Knapsack problem/0-1: Difference between revisions

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m (syntax highlighting fixup automation)
(→‎{{header|Vlang}}: Rename "Vlang" in "V (Vlang)")
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=={{header|V (Vlang)}}==
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">struct Item {
<syntaxhighlight lang="go">struct Item {

Revision as of 16:24, 16 October 2022

Knapsack problem/0-1
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A tourist wants to make a good trip at the weekend with his friends.

They will go to the mountains to see the wonders of nature, so he needs to pack well for the trip.

He has a good knapsack for carrying things, but knows that he can carry a maximum of only 4kg in it,   and it will have to last the whole day.

He creates a list of what he wants to bring for the trip but the total weight of all items is too much.

He then decides to add columns to his initial list detailing their weights and a numerical value representing how important the item is for the trip.

Here is the list:

Table of potential knapsack items
item weight (dag) value
map 9 150
compass 13 35
water 153 200
sandwich 50 160
glucose 15 60
tin 68 45
banana 27 60
apple 39 40
cheese 23 30
beer 52 10
suntan cream 11 70
camera 32 30
T-shirt 24 15
trousers 48 10
umbrella 73 40
waterproof trousers 42 70
waterproof overclothes 43 75
note-case 22 80
sunglasses 7 20
towel 18 12
socks 4 50
book 30 10
knapsack ≤400 dag ?

The tourist can choose to take any combination of items from the list, but only one of each item is available.

He may not cut or diminish the items, so he can only take whole units of any item.


Show which items the tourist can carry in his knapsack so that their total weight does not exceed 400 dag [4 kg],   and their total value is maximized.

[dag = decagram = 10 grams]

Related tasks


Translation of: Python
F totalvalue(comb)
   V totwt = 0
   V totval = 0
   L(item, wt, val) comb
      totwt += wt
      totval += val
   R I totwt <= 400 {(totval, -totwt)} E (0, 0)

V items = [
   (‘map’, 9, 150), (‘compass’, 13, 35), (‘water’, 153, 200), (‘sandwich’, 50, 160),
   (‘glucose’, 15, 60), (‘tin’, 68, 45), (‘banana’, 27, 60), (‘apple’, 39, 40),
   (‘cheese’, 23, 30), (‘beer’, 52, 10), (‘suntan cream’, 11, 70), (‘camera’, 32, 30),
   (‘t-shirt’, 24, 15), (‘trousers’, 48, 10), (‘umbrella’, 73, 40),
   (‘waterproof trousers’, 42, 70), (‘waterproof overclothes’, 43, 75),
   (‘note-case’, 22, 80), (‘sunglasses’, 7, 20), (‘towel’, 18, 12), (‘socks’, 4, 50),
   (‘book’, 30, 10)

F knapsack01_dp(items, limit)
   V table = [[0] * (limit + 1)] * (items.len + 1)

   L(j) 1 .. items.len
      V (item, wt, val) = items[j - 1]
      L(w) 1 .. limit
         I wt > w
            table[j][w] = table[j - 1][w]
            table[j][w] = max(table[j - 1][w], table[j - 1][w - wt] + val)

   [(String, Int, Int)] result
   V w = limit
   L(j) (items.len .< 0).step(-1)
      I table[j][w] != table[j - 1][w]
         V (item, wt, val) = items[j - 1]
         result.append(items[j - 1])
         w -= wt
   R result

V bagged = knapsack01_dp(items, 400)
print("Bagged the following items\n  "sorted(, _, _2) -> item)).join("\n  "))
V (val, wt) = totalvalue(bagged)
print(‘for a total value of #. and a total weight of #.’.format(val, -wt))
Bagged the following items
  suntan cream
  waterproof overclothes
  waterproof trousers
for a total value of 1030 and a total weight of 396

360 Assembly

Non recurvive brute force version.

*      Knapsack problem/0-1      16/02/2017
       USING  KNAPSA01,R13
       B      72(R15)
       DC     17F'0'
       STM    R14,R12,12(R13)
       ST     R13,4(R15)
       ST     R15,8(R13)
       LR     R13,R15            end of prolog
       L      R0,N               n
       LA     R1,1
POWER  MH     R1,=H'2'           *2
       BCT    R0,POWER
       BCTR   R1,0               -1
       ST     R1,IMAX            imax=2**n-1
       SR     R6,R6              i=0
       DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,IMAX)   do i=0 to imax
         SR     R10,R10            im=0
         SR     R8,R8              iw=0
         SR     R9,R9              iv=0
         LA     R7,1               j=1
         DO WHILE=(C,R7,LE,N)      do j=1 to n
           LR     R1,R6              i
           LR     R2,R7              j
           BAL    R14,TSTBIT         call tstbit(i,j)
           IF C,R0,EQ,=F'1' THEN     if tstbit(i,j)=1 then
             LA     R10,1(R10)         im=im+1
             LR     R3,R7              j
             BCTR   R3,0
             SLA    R3,5
             LA     R1,24(R3)
             A      R8,DATA(R1)        iw=iw+data(j).w
             LA     R1,28(R3)
             A      R9,DATA(R1)        iv=iv+data(j).v
           ENDIF  ,                  endif
           LA     R7,1(R7)           j=j+1
         ENDDO  ,                  enddo j
         IF C,R8,LE,MAXW,AND,C,R9,GT,XV THEN  if w<=maxw and iv>xv then
           ST     R6,XB              xb=i
           ST     R10,XM             xm=im
           ST     R8,XW              xw=iw
           ST     R9,XV              xv=iv
         ENDIF  ,                  endif
         LA     R6,1(R6)           i=i+1
       ENDDO  ,                  enddo i
       MVC    PG(2),=C'n='
       L      R1,N               n
       XDECO  R1,XDEC            edit n
       MVC    PG+2(2),XDEC+10
       XPRNT  PG,L'PG            print buffer
       LA     R6,1
       DO WHILE=(C,R6,LE,N)      do i=1 to n
         L      R1,XB              xb
         LR     R2,R6              i
         BAL    R14,TSTBIT         call tstbit(xb,i)
         IF C,R0,EQ,=F'1' THEN     if tstbit(xb,i)=1 then
           LR     R1,R6              i
           BCTR   R1,0
           SLA    R1,5
           LA     R2,DATA(R1)        @data(i).n
           MVC    PG(24),0(R2)
           XPRNT  PG,24              print item
         ENDIF  ,                  endif
         LA     R6,1(R6)           i=i+1
       ENDDO  ,                  enddo i
       L      R1,XM              xm
       XDECO  R1,XDEC            edit xm
       MVC    PGT+6(2),XDEC+10
       L      R1,XW              xw
       XDECO  R1,XDEC            edit xw
       MVC    PGT+16(3),XDEC+9
       L      R1,XV              xv
       XDECO  R1,XDEC            edit xv
       MVC    PGT+26(4),XDEC+8
       XPRNT  PGT,L'PGT          print buffer
       L      R13,4(0,R13)       epilog
       LM     R14,R12,12(R13)
       XR     R15,R15
       BR     R14                exit
TSTBIT EQU    *                  R1 value to test the R2 bit
       LA     R3,32              32
       SR     R3,R2              (32-i)
       STC    R3,XSLL+3         
       LR     R0,R1              n
       EX     0,XSLL             SLL R0,(32-i)
       SRL    R0,31             
       BR     R14                return R0
XSLL   SLL    R0,0               shift left logical     
MAXW   DC     F'400'             maximum weight
N      DC     A((DATAE-DATA)/32)
IMAX   DS     F                  number of combinations
XB     DS     F                  max vector
XM     DS     F                  max items 
XW     DS     F                  max weight
XV     DS     F                  max value
PG     DC     CL80' '
PGT    DC     CL32'items=.. weight=... value=....'
XDEC   DS     CL12
DATA   DC     CL24'map',F'9',F'150'
       DC     CL24'compass',F'13',F'35'
       DC     CL24'water',F'153',F'200'
       DC     CL24'sandwich',F'50',F'160'
       DC     CL24'glucose',F'15',F'60'
       DC     CL24'tin',F'68',F'45'
       DC     CL24'banana',F'27',F'60'
       DC     CL24'apple',F'39',F'40'
       DC     CL24'cheese',F'23',F'30'
       DC     CL24'beer',F'52',F'10'
       DC     CL24'suntan cream',F'11',F'70'
       DC     CL24'camera',F'32',F'30'
       DC     CL24'T-shirt',F'24',F'15'
       DC     CL24'trousers',F'48',F'10'
       DC     CL24'umbrella',F'73',F'40'
       DC     CL24'book',F'30',F'10'
       DC     CL24'waterproof trousers',F'42',F'70'
       DC     CL24'waterproof overclothes',F'43',F'75'
       DC     CL24'note-case',F'22',F'80'
       DC     CL24'sunglasses',F'7',F'20'
       DC     CL24'towel',F'18',F'12'
       DC     CL24'socks',F'4',F'50'
DATAE  DC     0C
       END    KNAPSA01
suntan cream
waterproof trousers
waterproof overclothes
items=12 weight=396 value=1030


with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

procedure Knapsack_01 is
   package US renames Ada.Strings.Unbounded;

   type Item is record
      Name   : US.Unbounded_String;
      Weight : Positive;
      Value  : Positive;
      Taken  : Boolean;
   end record;

   type Item_Array is array (Positive range <>) of Item;

   function Total_Weight (Items : Item_Array; Untaken : Boolean := False) return Natural is
      Sum : Natural := 0;
      for I in Items'Range loop
         if Untaken or else Items (I).Taken then
            Sum := Sum + Items (I).Weight;
         end if;
      end loop;
      return Sum;
   end Total_Weight;

   function Total_Value (Items : Item_Array; Untaken : Boolean := False) return Natural is
      Sum : Natural := 0;
      for I in Items'Range loop
         if Untaken or else Items (I).Taken then
            Sum := Sum + Items (I).Value;
         end if;
      end loop;
      return Sum;
   end Total_Value;

   function Max (Left, Right : Natural) return Natural is
      if Right > Left then
         return Right;
         return Left;
      end if;
   end Max;

   procedure Solve_Knapsack_01 (Items : in out Item_Array;
                                Weight_Limit : Positive := 400) is
      type W_Array is array (0..Items'Length, 0..Weight_Limit) of Natural;
      W : W_Array := (others => (others => 0));
      -- fill W
      for I in Items'Range loop
         for J in 1 .. Weight_Limit loop
            if Items (I).Weight > J then
               W (I, J) := W (I - 1, J);
               W (I, J) := Max (W (I - 1, J),
                                W (I - 1, J - Items (I).Weight) + Items (I).Value);
            end if;
         end loop;
      end loop;
         Rest : Natural := Weight_Limit;
         for I in reverse Items'Range loop
            if W (I, Rest) /= W (I - 1, Rest) then
               Items (I).Taken := True;
               Rest := Rest - Items (I).Weight;
            end if;
         end loop;
   end Solve_Knapsack_01;

   All_Items : Item_Array :=
     ( (US.To_Unbounded_String ("map"),                      9, 150, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("compass"),                 13,  35, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("water"),                  153, 200, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("sandwich"),                50, 160, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("glucose"),                 15,  60, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("tin"),                     68,  45, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("banana"),                  27,  60, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("apple"),                   39,  40, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("cheese"),                  23,  30, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("beer"),                    52,  10, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("suntan cream"),            11,  70, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("camera"),                  32,  30, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("t-shirt"),                 24,  15, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("trousers"),                48,  10, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("umbrella"),                73,  40, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("waterproof trousers"),     42,  70, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("waterproof overclothes"),  43,  75, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("note-case"),               22,  80, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("sunglasses"),               7,  20, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("towel"),                   18,  12, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("socks"),                    4,  50, False),
       (US.To_Unbounded_String ("book"),                    30,  10, False) );

   Solve_Knapsack_01 (All_Items, 400);
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Total Weight: " & Natural'Image (Total_Weight (All_Items)));
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Total Value:  " & Natural'Image (Total_Value  (All_Items)));
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Items:");
   for I in All_Items'Range loop
      if All_Items (I).Taken then
         Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("   " & US.To_String (All_Items (I).Name));
      end if;
   end loop;
end Knapsack_01;
Total Weight:  396
Total Value:   1030
   suntan cream
   waterproof trousers
   waterproof overclothes


[1]   total400
[2]   list("map" 9 150)("compass" 13 35)("water" 153 200)("sandwich" 50 160)("glucose" 15 60) ("tin" 68 45)("banana" 27 60)("apple" 39 40)("cheese" 23 30)("beer" 52 10) ("suntan cream" 11 70)("camera" 32 30)("t-shirt" 24 15)("trousers" 48 10) ("umbrella" 73 40)("waterproof trousers" 42 70)("waterproof overclothes" 43 75) ("note-case" 22 80) ("sunglasses" 7 20) ("towel" 18 12) ("socks" 4 50) ("book" 30 10)
[3]   listlist[3¨list]
[5]   ret
[6]   :while 0≠⍴list
[7]       retret,(btotal>sum+\2¨list)/list
[8]       list1(~b)/list
[9]       totaltotal-sum¯1(total>sum)/sum
[10]  :end 
[11]  retret,⊂'TOTALS:' (+/2¨ret)(+/3¨ret)   
 water                  153  200
 sandwich                50  160
 map                      9  150
 note-case               22   80
 waterproof overclothes  43   75
 suntan cream            11   70
 waterproof trousers     42   70
 glucose                 15   60
 banana                  27   60
 socks                    4   50
 compass                 13   35
 sunglasses               7   20
 TOTALS:                396 1030

Average runtime: 0.000168 seconds


#   arr["item,weight"] = value
    arr["map,9"] = 150
    arr["compass,13"] = 35
    arr["water,153"] = 200
    arr["sandwich,50"] = 160
    arr["glucose,15"] = 60
    arr["tin,68"] = 45
    arr["banana,27"] = 60
    arr["apple,39"] = 40
    arr["cheese,23"] = 30
    arr["beer,52"] = 10
    arr["suntan cream,11"] = 70
    arr["camera,32"] = 30
    arr["T-shirt,24"] = 15
    arr["trousers,48"] = 10
    arr["umbrella,73"] = 40
    arr["waterproof trousers,42"] = 70
    arr["waterproof overclothes,43"] = 75
    arr["note-case,22"] = 80
    arr["sunglasses,7"] = 20
    arr["towel,18"] = 12
    arr["socks,4"] = 50
    arr["book,30"] = 10
    sack_size = 400 # dag
    PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "@val_num_desc"
    for (i in arr) {
      if (total_weight >= sack_size) {
      weight = tmp[2]
      if (total_weight + weight <= sack_size) {
        total_value += arr[i]
        total_weight += weight
    printf("items=%d (out of %d) weight=%d value=%d\n",total_items,length(arr),total_weight,total_value)
waterproof overclothes
waterproof trousers
suntan cream
items=12 (out of 22) weight=396 value=1030



Works with: QBasic version 1.1
Works with: QuickBasic version 4.5
Translation of: QB64
N = 7: G = 5: a = 2 ^ (N + 1) ' Author: DANILIN & Editor: Jjuanhdez or Unknow
DIM L(N), C(N), j(N), q(a), d(a), q$(a)

FOR i = a - 1 TO (a - 1) \ 2 STEP -1
    k = i
    DO  ' cipher 0-1
        q$(i) = LTRIM$(STR$(k MOD 2)) + q$(i)
        k = INT(k / 2)
    LOOP UNTIL k = 0
    q$(i) = MID$(q$(i), 2, LEN(q$(i)))

PRINT " #            Mass          Cost"
FOR i = 1 TO N
    L(i) = INT(RND * 3 + 1)' mass & cost
    C(i) = 10 + INT(RND * 9)
    PRINT i, L(i), C(i)
NEXT i  ' origin

PRINT CHR$(10) + "Mass          Cost           Chifer"
FOR h = a - 1 TO (a - 1) / 2 STEP -1
    FOR k = 1 TO N
        j(k) = VAL(MID$(q$(h), k, 1))    ' j() = cipher
        q(h) = q(h) + L(k) * j(k) * C(k) ' 0 or 1
        d(h) = d(h) + L(k) * j(k)
    NEXT k
    IF d(h) <= G THEN PRINT d(h), q(h), q$(h)

PRINT CHR$(10) + "Mass          MAX            Chifer"
max = 0: h = 1
FOR i = 1 TO a
    IF d(i) <= G AND q(i) > max THEN max = q(i): h = i
PRINT d(h), q(h), q$(h)
Same as QB64 entry.


Translation of: QB64
N = 7 : G = 5 : a = 2^(N+1) ' Author: DANILIN & Editor: Jjuanhdez or Unknow
dim L(N), C(N), j(N), q(a), d(a), q$(a)

for i = a-1 to int((a-1)/2) step -1
    k = i
    repeat    // cipher 0-1
        q$(i) = ltrim$(str$(mod(k, 2))) + q$(i)
        k = int(k / 2)
    until k = 0
    q$(i) = mid$(q$(i), 2, len(q$(i))) 
next i

print " #     Mass    Cost"
for i = 1 to N
    L(i) = int(ran(3)) + 1    // mass & cost
    C(i) = 10 + int(ran(9))
    print i, chr$(9), L(i), chr$(9), C(i)
next i  // origin

print chr$(10) + "Mass   Cost      Chifer"
for h = a-1 to (a-1)/2 step -1
    for k = 1 to N
        j(k) = val(mid$(q$(h), k, 1))     // j() = cipher
        q(h) = q(h) + L(k) * j(k) * C(k)  // 0 or 1
        d(h) = d(h) + L(k) * j(k) 
    next k
    if d(h) <= G  print d(h), chr$(9), q(h), chr$(9), q$(h)
next h

print chr$(10) + "Mass   MAX       Chifer"
maxx = 0 : h = 1 
for i = 1 to a
    if d(i) <= G and q(i) > maxx  maxx = q(i) : h = i
next i
print d(h), chr$(9), q(h), chr$(9), q$(h)
Same as QB64 entry

Batch File

:: Initiate command line environment
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

:: Establish arrays we'll be using
set items=map compass water sandwich glucose tin banana apple cheese beer suntancream camera tshirt trousers umbrella waterprooftrousers waterproofoverclothes notecase sunglasses towel socks book
set weight=9 13 153 50 15 68 27 39 23 52 11 32 24 48 73 42 43 22 7 18 4 30
set importance=150 35 200 160 60 45 60 40 30 10 70 30 15 10 40 70 75 80 20 12 50 10

:: Put the above 3 arrays into their own variables with the form of "item[]", "w[]" and "i[]"
set tempnum=0
for %%i in (%items%) do (
  set /a tempnum+=1
  set item!tempnum!=%%i
set tempnum=0
for %%i in (%weight%) do (
  set /a tempnum+=1
  set w!tempnum!=%%i
set tempnum=0
for %%i in (%importance%) do (
  set /a tempnum+=1
  set i!tempnum!=%%i
:: Define the array "r[]" as the ratio between the importance ("i[]") and the weight ("w[]"). 
for /l %%i in (1,1,22) do set /a r%%i=!i%%i!*100/!w%%i! & rem batch doesn't support decimals, so the numerator is multiplied by 100 to get past this

set totalimportance=0
set totalweight=0
set amount=0

:: Find the largest number in "r[]" and define some temp variables based off it
set tempr=0
set tempitem=0
for /l %%i in (1,1,22) do (
  if !r%%i! gtr !tempr! (
    set tempr=!r%%i!
    set tempitem=%%i
    set /a testweight=%totalweight%+!w%%i!
    if !tempr!==0 goto end
    if !testweight! geq 400 goto end

:: Do basic error checking using the temp variables from above and either output and end the program or send back to load
set /a totaltempweight=%totalweight%+!w%tempitem%!

if %totaltempweight% gtr 400 (
  set !r%tempitem%!=0
  goto load

set totalweight=%totaltempweight%
set /a totalimportance+=!i%tempitem%!
set taken=%taken% !item%tempitem%!
set /a amount+=1
set r%tempitem%=0 & rem set the ratio variable of the item we just added to the knapsack as 0 to stop it repeat

goto load

echo List of things taken [%amount%]: %taken%
echo Total Value: %totalimportance%  Total Weight: %totalweight%
List of things taken [12]:  map socks suntancream glucose notecase sandwich sunglasses compass banana waterproofoverclothes waterprooftrousers water
Total Value: 1030  Total Weight: 396


      HIMEM = PAGE + 8000000
      nItems% = 22
      maxWeight% = 400
      DIM Tag{ivalue%, list%(nItems%-1), lp%}
      DIM items{(nItems%-1)name$, weight%, ivalue%}
      FOR item% = 0 TO nItems%-1
        READ items{(item%)}.name$, items{(item%)}.weight%, items{(item%)}.ivalue%
      DATA "map", 9, 150, "compass", 13, 35, "water", 153, 200, "sandwich", 50, 160
      DATA "glucose", 15, 60, "tin", 68, 45, "banana", 27, 60, "apple", 39, 40
      DATA "cheese", 23, 30, "beer", 52, 10, "suntan cream", 11, 70, "camera", 32, 30
      DATA "t-shirt", 24, 15, "trousers", 48, 10, "umbrella", 73, 40, "book", 30, 10
      DATA "waterproof trousers", 42, 70, "waterproof overclothes", 43, 75
      DATA "note-case", 22, 80, "sunglasses", 7, 20, "towel", 18, 12, "socks", 4, 50
      carry% = FN_Knapsack(items{()}, nItems% - 1, maxWeight%, cache{()})
      FOR i% = 0 TO cache{(carry%)}.lp%-1
        n% = cache{(carry%)}.list%(i%)
        TotalWeight% += items{(n%)}.weight%
        TotalValue% += items{(n%)}.ivalue%
        PRINT items{(n%)}.name$ " "
      PRINT '"Total weight = " ; TotalWeight%
      PRINT "Total value  = " ; TotalValue%
      DEF FN_Knapsack(i{()}, i%, w%, RETURN m{()})
      LOCAL included{}, excluded{}, tmp%, index%
      DIM m{(16384)} = Tag{}, included{} = Tag{}, excluded{} = Tag{}
      index% = i% << 9 OR w%
      IF m{(index%)}.ivalue% THEN = index%
      IF i% = 0 THEN
        IF i{(0)}.weight% > w% THEN
          m{(index%)}.ivalue% = 0 : REM Item doesn't fit
          m{(index%)}.ivalue% = i{(0)}.ivalue%
          m{(index%)}.list%(m{(index%)}.lp%) = 0
          m{(index%)}.lp% += 1
        = index%
      tmp% = FN_Knapsack(i{()}, i% - 1, w%, m{()})
      excluded{} = m{(tmp%)}
      IF i{(i%)}.weight% > w% THEN
        m{(index%)} = excluded{} : REM Item weighs too much
        = index%
        tmp% = FN_Knapsack(i{()}, i% - 1, w% - i{(i%)}.weight%, m{()})
        included{} = m{(tmp%)}
        included.ivalue% += i{(i%)}.ivalue%
        included.list%(included.lp%) = i%
        included.lp% += 1
      IF included.ivalue% > excluded.ivalue% THEN
        m{(index%)} = included{}
        m{(index%)} = excluded{}
      = index%
suntan cream
waterproof trousers
waterproof overclothes

Total weight = 396
Total value  = 1030


  ( things
  =   (map.9.150)
      ("suntan cream".11.70)
      ("waterproof trousers".42.70)
      ("waterproof overclothes".43.75)
& 0:?maxvalue
& :?sack
& ( add
  =     cumwght
    .     !arg
        : (?cumwght.?cumvalue.?cumsack.(?name.?wght.?val) ?tings)
      & -1:?n
      &   whl
        ' ( 1+!n:~>1:?n
          & !cumwght+!n*!wght:~>400:?ncumwght
          & !cumvalue+!n*!val:?ncumvalue
          & (   !tings:
              & (   !ncumvalue:>!maxvalue:?maxvalue
                  &     !cumsack
                    : ?sack
            |   add
              $ ( !ncumwght
                . !ncumvalue
                .   !cumsack
                . !tings
& add$(0.0..!things)
& out$(!maxvalue.!sack));
.   map
    suntan cream
    waterproof trousers
    waterproof overclothes


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct {
    char *name;
    int weight;
    int value;
} item_t;

item_t items[] = {
    {"map",                      9,   150},
    {"compass",                 13,    35},
    {"water",                  153,   200},
    {"sandwich",                50,   160},
    {"glucose",                 15,    60},
    {"tin",                     68,    45},
    {"banana",                  27,    60},
    {"apple",                   39,    40},
    {"cheese",                  23,    30},
    {"beer",                    52,    10},
    {"suntan cream",            11,    70},
    {"camera",                  32,    30},
    {"T-shirt",                 24,    15},
    {"trousers",                48,    10},
    {"umbrella",                73,    40},
    {"waterproof trousers",     42,    70},
    {"waterproof overclothes",  43,    75},
    {"note-case",               22,    80},
    {"sunglasses",               7,    20},
    {"towel",                   18,    12},
    {"socks",                    4,    50},
    {"book",                    30,    10},

int *knapsack (item_t *items, int n, int w) {
    int i, j, a, b, *mm, **m, *s;
    mm = calloc((n + 1) * (w + 1), sizeof (int));
    m = malloc((n + 1) * sizeof (int *));
    m[0] = mm;
    for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
        m[i] = &mm[i * (w + 1)];
        for (j = 0; j <= w; j++) {
            if (items[i - 1].weight > j) {
                m[i][j] = m[i - 1][j];
            else {
                a = m[i - 1][j];
                b = m[i - 1][j - items[i - 1].weight] + items[i - 1].value;
                m[i][j] = a > b ? a : b;
    s = calloc(n, sizeof (int));
    for (i = n, j = w; i > 0; i--) {
        if (m[i][j] > m[i - 1][j]) {
            s[i - 1] = 1;
            j -= items[i - 1].weight;
    return s;

int main () {
    int i, n, tw = 0, tv = 0, *s;
    n = sizeof (items) / sizeof (item_t);
    s = knapsack(items, n, 400);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        if (s[i]) {
            printf("%-22s %5d %5d\n", items[i].name, items[i].weight, items[i].value);
            tw += items[i].weight;
            tv += items[i].value;
    printf("%-22s %5d %5d\n", "totals:", tw, tv);
    return 0;
map                        9   150
compass                   13    35
water                    153   200
sandwich                  50   160
glucose                   15    60
banana                    27    60
suntan cream              11    70
waterproof trousers       42    70
waterproof overclothes    43    75
note-case                 22    80
sunglasses                 7    20
socks                      4    50
totals:                  396  1030


Library: System
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Tests_With_Framework_4

class Bag : IEnumerable<Bag.Item>
            List<Item> items;
            const int MaxWeightAllowed = 400;

            public Bag()
                items = new List<Item>();

            void AddItem(Item i)
                if ((TotalWeight + i.Weight) <= MaxWeightAllowed)

            public void Calculate(List<Item> items)
                foreach (Item i in Sorte(items))

            List<Item> Sorte(List<Item> inputItems)
                List<Item> choosenItems = new List<Item>();
                for (int i = 0; i < inputItems.Count; i++)
                    int j = -1;
                    if (i == 0)
                    if (i > 0)
                        if (!RecursiveF(inputItems, choosenItems, i, choosenItems.Count - 1, false, ref j))
                return choosenItems;

            bool RecursiveF(List<Item> knapsackItems, List<Item> choosenItems, int i, int lastBound, bool dec, ref int indxToAdd)
                if (!(lastBound < 0))
                    if ( knapsackItems[i].ResultWV < choosenItems[lastBound].ResultWV )
                        indxToAdd = lastBound;
                    return RecursiveF(knapsackItems, choosenItems, i, lastBound - 1, true, ref indxToAdd);
                if (indxToAdd > -1)
                    choosenItems.Insert(indxToAdd, knapsackItems[i]);
                    return true;
                return false;

            #region IEnumerable<Item> Members
            IEnumerator<Item> IEnumerable<Item>.GetEnumerator()
                foreach (Item i in items)
                    yield return i;

            #region IEnumerable Members
            System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
                return items.GetEnumerator();

            public int TotalWeight
                    var sum = 0;
                    foreach (Item i in this)
                        sum += i.Weight;
                    return sum;

            public class Item
                public string Name { get; set; } public int Weight { get; set; } public int Value { get; set; } public int ResultWV { get { return  Weight-Value; } }
                public override string ToString()
                    return "Name : " + Name + "        Wieght : " + Weight + "       Value : " + Value + "     ResultWV : " + ResultWV;

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
        {List<Bag.Item> knapsackItems = new List<Bag.Item>();
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Map", Weight = 9, Value = 150 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Water", Weight = 153, Value = 200 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Compass", Weight = 13, Value = 35 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Sandwitch", Weight = 50, Value = 160 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Glucose", Weight = 15, Value = 60 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Tin", Weight = 68, Value = 45 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Banana", Weight = 27, Value = 60 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Apple", Weight = 39, Value = 40 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Cheese", Weight = 23, Value = 30 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Beer", Weight = 52, Value = 10 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Suntan Cream", Weight = 11, Value = 70 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Camera", Weight = 32, Value = 30 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "T-shirt", Weight = 24, Value = 15 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Trousers", Weight = 48, Value = 10 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Umbrella", Weight = 73, Value = 40 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "WaterProof Trousers", Weight = 42, Value = 70 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Note-Case", Weight = 22, Value = 80 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Sunglasses", Weight = 7, Value = 20 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Towel", Weight = 18, Value = 12 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Socks", Weight = 4, Value = 50 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "Book", Weight = 30, Value = 10 });
            knapsackItems.Add(new Bag.Item() { Name = "waterproof overclothes ", Weight = 43, Value = 75 });

            Bag b = new Bag();
            b.All(x => { Console.WriteLine(x); return true; });
            Console.WriteLine(b.Sum(x => x.Weight));

("Bag" might not be the best name for the class, since "bag" is sometimes also used to refer to a multiset data structure.)

C#, Alternative Version

C# Knapsak 0-1 Russian Binary ciphers

Russian Knapsack 0-1 synthesizes all ciphers from 0 & 1 adding left +1 register and 0 remain on left in cipher

Number of comparisons decreases from N! to 2^N for example N=8 N!=40320 >> 2^N=256

Random values origin are automatically assigned create integral of quantity and quality

using System;		// Knapsack C# binary DANILIN
using System.Text;	//
namespace Knapsack 
class Knapsack  
    static void Main()
            int n = 7; 
            int Inside = 5; 
            int all=Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2,(n+1))); 
            int[] mass = new int[n]; 
            int[] cost = new int[n]; 
            int[] jack = new int[n]; 
            int[] quality = new int[all]; 
            int[] amount = new int[all];   
            int i; 			// circle
            int k; 			// circle
            int dec;  
            string[] bin = new string[all]; 
            int list; 
            int max;
            int max_num;
            Random rand = new Random();

            for (i=0; i<n; i++)
                Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}", i+1, mass[i], cost[i]); 

            for (list = all-1; list>(all-1)/2; list--) 
                while (dec > 0)
                    bin[list] = dec % 2 + bin[list]; // from 10 to 2 
                if (bin[list] == "") 
                    bin[list] = "0";
                for (k=0; k<n; k++) // inside 01
                    quality[list]=quality[list]+mass[k]*jack[k]*cost[k]; 	// integral of costs
                    amount[list]=amount[list]+mass[k]*jack[k]; 	// integral of mass
                if (amount[list]<= Inside)		// current mass < Knapsack
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3}", Inside, amount[list], quality[list], bin[list]); 

            for (i=0; i < all; i++)
                if (amount[i]<=Inside && quality[i]>max)
                    max = quality[i]; max_num =i ;
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2}",amount[max_num],quality[max_num],bin[max_num]);
 # Mass Cost
1 2 12
2 3 17
3 1 14
4 3 17
5 1 13
Chifer Mass Cost 
11000 5 5 75
01001 5 4 64
00111 5 5 78 !!!
00110 5 4 65
00101 5 2 27
Mass MAX Chifer
5 78 00111
int n = 20; 
int Inside = 400; 
int all=Convert.ToInt32(Math.Pow(2,(n+1))); 
int[] mass = {9,13,153,50,15,68,27,39,23,52,11,32,24,48,73,42,43,22,7,4,30}; 
int[] cost = {150,35,200,160,60,45,60,40,30,10,70,30,15,10,40,70,75,80,20,50,10}; 

396 1030 11111010001000011111


First version

Library: Boost
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>
#include <set>

int findBestPack( const std::vector<boost::tuple<std::string , int , int> > & , 
      std::set<int> & , const int  ) ;

int main( ) {
   std::vector<boost::tuple<std::string , int , int> > items ;
   //===========fill the vector with data====================
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "" , 0  ,  0 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "map" , 9 , 150 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "compass" , 13 , 35 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "water" , 153 , 200 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "sandwich", 50 , 160 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "glucose" , 15 , 60 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "tin", 68 , 45 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "banana", 27 , 60 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "apple" , 39 , 40 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "cheese" , 23 , 30 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "beer" , 52 , 10 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "suntan creme" , 11 , 70 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "camera" , 32 , 30 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "T-shirt" , 24 , 15 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "trousers" , 48 , 10 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "umbrella" , 73 , 40 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "waterproof trousers" , 42 , 70 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "waterproof overclothes" , 43 , 75 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "note-case" , 22 , 80 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "sunglasses" , 7 , 20 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "towel" , 18 , 12 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "socks" , 4 , 50 ) ) ;
   items.push_back( boost::make_tuple( "book" , 30 , 10 ) ) ;
   const int maximumWeight = 400 ;
   std::set<int> bestItems ; //these items will make up the optimal value
   int bestValue = findBestPack( items , bestItems , maximumWeight ) ;
   std::cout << "The best value that can be packed in the given knapsack is " <<
      bestValue << " !\n" ;
   int totalweight = 0 ;
   std::cout << "The following items should be packed in the knapsack:\n" ;
   for ( std::set<int>::const_iterator si = bestItems.begin( ) ; 
	 si != bestItems.end( ) ; si++ ) { 
      std::cout << (items.begin( ) + *si)->get<0>( ) << "\n" ;
      totalweight += (items.begin( ) + *si)->get<1>( ) ;
   std::cout << "The total weight of all items is " << totalweight << " !\n" ;
   return 0 ;
int findBestPack( const std::vector<boost::tuple<std::string , int , int> > & items ,std::set<int> & bestItems , const int weightlimit ) {
   //dynamic programming approach sacrificing storage space for execution
   //time , creating a table of optimal values for every weight and a 
   //second table of sets with the items collected so far in the knapsack
   //the best value is in the bottom right corner of the values table,
   //the set of items in the bottom right corner of the sets' table.
   const int n = items.size( ) ;
   int bestValues [ n ][ weightlimit ] ;
   std::set<int> solutionSets[ n ][ weightlimit ] ;
   std::set<int> emptyset ;
   for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
      for ( int j = 0 ; j < weightlimit  ; j++ ) {
	 bestValues[ i ][ j ] = 0 ;
	 solutionSets[ i ][ j ] = emptyset ;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
       for ( int weight = 0 ; weight < weightlimit ; weight++ ) {
	  if ( i == 0 )
	     bestValues[ i ][ weight ] = 0 ;
	  else  {
	     int itemweight = (items.begin( ) + i)->get<1>( ) ; 
	     if ( weight < itemweight ) {
		bestValues[ i ][ weight ] = bestValues[ i - 1 ][ weight ] ;
		solutionSets[ i ][ weight ] = solutionSets[ i - 1 ][ weight ] ;
	     } else { // weight >= itemweight
		if ( bestValues[ i - 1 ][ weight - itemweight ] + 
		   (items.begin( ) + i)->get<2>( ) >
		        bestValues[ i - 1 ][ weight ] ) {
		   bestValues[ i ][ weight ] = 
		       bestValues[ i - 1 ][ weight - itemweight ] + 
	        	(items.begin( ) + i)->get<2>( ) ;
		  solutionSets[ i ][ weight ] = 
		      solutionSets[ i - 1 ][ weight - itemweight ] ;
		  solutionSets[ i ][ weight ].insert( i ) ;
	     else {
		bestValues[ i ][ weight ] = bestValues[ i - 1 ][ weight ] ;
		solutionSets[ i ][ weight ] = solutionSets[ i - 1 ][ weight ] ;
    bestItems.swap( solutionSets[ n - 1][ weightlimit - 1 ] ) ;
    return bestValues[ n - 1 ][ weightlimit - 1 ] ;
The best value that can be packed in the given knapsack is 1030 !
The following items should be packed in the knapsack:
suntan creme
waterproof trousers
waterproof overclothes
The total weight of all items is 396 !

Second version

Works with: C++17
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>

std::tuple<std::set<int>, int> findBestPack(const std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int, int> > &items, const int weightlimit) {
    const auto n = items.size();
    int bestValues[n][weightlimit] = { 0 };
    std::set<int> solutionSets[n][weightlimit];
    std::set<int> bestItems;
    for (auto i = 0u; i < n; i++)
        for (auto weight = 0; weight < weightlimit; weight++) {
            if (i == 0)
                bestValues[i][weight] = 0;
            else {
                auto [_, itemweight, value] = *(items.begin() + i);
                if (weight < itemweight) {
                    bestValues[i][weight] = bestValues[i - 1][weight];
                    solutionSets[i][weight] = solutionSets[i - 1][weight];
                } else {
                    if (bestValues[i - 1][weight - itemweight] + value > bestValues[i - 1][weight]) {
                        bestValues[i][weight] = bestValues[i - 1][weight - itemweight] + value;
                        solutionSets[i][weight] = solutionSets[i - 1][weight - itemweight];
                    } else {
                        bestValues[i][weight] = bestValues[i - 1][weight];
                        solutionSets[i][weight] = solutionSets[i - 1][weight];

    bestItems.swap(solutionSets[n - 1][weightlimit - 1]);
    return { bestItems, bestValues[n - 1][weightlimit - 1] };

int main() {
    const std::vector<std::tuple<std::string, int, int>> items = {
            { "", 0, 0 },
            { "map", 9, 150 },
            { "compass", 13, 35 },
            { "water", 153, 200 },
            { "sandwich", 50, 160 },
            { "glucose", 15, 60 },
            { "tin", 68, 45 },
            { "banana", 27, 60 },
            { "apple", 39, 40 },
            { "cheese", 23, 30 },
            { "beer", 52, 10 },
            { "suntan creme", 11, 70 },
            { "camera", 32, 30 },
            { "T-shirt", 24, 15 },
            { "trousers", 48, 10 },
            { "umbrella", 73, 40 },
            { "waterproof trousers", 42, 70 },
            { "waterproof overclothes", 43, 75 },
            { "note-case", 22, 80 },
            { "sunglasses", 7, 20 },
            { "towel", 18, 12 },
            { "socks", 4, 50 },
            { "book", 30, 10 } };

    const int maximumWeight = 400;
    const auto &[bestItems, bestValue] = findBestPack(items, maximumWeight);
    int totalweight = 0;
    std::cout << std::setw(24) << "best knapsack:" << std::endl;
    for (auto si = bestItems.begin(); si != bestItems.end(); si++) {
       auto [name, weight, value] = *(items.begin() + *si);
       std::cout << std::setw(24) << name << std::setw(6) << weight << std::setw(6) << value << std::endl;
       totalweight += weight;
    std::cout << std::endl << std::setw(24) << "total:" << std::setw(6) << totalweight << std::setw(6) << bestValue << std::endl;
    return 0;
          best knapsack:
                     map     9   150
                 compass    13    35
                   water   153   200
                sandwich    50   160
                 glucose    15    60
                  banana    27    60
            suntan creme    11    70
     waterproof trousers    42    70
  waterproof overclothes    43    75
               note-case    22    80
              sunglasses     7    20
                   socks     4    50

                  total:   396  1030


All combinations, eight threads, break when weight is to large.

using System;  // 4790@3.6
using System.Threading.Tasks;
class Program
    static void Main()
        var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
        Console.Write(knapSack(400) + "\n" + sw.Elapsed);  // 60 ms

    static string knapSack(uint w1)
        uint sol = 0, v1 = 0;
        Parallel.For(1, 9, t =>
            uint j, wi, k, vi, i1 = 1u << w.Length;
            for (uint i = (uint)t; i < i1; i += 8)
                k = wi = vi = 0;
                for (j = i; j > 0; j >>= 1, k++)
                    if ((j & 1) > 0)
                        if ((wi += w[k]) > w1) break;
                        vi += v[k];
                if (wi <= w1 && v1 < vi)
                    lock (locker)
                        if (v1 < vi) { v1 = vi; sol = i; }
        string str = "";
        for (uint k = 0; sol > 0; sol >>= 1, k++)
            if ((sol & 1) > 0) str += items[k] + "\n";
        return str;

    static readonly object locker = new object();

    static byte[] w = { 9, 13, 153, 50, 15, 68, 27, 39, 23, 52, 11,
                          32, 24, 48, 73, 42, 43, 22, 7, 18, 4, 30 },

                  v = { 150, 35, 200, 160, 60, 45, 60, 40, 30, 10, 70,
                          30, 15, 10, 40, 70, 75, 80, 20, 12, 50, 10 };

    static string[] items = {"map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose","tin",
                             "banana","apple","cheese","beer","suntan cream",
                             "waterproof trousers","waterproof overclothes",

A dynamic version.

using System
class program
    static void Main()
        var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
        Console.Write(knapSack(400) + "\n" + sw.Elapsed);  // 31 µs

    static string knapSack(uint w1)
        uint n = (uint)w.Length; var K = new uint[n + 1, w1 + 1];
        for (uint vi, wi, w0, x, i = 0; i < n; i++)
            for (vi = v[i], wi = w[i], w0 = 1; w0 <= w1; w0++)
                x = K[i, w0];
                if (wi <= w0) x = max(vi + K[i, w0 - wi], x);
                K[i + 1, w0] = x;
        string str = "";
        for (uint v1 = K[n, w1]; v1 > 0; n--)
            if (v1 != K[n - 1, w1])
                v1 -= v[n - 1]; w1 -= w[n - 1]; str += items[n - 1] + "\n";
        return str;

    static uint max(uint a, uint b) { return a > b ? a : b; }

    static byte[] w =  { 9, 13, 153, 50, 15, 68, 27, 39, 23, 52, 11,
                          32, 24, 48, 73, 42, 43, 22, 7, 18, 4, 30 },

                  v =  { 150, 35, 200, 160, 60, 45, 60, 40, 30, 10, 70,
                          30, 15, 10, 40, 70, 75, 80, 20, 12, 50, 10 };

    static string[] items =  {"map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose","tin",
                              "banana","apple","cheese","beer","suntan cream",
                              "waterproof trousers","waterproof overclothes",



module knapsack "1.0.0" {


shared void run() {
    value knapsack = pack(items, empty(400));


class Item(name,weight,theValue) {
    String name;
    shared Integer weight;
    shared Float theValue;

    shared actual String string = "item(``name``, ``weight``, ``theValue``)";

class Knapsack(items,theValue,weight,available) {
    shared Item[] items;
    shared Float theValue;
    shared Integer weight;
    shared Integer available;

    shared Boolean canAccept(Item item)
        => item.weight <= available;

    String itemsString = items.fold("")((total, remaining) => "``total``\t\n``remaining.string``" );

    shared actual String string = "Total value: ``theValue``\nTotal weight: ``weight``\nItems:\n``itemsString``";

Knapsack empty(Integer capacity)
    => Knapsack([], 0.0, 0, capacity);

Item[] items =
         Item("map", 9, 150.0),
         Item("compass", 13, 35.0),
         Item("water", 153, 200.0),
         Item("sandwich", 50, 160.0),
         Item("glucose", 15, 60.0),
         Item("tin", 68, 45.0),
         Item("banana", 27, 60.0),
         Item("apple", 39, 40.0),
         Item("cheese", 23, 30.0),
         Item("beer", 52, 10.0),
         Item("cream", 11, 70.0),
         Item("camera", 32, 30.0),
         Item("tshirt", 24, 15.0),
         Item("trousers", 48, 10.0),
         Item("umbrella", 73, 40.0),
         Item("trousers", 42, 70.0),
         Item("overclothes", 43, 75.0),
         Item("notecase", 22, 80.0),
         Item("sunglasses", 7, 20.0),
         Item("towel", 18, 12.0),
         Item("socks", 4, 50.0),
         Item("book", 30, 10.0)

Knapsack add(Item item, Knapsack knapsack)
    => Knapsack { items = knapsack.items.withTrailing(item);
                  theValue = knapsack.theValue + item.theValue;
                  weight = knapsack.weight + item.weight;
                  available = knapsack.available - item.weight; };

Float rating(Item item) => item.theValue / item.weight.float;

Knapsack pack(Item[] items, Knapsack knapsack)
    // Sort the items by decreasing rating, that is, value divided by weight
    => let (itemsSorted =
                     .sort(byDecreasing((Float->[Item+] entry) => entry.key))
                     .flatMap((element) => element)


Knapsack packRecursive(Item[] sortedItems, Knapsack knapsack)
    => if (exists firstItem=sortedItems.first, knapsack.canAccept(firstItem))
        then packRecursive(, add(firstItem,knapsack))
        else knapsack;

Total value: 1030.0
Total weight: 396
item(map, 9, 150.0)	
item(socks, 4, 50.0)	
item(cream, 11, 70.0)	
item(glucose, 15, 60.0)	
item(notecase, 22, 80.0)	
item(sandwich, 50, 160.0)	
item(sunglasses, 7, 20.0)	
item(compass, 13, 35.0)	
item(banana, 27, 60.0)	
item(overclothes, 43, 75.0)	
item(trousers, 42, 70.0)	
item(water, 153, 200.0)


Uses the dynamic programming solution from Wikipedia. First define the items data:

(def item-data
  [ "map"         9 150
    "compass"    13  35
    "water"     153 200
    "sandwich"   50 160
    "glucose"    15  60
    "tin"        68  45
    "banana"     27  60
    "apple"      39  40
    "cheese"     23  30
    "beer"       52  10
    "suntan cream"   11  70
    "camera"     32  30
    "t-shirt"    24  15
    "trousers"   48  10
    "umbrella"   73  40
    "waterproof trousers"    42  70
    "waterproof overclothes" 43  75
    "note-case"  22  80
    "sunglasses"  7  20
    "towel"      18  12
    "socks"       4  50
    "book"       30  10])

(defstruct item :name :weight :value)

(def items (vec (map #(apply struct item %) (partition 3 item-data))))

m is as per the Wikipedia formula, except that it returns a pair [value indexes] where indexes is a vector of index values in items. value is the maximum value attainable using items 0..i whose total weight doesn't exceed w; indexes are the item indexes that produces the value.

(declare mm) ;forward decl for memoization function

(defn m [i w]
    (< i 0) [0 []]
    (= w 0) [0 []]
    (let [{wi :weight vi :value} (get items i)]
      (if (> wi w)
        (mm (dec i) w)
        (let [[vn sn :as no]  (mm (dec i) w)
              [vy sy :as yes] (mm (dec i) (- w wi))]
          (if (> (+ vy vi) vn)
            [(+ vy vi) (conj sy i)]

(def mm (memoize m))

Call m and print the result:

(use '[clojure.string :only [join]])

(let [[value indexes] (m (-> items count dec) 400)
      names (map (comp :name items) indexes)]
  (println "items to pack:" (join ", " names))
  (println "total value:" value)
  (println "total weight:" (reduce + (map (comp :weight items) indexes))))
items to pack: map, compass, water, sandwich, glucose, banana, suntan cream, waterproof trousers, 
waterproof overclothes, note-case, sunglasses, socks
total value: 1030
total weight: 396

Common Lisp

Cached method.

;;; memoize
(defmacro mm-set (p v) `(if ,p ,p (setf ,p ,v)))

(defun knapsack (max-weight items)
  (let ((cache (make-array (list (1+ max-weight) (1+ (length items)))
			   :initial-element nil)))

    (labels ((knapsack1 (spc items)
	(if (not items) (return-from knapsack1 (list 0 0 '())))
	(mm-set (aref cache spc (length items))
		(let* ((i (first items))
		       (w (second i))
		       (v (third i))
		       (x (knapsack1 spc (cdr items))))
		  (if (> w spc) x
		    (let* ((y (knapsack1 (- spc w) (cdr items)))
			   (v (+ v (first y))))
		      (if (< v (first x)) x
			(list v (+ w (second y)) (cons i (third y))))))))))

      (knapsack1 max-weight items))))

  (knapsack 400
	    '((map 9 150) (compass 13 35) (water 153 200) (sandwich 50 160)
	      (glucose 15 60) (tin 68 45)(banana 27 60) (apple 39 40)
	      (cheese 23 30) (beer 52 10) (cream 11 70) (camera 32 30)
	      (T-shirt 24 15) (trousers 48 10) (umbrella 73 40)
	      (trousers 42 70) (overclothes 43 75) (notecase 22 80)
	      (glasses 7 20) (towel 18 12) (socks 4 50) (book 30 10))))
(1030 396
 ((MAP 9 150) (COMPASS 13 35) (WATER 153 200) (SANDWICH 50 160) (GLUCOSE 15 60)
  (BANANA 27 60) (CREAM 11 70) (TROUSERS 42 70) (OVERCLOTHES 43 75)
  (NOTECASE 22 80) (GLASSES 7 20) (SOCKS 4 50)))


Branch and bound solution

require "bit_array"

struct BitArray
  def clone { |new| new.to_slice.copy_from (to_slice) }

record Item, name : String, weight : Int32, value : Int32

record Selection, mask : BitArray, cur_index : Int32, total_value : Int32

class Knapsack
  @threshold_value = 0
  @threshold_choice : Selection?
  getter checked_nodes = 0

  def knapsack_step(taken, items, remaining_weight)
    if taken.total_value > @threshold_value
      @threshold_value = taken.total_value
      @threshold_choice = taken
    candidate_index = items.index(taken.cur_index) { |item| item.weight <= remaining_weight }
    return nil unless candidate_index
    @checked_nodes += 1
    candidate = items[candidate_index]
    # candidate is a best of available items, so if we fill remaining value with it
    # and still don't reach the threshold, the branch is wrong
    return nil if taken.total_value + 1.0 * candidate.value / candidate.weight * remaining_weight < @threshold_value
    # now recursively check both variants
    mask = taken.mask.clone
    mask[candidate_index] = true
    knapsack_step, candidate_index + 1, taken.total_value + candidate.value), items, remaining_weight - candidate.weight
    mask = taken.mask.clone
    mask[candidate_index] = false
    knapsack_step, candidate_index + 1, taken.total_value), items, remaining_weight

  def select(items, max_weight)
    @checked_variants = 0
    # sort by descending relative value
    list = items.sort_by { |item| -1.0 * item.value / item.weight }
    # use heuristic of relative value as an initial estimate for branch&bounds
    w = max_weight
    heur_list = list.take_while { |item| w -= item.weight; w > 0 }
    nothing =, 0, 0)
    @threshold_value = heur_list.sum(&.value) - 1
    @threshold_choice = nothing
    knapsack_step(nothing, list, max_weight)
    selected = @threshold_choice.not_nil!
    result = [] of Item
    selected.mask.each_with_index { |v, i| result << list[i] if v }

possible = ["map", 9, 150),"compass", 13, 35),"water", 153, 200),"sandwich", 50, 160),"glucose", 15, 60),"tin", 68, 45),"banana", 27, 60),"apple", 39, 40),"cheese", 23, 30),"beer", 52, 10),"suntan cream", 11, 70),"camera", 32, 30),"T-shirt", 24, 15),"trousers", 48, 10),"umbrella", 73, 40),"waterproof trousers", 42, 70),"waterproof overclothes", 43, 75),"note-case", 22, 80),"sunglasses", 7, 20),"towel", 18, 12),"socks", 4, 50),"book", 30, 10),

solver =
used =, 400)
puts "optimal choice: #{}"
puts "total weight #{used.sum(&.weight)}, total value #{used.sum(&.value)}"
puts "checked nodes: #{solver.checked_nodes}"
optimal choice: ["map", "socks", "suntan cream", "glucose", "note-case", "sandwich", "sunglasses", "compass", "banana", "waterproof overclothes", "waterproof trousers", "water"]
total weight 396, total value 1030
checked nodes: 992


Dynamic Programming Version

Translation of: Python
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.typecons, std.array, std.range;

struct Item { string name; int weight, value; }

Item[] knapsack01DinamicProgramming(immutable Item[] items, in int limit)
pure nothrow @safe {
    auto tab = new int[][](items.length + 1, limit + 1);

    foreach (immutable i, immutable it; items)
        foreach (immutable w; 1 .. limit + 1)
            tab[i + 1][w] = (it.weight > w) ? tab[i][w] :
                max(tab[i][w], tab[i][w - it.weight] + it.value);

    typeof(return) result;
    int w = limit;
    foreach_reverse (immutable i, immutable it; items)
        if (tab[i + 1][w] != tab[i][w]) {
            w -= it.weight;
            result ~= it;

    return result;

void main() @safe {
    enum int limit = 400;
    immutable Item[] items = [
        {"apple",      39,  40}, {"banana",        27,  60},
        {"beer",       52,  10}, {"book",          30,  10},
        {"camera",     32,  30}, {"cheese",        23,  30},
        {"compass",    13,  35}, {"glucose",       15,  60},
        {"map",         9, 150}, {"note-case",     22,  80},
        {"sandwich",   50, 160}, {"socks",          4,  50},
        {"sunglasses",  7,  20}, {"suntan cream",  11,  70},
        {"t-shirt",    24,  15}, {"tin",           68,  45},
        {"towel",      18,  12}, {"trousers",      48,  10},
        {"umbrella",   73,  40}, {"water",        153, 200},
        {"waterproof overclothes", 43, 75},
        {"waterproof trousers",    42, 70}];

    immutable bag = knapsack01DinamicProgramming(items, limit);
    writefln("Items:\n%-(  %s\n%)",!q{ }.retro);
    const t = reduce!q{ a[] += [b.weight, b.value] }([0, 0], bag);
    writeln("\nTotal weight and value: ", t[0] <= limit ? t : [0, 0]);
  suntan cream
  waterproof overclothes
  waterproof trousers

Total weight and value: [396, 1030]

Brute Force Version

Translation of: C
struct Item { string name; int weight, value; }

immutable Item[] items = [
    {"apple",      39,  40}, {"banana",        27,  60},
    {"beer",       52,  10}, {"book",          30,  10},
    {"camera",     32,  30}, {"cheese",        23,  30},
    {"compass",    13,  35}, {"glucose",       15,  60},
    {"map",         9, 150}, {"note-case",     22,  80},
    {"sandwich",   50, 160}, {"socks",          4,  50},
    {"sunglasses",  7,  20}, {"suntan cream",  11,  70},
    {"t-shirt",    24,  15}, {"tin",           68,  45},
    {"towel",      18,  12}, {"trousers",      48,  10},
    {"umbrella",   73,  40}, {"water",        153, 200},
    {"waterproof overclothes", 43, 75},
    {"waterproof trousers",    42, 70}];

struct Solution { uint bits; int value; }
static assert(items.length <= Solution.bits.sizeof * 8);

void solve(in int weight, in int idx, ref Solution s)
pure nothrow @nogc @safe {
    if (idx < 0) {
        s.bits = s.value = 0;

    if (weight < items[idx].weight) {
        solve(weight, idx - 1, s);

    Solution v1, v2;
    solve(weight, idx - 1, v1);
    solve(weight - items[idx].weight, idx - 1, v2);

    v2.value += items[idx].value;
    v2.bits |= (1 << idx);

    s = (v1.value >= v2.value) ? v1 : v2;

void main() @safe {
    import std.stdio;

    auto s = Solution(0, 0);
    solve(400, items.length - 1, s);

    int w = 0;
    foreach (immutable i, immutable it; items)
        if (s.bits & (1 << i)) {
            writeln("  ",;
            w += it.weight;
    writefln("\nTotal value: %d; weight: %d", s.value, w);

The runtime is about 0.09 seconds.

  suntan cream
  waterproof overclothes
  waterproof trousers

Total value: 1030; weight: 396

Short Dynamic Programming Version

Translation of: Haskell
import std.stdio, std.algorithm, std.typecons, std.array, std.range;

struct Item { string name; int w, v; }
alias Pair = Tuple!(int,"tot", string[],"names");

immutable Item[] items = [{"apple",39,40}, {"banana", 27, 60},
    {"beer", 52, 10}, {"book", 30, 10}, {"camera", 32, 30},
    {"cheese", 23, 30}, {"compass", 13, 35}, {"glucose", 15, 60},
    {"map", 9, 150}, {"note-case", 22, 80}, {"sandwich", 50, 160},
    {"socks", 4, 50}, {"sunglasses", 7, 20}, {"suntan cream", 11, 70},
    {"t-shirt", 24, 15}, {"tin", 68, 45}, {"towel", 18, 12},
    {"trousers", 48, 10}, {"umbrella", 73, 40}, {"water", 153, 200},
    {"overclothes", 43, 75}, {"waterproof trousers", 42, 70}];

auto addItem(Pair[] lst, in Item it) pure /*nothrow*/ {
    auto aux =!(vn => Pair(vn.tot + it.v, vn.names ~;
    return lst[] ~ lst[it.w..$].zip(aux).map!q{ a[].max }.array;

void main() {
    reduce!addItem(Pair().repeat.take(400).array, items).back.writeln;

Runtime about 0.04 seconds.

Tuple!(int, "tot", string[], "names")(1030, ["banana", "compass", "glucose", "map", "note-case", "sandwich", "socks", "sunglasses", "suntan cream", "water", "overclothes", "waterproof trousers"])


List solveKnapsack(items, maxWeight) {
  int MIN_VALUE=-100;
  int N = items.length; // number of items 
  int W = maxWeight; // maximum weight of knapsack
  List profit = new List(N+1);
  List weight = new List(N+1);
  // generate random instance, items 1..N
  for(int n = 1; n<=N; n++) {
    profit[n] = items[n-1][2];
    weight[n] = items[n-1][1];
  // opt[n][w] = max profit of packing items 1..n with weight limit w
  // sol[n][w] = does opt solution to pack items 1..n with weight limit w include item n?
  List<List<int>> opt = new List<List<int>>(N+1);
  for (int i=0; i<N+1; i++) {
    opt[i] = new List<int>(W+1);
    for(int j=0; j<W+1; j++) {
      opt[i][j] = MIN_VALUE;
  List<List<bool>> sol = new List<List<bool>>(N+1);
  for (int i=0; i<N+1; i++) {
    sol[i] = new List<bool>(W+1);
    for(int j=0; j<W+1; j++) {
      sol[i][j] = false;
  for(int n=1; n<=N; n++) {
    for (int w=1; w <= W; w++) {
      // don't take item n      
      int option1 = opt[n-1][w];
      // take item n
      int option2 = MIN_VALUE;
      if (weight[n] <= w) {
        option2 = profit[n] + opt[n-1][w - weight[n]];
      // select better of two options
      opt[n][w] = Math.max(option1, option2);
      sol[n][w] = (option2 > option1);
  // determine which items to take
  List<List> packItems = new List<List>();
  List<bool> take = new List(N+1);
  for (int n = N, w = W; n > 0; n--) {
    if (sol[n][w]) {
      take[n] = true;
      w = w - weight[n];
    } else {
      take[n] = false; 
  return packItems;

main() {
  List knapsackItems = [];
  knapsackItems.add(["map", 9, 150]);
  knapsackItems.add(["compass", 13, 35]);
  knapsackItems.add(["water", 153, 200]);
  knapsackItems.add(["sandwich", 50, 160]);
  knapsackItems.add(["glucose", 15, 60]);
  knapsackItems.add(["tin", 68, 45]);
  knapsackItems.add(["banana", 27, 60]);
  knapsackItems.add(["apple", 39, 40]);
  knapsackItems.add(["cheese", 23, 30]);
  knapsackItems.add(["beer", 52, 10]);
  knapsackItems.add(["suntan cream", 11, 70]);
  knapsackItems.add(["camera", 32, 30]);
  knapsackItems.add(["t-shirt", 24, 15]);
  knapsackItems.add(["trousers", 48, 10]);
  knapsackItems.add(["umbrella", 73, 40]);
  knapsackItems.add(["waterproof trousers", 42, 70]);
  knapsackItems.add(["waterproof overclothes", 43, 75]);
  knapsackItems.add(["note-case", 22, 80]);
  knapsackItems.add(["sunglasses", 7, 20]);
  knapsackItems.add(["towel", 18, 12]);
  knapsackItems.add(["socks", 4, 50]);
  knapsackItems.add(["book", 30, 10]);
  int maxWeight = 400;
  Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch.start();
  List p = solveKnapsack(knapsackItems, maxWeight);
  int totalWeight = 0;
  int totalValue = 0;
  p.forEach((var i) { print("${i}"); totalWeight+=i[1]; totalValue+=i[2]; });
  print("Total Value = ${totalValue}");
  print("Total Weight = ${totalWeight}");
  print("Elapsed Time = ${sw.elapsedInMs()}ms");
[item, profit, weight]
[socks, 4, 50]
[sunglasses, 7, 20]
[note-case, 22, 80]
[waterproof overclothes, 43, 75]
[waterproof trousers, 42, 70]
[suntan cream, 11, 70]
[banana, 27, 60]
[glucose, 15, 60]
[sandwich, 50, 160]
[water, 153, 200]
[compass, 13, 35]
[map, 9, 150]
Total Value = 1030
Total Weight = 396
Elapsed Time = 6ms


name$[] = [ "map" "compass" "water" "sandwich" "glucose" "tin" "banana" "apple" "cheese" "beer" "suntan cream" "camera" "t-shirt" "trousers" "umbrella" "waterproof trousers" "waterproof overclothes" "note-case" "sunglasses" "towel" "socks" "book" ]
weight[] = [ 9 13 153 50 15 68 27 39 23 52 11 32 24 48 73 42 43 22 7 18 4 30 ]
value[] = [ 150 35 200 160 60 45 60 40 30 10 70 30 15 10 40 70 75 80 20 12 50 10 ]
max_w = 400
func solve i w . items[] wres vres .
  if i < 0
    wres = 0
    vres = 0
    items[] = [ ]
  elif weight[i] > w
    call solve i - 1 w items[] wres vres
    call solve i - 1 w items[] wres vres
    call solve i - 1 w - weight[i] items1[] w1 v1
    v1 += value[i]
    if v1 > vres
      swap items[] items1[]
      items[] &= i
      wres = w1 + weight[i]
      vres = v1
call solve len weight[] - 1 max_w items[] w v
print "weight: " & w
print "value: " & v
print "items:"
for i range len items[]
  print "  " & name$[items[i]]


(require 'struct)
(require 'hash)
(require 'sql)

(define H (make-hash))
(define T (make-table (struct goodies (name poids valeur ))))
(define-syntax-rule (name i) (table-xref T i 0))
(define-syntax-rule (poids i) (table-xref T i 1))
(define-syntax-rule (valeur i) (table-xref T i 2))

;;  make an unique hash-key from (i rest)
(define (t-idx i r)  (string-append i "|" r))
;; retrieve best score for item i, remaining r availbble weight
(define (t-get i r)  (or (hash-ref H (t-idx i r)) 0))

;; compute best score (i), assuming best (i-1 rest) is known
(define (score i restant)
	(if (< i 0) 0
	(hash-ref! H (t-idx i restant)
		(if ( >= restant (poids i)) 
				(score (1- i) restant) 
			    (+ (score (1- i) (- restant (poids i))) (valeur i)))
		    (score (1- i) restant)))))

;; compute best scores, starting from last item
(define (task W)
        (define restant W)
        (define N (1- (table-count T)))
		(writeln 'total-value (score N W))
		(for/list  ((i (in-range N -1 -1)))
			#:continue (= (t-get i restant) (t-get (1- i) restant))
			(set! restant (- restant (poids i)))
			(name i)))
;; init table
(define goodies
          '((map 9 150) ; 9 is weight, 150 is value
            (compass 13 35) (water 153 200) (sandwich 50 160)
            (glucose 15 60) (tin 68 45)(banana 27 60) (apple 39 40)
            (fromage 23 30) (beer 52 10) (🌞-suntan-cream 11 70) (camera 32 30)
            (T-shirt 24 15) (pantalons 48 10) (umbrella 73 40)
            (☔️-trousers 42 70) (☔️-overclothes 43 75) (note-case 22 80)
            (🌞-sun-glasses 7 20) (towel 18 12) (socks 4 50) (book 30 10)))
(list->table goodies T)

(task 400)
total-value     1030    
     (socks 🌞-sun-glasses note-case ☔️-overclothes ☔️-trousers 🌞-suntan-cream banana 
    glucose sandwich water compass map)

(length (hash-keys H))
    4939  ;; number of entries "i | weight" in hash table




feature {NONE} -- Initialization

			create knapsack.make (400)
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("", 0, 0))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("map", 9, 150))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("compass", 13, 35))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("water", 153, 200))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("sandwich", 50, 160))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("glucose", 15, 60))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("tin", 68, 45))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("banana", 27, 60))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("apple", 39, 40))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("cheese", 23, 30))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("beer", 52, 10))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("suntan cream", 11, 70))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("camera", 32, 30))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("T-shirt", 24, 15))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("trousers", 48, 10))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("umbrella, ella ella", 73, 40))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("waterproof trousers", 42, 70))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("note-case", 22, 80))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("sunglasses", 7, 20))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("towel", 18, 12))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("socks", 4, 50))
			knapsack.add_item (create {ITEM}.make ("book", 30, 10))


	make, make_from_other


	name: STRING

	weight: INTEGER

	value: INTEGER

	make_from_other (other: ITEM)
			-- Item with name, weight and value set to 'other's name, weight and value.
			name :=
			weight := other.weight
			value := other.value

	make (a_name: String; a_weight, a_value: INTEGER)
			-- Item with name, weight and value set to 'a_name', 'a_weight' and 'a_value'.
			a_name /= Void
			a_weight >= 0
			a_value >= 0
			name := a_name
			weight := a_weight
			value := a_value




	items: ARRAY [ITEM]

	max_weight: INTEGER


	make (a_max_weight: INTEGER)
			-- Make an empty knapsack.
			a_max_weight >= 0
			create items.make_empty
			max_weight := a_max_weight

	add_item (item: ITEM)
			-- Add 'item' to knapsack.
			temp: ITEM
			create temp.make_from_other (item)
			items.force (item, items.count + 1)

			i, j: INTEGER
			w_i, v_i: INTEGER
			item_i: ITEM
			final_items: LINKED_LIST [ITEM]
			n := items.count
			create M.make_filled (0, 1, n * max_weight)
				i := 2
				(i > n)
					j := 1
					j > max_weight
					item_i := items [i]
					w_i := item_i.weight
					if w_i <= j then
						v_i := item_i.value
						M [(i - 1) * max_weight + j] := max (M [(i - 2) * max_weight + j], M [(i - 2) * max_weight + j - w_i + 1] + v_i)
						M [(i - 1) * max_weight + j] := M [(i - 2) * max_weight + j]
					j := j + 1
				i := i + 1
			io.put_string ("The final value of the knapsack will be: ")
			io.put_integer (M [(n - 1) * max_weight + max_weight]);
				--compute the items that fit into the knapsack
			create final_items.make
			io.put_string ("We'll take the following items: %N");
				i := n
				j := max_weight
				i <= 1 or j <= 1
				item_i := items [i]
				w_i := item_i.weight
				if w_i <= j then
					v_i := item_i.value
					if M [(i - 1) * max_weight + j] = M [(i - 2) * max_weight + j] then
						final_items.extend (item_i)
						io.put_string (
						j := j - w_i
				i := i - 1

feature {NONE}

	max (a, b: INTEGER): INTEGER
			-- Max of 'a' and 'b'.
			Result := a
			if a < b then
				Result := b

The final value of the knapsack will be: 1030
We'll take the following items:
waterproof overclothes
waterproof trousers
suntan cream


Translation of: Erlang
defmodule Knapsack do
  def solve([], _total_weight, item_acc, value_acc, weight_acc), do:
    {item_acc, value_acc, weight_acc}
  def solve([{_item, item_weight, _item_value} | t],
            weight_acc) when item_weight > total_weight, do:
    solve(t, total_weight, item_acc, value_acc, weight_acc)
  def solve([{item_name, item_weight, item_value} | t],
            weight_acc) do
    {_tail_item_acc, tail_value_acc, _tail_weight_acc} = tail_res =
        solve(t, total_weight, item_acc, value_acc, weight_acc)
    {_head_item_acc, head_value_acc, _head_weight_acc} = head_res =
              total_weight - item_weight,
              [item_name | item_acc],
              value_acc + item_value,
              weight_acc + item_weight)
    if tail_value_acc > head_value_acc, do: tail_res, else: head_res

stuff = [{"map",                      9,   150},
         {"compass",                 13,    35},
         {"water",                  153,   200},
         {"sandwich",                50,   160},
         {"glucose",                 15,    60},
         {"tin",                     68,    45},
         {"banana",                  27,    60},
         {"apple",                   39,    40},
         {"cheese",                  23,    30},
         {"beer",                    52,    10},
         {"suntan cream",            11,    70},
         {"camera",                  32,    30},
         {"T-shirt",                 24,    15},
         {"trousers",                48,    10},
         {"umbrella",                73,    40},
         {"waterproof trousers",     42,    70},
         {"waterproof overclothes",  43,    75},
         {"note-case",               22,    80},
         {"sunglasses",               7,    20},
         {"towel",                   18,    12},
         {"socks",                    4,    50},
         {"book",                    30,    10}]
max_weight = 400

go = fn (stuff, max_weight) ->
  {time, {item_list, total_value, total_weight}} = ->
    Knapsack.solve(stuff, max_weight, [], 0, 0)
  IO.puts "Items:"
  Enum.each(item_list, fn item -> IO.inspect item end)
  IO.puts "Total value: #{total_value}"
  IO.puts "Total weight: #{total_weight}"
  IO.puts "Time elapsed in milliseconds: #{time/1000}"
go.(stuff, max_weight)
"waterproof overclothes"
"waterproof trousers"
"suntan cream"
Total value: 1030
Total weight: 396
Time elapsed in milliseconds: 733.0

Emacs Lisp

Translation of: Common Lisp

with changes (memoization without macro)

(defun ks (max-w items)
  (let ((cache (make-vector (1+ (length items)) nil)))
    (dotimes (n (1+ (length items)))
      (setf (aref cache n) (make-hash-table :test 'eql)))  
    (defun ks-emb (spc items)
      (let ((slot (gethash spc (aref cache (length items)))))
         ((null items) (list 0 0 '()))
         (slot slot)
         (t (puthash spc 
                      ((i (car items))
                       (w (nth 1 i))
                       (v (nth 2 i))
                       (x (ks-emb spc (cdr items))))
                     ((> w spc) x)
                      (let* ((y (ks-emb (- spc w) (cdr items)))
                             (v (+ v (car y))))
                         ((< v (car x)) x)
                          (list v (+ w (nth 1 y)) (cons i (nth 2 y)))))))))
                  (aref cache (length items)))))))
    (ks-emb max-w items)))

(ks 400
    '((map 9 150) (compass 13 35) (water 153 200) (sandwich 50 160)
      (glucose 15 60) (tin 68 45)(banana 27 60) (apple 39 40)
      (cheese 23 30) (beer 52 10) (cream 11 70) (camera 32 30)
      (T-shirt 24 15) (trousers 48 10) (umbrella 73 40)
      (waterproof-trousers 42 70) (overclothes 43 75) (notecase 22 80)
      (glasses 7 20) (towel 18 12) (socks 4 50) (book 30 10)))
(1030 396 ((map 9 150) (compass 13 35) (water 153 200) (sandwich 50 160) (glucose 15 60) 
(banana 27 60) (cream 11 70) (waterproof-trousers 42 70) (overclothes 43 75) (notecase 22 80) 
(glasses 7 20) (socks 4 50)))

Another way without cache :

(defun best-rate (l1 l2)
  "predicate for sorting a list of elements regarding the value/weight rate"
      ((r1 (/ (* 1.0 (nth 2 l1)) (nth 1 l1)))
       (r2 (/ (* 1.0 (nth 2 l2)) (nth 1 l2))))
     ((> r1 r2) t)
     (t nil))))

(defun ks1 (l max)
  "return a complete list - complete means 'less than max-weight
but add the next element is impossible'"
(let ((l (sort l 'best-rate)))
   ((null l) l)
   ((<= (nth 1 (car l)) max) 
    (cons (car l) (ks1 (cdr l) (- max (nth 1 (car l))))))
   (t (ks1 (cdr l) max)))))

(defun totval (lol)
  "totalize values of a list - lol is not for laughing 
but for list of list"
   ((null lol) 0)
     (nth 2 (car lol))
     (totval (cdr lol))))))

(defun ks (l max)
  "browse the list to find the best subset to put in the f***ing knapsack"
     ((null (cdr l)) (list (car l)))
          ((x (ks1 l max))
           (y (ks (cdr l) max)))
         ((> (totval x) (totval y)) x)
         (t y))))))

        (ks '((map 9 150) (compass 13 35) (water 153 200) (sandwich 50 160)
              (glucose 15 60) (tin 68 45)(banana 27 60) (apple 39 40)
              (cheese 23 30) (beer 52 10) (cream 11 70) (camera 32 30)
              (T-shirt 24 15) (trousers 48 10) (umbrella 73 40)
              (waterproof-trousers 42 70) (overclothes 43 75) (notecase 22 80)
              (glasses 7 20) (towel 18 12) (socks 4 50) (book 30 10)) 400)

with org-babel in Emacs

| map                 |   9 |  150 |
| socks               |   4 |   50 |
| cream               |  11 |   70 |
| glucose             |  15 |   60 |
| notecase            |  22 |   80 |
| sandwich            |  50 |  160 |
| glasses             |   7 |   20 |
| compass             |  13 |   35 |
| banana              |  27 |   60 |
| overclothes         |  43 |   75 |
| waterproof-trousers |  42 |   70 |
| water               | 153 |  200 |
|                     | 396 | 1030 |




        [{"map",                      9,   150},
         {"compass",                 13,    35},
         {"water",                  153,   200},
         {"sandwich",                50,   160},
         {"glucose",                 15,    60},
         {"tin",                     68,    45},
         {"banana",                  27,    60},
         {"apple",                   39,    40},
         {"cheese",                  23,    30},
         {"beer",                    52,    10},
         {"suntan cream",            11,    70},
         {"camera",                  32,    30},
         {"T-shirt",                 24,    15},
         {"trousers",                48,    10},
         {"umbrella",                73,    40},
         {"waterproof trousers",     42,    70},
         {"waterproof overclothes",  43,    75},
         {"note-case",               22,    80},
         {"sunglasses",               7,    20},
         {"towel",                   18,    12},
         {"socks",                    4,    50},
         {"book",                    30,    10}

-define(MAX_WEIGHT, 400).

go() ->
    StartTime = os:timestamp(),
    {ItemList, TotalValue, TotalWeight} =
        solve(?STUFF, ?MAX_WEIGHT, [], 0, 0),
    TimeElapsed = timer:now_diff(os:timestamp(), StartTime),
    io:format("Items: ~n"),
    [io:format("~p~n", [Item]) || Item <- ItemList],
      "Total value: ~p~nTotal weight: ~p~nTime elapsed in milliseconds: ~p~n",
      [TotalValue, TotalWeight, TimeElapsed/1000]).

solve([], _TotalWeight, ItemAcc, ValueAcc, WeightAcc) ->
    {ItemAcc, ValueAcc, WeightAcc};
solve([{_Item, ItemWeight, _ItemValue} | T],
      WeightAcc) when ItemWeight > TotalWeight ->
    solve(T, TotalWeight, ItemAcc, ValueAcc, WeightAcc);
solve([{ItemName, ItemWeight, ItemValue} | T],
      WeightAcc) ->
    {_TailItemAcc, TailValueAcc, _TailWeightAcc} = TailRes =
        solve(T, TotalWeight, ItemAcc, ValueAcc, WeightAcc),
    {_HeadItemAcc, HeadValueAcc, _HeadWeightAcc} = HeadRes =
              TotalWeight - ItemWeight,
              [ItemName | ItemAcc],
              ValueAcc + ItemValue,
              WeightAcc + ItemWeight),

    case TailValueAcc > HeadValueAcc of
        true ->
        false ->
1> knapsack_0_1:go().
"waterproof overclothes"
"waterproof trousers"
"suntan cream"
Total value: 1030
Total weight: 396
Time elapsed in milliseconds: 133.445

Euler Math Toolbox

>items=["map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose", ...
>  "tin","banana","apple","cheese","beer","suntan creame", ...
>  "camera","t-shirt","trousers","umbrella","waterproof trousers", ...
>  "waterproof overclothes","note-case","sunglasses", ...
>  "towel","socks","book"];
>ws = [9,13,153,50,15,68,27,39,23,52,11, ...
>  32,24,48,73,42,43,22,7,18,4,30];
>vs = [150,35,200,160,60,45,60,40,30,10,70, ...
>  30,15,10,40,70,75,80,20,12,50,10];
>sol = intsimplex(A,b,c,eq=-1,>max,>check);
 suntan creame
 waterproof trousers
 waterproof overclothes


Using A* Algorithm

//Solve Knapsack 0-1 using A* algorithm
//Nigel Galloway, August 3rd., 2018
let knapStar items maxW=
  let l=List.length items
  let p=System.Collections.Generic.SortedSet<float*int*float*float*list<int>>() //H*; level; value of items taken so far; weight so far
  p.Add (0.0,0,0.0,0.0,[])|>ignore
  let H items maxW=let rec H n g a=match g with |(_,w,v)::e->let t=n+w
                                                             if t<=maxW then H t e (a+v) else a+(v/w)*(maxW-n)
                   H 0.0 items 0.0
  let pAdd ((h,_,_,_,_) as n) bv=if h>bv then p.Add n |> ignore
  let fH n (bv,t) w' v' t'=let _,w,v=List.item n items
                           let e=max bv (if w<=(maxW-w') then v'+v else bv)
                           let rt=n::t'
                           if n+1<l then pAdd ((v'+H (List.skip (n+1) items) maxW),n+1,v',w',t') bv
                                         if w<=(maxW-w') then pAdd ((v'+v+H (List.skip (n+1) items) (maxW-w')),n+1,v'+v,w'+w,rt) bv
                           if e>bv then (e,rt) else (bv,t)
  let rec fN (bv,t)=
    let h,zl,zv,zw,zt as r=p.Max
    p.Remove r |> ignore
    if bv>=h then t else fN (fH zl (bv,t) zw zv zt)
  fN (fH 0 (0.0,[]) 0.0 0.0 [])
let itemsf = [
  "map",                     9.0,  150.0;
  "compass",                13.0,   35.0;
  "water",                 153.0,  200.0;
  "sandwich",               50.0,  160.0;
  "glucose",                15.0,   60.0;
  "tin",                    68.0,   45.0;
  "banana",                 27.0,   60.0;
  "apple",                  39.0,   40.0;
  "cheese",                 23.0,   30.0;
  "beer",                   52.0,   10.0;
  "suntan cream",           11.0,   70.0;
  "camera",                 32.0,   30.0;
  "t-shirt",                24.0,   15.0;
  "trousers",               48.0,   10.0;
  "umbrella",               73.0,   40.0;
  "waterproof trousers",    42.0,   70.0;
  "waterproof overclothes", 43.0,   75.0;
  "note-case",              22.0,   80.0;
  "sunglasses",              7.0,   20.0;
  "towel",                  18.0,   12.0;
  "socks",                   4.0,   50.0;
  "book",                   30.0,   10.0;]|> List.sortBy(fun(_,n,g)->n/g)
> let x=knapStar itemsf 400.0;;
> x|> (fun n->Seq.item n itemsf)|>Seq.sumBy(fun (_,_,n)->(+n));;                                                                 
val it : float = 1030.0
> x|> (fun n->Seq.item n itemsf)|>Seq.sumBy(fun (_,n,_)->(+n));;
val it : float = 396.0
> x|>Seq.iter(fun n->printfn "%A" (List.item n itemsf));; 
("map", 9.0, 150.0)
("socks", 4.0, 50.0)
("suntan cream", 11.0, 70.0)
("glucose", 15.0, 60.0)
("note-case", 22.0, 80.0)
("sandwich", 50.0, 160.0)
("sunglasses", 7.0, 20.0)
("compass", 13.0, 35.0)
("banana", 27.0, 60.0)
("waterproof overclothes", 43.0, 75.0)
("waterproof trousers", 42.0, 70.0)
("water", 153.0, 200.0)


Using dynamic programming:

USING: accessors arrays fry io kernel locals make math
math.order math.parser math.ranges sequences sorting ;
IN: rosetta.knappsack.0-1

TUPLE: item
    name weight value ;

CONSTANT: items {
        T{ item f "map" 9 150 }
        T{ item f "compass" 13 35 }
        T{ item f "water" 153 200 }
        T{ item f "sandwich" 50 160 }
        T{ item f "glucose" 15 60 }
        T{ item f "tin" 68 45 }
        T{ item f "banana" 27 60 }
        T{ item f "apple" 39 40 }
        T{ item f "cheese" 23 30 }
        T{ item f "beer" 52 10 }
        T{ item f "suntan cream" 11 70 }
        T{ item f "camera" 32 30 }
        T{ item f "t-shirt" 24 15 }
        T{ item f "trousers" 48 10 }
        T{ item f "umbrella" 73 40 }
        T{ item f "waterproof trousers" 42 70 }
        T{ item f "waterproof overclothes" 43 75 }
        T{ item f "note-case" 22 80 }
        T{ item f "sunglasses" 7 20 }
        T{ item f "towel" 18 12 }
        T{ item f "socks" 4 50 }
        T{ item f "book" 30 10 }

CONSTANT: limit 400

: make-table ( -- table )
    items length 1 + [ limit 1 + 0 <array> ] replicate ;

:: iterate ( item-no table -- )
    item-no table nth :> prev
    item-no 1 + table nth :> curr
    item-no items nth :> item
    limit [1,b] [| weight |
        weight prev nth
        weight item weight>> - dup 0 >=
        [ prev nth item value>> + max ]
        [ drop ] if
        weight curr set-nth
    ] each ;

: fill-table ( table -- )
    [ items length iota ] dip
    '[ _ iterate ] each ;

:: extract-packed-items ( table -- items )
        limit :> weight!
        items length iota <reversed> [| item-no |
            item-no table nth :> prev
            item-no 1 + table nth :> curr
            weight [ curr nth ] [ prev nth ] bi =
                item-no items nth
                [ name>> , ] [ weight>> weight swap - weight! ] bi
            ] unless
        ] each
    ] { } make ;

: solve-knappsack ( -- items value )
    make-table [ fill-table ]
    [ extract-packed-items ] [ last last ] tri ;

: main ( -- )
    "Total value: " write number>string print
    "Items packed: " print
    [ "   " write print ] each ;
 ( scratchpad ) main
 Total value: 1030
 Items packed: 
    suntan cream
    waterproof overclothes
    waterproof trousers


\ Rosetta Code Knapp-sack 0-1 problem.  Tested under GForth 0.7.3.
\ 22 items. On current processors a set fits nicely in one CELL (32 or 64 bits).
\ Brute force approach: for every possible set of 22 items,
\ check for admissible solution then for optimal set.

: offs HERE over - ;
        400 VALUE WLIMIT
        0 VALUE ITEM
        0 VALUE VAL
        0 VALUE /ITEM
        0 VALUE ITEMS#
Create Sack
        9 ,                     offs TO VAL
        150 ,                   offs TO ITEM
        s" map            " s,  offs TO /ITEM
 13 ,  35 , s" compass        " s,
153 , 200 , s" water          " s,
 50 , 160 , s" sandwich       " s,
 15 ,  60 , s" glucose        " s,
 68 ,  45 , s" tin            " s,
 27 ,  60 , s" banana         " s,
 39 ,  40 , s" apple          " s,
 23 ,  30 , s" cheese         " s,
 52 ,  10 , s" beer           " s,
 11 ,  70 , s" suntan cream   " s,
 32 ,  30 , s" camera         " s,
 24 ,  15 , s" T-shirt        " s,
 48 ,  10 , s" trousers       " s,
 73 ,  40 , s" umbrella       " s,
 42 ,  70 , s" wp trousers    " s,
 43 ,  75 , s" wp overclothes " s,
 22 ,  80 , s" note-case      " s,
  7 ,  20 , s" sunglasses     " s,
 18 ,  12 , s" towel          " s,
  4 ,  50 , s" socks          " s,
 30 ,  10 , s" book           " s,
        VARIABLE Sol            \ Solution  Set
        VARIABLE Vmax           \ Temporary Maximum Value
        VARIABLE Sum            \ Temporary Sum (for speed-up)
: ]sum          ( Rtime: set -- sum  ;Ctime: hilimit.a start.a -- )
\ Loop unwinding & precomputing addresses
        ]] Sum OFF [[
        DO              ]] dup [[  1  ]] LITERAL AND IF [[  I  ]] LITERAL @ Sum +! THEN 2/ [[
        /ITEM +LOOP     ]] drop Sum @ [[
: solve         ( -- )
        Vmax OFF
        [ 1 END-SACK Sack - /ITEM / lshift 1- ]L 0
                I [ END-SACK Sack ]sum ( by weight ) WLIMIT <
                        I [ END-SACK VAL + Sack VAL + ]sum ( by value )
                        dup Vmax @ >
                        IF  Vmax ! I Sol !  ELSE  drop  THEN
: .solution     ( -- )
        Sol @ END-SACK ITEM + Sack ITEM +
                dup 1 AND  IF  I count type cr  THEN
        /ITEM +LOOP
        ." Weight: " Sol @ [ END-SACK Sack ]sum .  ."  Value: " Sol @ [ END-SACK VAL + Sack VAL + ]sum .
suntan cream   
wp trousers    
wp overclothes 
Weight: 396  Value: 1030 


Translation of: XPL0
#define Tabu = Chr(9)
Dim As Integer i, A, P, V, N
Dim As Integer MejorArticulo, MejorValor = 0
Type Knapsack
    articulo As String*22
    peso As Integer
    valor As Integer
End Type
Dim item(1 To 22) As Knapsack => { _
("map                   ",   9, 150), ("compass               ",  13,  35), _
("water                 ", 153, 200), ("sandwich              ",  50, 160), _
("glucose               ",  15,  60), ("tin                   ",  68,  45), _
("banana                ",  27,  60), ("apple                 ",  39,  40), _
("cheese                ",  23,  30), ("beer                  ",  52,  10), _
("suntan cream          ",  11,  70), ("camera                ",  32,  30), _
("T-shirt               ",  24,  15), ("trousers              ",  48,  10), _
("umbrella              ",  73,  40), ("waterproof trousers   ",  42,  70), _
("waterproof overclothes",  43,  75), ("note-case             ",  22,  80), _
("sunglasses            ",   7,  20), ("towel                 ",  18,  12), _
("socks                 ",   4,  50), ("book                  ",  30,  10)}

For i = 1 To (1 Shl 22)-1
    A = i : P = 0 : V = 0 : N = 1
    While A
        If A And 1 Then
            P += item(N).peso
            V += item(N).valor
        End If
        A Shr= 1 
        N += 1
    If V > MejorValor  And  P <= 400 Then
        MejorValor = V 
        MejorArticulo = i
    End If

A = MejorArticulo : P = 0 : V = 0 : N = 1
While A
    If A And 1 Then
        Print "  "; item(N).articulo; Tabu;
        Print item(N).peso; Tabu; item(N).valor
        P += item(N).peso
        V += item(N).valor
    End If
    A Shr= 1 : N += 1
Print "Totals:"; Spc(25); P; Tabu; V
Same as XLP0 entry.


window 1, @"Knapsack Problem", (0,0,480,270)

_maxWeight = 400

void local fn FillKnapsack
  long              totalWeight = 0, totalValue = 0, itemWeight, unusedWeight
  CFDictionaryRef   item, extraItem = NULL
  SortDescriptorRef sd
  CFMutableArrayRef packedItems
  CFArrayRef items = @[
  @{@"item":@"map",                    @"weight":@9,   @"value":@150},
  @{@"item":@"compass",                @"weight":@13,  @"value":@35 },
  @{@"item":@"water",                  @"weight":@153, @"value":@200},
  @{@"item":@"sandwich",               @"weight":@50,  @"value":@160},
  @{@"item":@"glucose",                @"weight":@15,  @"value":@60 },
  @{@"item":@"tin",                    @"weight":@68,  @"value":@45 },
  @{@"item":@"banana",                 @"weight":@27,  @"value":@60 },
  @{@"item":@"apple",                  @"weight":@39,  @"value":@40 },
  @{@"item":@"cheese",                 @"weight":@23,  @"value":@30 },
  @{@"item":@"beer",                   @"weight":@52,  @"value":@10 },
  @{@"item":@"suntan cream",           @"weight":@11,  @"value":@70 },
  @{@"item":@"camera",                 @"weight":@32,  @"value":@30 },
  @{@"item":@"T-shirt",                @"weight":@24,  @"value":@15 },
  @{@"item":@"trousers",               @"weight":@48,  @"value":@10 },
  @{@"item":@"umbrella",               @"weight":@73,  @"value":@40 },
  @{@"item":@"waterproof trousers",    @"weight":@42,  @"value":@70 },
  @{@"item":@"waterproof overclothes", @"weight":@43,  @"value":@75 },
  @{@"item":@"note-case",              @"weight":@22,  @"value":@80 },
  @{@"item":@"sunglasses",             @"weight":@7,   @"value":@20 },
  @{@"item":@"towel",                  @"weight":@18,  @"value":@12 },
  @{@"item":@"socks",                  @"weight":@4,   @"value":@50 },
  @{@"item":@"book",                   @"weight":@30,  @"value":@10 }
  sd = fn SortDescriptorWithKey( @"value", NO )
  items = fn ArraySortedArrayUsingDescriptors( items, @[sd] )
  packedItems = fn MutableArrayWithCapacity(0)
  for item in items
    itemWeight = fn NumberIntegerValue(item[@"weight"])
    if ( totalWeight + itemWeight <= _maxWeight )
      MutableArrayAddObject( packedItems, item )
      totalWeight += itemWeight
      totalValue += fn NumberIntegerValue(item[@"value"])
    end if
  text @"Menlo-Bold",,, fn ColorWithRGB(1.0,0.0,1.0,0.25),, 170
  print @"Item",@"Weight",@"Value"
  text @"Menlo",,, fn ColorClear
  for item in packedItems
    printf @"%@\t%6ld\t%5ld",item[@"item"],fn NumberIntegerValue(item[@"weight"]),fn NumberIntegerValue(item[@"value"])
  text ,,, fn ColorWithRGB(1.0,0.0,1.0,0.25)
  printf @"knapsack\t%6ld\t%5ld",totalWeight,totalValue
  unusedWeight = _maxWeight - totalWeight
  for item in items
    if ( fn NumberIntegerValue(item[@"weight"]) <= unusedWeight )
      extraItem = item : break
    end if
  if ( extraItem ) then printf @"There's just enough room for extra %@!", extraItem[@"item"]
end fn

fn FillKnapsack

Item                    Weight              Value
water                      153                200
sandwich                    50                160
map                          9                150
note-case                   22                 80
waterproof overclothes      43                 75
suntan cream                11                 70
waterproof trousers         42                 70
glucose                     15                 60
banana                      27                 60
socks                        4                 50
compass                     13                 35
sunglasses                   7                 20

knapsack                   396               1030

There's just enough room for extra socks!


From WP, "0-1 knapsack problem" under The Knapsack Problem, although the solution here simply follows the recursive defintion and doesn't even use the array optimization.

package main

import "fmt"

type item struct {
    w, v int

var wants = []item{
    {"map", 9, 150},
    {"compass", 13, 35},
    {"water", 153, 200},
    {"sandwich", 50, 160},
    {"glucose", 15, 60},
    {"tin", 68, 45},
    {"banana", 27, 60},
    {"apple", 39, 40},
    {"cheese", 23, 30},
    {"beer", 52, 10},
    {"suntan cream", 11, 70},
    {"camera", 32, 30},
    {"T-shirt", 24, 15},
    {"trousers", 48, 10},
    {"umbrella", 73, 40},
    {"waterproof trousers", 42, 70},
    {"waterproof overclothes", 43, 75},
    {"note-case", 22, 80},
    {"sunglasses", 7, 20},
    {"towel", 18, 12},
    {"socks", 4, 50},
    {"book", 30, 10},

const maxWt = 400

func main() {
    items, w, v := m(len(wants)-1, maxWt)
    fmt.Println("weight:", w)
    fmt.Println("value:", v)

func m(i, w int) ([]string, int, int) {
    if i < 0 || w == 0 {
        return nil, 0, 0
    } else if wants[i].w > w {
        return m(i-1, w)
    i0, w0, v0 := m(i-1, w)
    i1, w1, v1 := m(i-1, w-wants[i].w)
    v1 += wants[i].v
    if v1 > v0 {
        return append(i1, wants[i].string), w1 + wants[i].w, v1
    return i0, w0, v0
[map compass water sandwich glucose banana suntan cream waterproof trousers waterproof overclothes note-case sunglasses socks]
weight: 396
value: 1030

Alternative test case

Data for which a greedy algorithm might give an incorrect result:

var wants = []item{
    {"sunscreen", 15, 2},
    {"GPS", 25, 2},
    {"beer", 35, 3},

const maxWt = 40
[sunscreen GPS]
weight: 40
value: 4


Solution #1: brute force

def totalWeight = { list -> list*.weight.sum() }
def totalValue = { list -> list*.value.sum() }
def knapsack01bf = { possibleItems ->
    possibleItems.subsequences().findAll{ ss ->
        def w = totalWeight(ss)
        350 < w && w < 401

Solution #2: dynamic programming

def knapsack01dp = { possibleItems ->
    def n = possibleItems.size()
    def m = (0..n).collect{ i -> (0..400).collect{ w -> []} }
    (1..400).each { w ->
        (1..n).each { i ->
            def wi = possibleItems[i-1].weight
            m[i][w] = wi > w ? m[i-1][w] : ([m[i-1][w], m[i-1][w-wi] + [possibleItems[i-1]]].max(totalValue))


def items = [ 
        [name:"map", weight:9, value:150],
        [name:"compass", weight:13, value:35],
        [name:"water", weight:153, value:200],
        [name:"sandwich", weight:50, value:160],
        [name:"glucose", weight:15, value:60],
        [name:"tin", weight:68, value:45],
        [name:"banana", weight:27, value:60],
        [name:"apple", weight:39, value:40],
        [name:"cheese", weight:23, value:30],
        [name:"beer", weight:52, value:10],
        [name:"suntan cream", weight:11, value:70],
        [name:"camera", weight:32, value:30],
        [name:"t-shirt", weight:24, value:15],
        [name:"trousers", weight:48, value:10],
        [name:"umbrella", weight:73, value:40],
        [name:"waterproof trousers", weight:42, value:70],
        [name:"waterproof overclothes", weight:43, value:75],
        [name:"note-case", weight:22, value:80],
        [name:"sunglasses", weight:7, value:20],
        [name:"towel", weight:18, value:12],
        [name:"socks", weight:4, value:50],
        [name:"book", weight:30, value:10],

[knapsack01bf, knapsack01dp].each { knapsack01 ->
    def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
    def packingList = knapsack01(items)
    def elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
    println "\n\n\nElapsed Time: ${elapsed/1000.0} s"
    println "Total Weight: ${totalWeight(packingList)}"
    println " Total Value: ${totalValue(packingList)}"
    packingList.each {
        printf ("  item: %-25s  weight:%4d  value:%4d\n",, it.weight, it.value)
Elapsed Time: 132.267 s
Total Weight: 396
 Total Value: 1030
  item: map                        weight:   9  value: 150
  item: compass                    weight:  13  value:  35
  item: water                      weight: 153  value: 200
  item: sandwich                   weight:  50  value: 160
  item: glucose                    weight:  15  value:  60
  item: banana                     weight:  27  value:  60
  item: suntan cream               weight:  11  value:  70
  item: waterproof trousers        weight:  42  value:  70
  item: waterproof overclothes     weight:  43  value:  75
  item: note-case                  weight:  22  value:  80
  item: sunglasses                 weight:   7  value:  20
  item: socks                      weight:   4  value:  50

Elapsed Time: 0.27 s
Total Weight: 396
 Total Value: 1030
  item: map                        weight:   9  value: 150
  item: compass                    weight:  13  value:  35
  item: water                      weight: 153  value: 200
  item: sandwich                   weight:  50  value: 160
  item: glucose                    weight:  15  value:  60
  item: banana                     weight:  27  value:  60
  item: suntan cream               weight:  11  value:  70
  item: waterproof trousers        weight:  42  value:  70
  item: waterproof overclothes     weight:  43  value:  75
  item: note-case                  weight:  22  value:  80
  item: sunglasses                 weight:   7  value:  20
  item: socks                      weight:   4  value:  50


Brute force:

inv = [("map",9,150), ("compass",13,35), ("water",153,200), ("sandwich",50,160),
	("glucose",15,60), ("tin",68,45), ("banana",27,60), ("apple",39,40),
	("cheese",23,30), ("beer",52,10), ("cream",11,70), ("camera",32,30),
	("tshirt",24,15), ("trousers",48,10), ("umbrella",73,40), ("trousers",42,70),
	("overclothes",43,75), ("notecase",22,80), ("sunglasses",7,20), ("towel",18,12),
	("socks",4,50), ("book",30,10)]

-- get all combos of items under total weight sum; returns value sum and list
combs [] _ = [ (0, []) ]
combs ((name,w,v):rest) cap = combs rest cap ++ 
		      if w > cap then [] else map (prepend (name,w,v)) (combs rest (cap - w))
		      	where prepend (name,w,v) (v2, lst) = (v2 + v, (name,w,v):lst)

main = do
	putStr "Total value: "; print value
	mapM_ print items
		where (value, items) = maximum $ combs inv 400
Total value: 1030

Much faster brute force solution that computes the maximum before prepending, saving most of the prepends:

inv = [("map",9,150), ("compass",13,35), ("water",153,200), ("sandwich",50,160),
	("glucose",15,60), ("tin",68,45), ("banana",27,60), ("apple",39,40),
	("cheese",23,30), ("beer",52,10), ("cream",11,70), ("camera",32,30),
	("tshirt",24,15), ("trousers",48,10), ("umbrella",73,40), ("trousers",42,70),
	("overclothes",43,75), ("notecase",22,80), ("sunglasses",7,20), ("towel",18,12),
	("socks",4,50), ("book",30,10)]

combs [] _ = (0, [])
combs ((name,w,v):rest) cap
	| w <= cap  = max skipthis $ prepend (name,w,v) (combs rest (cap - w))
	| otherwise = skipthis
	where	prepend (name,w,v) (v2, lst) = (v2 + v, (name,w,v):lst)
		skipthis = combs rest cap

main = do print $ combs inv 400

Dynamic programming with a list for caching (this can be adapted to bounded problem easily):

inv = [("map",9,150), ("compass",13,35), ("water",153,200), ("sandwich",50,160),
       ("glucose",15,60), ("tin",68,45), ("banana",27,60), ("apple",39,40),
       ("cheese",23,30), ("beer",52,10), ("cream",11,70), ("camera",32,30),
       ("tshirt",24,15), ("trousers",48,10), ("umbrella",73,40),
       ("waterproof trousers",42,70), ("overclothes",43,75), ("notecase",22,80),
       ("sunglasses",7,20), ("towel",18,12), ("socks",4,50), ("book",30,10)]

knapsack = foldr addItem (repeat (0,[])) where
	addItem (name,w,v) list = left ++ zipWith max right newlist where
		newlist = map (\(val, names)->(val + v, name:names)) list
		(left,right) = splitAt w list

main = print $ (knapsack inv) !! 400
(1030,["map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose","banana","cream","waterproof trousers","overclothes","notecase","sunglasses","socks"])

Icon and Unicon

Translation from Wikipedia pseudo-code. Memoization can be enabled with a command line argument that causes the procedure definitions to be swapped which effectively hooks the procedure.

link printf

global wants                    # items wanted for knapsack

procedure main(A) # kanpsack 0-1
   if !A == ("--trace"|"-t") then &trace := -1     # trace everything (debug)
   if !A == ("--memoize"|"-m") then m :=: Memo_m   # hook (swap) procedure

   printf("Knapsack-0-1: with maximum weight allowed=%d.\n",maxw  := 400)
   showwanted(wants := get_wants())
   showcontents(bag := m(*wants,maxw))
   printf("Performance: time=%d ms collections=%d\n",&time,&collections)

record packing(items,weight,value)

procedure Memo_m(i,w)           #: Hook procedure to memoize the knapsack 
static memoT
initial memoT := table()
   return \memoT[k := i||","||w] | ( memoT[k] := Memo_m(i,w) )

procedure m(i,w)                #: Solve the Knapsack 0-1 as per Wikipedia
static nil
initial nil := packing([],0,0) 
   if 0 = (i | w) then 
      return nil          
   else if wants[i].weight > w then
           return m(i-1, w)
        else {
            x0 := m(i-1,w)
            x1 := m(i-1,w-wants[i].weight)  
            if ( x1.value + wants[i].value) > x0.value then 
               return packing(x1.items ||| wants[i].items,    
                              x1.weight + wants[i].weight, 
                              x1.value + wants[i].value)
               return x0

procedure showwanted(wants)     #: show the list of wanted items
   every (tw := 0) +:= (!wants).weight
   printf("Packing list has total weight=%d and includes %d items [",tw,*wants)
   every printf(" %s",!(!wants).items|"]\n")   

procedure showcontents(bag)     #: show the list of the packed bag
   printf("The bag weighs=%d holding %d items [",bag.weight,*bag.items)
   every printf(" %s",!bag.items|"]\n")   

procedure get_wants()           #: setup list of wanted items
   return  [ packing(["map"], 9, 150),
             packing(["compass"], 13, 35),
             packing(["water"], 153, 200),
             packing(["sandwich"], 50, 160),
             packing(["glucose"], 15, 60),
             packing(["tin"], 68, 45),
             packing(["banana"], 27, 60),
             packing(["apple"], 39, 40),
             packing(["cheese"], 23, 30),
             packing(["beer"], 52, 10),
             packing(["suntan cream"], 11, 70),
             packing(["camera"], 32, 30),
             packing(["T-shirt"], 24, 15),
             packing(["trousers"], 48, 10),
             packing(["umbrella"], 73, 40),
             packing(["waterproof trousers"], 42, 70),
             packing(["waterproof overclothes"], 43, 75),
             packing(["note-case"], 22, 80),
             packing(["sunglasses"], 7, 20),
             packing(["towel"], 18, 12),
             packing(["socks"], 4, 50),
             packing(["book"], 30, 10) ]

printf.icn provides printf

Knapsack-0-1: with maximum weight allowed=400.
Packing list has total weight=803 and includes 22 items [ map compass water sandwich glucose tin banana apple cheese beer suntan cream camera T-shirt trousers umbrella waterproof trousers waterproof overclothes note-case sunglasses towel socks book ]
The bag weighs=396 holding 12 items [ map compass water sandwich glucose banana suntan cream waterproof trousers waterproof overclothes note-case sunglasses socks ]
Performance: time=37 ms collections=0

The above shows memoized performance. Un-memoized results on the same PC took time=9728 ms collections=4.


Static solution:

'names values'=:|:".;._2]0 :0
  'map';                       9         150
  'compass';                  13          35
  'water';                   153         200
  'sandwich';                 50         160
  'glucose';                  15          60
  'tin';                      68          45
  'banana';                   27          60
  'apple';                    39          40
  'cheese';                   23          30
  'beer';                     52          10
  'suntan cream';             11          70
  'camera';                   32          30
  'tshirt';                   24          15
  'trousers';                 48          10
  'umbrella';                 73          40
  'waterproof trousers';      42          70
  'waterproof overclothes';   43          75
  'notecase';                 22          80
  'sunglasses';                7          20
  'towel';                    18          12
  'socks';                     4          50
  'book';                     30          10

X=: +/ .*"1
plausible=: (] (] #~ 400 >: X) #:@i.@(2&^)@#)@:({."1)
best=: (plausible ([ {~  [ (i. >./)@:X {:"1@]) ]) values

Illustration of answer:

   +/best#values  NB. total weight and value
396 1030
suntan cream          
waterproof trousers   
waterproof overclothes

Alternative test case

'names values'=:|:".;._2]0 :0
    'sunscreen'; 15 2
    'GPS'; 25 2
    'beer'; 35 3

X=: +/ .*"1
plausible=: (] (] #~ 40 >: X) #:@i.@(2&^)@#)@:({."1)
best=: (plausible ([ {~  [ (i. >./)@:X {:"1@]) ]) values


40 4


General dynamic solution after wikipedia.

package hu.pj.alg.test;

import hu.pj.alg.ZeroOneKnapsack;
import hu.pj.obj.Item;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

public class ZeroOneKnapsackForTourists {

    public ZeroOneKnapsackForTourists() {
        ZeroOneKnapsack zok = new ZeroOneKnapsack(400); // 400 dkg = 400 dag = 4 kg

        // making the list of items that you want to bring
        zok.add("map", 9, 150);
        zok.add("compass", 13, 35);
        zok.add("water", 153, 200);
        zok.add("sandwich", 50, 160);
        zok.add("glucose", 15, 60);
        zok.add("tin", 68, 45);
        zok.add("banana", 27, 60);
        zok.add("apple", 39, 40);
        zok.add("cheese", 23, 30);
        zok.add("beer", 52, 10);
        zok.add("suntan cream", 11, 70);
        zok.add("camera", 32, 30);
        zok.add("t-shirt", 24, 15);
        zok.add("trousers", 48, 10);
        zok.add("umbrella", 73, 40);
        zok.add("waterproof trousers", 42, 70);
        zok.add("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75);
        zok.add("note-case", 22, 80);
        zok.add("sunglasses", 7, 20);
        zok.add("towel", 18, 12);
        zok.add("socks", 4, 50);
        zok.add("book", 30, 10);

        // calculate the solution:
        List<Item> itemList = zok.calcSolution();

        // write out the solution in the standard output
        if (zok.isCalculated()) {
            NumberFormat nf  = NumberFormat.getInstance();

                "Maximal weight           = " +
                nf.format(zok.getMaxWeight() / 100.0) + " kg"
                "Total weight of solution = " +
                nf.format(zok.getSolutionWeight() / 100.0) + " kg"
                "Total value              = " +
                "You can carry the following materials " +
                "in the knapsack:"
            for (Item item : itemList) {
                if (item.getInKnapsack() == 1) {
                        "%1$-23s %2$-3s %3$-5s %4$-15s \n",
                        item.getWeight(), "dag  ",
                        "(value = " + item.getValue() + ")"
        } else {
                "The problem is not solved. " +
                "Maybe you gave wrong data."


    public static void main(String[] args) {
        new ZeroOneKnapsackForTourists();

} // class
package hu.pj.alg;

import hu.pj.obj.Item;
import java.util.*;

public class ZeroOneKnapsack {

    protected List<Item> itemList  = new ArrayList<Item>();
    protected int maxWeight        = 0;
    protected int solutionWeight   = 0;
    protected int profit           = 0;
    protected boolean calculated   = false;

    public ZeroOneKnapsack() {}

    public ZeroOneKnapsack(int _maxWeight) {

    public ZeroOneKnapsack(List<Item> _itemList) {

    public ZeroOneKnapsack(List<Item> _itemList, int _maxWeight) {

    // calculte the solution of 0-1 knapsack problem with dynamic method:
    public List<Item> calcSolution() {
        int n = itemList.size();

        if (n > 0  &&  maxWeight > 0) {
            List< List<Integer> > c = new ArrayList< List<Integer> >();
            List<Integer> curr = new ArrayList<Integer>();

            for (int j = 0; j <= maxWeight; j++)
            for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
                List<Integer> prev = curr;
                c.add(curr = new ArrayList<Integer>());
                for (int j = 0; j <= maxWeight; j++) {
                    if (j > 0) {
                        int wH = itemList.get(i-1).getWeight();
                            (wH > j)
                                itemList.get(i-1).getValue() + prev.get(j-wH)
                    } else {
                } // for (j...)
            } // for (i...)
            profit = curr.get(maxWeight);

            for (int i = n, j = maxWeight; i > 0  &&  j >= 0; i--) {
                int tempI   = c.get(i).get(j);
                int tempI_1 = c.get(i-1).get(j);
                if (
                    (i == 0  &&  tempI > 0)
                    (i > 0  &&  tempI != tempI_1)
                    Item iH = itemList.get(i-1);
                    int  wH = iH.getWeight();
                    j -= wH;
                    solutionWeight += wH;
            } // for()
            calculated = true;
        } // if()
        return itemList;

    // add an item to the item list
    public void add(String name, int weight, int value) {
        if (name.equals(""))
            name = "" + (itemList.size() + 1);
        itemList.add(new Item(name, weight, value));

    // add an item to the item list
    public void add(int weight, int value) {
        add("", weight, value); // the name will be "itemList.size() + 1"!

    // remove an item from the item list
    public void remove(String name) {
        for (Iterator<Item> it = itemList.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            if (name.equals( {

    // remove all items from the item list
    public void removeAllItems() {

    public int getProfit() {
        if (!calculated)
        return profit;

    public int getSolutionWeight() {return solutionWeight;}
    public boolean isCalculated() {return calculated;}
    public int getMaxWeight() {return maxWeight;}

    public void setMaxWeight(int _maxWeight) {
        maxWeight = Math.max(_maxWeight, 0);

    public void setItemList(List<Item> _itemList) {
        if (_itemList != null) {
            itemList = _itemList;
            for (Item item : _itemList) {

    // set the member with name "inKnapsack" by all items:
    private void setInKnapsackByAll(int inKnapsack) {
        for (Item item : itemList)
            if (inKnapsack > 0)

    // set the data members of class in the state of starting the calculation:
    protected void setInitialStateForCalculation() {
        calculated     = false;
        profit         = 0;
        solutionWeight = 0;

} // class
package hu.pj.obj;

public class Item {

    protected String name    = "";
    protected int weight     = 0;
    protected int value      = 0;
    protected int bounding   = 1; // the maximal limit of item's pieces
    protected int inKnapsack = 0; // the pieces of item in solution

    public Item() {}

    public Item(Item item) {

    public Item(int _weight, int _value) {

    public Item(int _weight, int _value, int _bounding) {

    public Item(String _name, int _weight, int _value) {

    public Item(String _name, int _weight, int _value, int _bounding) {

    public void setName(String _name) {name = _name;}
    public void setWeight(int _weight) {weight = Math.max(_weight, 0);}
    public void setValue(int _value) {value = Math.max(_value, 0);}

    public void setInKnapsack(int _inKnapsack) {
        inKnapsack = Math.min(getBounding(), Math.max(_inKnapsack, 0));

    public void setBounding(int _bounding) {
        bounding = Math.max(_bounding, 0);
        if (bounding == 0)
            inKnapsack = 0;

    public void checkMembers() {

    public String getName() {return name;}
    public int getWeight() {return weight;}
    public int getValue() {return value;}
    public int getInKnapsack() {return inKnapsack;}
    public int getBounding() {return bounding;}

} // class
Maximal weight           = 4 kg
Total weight of solution = 3,96 kg
Total value              = 1030

You can carry te following materials in the knapsack:
map                     9   dag   (value = 150)   
compass                 13  dag   (value = 35)    
water                   153 dag   (value = 200)   
sandwich                50  dag   (value = 160)   
glucose                 15  dag   (value = 60)    
banana                  27  dag   (value = 60)    
suntan cream            11  dag   (value = 70)    
waterproof trousers     42  dag   (value = 70)    
waterproof overclothes  43  dag   (value = 75)    
note-case               22  dag   (value = 80)    
sunglasses              7   dag   (value = 20)    
socks                   4   dag   (value = 50)    


Also available at gist.

/*global portviz:false, _:false */
 * 0-1 knapsack solution, recursive, memoized, approximate.
 * credits:
 * the Go implementation here:
 * approximation details here:
portviz.knapsack = {};
(function() {
  this.combiner = function(items, weightfn, valuefn) {
    // approximation guarantees result >= (1-e) * optimal
    var _epsilon = 0.01;
    var _p = _.max(,valuefn));
    var _k = _epsilon * _p / items.length;
    var _memo = (function(){
      var _mem = {};
      var _key = function(i, w) {
        return i + '::' + w;
      return {
        get: function(i, w) {
          return _mem[_key(i,w)];
        put: function(i, w, r) {
          return r;
    var _m = function(i, w) {
      i = Math.round(i);
      w = Math.round(w);
      if (i < 0 || w === 0) {
        // empty base case
        return {items: [], totalWeight: 0, totalValue: 0};
      var mm = _memo.get(i,w);
      if (!_.isUndefined(mm)) {
        return mm;
      var item = items[i];
      if (weightfn(item) > w) {
        //item does not fit, try the next item
        return _memo.put(i, w, _m(i-1, w));
      // this item could fit.
      // are we better off excluding it?
      var excluded = _m(i-1, w);
      // or including it?
      var included = _m(i-1, w - weightfn(item));
      if (included.totalValue + Math.floor(valuefn(item)/_k) > excluded.totalValue) {
        // better off including it
        // make a copy of the list
        var i1 = included.items.slice();
        return _memo.put(i, w,
          {items: i1,
           totalWeight: included.totalWeight + weightfn(item),
           totalValue: included.totalValue + Math.floor(valuefn(item)/_k)});
      //better off excluding it
      return _memo.put(i,w, excluded);
    return {
      /* one point */
      one: function(maxweight) {
        var scaled = _m(items.length - 1, maxweight);
        return {
          items: scaled.items,
          totalWeight: scaled.totalWeight,
          totalValue: scaled.totalValue * _k
      /* the entire EF */
      ef: function(maxweight, step) {
        return, maxweight+1, step), function(weight) {
          var scaled = _m(items.length - 1, weight);
          return {
            items: scaled.items,
            totalWeight: scaled.totalWeight,
            totalValue: scaled.totalValue * _k

/*global portviz:false, _:false */
 * after
var allwants = [
  {name:"map", weight:9, value: 150},
  {name:"compass", weight:13, value: 35},
  {name:"water", weight:153, value: 200},
  {name:"sandwich", weight: 50, value: 160},
  {name:"glucose", weight:15, value: 60},
  {name:"tin", weight:68, value: 45},
  {name:"banana", weight:27, value: 60},
  {name:"apple", weight:39, value: 40},
  {name:"cheese", weight:23, value: 30},
  {name:"beer", weight:52, value: 10},
  {name:"suntan cream", weight:11, value: 70},
  {name:"camera", weight:32, value: 30},
  {name:"T-shirt", weight:24, value: 15},
  {name:"trousers", weight:48, value: 10},
  {name:"umbrella", weight:73, value: 40},
  {name:"waterproof trousers", weight:42, value: 70},
  {name:"waterproof overclothes", weight:43, value: 75},
  {name:"note-case", weight:22, value: 80},
  {name:"sunglasses", weight:7, value: 20},
  {name:"towel", weight:18, value: 12},
  {name:"socks", weight:4, value: 50},
  {name:"book", weight:30, value: 10}
var near = function(actual, expected, tolerance) {
  if (expected === 0 && actual === 0) return true;
  if (expected === 0) {
    return Math.abs(expected - actual) / actual < tolerance;
  return Math.abs(expected - actual) / expected < tolerance;
test("one knapsack", function() {
  var combiner =
      function(x){return x.weight;},
      function(x){return x.value;});
  var oneport =;
  ok(near(oneport.totalValue, 1030, 0.01), "correct total value");
  ok(near(oneport.totalValue, 1030, 0.01), "correct total value");
  equal(oneport.totalWeight, 396, "correct total weight");
test("frontier", function() {
  var combiner =
      function(x){return x.weight;},
      function(x){return x.value;});
  var ef = combiner.ef(400, 1);
  equal(ef.length, 401, "401 because it includes the endpoints");
  ef = combiner.ef(400, 40);
  equal(ef.length, 11, "11 because it includes the endpoints");
  var expectedTotalValue = [
  ] ;
  _.each(ef, function(element, index) {
    // 15% error!  bleah!
    ok(near(element.totalValue, expectedTotalValue[index], 0.15),
      'actual ' + element.totalValue + ' expected ' + expectedTotalValue[index]);
  deepEqual(_.pluck(ef, 'totalWeight'), [
  deepEqual(, function(x){return x.items.length;}), [


Works with: jq version 1.4

"dynamic_knapsack(W)" implements a dynamic programming algorithm based on computing m[i,W] as the maximum value that can be attained with weight no greater than W using the first i items (with i = 0 corresponding to no items). Here, m[i,W] is set to [V, ary] where ary is an array of the names of the accepted items.

# Input should be the array of objects giving name, weight and value.
# Because of the way addition is defined on null and because of the
# way setpath works, there is no need to initialize the matrix m in
# detail.
def dynamic_knapsack(W):
  . as $objects
  | length as $n
  | reduce range(1; $n+1) as $i                           # i is the number of items
      # state: m[i][j] is an array of [value, array_of_object_names]
      (null;                           # see above remark about initialization of m
       $objects[$i-1] as $o
       | reduce range(0; W+1) as $j
           ( .; 
             if $o.weight <= $j then
               .[$i-1][$j][0] as $v1                               # option 1: do not add this object
               | (.[$i-1][$j - $o.weight][0] + $o.value) as $v2    # option 2: add it
               | (if $v1 > $v2 then
                       [$v1, .[$i-1][$j][1]]                       # do not add this object
                  else [$v2, .[$i-1][$j - $o.weight][1]+[$]] # add it
                  end) as $mx
               | .[$i][$j] = $mx
                 .[$i][$j] = .[$i-1][$j]
  | .[$n][W];


def objects: [
 {name: "map",                    "weight": 9,   "value": 150},
 {name: "compass",                "weight": 13,  "value": 35},
 {name: "water",                  "weight": 153, "value": 200},
 {name: "sandwich",               "weight": 50,  "value": 160},
 {name: "glucose",                "weight": 15,  "value": 60},
 {name: "tin",                    "weight": 68,  "value": 45},
 {name: "banana",                 "weight": 27,  "value": 60},
 {name: "apple",                  "weight": 39,  "value": 40},
 {name: "cheese",                 "weight": 23,  "value": 30},
 {name: "beer",                   "weight": 52,  "value": 10},
 {name: "suntancream",            "weight": 11,  "value": 70},
 {name: "camera",                 "weight": 32,  "value": 30},
 {name: "T-shirt",                "weight": 24,  "value": 15},
 {name: "trousers",               "weight": 48,  "value": 10},
 {name: "umbrella",               "weight": 73,  "value": 40},
 {name: "waterproof trousers",    "weight": 42,  "value": 70},
 {name: "waterproof overclothes", "weight": 43,  "value": 75},
 {name: "note-case",              "weight": 22,  "value": 80},
 {name: "sunglasses",             "weight": 7,   "value": 20},
 {name: "towel",                  "weight": 18,  "value": 12},
 {name: "socks",                  "weight": 4,   "value": 50},
 {name: "book",                   "weight": 30,  "value": 10}

objects | dynamic_knapsack(400)[]
$jq -M -c -n -f knapsack.jq
["map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose","banana","suntancream","waterproof trousers","waterproof overclothes","note-case","sunglasses","socks"]


This solution uses the MathProgBase package (with the Cbc solver package installed). It is the mixintprog function from this package that does the heavy lifting of this solution.

KPDSupply has one more field than is needed, quant. This field is may be useful in a solution to the bounded version of this task.

Type and Functions:

struct KPDSupply{T<:Integer}

KPDSupply{T<:Integer}(itm::AbstractString, w::T, v::T, q::T=one(T)) = KPDSupply(itm, w, v, q), kdps::KPDSupply) = print(io, kdps.quant, " ", kdps.item, " ($(kdps.weight) kg, $(kdps.value) €)")

using MathProgBase, Cbc
function solve(gear::Vector{<:KPDSupply}, capacity::Integer)
    w = getfield.(gear, :weight)
    v = getfield.(gear, :value)
    sol = mixintprog(-v, w', '<', capacity, :Bin, 0, 1, CbcSolver())
    gear[sol.sol .≈ 1]


gear = [KPDSupply("map", 9, 150),
        KPDSupply("compass", 13, 35),
        KPDSupply("water", 153, 200),
        KPDSupply("sandwich", 50, 160),
        KPDSupply("glucose", 15, 60),
        KPDSupply("tin", 68, 45),
        KPDSupply("banana", 27, 60),
        KPDSupply("apple", 39, 40),
        KPDSupply("cheese", 23, 30),
        KPDSupply("beer", 52, 10),
        KPDSupply("suntan cream", 11, 70),
        KPDSupply("camera", 32, 30),
        KPDSupply("T-shirt", 24, 15),
        KPDSupply("trousers", 48, 10),
        KPDSupply("umbrella", 73, 40),
        KPDSupply("waterproof trousers", 42, 70),
        KPDSupply("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75),
        KPDSupply("note-case", 22, 80),
        KPDSupply("sunglasses", 7, 20),
        KPDSupply("towel", 18, 12),
        KPDSupply("socks", 4, 50),
        KPDSupply("book", 30, 10)]

pack = solve(gear, 400)
println("The hicker should pack: \n - ", join(pack, "\n - "))
println("\nPacked weight: ", mapreduce(x -> x.weight, +, pack), " kg")
println("Packed value: ", mapreduce(x -> x.value, +, pack), " €")
The hicker should pack: 
 - 1 map (9 kg, 150 €)
 - 1 compass (13 kg, 35 €)
 - 1 water (153 kg, 200 €)
 - 1 sandwich (50 kg, 160 €)
 - 1 glucose (15 kg, 60 €)
 - 1 banana (27 kg, 60 €)
 - 1 suntan cream (11 kg, 70 €)
 - 1 waterproof trousers (42 kg, 70 €)
 - 1 waterproof overclothes (43 kg, 75 €)
 - 1 note-case (22 kg, 80 €)
 - 1 sunglasses (7 kg, 20 €)
 - 1 socks (4 kg, 50 €)

Packed weight: 396 kg
Packed value: 1030 €


Translation of: Go
// version 1.1.2

data class Item(val name: String, val weight: Int, val value: Int)

val wants = listOf(
    Item("map", 9, 150),
    Item("compass", 13, 35),
    Item("water", 153, 200),
    Item("sandwich", 50, 160),
    Item("glucose", 15, 60),
    Item("tin", 68, 45),
    Item("banana", 27, 60),
    Item("apple", 39, 40),
    Item("cheese", 23, 30),
    Item("beer", 52, 10),
    Item("suntan cream", 11, 70),
    Item("camera", 32, 30),
    Item("T-shirt", 24, 15),
    Item("trousers", 48, 10),
    Item("umbrella", 73, 40),
    Item("waterproof trousers", 42, 70),
    Item("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75),
    Item("note-case", 22, 80),
    Item("sunglasses", 7, 20),
    Item("towel", 18, 12),
    Item("socks", 4, 50),
    Item("book", 30, 10)

const val MAX_WEIGHT = 400

fun m(i: Int, w: Int): Triple<MutableList<Item>, Int, Int> {
    val chosen = mutableListOf<Item>()
    if (i < 0 || w == 0) return Triple(chosen, 0, 0)
    else if (wants[i].weight > w) return m(i - 1, w)
    val (l0, w0, v0) = m(i - 1, w)
    var (l1, w1, v1) = m(i - 1, w - wants[i].weight)
    v1 += wants[i].value
    if (v1 > v0) {
        return Triple(l1, w1 + wants[i].weight, v1)
    return Triple(l0, w0, v0)

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val (chosenItems, totalWeight, totalValue) = m(wants.size - 1, MAX_WEIGHT)
    println("Knapsack Item Chosen    Weight Value")
    println("----------------------  ------ -----")
    for (item in chosenItems.sortedByDescending { it.value} )
        println("${}  ${"%3d".format(item.weight)}    ${"%3d".format(item.value)}")
    println("----------------------  ------ -----")
    println("Total ${chosenItems.size} Items Chosen     $totalWeight   $totalValue")
Knapsack Item Chosen    Weight Value
----------------------  ------ -----
water                     153    200
sandwich                   50    160
map                         9    150
note-case                  22     80
waterproof overclothes     43     75
suntan cream               11     70
waterproof trousers        42     70
glucose                    15     60
banana                     27     60
socks                       4     50
compass                    13     35
sunglasses                  7     20
----------------------  ------ -----
Total 12 Items Chosen     396   1030


To test it yourself, rez a box on the ground, add the following as a New Script, create a notecard named "Knapsack_Problem_0_1_Data.txt" with the data shown below.

string sNOTECARD = "Knapsack_Problem_0_1_Data.txt";
integer iMAX_WEIGHT = 400;
integer iSTRIDE = 4;
list lList = [];
default {
	integer iNotecardLine = 0;
	state_entry() {
		llOwnerSay("Reading '"+sNOTECARD+"'");
		llGetNotecardLine(sNOTECARD, iNotecardLine);
	dataserver(key kRequestId, string sData) {
		if(sData==EOF) {
			lList = llListSort(lList, iSTRIDE, FALSE);
			integer iTotalWeight = 0;
			integer iTotalValue = 0;
			list lKnapsack = [];
			integer x = 0;
			while(x*iSTRIDE<llGetListLength(lList)) {
				float fValueWeight = (float)llList2String(lList, x*iSTRIDE);
				string sItem = (string)llList2String(lList, x*iSTRIDE+1);
				integer iWeight = (integer)llList2String(lList, x*iSTRIDE+2);
				integer iValue = (integer)llList2String(lList, x*iSTRIDE+3);
				if(iTotalWeight+iWeight<iMAX_WEIGHT) {
					iTotalWeight += iWeight;
					iTotalValue += iValue;
					lKnapsack += [sItem, iWeight, iValue, fValueWeight];
			for(x=0 ; x*iSTRIDE<llGetListLength(lKnapsack) ; x++) {
				llOwnerSay((string)x+": "+llList2String(lList, x*iSTRIDE+1)+", "+llList2String(lList, x*iSTRIDE+2)+", "+llList2String(lList, x*iSTRIDE+3));

		} else {
			//llOwnerSay((string)iNotecardLine+": "+sData);
			if(llStringTrim(sData, STRING_TRIM)!="") {
				list lParsed = llParseString2List(sData, [","], []);
				string sItem = llStringTrim(llList2String(lParsed, 0), STRING_TRIM);
				integer iWeight = (integer)llStringTrim(llList2String(lParsed, 1), STRING_TRIM);
				integer iValue = (integer)llStringTrim(llList2String(lParsed, 2), STRING_TRIM);
				float fValueWeight = (1.0*iValue)/iWeight;
				lList += [fValueWeight, sItem, iWeight, iValue];
			llGetNotecardLine(sNOTECARD, ++iNotecardLine);


map, 9, 150
compass, 13, 35
water, 153, 200
sandwich, 50, 160
glucose, 15, 60
tin, 68, 45
banana, 27, 60
apple, 39, 40
cheese, 23, 30
beer, 52, 10
suntan cream, 11, 70
camera, 32, 30
T-shirt, 24, 15
trousers, 48, 10
umbrella, 73, 40
waterproof trousers, 42, 70
waterproof overclothes, 43, 75
note-case, 22, 80
sunglasses, 7, 20
towel, 18, 12
socks, 4, 50
book, 30, 10
Reading 'Knapsack_Problem_0_1_Data.txt'
0: map, 9, 150
1: socks, 4, 50
2: suntan cream, 11, 70
3: glucose, 15, 60
4: note-case, 22, 80
5: sandwich, 50, 160
6: sunglasses, 7, 20
7: compass, 13, 35
8: banana, 27, 60
9: waterproof overclothes, 43, 75
10: waterproof trousers, 42, 70
11: water, 153, 200


This version is adapted from the Clojure version.

items = {
    {"map", 9, 150},
    {"compass", 13, 35},
    {"water", 153, 200},
    {"sandwich", 50, 160},
    {"glucose", 15, 60},
    {"tin", 68, 45},
    {"banana", 27, 60},
    {"apple", 39,  40},
    {"cheese", 23, 30},
    {"beer", 52, 10},
    {"suntan cream", 11, 70},
    {"camera", 32, 30},
    {"t-shirt", 24, 15},
    {"trousers", 48, 10},
    {"umbrella", 73, 40},
    {"waterproof trousers", 42, 70},
    {"waterproof overclothes", 43, 75},
    {"note-case", 22, 80},
    {"sunglasses", 7, 20},
    {"towel", 18, 12},
    {"socks", 4, 50},
    {"book", 30, 10},

local unpack = table.unpack

function m(i, w)
    if i<1 or w==0 then
        return 0, {}
        local _, wi, vi = unpack(items[i])
        if wi > w then
            return mm(i - 1, w)
            local vn, ln = mm(i - 1, w)
            local vy, ly = mm(i - 1, w - wi)
            if vy + vi > vn then
                return vy + vi, { i, ly }
                return vn, ln

local memo, mm_calls = {}, 0
function mm(i, w) -- memoization function for m
    mm_calls = mm_calls + 1
    local key = 10000*i + w
    local result = memo[key]
    if not result then
        result = { m(i, w) }
        memo[key] = result
    return unpack(result)

local total_value, index_list = m(#items, 400)

function list_items(head) -- makes linked list iterator function 
    return function()
        local item, rest = unpack(head)
        head = rest
        return item

local names = {}
local total_weight = 0
for i in list_items(index_list) do
    local name, weight = unpack(items[i])
    table.insert(names, 1, name)
    total_weight = total_weight + weight

local function printf(fmt, ...) print(string.format(fmt, ...)) end
printf("items to pack: %s", table.concat(names, ", "))
printf("total value: %d", total_value)
printf("total weight: %d", total_weight)

-- out of curiosity
local count = 0
for k,v in pairs(memo) do count = count + 1 end
printf("\n(memo count: %d; mm call count: %d)", count, mm_calls)
items to pack: map, compass, water, sandwich, glucose, banana, suntan cream, waterproof trousers, waterproof overclothes, note-case, sunglasses, socks
total value: 1030
total weight: 396

(memo count: 5329; mm call count: 9485)


weights := [9,13,153,50,15,68,27,39,23,52,11,32,24,48,73,42,43,22,7,18,4,30]:
vals := [150,35,200,160,60,45,60,40,30,10,70,30,15,10,40,70,75,80,20,12,50,10]:
items := ["map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose","tin","banana","apple","cheese","beer","suntan cream","camera","T-shirt","trousers","umbrella","waterproof trousers","waterproof overclothes","note-case","sunglasses","towel","socks","book"]:
acc := Array(1..numelems(vals)+1,1..400+1,1,fill=0):
len := numelems(weights):
for i from 2 to len+1 do #number of items picked + 1
	for j from 2 to 401 do #weight capacity left + 1
		if weights[i-1] > j-1 then
			acc[i,j] := acc[i-1, j]:
			acc[i,j] := max(acc[i-1,j], acc[i-1, j-weights[i-1]]+vals[i-1]):
		end if:
	end do:
end do:
printf("Total Value is %d\n", acc[len+1, 401]):
count := 0:
i := len+1:
j := 401:
while (i>1 and j>1) do
	if acc[i,j] <> acc[i-1,j] then
		printf("Item: %s\n", items[i-1]):
		count := count+weights[i-1]:
		j := j-weights[i-1]:
		i := i-1:
		i := i-1:
	end if:
end do:
printf("Total Weight is %d\n", count):
Total Value is 1030
Item: socks
Item: sunglasses
Item: note-case
Item: waterproof overclothes
Item: waterproof trousers
Item: suntan cream
Item: banana
Item: glucose
Item: sandwich
Item: water
Item: compass
Item: map
Total Weight is 396

Mathematica/Wolfram Language

Used the

     Position[LinearProgramming[-#[[;; , 3]], -{#[[;; , 2]]}, -{400},
       {0, 1} & /@ #, Integers], 1], 1]] &@
 {{"map", 9, 150},
  {"compass", 13, 35},
  {"water", 153, 200},
  {"sandwich", 50, 160},
  {"glucose", 15, 60},
  {"tin", 68, 45},
  {"banana", 27, 60},
  {"apple", 39, 40},
  {"cheese", 23, 30},
  {"beer", 52, 10},
  {"suntan cream", 11, 70},
  {"camera", 32, 30},
  {"T-shirt", 24, 15},
  {"trousers", 48, 10},
  {"umbrella", 73, 40},
  {"waterproof trousers", 42, 70},
  {"waterproof overclothes", 43, 75},
  {"note-case", 22, 80},
  {"sunglasses", 7, 20},
  {"towel", 18, 12},
  {"socks", 4, 50},
  {"book", 30, 10}}
{"map", "compass", "water", "sandwich", "glucose", "banana", "suntan cream", "waterproof trousers", "waterproof overclothes", "note-case", "sunglasses", "socks"}


  This model finds the integer optimal packing of a knapsack
  January 9th., 2012

set Items;
param weight{t in Items};
param value{t in Items};

var take{t in Items}, binary;

knap_weight : sum{t in Items} take[t] * weight[t] <= 400;

maximize knap_value: sum{t in Items} take[t] * value[t];


param : Items          : weight   value :=
         map		  9	   150 
         compass          13	   35	
         water		  153	   200 
         sandwich	  50	   160	
         glucose	  15	   60	
         tin		  68	   45	
         banana		  27	   60	
         apple		  39	   40	
         cheese		  23	   30	
         beer		  52	   10	
         suntancream	  11	   70	
         camera		  32	   30	
         T-shirt	  24	   15	
         trousers	  48	   10	
         umbrella	  73	   40	
         w-trousers	  42	   70	
         w-overclothes	  43	   75	
         note-case	  22	   80	
         sunglasses	  7        20	
         towel		  18	   12	
         socks		  4        50	
         book		  30	   10	


The solution may be found at Knapsack problem/0-1/Mathprog. Activity=1 means take, Activity=0 means don't take.


global globalItems = #()
global usedMass = 0
global neededItems = #()
global totalValue = 0
struct kn_item 
	item, weight, value

itemStrings = #("map#9#150","compass#13#35","water#153#200", \
		"sandwich#50#160","glucose#15#60","tin#68#45", \
		"banana#27#60","apple#39#40","cheese#23#30", \
		"beer#52#10","suntan cream#11#70","camera#32#30", \
		"T-shirt#24#15","trousers#48#10","umbrella#73#40", \
		"waterproof trousers#42#70","waterproof overclothes#43#75", \
		"note-case#22#80","sunglasses#7#20", "towel#18#12", \

fn sortByValue a b =
	if a[1].value > b[1].value then return -1
		if a[1].value == b[1].value then return 0
			else return 1
fn chooseBestItem maximumWeight: items: =
	local itemsCopy = deepcopy items
	local possibleItems = #()
	for i = 1 to itemsCopy.count do
		if itemsCopy[i].weight <= maximumWeight do append possibleItems (#(itemsCopy[i],i))
	qsort possibleItems sortByValue
	if possibleItems.count > 0 then return possibleItems[1] else return 0
for i = 1 to itemStrings.count do
	local split = filterstring itemStrings[i] "#"
	local itemStruct = kn_item item:split[1] weight:(split[2] as integer) \
				value:(split[3] as integer)
	appendifunique globalItems itemstruct

while usedMass < 400 do
	local item = chooseBestItem maximumweight:(400-usedMass) items:(globalItems)
	if item != 0 then
		deleteitem globalItems (item[2])
		appendifunique neededItems item[1]
		usedMass += item[1].weight
	) else exit
for i in neededitems do 
	format "Item name: %, weight: %, value:%\n" i.item i.weight i.value
	totalValue += i.value
format "Total mass: %, Total Value: %\n" usedMass totalValue
Item name: water, weight: 153, value:200
Item name: sandwich, weight: 50, value:160
Item name: map, weight: 9, value:150
Item name: note-case, weight: 22, value:80
Item name: waterproof overclothes, weight: 43, value:75
Item name: suntan cream, weight: 11, value:70
Item name: waterproof trousers, weight: 42, value:70
Item name: glucose, weight: 15, value:60
Item name: banana, weight: 27, value:60
Item name: socks, weight: 4, value:50
Item name: compass, weight: 13, value:35
Item name: sunglasses, weight: 7, value:20
Total mass: 396, Total Value: 1030


%Knapsack 0/1. Nigel Galloway: October 5th., 2020. 
enum Items={map,compass,water,sandwich,glucose,tin,banana,apple,cheese,beer,suntan_cream,camera,t_shirt,trousers,umbrella,waterproof_trousers,waterproof_overclothes,note_case,sunglasses,towel,socks,book};
array[Items] of int: weight=[9,13,153,50,15,68,27,39,23,52,11,32,24,48,73,42,43,22,7,18,4,30];
array[Items] of int: value =[150,35,200,160,60,45,60,40,30,10,70,30,15,10,40,70,75,80,20,12,50,10];
int: maxWeight=400;
var int: wTaken=sum(n in take)(weight[n]);
var int: wValue=sum(n in take)(value[n]);
var set of Items: take;
constraint wTaken <= maxWeight;
solve maximize wValue;
output["Take "++show(take)++"\nTotal Weight=\(wTaken) Total Value=\(wValue)"]
Take {map, compass, water, sandwich, glucose, banana, suntan_cream, waterproof_trousers, waterproof_overclothes, note_case, sunglasses, socks}
Total Weight=396 Total Value=1030


This solution uses the same algorithm as Go and Kotlin, with some modifications to improve performance:

– use item indexes rather than items themselves;
– rather than using sequences of item indexes, use sets of item indexes which are represented as bit sets;
– use a cache for memoization.
# Knapsack. Recursive algorithm.

import algorithm
import sequtils
import tables

# Description of an item.
type Item = tuple[name: string; weight, value: int]

# List of available items.
const Items: seq[Item] = @[("map", 9, 150),
                           ("compass", 13, 35),
                           ("water", 153, 200),
                           ("sandwich", 50, 160),
                           ("glucose", 15, 60),
                           ("tin", 68, 45),
                           ("banana", 27, 60),
                           ("apple", 39, 40),
                           ("cheese", 23, 30),
                           ("beer", 52, 10),
                           ("suntan cream", 11, 70),
                           ("camera", 32, 30),
                           ("T-shirt", 24, 15),
                           ("trousers", 48, 10),
                           ("umbrella", 73, 40),
                           ("waterproof trousers", 42, 70),
                           ("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75),
                           ("note-case", 22, 80),
                           ("sunglasses", 7, 20),
                           ("towel", 18, 12),
                           ("socks", 4, 50),
                           ("book", 30, 10)


  # Item numbers (used rather than items themselves).
  Number = range[0..Items.high]

  # Chosen items and their total value.
  Choice = tuple[nums: set[Number]; weight, value: int]

# Cache used to speed up the search.
var cache: Table[tuple[num, weight: int], Choice]


proc select(num, weightLimit: int): Choice =
  ## Find the best choice starting from item at index "num".

  if num < 0 or weightLimit == 0:

  if (num, weightLimit) in cache:
    return cache[(num, weightLimit)]

  let weight = Items[num].weight
  if weight > weightLimit:
    return select(num - 1, weightLimit)

  # Try by leaving this item and selecting among remaining items.
  result = select(num - 1, weightLimit)

  # Try by taking this item and completing with some remaining items.
  var result1 = select(num - 1, weightLimit - weight)
  inc result1.value, Items[num].value

  # Select the best choice (giving the greater value).
  if result1.value > result.value:
    result = (result1.nums + {num.Number}, result1.weight + weight, result1.value)

  cache[(num, weightLimit)] = result


let (nums, weight, value) = select(Items.high, 400)
echo "List of items:"
for num in sorted(toSeq(nums)):
  echo "– ", Items[num].name
echo ""
echo "Total weight: ", weight
echo "Total value: ", value
List of items:
– map
– compass
– water
– sandwich
– glucose
– banana
– suntan cream
– waterproof trousers
– waterproof overclothes
– note-case
– sunglasses
– socks

Total weight: 396
Total value: 1030


A brute force solution:

let items = [
  "map",                     9,  150;
  "compass",                13,   35;
  "water",                 153,  200;
  "sandwich",               50,  160;
  "glucose",                15,   60;
  "tin",                    68,   45;
  "banana",                 27,   60;
  "apple",                  39,   40;
  "cheese",                 23,   30;
  "beer",                   52,   10;
  "suntan cream",           11,   70;
  "camera",                 32,   30;
  "t-shirt",                24,   15;
  "trousers",               48,   10;
  "umbrella",               73,   40;
  "waterproof trousers",    42,   70;
  "waterproof overclothes", 43,   75;
  "note-case",              22,   80;
  "sunglasses",              7,   20;
  "towel",                  18,   12;
  "socks",                   4,   50;
  "book",                   30,   10;

let comb = 
  List.fold_left (fun acc x -> let acc2 = List.rev_map (fun li -> x::li) acc in
                                 List.rev_append acc acc2) [[]]

let score =
  List.fold_left (fun (w_tot,v_tot) (_,w,v) -> (w + w_tot, v + v_tot)) (0,0)

let () =
  let combs = comb items in
  let vals = List.rev_map (fun this -> (score this, this)) combs in
  let poss = List.filter (fun ((w,_), _) -> w <= 400) vals in
  let _, res = List.fold_left (fun (((_,s1),_) as v1) (((_,s2),_) as v2) ->
                 if s2 > s1 then v2 else v1)
                 (List.hd poss) ( poss) in
  List.iter (fun (name,_,_) -> print_endline name) res;


Using constraint programming.

  %% maps items to pairs of Weight(hectogram) and Value
  Problem = knapsack('map':9#150
                     'suntan cream':11#70 
                     'waterproof trousers':42#70 
                     'waterproof overclothes':43#75 

  %% item -> Weight
  Weights = { Problem fun {$ X} X.1 end}
  %% item -> Value
  Values =  { Problem fun {$ X} X.2 end}

  proc {Knapsack Solution}
     %% a solution maps items to finite domain variables
     %% with the domain {0,1}
     Solution = { Problem fun {$ _} { 0#1} end}
     %% no more than 400 hectograms
     {FD.sumC Weights Solution '=<:' 400} 
     %% search through valid solutions
     {FD.distribute naive Solution}
  proc {PropagateLargerValue Old New}
     %% propagate that new solutions must yield a higher value
     %% than previously found solutions (essential for performance)
     {FD.sumC Values New '>:' {Value Old}} 

  fun {Value Candidate}
     {Record.foldL { Candidate Values Number.'*'} Number.'+' 0}
  fun {Weight Candidate}
     {Record.foldL { Candidate Weights Number.'*'} Number.'+' 0}

  [Best] = {SearchBest Knapsack PropagateLargerValue}
  {System.showInfo "Items: "}
     {Record.arity {Record.filter Best fun {$ T} T == 1 end}}
  {System.printInfo "\n"}
  {System.showInfo "total value: "#{Value Best}}
  {System.showInfo "total weight: "#{Weight Best}}
suntan cream
waterproof overclothes
waterproof trousers

total value: 1030
total weight: 396

Typically runs in less than 150 milliseconds.


Uses a stringlist to store the items. I used the algorithm given on Wikipedia (Knapsack problem) to find the maximum value. It is written in pseudocode that translates very easily to Pascal.

program project1;
  sysutils, classes, math;

  MaxWeight = 400;
  N = 21;

  TMaxArray = array[0..N, 0..MaxWeight] of integer;

  TEquipment = record
    Description : string;
    Weight : integer;
    Value : integer;

  TEquipmentList = array[1..N] of TEquipment;

   MaxValue, WeightLeft, i, j, Sum : integer;

   //Put all the items into an array called List
   L:='map ,9 ,150,compass ,13 ,35 ,water ,153 ,200 ,sandwich,50 ,160 ,glucose ,15 ,60 ,tin,68 ,45 ,banana,27,60 ,apple ,39 ,40 ,cheese ,23 ,30 ,beer ,52 ,10 ,suntancreme ,11 ,70 ,camera ,32 ,30 ,T-shirt ,24 ,15 ,trousers ,48 ,40 ,waterprooftrousers ,42 ,70 ,waterproofoverclothes ,43 ,75 ,notecase ,22 ,80 ,sunglasses ,7 ,20 ,towel ,18 ,12 ,socks ,4 ,50 ,book ,30 ,10';

   For i:= 1 to N do
      List[i].Description:=S[3*i - 3];
      List[i].Weight:=strtoint(S[3*i - 2]);
      List[i].Value:=strtoint(S[3*i - 1]);

   //create M, a table linking the possible items for each weight
   //and recording the value at that point
   for j := 0 to MaxWeight do
       M[0, j] := 0

   for i := 1 to N do
       for j := 0 to MaxWeight do
           if List[i].weight > j then
               M[i, j] := M[i-1, j]
               M[i, j] := max(M[i-1, j], M[i-1, j-List[i].weight] + List[i].value);

   //get the highest total value by testing every value in table M
   for i:=1 to N do
       for j:= 0 to MaxWeight do
           If M[i,j] > MaxValue then
               MaxValue := m[i,j];

   writeln('Highest total value : ',MaxValue);

  //Work backwards through the items to find those items that go in the Knapsack (a stringlist)
   KnapSack := TStringList.create;
   WeightLeft := MaxWeight;
   For i:= N downto 1 do
       if M[i,WeightLeft] = MaxValue then
          if M[i-1, WeightLeft - List[i].Weight] = MaxValue - List[i].Value then
            Knapsack.add(List[i].Description + ' ' + IntToStr(List[i].Weight)+ ' ' + inttostr(List[i].Value));
            MaxValue := MaxValue - List[i].Value;
            WeightLeft := WeightLeft - List[i].Weight;

   //Show the items in the knapsack
   writeln('Number of items     : ',KnapSack.count);
   For i:= KnapSack.count-1 downto 0 do


Highest total value : 1030
Number of items     : 12
map 9 150
compass 13 35
water 153 200
sandwich 50 160
glucose 15 60
banana 27 60
suntancreme 11 70
waterprooftrousers 42 70
waterproofoverclothes 43 75
notecase 22 80
sunglasses 7 20
socks 4 50


The dynamic programming solution from Wikipedia.

my $raw = <<'TABLE';
map			9	150
compass			13	35
water			153	200
sandwich		50	160
glucose			15	60
tin			68	45
banana			27	60
apple			39	40
cheese			23	30
beer			52	10
suntancream		11	70
camera			32	30
T-shirt			24	15
trousers		48	10
umbrella		73	40
waterproof trousers	42	70
waterproof overclothes	43	75
note-case		22	80
sunglasses		7	20
towel			18	12
socks			4	50
book			30	10

my (@name, @weight, @value);
for (split "\n", $raw) {
    for ([ split /\t+/ ]) {
        push @name,   $_->[0];
        push @weight, $_->[1];
        push @value,  $_->[2];

my $max_weight = 400;
my @p = map [map undef, 0 .. 1+$max_weight], 0 .. $#name;

sub optimal {
    my ($i, $w) = @_;
    return [0, []] if $i < 0;
    return $p[$i][$w] if $p[$i][$w];

    if ($weight[$i] > $w) {
        $p[$i][$w] = optimal($i - 1, $w)
    } else {
        my $x = optimal($i - 1, $w);
        my $y = optimal($i - 1, $w - $weight[$i]);

        if ($x->[0] > $y->[0] + $value[$i]) {
            $p[$i][$w] = $x
        } else {
            $p[$i][$w] = [  $y->[0] + $value[$i], [ @{$y->[1]}, $name[$i] ]]
    return $p[$i][$w]

my $solution = optimal($#name, $max_weight);
print "$solution->[0]: @{$solution->[1]}\n";
1030: map compass water sandwich glucose banana suntancream waterproof trousers waterproof overclothes note-case sunglasses socks


Trivial simplification of the Knapsack/Bounded solution. By careful ordering we can ensure we find the optimal solution first (see terminate flag).

-- demo\rosetta\knapsack0.exw
with javascript_semantics

bool terminate = false

integer attempts = 0
function knapsack(sequence res, goodies, atom points, weight, at=1, sequence chosen={})
    atom {?,witem,pitem} = goodies[at]
    integer n = iff(witem<=weight?1:0)
    chosen &= n
    points += n*pitem   -- increase value
    weight -= n*witem   -- decrease weight left
    if at=length(goodies) then
        attempts += 1
        if length(res)=0
        or res<{points,weight} then
            res = {points,weight,chosen}
        end if
        terminate = (n=1)
--      while n>=0 do -- full exhaustive search
        while n>=0 and not terminate do -- optimised
            res = knapsack(res,goodies,points,weight,at+1,deep_copy(chosen))
            n -= 1
            chosen[$] = n
            points -= pitem
            weight += witem
        end while
    end if
    return res
end function

function byweightedvalue(object a, b)
    -- sort by weight/value
    return compare(a[2]/a[3],b[2]/b[3])
    -- nb other sort orders break the optimisation
end function

constant goodies = custom_sort(byweightedvalue,{
-- item                     weight value
{"map",                      9,     150},
{"compass",                  13,    35 },
{"water",                    153,   200},
{"sandwich",                 50,    160},
{"glucose",                  15,    60 },
{"tin",                      68,    45 },
{"banana",                   27,    60 },
{"apple",                    39,    40 },
{"cheese",                   23,    30 },
{"beer",                     52,    10 },
{"suntan cream",             11,    70 },
{"camera",                   32,    30 },
{"T-shirt",                  24,    15 },
{"trousers",                 48,    10 },
{"umbrella",                 73,    40 },
{"waterproof trousers",      42,    70 },
{"waterproof overclothes",   43,    75 },
{"note-case",                22,    80 },
{"sunglasses",               7,     20 },
{"towel",                    18,    12 },
{"socks",                    4,     50 },
{"book",                     30,    10 }})

atom t0 = time()
object {points,weight,counts} = knapsack({},goodies,0,400)
printf(1,"Value %d, weight %g [%d attempts, %3.2fs]:\n",{points,400-weight,attempts,time()-t0})
for i=1 to length(counts) do
    integer c = counts[i]
    if c then
    end if
end for
Value 1030, weight 396 [9 attempts, 0.00s]:
suntan cream
waterproof overclothes
waterproof trousers

without the optimisation (ie "and not terminate" removed, full exhaustive search, further lines as above):

Value 1030, weight 396 [1216430 attempts, 0.84s]:


# 0-1 Knapsack Problem Solve with memoization optimize and index returns
# $w = weight of item
# $v = value of item
# $i = index
# $aW = Available Weight
# $m = Memo items array
# PHP Translation from Python, Memoization,
# and index return functionality added by Brian Berneker

function knapSolveFast2($w, $v, $i, $aW, &$m) {

	global $numcalls;
	$numcalls ++;
	// echo "Called with i=$i, aW=$aW<br>";

	// Return memo if we have one
	if (isset($m[$i][$aW])) {
		return array( $m[$i][$aW], $m['picked'][$i][$aW] );
	} else {

		// At end of decision branch
		if ($i == 0) {
			if ($w[$i] <= $aW) { // Will this item fit?
				$m[$i][$aW] = $v[$i]; // Memo this item
				$m['picked'][$i][$aW] = array($i); // and the picked item
				return array($v[$i],array($i)); // Return the value of this item and add it to the picked list

			} else {
				// Won't fit
				$m[$i][$aW] = 0; // Memo zero
				$m['picked'][$i][$aW] = array(); // and a blank array entry...
				return array(0,array()); // Return nothing
		// Not at end of decision branch..
		// Get the result of the next branch (without this one)
		list ($without_i, $without_PI) = knapSolveFast2($w, $v, $i-1, $aW, $m);

		if ($w[$i] > $aW) { // Does it return too many?
			$m[$i][$aW] = $without_i; // Memo without including this one
			$m['picked'][$i][$aW] = $without_PI; // and a blank array entry...
			return array($without_i, $without_PI); // and return it

		} else {
			// Get the result of the next branch (WITH this one picked, so available weight is reduced)
			list ($with_i,$with_PI) = knapSolveFast2($w, $v, ($i-1), ($aW - $w[$i]), $m);
			$with_i += $v[$i];  // ..and add the value of this one..
			// Get the greater of WITH or WITHOUT
			if ($with_i > $without_i) {
				$res = $with_i;
				$picked = $with_PI;
			} else {
				$res = $without_i;
				$picked = $without_PI;
			$m[$i][$aW] = $res; // Store it in the memo
			$m['picked'][$i][$aW] = $picked; // and store the picked item
			return array ($res,$picked); // and then return it

$items4 = array("map","compass","water","sandwich","glucose","tin","banana","apple","cheese","beer","suntan cream","camera","t-shirt","trousers","umbrella","waterproof trousers","waterproof overclothes","note-case","sunglasses","towel","socks","book");
$w4 = array(9,13,153,50,15,68,27,39,23,52,11,32,24,48,73,42,43,22,7,18,4,30);
$v4 = array(150,35,200,160,60,45,60,40,30,10,70,30,15,10,40,70,75,80,20,12,50,10);

## Initialize
$numcalls = 0; $m = array(); $pickedItems = array();

## Solve
list ($m4,$pickedItems) = knapSolveFast2($w4, $v4, sizeof($v4) -1, 400, $m);

# Display Result 
echo "<b>Items:</b><br>".join(", ",$items4)."<br>";
echo "<b>Max Value Found:</b><br>$m4 (in $numcalls calls)<br>";
echo "<b>Array Indices:</b><br>".join(",",$pickedItems)."<br>";

echo "<b>Chosen Items:</b><br>";
echo "<table border cellspacing=0>";
echo "<tr><td>Item</td><td>Value</td><td>Weight</td></tr>";
$totalVal = $totalWt = 0;
foreach($pickedItems as $key) {
	$totalVal += $v4[$key];
	$totalWt += $w4[$key];
	echo "<tr><td>".$items4[$key]."</td><td>".$v4[$key]."</td><td>".$w4[$key]."</td></tr>";
echo "<tr><td align=right><b>Totals</b></td><td>$totalVal</td><td>$totalWt</td></tr>";
echo "</table><hr>";
map, compass, water, sandwich, glucose, tin, banana, apple, cheese, beer, suntan cream, camera, t-shirt, trousers, umbrella, waterproof trousers, waterproof overclothes, note-case, sunglasses, towel, socks, book
Max Value Found:
1030 (in 8725 calls)
Array Indices:
Chosen Items:
suntan cream7011
waterproof trousers7042
waterproof overclothes7543

Minimal PHP Algorithm for totals only translated from Python version as discussed in the YouTube posted video at:

# 0-1 Knapsack Problem Solve
# $w = weight of item
# $v = value of item
# $i = index
# $aW = Available Weight
# PHP Translation by Brian Berneker

function knapSolve($w,$v,$i,$aW) {

	global $numcalls;
	$numcalls ++;
	// echo "Called with i=$i, aW=$aW<br>";

	if ($i == 0) {
		if ($w[$i] <= $aW) {
			return $v[$i];
		} else {
			return 0;
	$without_i = knapSolve($w, $v, $i-1, $aW);
	if ($w[$i] > $aW) { 
		return $without_i;
	} else {
		$with_i = $v[$i] + knapSolve($w, $v, ($i-1), ($aW - $w[$i]));
		return max($with_i, $without_i);


# 0-1 Knapsack Problem Solve (with "memo"-ization optimization)
# $w = weight of item
# $v = value of item
# $i = index
# $aW = Available Weight
# $m = 'memo' array
# PHP Translation by Brian Berneker

function knapSolveFast($w,$v,$i,$aW,&$m) { // Note: We use &$m because the function writes to the $m array 

	global $numcalls;
	$numcalls ++;
	// echo "Called with i=$i, aW=$aW<br>";

	// Return memo if we have one
	if (isset($m[$i][$aW])) {
		return $m[$i][$aW];
	} else {

		if ($i == 0) {
			if ($w[$i] <= $aW) {
				$m[$i][$aW] = $v[$i]; // save memo
				return $v[$i];
			} else {
				$m[$i][$aW] = 0; // save memo
				return 0;
		$without_i = knapSolveFast($w, $v, $i-1, $aW,$m);
		if ($w[$i] > $aW) {
			$m[$i][$aW] = $without_i; // save memo
			return $without_i;
		} else {
			$with_i = $v[$i] + knapSolveFast($w, $v, ($i-1), ($aW - $w[$i]),$m);
			$res = max($with_i, $without_i); 
			$m[$i][$aW] = $res; // save memo
			return $res;

$w3 = array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 44, 96, 96, 96);
$v3 = array(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 44, 96, 96, 96);

$numcalls = 0;
$m = array();
$m3 = knapSolveFast($w3, $v3, sizeof($v3) -1, 54,$m);
print_r($w3); echo "<br>FAST: ";
echo "<b>Max: $m3</b> ($numcalls calls)<br><br>";

$numcalls = 0;
$m = array();
$m3 = knapSolve($w3, $v3, sizeof($v3) -1, 54 );
print_r($w3); echo "<br>";
echo "<b>Max: $m3</b> ($numcalls calls)<br><br>";
Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 2 [4] => 2 [5] => 2 [6] => 4 [7] => 4 [8] => 4 [9] => 44 [10] => 96 [11] => 96 [12] => 96 ) 
FAST: Max: 54 (191 calls)

Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 1 [2] => 1 [3] => 2 [4] => 2 [5] => 2 [6] => 4 [7] => 4 [8] => 4 [9] => 44 [10] => 96 [11] => 96 [12] => 96 ) 
Max: 54 (828 calls)


import mip,util.

go =>
  [Items,Weights,Values] = transpose(AllItems),
  knapsack_01(Weights,Values,MaxTotalWeight, X,TotalWeight,TotalValues),
  print_solution(Items,Weights,Values, X,TotalWeight,TotalValues),

% Print the solution
print_solution(Items,Weights,Values, X,TotalWeight,TotalValues) =>
  println("\nThese are the items to pick:"),
  println("  Item                   Weight Value"),

  foreach(I in 1..Items.len) 
    if X[I] == 1 then
      printf("* %-25w %3d %3d\n", Items[I],Weights[I], Values[I])

  printf("Total weight: %d\n", TotalWeight),
  printf("Total value: %d\n", TotalValues),

% Solve the knapsack problem
knapsack_01(Weights,Values,MaxTotalWeight, X,TotalWeight,TotalValues) => 
   NumItems = length(Weights),

   % Variables
   X = new_list(NumItems),
   X :: 0..1,

   % Constraints
   TotalWeight #=< MaxTotalWeight,

   % Search
   Vars = X ++ [TotalWeight, TotalValues],
   solve($[max(TotalValues)], Vars).

% data 
items(Items,MaxTotalWeight) => 
           % Item          Weight   Value
  Items = [["map",           9,       150],
           ["compass",       13,       35],
           ["water",         153,     200],
           ["sandwich",      50,      160],
           ["glucose",       15,       60],
           ["tin",           68,       45],
           ["banana",        27,       60],
           ["apple",         39,       40],
           ["cheese",        23,       30],
           ["beer",          52,       10],
           ["suntancream",   11,       70],
           ["camera",        32,       30],
           ["T-shirt",       24,       15],
           ["trousers",      48,       10],
           ["umbrella",      73,       40],
           ["waterproof trousers",     42,      70],
           ["waterproof overclothes",  43,      75],
           ["note-case",     22,       80],
           ["sunglasses",     7,       20],
           ["towel",         18,       12],
           ["socks",          4,       50],
           ["book",          30,       10]],
  MaxTotalWeight = 400.
These are the items to pick:
  Item                   Weight Value
* map                         9 150
* compass                    13  35
* water                     153 200
* sandwich                   50 160
* glucose                    15  60
* banana                     27  60
* suntancream                11  70
* waterproof trousers        42  70
* waterproof overclothes     43  75
* note-case                  22  80
* sunglasses                  7  20
* socks                       4  50

Total weight: 396
Total value: 1030


(de *Items
   ("map" 9 150)                    ("compass" 13 35)
   ("water" 153 200)                ("sandwich" 50 160)
   ("glucose" 15 60)                ("tin" 68 45)
   ("banana" 27 60)                 ("apple" 39 40)
   ("cheese" 23 30)                 ("beer" 52 10)
   ("suntan cream" 11 70)           ("camera" 32 30)
   ("t-shirt" 24 15)                ("trousers" 48 10)
   ("umbrella" 73 40)               ("waterproof trousers" 42 70)
   ("waterproof overclothes" 43 75) ("note-case" 22 80)
   ("sunglasses" 7 20)              ("towel" 18 12)
   ("socks" 4 50)                   ("book" 30 10) )

# Dynamic programming solution
(de knapsack (Lst W)
   (when Lst
      (cache '*KnapCache (cons W Lst)
         (let X (knapsack (cdr Lst) W)
            (if (ge0 (- W (cadar Lst)))
               (let Y (cons (car Lst) (knapsack (cdr Lst) @))
                  (if (> (sum caddr X) (sum caddr Y)) X Y) )
               X ) ) ) ) )

(let K (knapsack *Items 400)
   (for I K
      (apply tab I (3 -24 6 6) NIL) )
   (tab (27 6 6) NIL (sum cadr K) (sum caddr K)) )
   map                          9   150
   compass                     13    35
   water                      153   200
   sandwich                    50   160
   glucose                     15    60
   banana                      27    60
   suntan cream                11    70
   waterproof trousers         42    70
   waterproof overclothes      43    75
   note-case                   22    80
   sunglasses                   7    20
   socks                        4    50
                              396  1030


Works with: SWI-Prolog

Using the clpfd library

Library: clpfd
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

knapsack :-
        L = [
             item(map,  9,      150),
             item(compass,      13,     35),
             item(water,        153,    200),
             item(sandwich, 50,         160),
             item(glucose,      15,     60),
             item(tin,  68,     45),
             item(banana,       27,     60),
             item(apple,        39,     40),
             item(cheese,       23,     30),
             item(beer,         52,     10),
             item('suntan cream',       11,     70),
             item(camera,       32,     30),
             item('t-shirt',    24,     15),
             item(trousers, 48,         10),
             item(umbrella, 73,         40),
             item('waterproof trousers',        42,     70),
             item('waterproof overclothes',     43,     75),
             item('note-case',22,       80),
             item(sunglasses,   7,      20),
             item(towel,        18,     12),
             item(socks,        4,      50),
             item(book,         30,     10 )],
        length(L, N),
        length(R, N),
        R ins 0..1,
        maplist(arg(2), L, LW),
        maplist(arg(3), L, LV),
        scalar_product(LW, R, #=<, 400),
        scalar_product(LV, R, #=, VM),
        labeling([max(VM)], R),
        scalar_product(LW, R, #=, WM),
        %% affichage des résultats
        compute_lenword(L, 0, Len),
        sformat(A1, '~~w~~t~~~w|', [Len]),
        sformat(A2, '~~t~~w~~~w|', [4]),
        sformat(A3, '~~t~~w~~~w|', [5]),
        print_results(A1,A2,A3, L, R, WM, VM).

% to show the results in a good way
compute_lenword([], N, N).
compute_lenword([item(Name, _, _)|T], N, NF):-
        atom_length(Name, L),
        (   L > N -> N1 = L; N1 = N),
        compute_lenword(T, N1, NF).

print_results(A1,A2,A3, [], [], WM, WR) :-
        sformat(W1, A1, [' ']),
        sformat(W2, A2, [WM]),
        sformat(W3, A3, [WR]),
        format('~w~w~w~n', [W1,W2,W3]).

print_results(A1,A2,A3, [_H|T], [0|TR], WM, VM) :-
        print_results(A1,A2,A3, T, TR, WM, VM).

print_results(A1, A2, A3, [item(Name, W, V)|T], [1|TR], WM, VM) :-
        sformat(W1, A1, [Name]),
        sformat(W2, A2, [W]),
        sformat(W3, A3, [V]),
        format('~w~w~w~n', [W1,W2,W3]),
        print_results(A1, A2, A3, T, TR, WM, VM).
?- knapsack
map                      9  150
compass                 13   35
water                  153  200
sandwich                50  160
glucose                 15   60
banana                  27   60
suntan cream            11   70
waterproof trousers     42   70
waterproof overclothes  43   75
note-case               22   80
sunglasses               7   20
socks                    4   50
                       396 1030

Using the simplex library

Library: simplex

Library written by Markus Triska. The problem is solved in about 3 seconds.

:- use_module(library(simplex)).

knapsack  :-
	L = [
	     (map, 	9, 	150),
	     (compass, 	13, 	35),
	     (water, 	153, 	200),
	     (sandwich, 50, 	160),
	     (glucose, 	15, 	60),
	     (tin, 	68, 	45),
	     (banana, 	27, 	60),
	     (apple, 	39, 	40),
	     (cheese, 	23, 	30),
	     (beer, 	52, 	10),
	     ('suntan cream', 	11, 	70),
	     (camera, 	32, 	30),
	     ('t-shirt', 	24, 	15),
	     (trousers, 48, 	10),
	     (umbrella, 73, 	40),
	     ('waterproof trousers', 	42, 	70),
	     ('waterproof overclothes', 	43, 	75),
	     ('note-case',22, 	80),
	     (sunglasses, 	7, 	20),
	     (towel, 	18, 	12),
	     (socks, 	4, 	50),
	     (book, 	30, 	10 )],
	 length(L, N),
	 numlist(1, N, LN),
	 time(( create_constraint_N(LN, S0, S1),
		maplist(create_constraint_WV, LN, L, LW, LV),
		constraint(LW =< 400, S1, S2),
		maximize(LV, S2, S3)
	compute_lenword(L, 0, Len),
	sformat(A1, '~~w~~t~~~w|', [Len]),
	sformat(A2, '~~t~~w~~~w|', [4]),
	sformat(A3, '~~t~~w~~~w|', [5]),
	print_results(S3, A1,A2,A3, L, LN, 0, 0).

create_constraint_N([], S, S).

create_constraint_N([HN|TN], S1, SF) :-
	constraint(integral(x(HN)), S1, S2),
	constraint([x(HN)] =< 1, S2, S3),
	constraint([x(HN)] >= 0, S3, S4),
	create_constraint_N(TN, S4, SF).

create_constraint_WV(N, (_, W, V), W * x(N), V * x(N)).

compute_lenword([], N, N).
compute_lenword([(Name, _, _)|T], N, NF):-
	atom_length(Name, L),
	(   L > N -> N1 = L; N1 = N),
	compute_lenword(T, N1, NF).

print_results(_S, A1, A2, A3, [], [], WM, VM) :-
	sformat(W1, A1, [' ']),
	sformat(W2, A2, [WM]),
	sformat(W3, A3, [VM]),
	format('~w~w~w~n', [W1,W2,W3]).

print_results(S, A1, A2, A3, [(Name, W, V)|T], [N|TN], W1, V1) :-
	variable_value(S, x(N), X),
	(   X = 0 -> W1 = W2, V1 = V2
	;   sformat(S1, A1, [Name]),
	    sformat(S2, A2, [W]),
	    sformat(S3, A3, [V]),
	    format('~w~w~w~n', [S1,S2,S3]),
	    W2 is W1 + W,
	    V2 is V1 + V),
	print_results(S, A1, A2, A3, T, TN, W2, V2).


Solution uses memoization.

Structure item
  weight.i ;units are dekagrams (dag)

Structure memo
  List picked.i()

Global itemCount = 0 ;this will be increased as needed to match count
Global Dim items.item(itemCount)

Procedure addItem(name.s, weight, Value)
  If itemCount >= ArraySize(items())
    Redim items.item(itemCount + 10)
  With items(itemCount)
    \name = name
    \weight = weight
    \Value = Value
  itemCount + 1

;build item list
addItem("map", 9, 150)
addItem("compass", 13, 35)
addItem("water", 153, 200)
addItem("sandwich", 50, 160)
addItem("glucose", 15, 60)
addItem("tin", 68, 45)
addItem("banana", 27, 60)
addItem("apple", 39, 40)
addItem("cheese", 23, 30)
addItem("beer", 52, 10)
addItem("suntan cream", 11, 70)
addItem("camera", 32, 30)
addItem("t-shirt", 24, 15)
addItem("trousers", 48, 10)
addItem("umbrella", 73, 40)
addItem("waterproof trousers", 42, 70)
addItem("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75)
addItem("note-case", 22, 80)
addItem("sunglasses", 7, 20)
addItem("towel", 18, 12)
addItem("socks", 4, 50)
addItem("book", 30, 10)

Procedure knapsackSolveFast(Array item.item(1), i, aw, Map m.memo())
  Protected.memo without_i, with_i, result, *tmp, memoIndex.s = Hex((i << 16) + aw, #PB_Long)
  If FindMapElement(m(), memoIndex)
    ProcedureReturn @m()
    If i = 0
      If item(0)\weight <= aw
        ;item fits
        m(memoIndex)\Value = item(0)\Value ;memo this item's value
        m()\picked() = 0 ;memo item's index also
        ;item doesn't fit, memo a zero Value
        m(memoIndex)\Value = 0 
      ProcedureReturn @m()
    ;test if a greater value results with or without item included
    *tmp = knapsackSolveFast(item(), i - 1, aw, m()) ;find value without this item
    CopyStructure(*tmp, @without_i, memo) 
    If item(i)\weight > aw
      ;item weighs too much, memo without including this item
      m(memoIndex) = without_i
      ProcedureReturn @m()
      *tmp = knapsackSolveFast(item(), i - 1, aw - item(i)\weight, m()) ;find value when item is included
      CopyStructure(*tmp, @with_i, memo)
      with_i\Value + item(i)\Value 
      with_i\picked() = i ;add item to with's picked list
    ;set the result to the larger value
    If with_i\Value > without_i\Value
      result = with_i
      result = without_i
    m(memoIndex) = result ;memo the result
    ProcedureReturn @m()

Procedure.s knapsackSolve(Array item.item(1), i, aw)
  Protected *result.memo, output.s, totalWeight
  NewMap m.memo()
  *result = knapsackSolveFast(item(), i, aw, m())
  output = "Knapsack:" + #CRLF$
  ForEach *result\picked()
    output + LSet(item(*result\picked())\name, 24) + RSet(Str(item(*result\picked())\weight), 5) + RSet(Str(item(*result\picked())\Value), 5) + #CRLF$
    totalWeight + item(*result\picked())\weight
  output + LSet("TOTALS:", 24) + RSet(Str(totalWeight), 5) + RSet(Str(*result\Value), 5)
  ProcedureReturn output

If OpenConsole()
  #maxWeight = 400
  Define *result.memo
  PrintN(knapsackSolve(items(), itemCount - 1, #maxWeight))
  Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()
map                         9  150
compass                    13   35
water                     153  200
sandwich                   50  160
glucose                    15   60
banana                     27   60
suntan cream               11   70
waterproof trousers        42   70
waterproof overclothes     43   75
note-case                  22   80
sunglasses                  7   20
socks                       4   50
TOTALS:                   396 1030


Russian Knapsack 0-1 synthesizes all ciphers from 0 & 1 adding left +1 register and 0 remain on left in cipher

Number of comparisons decreases from N! to 2^N for example N=8 N!=40320 >> 2^N=256

Random values origin are automatically assigned create integral of quantity and quality

Program write results to qb64 directory

Open "knapsack.txt" For Output As #1
N=7: L=5: a = 2^(N+1): Randomize Timer 'knapsack.bas DANILIN
Dim L(N), C(N), j(N), q(a), q$(a), d(a)

For m=a-1 To (a-1)/2 Step -1: g=m: Do ' cipher 0-1
    q$(m)=LTrim$(Str$(g Mod 2))+q$(m)
    g=g\2: Loop Until g=0
    q$(m)=Mid$(q$(m), 2, Len(q$(m))) 

For i=1 To N: L(i)=Int(Rnd*3+1) ' mass & cost
C(i)=10+Int(Rnd*9): Print #1, i, L(i), C(i): Next ' origin

For h=a-1 To (a-1)/2 Step -1
    For k=1 To N: j(k)=Val(Mid$(q$(h), k, 1)) ' j() = cipher
        q(h)=q(h)+L(k)*j(k)*C(k) ' 0 or 1
    If d(h) <= L Then Print #1, d(h), q(h), q$(h)
max=0: m=1: For i=1 To a
    If d(i)<=L Then If q(i) > max Then max=q(i): m=i
Print #1,: Print #1, d(m), q(m), q$(m): End

Main thing is very brief and clear to even all

Results is reduced manually:

 #            Mass          Cost
 1             2             17 
 2             2             14 
 3             2             17 
 4             1             11 
 5             2             18 
 6             3             14 
 7             3             10 

Mass          Cost           Chifer
 5             73           1101000
 2             28           0100000
 5             81           0011100 !!!
 3             45           0011000
 5             76           0010010
 2             36           0000100

Mass          MAX            Chifer
 5             81           0011100


Brute force algorithm

from itertools import combinations

def anycomb(items):
    ' return combinations of any length from the items '
    return ( comb
             for r in range(1, len(items)+1)
             for comb in combinations(items, r)

def totalvalue(comb):
    ' Totalise a particular combination of items'
    totwt = totval = 0
    for item, wt, val in comb:
        totwt  += wt
        totval += val
    return (totval, -totwt) if totwt <= 400 else (0, 0)

items = (
    ("map", 9, 150), ("compass", 13, 35), ("water", 153, 200), ("sandwich", 50, 160),
    ("glucose", 15, 60), ("tin", 68, 45), ("banana", 27, 60), ("apple", 39, 40),
    ("cheese", 23, 30), ("beer", 52, 10), ("suntan cream", 11, 70), ("camera", 32, 30),
    ("t-shirt", 24, 15), ("trousers", 48, 10), ("umbrella", 73, 40),
    ("waterproof trousers", 42, 70), ("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75),
    ("note-case", 22, 80), ("sunglasses", 7, 20), ("towel", 18, 12),
    ("socks", 4, 50), ("book", 30, 10),
bagged = max( anycomb(items), key=totalvalue) # max val or min wt if values equal
print("Bagged the following items\n  " +
      '\n  '.join(sorted(item for item,_,_ in bagged)))
val, wt = totalvalue(bagged)
print("for a total value of %i and a total weight of %i" % (val, -wt))
Bagged the following items
  suntan cream
  waterproof overclothes
  waterproof trousers
for a total value of 1030 and a total weight of 396

Dynamic programming solution

    xrange = range

def totalvalue(comb):
    ' Totalise a particular combination of items'
    totwt = totval = 0
    for item, wt, val in comb:
        totwt  += wt
        totval += val
    return (totval, -totwt) if totwt <= 400 else (0, 0)

items = (
    ("map", 9, 150), ("compass", 13, 35), ("water", 153, 200), ("sandwich", 50, 160),
    ("glucose", 15, 60), ("tin", 68, 45), ("banana", 27, 60), ("apple", 39, 40),
    ("cheese", 23, 30), ("beer", 52, 10), ("suntan cream", 11, 70), ("camera", 32, 30),
    ("t-shirt", 24, 15), ("trousers", 48, 10), ("umbrella", 73, 40),
    ("waterproof trousers", 42, 70), ("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75),
    ("note-case", 22, 80), ("sunglasses", 7, 20), ("towel", 18, 12),
    ("socks", 4, 50), ("book", 30, 10),

def knapsack01_dp(items, limit):
    table = [[0 for w in range(limit + 1)] for j in xrange(len(items) + 1)]
    for j in xrange(1, len(items) + 1):
        item, wt, val = items[j-1]
        for w in xrange(1, limit + 1):
            if wt > w:
                table[j][w] = table[j-1][w]
                table[j][w] = max(table[j-1][w],
                                  table[j-1][w-wt] + val)
    result = []
    w = limit
    for j in range(len(items), 0, -1):
        was_added = table[j][w] != table[j-1][w]

        if was_added:
            item, wt, val = items[j-1]
            w -= wt
    return result

bagged = knapsack01_dp(items, 400)
print("Bagged the following items\n  " +
      '\n  '.join(sorted(item for item,_,_ in bagged)))
val, wt = totalvalue(bagged)
print("for a total value of %i and a total weight of %i" % (val, -wt))

Recursive dynamic programming algorithm

def total_value(items, max_weight):
    return  sum([x[2] for x in items]) if sum([x[1] for x in items]) <= max_weight else 0
cache = {}
def solve(items, max_weight):
    if not items:
        return ()
    if (items,max_weight) not in cache:
        head = items[0]
        tail = items[1:]
        include = (head,) + solve(tail, max_weight - head[1])
        dont_include = solve(tail, max_weight)
        if total_value(include, max_weight) > total_value(dont_include, max_weight):
            answer = include
            answer = dont_include
        cache[(items,max_weight)] = answer
    return cache[(items,max_weight)]
items = (
    ("map", 9, 150), ("compass", 13, 35), ("water", 153, 200), ("sandwich", 50, 160),
    ("glucose", 15, 60), ("tin", 68, 45), ("banana", 27, 60), ("apple", 39, 40),
    ("cheese", 23, 30), ("beer", 52, 10), ("suntan cream", 11, 70), ("camera", 32, 30),
    ("t-shirt", 24, 15), ("trousers", 48, 10), ("umbrella", 73, 40),
    ("waterproof trousers", 42, 70), ("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75),
    ("note-case", 22, 80), ("sunglasses", 7, 20), ("towel", 18, 12),
    ("socks", 4, 50), ("book", 30, 10),
max_weight = 400

solution = solve(items, max_weight)
print "items:"
for x in solution:
    print x[0]
print "value:", total_value(solution, max_weight)
print "weight:", sum([x[1] for x in solution])

Python Russian Binary ciphers

Russian Knapsack 0-1 synthesizes all ciphers from 0 & 1 adding left +1 register and 0 remain on left in cipher

Number of comparisons decreases from N! to 2^N for example N=8 N!=40320 >> 2^N=256

Random values origin are automatically assigned create integral of quantity and quality

n=5; N=n+1; G=5; a=2**N	# KNAPSACK 0-1 DANILIN 	
L=[];C=[];e=[];j=[];q=[];s=[] #

from random import randint
for i in range(0,n):

for h in range(a-1,(a-1)//2,-1):
    for k in range (n):
    if d[h]<= G:
        print(e[h], G, d[h], q[h])

max=0; m=1 
for i in range(a):
    if d[i]<=G and q[i]>max:
        max=q[i]; m=i	
print (d[m], q[m], e[m])
# Mass Cost
1 2 12
2 3 17
3 1 14
4 3 17
5 1 13
Chifer Mass Cost           
11000 5 5 75
10101 5 4 51
01001 5 4 64
00111 5 5 78 !!!
00110 5 4 65
00101 5 2 27
00000 5 0 0
Mass MAX Chifer
5 78 00111


Full_Data<-structure(list(item = c("map", "compass", "water", "sandwich", 
"glucose", "tin", "banana", "apple", "cheese", "beer", "suntan_cream", 
"camera", "T-shirt", "trousers", "umbrella", "waterproof_trousers", 
"waterproof_overclothes", "note-case", "sunglasses", "towel", 
"socks", "book"), weigth = c(9, 13, 153, 50, 15, 68, 27, 39, 
23, 52, 11, 32, 24, 48, 73, 42, 43, 22, 7, 18, 4, 30), value = c(150, 
35, 200, 160, 60, 45, 60, 40, 30, 10, 70, 30, 15, 10, 40, 70, 
75, 80, 20, 12, 50, 10)), .Names = c("item", "weigth", "value"
), row.names = c(NA, 22L), class = "data.frame")

	for(j in 1:dim(Data)[1])
		for(w in 1:W)
			if( wj > w )
				if( K[w+1,j] >= K[w+1-wj,j]+value )

backtracking<-function(knapsack, Data)
			selected_item_value<-Data[Data$item == selected_item,]
			if(-knapsack$K[W - selected_item_value$weigth,col-1]+knapsack$K[W,col]==selected_item_value$value)
				W <- W - selected_item_value$weigth
			col <- col - 1

	backtracking(Knap, Data)->Items
	output<-paste('You must carry:', paste(Items, sep = ', '), sep=' ' )

print_output(Full_Data, 400)
 [1] "You must carry: socks"                 
 [2] "You must carry: sunglasses"            
 [3] "You must carry: note-case"             
 [4] "You must carry: waterproof_overclothes"
 [5] "You must carry: waterproof_trousers"   
 [6] "You must carry: suntan_cream"          
 [7] "You must carry: banana"                
 [8] "You must carry: glucose"               
 [9] "You must carry: sandwich"              
[10] "You must carry: water"                 
[11] "You must carry: compass"               
[12] "You must carry: map"


#lang racket
; An ITEM a list of three elements:
;   a name, a weight, and, a value

; A SOLUTION to a knapsack01 problems is a list of three elements:
;   the total value, the total weight, and, names of the items to bag

(define (add i s) ; add an item i to the solution s
  (match-define (list in iw iv) i)
  (match-define (list v w is) s)
  (list (+ v iv) (+ w iw) (cons in is)))

(define (knapsack max-weight items) 
  ; return a solution to the knapsack01 problem
  (define ht (make-hash)) ; (weight number-of-items) -> items
  (define (get w no-items) (hash-ref ht (list w no-items) #f))
  (define (update w is x)  (hash-set! ht (list w (length is)) is) x)
  (define (knapsack1 left items) 
    ; return a solution to the (left, items) problem 
      ; if there are no items, then bag no items:
      [(empty? items) (list 0 0 '())]
      ; look up the best solution:
      [(or (get left (length items))
           ; the solution haven't been cached, so we 
           ; must compute it and update the cache:
            left items
            (match items
              ; let us name the first item
              [(cons (and (list i w v) x) more)
               ; if the first item weighs more than the space left,
               ; we simply find a solution, where it is omitted:
               (cond [(> w left) (knapsack left more)]
                     ; there is room for the first item, but
                     ; we need to choose the best solutions
                     ; between those with it and that without:
                      (define without (knapsack left more))
                      (define value-without (first without))
                      (define with (knapsack (- left w) more))
                      (define value-with (+ (first with) v))
                      ; choose the solutions with greatest value
                      (if (> value-without value-with)
                          (add x with))])])))]))
  (knapsack1 max-weight items))

(knapsack 400
          '((map 9 150) ; 9 is weight, 150 is value
            (compass 13 35) (water 153 200) (sandwich 50 160)
            (glucose 15 60) (tin 68 45)(banana 27 60) (apple 39 40)
            (cheese 23 30) (beer 52 10) (cream 11 70) (camera 32 30)
            (T-shirt 24 15) (trousers 48 10) (umbrella 73 40)
            (trousers 42 70) (overclothes 43 75) (notecase 22 80)
            (glasses 7 20) (towel 18 12) (socks 4 50) (book 30 10)))
'(1030 396 (map compass water sandwich glucose banana cream trousers overclothes notecase glasses socks))

Brute Force and Memoized Recursive Alternate

#lang racket

(define items '((map 9 150) (compass 13 35) (water 153 200) (sandwich 50 160)
      (glucose 15 60) (tin 68 45)(banana 27 60) (apple 39 40)
      (cheese 23 30) (beer 52 10) (cream 11 70) (camera 32 30)
      (T-shirt 24 15) (trousers 48 10) (umbrella 73 40)
      (trousers 42 70) (overclothes 43 75) (notecase 22 80)
      (glasses 7 20) (towel 18 12) (socks 4 50) (book 30 10)))

(define max-weight 400)

(define (item-value item)
  (caddr item))

(define (item-weight item)
  (cadr item))

(define (pack-weight pack)
  (apply + (map item-weight pack)))

(define (pack-value pack)
  (apply + (map item-value pack)))

(define (max-pack-value pack-with pack-without max-weight)
  (if (and
       (not (> (pack-weight pack-with) max-weight))
       (> (pack-value pack-with) (pack-value pack-without)))
      pack-with pack-without))

(define (display-solution pack)
    (displayln (list 'weight: (pack-weight pack)
                     'value:  (pack-value pack)
                     'items:  (map car pack))))

Brute Force

(define (show-brute)

  (define empty-accumulator '())
  (define (knapsack-brute included items)
      ((null? items) included)
        (knapsack-brute (cons (car items) included) (cdr items))
        (knapsack-brute included (cdr items))
  (display-solution (reverse (knapsack-brute empty-accumulator items))))

(show-brute); takes around five seconds on my machine

Recursive Alternate

(define (show-memoized)

  (define (memoize func)
    (let ([result-ht (make-hash)])
      (lambda args ; this is the rest-id pattern
        (when (not (hash-has-key? result-ht args))
          (hash-set! result-ht args (apply func args)))
        (hash-ref result-ht args))))
  (define knapsack
     (lambda (max-weight items)
         ((null? items) '())
          (let ([item (car items)] [items (cdr items)])
             (cons item (knapsack (- max-weight (item-weight item)) items))
             (knapsack max-weight items)
  (display-solution (knapsack max-weight items)))

(weight: 396 value: 1030 items: (map compass water sandwich glucose banana cream trousers overclothes notecase glasses socks))


(formerly Perl 6)

Brute force

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.01
my class KnapsackItem { has $.name; has $.weight; has $.unit; }

multi sub pokem ([],           $,  $v = 0) { $v }
multi sub pokem ([$,  *@],     0,  $v = 0) { $v }
multi sub pokem ([$i, *@rest], $w, $v = 0) {
  my $key = "{+@rest} $w $v";
  (state %cache){$key} or do {
    my @skip = pokem @rest, $w, $v;
    if $w >= $i.weight { # next one fits
      my @put = pokem @rest, $w - $i.weight, $v + $i.unit;
      return (%cache{$key} = |@put, $ if @put[0] > @skip[0];
    return (%cache{$key} = |@skip).list;

my $MAX_WEIGHT = 400;
my @table = flat map -> $name,  $weight,  $unit { :$name, :$weight, :$unit;
    'map',                      9, 150,
    'compass',                 13,  35,
    'water',                  153, 200,
    'sandwich',                50, 160,
    'glucose',                 15,  60,
    'tin',                     68,  45,
    'banana',                  27,  60,
    'apple',                   39,  40,
    'cheese',                  23,  30,
    'beer',                    52,  10,
    'suntan cream',            11,  70,
    'camera',                  32,  30,
    'T-shirt',                 24,  15,
    'trousers',                48,  10,
    'umbrella',                73,  40,
    'waterproof trousers',     42,  70,
    'waterproof overclothes',  43,  75,
    'note-case',               22,  80,
    'sunglasses',               7,  20,
    'towel',                   18,  12,
    'socks',                    4,  50,
    'book',                    30,  10;

my ($value, @result) = pokem @table, $MAX_WEIGHT;
say "Value = $value\nTourist put in the bag:\n  " ~ @result;
Value = 1030
Tourist put in the bag:
  socks sunglasses note-case waterproof overclothes waterproof trousers suntan cream banana glucose sandwich water compass map

Dynamic programming

Much faster than the previous example.

Translation of: Perl
my $raw = q:to/TABLE/;
    map                      9  150
    compass                 13   35
    water                  153  200
    sandwich                50  160
    glucose                 15   60
    tin                     68   45
    banana                  27   60
    apple                   39   40
    cheese                  23   30
    beer                    52   10
    suntancream             11   70
    camera                  32   30
    T-shirt                 24   15
    trousers                48   10
    umbrella                73   40
    waterproof trousers     42   70
    waterproof overclothes  43   75
    note-case               22   80
    sunglasses               7   20
    towel                   18   12
    socks                    4   50
    book                    30   10

my (@name, @weight, @value);

for $raw.lines.sort({-($_ ~~ m/\d+/)}).comb(/\S+[\s\S+]*/) -> $n, $w, $v {
    @name.push:   $n;
    @weight.push: $w;
    @value.push:  $v;

my $sum = 400;

my @subset;

sub optimal ($item, $sub-sum) {
    return 0, [] if $item < 0;
    return |@subset[$item][$sub-sum] if @subset[$item][$sub-sum];

    my @next = optimal($item-1, $sub-sum);

    if @weight[$item] > $sub-sum {
        @subset[$item][$sub-sum] = @next
    } else {
        my @skip = optimal($item-1, $sub-sum - @weight[$item]);

        if (@next[0] > @skip[0] + @value[$item] ) {
            @subset[$item][$sub-sum] = @next;
        } else {
            @subset[$item][$sub-sum] = @skip[0] + @value[$item], [|@skip[1], @name[$item]];


my @solution = optimal(@name.end, $sum);
put "@solution[0]: ", @solution[1].sort.join(', ');
1030: banana, compass, glucose, map, note-case, sandwich, socks, sunglasses, suntancream, water, waterproof overclothes, waterproof trousers


Originally, the combination generator/checker subroutine was recursive and made the program solution generic (and more concise).

However, a recursive solution also made the solution much more slower, so the combination generator/checker was "unrolled" and converted into discrete combination checks (based on the number of allowable items).   The unused combinatorial checks were discarded and only the pertinent code was retained.   It made no sense to include all the unused subroutines here as space appears to be a premium for some entries in Rosetta Code.

The term   allowable items   refers to all items that are of allowable weight (those that weigh within the weight criteria).   An half metric─ton anvil was added to the list to show how overweight items are pruned from the list of items.

/*REXX program solves a  knapsack problem  (22  {+1}  items with a weight restriction). */
maxWeight=400                                    /*the maximum weight for the knapsack. */
     say 'maximum weight allowed for a knapsack:'  commas(maxWeight);          say
call gen@                                        /*generate the   @   array of choices. */
call sortD                                       /*  sort    "    "     "    "    "     */
call build                                       /*build some associative arrays from @.*/
call findBest                                    /*go ye forth and find the best choises*/
call results                                     /*display the best choices for knapsack*/
exit                                             /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */
build:    do j=1  for obj; parse var @.j x w v . /*construct a list of knapsack choices.*/
          if w>maxWeight  then iterate           /*Is weight greater than max?   Ignore.*/
          totW=totW + w;        totV=totV + v    /*add the totals (for output alignment)*/
          maxL=max(maxL, length(x) )             /*determine maximum width for an item. */
          #=#+1;  i.#=x;  w.#=w;  v.#=v          /*bump the number of items (choices).  */
          end   /*j*/                            /* [↑]  build indexable arrays of items*/
      maxL= maxL + maxL%4 + 4                    /*extend width of name for shown table.*/
      maxW= max(maxW, length( commas(totW) ) )   /*find the maximum width for  weight.  */
      maxV= max(maxV, length( commas(totV) ) )   /*  "   "     "      "    "   value.   */
      call hdr 'potential knapsack items'        /*display a header for list of choices.*/
          do j=1  for obj; parse var @.j i w v . /*show all the choices in a nice format*/
          if w<=maxWeight  then call show i,w,v  /*Is weight within limits?  Then show. */
          end   /*j*/                            /* [↑]  display the list of choices.   */
      say;  say 'number of allowable items: '  #
commas: procedure;  parse arg _;   n=_'.9';    #=123456789;     b=verify(n, #, "M")
        e=verify(n, #'0', , verify(n, #"0.", 'M')) - 4;         comma=','
           do j=e  to b  by -3;   _=insert(comma, _, j);   end  /*j*/;            return _
findBest:                                m=maxWeight   /*items are in decreasing weight.*/
   do j1 =0          for #+1;                                 w1 =    w.j1 ; z1 =    v.j1
   do j2 =j1 +(j1 >0) to #; if w.j2 +w1 >m  then iterate j1 ; w2 =w1 +w.j2 ; z2 =z1 +v.j2
   do j3 =j2 +(j2 >0) to #; if w.j3 +w2 >m  then iterate j2 ; w3 =w2 +w.j3 ; z3 =z2 +v.j3
   do j4 =j3 +(j3 >0) to #; if w.j4 +w3 >m  then iterate j3 ; w4 =w3 +w.j4 ; z4 =z3 +v.j4
   do j5 =j4 +(j4 >0) to #; if w.j5 +w4 >m  then iterate j4 ; w5 =w4 +w.j5 ; z5 =z4 +v.j5
   do j6 =j5 +(j5 >0) to #; if w.j6 +w5 >m  then iterate j5 ; w6 =w5 +w.j6 ; z6 =z5 +v.j6
   do j7 =j6 +(j6 >0) to #; if w.j7 +w6 >m  then iterate j6 ; w7 =w6 +w.j7 ; z7 =z6 +v.j7
   do j8 =j7 +(j7 >0) to #; if w.j8 +w7 >m  then iterate j7 ; w8 =w7 +w.j8 ; z8 =z7 +v.j8
   do j9 =j8 +(j8 >0) to #; if w.j9 +w8 >m  then iterate j8 ; w9 =w8 +w.j9 ; z9 =z8 +v.j9
   do j10=j9 +(j9 >0) to #; if w.j10+w9 >m  then iterate j9 ; w10=w9 +w.j10; z10=z9 +v.j10
   do j11=j10+(j10>0) to #; if w.j11+w10>m  then iterate j10; w11=w10+w.j11; z11=z10+v.j11
   do j12=j11+(j11>0) to #; if w.j12+w11>m  then iterate j11; w12=w11+w.j12; z12=z11+v.j12
   do j13=j12+(j12>0) to #; if w.j13+w12>m  then iterate j12; w13=w12+w.j13; z13=z12+v.j13
   do j14=j13+(j13>0) to #; if w.j14+w13>m  then iterate j13; w14=w13+w.j14; z14=z13+v.j14
   do j15=j14+(j14>0) to #; if w.j15+w14>m  then iterate j14; w15=w14+w.j15; z15=z14+v.j15
   do j16=j15+(j15>0) to #; if w.j16+w15>m  then iterate j15; w16=w15+w.j16; z16=z15+v.j16
   do j17=j16+(j16>0) to #; if w.j17+w16>m  then iterate j16; w17=w16+w.j17; z17=z16+v.j17
   do j18=j17+(j17>0) to #; if w.j18+w17>m  then iterate j17; w18=w17+w.j18; z18=z17+v.j18
   do j19=j18+(j18>0) to #; if w.j19+w18>m  then iterate j18; w19=w18+w.j19; z19=z18+v.j19
   do j20=j19+(j19>0) to #; if w.j20+w19>m  then iterate j19; w20=w19+w.j20; z20=z19+v.j20
   do j21=j20+(j20>0) to #; if w.j21+w20>m  then iterate j20; w21=w20+w.j21; z21=z20+v.j21
   do j22=j21+(j21>0) to #; if w.j22+w21>m  then iterate j21; w22=w21+w.j22; z22=z21+v.j22
   if z22>$  then do;  ?=;  $=z22;    do j=1  for 22;  ?=? value("J"j);  end /*j*/;    end
gen@:          @.  =                           ;     @.12= 'camera                 32  30'
               @.1 = 'map               9 150' ;     @.13= 'T-shirt                24  15'
               @.2 = 'compass          13  35' ;     @.14= 'trousers               48  10'
               @.3 = 'water           153 200' ;     @.15= 'umbrella               73  40'
               @.4 = 'sandwich         50 160' ;     @.16= 'waterproof_trousers    42  70'
               @.5 = 'glucose          15  60' ;     @.17= 'waterproof_overclothes 43  75'
               @.6 = 'tin              68  45' ;     @.18= 'note-case              22  80'
               @.7 = 'banana           27  60' ;     @.19= 'sunglasses              7  20'
               @.8 = 'apple            39  40' ;     @.20= 'towel                  18  12'
               @.9 = 'cheese           23  30' ;     @.21= 'socks                   4  50'
               @.10= 'beer             52  10' ;     @.22= 'book                   30  10'
               @.11= 'suntan_cream     11  70' ;     @.23= 'anvil              100000   1'
      maxL = length('potential knapsack items')  /*maximum width for the table items.   */
      maxW = length('weight')                    /*   "      "    "   "    "   weights. */
      maxV = length('value')                     /*   "      "    "   "    "   values.  */
      #=0;  i.=;  w.=0;  v.=0;  totW=0;  totV=0  /*initialize some REX variables stuff. */
hdr:    say;  call show center(arg(1),maxL),center('weight',maxW),center("value",maxV)
hdr2:         call show copies('═',maxL),copies('═',maxW),copies('═',maxV);       return
results:          do #;  ?=strip( space(?), "L", 0);  end  /*h*/  /*elide leading zeroes*/
        bestC=?;    bestW=0;         totP=words(bestC);     say;    call hdr 'best choice'
                  do j=1  for totP;  _=word(bestC, j);      _w=w._;      _v=v._
                      do k=j+1  to totP;     __=word(bestC, k);   if i._\==i.__ then leave
                      j=j+1;  w._=w._ + _w;  v._=v._ + _v
                      end    /*k*/
                  call show i._, w._, v._;   bestW=bestW + w._
                  end        /*j*/
        call hdr2                   ;   say;                @bestTK= 'best total knapsack'
        call show @bestTK  'weight' ,   bestW    /*display a nicely formatted winner wt.*/
        call show @bestTK  'value'  ,,  $        /*     "  "    "       "     winner val*/
        call show @bestTK  'items'  ,,, totP     /*     "  "    "       "     pieces.   */
show:   parse arg _i,_w,_v,_p;  say translate( left(_i,maxL,'─'), , "_") ,
                                right(commas(_w),maxW) right(commas(_v),maxV) _p;   return
sortD:     do j=1  while @.j\==''; y=word(@.j,2) /*process each of the knapsack choices.*/
                do k=j+1  while @.k\==''         /*find a possible heavier knapsack item*/
                ?=word(@.k,2);  if ?>y  then do; _=@.k; @.k=@.j; @.j=_; y=?; end  /*swap*/
                end   /*k*/
           end        /*j*/                      /* [↑]  sort choices by decreasing wt. */
        obj=j-1;                   return        /*decrement  J  for the  DO  loop index*/
output   when using the default input:
maximum weight allowed for a knapsack: 400

     potential knapsack items      weight value
══════════════════════════════════ ══════ ═════
water─────────────────────────────    153   200
umbrella──────────────────────────     73    40
tin───────────────────────────────     68    45
beer──────────────────────────────     52    10
sandwich──────────────────────────     50   160
trousers──────────────────────────     48    10
waterproof overclothes────────────     43    75
waterproof trousers───────────────     42    70
apple─────────────────────────────     39    40
camera────────────────────────────     32    30
book──────────────────────────────     30    10
banana────────────────────────────     27    60
T-shirt───────────────────────────     24    15
cheese────────────────────────────     23    30
note-case─────────────────────────     22    80
towel─────────────────────────────     18    12
glucose───────────────────────────     15    60
compass───────────────────────────     13    35
suntan cream──────────────────────     11    70
map───────────────────────────────      9   150
sunglasses────────────────────────      7    20
socks─────────────────────────────      4    50

number of allowable items:  22

           best choice             weight value
══════════════════════════════════ ══════ ═════
water─────────────────────────────    153   200
sandwich──────────────────────────     50   160
waterproof overclothes────────────     43    75
waterproof trousers───────────────     42    70
banana────────────────────────────     27    60
note-case─────────────────────────     22    80
glucose───────────────────────────     15    60
compass───────────────────────────     13    35
suntan cream──────────────────────     11    70
map───────────────────────────────      9   150
sunglasses────────────────────────      7    20
socks─────────────────────────────      4    50
══════════════════════════════════ ══════ ═════

best total knapsack weight────────    396
best total knapsack value─────────        1,030
best total knapsack items─────────              12


Brute force

KnapsackItem =, :weight, :value)
potential_items = [
  KnapsackItem['map', 9, 150],              KnapsackItem['compass', 13, 35],
  KnapsackItem['water', 153, 200],          KnapsackItem['sandwich', 50, 160],
  KnapsackItem['glucose', 15, 60],          KnapsackItem['tin', 68, 45],
  KnapsackItem['banana', 27, 60],           KnapsackItem['apple', 39, 40],
  KnapsackItem['cheese', 23, 30],           KnapsackItem['beer', 52, 10],
  KnapsackItem['suntan cream', 11, 70],     KnapsackItem['camera', 32, 30],
  KnapsackItem['t-shirt', 24, 15],          KnapsackItem['trousers', 48, 10],
  KnapsackItem['umbrella', 73, 40],         KnapsackItem['waterproof trousers', 42, 70],
  KnapsackItem['waterproof overclothes', 43, 75], KnapsackItem['note-case', 22, 80],
  KnapsackItem['sunglasses', 7, 20],        KnapsackItem['towel', 18, 12],
  KnapsackItem['socks', 4, 50],             KnapsackItem['book', 30, 10],
knapsack_capacity = 400

class Array
  # do something for each element of the array's power set
  def power_set
    yield [] if block_given?
    self.inject([[]]) do |ps, elem|
      ps.each_with_object([]) do |i,r|
        r << i
        new_subset = i + [elem]
        yield new_subset if block_given?
        r << new_subset

maxval, solutions = potential_items.power_set.group_by {|subset|
  weight = subset.inject(0) {|w, elem| w + elem.weight}
  weight>knapsack_capacity ? 0 : subset.inject(0){|v, elem| v + elem.value}

puts "value: #{maxval}"
solutions.each do |set|
  wt, items = 0, []
  set.each {|elem| wt += elem.weight; items <<}
  puts "weight: #{wt}"
  puts "items: #{items.join(',')}"
value: 1030
weight: 396
items: map,compass,water,sandwich,glucose,banana,suntan cream,waterproof trousers,waterproof overclothes,note-case,sunglasses,socks

Dynamic Programming

Translated from

KnapsackItem =, :weight, :value)

def dynamic_programming_knapsack(items, max_weight)
  num_items = items.size
  cost_matrix ={, 0)}
  num_items.times do |i|
    (max_weight + 1).times do |j|
      if(items[i].weight > j)
        cost_matrix[i][j] = cost_matrix[i-1][j]
        cost_matrix[i][j] = [cost_matrix[i-1][j], items[i].value + cost_matrix[i-1][j-items[i].weight]].max
  used_items = get_used_items(items, cost_matrix)
  [get_list_of_used_items_names(items, used_items),                     # used items names{|item,used| item.weight*used}.inject(:+),  # total weight
   cost_matrix.last.last]                                               # total value

def get_used_items(items, cost_matrix)
  i = cost_matrix.size - 1
  currentCost = cost_matrix[0].size - 1
  marked ={0}
  while(i >= 0 && currentCost >= 0)
    if(i == 0 && cost_matrix[i][currentCost] > 0 ) || (cost_matrix[i][currentCost] != cost_matrix[i-1][currentCost])
      marked[i] = 1
      currentCost -= items[i].weight
    i -= 1

def get_list_of_used_items_names(items, used_items){|item,used| if used>0}.compact.join(', ')

if $0 == __FILE__
  items = [
    KnapsackItem['map'                   ,   9, 150], KnapsackItem['compass'            , 13,  35],
    KnapsackItem['water'                 , 153, 200], KnapsackItem['sandwich'           , 50, 160],
    KnapsackItem['glucose'               ,  15,  60], KnapsackItem['tin'                , 68,  45],
    KnapsackItem['banana'                ,  27,  60], KnapsackItem['apple'              , 39,  40],
    KnapsackItem['cheese'                ,  23,  30], KnapsackItem['beer'               , 52,  10],
    KnapsackItem['suntan cream'          ,  11,  70], KnapsackItem['camera'             , 32,  30],
    KnapsackItem['t-shirt'               ,  24,  15], KnapsackItem['trousers'           , 48,  10],
    KnapsackItem['umbrella'              ,  73,  40], KnapsackItem['waterproof trousers', 42,  70],
    KnapsackItem['waterproof overclothes',  43,  75], KnapsackItem['note-case'          , 22,  80],
    KnapsackItem['sunglasses'            ,   7,  20], KnapsackItem['towel'              , 18,  12],
    KnapsackItem['socks'                 ,   4,  50], KnapsackItem['book'               , 30,  10]
  names, weight, value = dynamic_programming_knapsack(items, 400)
  puts 'Dynamic Programming:'
  puts "Found solution: #{names}"
  puts "total weight: #{weight}"
  puts "total value: #{value}"
Dynamic Programming:

Found solution: map, compass, water, sandwich, glucose, banana, suntan cream, waterproof trousers, waterproof overclothes, note-case, sunglasses, socks
total weight: 396
total value: 1030


Dynamic Programming solution.

use std::cmp;

struct Item {
    name: &'static str,
    weight: usize,
    value: usize

fn knapsack01_dyn(items: &[Item], max_weight: usize) -> Vec<&Item> {
    let mut best_value = vec![vec![0; max_weight + 1]; items.len() + 1];
    for (i, it) in items.iter().enumerate() {
        for w in 1 .. max_weight + 1 {
            best_value[i + 1][w] =
                if it.weight > w {
                } else {
                    cmp::max(best_value[i][w], best_value[i][w - it.weight] + it.value)

    let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(items.len());
    let mut left_weight = max_weight;

    for (i, it) in items.iter().enumerate().rev() {
        if best_value[i + 1][left_weight] != best_value[i][left_weight] {
            left_weight -= it.weight;


fn main () {
    const MAX_WEIGHT: usize = 400;

    const ITEMS: &[Item] = &[
        Item { name: "map",                    weight: 9,   value: 150 },
        Item { name: "compass",                weight: 13,  value: 35 },
        Item { name: "water",                  weight: 153, value: 200 },
        Item { name: "sandwich",               weight: 50,  value: 160 },
        Item { name: "glucose",                weight: 15,  value: 60 },
        Item { name: "tin",                    weight: 68,  value: 45 },
        Item { name: "banana",                 weight: 27,  value: 60 },
        Item { name: "apple",                  weight: 39,  value: 40 },
        Item { name: "cheese",                 weight: 23,  value: 30 },
        Item { name: "beer",                   weight: 52,  value: 10 },
        Item { name: "suntancream",            weight: 11,  value: 70 },
        Item { name: "camera",                 weight: 32,  value: 30 },
        Item { name: "T-shirt",                weight: 24,  value: 15 },
        Item { name: "trousers",               weight: 48,  value: 10 },
        Item { name: "umbrella",               weight: 73,  value: 40 },
        Item { name: "waterproof trousers",    weight: 42,  value: 70 },
        Item { name: "waterproof overclothes", weight: 43,  value: 75 },
        Item { name: "note-case",              weight: 22,  value: 80 },
        Item { name: "sunglasses",             weight: 7,   value: 20 },
        Item { name: "towel",                  weight: 18,  value: 12 },
        Item { name: "socks",                  weight: 4,   value: 50 },
        Item { name: "book",                   weight: 30,  value: 10 }

    let items = knapsack01_dyn(ITEMS, MAX_WEIGHT);

    // We reverse the order because we solved the problem backward.
    for it in items.iter().rev() {

    println!("Total weight: {}", items.iter().map(|w| w.weight).sum::<usize>());
    println!("Total value: {}", items.iter().map(|w| w.value).sum::<usize>());
waterproof trousers
waterproof overclothes
Total weight: 396
Total value: 1030


Use MILP solver in SAS/OR:

/* create SAS data set */
data mydata;
   input item $1-23 weight value;
map                      9  150
compass                 13   35
water                  153  200
sandwich                50  160
glucose                 15   60
tin                     68   45
banana                  27   60
apple                   39   40
cheese                  23   30
beer                    52   10
suntan cream            11   70
camera                  32   30
T-shirt                 24   15
trousers                48   10
umbrella                73   40
waterproof trousers     42   70
waterproof overclothes  43   75
note-case               22   80
sunglasses               7   20
towel                   18   12
socks                    4   50
book                    30   10

/* call OPTMODEL procedure in SAS/OR */
proc optmodel;
   /* declare sets and parameters, and read input data */
   set <str> ITEMS;
   num weight {ITEMS};
   num value {ITEMS};
   read data mydata into ITEMS=[item] weight value;

   /* declare variables, objective, and constraints */
   var NumSelected {ITEMS} binary;
   max TotalValue = sum {i in ITEMS} value[i] * NumSelected[i];
   con WeightCon:
      sum {i in ITEMS} weight[i] * NumSelected[i] <= 400;

   /* call mixed integer linear programming (MILP) solver */

   /* print optimal solution */
   print TotalValue;
   print {i in ITEMS: NumSelected[i].sol > 0.5} NumSelected;



[1] NumSelected 
banana 1 
compass 1 
glucose 1 
map 1 
note-case 1 
sandwich 1 
socks 1 
sunglasses 1 
suntan cream 1 
water 1 
waterproof overclothes 1 
waterproof trousers 1 


Works with: Scala version 2.9.2
object Knapsack extends App {

  case class Item(name: String, weight: Int, value: Int)

  val elapsed: (=> Unit) => Long = f => {val s = System.currentTimeMillis; f; (System.currentTimeMillis - s)/1000}

  //===== brute force (caution: increase the heap!) ====================================
  val ks01b: List[Item] => Unit = loi => {
    val tw:Set[Item]=>Int=ps=>(ps:\0)((a,b)=>a.weight+b) //total weight
    val tv:Set[Item]=>Int=ps=>(ps:\0)((a,b)=>a.value+b) //total value
    val pis = (loi.toSet.subsets).toList.filterNot(_==Set())

fn test_dp_results() {
    let dp_results = knap_01_dp(items, 400);
    let dp_weights= dp_results.iter().fold(0, |a, &b| a + b.weight);
    let dp_values = dp_results.iter().fold(0, |a, &b| a + b.value);
    assert_eq!(dp_weights, 396);
    assert_eq!(dp_values, 1030);
} val res =>Pair(ss,tw(ss)))
      .filter(p=>p._2>350 && p._2<401).map(p=>Pair(p,tv(p._1)))
      .sortWith((s,t)=>s._2.compareTo(t._2) < 0)
    println{val h = "packing list of items (brute force):"; h+"\n"+"="*h.size}
    res._1._1.foreach{p=>print("  "": weight="+p.weight+" value="+p.value+"\n")}
    println("\n"+"  resulting items: "+res._1._1.size+" of "+loi.size) 
    println("  total weight: "+res._1._2+", total value: "+res._2)

  //===== dynamic programming ==========================================================
  val ks01d: List[Item] => Unit = loi => { 
    val W = 400
    val N = loi.size

    val m = Array.ofDim[Int](N+1,W+1)
    val plm = (List((for {w <- 0 to W} yield Set[Item]()).toArray)++(
                for {
                  n <- 0 to N-1
                  colN = (for {w <- 0 to W} yield Set[Item](loi(n))).toArray
                } yield colN)).toArray

    1 to N foreach {n =>
      0 to W foreach {w =>
        def in = loi(n-1)
        def wn = loi(n-1).weight
        def vn = loi(n-1).value
        if (w<wn) {
          m(n)(w) = m(n-1)(w)
          plm(n)(w) = plm(n-1)(w)
        else {
          if (m(n-1)(w)>=m(n-1)(w-wn)+vn) {
            m(n)(w) = m(n-1)(w)
            plm(n)(w) = plm(n-1)(w)
          else {
            m(n)(w) = m(n-1)(w-wn)+vn
	    plm(n)(w) = plm(n-1)(w-wn)+in

    println{val h = "packing list of items (dynamic programming):"; h+"\n"+"="*h.size}
    plm(N)(W).foreach{p=>print("  "": weight="+p.weight+" value="+p.value+"\n")}
    println("\n"+"  resulting items: "+plm(N)(W).size+" of "+loi.size) 
    println("  total weight: "+(0/:plm(N)(W){item=>item.weight})(_+_)+", total value: "+m(N)(W))

  val items = List(
     Item("map", 9, 150)
    ,Item("compass", 13, 35) 
    ,Item("water", 153, 200)
    ,Item("sandwich", 50, 160)
    ,Item("glucose", 15, 60)
    ,Item("tin", 68, 45)
    ,Item("banana", 27, 60)
    ,Item("apple", 39, 40)
    ,Item("cheese", 23, 30)
    ,Item("beer", 52, 10)
    ,Item("suntan cream", 11, 70)
    ,Item("camera", 32, 30)
    ,Item("t-shirt", 24, 15)
    ,Item("trousers", 48, 10)
    ,Item("umbrella", 73, 40)
    ,Item("waterproof trousers", 42, 70)
    ,Item("waterproof overclothes", 43, 75)
    ,Item("note-case", 22, 80)
    ,Item("sunglasses", 7, 20)
    ,Item("towel", 18, 12)
    ,Item("socks", 4, 50)
    ,Item("book", 30, 10)

  List(ks01b, ks01d).foreach{f=>
    val t = elapsed{f(items)}
    println("  elapsed time: "+t+" sec"+"\n")
packing list of items (brute force):
  waterproof overclothes: weight=43 value=75
  note-case: weight=22 value=80
  socks: weight=4 value=50
  sandwich: weight=50 value=160
  banana: weight=27 value=60
  glucose: weight=15 value=60
  map: weight=9 value=150
  water: weight=153 value=200
  suntan cream: weight=11 value=70
  sunglasses: weight=7 value=20
  waterproof trousers: weight=42 value=70
  compass: weight=13 value=35

  resulting items: 12 of 22
  total weight: 396, total value: 1030
  elapsed time: 19 sec

packing list of items (dynamic programming):
  waterproof overclothes: weight=43 value=75
  note-case: weight=22 value=80
  socks: weight=4 value=50
  sandwich: weight=50 value=160
  banana: weight=27 value=60
  glucose: weight=15 value=60
  map: weight=9 value=150
  water: weight=153 value=200
  suntan cream: weight=11 value=70
  sunglasses: weight=7 value=20
  waterproof trousers: weight=42 value=70
  compass: weight=13 value=35

  resulting items: 12 of 22
  total weight: 396, total value: 1030
  elapsed time: 0 sec


Translation of: Perl
var raw = <<'TABLE'
map,                      9, 150
compass,                 13,  35
water,                  153, 200
sandwich,                50, 160
glucose,                 15,  60
tin,                     68,  45
banana,                  27,  60
apple,                   39,  40
cheese,                  23,  30
beer,                    52,  10
suntancream,             11,  70
camera,                  32,  30
T-shirt,                 24,  15
trousers,                48,  10
umbrella,                73,  40
waterproof trousers,     42,  70
waterproof overclothes,  43,  75
note-case,               22,  80
sunglasses,               7,  20
towel,                   18,  12
socks,                    4,  50
book,                    30,  10

struct KnapsackItem {
    String name,
    Number weight,
    Number value,

var items = []
raw.each_line{ |row|
    var fields = row.split(/\s*,\s*/)
    items << KnapsackItem(
          name: fields[0],
        weight: fields[1].to_n,
         value: fields[2].to_n,

var max_weight = 400
var p = [
    items.len.of { [[0, []], max_weight.of(nil)...] }..., {[0, []]}

func optimal(i, w) {
    if (!defined p[i][w]) {
        var item = items[i];
        if (item.weight > w) {
            p[i][w] = optimal(i.dec, w)
        else {
            var x = optimal(i.dec, w)
            var y = optimal(i.dec, w - item.weight)

            if (x[0] > (y[0] + item.value)) {
                p[i][w] = x;
            else {
                p[i][w] = [y[0] + item.value, [y[1]...,]]
    return p[i][w]

var sol = optimal(items.end, max_weight)
say "#{sol[0]}: #{sol[1]}"
1030: map compass water sandwich glucose banana suntancream waterproof trousers waterproof overclothes note-case sunglasses socks


A brute force solution that runs in SQL Server 2005 or later using a recursive CTE. Displays the top 5 solutions and runs in about 39 seconds.

WITH KnapsackItems (item, [weight], value) AS
    SELECT 'map',9,  150  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'compass',13,  35  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'water',153,  200  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'sandwich',50,  160  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'glucose',15,  60  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'tin',68,  45  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'banana',27,  60  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'apple',39,  40  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'cheese',23,  30  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'beer',52,  10  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'suntan cream',11,  70  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'camera',32,  30  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'T-shirt',24,  15  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'trousers',48,  10  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'umbrella',73,  40  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'waterproof trousers',42,  70  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'waterproof overclothes',43,  75  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'note-case',22,  80  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'sunglasses',7,  20  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'towel',18,  12  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'socks',4,  50  
    UNION ALL SELECT 'book',30,  10  
INTO #KnapsackItems
FROM KnapsackItems;

WITH UNIQUEnTuples (n, Tuples, ID, [weight], value) AS (
    SELECT 1, CAST(item AS VARCHAR(8000)), item, [weight], value
    FROM #KnapsackItems
    SELECT 1 + n.n, t.item + ',' + n.Tuples, item, n.[weight] + t.[weight], n.value + t.value
    FROM UNIQUEnTuples n 
        SELECT item, [weight], value 
        FROM #KnapsackItems t 
        WHERE t.item < n.ID AND n.[weight] + t.[weight] < 400) t
ORDER BY value DESC, n, Tuples;

DROP TABLE #KnapsackItems;
weight  value  Solution
396     1030   banana,compass,glucose,map,note-case,sandwich,socks,sunglasses,suntan cream,water,waterproof overclothes,waterproof trousers
389     1010   banana,compass,glucose,map,note-case,sandwich,socks,suntan cream,water,waterproof overclothes,waterproof trousers
399     1005   banana,cheese,glucose,map,note-case,sandwich,socks,suntan cream,water,waterproof overclothes,waterproof trousers
395     1002   banana,cheese,compass,glucose,map,note-case,sandwich,socks,sunglasses,suntan cream,towel,water,waterproof overclothes
393     1000   apple,banana,compass,glucose,map,note-case,sandwich,socks,sunglasses,suntan cream,water,waterproof overclothes


Translation of: Python

Dynamic Programming

struct KnapsackItem {
  var name: String
  var weight: Int
  var value: Int

func knapsack(items: [KnapsackItem], limit: Int) -> [KnapsackItem] {
  var table = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 0, count: limit + 1), count: items.count + 1)
  for j in 1..<items.count+1 {
    let item = items[j-1]
    for w in 1..<limit+1 {
      if item.weight > w {
        table[j][w] = table[j-1][w]
      } else {
        table[j][w] = max(table[j-1][w], table[j-1][w-item.weight] + item.value)
  var result = [KnapsackItem]()
  var w = limit
  for j in stride(from: items.count, to: 0, by: -1) where table[j][w] != table[j-1][w] {
    let item = items[j-1]
    w -= item.weight
  return result

let items = [
  KnapsackItem(name: "map", weight: 9, value: 150), KnapsackItem(name: "compass", weight: 13, value: 35),
  KnapsackItem(name: "water", weight: 153, value: 200), KnapsackItem(name: "sandwich", weight: 50, value: 160),
  KnapsackItem(name: "glucose", weight: 15, value: 60), KnapsackItem(name: "tin", weight: 68, value: 45),
  KnapsackItem(name: "banana", weight: 27, value: 60), KnapsackItem(name: "apple", weight: 39, value: 40),
  KnapsackItem(name: "cheese", weight: 23, value: 30), KnapsackItem(name: "beer", weight: 52, value: 10),
  KnapsackItem(name: "suntan cream", weight: 11, value: 70), KnapsackItem(name: "camera", weight: 32, value: 30),
  KnapsackItem(name: "t-shirt", weight: 24, value: 15), KnapsackItem(name: "trousers", weight: 48, value: 10),
  KnapsackItem(name: "umbrella", weight: 73, value: 40), KnapsackItem(name: "waterproof trousers", weight: 42, value: 70),
  KnapsackItem(name: "waterproof overclothes", weight: 43, value: 75), KnapsackItem(name: "note-case", weight: 22, value: 80),
  KnapsackItem(name: "sunglasses", weight: 7, value: 20), KnapsackItem(name: "towel", weight: 18, value: 12),
  KnapsackItem(name: "socks", weight: 4, value: 50), KnapsackItem(name: "book", weight: 30, value: 10)

let kept = knapsack(items: items, limit: 400)

print("Kept: ")

for item in kept {
  print("  \(")

let (tValue, tWeight) = kept.reduce((0, 0), { ($0.0 + $1.value, $0.1 + $1.weight) })

print("For a total value of \(tValue) and a total weight of \(tWeight)")
  waterproof overclothes
  waterproof trousers
  suntan cream
For a total value of 1030 and a total weight of 396


As the saying goes, “when in doubt, try brute force”. Since there's only 22 items we can simply iterate over all possible choices.

# The list of items to consider, as list of lists
set items {
    {map			9	150}
    {compass			13	35}
    {water			153	200}
    {sandwich			50	160}
    {glucose			15	60}
    {tin			68	45}
    {banana			27	60}
    {apple			39	40}
    {cheese			23	30}
    {beer			52	10}
    {{suntan cream}		11	70}
    {camera			32	30}
    {t-shirt			24	15}
    {trousers			48	10}
    {umbrella			73	40}
    {{waterproof trousers}	42	70}
    {{waterproof overclothes}	43	75}
    {note-case			22	80}
    {sunglasses			7	20}
    {towel			18	12}
    {socks			4	50}
    {book			30	10}

# Simple extraction functions
proc names {chosen} {
    set names {}
    foreach item $chosen {lappend names [lindex $item 0]}
    return $names
proc weight {chosen} {
    set weight 0
    foreach item $chosen {incr weight [lindex $item 1]}
    return $weight
proc value {chosen} {
    set value 0
    foreach item $chosen {incr value [lindex $item 2]}
    return $value

# Recursive function for searching over all possible choices of items
proc knapsackSearch {items {chosen {}}} {
    # If we've gone over the weight limit, stop now
    if {[weight $chosen] > 400} {
    # If we've considered all of the items (i.e., leaf in search tree)
    # then see if we've got a new best choice.
    if {[llength $items] == 0} {
	global best max
	set v [value $chosen]
	if {$v > $max} {
	    set max $v
	    set best $chosen
    # Branch, so recurse for chosing the current item or not
    set this [lindex $items 0]
    set rest [lrange $items 1 end]
    knapsackSearch $rest $chosen
    knapsackSearch $rest [lappend chosen $this]

# Initialize a few global variables
set best {}
set max 0
# Do the brute-force search
knapsackSearch $items
# Pretty-print the results
puts "Best filling has weight of [expr {[weight $best]/100.0}]kg and score [value $best]"
puts "Best items:\n\t[join [lsort [names $best]] \n\t]"
Best filling has weight of 3.96kg and score 1030
Best items:
	suntan cream
	waterproof overclothes
	waterproof trousers


This solution follows a very similar approach to the one used in Knapsack problem/Bounded#Ursala, which is to treat it as a mixed integer programming problem and solve it using an off-the-shelf library (lpsolve).

#import std
#import nat
#import flo
#import lin

#import nat

items = # name: (weight,value)

   'map': (9,150),
   'compass': (13,35),
   'water': (153,200),
   'sandwich': (50,160),
   'glucose': (15,60),
   'tin': (68,45),
   'banana': (27,60),
   'apple': (39,40),
   'cheese': (23,30),
   'beer': (52,10),
   'suntan cream': (11,70),
   'camera': (32,30),
   't-shirt': (24,15),
   'trousers': (48,10),
   'umbrella': (73,40),
   'waterproof trousers': (42,70),
   'waterproof overclothes': (43,75),
   'note-case': (22,80),
   'sunglasses': (7,20),
   'towel': (18,12),
   'socks': (4,50),
   'book': (30,10)>

system =

   binaries: ~&nS,
   lower_bounds: {'(slack)': 0.}!,
   costs: * ^|/~& negative+ float@r,
   equations: ~&iNC\400.+ :/(1.,'(slack)')+ * ^|rlX/~& float@l]


main = ~&tnS solution system items

Binary valued variables are a more specific constraint than the general mixed integer programming problem, but can be accommodated as shown using the binaries field in the linear_system specification. The additional slack variable is specified as continuous and non-negative with no cost or benefit so as to make the constraint equation solvable without affecting the solution.

suntan cream
waterproof overclothes
waterproof trousers


'Knapsack problem/0-1 - 12/02/2017
Option Explicit
Const maxWeight = 400
Dim DataList As Variant
Dim xList(64, 3) As Variant
Dim nItems As Integer
Dim s As String, xss As String
Dim xwei As Integer, xval As Integer, nn As Integer

Sub Main()
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    DataList = Array("map", 9, 150, "compass", 13, 35, "water", 153, 200, "sandwich", 50, 160, _
           "glucose", 15, 60, "tin", 68, 45, "banana", 27, 60, "apple", 39, 40, _
           "cheese", 23, 30, "beer", 52, 10, "suntan cream", 11, 70, "camera", 32, 30, _
           "T-shirt", 24, 15, "trousers", 48, 10, "umbrella", 73, 40, "book", 30, 10, _
           "waterproof trousers", 42, 70, "waterproof overclothes", 43, 75, _
           "note-case", 22, 80, "sunglasses", 7, 20, "towel", 18, 12, "socks", 4, 50)
    nItems = (UBound(DataList) + 1) / 3
    j = 0
    For i = 1 To nItems
        xList(i, 1) = DataList(j)
        xList(i, 2) = DataList(j + 1)
        xList(i, 3) = DataList(j + 2)
        j = j + 3
    Next i
    s = ""
    For i = 1 To nItems
        s = s & Chr(i)
    nn = 0
    Call ChoiceBin(1, "")
    For i = 1 To Len(xss)
        j = Asc(Mid(xss, i, 1))
        Debug.Print xList(j, 1)
    Next i
    Debug.Print "count=" & Len(xss), "weight=" & xwei, "value=" & xval
End Sub 'Main

Private Sub ChoiceBin(n As String, ss As String)
    Dim r As String
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, iwei As Integer, ival As Integer
    Dim ipct As Integer
    If n = Len(s) + 1 Then
        iwei = 0: ival = 0
        For i = 1 To Len(ss)
            j = Asc(Mid(ss, i, 1))
            iwei = iwei + xList(j, 2)
            ival = ival + xList(j, 3)
        If iwei <= maxWeight And ival > xval Then
            xss = ss: xwei = iwei: xval = ival
        End If
        r = Mid(s, n, 1)
        Call ChoiceBin(n + 1, ss & r)
        Call ChoiceBin(n + 1, ss)
    End If
End Sub 'ChoiceBin
suntan cream
waterproof trousers
waterproof overclothes
count=12      weight=396    value=1030


Non recurvive unfolded force version. Created by an other script. It runs 13 times faster than the recursive one.

' Knapsack problem/0-1 - 13/02/2017
dim w(22),v(22),m(22)
data=array( "map", 9, 150, "compass", 13, 35, "water", 153, 200, _
 "sandwich", 50, 160 , "glucose", 15, 60, "tin", 68, 45, _
 "banana", 27, 60, "apple", 39, 40 , "cheese", 23, 30, "beer", 52, 10, _
 "suntan cream", 11, 70, "camera", 32, 30 , "T-shirt", 24, 15, _
 "trousers", 48, 10, "umbrella", 73, 40, "book", 30, 10 , _
 "waterproof trousers", 42, 70, "waterproof overclothes", 43, 75 , _
 "note-case", 22, 80, "sunglasses", 7, 20, "towel", 18, 12, "socks", 4, 50)
for i1=0 to 1:m(1)=i1:j=0
 if i1=1 then
  if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
 end if 'i1
 if iw<=ww then
  w(2)=iw: v(2)=iv
  for i2=0 to 1:m(2)=i2:j=1
   if i2=1 then
    if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
   end if 'i2
   if iw<=ww then
    w(3)=iw: v(3)=iv
    for i3=0 to 1:m(3)=i3:j=2
     if i3=1 then
      if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
     end if 'i3
     if iw<=ww then
      w(4)=iw: v(4)=iv
      for i4=0 to 1:m(4)=i4:j=3
       if i4=1 then
        if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
       end if 'i4
       if iw<=ww then
        w(5)=iw: v(5)=iv
        for i5=0 to 1:m(5)=i5:j=4
         if i5=1 then
          if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
         end if 'i5
         if iw<=ww then
          w(6)=iw: v(6)=iv
          for i6=0 to 1:m(6)=i6:j=5
           if i6=1 then
            if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
           end if 'i6
           if iw<=ww then
            w(7)=iw: v(7)=iv
            for i7=0 to 1:m(7)=i7:j=6
             if i7=1 then
              if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
             end if 'i7
             if iw<=ww then
              w(8)=iw: v(8)=iv
              for i8=0 to 1:m(8)=i8:j=7
               if i8=1 then
                if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
               end if 'i8
               if iw<=ww then
                w(9)=iw: v(9)=iv
                for i9=0 to 1:m(9)=i9:j=8
                 if i9=1 then
                  if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                 end if 'i9
                 if iw<=ww then
                  w(10)=iw: v(10)=iv
                  for i10=0 to 1:m(10)=i10:j=9
                   if i10=1 then
                    if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                   end if 'i10
                   if iw<=ww then
                    w(11)=iw: v(11)=iv
                    for i11=0 to 1:m(11)=i11:j=10
                     if i11=1 then
                      if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                     end if 'i11
                     if iw<=ww then
                      w(12)=iw: v(12)=iv
                      for i12=0 to 1:m(12)=i12:j=11
                       if i12=1 then
                        if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                       end if 'i12
                       if iw<=ww then
                        w(13)=iw: v(13)=iv
                        for i13=0 to 1:m(13)=i13:j=12
                         if i13=1 then
                          if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                         end if 'i13
                         if iw<=ww then
                          w(14)=iw: v(14)=iv
                          for i14=0 to 1:m(14)=i14:j=13
                           if i14=1 then
                            if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                           end if 'i14
                           if iw<=ww then
                            w(15)=iw: v(15)=iv
                            for i15=0 to 1:m(15)=i15:j=14
                             if i15=1 then
                              if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                             end if 'i15
                             if iw<=ww then
                              w(16)=iw: v(16)=iv
                              for i16=0 to 1:m(16)=i16:j=15
                               if i16=1 then
                                if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                               end if 'i16
                               if iw<=ww then
                                w(17)=iw: v(17)=iv
                                for i17=0 to 1:m(17)=i17:j=16
                                 if i17=1 then
                                  if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                                 end if 'i17
                                 if iw<=ww then
                                  w(18)=iw: v(18)=iv
                                  for i18=0 to 1:m(18)=i18:j=17
                                   if i18=1 then
                                    if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                                   end if 'i18
                                   if iw<=ww then
                                    w(19)=iw: v(19)=iv
                                    for i19=0 to 1:m(19)=i19:j=18
                                     if i19=1 then
                                      if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                                     end if 'i19
                                     if iw<=ww then
                                      w(20)=iw: v(20)=iv
                                      for i20=0 to 1:m(20)=i20:j=19
                                       if i20=1 then
                                        if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                                       end if 'i20
                                       if iw<=ww then
                                        w(21)=iw: v(21)=iv
                                        for i21=0 to 1:m(21)=i21:j=20
                                         if i21=1 then
                                          if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                                         end if 'i21
                                         if iw<=ww then
                                          w(22)=iw: v(22)=iv
                                          for i22=0 to 1:m(22)=i22:j=21
                                           if i22=1 then
                                            if iv>xv and iw<=ww then xw=iw:xv=iv:l=m
                                           end if 'i22
                                           if iw<=ww then
                                           end if 'i22
                                         end if 'i21
                                       end if 'i20
                                     end if 'i19
                                   end if 'i18
                                 end if 'i17
                               end if 'i16
                             end if 'i15
                           end if 'i14
                         end if 'i13
                       end if 'i12
                     end if 'i11
                   end if 'i10
                 end if 'i9
               end if 'i8
             end if 'i7
           end if 'i6
         end if 'i5
       end if 'i4
     end if 'i3
   end if 'i2
 end if 'i1
for i=1 to 22
 if l(i)=1 then wlist=wlist&vbCrlf&data((i-1)*3)
Msgbox mid(wlist,3)&vbCrlf&vbCrlf&"weight="&xw&vbCrlf&"value="&xv,,"Knapsack - nn="&nn
suntan cream
waterproof trousers
waterproof overclothes


Visual Basic

Works with: Visual Basic version VB6 Standard
'Knapsack problem/0-1 - 12/02/2017
Option Explicit
Const maxWeight = 400
Dim DataList As Variant
Dim xList(64, 3) As Variant
Dim nItems As Integer
Dim s  As String, xss As String
Dim xwei As Integer, xval As Integer, nn As Integer

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    DataList = Array("map", 9, 150, "compass", 13, 35, "water", 153, 200, "sandwich", 50, 160, _
           "glucose", 15, 60, "tin", 68, 45, "banana", 27, 60, "apple", 39, 40, _
           "cheese", 23, 30, "beer", 52, 10, "suntan cream", 11, 70, "camera", 32, 30, _
           "T-shirt", 24, 15, "trousers", 48, 10, "umbrella", 73, 40, "book", 30, 10, _
           "waterproof trousers", 42, 70, "waterproof overclothes", 43, 75, _
           "note-case", 22, 80, "sunglasses", 7, 20, "towel", 18, 12, "socks", 4, 50)
    nItems = (UBound(DataList) + 1) / 3
    j = 0
    For i = 1 To nItems
        xList(i, 1) = DataList(j)
        xList(i, 2) = DataList(j + 1)
        xList(i, 3) = DataList(j + 2)
        j = j + 3
    Next i
    For i = 1 To nItems
        xListBox.AddItem xList(i, 1)
    Next i
End Sub

Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
    For i = 1 To xListBox.ListCount
        xListBox.RemoveItem 0
    Next i
    s = ""
    For i = 1 To nItems
        s = s & Chr(i)
    nn = 0
    Call ChoiceBin(1, "")
    For i = 1 To Len(xss)
        j = Asc(Mid(xss, i, 1))
        xListBox.AddItem xList(j, 1)
    Next i
    xListBox.AddItem "*Total* " & xwei & " " & xval
End Sub

Private Sub ChoiceBin(n As String, ss As String)
    Dim r As String
    Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, iwei As Integer, ival As Integer
    Dim ipct As Integer
    If n = Len(s) + 1 Then
        iwei = 0: ival = 0
        For i = 1 To Len(ss)
            j = Asc(Mid(ss, i, 1))
            iwei = iwei + xList(j, 2)
            ival = ival + xList(j, 3)
        If iwei <= maxWeight And ival > xval Then
            xss = ss: xwei = iwei: xval = ival
        End If
        r = Mid(s, n, 1)
        Call ChoiceBin(n + 1, ss & r)
        Call ChoiceBin(n + 1, ss)
    End If
End Sub 'ChoiceBin
suntan cream
waterproof trousers
waterproof overclothes
*Total*  weight=396  val=1030

Visual Basic .NET

Works with: Visual Basic .NET version 2013
'Knapsack problem/0-1 - 12/02/2017
Public Class KnapsackBin
    Const knam = 0, kwei = 1, kval = 2
    Const maxWeight = 400
    Dim xList(,) As Object = { _
            {"map", 9, 150}, _
            {"compass", 13, 35}, _
            {"water", 153, 200}, _
            {"sandwich", 50, 160}, _
            {"glucose", 15, 60}, _
            {"tin", 68, 45}, _
            {"banana", 27, 60}, _
            {"ChoiceBinle", 39, 40}, _
            {"cheese", 23, 30}, _
            {"beer", 52, 10}, _
            {"suntan cream", 11, 70}, _
            {"camera", 32, 30}, _
            {"T-shirt", 24, 15}, _
            {"trousers", 48, 10}, _
            {"umbrella", 73, 40}, _
            {"waterproof trousers", 42, 70}, _
            {"waterproof overclothes", 43, 75}, _
            {"note-case", 22, 80}, _
            {"sunglasses", 7, 20}, _
            {"towel", 18, 12}, _
            {"socks", 4, 50}, _
            {"book", 30, 10}}
    Dim s, xss As String, xwei, xval, nn As Integer

    Private Sub KnapsackBin_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim i As Integer
        xListView.View = View.Details
        xListView.Columns.Add("item", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Left)
        xListView.Columns.Add("weight", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
        xListView.Columns.Add("value", 50, HorizontalAlignment.Right)
        For i = 0 To UBound(xList, 1)
            xListView.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {xList(i, 0), _
                                xList(i, 1).ToString, xList(i, 2).ToString}))
        Next i
    End Sub 'KnapsackBin_Load

    Private Sub cmdOK_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdOK.Click
        Dim i, j, nItems As Integer
        For i = xListView.Items.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
        Next i
        nItems = UBound(xList, 1) + 1
        s = ""
        For i = 1 To nItems
            s = s & Chr(i - 1)
        nn = 0
        Call ChoiceBin(1, "")
        For i = 1 To Len(xss)
            j = Asc(Mid(xss, i, 1))
            xListView.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {xList(j, 0), _
                                xList(j, 1).ToString, xList(j, 2).ToString}))
        Next i
        xListView.Items.Add(New ListViewItem(New String() {"*Total*", xwei, xval}))
    End Sub 'cmdOK_Click

    Private Sub ChoiceBin(n As String, ss As String)
        Dim r As String, i, j, iwei, ival As Integer
        Dim ipct As Integer
        If n = Len(s) + 1 Then
            iwei = 0 : ival = 0
            For i = 1 To Len(ss)
                j = Asc(Mid(ss, i, 1))
                iwei = iwei + xList(j, 1)
                ival = ival + xList(j, 2)
            If iwei <= maxWeight And ival > xval Then
                xss = ss : xwei = iwei : xval = ival
            End If
            r = Mid(s, n, 1)
            Call ChoiceBin(n + 1, ss & r)
            Call ChoiceBin(n + 1, ss)
        End If
    End Sub 'ChoiceBin

End Class 'KnapsackBin
suntan cream
waterproof trousers
waterproof overclothes
*Total*  weight=396  val=1030

V (Vlang)

Translation of: go
struct Item {
    name string
    w int
    v int

const wants = [
        Item{'map', 9, 150},
        Item{'compass', 13, 35},
        Item{'water', 153, 200},
        Item{'sandwich', 50, 60},
        Item{'glucose', 15, 60},
        Item{'tin', 68, 45},
        Item{'banana', 27, 60},
        Item{'apple', 39, 40},
        Item{'cheese', 23, 30},
        Item{'beer', 52, 10},
        Item{'suntancream', 11, 70},
        Item{'camera', 32, 30},
        Item{'T-shirt', 24, 15},
        Item{'trousers', 48, 10},
        Item{'umbrella', 73, 40},
        Item{'w-trousers', 42, 70},
        Item{'w-overclothes', 43, 75},
        Item{'note-case', 22, 80},
        Item{'sunglasses', 7, 20},
        Item{'towel', 18, 12},
        Item{'socks', 4, 50},
        Item{'book', 30, 10}
const max_wt = 400

fn main(){
    items, w, v := m(wants.len-1, max_wt)
    println('weight: $w')
    println('value: $v')

fn m(i int, w int) ([]string, int, int) {
    if i<0 || w==0{
        return []string{}, 0, 0
    } else if wants[i].w > w {
        return m(i-1, w)
    i0, w0, v0 := m(i-1, w)
    mut i1, w1, mut v1 := m(i-1, w-wants[i].w)
    v1 += wants[i].v
    if v1 > v0 {
        i1 << wants[i].name
        return i1, w1+wants[i].w, v1
    return i0, w0, v0
['map', 'compass', 'water', 'sandwich', 'glucose', 'banana', 'suntancream', 'w-trousers', 'w-overclothes', 'note-case', 'sunglasses', 'socks']
weight: 396
value: 930


Translation of: Go
Library: Wren-fmt

Based on the Go example, though modified to give output in tabular form.

import "/fmt" for Fmt

var wants = [
    ["map", 9, 150],
    ["compass", 13, 35],
    ["water", 153, 200],
    ["sandwich", 50, 160],
    ["glucose", 15, 60],
    ["tin", 68, 45],
    ["banana", 27, 60],
    ["apple", 39, 40],
    ["cheese", 23, 30],
    ["beer", 52, 10],
    ["suntan cream", 11, 70],
    ["camera", 32, 30],
    ["T-shirt", 24, 15],
    ["trousers", 48, 10],
    ["umbrella", 73, 40],
    ["waterproof trousers", 42, 70],
    ["waterproof overclothes", 43, 75],
    ["note-case", 22, 80],
    ["sunglasses", 7, 20],
    ["towel", 18, 12],
    ["socks", 4, 50],
    ["book", 30, 10]

var m
m = { |i, w|
    if (i < 0 || w == 0) return [[], 0, 0]
    if (wants[i][1] > w) return, w)
    System.write("") // guard against VM recursion bug
    var res =, w)
    var i0 = res[0]
    var w0 = res[1]
    var v0 = res[2]
    res =, w - wants[i][1])
    var i1 = res[0]
    var w1 = res[1]
    var v1 = res[2] + wants[i][2]
    if (v1 > v0) {
        return [i1, w1 + wants[i][1], v1]
    return [i0, w0, v0]

var maxWt = 400
var res =, maxWt)
var items = res[0]
var tw = res[1]
var tv = res[2]
System.print("Max weight: %(maxWt)\n")
System.print("Item                  Weight   Value")
for (i in 0...items.count) {
    Fmt.print("$-22s  $3d     $4s", items[i][0], items[i][1], items[i][2])
System.print("                        ---     ----")
Fmt.print("totals                  $3d     $4d", tw, tv)
Max weight: 400

Item                  Weight   Value
map                       9      150
compass                  13       35
water                   153      200
sandwich                 50      160
glucose                  15       60
banana                   27       60
suntan cream             11       70
waterproof trousers      42       70
waterproof overclothes   43       75
note-case                22       80
sunglasses                7       20
socks                     4       50
                        ---     ----
Totals                  396     1030


include c:\cxpl\codes;  \include 'code' declarations

int     Item, Items, Weights, Values,
        BestItems, BestValues,
        I, W, V, N;
def     Tab=9;
def     Name,                   Weight, Value;
[Item:= [["map                  ",   9, 150],
        ["compass               ",  13,  35],
        ["water                 ", 153, 200],
        ["sandwich              ",  50, 160],
        ["glucose               ",  15,  60],
        ["tin                   ",  68,  45],
        ["banana                ",  27,  60],
        ["apple                 ",  39,  40],
        ["cheese                ",  23,  30],
        ["beer                  ",  52,  10],
        ["suntan cream          ",  11,  70],
        ["camera                ",  32,  30],
        ["T-shirt               ",  24,  15],
        ["trousers              ",  48,  10],
        ["umbrella              ",  73,  40],
        ["waterproof trousers   ",  42,  70],
        ["waterproof overclothes",  43,  75],
        ["note-case             ",  22,  80],
        ["sunglasses            ",   7,  20],
        ["towel                 ",  18,  12],
        ["socks                 ",   4,  50],
        ["book                  ",  30,  10]];

BestValues:= 0;
for Items:= 0 to 1<<22-1 do     \for all possible combinations of Items...
        [I:= Items;  W:= 0;  V:= 0;  N:= 0;
        while I do              \add weights and values for each item (bit in I)
                [if I&1 then
                        [W:= W + Item(N,Weight);  V:= V + Item(N,Value)];
                I:= I>>1;  N:= N+1;
        if V>BestValues & W<=400 then   \save best combination found so far
                [BestValues:= V;  BestItems:= Items];

I:= BestItems;  W:= 0;  V:= 0;  N:= 0;          \show best combination of items
while I do
        [if I&1 then
                [Text(0, "  ");  Text(0, Item(N,Name));  ChOut(0, Tab);
                IntOut(0, Item(N,Weight));  ChOut(0, Tab);
                IntOut(0, Item(N,Value));  CrLf(0);
                W:= W + Item(N,Weight);
                V:= V + Item(N,Value);
        I:= I>>1;  N:= N+1;
Text(0, "Totals:                                ");
IntOut(0, W);  ChOut(0, Tab);
IntOut(0, V);  CrLf(0);
  map                           9       150
  compass                       13      35
  water                         153     200
  sandwich                      50      160
  glucose                       15      60
  banana                        27      60
  suntan cream                  11      70
  waterproof trousers           42      70
  waterproof overclothes        43      75
  note-case                     22      80
  sunglasses                    7       20
  socks                         4       50
Totals:                         396     1030


Translation of: Haskell
Translation of: D
fcn addItem(pairs,it){   // pairs is list of (cost of:,names), it is (name,w,v)
      fcn([(t1,_)]a,[(t2,_)]b){ t1>t2 and a or b  },
      pairs.apply('wrap([(tot,names)]){ T(tot + it[2], names + it[0]) })))
}//--> new list of pairs
items:=T(T("apple",     39, 40),T("banana",   27,60), // item: (name,weight,value)
        T("beer",       52, 10),T("book",     30,10),T("camera",      32, 30),
	T("cheese",     23, 30),T("compass",  13,35),T("glucose",     15, 60),
	T("map",         9,150),T("note-case",22,80),T("sandwich",    50,160),
	T("socks",       4, 50),T("sunglasses",7,20),T("suntan cream",11, 70),
	T("t-shirt",    24, 15),T("tin",      68,45),T("towel",       18, 12),
	T("trousers",   48, 10),T("umbrella", 73,40),T("water",      153,200),
	T("overclothes",43, 75),T("waterproof trousers",42,70) );
const MAX_WEIGHT=400;
   (MAX_WEIGHT).pump(List,T(0,T).copy))[-1];  // nearest to max weight
weight:=items.apply('wrap(it){ knapsack[1].holds(it[0]) and it[1] }).sum(0);
L(1030,L("banana","compass","glucose","map","note-case","sandwich","socks","sunglasses","suntan cream","water","overclothes","waterproof trousers"))396