Read a file line by line: Difference between revisions

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Jono (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Lasso}}: Adding syntax for read file line by line
Line 1,130: Line 1,130:

<lang Lasso>local(f) = file('foo.txt')
handle => {#f->close}
#f->forEachLine => {^
'<br>' // note this simply inserts an HTML line break between each line.

=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==
=={{header|Liberty BASIC}}==

Revision as of 22:25, 1 November 2013

Read a file line by line
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Read a file one line at a time, as opposed to reading the entire file at once.

See also


Works with: Ada 2005

line_by_line.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Line_By_Line is

  Filename   : String := "line_by_line.adb";
  File       : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
  Line_Count : Natural := 0;


  Ada.Text_IO.Open (File => File,
                    Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File,
                    Name => Filename);
  while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (File) loop
        Line : String := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (File);
        Line_Count := Line_Count + 1;
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Natural'Image (Line_Count) & ": " & Line);
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Close (File);

end Line_By_Line;</lang>


 1: with Ada.Text_IO;
 2: procedure Line_By_Line is
 3:    Filename   : String := "line_by_line.adb";
 4:    File       : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;
 5:    Line_Count : Natural := 0;
 6: begin
 7:    Ada.Text_IO.Open (File => File,
 8:                      Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File,
 9:                      Name => Filename);
 10:    while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (File) loop
 11:       declare
 12:          Line : String := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (File);
 13:       begin
 14:          Line_Count := Line_Count + 1;
 15:          Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Natural'Image (Line_Count) & ": " & Line);
 16:       end;
 17:    end loop;
 18:    Ada.Text_IO.Close (File);
 19: end Line_By_Line;


<lang aime>file f; text s;

f_affix(f, "src/aime.c");

while (f_line(f, s) != -1) {




Works with: ALGOL 68 version Revision 1 - no extension to language used.
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release algol68g-2.3.5.

File: ./Read_a_file_line_by_line.a68<lang algol68>#!/usr/local/bin/a68g --script #

FILE foobar; INT errno = open(foobar, "Read_a_file_line_by_line.a68", stand in channel);

STRING line; FORMAT line fmt = $gl$;

PROC mount next tape = (REF FILE file)BOOL: (

 print("Please mount next tape or q to quit");
 IF read char = "q" THEN done ELSE TRUE FI


on physical file end(foobar, mount next tape); on logical file end(foobar, (REF FILE skip)BOOL: done);

FOR count DO

 getf(foobar, (line fmt, line));
 printf(($g(0)": "$, count, line fmt, line))

OD; done: SKIP</lang>Output:

1: #!/usr/local/bin/a68g --script #
3: FILE foobar;
4: INT errno = open(foobar, "Read_a_file_line_by_line.a68", stand in channel);
6: STRING line;
7: FORMAT line fmt = $gl$;
9: PROC mount next tape = (REF FILE file)BOOL: (
10:   print("Please mount next tape or q to quit");
11:   IF read char = "q" THEN done ELSE TRUE FI
12: );
14: on physical file end(foobar, mount next tape);
15: on logical file end(foobar, (REF FILE skip)BOOL: done);
17: FOR count DO
18:   getf(foobar, (line fmt, line));
19:   printf(($g(0)": "$, count, line fmt, line))
20: OD;
21: done: SKIP


<lang AutoHotkey>; --> Prompt the user to select the file being read

FileSelectFile, File, 1, %A_ScriptDir%, Select the (text) file to read, Documents (*.txt) ; Could of course be set to support other filetypes If Errorlevel ; If no file selected ExitApp

--> Main loop
Input (File), Output (Text)

Loop { FileReadLine, Line, %File%, %A_Index% ; Reads line N (where N is loop iteration) if Errorlevel ; If line does not exist, break loop break Text .= A_Index ". " Line . "`n" ; Appends the line to the variable "Text", adding line number before & new line after }

--> Delivers the output as a text file

FileDelete, Output.txt ; Makes sure output is clear before writing FileAppend, %Text%, Output.txt ; Writes the result to Output.txt Run Output.txt ; Shows the created file</lang>


<lang AWK>awk '{ print $0 }' filename</lang>


Locomotive Basic

<lang locobasic>10 OPENIN"foo.txt" 20 WHILE NOT EOF 30 LINE INPUT#9,i$ 40 PRINT i$ 50 WEND</lang>

ZX Spectrum Basic

The tape recorder interface does not support fragmented reads, because tape recorder start and stop is not atomic, (and a leadin is required for tape input). However, the microdrive does support fragmented reads. In the following example, we read a file line by line from a file on microdrive 1.

<lang basic>10 REM open my file for input 20 OPEN #4;"m";1;"MYFILE": REM stream 4 is the first available for general purpose 30 INPUT #4; LINE a$: REM a$ will hold our line from the file 40 REM because we do not know how many lines are in the file, we need an error trap 50 REM to gracefully exit when the file is read. (omitted from this example) 60 REM to prevent an error at end of file, place a handler here 100 GOTO 30</lang>

Batch File

<lang dos> @echo off for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%i in (file.txt) do echo %%i </lang>


This method is appropriate if the lines are terminated by a single CR or LF: <lang bbcbasic> file% = OPENIN("*.txt")

     IF file%=0 ERROR 100, "File could not be opened"
     WHILE NOT EOF#file%
       a$ = GET$#file%
     CLOSE #file%</lang>

This method is appropriate if the lines are terminated by a CRLF pair: <lang bbcbasic> file% = OPENIN("*.txt")

     IF file%=0 ERROR 100, "File could not be opened"
     WHILE NOT EOF#file%
       INPUT #file%, a$
       IF ASCa$=10 a$ = MID$(a$,2)
     CLOSE #file%</lang>


fil is a relatively low level Bracmat function for manipulating files. Depending on the parameters it opens, closes, reads, writes a file or reads or sets the file position. <lang bracmat> fil$("test.txt",r) { r opens a text file, rb opens a binary file for reading } & fil$(,STR,\n) { first argument empty: same as before (i.e. "test.txt") }

                       { if \n were replaced by e.g. "\n\t " we would read word-wise instead }

& 0:?lineno & whl

 ' ( fil$:(?line.?sep) { "sep" contains found stop character, i.e. \n }
   & put$(line (1+!lineno:?lineno) ":" !line \n)

& (fil$(,SET,-1)|); { Setting file position before start closes file, and fails.

                         Therefore the | }</lang> 


<lang brat>include :file

file.each_line "foobar.txt" { line |

 p line



This is not easy to do, because the C library is so primitive. There is fgets(), but this function limits the length of a line. fgets() also loses characters if there is a NUL character '\0' in the middle of a line.

The next example uses fgetln() and err() from BSD, but will not work with most other systems.

Library: BSD libc
Works with: BSD version 4.4

<lang c>#include <err.h> /* err */

  1. include <stdio.h> /* fopen, fgetln, fputs, fwrite */


* Read a file line by line.

int main() { FILE *f; size_t len; char *line;

f = fopen("foobar.txt", "r"); if (f == NULL) err(1, "foobar.txt");

/* * This loop reads each line. * Remember that line is not a C string. * There is no terminating '\0'. */ while (line = fgetln(f, &len)) { /* * Do something with line. */ fputs("LINE: ", stdout); fwrite(line, len, 1, stdout); } if (!feof(f)) err(1, "fgetln");

return 0; }</lang>

For other systems, you can code something like fgetln(). The next example refactors the code from Synchronous concurrency#C that reads lines.

<lang c>#include <stdlib.h> /* exit, malloc, realloc, free */

  1. include <stdio.h> /* fopen, fgetc, fputs, fwrite */

struct line_reader { /* All members are private. */ FILE *f; char *buf; size_t siz; };


* Initializes a line reader _lr_ for the stream _f_.

void lr_init(struct line_reader *lr, FILE *f) { lr->f = f; lr->buf = NULL; lr->siz = 0; }


* Reads the next line. If successful, returns a pointer to the line,
* and sets *len to the number of characters, at least 1. The result is
* _not_ a C string; it has no terminating '\0'. The returned pointer
* remains valid until the next call to next_line() or lr_free() with
* the same _lr_.
* next_line() returns NULL at end of file, or if there is an error (on
* the stream, or with memory allocation).

char * next_line(struct line_reader *lr, size_t *len) { size_t newsiz; int c; char *newbuf;

*len = 0; /* Start with empty line. */ for (;;) { c = fgetc(lr->f); /* Read next character. */ if (ferror(lr->f)) return NULL;

if (c == EOF) { /* * End of file is also end of last line, ` * unless this last line would be empty. */ if (*len == 0) return NULL; else return lr->buf; } else { /* Append c to the buffer. */ if (*len == lr->siz) { /* Need a bigger buffer! */ newsiz = lr->siz + 4096; newbuf = realloc(lr->buf, newsiz); if (newbuf == NULL) return NULL; lr->buf = newbuf; lr->siz = newsiz; } lr->buf[(*len)++] = c;

/* '\n' is end of line. */ if (c == '\n') return lr->buf; } } }


* Frees internal memory used by _lr_.

void lr_free(struct line_reader *lr) { free(lr->buf); lr->buf = NULL; lr->siz = 0; }


* Read a file line by line.

int main() { struct line_reader lr; FILE *f; size_t len; char *line;

f = fopen("foobar.txt", "r"); if (f == NULL) { perror("foobar.txt"); exit(1); }

/* * This loop reads each line. * Remember that line is not a C string. * There is no terminating '\0'. */ lr_init(&lr, f); while (line = next_line(&lr, &len)) { /* * Do something with line. */ fputs("LINE: ", stdout); fwrite(line, len, 1, stdout); } if (!feof(f)) { perror("next_line"); exit(1); } lr_free(&lr);

return 0; }</lang>

Using mmap()

Implementation using mmap syscall. Works on Linux 2.6.* and on *BSDs. Line reading routine takes a callback function, each line is passed into callback as begin and end pointer. Let OS handle your memory pages, we don't need no stinking mallocs. <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <sys/types.h>
  2. include <sys/stat.h>
  3. include <fcntl.h>
  4. include <unistd.h>
  5. include <sys/mman.h>
  6. include <errno.h>
  7. include <err.h>

int read_lines(const char * fname, int (*call_back)(const char*, const char*)) {

       int fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY);
       struct stat fs;
       char *buf, *buf_end;
       char *begin, *end, c;
       if (fd == -1) {
               err(1, "open: %s", fname);
               return 0;
       if (fstat(fd, &fs) == -1) {
               err(1, "stat: %s", fname);
               return 0;
       /* fs.st_size could have been 0 actually */
       buf = mmap(0, fs.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
       if (buf == (void*) -1) {
               err(1, "mmap: %s", fname);
               return 0;
       buf_end = buf + fs.st_size;
       begin = end = buf;
       while (1) {
               if (! (*end == '\r' || *end == '\n')) {
                       if (++end < buf_end) continue;
               } else if (1 + end < buf_end) {
                       /* see if we got "\r\n" or "\n\r" here */
                       c = *(1 + end);
                       if ( (c == '\r' || c == '\n') && c != *end)
               /* call the call back and check error indication. Announce
                  error here, because we didn't tell call_back the file name */
               if (! call_back(begin, end)) {
                       err(1, "[callback] %s", fname);
               if ((begin = ++end) >= buf_end)
       munmap(buf, fs.st_size);
       return 1;


int print_line(const char* begin, const char* end) {

       if (write(fileno(stdout), begin, end - begin + 1) == -1) {
               return 0;
       return 1;


int main() {

       return read_lines("", print_line) ? 0 : 1;

} </lang>


<lang cpp>#include <fstream>

  1. include <string>
  2. include <iostream>

int main( int argc , char** argv ) {

  int linecount = 0 ;
  std::string line ;
  std::ifstream infile( argv[ 1 ] ) ;
  if ( infile ) {
     while ( getline( infile , line ) ) {

std::cout << linecount << ": " << line << '\n' ;//supposing '\n' to be line end linecount++ ;

  infile.close( ) ;
  return 0 ;


Library: U++

<lang cpp>#include <Core/Core.h>

using namespace Upp;

CONSOLE_APP_MAIN { FileIn in(CommandLine()[0]); while(in && !in.IsEof()) Cout().PutLine(in.GetLine()); }</lang>


'File.ReadLines' reads the lines of a file which could easily be stepped through. <lang csharp>foreach (string readLine in File.ReadLines("FileName")


A full code may look like; <lang csharp>using System; using System.IO; using System.Text;

namespace RosettaCode {

 internal class Program
   private static void Main()
     var sb = new StringBuilder();
     string F = "File.txt";
     // Read a file, line by line.
       foreach (string readLine in File.ReadLines(F))
         // Use the data in some way...
     catch (Exception exception)
     // Preset the results



<lang Clojure> (with-open [r ( "some-file.txt")]

  (doseq [l (line-seq r)]
    (println l)))




      PROGRAM-ID. read-file-line-by-line.
          SELECT input-file ASSIGN TO "input.txt"
              FILE STATUS input-file-status.
      FD  input-file.
      01  input-record PIC X(256).
      01  input-file-status PIC 99.
          88  file-is-ok    VALUE 0.
          88  end-of-file   VALUE 10.
      01  line-count        PIC 9(6).
          OPEN INPUT input-file
          IF NOT file-is-ok
              DISPLAY "The file could not be opened."
          PERFORM VARYING line-count FROM 1 BY 1 UNTIL end-of-file
              READ input-file
              DISPLAY line-count ": " FUNCTION TRIM(input-record)
          CLOSE input-file


Works with: node.js

<lang coffeescript>

  1. This module shows two ways to read a file line-by-line in node.js.

fs = require 'fs'

  1. First, let's keep things simple, and do things synchronously. This
  2. approach is well-suited for simple scripts.

do ->

 fn = ""
 for line in fs.readFileSync(fn).toString().split '\n'
   console.log line
 console.log "DONE SYNC!"
  1. Now let's complicate things.
  2. Use the following code when files are large, and memory is
  3. constrained and/or where you want a large amount of concurrency.
  4. Protocol:
  5. Call LineByLineReader, which calls back to you with a reader.
  6. The reader has two methods.
  7. next_line: call to this when you want a new line
  8. close: call this when you are done using the file before
  9. it has been read completely
  10. When you call next_line, you must supply two callbacks:
  11. line_cb: called back when there is a line of text
  12. done_cb: called back when there is no more text in the file

LineByLineReader = (fn, cb) -> fn, 'r', (err, fd) ->
   bufsize = 256
   pos = 0
   text = 
   eof = false
   closed = false
   reader =
     next_line: (line_cb, done_cb) ->
       if eof
         if text
           last_line = text
           text = 
           line_cb last_line
       new_line_index = text.indexOf '\n'
       if new_line_index >= 0
         line = text.substr 0, new_line_index
         text = text.substr new_line_index + 1, text.length - new_line_index - 1
         line_cb line
         frag = new Buffer(bufsize) fd, frag, 0, bufsize, pos, (err, bytesRead) ->
           s = frag.toString('utf8', 0, bytesRead)
           text += s
           pos += bytesRead
           if (bytesRead)
             reader.next_line line_cb, done_cb
             eof = true
             closed = true
             reader.next_line line_cb, done_cb
       close: ->
         # The reader should call this if they abandon mid-file.
         fs.closeSync(fd) unless closed
   cb reader
  1. Test our interface here.

do ->

 console.log '---'
 fn = ''
 LineByLineReader fn, (reader) -> 
   callbacks =
     process_line: (line) ->
        console.log line
        reader.next_line callbacks.process_line, callbacks.all_done
     all_done: ->
       console.log "DONE ASYNC!"
   reader.next_line callbacks.process_line, callbacks.all_done


Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(with-open-file (input "file.txt")

  (loop for line = (read-line input nil)
     while line do (format t "~a~%" line)))</lang>


<lang d>import std.stdio;

void main() {

   foreach (line; File("unixdict.txt").byLine())

}</lang> The File is managed by reference count, and it gets closed when it gets out of scope or it changes. The 'line' is a char[] (with newline), so if you need a string you have to idup it.


<lang Delphi>

  procedure ReadFileByLine;
     TextFile: text;
     TextLine: String;
     Assign(TextFile, 'c:\test.txt');
     while not Eof(TextFile) do
        Readln(TextFile, TextLine);

</lang> The example file (above) "c:\test.txt" is assigned to the text file variable "TextFile" is opened and any line is read in a loop into the string variable "TextLine".

<lang Delphi> procedure ReadFileByLine;

     TextLines :  TStringList;
     i         :  Integer; 
     TextLines := TStringList.Create; 
     for i := 0 to TextLines.count -1 do


Above uses the powerful utility classs type TStringList from Classes Unit

See also GNU LGPL (Delphi replacement) Lazarus IDE FreePascal and specifically Lazarus FreePascal Equivalent for TStringList


read_a_file_line_by_line:into_list/1 is used by Read_a_specific_line_from_a_file. If this task is updated keep backwards compatibility, or change Read_a_specific_line_from_a_file, too. <lang erlang> -module( read_a_file_line_by_line ).

-export( [into_list/1] ).

into_list( File ) ->

       {ok, IO} = file:open( File, [read] ),
       into_list( io:get_line(IO, ), IO, [] ).

into_list( eof, _IO, Acc ) -> lists:reverse( Acc ); into_list( {error, _Error}, _IO, Acc ) -> lists:reverse( Acc ); into_list( Line, IO, Acc ) -> into_list( io:get_line(IO, ), IO, [Line | Acc] ). </lang>

6> read_a_file_line_by_line:into_list("read_a_file_line_by_line.erl").
["-module( read_a_file_line_by_line ).\n","\n",
 "-export( [into_list/1] ).\n","\n","into_list( File ) ->\n",
 "\t{ok, IO} = file:open( File, [read] ),\n",
 "\tinto_list( io:get_line(IO, ''), IO, [] ).\n","\n","\n",
 "into_list( eof, _IO, Acc ) -> lists:reverse( Acc );\n",
 "into_list( {error, _Error}, _IO, Acc ) -> lists:reverse( Acc );\n",
 "into_list( Line, IO, Acc ) -> into_list( io:get_line(IO, ''), IO, [Line | Acc] ).\n"]


<lang euphoria>constant cmd = command_line() constant filename = cmd[2] constant fn = open(filename,"r") integer i i = 1 object x while 1 do

   x = gets(fn)
   if atom(x) then
   end if
   printf(1,"%2d: %s",{i,x})
   i += 1

end while close(fn)</lang>


 1: constant cmd = command_line()
 2: constant filename = cmd[2]
 3: constant fn = open(filename,"r")
 4: integer i
 5: i = 1
 6: object x
 7: while 1 do
 8:     x = gets(fn)
 9:     if atom(x) then
10:         exit
11:     end if
12:     printf(1,"%2d: %s",{i,x})
13:     i += 1
14: end while
15: close(fn)


Using DotNet's System.IO.File.ReadLines iterator: <lang fsharp>open System.IO

[<EntryPoint>] let main argv =

   File.ReadLines(argv.[0]) |> Seq.iter (printfn "%s")


<lang factor> "path/to/file" utf8 [ [ readln dup [ print ] when* ] loop ] with-file-reader</lang>


Reads each line from the file "data.txt".

<lang fantom> class Main {

 Void main ()
   File (`data.txt`).eachLine |Str line|
     echo ("Line: $line")

} </lang>


<lang forth>4096 constant max-line

third ( A b c -- A b c A )
 >r over r> swap ;
read-lines ( fileid -- )
 begin  pad max-line third read-line throw
 while  pad swap  ( fileid c-addr u )  \ string excludes the newline
 repeat 2drop ;</lang>


The lines function can also take an optional second string argument indicating the encoding of the file, and can read from any supported URL type (HTTP, FTP, etc.) <lang frink> for line = lines["file:yourfile.txt"]




<lang gap>ReadByLines := function(name) local file, line, count; file := InputTextFile(name); count := 0; while true do line := ReadLine(file); if line = fail then break; fi; count := count + 1; od; CloseStream(file); return count; end;

  1. With amnesty.txt


  1. 384</lang>



The bufio package provides Scanner, a convenient interface for reading data such as a file of newline-delimited lines of text. Successive calls to the Scan method will step through the 'tokens' of a file, skipping the bytes between the tokens. The specification of a token is defined by a split function of type SplitFunc; the default split function breaks the input into lines with line termination stripped. Split functions are defined in this package for scanning a file into lines, bytes, UTF-8-encoded runes, and space-delimited words. The client may instead provide a custom split function.

Scanning stops unrecoverably at EOF, the first I/O error, or a token too large to fit in the buffer. When a scan stops, the reader may have advanced arbitrarily far past the last token. Programs that need more control over error handling or large tokens, or must run sequential scans on a reader, should use bufio.Reader instead.

<lang go>package main

import ( "bufio" "fmt" "log" "os" )

func init() { log.SetFlags(log.Lshortfile) }

func main() { // Open an input file, exit on error. inputFile, err := os.Open("byline.go") if err != nil { log.Fatal("Error opening input file:", err) }

// Closes the file when we leave the scope of the current function, // this makes sure we never forget to close the file if the // function can exit in multiple places. defer inputFile.Close()

scanner := bufio.NewScanner(inputFile)

// scanner.Scan() advances to the next token returning false if an error was encountered for scanner.Scan() { fmt.Println(scanner.Text()) }

// When finished scanning if any error other than io.EOF occured // it will be returned by scanner.Err(). if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { log.Fatal(scanner.Err()) } } </lang>


This function allows files to be rapidly scanned for desired data while minimizing memory allocations. It also handles /r/n line endings and allows unreasonably long lines to be handled as error conditions. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   f, err := os.Open("file") // os.OpenFile has more options if you need them
   if err != nil {           // error checking is good practice
       // error *handling* is good practice.  log.Fatal sends the error
       // message to stderr and exits with a non-zero code.
   // os.File has no special buffering, it makes straight operating system
   // requests.  bufio.Reader does buffering and has several useful methods.
   bf := bufio.NewReader(f)
   // there are a few possible loop termination
   // conditions, so just start with an infinite loop.
   for {
       // reader.ReadLine does a buffered read up to a line terminator,
       // handles either /n or /r/n, and returns just the line without
       // the /r or /r/n.
       line, isPrefix, err := bf.ReadLine()
       // loop termination condition 1:  EOF.
       // this is the normal loop termination condition.
       if err == io.EOF {
       // loop termination condition 2: some other error.
       // Errors happen, so check for them and do something with them.
       if err != nil {
       // loop termination condition 3: line too long to fit in buffer
       // without multiple reads.  Bufio's default buffer size is 4K.
       // Chances are if you haven't seen a line terminator after 4k
       // you're either reading the wrong file or the file is corrupt.
       if isPrefix {
           log.Fatal("Error: Unexpected long line reading", f.Name())
       // success.  The variable line is now a byte slice based on on
       // bufio's underlying buffer.  This is the minimal churn necessary
       // to let you look at it, but note! the data may be overwritten or
       // otherwise invalidated on the next read.  Look at it and decide
       // if you want to keep it.  If so, copy it or copy the portions
       // you want before iterating in this loop.  Also note, it is a byte
       // slice.  Often you will want to work on the data as a string,
       // and the string type conversion (shown here) allocates a copy of
       // the data.  It would be safe to send, store, reference, or otherwise
       // hold on to this string, then continue iterating in this loop.



In comparison, ReadString is a little quick and dirty, but is often good enough. <lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   f, err := os.Open("file")
   if err != nil {
   bf := bufio.NewReader(f)
   for {
       switch line, err := bf.ReadString('\n'); err {
       case nil:
           // valid line, echo it.  note that line contains trailing \n.
       case io.EOF:
           if line > "" {
               // last line of file missing \n, but still valid



<lang groovy>new File("Test.txt").eachLine { line, lineNumber ->

   println "processing line $lineNumber: $line"



Thanks to laziness, there's no difference between reading the file all at once and reading it line by line.

<lang Haskell>main = do

 file <- readFile "linebyline.hs"
 mapM_ putStrLn (lines file)


Icon and Unicon

Line oriented I/O is basic. This program reads lines from "input.txt" into the variable line, but does nothing with it.

<lang Icon>procedure main() f := open("input.txt","r") | stop("cannot open file ",fn) while line := read(f) close(f) end</lang>


J currently discourages this "read just one line" approach. In addition to the arbitrary character of lines, there are issues of problem size and scope (what happens when you have a billion characters between your newline delimiters?). Usually, it's easier to just read the entire file, or memory map the file, and when files are so large that that is not practical it's probably better to put the programmer in explicit control of issues like block sizes and exception handling.

This implementation looks for lines separated by ascii character 10. Lines returned here do not include the line separator character. Files with no line-separating character at the end are treated as well formed -- if the last character of the file is the line separator that means that you have an empty line at the end of the file.

This implementation does nothing special when dealing with multi-gigabyte lines. If you encounter an excessively large line and if do not have enough physical memory, your system will experience heavy memory pressure. If you also do not have enough virtual memory to hold a line you will get an out of memory exception.

<lang j>cocurrent 'linereader'

 NB. configuration parameter
 blocksize=: 400000
 NB. implementation
 offset=: 0
 position=: 0
 create=: monad define
   name=: boxxopen y
   size=: 1!:4 name
   blocks=: 2 <@(-~/\)\ ~. size <. blocksize * i. 1 + >. size % blocksize
 readblocks=: monad define
    if. 0=#blocks do. return. end.
    if. 1<#lines do. return. end.
    whilst. -.LF e.chars do.
      buffer=: buffer,chars=. 1!:11 name,{.blocks
      blocks=: }.blocks
      lines=: <;._2 buffer,LF
    buffer=: _1{::lines
 next=: monad define
   if. (#blocks)*.2>#lines do. readblocks end.
   r=. 0{::lines
   lines=: }.lines

<lang j> example=: '/tmp/example.txt' conew 'linereader'


this is line 1


and this is line 2</lang>


<lang java>import; import;


* Reads a file line by line, processing each line.
* @author  $Author$
* @version $Revision$

public class ReadFileByLines {

   private static void processLine(int lineNo, String line) {
       // ...
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       for (String filename : args) {
           BufferedReader br = null;
           FileReader fr = null;
           try {
               fr = new FileReader(filename);
               br = new BufferedReader(fr);
               String line;
               int lineNo = 0;
               while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                   processLine(++lineNo, line);
           catch (Exception x) {
           finally {
               if (fr != null) {
                   try {br.close();} catch (Exception ignoreMe) {}
                   try {fr.close();} catch (Exception ignoreMe) {}


Works with: Java version 7+

In Java 7, the try with resources block handles multiple readers and writers without nested try blocks. The loop in the main method would look like this: <lang java5>for (String filename : args) {

   try (FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename);BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr)){
       String line;
       int lineNo = 0;
       while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
           processLine(++lineNo, line);
   catch (Exception x) {

}</lang> fr and br are automatically closed when the program exits the try block (it also checks for nulls before closing and throws closing exceptions out of the block).

A more under-the-hood method in Java 7 would be to use the Files class (line numbers can be inferred from indices in the returned List): <lang java5>import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; //...other class code List<String> lines = null; try{

   lines = Files.readAllLines(Paths.get(filename), Charset.defaultCharset());

}catch(IOException | SecurityException e){

   //problem with the file



<lang julia>open("input_file","w") do f

   for line in each_line(f)
     #line operations



<lang Lasso>local(f) = file('foo.txt') handle => {#f->close}

  1. f->forEachLine => {^
' // note this simply inserts an HTML line break between each line.


Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>filedialog "Open","*.txt",file$ if file$="" then end open file$ for input as #f while not(eof(#f))

   line input #f, t$
   print t$

wend close #f</lang> Mac <lang lb>filedialog "Open","*.txt",file$ if file$="" then end open file$ for input as #f while not(eof(#f))

   t$ = inputto$(#f, chr$(13))
   print t$

wend close #f </lang> Unix <lang lb>filedialog "Open","*.txt",file$ if file$="" then end open file$ for input as #f while not(eof(#f))

   t$ = inputto$(#f, chr$(10))
   print t$

wend close #f </lang>

There are several words which will return a line of input.

  • readline - returns a line as a list of words
  • readword - returns a line as a single word, or an empty list if it reached the end of file
  • readrawline - returns a line as a single word, with no characters escaped

<lang logo>while [not eof?] [print readline]</lang>


<lang lua>filename = "input.txt" fp = filename, "r" )

for line in fp:lines() do

   print( line )


fp:close() </lang>


<lang Mathematica> strm=OpenRead["input.txt"]; If[strm=!=$Failed,

   (*Do something*)

Close[strm]; </lang>

MATLAB / Octave

The function fgetl() read lines from file:

<lang Matlab>

 fid = fopen('foobar.txt','r');
 if (fid < 0) 

printf('Error:could not open file\n')


while ~feof(fid), line = fgetl(fid);

               %% process line %% 


 end; </lang>


<lang maxima>/* Read a file and return a list of all lines */

readfile(name) := block(

  [v: [ ], f: openr(name), line],
  while stringp(line: readline(f)) do v: endcons(line, v),



Using Java Scanner

<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

parse arg inFileName .

if inFileName = | inFileName = '.' then inFileName = './data/dwarfs.json' lines = scanFile(inFileName) loop l_ = 1 to lines[0]

 say l_.right(4)':' lines[l_]
 end l_


-- Read a file and return contents as a Rexx indexed string method scanFile(inFileName) public static returns Rexx

 fileLines = 
   inFile = File(inFileName)
   inFileScanner = Scanner(inFile)
   loop l_ = 1 while inFileScanner.hasNext()
     fileLines[0] = l_
     fileLines[l_] = inFileScanner.nextLine()
     end l_
 catch ex = FileNotFoundException
 return fileLines


Using Java Reader

<lang NetRexx>/* NetRexx */ options replace format comments java crossref symbols nobinary

parse arg inFileName .

if inFileName = | inFileName = '.' then inFileName = './data/dwarfs.json' lines = readFile(inFileName) loop l_ = 1 to lines[0]

 say l_.right(4)':' lines[l_]
 end l_


-- Read a file and return contents as a Rexx indexed string method readFile(inFileName) public static returns Rexx

 fileLines = 
 inLine = String null
 inFileBR = BufferedReader null
   inFile = File(inFileName)
   inFileBR = BufferedReader(FileReader(inFile))
   loop l_ = 1 until inline = null
     inLine = inFileBR.readLine()
     if inline \= null then do
       fileLines[0] = l_
       fileLines[l_] = inLine
     end l_
 catch exFNF = FileNotFoundException
 catch exIO = IOException
   if inFileBR \= null then do
     catch ex = IOException
 return fileLines



<lang NewLISP> (set 'in-file (open "filename" "read")) (while (read-line in-file)


(close in-file)</lang>


<lang objeck> bundle Default {

 class ReadFile {
   function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
     f := IO.FileReader->New("in.txt");
     if(f->IsOpen()) {
       string := f->ReadString();
       while(f->IsEOF() = false) {
         string := f->ReadString();

} </lang>


To read an entire file into a string, you can: <lang objc>NSString *path = [NSString stringWithString:@"/usr/share/dict/words"]; NSError *error = nil; NSString *words = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:path

                                              encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];


Use the UTF-8 encoder on ASCII.

Now to get the individual lines, break down the string:

<lang objc>NSArray* lines = [words componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet]];</lang>


<lang ocaml>let () =

 let ic = open_in "input.txt" in
   while true do
     let line = input_line ic in
     print_endline line
 with End_of_file ->
   close_in ic</lang>

But if we want to write a functional loading function we should remember that the try/with couple breaks the tail recursion. So we should externalise it outside of the loop in another function:

<lang ocaml>let input_line_opt ic =

 try Some (input_line ic)
 with End_of_file -> None

let read_lines ic =

 let rec aux acc =
   match input_line_opt ic with
   | Some line -> aux (line::acc)
   | None -> (List.rev acc)
 aux []

let lines_of_file filename =

 let ic = open_in filename in
 let lines = read_lines ic in
 close_in ic;

we use it like this:

<lang ocaml>let () =

 let lines = lines_of_file "unixdict.txt" in
 List.iter print_endline lines</lang>


The core function GetFile reads the whole file: <lang oxygenbasic> function getline(string s, sys *i, *el) as string

 sys e
 e=instr i,s,chr(el)
 if e=0 then
   e=instr i,s,chr(el) 'files not using chr 13
 end if
 if e=0 then e=len s
 if el=13 then
   if asc(s,e)=10 then e++ 'crlf
 end if
 function = mid s,i,e-i

end function

'===== 'TEST: '=====

s=getfile "t.txt" i=1 wr="" c=0 el=13 do

 wr = getline s,i,el
 if wr="" then exit do
 'print wr

end do print "Line count " c </lang>


GP has an unfortunate limitations that prevents reading files line-by-line, but it's just as well since its file-handling capabilities are poor. The TODO file lists one desiderata as adding a t_FILE, which if added would presumably have support for this sort of operation.

Thus the usual way of interacting with files in more than the simple way allowed by read is done by PARI with the usual C commands: <lang C>FILE *f = fopen(name, "r"); if (!f) { pari_err(openfiler, "input", name); } while(fgets(line, MAX_LINELEN, f) != NULL) { // ... }</lang>


See Delphi


For the simple case of iterating over the lines of a file you can do: <lang perl>open(FOO, '<', 'foobar.txt') or die $!; while (<FOO>) { # each line is stored in $_, with terminating newline

   chomp; # chomp, short for chomp($_), removes the terminating newline

} close(FOO);</lang> The angle bracket operator < > reads a filehandle line by line. (The angle bracket operator can also be used to open and read from files that match a specific pattern, by putting the pattern in the brackets.)

Without specifying the variable that each line should be put into, it automatically puts it into $_, which is also conveniently the default argument for many Perl functions. If you wanted to use your own variable, you can do something like this: <lang perl>open(FOO, '<', 'foobar.txt') or die $!; while (my $line = <FOO>) {


} close(FOO);</lang>

The special use of the angle bracket operator with nothing inside, will read from all files whose names were specified on the command line: <lang perl>while (<>) {



Perl 6

The lines method is lazy so the following code does indeed read the file line by line, and not all at once. <lang Perl 6>for open('test.txt').lines {



In order to be more explicit about the file being read on line at a time, one can write: <lang Perl 6>my $f = open 'test.txt'; while my $line = $f.get {

   say $line;



<lang PicoLisp>(in "foobar.txt"

  (while (line)
     (process @) ) )</lang>


<lang php><?php $file = fopen(__FILE__, 'r'); // read current file while ($line = fgets($file)) {

   $line = rtrim($line);      // removes linebreaks and spaces at end
   echo strrev($line) . "\n"; // reverse line and upload it


<lang php><?php // HOW TO ECHO FILE LINE BY LINE FROM THE COMMAND LINE: php5-cli $file = fopen('test.txt', 'r'); // OPEN FILE WITH READ ACCESS while (!feof($file)) {

   $line = rtrim(fgets($file)); // REMOVE TRAILING WHITESPACE AND GET LINE
   if($line != NULL) echo("$line\n"); // IF THE LINE ISN'T NULL, ECHO THE LINE



<lang pli> read: procedure options (main);

  declare line character (500) varying;
  on endfile (sysin) stop;
  do forever;
     get edit (line)(L);

end read; </lang>


<lang PureBasic>FileName$ = OpenFileRequester("","foo.txt","*.txt",0)

If OpenFile(0, FileName$)

 While Not Eof(0)
   line$ = ReadString(0)



For the simple case of iterating over the lines of a file you can do: <lang python>with open("foobar.txt") as f:

   for line in f:

The with statement ensures the correct closing of the file after it is processed, and iterating over the file object f, adjusts what is considered line separator character(s) so the code will work on multiple operating systems such as Windows, Mac, and Solaris without change.
Any exceptional conditions seen when processing the file will raise an exception. Leaving the while loop because of an exception will also cause the file to be correctly closed on the way.

Python also has the fileinput module. This can process multiple files parsed from the command line and can be set to modify files 'in-place'. <lang python>import fileinput for line in fileinput.input():




<lang R>conn <- file("notes.txt", "r") while(length(line <- readLines(conn, 1)) > 0) {

   cat(line, "\n")



<lang racket>(define (read-next-line-iter file) (let ((line (read-line file))) (unless (eof-object? line) (display line) (newline) (read-next-line-iter file)))) (call-with-input-file "foobar.txt" read-next-line-iter)</lang>


<lang REXX> /*REXX program to read and display (with count) a file, one line at a time.*/

parse arg fileID . say 'Displaying file:' fileID

do linenumber=1 by 1 while lines(fileID)>0 /* loop construct */

 line=linein(fileID)                           /* read line */
 say 'Line' linenumber':' line                 /* show line number and line */
 end linenumber                                /* end loop and confirm which loop */

say say 'File' fileID 'has' linenumber-1 'lines.' /*summary.*/

/* Or: the 'known name' short version: */ file='foobar.txt' do while lines(file)>0; say linein(file); end



<lang ruby>IO.foreach "foobar.txt" do |line|

 # Do something with line.
 puts line


<lang ruby># File inherits from IO, so File.foreach also works. File.foreach("foobar.txt") {|line| puts line}</lang>

<lang ruby># IO.foreach and File.foreach can also read a subprocess. IO.foreach "| grep afs3 /etc/services" do |line|

 puts line


Caution! IO.foreach and File.foreach take a portname. To open an arbitrary filename (which might start with "|"), you must use, then IO#each (or IO#each_line). The block form of automatically closes the file after running the block.

<lang ruby>filename = "|strange-name.txt" do |file|

 file.each {|line| puts line}



<lang runbasic>open DefaultDir$ + "\public\filetest.txt" for input as #f while not(eof(#f))

 line input #f, a$
 print a$

wend close #f </lang>


<lang scala>import Source.fromFile("foobar.txt").getLines.foreach(println)</lang>


<lang scheme>; Commented line below should be uncommented to use read-line with Guile

(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim))

(define file (open-input-file "input.txt")) (do ((line (read-line file) (read-line file))) ((eof-object? line))

       (display line)


Through a .sed file: <lang sed>#!/bin/sed -f p </lang>

or through a one-liner in bash: <lang bash> sed p filename </lang>


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func

   var file: aFile is STD_NULL;
   var string: line is "";
   aFile := open("input.txt", "r");
   while hasNext(aFile) do
     readln(aFile, line);
     writeln("LINE: " <& line);
   end while;
 end func;</lang>

The function hasNext returns TRUE when at least one character can be read successfully.


Works with: Smalltalk/X

<lang smalltalk>'foobar.txt' asFilename readingLinesDo:[:eachLine | eachLine printCR]</lang> alternatively: <lang smalltalk>|s| s := 'foobar.txt' asFilename readStream. [ s atEnd ] whileFalse:[

   s nextLine printCR.

]. s close</lang> alternatively: <lang smalltalk>'foobar.txt' asFilename contents do:[:eachLine | eachLine printCR].</lang>


In SNOBOL4, file I/O is done by associating a file with a variable. Every subsequent access to the variable provides the next record of the file. Options to the input() function allow the file to be opened in line mode, fixed-blocksize (raw binary) mode, and with various sharing options. The input() operation generally fails (in most modern implementations) if the file requested is not found (in earlier implementations, that failure is reported the same way as end-of-file when the first actual read from the file is attempted). You can specify the file unit number to use (a vestigial remnant of the Fortran I/O package used by original Bell Labs SNOBOL4 implementations... in this case, I'll use file unit 20). Accessing the variable fails (does not succeed) when the end of file is reached.

<lang snobol4> input(.infile,20,"readfrom.txt") :f(end) rdloop output = infile :s(rdloop) end</lang>


<lang tcl>set f [open "foobar.txt"] while {[gets $f line] >= 0} {

   # This loops over every line
   puts ">>$line<<"

} close $f</lang>


Read a file line by line:

<lang TorqueScript> //Create a file object

%f = new fileObject();

//Open and read a file


while(!%f.isEOF()) { //Read each line from our file

%line = %f.readLine(); }

//Close the file object


//Delete the file object

%f.delete(); </lang>


<lang tuscript> $$ MODE TUSCRIPT

datei="rosetta.txt" ERROR/STOP OPEN (datei,READ,-std-)

ACCESS q: READ/RECORDS/UTF8 $datei s,line

PRINT line

ENDACCESS q </lang> or: <lang tuscript> LOOP line=datei

PRINT line

ENDLOOP </lang>

UNIX Shell

Redirect standard input from a file, and then use IFS= read -r line to read each line.

mksh(1) manual says, "If read is run in a loop such as while read foo; do ...; done then leading whitespace will be removed (IFS) and backslashes processed. You might want to use while IFS= read -r foo; do ...; done for pristine I/O."
Works with: Almquist Shell

<lang bash># This while loop repeats for each line of the file.

  1. This loop is inside a pipeline; many shells will
  2. run this loop inside a subshell.

cat input.txt | while IFS= read -r line ; do

 printf '%s\n' "$line"


Works with: Almquist Shell

<lang bash># This loop runs in the current shell, and can read both

  1. the old standard input (fd 1) and input.txt (fd 3).

exec 3<input.txt while IFS= read -r line <&3 ; do

 printf '%s\n' "$line"

done exec 3>&-</lang>

Works with: Bourne Shell

<lang bash># The old Bourne Shell interprets 'IFS= read' as 'IFS= ; read'.

  1. It requires extra code to restore the original value of IFS.

exec 3<input.txt oldifs=$IFS while IFS= ; read -r line <&3 ; do

 printf '%s\n' "$line"

done IFS=$oldifs exec 3>&-</lang>


Reads and prints out file line by line: <lang vala> public static void main(){ var file ="foo.txt", "r");

string line = file.read_line(); while (line != null){ stdout.printf("%s\n", line); line = file.read_line(); } } </lang>

Vedit macro language

On Vedit, you do not actually read file line by line. File reading and writing is handled by automatic file buffering while you process the file.

This example reads the source code of this macro, copies it line by line into a new buffer and adds line numbers. <lang vedit>File_Open("line_by_line.vdm")

  1. 10 = Buf_Num // edit buffer for input file
  2. 11 = Buf_Free // edit buffer for output
  3. 1 = 1 // line number

while (!At_EOF) {

   Reg_Copy(20,1)              // read one line into text register 20
   Buf_Switch(#11)             // switch to output file
   Num_Ins(#1++, NOCR)         // write line number
   Ins_Text("  ")
   Reg_Ins(20)                 // write the line
   Buf_Switch(#10)             // switch to input file
   Line(1)                     // next line

} Buf_Close(NOMSG) // close the input file Buf_Switch(#11) // show the output </lang>


    1  File_Open("line_by_line.vdm")
    2  #10 = Buf_Num                   // edit buffer for input file
    3  #11 = Buf_Free                  // edit buffer for output
    4  #1 = 1                          // line number
    5  while (!At_EOF) {
    6      Reg_Copy(20,1)              // read one line into text register 20
    7      Buf_Switch(#11)             // switch to output file
    8      Num_Ins(#1++, NOCR)         // write line number
    9      Ins_Text("  ")
   10      Reg_Ins(20)                 // write the line
   11      Buf_Switch(#10)             // switch to input file
   12      Line(1)                     // next line
   13  }
   14  Buf_Close(NOMSG)                // close the input file
   15  Buf_Switch(#11)                 // show the output

Visual Basic

<lang vb>' Read lines from a file ' ' (c) Copyright 1993 - 2011 Mark Hobley ' ' This code was ported from an application program written in Microsoft Quickbasic ' ' This code can be redistributed or modified under the terms of version 1.2 of ' the GNU Free Documentation Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Sub readlinesfromafile()

 var.filename = "foobar.txt"
 var.filebuffersize = ini.inimaxlinelength
 Call openfileread
 If flg.error = "Y" Then
   flg.abort = "Y"
   Exit Sub
 End If
 If flg.exists <> "Y" Then
   flg.abort = "Y"
   Exit Sub
 End If


 Call readlinefromfile
 If flg.error = "Y" Then
   flg.abort = "Y"
   Call closestream
   flg.error = "Y"
   Exit Sub
 End If
 If flg.endoffile <> "Y" Then
   ' We have a line from the file
   Print message$
   GoTo readfilelabela
 End If
 ' End of file reached
 ' Close the file and exit
 Call closestream
 Exit Sub

End Sub

Sub openfileread()

 flg.streamopen = "N"
 Call checkfileexists
 If flg.error = "Y" Then Exit Sub
 If flg.exists <> "Y" Then Exit Sub
 Call getfreestream
 If flg.error = "Y" Then Exit Sub
 var.errorsection = "Opening File"
 var.errordevice = var.filename
 If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then
   On Local Error GoTo openfilereaderror
 End If
 flg.endoffile = "N"
 Open var.filename For Input As Len = var.filebuffersize
 flg.streamopen = "Y"
 Exit Sub


 var.errorcode = Err
 Call errorhandler
 resume '!!

End Sub

Public Sub checkfileexists()

 var.errorsection = "Checking File Exists"
 var.errordevice = var.filename
 If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then
   On Local Error GoTo checkfileexistserror
 End If
 flg.exists = "N"
 If Dir$(var.filename, 0) <> "" Then
   flg.exists = "Y"
 End If
 Exit Sub


 var.errorcode = Err
 Call errorhandler

End Sub

Public Sub getfreestream()

 var.errorsection = "Opening Free Data Stream"
 var.errordevice = ""
 If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then
   On Local Error GoTo getfreestreamerror
 End If = FreeFile
 Exit Sub


 var.errorcode = Err
 Call errorhandler
 resume '!!

End Sub

Sub closestream()

 If ini.errortrap = "Y" Then
   On Local Error GoTo closestreamerror
 End If
 var.errorsection = "Closing Stream"
 var.errordevice = ""
 flg.resumenext = "Y"
 If flg.error = "Y" Then
   flg.error = "N"
   '!! Call unexpectederror
 End If
 flg.streamopen = "N"
 Exit Sub


 var.errorcode = Err
 Call errorhandler
 resume next

End Sub

Public Sub errorhandler()

 tmp$ = btrim$(var.errorsection)
 tmp2$ = btrim$(var.errordevice)
 If tmp2$ <> "" Then
   tmp$ = tmp$ + " (" + tmp2$ + ")"
 End If
 tmp$ = tmp$ + " : " + Str$(var.errorcode)
 tmp1% = MsgBox(tmp$, 0, "Error!")
 flg.error = "Y"
 If flg.resumenext = "Y" Then
   flg.resumenext = "N"

' Resume Next

   flg.error = "N"

' Resume

 End If

End Sub

Public Function btrim$(arg$)

 btrim$ = LTrim$(RTrim$(arg$))

End Function</lang>

Visual Basic .NET

<lang vbnet>Imports System.IO

 ' Loop through the lines of a file.
 ' Function assumes that the file exists.
 Private Sub ReadLines(ByVal FileName As String)
   Dim oReader As New StreamReader(FileName)
   Dim sLine As String = Nothing
   While Not oReader.EndOfStream
     sLine = oReader.ReadLine()
     ' Do something with the line.
   End While
 End Sub</lang>


<lang wart>with infile "x"

 drain (read_line)</lang>