Idoneal numbers: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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(Idoneal numbers in FreeBASIC)
(Idoneal numbers in various BASIC dialents (BASIC256 and Yabasic))
Line 20:
;* [[oeis:A000926|OEIS:A000926 - Euler's "numerus idoneus" (or "numeri idonei", or idoneal, or suitable, or convenient numbers)]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="BASIC256">r = 0
print "The 65 known Idoneal numbers:"
for n = 1 to 1850
if isIdoneal(n) then
print rjust(string(n),5);
r += 1
if r mod 13 = 0 then print
end if
next n
function isIdoneal(n)
for a = 1 to n
for b = a+1 to n
if (a*b + a + b > n) then exit for
for c = b+1 to n
sum = a*b + b*c + a*c
if sum = n then return false
if sum > n then exit for
next c
next b
next a
return true
end function</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Same as the original entry FreeBASIC.</pre>
<syntaxhighlight lang="yabasic">// Rosetta Code problem:
// by Jjuanhdez, 09/2022
r = 0
print "The 65 known Idoneal numbers:"
for n = 1 to 1850
if isIdoneal(n) then
print n using "#####";
r = r + 1
if mod(r,13) = 0 print
end if
next n
sub isIdoneal(n)
local a, b, c, sum
for a = 1 to n
for b = a+1 to n
if (a*b + a + b > n) break
for c = b+1 to n
sum = a*b + b*c + a*c
if sum = n return false
if sum > n break
next c
next b
next a
return true
end sub</syntaxhighlight>
<pre>Same as the original entry FreeBASIC.</pre>

Revision as of 11:10, 25 September 2022

Idoneal numbers is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Idoneal numbers (also called suitable numbers or convenient numbers) are the positive integers D such that any integer expressible in only one way as x2 ± Dy2 (where x2 is relatively prime to Dy2) is a prime power or twice a prime power.

A positive integer n is idoneal if and only if it cannot be written as ab + bc + ac for distinct positive integers a, b, and c with 0 < a < b < c.

There are only 65 known iodoneal numbers and is likely that no others exist. If there are others, it has been proven that there are at most, two more, and that no others exist below 1,000,000.

  • Find and display at least the first 50 idoneal numbers (between 1 and 255).

  • Find and display all 65 known idoneal numbers.

See also



Translation of: FreeBASIC
r = 0
print "The 65 known Idoneal numbers:"
for n = 1 to 1850
	if isIdoneal(n) then
		print rjust(string(n),5);
		r += 1
		if r mod 13 = 0 then print
	end if
next n

function isIdoneal(n)
	for a = 1 to n
		for b = a+1 to n
			if (a*b + a + b > n) then exit for
			for c = b+1 to n
				sum = a*b + b*c + a*c
				if sum = n then return false
				if sum > n then exit for
			next c
		next b
	next a
	return true
end function
Same as the original entry FreeBASIC.


Translation of: FreeBASIC
// Rosetta Code problem:
// by Jjuanhdez, 09/2022

r = 0
print "The 65 known Idoneal numbers:"
for n = 1 to 1850
    if isIdoneal(n) then 
        print n using "#####";
        r = r + 1
        if mod(r,13) = 0  print
    end if
next n

sub isIdoneal(n)
    local a, b, c, sum
    for a = 1 to n
        for b = a+1 to n
            if (a*b + a + b > n)  break
            for c = b+1 to n
                sum = a*b + b*c + a*c
                if sum = n  return false
                if sum > n  break
            next c
        next b
    next a
    return true
end sub
Same as the original entry FreeBASIC.


Translation of: Python
using System;

class Program {

  static void Main(string[] args) {
    var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
    int a, b, c, i, n, s3, ab; var res = new int[65];
    for (n = 1, i = 0; n < 1850; n++) {
      bool found = true;
      for (a = 1; a < n; a++)
         for (b = a + 1, ab = a * b + a + b; b < n; b++, ab += a + 1) {
            if (ab > n) break;
            for (c = b + 1, s3 = ab + (b + a) * b; c < n; c++, s3 += b + a) {
                if (s3 == n) found = false;
                if (s3 >= n) break;
      if (found) res[i++] = n;
    Console.WriteLine("The 65 known Idoneal numbers:");
    for (i = 0; i < res.Length; i++)
      Console.Write("{0,5}{1}", res[i], i % 13 == 12 ? "\n" : "");
    Console.Write("Calculations took {0} ms", sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
The 65 known Idoneal numbers:
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
   16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
   48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
  120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
  312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848
Calculations took 28.5862 ms


Translation of: Wren

- original version

Translation of: Pascal

- version with minimized multiplications

Function isIdonealOrg(n As Uinteger) As Boolean
    Dim As Uinteger a, b, c, sum
    For a = 1 To n
        For b = a+1 To n
            If (a*b + a + b > n) Then Exit For
            For c = b+1 To n
                sum = a*b + b*c + a*c
                If sum = n Then Return false
                If sum > n Then Exit For
            Next c
        Next b
    Next a
    Return true
End Function

Function isIdoneal(n As Uinteger) As Boolean
    Dim As Uinteger a, b, c, axb, ab, sum
    For a = 1 To n
        ab = a+a
        axb = a*a
        For b = a+1 To n
            axb += a
            ab +=1
            sum = axb + b*ab
            If (sum > n) Then Exit For
            For c = b+1 To n
                sum += ab
                If (sum = n) Then Return false
                If (sum > n) Then Exit For
            Next c
        Next b
    Next a
    Return true
End Function

Dim As Double t0 = Timer
Dim r As Byte = 0
Print "The 65 known Idoneal numbers:"
For n As Uinteger = 1 To 1850
    If isIdonealOrg(n) Then 
        Print Using "#####"; n;
        r += 1
        If r Mod 13 = 0 Then Print
    End If
Next n
Print !"\nTime:"; (Timer - t0); Chr(10)

Dim As Double t1 = Timer
For n As Uinteger = 1 To 1850
    If isIdoneal(n) Then 
        Print Using "#####"; n;
        r += 1
        If r Mod 13 = 0 Then Print
    End If
Next n
Print !"\n\nTime:"; (Timer - t1)
'Tested in

The 65 known Idoneal numbers:
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
   16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
   48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
  120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
  312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848
 0.5490732192993164 ms per run

    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
   16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
   48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
  120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
  312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848
 0.3645658493041992 ms per run


   _10]\(1+i.255)-.+/1*/\.|:1+3 comb 255
  1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
 12  13  15  16  18  21  22  24  25  28
 30  33  37  40  42  45  48  57  58  60
 70  72  78  85  88  93 102 105 112 120
130 133 165 168 177 190 210 232 240 253

Here, comb gives us all combinations of 3 numbers in ascending order in the given range (originally in the range 0..254 here, adding 1 shifts them to 1..255). Then we multiply all pairs from these combinations, sum the resulting products and remove those products from a sequence 1..255. (And we form the result into rows of 10 numbers each, to avoid an excessively long row of numbers.)


Adapted from the OEIS:A000926 page.

ok(n) = !#select(k -> k <> 2, quadclassunit(-n << 2).cyc) \\ Andrew Howroyd, Jun 08 2018
c = 0; for (n = 1, 1850, ok(n) & printf("%5d%s", n, if (c++ % 13 == 0, "\n", "")))
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
   16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
   48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
  120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
  312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848


Free Pascal

copy of Raku/Python etc only reducing multiplies in sum.
version with minimized multiplications.

program idoneals;
  {$CODEALIGN loop=1}

 runs = 1000;
  Check_isIdoneal = function(n: Uint32): boolean;

  idoneals : array of Uint32;

function isIdonealOrg(n: Uint32):Boolean;
  a,b,c,sum : NativeUint;
  For a := 1 to n do
    For b := a+1 to n do
      if (a*b + a + b > n) then
      For c := b+1 to n do
        sum := a * b + b * c + a * c;
        if (sum = n) then
        if (sum > n) then

function isIdoneal(n: Uint32):Boolean;
  a,b,c,axb,ab,sum : Uint32;
  For a := 1 to n do
    ab := a+a;
    axb := a*a;
    For b := a+1 to n do
      axb += a;
      ab +=1;
      sum := axb + b*ab;
      if (sum > n) then
      For c := b+1 to n do
        sum += ab;
        if (sum = n) then
        if (sum > n) then

function Check(f:Check_isIdoneal):Uint32;
  n : Uint32;
  result := 0;
  For n := 1 to 1848 do
    if f(n) then
      setlength(idoneals,result);   idoneals[result-1] := n;

procedure OneRun(f:Check_isIdoneal);
  T0 : Int64;
  i,l : Uint32;
  T0 := GetTickCount64;
  For i := runs-1 downto 0 do
    l:= check(f);
  T0 := GetTickCount64-T0;

  For i := 0 to l do
    if (i+1) mod 13 = 0 then

  Writeln(T0/runs:7:3,' ms per run');

    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
   16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
   48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
  120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
  312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848
  6.018 ms per run
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
   16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
   48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
  120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
  312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848
  2.036 ms per run


with javascript_semantics
sequence res = {}
for n=1 to 1850 do
    bool found = true;
    for a=1 to n do
        for b=a+1 to n do
            if not found or a*b+a+b>n then exit end if
            integer ab = (2*a + b)*b
            for c=b+1 to n do
                ab += a+b
                if ab == n then found = false end if
                if ab >= n then exit end if
            end for
         end for
    end for 
    if found then res &= n end if
end for
printf(1,"The %d known Idoneal numbers:\n%s\n",
         {length(res),join_by(res,1,13," ",fmt:="%4d")})
The 65 known Idoneal numbers:
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
  16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
  48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
 120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
 312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848


Translation of: Raku
''' Rosetta code task: '''

def is_idoneal(num):
    ''' Return true if num is an idoneal number '''
    for a in range(1, num):
        for b in range(a + 1, num):
            if a * b + a + b > num:
            for c in range(b + 1, num):
                sum3 = a * b + b * c + a * c
                if sum3 == num:
                    return False
                if sum3 > num:
    return True

row = 0
for n in range(1, 2000):
    if is_idoneal(n):
        row += 1
        print(f'{n:5}', end='\n' if row % 13 == 0 else '')
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
   16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
   48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
  120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
  312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848


First 60 in less than 1/2 second. The remaining 5 take another ~5 seconds.

sub is-idoneal ($n) {
    my $idoneal = True;
    I: for 1 .. $n -> $a {
        for $a ^.. $n -> $b {
            last if $a × $b + $a + $b > $n; # short circuit
            for $b ^.. $n -> $c {
                $idoneal = False and last I if (my $sum = $a × $b + $b × $c + $c × $a) == $n;
                last if $sum > $n; # short circuit

$_».fmt("%4d").put for (1..1850).hyper(:32batch).grep( &is-idoneal ).batch(10)
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10
  12   13   15   16   18   21   22   24   25   28
  30   33   37   40   42   45   48   57   58   60
  70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112  120
 130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253
 273  280  312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520
 760  840 1320 1365 1848


import Foundation

func isIdoneal(_ n: Int) -> Bool {
    for a in 1..<n {
        for b in a + 1..<n {
            if a * b + a + b > n {
            for c in b + 1..<n {
                let sum = a * b + b * c + a * c
                if sum == n {
                    return false
                if sum > n {
    return true

var count = 0
for n in 1..<1850 {
    if isIdoneal(n) {
        count += 1
        print(String(format: "%4d", n), terminator: count % 13 == 0 ? "\n" : " ")
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15
  16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45
  48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112
 120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280
 312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848


Translation of: Raku
Library: Wren-fmt
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var isIdoneal = { |n|
    for (a in 1...n) {
        for (b in a+1...n) {
            if (a*b + a + b > n) break
            for (c in b+1...n) {
                var sum = a*b + b*c + a*c
                if (sum == n) return false
                if (sum > n) break
    return true

var idoneals = []
for (n in 1..1850) if ( idoneals.add(n)
Fmt.tprint("$4d", idoneals, 13)
   1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10   12   13   15 
  16   18   21   22   24   25   28   30   33   37   40   42   45 
  48   57   58   60   70   72   78   85   88   93  102  105  112 
 120  130  133  165  168  177  190  210  232  240  253  273  280 
 312  330  345  357  385  408  462  520  760  840 1320 1365 1848