Simulated annealing: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
Line 1,441: Line 1,441:
(when (= 7 (truncate-remainder i 8))
(when (= 7 (truncate-remainder i 8))
(display (vector-ref vec 0)))
(let ((x (vector-ref vec 0)))
(when (< x 10)
(display " "))
(display x)))

(define kT 1)
(define kT 1)
Line 1,477: Line 1,480:
k T E(s)
k T E(s)
0 1.0 388.58155
0 1.0 422.71361
100000 0.9 201.48169
100000 0.9 185.28073
200000 0.8 177.98026
200000 0.8 171.70817
300000 0.7 163.91703
300000 0.7 156.66104
400000 0.6 157.88775
400000 0.6 145.07621
500000 0.5 138.83357
500000 0.5 130.88759
600000 0.4 128.76245
600000 0.4 115.34219
700000 0.3 111.50719
700000 0.3 112.27113
800000 0.2 104.48528
800000 0.2 105.37820
900000 0.1 102.24264
900000 0.1 103.89949
1000000 0.0 102.65028
1000000 0.0 103.89949

Final path:
Final path:
0 -> 10 -> 20 -> 21 -> 22 -> 32 -> 31 -> 30 ->
0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 6 -> 7 -> 8 ->
40 -> 50 -> 62 -> 52 -> 53 -> 63 -> 73 -> 72 ->
9 -> 19 -> 29 -> 39 -> 38 -> 37 -> 47 -> 48 ->
82 -> 92 -> 91 -> 90 -> 80 -> 81 -> 71 -> 70 ->
49 -> 58 -> 59 -> 69 -> 79 -> 89 -> 99 -> 98 ->
60 -> 61 -> 51 -> 41 -> 42 -> 43 -> 33 -> 34 ->
97 -> 96 -> 95 -> 94 -> 84 -> 83 -> 93 -> 92 ->
35 -> 45 -> 44 -> 54 -> 64 -> 65 -> 66 -> 76 ->
82 -> 72 -> 62 -> 71 -> 81 -> 91 -> 90 -> 80 ->
77 -> 67 -> 57 -> 58 -> 59 -> 69 -> 68 -> 78 ->
70 -> 60 -> 61 -> 50 -> 40 -> 41 -> 51 -> 52 ->
79 -> 89 -> 99 -> 98 -> 88 -> 87 -> 97 -> 96 ->
63 -> 73 -> 74 -> 75 -> 85 -> 86 -> 76 -> 77 ->
86 -> 85 -> 95 -> 94 -> 93 -> 83 -> 84 -> 74 ->
87 -> 88 -> 78 -> 68 -> 67 -> 57 -> 56 -> 66 ->
75 -> 55 -> 56 -> 46 -> 36 -> 26 -> 27 -> 37 ->
65 -> 64 -> 55 -> 45 -> 46 -> 36 -> 35 -> 25 ->
47 -> 48 -> 49 -> 39 -> 38 -> 28 -> 29 -> 19 ->
26 -> 27 -> 28 -> 18 -> 17 -> 16 -> 15 -> 5 ->
9 -> 8 -> 18 -> 17 -> 7 -> 6 -> 16 -> 15 ->
14 -> 13 -> 23 -> 24 -> 34 -> 44 -> 54 -> 53 ->
25 -> 24 -> 23 -> 13 -> 14 -> 5 -> 4 -> 3 ->
43 -> 33 -> 42 -> 32 -> 31 -> 30 -> 20 -> 21 ->
2 -> 12 -> 11 -> 1 -> 0
22 -> 12 -> 11 -> 10 -> 0

Final E(s): 102.65028
Final E(s): 103.89949


Revision as of 17:16, 29 April 2022

Simulated annealing is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Quoted from the Wikipedia page : Simulated annealing (SA) is a probabilistic technique for approximating the global optimum of a given function. Simulated annealing interprets slow cooling as a slow decrease in the probability of temporarily accepting worse solutions as it explores the solution space.

Pseudo code from Wikipedia

Notations :
  T : temperature. Decreases to 0.
  s : a system state
  E(s) : Energy at s. The function we want to minimize
  ∆E : variation of E, from state s to state s_next
  P(∆E , T) : Probability to move from s to s_next. 
  	if  ( ∆E < 0 ) P = 1
  	      else P = exp ( - ∆E / T) . Decreases as T →  0
    Let s = s0  -- initial state
    For k = 0 through kmax (exclusive):
        T ← temperature(k , kmax)
        Pick a random neighbour state , s_next ← neighbour(s)
        ∆E ← E(s) - E(s_next) 
        If P(∆E , T) ≥ random(0, 1), move to the new state:
            s ← s_next
    Output: the final state s

Problem statement

We want to apply SA to the travelling salesman problem. There are 100 cities, numbered 0 to 99, located on a plane, at integer coordinates i,j : 0 <= i,j < 10 . The city at (i,j) has number 10*i + j. The cities are all connected : the graph is complete : you can go from one city to any other city in one step.

The salesman wants to start from city 0, visit all cities, each one time, and go back to city 0. The travel cost between two cities is the euclidian distance between there cities. The total travel cost is the total path length.

A path s is a sequence (0 a b ...z 0) where (a b ..z) is a permutation of the numbers (1 2 .. 99). The path length = E(s) is the sum d(0,a) + d(a,b) + ... + d(z,0) , where d(u,v) is the distance between two cities. Naturally, we want to minimize E(s).

Definition : The neighbours of a city are the closest cities at distance 1 horizontally/vertically, or √2 diagonally. A corner city (0,9,90,99) has 3 neighbours. A center city has 8 neighbours.

Distances between cities
d ( 0, 7) → 7
d ( 0, 99) → 12.7279
d ( 23, 78) → 7.0711
d ( 33, 44) → 1.4142 // sqrt(2)


Apply SA to the travelling salesman problem, using the following set of parameters/functions :

  • kT = 1 (Multiplication by kT is a placeholder, representing computing temperature as a function of 1-k/kmax):
  • temperature (k, kmax) = kT * (1 - k/kmax)
  • neighbour (s) : Pick a random city u > 0 . Pick a random neighbour city v > 0 of u , among u's 8 (max) neighbours on the grid. Swap u and v in s . This gives the new state s_next.
  • kmax = 1000_000
  • s0 = a random permutation

For k = 0 to kmax by step kmax/10 , display k, T, E(s). Display the final state s_final, and E(s_final).

You will see that the Energy may grow to a local optimum, before decreasing to a global optimum.

Illustrated example Temperature charts

Numerical example

kT = 1
E(s0) = 529.9158

k:  0         T:  1       Es:  529.9158
k:  100000    T:  0.9     Es:  201.1726
k:  200000    T:  0.8     Es:  178.1723
k:  300000    T:  0.7     Es:  154.7069
k:  400000    T:  0.6     Es:  158.1412 <== local optimum
k:  500000    T:  0.5     Es:  133.856
k:  600000    T:  0.4     Es:  129.5684
k:  700000    T:  0.3     Es:  112.6919
k:  800000    T:  0.2     Es:  105.799
k:  900000    T:  0.1     Es:  102.8284
k:  1000000   T:  0       Es:  102.2426

E(s_final) =    102.2426    
Path  s_final =   ( 0 10 11 21 31 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 91 81 71 73 83 84 74 64 54 55 65 75 76 66
 67 77 78 68 58 48 47 57 56 46 36 37 27 26 16 15 5 6 7 17 18 8 9 19 29 28 38 39 49 59 69 
79 89 99 98 88 87 97 96 86 85 95 94 93 92 82 72 62 61 51 41 42 52 63 53 43 32 22 12 13 
23 33 34 44 45 35 25 24 14 4 3 2 1 0)  

Extra credit

Tune the parameters kT, kmax, or use different temperature() and/or neighbour() functions to demonstrate a quicker convergence, or a better optimum.


Compiler: MSVC (19.27.29111 for x64) <lang c++>

  1. include<array>
  2. include<utility>
  3. include<cmath>
  4. include<random>
  5. include<iostream>

using coord = std::pair<int,int>; constexpr size_t numCities = 100;

// CityID with member functions to get position struct CityID{

   int v{-1};
   CityID() = default;
   constexpr explicit CityID(int i) noexcept : v(i){}
   constexpr explicit CityID(coord ij) : v(ij.first * 10 + ij.second) {
       if(ij.first < 0 || ij.first > 9 || ij.second < 0 || ij.second > 9){
           throw std::logic_error("Cannot construct CityID from invalid coordinates!");
   constexpr coord get_pos() const noexcept { return {v/10,v%10}; }

}; bool operator==(CityID const& lhs, CityID const& rhs) {return lhs.v == rhs.v;}

// Function for distance between two cities double dist(coord city1, coord city2){

   double diffx = city1.first - city2.first;
   double diffy = city1.second - city2.second;
   return std::sqrt(std::pow(diffx, 2) + std::pow(diffy,2));


// Function for total distance travelled template<size_t N> double dist(std::array<CityID,N> cities){

   double sum = 0;
   for(auto it = cities.begin(); it < cities.end() - 1; ++it){
       sum += dist(it->get_pos(),(it+1)->get_pos());
   sum += dist((cities.end()-1)->get_pos(), cities.begin()->get_pos());
   return sum;


// 8 nearest cities, id cannot be at the border and has to have 8 valid neighbors constexpr std::array<CityID,8> get_nearest(CityID id){

   auto const ij = id.get_pos();
   auto const i = ij.first;
   auto const j = ij.second;
   return {
       CityID({i  ,j-1}),
       CityID({i-1,j  }),
       CityID({i+1,j  }),
       CityID({i  ,j+1}),


// Function for formating of results constexpr int get_num_digits(int num){

   int digits = 1;
   while(num /= 10){
   return digits;


// Function for shuffeling of initial state template<typename It, typename RandomEngine> void shuffle(It first, It last, RandomEngine& rand_eng){

   for(auto i=(last-first)-1; i>0; --i){
       std::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0,i);
       std::swap(first[i], first[dist(rand_eng)]);


class SA{

   int kT{1};
   int kmax{1'000'000};
   std::array<CityID,numCities> s;
   std::default_random_engine rand_engine{0};
   // Temperature 
   double temperature(int k) const { return kT * (1.0 - static_cast<double>(k) / kmax); }
   // Probabilty of acceptance between 0.0 and 1.0
   double P(double dE, double T){
       if(dE < 0){
           return 1;
           return std::exp(-dE/T);
   // Permutation of state through swapping of cities in travel path
   std::array<CityID,numCities> next_permut(std::array<CityID,numCities> cities){
       std::uniform_int_distribution<> disx(1,8);
       std::uniform_int_distribution<> disy(1,8);
       auto randCity = CityID({disx(rand_engine),disy(rand_engine)});      // Select city which is not at the border, since all neighbors are valid under this condition and all permutations are still possible
       auto neighbors = get_nearest(randCity);                             // Get list of nearest neighbors
       std::uniform_int_distribution<> selector(0,neighbors.size()-1);     // [0,7]
       const auto [i,j] = randCity.get_pos();
       auto randNeighbor = neighbors[selector(rand_engine)];               // Since randCity is not at the border, all 8 neighbors are valid
       auto cityit1 = std::find(cities.begin(),cities.end(),randCity);     // Find selected city in state
       auto cityit2 = std::find(cities.begin(), cities.end(),randNeighbor);// Find selected neighbor in state
       std::swap(*cityit1, *cityit2);                                      // Swap city and neighbor
       return cities;
   // Logging function for progress output
   void log_progress(int k, double T, double E) const {
       auto nk = get_num_digits(kmax);
       auto nt = get_num_digits(kT);
       std::printf("k: %*i | T: %*.3f | E(s): %*.4f\n", nk, k, nt, T, 3, E);


   // Initialize state with integers from 0 to 99
   SA() {
       int i = 0;
       for(auto it = s.begin(); it != s.end(); ++it){
           *it = CityID(i);
   // Logging function for final path
   void log_path(){
       for(size_t idx = 0; idx < s.size(); ++idx){
           std::printf("%*i -> ", 2, s[idx].v);
           if((idx + 1)%20 == 0){
       std::printf("%*i", 2, s[0].v);
   // Core simulated annealing algorithm
   std::array<CityID,numCities> run(){
       std::cout << "kT == " << kT << "\n" << "kmax == " << kmax << "\n" << "E(s0) == " << dist(s) << "\n";
       for(int k = 0; k < kmax; ++k){
           auto T = temperature(k);
           auto const E1 = dist(s);
           auto s_next{next_permut(s)};
           auto const E2 = dist(s_next);
           auto const dE = E2 - E1; // lower is better
           std::uniform_real_distribution dist(0.0, 1.0);
           auto E = E1;
           if(P(dE,T) >= dist(rand_engine)){
               s = s_next;
               E = E2;
           if(k%100000 == 0){
       std::cout << "\nFinal path: \n";
       return s;


int main(){

   SA sa{};
   auto result =; // Run simulated annealing and log progress and result
   return 0;

} </lang>

kT == 1
kmax == 1000000
E(s0) == 529.423
k:       0 | T: 1.000 | E(s): 529.4231
k:  100000 | T: 0.900 | E(s): 197.5111
k:  200000 | T: 0.800 | E(s): 183.7467
k:  300000 | T: 0.700 | E(s): 165.8442
k:  400000 | T: 0.600 | E(s): 143.8588
k:  500000 | T: 0.500 | E(s): 133.9247
k:  600000 | T: 0.400 | E(s): 125.9499
k:  700000 | T: 0.300 | E(s): 115.8657
k:  800000 | T: 0.200 | E(s): 107.8635
k:  900000 | T: 0.100 | E(s): 102.4853
k: 1000000 | T: 0.000 | E(s): 102.4853

Final path:
71 -> 61 -> 51 -> 50 -> 60 -> 70 -> 80 -> 90 -> 91 -> 92 -> 82 -> 83 -> 93 -> 94 -> 84 -> 85 -> 95 -> 96 -> 86 -> 76 ->
75 -> 74 -> 64 -> 65 -> 55 -> 45 -> 44 -> 54 -> 53 -> 43 -> 33 -> 34 -> 35 -> 26 -> 16 ->  6 ->  7 -> 17 -> 27 -> 37 ->
47 -> 57 -> 58 -> 48 -> 38 -> 28 -> 18 ->  8 ->  9 -> 19 -> 29 -> 39 -> 49 -> 59 -> 69 -> 68 -> 78 -> 79 -> 88 -> 89 ->
99 -> 98 -> 97 -> 87 -> 77 -> 67 -> 66 -> 56 -> 46 -> 36 -> 25 -> 24 -> 14 -> 15 ->  5 ->  4 ->  3 ->  2 -> 11 -> 21 ->
31 -> 41 -> 40 -> 30 -> 20 -> 10 ->  0 ->  1 -> 12 -> 13 -> 23 -> 22 -> 32 -> 42 -> 52 -> 62 -> 63 -> 73 -> 72 -> 81 ->


<lang scheme> (lib 'math)


(define (d ci cj) (distance (% ci 10) (quotient ci 10) (% cj 10) (quotient cj 10))) (define _dists (build-vector 10000 (lambda (ij) (d (quotient ij 100) (% ij 100))))) (define-syntax-rule (dist ci cj) [_dists (+ ci (* 100 cj))])

E(s) = length(path)

(define (Es path) (define lpath (vector->list path)) (for/sum ((ci lpath) (cj (rest lpath))) (dist ci cj)))

temperature() function

(define (T k kmax kT) (* kT (- 1 (// k kmax))))

  1. |
alternative temperature()
must be decreasing with k increasing and → 0

(define (T k kmax kT) (* kT (- 1 (sin (* PI/2 (// k kmax)))))) |#

∆E = Es_new - Es_old > 0
probability to move if ∆E > 0, → 0 when T → 0 (frozen state)

(define (P ∆E k kmax kT) (exp (// (- ∆E ) (T k kmax kT))))

∆E from path ( .. a u b .. c v d ..) to (.. a v b ... c u d ..)
∆E before swapping (u,v)
Quicker than Es(s_next) - Es(s)

(define (dE s u v)


(define a (dist [s (1- u)] [s u])) (define b (dist [s (1+ u)] [s u])) (define c (dist [s (1- v)] [s v])) (define d (dist [s (1+ v)] [s v]))


(define na (dist [s (1- u)] [s v])) (define nb (dist [s (1+ u)] [s v])) (define nc (dist [s (1- v)] [s u])) (define nd (dist [s (1+ v)] [s u]))

(cond ((= v (1+ u)) (- (+ na nd) (+ a d))) ((= u (1+ v)) (- (+ nc nb) (+ c b))) (else (- (+ na nb nc nd) (+ a b c d)))))

all 8 neighbours

(define dirs #(1 -1 10 -10 9 11 -11 -9))

(define (sa kmax (kT 10)) (define s (list->vector (cons 0 (append (shuffle (range 1 100)) 0)))) (printf "E(s0) %d" (Es s)) ;; random starter (define Emin (Es s)) ;; E0

(for ((k kmax)) (when (zero? (% k (/ kmax 10))) (printf "k: %10d T: %8.4d Es: %8.4d" k (T k kmax kT) (Es s)) )

(define u (1+ (random 99))) ;; city index 1 99 (define cv (+ [s u] [dirs (random 8)])) ;; city number #:continue (or (> cv 99) (<= cv 0)) #:continue (> (dist [s u] cv) 5) ;; check true neighbour (eg 0 9) (define v (vector-index cv s 1)) ;; city index

(define ∆e (dE s u v)) (when (or (< ∆e 0)  ;; always move if negative (>= (P ∆e k kmax kT) (random))) (vector-swap! s u v) (+= Emin ∆e))

;; (assert (= (round Emin) (round (Es s)))) ) ;; for

(printf "k: %10d T: %8.4d Es: %8.4d" kmax (T (1- kmax) kmax kT) (Es s)) (s-plot s 0) (printf "E(s_final) %d" Emin) (writeln 'Path s)) </lang>

(sa 1000000 1)

E(s0) 501.0909

k:  0         T:  1       Es:  501.0909
k:  100000    T:  0.9     Es:  167.3632
k:  200000    T:  0.8     Es:  160.7791
k:  300000    T:  0.7     Es:  166.8746
k:  400000    T:  0.6     Es:  142.579
k:  500000    T:  0.5     Es:  131.0657
k:  600000    T:  0.4     Es:  116.9214
k:  700000    T:  0.3     Es:  110.8569
k:  800000    T:  0.2     Es:  103.3137
k:  900000    T:  0.1     Es:  102.4853
k:  1000000   T:  0       Es:  102.4853

E(s_final)     102.4853    
Path     #( 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 71 61 62 53 63 64 54 44 45 55 65
 74 84 83 73 72 82 81 80 90 91 92 93 94 95 85 75 76 86 96 97 98 99
 88 89 79 69 59 49 48 47 57 58 68 78 87 77 67 66 56 46 36 35 25 24
 34 33 32 43 42 52 51 41 31 21 11 12 22 23 13 14 15 16 17 26 27 37 38
 39 29 28 18 19 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)


Translation of: zkl

<lang go>package main

import (



var (

   dists = calcDists()
   dirs  = [8]int{1, -1, 10, -10, 9, 11, -11, -9} // all 8 neighbors


// distances func calcDists() []float64 {

   dists := make([]float64, 10000)
   for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
       ab, cd := math.Floor(float64(i)/100), float64(i%100)
       a, b := math.Floor(ab/10), float64(int(ab)%10)
       c, d := math.Floor(cd/10), float64(int(cd)%10)
       dists[i] = math.Hypot(a-c, b-d)
   return dists


// index into lookup table of float64s func dist(ci, cj int) float64 {

   return dists[cj*100+ci]


// energy at s, to be minimized func Es(path []int) float64 {

   d := 0.0
   for i := 0; i < len(path)-1; i++ {
       d += dist(path[i], path[i+1])
   return d


// temperature function, decreases to 0 func T(k, kmax, kT int) float64 {

   return (1 - float64(k)/float64(kmax)) * float64(kT)


// variation of E, from state s to state s_next func dE(s []int, u, v int) float64 {

   su, sv := s[u], s[v]
   // old
   a, b, c, d := dist(s[u-1], su), dist(s[u+1], su), dist(s[v-1], sv), dist(s[v+1], sv)
   // new
   na, nb, nc, nd := dist(s[u-1], sv), dist(s[u+1], sv), dist(s[v-1], su), dist(s[v+1], su)
   if v == u+1 {
       return (na + nd) - (a + d)
   } else if u == v+1 {
       return (nc + nb) - (c + b)
   } else {
       return (na + nb + nc + nd) - (a + b + c + d)


// probability to move from s to s_next func P(deltaE float64, k, kmax, kT int) float64 {

   return math.Exp(-deltaE / T(k, kmax, kT))


func sa(kmax, kT int) {

   temp := make([]int, 99)
   for i := 0; i < 99; i++ {
       temp[i] = i + 1
   rand.Shuffle(len(temp), func(i, j int) {
       temp[i], temp[j] = temp[j], temp[i]
   s := make([]int, 101) // all 0 by default
   copy(s[1:], temp)     // random path from 0 to 0
   fmt.Println("kT =", kT)
   fmt.Printf("E(s0) %f\n\n", Es(s)) // random starter
   Emin := Es(s)                     // E0
   for k := 0; k <= kmax; k++ {
       if k%(kmax/10) == 0 {
           fmt.Printf("k:%10d   T: %8.4f   Es: %8.4f\n", k, T(k, kmax, kT), Es(s))
       u := 1 + rand.Intn(99)          // city index 1 to 99
       cv := s[u] + dirs[rand.Intn(8)] // city number
       if cv <= 0 || cv >= 100 {       // bogus city
       if dist(s[u], cv) > 5 { // check true neighbor (eg 0 9)
       v := s[cv] // city index
       deltae := dE(s, u, v)
       if deltae < 0 || // always move if negative
           P(deltae, k, kmax, kT) >= rand.Float64() {
           s[u], s[v] = s[v], s[u]
           Emin += deltae
   fmt.Printf("\nE(s_final) %f\n", Emin)
   // output final state
   for i := 0; i < len(s); i++ {
       if i > 0 && i%10 == 0 {
       fmt.Printf("%4d", s[i])


func main() {

   sa(1e6, 1)



Sample run:

kT = 1
E(s0) 520.932463

k:         0   T:   1.0000   Es: 520.9325
k:    100000   T:   0.9000   Es: 185.1279
k:    200000   T:   0.8000   Es: 167.7657
k:    300000   T:   0.7000   Es: 158.6923
k:    400000   T:   0.6000   Es: 151.6564
k:    500000   T:   0.5000   Es: 139.9185
k:    600000   T:   0.4000   Es: 132.9964
k:    700000   T:   0.3000   Es: 121.8962
k:    800000   T:   0.2000   Es: 120.0445
k:    900000   T:   0.1000   Es: 116.8476
k:   1000000   T:   0.0000   Es: 116.5565

E(s_final) 116.556509
   0  11  21  31  41  51  52  61  62  72
  82  73  74  64  44  45  55  54  63  53
  42  32  43  33  35  34  24  23  22  13
  12   2   3   4  14  25  26   7   6  16
  15   5  17  27  36  46  56  66  65  75
  77  78  68  69  59  49  39  38  37  28
  29  19   9   8  18  47  48  58  57  67
  76  86  85  95  96  97  87  88  79  89
  99  98  84  94  83  93  92  91  90  80
  81  71  70  60  50  40  30  20  10   1



<lang J>dist=: +/&.:*:@:-"1/~10 10#:i.100

satsp=:4 :0

 kT=. 1
 pathcost=. [: +/ 2 {&y@<\ 0 , ] , 0:
 neighbors=. 0 (0}"1) y e. 1 2{/:~~.,y
 s=. (?~#y)-.0
 d=. pathcost s
 step=. x%10
 for_k. i.x+1 do.
   T=. kT*1-k%x
   u=. ({~ ?@#)s
   v=. ({~ ?@#)I.u{neighbors
   sk=. (?0 do.
   if. 0=step|k do.
     echo k,T,d



E(s_final) gets displayed on the kmax progress line.

We do not do anything special for negative deltaE because the exponential will be greater than 1 for that case and that will always be greater than our random number from the range 0..1.

Also, while we leave connection distances (and, thus, number of cities) as a parameter, some other aspects of this problem made more sense when included in the implementation:

We leave city 0 out of our data structure, since it can't appear in the middle of our path. But we bring it back in when computing path distance.

Neighbors are any city which have one of the two closest non-zero distances from the current city (and specifically excluding city 0, since that is anchored as our start and end city).

Sample run:

<lang J> 1e6 satsp dist 0 1 538.409 100000 0.9 174.525 200000 0.8 165.541 300000 0.7 173.348 400000 0.6 168.188 500000 0.5 134.983 600000 0.4 121.585 700000 0.3 111.443 800000 0.2 101.657 900000 0.1 101.657 1e6 0 101.657 0 1 2 3 4 13 23 24 34 44 43 33 32 31 41 42 52 51 61 62 53 54 64 65 55 45 35 25 15 14 5 6 7 17 16 26 27 37 36 46 47 48 38 28 18 8 9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 78 68 58 57 56 66 67 77 76 75 85 86 87 88 89 99 98 97 96 95 94 84 74 73 63 72 82 83 93 92 91 90 80 81 71 70 60 50 40 30 20 21 22 12 11 10 0</lang>


Translation of: EchoLisp

Module: <lang julia>module TravelingSalesman

using Random, Printf

  1. Eₛ: length(path)

Eₛ(distances, path) = sum(distances[ci, cj] for (ci, cj) in zip(path, Iterators.drop(path, 1)))

  1. T: temperature

T(k, kmax, kT) = kT * (1 - k / kmax)

  1. Alternative temperature:
  2. T(k, kmax, kT) = kT * (1 - sin(π / 2 * k / kmax))
  1. ΔE = Eₛ_new - Eₛ_old > 0
  2. Prob. to move if ΔE > 0, → 0 when T → 0 (fronzen state)

P(ΔE, k, kmax, kT) = exp(-ΔE / T(k, kmax, kT))

  1. ∆E from path ( .. a u b .. c v d ..) to (.. a v b ... c u d ..)
  2. ∆E before swapping (u,v)
  3. Quicker than Eₛ(s_next) - Eₛ(path)

function dE(distances, path, u, v)

   a = distances[path[u - 1], path[u]]
   b = distances[path[u + 1], path[u]]
   c = distances[path[v - 1], path[v]]
   d = distances[path[v + 1], path[v]]
   na = distances[path[u - 1], path[v]]
   nb = distances[path[u + 1], path[v]]
   nc = distances[path[v - 1], path[u]]
   nd = distances[path[v + 1], path[u]]
   if v == u + 1
       return (na + nd) - (a + d)
   elseif u == v + 1
       return (nc + nb) - (c + b)
       return (na + nb + nc + nd) - (a + b + c + d)


const dirs = [1, -1, 10, -10, 9, 11, -11, -9]

function _prettypath(path)

   r = IOBuffer()
   for g in Iterators.partition(path, 10)
       println(r, join(lpad.(g, 3), ", "))
   return String(take!(r))


function findpath(distances, kmax, kT)

   n = size(distances, 1)
   path = vcat(1, shuffle(2:n), 1)
   Emin = Eₛ(distances, path)
   @printf("\n# Entropy(s₀) = %10.2f\n", Emin)
   println("# Random path: \n", _prettypath(path))
   for k in Base.OneTo(kmax)
       if iszero(k % (kmax ÷ 10))
           @printf("k: %10d | T: %8.4f | Eₛ: %8.4f\n", k, T(k, kmax, kT), Eₛ(distances, path))
       u = rand(2:n)
       v = path[u] + rand(dirs)
       v ∈ 2:n || continue
       δE = dE(distances, path, u, v)
       if δE < 0 || P(δE, k, kmax, kT) ≥ rand()
           path[u], path[v] = path[v], path[u]
           Emin += δE
   @printf("k: %10d | T: %8.4f | Eₛ: %8.4f\n", kmax, T(kmax, kmax, kT), Eₛ(distances, path))
   println("\n# Found path:\n", _prettypath(path))
   return path


end # module TravelingSalesman</lang>

Main: <lang julia>distance(a, b) = sqrt(sum((a .- b) .^ 2)) const _citydist = collect(distance((ci % 10, ci ÷ 10), (cj % 10, cj ÷ 10)) for ci in 1:100, cj in 1:100)

TravelingSalesman.findpath(_citydist, 1_000_000, 1)</lang>

# Entropy(s₀) =     521.86
# Random path:
  1,   2,  11,  80,  78,  73,  68,  19,  43,  69
 86,  79,  66,  67,  77,  96,  26,  62,  60,  98
 71,   3,  59,  37,  18,  40,  34,  92,  97,   6
 84,  94,  29,  63,  36,  50,  87,  45,  83,  90
 76,  28,  15,  38,  91,  58,  47,  44,  85,  17
 25,  33,  31,  99,  27,  74,  53,  95,  16,  13
 42,  88,   8,   4,   7,  64,  54,   9,  14,  41
  5,  81,  65,  23,  75, 100,  89,  51,  20,  48
 82,  12,  21,  55,  24,  70,  49,  10,  35,  72
 52,  22,  61,  32,  46,  57,  30,  93,  39,  56

k:     100000 | T:   0.9000 | Eₛ: 184.4448
k:     200000 | T:   0.8000 | Eₛ: 175.3662
k:     300000 | T:   0.7000 | Eₛ: 169.0505
k:     400000 | T:   0.6000 | Eₛ: 160.8328
k:     500000 | T:   0.5000 | Eₛ: 147.1973
k:     600000 | T:   0.4000 | Eₛ: 132.9186
k:     700000 | T:   0.3000 | Eₛ: 126.9931
k:     800000 | T:   0.2000 | Eₛ: 122.0656
k:     900000 | T:   0.1000 | Eₛ: 119.7924
k:    1000000 | T:   0.0000 | Eₛ: 119.7924
k:    1000000 | T:   0.0000 | Eₛ: 119.7924

# Found path:
  1,   2,  12,  13,   3,   4,   6,   7,   8,   9
 19,  18,  17,   5,  14,  15,  16,  27,  28,  29
 39,  38,  26,  25,  24,  23,  22,  10,  21,  20
 30,  31,  32,  33,  34,  35,  36,  37,  49,  48
 47,  46,  45,  44,  43,  42,  41,  40,  50,  51
 52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  69,  68
 67,  65,  64,  63,  62,  61,  71,  60,  70,  80
 81,  82,  72,  73,  74,  66,  78,  79,  89,  99
 98,  97,  96,  95,  94,  85,  86,  87,  88,  77
 76,  75,  84,  83,  93,  92,  91, 100,  90,  11


<lang Nim>import math, random, sequtils, strformat


 kT = 1
 kMax = 1_000_000

proc randomNeighbor(x: int): int =

 case x
 of 0:
   sample([1, 10, 11])
 of 9:
   sample([8, 18, 19])
 of 90:
   sample([80, 81, 91])
 of 99:
   sample([88, 89, 98])
 elif x > 0 and x < 9:   # top ceiling
   sample [x-1, x+1, x+9, x+10, x+11]
 elif x > 90 and x < 99: # bottom floor
   sample [x-11, x-10, x-9, x-1, x+1]
 elif x mod 10 == 0:     # left wall
   sample([x-10, x-9, x+1, x+10, x+11])
 elif (x+1) mod 10 == 0: # right wall
   sample([x-11, x-10, x-1, x+9, x+10])
 else: # center
   sample([x-11, x-10, x-9, x-1, x+1, x+9, x+10, x+11])

proc neighbor(s: seq[int]): seq[int] =

 result = s
 var city = sample(s)
 var cityNeighbor = city.randomNeighbor
 while cityNeighbor == 0 or city == 0:
   city = sample(s)
   cityNeighbor = city.randomNeighbor
 result[s.find city].swap result[s.find cityNeighbor]

func distNeighbor(a, b: int): float =

 template divmod(a: int): (int, int) = (a div 10, a mod 10)
   (diva, moda) = a.divmod
   (divb, modb) = b.divmod
 hypot((diva-divb).float, (moda-modb).float)

func temperature(k, kmax: float): float =

 kT * (1 - (k / kmax))

func pdelta(eDelta, temp: float): float =

 if eDelta < 0: 1.0
 else: exp(-eDelta / temp)

func energy(path: seq[int]): float =

 var sum = 0.distNeighbor path[0]
 for i in 1 ..< path.len:
   sum += path[i-1].distNeighbor(path[i])
 sum + path[^1].distNeighbor 0

proc main =

   s = block:
     var x = toSeq(0..99)
     template shuffler: int = rand(1 .. x.high)
     for i in 1 .. x.high:
       x[i].swap x[shuffler()]
 echo fmt"E(s0): {energy s:6.4f}"
 for k in 0 .. kMax:
     temp = temperature(float k, float kMax)
     lastenergy = energy s
     newneighbor = s.neighbor
     newenergy =
   if k mod (kMax div 10) == 0:
     echo fmt"k: {k:7} T: {temp:6.2f} Es: {lastenergy:6.4f}"
   var deltaEnergy = newenergy - lastenergy
   if pDelta(deltaEnergy, temp) >= rand(1.0):
     s = newneighbor
 s.add 0
 echo fmt"E(sFinal): {energy s:6.4f}"
 echo fmt"path: {s}"


Compile and run:

nim c -r -d:release --opt:speed travel_sa.nim

Sample run:

E(s0): 505.1591
k:       0 T:   1.00 Es: 505.1591
k:  100000 T:   0.90 Es: 196.5216
k:  200000 T:   0.80 Es: 165.6735
k:  300000 T:   0.70 Es: 159.3411
k:  400000 T:   0.60 Es: 144.8330
k:  500000 T:   0.50 Es: 131.7888
k:  600000 T:   0.40 Es: 127.6914
k:  700000 T:   0.30 Es: 113.9280
k:  800000 T:   0.20 Es: 104.7279
k:  900000 T:   0.10 Es: 103.3137
k: 1000000 T:   0.00 Es: 103.3137
E(sFinal): 103.3137
path: @[0, 10, 11, 22, 21, 20, 30, 31, 41, 40, 50, 51, 61, 60, 70, 71, 81, 80, 90, 91, 92, 93, 82, 83, 73, 72, 62, 63, 53, 52, 42, 32, 33, 23, 13, 14, 24, 34, 35, 25, 15, 16, 26, 36, 47, 48, 38, 39, 49, 59, 58, 57, 68, 69, 79, 89, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 84, 74, 75, 85, 86, 87, 88, 78, 77, 67, 76, 66, 65, 64, 54, 43, 44, 45, 55, 56, 46, 37, 27, 28, 29, 19, 9, 8, 18, 17, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 12, 1, 0]


Translation of: Raku

<lang perl>use utf8; use strict; use warnings; use List::Util qw(shuffle sum);

  1. simulation setup

my $cities = 100; # number of cities my $kmax = 1e6; # iterations to run my $kT = 1; # initial 'temperature'

die 'City count must be a perfect square.' if sqrt($cities) != int sqrt($cities);

  1. locations of (up to) 8 neighbors, with grid size derived from number of cities

my $gs = sqrt $cities; my @neighbors = (1, -1, $gs, -$gs, $gs-1, $gs+1, -($gs+1), -($gs-1));

  1. matrix of distances between cities

my @D; for my $j (0 .. $cities**2 - 1) {

   my ($ab, $cd)       = (int($j/$cities), int($j%$cities));
   my ($a, $b, $c, $d) = (int($ab/$gs), int($ab%$gs), int($cd/$gs), int($cd%$gs));
   $D[$ab][$cd] = sqrt(($a - $c)**2 + ($b - $d)**2);


  1. temperature function, decreases to 0

sub T {

   my($k, $kmax, $kT) = @_;
   (1 - $k/$kmax) * $kT


  1. probability to move from s to s_next

sub P {

   my($ΔE, $k, $kmax, $kT) = @_;
   exp -$ΔE / T($k, $kmax, $kT)


  1. energy at s, to be minimized

sub Es {

   my(@path) = @_;
   sum map { $D[ $path[$_] ] [ $path[$_+1] ] } 0 .. @path-2


  1. variation of E, from state s to state s_next

sub delta_E {

   my($u, $v, @s) = @_;
   my ($a,   $b,  $c,  $d) = ($D[$s[$u-1]][$s[$u]], $D[$s[$u+1]][$s[$u]], $D[$s[$v-1]][$s[$v]], $D[$s[$v+1]][$s[$v]]);
   my ($na, $nb, $nc, $nd) = ($D[$s[$u-1]][$s[$v]], $D[$s[$u+1]][$s[$v]], $D[$s[$v-1]][$s[$u]], $D[$s[$v+1]][$s[$u]]);
   if    ($v == $u+1) { return ($na + $nd) - ($a + $d) }
   elsif ($u == $v+1) { return ($nc + $nb) - ($c + $b) }
   else               { return ($na + $nb + $nc + $nd) - ($a + $b + $c + $d) }


  1. E(s0), initial state

my @s = 0; map { push @s, $_ } shuffle 1..$cities-1; push @s, 0; my $E_min_global = my $E_min = Es(@s);

for my $k (0 .. $kmax-1) {

   printf "k:%8u  T:%4.1f  Es: %3.1f\n" , $k, T($k, $kmax, $kT), Es(@s)
           if $k % ($kmax/10) == 0;
   # valid candidate cities (exist, adjacent)
   my $u = 1 + int rand $cities-1;
   my $cv = $neighbors[int rand 8] + $s[$u];
   next if $cv <= 0 or $cv >= $cities or $D[$s[$u]][$cv] > sqrt(2);
   my $v  = $s[$cv];
   my $ΔE = delta_E($u, $v, @s);
   if ($ΔE < 0 or P($ΔE, $k, $kmax, $kT) >= rand) { # always move if negative
       ($s[$u], $s[$v]) = ($s[$v], $s[$u]);
       $E_min += $ΔE;
       $E_min_global = $E_min if $E_min < $E_min_global;


printf "\nE(s_final): %.1f\n", $E_min_global; for my $l (0..4) {

  printf "@{['%4d' x 20]}\n", @s[$l*20 .. ($l+1)*20 - 1];

} printf " 0\n";</lang>

k:       0  T: 1.0  Es: 519.2
k:  100000  T: 0.9  Es: 188.2
k:  200000  T: 0.8  Es: 178.5
k:  300000  T: 0.7  Es: 162.3
k:  400000  T: 0.6  Es: 157.0
k:  500000  T: 0.5  Es: 148.9
k:  600000  T: 0.4  Es: 128.7
k:  700000  T: 0.3  Es: 129.5
k:  800000  T: 0.2  Es: 119.8
k:  900000  T: 0.1  Es: 119.5

E(s_final): 119.1
   0  12  23  24  35  36  26  27  16   7   8   9  19  29  28  18  17   6  14  13
  22  32  33  34  25  15   5   4   3   2   1  11  20  21  31  30  40  51  50  60
  61  62  53  43  44  54  56  57  48  49  39  38  37  46  45  55  65  64  63  74
  84  83  82  81  80  90  91  92  93  94  95  85  66  47  58  59  69  89  88  87
  77  67  68  78  79  99  98  97  96  86  76  75  73  72  70  71  52  42  41  10


Translation of: zkl
with javascript_semantics
function hypot(atom a,b) return sqrt(a*a+b*b) end function
function calc_dists()
    sequence dists = repeat(0,10000)
    for abcd=1 to 10000 do
        integer {ab,cd} = {floor(abcd/100),mod(abcd,100)},
                {a,b,c,d} = {floor(ab/10),mod(ab,10),
        dists[abcd] = hypot(a-c,b-d)
    end for
    return dists
end function
constant dists = calc_dists()
function dist(integer ci,cj) return dists[cj*100+ci] end function
function Es(sequence path)
    atom d = 0
    for i=1 to length(path)-1 do
        d += dist(path[i],path[i+1])
    end for
    return d
end function
-- temperature() function
function T(integer k, kmax, kT) return (1-k/kmax)*kT end function
-- deltaE = Es_new - Es_old >  0
-- probability to move if deltaE > 0, -->0 when T --> 0 (frozen state)
function P(atom deltaE, integer k, kmax, kT) return exp(-deltaE/T(k,kmax,kT)) end function
--  deltaE from path ( .. a u b .. c v d ..) to (.. a v b ... c u d ..)
function dE(sequence s, integer u,v)
-- (note that u,v are 0-based, but 1..99 here)
--  integer sum1 = s[u-1], su = s[u], sup1 = s[u+1],
--          svm1 = s[v-1], sv = s[v], svp1 = s[v+1]
    integer sum1 = s[u], su = s[u+1], sup1 = s[u+2],
            svm1 = s[v], sv = s[v+1], svp1 = s[v+2]
    -- old
    atom {a,b,c,d}:={dist(sum1,su), dist(su,sup1), dist(svm1,sv), dist(sv,svp1)},
    -- new
     {na,nb,nc,nd}:={dist(sum1,sv), dist(sv,sup1), dist(svm1,su), dist(su,svp1)}
    return iff(v==u+1?(na+nd)-(a+d):
end function
-- all 8 neighbours
constant dirs = {1, -1, 10, -10, 9, 11, -11, -9}
procedure sa(integer kmax, kT=10)
    sequence s = 0&shuffle(tagset(99))&0
    atom Emin:=Es(s)            -- E0
    printf(1,"E(s0) %f\n",Emin) -- random starter
    for k=0 to kmax do
        if mod(k,kmax/10)=0 then
            printf(1,"k:%,10d T: %8.4f Es: %8.4f\n",{k,T(k,kmax,kT),Es(s)})
            if k=kmax then exit end if -- avoid exp(x,-inf)
        end if
        integer u = rand(99),               -- city index 1 99
                cv = s[u+1]+dirs[rand(8)]   -- city number
        if cv>0 and cv<100                  -- not bogus city
        and dist(s[u+1],cv)<5 then          -- and true neighbour
            integer v = s[cv+1]             -- city index
            atom deltae := dE(s,u,v);
            if deltae<0     -- always move if negative
            or P(deltae,k,kmax,kT)>=rnd() then
                {s[u+1],s[v+1]} = {s[v+1],s[u+1]}
                Emin += deltae
            end if
        end if
    end for
    printf(1,"E(s_final) %f\n",Emin)
end procedure
E(s0) 515.164811
k:         0 T:   1.0000 Es: 515.1648
k:   100,000 T:   0.9000 Es: 189.3123
k:   200,000 T:   0.8000 Es: 198.7498
k:   300,000 T:   0.7000 Es: 158.2189
k:   400,000 T:   0.6000 Es: 165.4813
k:   500,000 T:   0.5000 Es: 156.3467
k:   600,000 T:   0.4000 Es: 142.7928
k:   700,000 T:   0.3000 Es: 128.0352
k:   800,000 T:   0.2000 Es: 121.7794
k:   900,000 T:   0.1000 Es: 121.2328
k: 1,000,000 T:   0.0000 Es: 121.1291
E(s_final) 121.129115
{ 0,10,62,63,64,65,76,75,84,85,95,86,96,97,87,77,67,66,56,46,47,48,49,59,69,
 42,41,51,61,60,50,40,30,31,21,20,11,12, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,17,18,28,39,29,19, 9,
  8, 7,16,15,24,44,74,83,93,94,92,91,71,70,90,80,81,82,72,73,34,25,14,13, 1,


<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require racket/fixnum)

(define current-dim (make-parameter 10)) (define current-dim-- (make-parameter 9)) (define current-dim² (make-parameter 100)) (define current-kT (make-parameter 1)) (define current-k-max (make-parameter 1000000)) (define current-monitor-frequency (make-parameter 100000)) (define current-monitor (make-parameter

                         (λ (s k T E)
                            (when (zero? (modulo k (current-monitor-frequency)))
                              (printf "T:~a E:~a~%" (~r T) E)))))
Simulated Annealing Solver

(define (P ΔE T)

 (if (negative? ΔE) 1 (exp (- (/ ΔE T)))))

(define (solve/SA s₀ next-s k-max temperature E monitor)

 (for*/fold ((s s₀) (E_s (E s₀)))
            ((k (in-range k-max)))
   (define T (temperature k k-max))
   (when monitor (monitor s k T E_s))
   (let* ((s´ (next-s s k))
          (E_s´ (E s´))
          (ΔE (- E_s´ E_s)))
     (if (>= (P ΔE T) (random)) (values s´ E_s´) (values s E_s)))))

(define (temperature k k-max)

 (* (current-kT) (- 1 (/ k k-max))))
TSP Problem

(struct tsp (path indices Es ΣE) #:transparent)

(define (y/x i d) (quotient/remainder i d))

(define (dist a b (d (current-dim)))

 (let-values (([ay ax] (y/x a d)) ([by bx] (y/x b d)))
   (sqrt (+ (sqr (- ay by)) (sqr (- ax bx))))))

(define (indices->tsp indices)

 (define path (make-fxvector (current-dim²)))
 (for ((i indices) (n (current-dim²))) (fxvector-set! path i n))
 (define Es (for/vector #:length (fxvector-length path)
              ((a (in-fxvector path))
               (b (in-sequences (in-fxvector path 1) (in-value (fxvector-ref path 0)))))
              (dist a b)))
 (tsp path indices Es (for/sum ((E Es)) E)))

(define (dir->delta dir (dim (current-dim))) (case dir [(l) -1] [(r) +1] [(u) (- dim)] [(d) dim]))

(define (invalid-direction? x y d (mx (current-dim--)))

 (match* (x y d) ((0 _ 'l) #t) (((== mx) _ 'r) #t)  ((_ 0 'u) #t) ((_ (== mx) 'd) #t) ((_ _ _) #f)))
extended to take k to reset numerical drift from the Δ calculation

(define (tsp:swap-one-neighbour t k)

 (define dim (current-dim))
 (define dim² (current-dim²))
 (define candidate (random dim²))
 (define-values [cy cx] (quotient/remainder candidate dim))
 (define dir (vector-ref #(l r u d) (random 4)))
   [(invalid-direction? cx cy dir) (tsp:swap-one-neighbour t k)]
    (define delta (dir->delta dir))
    (define neighbour (+ candidate delta))
    (define path´ (fxvector-copy (tsp-path t)))
    (define indices´ (fxvector-copy (tsp-indices t)))
    (define cand-idx (fxvector-ref (tsp-indices t) candidate))
    (define ngbr-idx (fxvector-ref (tsp-indices t) neighbour))
    (fxvector-set! path´ cand-idx neighbour)
    (fxvector-set! path´ ngbr-idx candidate)
    (fxvector-set! indices´ candidate ngbr-idx)
    (fxvector-set! indices´ neighbour cand-idx)
    (define Es (tsp-Es t))
    (define Es´ (vector-copy Es))
    (let* ((cand-idx++ (modulo (add1 cand-idx) dim²))
           (cand-idx-- (modulo (sub1 cand-idx) dim²))
           (ngbr-idx++ (modulo (add1 ngbr-idx) dim²))
           (ngbr-idx-- (modulo (sub1 ngbr-idx) dim²)))
    (define Σold-E-around-nodes
      (+ (vector-ref Es cand-idx) (vector-ref Es cand-idx--)
         (vector-ref Es ngbr-idx) (vector-ref Es ngbr-idx--)))
    (define E´-at-cand (dist (fxvector-ref path´ cand-idx) (fxvector-ref path´ cand-idx++)))
    (define E´-pre-cand (dist (fxvector-ref path´ cand-idx) (fxvector-ref path´ cand-idx--)))
    (define E´-at-ngbr (dist (fxvector-ref path´ ngbr-idx) (fxvector-ref path´ ngbr-idx++)))
    (define E´-pre-ngbr (dist (fxvector-ref path´ ngbr-idx) (fxvector-ref path´ ngbr-idx--)))
    (vector-set! Es´ cand-idx E´-at-cand)
    (vector-set! Es´ cand-idx-- E´-pre-cand)
    (vector-set! Es´ ngbr-idx E´-at-ngbr)
    (vector-set! Es´ ngbr-idx-- E´-pre-ngbr)
    (define ΔE (- (+ E´-at-cand E´-pre-cand E´-at-ngbr E´-pre-ngbr) Σold-E-around-nodes))
    (tsp path´ indices´ Es´
         (if (zero? (modulo k 1000)) (for/sum ((e Es´)) e) (+ (tsp-ΣE t) ΔE))))]))

(define (tsp:random-state)

 (indices->tsp (for/fxvector ((i (shuffle (range (current-dim²))))) i)))

(define (Simulated-annealing)

 (define-values (solution solution-E)
   (solve/SA (tsp:random-state)
 (displayln (tsp-path solution))
 (displayln solution-E))

(module+ main

T:1 E:552.4249706051347
T:0.9 E:204.89460292101052
T:0.8 E:178.6926191428981
T:0.7 E:157.77681824512447
T:0.6 E:145.91227208091533
T:0.5 E:127.16624235784029
T:0.4 E:119.56239369288322
T:0.3 E:111.92798007771523
T:0.2 E:102.24264068711928
T:0.1 E:101.65685424949237
#fx(67 68 78 88 98 99 89 79 69 59 49 48 38 39 29 19 9 8 7 17 18 28 27 37 36 26 25 15 16 6 5 4 3 12 13 14 24 34 44 54 53 43 33 23 22 32 31 21 11 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 41 42 52 62 61 51 50 60 70 71 81 80 90 91 92 93 94 84 83 82 72 73 63 64 74 75 65 55 45 35 46 47 58 57 56 66 76 86 85 95 96 97 87 77)


(formerly Perl 6)

Translation of: Go

<lang perl6># simulation setup my \cities = 100; # number of cities my \kmax = 1e6; # iterations to run my \kT = 1; # initial 'temperature'

die 'City count must be a perfect square.' if cities.sqrt != cities.sqrt.Int;

  1. locations of (up to) 8 neighbors, with grid size derived from number of cities

my \gs = cities.sqrt; my \neighbors = [1, -1, gs, -gs, gs-1, gs+1, -(gs+1), -(gs-1)];

  1. matrix of distances between cities

my \D = [;]; for 0 ..^ cities² -> \j {

   my (\ab, \cd)       = (j/cities, j%cities)».Int;
   my (\a, \b, \c, \d) = (ab/gs, ab%gs, cd/gs, cd%gs)».Int;
   D[ab;cd] = sqrt (a - c)² + (b - d)²


sub T(\k, \kmax, \kT) { (1 - k/kmax) × kT } # temperature function, decreases to 0 sub P(\ΔE, \k, \kmax, \kT) { exp( -ΔE / T(k, kmax, kT)) } # probability to move from s to s_next sub Es(\path) { sum (D[ path[$_]; path[$_+1] ] for 0 ..^ +path-1) } # energy at s, to be minimized

  1. variation of E, from state s to state s_next

sub delta-E(\s, \u, \v) {

   my (\a,   \b,  \c,  \d) = D[s[u-1];s[u]], D[s[u+1];s[u]], D[s[v-1];s[v]], D[s[v+1];s[v]];
   my (\na, \nb, \nc, \nd) = D[s[u-1];s[v]], D[s[u+1];s[v]], D[s[v-1];s[u]], D[s[v+1];s[u]];
   if    v == u+1 { return (na + nd) - (a + d) }
   elsif u == v+1 { return (nc + nb) - (c + b) }
   else           { return (na + nb + nc + nd) - (a + b + c + d) }


  1. E(s0), initial state

my \s = @ = flat 0, (1 ..^ cities).pick(*), 0; my \E-min-global = my \E-min = $ = Es(s);

for 0 ..^ kmax -> \k {

   printf "k:%8u  T:%4.1f  Es: %3.1f\n" , k, T(k, kmax, kT), Es(s)
           if k % (kmax/10) == 0;
   # valid candidate cities (exist, adjacent)
   my \cv = neighbors[(^8).roll] + s[ my \u = 1 + (^(cities-1)).roll ];
   next if cv ≤ 0 or cv ≥ cities or D[s[u];cv] > sqrt(2);
   my \v  = s[cv];
   my \ΔE = delta-E(s, u, v);
   if ΔE < 0 or P(ΔE, k, kmax, kT) ≥ rand { # always move if negative
       (s[u], s[v]) = (s[v], s[u]);
       E-min += ΔE;
       E-min-global = E-min if E-min < E-min-global;


say "\nE(s_final): " ~ E-min-global.fmt('%.1f'); say "Path:\n" ~ s».fmt('%2d').rotor(20,:partial).join: "\n";</lang>

k:       0  T: 1.0  Es: 522.0
k:  100000  T: 0.9  Es: 185.3
k:  200000  T: 0.8  Es: 166.1
k:  300000  T: 0.7  Es: 174.7
k:  400000  T: 0.6  Es: 146.9
k:  500000  T: 0.5  Es: 140.2
k:  600000  T: 0.4  Es: 127.5
k:  700000  T: 0.3  Es: 115.9
k:  800000  T: 0.2  Es: 111.9
k:  900000  T: 0.1  Es: 109.4

E(s_final): 109.4
 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 84 85 86 96 97 87 88 98 99 89 79 78 77
67 68 69 59 58 57 56 66 76 95 94 93 92 91 90 80 70 81 82 83
73 72 71 62 63 64 74 75 65 55 54 53 52 61 51 41 31 21 22 32
42 43 44 45 46 35 34 24 23 33 25 15 16 26 36 47 37 27 17 18
28 38 48 49 39 29 19  9  8  7  6  5  4 14 13 12 11  2  3  1


Works with: CHICKEN version 5.3.0
Library: r7rs
Library: srfi-1
Library: srfi-27
Library: srfi-144
Library: format

<lang scheme>(cond-expand

 (chicken (import r7rs)))

(import (scheme base)) (import (scheme inexact)) (import (scheme write)) (import (only (srfi 1) delete)) (import (only (srfi 1) iota)) (import (srfi 27))  ; Random numbers.

You can do without SRFI-144 by changing fl+ to +, etc.

(import (srfi 144))  ; Optimizations for flonums.


 (chicken (import (format)))

(random-source-randomize! default-random-source)

(define (n->ij n)

 (truncate/ n 10))

(define (ij->n i j)

 (+ (* 10 i) j))

(define neighbor-offsets

 '((0 . 1)
   (1 . 0)
   (1 . 1)
   (0 . -1)
   (-1 . 0)
   (-1 . -1)
   (1 . -1)
   (-1 . 1)))

(define (neighborhood n)

 (let-values (((i j) (n->ij n)))
   (let recurs ((offsets neighbor-offsets))
     (if (null? offsets)
         (let* ((offs (car offsets))
                (i^ (+ i (car offs)))
                (j^ (+ j (cdr offs))))
           (if (and (not (negative? i^))
                    (not (negative? j^))
                    (< i^ 10)
                    (< j^ 10))
               (cons (ij->n i^ j^) (recurs (cdr offsets)))
               (recurs (cdr offsets))))))))

(define (distance m n)

 (let-values (((im jm) (n->ij m))
              ((in jn) (n->ij n)))
   (flsqrt (inexact (+ (square (- im in)) (square (- jm jn)))))))

(define (shuffle! vec i n)

 ;; A Fisher-Yates shuffle of n elements of vec, starting at index i.
 (do ((j 0 (+ j 1)))
     ((= j n))
   (let* ((k (+ i j (random-integer (- n j))))
          (xi (vector-ref vec i))
          (xk (vector-ref vec k)))
     (vector-set! vec i xk)
     (vector-set! vec k xi))))

(define (make-s0)

 (let ((vec (list->vector (iota 100))))
   (shuffle! vec 1 99)

(define (swap-s-elements! vec u v)

 (let loop ((j 1)
            (iu 0)
            (iv 0))
   (cond ((positive? iu)
          (if (= (vector-ref vec j) v)
              (begin (vector-set! vec iu v)
                     (vector-set! vec j u))
              (loop (+ j 1) iu iv)))
         ((positive? iv)
          (if (= (vector-ref vec j) u)
              (begin (vector-set! vec j v)
                     (vector-set! vec iv u))
              (loop (+ j 1) iu iv)))
         ((= (vector-ref vec j) u) (loop (+ j 1) j 0))
         ((= (vector-ref vec j) v) (loop (+ j 1) 0 j))
         (else (loop (+ j 1) 0 0)))))

(define (update-s! vec)

 (let* ((u (+ 1 (random-integer 99)))
        (neighbors (delete 0 (neighborhood u) =))
        (n (length neighbors))
        (v (list-ref neighbors (random-integer n))))
   (swap-s-elements! vec u v)))

(define (s->s vec)  ; s_k -> s_(k + 1)

 (let ((vec^ (vector-copy vec)))
   (update-s! vec^)

(define (path-length vec)  ; E(s)

 (let loop ((plen (distance (vector-ref vec 0)
                            (vector-ref vec 99)))
            (x (vector-ref vec 0))
            (i 1))
   (if (= i 100)
       (let ((y (vector-ref vec i)))
         (loop (fl+ plen (distance x y)) y (+ i 1))))))

(define (make-temperature-procedure kT kmax)

 (let ((kT (inexact kT))
       (kmax (inexact kmax)))
   (lambda (k)
     (fl* kT (fl- 1.0 (fl/ (inexact k) kmax))))))

(define (probability delta-E T)

 (if (flnegative? delta-E)
     (if (flzero? T)
         (flexp (fl- (fl/ delta-E T))))))

(define fmt10 (string-append " k T E(s)~%"

                            " -----------------------------~%"))

(define fmt20 " ~7D ~3,1F ~12,5F~%")

(define (simulate-annealing kT kmax)

 (let* ((temperature (make-temperature-procedure kT kmax))
        (s0 (make-s0))
        (E0 (path-length s0))
        (kmax/10 (truncate-quotient kmax 10))
        (show (lambda (k T E)
                (if (zero? (truncate-remainder k kmax/10))
                      (chicken (format #t fmt20 k T E))
                      (else (display k)
                            (display " ")
                            (display T)
                            (display " ")
                            (display E)
     (chicken (format #t fmt10))
   (let loop ((k 0)
              (s s0)
              (E E0))
     (if (= k (+ 1 kmax))
         (let* ((T (temperature k))
                (_ (show k T E))
                (s^ (s->s s))
                (E^ (path-length s^))
                (delta-E (fl- E^ E))
                (P (probability delta-E T)))
           (if (or (fl=? P 1.0) (fl<=? (random-real) P))
               (loop (+ k 1) s^ E^)
               (loop (+ k 1) s E)))))))

(define (display-path vec)

 (do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
     ((= i 100))
   (let ((x (vector-ref vec i)))
     (when (< x 10)
       (display " "))
     (display x)
     (display " -> ")
     (when (= 7 (truncate-remainder i 8))
 (let ((x (vector-ref vec 0)))
   (when (< x 10)
     (display " "))
   (display x)))

(define kT 1) (define kmax 1000000)

(newline) (display " kT: ") (display kT) (newline) (display " kmax: ") (display kmax) (newline) (newline) (define s-final (simulate-annealing kT kmax)) (newline) (display "Final path:") (newline) (display-path s-final) (newline) (newline) (cond-expand

 (chicken (format #t "Final E(s): ~,5F~%" (path-length s-final)))
 (else (display "Final E(s): ")
       (display (path-length s-final))



An example run:

$ csc -O5 -X r7rs -R r7rs sa.scm && ./sa

   kT: 1
   kmax: 1000000

       k       T          E(s)
       0     1.0     422.71361
  100000     0.9     185.28073
  200000     0.8     171.70817
  300000     0.7     156.66104
  400000     0.6     145.07621
  500000     0.5     130.88759
  600000     0.4     115.34219
  700000     0.3     112.27113
  800000     0.2     105.37820
  900000     0.1     103.89949
 1000000     0.0     103.89949

Final path:
 0 ->  1 ->  2 ->  3 ->  4 ->  6 ->  7 ->  8 -> 
 9 -> 19 -> 29 -> 39 -> 38 -> 37 -> 47 -> 48 -> 
49 -> 58 -> 59 -> 69 -> 79 -> 89 -> 99 -> 98 -> 
97 -> 96 -> 95 -> 94 -> 84 -> 83 -> 93 -> 92 -> 
82 -> 72 -> 62 -> 71 -> 81 -> 91 -> 90 -> 80 -> 
70 -> 60 -> 61 -> 50 -> 40 -> 41 -> 51 -> 52 -> 
63 -> 73 -> 74 -> 75 -> 85 -> 86 -> 76 -> 77 -> 
87 -> 88 -> 78 -> 68 -> 67 -> 57 -> 56 -> 66 -> 
65 -> 64 -> 55 -> 45 -> 46 -> 36 -> 35 -> 25 -> 
26 -> 27 -> 28 -> 18 -> 17 -> 16 -> 15 ->  5 -> 
14 -> 13 -> 23 -> 24 -> 34 -> 44 -> 54 -> 53 -> 
43 -> 33 -> 42 -> 32 -> 31 -> 30 -> 20 -> 21 -> 
22 -> 12 -> 11 -> 10 ->  0

Final E(s): 103.89949


Translation of: Julia

<lang ruby>module TravelingSalesman {

   # Eₛ: length(path)
   func Eₛ(distances, path) {
       var total = 0
       [path, path.slice(1)].zip {|ci,cj|
           total += distances[ci-1][cj-1]
   # T: temperature
   func T(k, kmax, kT) { kT * (1 - k/kmax) }
   # ΔE = Eₛ_new - Eₛ_old > 0
   # Prob. to move if ΔE > 0, → 0 when T → 0 (fronzen state)
   func P(ΔE, k, kmax, kT) { exp(-ΔE / T(k, kmax, kT)) }
   # ∆E from path ( .. a u b .. c v d ..) to (.. a v b ... c u d ..)
   # ∆E before swapping (u,v)
   # Quicker than Eₛ(s_next) - Eₛ(path)
   func dE(distances, path, u, v) {
       var a = distances[path[u-1]-1][path[u]-1]
       var b = distances[path[u+1]-1][path[u]-1]
       var c = distances[path[v-1]-1][path[v]-1]
       var d = distances[path[v+1]-1][path[v]-1]
       var na = distances[path[u-1]-1][path[v]-1]
       var nb = distances[path[u+1]-1][path[v]-1]
       var nc = distances[path[v-1]-1][path[u]-1]
       var nd = distances[path[v+1]-1][path[u]-1]
       if (v == u+1) {
           return ((na+nd) - (a+d))
       if (u == v+1) {
           return ((nc+nb) - (c+b))
       return ((na+nb+nc+nd) - (a+b+c+d))
   const dirs = [1, -1, 10, -10, 9, 11, -11, -9]
   func _prettypath(path) {
       path.slices(10).map { .map{ "%3s" % _ }.join(', ') }.join("\n")
   func findpath(distances, kmax, kT) {
       const n = distances.len
       const R = 2..n
       var path = [1, R.shuffle..., 1]
       var Emin = Eₛ(distances, path)
       printf("# Entropy(s₀) = s%10.2f\n", Emin)
       printf("# Random path:\n%s\n\n", _prettypath(path))
       for k in (1 .. kmax) {
           if (k % (kmax//10) == 0) {
               printf("k: %10d | T: %8.4f | Eₛ: %8.4f\n", k, T(k, kmax, kT), Eₛ(distances, path))
           var u = R.rand
           var v = (path[u-1] + dirs.rand)
           v ~~ R || next
           var δE = dE(distances, path, u-1, v-1)
           if ((δE < 0) || (P(δE, k, kmax, kT) >= 1.rand)) {
               path.swap(u-1, v-1)
               Emin += δE
       printf("k: %10d | T: %8.4f | Eₛ: %8.4f\n", kmax, T(kmax, kmax, kT), Eₛ(distances, path))
       say ("\n# Found path:\n", _prettypath(path))
       return path


var citydist = {|ci|

   { |cj|
       var v1 = Vec(ci%10, ci//10)
       var v2 = Vec(cj%10, cj//10)


TravelingSalesman::findpath(citydist, 1e6, 1)</lang>

# Entropy(s₀) =     520.29
# Random path:
  1,  10,  79,  52,  24,   9,  58,  11,  42,   4
 15,  87,  62,  88,  21,  91,  99,  84,  61,  14
  5,  17,  33,  95,  74,  31,  40,  13,  37,  69
  6,  22,  97,  45,  56,  63,  75,  83,  53,  41
  3,  47,  89,  80,  78,  98,  46,  18,  25,  51
 93,  16,  50,  30,  48,   8,  66,  68,  59,  73
 49,  96,  36,  32, 100,  27,  76,  44,  64,  39
 90,  82,  20,  12,  54,  86,  29,  81,  26,  72
 60,  94,  35,  92,  43,   7,  85,  55,  28,  57
 23,  34,  65,  71,  38,   2,  77,  70,  19,  67

k:     100000 | T:   0.9000 | Eₛ: 185.1809
k:     200000 | T:   0.8000 | Eₛ: 168.6262
k:     300000 | T:   0.7000 | Eₛ: 146.5948
k:     400000 | T:   0.6000 | Eₛ: 140.1441
k:     500000 | T:   0.5000 | Eₛ: 129.5132
k:     600000 | T:   0.4000 | Eₛ: 132.8942
k:     700000 | T:   0.3000 | Eₛ: 124.2865
k:     800000 | T:   0.2000 | Eₛ: 120.0859
k:     900000 | T:   0.1000 | Eₛ: 115.0771
k:    1000000 | T:   0.0000 | Eₛ: 114.9728
k:    1000000 | T:   0.0000 | Eₛ: 114.9728

# Found path:
  1,   2,  13,   3,   4,   5,   6,   7,   8,   9
 19,  29,  18,  28,  27,  17,  16,  26,  25,  15
 14,  24,  23,  12,  11,  10,  20,  21,  30,  40
 41,  31,  32,  44,  45,  46,  47,  48,  49,  39
 38,  37,  36,  35,  34,  42,  51,  50,  60,  61
 52,  53,  54,  55,  56,  57,  58,  59,  69,  68
 77,  67,  66,  65,  64,  62,  72,  71,  70,  80
 81,  82,  74,  75,  76,  87,  88,  78,  79,  89
 99,  98,  97,  96,  86,  85,  83,  91,  90, 100
 92,  93,  94,  95,  84,  73,  63,  43,  33,  22


Translation of: Go
Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "random" for Random import "/math" for Math import "/fmt" for Fmt

// distances var calcDists = {

   var dists = List.filled(10000, 0)
   for (i in 0..9999) {
       var ab = (i/100).floor
       var cd = i % 100
       var a  = (ab/10).floor
       var b  = ab % 10
       var c  = (cd/10).floor
       var d  = cd % 10
       dists[i] = Math.hypot(a-c, b-d)
   return dists


var dists = var dirs = [1, -1, 10, -10, 9, 11, -11, -9] // all 8 neighbors var rand =

// index into lookup table of Nums var dist = { |ci, cj| dists[cj*100 + ci] }

// energy at s, to be minimized var Es = { |path|

   var d = 0
   for (i in 0...path.count-1) d = d +[i], path[i+1])
   return d


// temperature function, decreases to 0 var T = { |k, kmax, kT| (1 - k / kmax) * kT }

// variation of E, from state s to state s_next var dE = { |s, u, v|

   var su = s[u]
   var sv = s[v]
   // old
   var a =[u-1], su)
   var b =[u+1], su)
   var c =[v-1], sv)
   var d =[v+1], sv)
   // new
   var na =[u-1], sv)
   var nb =[u+1], sv)
   var nc =[v-1], su)
   var nd =[v+1], su) 
   if (v == u+1) return (na + nd) - (a + d)
   if (u == v+1) return (nc + nb) - (c + b)
   return (na + nb + nc + nd) - (a + b + c + d)


// probability to move from s to s_next var P = { |deltaE, k, kmax, kT| (-deltaE /, kmax, kT)).exp }

// Simulated annealing var sa = { |kmax, kT|

   var temp = List.filled(99, 0)
   for (i in 0..98) temp[i] = i + 1
   var s = List.filled(101, 0)
   for (i in 0..98) s[i+1] = temp[i]     // random path from 0 to 0
   System.print("kT = %(kT)")
   System.print("E(s0) %(\n") // random starter
   var Emin =                 // E0
   for (k in 0..kmax) {
       if (k % (kmax/10).floor == 0) {
           Fmt.print("k:$10d   T: $8.4f   Es: $8.4f", k,, kmax, kT),
       var u =, 100)          // city index 1 to 99
       var cv = s[u] + dirs[] // city number
       if (cv <= 0 || cv >= 100) {       // bogus city
       if ([u], cv) > 5) {    // check true neighbor (eg 0 9)
       var v = s[cv]                     // city index
       var deltae =, u, v)
       if (deltae < 0 ||                 // always move if negative
 , k, kmax, kT) >= rand.float()) {
           s.swap(u, v)
           Emin = Emin + deltae
   System.print("\nE(s_final) %(Emin)")
   // output final state
   for (i in 0...s.count) {
       if (i > 0 && i % 10 == 0) System.print()
       Fmt.write("$4d", s[i])

}, 1)</lang>


Sample run:

kT = 1
E(s0) 541.82779520458

k:         0   T:   1.0000   Es: 541.8278
k:    100000   T:   0.9000   Es: 187.1429
k:    200000   T:   0.8000   Es: 191.0983
k:    300000   T:   0.7000   Es: 171.7284
k:    400000   T:   0.6000   Es: 154.0549
k:    500000   T:   0.5000   Es: 147.0249
k:    600000   T:   0.4000   Es: 123.5822
k:    700000   T:   0.3000   Es: 121.5808
k:    800000   T:   0.2000   Es: 114.0930
k:    900000   T:   0.1000   Es: 112.6788
k:   1000000   T:   0.0000   Es: 112.6788

E(s_final) 112.67876668098
   0  11  10   1   2  12  13  24  25  15
  14   3   4   5   6   8   9  19  18  28
  29  39  38  27  17   7  16  26  36  37
  47  46  45  35  34  44  43  33  23  22
  32  53  52  51  41  31  21  20  30  40
  50  60  61  70  80  90  91  92  93  73
  63  62  72  71  81  82  83  84  94  95
  85  86  96  97  98  99  89  79  69  59
  49  48  58  57  68  78  88  87  77  67
  56  55  54  65  66  76  75  74  64  42


Translation of: EchoLisp

<lang zkl>var [const] _dists=(0d10_000).pump(List,fcn(abcd){ // two points (a,b) & (c,d), calc distance

  ab,cd,a,b,c,d:=abcd/100, abcd%100, ab/10,ab%10, cd/10,cd%10;

}); fcn dist(ci,cj){ _dists[cj*100 + ci] } // index into lookup table of floats

fcn Es(path) // E(s) = length(path): E(a,b,c)--> dist(a,b) + dist(b,c)

  { d:=Ref(0.0); path.reduce('wrap(a,b){ d.apply('+,dist(a,b)); b }); d.value }

// temperature() function fcn T(k,kmax,kT){ (1.0 - k.toFloat()/kmax)*kT }

// deltaE = Es_new - Es_old > 0 // probability to move if deltaE > 0, -->0 when T --> 0 (frozen state) fcn P(deltaE,k,kmax,kT){ (-deltaE/T(k,kmax,kT)).exp() } //-->Float

// deltaE from path ( .. a u b .. c v d ..) to (.. a v b ... c u d ..) // deltaE before swapping (u,v) fcn dE(s,u,v){ su,sv:=s[u],s[v]; //-->Float

  // old
  a,b,c,d:=dist(s[u-1],su), dist(s[u+1],su), dist(s[v-1],sv), dist(s[v+1],sv);
  // new
  na,nb,nc,nd:=dist(s[u-1],sv), dist(s[u+1],sv), dist(s[v-1],su), dist(s[v+1],su);
  if     (v==u+1) (na+nd) - (a+d);
  else if(u==v+1) (nc+nb) - (c+b);
  else            (na+nb+nc+nd) - (a+b+c+d);


// all 8 neighbours var [const] dirs=ROList(1, -1, 10, -10, 9, 11, -11, -9),

   fmt="k:%10,d T: %8.4f Es: %8.4f".fmt;  // since we use it twice

fcn sa(kmax,kT=10){

  s:=List(0, [1..99].walk().shuffle().xplode(), 0);  // random path from 0 to 0
  println("E(s0) %f".fmt(Es(s))); // random starter
  Emin:=Es(s);		// E0

  foreach k in (kmax){
     if(0==k%(kmax/10)) println(fmt(k,T(k,kmax,kT),Es(s)));
     u:=(1).random(100);		// city index 1 99
     cv:=s[u] + dirs[(0).random(8)];	// city number
     if(not (0<cv<100))  continue;	// bogus city
     if(dist(s[u],cv)>5) continue;	// check true neighbour (eg 0 9)
     v:=s.index(cv,1);			// city index

     if(deltae<0 or	// always move if negative

P(deltae,k,kmax,kT)>=(0.0).random(1)){ s.swap(u,v); Emin+=deltae;

     // (assert  (= (round Emin) (round (Es s))))

  println("E(s_final) %f".fmt(Emin));
  println("Path: ",s.toString(*));

}</lang> <lang zkl>sa(0d1_000_000,1);</lang>

E(s0) 540.897080
k:         0 T:   1.0000 Es: 540.8971
k:   100,000 T:   0.9000 Es: 181.5102
k:   200,000 T:   0.8000 Es: 167.1944
k:   300,000 T:   0.7000 Es: 159.0975
k:   400,000 T:   0.6000 Es: 170.2344
k:   500,000 T:   0.5000 Es: 130.9919
k:   600,000 T:   0.4000 Es: 115.3422
k:   700,000 T:   0.3000 Es: 113.9280
k:   800,000 T:   0.2000 Es: 106.7924
k:   900,000 T:   0.1000 Es: 103.7213
k: 1,000,000 T:   0.0000 Es: 103.7213
E(s_final) 103.721349
Path: L(0,10,11,21,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,81,71,72,73,63,52,62,61,51,41,31,32,22,12,13,14,15,25,16,17,18,28,27,26,36,35,45,34,24,23,33,42,43,44,54,53,64,74,84,83,82,90,91,92,93,94,95,85,86,96,97,87,88,98,99,89,79,69,68,78,77,67,66,76,75,65,55,56,46,37,38,48,47,57,58,59,49,39,29,19,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0)