Statistics/Normal distribution: Difference between revisions

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Jono (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Lasso}}: Adding Lasso example incl Box-Muller transform function
Grondilu (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: using xx instead of gather/loop + using the empiric mean
Line 463: Line 463:

sub normdist ($m, $σ) {
sub normdist ($m, $σ) {
my $r = sqrt -2 * log rand;
gather loop {
my $r = sqrt -2 * log rand;
my $Θ = τ * rand;
my = τ * rand;
$r * cos() * + $m;
take $r * $_($Θ) * $σ + $m for &cos, &sin;

sub MAIN ($size = 100000, $mean = 50, $stddev = 4) {
sub MAIN ($size = 100000, $mean = 50, $stddev = 4) {
my @dataset = normdist($mean,$stddev)[^$size];
my @dataset = normdist($mean,$stddev) xx $size;

my $m = [+](@dataset) / $size;
my $m = [+](@dataset) / $size;
say (:$m);
say (:$m);

my $σ = sqrt [+](@dataset X** 2) / $size - $mean**2;
my $σ = sqrt [+](@dataset X** 2) / $size - $m**2;
say (:$σ);
say (:$σ);

Revision as of 08:35, 11 November 2013

Statistics/Normal distribution is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

The Normal (or Gaussian) distribution is a freqently used distribution in statistics. While most programming languages provide a uniformly distributed random number generator, one can derive normally distributed random numbers from a uniform generator.

The task
  1. Take a uniform random number generator and create a large (you decide how large) set of numbers that follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution. Calculate the dataset's mean and stddev, and show the histogram here.
  2. Mention any native language support for the generation of normally distributed random numbers.


showing features of C++11 here <lang C++>#include <random>

  1. include <map>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <iostream>
  4. include <cmath>
  5. include <iomanip>

int main( ) {

  std::random_device myseed ;
  std::mt19937 engine ( myseed( ) ) ;
  std::normal_distribution<> normDistri ( 2 , 3 ) ;
  std::map<int , int> normalFreq ;
  int sum = 0 ; //holds the sum of the randomly created numbers
  double mean = 0.0 ;
  double stddev = 0.0 ;
  for ( int i = 1 ; i < 10001 ; i++ ) 
     ++normalFreq[ normDistri ( engine ) ] ;
  for ( auto MapIt : normalFreq ) {
     sum += MapIt.first * MapIt.second ;
  mean = sum / 10000 ;
  stddev = sqrt( sum / 10000 ) ;
  std::cout << "The mean of the distribution is " << mean << " , the " ;
  std::cout << "standard deviation " << stddev << " !\n" ;
  std::cout << "And now the histogram:\n" ;
  for ( auto MapIt : normalFreq ) {
     std::cout << std::left << std::setw( 4 ) << MapIt.first << 

std::string( MapIt.second / 100 , '*' ) << std::endl ;

  return 0 ;

}</lang> Output:

The mean of the distribution is 1 , the standard deviation 1 !
And now the histogram:
-4  *
-3  **
-2  ****
-1  ******
0   *********************
1   ************
2   ************
3   ***********
4   *********
5   ******
6   ****
7   **
8   *


This uses the Box-Muller method as in the Go entry, and the module from the Statistics/Basic. A ziggurat-based normal generator for the Phobos standard library is in the works. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.random, std.math, std.range, std.algorithm,


struct Normals {

   double mu, sigma;
   double[2] state;
   size_t index = state.length;
   enum empty = false;
   void popFront() pure nothrow { index++; }
   @property double front() {
       if (index >= state.length) {
           immutable r = sqrt(-2 * uniform!"]["(0., 1.).log) * sigma;
           immutable x = 2 * PI * uniform(0.0, 1.0);
           state = [mu + r * x.sin, mu + r * x.cos];
           index = 0;
       return state[index];


void main() {

   const data = Normals(0.0, 0.5).take(100_000).array;
   writefln("Mean: %8.6f, SD: %8.6f\n", data.meanStdDev[]);!q{ max(0.0, min(0.9999, a / 3 + 0.5)) }.showHistogram01;


Mean: 0.000528, SD: 0.502245

 0.0: *
 0.1: ******
 0.2: *****************
 0.3: ***********************************
 0.4: *************************************************
 0.5: **************************************************
 0.6: **********************************
 0.7: *****************
 0.8: ******
 0.9: *


Box-Muller method shown here. Go has a normally distributed random function in the standard library, as shown in the Go Random numbers solution. It uses the ziggurat method. <lang go>package main

import (



// Box-Muller func norm2() (s, c float64) {

   r := math.Sqrt(-2 * math.Log(rand.Float64()))
   s, c = math.Sincos(2 * math.Pi * rand.Float64())
   return s * r, c * r


func main() {

   const (
       n     = 10000
       bins  = 12
       sig   = 3
       scale = 100
   var sum, sumSq float64
   h := make([]int, bins)
   for i, accum := 0, func(v float64) {
       sum += v
       sumSq += v * v
       b := int((v + sig) * bins / sig / 2)
       if b >= 0 && b < bins {
   }; i < n/2; i++ {
       v1, v2 := norm2()
   m := sum / n
   fmt.Println("mean:", m)
   fmt.Println("stddev:", math.Sqrt(sumSq/float64(n)-m*m))
   for _, p := range h {
       fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("*", p/scale))

}</lang> Output:

mean: -0.0034970888831523488
stddev: 1.0040682925006286



<lang Lasso>define stat1(a) => { if(#a->size) => { local(mean = (with n in #a sum #n) / #a->size) local(sdev = math_pow(((with n in #a sum Math_Pow((#n - #mean),2)) / #a->size),0.5)) return (:#sdev, #mean) else return (:0,0) } } define stat2(a) => { if(#a->size) => { local(sx = 0, sxx = 0) with x in #a do => { #sx += #x #sxx += #x*#x } local(sdev = math_pow((#a->size * #sxx - #sx * #sx),0.5) / #a->size) return (:#sdev, #sx / #a->size) else return (:0,0) } } define histogram(a) => { local( out = '\r', h = array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0), maxwidth = 50, sc = 0 ) with n in #a do => { if((#n * 10) <= 0) => { #h->get(1) += 1 else((#n * 10) >= 10) #h->get(#h->size) += 1 else #h->get(integer(decimal(#n)*10)+1) += 1 }

} local(mx = decimal(with n in #h max #n)) with i in #h do => { #out->append((#sc/10.0)->asString(-precision=1)+': '+('+' * integer(#i / #mx * #maxwidth))+'\r') #sc++ } return #out } define normalDist(mean,sdev) => { // Uses Box-Muller transform return ((-2 * decimal_random->log)->sqrt * (2 * pi * decimal_random)->cos) * #sdev + #mean }

with scale in array(100,1000,10000) do => {^ local(n = array) loop(#scale) => { #n->insert(normalDist(0.5, 0.2)) } local(sdev1,mean1) = stat1(#n) local(sdev2,mean2) = stat2(#n) #scale' numbers:\r'

   'Naive  method: sd: '+#sdev1+', mean: '+#mean1+'\r'
   'Second  method: sd: '+#sdev2+', mean: '+#mean2+'\r'


100 numbers:
Naive  method: sd: 0.199518, mean: 0.506059
Second  method: sd: 0.199518, mean: 0.506059

0.0: ++
0.1: ++++
0.2: +++++++++++++++++
0.3: ++++++++++++++++++++++
0.4: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.5: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.6: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.7: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.8: ++++++++++++++++++++
0.9: ++++
1.0: ++

1000 numbers:
Naive  method: sd: 0.199653, mean: 0.504046
Second  method: sd: 0.199653, mean: 0.504046

0.0: +++
0.1: ++++++
0.2: ++++++++++++++++
0.3: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.4: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.5: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.6: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.7: +++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.8: +++++++++++++++++++
0.9: +++++++
1.0: ++++

10000 numbers:
Naive  method: sd: 0.202354, mean: 0.502519
Second  method: sd: 0.202354, mean: 0.502519

0.0: +++
0.1: +++++++
0.2: +++++++++++++++
0.3: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.4: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.5: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.6: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.7: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0.8: ++++++++++++++++
0.9: +++++++
1.0: ++++


<lang Mathematica>x:= RandomReal[1] SampleNormal[n_] := (Print[#//Length, " numbers, Mean : ", #//Mean, ", StandardDeviation : ", #//StandardDeviation];

   Histogram[#, BarOrigin -> Left,Axes -> False])& [(Table[(-2*Log[x])^0.5*Cos[2*Pi*x], {n} ]]

Invocation: SampleNormal[ 10000 ] ->10000 numbers, Mean : -0.0122308, StandardDeviation : 1.00646 </lang>

MATLAB / Octave

<lang Matlab> N = 100000;

 x = randn(N,1);
 [nn,xx] = hist(x,100);

Liberty BASIC

Uses LB Statistics/Basic <lang lb>call sample 100000


sub sample n

   dim dat( n)
   for i =1 to n
       dat( i) =normalDist( 1, 0.2)
   next i
   '// show mean, standard deviation. Find max, min.
   mx  =-1000
   mn  = 1000
   sum =0
   sSq =0
   for i =1 to n
       d =dat( i)
       mx =max( mx, d)
       mn =min( mn, d)
       sum =sum +d
       sSq =sSq +d^2
   next i
   print n; " data terms used."
   mean =sum / n
   print "Largest term was "; mx; " & smallest was "; mn
   range =mx -mn
   print "Mean ="; mean
   print "Stddev ="; ( sSq /n -mean^2)^0.5
   '// show histogram
   nBins =50
   dim bins( nBins)
   for i =1 to n
       z =int( ( dat( i) -mn) /range *nBins)
       bins( z) =bins( z) +1
   next i
   for b =0 to nBins -1
       for j =1 to int( nBins *bins( b)) /n *30)
           print "#";
       next j
   next b

end sub

function normalDist( m, s) ' Box Muller method

   u =rnd( 1)
   v =rnd( 1)
   normalDist =( -2 *log( u))^0.5 *cos( 2 *3.14159265 *v)

end function</lang>

100000 data terms used.
Largest term was 4.12950792 & smallest was -4.37934139
Mean =-0.26785425e-2
Stddev =1.00097669



Works with: PARI/GP version 2.4.3 and above

<lang parigp>rnormal()={ my(u1=random(1.),u2=random(1.); sqrt(-2*log(u1))*cos(2*Pi*u1) \\ Could easily be extended with a second normal at very little cost. }; mean(v)={


}; stdev(v,mu="")={


}; histogram(v,bins=16,low=0,high=1)={


}; show(n)={


}; show(10^4)</lang>

For versions before 2.4.3, define <lang parigp>rreal()={

 my(pr=32*ceil(default(realprecision)*log(10)/log(4294967296))); \\ Current precision

};</lang> and use rreal() in place of random(1.).

A PARI implementation: <lang C>GEN rnormal(long prec) { pari_sp ltop = avma; GEN u1, u2, left, right, ret; u1 = randomr(prec); u2 = randomr(prec); left = sqrtr_abs(shiftr(mplog(u1), 1)); right = mpcos(mulrr(shiftr(mppi(prec), 1), u2));

ret = mulrr(left, right); ret = gerepileupto(ltop, ret); return ret; }</lang> Use mpsincos and caching to generate two values at nearly the same cost.

Perl 6

<lang perl6>constant τ = 2 * pi;

sub normdist ($m, $σ) {

   my $r = sqrt -2 * log rand;
   my $Θ = τ * rand;
   $r * cos($Θ) * $σ + $m;


sub MAIN ($size = 100000, $mean = 50, $stddev = 4) {

   my @dataset = normdist($mean,$stddev) xx $size;
   my $m = [+](@dataset) / $size;
   say (:$m);
   my $σ = sqrt [+](@dataset X** 2) / $size - $m**2;
   say (:$σ);
   (my %hash){.round}++ for @dataset;
   my $scale = 180 * $stddev / $size;
   constant @subbar = < ⎸ ▏ ▎ ▍ ▌ ▋ ▊ ▉ █ >;
   for %hash.keys».Int.minmax(+*) -> $i {
       my $x = (%hash{$i} // 0) * $scale;
       my $full = floor $x;
       my $part = 8 * ($x - $full);
       say $i, "\t", '█' x $full, @subbar[$part];


"m" => 50.006107405837142e0
"σ" => 4.0814435639885254e0
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<lang purebasic>Procedure.f randomf(resolution = 2147483647)

 ProcedureReturn Random(resolution) / resolution


Procedure.f normalDist() ;Box Muller method

  ProcedureReturn Sqr(-2 * Log(randomf())) * Cos(2 * #PI * randomf())


Procedure sample(n, nBins = 50)

 Protected i, maxBinValue, binNumber
 Protected.f d, mean, sum, sumSq, mx, mn, range
 Dim dat.f(n)
 For i = 1 To n
   dat(i) = normalDist()
 ;show mean, standard deviation, find max & min.
 mx  = -1000
 mn  =  1000
 sum = 0
 sumSq = 0
 For i = 1 To n
   d = dat(i)
   If d > mx: mx = d: EndIf
   If d < mn: mn = d: EndIf
   sum + d
   sumSq + d * d
 PrintN(Str(n) + " data terms used.")
 PrintN("Largest term was " + StrF(mx) + " & smallest was " + StrF(mn))
 mean = sum / n
 PrintN("Mean = " + StrF(mean))
 PrintN("Stddev = " + StrF((sumSq / n) - Sqr(mean * mean)))
 ;show histogram
 range = mx - mn
 Dim bins(nBins)
 For i = 1 To n
   binNumber = Int(nBins * (dat(i) - mn) / range)
   bins(binNumber) + 1
 maxBinValue = 1
 For i = 0 To nBins
   If bins(i) > maxBinValue
     maxBinValue = bins(i)
 #normalizedMaxValue = 70
 For binNumber = 0 To nBins
   tickMarks = Round(bins(binNumber) * #normalizedMaxValue / maxBinValue, #PB_Round_Nearest)
   PrintN(ReplaceString(Space(tickMarks), " ", "#"))


If OpenConsole()

 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

100000 data terms used.
Largest term was 4.5352029800 & smallest was -4.5405135155
Mean = 0.0012346541
Stddev = 0.9959455132



This uses the external matplotlib package as well as the built-in standardlib function random.gauss. <lang python>from __future__ import division import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random

mean, stddev, size = 50, 4, 100000 data = [random.gauss(mean, stddev) for c in range(size)]

mn = sum(data) / size sd = (sum(x*x for x in data) / size

     - (sum(data) / size) ** 2) ** 0.5

print("Sample mean = %g; Stddev = %g; max = %g; min = %g for %i values"

     % (mn, sd, max(data), min(data), size))


Sample mean = 49.9822; Stddev = 4.00938; max = 66.8091; min = 33.5283 for 100000 values


This shows how one would generate samples from a normal distribution, compute statistics and plot a histogram.

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require math (planet williams/science/histogram-with-graphics))

(define data (sample (normal-dist 50 4) 100000))

(displayln (~a "Mean:\t" (mean data))) (displayln (~a "Stddev:\t" (stddev data))) (displayln (~a "Max:\t" (apply max data))) (displayln (~a "Min:\t" (apply min data)))

(define h (make-histogram-with-ranges-uniform 40 30 70)) (for ([x data]) (histogram-increment! h x)) (histogram-plot h "Normal distribution μ=50 σ=4") </lang>

The other part of the task was to produce normal distributed numbers from a unit distribution. The following code is an implementation of the polar method. It is a slightly modified version of code originally written by Sebastian Egner. <lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require math)

(define random-normal

 (let ([unit (uniform-dist)]
       [next #f])
   (λ (μ σ)
     (if next
           (+ μ (* σ next))
           (set! next #f))
         (let loop ()
           (let* ([v1 (- (* 2.0 (sample unit)) 1.0)]
                  [v2 (- (* 2.0 (sample unit)) 1.0)]
                  [s (+ (sqr v1) (sqr v2))])
             (cond [(>= s 1) (loop)]
                   [else (define scale (sqrt (/ (* -2.0 (log s)) s)))
                         (set! next (* scale v2))
                         (+ μ (* σ scale v1))])))))))



The REXX language doesn't have any "higher math" functions like SIN/COS/LN/LOG/SQRT/POW/etc,
so we hoi polloi programmers have roll our own. <lang rexx>/*REXX pgm gens 10,000 normally distributed #s (Gaussian distribution).*/ parse arg n seed . /*allow specification of N | seed*/ if n== | n==',' then n=10000 /* N is the size of the array. */ if seed\== then call random ,,seed /*use seed for repeatable RANDOM#*/ call pi /*call subroutine to define pi. */

         do g=1  for n                /*generate N uniform random nums.*/
         #.g=sqrt(-2*ln(rand())) * cos(2*pi*rand())
         end   /*g*/

mn=#.1; mx=mn; s=0; ss=0; noise=n*.0005 /*calculate noise: .05%∙N.*/

         do j=1  for n;   _=#.j;   s=s+_;    ss=ss+_*_   /*sum & sum ²s*/
         mn=min(mn,#.j);  mx=max(mx,#.j)                 /*find min/max*/
         end   /*j*/

!.=0 say 'number of data points = ' n say ' minimum =' mn say ' maximum = ' mx say ' arithmetic mean = ' s/n say ' standard deviation = ' sqrt(ss/n - (s/n)**2) r=mx-mn /*used for scaling the histogram.*/ sd=50; sde=sd-4 /*screen depth, effective depth. */ sw=80; swe=sw-1 /*screen width, effective width. */ ?mn=; ?mx=

         do i=1  for n
         ?=trunc( (#.i-mn)/r * sde)
         if ?mn== then do; ?mn=!.j;  ?mx=!.j; end
         end   /*h*/


         do h=0  for sde;                     _=!.h
         if _>noise then say copies('─',trunc(_*f))   /*show histogram.*/
         end   /*h*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────subroutines─────────────────────────*/ e: e=2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669676277240766303535; return e pi: pi=3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862; return pi rand: return random(0,1e5)/1e5 /*REXX gens uniform rand integers*/ r2r: return arg(1)//(2*pi()) sqrt: procedure;parse arg x; if x=0 then return 0; d=digits(); numeric digits 11; g=.sqrtGuess()

       do j=0 while p>9; m.j=p; p=p%2+1; end; do k=j+5 to 0 by -1; if m.k>11 then numeric digits m.k
       g=.5*(g+x/g); end; numeric digits d; return g/1

.sqrtGuess: numeric form; m.=11; p=d+d%4+2

       parse value format(x,2,1,,0) 'E0' with g 'E' _ .; return g*.5'E'_%2

cos: procedure; arg x; x=r2r(x); a=abs(x); numeric fuzz min(9,digits()-9); if a=pi() then return -1

       if a=pi()/2|a=2*pi() then return 0;if a=pi()/3 then return .5;if a=2*pi()/3 then return -.5;return .sincos(1,1,-1)

.sincos:parse arg z,_,i; x=x*x; p=z; do k=2 by 2; _=-_*x/(k*(k+i)); z=z+_; if z=p then leave; p=z; end; return z ln: procedure; parse arg x,f; call e; ig=x>1.5; is=1-2*(ig\==1); ii=0; xx=x; return .ln_comp() .ln_comp: do while ig&xx>1.5|\ig&xx<.5;_=e;do k=-1;iz=xx*_**-is;if k>=0&(ig&iz<1|\ig&iz>.5) then leave;_=_*_;izz=iz;end

       xx=izz;ii=ii+is*2**k;end;x=x*e**-ii-1;z=0;_=-1;p=z;do k=1;_=-_*x;z=z+_/k;if z=p then leave;p=z;end;return z+ii

</lang> output when using the default input

number of data points =  10000
              minimum = -4.16421320
              maximum =  3.90674449
      arithmetic mean =  -0.00429983726
   standard deviation =  0.998221879



<lang sas>data test; n=100000; twopi=2*constant('pi'); do i=1 to n; u=ranuni(0); v=ranuni(0); r=sqrt(-2*log(u)); x=r*cos(twopi*v); y=r*sin(twopi*v); z=rannor(0); output; end; keep x y z;

proc means mean stddev;

proc univariate; histogram /normal;


/* Variable Mean Std Dev

x -0.0052720 0.9988467 y 0.000023995 1.0019996 z 0.0012857 1.0056536

  • /</lang>


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Uses the Box-Muller transform to compute a pair of normal random numbers

proc tcl::mathfunc::nrand {mean stddev} {

   variable savednormalrandom
   if {[info exists savednormalrandom]} {

return [expr {$savednormalrandom*$stddev + $mean}][unset savednormalrandom]

   set r [expr {sqrt(-2*log(rand()))}]
   set theta [expr {2*3.1415927*rand()}]
   set savednormalrandom [expr {$r*sin($theta)}]
   expr {$r*cos($theta)*$stddev + $mean}

} proc stats {size {slotfactor 10}} {

   set sum 0.0
   set sum2 0.0
   for {set i 0} {$i < $size} {incr i} {

set r [expr { nrand(0.5, 0.2) }]

incr histo([expr {int(floor($r*$slotfactor))}]) set sum [expr {$sum + $r}] set sum2 [expr {$sum2 + $r**2}]

   set mean [expr {$sum / $size}]
   set stddev [expr {sqrt($sum2/$size - $mean**2)}]
   puts "$size numbers"
   puts "Mean:   $mean"
   puts "StdDev: $stddev"
   foreach i [lsort -integer [array names histo]] {

puts [string repeat "*" [expr {$histo($i)*350/int($size)}]]



stats 100 puts "" stats 1000 puts "" stats 10000 puts "" stats 100000 20</lang> Sample output:

100 numbers
Mean:   0.49355955990390254
StdDev: 0.19651396178121985

1000 numbers
Mean:   0.5066940614105869
StdDev: 0.2016794788065389


10000 numbers
Mean:   0.49980964730768285
StdDev: 0.1968441612522318


100000 numbers
Mean:   0.49960438950922254
StdDev: 0.20060211160998606


The blank lines in the output are where the number of samples is too small to even merit a single unit on the histogram.