Least m such that n! + m is prime: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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(Added Perl)
Line 147:
First m > 11000 is 12619 at position 599.
First m > 12000 is 12619 at position 599.
<syntaxhighlight lang="perl" line>
use strict;
use warnings;
use ntheory qw<next_prime factorial vecfirstidx>;
my($n,@least_m) = 0;
do {
my $f = factorial($n++);
push @least_m, next_prime($f) - $f;
} until $least_m[-1] > 10000;
print "Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first fifty:\n";
print sprintf(('%4d')x50, @least_m[0..49]) =~ s/.{40}\K(?=.)/\n/gr . "\n\n";
for my $n (map { 1000 * $_ } 1..10) {
my $key = vecfirstidx { $_ > $n } @least_m;
printf "First m > $n is %d at position %d\n", $least_m[$key], $key;
Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first fifty:
1 1 1 1 5 7 7 11 23 17
11 1 29 67 19 43 23 31 37 89
29 31 31 97 131 41 59 1 67 223
107 127 79 37 97 61 131 1 43 97
53 1 97 71 47 239 101 233 53 83
First m > 1000 is 1069 at position 107
First m > 2000 is 3391 at position 192
First m > 3000 is 3391 at position 192
First m > 4000 is 4943 at position 284
First m > 5000 is 5233 at position 384
First m > 6000 is 6131 at position 388
First m > 7000 is 9067 at position 445
First m > 8000 is 9067 at position 445
First m > 9000 is 9067 at position 445
First m > 10000 is 12619 at position 599

Revision as of 15:31, 30 April 2023

Least m such that n! + m is prime is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Find the minimum positive integer m such that n factorial plus m is prime.

   0! = 1. The next prime greater than 1 is 2. 2 - 1 = 1, so a(0) = 1.
   1! = 1. The next prime greater than 1 is 2. 2 - 1 = 1, so a(1) = 1.
   2! = 2. The next prime greater than 2 is 3. 3 - 2 = 1, so a(2) = 1.
   3! = 6. The next prime greater than 6 is 7. 7 - 6 = 1, so a(3) = 1.
   4! = 24. The next prime greater than 24 is 31. 31 - 24 = 5, so a(4) = 5.

and so on...

  • Find and display the first fifty terms in the series. (0! through 49!)
  • Find and display the position and value of the first m greater than 1000.

  • Find and display the position and value of each the first m greater than 2000, 3000, 4000 ... 10,000.

See also


Translation of: Wren
Library: GMP
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
#include <locale.h>

#define LIMIT 10000

int main() {
    mpz_t fact, p;
    mpz_init_set_ui(fact, 1);
    int i, diffs[50], t = 1000;
    unsigned long n, m;
    for (n = 0; ; ++n) {
        if (n > 0) mpz_mul_ui(fact, fact, n);
        mpz_nextprime(p, fact);
        mpz_sub(p, p, fact);
        m = mpz_get_ui(p);
        setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "");
        if (n < 50) diffs[n] = m;
        if (n == 49) {
            printf("Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first 50:\n");
            for (i = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
                printf("%3d  ", diffs[i]);
                if (!((i+1)%10)) printf("\n");
        } else if (m > t) {
            do {
                printf("First m > %'6d is %'6ld at position %ld\n", t, m, n);
                t += 1000;
            } while (m > t);
            if (t > LIMIT) break;
    return 0;
Same as Wren example.


   (4&p:-])!i.5 10x
  1   1  1  1   5   7   7  11 23  17
 11   1 29 67  19  43  23  31 37  89
 29  31 31 97 131  41  59   1 67 223
107 127 79 37  97  61 131   1 43  97
 53   1 97 71  47 239 101 233 53  83
   1 i.~1000 < (4&p:-])!i.200x


Translation of: Wren
""" rosettacode.orgwiki/Least_m_such_that_n!_%2B_m_is_prime """

using Primes

function least_m_fact_to_prime(number_to_print, delta_limit)
    fact, p, m, n, t = big"1", big"0", big"0", 0, 1000
    diffs = zeros(BigInt, number_to_print)
    while true
        if n > 0
            fact *= n
            p = nextprime(fact + 1)
            m = p - fact
            if n < number_to_print
                diffs[n] = m
            if n == number_to_print - 1
                println("Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first $number_to_print:")
                for (i, k) in enumerate(diffs)
                    print(lpad(k, 5), i % 10 == 0 ? "\n" : "")
            elseif m > t
                while true
                    print("\nFirst m > $t is $m at position $n.")
                    t += 1000
                    if m <= t
                if t > delta_limit
        n += 1

least_m_fact_to_prime(50, 10_000)
Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first 50:
    1    1    1    5    7    7   11   23   17   11
    1   29   67   19   43   23   31   37   89   29
   31   31   97  131   41   59    1   67  223  107
  127   79   37   97   61  131    1   43   97   53
    1   97   71   47  239  101  233   53   83    0

First m > 1000 is 1069 at position 107.
First m > 2000 is 3391 at position 192.
First m > 3000 is 3391 at position 192.
First m > 4000 is 4943 at position 284.
First m > 5000 is 5233 at position 384.
First m > 6000 is 6131 at position 388.
First m > 7000 is 9067 at position 445.
First m > 8000 is 9067 at position 445.
First m > 9000 is 9067 at position 445.
First m > 10000 is 12619 at position 599.
First m > 11000 is 12619 at position 599.
First m > 12000 is 12619 at position 599.


Library: ntheory
use strict;
use warnings;
use ntheory qw<next_prime factorial vecfirstidx>;

my($n,@least_m) = 0;
do {
    my $f = factorial($n++);
    push @least_m, next_prime($f) - $f;
} until $least_m[-1] > 10000;

print "Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first fifty:\n";
print sprintf(('%4d')x50, @least_m[0..49]) =~ s/.{40}\K(?=.)/\n/gr . "\n\n";

for my $n (map { 1000 * $_ } 1..10) {
    my $key = vecfirstidx { $_ > $n } @least_m;
    printf "First m > $n is %d at position %d\n", $least_m[$key], $key;
Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first fifty:
   1   1   1   1   5   7   7  11  23  17
  11   1  29  67  19  43  23  31  37  89
  29  31  31  97 131  41  59   1  67 223
 107 127  79  37  97  61 131   1  43  97
  53   1  97  71  47 239 101 233  53  83

First m > 1000 is 1069 at position 107
First m > 2000 is 3391 at position 192
First m > 3000 is 3391 at position 192
First m > 4000 is 4943 at position 284
First m > 5000 is 5233 at position 384
First m > 6000 is 6131 at position 388
First m > 7000 is 9067 at position 445
First m > 8000 is 9067 at position 445
First m > 9000 is 9067 at position 445
First m > 10000 is 12619 at position 599


Translation of: C
requires("1.0.3") -- mpz_nextprime() added 
constant LIMIT = 10000
include mpfr.e
mpz {fact, p} = mpz_inits(2,1)
sequence diffs = {}
integer n=0, m, t = 1000
while t<=LIMIT do
    if n>0 then mpz_mul_si(fact, fact, n) end if
    mpz_nextprime(p, fact)
    mpz_sub(p, p, fact);
    m = mpz_get_integer(p);
    if length(diffs)<50 then
        diffs &= m
        if length(diffs)=50 then
            printf(1,"Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first 50:\n%s\n",
                     {join_by(diffs,1,10,"  ", fmt:="%3d")})
        end if
    elsif m>t then
            printf(1,"First m > %,6d is %,6d at position %,d\n", {t, m, n})
            t += 1000
        until t>m
    end if
    n += 1
end while
Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first 50:
  1    1    1    1    5    7    7   11   23   17
 11    1   29   67   19   43   23   31   37   89
 29   31   31   97  131   41   59    1   67  223
107  127   79   37   97   61  131    1   43   97
 53    1   97   71   47  239  101  233   53   83

First m >  1,000 is  1,069 at position 107
First m >  2,000 is  3,391 at position 192
First m >  3,000 is  3,391 at position 192
First m >  4,000 is  4,943 at position 284
First m >  5,000 is  5,233 at position 384
First m >  6,000 is  6,131 at position 388
First m >  7,000 is  9,067 at position 445
First m >  8,000 is  9,067 at position 445
First m >  9,000 is  9,067 at position 445

Note this is very slow, and still running..... so I killed it there


my @f = lazy flat 1, [\×] 1..*;

sink @f[700]; # pre-reify for concurrency

my @least-m = lazy (^∞).hyper(:2batch).map: {(1..*).first: -> \n {(@f[$_] + n).is-prime}};

say "Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first fifty:\n" 
 ~ @least-m[^50].batch(10)».fmt("%3d").join: "\n";

for (1..10).map: * × 1e3 {
    my $key = @least-m.first: * > $_, :k;
    printf "\nFirst m > $_ is %d at position %d\n", @least-m[$key], $key;
Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first fifty:
  1   1   1   1   5   7   7  11  23  17
 11   1  29  67  19  43  23  31  37  89
 29  31  31  97 131  41  59   1  67 223
107 127  79  37  97  61 131   1  43  97
 53   1  97  71  47 239 101 233  53  83

First m > 1000 is 1069 at position 107

First m > 2000 is 3391 at position 192

First m > 3000 is 3391 at position 192

First m > 4000 is 4943 at position 284

First m > 5000 is 5233 at position 384

First m > 6000 is 6131 at position 388

First m > 7000 is 9067 at position 445

First m > 8000 is 9067 at position 445

First m > 9000 is 9067 at position 445

First m > 10000 is 12619 at position 599


Library: Wren-gmp
Library: Wren-fmt
import "./gmp" for Mpz
import "./fmt" for Fmt

var fact = Mpz.one
var p = Mpz.new()
var diffs = List.filled(50, 0)
var n = 0
var t = 1000
var limit = 10000
while (true) {
    if (n > 0) fact.mul(n)
    var m = p.sub(fact).toNum
    if (n < 50) diffs[n] = m
    if (n == 49) {
        System.print("Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first 50:")
        Fmt.tprint("$3d ", diffs, 10)
    } else if (m > t) {
        while (true) {
            Fmt.print("First m > $,6d is $,6d at position $d", t, m, n)
            t = t + 1000
            if (m <= t) break
        if (t > limit) return
    n = n + 1
Least positive m such that n! + m is prime; first 50:
  1    1    1    1    5    7    7   11   23   17 
 11    1   29   67   19   43   23   31   37   89 
 29   31   31   97  131   41   59    1   67  223 
107  127   79   37   97   61  131    1   43   97 
 53    1   97   71   47  239  101  233   53   83 

First m >  1,000 is  1,069 at position 107
First m >  2,000 is  3,391 at position 192
First m >  3,000 is  3,391 at position 192
First m >  4,000 is  4,943 at position 284
First m >  5,000 is  5,233 at position 384
First m >  6,000 is  6,131 at position 388
First m >  7,000 is  9,067 at position 445
First m >  8,000 is  9,067 at position 445
First m >  9,000 is  9,067 at position 445
First m > 10,000 is 12,619 at position 599
First m > 11,000 is 12,619 at position 599
First m > 12,000 is 12,619 at position 599