Safe addition: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|REXX}}: added whitespace.)
(Added a solution for D)
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size inf
size inf

<lang D>import std.traits;
auto safeAdd(T)(T a, T b)
if (isFloatingPoint!T) {
import std.math; // nexDown, nextUp
import std.typecons; // tuple
return tuple!("d", "u")(nextDown(a+b), nextUp(a+b));

import std.stdio;
void main() {
auto a = 1.2;
auto b = 0.03;

auto r = safeAdd(a, b);
writefln("(%s + %s) is in the range %0.16f .. %0.16f", a, b, r.d, r.u);

<pre>(1.2 + 0.03) is in the range 1.2299999999999998 .. 1.2300000000000002</pre>


Revision as of 02:27, 13 December 2017

Safe addition
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Implementation of   interval arithmetic   and more generally fuzzy number arithmetic require operations that yield safe upper and lower bounds of the exact result.

For example, for an addition, it is the operations   +↑   and   +↓   defined as:   a +↓ ba + ba +↑ b.

Additionally it is desired that the width of the interval   (a +↑ b) - (a +↓ b)   would be about the machine epsilon after removing the exponent part.

Differently to the standard floating-point arithmetic, safe interval arithmetic is accurate (but still imprecise).

I.E.:   the result of each defined operation contains (though does not identify) the exact mathematical outcome.

Usually a   FPU's   have machine   +,-,*,/   operations accurate within the machine precision.

To illustrate it, let us consider a machine with decimal floating-point arithmetic that has the precision is 3 decimal points.

If the result of the machine addition is   1.23,   then the exact mathematical result is within the interval   ]1.22, 1.24[.

When the machine rounds towards zero, then the exact result is within   [1.23,1.24[.   This is the basis for an implementation of safe addition.


Show how   +↓   and   +↑   can be implemented in your language using the standard floating-point type.

Define an interval type based on the standard floating-point one,   and implement an interval-valued addition of two floating-point numbers considering them exact, in short an operation that yields the interval   [a +↓ b, a +↑ b].


An interval type based on Float: <lang Ada>type Interval is record

  Lower : Float;
  Upper : Float;

end record;</lang> Implementation of safe addition: <lang Ada>function "+" (A, B : Float) return Interval is

  Result : constant Float := A + B;


  if Result < 0.0 then
     if Float'Machine_Rounds then
        return (Float'Adjacent (Result, Float'First), Float'Adjacent (Result, 0.0));
        return (Float'Adjacent (Result, Float'First), Result);
     end if;         
  elsif Result > 0.0 then   
     if Float'Machine_Rounds then
        return (Float'Adjacent (Result, 0.0), Float'Adjacent (Result, Float'Last));
        return (Result, Float'Adjacent (Result, Float'Last));
     end if;         
  else -- Underflow
     return (Float'Adjacent (0.0, Float'First), Float'Adjacent (0.0, Float'Last));
  end if;

end "+";</lang> The implementation uses the attribute T'Machine_Rounds to determine if rounding is performed on inexact results. If the machine rounds a symmetric interval around the result is used. When the machine does not round, it truncates. Truncating is rounding towards zero. In this case the implementation is twice better (in terms of the result interval width), because depending on its sign, the outcome of addition can be taken for either of the bounds. Unfortunately most of modern processors are rounding.

Test program: <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; procedure Test_Interval_Addition is

  -- Definitions from above
  procedure Put (I : Interval) is
     Put (Long_Float'Image (Long_Float (I.Lower)) & "," & Long_Float'Image (Long_Float (I.Upper)));
  end Put;


  Put (1.14 + 2000.0);

end Test_Interval_Addition;</lang> Sample output:

 2.00113989257813E+03, 2.00114013671875E+03


<lang ahk>Msgbox % IntervalAdd(1,2) ; [2.999999,3.000001]

SetFormat, FloatFast, 0.20 Msgbox % IntervalAdd(1,2) ; [2.99999999999999910000,3.00000000000000090000]

In v1.0.48+, floating point variables have about 15 digits of precision internally
unless SetFormat Float (i.e. the slow mode) is present anywhere in the script.
In that case, the stored precision of floating point numbers is determined by A_FormatFloat.
As there is no way for this function to know whether this is the case or not,
it conservatively uses A_FormatFloat in all cases.

IntervalAdd(a,b){ err:=0.1**(SubStr(A_FormatFloat,3) > 15 ? 15 : SubStr(A_FormatFloat,3)) Return "[" a+b-err ","a+b+err "]" }</lang>


Most systems use the IEEE floating-point numbers. These systems have four rounding modes.

  • Round toward zero.
  • Round down (toward -infinity).
  • Round to nearest.
  • Round up (toward +infinity).

If one can change the rounding mode, then [a + b rounded down, a + b rounded up] solves the task. C99 provides a standard way, through <fenv.h>, to change the rounding mode, but not every system has <fenv.h>. Microsoft has _controlfp(). Some Unix clones, like OpenBSD, have fpsetround().

An optimizing compiler might break the code. (For example, it might calculate a + b only one time.) To prevent such optimizations, we declare our floating-point numbers as volatile. This forces the compiler to calculate a + b two times, between the correct function calls.

C99 with fesetround()

<lang c>#include <fenv.h> /* fegetround(), fesetround() */

  1. include <stdio.h> /* printf() */


* Calculates an interval for a + b.
*   interval[0] <= a + b
*   a + b <= interval[1]

void safe_add(volatile double interval[2], volatile double a, volatile double b) {


unsigned int orig;

orig = fegetround(); fesetround(FE_DOWNWARD); /* round to -infinity */ interval[0] = a + b; fesetround(FE_UPWARD); /* round to +infinity */ interval[1] = a + b; fesetround(orig); }

int main() { const double nums[][2] = { {1, 2}, {0.1, 0.2}, {1e100, 1e-100}, {1e308, 1e308}, }; double ival[2]; int i;

for (i = 0; i < sizeof(nums) / sizeof(nums[0]); i++) { /* * Calculate nums[i][0] + nums[i][1]. */ safe_add(ival, nums[i][0], nums[i][1]);

/* * Print the result. %.17g gives the best output. * %.16g or plain %g gives not enough digits. */ printf("%.17g + %.17g =\n", nums[i][0], nums[i][1]); printf(" [%.17g, %.17g]\n", ival[0], ival[1]); printf(" size %.17g\n\n", ival[1] - ival[0]); } return 0; }</lang> Output:

1 + 2 =
    [3, 3]
    size 0

0.10000000000000001 + 0.20000000000000001 =
    [0.29999999999999999, 0.30000000000000004]
    size 5.5511151231257827e-17

1e+100 + 1e-100 =
    [1e+100, 1.0000000000000002e+100]
    size 1.9426688922257291e+84

1e+308 + 1e+308 =
    [1.7976931348623157e+308, inf]
    size inf


Works with: MinGW

<lang c>#include <float.h> /* _controlfp() */

  1. include <stdio.h> /* printf() */


* Calculates an interval for a + b.
*   interval[0] <= a + b
*   a + b <= interval[1]

void safe_add(volatile double interval[2], volatile double a, volatile double b) { unsigned int orig;

orig = _controlfp(0, 0); _controlfp(_RC_DOWN, _MCW_RC); /* round to -infinity */ interval[0] = a + b; _controlfp(_RC_UP, _MCW_RC); /* round to +infinity */ interval[1] = a + b; _controlfp(orig, _MCW_RC); }

int main() { const double nums[][2] = { {1, 2}, {0.1, 0.2}, {1e100, 1e-100}, {1e308, 1e308}, }; double ival[2]; int i;

for (i = 0; i < sizeof(nums) / sizeof(nums[0]); i++) { /* * Calculate nums[i][0] + nums[i][1]. */ safe_add(ival, nums[i][0], nums[i][1]);

/* * Print the result. %.17g gives the best output. * %.16g or plain %g gives not enough digits. */ printf("%.17g + %.17g =\n", nums[i][0], nums[i][1]); printf(" [%.17g, %.17g]\n", ival[0], ival[1]); printf(" size %.17g\n\n", ival[1] - ival[0]); } return 0; }</lang>


Works with: OpenBSD version 4.8/amd64

<lang c>#include <ieeefp.h> /* fpsetround() */

  1. include <stdio.h> /* printf() */


* Calculates an interval for a + b.
*   interval[0] <= a + b
*   a + b <= interval[1]

void safe_add(volatile double interval[2], volatile double a, volatile double b) { fp_rnd orig;

orig = fpsetround(FP_RM); /* round to -infinity */ interval[0] = a + b; fpsetround(FP_RP); /* round to +infinity */ interval[1] = a + b; fpsetround(orig); }

int main() { const double nums[][2] = { {1, 2}, {0.1, 0.2}, {1e100, 1e-100}, {1e308, 1e308}, }; double ival[2]; int i;

for (i = 0; i < sizeof(nums) / sizeof(nums[0]); i++) { /* * Calculate nums[i][0] + nums[i][1]. */ safe_add(ival, nums[i][0], nums[i][1]);

/* * Print the result. With OpenBSD libc, %.17g gives * the best output; %.16g or plain %g gives not enough * digits. */ printf("%.17g + %.17g =\n", nums[i][0], nums[i][1]); printf(" [%.17g, %.17g]\n", ival[0], ival[1]); printf(" size %.17g\n\n", ival[1] - ival[0]); } return 0; }</lang>

Output from OpenBSD:

1 + 2 =
    [3, 3]
    size 0

0.10000000000000001 + 0.20000000000000001 =
    [0.29999999999999999, 0.30000000000000004]
    size 5.5511151231257827e-17

1e+100 + 1e-100 =
    [1e+100, 1.0000000000000002e+100]
    size 1.9426688922257291e+84

1e+308 + 1e+308 =
    [1.7976931348623157e+308, inf]
    size inf


Translation of: Kotlin

<lang D>import std.traits; auto safeAdd(T)(T a, T b) if (isFloatingPoint!T) {

   import std.math;     // nexDown, nextUp
   import std.typecons; // tuple
   return tuple!("d", "u")(nextDown(a+b), nextUp(a+b));


import std.stdio; void main() {

   auto a = 1.2;
   auto b = 0.03;
   auto r = safeAdd(a, b);
   writefln("(%s + %s) is in the range %0.16f .. %0.16f", a, b, r.d, r.u);


(1.2 + 0.03) is in the range 1.2299999999999998 .. 1.2300000000000002


[Note: this task has not yet had attention from a floating-point expert.]

In E, operators are defined on the left object involved (they have to be somewhere, as global definitions violate capability principles); this implies that I can't define + such that aFloat + anotherFloat yields an Interval. Instead, I shall define an Interval with its +, but restrict + (for the sake of this example) to intervals containing only one number.

(E has a built-in numeric interval type as well, but it is always closed-open rather than closed-closed and so would be particularly confusing for this task.)

E currently inherits Java's choices of IEEE floating point behavior, including round to nearest. Therefore, as in the Ada example, given ignorance of the actual direction of rounding, we must take one step away in both directions to get a correct interval.

<lang e>def makeInterval(a :float64, b :float64) {

   require(a <= b)
   def interval {
       to least() { return a }
       to greatest() { return b }
       to __printOn(out) {
           out.print("[", a, ", ", b, "]")
       to add(other) {
           require(a <=> b)
           require(other.least() <=> other.greatest())
           def result := a + other.least()
           return makeInterval(result.previous(),
   return interval


<lang e>? makeInterval(1.14, 1.14) + makeInterval(2000.0, 2000.0)

  1. value: [2001.1399999999999, 2001.1400000000003]</lang>

E provides only 64-bit "double precision" floats, and always prints them with sufficient decimal places to reproduce the original floating point number exactly.


Translation of: Tcl

<lang forth>c-library m s" m" add-lib \c #include <math.h> c-function fnextafter nextafter r r -- r end-c-library

s" MAX-FLOAT" environment? drop fconstant MAX-FLOAT

fstepdown ( F: r1 -- r2 )
  MAX-FLOAT fnegate fnextafter ;
fstepup ( F: r1 -- r2 )
  MAX-FLOAT fnextafter ;
savef+ ( F: r1 r2 -- r3 r4 ) \ r4 <= r1+r2 <= r3
  f+  fdup fstepup  fswap fstepdown ;</lang>
1.2e0 3e-2 savef+  ok
17 set-precision \ to get enough digits on output  ok
fs. fs. 1.2299999999999998E0 1.2300000000000002E0  ok


Translation of: Tcl

<lang go>package main

import (



// type requested by task type interval struct {

   lower, upper float64


// a constructor func stepAway(x float64) interval {

   return interval {
       math.Nextafter(x, math.Inf(-1)),
       math.Nextafter(x, math.Inf(1))}


// function requested by task func safeAdd(a, b float64) interval {

   return stepAway(a + b)


// example func main() {

   a, b := 1.2, .03
   fmt.Println(a, b, safeAdd(a, b))

}</lang> Output:

1.2 0.03 {1.2299999999999998 1.2300000000000002}


J uses 64 bit IEEE floating points, providing 53 binary digits of accuracy. <lang j> err =. 2^ 53-~ 2 <.@^. | NB. get the size of one-half unit in the last place

  safeadd =. + (-,+) +&err
  0j15": 1.14 safeadd 2000.0 NB. print with 15 digits after the decimal

2001.139999999999873 2001.140000000000327</lang>


Julia has the IntervalArithmetic module, which provides arithmetic with defined precision along with the option of simply computing with actual two-number intervals: <lang Julia> julia> using IntervalArithmetic

julia> n = 2.0 2.0

julia> @interval 2n/3 + 1 [2.33333, 2.33334]

julia> showall(ans) Interval(2.333333333333333, 2.3333333333333335)

julia> a = @interval(0.1, 0.3) [0.0999999, 0.300001]

julia> b = @interval(0.3, 0.6) [0.299999, 0.600001]

julia> a + b [0.399999, 0.900001] </lang>


Translation of: Tcl

<lang scala>// version 1.1.2

fun stepDown(d: Double) = Math.nextAfter(d, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)

fun stepUp(d: Double) = Math.nextUp(d)

fun safeAdd(a: Double, b: Double) = stepDown(a + b).rangeTo(stepUp(a + b))

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   val a = 1.2
   val b = 0.03
   println("($a + $b) is in the range ${safeAdd(a, b)}")


(1.2 + 0.03) is in the range 1.2299999999999998..1.2300000000000002


When you use //N to get a numerical result, Mathematica does what a standard calculator would do: it gives you a result to a fixed number of significant figures. You can also tell Mathematica exactly how many significant figures to keep in a particular calculation. This allows you to get numerical results in Mathematica to any degree of precision.


Translation of: C

<lang nim>import posix, strutils

proc `++`(a, b: float): tuple[lower, upper: float] =

   a {.volatile.} = a
   b {.volatile.} = b
   orig = fegetround()
 discard fesetround FE_DOWNWARD
 result.lower = a + b
 discard fesetround FE_UPWARD
 result.upper = a + b
 discard fesetround orig

proc ff(a: float): string = a.formatFloat(ffDefault, 17)

for x, y in [(1.0, 2.0), (0.1, 0.2), (1e100, 1e-100), (1e308, 1e308)].items:

 let (d,u) = x ++ y
 echo x.ff, " + ", y.ff, " ="
 echo "    [", d.ff, ", ", u.ff, "]"
 echo "    size ", (u - d).ff, "\n"</lang>


1.0000000000000000 + 2.0000000000000000 =
    [3.0000000000000000, 3.0000000000000000]
    size 0.0000000000000000

0.10000000000000001 + 0.20000000000000001 =
    [0.29999999999999999, 0.30000000000000004]
    size 5.5511151231257827e-17

1.0000000000000000e+100 + 1.0000000000000000e-100 =
    [1.0000000000000000e+100, 1.0000000000000002e+100]
    size 1.9426688922257291e+84

1.0000000000000000e+308 + 1.0000000000000000e+308 =
    [1.7976931348623157e+308, inf]
    size inf


Translation of: C

Note the Phix printf builtin has (automatic rounding and) a built-in limit of 16 digits, (20 digits on 64 bit) for pretty much the same reason the C version went with 17 digits, namely that the 17th digit is so inaccurate as to be completely meaningless in normal use.
Hence errors in the low,high are a bit more disguised, but as always it is the size that matters.
Not surprisingly you have to get a bit down and dirty to manage this sort of stuff in Phix. <lang Phix>include builtins\VM\pFPU.e -- :%down53 etc

function safe_add(atom a, atom b) atom low,high

   -- NB: be sure to restore the usual/default rounding!
           lea esi,[a]
           call :%pLoadFlt
           lea esi,[b]
           call :%pLoadFlt
           fld st0
           call :%down53
           fadd st0,st2
           lea edi,[low]
           call :%pStoreFlt
           call :%up53
           lea edi,[high]
           call :%pStoreFlt
           call :%near53       -- usual/default
           lea rsi,[a]
           call :%pLoadFlt
           lea rsi,[b]
           call :%pLoadFlt
           fld st0
           call :%down64
           fadd st0,st2
           lea rdi,[low]
           call :%pStoreFlt
           call :%up64
           lea rdi,[high]
           call :%pStoreFlt
           call :%near64   -- usual/default
   return {low,high}

end function

constant nums = {{1, 2},

                {0.1, 0.2},
                {1e100, 1e-100},
                {1e308, 1e308}}
   for i=1 to length(nums) do
       atom {a,b} = nums[i]
       atom {low,high} = safe_add(a,b)
       printf(1,"%.16g + %.16g =\n", {a, b});
       printf(1,"    [%.16g, %.16g]\n", {low, high});
       printf(1,"    size %.16g\n\n", high - low);
   end for</lang>
1 + 2 =
    [3, 3]
    size 0

0.1 + 0.2 =
    [0.3, 0.3]
    size 5.551115123125782e-17

1e+100 + 1e-100 =
    [1e+100, 1e+100]
    size 1.942668892225729e+84

1e+308 + 1e+308 =
    [1.797693134862316e+308, inf]
    size inf


PicoLisp uses scaled integer arithmetic, with unlimited precision, for all operations on real numbers. For that reason addition and subtraction are always exact. Multiplication is also exact (unless the result is explicitly scaled by the user), and division in combination with the remainder.


Python doesn't include a module that returns an interval for safe addition, however, it does include a routine for performing additions of floating point numbers whilst preserving precision:

<lang python>>>> sum([.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1]) 0.9999999999999999 >>> from math import fsum >>> fsum([.1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1, .1]) 1.0</lang>


<lang Racket>

  1. lang racket
1. Racket has exact unlimited integers and fractions, which can be
used to perform exact operations. For example, given an inexact
flonum, we can convert it to an exact fraction and work with that

(define (exact+ x y)

 (+ (inexact->exact x) (inexact->exact y)))
(A variant of this would be to keep all numbers exact, so the default
operations never get to inexact numbers)
2. We can implement the required operation using a bunch of
functionality provided by the math library, for example, use
`flnext' and `flprev' to get the surrounding numbers for both
inputs and use them to produce the resulting interval

(require math) (define (interval+ x y)

 (cons (+ (flprev x) (flprev y)) (+ (flnext x) (flnext y))))

(interval+ 1.14 2000.0) ; -> '(2001.1399999999999 . 2001.1400000000003)

I'm not a numeric expert in any way, so there must be room for
improvement here...)
3. Yet another option is to use the math library's bigfloats, with an
arbitrary precision

(bf-precision 1024) ; 1024 bit floats

add two numbers, specified as strings to avoid rounding of number

(bf+ (bf "1.14") (bf "2000.0")) </lang>


REXX can solve the safe addition problem by simply increasing the   numeric digits   (a REXX statement).

There is effectively no limit to the number of digits, but it is constrained by how much virtual memory is (or can be) allocated.
Eight million digits seems about a practical high end, however. <lang rexx>numeric digits 1000 /*defines precision to be 1,000 decimal digits. */

y=digits() /*sets Y to existing number of decimal digits.*/

numeric digits y + y%10 /*increase the (numeric) decimal digits by 10%.*/</lang>


The Float class provides no way to change the rounding mode. We instead use the BigDecimal class from the standard library. BigDecimal is a floating-point number of radix 10 with arbitrary precision.

When adding BigDecimal values, a + b is always safe. This example uses a.add(b, prec), which is not safe because it rounds to prec digits. This example computes a safe interval by rounding to both floor and ceiling.

<lang ruby>require 'bigdecimal' require 'bigdecimal/util' # String#to_d

def safe_add(a, b, prec)

 a, b = a.to_d, b.to_d
 rm = BigDecimal::ROUND_MODE
 orig = BigDecimal.mode(rm)
 BigDecimal.mode(rm, BigDecimal::ROUND_FLOOR)
 low = a.add(b, prec)
 BigDecimal.mode(rm, BigDecimal::ROUND_CEILING)
 high = a.add(b, prec)
 BigDecimal.mode(rm, orig)


[["1", "2"],

["0.1", "0.2"],
["0.1", "0.00002"],
["0.1", "-0.00002"],

].each { |a, b| puts "#{a} + #{b} = #{safe_add(a, b, 3)}" }</lang>


1 + 2 = 0.3E1..0.3E1
0.1 + 0.2 = 0.3E0..0.3E0
0.1 + 0.00002 = 0.1E0..0.101E0
0.1 + -0.00002 = 0.999E-1..0.1E0


Tcl's floating point handling is done using IEEE double-precision floating point with the default rounding mode (i.e., to nearest representable value). This means that it is necessary to step away from the computed value slightly in both directions in order to compute a safe range. However, Tcl doesn't expose the nextafter function from math.h by default (necessary to do this right), so a little extra magic is needed.

Library: critcl

<lang tcl>package require critcl package provide stepaway 1.0 critcl::ccode {

   #include <math.h>
   #include <float.h>

} critcl::cproc stepup {double value} double {

   return nextafter(value, DBL_MAX);

} critcl::cproc stepdown {double value} double {

   return nextafter(value, -DBL_MAX);

}</lang> With that package it's then trivial to define a "safe addition" that returns an interval as a list (lower bound, upper bound). <lang tcl>package require stepaway proc safe+ {a b} {

   set val [expr {double($a) + $b}]
   return [list [stepdown $val] [stepup $val]]
