Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks: Difference between revisions

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→‎{{header|AutoHotkey}}: typo in template-'link'
Line 5: Line 5:

{{incorrect|AutoHotKey|Does not implement fetching more than one page of results.}}
{{incorrect|AutoHotkey|Does not implement fetching more than one page of results.}}

<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % getUnimplemented("AutoHotkey")
<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % getUnimplemented("AutoHotkey")

Revision as of 21:24, 2 April 2010

Rosetta Code/Find unimplemented tasks
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given the name of a language on Rosetta Code, find all tasks which are not implemented in that language.

Note: Implementations should allow for fetching more data than can be returned in one request to Rosetta Code.


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Does not implement fetching more than one page of results.

<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox % getUnimplemented("AutoHotkey") MsgBox % getUnimplemented("Python")

getUnimplemented(category) {

 url := ""

. category . "&cmlimit=500&format=xml"

 url2 := ""
 UrlDownloadToFile, %url%, unimplemented.html
 UrlDownloadToFile, %url2%, alltasks.html
 FileRead, category2, unimplemented.html
 FileRead, alltasks, alltasks.html
 pos = 1
 reg = title="[^"]+"  ; "
 While (pos := RegexMatch(alltasks, reg, title, pos))
   StringReplace, title, title, title=
   StringReplace, title, title, `", ,All ; "
   If !InStr(category2, title)
     todo .= title . "`n"
   pos += 1
 Return todo



This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Does not implement fetching more than one page of results.

Using JSON (not parsed, just Regex.)

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Net;

class Program {

   static string[] GetTitlesFromCategory(string category) {
       string content = new WebClient().DownloadString(
           String.Format("{0}&cmlimit=500&format=json", category)
       return new Regex("\"title\":\"(.+?)\"").Matches(content).Cast<Match>().Select(x => x.Groups[1].Value).ToArray();
   static string[] GetUnimplementedTasksFromLanguage(string language) {
       List<string> alltasks = GetTitlesFromCategory("Programming_Tasks").ToList();
       List<string> lang = GetTitlesFromCategory(language).ToList();
       return alltasks.Where(x => !lang.Contains(x)).ToArray();
   static void Main(string[] args) {
       string[] unimpl = GetUnimplementedTasksFromLanguage(args[0]);
       foreach (string i in unimpl) Console.WriteLine(i);



Using JSON.

<lang e>#!/usr/bin/env rune

  1. NOTE: This program will not work in released E, because TermL is an
  2. imperfect superset of JSON in that version: it does not accept "\/".
  3. If you build E from the latest source in SVN then it will work.
  4. Usage: rosettacode-cat-subtract.e [<lang e>]
  5. Prints a list of tasks which have not been completed in the language.
  6. If unspecified, the default language is E.

pragma.syntax("0.9") pragma.enable("accumulator")

def termParser := <import:org.quasiliteral.term.makeTermParser> def jURLEncoder := <>

def urlEncode(text) {

 return jURLEncoder.encode(text, "UTF-8")


/** Convert JSON-as-term-tree to the corresponding natural E data structures. */ def jsonTermToData(term) {

   switch (term) {
       # JSON object to E map
       match term`{@assocs*}` {
           return accum [].asMap() for term`@{key :String}: @valueJson` in assocs {
               _.with(key, jsonTermToData(valueJson))
       # JSON array to E list
       match term`[@elements*]` {
           return accum [] for elem in elements { _.with(jsonTermToData(elem)) }
       # Literals just need to be coerced
       match lit :any[String, int, float64] {
           return lit
       # Doesn't support true/false/null, but we don't need that for this application.


def fetchCategoryAccum(name, membersSoFar :Set, extraArgs) {

   stderr.println(`Fetching Category:$name $extraArgs...`)
   def categoryAPIResource := <http>[`//` +
       `action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:${urlEncode(name)}&` +
   def members :=
     when (def responseJSON := categoryAPIResource <- getTwine()) -> {
       # stderr.println(`Fetched Category:$name $extraArgs, parsing...`)
       def response := jsonTermToData(termParser(responseJSON))
       # stderr.println(`Parsed Category:$name $extraArgs response, extracting data...`)
       def [
         "query" => ["categorymembers" => records],
         "query-continue" => continueData := null
       ] := response
       def members := accum membersSoFar for record in records { _.with(record["title"]) }
       switch (continueData) {
         match ==null { 
           stderr.println(`Got all ${members.size()} for Category:$name.`)
         match ["categorymembers" => ["cmcontinue" => continueParam]] {
           stderr.println(`Fetched ${members.size()} members for Category:$name...`)
           fetchCategoryAccum(name, members, `&cmcontinue=` + urlEncode(continueParam))
   } catch p { throw(p) }
   return members


def fetchCategory(name) {

 return fetchCategoryAccum(name, [].asSet(), "")


  1. Interpret program arguments

def lang := switch (interp.getArgs()) {

 match [lang] { lang }
 match [] { "E" }


  1. Fetch categories

when (def allTasks := fetchCategory("Programming_Tasks"),

     def doneTasks := fetchCategory(lang),
     def omitTasks := fetchCategory(lang + "/Omit")
    ) -> {
   # Compute difference and report
   def notDoneTasks := allTasks &! (doneTasks | omitTasks)

} catch p {

   # Whoops, something went wrong



Library: HTTP XML

from HackageDB

<lang haskell>import Network.Browser import Network.HTTP import Network.URI import Data.List import Data.Maybe import Text.XML.Light import Control.Arrow import Data.Char

getRespons url = do

 rsp <- Network.Browser.browse $ do
   setAllowRedirects True
   setOutHandler $ const (return ())   -- quiet
   request $ getRequest url
 return $ rspBody $ snd rsp

replaceWithSpace c = (\x -> if c==x then ' ' else x)

encl = chr 34

unimpTasks lang = do

 allTasks <- getRespons ""
 impl <-  getRespons ( "" ++ lang ++ ".json")
 let langxx = map (map(replaceWithSpace '_')) $ filter (/=",") $ words $ map (replaceWithSpace encl ) $ init $ drop 1 impl
     xml = onlyElems $ parseXML allTasks
     allxx = concatMap (map (fromJust.findAttr (unqual "title")). filterElementsName (== unqual "cm")) xml
 mapM_ putStrLn $ sort $ allxx \\ langxx</lang>


Solution: <lang j>require 'strings web/gethttp'

findUnimpTasks=: ('Programming_Tasks' -.&getCategoryMembers ,&'/Omit') ([ #~ -.@e.) getCategoryMembers

getTagContents=: dyad define

 'starttag endtag'=. x
 ('\' -.~ endtag&taketo)&.>@(starttag&E. <@((#starttag)&}.);.1 ]) y


NB. RosettaCode Utilities parseTitles=: ('"title":"';'"')&getTagContents parseCMcontinue=:('"cmcontinue":"';'"')&getTagContents getCMcontquery=: ('&cmcontinue=' , urlencode)^:(0 < #)@>@parseCMcontinue

getCategoryMembers=: monad define

 buildqry=. 'action=query&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category:' , ,&'&cmlimit=500&format=json'
 uri=. url ,'?', buildqry urlencode y
 catmbrs=. qrycont=. 
 whilst. #qrycont=. getCMcontquery jsondat do.
   jsondat=. gethttp uri , qrycont
   catmbrs=. catmbrs, parseTitles jsondat


Example Usage: <lang j> 4{. findUnimpTasks 'J' NB. get first 4 unimplemented tasks for J +-------------+--------------+----------------+------------------------------+ |Active object|Atomic updates|Basic input loop|Call foreign language function| +-------------+--------------+----------------+------------------------------+</lang>


Library: OzHttpClient

By parsing XML and using an XPath-like mechanism: <lang oz>declare

 [HTTPClient] = {Link ['x-ozlib://mesaros/net/HTTPClient.ozf']}
 [XMLParser] = {Link ['x-oz://system/xml/Parser.ozf']}
 fun {FindUnimplementedTasks Language}
    AllTasks = {FindCategory "Programming Tasks"}
    LangTasks = {FindCategory Language}
    {ListDiff AllTasks LangTasks}
 fun {FindCategory Cat}
    CatUrl = ""
    #"&cmtitle=Category:"#{PercentEncode Cat}
    fun {Loop CMContinue}
       [_ Doc] = {Parse {GetPage CatUrl#CMContinue}}
       Titles = {XPath Doc
                 [api query categorymembers cm {Attribute title}]}
       case {XPath Doc
             [api 'query-continue' categorymembers {Attribute cmcontinue}]}
       of nil then Titles
       [] [NewCMContinueAtom] then
          NewCMContinue = {PercentEncode {Atom.toString NewCMContinueAtom}}
          {Append Titles
           {Loop "&cmcontinue="#NewCMContinue}}
    {Loop nil}

 %% XPath emulation
 fun {XPath Doc Path}
    P|Pr = Path
 in = P %% assert
    {FoldL Pr XPathStep [Doc]}
 Nothing = {NewName}
 fun {NotNothing X} X \= Nothing end
 fun {XPathStep Elements P}
    if { P} then
       {FilteredChildren Elements P}
    elseif { P} then
       {Filter {Map Elements P} NotNothing}

 %% A flat list of all Type-children of all Elements.
 fun {FilteredChildren Elements Type}
     {Map Elements
      fun {$ E}
         {Filter E.children
          fun {$ X}
             case X of element(name:!Type ...) then true
             else false

 fun {Attribute Attr}
    fun {$ Element}
       case {Filter Element.attributes fun {$ A} == Attr end}
       of [A] then A.value
       else Nothing

 %% GetPage
 Client = {New HTTPClient.urlGET init(inPrms(toFile:false toStrm:true) _)}
 fun {GetPage RawUrl}
    Url = {VirtualString.toString RawUrl}
    {Client getService(Url ?OutParams ?_)}

 fun {PercentEncode Xs}
    case Xs of nil then nil
    [] X|Xr then
       if {Char.isDigit X} orelse {Member X [&- &_ &.  &~]}
          orelse X >= &a andthen X =< &z
          orelse X >= &z andthen X =< &Z then
          X|{PercentEncode Xr}
          {Append &%|{ToHex2 X} {PercentEncode Xr}}
 fun {ToHex2 X}
    [{ToHex1 X div 16} {ToHex1 X mod 16}]
 fun {ToHex1 X}
    if X >= 0 andthen X =< 9 then &0 + X
    elseif X >= 10 andthen X =< 15 then &A + X - 10

 %% Parse
    Parser = {New XMLParser.parser init} 
    fun {Parse Xs} {Parser parseVS(Xs $)} end
 fun {ListDiff Xs Ys}
    {FoldL Ys List.subtract Xs}


 %% show tasks not implemented in Oz
 {ForAll {FindUnimplementedTasks "Oz"} System.showInfo}</lang>


Using JSON (not parsed, just Regex.)

<lang perl>use LWP::Simple 'get';

my $fmt = ''; my $lang = shift

   or die "No language given.\n";

sub urlencode

  {join , map {sprintf '%%%02x', ord} split //, shift}

sub tasks

  {my $category = urlencode shift;
   my @tasks;
   my $json = get sprintf $fmt, $category;
   for (;;)
      {push @tasks, $json =~ /"title":"(.+?)"}/g;
       $json =~ /"cmcontinue":"(.+?)"}/ or last;
       $json = get sprintf $fmt . '&cmcontinue=%s',
           $category, urlencode $1;}
   return @tasks;}

my @all = tasks 'Programming_Tasks'; my %lang = map {$_, 1} tasks $lang

   or die "No such category.\n";

$lang{$_} or print "$_\n"

   foreach @all;</lang>

See also: User:ImplSearchBot/Code


Using XML.

<lang python>import xml.dom.minidom import urllib, sys

def findrc(category):

   name = "" % urllib.quote(category)
   cmcontinue, titles = , []
   while True:
       u = urllib.urlopen(name + cmcontinue)
       xmldata =
       x = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xmldata)
       titles += [i.getAttribute("title") for i in x.getElementsByTagName("cm")]
       cmcontinue = filter( None,
                             for i in x.getElementsByTagName("categorymembers")) )
       if cmcontinue:
           cmcontinue = '&cmcontinue=' + cmcontinue[0]
   return titles

alltasks = findrc("Programming_Tasks") lang = findrc(sys.argv[1])

for i in [i for i in alltasks if i not in lang]:

   print i</lang>


Library: XML (R)

<lang R>library(XML) find.unimplemented.tasks <- function(lang="R"){ PT <- xmlInternalTreeParse( paste("",sep="") ) PT.nodes <- getNodeSet(PT,"//cm") PT.titles = as.character( sapply(PT.nodes, xmlGetAttr, "title") ) language <- xmlInternalTreeParse( paste("", lang, "&cmlimit=500&format=xml",sep="") ) lang.nodes <- getNodeSet(language,"//cm") lang.titles = as.character( sapply(lang.nodes, xmlGetAttr, "title") ) unimplemented <- setdiff(PT.titles, lang.titles) unimplemented }

  1. Usage

find.unimplemented.tasks(lang="Python") langs <- c("R","python","perl") sapply(langs, find.unimplemented.tasks) # fetching data for multiple languages</lang>


Uses the RosettaCode module from Count programming examples#Ruby <lang ruby>require 'rosettacode'

module RosettaCode

 def RosettaCode.rc_unimplemented(lang)
   programming_tasks = []
   rc_tasks("Programming_Tasks") {|task| programming_tasks << task}
   lang_tasks = []
   rc_tasks(lang) {|task| lang_tasks << task}
   programming_tasks - lang_tasks


lang = "Ruby" unimplemented = RosettaCode.rc_unimplemented(lang) puts "#{lang} has #{unimplemented.length} unimplemented tasks:" puts unimplemented.join("\n")</lang>


First, find all members of the Programming_Tasks category, then find all members of the $lang category. The difference is the list of unimplemented tasks.

This uses the json and struct::set packages from

Library: tcllib

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require http package require json package require struct::set

fconfigure stdout -buffering none

  1. Initialize a cache of lookups

array set cache {} proc log msg {

   #puts -nonewline $msg


proc get_tasks {category} {

   global cache
   if {[info exists cache($category)]} {

return $cache($category)

   set base_url
   set query {

action query list categorymembers cmtitle Category:%s format json cmlimit 500

   set query [list {*}$query]; # remove excess whitespace
   set this_query [dict create {*}[split [format $query $category]]]
   set tasks [list]

   while {1} {
       set url [join [list $base_url [http::formatQuery {*}$this_query]] ?]
       while 1 {
           set response [http::geturl $url]

# Process redirects

           if {[http::ncode $response] == 301} {
               set newurl [dict get [http::meta $response] Location]
               if {[string match http://* $newurl]} {
                   set url $newurl
               } else {
                   set url [regexp -inline {http://[^/]+} $url]
                   append url $newurl

# Check for oopsies!

           if {

[set s [http::status $response]] ne "ok" || [http::ncode $response] != 200 } then {

               error "Oops: url=$url\nstatus=$s\nhttp code=[http::code $response]"

# Get the data out of the message

       set data [json::json2dict [http::data $response]]
       http::cleanup $response

       # add tasks to list
       foreach task [dict get $data query categorymembers] {
           lappend tasks [dict get [dict create {*}$task] title]

       if {[catch {

dict get $data query-continue categorymembers cmcontinue } continue_task]} then {

           # no more continuations, we're done
       dict set this_query cmcontinue $continue_task
   return [set cache($category) $tasks]


proc get_unimplemented {lang} {

   set tasks [get_tasks Programming_Tasks]
   set collected [get_tasks Collection_Members]
   set doneTasks [get_tasks $lang]
   set omittedTasks [get_tasks $lang/Omit]
   # Map generic collection task categories to specific ones
   set tasks [regsub -all {Category:(\S+)} $tasks "\\1/$lang"]
   set collectOfLang [struct::set intersect $collected $doneTasks]
   set ignorable [struct::set union $doneTasks $omittedTasks $collectOfLang]
   set unimplemented [struct::set difference $tasks $ignorable]
   puts "\n$lang has [llength $unimplemented] unimplemented programming tasks:"
   if {[llength $unimplemented]} {

puts " [join [lsort $unimplemented] "\n "]"



foreach lang {Perl Python Ruby Tcl} {

   get_unimplemented $lang
