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Modulinos is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

It is useful to be able to execute a main() function only when a program is run directly. This is a central feature in programming scripts; the feature is called scripted main.

Examples from GitHub.

This is still a draft task, and the current task description has caused mega confusion. See Talk:Scripted Main for numerous attempts to understand the task and to rewrite the task description.
The task Executable library is written to replace this task. This task's future is in doubt as its aims are not clear enough.


C programs cannot normally do scripted main, because main() is implicitly included by another program, test.c, even though scriptedmain.h omits any main() prototype. A compiler directive fixes this.

<lang sh>$ gcc -o scriptedmain scriptedmain.c scriptedmain.h $ ./scriptedmain Main: The meaning of life is 42 $ gcc -o test test.c scriptedmain.c scriptedmain.h $ ./test Test: The meaning of life is 42</lang>


<lang c>int meaning_of_life();</lang>


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

int meaning_of_life() { return 42; }

int __attribute__((weak)) main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Main: The meaning of life is %d\n", meaning_of_life());

return 0; }</lang>


<lang c>#include "scriptedmain.h"

  1. include <stdio.h>

extern int meaning_of_life();

int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("Test: The meaning of life is %d\n", meaning_of_life()); return 0; }</lang>


C++ programs cannot normally do scripted main, because main() is implicitly included by another program, test.c, even though scriptedmain.h omits any main() prototype. A compiler directive fixes this.


<lang cpp>int meaning_of_life();</lang>


<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int meaning_of_life() { return 42; }

int __attribute__((weak)) main(int argc, char **argv) { cout << "Main: The meaning of life is " << meaning_of_life() << endl;

return 0; }</lang>


<lang cpp>#include "scriptedmain.h"

  1. include <iostream>

using namespace std;

extern int meaning_of_life();

int main(int argc, char **argv) { cout << "Test: The meaning of life is " << meaning_of_life() << endl;

return 0; }</lang>

Chicken Scheme

Chicken Scheme has the {{{ -ss }}} flag for the interpreter, but compiled Chicken Scheme programs do not have scripted main unless the behavior is added manually to the code.


<lang scheme>#!/bin/bash

  1. |

exec csi -ss $0 ${1+"$@"} exit |#

(use posix) (require-extension srfi-1) ; lists

(define (meaning-of-life) 42)

(define (main args) (display (format "Main: The meaning of life is ~a\n" (meaning-of-life))) (exit))

(define (program) (if (string=? (car (argv)) "csi") (let ((s-index (list-index (lambda (x) (string-contains x "-s")) (argv)))) (if (number? s-index) (cons 'interpreted (list-ref (argv) (+ 1 s-index))) (cons 'unknown ""))) (cons 'compiled (car (argv)))))

(if (equal? (car (program)) 'compiled) (main (cdr (argv))))</lang>


<lang scheme>#!/bin/bash

  1. |

exec csi -ss $0 ${1+"$@"} exit |# (define (main args) (load "scriptedmain.scm") (display (format "Test: The meaning of life is ~a\n" (meaning-of-life))) (exit))</lang>


Clojure has a function -main which will run in only four cases.

  1. clj is passed the flag -m <class>. <lang sh>$ clj -m scriptedmain

Main: The meaning of life is 42 $ clj -m test Test: The meaning of life is 42</lang>

  1. A shebang forces -m <class>. <lang sh>$ ./scriptedmain.clj

Main: The meaning of life is 42 $ ./test.clj Test: The meaning of life is 42</lang>

  1. The compiled class is run. <lang sh>$ java -cp ~/Library/Clojure/lib/clojure.jar:. scriptedmain

Main: The meaning of life is 42 $ java -cp ~/Library/Clojure/lib/clojure.jar:. test Test: The meaning of life is 42</lang>

  1. -main is explicitly called. <lang sh>

$ clj user=> (load-file "scriptedmain.clj") user=> (scriptedmain/-main) Main: The meaning of life is 42 nil</lang>


<lang lisp>":";exec clj -m `basename $0 .clj` ${1+"$@"} ":";exit

(ns scriptedmain (:gen-class))

(defn meaning-of-life [] 42)

(defn -main [& args] (println "Main: The meaning of life is" (meaning-of-life)))</lang>


<lang lisp>":";exec clj -m `basename $0 .clj` ${1+"$@"} ":";exit

(ns test (:gen-class))

(load "scriptedmain")

(defn -main [& args] (println "Test: The meaning of life is" (scriptedmain/meaning-of-life)))</lang>

Common Lisp

Common Lisp has few standards for POSIX operation. Shebangs and command line arguments are hacks.

In CLISP, this code only works for ./scriptedmain.lisp.


<lang lisp>;;; Play nice with shebangs (set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\!

(lambda (stream character n)
 (declare (ignore character n))
 (read-line stream nil nil t)


<lang lisp>#!/bin/bash

  1. |

exec clisp -q -q $0 $0 ${1+"$@"} exit |#


(defun meaning-of-life () 42)

(defun main (args)

(format t "Main: The meaning of life is ~a~%" (meaning-of-life))
With help from Francois-Rene Rideau

(let ((args

      #+clisp ext:*args*
      #+sbcl sb-ext:*posix-argv*
      #+clozure (ccl::command-line-arguments)
      #+gcl si:*command-args*
      #+ecl (loop for i from 0 below (si:argc) collect (si:argv i))
      #+cmu extensions:*command-line-strings*
      #+allegro (sys:command-line-arguments)
      #+lispworks sys:*line-arguments-list*
 (if (member (pathname-name *load-truename*)
             :test #'(lambda (x y) (search x y :test #'equalp)))
   (main args)))</lang>


<lang lisp>#!/bin/bash

  1. |

exec clisp -q -q $0 $0 ${1+"$@"} exit |#

(load "scriptedmain.lisp") (format t "Test: The meaning of life is ~a~%" (meaning-of-life))</lang>

Emacs Lisp

Emacs has scripted main, though older versions require an obscure shebang syntax.


<lang lisp>:;exec emacs -batch -l $0 -f main $*

Shebang from John Swaby

(defun meaning-of-life () 42)

(defun main ()

(message "Main: The meaning of life is %d" (meaning-of-life)))</lang>


<lang lisp>:;exec emacs -batch -l $0 -f main $*

Shebang from John Swaby

(defun main ()

(setq load-path (cons default-directory load-path))
(load "scriptedmain.el" nil t)
(message "Test: The meaning of life is %d" (meaning-of-life)))</lang>


Erlang has scripted main by default. scriptedmain.erl must be compiled before test.erl can access its functions.


<lang erlang>-module(scriptedmain). -export([meaning_of_life/0]). -import(lists, [map/2]).

meaning_of_life() -> 42.

main(_) -> io:format("Main: The meaning of life is ~w~n", [meaning_of_life()]).</lang>


<lang erlang>% Compile scriptedmain.erl first.

-module(test). -import(scriptedmain, [meaning_of_life/0]).

main(_) -> io:format("Test: The meaning of life is ~w~n", [meaning_of_life()]).</lang>


This "fibonacci" vocabulary exports both a fib word (from Fibonacci sequence#Factor) and a main entry point.

<lang factor>USING: kernel io math math.parser sequences ; IN: fibonacci

fib ( n -- m )
   dup 2 < [
       [ 0 1 ] dip [ swap [ + ] keep ] times
   ] unless ;
first-15 ( -- )
   15 iota [
       fib number>string write
       14 = [ "\n" ] [ ", " ] if write
   ] each ;

MAIN: first-15</lang>

One can run the main program from the listener:

( scratchpad ) "fibonacci" run
Loading resource:work/fibonacci/fibonacci.factor
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377

One can also run the main program as a script:

$ ./factor run=fibonacci
Loading resource:work/fibonacci/fibonacci.factor
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377

One can also use the exported words (in the listener, or in another program):

( scratchpad ) USE: fibonacci
( scratchpad ) 20 fib .


Haskell has scripted main, but getting scripted main to work with compiled scripts is tricky.

<lang sh>$ runhaskell scriptedmain.hs Main: The meaning of life is 42 $ runhaskell test.hs Test: The meaning of life is 42 $ ghc -fforce-recomp -o scriptedmain -main-is ScriptedMain scriptedmain.hs $ ./scriptedmain Main: The meaning of life is 42 $ ghc -fforce-recomp -o test -main-is Test test.hs scriptedmain.hs $ ./test Test: The meaning of life is 42</lang>


<lang haskell>#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell

-- Compile: -- -- ghc -fforce-recomp -o scriptedmain -main-is ScriptedMain scriptedmain.hs

module ScriptedMain where

meaningOfLife :: Int meaningOfLife = 42

main :: IO () main = putStrLn $ "Main: The meaning of life is " ++ show meaningOfLife</lang>


<lang haskell>#!/usr/bin/env runhaskell

-- Compile: -- -- ghc -fforce-recomp -o test -main-is Test test.hs scriptedmain.hs

module Test where

import ScriptedMain hiding (main)

main :: IO () main = putStrLn $ "Test: The meaning of life is " ++ show meaningOfLife</lang>


Probably the simplest way to achive what I imagine "scripted main" to be, in J, involves the use of the Immex Phrase. Here, just before the script ends, you define the "main" which would take control if the script was used as a stand alone program.

Here is an example "scripted main" program, using this approach:

<lang j>NB. example "scripted main" code, saved as sm.ijs myName=: 'My name is George' 9!:29]1 9!:27'smoutput myName'</lang>

Here is an example consumer, which is another "scripted main" program:

<lang j>NB. example "alternate main" code require'sm.ijs' 9!:29]1 9!:27'smoutput length: ,":#myName'</lang>

Here is another example consumer. This example is library code, without any main:

<lang j>NB. example "non main" library code require'sm.ijs' 9!:29]0 reversed=:|.myName</lang>

Example use:

<lang j> load 'sm.ijs' My name is George

  load 'smalt.ijs'

length: 17

  load 'smlib.ijs'

egroeG si eman yM</lang>

This could also be used from the command line, for example jconsole sm.ijs and so on...


Java has scripted main by default.

<lang java>public class ScriptedMain { public static int meaningOfLife() { return 42; }

public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Main: The meaning of life is " + meaningOfLife()); } }</lang>

<lang java>public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Test: The meaning of life is " + ScriptedMain.meaningOfLife()); } }</lang>


LLVM can have scripted main a la C, using the weak attribute.

<lang sh>$ make llvm-as scriptedmain.ll llc scriptedmain.bc gcc -o scriptedmain scriptedmain.s ./scriptedmain Main: The meaning of life is 42 llvm-as test.ll llc test.bc gcc -o test test.s scriptedmain.s ./test Test: The meaning of life is 42</lang>


<lang make>EXECUTABLE_SM=scriptedmain EXECUTABLE_TEST=test

all: test.ll scriptedmain.s llvm-as test.ll llc test.bc gcc -o $(EXECUTABLE_TEST) test.s scriptedmain.s ./$(EXECUTABLE_TEST)

scriptedmain.s: scriptedmain.ll llvm-as scriptedmain.ll llc scriptedmain.bc gcc -o $(EXECUTABLE_SM) scriptedmain.s ./$(EXECUTABLE_SM)

clean: -rm $(EXECUTABLE_TEST) -rm $(EXECUTABLE_SM) -rm test.s -rm test.bc -rm scriptedmain.s -rm scriptedmain.bc</lang>


<lang llvm>@msg_main = internal constant [33 x i8] c"Main: The meaning of life is %d\0A\00"

declare i32 @printf(i8* noalias nocapture, ...)

define i32 @meaning_of_life() { ret i32 42 }

define weak i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) { %meaning = call i32 @meaning_of_life()

call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([33 x i8]* @msg_main, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %meaning)

ret i32 0 }</lang>


<lang llvm>@msg_test = internal constant [33 x i8] c"Test: The meaning of life is %d\0A\00"

declare i32 @printf(i8* noalias nocapture, ...)

declare i32 @meaning_of_life()

define i32 @main(i32 %argc, i8** %argv) { %meaning = call i32 @meaning_of_life()

call i32 (i8*, ...)* @printf(i8* getelementptr inbounds ([33 x i8]* @msg_test, i32 0, i32 0), i32 %meaning)

ret i32 0 }</lang>


Lua has scripted main by default because files are largely indistinguishable from functions semantically (they compile to Lua functions.) Ellipses is Lua's var-arg syntax for functions, and, therefore, for files as well.


<lang lua>#!/usr/bin/env lua

function meaningoflife() return 42 end

function main(arg) print("Main: The meaning of life is " .. meaningoflife()) end

if type(package.loaded[(...)]) ~= "userdata" then main(arg) else module(..., package.seeall) end</lang>


<lang lua>#!/usr/bin/env lua sm = require("scriptedmain") print("Test: The meaning of life is " .. sm.meaningoflife())</lang>


newLISP lacks scripted main, but the feature is easily added.


<lang lisp>#!/usr/bin/env newlisp

(context 'SM)

(define (SM:meaning-of-life) 42)

(define (main) (println (format "Main: The meaning of life is %d" (meaning-of-life))) (exit))

(if (find "scriptedmain" (main-args 1)) (main))

(context MAIN)</lang>


<lang lisp>#!/usr/bin/env newlisp

(load "scriptedmain.lsp") (println (format "Test: The meaning of life is %d" (SM:meaning-of-life))) (exit)</lang>


Node.js has scripted main.


<lang javascript>#!/usr/bin/env node

function meaningOfLife() { return 42; }

exports.meaningOfLife = meaningOfLife;

function main() { console.log("Main: The meaning of life is " + meaningOfLife()); }

if (!module.parent) { main(); }</lang>


<lang javascript>#!/usr/bin/env node

var sm = require("./scriptedmain");

console.log("Test: The meaning of life is " + sm.meaningOfLife());</lang>

Octave /MATLAB

Octave and MATLAB have scripted main by default, because only the first function listed in a program are importable by other programs.


<lang matlab>#!/usr/bin/env octave -qf

function y = meaningoflife() y = 42; endfunction

function main() printf("Main: The meaning of life is %d", meaningoflife()); endfunction



<lang matlab>#!/usr/bin/env octave -qf

printf("Test: The meaning of life is %d", meaningoflife());</lang>


Perl has scripted main. The code inside unless(caller) { ... } only runs when is the main program.

<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/env perl


package Life;

use strict; use warnings;

sub meaning_of_life { return 42; }

unless(caller) { print "Main: The meaning of life is " . meaning_of_life() . "\n"; }</lang>

<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/env perl


use strict; use warnings;

use Life;

print "Life means " . Life::meaning_of_life . ".\n"; print "Death means invisible scary skeletons.\n";</lang>

Perl 6

Perl 6 automatically calls MAIN on direct invocation, but this may be a multi dispatch, so a library may have multiple "scripted mains". <lang perl6>class LUE {

   has $.answer = 42;


multi MAIN ('test') {

   say "ok" if == 42;


multi MAIN ('methods') {

   say ~LUE.^methods;



PHP does not have scripted main, but the feature is easily added with a regular expression.


<lang php><?php function meaning_of_life() { return 42; }

function main($args) { echo "Main: The meaning of life is " . meaning_of_life() . "\n"; }

if (preg_match("/scriptedmain/", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])) { main($argv); } ?></lang>


<lang php><?php require_once("scriptedmain.php"); echo "Test: The meaning of life is " . meaning_of_life() . "\n"; ?></lang>


PicoLisp normally does it the other way round: It calls main from the command line with the '-' syntax if desired. Create an executable file (chmod +x) "life.l": <lang PicoLisp>#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(de meaningOfLife ()

  42 )

(de lifemain ()

  (prinl "Main: The meaning of life is " (meaningOfLife))
  (bye) )</lang>

and an executable file (chmod +x) "test.l": <lang PicoLisp>#!/usr/bin/picolisp /usr/lib/picolisp/lib.l

(load "life.l")

(prinl "Test: The meaning of life is " (meaningOfLife)) (bye)</lang> Test:

$ ./life.l -lifemain
Main: The meaning of life is 42

$ ./test.l
Test: The meaning of life is 42


Python has scripted main.

<lang python>#!/usr/bin/env python


def meaning_of_life():

 return 42

if __name__ == "__main__":

 print "Main: The meaning of life is %s" % meaning_of_life()</lang>

<lang python>#!/usr/bin/env python


from life import meaning_of_life

print "Life means %s." % meaning_of_life() print "Death means invisible scary skeletons."</lang>


R does not have scripted main, but the feature is easily added with regular expressions.


<lang R>#!/usr/bin/Rscript

meaningOfLife <- function() { 42 }

main <- function(program, args) { cat("Main: The meaning of life is", meaningOfLife(), "\n") }

getProgram <- function(args) { sub("--file=", "", args[grep("--file=", args)]) }

args <- commandArgs(trailingOnly = FALSE) program <- getProgram(args)

if (length(program) > 0 && length(grep("scriptedmain", program)) > 0) { main(program, args) q("no") }</lang>


<lang R>#!/usr/bin/Rscript


cat("Test: The meaning of life is", meaningOfLife(), "\n")



Ruby has scripted main.

<lang ruby># life.rb

def meaning_of_life



if __FILE__ == $0

 puts "Main: The meaning of life is #{meaning_of_life}"


<lang ruby># death.rb

require 'life'

puts "Life means #{meaning_of_life}." puts "Death means invisible scary skeletons."</lang>


<lang tcl>proc main {args} {

   puts "Directory: [pwd]"
   puts "Program: $::argv0"
   puts "Number of args: [llength $args]"
   foreach arg $args {puts "Arg: $arg"}


if {$::argv0 eq [info script]} {

   main {*}$::argv


UNIX Shell

Bash has scripted main.

<lang sh>#!/usr/bin/env sh

meaning_of_life() { return 42 }

main() { meaning_of_life echo "Main: The meaning of life is $?" }

if "$BASH_SOURCE" == "$0" then



<lang sh>#!/usr/bin/env sh source meaning_of_life echo "Test: The meaning of life is $?"</lang>