Sum of primes in odd positions is prime: Difference between revisions

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Line 811: Line 811:
end sub
end sub

print "p(n)\tsum\n----\t------"
print "i\tp(n)\tsum\n----\t-----\t------"
for n = 2 to 999
for n = 2 to 999
if isPrime(n) then
if isPrime(n) then
Line 817: Line 817:
if mod(i, 2) then
if mod(i, 2) then
sum = sum + n
sum = sum + n
if isPrime(sum) print n, "\t", sum
if isPrime(sum) print i, "\t", n, "\t", sum
end if
end if
end if
end if
<pre>p(n) sum
<pre>i p(n) sum
---- ------
---- ----- ------
2 2
1 2 2
5 7
3 5 7
31 89
11 31 89
103 659
27 103 659
149 1181
35 149 1181
331 5021
67 331 5021
467 9923
91 467 9923
499 10909
95 499 10909
523 11941
99 523 11941
653 17959
119 653 17959
823 26879
143 823 26879
---Program done, press RETURN---
---Program done, press RETURN---</pre>

Revision as of 08:25, 20 April 2022

Sum of primes in odd positions is prime is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Let p(i) be a sequence of prime numbers.
Consider the p(1),p(3),p(5), ... ,p(i), for each p(i) < 1,000 and i is odd.
Let sum be the sum of these primes.
If sum is prime then print i, p(i) and sum.


Translation of: Nim

<lang 11l>F is_prime(n)

  I n == 2
     R 1B
  I n < 2 | n % 2 == 0
     R 0B
  L(i) (3 .. Int(sqrt(n))).step(2)
     I n % i == 0
        R 0B
  R 1B

print(‘ i p(i) sum’) V idx = 0 V s = 0 V p = 1 L p < 1000

  I is_prime(p)
     I idx % 2 != 0
        s += p
        I is_prime(s)
           print(f:‘{idx:3}  {p:3}  {s:5}’)</lang>
  i  p(i)   sum
  1    2      2
  3    5      7
 11   31     89
 27  103    659
 35  149   1181
 67  331   5021
 91  467   9923
 95  499  10909
 99  523  11941
119  653  17959
143  823  26879


<lang Action!>INCLUDE "D2:PRINTF.ACT" ;from the Action! Tool Kit


 CARD i,max
 i=2 max=x/2
 WHILE i<=max
   IF x MOD i=0 THEN
     RETURN (0)


PROC Main()

 CARD x,count,sum
 Put(125) PutE() ;clear the screen
 count=0 sum=0
 FOR x=2 TO 999
   IF IsPrime(x) THEN
     IF (count&1)=1 THEN
       IF IsPrime(sum) THEN
         StrC(count,s) PrintF("%3S",s)
         StrC(x,s) PrintF("%5S",s)
         StrC(sum,s) PrintF("%6S%E",s)



Screenshot from Atari 8-bit computer

  i p(i)   sum
  1    2     2
  3    5     7
 11   31    89
 27  103   659
 35  149  1181
 67  331  5021
 91  467  9923
 95  499 10909
 99  523 11941
119  653 17959
143  823 26879


<lang algol68>BEGIN # find primes (up to 999) p(i) for odd i such that the sum of primes p(j), j = 1, 3, 5, ..., i is prime #

   PR read "primes.incl.a68" PR
   INT max prime    = 999;
   []BOOL prime     = PRIMESIEVE 50 000;                                # guess that the max sum will be <= 50 000 #
   []INT  low prime = EXTRACTPRIMESUPTO max prime FROMPRIMESIEVE prime; # get a list of primes up to max prime     #
   # find the sums of the odd primes and test for primality #
   print( ( "  i p[i]    sum", newline ) );
   INT odd prime sum := 0; 
   FOR i BY 2 TO UPB low prime DO
       IF   odd prime sum +:= low prime[ i ];
            IF odd prime sum <= UPB prime
                prime[ odd prime sum ]
                print( ( "Need more primes: ", whole( odd prime sum, 0 ), newline ) );
           print( ( whole( i, -3 ), " ", whole( low prime[ i ], -4 ), " ", whole( odd prime sum, -6 ), newline ) )


  i p[i]    sum
  1    2      2
  3    5      7
 11   31     89
 27  103    659
 35  149   1181
 67  331   5021
 91  467   9923
 95  499  10909
 99  523  11941
119  653  17959
143  823  26879


<lang AWK>

  2. converted from Ring


   print("     i      p    sum")
   print("------ ------ ------")
   start = 2
   stop = 999
   for (i=start; i<=stop; i++) {
     if (is_prime(i)) {
       if (++nr % 2 == 1) {
         sum += i
         if (is_prime(sum)) {
           printf("%6d %6d %6d\n",nr,i,sum)
   printf("Odd indexed primes %d-%d: %d\n",start,stop,count)

} function is_prime(x, i) {

   if (x <= 1) {
   for (i=2; i<=int(sqrt(x)); i++) {
     if (x % i == 0) {

} </lang>

     i      p    sum
------ ------ ------
     1      2      2
     3      5      7
    11     31     89
    27    103    659
    35    149   1181
    67    331   5021
    91    467   9923
    95    499  10909
    99    523  11941
   119    653  17959
   143    823  26879
Odd indexed primes 2-999: 11


<lang c>#include<stdio.h>

  1. include<stdlib.h>

int isprime( int p ) {

   int i;
   if(p==2) return 1;
   if(!(p%2)) return 0;
   for(i=3; i*i<=p; i+=2) {
      if(!(p%i)) return 0;
   return 1;


int main( void ) {

  int s=0, p, i=1;
  for(p=2;p<=999;p++) {
      if(isprime(p)) {
          if(i%2) {
              if(isprime(s)) printf( "%d       %d       %d\n", i, p, s );
  return 0;



This task uses Extensible Prime Generator (F#) <lang fsharp> // Sum of primes in odd positions is prime. Nigel Galloway: November 9th., 2021 primes32()|>Seq.chunkBySize 2|>Seq.mapi(fun n g->(2*n+1,g.[0]))|>Seq.scan(fun(n,i,g)(e,l)->(e,l,g+l))(0,0,0)|>Seq.takeWhile(fun(_,n,_)->n<1000)|>Seq.filter(fun(_,_,n)->isPrime n)|>Seq.iter(fun(n,g,l)->printfn $"i=%3d{n} p[i]=%3d{g} sum=%5d{l}") </lang>

i=  1 p[i]=  2 sum=    2
i=  3 p[i]=  5 sum=    7
i= 11 p[i]= 31 sum=   89
i= 27 p[i]=103 sum=  659
i= 35 p[i]=149 sum= 1181
i= 67 p[i]=331 sum= 5021
i= 91 p[i]=467 sum= 9923
i= 95 p[i]=499 sum=10909
i= 99 p[i]=523 sum=11941
i=119 p[i]=653 sum=17959
i=143 p[i]=823 sum=26879


Works with: Factor version 0.99 2021-06-02

<lang factor>USING: assocs assocs.extras kernel math.primes math.statistics prettyprint sequences.extras ;

1000 primes-upto <evens> dup cum-sum zip [ prime? ] filter-values .</lang>

    { 2 2 }
    { 5 7 }
    { 31 89 }
    { 103 659 }
    { 149 1181 }
    { 331 5021 }
    { 467 9923 }
    { 499 10909 }
    { 523 11941 }
    { 653 17959 }
    { 823 26879 }


<lang fermat>s:=0; for ii=0 to 83 do oi:=1+2*ii;s:=s+Prime(oi);if Isprime(s)=1 then !!(oi, Prime(oi), s) fi od;</lang>


<lang freebasic>#include "isprime.bas" dim as uinteger i = 1, p, sum = 0 for p = 2 to 999

   if isprime(p) then
       if i mod 2 = 1 then
           sum += p
           if isprime(sum) then print i, p, sum
       end if
       i = i + 1
   end if

next p</lang>


Translation of: Wren
Library: Go-rcu

<lang go>package main

import (



func main() {

   primes := rcu.Primes(999)
   sum := 0
   fmt.Println(" i   p[i]  Σp[i]")
   for i := 0; i < len(primes); i += 2 {
       sum += primes[i]
       if rcu.IsPrime(sum) {
           fmt.Printf("%3d  %3d  %6s\n", i+1, primes[i], rcu.Commatize(sum))


 i   p[i]  Σp[i]
  1    2       2
  3    5       7
 11   31      89
 27  103     659
 35  149   1,181
 67  331   5,021
 91  467   9,923
 95  499  10,909
 99  523  11,941
119  653  17,959
143  823  26,879


<lang gwbasic>10 S = 2 20 A = 1 30 PRINT 1, 2, 2 40 FOR P = 3 TO 999 STEP 2 50 GOSUB 90 60 IF Q=1 THEN GOSUB 190 70 NEXT P 80 END 90 Q=0 100 IF P=3 THEN Q=1:RETURN 110 IF P = 2 THEN Q = 1: RETURN 120 IF INT(P/2)*2= P THEN Q = 0: RETURN 130 I=1 140 I=I+2 150 IF INT(P/I)*I = P THEN RETURN 160 IF I*I<=P THEN GOTO 140 170 Q = 1 180 RETURN 190 A = A + 1 200 IF A MOD 2 = 0 THEN RETURN 210 S = S + P 220 T = P 230 P = S 240 GOSUB 90 250 IF Q = 1 THEN PRINT A, T, S 260 P = T 270 RETURN</lang>


Works with: jq

Works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq See e.g. Erdős-primes#jq for a suitable implementation of `is_prime`.

<lang jq>def lpad($len): tostring | ($len - length) as $l | (" " * $l)[:$l] + .;

def task:

 [2, (range(3;1000;2)|select(is_prime))] 
 | [.[range(0;length;2)]] 
 | . as $oddPositionPrimes
 | foreach range(0; length) as $i ({i: -1};
     .i += 2
     | .sum += $oddPositionPrimes[$i];
     | "\(.i|lpad(3))  \($oddPositionPrimes[$i]|lpad(3)) \(.sum|lpad(5))" ) ;
"  i  p[$i] sum", task</lang>
  i  p[$i] sum
  1    2     2
  3    5     7
 11   31    89
 27  103   659
 35  149  1181
 67  331  5021
 91  467  9923
 95  499 10909
 99  523 11941
119  653 17959
143  823 26879


Translation of: Factor

<lang julia>using Primes p = primes(1000) arr = filter(n -> isprime(n[2]), accumulate((x, y) -> (y, x[2] + y), p[1:2:length(p)], init = (0, 0))) println(join(arr, "\n"))


(2, 2)
(5, 7)
(31, 89)
(103, 659)
(149, 1181)
(331, 5021)
(467, 9923)
(499, 10909)
(523, 11941)
(653, 17959)
(823, 26879)

Mathematica /Wolfram Language

<lang Mathematica>p = Prime[Range[1, PrimePi[1000], 2]]; p = {p, Accumulate[p]} // Transpose; Select[p, Last /* PrimeQ]</lang>



<lang Nim>import strformat

template isOdd(n: Natural): bool = (n and 1) != 0 template isEven(n: Natural): bool = (n and 1) == 0

func isPrime(n: Positive): bool =

 if n == 1: return false
 if n.isEven: return n == 2
 if n mod 3 == 0: return n == 3
 var d = 5
 while d * d <= n:
   if n mod d == 0: return false
   inc d, 2
   if n mod d == 0: return false
   inc d, 4
 result = true
  1. Compute the sums of primes at odd position.

echo " i p(i) sum" var idx = 0 var sum = 0 var p = 1 while p < 1000:

 inc p
 if p.isPrime:
   inc idx
   if idx.isOdd:
     inc sum, p
     if sum.isPrime:
       echo &"{idx:3}  {p:3}  {sum:5}"</lang>
  i  p(i)   sum
  1    2      2
  3    5      7
 11   31     89
 27  103    659
 35  149   1181
 67  331   5021
 91  467   9923
 95  499  10909
 99  523  11941
119  653  17959
143  823  26879


<lang parigp>sm=0;for(ii=0, 83, oi=1+2*ii;sm=sm+prime(oi);if(isprime(sm),print(oi," ", prime(oi)," ",sm)))</lang>

1 2 2
3 5 7
11 31 89
27 103 659
35 149 1181
67 331 5021
91 467 9923
95 499 10909
99 523 11941
119 653 17959
143 823 26879


Library: ntheory

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use ntheory 'is_prime';

my $c; my @odd = grep { 0 != ++$c % 2 } grep { is_prime $_ } 2 .. 999; my @sums = $odd[0]; push @sums, $sums[-1] + $_ for @odd[1..$#odd];

$c = 1; for (0..$#sums) {

   printf "%6d%6d%6d\n", $c, $odd[$_], $sums[$_] if is_prime $sums[$_];
   $c += 2;


 1     2     2
     3     5     7
    11    31    89
    27   103   659
    35   149  1181
    67   331  5021
    91   467  9923
    95   499 10909
    99   523 11941
   119   653 17959
   143   823 26879


with javascript_semantics
sequence primes = get_primes_le(1000)
integer total = 0
printf(1,"  i    p     sum\n")
for i=1 to length(primes) by 2 do
    total += primes[i]
    if is_prime(total) then
        printf(1,"%3d  %3d  %,6d\n", {i, primes[i], total})
    end if
end for
  i    p     sum
  1    2       2
  3    5       7
 11   31      89
 27  103     659
 35  149   1,181
 67  331   5,021
 91  467   9,923
 95  499  10,909
 99  523  11,941
119  653  17,959
143  823  26,879


<lang perl6>my @odd = grep { ++$ !%% 2 }, grep &is-prime, 2 ..^ 1000; my @sums = [\+] @odd;

say .fmt('%5d') for grep { .[2].is-prime }, ( (1,3…*) Z @odd Z @sums );</lang>

    1     2     2
    3     5     7
   11    31    89
   27   103   659
   35   149  1181
   67   331  5021
   91   467  9923
   95   499 10909
   99   523 11941
  119   653 17959
  143   823 26879


<lang REXX>/*REXX pgm shows a prime index, the prime, & sum of odd indexed primes when sum is prime*/ parse arg hi . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if hi== | hi=="," then hi= 1000 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ call genP /*build array of semaphores for primes.*/

                    title= 'odd indexed primes         the sum of the odd indexed primes'

say ' index │'center(title, 65) say '───────┼'center("" , 65, '─') found= 0 /*initialize # of odd indexed primes···*/ $= 0 /*sum of odd indexed primes (so far). */

    do j=1  by 2;  p= @.j;  if p>hi then leave  /*find odd indexed primes, sum = prime.*/
    $= $ + p                                    /*add this odd index prime to the sum. */
    if \!.$  then iterate                       /*This sum not prime?    Then skip it. */
    found= found + 1                            /*bump the number of solutions found.  */
    say center(j, 7)'│'     right( commas(p), 13)         right( commas($), 33)
    end   /*j*/

say '───────┴'center("" , 65, '─') say say 'Found ' commas(found) ' 'subword(title, 1, 3) exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ commas: parse arg ?; do jc=length(?)-3 to 1 by -3; ?=insert(',', ?, jc); end; return ? /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ genP: @.1=2; @.2=3; @.3=5; @.4=7; @.5=11 /*define some low primes. */

     !.=0;  !.2=1; !.3=1; !.5=1; !.7=1;  !.11=1 /*   "     "   "    "     semaphores.  */
                          #=5;   sq.#= @.# ** 2 /*number of primes so far;     prime². */
       do j=@.#+2  by 2  to hi*33;  parse var j  -1 _  /*obtain the last decimal dig.*/
       if _==5  then iterate;       if j//3==0  then iterate;    if j//7==0  then iterate
              do k=5  while sq.k<=j             /* [↓]  divide by the known odd primes.*/
              if j // @.k == 0  then iterate j  /*Is  J ÷ X?  Then not prime.     ___  */
              end   /*k*/                       /* [↑]  only process numbers  ≤  √ J   */
       #= #+1;    @.#= j;    sq.#= j*j;  !.j= 1 /*bump # of Ps; assign next P;  P²; P# */
       end          /*j*/;               return</lang>
output   when using the default inputs:
 index │  odd indexed primes         the sum of the odd indexed primes
   1   │             2                                 2
   3   │             5                                 7
  11   │            31                                89
  27   │           103                               659
  35   │           149                             1,181
  67   │           331                             5,021
  91   │           467                             9,923
  95   │           499                            10,909
  99   │           523                            11,941
  119  │           653                            17,959
  143  │           823                            26,879

Found  11  odd indexed primes


<lang ring> load "stdlib.ring" see "working..." + nl see "i p sum" + nl

nr = 0 sum = 0 limit = 1000

for n = 2 to limit

   if isprime(n)
      if nr%2 = 1
         sum += n
         if isprime(sum)
            see "" + nr + " " + n + " " + sum + nl


see "done..." + nl </lang>

i p sum
1 2 2
3 5 7
11 31 89
27 103 659
35 149 1181
67 331 5021
91 467 9923
95 499 10909
99 523 11941
119 653 17959
143 823 26879


<lang ruby>require 'prime'

sum = 0 Prime.each(1000).with_index(1).each_slice(2) do |(odd_i, i),(_)|

 puts "%6d%6d%6d" % [i, odd_i, sum] if (sum += odd_i).prime? 

end </lang>

     1     2     2
     3     5     7
    11    31    89
    27   103   659
    35   149  1181
    67   331  5021
    91   467  9923
    95   499 10909
    99   523 11941
   119   653 17959
   143   823 26879


<lang tinybasic> LET I = 0

   LET S = 0
   LET P = 1

10 LET P = P + 1

   LET X = P
   GOSUB 100
   IF Z = 1 THEN LET I = I + 1
   IF Z = 0 THEN GOTO 20
   IF (I/2)*2<>I THEN GOSUB 200

20 IF P<917 THEN GOTO 10 REM need to cheat a little to avoid overflow


100 REM is X a prime? Z=1 for yes, 0 for no

   LET Z = 1
   IF X = 2 THEN RETURN    
   LET A = 1

110 LET A = A + 1

   IF (X/A)*A = X THEN GOTO 120
   IF A*A<=X THEN GOTO 110

120 LET Z = 0


200 LET S = S + P

   LET X = S
   GOSUB 100
   IF Z = 1 THEN PRINT I," ", P," ", S
1 2 2

3 5 7 11 31 89 27 103 659 35 149 1181 67 331 5021 91 467 9923 95 499 10909 99 523 11941 119 653 17959 143 823 26879


Library: Wren-math
Library: Wren-trait
Library: Wren-fmt

<lang ecmascript>import "/math" for Int import "/trait" for Indexed import "/fmt" for Fmt

var primes = Int.primeSieve(999) var sum = 0 System.print(" i p[i] Σp[i]") System.print("----------------") for (se in, 2)) {

   sum = sum + se.value
   if (Int.isPrime(sum)) Fmt.print("$3d  $3d  $,6d", se.index + 1, se.value, sum)


 i   p[i]  Σp[i]
  1    2       2
  3    5       7
 11   31      89
 27  103     659
 35  149   1,181
 67  331   5,021
 91  467   9,923
 95  499  10,909
 99  523  11,941
119  653  17,959
143  823  26,879


<lang XPL0>func IsPrime(N); \Return 'true' if N is a prime number int N, I; [if N <= 1 then return false; for I:= 2 to sqrt(N) do

   if rem(N/I) = 0 then return false;

return true; ];

int I, Sum, N; [Text(0, "p(n) sum^m^j"); Sum:= 0; I:= 0; for N:= 2 to 1000-1 do

   [if IsPrime(N) then
       [I:= I+1;
       if I&1 then     \odd
           [Sum:= Sum + N;
           if IsPrime(Sum) then
               [IntOut(0, N);  ChOut(0, ^      );  IntOut(0, Sum);  CrLf(0)];


p(n)    sum
2       2
5       7
31      89
103     659
149     1181
331     5021
467     9923
499     10909
523     11941
653     17959
823     26879


Translation of: XPL0

<lang Yabasic>// Rosetta Code problem: // by Galileo, 04/2022

sub isPrime(n)

   local i
   if n < 4 return n >= 2
   for i = 2 to sqrt(n)
       if not mod(n, i) return false
   return true

end sub

print "i\tp(n)\tsum\n----\t-----\t------" for n = 2 to 999

   if isPrime(n) then
       i = i + 1
       if mod(i, 2) then
           sum = sum + n
           if isPrime(sum) print i, "\t", n, "\t", sum
       end if
   end if


i       p(n)    sum
----    -----   ------
1       2       2
3       5       7
11      31      89
27      103     659
35      149     1181
67      331     5021
91      467     9923
95      499     10909
99      523     11941
119     653     17959
143     823     26879
---Program done, press RETURN---