Soundex: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Haskell}}: Use libheader.)
(→‎{{header|Python}}: fix algorithm)
Line 95: Line 95:
<lang Python>def soundex(word):
<lang Python>def soundex(word):

codes = ("bfpv","cgjkqsxz", "dt", "l", "mn", "r")
codes = ("bfpv","cgjkqsxz", "dt", "l", "mn", "r")
codes2 = ''.join(codes)
sdx = ''.join( ''.join(str(1+ix) for ix,k in enumerate(codes) if kar in k) for kar in word.lower())
sdx2 = word[0].upper() + ''.join( sdx[k] for k in range(1,len(sdx)) if sdx[k] != sdx[k-1])
cmap = lambda kar: ''.join( str(ix+1) for ix,cod in enumerate(codes) if kar in cod )
cmap2 = lambda kar: cmap(kar) if kar in codes2 else '9'
sdx = ''.join(cmap2(kar) for kar in word.lower())
sdx2 = word[0].upper() + ''.join( sdx[k] for k in range(1,len(sdx))
if sdx[k]!='9' and sdx[k] != sdx[k-1])
sdx3 = sdx2[0:4].ljust(4,'0')
sdx3 = sdx2[0:4].ljust(4,'0')
return sdx3</lang>
return sdx3
Example Output
Example Output
<lang Python>>>>print soundex("soundex")
<lang Python>>>>print soundex("soundex")
Line 110: Line 114:
>>>print soundex("ekzampul")
>>>print soundex("ekzampul")

{{libheader|tcllib}} contains an implementation of Knuth's soundex algorithm in the <code>soundex</code> package.
{{libheader|tcllib}} contains an implementation of Knuth's soundex algorithm in the <code>soundex</code> package.

Revision as of 22:34, 12 November 2009

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Soundex is an algorithm for creating indices for words based on their pronunciation. The goal is for homophones to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor differences in spelling (from the WP article).


<lang haskell>import Text.PhoneticCode.Soundex import Control.Arrow</lang> Example: <lang haskell>*Main> mapM_ print $ map (id &&& soundexSimple) ["Soundex", "Example", "Sownteks", "Ekzampul"] ("Soundex","S532") ("Example","E251") ("Sownteks","S532") ("Ekzampul","E251")</lang>


Translation of: VBScript

<lang java>public static void main(String[] args){


private static String getCode(char c){

   case 'B': case 'F': case 'P': case 'V':
     return "1";
   case 'C': case 'G': case 'J': case 'K':
   case 'Q': case 'S': case 'X': case 'Z':
     return "2";
   case 'D': case 'T':
     return "3";
   case 'L':
     return "4";
   case 'M': case 'N':
     return "5";
   case 'R':
     return "6";
     return "";


public static String soundex(String s){

 String code, previous, soundex;
 code = s.toUpperCase().charAt(0) + "";
 previous = "7";
 for(int i = 1;i < s.length();i++){
   String current = getCode(s.toUpperCase().charAt(i));
   if(current.length() > 0 && !current.equals(previous)){
     code = code + current;
   previous = current;
 soundex = (code + "0000").substring(0, 4);
 return soundex;

}</lang> Output:



<lang javascript>var soundex = function (s) {

    var a = s
            .substring(1, s.length)
        r = ,
        codes = {
            a: , e: , i: , o: , u: ,
            b: 1, f: 1, p: 1, v: 1,
            c: 2, g: 2, j: 2, k: 2, q: 2, s: 2, x: 2, z: 2,
            d: 3, t: 3,
            l: 4,
            m: 5, n: 5,
            r: 6
    r = s[0].toUpperCase() +
        .filter(function (v, i, a) { return v !== a[i + 1]; })
        .map(function (v, i, a) { return codes[v] }).join();
    return (r + '000').slice(0, 4);



PHP already has a built-in soundex() function: <lang php><?php echo soundex("Soundex"), "\n"; // S532 echo soundex("Example"), "\n"; // E251 echo soundex("Sownteks"), "\n"; // S532 echo soundex("Ekzampul"), "\n"; // E251 ?></lang>


<lang Python>def soundex(word):

  codes = ("bfpv","cgjkqsxz", "dt", "l", "mn", "r")
  codes2 = .join(codes)
  cmap = lambda kar: .join( str(ix+1) for ix,cod in enumerate(codes) if kar in cod )
  cmap2 = lambda kar: cmap(kar) if kar in codes2 else '9'
  sdx = .join(cmap2(kar) for kar in word.lower())
  sdx2 = word[0].upper() + .join( sdx[k] for k in range(1,len(sdx)) 
                                   if sdx[k]!='9' and sdx[k] != sdx[k-1])
  sdx3 = sdx2[0:4].ljust(4,'0')
  return sdx3

</lang> Example Output <lang Python>>>>print soundex("soundex") S532 >>>print soundex("example") E251 >>>print soundex("ciondecks") C532 >>>print soundex("ekzampul") E251</lang>


Library: tcllib

contains an implementation of Knuth's soundex algorithm in the soundex package.

<lang tcl>package require soundex

foreach string {"Soundex" "Example" "Sownteks" "Ekzampul"} {

   set soundexCode [soundex::knuth $string]
   puts "\"$string\" has code $soundexCode"

}</lang> Which produces this output:

"Soundex" has code S532
"Example" has code E251
"Sownteks" has code S532
"Ekzampul" has code E251


<lang vbscript>Function getCode(c)

   Select Case c
       Case "B", "F", "P", "V"
           getCode = "1"
       Case "C", "G", "J", "K", "Q", "S", "X", "Z"
           getCode = "2"
       Case "D", "T"
           getCode = "3"
       Case "L"
           getCode = "4"
       Case "M", "N"
           getCode = "5"
       Case "R"
           getCode = "6"
   End Select

End Function

Function soundex(s)

   Dim code, previous
   code = UCase(Mid(s, 1, 1))
   previous = 7
   For i = 2 to (Len(s) + 1)
       current = getCode(UCase(Mid(s, i, 1)))
       If Len(current) > 0 And current <> previous Then
           code = code & current
       End If
       previous = current
   soundex = Mid(code, 1, 4)
   If Len(code) < 4 Then
       soundex = soundex & String(4 - Len(code), "0")
   End If

End Function</lang>