Sum of first n cubes: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Replaced a map-accumulation with a scanning accumulation.)
(→‎{{header|AppleScript}}: Replaced a map-accumulation with a scanning accumulation.)
Line 57: Line 57:
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625</pre>
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625</pre>
<lang applescript>------------------- SUM OF FIRST N CUBES -----------------
<lang applescript>(() => {
"use strict";

// -------------- SUM OF FIRST N CUBES ---------------
-- sumsOfFirstNCubes :: Int -> [Int]
on sumsOfFirstNCubes(n)
script go
on |λ|(a, x)
a + (x ^ 3) as integer
end |λ|
end script
scanl(go, 0, enumFromTo(1, n - 1))
end sumsOfFirstNCubes

// sumsOfFirstNCubes :: Int -> [Int]
const sumsOfFirstNCubes = n =>
// Cumulative sums of first n cubes.
a => x => a + (x ** 3)
enumFromTo(1)(n - 1)

--------------------------- TEST -------------------------
on run
table(5, sumsOfFirstNCubes(50))
end run

// ---------------------- TEST -----------------------
// main :: IO ()
const main = () =>
table(" ")(justifyRight)(
.map(x => `${x}`)

------------------------- GENERIC ------------------------

// --------------------- GENERIC ---------------------
-- enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
on enumFromTo(m, n)
if m ≤ n then
set lst to {}
repeat with i from m to n
set end of lst to i
end repeat
end if
end enumFromTo

// enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
const enumFromTo = m =>
n => Array.from({
length: 1 + n - m
}, (_, i) => m + i);

-- scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
on scanl(f, startValue, xs)
tell mReturn(f)
set v to startValue
set lng to length of xs
set lst to {startValue}
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set v to |λ|(v, item i of xs, i, xs)
set end of lst to v
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end scanl

// scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
const scanl = f => startValue => xs =>
// The series of interim values arising
// from a catamorphism. Parallel to foldl.
xs.reduce((a, x) => {
const v = f(a[0])(x);

return [v, a[1].concat(v)];
-- mReturn :: First-class m => (a -> b) -> m (a -> b)
}, [startValue, [startValue]])[1];
on mReturn(f)
-- 2nd class handler function lifted into 1st class script wrapper.
if script is class of f then
property |λ| : f
end script
end if
end mReturn

------------------------ FORMATTING ----------------------
// ------------------- FORMATTING --------------------

-- table :: Int -> [String] -> String
// chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
const chunksOf = n => {
on table(n, xs)
// xs split into sublists of length n.
-- A list of strings formatted as
// The last sublist will be short if n
-- right-justified rows of n columns.
// does not evenly divide the length of xs .
set vs to map(my str, xs)
set w to length of last item of vs
const go = xs => {
const chunk = xs.slice(0, n);
unlines(map(my unwords, ¬
chunksOf(n, map(justifyRight(w, space), vs))))
end table

return 0 < chunk.length ? (
) : [];

return go;
-- chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
on chunksOf(k, xs)
on go(ys)
set ab to splitAt(k, ys)
set a to item 1 of ab
if {} ≠ a then
{a} & go(item 2 of ab)
end if
end go
end script
result's go(xs)
end chunksOf

-- justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
// compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
const compose = (...fs) =>
on justifyRight(n, cFiller)
// A function defined by the right-to-left
// composition of all the functions in fs.
on |λ|(txt)
if n > length of txt then
text -n thru -1 of ((replicate(n, cFiller) as text) & txt)
(f, g) => x => f(g(x)),
x => x
end if
end |λ|
end script
end justifyRight

-- map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
// flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
const flip = op =>
on map(f, xs)
// The binary function op with
-- The list obtained by applying f
-- to each element of xs.
// its arguments reversed.
1 < op.length ? (
tell mReturn(f)
set lng to length of xs
(a, b) => op(b, a)
set lst to {}
) : (x => y => op(y)(x));
repeat with i from 1 to lng
set end of lst to |λ|(item i of xs, i, xs)
end repeat
return lst
end tell
end map

// intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
-- Egyptian multiplication - progressively doubling a list, appending
const intercalate = s =>
-- stages of doubling to an accumulator where needed for binary
// The concatenation of xs
-- assembly of a target length
// interspersed with copies of s.
-- replicate :: Int -> String -> String
xs => xs.join(s);
on replicate(n, s)
-- Egyptian multiplication - progressively doubling a list,
-- appending stages of doubling to an accumulator where needed
-- for binary assembly of a target length
script p
on |λ|({n})
n ≤ 1
end |λ|
end script
script f
on |λ|({n, dbl, out})
if (n mod 2) > 0 then
set d to out & dbl
set d to out
end if
{n div 2, dbl & dbl, d}
end |λ|
end script
set xs to |until|(p, f, {n, s, ""})
item 2 of xs & item 3 of xs
end replicate

-- splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
// justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
const justifyRight = n =>
on splitAt(n, xs)
if n > 0 and n < length of xs then
// The string s, preceded by enough padding (with
if class of xs is text then
// the character c) to reach the string length n.
{items 1 thru n of xs as text, ¬
c => s => Boolean(s) ? (
items (n + 1) thru -1 of xs as text}
s.padStart(n, c)
) : "";
{items 1 thru n of xs, items (n + 1) thru -1 of xs}
end if
if n < 1 then
{{}, xs}
{xs, {}}
end if
end if
end splitAt

-- str :: a -> String
// maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
const maximum = xs => (
on str(x)
// The largest value in a non-empty list.
x as string
ys => 0 < ys.length ? (
end str
(a, y) => y > a ? (
) : a, ys[0]
) : undefined

-- unlines :: [String] -> String
// table :: String ->
// (Int -> Char -> String -> String) ->
on unlines(xs)
// [[String]] -> String
-- A single string formed by the intercalation
const table = gap =>
-- of a list of strings with the newline character.
// A tabulation of rows of string values,
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
{my text item delimiters, linefeed}
// with a specified gap between columns,
// and choice of cell alignment function
set s to xs as text
// (justifyLeft | center | justifyRight)
set my text item delimiters to dlm
alignment => rows => {
end unlines
colWidths = transpose(rows).map(
row => maximum( => x.length))

flip(alignment)(" ")

-- until :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
on |until|(p, f, x)
set v to x
set mp to mReturn(p)
set mf to mReturn(f)
repeat until mp's |λ|(v)
set v to mf's |λ|(v)
end repeat
end |until|

// transpose :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
const transpose = rows => {
// If any rows are shorter than those that follow,
// their elements are skipped:
// > transpose [[10,11],[20],[],[30,31,32]]
// == [[10,20,30],[11,31],[32]]
const go = xss =>
0 < xss.length ? (() => {
h = xss[0],
t = xss.slice(1);

return 0 < h.length ? [
-- unwords :: [String] -> String
on unwords(xs)
(a, xs) => a.concat(
set {dlm, my text item delimiters} to ¬
0 < xs.length ? (
{my text item delimiters, space}
set s to xs as text
) : []
set my text item delimiters to dlm
return s
end unwords</lang>
].concat(go([h.slice(1)].concat( => xs.slice(1))
))) : go(t);
})() : [];

return go(rows);

// zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
const zipWith = f =>
// A list constructed by zipping with a
// custom function, rather than with the
// default tuple constructor.
xs => ys =>
(x, i) => f(x)(ys[i])
0, Math.min(xs.length, ys.length)

// MAIN ---
return main();
<pre> 0 1 9 36 100
<pre> 0 1 9 36 100

Revision as of 00:32, 28 August 2021

Sum of first n cubes is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Find and show sum of first   n   cubes,   where n < 50 (ie show 50 entries for n=0..49)


As noted in the second factor example, the sum of the cubes to n is (n(n + 1))/2)^2, i.e. the square of the sum of the numbers to n. <lang algol68>BEGIN # show the sums of the first n cubes where 0 <= n < 50 #

   INT max number  = 49;
   FOR i FROM 0 TO max number DO
       INT sum = ( i * ( i + 1 ) ) OVER 2;
       print( ( whole( sum * sum, -8 ) ) );
       IF i MOD 10 = 9 THEN print( ( newline ) ) FI


       0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025
    3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
   44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
  216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
  672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang algolw>begin % show the sums of the cubes of n for 0 <= n < 50 %

   integer cubeSum;
   cubeSum := 0;
   for n := 0 until 49 do begin
       cubeSum := cubeSum + ( n * n * n );
       writeon( i_w := 8, s_w := 0, cubeSum );
       if n rem 10 = 9 then write()
   end for_n


       0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025
    3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
   44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
  216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
  672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang APL>10 5⍴+\0,(⍳49)*3</lang>

      0       1       9      36     100
    225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang applescript>(() => {

   "use strict";
   // -------------- SUM OF FIRST N CUBES ---------------
   // sumsOfFirstNCubes :: Int -> [Int]
   const sumsOfFirstNCubes = n =>
       // Cumulative sums of first n cubes.
           a => x => a + (x ** 3)
           enumFromTo(1)(n - 1)

   // ---------------------- TEST -----------------------
   // main :: IO ()
   const main = () =>
       table("  ")(justifyRight)(
               .map(x => `${x}`)

   // --------------------- GENERIC ---------------------
   // enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
   const enumFromTo = m =>
       n => Array.from({
           length: 1 + n - m
       }, (_, i) => m + i);

   // scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]
   const scanl = f => startValue => xs =>
       // The series of interim values arising
       // from a catamorphism. Parallel to foldl.
       xs.reduce((a, x) => {
           const v = f(a[0])(x);
           return [v, a[1].concat(v)];
       }, [startValue, [startValue]])[1];

   // ------------------- FORMATTING --------------------
   // chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> a
   const chunksOf = n => {
       // xs split into sublists of length n.
       // The last sublist will be short if n
       // does not evenly divide the length of xs .
       const go = xs => {
           const chunk = xs.slice(0, n);
           return 0 < chunk.length ? (
           ) : [];
       return go;

   // compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
   const compose = (...fs) =>
       // A function defined by the right-to-left
       // composition of all the functions in fs.
           (f, g) => x => f(g(x)),
           x => x

   // flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
   const flip = op =>
       // The binary function op with
       // its arguments reversed.
       1 < op.length ? (
           (a, b) => op(b, a)
       ) : (x => y => op(y)(x));

   // intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
   const intercalate = s =>
       // The concatenation of xs
       // interspersed with copies of s.
       xs => xs.join(s);

   // justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
   const justifyRight = n =>
       // The string s, preceded by enough padding (with
       // the character c) to reach the string length n.
       c => s => Boolean(s) ? (
           s.padStart(n, c)
       ) : "";

   // maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
   const maximum = xs => (
       // The largest value in a non-empty list.
       ys => 0 < ys.length ? (
               (a, y) => y > a ? (
               ) : a, ys[0]
       ) : undefined

   // table :: String ->
   // (Int -> Char -> String -> String) ->
   // String -> String
   const table = gap =>
       // A tabulation of rows of string values,
       // with a specified gap between columns,
       // and choice of cell alignment function
       // (justifyLeft | center | justifyRight)
       alignment => rows => {
               colWidths = transpose(rows).map(
                   row => maximum( => x.length))
                       flip(alignment)(" ")

   // transpose :: a -> a
   const transpose = rows => {
       // If any rows are shorter than those that follow,
       // their elements are skipped:
       // > transpose [[10,11],[20],[],[30,31,32]]
       //             == [[10,20,30],[11,31],[32]]
       const go = xss =>
           0 < xss.length ? (() => {
                   h = xss[0],
                   t = xss.slice(1);
               return 0 < h.length ? [
                       (a, xs) => a.concat(
                           0 < xs.length ? (
                           ) : []
          => xs.slice(1))
               ))) : go(t);
           })() : [];
       return go(rows);

   // zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
   const zipWith = f =>
       // A list constructed by zipping with a
       // custom function, rather than with the
       // default tuple constructor.
       xs => ys =>
           (x, i) => f(x)(ys[i])
           0, Math.min(xs.length, ys.length)
   // MAIN ---
   return main();


      0       1       9      36     100
    225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang rebol>sumCubes: 0 loop split.every: 10 map 0..49 => [sumCubes: <= sumCubes + & ^ 3] 'a ->

   print map a => [pad to :string & 7]</lang>
      0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025 
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100 
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225 
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400 
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang AWK>



   start = 0
   stop = 49
   for (i=start; i<=stop; i++) {
     sum += i * i * i
   printf("\nSum of cubes %d-%d: %d\n",start,stop,count)

} </lang>

      0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625

Sum of cubes 0-49: 50



Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang BASIC256> fila = 0 lenCubos = 49

cls print "Suma de N cubos para n = [0..49]" + chr(10)

for n = 0 to lenCubos sumCubos = 0 for m = 1 to n sumCubos += int(m ^ 3) next m fila += 1 print "" + sumCubos + " "; #Print Using " ####### "; sumCubos; if (fila % 5) = 0 then print next n

print chr(13) + "Encontrados " & fila & " cubos." end </lang>


<lang freebasic> Dim As Integer fila = 0, lenCubos = 49, sumCubos

CLs Print !"Suma de N cubos para n = [0..49]\n"

For n As Integer = 0 To lenCubos

   sumCubos = 0
   For m As Integer = 1 To n
       sumCubos += (m ^3)
   Next m
   fila += 1
   'Print "" & sumCubos & " ";
   Print Using " ####### "; sumCubos;
   If fila Mod 5 = 0 Then Print

Next n

Print !"\nEncontrados " & fila & " cubos." Sleep </lang>

Suma de N cubos para n = [0..49]

       0        1        9       36      100
     225      441      784     1296     2025
    3025     4356     6084     8281    11025
   14400    18496    23409    29241    36100
   44100    53361    64009    76176    90000
  105625   123201   142884   164836   189225
  216225   246016   278784   314721   354025
  396900   443556   494209   549081   608400
  672400   741321   815409   894916   980100
 1071225  1168561  1272384  1382976  1500625

Encontrados 50 cubos.


Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang qbasic> DEFLNG A-Z

fila = 0 lenCubos = 49

CLS PRINT "Suma de N cubos para n = [0..49]" + CHR$(10)

FOR n = 0 TO lenCubos

   sumCubos = 0
   FOR m = 1 TO n
       sumCubos = sumCubos + (m ^ 3)
   NEXT m
   fila = fila + 1
   PRINT USING " ####### "; sumCubos;
   IF fila MOD 5 = 0 THEN PRINT


PRINT CHR$(13) + "Encontrados"; fila; "cubos." END </lang>


Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang Yabasic> fila = 0 lenCubos = 49

clear screen print "Suma de N cubos para n = [0..49]\n"

for n = 0 to lenCubos

   sumCubos = 0
   for m = 1 to n
       sumCubos = sumCubos + (m ^3)
   next m
   fila = fila + 1
   print "", sumCubos, " ";
   if mod(fila, 5) = 0 then print : fi

next n

print "\nEncontrados ", fila, " cubos.\n" end </lang>


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

int main() {

   for (int i = 0, sum = 0; i < 50; ++i) {
       sum += i * i * i;
       printf("%7d%c", sum, (i + 1) % 5 == 0 ? '\n' : ' ');
   return 0;


      0       1       9      36     100
    225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


No multiplication or exponentiation, just addition. <lang csharp>using System; using static System.Console; class Program { static void Main(string[] args) {

   for (int i=0,j=-6,k=1,c=0,s=0;s<1600000;s+=c+=k+=j+=6)
     Write("{0,-7}{1}",s, (i+=i==3?-4:1)==0?"\n":" "); } }</lang>
0       1       9       36      100    
225     441     784     1296    2025   
3025    4356    6084    8281    11025  
14400   18496   23409   29241   36100  
44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  
105625  123201  142884  164836  189225 
216225  246016  278784  314721  354025 
396900  443556  494209  549081  608400 
672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang cpp>#include <array>

  1. include <cstdio>
  2. include <numeric>

void PrintContainer(const auto& vec) {

   int count = 0;
   for(auto value : vec)
       printf("%7d%c", value, ++count % 10 == 0 ? '\n' : ' ');


int main() {

   // define a lambda that cubes a value
   auto cube = [](auto x){return x * x * x;};
   // create an array and use iota to fill it with {0, 1, 2, ... 49}
   std::array<int, 50> a;
   std::iota(a.begin(), a.end(), 0);
   // transform_inclusive_scan will cube all of the values in the array and then
   // perform a partial sum from index 0 to n and place the result back into the
   // array at index n 
   std::transform_inclusive_scan(a.begin(), a.end(), a.begin(), std::plus{}, cube);


      0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625



      01 VARIABLES.
         03 STEP         PIC 99.
         03 CUBE         PIC 9(7).
         03 CUBE-SUM     PIC 9(7) VALUE 0.

         03 OUT-LINE     PIC X(40) VALUE SPACES.
         03 OUT-PTR      PIC 99 VALUE 1.
         03 OUT-NUM      PIC Z(7)9.
              UNTIL STEP IS EQUAL TO 50.
          STOP RUN.
          COMPUTE CUBE = STEP ** 3.
              WITH POINTER OUT-PTR.
          IF OUT-PTR IS EQUAL TO 41,
              DISPLAY OUT-LINE,
              MOVE 1 TO OUT-PTR.</lang>
       0       1       9      36     100
     225     441     784    1296    2025
    3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
   44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
  216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
  672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625



Binding the names SUMNCUBES and BINCOEFF to the following lambda expressions in the Name Manager of the Excel WorkBook:

(See LAMBDA: The ultimate Excel worksheet function)

<lang lisp>SUMNCUBES =LAMBDA(n,

   BINCOEFF(1 + n)(2) ^ 2



       IF(n < k,
           QUOTIENT(FACT(n), FACT(k) * FACT(n - k))


The single formula in cell B2 below defines a dynamic array which populates the whole B2:K6 grid:

fx =SUMNCUBES( SEQUENCE(5, 10, 0, 1) )
1 Sum of N cubes for n = [0..49]
2 0 1 9 36 100 225 441 784 1296 2025
3 3025 4356 6084 8281 11025 14400 18496 23409 29241 36100
4 44100 53361 64009 76176 89401 105625 123201 142129 164025 189225
5 216225 245025 278784 313600 352836 396900 443556 492804 549081 608400
6 670761 739600 815409 894916 980100 1069156 1168561 1270129 1382976 1500625


<lang fsharp> // Sum of cubes: Nigel Galloway. May 20th., 2021 let fN g=g*g*g in Seq.initInfinite((+)1>>fN)|>Seq.take 49|>Seq.scan((+))(0)|>Seq.iter(printf "%d "); printfn "" </lang>

0 1 9 36 100 225 441 784 1296 2025 3025 4356 6084 8281 11025 14400 18496 23409 29241 36100 44100 53361 64009 76176 90000 105625 123201 142884 164836 189225 216225 246016 278784 314721 354025 396900 443556 494209 549081 608400 672400 741321 815409 894916 980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-02-05

<lang factor>USING: grouping math math.functions prettyprint sequences ;

50 <iota> 0 [ 3 ^ + ] accumulate* 10 group simple-table.</lang>

0      1      9      36     100    225     441     784     1296    2025
3025   4356   6084   8281   11025  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
44100  53361  64009  76176  90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
216225 246016 278784 314721 354025 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
672400 741321 815409 894916 980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625

Alternatively, this is the same as the triangular numbers squared, where the triangular numbers are given by

Tn = n(n + 1) / 2

Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-02-05

<lang factor>USING: grouping kernel math prettyprint sequences ;

triangular ( n -- m ) dup 1 + * 2/ ;

50 <iota> [ triangular sq ] map 10 group simple-table.</lang>


As above.


Works with: Gforth

<lang forth>: sum-cubes ( n -- )

 0 swap 0 do
   i i i * * + dup 7 .r
   i 1+ 5 mod 0= if cr else space then
 loop drop ;

50 sum-cubes bye</lang>

      0       1       9      36     100
    225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


Translation of: Wren
Library: Go-rcu

<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   fmt.Println("Cumulative sums of the first 50 cubes:")
   sum := 0
   for n := 0; n < 50; n++ {
       sum += n * n * n
       fmt.Printf("%9s ", rcu.Commatize(sum))
       if n%10 == 9 {


Cumulative sums of the first 50 cubes:
        0         1         9        36       100       225       441       784     1,296     2,025 
    3,025     4,356     6,084     8,281    11,025    14,400    18,496    23,409    29,241    36,100 
   44,100    53,361    64,009    76,176    90,000   105,625   123,201   142,884   164,836   189,225 
  216,225   246,016   278,784   314,721   354,025   396,900   443,556   494,209   549,081   608,400 
  672,400   741,321   815,409   894,916   980,100 1,071,225 1,168,561 1,272,384 1,382,976 1,500,625 


<lang haskell>import Data.List (intercalate, transpose) import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) import Text.Printf (printf)

SUM OF FIRST N CUBES -----------------

sumOfFirstNCubes :: Integer -> Integer sumOfFirstNCubes =

 (^ 2)
   . flip binomialCoefficient 2
   . succ

TEST -------------------------

main :: IO () main =

 putStrLn $
   table " " $
     chunksOf 10 $
       show . sumOfFirstNCubes <$> [0 .. 49]

GENERIC ------------------------

binomialCoefficient :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer binomialCoefficient n k

 | n < k = 0
 | otherwise =
     (factorial n)
     (factorial k * factorial (n - k))

factorial :: Integer -> Integer factorial = product . enumFromTo 1

DISPLAY ------------------------

table :: String -> String -> String table gap rows =

 let ws = maximum . fmap length <$> transpose rows
     pw = printf . flip intercalate ["%", "s"] . show
  in unlines $ intercalate gap . zipWith pw ws <$> rows</lang>
     0      1      9     36    100     225     441     784    1296    2025
  3025   4356   6084   8281  11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
 44100  53361  64009  76176  90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
216225 246016 278784 314721 354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
672400 741321 815409 894916 980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625

Or, in terms of scanl: <lang haskell>import Control.Monad (join) import Data.List (intercalate, scanl, transpose) import Data.List.Split (chunksOf) import Text.Printf (printf)

SUM OF FIRST N CUBES -----------------

sumsOfFirstNCubes :: Int -> [Int] sumsOfFirstNCubes n =

   (\a x -> a + x ^ 3)
   [1 .. pred n]

TEST -------------------------

main :: IO () main =

 putStrLn $
   table " " $
     chunksOf 5 $
       show <$> sumsOfFirstNCubes 50

DISPLAY ------------------------

table :: String -> String -> String table gap rows =

 let ws = maximum . fmap length <$> transpose rows
     pw = printf . flip intercalate ["%", "s"] . show
  in unlines $ intercalate gap . zipWith pw ws <$> rows</lang>
      0       1       9      36     100
    225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang J>10 5$+/\(i.^3:)50x</lang>

      0       1       9      36     100
    225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang javascript>(() => {

   "use strict";
   // -------------- SUM OF FIRST N CUBES ---------------
   // sumsOfFirstNCubes :: Int -> [Int]
   const sumsOfFirstNCubes = n =>
       // Cumulative sums of first n cubes.
       mapAccumL(a => x => {
           const v = a + (x ** 3);
           return [v, v];
           enumFromTo(0)(n - 1)

   // ---------------------- TEST -----------------------
   // main :: IO ()
   const main = () =>
       table("  ")(justifyRight)(
               .map(x => `${x}`)

   // --------------------- GENERIC ---------------------
   // enumFromTo :: Int -> Int -> [Int]
   const enumFromTo = m =>
       n => Array.from({
           length: 1 + n - m
       }, (_, i) => m + i);

   // mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) ->
   // acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
   const mapAccumL = f =>
       // A tuple of an accumulation and a list
       // obtained by a combined map and fold,
       // with accumulation from left to right.
       acc => xs => [...xs].reduce(
           (a, x) => {
               const tpl = f(a[0])(x);
               return [tpl[0], a[1].concat(tpl[1])];
           [acc, []]

   // ------------------- FORMATTING --------------------
   // chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> a
   const chunksOf = n => {
       // xs split into sublists of length n.
       // The last sublist will be short if n
       // does not evenly divide the length of xs .
       const go = xs => {
           const chunk = xs.slice(0, n);
           return 0 < chunk.length ? (
           ) : [];
       return go;

   // compose (<<<) :: (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
   const compose = (...fs) =>
       // A function defined by the right-to-left
       // composition of all the functions in fs.
           (f, g) => x => f(g(x)),
           x => x

   // flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
   const flip = op =>
       // The binary function op with
       // its arguments reversed.
       1 < op.length ? (
           (a, b) => op(b, a)
       ) : (x => y => op(y)(x));

   // intercalate :: String -> [String] -> String
   const intercalate = s =>
       // The concatenation of xs
       // interspersed with copies of s.
       xs => xs.join(s);

   // justifyRight :: Int -> Char -> String -> String
   const justifyRight = n =>
       // The string s, preceded by enough padding (with
       // the character c) to reach the string length n.
       c => s => Boolean(s) ? (
           s.padStart(n, c)
       ) : "";

   // maximum :: Ord a => [a] -> a
   const maximum = xs => (
       // The largest value in a non-empty list.
       ys => 0 < ys.length ? (
               (a, y) => y > a ? (
               ) : a, ys[0]
       ) : undefined

   // table :: String ->
   // (Int -> Char -> String -> String) ->
   // String -> String
   const table = gap =>
       // A tabulation of rows of string values,
       // with a specified gap between columns,
       // and choice of cell alignment function
       // (justifyLeft | center | justifyRight)
       alignment => rows => {
               colWidths = transpose(rows).map(
                   row => maximum( => x.length))
                       flip(alignment)(" ")

   // transpose :: a -> a
   const transpose = rows => {
       // If any rows are shorter than those that follow,
       // their elements are skipped:
       // > transpose [[10,11],[20],[],[30,31,32]]
       //             == [[10,20,30],[11,31],[32]]
       const go = xss =>
           0 < xss.length ? (() => {
                   h = xss[0],
                   t = xss.slice(1);
               return 0 < h.length ? [
                       (a, xs) => a.concat(
                           0 < xs.length ? (
                           ) : []
          => xs.slice(1))
               ))) : go(t);
           })() : [];
       return go(rows);

   // zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
   const zipWith = f =>
       // A list constructed by zipping with a
       // custom function, rather than with the
       // default tuple constructor.
       xs => ys =>
           (x, i) => f(x)(ys[i])
           0, Math.min(xs.length, ys.length)
   // MAIN ---
   return main();


      0        1        9       36      100
    225      441      784     1296     2025
   3025     4356     6084     8281    11025
  14400    18496    23409    29241    36100
  44100    53361    64009    76176    90000
 105625   123201   142884   164836   189225
 216225   246016   278784   314721   354025
 396900   443556   494209   549081   608400
 672400   741321   815409   894916   980100
1071225  1168561  1272384  1382976  1500625


Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq <lang jq>

  1. For the sake of stream-processing efficiency:

def add(s): reduce s as $x (0; . + $x);

def sum_of_cubes: add(range(0;.) | .*.*.);</lang> The task <lang jq> range(0;50) | sum_of_cubes as $sum | "\(.) => \($sum)"</lang>

0 => 0
1 => 0
2 => 1
3 => 9
4 => 36
5 => 100
45 => 980100
46 => 1071225
47 => 1168561
48 => 1272384
49 => 1382976

Using gojq, the Go implementation of jq, unbounded-precision integer arithmetic allows e.g.

1000000 | sum_of_cubes #=> 249999500000250000000000


<lang julia>cubesumstil(N = 49, s = 0) = (foreach(n -> print(lpad(s += n^3, 8), n % 10 == 9 ? "\n" : ""), 0:N))



       0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025
    3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
   44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
  216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
  672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625

Alternatively, and using the REPL, note that recent versions of Julia implement the accumulate function: <lang julia> julia> println(accumulate((x, y) -> x + y^3, 0:49))

[0, 1, 9, 36, 100, 225, 441, 784, 1296, 2025, 3025, 4356, 6084, 8281, 11025, 14400, 18496, 23409, 29241, 36100, 44100, 53361, 64009, 76176, 90000, 105625, 123201, 142884, 164836, 189225, 216225, 246016, 278784, 314721, 354025, 396900, 443556, 494209, 549081, 608400, 672400, 741321, 815409, 894916, 980100, 1071225, 1168561, 1272384, 1382976, 1500625] </lang>



          SUM = 0
          THROUGH LOOP, FOR STEP = 0, 1, STEP.GE.50
          SUM = SUM + STEP * STEP * STEP


          VECTOR VALUES FMT = $I9*$
          END OF PROGRAM </lang>


<lang Nim>import strutils

var s = 0 for n in 0..49:

 s += n * n * n
 stdout.write ($s).align(7), if (n + 1) mod 10 == 0: '\n' else: ' '</lang>
      0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang perl>#!/usr/bin/perl

use strict; # use warnings;

my $sum = 0; printf "%10d%s", $sum += $_ ** 3, $_ % 5 == 4 && "\n" for 0 .. 49;</lang>

         0         1         9        36       100
       225       441       784      1296      2025
      3025      4356      6084      8281     11025
     14400     18496     23409     29241     36100
     44100     53361     64009     76176     90000
    105625    123201    142884    164836    189225
    216225    246016    278784    314721    354025
    396900    443556    494209    549081    608400
    672400    741321    815409    894916    980100
   1071225   1168561   1272384   1382976   1500625


The commented out line is based on the Factor entry, and is clearly a much faster way to get the same results.

function sum_first_n_cubes(integer n) return sum(sq_power(tagset(n),3)) end function
--function sum_first_n_cubes(integer n) return power(n*(n+1)/2,2) end function
sequence res = apply(tagset(49,0),sum_first_n_cubes)
        0           1           9          36         100         225         441         784       1,296       2,025
    3,025       4,356       6,084       8,281      11,025      14,400      18,496      23,409      29,241      36,100
   44,100      53,361      64,009      76,176      90,000     105,625     123,201     142,884     164,836     189,225
  216,225     246,016     278,784     314,721     354,025     396,900     443,556     494,209     549,081     608,400
  672,400     741,321     815,409     894,916     980,100   1,071,225   1,168,561   1,272,384   1,382,976   1,500,625

Plain English

<lang plainenglish>To run: Start up. Show the sums of cubes given 49. Wait for the escape key. Shut down.

To show the sums of cubes given a number: If a counter is past the number, exit. Put the counter plus 1 times the counter into a result number. Cut the result in half. Raise the result to 2. Write the result then " " on the console without advancing. If the counter is evenly divisible by 5, write "" on the console. Repeat.</lang>

0 1 9 36 100 
225 441 784 1296 2025 
3025 4356 6084 8281 11025 
14400 18496 23409 29241 36100 
44100 53361 64009 76176 90000 
105625 123201 142884 164836 189225 
216225 246016 278784 314721 354025 
396900 443556 494209 549081 608400 
672400 741321 815409 894916 980100 
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625 


Python :: Procedural

Translation of: FreeBASIC

<lang python> def main():

   fila = 0
   lenCubos = 51
   print("Suma de N cubos para n = [0..49]\n")
   for n in range(1, lenCubos):
       sumCubos = 0
       for m in range(1, n):
           sumCubos = sumCubos + (m ** 3)
       fila += 1
       print(f'{sumCubos:7} ', end=)
       if fila % 5 == 0:
           print(" ")
   print(f"\nEncontrados {fila} cubos.")

if __name__ == '__main__': main() </lang>

Suma de N cubos para n = [0..49]

      0       1       9      36     100  
    225     441     784    1296    2025  
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025  
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100  
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225  
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400  
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100  
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625  

Encontrados 50 cubos.

Python :: Functional

<lang python>Sum of first N cubes

from math import factorial

  1. sumOfFirstNCubes :: Int -> Int

def sumOfFirstNCubes(n):

   The sum of the first n cubes.
   return binomialCoefficient(1 + n)(2) ** 2

  1. ------------------------- TEST -------------------------
  2. main :: IO ()

def main():

   First fifty values (N drawn from [0 .. 49])
           str(sumOfFirstNCubes(n)) for n
           in range(0, 1 + 49)

  1. ----------------------- GENERIC ------------------------
  1. binomialCoefficient :: Int -> Int -> Int

def binomialCoefficient(n):

   The coefficient of the term x^k in the polynomial
      expansion of the binomial power (1 + x)^n
   def go(k):
       return 0 if n < k else factorial(n) // (
           factorial(k) * factorial(n - k)
   return go

  1. ----------------------- DISPLAY ------------------------
  1. chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> a

def chunksOf(n):

   A series of lists of length n, subdividing the
      contents of xs. Where the length of xs is not evenly
      divisible, the final list will be shorter than n.
   def go(xs):
       return (
           xs[i:n + i] for i in range(0, len(xs), n)
       ) if 0 < n else None
   return go

  1. table :: Int -> [String] -> String

def table(n):

   A list of strings formatted as
      right-justified rows of n columns.
   def go(xs):
       w = len(xs[-1])
       return '\n'.join(
           ' '.join(row) for row in chunksOf(n)([
               s.rjust(w, ' ') for s in xs
   return go

  1. MAIN ---

if __name__ == '__main__':

      0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625

or, as a scanning accumulation:

<lang python>Sum of first N cubes

from itertools import accumulate, chain

  1. sumsOfFirstNCubes :: Int -> [Int]

def sumsOfFirstNCubes(n):

   Cumulative sums of the first N cubes.
   def go(a, x):
       return a + (x ** 3)
   return scanl(go)(0)(
       range(1, n)

  1. ------------------------- TEST -------------------------
  2. main :: IO ()

def main():

   Cumulative sums of first 50 cubes
           str(n) for n in sumsOfFirstNCubes(50)

  1. ----------------------- GENERIC ------------------------
  1. scanl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> [b]

def scanl(f):

   scanl is like reduce, but defines a succession of
      intermediate values, building from the left.
   def go(a):
       def g(xs):
           return accumulate(chain([a], xs), f)
       return g
   return go

  1. ---------------------- FORMATTING ----------------------
  1. chunksOf :: Int -> [a] -> a

def chunksOf(n):

   A series of lists of length n, subdividing the
      contents of xs. Where the length of xs is not evenly
      divisible, the final list will be shorter than n.
   def go(xs):
       return (
           xs[i:n + i] for i in range(0, len(xs), n)
       ) if 0 < n else None
   return go

  1. table :: Int -> [String] -> String

def table(n):

   A list of strings formatted as
      right-justified rows of n columns.
   def go(xs):
       w = len(xs[-1])
       return '\n'.join(
           ' '.join(row) for row in chunksOf(n)([
               s.rjust(w, ' ') for s in xs
   return go

  1. MAIN ---

if __name__ == '__main__':

      0       1       9      36     100
    225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang Quackery> $ "" 0

 50 times 
   [ i^ 3 ** +
     dup dip 
       [ number$ join
         space join  ] ]
 nest$ 65 wrap$</lang>
0 1 9 36 100 225 441 784 1296 2025 3025 4356 6084 8281 11025
14400 18496 23409 29241 36100 44100 53361 64009 76176 90000
105625 123201 142884 164836 189225 216225 246016 278784 314721
354025 396900 443556 494209 549081 608400 672400 741321 815409
894916 980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang perl6>my @sums_of_all_cubes = [\+] ^Inf X** 3;

say .fmt('%7d') for @sums_of_all_cubes.head(50).batch(10);</lang>

     0       1       9      36     100     225     441     784    1296    2025
  3025    4356    6084    8281   11025   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
 44100   53361   64009   76176   90000  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
672400  741321  815409  894916  980100 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang rexx>/*REXX program finds and displays a number of sums of the first N cubes, where N < 50 */ parse arg n cols . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if n== | n=="," then n= 50 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ if cols== | cols=="," then cols= 10 /* " " " " " " */ w= 12 /*width of a number in any column. */

                    title= ' cube sums,  where  N  < '     commas(n)

say ' index │'center(title, 1 + cols*(w+1) ) say '───────┼'center("" , 1 + cols*(w+1), '─') found= 0; idx= 0 /*initialize the number for the index. */ $=; sum= 0 /*a list of the sum of N cubes. . */

    do j=0  for n;        sum= sum + j**3       /*compute the sum of this cube + others*/
    found= found + 1                            /*bump the number of  sums  shown.     */
    c= commas(sum)                              /*maybe add commas to the number.      */
    $= $ right(c, max(w, length(c) ) )          /*add a sum of  N  cubes to the $ list.*/
    if found//cols\==0  then iterate            /*have we populated a line of output?  */
    say center(idx, 7)'│'  substr($, 2);   $=   /*display what we have so far  (cols). */
    idx= idx + cols                             /*bump the  index  count for the output*/
    end   /*j*/

if $\== then say center(idx, 7)"│" substr($, 2) /*possible display residual output.*/ say '───────┴'center("" , 1 + cols*(w+1), '─') say say 'Found ' commas(found) title exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ commas: parse arg ?; do jc=length(?)-3 to 1 by -3; ?=insert(',', ?, jc); end; return ?</lang>

output   when using the default inputs:

(Shown at five-sixth size.)

 index │                                                    cube sums,  where  N  <  50
   0   │            0            1            9           36          100          225          441          784        1,296        2,025
  10   │        3,025        4,356        6,084        8,281       11,025       14,400       18,496       23,409       29,241       36,100
  20   │       44,100       53,361       64,009       76,176       90,000      105,625      123,201      142,884      164,836      189,225
  30   │      216,225      246,016      278,784      314,721      354,025      396,900      443,556      494,209      549,081      608,400
  40   │      672,400      741,321      815,409      894,916      980,100    1,071,225    1,168,561    1,272,384    1,382,976    1,500,625

Found  50  cube sums,  where  N  <  50


<lang ring> see "working..." + nl see "Sum of first n cubes:" + nl row = 0 lenCubes = 49

for n = 0 to lenCubes

   sumCubes = 0
   for m = 1 to n
       sumCubes = sumCubes + pow(m,3)
   row = row + 1
   see "" + sumCubes + " "
   if row%5 = 0
      see nl


see "Found " + row + " cubes" + nl see "done..." + nl </lang>

Sum of first n cubes:
0 1 9 36 100 
225 441 784 1296 2025 
3025 4356 6084 8281 11025 
14400 18496 23409 29241 36100 
44100 53361 64009 76176 90000 
105625 123201 142884 164836 189225 
216225 246016 278784 314721 354025 
396900 443556 494209 549081 608400 
672400 741321 815409 894916 980100 
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625 
Found 50 cubes


<lang rust>fn main() {

       .map(|x| x * x * x)
       .scan(0, |sum, x| {
           *sum += x;
       .for_each(|(i, n)| {
           print!("{:7}", n);
           if (i + 1) % 5 == 0 {
           } else {
               print!(" ");


      0       1       9      36     100
    225     441     784    1296    2025
   3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
  14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
  44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
 105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
 216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
 396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
 672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang seed7>$ include "seed7_05.s7i";

const proc: main is func

   var integer: n is 0;
   for n range 0 to 49 do
     write((n * (n + 1) >> 1) ** 2 lpad 8);
     if n rem 5 = 4 then
     end if;
   end for;
 end func;</lang>
       0       1       9      36     100
     225     441     784    1296    2025
    3025    4356    6084    8281   11025
   14400   18496   23409   29241   36100
   44100   53361   64009   76176   90000
  105625  123201  142884  164836  189225
  216225  246016  278784  314721  354025
  396900  443556  494209  549081  608400
  672400  741321  815409  894916  980100
 1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang ruby>0..49 -> map { .faulhaber_sum(3) }.slices(5).each { .join(' ').say }</lang>

0 1 9 36 100
225 441 784 1296 2025
3025 4356 6084 8281 11025
14400 18496 23409 29241 36100
44100 53361 64009 76176 90000
105625 123201 142884 164836 189225
216225 246016 278784 314721 354025
396900 443556 494209 549081 608400
672400 741321 815409 894916 980100
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625


<lang ecmascript>import "/fmt" for Fmt

System.print("Cumulative sums of the first 50 cubes:") var sum = 0 for (n in 0..49) {

   sum = sum + n * n * n
   Fmt.write("$,9d ", sum)
   if ((n % 10) == 9) System.print()

} System.print()</lang>

Cumulative sums of the first 50 cubes:
        0         1         9        36       100       225       441       784     1,296     2,025 
    3,025     4,356     6,084     8,281    11,025    14,400    18,496    23,409    29,241    36,100 
   44,100    53,361    64,009    76,176    90,000   105,625   123,201   142,884   164,836   189,225 
  216,225   246,016   278,784   314,721   354,025   396,900   443,556   494,209   549,081   608,400 
  672,400   741,321   815,409   894,916   980,100 1,071,225 1,168,561 1,272,384 1,382,976 1,500,625 

X86 Assembly

<lang asm> 1 ;Assemble with: tasm, tlink /t

     2     0000                                 .model  tiny
     3     0000                                 .code
     4                                          .386
     5                                          org     100h            ;.com program starts here
     7                                  ; eax: working register
     8                                  ; ebx: 10 for divide
     9                                  ; cx:  numout digit counter
    10                                  ; edx: divide remainder
    11                                  ; esi: Sum
    12                                  ; edi: N
    13                                  ; bp:  column position for tab
    15     0100  66| 33 F6              start:  xor     esi, esi        ;Sum:= 0
    16     0103  33 ED                          xor     bp, bp          ;reset column position
    17     0105  66| 33 FF                      xor     edi, edi        ;N:= 0
    18     0108  66| 8B C7              sum:    mov     eax, edi        ;Sum:= N^3 + Sum
    19     010B  66| F7 EF                      imul    edi             ;eax:= edi^3 + esi
    20     010E  66| F7 EF                      imul    edi
    21     0111  66| 03 C6                      add     eax, esi
    23     0114  66| 8B F0                      mov     esi, eax
    24     0117  66| BB 0000000A                mov     ebx, 10         ;output number in eax
    25     011D  33 C9                          xor     cx, cx          ;digit counter
    26     011F  66| 99                 no10:   cdq                     ;edx:= 0 (extend sign of eax into edx)
    27     0121  66| F7 FB                      idiv    ebx             ;(edx:eax)/ebx
    28     0124  52                             push    dx              ;save remainder
    29     0125  41                             inc     cx              ;count digit
    30     0126  66| 85 C0                      test    eax, eax        ;loop for all digits
    31     0129  75 F4                          jne     no10
    33     012B  58                     no20:   pop     ax              ;get remainder
    34     012C  04 30                          add     al, '0'         ;convert to ASCII
    35     012E  CD 29                          int     29h             ;output digit
    36     0130  45                             inc     bp              ;bump column position
    37     0131  E2 F8                          loop    no20            ;loop for cx digits
    39     0133  B0 20                  tab:    mov     al, 20h         ;output spaces until tab stop
    40     0135  CD 29                          int     29h
    41     0137  45                             inc     bp              ;bump column position
    42     0138  F7 C5 0007                     test    bp, 7           ;loop until it's a multiple of 8
    43     013C  75 F5                          jne     tab
    45     013E  8B C7                          mov     ax, di          ;if remainder(di/5) = 4 then CR LF
    46     0140  D4 05                          aam     5               ;ah:= al/5; al:= remainder
    47     0142  3C 04                          cmp     al, 4
    48     0144  75 0A                          jne     next
    49     0146  B0 0D                           mov    al, 0Dh         ;CR
    50     0148  CD 29                           int    29h
    51     014A  33 ED                           xor    bp, bp          ;reset column position
    52     014C  B0 0A                           mov    al, 0Ah         ;LF
    53     014E  CD 29                           int    29h
    54     0150  47                     next:   inc     di              ;next N
    55     0151  83 FF 32                       cmp     di, 50          ;loop until done
    56     0154  7C B2                          jl      sum
    57     0156  C3                             ret
    59                                          end     start</lang>
0       1       9       36      100     
225     441     784     1296    2025    
3025    4356    6084    8281    11025   
14400   18496   23409   29241   36100   
44100   53361   64009   76176   90000   
105625  123201  142884  164836  189225  
216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  
396900  443556  494209  549081  608400  
672400  741321  815409  894916  980100  
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625 


<lang XPL0>int N, S; [S:= 0; for N:= 0 to 49 do

   [S:= S + N*N*N;
   IntOut(0, S);
   ChOut(0, 9\tab\);
   if rem(N/5) = 4 then CrLf(0);


0       1       9       36      100     
225     441     784     1296    2025    
3025    4356    6084    8281    11025   
14400   18496   23409   29241   36100   
44100   53361   64009   76176   90000   
105625  123201  142884  164836  189225  
216225  246016  278784  314721  354025  
396900  443556  494209  549081  608400  
672400  741321  815409  894916  980100  
1071225 1168561 1272384 1382976 1500625