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(→‎{{header|Ada}}: move 165-loop into initialize routine)
(→‎{{header|Ada}}: shorten main procedure)
Line 39: Line 39:
<lang Ada>package Subtractive_Generator is
<lang Ada>package Subtractive_Generator is
type State is private;
type State is private;
type Number_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Natural;
procedure Initialize (Generator : in out State; Seed : Natural);
procedure Initialize (Generator : in out State; Seed : Natural);
procedure Next (Generator : in out State; N : out Natural);
procedure Next (Generator : in out State; N : out Natural);
type Number_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Natural;
type State is record
type State is record
R : Number_Array (0 .. 54);
R : Number_Array (0 .. 54);
Line 69: Line 69:
Generator.Last := 54;
Generator.Last := 54;
for I in 1 .. 165 loop
for I in 1 .. 165 loop
Subtractive_Generator.Next (Generator => Generator,
Subtractive_Generator.Next (Generator => Generator, N => J);
N => J);
end loop;
end loop;
end Initialize;
end Initialize;
Line 91: Line 90:
procedure Main is
procedure Main is
Random : Subtractive_Generator.State;
Random : Subtractive_Generator.State;
N : Natural;
Result : Subtractive_Generator.Number_Array (220 .. 275);
Subtractive_Generator.Initialize (Generator => Random,
Subtractive_Generator.Initialize (Generator => Random,
Seed => 292929);
Seed => 292929);
for I in Result'Range loop
Subtractive_Generator.Next (Generator => Random,
N => Result (I));
end loop;
for I in 220 .. 222 loop
for I in 220 .. 222 loop
Subtractive_Generator.Next (Generator => Random, N => N);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Integer'Image (I) & ":" & Integer'Image (Result (I)));
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Integer'Image (I) & ":" & Integer'Image (N));
end loop;
end loop;
end Main;</lang>
end Main;</lang>

Revision as of 15:13, 16 February 2012

Subtractive generator
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

A subtractive generator calculates a sequence of random numbers, where each number is congruent to the subtraction of two previous numbers from the sequence. The formula is

for some fixed values of , and , all positive integers. Supposing that , then the state of this generator is the list of the previous numbers from to . Many states generate uniform random integers from to Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle m - 1} , but some states are bad. A state, filled with zeros, generates only zeros. If Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle m} is even, then a state, filled with even numbers, generates only even numbers. More generally, if Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle f} is a factor of Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle m} , then a state, filled with multiples of Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle f} , generates only multiples of Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle f} .

All subtractive generators have some weaknesses. The formula correlates Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle r_n} , Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle r_{(n - i)}} and Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle r_{(n - j)}} ; these three numbers are not independent, as true random numbers would be. Anyone who observes Failed to parse (SVG (MathML can be enabled via browser plugin): Invalid response ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.") from server "":): {\displaystyle i} consecutive numbers can predict the next numbers, so the generator is not cryptographically secure. The authors of Freeciv (utility/rand.c) and xpat2 (src/testit2.c) knew another problem: the low bits are less random than the high bits.

The subtractive generator has a better reputation than the linear congruential generator, perhaps because it holds more state. A subtractive generator might never multiply numbers: this helps where multiplication is slow. A subtractive generator might also avoid division: the value of is always between and , so a program only needs to add to negative numbers.

The choice of and affects the period of the generator. A popular choice is and , so the formula is

The subtractive generator from xpat2 uses

The implementation is by J. Bentley and comes from program_tools/universal.c of the DIMACS (netflow) archive at Rutgers University. It credits Knuth, TAOCP, Volume 2, Section 3.2.2 (Algorithm A).

Bentley uses this clever algorithm to seed the generator.

  1. Start with a single in range to .
  2. Set and . The inclusion of avoids some bad states (like all zeros, or all multiples of 10).
  3. Compute using the subtractive formula .
  4. Reorder these 55 values so , , , ..., .
    • This is the same order as , , , ..., .
    • This rearrangement exploits how 34 and 55 are relatively prime.
  5. Compute the next 165 values to . Store the last 55 values.

This generator yields the sequence , , and so on. For example, if the seed is 292929, then the sequence begins with , , . By starting at , this generator avoids a bias from the first numbers of the sequence. This generator must store the last 55 numbers of the sequence, so to compute the next . Any array or list would work; a ring buffer is ideal but not necessary.

Implement a subtractive generator that replicates the sequences from xpat2.

Ada <lang Ada>package Subtractive_Generator is

  type State is private;
  procedure Initialize (Generator : in out State; Seed : Natural);
  procedure Next (Generator : in out State; N : out Natural);


  type Number_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Natural;
  type State is record
     R    : Number_Array (0 .. 54);
     Last : Natural;
  end record;

end Subtractive_Generator;</lang>

subtractive_generator.adb: <lang Ada>package body Subtractive_Generator is

  procedure Initialize (Generator : in out State; Seed : Natural) is
     S : Number_Array (0 .. 1);
     I : Natural := 0;
     J : Natural := 1;
     S (0) := Seed;
     S (1) := 1;
     Generator.R (54) := S (0);
     Generator.R (33) := S (1);
     for N in 2 .. Generator.R'Last loop
        S (I) := (S (I) - S (J)) mod 10 ** 9;
        Generator.R ((34 * N - 1) mod 55) := S (I);
        I := (I + 1) mod 2;
        J := (J + 1) mod 2;
     end loop;
     Generator.Last := 54;
     for I in 1 .. 165 loop
        Subtractive_Generator.Next (Generator => Generator, N => J);
     end loop;
  end Initialize;
  procedure Next (Generator : in out State; N : out Natural) is
     Generator.Last := (Generator.Last + 1) mod 55;
     Generator.R (Generator.Last) :=
       (Generator.R (Generator.Last)
        - Generator.R ((Generator.Last - 24) mod 55)) mod 10 ** 9;
     N := Generator.R (Generator.Last);
  end Next;

end Subtractive_Generator;</lang>

Example main.adb: <lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; with Subtractive_Generator;

procedure Main is

  Random : Subtractive_Generator.State;
  N      : Natural;


  Subtractive_Generator.Initialize (Generator => Random,
                                    Seed      => 292929);
  for I in 220 .. 222 loop
     Subtractive_Generator.Next (Generator => Random, N => N);
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Integer'Image (I) & ":" & Integer'Image (N));
  end loop;

end Main;</lang>


 220: 467478574
 221: 512932792
 222: 539453717


This is a translation of the C example.

<lang bracmat> 1000000000:?MOD; tbl$(state,55); 0:?si:?sj;



. 1:?p2

 & mod$(!arg,!MOD):?(0$?state)
 & 1:?i
 & 21:?j
 &   whl
   ' ( !i:<55
     & (!j:~<55&!j+-55:?j|)
     & !p2:?(!j$?state)
     & (   !arg+-1*!p2:?p2:<0
         & !p2+!MOD:?p2
     & !(!j$state):?arg
     & !i+1:?i
     & !j+21:?j
 & 0:?s1:?i
 & 24:?sj
 &   whl
   ' ( !i:<165
     & subrand$
     & !i+1:?i



. (!si:!sj&subrand-seed$0|)

 & (!si:>0&!si+-1|54):?si
 & (!sj:>0&!sj+-1|54):?sj
 & (   !(!si$state)+-1*!(!sj$state):?x:<0
     & !x+!MOD:?x
 & !x:?(!si$?state));



. subrand-seed$292929

 & 0:?i
 &   whl
   ' ( !i:<10
     & out$(subrand$)
     & !i+1:?i

Main$; </lang>

Output: <lang> 467478574 512932792 539453717 20349702 615542081 378707948 933204586 824858649 506003769 380969305 </lang>


This is basically the same as the reference C code, only differs in that it's C89. <lang c>#include<stdio.h>

  1. define MOD 1000000000

int state[55], si = 0, sj = 0;

int subrand();

void subrand_seed(int p1) { int i, j, p2 = 1;

state[0] = p1 % MOD; for (i = 1, j = 21; i < 55; i++, j += 21) { if (j >= 55) j -= 55; state[j] = p2; if ((p2 = p1 - p2) < 0) p2 += MOD; p1 = state[j]; } si = 0; sj = 24; for (i = 0; i < 165; i++) subrand(); }

int subrand() { int x; if (si == sj) subrand_seed(0);

if (!si--) si = 54; if (!sj--) sj = 54; if ((x = state[si] - state[sj]) < 0) x += MOD;

return state[si] = x; }

int main() { subrand_seed(292929); int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) printf("%d\n", subrand());

return 0; }</lang>


Library: Boost

<lang cpp> // written for clarity not efficiency.

  1. include <iostream>

using std::cout; using std::endl;

  1. include <boost/array.hpp>
  2. include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>

class Subtractive_generator { private:

   static const int param_i = 55;
   static const int param_j = 24;
   static const int initial_load = 219;
   static const int mod = 1e9;
   boost::circular_buffer<int> r;


   Subtractive_generator(int seed);
   int next(); 
   int operator()(){return next();} 


Subtractive_generator::Subtractive_generator(int seed)



   boost::array<int, param_i> s;
   s[0] = seed;
   s[1] = 1;
   for(int n = 2; n < param_i; ++n){
       int t = s[n-2]-s[n-1];
       if (t < 0 ) t+= mod;
       s[n] = t;
   for(int n = 0; n < param_i; ++n){

int i = (34 * (n+1)) % param_i;

   for(int n = param_i; n <= initial_load; ++n) next();


int Subtractive_generator::next() {

   int t = r[0]-r[31];
   if (t < 0) t += mod;
   return r[param_i-1];


int main() {

   Subtractive_generator rg(292929);
   cout << "result = " << rg() << endl;
   cout << "result = " << rg() << endl;
   cout << "result = " << rg() << endl;
   cout << "result = " << rg() << endl;
   cout << "result = " << rg() << endl;
   cout << "result = " << rg() << endl;
   cout << "result = " << rg() << endl;
   return 0;

} </lang>


result = 467478574
result = 512932792
result = 539453717
result = 20349702
result = 615542081
result = 378707948
result = 933204586

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun sub-rand (state)

 (let ((x (last state)) (y (last state 25)))
   ;; I take "circular buffer" very seriously (until some guru
   ;; points out it's utterly wrong thing to do)
   (setf (cdr x) state)
   (lambda () (setf x (cdr x)

y (cdr y) (car x) (mod (- (car x) (car y)) (expt 10 9))))))

returns an RNG with Bentley seeding

(defun bentley-clever (seed)

 (let ((s (list 1 seed))  f)
   (dotimes (i 53)
     (push (mod (- (cadr s) (car s)) (expt 10 9)) s))
   (setf f (sub-rand

(loop for i from 1 to 55 collect (elt s (- 54 (mod (* 34 i) 55))))))

   (dotimes (x 165) (funcall f))
test it (output same as everyone else's)

(let ((f (bentley-clever 292929)))

 (dotimes (x 10) (format t "~a~%" (funcall f))))</lang>


Translation of: C

<lang d>import std.stdio;

struct Subtractive {

   enum MOD = 1_000_000_000;
   private int[55] state;
   private int si, sj;
   this(in int p1) pure nothrow {
   void subrandSeed(int p1) pure nothrow {
       int p2 = 1;
       state[0] = p1 % MOD;
       for (int i = 1, j = 21; i < 55; i++, j += 21) {
           if (j >= 55)
               j -= 55;
           state[j] = p2;
           if ((p2 = p1 - p2) < 0)
               p2 += MOD;
           p1 = state[j];
       si = 0;
       sj = 24;
       foreach (i; 0 .. 165)
   int subrand() pure nothrow {
       if (si == sj)
       if (!si--)
           si = 54;
       if (!sj--)
           sj = 54;
       int x = state[si] - state[sj];
       if (x < 0)
           x += MOD;
       return state[si] = x;


void main() {

   auto gen = Subtractive(292_929);
   foreach (i; 0 .. 10)

}</lang> Output:



<lang dc>[*

* (seed) lsx --
* Seeds the subtractive generator.
* Uses register R to hold the state.


[* Fill ring buffer R[0] to R[54]. *]sz
d 54:R SA              [A = R[54] = seed]sz
1 d 33:R SB            [B = R[33] = 1]sz
12 SC                  [C = index 12, into array R.]sz
[55 -]SI
[                      [Loop until C is 54:]sz
 lA lB - d lC:R         [R[C] = A - B]sz
 lB sA sB               [Parallel let A = B and B = A - B]sz
 lC 34 + d 55 !>I d sC  [C += 34 (mod 55)]sz
 54 !=L
]d SL x
[* Point R[55] and R[56] into ring buffer. *]sz
0 55:R                 [R[55] = index 0, of 55th last number.]sz
31 56:R                [R[56] = index 31, of 24th last number.]sz
[* Stir ring buffer. *]sz
165 [                  [Loop 165 times:]sz
 55;R;R 56;R;R - 55;R:R [Discard a random number.]sz
 55;R 1 + d 55 !>I 55:R [R[55] += 1 (mod 55)]sz
 56;R 1 + d 55 !>I 56:R [R[56] += 1 (mod 55)]sz
 1 - d 0 <L
]d sL x
LAsz LBsz LCsz LIsz LLsz



* lrx -- (random number from 0 to 10^9 - 1)
* Returns the next number from the subtractive generator.
* Uses register R, seeded by lsx.


55;R;R 56;R;R -        [R[R[55]] - R[R[56]] is next random number.]sz
d 55;R:R               [Put it in R[R[55]]. Also leave it on stack.]sz
[55 -]SI
55;R 1 + d 55 !>I 55:R [R[55] += 1 (mod 55)]sz
56;R 1 + d 55 !>I 56:R [R[56] += 1 (mod 55)]sz
[1000000000 +]sI
1000000000 % d 0 >I    [Random number = it (mod 10^9)]sz


[* Seed with 292929 and print first three random numbers. *]sz 292929 lsx lrx psz lrx psz lrx psz</lang>

This program prints 467478574, 512932792, 539453717.

This implementation never uses multiplication, but it does use modulus (remainder from division) to put each random number in range from 0 to 10^9 - 1.


<lang go>package main

import (



// A fairly close port of the Bentley code, but parameterized to better // conform to the algorithm description in the task, which didn't assume // constants for i, j, m, and seed. also parameterized here are k, // the reordering factor, and s, the number of intial numbers to discard, // as these are dependant on i. func newSG(i, j, k, s, m, seed int) func() int {

   // check parameters for range and mutual consistency
   assert(i > 0, "i must be > 0")
   assert(j > 0, "j must be > 0")
   assert(i > j, "i must be > j")
   assert(k > 0, "k must be > 0")
   p, q := i, k
   if p < q {
       p, q = q, p
   for q > 0 {
       p, q = q, p%q
   assert(p == 1, "k, i must be relatively prime")
   assert(s >= i, "s must be >= i")
   assert(m > 0, "m must be > 0")
   assert(seed >= 0, "seed must be >= 0")
   // variables for closure f
   arr := make([]int, i)
   a := 0
   b := j
   // f is Bently RNG lprand
   f := func() int {
       if a == 0 {
           a = i
       if b == 0 {
           b = i
       t := arr[a] - arr[b]
       if t < 0 {
           t += m
       arr[a] = t
       return t
   // Bentley seed algorithm sprand
   last := seed
   arr[0] = last
   next := 1
   for i0 := 1; i0 < i; i0++ {
       ii := k * i0 % i
       arr[ii] = next
       next = last - next
       if next < 0 {
           next += m
       last = arr[ii]
   for i0 := i; i0 < s; i0++ {
   // return the fully initialized RNG
   return f


func assert(p bool, m string) {

   if !p {


func main() {

   // 1st test case included in program_tools/universal.c.
   // (2nd test case fails.  A single digit is missing, indicating a typo.)
   ptTest(0, 1, []int{921674862, 250065336, 377506581})
   // reproduce 3 values given in task description
   skip := 220
   sg := newSG(55, 24, 21, skip, 1e9, 292929)
   for n := skip; n <= 222; n++ {
       fmt.Printf("r(%d) = %d\n", n, sg())


func ptTest(nd, s int, rs []int) {

   sg := newSG(55, 24, 21, 220+nd, 1e9, s)
   for _, r := range rs {
       a := sg()
       if r != a {

}</lang> Output:

r(220) = 467478574
r(221) = 512932792
r(222) = 539453717

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon>procedure main()

  every 1 to 10 do 


procedure rand_sub(x) static ring,m

  if /ring then {
     m := 10^9
     every (seed | ring) := list(55)
     seed[1] := \x | ?(m-1)
     seed[2] := 1
     every seed[n := 3 to 55] := (seed[n-2]-seed[n-1])%m
     every ring[(n := 0 to 54) + 1] := seed[1 + (34 * (n + 1)%55)]
     every  n := *ring to 219 do {
        ring[1] -:= ring[-24]    
        ring[1] %=  m
  ring[1] -:= ring[-24]
  ring[1] %:= m
  if ring[1] < 0 then ring[1] +:= m
  return ring[-1]






Loops are hidden in a generalized power conjunction ^: . f^:n y evaluates f n times, as in f(f(f(...f(y)))...) . Yes! f^:(-1) IS the inverse of f . When known.

<lang J>came_from_locale_sg_=: coname cocurrent'sg' NB. install the state of rng sg into locale sg

SEED=: 292929 'I J M first_Bentley_number B2'=: 55 24 1e9 34 165 SG=: 1 : 'M&|@:-/@:(m&{)' r=: (I|(first_Bentley_number*>:i.I)) { (, _2 _1 SG)^:(I-2) 1,~SEED

sg=: 3 : 0 t=. (, (-I,J)SG)^:y r r=: y }. t t {.~ -y ) discard=. sg B2

cocurrent came_from_locale NB. return to previous locale sg=: sg_sg_ NB. make a local name for sg in locale sg </lang>

Use: <lang sh>$ jconsole

  sg 2

467478574 512932792

  sg 4

539453717 20349702 615542081 378707948



Translation of: C

<lang ocaml>let _mod = 1_000_000_000 let state = Array.create 55 0 let si = ref 0 let sj = ref 0

let rec subrand_seed _p1 =

 let p1 = ref _p1 in
 let p2 = ref 1 in
 state.(0) <- !p1 mod _mod;
 let j = ref 21 in
 for i = 1 to pred 55 do
   if !j >= 55 then j := !j - 55;
   state.(!j) <- !p2;
   p2 := !p1 - !p2;
   if !p2 < 0 then p2 := !p2 + _mod;
   p1 := state.(!j);
   j := !j + 21;
 si := 0;
 sj := 24;
 for i = 0 to pred 165 do ignore (subrand()) done

and subrand() =

 if !si = !sj then subrand_seed 0;
 decr si;  if !si < 0 then si := 54;
 decr sj;  if !sj < 0 then sj := 54;
 let x = state.(!si) - state.(!sj) in
 let x = if x < 0 then x + _mod else x in
 state.(!si) <- x;

let () =

 subrand_seed 292929;
 for i = 1 to 10 do Printf.printf "%d\n" (subrand()) done</lang>


$ ocaml


<lang parigp>sgv=vector(55,i,random(10^9));sgi=1; sg()=sgv[sgi=sgi%55+1]=(sgv[sgi]-sgv[(sgi+30)%55+1])%10^9</lang>


<lang perl>use 5.10.0; use strict;

{ # bracket state data into a lexical scope my @state; my $mod = 1_000_000_000;

sub bentley_clever { my @s = ( shift() % $mod, 1); push @s, ($s[-2] - $s[-1]) % $mod while @s < 55; @state = map($s[(34 + 34 * $_) % 55], 0 .. 54); subrand() for (55 .. 219); }

sub subrand() { bentley_clever(0) unless @state; # just incase

my $x = (shift(@state) - $state[-24]) % $mod; push @state, $x; $x; } }


say subrand() for (1 .. 10);</lang>output


Perl 6

Translation of: Perl
Works with: niecza
Works with: rakudo version nom

<lang perl6>sub bentley_clever($seed) {

   constant $mod = 1_000_000_000;
   my @seeds = ($seed % $mod, 1, (* - *) % $mod ... *)[^55];
   my @state = @seeds[ 34, (* + 34 ) % 55 ... 0 ];
   sub subrand() {
       push @state, (my $x = (@state.shift - @state[*-24]) % $mod);
   subrand for 55 .. 219;
   &subrand ... *;


my @sr := bentley_clever(292929); .say for @sr[^10];</lang> Here we just make the seeder return the random sequence as a lazy list.




Using a circular list (as a true "ring" buffer). <lang PicoLisp>(setq

  *Bentley (apply circ (need 55))
  *Bentley2 (nth *Bentley 32) )

(de subRandSeed (S)

  (let (N 1  P (nth *Bentley 55))
     (set P S)
     (do 54
        (set (setq P (nth P 35)) N)
        (when (lt0 (setq N (- S N)))
           (inc 'N 1000000000) )
        (setq S (car P)) ) )
  (do 165 (subRand)) )

(de subRand ()

  (when (lt0 (dec *Bentley (pop '*Bentley2)))
     (inc *Bentley 1000000000) )
  (pop '*Bentley) )</lang>

Test: <lang PicoLisp>(subRandSeed 292929) (do 7 (println (subRand)))</lang> Output:



Uses collections.deque as a ring buffer

<lang python> import collections s= collections.deque(maxlen=55)

  1. Start with a single seed in range 0 to 10**9 - 1.

seed = 292929

  1. Set s0 = seed and s1 = 1.
  2. The inclusion of s1 = 1 avoids some bad states
  3. (like all zeros, or all multiples of 10).

s.append(seed) s.append(1)

  1. Compute s2,s3,...,s54 using the subtractive formula
  2. sn = s(n - 2) - s(n - 1)(mod 10**9).

for n in xrange(2, 55):

   s.append((s[n-2] - s[n-1]) % 10**9)
  1. Reorder these 55 values so r0 = s34, r1 = s13, r2 = s47, ...,
  2. rn = s(34 * (n + 1)(mod 55)).

r = collections.deque(maxlen=55) for n in xrange(55):

   i = (34 * (n+1)) % 55
  1. This is the same order as s0 = r54, s1 = r33, s2 = r12, ...,
  2. sn = r((34 * n) - 1(mod 55)).
  3. This rearrangement exploits how 34 and 55 are relatively prime.
  4. Compute the next 165 values r55 to r219. Store the last 55 values.

def getnextr():

   """get next random number"""
   return r[54]
  1. rn = r(n - 55) - r(n - 24)(mod 10**9) for n >= 55

for n in xrange(219 - 54):

  1. now fully initilised
  2. print first five numbers

for i in xrange(5):

   print "result = ", getnextr()



This implementation aims for simplicity, not speed. SubRandom#rand pushes to and shifts from an array; this might be slower than a ring buffer. The seeding method must call rand 55 extra times (220 times instead of 165 times). The code also calls Ruby's modulus operator, which always returns a non-negative integer if the modulus is positive.

<lang ruby># SubRandom is a subtractive random number generator which generates

  1. the same sequences as Bentley's generator, as used in xpat2.

class SubRandom

 # The original seed of this generator.
 attr_reader :seed
 # Creates a SubRandom generator with the given _seed_.
 # The _seed_ must be an integer from 0 to 999_999_999.
 def initialize(seed = Kernel.rand(1_000_000_000))
   (0..999_999_999).include? seed or
     raise ArgumentError, "seed not in 0..999_999_999"
   # @state = 55 elements.
   ary = [seed, 1]
   53.times { ary << ary[-2] - ary[-1] }
   @state = []
   34.step(1870, 34) {|i| @state << ary[i % 55] }
   220.times { rand }  # Discard first 220 elements of sequence.
   @seed = seed        # Save original seed.
 # Duplicates internal state so SubRandom#dup never shares state.
 def initialize_copy(orig)
   @state = @state.dup
 # Returns the next random integer, from 0 to 999_999_999.
 def rand
   @state << (@state[-55] - @state[-24]) % 1_000_000_000


rng = p (1..3).map { rng.rand }</lang>

[467478574, 512932792, 539453717]


Translation of: C

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 namespace eval subrand {

   variable mod 1000000000 state [lrepeat 55 0] si 0 sj 0
   proc seed p1 {

global subrand::mod subrand::state subrand::si subrand::sj set p2 1 lset state 0 [expr {$p1 % $mod}] for {set i 1; set j 21} {$i < 55} {incr i; incr j 21} { if {$j >= 55} {incr j -55} lset state $j $p2 if {[set p2 [expr {$p1 - $p2}]] < 0} {incr p2 $mod} set p1 [lindex $state $j] } set si 0 set sj 24 for {set i 0} {$i < 165} {incr i} { gen }

   proc gen {} {

global subrand::mod subrand::state subrand::si subrand::sj if {$si == $sj} {seed 0} if {[incr si -1] < 0} {set si 54} if {[incr sj -1] < 0} {set sj 54} set x [expr {[lindex $state $si] - [lindex $state $sj]}] if {$x < 0} {incr x $mod} lset state $si $x return $x



subrand::seed 292929 for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {

   puts [subrand::gen]
