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Without such commands, using pure generation of strings and lists:
<lang tcl>apply {s {puts [expr {[gets stdin]eq[list {*}$s $s]}]}} {apply {s {puts [expr {[gets stdin]eq[list {*}$s $s]}]}}}</lang>
{{Uses from|GNU coreutils|base64 utility}}
{{Uses from|GNU coreutils|sed utility}}
<lang txr>@(bind my64 "QChuZXh0IDphcmdzKQpAZmlsZW5hbWUKQChuZXh0IGAhc2VkIC1uIC1lICcyLCRwJyBAZmlsZW5hbWUgfCBiYXNlNjRgKQpAKGZyZWVmb3JtICIiKQpAaW42NApAKG5leHQgYEBmaWxlbmFtZWApCkBmaXJzdGxpbmUKQChjYXNlcykKQChiaW5kIGZpcnN0bGluZSBgQEAoYmluZCBteTY0ICJAbXk2NCIpYCkKQChiaW5kIGJhc2U2NCBteTY0KQpAKG91dHB1dCkKMQpAKGVuZCkKQChvcikKQChvdXRwdXQpCjAKQChlbmQpCkAoZW5kKQo=")
@(next :args)
@(next `!sed -n -e '2,$p' @filename | base64`)
@(freeform "")
@(next `@filename`)
@(bind firstline `@@(bind my64 "@my64")`)
@(bind base64 my64)

Revision as of 01:32, 24 September 2011

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Quoting from the Esolangs wiki page:

A narcissist (or Narcissus program) is the decision-problem version of a quine.

A quine, when run, takes no input, but produces a copy of its own source code at its output. In contrast, a narcissist reads a string of symbols from its input, and produces no output except a "1" or "accept" if that string matches its own source code, or a "0" or "reject" if it does not.

For concreteness, in this task we shall assume that symbol = character. The narcissist should be able to cope with any finite input, whatever its length. Any form of output is allowed, as long as the program always halts, and "accept", "reject" and "not yet finished" are distinguishable.


Works with: Ada 2005

Took code from Quine, has to be in one line (could be done pretty printed, too, but not as simple).

<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;procedure Self is Q:Character:='"';A:String:="with Ada.Text_IO;procedure Self is Q:Character:=;A:String:=;B:String:=A(1..49)&Q&A(50..61)&Q&A&Q&A(62..A'Last);C:String:=Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line;begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Boolean'Image(B=C));end Self;";B:String:=A(1..49)&Q&A(50..61)&Q&A&Q&A(62..A'Last);C:String:=Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line;begin Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Boolean'Image(B=C));end Self;</lang>


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release 1.18.0-9h.tiny

<lang algol68>STRINGs="STRINGs="";print(readstring=2*s[:9]+2*s[9:])";print(readstring=2*s[:9]+2*s[9:])</lang> Output: T or F depending on input.


Based upon the quine. Reads until EOF or newline from stdin, and writes "1" or "0" to stdout. <lang c>extern void*stdin;main(){ char*p = "extern void*stdin;main(){ char*p = %c%s%c,a[300],b[300];sprintf(a,p,34,p,34);fgets(b,300,stdin);putchar(48+!strcmp(a,b)); }",a[300],b[300];sprintf(a,p,34,p,34);fgets(b,300,stdin);putchar(48+!strcmp(a,b)); }</lang>


<lang forth>: narcissist [ source ] sliteral compare 0= ;</lang>


This version reads until EOF and expects a newline at the end of the input. If this is being checked from a file, make sure that the file has exactly one newline at the end of it.

<lang go>package main; import "os"; import "fmt"; import "bytes"; import "io/ioutil"; func main() {ios := "os"; ifmt := "fmt"; ibytes := "bytes"; iioutil := "io/ioutil"; zero := "Reject"; one := "Accept"; x := "package main; import %q; import %q; import %q; import %q; func main() {ios := %q; ifmt := %q; ibytes := %q; iioutil := %q; zero := %q; one := %q; x := %q; s := fmt.Sprintf(x, ios, ifmt, ibytes, iioutil, ios, ifmt, ibytes, iioutil, zero, one, x); in, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin); if bytes.Equal(in, []byte(s)) {fmt.Println(one);} else {fmt.Println(zero);};}\n"; s := fmt.Sprintf(x, ios, ifmt, ibytes, iioutil, ios, ifmt, ibytes, iioutil, zero, one, x); in, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin); if bytes.Equal(in, []byte(s)) {fmt.Println(one);} else {fmt.Println(zero);};}</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Translation of: Go

Since we can't put a link statement and program on a single line, we implement a simplified inline sprintf so we don't have to deal with all the double quotes or substrings and offsets. If we'd needed to write multiple procedures on a line it can be done Semi-colons in the language intro <lang Icon>procedure main();yes:="Accept";no:="Reject";pat:="procedure main();yes:=$;no:=$;pat:=$;a:=[yes,no,pat];narc:=char(0)[0:0];pat?{while narc||:=tab(find(char(36))) do{narc||:=image(get(a));move(1)};narc||:=tab(0)};write(if read()==narc then yes else no);end";a:=[yes,no,pat];narc:=char(0)[0:0];pat?{while narc||:=tab(find(char(36))) do{narc||:=image(get(a));move(1)};narc||:=tab(0)};write(if read()==narc then yes else no);end</lang>


./narcissist.exe < narcissist.icn

Actually, this version recognizes all files where the first line is the Narcissist.


<lang j>#!/j602/bin/jconsole main=:3 : 0

 self=: '#!/j602/bin/jconsole',LF,'main=:',(5!:5<'main'),LF,'main,LF
 echo  self -: stdin

) main</lang>

Example use:

<lang>$ ./narcissist.ijs <narcissist.ijs 1


Note that this assumes a suitable os command line.

Alternative solution: <lang j> narcissist=.(-:,~,2#{:)&'(-:,~,2#{:)&</lang>

Example use: <lang j> (-:,~,2#{:)&'(-:,~,2#{:)& '(-:,~,2#{:)' 0

  (-:,~,2#{:)&'(-:,~,2#{:)& '(-:,~,2#{:)&(-:,~,2#{:)&''



Works with: SpiderMonkey version 1.7.0

Based upon one of the quines. Outputs 'true' if source is equal to inputted line (newline terminated), 'false' otherwise. <lang javascript>var code='var q=String.fromCharCode(39);print("var code=" + q + code + q + "; eval(code)" == readline())'; eval(code)</lang>

Liberty BASIC

NOTE: You have to manually type in ALL of the code since the Input statement will not successfully input data from a paste event even though it will show up in the MainWin.

<lang lb>

s$ = "s$ = Input a$ : Print (a$ = Left$(s$, 5) + chr$(34) + s$ + chr$(34) + Mid$(s$, 14, 3) + Mid$(s$, 6, 100)) + Mid$(s$, 23, 3)" : Input a$ : Print (a$ = Left$(s$, 5) + chr$(34) + s$ + chr$(34) + Mid$(s$, 14, 3) + Mid$(s$, 6, 100))


<lang perl># this is file print do { local $/; open 0, $0 or die $!; <0> } eq <> ? "accept" : "reject"</lang> Run: <lang>perl <</lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de narcissist (Str)

  (= Str (str narcissist)) )</lang>


: (narcissist "(Str) (= Str (str narcissist))")
-> T


For Python 2.x: <lang Python> import sys with open(sys.argv[0]) as quine:

   code = raw_input("Enter source code: ")
   if code ==



version 1

(returns 1 or 0) <lang rexx> /*REXX*/ say arg(1)=sourceline(1) </lang>

version 2

(returns accept or reject) <lang rexx> /*REXX*/ say word('reject accept',1+(arg(1)=sourceline(1))) </lang>


Translation of the C version. <lang ruby>s = "s = %s%s%s; puts(gets.chomp == (s %% [34.chr, s, 34.chr]) ? 'accept' : 'reject')"; puts(gets.chomp == (s % [34.chr, s, 34.chr]) ? 'accept' : 'reject')</lang> Output:

$ ruby narcissist.rb < narcissist.rb


With the use of explicit reflexive introspection: <lang tcl>apply {{} {puts [expr {[gets stdin] eq [info level 0]}]}}</lang> Without such commands, using pure generation of strings and lists: <lang tcl>apply {s {puts [expr {[gets stdin]eq[list {*}$s $s]}]}} {apply {s {puts [expr {[gets stdin]eq[list {*}$s $s]}]}}}</lang>


<lang txr>@(bind my64 "QChuZXh0IDphcmdzKQpAZmlsZW5hbWUKQChuZXh0IGAhc2VkIC1uIC1lICcyLCRwJyBAZmlsZW5hbWUgfCBiYXNlNjRgKQpAKGZyZWVmb3JtICIiKQpAaW42NApAKG5leHQgYEBmaWxlbmFtZWApCkBmaXJzdGxpbmUKQChjYXNlcykKQChiaW5kIGZpcnN0bGluZSBgQEAoYmluZCBteTY0ICJAbXk2NCIpYCkKQChiaW5kIGJhc2U2NCBteTY0KQpAKG91dHB1dCkKMQpAKGVuZCkKQChvcikKQChvdXRwdXQpCjAKQChlbmQpCkAoZW5kKQo=") @(next :args) @filename @(next `!sed -n -e '2,$p' @filename | base64`) @(freeform "") @in64 @(next `@filename`) @firstline @(cases) @(bind firstline `@@(bind my64 "@my64")`) @(bind base64 my64) @(output) 1 @(end) @(or) @(output) 0 @(end) @(end)</lang>