] 70 210
[12,35,37] 84 210
[17,28,39] 84 210
[7,65,68] 140 210
[3,148,149] 300 210


Works with: jq version 1.4

<lang jq># input should be an array of the lengths of the sides def hero:

 (add/2) as $s
 | ($s*($s - .[0])*($s - .[1])*($s - .[2])) as $a2
 | if $a2 > 0 then ($a2 | sqrt) else 0 end;

def is_heronian:

 hero as $h
 | $h > 0 and ($h|floor) == $h;

def gcd3(x; y; z):

 # subfunction expects [a,b] as input
 def rgcd:
   if .[1] == 0 then .[0]
   else [.[1], .[0] % .[1]] | rgcd
 [ ([x,y] | rgcd), z ] | rgcd;

def task(maxside):

 def rjust(width): tostring |  " " * (width - length) + .;
 [ range(1; maxside+1) as $c
   | range(1; $c+1) as $b
   | range(1; $b+1) as $a
   | if ($a + $b) > $c and gcd3($a; $b; $c) == 1
     then [$a,$b,$c] | if is_heronian then . else empty end
     else empty
     end ]
 # sort by increasing area, perimeter, then sides
 | sort_by( [ hero, add, .[2] ] )  
 | "The number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to \(maxside): \(length)",
   "The first ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter, then maximum sides:",
   "      perimeter area",
   (.[0:10][] | "\(rjust(11)) \(add | rjust(3)) \(hero | rjust(4))" ),
   "All those with area 210, ordered as previously:",
   "      perimeter area",
   ( .[] | select( hero == 210 ) | "\(rjust(11)) \(add|rjust(3)) \(hero|rjust(4))" ) ;



<lang sh>$ time jq -n -r -f heronian.jq The number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517 The first ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter, then maximum sides:

     perimeter area
   [3,4,5]  12    6
   [5,5,6]  16   12
   [5,5,8]  18   12
 [4,13,15]  32   24
 [5,12,13]  30   30
 [9,10,17]  36   36
 [3,25,26]  54   36
 [7,15,20]  42   42
[10,13,13]  36   60
 [8,15,17]  40   60

All those with area 210, ordered as previously:

     perimeter area
[17,25,28]  70  210
[20,21,29]  70  210
[12,35,37]  84  210
[17,28,39]  84  210
 [7,65,68] 140  210

[3,148,149] 300 210</lang>


The type IntegerTriangle stores a triangle's sides (a, b, c), perimeter (p) and area (σ) as integers. The function isprimheronian checks whether the a triangle of integer sides is a primitive Heronian triangle and is called prior to construction of an IntegerTriangle.

Types and Functions <lang Julia> type IntegerTriangle{T<:Integer}



function IntegerTriangle{T<:Integer}(a::T, b::T, c::T)

   p = a + b + c
   s = div(p, 2)
   σ = isqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
   (x, y, z) = sort([a, b, c])
   IntegerTriangle(x, y, z, p, σ)


function isprimheronian{T<:Integer}(a::T, b::T, c::T)

   p = a + b + c
   iseven(p) || return false
   gcd(a, b, c) == 1 || return false
   s = div(p, 2)
   t = s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)
   0 < t || return false
   σ = isqrt(t)
   σ^2 == t

end </lang>

Main <lang Julia> slim = 200

ht = IntegerTriangle[]

for a in 1:slim, b in a:slim, c in b:slim

   isprimheronian(a, b, c) || continue
   push!(ht, IntegerTriangle(a, b, c))


sort!(ht, by=x->(x.σ, x.p, x.c))

print("The number of primitive Hernonian triangles having sides ≤ ") println(slim, " is ", length(ht))

tlim = 10 tlim = min(tlim, length(ht))

println() println("Tabulating the first (by σ, p, c) ", tlim, " of these:") println(" a b c σ p") for t in ht[1:tlim]

   println(@sprintf "%6d %3d %3d %4d %4d" t.a t.b t.c t.σ t.p)


tlim = 210 println() println("Tabulating those having σ = ", tlim, ":") println(" a b c σ p") for t in ht

   t.σ == tlim || continue
   t.σ == tlim || break
   println(@sprintf "%6d %3d %3d %4d %4d" t.a t.b t.c t.σ t.p)

end </lang>

The number of primitive Hernonian triangles having sides ≤ 200 is 517

Tabulating the first (by σ, p, c) 10 of these:
    a   b   c    σ    p
     3   4   5    6   12
     5   5   6   12   16
     5   5   8   12   18
     4  13  15   24   32
     5  12  13   30   30
     9  10  17   36   36
     3  25  26   36   54
     7  15  20   42   42
    10  13  13   60   36
     8  15  17   60   40

Tabulating those having σ = 210:
    a   b   c    σ    p
    17  25  28  210   70
    20  21  29  210   70
    12  35  37  210   84
    17  28  39  210   84
     7  65  68  210  140
     3 148 149  210  300


Translation of: Scala

<lang scala>import java.util.ArrayList

object Heron {

   private val n = 200
   fun run() {
       val l = ArrayList<IntArray>()
       for (c in 1..n)
           for (b in 1..c)
               for (a in 1..b)
                   if (gcd(gcd(a, b), c) == 1) {
                       val p = a + b + c
                       val s = p / 2.0
                       val area = Math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
                       if (isHeron(area))
                           l.add(intArrayOf(a, b, c, p, area.toInt()))
       print("Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to $n: " + l.size)
       print("\n\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:" + header)
       for (i in 0 until 10) {
       val a = 210
       print("\n\nArea = $a" + header)
       l.filter { it[4] == a }.forEach { print(format(it)) }
   private fun gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
       var leftover = 1
       var dividend = if (a > b) a else b
       var divisor = if (a > b) b else a
       while (leftover != 0) {
           leftover = dividend % divisor
           if (leftover > 0) {
               dividend = divisor
               divisor = leftover
       return divisor
   fun sort(l: MutableList<IntArray>) {
       var swapped = true
       while (swapped) {
           swapped = false
           for (i in 1 until l.size)
               if (l[i][4] < l[i - 1][4] || l[i][4] == l[i - 1][4] && l[i][3] < l[i - 1][3]) {
                   val temp = l[i]
                   l[i] = l[i - 1]
                   l[i - 1] = temp
                   swapped = true
   private fun isHeron(h: Double) = h.rem(1) == 0.0 && h > 0
   private val header = "\nSides           Perimeter   Area"
   private fun format(a: IntArray) = "\n%3d x %3d x %3d %5d %10d".format(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4])


fun main(args: Array<String>) = Heron.run()</lang>

Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:
Sides           Perimeter   Area
  3 x   4 x   5    12          6
  5 x   5 x   6    16         12
  5 x   5 x   8    18         12
  4 x  13 x  15    32         24
  5 x  12 x  13    30         30
  9 x  10 x  17    36         36
  3 x  25 x  26    54         36
  7 x  15 x  20    42         42
 10 x  13 x  13    36         60
  8 x  15 x  17    40         60

Area = 210
Sides           Perimeter   Area
 17 x  25 x  28    70        210
 20 x  21 x  29    70        210
 12 x  35 x  37    84        210
 17 x  28 x  39    84        210
  7 x  65 x  68   140        210
  3 x 148 x 149   300        210


<lang lua>-- Returns the details of the Heronian Triangle with sides a, b, c or nil if it isn't one local function tryHt( a, b, c )

   local result
   local s = ( a + b + c ) / 2;
   local areaSquared = s * ( s - a ) * ( s - b ) * ( s - c );
   if areaSquared > 0 then
       -- a, b, c does form a triangle
       local area = math.sqrt( areaSquared );
       if math.floor( area ) == area then
           -- the area is integral so the triangle is Heronian
           result = { a = a, b = b, c = c, perimeter = a + b + c, area = area }
   return result


-- Returns the GCD of a and b local function gcd( a, b ) return ( b == 0 and a ) or gcd( b, a % b ) end

-- Prints the details of the Heronian triangle t local function htPrint( t ) print( string.format( "%4d %4d %4d %4d %4d", t.a, t.b, t.c, t.area, t.perimeter ) ) end -- Prints headings for the Heronian Triangle table local function htTitle() print( " a b c area perimeter" ); print( "---- ---- ---- ---- ---------" ) end

-- Construct ht as a table of the Heronian Triangles with sides up to 200 local ht = {}; for c = 1, 200 do

   for b = 1, c do
       for a = 1, b do
           local t = gcd( gcd( a, b ), c ) == 1 and tryHt( a, b, c );
           if t then
               ht[ #ht + 1 ] = t


-- sort the table on ascending area, perimiter and max side length -- note we constructed the triangles with c as the longest side table.sort( ht, function( a, b )

               return a.area < b.area or (   a.area == b.area
                                         and (  a.perimeter <  b.perimeter
                                             or (   a.perimiter == b.perimiter
                                                and a.c         <  b.c

-- Display the triangles print( "There are " .. #ht .. " Heronian triangles with sides up to 200" ); htTitle(); for htPos = 1, 10 do htPrint( ht[ htPos ] ) end print( " ..." ); print( "Heronian triangles with area 210:" ); htTitle(); for htPos = 1, #ht do

   local t = ht[ htPos ];
   if t.area == 210 then htPrint( t ) end


There are 517 Heronian triangles with sides up to 200
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
   3    4    5    6        12
   5    5    6   12        16
   5    5    8   12        18
   4   13   15   24        32
   5   12   13   30        30
   9   10   17   36        36
   3   25   26   36        54
   7   15   20   42        42
  10   13   13   60        36
   8   15   17   60        40
Heronian triangles with area 210:
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
  17   25   28  210        70
  20   21   29  210        70
  12   35   37  210        84
  17   28   39  210        84
   7   65   68  210       140
   3  148  149  210       300


<lang nim>import math, algorithm, lenientops, strformat, sequtils

type HeronianTriangle = tuple[a, b, c: int; p: int; area: int]

func `$` (t: HeronianTriangle): string =

 fmt"{t.a:3d}, {t.b:3d}, {t.c:3d} {t.p:7d} {t.area:8d}"

func hero(a, b, c: int): float =

 let s = (a + b + c) / 2
 result = sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))

func isHeronianTriangle(x: float): bool = x > 0 and ceil(x) == x

func gcd(x, y: int): int =

   (dividend, divisor) = if x > y: (x, y) else: (y, x)
   remainder = dividend mod divisor
 while remainder != 0:
   dividend = divisor
   divisor = remainder
   remainder = dividend mod divisor
 result = divisor

func max(a, b, c: int): int = max(a, max(b, c)) func gcd(a, b, c: int): int = gcd(a, gcd(b, c))

const Header = " Sides Perimeter Area\n------------- --------- ----"

var list: seq[HeronianTriangle] const Max = 200

for c in 1..Max:

 for b in 1..c:
   for a in 1..b:
     let area = hero(a, b, c)
     if isHeronianTriangle(area) and gcd(a, b, c) == 1:
       let t: HeronianTriangle = (a, b, c, a + b + c, area.toInt)

echo "Number of Heronian triangles: ", list.len

list.sort do (x, y: HeronianTriangle) -> int:

 result = cmp(x.area, y.area)
 if result == 0:
   result = cmp(x.p, y.p)
   if result == 0:
     result = cmp(max(x.a, x.b, x.c), max(y.a, y.b, y.c))

echo "\nOrdered list of first ten Heronian triangles:" echo Header for t in list[0 ..< 10]: echo t

echo "\nOrdered list of Heronian triangles with area 210:" echo Header for t in list.filterIt(it.area == 210): echo t </lang>

Number of Heronian triangles: 517

Ordered list of first ten Heronian triangles:
    Sides      Perimeter  Area
-------------  ---------  ----
  3,   4,   5      12        6
  5,   5,   6      16       12
  5,   5,   8      18       12
  4,  13,  15      32       24
  5,  12,  13      30       30
  9,  10,  17      36       36
  3,  25,  26      54       36
  7,  15,  20      42       42
 10,  13,  13      36       60
  8,  15,  17      40       60

Ordered list of Heronian triangles with area 210:
    Sides      Perimeter  Area
-------------  ---------  ----
 17,  25,  28      70      210
 20,  21,  29      70      210
 12,  35,  37      84      210
 17,  28,  39      84      210
  7,  65,  68     140      210
  3, 148, 149     300      210


Derived from REXX with some changes <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm generates primitive Heronian triangles by side length & area.*/

 Call time 'R'
 Numeric Digits 12
 Parse Arg mxs area list
 If mxs = Then mxs =200
 If area= Then area=210
 If list= Then list=10
 tx='primitive Heronian triangles'
 Call heronian mxs            /* invoke sub with max SIDES.     */
 Say nt tx 'found with side length up to' mxs "(inclusive)."
 Call show '2'
 Call show '3'
 Say time('E') 'seconds elapsed'


 abc.=0  /* abc.ar.p.* contains 'a b c' for area ar and perimeter p */
 nt=0                              /* number of triangles found     */
 Do a=3 To mxs
   Do b=a To mxs
     Do c=b To mxs
       If hgcd(a,b,c)=1 Then Do    /* GCD=1                         */
         If pos('.',ar)=0 Then Do  /* is an integer                 */
           nt=nt+1                 /* a primitive Heronian triangle.*/
           Call minmax '0P',p
           Call minmax '0A',a
           abc_ar=right(per,4) right(a,4) right(b,4) right(c,4),
           Call mem abc_ar
 say 'min.p='min.0p
 say 'max.p='max.0p
 say 'min.a='min.0a
 say 'max.a='max.0a
 Return nt

hgcd: Procedure

 Parse Arg x
 Do j=2 For 2
   Do Until _==0
 Return x


 Parse Arg which,x
 If min.which= Then Do
 Else Do
 --Say which min.which '-' max.which


 p=ab+c                           /* perimeter                      */
 ar2=s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)          /* area**2                        */
 If pos(right(ar2,1),'014569')=0 Then /* ar2 cannot be              */
   Return '.'                         /* square of an integer*/
 If ar2>0 Then
   ar=sqrt(ar2)                   /* area                           */
 Return ar

show: Parse Arg which

   When which='2' Then Do
     Say 'Listing of the first' list tx":"
     Do i=1 To list
       Call ot i,mem.i
   When which='3' Then Do
     Say 'Listing of the' tx "with area=210"
     Do i=1 To mem.0
       Parse Var mem.i per a b c area
       If area=210 Then Do
         Call ot j,mem.i

ot: Parse Arg k,mem

   Parse Var mem per a b c area
   Say right(k,9)'     area:'right(area,6)||,
               '      perimeter:'right(per,4)'     sides:',
                      right(a,3) right(b,3) right(c,3)


 Parse Arg e
 Do i=1 To mem.0
   If mem.i>>e Then Leave
 Do j=mem.0 to i By -1

/* for "Classic" REXX sqrt: procedure; parse arg x;if x=0 then return 0;d=digits();numeric digits 11 numeric form; parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0' with g 'E' _ .; g=g*.5'E'_%2 p=d+d%4+2; m.=11; do j=0 while p>9; m.j=p; p=p%2+1; end; do k=j+5 to 0 by -1 if m.k>11 then numeric digits m.k;g=.5*(g+x/g);end;numeric digits d;return g/1

  • /

/* for ooRexx */

requires rxmath library
routine sqrt
 Return rxCalcSqrt(arg(1),14)</lang>
517 primitive Heronian triangles found with side length up to 200 (inclusive).

Listing of the first 10 primitive Heronian triangles:
        1     area:     6      perimeter:  12     sides:   3   4   5
        2     area:    12      perimeter:  16     sides:   5   5   6
        3     area:    12      perimeter:  18     sides:   5   5   8
        4     area:    30      perimeter:  30     sides:   5  12  13
        5     area:    24      perimeter:  32     sides:   4  13  15
        6     area:    36      perimeter:  36     sides:   9  10  17
        7     area:    60      perimeter:  36     sides:  10  13  13
        8     area:    60      perimeter:  40     sides:   8  15  17
        9     area:    42      perimeter:  42     sides:   7  15  20
       10     area:    84      perimeter:  42     sides:  13  14  15

Listing of the primitive Heronian triangles with area=210
        1     area:   210      perimeter:  70     sides:  17  25  28
        2     area:   210      perimeter:  70     sides:  20  21  29
        3     area:   210      perimeter:  84     sides:  12  35  37
        4     area:   210      perimeter:  84     sides:  17  28  39
        5     area:   210      perimeter: 140     sides:   7  65  68
        6     area:   210      perimeter: 300     sides:   3 148 149
26.054000 seconds elapsed 


<lang parigp>Heron(v)=my([a,b,c]=v); (a+b+c)*(-a+b+c)*(a-b+c)*(a+b-c) \\ returns 16 times the squared area is(a,b,c)=(a+b+c)%2==0 && gcd(a,gcd(b,c))==1 && issquare(Heron([a,b,c])) v=List(); for(a=1,200,for(b=a+1,200,for(c=b+1,200, if(is(a,b,c),listput(v, [a,b,c]))))); v=Vec(v); #v vecsort(v, (a,b)->Heron(a)-Heron(b))[1..10] vecsort(v, (a,b)->vecsum(a)-vecsum(b))[1..10] vecsort(v, 3)[1..10] \\ shortcut: order by third component u=select(v->Heron(v)==705600, v); vecsort(u, (a,b)->Heron(a)-Heron(b)) vecsort(u, (a,b)->vecsum(a)-vecsum(b)) vecsort(u, 3) \\ shortcut: order by third component</lang>

%1 = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], [1, 4, 5], [1, 5, 6], [1, 6, 7], [1, 7, 8], [1, 8, 9], [1, 9, 10], [1, 10, 11], [1, 11, 12]]
%2 = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3, 5], [1, 5, 6], [3, 4, 5], [1, 6, 7], [2, 5, 7], [3, 4, 7], [1, 7, 8]]
%3 = [[1, 2, 3], [1, 3, 4], [1, 4, 5], [2, 3, 5], [3, 4, 5], [1, 5, 6], [1, 6, 7], [2, 5, 7], [3, 4, 7], [1, 7, 8]]
%4 = [[3, 148, 149], [7, 65, 68], [12, 35, 37], [17, 25, 28], [17, 28, 39], [20, 21, 29]]
%5 = [[17, 25, 28], [20, 21, 29], [12, 35, 37], [17, 28, 39], [7, 65, 68], [3, 148, 149]]
%6 = [[17, 25, 28], [20, 21, 29], [12, 35, 37], [17, 28, 39], [7, 65, 68], [3, 148, 149]]


Translation of: Lua

<lang pascal>program heronianTriangles ( input, output ); type

   (* record to hold details of a Heronian triangle *)
   Heronian    = record a, b, c, area, perimeter : integer end;
   refHeronian = ^Heronian;


   ht             : array [ 1 .. 1000 ] of refHeronian;
   htCount, htPos : integer;
   a, b, c, i     : integer;
   lower, upper   : integer;
   k, h, t        : refHeronian;
   swapped        : boolean;
   (* returns the details of the Heronian Triangle with sides a, b, c or nil if it isn't one *)
   function tryHt( a, b, c : integer ) : refHeronian;
       s, areaSquared, area : real;
       t                    : refHeronian;
       s           := ( a + b + c ) / 2;
       areaSquared := s * ( s - a ) * ( s - b ) * ( s - c );
       t           := nil;
       if areaSquared > 0 then begin
           (* a, b, c does form a triangle *)
           area    := sqrt( areaSquared );
           if trunc( area ) = area then begin
               (* the area is integral so the triangle is Heronian *)
               t^.a := a; t^.b := b; t^.c := c; t^.area := trunc( area ); t^.perimeter := a + b + c
       tryHt := t
   end (* tryHt *) ;
   (* returns the GCD of a and b *)
   function gcd( a, b : integer ) : integer;
       if b = 0 then gcd := a else gcd := gcd( b, a mod b )
   end (* gcd *) ;
   (* prints the details of the Heronian triangle t *)
   procedure htPrint( t : refHeronian ) ; begin writeln( t^.a:4, t^.b:5, t^.c:5, t^.area:5, t^.perimeter:10 ) end;
   (* prints headings for the Heronian Triangle table *)
   procedure htTitle ; begin writeln( '   a    b    c area perimeter' ); writeln( '---- ---- ---- ---- ---------' ) end;


   (* construct ht as a table of the Heronian Triangles with sides up to 200 *)
   htCount := 0;
   for c := 1 to 200 do begin
       for b := 1 to c do begin
           for a := 1 to b do begin
               if gcd( gcd( a, b ), c ) = 1 then begin
                   t := tryHt( a, b, c );
                   if t <> nil then begin
                       htCount       := htCount + 1;
                       ht[ htCount ] := t
   (* sort the table on ascending area, perimeter and max side length *)
   (* note we constructed the triangles with c as the longest side *)
   lower := 1;
   upper := htCount;
       upper   := upper - 1;
       swapped := false;
       for i := lower to upper do begin
           h := ht[ i     ];
           k := ht[ i + 1 ];
           if ( k^.area < h^.area ) or (   ( k^.area =  h^.area )
                                       and (  ( k^.perimeter <  h^.perimeter )
                                           or (   ( k^.perimeter = h^.perimeter )
                                              and ( k^.c <  h^.c )
           then begin
               ht[ i     ] := k;
               ht[ i + 1 ] := h;
               swapped     := true
   until not swapped;
   (* display the triangles *)
   writeln( 'There are ', htCount:1, ' Heronian triangles with sides up to 200' );
   for htPos := 1 to 10 do htPrint( ht[ htPos ] );
   writeln( ' ...' );
   writeln( 'Heronian triangles with area 210:' );
   for htPos := 1 to htCount do begin
       t := ht[ htPos ];
       if t^.area = 210 then htPrint( t )


There are 517 Heronian triangles with sides up to 200
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
   3    4    5    6        12
   5    5    6   12        16
   5    5    8   12        18
   4   13   15   24        32
   5   12   13   30        30
   9   10   17   36        36
   3   25   26   36        54
   7   15   20   42        42
  10   13   13   60        36
   8   15   17   60        40
Heronian triangles with area 210:
   a    b    c area perimeter
---- ---- ---- ---- ---------
  17   25   28  210        70
  20   21   29  210        70
  12   35   37  210        84
  17   28   39  210        84
   7   65   68  210       140
   3  148  149  210       300


Translation of: Raku

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw(max);

sub gcd { $_[1] == 0 ? $_[0] : gcd($_[1], $_[0] % $_[1]) }

sub hero {

   my ($a, $b, $c) = @_[0,1,2];
   my $s = ($a + $b + $c) / 2;
   sqrt $s*($s - $a)*($s - $b)*($s - $c);


sub heronian_area {

   my $hero = hero my ($a, $b, $c) = @_[0,1,2];
   sprintf("%.0f", $hero) eq $hero ? $hero : 0


sub primitive_heronian_area {

   my ($a, $b, $c) = @_[0,1,2];
   heronian_area($a, $b, $c) if 1 == gcd $a, gcd $b, $c;


sub show {

   print "   Area Perimeter   Sides\n";
   for (@_) {
       my ($area, $perim, $c, $b, $a) = @$_;

printf "%7d %9d %d×%d×%d\n", $area, $perim, $a, $b, $c;



sub main {

   my $maxside = shift // 200;
   my $first = shift // 10;
   my $witharea = shift // 210;
   my @h;
   for my $c (1 .. $maxside) {

for my $b (1 .. $c) { for my $a ($c - $b + 1 .. $b) { if (my $area = primitive_heronian_area $a, $b, $c) { push @h, [$area, $a+$b+$c, $c, $b, $a]; } } }

   @h = sort {

$a->[0] <=> $b->[0] or $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] or max(@$a[2,3,4]) <=> max(@$b[2,3,4])

   } @h;
   printf "Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %d: %d\n",
   scalar @h;
   print "First:\n";
   show @h[0 .. $first - 1];
   print "Area $witharea:\n";
   show grep { $_->[0] == $witharea } @h;



Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517
   Area Perimeter   Sides
      6        12    3×4×5
     12        16    5×5×6
     12        18    5×5×8
     24        32    4×13×15
     30        30    5×12×13
     36        36    9×10×17
     36        54    3×25×26
     42        42    7×15×20
     60        36    10×13×13
     60        40    8×15×17
Area 210:
   Area Perimeter   Sides
    210        70    17×25×28
    210        70    20×21×29
    210        84    12×35×37
    210        84    17×28×39
    210       140    7×65×68
    210       300    3×148×149


<lang Phix>function heroArea(integer a, b, c) atom s = (a+b+c)/2

   return sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))        

end function

function hero(atom h)

   return remainder(h,1)=0 and h>0

end function

sequence list = {} integer tries = 0

   for a=1 to 200 do
       for b=1 to a do
           for c=1 to b do
               tries += 1
               if gcd({a,b,c})=1 then
                   atom hArea = heroArea(a,b,c)
                   if hero(hArea) then
                       list = append(list,{hArea,a+b+c,a,b,c})
                   end if
               end if
           end for
       end for
   end for
   list = sort(list)   
   printf(1,"Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: %d (of %,d tested)\n\n",{length(list),tries})
   printf(1,"First 10 ordered by area/perimeter/sides:\n")
   printf(1,"area  perimeter sides")
   for i=1 to 10 do
       printf(1,"\n%4d     %3d    %dx%dx%d",list[i])
   end for
   printf(1,"\n\narea = 210:\n")
   printf(1,"area  perimeter sides")
   for i=1 to length(list) do
       if list[i][1]=210 then
           printf(1,"\n%4d     %3d    %dx%dx%d",list[i])
       end if
   end for</lang>
Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517 (of 1,353,400 tested)

First 10 ordered by area/perimeter/sides:
area  perimeter sides
   6      12    5x4x3
  12      16    6x5x5
  12      18    8x5x5
  24      32    15x13x4
  30      30    13x12x5
  36      36    17x10x9
  36      54    26x25x3
  42      42    20x15x7
  60      36    13x13x10
  60      40    17x15x8

area = 210:
area  perimeter sides
 210      70    28x25x17
 210      70    29x21x20
 210      84    37x35x12
 210      84    39x28x17
 210     140    68x65x7
 210     300    149x148x3


<lang powershell> function Get-Gcd($a, $b){

   if($a -ge $b){
       $dividend = $a
       $divisor = $b
       $dividend = $b
       $divisor = $a
   $leftover = 1
   while($leftover -ne 0){
       $leftover = $dividend % $divisor
       if($leftover -ne 0){

$dividend = $divisor $divisor = $leftover }


} function Is-Heron($heronArea){

   $heronArea -gt 0 -and $heronArea % 1 -eq 0

} function Get-HeronArea($a, $b, $c){

   $s = ($a + $b + $c) / 2
   [math]::Sqrt($s * ($s - $a) * ($s - $b) * ($s - $c)) 

} $result = @() foreach ($c in 1..200){

   for($b = 1; $b -le $c; $b++){
       for($a = 1; $a -le $b; $a++){
           if((Get-Gcd $c (Get-Gcd $b $a)) -eq 1 -and (Is-Heron(Get-HeronArea $a $b $c))){
               $result += @(,@($a, $b, $c,($a + $b + $c), (Get-HeronArea $a $b $c)))                

} $result = $result | sort-object @{Expression={$_[4]}}, @{Expression={$_[3]}}, @{Expression={$_[2]}} "Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: $($result.length)`nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:`nSides`t`t`t`tPerimeter`tArea" for($i = 0; $i -lt 10; $i++){ "$($result[$i][0])`t$($result[$i][1])`t$($result[$i][2])`t`t`t$($result[$i][3])`t`t`t$($result[$i][4])" } "`nArea = 210`nSides`t`t`t`tPerimeter`tArea" foreach($i in $result){

   if($i[4] -eq 210){

} </lang>


<lang> Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides: Sides Perimeter Area 3 4 5 12 6 5 5 6 16 12 5 5 8 18 12 4 13 15 32 24 5 12 13 30 30 9 10 17 36 36 3 25 26 54 36 7 15 20 42 42 10 13 13 36 60 8 15 17 40 60

Area = 210 Sides Perimeter Area 17 25 28 70 210 20 21 29 70 210 12 35 37 84 210 17 28 39 84 210 7 65 68 140 210 3 148 149 300 210 </lang>


<lang python>from __future__ import division, print_function from math import gcd, sqrt

def hero(a, b, c):

   s = (a + b + c) / 2
   a2 = s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)
   return sqrt(a2) if a2 > 0 else 0

def is_heronian(a, b, c):

   a = hero(a, b, c)
   return a > 0 and a.is_integer()

def gcd3(x, y, z):

   return gcd(gcd(x, y), z)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   MAXSIDE = 200
   N = 1 + MAXSIDE
   h = [(x, y, z)
        for x in range(1, N)
        for y in range(x, N)
        for z in range(y, N) if (x + y > z) and
        1 == gcd3(x, y, z) and
        is_heronian(x, y, z)]
   # By increasing area, perimeter, then sides
   h.sort(key=lambda x: (hero(*x), sum(x), x[::-1]))
       'Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %i:' % MAXSIDE, len(h)
   print('\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,',
         'then maximum sides:')
   print('\n'.join('  %14r perim: %3i area: %i'
                   % (sides, sum(sides), hero(*sides)) for sides in h[:10]))
   print('\nAll with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:')
   print('\n'.join('  %14r perim: %3i area: %i'
                   % (sides, sum(sides), hero(*sides)) for sides in h
                   if hero(*sides) == 210))


Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:
       (3, 4, 5) perim:  12 area: 6
       (5, 5, 6) perim:  16 area: 12
       (5, 5, 8) perim:  18 area: 12
     (4, 13, 15) perim:  32 area: 24
     (5, 12, 13) perim:  30 area: 30
     (9, 10, 17) perim:  36 area: 36
     (3, 25, 26) perim:  54 area: 36
     (7, 15, 20) perim:  42 area: 42
    (10, 13, 13) perim:  36 area: 60
     (8, 15, 17) perim:  40 area: 60

All with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:
    (17, 25, 28) perim:  70 area: 210
    (20, 21, 29) perim:  70 area: 210
    (12, 35, 37) perim:  84 area: 210
    (17, 28, 39) perim:  84 area: 210
     (7, 65, 68) perim: 140 area: 210
   (3, 148, 149) perim: 300 area: 210


Mostly adopted from Python implementation:

<lang R> area <- function(a, b, c) {

   s = (a + b + c) / 2
   a2 = s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)
   if (a2>0) sqrt(a2) else 0


is.heronian <- function(a, b, c) {

   h = area(a, b, c)
   h > 0 && 0==h%%1


  1. borrowed from stackoverflow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21502181/finding-the-gcd-without-looping-r

gcd <- function(x,y) {

 r <- x%%y;
 ifelse(r, gcd(y, r), y)


gcd3 <- function(x, y, z) {

   gcd(gcd(x, y), z)


maxside = 200 r <- NULL for(c in 1:maxside){

   for(b in 1:c){
       for(a in 1:b){
           if(1==gcd3(a, b, c) && is.heronian(a, b, c)) {
               r <- rbind(r,c(a=a, b=b, c=c, perimeter=a+b+c, area=area(a,b,c)))


cat("There are ",nrow(r)," Heronian triangles up to a maximal side length of ",maxside,".\n", sep="") cat("Showing the first ten ordered first by perimeter, then by area:\n") print(head(r[order(x=r[,"perimeter"],y=r[,"area"]),],n=10)) </lang>


<lang>There are 517 Heronian triangles up to a maximal side length of 200. Showing the first ten ordered first by perimeter, then by area:

      a  b  c perimeter area
[1,]  3  4  5        12    6
[2,]  5  5  6        16   12
[3,]  5  5  8        18   12
[4,]  5 12 13        30   30
[5,]  4 13 15        32   24
[6,]  9 10 17        36   36
[7,] 10 13 13        36   60
[8,]  8 15 17        40   60
[9,]  7 15 20        42   42

[10,] 13 14 15 42 84</lang>


<lang>#lang at-exp racket (require data/order scribble/html)

Returns the area of a triangle iff the sides have gcd 1, and it is an
integer; #f otherwise

(define (heronian?-area a b c)

 (and (= 1 (gcd a b c))
      (let ([s (/ (+ a b c) 2)])  ; ** If s=\frac{a+b+c}{2}
        (and (integer? s)         ; (s must be an integer for the area to b an integer)
             (let-values ([[q r] (integer-sqrt/remainder ; (faster than sqrt)
                                  ; ** Then the area is \sqrt{s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}
                                  (* s (- s a) (- s b) (- s c)))])
               (and (zero? r) q)))))) ; (return only integer areas)

(define (generate-heronian-triangles max-side)

 (for*/list ([c (in-range 1 (add1 max-side))]
             [b (in-range 1 (add1 c))] ; b<=c
             [a (in-range (add1 (- c b)) (add1 b))] ; ensures a<=b and c<a+b
             [area (in-value (heronian?-area a b c))]
             #:when area)
   ;; datum-order can sort this for the tables (c is the max side length)
   (list area (+ a b c) c (list a b c))))
Order the triangles by first increasing area, then by increasing perimeter,
then by increasing maximum side lengths

(define (tri-sort triangles)

 (sort triangles (λ(t1 t2) (eq? '< (datum-order t1 t2)))))

(define (triangles->table triangles)

  (tr (map th '("#" sides perimeter area))) "\n"
  (for/list ([i (in-naturals 1)] [triangle (in-list triangles)])
    (match-define (list area perimeter max-side sides) triangle)
    (tr (td i) (td (add-between sides ",")) (td perimeter) (td area) "\n"))))

(module+ main

 (define ts (generate-heronian-triangles 200))
  @div{@p{number of primitive triangles found with perimeter @entity{le} 200 = @(length ts)}
       @; Show the first ten ordered triangles in a table of sides, perimeter,
       @; and area.
       @(triangles->table (take (tri-sort ts) 10))
       @; Show a similar ordered table for those triangles with area = 210
       @(triangles->table (tri-sort (filter (λ(t) (eq? 210 (car t))) ts)))

This program generates HTML, so the output is inline with the page, not in a <pre> block.


number of primitive triangles found with perimeter ≤ 200 = 517



(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.09

<lang perl6>sub hero($a, $b, $c) {

   my $s = ($a + $b + $c) / 2;
   ($s * ($s - $a) * ($s - $b) * ($s - $c)).sqrt;


sub heronian-area($a, $b, $c) {

   $_ when Int given hero($a, $b, $c).narrow;


sub primitive-heronian-area($a, $b, $c) {

   heronian-area $a, $b, $c
       if 1 == [gcd] $a, $b, $c;


sub show(@measures) {

   say "   Area Perimeter   Sides";
   for @measures -> [$area, $perim, $c, $b, $a] {

printf "%6d %6d %12s\n", $area, $perim, "$a×$b×$c";



sub MAIN ($maxside = 200, $first = 10, $witharea = 210) {

   my @hh[1000];
   my atomicint $i;
   (1 .. $maxside).race(:12batch).map: -> $c {
       for 1 .. $c -> $b {
           for $c - $b + 1 .. $b -> $a {
               if primitive-heronian-area($a,$b,$c) -> $area {
                   @hh[$i⚛++] = [$area, $a+$b+$c, $c, $b, $a];
   my @h = (@hh.grep: so *).sort;
   say "Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to $maxside: ", +@h;
   say "\nFirst $first:";
   show @h[^$first];
   say "\nArea $witharea:";
   show @h.grep: *[0] == $witharea;


Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First 10:
   Area Perimeter   Sides
     6     12        3×4×5
    12     16        5×5×6
    12     18        5×5×8
    24     32      4×13×15
    30     30      5×12×13
    36     36      9×10×17
    36     54      3×25×26
    42     42      7×15×20
    60     36     10×13×13
    60     40      8×15×17

Area 210:
   Area Perimeter   Sides
   210     70     17×25×28
   210     70     20×21×29
   210     84     12×35×37
   210     84     17×28×39
   210    140      7×65×68
   210    300    3×148×149


using iSQRT

This REXX version makes use of these facts:

  •   if   A   is even,   then   B   and   C   must be odd.
  •   if   B   is even,   then   C                 must be odd.
  •   if   A   and   B   are odd,   then   C   must be even.
  •   with the 1st three truisms, then:
  •   C   can be incremented by   2.
  •   the area is always even.

Programming notes:

The   hGCD   subroutine is a specialized version of a GCD routine in that:

  •   it doesn't check for non-positive integers
  •   it expects exactly three arguments

Also, a fair amount of code was added to optimize the speed   (at the expense of program simplicity).

By thoughtful ordering of the elimination checks, and also the use of an   integer version   of a   SQRT
subroutine,   the execution time was greatly reduced   (by a factor of eight).

Note that the   hIsqrt   (heronian Integer sqare root)   subroutine doesn't use floating point.
[hIsqrt   is a modified/simplified version of an   Isqrt   function.]

This REXX version doesn't need to explicitly sort the triangles as they are listed in the proper order. <lang rexx>/*REXX program generates & displays primitive Heronian triangles by side length and area*/ parse arg N first area . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if N== | N=="," then N= 200 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if first== | first=="," then first= 10 /* " " " " " " */ if area== | area=="," then area= 210 /* " " " " " " */ numeric digits 99 /*ensure 'nuff dec. digs to calc. N**5.*/ numeric digits max(9, 1 + length(N**5) ) /*minimize decimal digits for REXX pgm.*/ call Heron; HT= 'Heronian triangles' /*invoke the Heron subroutine. */ say # ' primitive' HT "found with sides up to " N ' (inclusive).' call show , 'Listing of the first ' first ' primitive' HT":" call show area, 'Listing of the (above) found primitive' HT "with an area of " area exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Heron: @.= 0; minP= 9e9; maxP= 0; maxA= 0; minA= 9e9; Ln= length(N) /* __*/

              #= 0;  #.= 0;  #.2= 1;  #.3= 1;  #.7= 1;  #.8= 1       /*digits ¬good √  */
 do a=3  to N                                   /*start at a minimum side length of 3. */
          Aeven= a//2==0                        /*if  A  is even,  B and C must be odd.*/
   do b=a+Aeven  to N  by 1+Aeven;   ab= a + b  /*AB: a shortcut for the sum of A & B. */
   if b//2==0  then                bump= 1      /*Is  B  even?       Then  C  is odd.  */
               else if Aeven  then bump= 0      /*Is  A  even?         "   "   "  "    */
                              else bump= 1      /*A and B  are both odd,  biz as usual.*/
     do c=b+bump  to N  by 2;   s= (ab + c) % 2 /*calculate triangle's perimeter:   S. */
     _= s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c); if _<=0   then iterate /*is  _  not positive?      Skip it*/
     parse var _  -1 z   ; if #.z    then iterate /*Last digit not square?    Skip it*/
     ar= hIsqrt(_);       if ar*ar\==_ then iterate /*Is area not an integer?   Skip it*/
     if hGCD(a, b, c) \== 1            then iterate /*GCD of sides not equal 1? Skip it*/
     #= # + 1;                p= ab + c             /*primitive Heronian triangle.     */
     minP= min( p, minP);     maxP= max( p, maxP);        Lp= length(maxP)
     minA= min(ar, minA);     maxA= max(ar, maxA);        La= length(maxA)
     _=@.ar.p.0 + 1                                 /*bump Heronian triangle counter.  */
     @.ar.p.0= _;  @.ar.p._= right(a, Ln)   right(b, Ln)   right(c, Ln)       /*unique.*/
     end   /*c*/                                    /* [↑]  keep each unique perimeter#*/
   end     /*b*/
 end       /*a*/;             return #              /*return # of Heronian triangles.  */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ hGCD: x=a; do j=2 for 2; y= arg(j); do until y==0; parse value x//y y with y x

                                               end   /*until*/
            end   /*j*/;      return x

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ hIsqrt: procedure; parse arg x; q= 1; r= 0; do while q<=x; q= q * 4

                                                              end   /*while q<=x*/
         do  while q>1; q=q%4; _= x-r-q; r= r%2; if _>=0  then parse value _ r+q with x r
         end   /*while q>1*/;          return r

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ show: m=0; say; say; parse arg ae; say arg(2); if ae\== then first= 9e9

     say;  $=left(,9);   $a= $"area:";  $p= $'perimeter:';  $s= $"sides:"  /*literals*/
           do   i=minA  to maxA;  if ae\== & i\==ae  then iterate          /*= area? */
             do j=minP  to maxP  until m>=first      /*only display the  FIRST entries.*/
               do k=1  for @.i.j.0;    m= m + 1      /*display each  perimeter  entry. */
               say right(m, 9)   $a    right(i, La)    $p   right(j, Lp)    $s    @.i.j.k
               end   /*k*/
             end     /*j*/                           /* [↑]  use the known perimeters. */
           end       /*i*/;            return        /* [↑]  show any found triangles. */</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
517  primitive Heronian triangles found with sides up to  200  (inclusive).

Listing of the first  10  primitive Heronian triangles:

        1          area:     6          perimeter:  12          sides:   3   4   5
        2          area:    12          perimeter:  16          sides:   5   5   6
        3          area:    12          perimeter:  18          sides:   5   5   8
        4          area:    24          perimeter:  32          sides:   4  13  15
        5          area:    30          perimeter:  30          sides:   5  12  13
        6          area:    36          perimeter:  36          sides:   9  10  17
        7          area:    36          perimeter:  54          sides:   3  25  26
        8          area:    42          perimeter:  42          sides:   7  15  20
        9          area:    60          perimeter:  36          sides:  10  13  13
       10          area:    60          perimeter:  40          sides:   8  15  17

Listing of the (above) found primitive Heronian triangles with an area of  210

        1          area:   210          perimeter:  70          sides:  17  25  28
        2          area:   210          perimeter:  70          sides:  20  21  29
        3          area:   210          perimeter:  84          sides:  12  35  37
        4          area:   210          perimeter:  84          sides:  17  28  39
        5          area:   210          perimeter: 140          sides:   7  65  68
        6          area:   210          perimeter: 300          sides:   3 148 149

using SQRT table

This REXX version makes use of a precalculated table of squares of some integers   (which are used to find square roots very quickly).

It is about eight times faster than the 1st REXX version. <lang rexx>/*REXX program generates & displays primitive Heronian triangles by side length and area*/ parse arg N first area . /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if N== | N=="," then N= 200 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if first== | first=="," then first= 10 /* " " " " " " */ if area== | area=="," then area= 210 /* " " " " " " */ numeric digits 99; numeric digits max(9, 1+length(N**5)) /*ensure 'nuff decimal digits.*/ call Heron; HT= 'Heronian triangles' /*invoke the Heron subroutine. */ say # ' primitive' HT "found with sides up to " N ' (inclusive).' call show , 'Listing of the first ' first ' primitive' HT":" call show area, 'Listing of the (above) found primitive' HT "with an area of " area exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Heron: @.= 0; #= 0;  !.= .; minP= 9e9; maxA= 0; maxP= 0; minA= 9e9; Ln= length(N)

                  do i=1  for N**2%2;    _= i*i;      !._= i               /*     __   */
                  end   /*i*/                   /* [↑]  pre─calculate some fast  √     */
 do a=3  to N                                   /*start at a minimum side length of 3. */
          Aeven= a//2==0                        /*if  A  is even,  B and C must be odd.*/
   do b=a+Aeven  to N  by 1+Aeven;   ab= a + b  /*AB: a shortcut for the sum of A & B. */
   if b//2==0  then                bump= 1      /*Is  B  even?       Then  C  is odd.  */
               else if Aeven  then bump= 0      /*Is  A  even?         "   "   "  "    */
                              else bump= 1      /*A and B  are both odd,  biz as usual.*/
     do c=b+bump  to N  by 2;   s= (ab + c) % 2 /*calculate triangle's perimeter:   S. */
     _= s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c);  if !._==.     then iterate  /*Is  _  not a square?  Skip.*/
     if hGCD(a,b,c) \== 1                   then iterate  /*GCD of sides not 1?   Skip.*/
     #= # + 1;     p= ab + c;   ar= !._                   /*primitive Heronian triangle*/
     minP= min( p, minP);     maxP= max( p, maxP);       Lp= length(maxP)
     minA= min(ar, minA);     maxA= max(ar, maxA);       La= length(maxA);         @.ar=
     _= @.ar.p.0  +  1                                    /*bump the triangle counter. */
     @.ar.p.0= _;    @.ar.p._= right(a, Ln)    right(b, Ln)    right(c, Ln)    /*unique*/
     end   /*c*/                                /* [↑]  keep each unique perimeter #.  */
   end     /*b*/
 end       /*a*/;    return #                   /*return number of Heronian triangles. */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ hGCD: x=a; do j=2 for 2; y= arg(j); do until y==0; parse value x//y y with y x

                                               end   /*until*/
           end   /*j*/;                return x

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ show: m=0; say; say; parse arg ae; say arg(2); if ae\== then first= 9e9

     say;  $=left(,9);   $a= $"area:";  $p= $'perimeter:';  $s= $"sides:"  /*literals*/
           do   i=minA  to maxA;  if ae\== & i\==ae  then iterate          /*= area? */
             do j=minP  to maxP  until m>=first      /*only display the  FIRST entries.*/
               do k=1  for @.i.j.0;    m= m + 1      /*display each  perimeter  entry. */
               say right(m, 9)   $a    right(i, La)    $p   right(j, Lp)    $s    @.i.j.k
               end   /*k*/
             end     /*j*/                           /* [↑]  use the known perimeters. */
           end       /*i*/;            return        /* [↑]  show any found triangles. */</lang>
output   is identical to the 1st REXX version.


<lang ring>

  1. Project : Heronian triangles

see "Heronian triangles with sides up to 200" + nl see "Sides Perimeter Area" + nl for n = 1 to 200

   for m = n to 200
      for p = m to 200
          s = (n + m + p) / 2
          w = sqrt(s * (s - n) * (s - m) * (s - p))
          bool = (gcd(n, m) = 1 or gcd(n, m) = n) and (gcd(n, p) = 1 or gcd(n, p) = n) and (gcd(m, p) = 1 or gcd(m, p) = m)
          if w = floor(w) and w > 0 and bool
             see "{" + n + ", " + m + ", " + p + "}" + "              " + s*2 + "              " + w + nl

next see nl

see "Heronian triangles with area 210:" + nl see "Sides Perimeter Area" + nl for n = 1 to 150

   for m = n to 150
       for p = m to 150
           s = (n + m + p) / 2
           w = sqrt(s * (s - n) * (s - m) * (s - p))
           bool = (gcd(n, m) = 1 or gcd(n, m) = n) and (gcd(n, p) = 1 or gcd(n, p) = n) and (gcd(m, p) = 1 or gcd(m, p) = m)
           if w = 210 and bool
              see "{" + n + ", " + m + ", " + p + "}" + "              " + s*2 + "              " + w + nl


func gcd(gcd, b)

      while b
              c   = gcd
              gcd = b
              b   = c % b
      return gcd

</lang> Output:

Heronian triangles with sides up to 200
Sides               Perimeter       Area
{3, 4, 5}              12            6
{3, 25, 26}          54            36
{4, 13, 15}          32            24
{5, 5, 6}              16            12
{5, 5, 8}              18            12
{5, 12, 13}          30            30
{7, 15, 20 }         42            42
{8, 15, 17}          40            60
{9, 10, 17}          36            36
{10, 13, 13}         36            60
{13, 13, 24}         50            60

Heronian triangles with area 210:
Sides               Perimeter       Area
{3, 148, 149}         300          210
{7, 65, 68}            140           210
{12, 35, 37}            84           210
{17, 25, 28}            70           210
{17, 28, 39}            84           210
{20, 21, 29}            70           210


<lang ruby>class Triangle

 def self.valid?(a,b,c)      # class method
   short, middle, long = [a, b, c].sort
   short + middle > long
 attr_reader :sides, :perimeter, :area
 def initialize(a,b,c)
   @sides = [a, b, c].sort
   @perimeter = a + b + c
   s = @perimeter / 2.0
   @area = Math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
 def heronian?
   area == area.to_i
 def <=>(other)
   [area, perimeter, sides] <=> [other.area, other.perimeter, other.sides]
 def to_s
   "%-11s%6d%8.1f" % [sides.join('x'), perimeter, area]


max, area = 200, 210 prim_triangles = [] 1.upto(max) do |a|

 a.upto(max) do |b|
   b.upto(max) do |c|
     next if a.gcd(b).gcd(c) > 1
     prim_triangles << Triangle.new(a, b, c) if Triangle.valid?(a, b, c)


sorted = prim_triangles.select(&:heronian?).sort

puts "Primitive heronian triangles with sides upto #{max}: #{sorted.size}" puts "\nsides perim. area" puts sorted.first(10).map(&:to_s) puts "\nTriangles with an area of: #{area}" sorted.each{|tr| puts tr if tr.area == area}</lang>

Primitive heronian triangles with sides upto 200: 517

sides       perim.   area
3x4x5          12     6.0
5x5x6          16    12.0
5x5x8          18    12.0
4x13x15        32    24.0
5x12x13        30    30.0
9x10x17        36    36.0
3x25x26        54    36.0
7x15x20        42    42.0
10x13x13       36    60.0
8x15x17        40    60.0

Triangles with an area of: 210
17x25x28       70   210.0
20x21x29       70   210.0
12x35x37       84   210.0
17x28x39       84   210.0
7x65x68       140   210.0
3x148x149     300   210.0


<lang scala>object Heron extends scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[Seq[Int]] with App {

   private final val n = 200
   for (c <- 1 to n; b <- 1 to c; a <- 1 to b if gcd(gcd(a, b), c) == 1) {
       val p = a + b + c
       val s = p / 2D
       val area = Math.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
       if (isHeron(area))
           appendElem(Seq(a, b, c, p, area.toInt))
   print(s"Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to $n: " + length)
   private final val list = sortBy(i => (i(4), i(3)))
   print("\n\nFirst ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter:" + header)
   list slice (0, 10) map format foreach print
   print("\n\nArea = 210" + header)
   list filter { _(4) == 210 } map format foreach print
   private def gcd(a: Int, b: Int) = {
       var leftover = 1
       var (dividend, divisor) = if (a > b) (a, b) else (b, a)
       while (leftover != 0) {
           leftover = dividend % divisor
           if (leftover > 0) {
               dividend = divisor
               divisor = leftover
   private def isHeron(h: Double) = h % 1 == 0 && h > 0
   private final val header = "\nSides           Perimeter   Area"
   private def format: Seq[Int] => String = "\n%3d x %3d x %3d %5d %10d".format



Translation of: Ruby

<lang ruby>class Triangle(a, b, c) {

 has (sides, perimeter, area)
 method init {
   sides = [a, b, c].sort
   perimeter = [a, b, c].sum
   var s = (perimeter / 2)
   area = sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
 method is_valid(a,b,c) {
   var (short, middle, long) = [a, b, c].sort...;
   (short + middle) > long
 method is_heronian {
   area == area.to_i
 method <=>(other) {
   [area, perimeter, sides] <=> [other.area, other.perimeter, other.sides]
 method to_s {
   "%-11s%6d%8.1f" % (sides.join('x'), perimeter, area)


var (max, area) = (200, 210) var prim_triangles = []

for a in (1..max) {

 for b in (a..max) {
   for c in (b..max) {
     next if (Math.gcd(a, b, c) > 1)
     prim_triangles << Triangle(a, b, c) if Triangle.is_valid(a, b, c)


var sorted = prim_triangles.grep{.is_heronian}.sort

say "Primitive heronian triangles with sides upto #{max}: #{sorted.size}" say "\nsides perim. area" say sorted.first(10).join("\n") say "\nTriangles with an area of: #{area}" sorted.each{|tr| say tr if (tr.area == area)}</lang>

Primitive heronian triangles with sides upto 200: 517

sides       perim.   area
3x4x5          12     6.0
5x5x6          16    12.0
5x5x8          18    12.0
4x13x15        32    24.0
5x12x13        30    30.0
9x10x17        36    36.0
3x25x26        54    36.0
7x15x20        42    42.0
10x13x13       36    60.0
8x15x17        40    60.0

Triangles with an area of: 210
17x25x28       70   210.0
20x21x29       70   210.0
12x35x37       84   210.0
17x28x39       84   210.0
7x65x68       140   210.0
3x148x149     300   210.0


Works with Squeak 5.x <lang Smalltalk>perimeter := [:triangle | triangle reduce: #+].

squaredArea := [:triangle | | s | s := (perimeter value: triangle) / 2. triangle inject: s into: [:a2 :edge | s - edge * a2]].

isPrimitive := [:triangle | (triangle reduce: #gcd:) = 1].

isHeronian := [:triangle | (squaredArea value: triangle) sqrt isInteger].

heroGenerator := Generator on: [:generator | 1 to: 200 do: [:a | a to: 200 do: [:b | b to: (a+b-1 min: 200) do: [:c | | triangle | triangle := {a. b. c.}. ((isPrimitive value: triangle) and: [isHeronian value: triangle]) ifTrue: [generator nextPut: triangle]]]]].

heronians := heroGenerator contents. sorter := squaredArea ascending , perimeter ascending , #third ascending , #second ascending , #first ascending. sorted := heronians sorted: sorter. area210 := sorted select: [:triangle | (squaredArea value: triangle) = 210 squared].

header := [:title | Transcript cr; cr; nextPutAll: title; cr. #(peri area a b c) do: [:s | Transcript nextPutAll: s; tab]]. tabulate := [:t | Transcript cr. Transcript print: (perimeter value: t); tab. Transcript print: (squaredArea value: t) sqrt. t do: [:edge | Transcript tab; print: edge].].

Transcript cr; print: heronians size; nextPutAll: ' heronians triangles of side <= 200 where found'. header value: 'first 10 sorted by area, then perimeter, the largest side'. (sorted first: 10) do: tabulate. header value: 'heronians of area 210'. area210 do: tabulate.

Transcript flush.</lang>

517 heronians triangles of side <= 200 where found

first 10 sorted by area, then perimeter, the largest side
peri	area	a	b	c	
12	6	3	4	5
16	12	5	5	6
18	12	5	5	8
32	24	4	13	15
30	30	5	12	13
36	36	9	10	17
54	36	3	25	26
42	42	7	15	20
36	60	10	13	13
40	60	8	15	17

heronians of area 210
peri	area	a	b	c	
70	210	17	25	28
70	210	20	21	29
84	210	12	35	37
84	210	17	28	39
140	210	7	65	68
300	210	3	148	149


<lang spl>h,t = getem(200)

  1. .sort(h,4,5,1,2,3)
  2. .output("There are ",t," Heronian triangles")
  3. .output(" a b c area perimeter")
  4. .output("----- ----- ----- ------ ---------")

> i, 1..#.min(10,t)



  1. .output(#.str("...",">34<"))

> i, 1..t

 ? h[4,i]=210, print(h,i)

< print(h,i)=

 #.output(#.str(h[1,i],">4>"),"  ",#.str(h[2,i],">4>"),"  ",#.str(h[3,i],">4>"),"  ",#.str(h[4,i],">5>"),"  ",#.str(h[5,i],">8>"))

. getem(n)=

 > a, 1..n
   > b, #.upper((a+1)/2)..a
     > c, a-b+1..b
       x = ((a+b+c)*(a+b-c)*(a-b+c)*(b-a+c))^0.5
       >> x%1 | #.gcd(a,b,c)>1
       t += 1
       h[1,t],h[2,t],h[3,t] = #.sort(a,b,c)
       h[4,t],h[5,t] = heron(a,b,c)
 <= h,t

. heron(a,b,c)=

 s = (a+b+c)/2
 <= (s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))^0.5, s*2


There are 517 Heronian triangles
   a     b     c   area  perimeter
----- ----- ----- ------ ---------
   3     4     5      6        12
   5     5     6     12        16
   5     5     8     12        18
   4    13    15     24        32
   5    12    13     30        30
   9    10    17     36        36
   3    25    26     36        54
   7    15    20     42        42
  10    13    13     60        36
   8    15    17     60        40
  17    25    28    210        70
  20    21    29    210        70
  12    35    37    210        84
  17    28    39    210        84
   7    65    68    210       140
   3   148   149    210       300


Works with Swift 1.2 <lang Swift>import Foundation

typealias PrimitiveHeronianTriangle = (s1:Int, s2:Int, s3:Int, p:Int, a:Int)

func heronianArea(side1 s1:Int, side2 s2:Int, side3 s3:Int) -> Int? {

   let d1 = Double(s1)
   let d2 = Double(s2)
   let d3 = Double(s3)
   let s = (d1 + d2 + d3) / 2.0
   let a = sqrt(s * (s - d1) * (s - d2) * (s - d3))
   if a % 1 != 0 || a <= 0 {
       return nil
   } else {
       return Int(a)


func gcd(a:Int, b:Int) -> Int {

   if b != 0 {
       return gcd(b, a % b)
   } else {
       return abs(a)


var triangles = [PrimitiveHeronianTriangle]()

for s1 in 1...200 {

   for s2 in 1...s1 {
       for s3 in 1...s2 {
           if gcd(s1, gcd(s2, s3)) == 1, let a = heronianArea(side1: s1, side2: s2, side3: s3) {
               triangles.append((s3, s2, s1, s1 + s2 + s3, a))


sort(&triangles) {t1, t2 in

   if t1.a < t2.a || t1.a == t2.a && t1.p < t2.p {
       return true
   } else {
       return false


println("Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: \(triangles.count)\n") println("First ten sorted by area, then perimeter, then maximum side:\n") println("Sides\t\t\tPerimeter\tArea")

for t in triangles[0...9] {



Number of primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517

First ten sorted by area, then perimeter, then maximum side:

Sides			Perimeter	Area
3	4	5		12		6
5	5	6		16		12
5	5	8		18		12
4	13	15		32		24
5	12	13		30		30
9	10	17		36		36
3	25	26		54		36
7	15	20		42		42
10	13	13		36		60
8	15	17		40		60


<lang tcl> if {[info commands let] eq ""} {

   #make some math look nicer:
   proc let {name args} {
       tailcall ::set $name [uplevel 1 $args]
   interp alias {} = {} expr
   namespace import ::tcl::mathfunc::* ::tcl::mathop::*
   interp alias {} sum {} +
   # a simple adaptation of gcd from http://wiki.tcl.tk/2891
   proc coprime {a args} {
       set gcd $a
       foreach arg $args {
           while {$arg != 0} {
               set t $arg
               let arg = $gcd % $arg
               set gcd $t
               if {$gcd == 1} {return true}
       return false


namespace eval Hero {

   # Integer square root:  returns 0 if n is not a square.
   proc isqrt? {n} {
       let r = entier(sqrt($n))
       if {$r**2 == $n} {
           return $r
       } else {
           return 0
   # The square of a triangle's area
   proc squarea {a b c} {
       let s = ($a + $b + $c) / 2.0
       let sqrA = $s * ($s - $a) * ($s - $b) * ($s - $c)
       return $sqrA
   proc is_heronian {a b c} {
       isqrt? [squarea $a $b $c]
   proc primitive_triangles {db max} {
       for {set a 1} {$a <= $max} {incr a} {
           for {set b $a} {$b <= $max} {incr b} {
               let maxc = min($a+$b,$max)
               for {set c $b} {$c <= $maxc} {incr c} {
                   set area [is_heronian $a $b $c]
                   if {$area && [coprime $a $b $c]} {
                       set perimiter [expr {$a + $b + $c}]
                       $db eval {insert into herons (area, perimiter, a, b, c) values ($area, $perimiter, $a, $b, $c)}


proc main {db} {

   $db eval {create table herons (area int, perimiter int, a int, b int, c int)}
   set max 200
   puts "Calculating Primitive Heronian triangles up to size length $max"
   puts \t[time {Hero::primitive_triangles $db $max} 1]
   puts "Total Primitive Heronian triangles with side lengths <= $max:"
   $db eval {select count(1) count from herons} {
       puts "\t$count"
   puts "First ten when ordered by increasing area, perimiter, max side length:"
   $db eval {select * from herons order by area, perimiter, c limit 10} {
       puts "\t($a, $b, $c)  perimiter = $perimiter;  area = $area"
   puts "All of area 210:"
   $db eval {select * from herons where area=210 order by area, perimiter, c} {
       puts "\t($a, $b, $c)  perimiter = $perimiter;  area = $area"


package require sqlite3 sqlite3 db :memory: main db </lang>

Calculating Primitive Heronian triangles up to size length 200
        11530549 microseconds per iteration
Total Primitive Heronian triangles with side lengths <= 200:
First ten when ordered by increasing area, perimiter, max side length:
        (3, 4, 5)  perimiter = 12;  area = 6
        (5, 5, 6)  perimiter = 16;  area = 12
        (5, 5, 8)  perimiter = 18;  area = 12
        (4, 13, 15)  perimiter = 32;  area = 24
        (5, 12, 13)  perimiter = 30;  area = 30
        (9, 10, 17)  perimiter = 36;  area = 36
        (3, 25, 26)  perimiter = 54;  area = 36
        (7, 15, 20)  perimiter = 42;  area = 42
        (10, 13, 13)  perimiter = 36;  area = 60
        (8, 15, 17)  perimiter = 40;  area = 60
All of area 210:
        (17, 25, 28)  perimiter = 70;  area = 210
        (20, 21, 29)  perimiter = 70;  area = 210
        (12, 35, 37)  perimiter = 84;  area = 210
        (17, 28, 39)  perimiter = 84;  area = 210
        (7, 65, 68)  perimiter = 140;  area = 210
        (3, 148, 149)  perimiter = 300;  area = 210


Translation of: Phix

<lang vb>Function heroArea(a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer) As Double

   s = (a + b + c) / 2
   On Error GoTo Err
   heroArea = Sqr(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
   Exit Function


   heroArea = -1

End Function

Function hero(h As Double) As Boolean

   hero = (h - Int(h) = 0) And h > 0

End Function

Public Sub main()

   Dim list() As Variant, items As Integer
   Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer
   Dim hArea As Double
   Dim tries As Long
   For a = 1 To 200
       For b = 1 To a
           For c = 1 To b
               tries = tries + 1
               If gcd(gcd(a, b), c) = 1 Then
                   hArea = heroArea(a, b, c)
                   If hero(hArea) Then
                       ReDim Preserve list(items)
                       list(items) = Array(CStr(hArea), CStr(a + b + c), CStr(a), CStr(b), CStr(c))
                       items = items + 1
                   End If
               End If
           Next c
       Next b
   Next a
   list = sort(list)
   Debug.Print "Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200:"; UBound(list) + 1; "(of"; tries; "tested)"
   Debug.Print "First 10 ordered by area/perimeter/sides:"
   Debug.Print "area       perimeter        sides"
   For i = 0 To 9
       Debug.Print Format(list(i)(0), "@@@"), Format(list(i)(1), "@@@"),
       Debug.Print list(i)(2); "x"; list(i)(3); "x"; list(i)(4)
   Next i
   Debug.Print "area = 210:"
   Debug.Print "area       perimeter        sides"
   For i = 0 To UBound(list)
       If Val(list(i)(0)) = 210 Then
           Debug.Print Format(list(i)(0), "@@@"), Format(list(i)(1), "@@@"),
           Debug.Print list(i)(2); "x"; list(i)(3); "x"; list(i)(4)
       End If
   Next i

End Sub</lang>

Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517 (of 1353400 tested)

First 10 ordered by area/perimeter/sides:
area       perimeter        sides
  6            12           5x4x3
 12            16           6x5x5
 12            18           8x5x5
 24            32           15x13x4
 30            30           13x12x5
 36            36           17x10x9
 36            54           26x25x3
 42            42           20x15x7
 60            36           13x13x10
 60            40           17x15x8

area = 210:
area       perimeter        sides
210            70           28x25x17
210            70           29x21x20
210            84           37x35x12
210            84           39x28x17
210           140           68x65x7
210           300           149x148x3


Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-sort
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/math" for Int, Nums import "/sort" for Sort import "/fmt" for Fmt

var isInteger = Fn.new { |n| n is Num && n.isInteger }

var primHeronian = Fn.new { |a, b, c|

   if (!(isInteger.call(a) && isInteger.call(b) && isInteger.call(c))) return [false, 0, 0]
   if (Int.gcd(Int.gcd(a, b), c) != 1) return [false, 0, 0]
   var p = a + b + c
   var s = p / 2
   var A = (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)).sqrt
   if (A > 0 && isInteger.call(A)) return [true, A, p]
   return [false, 0, 0]


var ph = [] for (a in 1..200) {

   for (b in a..200) {
       for (c in b..200) {
           var res = primHeronian.call(a, b, c)
           if (res[0]) {
               var sides = [a, b, c]
               ph.add([sides, res[1], res[2], Nums.max(sides)])

} System.print("There are %(ph.count) primitive Heronian trangles with sides <= 200.")

var cmp = Fn.new { |e1, e2|

   if (e1[1] != e2[1]) return (e1[1] - e2[1]).sign
   if (e1[2] != e2[2]) return (e1[2] - e2[2]).sign
   return (e1[3] - e2[3]).sign


Sort.quick(ph, 0, ph.count-1, cmp) System.print("\nThe first 10 such triangles in sorted order are:") System.print(" Sides Area Perimeter Max Side") for (t in ph.take(10)) {

   var sides = Fmt.swrite("$2d x $2d x $2d", t[0][0], t[0][1], t[0][2])
   Fmt.print("$-14s   $2d       $2d       $2d", sides, t[1], t[2], t[3])


System.print("\nThe triangles in the previously sorted order with an area of 210 are:") System.print(" Sides Area Perimeter Max Side") for (t in ph.where { |e| e[1] == 210 }) {

   var sides = Fmt.swrite("$2d x $3d x $3d", t[0][0], t[0][1], t[0][2])
   Fmt.print("$-14s   $3d       $3d       $3d", sides, t[1], t[2], t[3])


There are 517 primitive Heronian trangles with sides <= 200.

The first 10 such triangles in sorted order are:
   Sides       Area   Perimeter  Max Side
 3 x  4 x  5      6       12        5
 5 x  5 x  6     12       16        6
 5 x  5 x  8     12       18        8
 4 x 13 x 15     24       32       15
 5 x 12 x 13     30       30       13
 9 x 10 x 17     36       36       17
 3 x 25 x 26     36       54       26
 7 x 15 x 20     42       42       20
10 x 13 x 13     60       36       13
 8 x 15 x 17     60       40       17

The triangles in the previously sorted order with an area of 210 are:
   Sides        Area   Perimeter  Max Side
17 x  25 x  28   210        70        28
20 x  21 x  29   210        70        29
12 x  35 x  37   210        84        37
17 x  28 x  39   210        84        39
 7 x  65 x  68   210       140        68
 3 x 148 x 149   210       300       149


Translation of: Python

<lang zkl>fcn hero(a,b,c){ //--> area (float)

  s,a2:=(a + b + c).toFloat()/2, s*(s - a)*(s - b)*(s - c);
  (a2 > 0) and a2.sqrt() or 0.0

} fcn isHeronian(a,b,c){

  (A>0) and A.modf()[1].closeTo(0.0,1.0e-6) and A  //--> area or False

}</lang> <lang zkl>const MAX_SIDE=200; heros:=Sink(List); foreach a,b,c in ([1..MAX_SIDE],[a..MAX_SIDE],[b..MAX_SIDE]){

  if(a.gcd(b).gcd(c)==1 and (h:=isHeronian(a,b,c))) heros.write(T(h,a+b+c,a,b,c));

} // sort by increasing area, perimeter, then sides heros=heros.close().sort(fcn([(h1,p1,_,_,c1)],[(h2,p2,_,_,c2)]){

  if(h1!=h2) return(h1<h2);
  if(p1!=p2) return(p1<p2);


println("Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to %d: ".fmt(MAX_SIDE),heros.len());

println("First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:"); println("Area Perimeter Sides"); heros[0,10].pump(fcn(phabc){ "%3s %8d %3dx%dx%d".fmt(phabc.xplode()).println() });

println("\nAll with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:"); println("Area Perimeter Sides"); heros.filter(fcn([(h,_)]){ h==210 })

 .pump(fcn(phabc){ "%3s %8d %3dx%dx%d".fmt(phabc.xplode()).println() });</lang>
Primitive Heronian triangles with sides up to 200: 517
First ten when ordered by increasing area, then perimeter,then maximum sides:
Area Perimeter Sides
  6       12   3x4x5
 12       16   5x5x6
 12       18   5x5x8
 24       32   4x13x15
 30       30   5x12x13
 36       36   9x10x17
 36       54   3x25x26
 42       42   7x15x20
 60       36  10x13x13
 60       40   8x15x17

All with area 210 subject to the previous ordering:
Area Perimeter Sides
210       70  17x25x28
210       70  20x21x29
210       84  12x35x37
210       84  17x28x39
210      140   7x65x68
210      300   3x148x149