Make a backup file: Difference between revisions

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file.Write("This is a test string.`r`n")
<lang AWK>
# syntax: GAWK -f MAKE_A_BACKUP_FILE.AWK filename(s)
# see:
@load "inplace"
1 # rewrite file unchanged
=={{header|Common Lisp}}==

Revision as of 12:06, 20 October 2014

Make a backup file is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Before writing to a file it is often advisable to make a backup of the original. Creating such a backup file is however also not without pitfalls.

In this task you should create a backup file from an existing file and then write new text to the old file. The following issues should be handled:

  • avoid making a copy of the file but instead rename the original and then write a new file with the original filename.
  • if a copy needs to be made, please explain why rename is not possible.
  • keep in mind symlinks, and do not rename or copy the link but the target. (If there is a link foo -> bar/baz, then bar/baz should be renamed to bar/baz.backup and then the new text should be written to bar/baz.)
  • it is assumed that you have permission to write in the target location, thus permission errors need not be handled.
  • you may choose the backup filename per preference or given limitations. (It should somehow include the original filename however.)
  • please try to avoid executing external commands, and especially avoid calling a shell script.

Some examples on this page assume that the original file already exists. They might fail if some user is trying to create a new file.


<lang autohotkey>targetfile := "ahk-file" if FileExist(targetfile) FileMove, %targetfile%, %targetfile%.bak else FileAppend,, %targetfile% file := FileOpen(targetfile, "w") if !IsObject(file) { MsgBox Can't open "%FileName%" for writing. return } file.Write("This is a test string.`r`n") file.Close()</lang>


<lang AWK>

  1. syntax: GAWK -f MAKE_A_BACKUP_FILE.AWK filename(s)
  2. see:

@load "inplace" BEGIN {




} 1 # rewrite file unchanged ENDFILE {


} END {


} </lang>

Common Lisp

Appends a version number and increments it on each backup <lang lisp>(defun parse-integer-quietly (&rest args)

 (ignore-errors (apply #'parse-integer args)))

(defun get-next-version (basename)

 (flet ((parse-version (pathname)
                       (or (parse-integer-quietly 
                             (string-left-trim (file-namestring basename) 
                                               (file-namestring pathname))
                             :start 1) 0)))
   (let* ((files (directory (format nil "~A,*" (namestring basename))))
          (max (reduce #'max files :key #'parse-version)))
     (merge-pathnames (format nil "~a,~d" (file-namestring basename) (1+ max))

(defun save-with-backup (filename data)

 (let ((file (probe-file filename)))
   (rename-file file (get-next-version file))
   (with-open-file (out file :direction :output)
     (print data out))))</lang>



This is the technique of the task description. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   fn := "myth"
   bx := ".backup"
   // see if it's a link
   var err error
   if tf, err := os.Readlink(fn); err == nil {
       fn = tf
   // stat to preserve permissions.
   var fi os.FileInfo
   if fi, err = os.Stat(fn); err != nil {
   // attemp rename
   if err = os.Rename(fn, fn+bx); err != nil {
   // create new file
   err = ioutil.WriteFile(fn, []byte("you too!\n"), fi.Mode().Perm())
   if err != nil {



Alternative technique copies an existing file to make the backup copy, then updates the origial file. In an attempt to keep operations atomic, the original file is opened as the first operation and is not closed until all operations are complete. In an attempt to avoid data loss, the original file is not modified until the backup file is closed. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   err := updateWithBackup("myth", ".backup", func(f *os.File) (err error) {
       if _, err = f.Seek(0, os.SEEK_SET); err != nil {
       if err = f.Truncate(0); err != nil {
       _, err = f.WriteString("you too!\n")
   if err != nil {


// updateWithBackup opens fn, creates a backup copy named fn+bx, then passes // the still-open original file to the supplied function up. up should // update the file as needed and return any error, but should not close // the file. updateWithBackup will then close the file and return any error. func updateWithBackup(fn, bx string, up func(*os.File) error) (err error) {

   var f *os.File
   if f, err = openWithBackup(fn, bx); err != nil {
   err = up(f)
   if cErr := f.Close(); err == nil {
       err = cErr


// openWithBackup opens fn, creates a backup copy, and returns fn still open. // If fn is a symlink, the destination file is opened instead. The name of // the backup file will be fn+bx, or if fn was a symlink, the name of the // destination file + bx. Any error encountered is returned. tf will be // an open file if and only if err == nil. func openWithBackup(fn, bx string) (tf *os.File, err error) {

   // follow symlink.
   if target, err := os.Readlink(fn); err == nil {
       fn = target
   // open the target file for exclusive access.
   if tf, err = os.OpenFile(fn, os.O_RDWR, 0); err != nil {
   // deferred function closes target file if an error happens
   // during the backup operation.
   defer func() {
       if err != nil {
   // stat to preserve permissions.
   var fi os.FileInfo
   if fi, err = tf.Stat(); err != nil {
   // create backup file, silently droping any existing backup.
   var bf *os.File
   if bf, err = os.OpenFile(fn+bx, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC,
       fi.Mode().Perm()); err != nil {
   // copy contents.  hold on to any error.
   _, err = io.Copy(bf, tf)
   // do your best to close backup file whether copy worked or not.
   if cErr := bf.Close(); err == nil {
       err = cErr // return close error if there has been no other error.
   // backup complete (as long as err == nil)



Works with: Java version 7+

<lang java5>import; import java.nio.file.*;

public class Backup { public static void saveWithBackup(String filename, String... data){ //toRealPath() follows symlinks to their ends Path file = Paths.get(filename).toRealPath(); File backFile = new File(filename + ".backup"); if(!backFile.exists()) { // ensure the backup file exists so we can write to it later backFile.createNewFile(); } Path back = Paths.get(filename + ".backup").toRealPath(); Files.move(file, back, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); try(PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(file.toFile())){ for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { out.print(data[i]); if(i < data.length - 1) { out.println(); } } } } }</lang>

Works with: Java version 1.5+

<lang java5>import; import; import;

public class Backup{ public static void saveWithBackup(String filename, String... data) throws IOException{ File orig = new File(filename); //getCanonicalPath() follows symlinks to their ends File backup = new File(orig.getCanonicalPath() + ".backup");

orig.renameTo(backup); PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(orig); for(int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { output.print(data[i]); if(i < data.length - 1) { output.println(); } } output.close(); } }</lang>


<lang Lasso>local(file2use = 'input.txt')

// create file // only need to do this if this code example has not been run before and input.txt foes not exist, else leave commented out //local(nf = file(#file2use)) //#nf->doWithClose => { #nf->writeBytes('Hello, World!'->asBytes) }

// move file local(f = file(#file2use)) local(contents_of_f = #f->readstring)

  1. f->moveTo(#file2use+'.bak')
  2. f->close

// make mods to file contents

  1. contents_of_f->append('\rLasso is awesome!')

// create new file with new contents local(nf = file(#file2use))

  1. nf->doWithClose => { #nf->writeBytes(#contents_of_f->asBytes) }</lang>

Locomotive Basic

AMSDOS has automatic one-level backups which also work from Locomotive BASIC: If e.g. the file test.bas is saved, the data gets written to test.$$$. When the file is closed a preexisting test.bas gets renamed to test.bak and finally test.$$$ is renamed to test.bas. (These backups affect all file types, not just BASIC source code.)


PicoLisp makes use of external commands as much as possible (at least for not time-critical operations), to avoid duplicated functionality. <lang PicoLisp>(let Path (in '(realpath "foo") (line T))

  (call 'mv Path (pack Path ".backup"))
  (out Path
     (prinl "This is the new file") ) )</lang>


<lang Pike>string targetfile = "pycon-china"; targetfile = System.resolvepath(targetfile); mv(targetfile, targetfile+"~"); Stdio.write_file(targetfile, "this task was solved at the pycon china 2011");</lang>


<lang Python> import os targetfile = "pycon-china" os.rename(os.path.realpath(targetfile), os.path.realpath(targetfile)+".bak") f = open(os.path.realpath(targetfile), "w") f.write("this task was solved during a talk about rosettacode at the PyCon China in 2011") f.close() </lang>


This version keeps unlimited backups, with *.bak being the freshest one, *.bak1 is an older backup, etc. So each backup moves all existing names up.

<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket

(define (move-to-backup file)

 (define backup
   (regexp-replace #rx"^(.*?)(?:\\.bak([0-9]*))?$" file
     (λ (_ base num) (~a base ".bak" (add1 (if num (string->number num) 0))))))
 (eprintf "~s -> ~s\n" file backup)
 (when (file-exists? backup) (move-to-backup backup))
 (rename-file-or-directory file backup)

(define (revise path0)

 (define path (path->string (normalize-path path0))) ; chase symlinks
 (when (file-exists? path) (copy-file (move-to-backup path) path))
 (display-to-file "Another line\n" path #:exists 'append))

(revise "fff") </lang>


This version does not overwrite the backup file if it exists. <lang ruby>def backup_and_open(filename)

 filename = File.realpath(filename)
 bkup = filename + ".backup"
 backup_files = Dir.glob(bkup + "*").sort_by do |f|
   $&.nil? ? 0 : $&.to_i
 backup_files.reverse.each do |fname|
   if m = fname.match(/\.backup\.(\d+)$/)
     File.rename(fname, "%s.%d" % [bkup, m[1].to_i + 1])
   elsif fname == bkup
     File.rename(bkup, bkup + ".1")
 File.rename(filename, bkup), "w") {|handle| yield handle}


1.upto(12) {|i| backup_and_open(ARGV[0]) {|fh| fh.puts "backup #{i}"}}</lang>


$ echo "original" > original
$ ln -s original linkfile
$ ruby backup.rb linkfile
$ ls -l linkfile* original*
lrwxrwxrwx  1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   8 Nov 11 11:22 linkfile -> original
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d  10 Nov 11 11:41 original
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d  10 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d  10 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.1
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.10
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:37 original.backup.11
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.2
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.3
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.4
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.5
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.6
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.7
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.8
-rw-rw-rw-+ 1 glennj mkgroup-l-d   9 Nov 11 11:41 original.backup.9
$ cat original original.backup original.backup.1 original.backup.2 original.backup.3 original.backup.4 original.backup.5 original.backup.6 original.backup.7 original.backup.8 original.backup.9 original.backup.10 original.backup.11
backup 12
backup 11
backup 10
backup 9
backup 8
backup 7
backup 6
backup 5
backup 4
backup 3
backup 2
backup 1


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

proc backupopen {filename mode} {

   set filename [file normalize $filename]
   if {[file exists $filename]} {

set backups [glob -nocomplain -path $filename ,*] set backups [lsort -dictionary \ [lsearch -all -inline -regexp $backups {,\d+$}]] if {![llength $backups]} { set n 0 } else { set n [regexp -inline {\d+$} [lindex $backups end]] } while 1 { set backup $filename,[incr n] if {![catch {file copy $filename $backup}]} { break } }

   return [open $filename $mode]
