Symmetric difference: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|MATLAB}}: Added check to eliminate duplicate entries in the resultant set)
(Ada solution added)
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'''Note:''' If your code uses lists of items to represent sets then ensure duplicate items in lists are correctly handled. For example two lists representing sets of <code>a = ["John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"]</code> and <code>b = ["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob"]</code> should produce the result of just two strings: <code>["Serena", "Jim"]</code>, in any order.
'''Note:''' If your code uses lists of items to represent sets then ensure duplicate items in lists are correctly handled. For example two lists representing sets of <code>a = ["John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"]</code> and <code>b = ["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob"]</code> should produce the result of just two strings: <code>["Serena", "Jim"]</code>, in any order.

Ada has the lattice operation '''xor''' predefined on Boolean, modular types, 1D arrays, set implementations from the standard library. The provided solution is uses arrays:
<lang Ada>
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_XOR is
type Person is (John, Bob, Mary, Serena, Jim);
type Group is array (Person) of Boolean;
procedure Put (Set : Group) is
First : Boolean := True;
for I in Set'Range loop
if Set (I) then
if First then
First := False;
Put (',');
end if;
Put (Person'Image (I));
end if;
end loop;
end Put;

A : Group := (John | Bob | Mary | Serena => True, others => False);
B : Group := (Jim | Mary | John | Bob => True, others => False);
Put ("A xor B = "); Put (A xor B); New_Line;
Put ("A - B = "); Put (A and not B); New_Line;
Put ("B - A = "); Put (B and not A); New_Line;
end Test_XOR;
Sample output:
B - A = JIM
<lang autohotkey>setA = John, Bob, Mary, Serena
<lang autohotkey>setA = John, Bob, Mary, Serena

Revision as of 07:10, 11 August 2010

Symmetric difference
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Given two sets A and B, where A contains:

  • John
  • Bob
  • Mary
  • Serena

and B contains:

  • Jim
  • Mary
  • John
  • Bob


That is, enumerate the items that are in A or B but not both. This set is called the symmetric difference of A and B.

Optionally, give the individual differences ( and ) as well.

Note: If your code uses lists of items to represent sets then ensure duplicate items in lists are correctly handled. For example two lists representing sets of a = ["John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"] and b = ["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob"] should produce the result of just two strings: ["Serena", "Jim"], in any order.


Ada has the lattice operation xor predefined on Boolean, modular types, 1D arrays, set implementations from the standard library. The provided solution is uses arrays: <lang Ada> with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_XOR is

  type Person is (John, Bob, Mary, Serena, Jim);
  type Group is array (Person) of Boolean;
  procedure Put (Set : Group) is
     First : Boolean := True;
     for I in Set'Range loop
        if Set (I) then
           if First then
              First := False;
              Put (',');
           end if;
           Put (Person'Image (I));
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Put;
  A : Group := (John | Bob | Mary | Serena => True, others => False);
  B : Group := (Jim | Mary | John | Bob    => True, others => False);   


  Put ("A xor B = "); Put (A xor B);     New_Line;
  Put ("A - B   = "); Put (A and not B); New_Line;
  Put ("B - A   = "); Put (B and not A); New_Line;

end Test_XOR; </lang> Sample output:

A - B   = SERENA
B - A   = JIM


<lang autohotkey>setA = John, Bob, Mary, Serena setB = Jim, Mary, John, Bob MsgBox,, Singles, % SymmetricDifference(setA, setB)

setA = John, Serena, Bob, Mary, Serena setB = Jim, Mary, John, Jim, Bob MsgBox,, Duplicates, % SymmetricDifference(setA, setB)


SymmetricDifference(A, B) { ; returns the symmetric difference of A and B

   StringSplit, A_, A, `,, %A_Space%
   Loop, %A_0%
       If Not InStr(B, A_%A_Index%)
       And Not InStr(Result, A_%A_Index%)
           Result .= A_%A_Index% ", "
   StringSplit, B_, B, `,, %A_Space%
   Loop, %B_0%
       If Not InStr(A, B_%A_Index%)
       And Not InStr(Result, B_%A_Index%)
           Result .= B_%A_Index% ", "
   Return, SubStr(Result, 1, -2)

}</lang> Message boxes show:

Serena, Jim

Serena, Jim



This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Although using lists as sets, duplicates in inputs do not seen to be handled.

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <string.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>

const char mary[]="Mary"; const char bob[]="Bob"; const char jim[]="Jim"; const char john[]="John"; const char serena[]="Serena";

const char *setA[] = {john,bob,mary,serena}; const char *setB[] = {jim,mary,john,bob};

  1. define XSET(j) j, (sizeof(j)/sizeof(*j))
  2. define TALLOC(n,typ) malloc(n*sizeof(typ))

typedef enum {

   esdSYMMETRIC } EsdFunction;

/** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

* return value is difference or symmetric difference set
*    its size is returned in sym_size
*    f determinse whether it is a symmetric difference, or normal difference
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **/

const char ** symmdiff( int *sym_size, EsdFunction f, const char *setA[], int setAsize, const char *setB[], int setBsize) {

   int union_size;
   int max_union_size;
   int diff_size;
   const char **union_set;
   const char **diff_set;
   int *union_xor;
   int ix, ixu;
   max_union_size = setAsize + setBsize;
   union_set = TALLOC(max_union_size, const char *);
   union_xor = TALLOC(max_union_size, int);
   /* I'm assuming here that setA has no duplicates, 
    * i.e. is a set in mathematical sense */
   for (ix=0; ix<setAsize; ix++) {
       union_set[ix] = setA[ix];
       union_xor[ix] = 1;
   diff_size = union_size = setAsize;
   for (ix=0; ix<setBsize; ix++) {
       for (ixu=0; ixu<union_size; ixu++) {
           if (union_set[ixu] == setB[ix]) break;
       if (ixu < union_size) {	/* already in union */
           union_xor[ixu] = 1-union_xor[ixu];
       else {		/* not already in union -add */
           if (f == esdSYMMETRIC) {
               union_set[ixu] = setB[ix];
               union_xor[ixu] = 1;
   /* Put results in symdiff set */
   diff_set = TALLOC(diff_size, const char *);
   ix = 0;
   for (ixu=0; ixu<union_size; ixu++) {
       if (union_xor[ixu]) {
           if (ix == diff_size) {
               printf("Short of space in diff_set\n");
           diff_set[ix] = union_set[ixu];
   *sym_size = diff_size;
   return diff_set;


void printSet (const char *set[], int ssize) {

   int ix;
   printf(" = {");
   for (ix=0;ix<ssize; ix++) {
       printf( "%s ", set[ix]);


int main() {

   const char **symset;
   int sysize;
   printf ("A symmdiff B");
   symset = symmdiff( &sysize, esdSYMMETRIC, XSET(setA), XSET(setB));
   printSet(symset, sysize);
   printf ("A - B");
   symset = symmdiff( &sysize, esdDIFFERENCE, XSET(setA), XSET(setB));
   printSet(symset, sysize);
   printf ("B - A");
   symset = symmdiff( &sysize, esdDIFFERENCE, XSET(setB), XSET(setA));
   printSet(symset, sysize);
   return 0;

}</lang> Output

A symmdiff B = {Serena Jim }
A - B = {Serena }
B - A = {Jim }


<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. include <set>
  2. include <algorithm>
  3. include <iterator>

using namespace std ;

int main( ) {

  string setA[ ] = {  "John"  , "Bob" , "Mary"  , "Serena" } ;
  string setB[ ] = {  "Jim"  , "Mary" , "John" , "Bob"  } ;
  set<string> firstSet ( setA , setA + 4 ) , secondSet( setB , setB + 4 ) , symdiff ;
  set_symmetric_difference ( firstSet.begin( ) , firstSet.end( ) ,
                             secondSet.begin( ) , secondSet.end( ) ,
                             inserter( symdiff, symdiff.begin( ) ) ) ;
  copy( symdiff.begin( ) , symdiff.end( ) , ostream_iterator<string>( cout , " " )) ;
  cout << endl ;
  return 0 ;

}</lang> Output: Jim Serena


<lang clojure>(use '[clojure.set])

(defn symmetric-difference [s1 s2]

 (union (difference s1 s2) (difference s2 s1)))

(symmetric-difference #{:john :bob :mary :serena} #{:jim :mary :john :bob})</lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun symmetric-difference (l0 l1)

 (union (set-difference l0 l1)
        (set-difference l1 l0)))

(symmetric-difference '(John Bob Mary Serena) '(Jim Mary John Bob))</lang> Output



Works with sets of any type (as long as they are of the same type) <lang d>import std.stdio; import std.algorithm;

class Set(T) {

   alias Set!(T) SetT;
   T[] items;
   this(T[] items) {
       this.items = items;
   SetT opSub(SetT other) {
       T[] array;
       foreach(a; items)
           if(find(other.items, a).length == 0)
               array ~= a;
       return new SetT(array);
   SetT opAdd(SetT other) {
       return new SetT(this.items ~ (other - this).items);


T symDiff(T)(T left, T right) {

   return (left - right) + (right - left);


void main() {

   auto A = new Set!(string)(["John", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"]);
   auto B = new Set!(string)(["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Bob"]);
   writefln("        A/B: [%s]", (A - B).items);
   writefln("        B/A: [%s]", (B - A).items);
   writefln("A symdiff B: [%s]", (symDiff(A, B)).items);

}</lang> Output:

        A/B: [Serena]
        B/A: [Jim]
A symdiff B: [Serena Jim]


<lang factor>: symmetric-diff ( a b -- c )

   [ diff ] [ swap diff ] 2bi append ;

{ "John" "Bob" "Mary" "Serena" } { "Jim" "Mary" "John" "Bob" } symmetric-diff .</lang>


<lang haskell>import Data.Set

a = fromList ["John", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"] b = fromList ["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Bob"]

(-|-) :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a (-|-) x y = (x \\ y) `union` (y \\ x)

 -- Equivalently: (x `union` y) \\ (x `intersect` y)</lang>

Symmetric difference:

<lang haskell>*Main> a -|- b fromList ["Jim","Serena"]</lang>

Individual differences:

<lang haskell>*Main> a \\ b fromList ["Serena"]

  • Main> b \\ a

fromList ["Jim"]</lang>

Icon and Unicon


Set operations are built into Icon/Unicon. <lang Icon>procedure main()

a := set(["John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"]) b := set(["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob"])

showset("a",a) showset("b",b) showset("(a\\b) \xef (b\\a)",(a -- b) ++ (b -- a)) showset("(a\\b)",a -- b) showset("(b\\a)",b -- a) end

procedure showset(n,x) writes(n," = { ") every writes(!x," ") write("}") return end</lang>

Sample output:

a = { Serena Mary Bob John }
b = { Mary Bob Jim John }
(a\b) ∩ (b\a) = { Serena Jim }
(a\b) = { Serena }
(b\a) = { Jim }


This Icon solution works in Unicon.


<lang j> A=: ;:'John Serena Bob Mary Serena'

  B=: ;:'Jim Mary John Jim Bob'
  (A-.B) ,&~. (B-.A)   NB. Symmetric Difference

┌──────┬───┐ │Serena│Jim│ └──────┴───┘

  A (-. ,&~. -.~) B    NB. Tacit equivalent

┌──────┬───┐ │Serena│Jim│ └──────┴───┘

  A -.&~. B            NB. items in A but not in B

┌──────┐ │Serena│ └──────┘

  B -.&~. A            NB. items in B but not in A

┌───┐ │Jim│ └───┘</lang>


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Although using lists as sets, duplicates in inputs do not seen to be handled.

<lang java>import java.util.*;

public class SymmetricDifference {

   /** Checks for elements in the first collection that aren't in the second collection.
       We call this for each list, so we can get the symmetric difference. */
   public static <E> Collection<E> inLeftNotRight(Collection<E> leftList, Collection<E> rightList) {
       Collection<E> notFound = new ArrayList<E>(leftList);
       return notFound;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       Collection<String> listA = Arrays.asList("John", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena");
       Collection<String> listB = Arrays.asList("Jim", "Mary", "John", "Bob");
       // Present our initial data set
       System.out.println("In list A: " + listA);
       System.out.println("In list B: " + listB);
       // Get our individual differences.
       Collection<String> notInListA = inLeftNotRight(listB, listA);
       Collection<String> notInListB = inLeftNotRight(listA, listB);
       // The symmetric difference is the concatenation of the two individual differences
       Collection<String> symmetricDifference = new ArrayList<String>(notInListA);
       // Present our results
       System.out.println("Not in list A: " + notInListA);
       System.out.println("Not in list B: " + notInListB);
       System.out.println("Symmetric Difference: " + symmetricDifference);


This outputs:

In list A: [John, Bob, Mary, Serena]
In list B: [Jim, Mary, John, Bob]
Not in list A: [Jim]
Not in list B: [Serena]
Symmetric Difference: [Jim, Serena]


Works with: JavaScript version 1.6
Works with: Firefox version 1.5
Works with: SpiderMonkey

for the print() function.

Uses the Array function unique() defined here. <lang javascript>// in A but not in B function relative_complement(A, B) {

   return A.filter(function(elem) {return B.indexOf(elem) == -1});


// in A or in B but not in both function symmetric_difference(A,B) {

   return relative_complement(A,B).concat(relative_complement(B,A));


var a = ["John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"].unique(); var b = ["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob"].unique();

print(a); print(b); print(symmetric_difference(a,b));</lang> outputs


Works with: UCB Logo

<lang logo> to diff :a :b [:acc []]

 if empty? :a [output sentence :acc :b]
 ifelse member? first :a :b ~
   [output (diff butfirst :a  remove first :a :b  :acc)] ~
   [output (diff butfirst :a  :b    lput first :a :acc)]


make "a [John Bob Mary Serena] make "b [Jim Mary John Bob]

show diff :a :b  ; [Serena Jim] </lang>


If you are using a vector of numbers as the sets of which you like to find the symmetric difference, then there are already utilities that operate on these types of sets built into MATLAB. This code will take the symmetric difference of two vectors:

<lang MATLAB>>> [setdiff([1 2 3],[2 3 4]) setdiff([2 3 4],[1 2 3])]

ans =

    1     4</lang>

On the other hand, if you are using cell-arrays as sets, there are no built-in set utilities to operate on those data structures, so you will have to program them yourself. Also, the only way to have a set of strings is to put each string in a cell of a cell array, trying to put them into a vector will cause all of the strings to concatenate.

This code will return the symmetric difference of two sets and will take both cell arrays and vectors (as in the above example) as inputs.

<lang MATLAB>function resultantSet = symmetricDifference(set1,set2)

   assert( ~xor(iscell(set1),iscell(set2)), 'Both sets must be of the same type, either cells or matricies, but not a combination of the two' );

%% Helper function definitions

   %Define what set equality means for cell arrays
   function trueFalse = equality(set1,set2)
       if xor(iscell(set1),iscell(set2)) %set1 or set2 is a set and the other isn't
           trueFalse = false;
       elseif ~(iscell(set1) || iscell(set2)) %set1 and set2 are not sets
           if ischar(set1) && ischar(set2) %set1 and set2 are chars or strings
               trueFalse = strcmp(set1,set2);
           elseif xor(ischar(set1),ischar(set2)) %set1 or set2 is a string but the other isn't
               trueFalse = false;
           else %set1 and set2 are not strings
               if numel(set1) == numel(set2) %Since they must be matricies if the are of equal cardinality then they can be compaired
                   trueFalse = all((set1 == set2));
               else %If they aren't of equal cardinality then they can't be equal
                   trueFalse = false;
       else %set1 and set2 are both sets

           for x = (1:numel(set1))
               trueFalse = false;
               for y = (1:numel(set2))

                   %Compair the current element of set1 with every element
                   %in set2
                   trueFalse = equality(set1{x},set2{y});

                   %If the element of set1 is equal to the current element
                   %of set2 remove that element from set2 and break out of
                   %this inner loop
                   if trueFalse
                       set2(y) = [];

               %If the loop completes without breaking then the current
               %element of set1 is not contained in set2 therefore the two
               %sets are not equal and we can return an equality of false
               if (~trueFalse)

           %If, after checking every element in both sets, there are still
           %elements in set2 then the two sets are not equivalent
           if ~isempty(set2)
               trueFalse = false;
           %If the executation makes it here without the previous if
           %statement evaluating to true, then this function will return
   end %equality

   %Define the relative compliment for cell arrays
   function set1 = relativeComplement(set1,set2)

       for k = (1:numel(set2))

           if numel(set1) == 0

           j = 1;
           while j <= numel(set1)
               if equality(set1{j},set2{k})
                   set1(j) = [];
                   j = j-1;
               j = j+1;
   end %relativeComplement

%% The Symmetric Difference Algorithm

   if iscell(set1) && iscell(set2)
       resultantSet = [relativeComplement(set1,set2) relativeComplement(set2,set1)];
       resultantSet = [setdiff(set1,set2) setdiff(set2,set1)];

   resultantSet = unique(resultantSet); %Make sure there are not duplicates

end %symmetricDifference</lang>

Solution Test: <lang MATLAB>>> A = {'John','Bob','Mary','Serena'}

A =

   'John'    'Bob'    'Mary'    'Serena'

>> B = {'Jim','Mary','John','Bob'}

B =

   'Jim'    'Mary'    'John'    'Bob'

>> symmetricDifference(A,B)

ans =

   'Serena'    'Jim' %Correct

>> symmetricDifference([1 2 3],[2 3 4])

ans =

    1     4 %Correct</lang>


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Although it seems this example is using lists as sets, duplicates in inputs do not seen to be handled.

<lang ocaml>let ( -| ) a b =

 List.filter (fun v -> not (List.mem v b)) a

let ( -|- ) a b = (b -| a) @ (a -| b)</lang>

in the toplevel:

<lang ocaml># let a = [ "John"; "Bob"; "Mary"; "Serena" ]

 and b = [ "Jim"; "Mary"; "John"; "Bob" ]

val a : string list = ["John"; "Bob"; "Mary"; "Serena"] val b : string list = ["Jim"; "Mary"; "John"; "Bob"]

  1. a -|- b ;;

- : string list = ["Jim"; "Serena"]

  1. a -| b ;;

- : string list = ["Serena"]

  1. b -| a ;;

- : string list = ["Jim"]</lang>


Oz does not have a general set data type. We can implement some basic set operations in terms of list functions and use them to define the symmetric difference: <lang oz>declare

 fun {SymDiff A B}
    {Union {Diff A B} {Diff B A}}
 %% implement sets in terms of lists
 fun {MakeSet Xs}
    set({Nub2 Xs nil})
 fun {Diff set(A) set(B)}
    set({FoldL B List.subtract A})

 fun {Union set(A) set(B)}
    set({Append A B})
 %% --
 fun {Nub2 Xs Ls}
    case Xs of nil then nil
    [] X|Xr andthen {Member X Ls} then {Nub2 Xr Ls}
    [] X|Xr then X|{Nub2 Xr X|Ls}


 {Show {SymDiff

{MakeSet [john bob mary serena]} {MakeSet [jim mary john bob]}}}

 {Show {SymDiff

{MakeSet [john serena bob mary serena]} {MakeSet [jim mary john jim bob]}}} </lang>

Oz does have a type for finite sets of non-negative integers. This is part of the constraint programming support. For the given task, we could use it like this if we assume numbers instead of names: <lang oz>declare

 fun {SymDiff A B}
    {FS.union {FS.diff A B} {FS.diff B A}}
 A = {FS.value.make [1 2 3 4]}
 B = {FS.value.make [5 3 1 2]}


 {Show {SymDiff A B}}</lang>


<lang perl>my @a = qw(John Serena Bob Mary Serena); my @b = qw(Jim Mary John Bob);

  1. Get the individual differences.

my @a_minus_b = setminus(\@a, \@b); my @b_minus_a = setminus(\@b, \@a);

  1. merge then together and remove possible duplicates

my @symmetric_difference = uniq(@a_minus_b, @b_minus_a);

  1. Present our results.

print 'List A: ', join(', ', @a),

   "\nList B:               ", join(', ', @b),
  "\nA \\ B:                ", join(', ', @a_minus_b),
  "\nB \\ A:                ", join(', ', @b_minus_a),
   "\nSymmetric difference: ", join(', ', @symmetric_difference), "\n";

  1. Takes two array references. Returns a list of elements in the first
  2. array that aren't in the second.

sub setminus {

   my ($a, $b) = @_;
   # Convert $b to hash keys, so it's easier to search.
   my %b;
   @b{@$b} = ();
   return grep !exists $b{$_}, @$a;


  1. take a list and return only uniq items

sub uniq {

       my %saw;
       return grep !$saw{$_}++, @_;


This outputs:

List A:               John, Serena, Bob, Mary, Serena
List B:               Jim, Mary, John, Bob
A \ B:                Serena, Serena
B \ A:                Jim
Symmetric difference: Serena, Jim


<lang php><?php $a = array('John', 'Bob', 'Mary', 'Serena'); $b = array('Jim', 'Mary', 'John', 'Bob');

// Remove any duplicates $a = array_unique($a); $b = array_unique($b);

// Get the individual differences, using array_diff() $a_minus_b = array_diff($a, $b); $b_minus_a = array_diff($b, $a);

// Simply merge them together to get the symmetric difference $symmetric_difference = array_merge($a_minus_b, $b_minus_a);

// Present our results. echo 'List A: ', implode(', ', $a),

  "\nList B:               ", implode(', ', $b),
 "\nA \\ B:                ", implode(', ', $a_minus_b),
 "\nB \\ A:                ", implode(', ', $b_minus_a),
  "\nSymmetric difference: ", implode(', ', $symmetric_difference), "\n";


This outputs:

List A:               John, Bob, Mary, Serena
List B:               Jim, Mary, John, Bob
A \ B:                Serena
B \ A:                Jim
Symmetric difference: Serena, Jim


<lang PicoLisp>(de symdiff (A B)

  (uniq (conc (diff A B) (diff B A))) )</lang>


(symdiff '(John Serena Bob Mary Serena) '(Jim Mary John Jim Bob))
-> (Serena Jim)


Simple approach

<lang PureBasic>Dim A.s(3) Dim B.s(3)

A(0)="John": A(1)="Bob": A(2)="Mary": A(3)="Serena" B(0)="Jim": B(1)="Mary":B(2)="John": B(3)="Bob"

For a=0 To ArraySize(A())  ; A-B

 For b=0 To ArraySize(B())
   If A(a)=B(b)
   ElseIf b=ArraySize(B())
     Debug A(a)
 Next b

Next a

For b=0 To ArraySize(B())  ; B-A

 For a=0 To ArraySize(A())
   If A(a)=B(b)
   ElseIf a=ArraySize(A())
     Debug B(b)
 Next a

Next b</lang>

Solution using lists

<lang PureBasic>DataSection

 Data.i 4
 Data.s "John", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"
 ; Data.i 5
 ; Data.s "John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"
 Data.i 4
 Data.s "Jim", "Mary", "John", "Bob"
 ; Data.i 5
 ; Data.s "Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob"


Procedure addElementsToSet(List x.s())

 ;requires the read pointer to be set prior to calling by using 'Restore'
 Protected i, count
 Read.i count
 For i = 1 To count
   Read.s x()


Procedure displaySet(List x.s())

 Protected i, count = ListSize(x())
 For i = 1 To count
   If i <> count: Print(", "): EndIf 


Procedure symmetricDifference(List a.s(), List b.s(), List result.s())

 Protected ACount = ListSize(a()), BCount = ListSize(b()), prev.s
 ;this may leave set a and b in a different order
 LastElement(result()) ;add to end of result()
 While ACount > 0 Or BCount > 0
   If ACount <> 0 And BCount <> 0 And a() = b()
     ACount - 1: NextElement(a())
     BCount - 1: NextElement(b())
   ElseIf BCount = 0 Or (ACount <> 0 And a() < b())
     AddElement(result()): result() = a()
     prev = a(): Repeat: ACount - 1: NextElement(a()): Until ACount = 0 Or (a() <> prev)
   ElseIf ACount = 0 Or (BCount <> 0 And a() > b())
     AddElement(result()): result() = b()
     prev = b(): Repeat: BCount - 1: NextElement(b()): Until BCount = 0 Or (b() <> prev)


If OpenConsole()

 NewList a.s(): Restore SetA: addElementsToSet(a())
 NewList b.s(): Restore SetB: addElementsToSet(b())
 Print("Set A: "): displaySet(a())
 Print("Set B: "): displaySet(b())
 NewList sd.s()
 symmetricDifference(a(), b(), sd())
 Print("Symmetric Difference: "): displaySet(sd())
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

Set A: John, Bob, Mary, Serena
Set B: Jim, Mary, John, Bob
Symmetric Difference: Jim, Serena


Python's set type supports difference as well as symmetric difference operators <lang python>>>> setA = set(["John", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"]) >>> setB = set(["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Bob"]) >>> setA ^ setB # symmetric difference of A and B set(['Jim', 'Serena']) >>> setA - setB # elements in A that are not in B set(['Serena']) >>> setB - setA # elements in B that are not in A set(['Jim'])</lang>


<lang R> a <- c( "John", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena" ) b <- c( "Jim", "Mary", "John", "Bob" ) c(setdiff(b, a), setdiff(a, b))

a <- c("John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena") b <- c("Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob") c(setdiff(b, a), setdiff(a, b)) </lang> In both cases answer is: <lang R> [1] "Jim" "Serena" </lang>


First, handle possible non-unique elements <lang ruby># with sets require 'set' a = Set["John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"] b = Set["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob"]

  1. or, with arrays

a = ["John", "Serena", "Bob", "Mary", "Serena"] b = ["Jim", "Mary", "John", "Jim", "Bob"] a.uniq! b.uniq!</lang>

Then, find the differences. Both Set and Array objects understand these operations: <lang ruby>a_not_b = a - b b_not_a = b - a sym_diff = a_not_b + b_not_a</lang>


<lang smalltalk>|A B| A := Set new. B := Set new. A addAll: #( 'John' 'Bob' 'Mary' 'Serena' ). B addAll: #( 'Jim' 'Mary' 'John' 'Bob' ).

( (A - B) + (B - A) ) displayNl.</lang>

Output is

Set ('Jim' 'Serena' )


It's common to represent sets as an unordered list of elements. (It is also the most efficient representation.) The struct::set package contains operations for working on such sets-as-lists.

Library: tcllib

<lang tcl>package require struct::set

set A {John Bob Mary Serena} set B {Jim Mary John Bob}

set AnotB [struct::set difference $A $B] set BnotA [struct::set difference $B $A] set SymDiff [struct::set union $AnotB $BnotA]

puts "A\\B = $AnotB" puts "B\\A = $BnotA" puts "A\u2296B = $SymDiff"

  1. Of course, the library already has this operation directly...

puts "Direct Check: [struct::set symdiff $A $B]"</lang>

Produces this output:

A\B = Serena
B\A = Jim
A⊖B = Jim Serena
Direct Check: Jim Serena


<lang Ursala>a = <'John','Bob','Mary','Serena'> b = <'Jim','Mary','John','Bob'>

  1. cast %sLm

main =


  'a': a,
  'b': b,
  'a not b': ~&j/a b,
  'b not a': ~&j/b a,
  'symmetric difference': ~&jrljTs/a b></lang>


   'a': <'John','Bob','Mary','Serena'>,
   'b': <'Jim','Mary','John','Bob'>,
   'a not b': <'Serena'>,
   'b not a': <'Jim'>,
   'symmetric difference': <'Jim','Serena'>>