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(Wrong 'head' call)
(Go solution)
Line 279: Line 279:
s" Burrows" soundex cr type \ B620 (W test) (any Welsh names?)
s" Burrows" soundex cr type \ B620 (W test) (any Welsh names?)
s" O'Hara" soundex cr type \ O600 (punctuation test)</lang>
s" O'Hara" soundex cr type \ O600 (punctuation test)</lang>
WP article rules, plus my interpretation for input validation.
<lang go>

package main

import (

var code = []int("01230127022455012623017202")

func soundex(s string) (string, os.Error) {
var sx [4]int
var sxi int
lastCode := '0'
for i, c := range s {
switch {
case !unicode.IsLetter(c):
if c < ' ' || c == 127 {
return "", os.NewError("ASCII control characters disallowed")
if i == 0 {
return "", os.NewError("initial character must be a letter")
lastCode = '0'
case c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z':
c -= 'A'
case c >= 'a' && c <= 'z':
c -= 'a'
return "", os.NewError("non-ASCII letters unsupported")
// c is valid letter index at this point
if i == 0 {
sx[0] = c + 'A'
sxi = 1
x := code[c]
switch x {
case '7', lastCode:
case '0':
lastCode = '0'
sx[sxi] = x
if sxi == 3 {
return string(sx[:]), nil
lastCode = x
if sxi == 0 {
return "", os.NewError("no letters present")
for ; sxi < 4; sxi++ {
sx[sxi] = '0'
return string(sx[:]), nil

func main() {
for _, s := range []string{
"Robert", // WP test case = R163
"Rupert", // WP test case = R163
"Rubin", // WP test case = R150
"ashcroft", // WP test case = A261
"ashcraft", // s and c combine across h, t not needed
"moses", // s's don't combine across e
"O'Mally", // apostrophe allowed, adjacent ll's combine
"d jay", // spaces allowed
"R2-D2", // digits, hyphen allowed
"12p2", // just not in leading position
"naïve", // non ASCII disallowed
"", // empty string disallowed
"bump\t", // ASCII control characters disallowed
} {
x, err := soundex(s)
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("soundex", s, "=", x)
} else {
fmt.Printf("\"%s\" fail. %s\n", s, err)
soundex Robert = R163
soundex Rupert = R163
soundex Rubin = R150
soundex ashcroft = A261
soundex ashcraft = A261
soundex moses = M220
soundex O'Mally = O540
soundex d jay = D200
soundex R2-D2 = R300
"12p2" fail. initial character must be a letter
"naïve" fail. non-ASCII letters unsupported
"" fail. no letters present
"bump " fail. ASCII control characters disallowed


Revision as of 16:20, 16 January 2011

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Soundex is an algorithm for creating indices for words based on their pronunciation. The goal is for homophones to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor differences in spelling (from the WP article).


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>

char chr(int i) {

   return ((0<=i) && (i<=9)) ? '0'+i : '-';


char *soundex(const char *word, char *bufr) {

   static const char *lset[] = {
       "", "BFPVbfpv", "CGJKQSXZcgjkqsxz", "DTdt", "Ll","MNmn", "Rr"  };
  1. define LSIZE (sizeof(lset)/sizeof(char *))
   const char *ch;
   char *bp;
   char prev = '-';
   int j;
   bp = bufr;
   ch = word;
   while (*ch && (bp-bufr<4)) {
       for (j=1; j< LSIZE; j++)
           if (strchr( lset[j], *ch) ) break;
       if ((j<LSIZE) && (chr(j) != prev))
           *bp++ = prev = chr(j);
       else if (!strchr("WHwh", *ch)) 
           prev = '7';
       if (ch == word) {
           bp = bufr;
           *bp++ = toupper(*ch);
   while (bp-bufr < 4)
       *bp++ = '0';
   *bp = 0;
    return bufr;


int main() {

   const char *w, **wp;
   static const char *testwords[] = {
       "Ghosh", "Heilbronn","Kant","Ladd","Lissajous","Wheaton","Ashcraft",
       "Burroughs","Burrows","O'Hara", NULL};
   char buffer[8];
   w= "Soundex";
   printf("soundex(%s) = %s\n", w, soundex(w,buffer));
   w= "Example";
   printf("soundex(%s) = %s\n", w, soundex(w,buffer));
   w= "Sownteks";
   printf("soundex(%s) = %s\n", w, soundex(w,buffer));
   w= "Ekzampul";
   printf("soundex(%s) = %s\n", w, soundex(w,buffer));
   for (wp=testwords; *wp; wp++ ) 
       printf("soundex(%s) = %s\n", *wp, soundex(*wp, buffer));
   return 0;



<lang Clipper/XBase++>FUNCTION Soundex(cWord)


This is a Clipper/XBase++ implementation of the standard American Soundex procedure. 

LOCAL cSoundex, i, nLast, cChar, nCode

cWord:=ALLTRIM(UPPER(cWord)) cSoundex:=LEFT(cWord, 1) // first letter is first char nLast:=-1 FOR i:=2 TO LEN(cWord)

  cChar:=SUBSTR(cWord, i, 1)   // get char
  nCode:=SoundexCode(cChar)    // get soundex code for char
  IF nCode=0                   // if 0, ignore
  IF nCode#nLast               // if not same code, add to soundex
     nLast:=nCode              // and replace the last one
     cSoundex+=STR(nCode, 1)

NEXT cSoundex:=PADR(cSoundex, 4, "0")


STATIC FUNCTION SoundexCode(cLetter) LOCAL aCodes:={"BFPV", "CGJKQSXZ", "DT", "L", "MN", "R"}, i, nRet:=0

FOR i:=1 TO LEN(aCodes)

  IF cLetter $ aCodes[i]



FUNCTION SoundexDifference(cSound1, cSound2) LOCAL nMatch:=0, nLen1, nLen2, i

nLen1:=LEN(cSound1) nLen2:=LEN(cSound2)

// make the two words the same length. This is a safety. They both should be 4 characters long. IF nLen1 > nLen2

  cSound2:=PADR(cSound2, nLen1-nLen2, "0")

ELSEIF nLen1 < nLen2

  cSound1:=PADR(cSound1, nLen2-nLen1, "0")


// compare the corresponding characters between the two words FOR i:=1 TO LEN(cSound1)

  IF SUBSTR(cSound1, i, 1) == SUBSTR(cSound2, i, 1)



                                                                                                                                                              • </lang>

--Clippersolutions 23:14, 4 November 2010 (UTC)--Clippersolutions 23:14, 4 November 2010 (UTC)


The D standard library (Phobos) contains a soundex function: <lang d>import std.stdio: writeln; import std.string: soundex;

void main() {

   assert(soundex("soundex") == "S532");
   assert(soundex("example") == "E251");
   assert(soundex("ciondecks") == "C532");
   assert(soundex("ekzampul") == "E251");
   assert(soundex("Robert") == "R163");
   assert(soundex("Rupert") == "R163");
   assert(soundex("Rubin") == "R150");
   assert(soundex("Ashcraft") == "A261");
   assert(soundex("Ashcroft") == "A261");
   assert(soundex("Tymczak") == "T522");

}</lang> It works according to this document: So soundex("Ashcraft") is A-261 instead of A-226.

The following version uses the Wikipedia algorithm, it's long because it contains a ddoc text, design by contract (a long post-condition), sanity asserts, unittests and comments. A quite shorter version may be written that loses the safety net that's necessary in serious coding.

This version uses dynamic heap allocations in some places (replace, toupper, several string join) to allow a higher level style of coding, but this function may also be written to perform zero heap allocations. It may even return a char[4] by value, or use a given buffer like the C version.

(This function is not pure because the standard library Phobos of DMD 2.050 is not yet pure-corrected, so std.string.replace() is not pure yet). <lang d>import std.string: toupper, replace; import std.ctype: isupper;

/***************************** Soundex is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English. See:

  • /

/*pure*/ string soundex(const string name)

   // Adapted from public domain Python code by Gregory Jorgensen:
   out(result) { // postcondition
       assert(result.length == 4);
       assert(result[0] == '0' || isupper(result[0]));
       if (name.length == 0)
           assert(result == "0000");
       // this is too much fiddly
       int charCount = 0;
       foreach (dchar c; name)
           if ((c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z'))
       assert((charCount == 0) == (result == "0000"));
   } body {
       // digits holds the soundex values for the alphabet
       enum digits = "01230120022455012623010202";
       string firstChar, result;
       // translate alpha chars in name to soundex digits
       foreach (dchar c; name.toupper()) {
           if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') {
               if (!firstChar.length)
                   firstChar ~= c; // remember first letter
               char d = digits[c - 'A'];
               // duplicate consecutive soundex digits are skipped
               if (!result.length || d != result[$ - 1])
                   result ~= d;
       // return 0000 if the name is empty
       if (!firstChar.length)
           return "0000";
       // replace first digit with first alpha character
       assert(result.length > 0);
       result = firstChar ~ result[1 .. $];
       // remove all 0s from the soundex code
       result = result.replace("0", "");
       // return soundex code padded to 4 zeros
       return (result ~ "0000")[0 .. 4];

unittest { // tests of soundex()

   auto tests = [["", "0000"], ["12346", "0000"], ["he", "H000"],
                 ["soundex", "S532"], ["example", "E251"],
                 ["ciondecks", "C532"], ["ekzampul", "E251"],
                 ["résumé", "R250"], ["Robert", "R163"],
                 ["Rupert", "R163"], ["Rubin", "R150"],
                 ["Ashcraft", "A226"], ["Ashcroft", "A226"]];
   foreach (pair; tests)
       assert(soundex(pair[0]) == pair[1]);


void main() {}</lang>


This implements the US Census rules, where W and H are ignored but, unlike vowels, aren't separators. Further corner cases welcome...

<lang forth>: alpha-table create does> swap 32 or [char] a - 0 max 26 min + 1+ c@ ;

alpha-table soundex-code

 ,"  123 12. 22455 12623 1.2 2 "
soundex ( name len -- pad len )
 over c@ pad c!                  \ First character verbatim
 pad 1+ 3 [char] 0 fill          \ Pad to four characters with zeros
 1 pad c@ soundex-code  ( count code )
 2swap bounds do
   i c@ soundex-code   ( count code next )
   2dup = if         drop else   \ runs are ignored
   dup [char] . = if drop else   \ W, H don't separate runs of consonants
   dup bl = if        nip else   \ vowels separate consonants but aren't coded
     2dup swap pad + c!
     swap 1+
     tuck 4 = if leave then
   then then then
 2drop pad 4 ;

\ Knuth's test cases s" Euler" soundex cr type \ E460 s" Gauss" soundex cr type \ G200 s" Hilbert" soundex cr type \ H416 s" Knuth" soundex cr type \ K530 s" Lloyd" soundex cr type \ L300 s" Lukasiewicz" soundex cr type \ L222 (W test) s" Ellery" soundex cr type \ E460 s" Ghosh" soundex cr type \ G200 s" Heilbronn" soundex cr type \ H416 s" Kant" soundex cr type \ K530 s" Ladd" soundex cr type \ L300 s" Lissajous" soundex cr type \ L222

s" Wheaton" soundex cr type \ W350 s" Ashcraft" soundex cr type \ A261 (H tests) s" Burroughs" soundex cr type \ B620 s" Burrows" soundex cr type \ B620 (W test) (any Welsh names?) s" O'Hara" soundex cr type \ O600 (punctuation test)</lang>


WP article rules, plus my interpretation for input validation. <lang go>

package main

import (



var code = []int("01230127022455012623017202")

func soundex(s string) (string, os.Error) {

   var sx [4]int
   var sxi int
   lastCode := '0'
   for i, c := range s {
       switch {
       case !unicode.IsLetter(c):
           if c < ' ' || c == 127 {
               return "", os.NewError("ASCII control characters disallowed")
           if i == 0 {
               return "", os.NewError("initial character must be a letter")
           lastCode = '0'
       case c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z':
           c -= 'A'
       case c >= 'a' && c <= 'z':
           c -= 'a'
           return "", os.NewError("non-ASCII letters unsupported")
       // c is valid letter index at this point
       if i == 0 {
           sx[0] = c + 'A'
           sxi = 1
       x := code[c]
       switch x {
       case '7', lastCode:
       case '0':
           lastCode = '0'
           sx[sxi] = x
           if sxi == 3 {
               return string(sx[:]), nil
           lastCode = x
   if sxi == 0 {
       return "", os.NewError("no letters present")
   for ; sxi < 4; sxi++ {
       sx[sxi] = '0'
   return string(sx[:]), nil


func main() {

   for _, s := range []string{
       "Robert",   // WP test case = R163
       "Rupert",   // WP test case = R163
       "Rubin",    // WP test case = R150
       "ashcroft", // WP test case = A261
       "ashcraft", // s and c combine across h, t not needed
       "moses",    // s's don't combine across e
       "O'Mally",  // apostrophe allowed, adjacent ll's combine
       "d jay",    // spaces allowed
       "R2-D2",    // digits, hyphen allowed
       "12p2",     // just not in leading position
       "naïve",    // non ASCII disallowed
       "",         // empty string disallowed
       "bump\t",   // ASCII control characters disallowed
   } {
       x, err := soundex(s)
       if err == nil {
           fmt.Println("soundex", s, "=", x)
       } else {
           fmt.Printf("\"%s\" fail. %s\n", s, err)

} </lang> Output:

soundex Robert = R163
soundex Rupert = R163
soundex Rubin = R150
soundex ashcroft = A261
soundex ashcraft = A261
soundex moses = M220
soundex O'Mally = O540
soundex d jay = D200
soundex R2-D2 = R300
"12p2" fail. initial character must be a letter
"naïve" fail. non-ASCII letters unsupported
"" fail. no letters present
"bump   " fail. ASCII control characters disallowed


<lang haskell>import Text.PhoneticCode.Soundex import Control.Arrow</lang> Example: <lang haskell>*Main> mapM_ print $ map (id &&& soundexSimple) ["Soundex", "Example", "Sownteks", "Ekzampul"] ("Soundex","S532") ("Example","E251") ("Sownteks","S532") ("Ekzampul","E251")</lang>

Icon and Unicon


<lang icon>procedure main(arglist) # computes soundex of each argument every write(x := !arglist, " => ",soundex(x)) end

procedure soundex(name)

  local  dig,i,x
  static con
  initial {                                   # construct mapping x[i] => i all else .
     x := ["bfpv","cgjkqsxz","dt","l","mn","r"]
     every ( dig := con := "") ||:= repl(i := 1 to *x,*x[i]) do con ||:= x[i]
     con := map(map(&lcase,con,dig),&lcase,repl(".",*&lcase))
  name := map(name)                           # lower case
  name[1] := map(name[1],&lcase,&ucase)       # upper case 1st
  name := map(name,&lcase,con)                # map cons
  every x := !"123456" do
      while name[find(x||x,name)+:2] := x     # kill duplicates
  while name[upto('.',name)] := ""            # kill .
  return left(name,4,"0")                     


implements soundex. The above version is an adaptation of that procedure.


This Icon solution works in Unicon.


Solution <lang j>removeDups =: {.;.1~ (1 , }. ~: }: ) codes =: ;: 'BFPV CGJKQSXZ DT L MN R HW'

soundex =: 3 : 0

if. 0=# k=.toupper y do. '0' return. end.
({.k), ,": ,. 3 {. 0-.~ }. removeDups 7 0:`(I.@:=)`]} , k >:@I.@:(e. &>)"0 _ codes

)</lang> Usage <lang j>names=: 'Lloyd Woolcock Donnell Baragwanath Williams Ashcroft Euler Ellery Gauss Ghosh Hilbert Heilbronn Knuth Kant Ladd Lukasiewicz Lissajous' soundexNames=: 'L300 W422 D540 B625 W452 A226 E460 E460 G200 G200 H416 H416 K530 K530 L300 L222 L222'

  soundex &> ;: names

L300 W422 D540 B625 W452 ....</lang> Test <lang j> soundexNames-:(soundex &.>) &. ;: names 1</lang>


Translation of: VBScript

<lang java>public static void main(String[] args){


private static String getCode(char c){

   case 'B': case 'F': case 'P': case 'V':
     return "1";
   case 'C': case 'G': case 'J': case 'K':
   case 'Q': case 'S': case 'X': case 'Z':
     return "2";
   case 'D': case 'T':
     return "3";
   case 'L':
     return "4";
   case 'M': case 'N':
     return "5";
   case 'R':
     return "6";
     return "";


public static String soundex(String s){

 String code, previous, soundex;
 code = s.toUpperCase().charAt(0) + "";
 previous = "7";
 for(int i = 1;i < s.length();i++){
   String current = getCode(s.toUpperCase().charAt(i));
   if(current.length() > 0 && !current.equals(previous)){
     code = code + current;
   previous = current;
 soundex = (code + "0000").substring(0, 4);
 return soundex;

}</lang> Output:



<lang javascript>var soundex = function (s) {

    var a = s
            .substring(1, s.length)
        r = ,
        codes = {
            a: , e: , i: , o: , u: ,
            b: 1, f: 1, p: 1, v: 1,
            c: 2, g: 2, j: 2, k: 2, q: 2, s: 2, x: 2, z: 2,
            d: 3, t: 3,
            l: 4,
            m: 5, n: 5,
            r: 6
    r = s[0].toUpperCase() +
        .filter(function (v, i, a) { return v !== a[i + 1]; })
        .map(function (v, i, a) { return codes[v] }).join();
    return (r + '000').slice(0, 4);



Here is an implementation:

<lang ocaml>let c2d = function

 | 'B' | 'F' | 'P' | 'V' -> "1"
 | 'C' | 'G' | 'J' | 'K' | 'Q' | 'S' | 'X' | 'Z' -> "2"
 | 'D' | 'T' -> "3"
 | 'L' -> "4"
 | 'M' | 'N' -> "5"
 | 'R' -> "6"
 | _ -> ""

let rec dbl acc = function

 | [] -> (List.rev acc)
 | [c] -> List.rev(c::acc)
 | c1::(c2::_ as tl) ->
     if c1 = c2
     then dbl acc tl
     else dbl (c1::acc) tl

let pad s =

 match String.length s with
 | 0 -> s ^ "000"
 | 1 -> s ^ "00"
 | 2 -> s ^ "0"
 | 3 -> s
 | _ -> String.sub s 0 3

let soundex_aux rem =

 pad(String.concat "" (dbl [] ( c2d rem)))

let soundex s =

 let s = String.uppercase s in
 let cl = ref [] in
 String.iter (fun c -> cl := c :: !cl) s;
 match dbl [] (List.rev !cl) with
 | c::rem -> (String.make 1 c) ^ (soundex_aux rem)
 | [] -> invalid_arg "soundex"</lang>

Test our implementation:

<lang ocaml>let tests = [

 "Soundex",     "S532";
 "Example",     "E251";
 "Sownteks",    "S532";
 "Ekzampul",    "E251";
 "Euler",       "E460";
 "Gauss",       "G200";
 "Hilbert",     "H416";
 "Knuth",       "K530";
 "Lloyd",       "L300";
 "Lukasiewicz", "L222";
 "Ellery",      "E460";
 "Ghosh",       "G200";
 "Heilbronn",   "H416";
 "Kant",        "K530";
 "Ladd",        "L300";
 "Lissajous",   "L222";
 "Wheaton",     "W350";
 "Ashcraft",    "A226";
 "Burroughs",   "B622";
 "Burrows",     "B620";
 "O'Hara",      "O600";

let () =

 print_endline " Word   \t Code  Found Status";
 List.iter (fun (word, code1) ->
   let code2 = soundex word in
   let status = if code1 = code2 then "OK " else "Arg" in
   Printf.printf " \"%s\" \t %s  %s  %s\n" word code1 code2 status
 ) tests</lang>

This test outputs:

Word            Code  Found Status
"Soundex"       S532  S532  OK 
"Example"       E251  E251  OK 
"Sownteks"      S532  S532  OK 
"Ekzampul"      E251  E251  OK 
"Euler"         E460  E460  OK 
"Gauss"         G200  G200  OK 
"Hilbert"       H416  H416  OK 
"Knuth"         K530  K530  OK 
"Lloyd"         L300  L300  OK 
"Lukasiewicz"   L222  L222  OK 
"Ellery"        E460  E460  OK 
"Ghosh"         G200  G200  OK 
"Heilbronn"     H416  H416  OK 
"Kant"          K530  K530  OK 
"Ladd"          L300  L300  OK 
"Lissajous"     L222  L222  OK 
"Wheaton"       W350  W350  OK 
"Ashcraft"      A226  A226  OK 
"Burroughs"     B622  B622  OK 
"Burrows"       B620  B620  OK 
"O'Hara"        O600  O600  OK

See Soundex/OCaml for a version that can switch the language (English, French...) with a type which definition is hidden in the interface.


The Text::Soundex core module supports various soundex algorithms. <lang perl>use Text::Soundex; print soundex("Soundex"), "\n"; # S532 print soundex("Example"), "\n"; # E251 print soundex("Sownteks"), "\n"; # S532 print soundex("Ekzampul"), "\n"; # E251</lang>


PHP already has a built-in soundex() function: <lang php><?php echo soundex("Soundex"), "\n"; // S532 echo soundex("Example"), "\n"; // E251 echo soundex("Sownteks"), "\n"; // S532 echo soundex("Ekzampul"), "\n"; // E251 ?></lang>


<lang PicoLisp>(de soundex (Str)

     (pad -4
           (uppc (char (char Str)))
           (head 3
              (let Last NIL
                          (setq C
                             (case (uppc C)
                                (`(chop "BFPV") "1")
                                (`(chop "CGJKQSXZ") "2")
                                (("D" "T") "3")
                                ("L" "4")
                                (("M" "N") "5")
                                ("R" "6") ) )
                          (<> Last C)
                          (setq Last C) ) )
                    (cdr (chop Str)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )</lang>


: (mapcar soundex '("Soundex" "Example" "Sownteks" "Ekzampul"))
-> ("S532" "E251" "S532" "E251")


<lang PureBasic>Procedure.s getCode(c.s)

   Protected  getCode.s = ""
   If FindString("BFPV", c ,1)     : getCode = "1" : EndIf
   If FindString("CGJKQSXZ", c ,1) : getCode = "2" : EndIf 
   If FindString("DT", c ,1)       : getCode = "3" : EndIf
   If "L" = c                      : getCode = "4" : EndIf
   If FindString("MN", c ,1)       : getCode = "5" : EndIf
   If "R" = c                      : getCode = "6" : EndIf 
   If FindString("HW", c ,1)       : getCode = "." : EndIf
   ProcedureReturn getCode


Procedure.s soundex(word.s)

   Protected.s previous.s = "" , code.s , current , soundex
   Protected.i i
   word = UCase(word)
   code = Mid(word,1,1)
   previous = ""
   For i = 2 To (Len(word) + 1)
       current = getCode(Mid(word, i, 1))
       If current = "." : Continue : EndIf
       If Len(current) > 0 And current <> previous
           code + current
       previous = current
       If Len(code) = 4
   If Len(code) < 4 
       code = LSet(code, 4,"0")
   ProcedureReturn code



PrintN (soundex("Lukasiewicz")) PrintN("Press any key to exit"): Repeat: Until Inkey() <> ""</lang>


<lang python>from itertools import groupby

def soundex(word):

  codes = ("bfpv","cgjkqsxz", "dt", "l", "mn", "r")
  soundDict = dict((ch, str(ix+1)) for ix,cod in enumerate(codes) for ch in cod)
  cmap2 = lambda kar: soundDict.get(kar, '9')
  sdx =  .join(cmap2(kar) for kar in word.lower())
  sdx2 = word[0].upper() + .join(k for k,g in list(groupby(sdx))[1:] if k!='9')
  sdx3 = sdx2[0:4].ljust(4,'0')
  return sdx3

</lang> Example Output <lang Python>>>>print soundex("soundex") S532 >>>print soundex("example") E251 >>>print soundex("ciondecks") C532 >>>print soundex("ekzampul") E251</lang>


Courtesy <lang ruby>class String

 SoundexNums  = '111122222222334556'
 SoundexCharsEx = '^' + SoundexChars
 SoundexCharsDel = '^A-Z'
 # desc:
 def soundex(census = true)
   str = self.upcase.delete(SoundexCharsDel)
   str[0,1] + str[1..-1].delete(SoundexCharsEx).
                         tr(SoundexChars, SoundexNums).
                         squeeze[0 .. (census ? 2 : -1)].
                         ljust(3, '0') rescue 
 def sounds_like(other)
   self.soundex == other.soundex


%w(Soundex Sownteks Example Ekzampul foo bar).each_slice(2) do |word1, word2|

 [word1, word2].each {|word| puts '%-8s -> %s' % [word, word.soundex]}
 print "'#{word1}' "
 print word1.sounds_like(word2) ? "sounds" : "does not sound"
 print " like '#{word2}'\n"


Soundex  -> S532
Sownteks -> S532
'Soundex' sounds like 'Sownteks'
Example  -> E251
Ekzampul -> E251
'Example' sounds like 'Ekzampul'
foo      -> F000
bar      -> B600
'foo' does not sound like 'bar'


<lang scala>def soundex(s:String)={

  var code=s.head.toUpper.toString
  var previous=getCode(code.head)
  for(ch <- s.drop(1); current=getCode(ch.toUpper)){
     if (!current.isEmpty && current!=previous)


def getCode(c:Char)={

  val code=Map("1"->List('B','F','P','V'),
     "3"->List('D', 'T'),
     "5"->List('M', 'N'),
  code.find(_._2.exists(_==c)) match {
     case Some((k,_)) => k
     case _ => ""


<lang scala>def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {

  val tests=Map(
     "Soundex"     -> "S532",
     "Euler"	    -> "E460",
     "Gauss"	    -> "G200",
     "Hilbert"	    -> "H416",
     "Knuth"	    -> "K530",
     "Lloyd"	    -> "L300",
     "Lukasiewicz" -> "L222",
     "Ellery"	    -> "E460",
     "Ghosh"	    -> "G200",
     "Heilbronn"   -> "H416",
     "Kant"	    -> "K530",
     "Ladd"	    -> "L300",
     "Lissajous"   -> "L222",
     "Wheaton"	    -> "W350",
     "Ashcraft"    -> "A226",
     "Burroughs"   -> "B622",
     "Burrows"	    -> "B620",
     "O'Hara"	    -> "O600")
     val code=soundex(v._1)
     val status=if (code==v._2) "OK" else "ERROR"
     printf("Name: %-20s  Code: %s   Found: %s  - %s\n", v._1, v._2, code, status)



This implements American Soundex as described at [1].

Works with: any R6RS Scheme

<lang scheme>;; The American Soundex System

The soundex code consist of the first letter of the name followed
by three digits. These three digits are determined by dropping the
letters a, e, i, o, u, h, w and y and adding three digits from the
remaining letters of the name according to the table below. There
are only two additional rules. (1) If two or more consecutive
letters have the same code, they are coded as one letter. (2) If
there are an insufficient numbers of letters to make the three
digits, the remaining digits are set to zero.
Soundex Table
1 b,f,p,v
2 c,g,j,k,q,s,x,z
3 d, t
4 l
5 m, n
6 r
Miller M460
Peterson P362
Peters P362
Auerbach A612
Uhrbach U612
Moskowitz M232
Moskovitz M213

(define (char->soundex c)

 (case (char-upcase c)
   ((#\B #\F #\P #\V) #\1)
   ((#\C #\G #\J #\K #\Q #\S #\X #\Z) #\2)
   ((#\D #\T) #\3)
   ((#\L) #\4)
   ((#\M #\N) #\5)
   ((#\R) #\6)
   (else #\nul)))

(define (collapse-dups lst)

 (if (= (length lst) 1) lst
     (if (equal? (car lst) (cadr lst))

(collapse-dups (cdr lst)) (cons (car lst) (collapse-dups (cdr lst))))))

(define (remove-nul lst)

 (filter (lambda (c)

(not (equal? c #\nul))) lst))

(define (force-len n lst)

 (cond ((= n 0) '())

((null? lst) (force-len n (list #\0))) (else (cons (car lst) (force-len (- n 1) (cdr lst))))))

(define (soundex s)

 (let ((slst (string->list s)))
   (force-len 4 (cons (char-upcase (car slst))

(remove-nul (collapse-dups (map char->soundex (cdr slst))))))))

(soundex "miller") (soundex "Peterson") (soundex "PETERS") (soundex "auerbach") (soundex "Uhrbach") (soundex "Moskowitz") (soundex "Moskovitz")</lang>

Sample Output

> "M460"
> "P362"
> "P362"
> "A612"
> "U612"
> "M232"
> "M213"


Works with: Macro Spitbol
Works with: Snobol4+
Works with: CSnobol

US National Archives (NARA) Soundex. Includes the "HW" rule omitted by Knuth and many other implementations.

<lang SNOBOL4>* # Soundex coding

  • # 01230127022455012623017202
       define('soundex(str)init,ch') :(soundex_end)

soundex sdxmap = '01230127022455012623017202'

       str = replace(str,&lcase,&ucase)

sdx1 str notany(&ucase) = :s(sdx1)

       init = substr(str,1,1)
       str = replace(str,&ucase,sdxmap)

sdx2 str len(1) $ ch span(*ch) = ch :s(sdx2)

  • # Omit next line for Knuth's simple Soundex

sdx3 str len(1) $ ch ('7' *ch) = ch :s(sdx3)

       str len(1) = init

sdx4 str any('07') = :s(sdx4)

       str = substr(str,1,4)
       str = lt(size(str),4) str dupl('0',4 - size(str))
       soundex = str :(return)


  • # Test and display
       test = " Washington Lee Gutierrez Pfister Jackson Tymczak"

+ " Ashcroft Swhgler O'Connor Rhys-Davies" loop test span(' ') break(' ') . name = :f(end)

       output = soundex(name) ' ' name :(loop)



W252 Washington
L000 Lee
G362 Gutierrez
P236 Pfister
J250 Jackson
T522 Tymczak
A261 Ashcroft
S460 Swhgler
O256 O'Connor


Library: Tcllib (Package: soundex)

contains an implementation of Knuth's soundex algorithm.

<lang tcl>package require soundex

foreach string {"Soundex" "Example" "Sownteks" "Ekzampul"} {

   set soundexCode [soundex::knuth $string]
   puts "\"$string\" has code $soundexCode"

}</lang> Which produces this output:

"Soundex" has code S532
"Example" has code E251
"Sownteks" has code S532
"Ekzampul" has code E251


<lang vbscript>Function getCode(c)

   Select Case c
       Case "B", "F", "P", "V"
           getCode = "1"
       Case "C", "G", "J", "K", "Q", "S", "X", "Z"
           getCode = "2"
       Case "D", "T"
           getCode = "3"
       Case "L"
           getCode = "4"
       Case "M", "N"
           getCode = "5"
       Case "R"
           getCode = "6"
   End Select

End Function

Function soundex(s)

   Dim code, previous
   code = UCase(Mid(s, 1, 1))
   previous = 7
   For i = 2 to (Len(s) + 1)
       current = getCode(UCase(Mid(s, i, 1)))
       If Len(current) > 0 And current <> previous Then
           code = code & current
       End If
       previous = current
   soundex = Mid(code, 1, 4)
   If Len(code) < 4 Then
       soundex = soundex & String(4 - Len(code), "0")
   End If

End Function</lang>