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(added autohotkey implementation)
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MsgBox % sCode := RegExReplace(code,"s)(" . openC . ").*?(" . closeC . ")")</lang>
function subroutine() {
a = b + c ;

Revision as of 10:24, 16 January 2014

Strip block comments
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A block comment begins with a beginning delimiter and ends with a ending delimiter, including the delimiters. These delimiters are often multi-character sequences.

Task: Strip block comments from program text (of a programming language much like classic C). Your demos should at least handle simple, non-nested and multiline block comment delimiters. The beginning delimiter is the two-character sequence “/*” and the ending delimiter is “*/”.

Sample text for stripping:

   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

Extra credit: Ensure that the stripping code is not hard-coded to the particular delimiters described above, but instead allows the caller to specify them. (If your language supports them, optional parameters may be useful for this.)

C.f: Strip comments from a string


strip.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Strings.Fixed; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Command_Line;

procedure Strip is

  use Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
  procedure Print_Usage is
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Usage:");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("   strip <file> [<opening> [<closing>]]");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      file: file to strip");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      opening: string for opening comment");
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("      closing: string for closing comment");
  end Print_Usage;
  Opening_Pattern : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String ("/*");
  Closing_Pattern : Unbounded_String := To_Unbounded_String ("*/");
  Inside_Comment  : Boolean          := False;
  function Strip_Comments (From : String) return String is
     use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
     Opening_Index : Natural;
     Closing_Index : Natural;
     Start_Index   : Natural := From'First;
     if Inside_Comment then
        Start_Index :=
           Index (Source => From, Pattern => To_String (Closing_Pattern));
        if Start_Index < From'First then
           return "";
        end if;
        Inside_Comment := False;
        Start_Index    := Start_Index + Length (Closing_Pattern);
     end if;
     Opening_Index :=
          (Source  => From,
           Pattern => To_String (Opening_Pattern),
           From    => Start_Index);
     if Opening_Index < From'First then
        return From (Start_Index .. From'Last);
        Closing_Index :=
             (Source  => From,
              Pattern => To_String (Closing_Pattern),
              From    => Opening_Index + Length (Opening_Pattern));
        if Closing_Index > 0 then
           return From (Start_Index .. Opening_Index - 1) &
                     (From (
              Closing_Index + Length (Closing_Pattern) .. From'Last));
           Inside_Comment := True;
           return From (Start_Index .. Opening_Index - 1);
        end if;
     end if;
  end Strip_Comments;
  File : Ada.Text_IO.File_Type;


  if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count < 1
    or else Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 3
  end if;
  if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 1 then
     Opening_Pattern := To_Unbounded_String (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (2));
     if Ada.Command_Line.Argument_Count > 2 then
        Closing_Pattern :=
           To_Unbounded_String (Ada.Command_Line.Argument (3));
        Closing_Pattern := Opening_Pattern;
     end if;
  end if;
    (File => File,
     Mode => Ada.Text_IO.In_File,
     Name => Ada.Command_Line.Argument (1));
  while not Ada.Text_IO.End_Of_File (File => File) loop
        Line : constant String := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line (File);
        Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Strip_Comments (Line));
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Close (File => File);

end Strip;</lang> output:


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;


    function something() {


<lang AutoHotkey>code = (

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {


Open-Close Comment delimiters

openC:="/*" closeC:="*/"

Make it "Regex-Safe"

openC:=RegExReplace(openC,"(\*|\^|\?|\\|\+|\.|\!|\{|\}|\[|\]|\$|\|)","\$0") closeC:=RegExReplace(closeC,"(\*|\^|\?|\\|\+|\.|\!|\{|\}|\[|\]|\$|\|)","\$0")

Display final result

MsgBox % sCode := RegExReplace(code,"s)(" . openC . ").*?(" . closeC . ")")</lang>

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang bbcbasic> infile$ = "C:\sample.c"

     outfile$ = "C:\stripped.c"
     PROCstripblockcomments(infile$, outfile$, "/*", "*/")
     DEF PROCstripblockcomments(infile$, outfile$, start$, finish$)
     LOCAL infile%, outfile%, comment%, test%, A$
     infile% = OPENIN(infile$)
     IF infile%=0 ERROR 100, "Could not open input file"
     outfile% = OPENOUT(outfile$)
     IF outfile%=0 ERROR 100, "Could not open output file"
     WHILE NOT EOF#infile%
       A$ = GET$#infile% TO 10
         IF comment% THEN
           test% = INSTR(A$, finish$)
           IF test% THEN
             A$ = MID$(A$, test% + LEN(finish$))
             comment% = FALSE
           test% = INSTR(A$, start$)
           IF test% THEN
             BPUT#outfile%, LEFT$(A$, test%-1);
             A$ = MID$(A$, test% + LEN(start$))
             comment% = TRUE
       UNTIL test%=0
       IF NOT comment% BPUT#outfile%, A$
     CLOSE #infile%
     CLOSE #outfile%

Output file:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <string.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>

const char *ca = "/*", *cb = "*/"; int al = 2, bl = 2;

char *loadfile(const char *fn) {

   FILE *f = fopen(fn, "rb");
   int l;
   char *s;
   if (f != NULL) {

fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); l = ftell(f); s = malloc(l+1); rewind(f); if (s) fread(s, 1, l, f); fclose(f);

   return s;


void stripcomments(char *s) {

   char *a, *b;
   int len = strlen(s) + 1;
   while ((a = strstr(s, ca)) != NULL) {

b = strstr(a+al, cb); if (b == NULL) break; b += bl; memmove(a, b, len-(b-a));



int main(int argc, char **argv) {

   const char *fn = "input.txt";
   char *s;
   if (argc >= 2)

fn = argv[1];

   s = loadfile(fn);
   if (argc == 4) {

al = strlen(ca = argv[2]); bl = strlen(cb = argv[3]);

   return 0;



Specify an input file via the first command line argument, and optionally specify comment opening and closing delimiters with the next two args, or defaults of /* and */ are assumed.


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang cpp>#include <string>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <iterator>
  3. include <fstream>
  4. include <boost/regex.hpp>

int main( ) {

   std::ifstream codeFile( "samplecode.txt" ) ;
   if ( codeFile ) {
      boost::regex commentre( "/\\*.*?\\*/" ) ;//comment start and end, and as few characters in between as possible
      std::string my_erase( "" ) ;             //erase them
      std::string stripped ;
      std::string code( (std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( codeFile ) ) ,

std::istreambuf_iterator<char>( ) ) ;

      codeFile.close( ) ;
      stripped = boost::regex_replace( code , commentre , my_erase ) ;
      std::cout << "Code unstripped:\n" << stripped << std::endl ;
      return 0 ;
   else {
      std::cout << "Could not find code file!" << std::endl ;
      return 1 ;

}</lang> Output:

Code unstripped:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang Csharp>using System;

   class Program
       private static string BlockCommentStrip(string commentStart, string commentEnd, string sampleText)
           while (sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart) > -1 && sampleText.IndexOf(commentEnd, sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart) + commentStart.Length) > -1)
               int start = sampleText.IndexOf(commentStart);
               int end = sampleText.IndexOf(commentEnd, start + commentStart.Length);
               sampleText = sampleText.Remove(
                   (end + commentEnd.Length) - start
           return sampleText;


<lang Clojure>(defn comment-strip [txt & args]

 (let [args (conj {:delim ["/*" "*/"]} (apply hash-map args)) ; This is the standard way of doing keyword/optional arguments in Clojure

[opener closer] (:delim args)]

   (loop [out "", txt txt, delim-count 0] ; delim-count is needed to handle nested comments
     (let [[hdtxt resttxt] (split-at (count opener) txt)] ; This splits "/* blah blah */" into hdtxt="/*" and restxt="blah blah */"	

(printf "hdtxt=%8s resttxt=%8s out=%8s txt=%16s delim-count=%s\n" (apply str hdtxt) (apply str resttxt) out (apply str txt) delim-count) (cond (empty? hdtxt) (str out (apply str txt)) (= (apply str hdtxt) opener) (recur out resttxt (inc delim-count)) (= (apply str hdtxt) closer) (recur out resttxt (dec delim-count)) (= delim-count 0)(recur (str out (first txt)) (rest txt) delim-count) true (recur out (rest txt) delim-count))))))</lang>

user> (comment-strip "This /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text")
hdtxt=      Th resttxt=is /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=         txt=This /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      hi resttxt=s /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=       T txt=his /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      is resttxt= /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=      Th txt=is /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      s  resttxt=/* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=     Thi txt=s /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=    This txt= /* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=/* is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       i resttxt=s */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      is resttxt= */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=is */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      s  resttxt=*/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=s */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= */ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt=*/ some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       s resttxt=ome /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=   This  txt= some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      so resttxt=me /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=  This   txt=some /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      om resttxt=e /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out= This  s txt=ome /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      me resttxt= /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  so txt=me /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      e  resttxt=/* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  som txt=e /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some txt= /* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= /* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=0
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= /* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= /* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       / resttxt=* */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= /* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      /* resttxt= */ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=/* */ funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= */ funny */ */ text delim-count=3
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= funny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=*/ funny */ */ text delim-count=3
hdtxt=       f resttxt=unny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      fu resttxt=nny */ */ text out=This  some  txt=funny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      un resttxt=ny */ */ text out=This  some  txt= unny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      nn resttxt=y */ */ text out=This  some  txt=  nny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      ny resttxt= */ */ text out=This  some  txt=   ny */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      y  resttxt=*/ */ text out=This  some  txt=    y */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=/ */ text out=This  some  txt=      */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=      */ resttxt= */ text out=This  some  txt=      */ */ text delim-count=2
hdtxt=       * resttxt=  / text out=This  some  txt=         */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=      */ resttxt=    text out=This  some  txt=         */ text delim-count=1
hdtxt=       t resttxt=     ext out=This  some  txt=            text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      te resttxt=      xt out=This  some   txt=            text delim-count=0
hdtxt=      ex resttxt=       t out=This  some  t txt=             ext delim-count=0
hdtxt=      xt resttxt=         out=This  some  te txt=              xt delim-count=0
hdtxt=       t resttxt=         out=This  some  tex txt=               t delim-count=0
hdtxt=         resttxt=         out=This  some  text txt=                 delim-count=0
"This  some  text"


<lang d>import std.algorithm, std.regex;

string[2] separateComments(in string txt,

                          in string cpat0, in string cpat1) {
   int[2] plen; // to handle /*/
   int i, j; // cursors
   bool inside; // is inside comment?
   // pre-compute regex here if desired
   //auto r0 = regex(cpat0);
   //auto r1 = regex(cpat1);
   //enum rct = ctRegex!(r"\n|\r");
   bool advCursor() {
       auto mo = match(txt[i .. $], inside ? cpat1 : cpat0);
       if (mo.empty)
           return false;
       plen[inside] = max(0, plen[inside], mo.front[0].length);
       j = i + mo.pre.length; // got comment head
       if (inside)
           j += mo.front[0].length; // or comment tail
       // special adjust for \n\r
       if (!match(mo.front[0], r"\n|\r").empty)
       return true;
   string[2] result;
   while (true) {
       if (!advCursor())
       result[inside] ~= txt[i .. j]; // save slice of result
       // handle /*/ pattern
       if (inside && (j - i < plen[0] + plen[1])) {
           i = j;
           if (!advCursor())
           result[inside] ~= txt[i .. j]; // save result again
       i = j; // advance cursor
       inside = !inside; // toggle search type
   if (inside)
       throw new Exception("Mismatched Comment");
   result[inside] ~= txt[i .. $]; // save rest(non-comment)
   return result;


void main() {

   import std.stdio;
   static void showResults(in string e, in string[2] pair) {
       writeln("===Original text:\n", e);
       writeln("\n\n===Text without comments:\n", pair[0]);
       writeln("\n\n===The stripped comments:\n", pair[1]);
   // First example ------------------------------
   immutable ex1 = `  /**
  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {
   showResults(ex1, separateComments(ex1, `/\*`, `\*/`));
   // Second example ------------------------------
   immutable ex2 = "apples, pears # and bananas

apples, pears; and bananas "; // test for line comment

   showResults(ex2, separateComments(ex2, `#|;`, `[\n\r]|$`));


===Original text:
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

===Text without comments:
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

===The stripped comments:
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   *//* inline comment *//*/ <-- tricky comments *//**
    * Another comment.

===Original text:
apples, pears # and bananas
apples, pears; and bananas 

===Text without comments:
apples, pears 
apples, pears

===The stripped comments:
# and bananas; and bananas 


Using .NET's regex counter feature to match nested comments. If comments here are nested, they have to be correctly balanced. <lang fsharp>open System open System.Text.RegularExpressions

let balancedComments opening closing =

   new Regex(

{0} # An outer opening delimiter

   (?>                   # efficiency: no backtracking here
       {0} (?<LEVEL>)    # An opening delimiter, one level down
       {1} (?<-LEVEL>)   # A closing delimiter, one level up
       (?! {0} | {1} ) . # With negative lookahead: Anything but delimiters
   )*                    # As many times as we see these
   (?(LEVEL)(?!))        # Fail, unless on level 0 here

{1} # Outer closing delimiter """, Regex.Escape(opening), Regex.Escape(closing)),

       RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace ||| RegexOptions.Singleline)

[<EntryPoint>] let main args =

   let sample = """
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   * /* nested balanced
   */ */
   function something() {
   let balancedC = balancedComments "/*" "*/"
   printfn "%s" (balancedC.Replace(sample, ""))


    function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


For the extra credit: No optional parameters in Go, but documented below is an efficient technique for letting the caller specify the delimiters. <lang go>package main

import (



// idiomatic to name a function newX that allocates an object, initializes it, // and returns it ready to use. the object in this case is a closure. func newStripper(start, end string) func(string) string {

   // default to c-style block comments
   if start == "" || end == "" {
       start, end = "/*", "*/"
   // closes on variables start, end.
   return func(source string) string {
       for {
           cs := strings.Index(source, start)
           if cs < 0 {
           ce := strings.Index(source[cs+2:], end)
           if ce < 0 {
           source = source[:cs] + source[cs+ce+4:]
       return source


func main() {

   // idiomatic is that zero values indicate to use meaningful defaults
   stripC := newStripper("", "")
   // strip function now defined and can be called any number of times
   // without respecifying delimiters
   fmt.Println(stripC(`  /**
  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {



<lang groovy>def code = """

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {


println ((code =~ "(?:/\\*(?:[^*]|(?:\\*+[^*/]))*\\*+/)|(?://.*)").replaceAll())</lang>


Comment delimiters can be changed by calling stripComments with different start and end parameters. <lang Haskell>import Data.List

stripComments :: String -> String -> String -> String stripComments start end = notComment

   where notComment :: String -> String
         notComment "" = ""
         notComment xs
           | start `isPrefixOf` xs = inComment $ drop (length start) xs
           | otherwise             = head xs:(notComment $ tail xs)
         inComment :: String -> String
         inComment "" = ""
         inComment xs
           | end `isPrefixOf` xs = notComment $ drop (length end) xs
           | otherwise           = inComment $ tail xs

main = interact (stripComments "/*" "*/")</lang> Output:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

Icon and Unicon

If one is willing to concede that the program file will fit in memory, then the following code works: <lang Icon>procedure main()

  every (unstripped := "") ||:= !&input || "\n"   # Load file as one string


procedure stripBlockComment(s1,s2,s3) #: strip comments between s2-s3 from s1

  result := ""
  s1 ? {
     while result ||:= tab(find(s2)) do {
        tab(find(s3)|0)   # or end of string 
     return result || tab(0)

end</lang> Otherwise, the following handles an arbitrary length input: <lang Icon>procedure main()

  every writes(stripBlockComment(!&input,"/*","*/"))


procedure stripBlockComment(s,s2,s3)

   static inC          # non-null when inside comment
   (s||"\n") ?  while not pos(0) do {
           if /inC then 
               if inC := 1(tab(find(s2))\1, move(*s2)) then suspend inC
               else return tab(0)
           else if (tab(find(s3))\1,move(*s3)) then inC := &null
           else fail



<lang j>strip=:#~1 0 _1*./@:(|."0 1)2>4{"1(5;(0,"0~".;._2]0 :0);'/*'i.a.)&;:

 1 0 0
 0 2 0
 2 3 2
 0 2 2

)</lang> Example data: <lang j>example=: 0 :0

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {

)</lang> Example use: <lang j> strip example

  function subroutine() {
   a =  b + c ;

   function something() {

Here is a version which allows the delimiters to be passed as an optional left argument as a pair of strings: <lang j>stripp=:3 :0

 ('/*';'*/') stripp y
 'open close'=. x
 marks=. (+./(-i._1+#open,close)|."0 1 open E. y) - close E.&.|. y
 y #~  -. (+._1&|.) (1 <. 0 >. +)/\.&.|. marks



<lang java>import*;

public class StripBlockComments{

   public static String readFile(String filename) {

BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filename)); try { StringBuilder fileContents = new StringBuilder(); char[] buffer = new char[4096]; while (, 0, 4096) > 0) { fileContents.append(buffer); } return fileContents.toString(); } finally { reader.close(); }

   public static String stripComments(String beginToken, String endToken,

String input) { StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { int begin = input.indexOf(beginToken); int end = input.indexOf(endToken, begin+beginToken.length()); if (begin == -1 || end == -1) { output.append(input); return output.toString(); } output.append(input.substring(0, begin)); input = input.substring(end + endToken.length()); }

   public static void main(String[] args) {

if (args.length < 3) { System.out.println("Usage: BeginToken EndToken FileToProcess"); System.exit(1); }

String begin = args[0]; String end = args[1]; String input = args[2];

try { System.out.println(stripComments(begin, end, readFile(input))); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(1); }



Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>global CRLF$ CRLF$ =chr$( 13) +chr$( 10)

sample$ =" /**"+CRLF$+_ " * Some comments"+CRLF$+_ " * longer comments here that we can parse."+CRLF$+_ " *"+CRLF$+_ " * Rahoo "+CRLF$+_ " */"+CRLF$+_ " function subroutine() {"+CRLF$+_ " a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;"+CRLF$+_ " }"+CRLF$+_ " /*/ <-- tricky comments */"+CRLF$+_ ""+CRLF$+_ " /**"+CRLF$+_ " * Another comment."+CRLF$+_ " */"+CRLF$+_ " function something() {"+CRLF$+_ " }"+CRLF$

startDelim$ ="/*" finishDelim$ ="*/"

print "________________________________" print sample$ print "________________________________" print blockStripped$( sample$, startDelim$, finishDelim$) print "________________________________"


function blockStripped$( in$, s$, f$)

   for i =1 to len( in$) -len( s$)
       if mid$( in$, i, len( s$)) =s$ then
           i =i +len( s$)
               if mid$( in$, i, 2) =CRLF$ then blockStripped$ =blockStripped$ +CRLF$
               i =i +1
           loop until ( mid$( in$, i, len( f$)) =f$) or ( i =len( in$) -len( f$))
           i =i +len( f$) -1
           blockStripped$ =blockStripped$ +mid$( in$, i, 1)
       end if
   next i

end function</lang>

function subroutine() {
a = b + c ;

function something() {



It is assumed, that the code is in the file "Text1.txt". <lang lua>filename = "Text1.txt"

fp = filename, "r" ) str = fp:read( "*all" ) fp:close()

stripped = string.gsub( str, "/%*.-%*/", "" ) print( stripped )</lang>


<lang Mathematica>StringReplace[a,"/*"~~Shortest[___]~~"*/" -> ""]


  function subroutine() {
   a =  b + c ;

   function something() {

MATLAB / Octave

<lang Matlab>function str = stripblockcomment(str,startmarker,endmarker)

     ix1 = strfind(str, startmarker);
     if isempty(ix1) return; end;
     ix2 = strfind(str(ix1+length(startmarker):end),endmarker);
     if isempty(ix2) 
        str = str(1:ix1(1)-1);
        str = [str(1:ix1(1)-1),str(ix1(1)+ix2(1)+length(endmarker)+1:end)];

end;</lang> Output:

>>t = '  /**\n   * Some comments\n   * longer comments here that we can parse.\n   *\n   * Rahoo \n   */\n   function subroutine() {\n    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;\n   }\n   /*/ <-- tricky comments */\n\n   /**\n    * Another comment.\n    */\n    function something() {\n    }\n'
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo 
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {
   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang Perl>#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict ; use warnings ;

open( FH , "<" , "samplecode.txt" ) or die "Can't open file!$!\n" ; my $code = "" ; {

  local $/ ;
  $code = <FH> ; #slurp mode

} close FH ; $code =~ s,/\*.*?\*/,,sg ; print $code . "\n" ;</lang> Output:

function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

Perl 6

<lang perl6>sample().split(/ '/*' .+? '*/' /).print;

sub sample { ' /**

   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */
    * Another comment.
   function something() {

'}</lang> Output:

    function subroutine() {
     a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang PicoLisp>(in "sample.txt"

  (while (echo "/*")
     (out "/dev/null" (echo "*/")) ) )</lang>


   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang PL/I>/* A program to remove comments from text. */ strip: procedure options (main); /* 8/1/2011 */

  declare text character (80) varying;
  declare (j, k) fixed binary;
  on endfile (sysin) stop;
  do forever;
     get edit (text) (L);
     do until (k = 0);
        k = index(text, '/*');
        if k > 0 then /* we have a start of comment. */
              /* Look for end of comment. */
              j = index(text, '*/', k+2);
              if j > 0 then
                    text = substr(text, 1, k-1) ||
                           substr(text, j+2, length(text)-(j+2)+1);
                 do; /* The comment continues onto the next line. */
                    put skip list ( substr(text, 1, k-1) );

more: get edit (text) (L);

                    j = index(text, '*/');
                    if j = 0 then do; put skip; go to more; end;
                    text = substr(text, j+2, length(text) - (j+2) + 1);
     put skip list (text);

end strip;</lang>


Solution using regular expressions. A procedure to stripBlocks() procedure is defined that will strip comments between any two delimeters. <lang PureBasic>Procedure.s escapeChars(text.s)

 Static specialChars.s = "[\^$.|?*+()"
 Protected output.s, nextChar.s, i, countChar = Len(text)
 For i = 1 To countChar
   nextChar = Mid(text, i, 1)
   If FindString(specialChars, nextChar, 1)
     output + "\" + nextChar
     output + nextChar
 ProcedureReturn output


Procedure.s stripBlocks(text.s, first.s, last.s)

 Protected delimter_1.s = escapeChars(first), delimter_2.s = escapeChars(last)
 Protected expNum = CreateRegularExpression(#PB_Any, delimter_1 + ".*?" + delimter_2, #PB_RegularExpression_DotAll)
 Protected output.s = ReplaceRegularExpression(expNum, text, "")
 ProcedureReturn output


Define source.s source.s = " /**" + #CRLF$ source.s + " * Some comments" + #CRLF$ source.s + " * longer comments here that we can parse." + #CRLF$ source.s + " *" + #CRLF$ source.s + " * Rahoo " + #CRLF$ source.s + " */" + #CRLF$ source.s + " function subroutine() {" + #CRLF$ source.s + " a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;" + #CRLF$ source.s + " }" + #CRLF$ source.s + " /*/ <-- tricky comments */" + #CRLF$ source.s + "" + #CRLF$ source.s + " /**" + #CRLF$ source.s + " * Another comment." + #CRLF$ source.s + " */" + #CRLF$ source.s + " function something() {" + #CRLF$ source.s + " }" + #CRLF$

If OpenConsole()

 PrintN("--- source ---")
 PrintN("--- source with block comments between '/*' and '*/' removed ---")
 PrintN(stripBlocks(source, "/*", "*/"))
 PrintN("--- source with block comments between '*' and '*' removed ---")
 PrintN(stripBlocks(source, "*", "*"))
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

--- source ---
   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {

--- source with block comments between '/*' and '*/' removed ---

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

--- source with block comments between '*' and '*' removed ---
    longer comments here that we can parse.
    inline comment / <-- tricky comments  Another comment.
    function something() {


The code has comment delimeters as an argument and will also strip nested block comments. <lang python>def _commentstripper(txt, delim):

   'Strips first nest of block comments'
   deliml, delimr = delim
   out = 
   if deliml in txt:
       indx = txt.index(deliml)
       out += txt[:indx]
       txt = txt[indx+len(deliml):]
       txt = _commentstripper(txt, delim)
       assert delimr in txt, 'Cannot find closing comment delimiter in ' + txt
       indx = txt.index(delimr)
       out += txt[(indx+len(delimr)):]
       out = txt
   return out

def commentstripper(txt, delim=('/*', '*/')):

   'Strips nests of block comments'
   deliml, delimr = delim
   while deliml in txt:
       txt = _commentstripper(txt, delim)
   return txt</lang>
Tests and sample output

<lang python>def test():

   sample =   /**
  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {
   sample =   /**
  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {

if __name__ == '__main__':

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {

    function something() {


<lang Racket>

  1. lang at-exp racket
default delimiters (strings -- not regexps)

(define comment-start-str "/*") (define comment-end-str "*/")

(define (strip-comments text [rx1 comment-start-str] [rx2 comment-end-str])

 (regexp-replace* (~a (regexp-quote rx1) ".*?" (regexp-quote rx2))
                  text ""))

((compose1 displayln strip-comments)

     * Some comments
     * longer comments here that we can parse.
     * Rahoo
     function subroutine() {
      a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
     /*/ <-- tricky comments */
      * Another comment.
      function something() {


(Outputs the expected text...)


<lang rexx>/* REXX ***************************************************************

  • Split comments
  • This program ignores comment delimiters within literal strings
  • such as, e.g., in b = "--' O'Connor's widow --";
  • it does not (yet) take care of -- comments (ignore rest of line)
  • also it does not take care of say 667/*yuppers*/77 (REXX specialty)
  • courtesy GS discussion!
  • 12.07.2013 Walter Pachl
                                                                                                                                            • /

fid='in.txt' /* input text */ oic='oc.txt'; 'erase' oic /* will contain comments */ oip='op.txt'; 'erase' oip /* will contain program parts */ oim='om.txt'; 'erase' oim /* oc.txt merged with op.txt */ cmt=0 /* comment nesting */ str= /* ' or " when in a string */ Do ri=1 By 1 While lines(fid)>0 /* loop over input */

 l=linein(fid)                        /* an input line              */
 oc=                                /* initialize line for oc.txt */
 op=                                /* initialize line for op.txt */
 i=1                                  /* start at first character   */
 Do While i<=length(l)                /* loop through input line    */
   If cmt=0 Then Do                   /* we are not in a comment    */
     If str<> Then Do               /* we are in a string         */
       If substr(l,i,1)=str Then Do   /* string character           */
         If substr(l,i+1,1)=str Then Do /* another one              */
           Call app 'P',substr(l,i,2) /* add  or "" to op         */
           i=i+2                      /* increase input pointer     */
           Iterate                    /* proceed in input line      */
         Else Do                      /* end of literal string      */
           Call app 'P',substr(l,i,1) /* add ' or " to op           */
           str=' '                    /* no longer in string        */
           i=i+1                      /* increase input pointer     */
           Iterate                    /* proceed in input line      */
     When str= &,                   /* not in a string            */
          substr(l,i,2)='/*' Then Do  /* start of comment           */
       cmt=cmt+1                      /* increase commenr nesting   */
       Call app 'C','/*'              /* copy to oc                 */
       i=i+2                          /* increase input pointer     */
     When cmt=0 Then Do               /* not in a comment           */
       If str=' ' Then Do             /* not in a string            */
         If pos(substr(l,i,1),"')>0 Then /* string delimiter     */
           str=substr(l,i,1)          /* remember that              */
       Call app 'P',substr(l,i,1)     /* copy to op                 */
       i=i+1                          /* increase input pointer     */
     When substr(l,i,2)='*/' Then Do  /* end of comment             */
       cmt=cmt-1                      /* decrement nesting depth    */
       Call app 'C','*/'              /* copy to oc                 */
       i=i+2                          /* increase input pointer     */
     Otherwise Do                     /* any other character        */
       Call app 'C',substr(l,i,1)     /* copy to oc                 */
       i=i+1                          /* increase input pointer     */
 Call oc                              /* Write line oc              */
 Call op                              /* Write line op              */

Call lineout oic /* Close File oic */ Call lineout oip /* Close File oip */

Do ri=1 To ri-1 /* merge program with comments*/

 Do i=1 To length(oc)
   If substr(oc,i,1)<> Then
 Call lineout oim,op

Call lineout oic Call lineout oip Call lineout oim Exit

app: Parse Arg which,string /* add str to oc or op */ /* and corresponding blanks to the other (op or oc) */ If which='C' Then Do

 op=op||copies(' ',length(string))

Else Do

 oc=oc||copies(' ',length(string))


oc: Return lineout(oic,oc) op: Return lineout(oip,op)</lang> Input:

   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo
   function subroutine() {
    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
    b = "*/' O'Connor's widow /*";
   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.
    function something() {


   function subroutine() {
    a =                      b + c ;
    b = "*/' O'Connor's widow /*";

    function something() {


   * Some comments
   * longer comments here that we can parse.
   * Rahoo

        /* inline comment */

   /*/ <-- tricky comments */

    * Another comment.



<lang ruby>def remove_comments!(str, comment_start='/*', comment_end='*/')

 while start_idx = str.index(comment_start) 
   end_idx = str.index(comment_end, start_idx + comment_start.length) + comment_end.length - 1
   str[start_idx .. end_idx] = "" 


def remove_comments(str, comment_start='/*', comment_end='*/')

 remove_comments!(str.dup, comment_start, comment_end)


example = <<END_OF_STRING

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {


puts remove_comments example</lang> outputs

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


The function replace2 can be used to replace unnested comments.

<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func

   const string: stri is "\
       \  /**\n\
       \   * Some comments\n\
       \   * longer comments here that we can parse.\n\
       \   *\n\
       \   * Rahoo\n\
       \   */\n\
       \   function subroutine() {\n\
       \    a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;\n\
       \   }\n\
       \   /*/ <-- tricky comments */\n\
       \   /**\n\
       \    * Another comment.\n\
       \    */\n\
       \    function something() {\n\
       \    }";
   writeln(replace2(stri, "/*", "*/", " "));
 end func;</lang>


   function subroutine() {
    a =   b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang tcl>proc stripBlockComment {string {openDelimiter "/*"} {closeDelimiter "*/"}} {

   # Convert the delimiters to REs by backslashing all non-alnum characters
   set openAsRE [regsub -all {\W} $openDelimiter {\\&}]
   set closeAsRE [regsub -all {\W} $closeDelimiter {\\&}]
   # Now remove the blocks using a dynamic non-greedy regular expression
   regsub -all "$openAsRE.*?$closeAsRE" $string ""

}</lang> Demonstration code: <lang tcl>puts [stripBlockComment " /**

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo 
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {

"]</lang> Output:

   function subroutine() {
    a =  b + c ;

    function something() {


<lang tuscript> $$ MODE DATA $$ script=*

  * Some comments
  * longer comments here that we can parse.
  * Rahoo
  function subroutine() {
   a = /* inline comment */ b + c ;
  /*/ <-- tricky comments  */
   * Another comment.
   function something() {

$$ MODE TUSCRIPT ERROR/STOP CREATE ("testfile",SEQ-E,-std-) ERROR/STOP CREATE ("destfile",SEQ-E,-std-) FILE "testfile" = script BUILD S_TABLE commentbeg=":/*:" BUILD S_TABLE commentend=":*/:"

ACCESS t: READ/STREAM "testfile" s.z/u,a/commentbeg+t+e/commentend,typ ACCESS d: WRITE/STREAM "destfile" s.z/u,a+t+e LOOP READ/EXIT t IF (typ==3) CYCLE t=SQUEEZE(t) WRITE/ADJUST d ENDLOOP ENDACCESS/PRINT t ENDACCESS/PRINT d d=FILE("destfile") TRACE *d </lang> Output:

TRACE *    38    -*TUSTEP.EDT
d            = *
           1 =
           2 = function subroutine() { a =
           3 = b + c ; }
           4 =
           5 = function something() { }