Smallest number k such that k+2^m is composite for all m less than k: Difference between revisions

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println(take(5, A033939)) # List: (773 2131 2491 4471 5101)
=={{header|Mathematica}}/{{header|Wolfram Language}}==
Since the code is reasonably performant I found the first 8 of this sequence:
<lang Mathematica>ClearAll[ValidK]
ValidK[1] := False
ValidK[k_] := If[EvenQ[k],
AllTrue[Range[k - 1], CompositeQ[k + 2^#] &]
list = {};
AppendTo[list, k];
If[Length[list] >= 8, Break[]]
{k, 1, \[Infinity]}
<pre>{773, 2131, 2491, 4471, 5101, 7013, 8543, 10711}</pre>

Revision as of 18:22, 6 July 2022

Smallest number k such that k+2^m is composite for all m less than k
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Generate the sequence of numbers a(k), where each k is the smallest positive integer such that k + 2m is composite for every positive integer m less than k.

For example

Suppose k == 7; test m == 1 through m == 6. If any are prime, the test fails.

Is 7 + 21 (9) prime? False

Is 7 + 22 (11) prime? True

So 7 is not an element of this sequence.

It is only necessary to test odd natural numbers k. An even number, plus any positive integer power of 2 is always composite.


Find and display, here on this page, the first 5 elements of this sequence.

See also

OEIS:A033939 - Odd k for which k+2^m is composite for all m < k


Translation of: Wren

Takes around 2.2 seconds though faster than using Go's native big.Int type which takes 6.2 seconds. <lang go>package main

import (

   big ""


// returns true if k is a sequence member, false otherwise func a(k int64) bool {

   if k == 1 {
       return false
   bk := big.NewInt(k)
   for m := uint(1); m < uint(k); m++ {
       n := big.NewInt(1)
       n.Lsh(n, m)
       n.Add(n, bk)
       if n.ProbablyPrime(15) {
           return false
   return true


func main() {

   count := 0
   k := int64(1)
   for count < 5 {
       if a(k) {
           fmt.Printf("%d ", k)
       k += 2


773 2131 2491 4471 5101 


<lang julia>using Lazy using Primes

a(k) = all(m -> !isprime(k + big"2"^m), 1:k-1)

A033939 = @>> Lazy.range(2) filter(isodd) filter(a)

println(take(5, A033939)) # List: (773 2131 2491 4471 5101) </lang>

Mathematica/Wolfram Language

Since the code is reasonably performant I found the first 8 of this sequence: <lang Mathematica>ClearAll[ValidK] ValidK[1] := False ValidK[k_] := If[EvenQ[k],

 AllTrue[Range[k - 1], CompositeQ[k + 2^#] &]

list = {}; Do[

 AppendTo[list, k];
 If[Length[list] >= 8, Break[]]
{k, 1, \[Infinity]}


{773, 2131, 2491, 4471, 5101, 7013, 8543, 10711}


Library: ntheory

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use bigint; use ntheory 'is_prime';

my $cnt; LOOP: for my $k (2..1e10) {

   next unless 1 == $k % 2;
   for my $m (1..$k-1) {
       next LOOP if is_prime $k + (1<<$m)
   print "$k ";
   last if ++$cnt == 5;


773 2131 2491 4471 5101


with javascript_semantics
atom t0 = time()
include mpfr.e
mpz z = mpz_init()
function a(integer k)
    if k=1 then return false end if
    for m=1 to k-1 do
        if mpz_prime(z) then return false end if
    end for
    return true
end function
integer k = 1, count = 0
while count<5 do
    if a(k) then
        printf(1,"%d ",k)
        count += 1
    end if
    k += 2
end while

Rather slow, even worse under pwa/p2js - about 90s...

773 2131 2491 4471 5101


<lang perl6>put (1..∞).hyper(:250batch).map(* × 2 + 1).grep( -> $k { !(1 ..^ $k).first: ($k + 1 +< *).is-prime } )[^5]</lang>

773 2131 2491 4471 5101


Library: Wren-gmp

An embedded version as, judging by the size of numbers involved, Wren-CLI (using BigInt) will be too slow for this.

Brute force approach - takes a smidge under 2 seconds. <lang ecmascript>import "./gmp" for Mpz

// returns true if k is a sequence member, false otherwise var a = { |k|

   if (k == 1) return false
   for (m in 1...k) {
       var n =
       if (n.probPrime(15) > 0) return false
   return true


var count = 0 var k = 1 while (count < 5) {

   if ( {
       System.write("%(k) ")
       count = count + 1
   k = k + 2

} System.print()</lang>

773 2131 2491 4471 5101