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''Tic-tac-toe''   is also known as   ''naughts and crosses''.
''Tic-tac-toe''   is also known as:
::*   ''naughts and crosses''       and
::* &nbsp; ''<big>X</big>s &nbsp;and&nbsp; <big>O</big>s''

Revision as of 21:39, 27 June 2020

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Play a game of tic-tac-toe.

Ensure that legal moves are played and that a winning position is notified.

Tic-tac-toe   is also known as:

  •   naughts and crosses       and
  •   Xs  and  Os

See also


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO, Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random;

 -- can play human-human, human-computer, computer-human or computer-computer
 -- the computer isn't very clever: it just chooses a legal random move

procedure Tic_Tac_Toe is

  type The_Range is range 1 .. 3;
  type Board_Type is array (The_Range, The_Range) of Character;
  package Rand is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(The_Range);
  Gen: Rand.Generator; -- required for the random moves
  procedure Show_Board(Board: Board_Type) is
     use Ada.Text_IO;
     for Row in The_Range loop
        for Column in The_Range loop
           Put(Board(Row, Column));
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end Show_Board;
  function Find_Winner(Board: Board_Type) return Character is
     -- if 'x' or 'o' wins, it returns that, else it returns ' '
     function Three_Equal(A,B,C: Character) return Boolean is
        return (A=B) and (A=C);
     end Three_Equal;
  begin -- Find_Winner
     for I in The_Range loop
        if    Three_Equal(Board(I,1), Board(I,2), Board(I,3)) then
           return Board(I,1);
        elsif  Three_Equal(Board(1,I), Board(2,I), Board(3,I)) then
           return Board(1,I);
        end if;
     end loop;
     if Three_Equal(Board(1,1), Board(2,2), Board (3,3)) or
        Three_Equal(Board(3,1), Board(2,2), Board (1,3)) then
        return Board(2,2);
     end if;
     return ' ';
  end Find_Winner;
  procedure Do_Move(Board: in out Board_Type;
                    New_Char: Character; Computer_Move: Boolean) is
     Done: Boolean := False;
     C: Character;
     use Ada.Text_IO;
     procedure Do_C_Move(Board: in out Board_Type; New_Char: Character) is
        Found: Boolean := False;
        X,Y: The_Range;
        while not Found loop
           X := Rand.Random(Gen);
           Y := Rand.Random(Gen);
           if (Board(X,Y) /= 'x') and  (Board(X,Y) /= 'o') then
              Found := True;
              Board(X,Y) := New_Char;
           end if;
        end loop;
     end Do_C_Move;
     if Computer_Move then
        Do_C_Move(Board, New_Char);
     else -- read move;
        Put_Line("Choose your move, " & New_Char);
        while not Done loop
           for Row in The_Range loop
              for Col in The_Range loop
                 if Board(Row, Col) = C then
                    Board(Row, Col) := New_Char;
                    Done := True;
                 end if;
              end loop;
           end loop;
        end loop;
     end if;
  end Do_Move;
  The_Board : Board_Type := (('1','2','3'), ('4','5','6'), ('7','8','9'));
  Cnt_Moves: Natural := 0;
  Players: array(0 .. 1) of Character := ('x', 'o'); -- 'x' begins
  C_Player: array(0 .. 1) of Boolean := (False, False);
  Reply: Character;

begin -- Tic_Tac_Toe

  -- firstly, ask whether the computer shall take over either player
  for I in Players'Range loop
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Shall " & Players(I) &
                            " be run by the computer? (y=yes)");
     if Reply='y' or Reply='Y' then
        C_Player(I) := True;
     end if;
  end loop;
  Rand.Reset(Gen); -- to initalize the random generator
  -- now run the game
  while (Find_Winner(The_Board) = ' ') and (Cnt_Moves < 9) loop
     Do_Move(The_Board, Players(Cnt_Moves mod 2), C_Player(Cnt_Moves mod 2));
     Cnt_Moves := Cnt_Moves + 1;
  end loop;
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("This is the end!");
  -- finally, output the outcome
  Show_Board (The_Board);
  if Find_Winner(The_Board) = ' ' then
     Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("The winner is: " & Find_Winner(The_Board));
  end if;

end Tic_Tac_Toe;</lang>

> ./tic_tac_toe 
Shall x be run by the computer? (y=yes)
Shall o be run by the computer? (y=yes)


Choose your move, o


Choose your move, o


Choose your move, o


Choose your move, o

This is the end!


> ./tic_tac_toe 
Shall x be run by the computer? (y=yes)
Shall o be run by the computer? (y=yes)

Choose your move, x


Choose your move, x


Choose your move, x


Choose your move, x
This is the end!

The winner is: x


The user can play O, X, both or neither. O goes first whether user or computer controlled. <lang algolw>begin

   string(10) board;
   % initialise the board                                                   %
   procedure initBoard ; board := " 123456789";
   % display the board                                                      %
   procedure showBoard ;
           s_w := 0;
           write( board(1//1), "|", board(2//1), "|", board(3//1) );
           write( "-+-+-" );
           write( board(4//1), "|", board(5//1), "|", board(6//1) );
           write( "-+-+-" );
           write( board(7//1), "|", board(8//1), "|", board(9//1) )
       end showBoard ;
   % returns true if board pos is free, false otherwise                     %
   logical procedure freeSpace( integer value pos ) ;
       ( board(pos//1) >= "1" and board(pos//1) <= "9" );
   % check for game over                                                    %
   logical procedure gameOver ;
           logical noMoves;
           noMoves := true;
           for i := 1 until 9 do if noMoves then noMoves := not freeSpace( i );
       end gameOver ;
   % makes the specified winning move or blocks it, if it will win          %
   logical procedure winOrBlock( integer   value pos1, pos2, pos3
                               ; string(1) value searchCharacter
                               ; string(1) value playerCharacter
                               ) ;
       if      board(pos1//1) = searchCharacter
           and board(pos2//1) = searchCharacter
           and freeSpace( pos3 )
       then begin
           board(pos3//1) := playerCharacter;
       else if board(pos1//1) = searchCharacter
           and freeSpace( pos2 )
           and board(pos3//1) = searchCharacter
       then begin
           board(pos2//1) := playerCharacter;
       else if freeSpace( pos1 )
           and board(pos2//1) = searchCharacter
           and board(pos3//1) = searchCharacter
       then begin
           board(pos1//1) := playerCharacter;
       else begin
       end winOrBlock ;
   % makes a winning move or blocks a winning move, if there is one         %
   logical procedure makeOrBlockWinningMove( string(1) value searchCharacter
                                           ; string(1) value playerCharacter
                                           ) ;
       (  winOrBlock( 1, 2, 3, searchCharacter, playerCharacter )
       or winOrBlock( 4, 5, 6, searchCharacter, playerCharacter )
       or winOrBlock( 7, 8, 9, searchCharacter, playerCharacter )
       or winOrBlock( 1, 4, 7, searchCharacter, playerCharacter )
       or winOrBlock( 2, 5, 8, searchCharacter, playerCharacter )
       or winOrBlock( 3, 6, 9, searchCharacter, playerCharacter )
       or winOrBlock( 1, 5, 9, searchCharacter, playerCharacter )
       or winOrBlock( 3, 5, 7, searchCharacter, playerCharacter )
       ) ;
   % makes a move when there isn't an obvious winning/blocking move         %
   procedure move ( string(1) value playerCharacter ) ;
           logical moved;
           moved := false;
           % try for the centre, a corner or the midle of a line            %
           for pos := 5, 1, 3, 7, 9, 2, 4, 6, 8 do begin
               if not moved and freeSpace( pos ) then begin
                   moved := true;
                   board(pos//1) := playerCharacter
       end move ;
   % gets a move from the user                                              %
   procedure userMove( string(1) value playerCharacter ) ;
           integer move;
                   write( "Please enter the move for ", playerCharacter, " " );
                   read( move );
                   ( move < 1 or move > 9 or not freeSpace( move ) )
           do  begin
               write( "Invalid move" )
           board(move//1) := playerCharacter
       end userMove ;
   % returns true if the three board positions have the player character,   %
   %         false otherwise                                                %
   logical procedure same( integer   value pos1, pos2, pos3
                         ; string(1) value playerCharacter
                         ) ;
       (   board(pos1//1) = playerCharacter
       and board(pos2//1) = playerCharacter
       and board(pos3//1) = playerCharacter
   % returns true if the player has made a winning move, false otherwise    %
   logical procedure playerHasWon( string(1) value playerCharacter ) ;
       (  same( 1, 2, 3, playerCharacter )
       or same( 4, 5, 6, playerCharacter )
       or same( 7, 8, 9, playerCharacter )
       or same( 1, 4, 7, playerCharacter )
       or same( 2, 5, 8, playerCharacter )
       or same( 3, 6, 9, playerCharacter )
       or same( 1, 5, 9, playerCharacter )
       or same( 3, 5, 7, playerCharacter )
       ) ;
   % takes a players turn - either automated or user input                  %
   procedure turn ( string(1) value playerCharacter, otherCharacter
                  ; logical   value playerIsUser
                  ) ;
           if playerIsUser then userMove( playerCharacter )
           else begin
               write( playerCharacter, " moves..." );
               if  not makeOrBlockWinningMove( playerCharacter, playerCharacter )
               and not makeOrBlockWinningMove( otherCharacter,  playerCharacter )
               then move( playerCharacter )
       end turn ;
   % asks a question and returns true if the user inputs y/Y,               %
   % false otherwise                                                        %
   logical procedure yes( string(32) value question ) ;
           string(1) answer;
           write( question );
           read( answer );
           answer = "y" or answer = "Y"
       end yes ;
   % play the game                                                          %
           string(1)  again;
           string(32) gameResult;
           logical    oIsUser, xIsUser;
           oIsUser := yes( "Do you want to play O? " );
           xIsUser := yes( "Do you want to play X? " );
           gameResult := "it's a draw";
           while not gameOver and not playerHasWon( "O" ) and not playerHasWon( "X" ) do begin
               turn( "O", "X", oIsUser );
               if playerHasWon( "O" ) then gameResult := "O wins"
               else if not gameOver then begin
                   turn( "X", "O", xIsUser );
                   if playerHasWon( "X" ) then gameResult := "X wins"
           end ;
           write( gameResult );
           yes( "Play again? " )
   do  begin end


Do you want to play O?          y
Do you want to play X?          n
Please enter the move for O 5
X moves...
Please enter the move for O 8
X moves...
Please enter the move for O 9
it's a draw                     
Play again?                     n


<lang AppleScript>property OMask : missing value property XMask : missing value property winningNumbers : {7, 56, 73, 84, 146, 273, 292, 448} property difficulty : missing value


  set OMask to 0
  set XMask to 0
  if button returned of (display dialog "Who should start?" buttons {"I shoud", "CPU"}) = "CPU" then set OMask to npcGet()
  set difficulty to button returned of (display dialog "Please choose your difficulty" buttons {"Hard", "Normal"})
      set XMask to XMask + 2 ^ (nGet() - 1)
      if winnerForMask(XMask) or OMask + XMask = 511 then exit repeat
      set OMask to npcGet()
      if winnerForMask(OMask) or OMask + XMask = 511 then exit repeat
  end repeat
  if winnerForMask(OMask) then
      set msg to "CPU Wins!"
  else if winnerForMask(XMask) then
      set msg to "You WON!!!"
      set msg to "It's a draw"
  end if
  display dialog msg & return & return & drawGrid() & return & return & "Do you want to play again?"

end repeat

on nGet()

  set theMessage to "It's your turn Player 1, please fill in the number for X" & return & return & drawGrid()
      set value to text returned of (display dialog theMessage default answer "")
      if (offset of value in "123456789") is not 0 then
          if not positionIsUsed(value as integer) then exit repeat
      end if
  end repeat
  return value as integer

end nGet

on npcGet()

  --first get the free positions
  set freeSpots to {}
  repeat with s from 1 to 9
      if not positionIsUsed(s) then set end of freeSpots to 2 ^ (s - 1)
  end repeat
  --second check if 1 move can make the CPU win
  repeat with spot in freeSpots
      if winnerForMask(OMask + spot) then return OMask + spot
  end repeat
  if difficulty is "Hard" and OMask is 0 then
      if XMask = 1 or XMask = 4 then return 2
      if XMask = 64 or XMask = 256 then return 128
  end if
  --third check if a user can make make it win (defensive) place it on position
  repeat with spot in freeSpots
      if winnerForMask(XMask + spot) then return OMask + spot
  end repeat
  --fourth check if CPU can win in two moves
  repeat with spot1 in freeSpots
      repeat with spot2 in freeSpots
          if winnerForMask(OMask + spot1 + spot2) then return OMask + spot2
      end repeat
  end repeat
  --fifth check if player can win in two moves
  repeat with spot1 in freeSpots
      repeat with spot2 in reverse of freeSpots
          if winnerForMask(XMask + spot1 + spot2) then return OMask + spot1
      end repeat
  end repeat
  --at last pick a random spot
  if XMask + OMask = 0 and difficulty = "Hard" then return 1
  return OMask + (some item of freeSpots)

end npcGet

on winnerForMask(mask)

  repeat with winLine in winningNumbers
      if BWAND(winLine, mask) = contents of winLine then return true
  end repeat
  return false

end winnerForMask

on drawGrid()

  set grid to ""
  repeat with o from 0 to 8
      if BWAND(OMask, 2 ^ o) = 2 ^ o then
          set grid to grid & "O"
      else if BWAND(XMask, 2 ^ o) = 2 ^ o then
          set grid to grid & "X"
          set grid to grid & o + 1
      end if
      if o is in {2, 5} then set grid to grid & return
  end repeat
  return grid

end drawGrid

on positionIsUsed(pos)

  return BWAND(OMask + XMask, 2 ^ (pos - 1)) = 2 ^ (pos - 1)

end positionIsUsed

on BWAND(n1, n2)

  set theResult to 0
  repeat with o from 0 to 8
      if (n1 mod 2) = 1 and (n2 mod 2) = 1 then set theResult to theResult + 2 ^ o
      set {n1, n2} to {n1 div 2, n2 div 2}
  end repeat
  return theResult as integer

end BWAND</lang>


This program uses a Gui with 9 buttons. Clicking on one will place an X there, disable the button, and cause the program to go somewhere. It plays logically, trying to win, trying to block, or playing randomly in that order. <lang AutoHotkey>Gui, Add, Button, x12 y12 w30 h30 vB1 gButtonHandler, Gui, Add, Button, x52 y12 w30 h30 vB2 gButtonHandler, Gui, Add, Button, x92 y12 w30 h30 vB3 gButtonHandler, Gui, Add, Button, x12 y52 w30 h30 vB4 gButtonHandler, Gui, Add, Button, x52 y52 w30 h30 vB5 gButtonHandler, Gui, Add, Button, x92 y52 w30 h30 vB6 gButtonHandler, Gui, Add, Button, x12 y92 w30 h30 vB7 gButtonHandler, Gui, Add, Button, x52 y92 w30 h30 vB8 gButtonHandler, Gui, Add, Button, x92 y92 w30 h30 vB9 gButtonHandler,

Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0

Gui, Show, x127 y87 h150 w141, Tic-Tac-Toe Winning_Moves := "123,456,789,147,258,369,159,357" Return


   ; Fired whenever the user clicks on an enabled button
   GoSub MyMove


MyMove: ; Loops through winning moves. First attempts to win, then to block, then a random move

   Loop, parse, Winning_Moves,`,
       Current_Set := A_LoopField
       Loop, parse, Current_Set
           GuiControlGet, Char,,Button%A_LoopField%
           If ( Char = "O" )
           If ( Char = "X" )
       If ( O = 2 and X = 0 ) or ( X = 2 and O = 0 ){
           Went = 1
           Break ; out of the Winning_Moves Loop to ensure the computer goes only once
   If (!Went)
       GoSub RandomMove



   GuiControl,,%Control%, %chr%
   GoSub, CheckWin



   Loop, parse, Winning_Moves,`,
       Current_Set := A_LoopField
       Loop, parse, Current_Set
           GuiControlGet, Char,,Button%A_LoopField%
           If ( Char = "O" )
           If ( Char = "X" )
       If ( O = 3 ){
           Msgbox O Wins!
           GoSub DisableAll
       If ( X = 3 ){
           MsgBox X Wins!
           GoSub DisableAll



   Loop, 9
       GuiControl, Disable, Button%A_Index%


Finish_Line(Set){ ; Finish_Line is called when a line exists with 2 of the same character. It goes in the remaining spot, thereby blocking or winning.

   Loop, parse, set
       GuiControlGet, IsEnabled, Enabled, Button%A_LoopField%
       If IsEnabled



       Random, rnd, 1, 9
       GuiControlGet, IsEnabled, Enabled, Button%rnd%
       If IsEnabled


GuiClose: ExitApp </lang>


<lang AWK>

  1. syntax: GAWK -f TIC-TAC-TOE.AWK


   move[12] = "3 7 4 6 8"; move[13] = "2 8 6 4 7"; move[14] = "7 3 2 8 6"
   move[16] = "8 2 3 7 4"; move[17] = "4 6 8 2 3"; move[18] = "6 4 7 3 2"
   move[19] = "8 2 3 7 4"; move[23] = "1 9 6 4 8"; move[24] = "1 9 3 7 8"
   move[25] = "8 3 7 4 0"; move[26] = "3 7 1 9 8"; move[27] = "6 4 1 9 8"
   move[28] = "1 9 7 3 4"; move[29] = "4 6 3 7 8"; move[35] = "7 4 6 8 2"
   move[45] = "6 7 3 2 0"; move[56] = "4 7 3 2 8"; move[57] = "3 2 8 4 6"
   move[58] = "2 3 7 4 6"; move[59] = "3 2 8 4 6"
   split("7 4 1 8 5 2 9 6 3",rotate)
   n = split("253 280 457 254 257 350 452 453 570 590",special)
   i = 0
   while (i < 9) { s[++i] = " " }
   print("You move first, use the keypad:")
   board = "\n7 * 8 * 9\n*********\n4 * 5 * 6\n*********\n1 * 2 * 3\n\n? "

} state < 7 {

   x = $0
   if (s[x] != " ") {
     printf("? ")
   s[x] = "X"
   if (state > 1) {
     for (i=0; i<r; ++i) { x = rotate[x] }

} state == 1 {

   for (r=0; x>2 && x!=5; ++r) { x = rotate[x] }
   k = x
   if (x == 5) { d = 1 } else { d = 5 }

} state == 2 {

   c = 5.5 * (k + x) - 4.5 * abs(k - x)
   d = t[1]
   e = t[2]
   f = t[3]
   g = t[4]
   h = t[5]

} state == 3 {

   k = x / 2.
   c = c * 10
   d = f
   if (abs(c-350) == 100) {
     if (x != 9) { d = 10 - x }
     if (int(k) == k) { g = f }
     h = 10 - g
     if (x+0 == e+0) {
       h = g
       g = 9
   else if (x+0 != e+0) {
     d = e
     state = 6

} state == 4 {

   if (x+0 == g+0) {
     d = h
   else {
     d = g
     state = 6
   x = 6
   for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
     b = special[i]
     if (b == 254) { x = 4 }
     if (k+0 == abs(b-c-k)) { state = x }

} state < 7 {

   if (state != 5) {
     for (i=0; i<4-r; ++i) { d = rotate[d] }
     s[d] = "O"
   for (b=7; b>0; b-=5) {
     printf("%s * %s * %s\n",s[b++],s[b++],s[b])
     if (b > 3) { print("*********") }

} state < 5 {

   printf("? ")

} state == 5 {

   printf("tie game")
   state = 7

} state == 6 {

   printf("you lost")
   state = 7

} state == 7 {

   printf(", play again? ")

} state == 8 {

   if ($1 !~ /^[yY]$/) { exit(0) }
   i = 0
   while (i < 9) { s[++i] = " " }
   state = 0

} function abs(x) { if (x >= 0) { return x } else { return -x } } </lang>


Computer is X. Computer randomly goes first. Computer plays a good game, but not a perfect game. It will win when it can and draw when it can not.

It performs a depth-first scan of all following moves. It ignores dumb actions like not winning when either player can.

For each possible move it records if it will win, lose, or something else (like win and draw depending on opponent's move).

If there is a choice of best moves, it picks one at random.

I have not used simple bash code to:

  1. keep it under 100 lines;
  2. to demonstrate usefulness of bash integers;
  3. show-off ANSI ESC sequences;
  4. implement recursion in bash;
  5. demonstrate conditional and alternate execution using && and || with { ...; };
  6. show that you don't always need to use $ to refer to integer variables;
  7. encourage use of [[ ]] instead of [ ] for boolean expressions;
  8. provide examples of pattern matching; and
  9. encourage use of bash for more interesting tasks.

<lang bash>

  1. !/bin/bash

declare -a B=( e e e e e e e e e ) # Board

function show(){ # show B - underline first 2 rows; highlight position; number empty positoins

 local -i p POS=${1:-9}; local UL BOLD="\e[1m" GREEN="\e[32m" DIM="\e[2m" OFF="\e[m" ULC="\e[4m"
 for p in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do
   p%3 -eq 0  && printf "  "                             # indent boards
   UL=""; p/3 -lt 2  && UL=$ULC                          # underline first 2 rows
   p -eq POS    && printf "$BOLD$GREEN"                  # bold and colour for this position
   [[ ${B[p]} = e ]] && printf "$UL$DIM%d$OFF" $p || printf "$UL%s$OFF" ${B[p]}  # num or UL
   { p%3 -lt 2  && printf "$UL | $OFF"; } || printf "\n" # underline vertical bars or NL


function win(){ # win 'X' 3 return true if X wins after move in position 3

 local ME=$1; local -i p=$2
 [[ ${B[p/3*3]} = $ME && ${B[p/3*3+1]} = $ME && ${B[p/3*3+2]} = $ME ]] && return 0  # row
 [[ ${B[p]}     = $ME && ${B[(p+3)%9]} = $ME && ${B[(p+6)%9]} = $ME ]] && return 0  # col
 [[ ${B[4]} != $ME ]] && return 1                                                   # don't test diags
 [[ p%4 -eq 0 && ${B[0]} = $ME && ${B[8]} = $ME ]] && return 0                      # TL - BR diag
 | p -eq 4  && [[ ${B[2]} = $ME && ${B[6]} = $ME ]]                 # TR - BL diag


function bestMove(){ # return best move or 9 if none possible

 local ME=$1 OP=$2; local -i o s p
 local -ia S=( -9 -9 -9  -9 -9 -9  -9 -9 -9 )  # score board
 local -a SB                                   # save board
 [[ ${B[*]//[!e]} = "" ]] && return 9          # game over
 SB=( ${B[*]} )                                # save Board
 for p in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do                          # for each board position
   [[ ${B[p]} != e ]] && continue                        # skip occupied positions
   B[p]=$ME                                              # occupy position
   win $ME $p && { S[p]=2; B=( ${SB[*]} ); return $p; }  # ME wins so this is best move
   bestMove $OP $ME; o=$?                                # what will opponent do
   o -le 8  && { B[o]=$OP; win $OP $o; s=$?; }      # opponent can make a legal move
   S[p]=${s:-1}                                          # save result of opponent move
   B=( ${SB[*]} )                                        # restore board after each trial run
 local -i best=-1; local -ia MOV=()
 for p in 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do                     # find all best moves
   [[ S[p] -lt 0 ]] && continue                     # dont bother with occupied positions
   [[ S[p] -eq S[best] ]] && { MOV+=(p); best=p; }  # add this move to current list
   [[ S[p] -gt S[best] ]] && { MOV=(p); best=p; }   # a better move so scrap list and start again
 return ${MOV[ RANDOM%${#MOV[*]} ]}  # pick one at random


function getMove(){ # getMove from opponent

 $ME = X  && { bestMove $ME $OP; return $?; }     # pick X move automatically
 read -p "O move: " -n 1; printf "\n"; return $REPLY   # get opponents move


function turn(){ # turn starts or continues a game. It is ME's turn

 local -i p; local ME=$1 OP=$2
 getMove; p=$?; p -gt 8  && { printf "Draw!\n"; show; return 1; }  # no move so a draw
 B[p]=$ME; printf "%s moves %d\n" $ME $p                                # mark board
 win $ME $p && { printf "%s wins!\n" $ME; show $p; $ME = X  && return 2; return 0; }
 [[ ${B[*]//[!e]} = "" ]] && { printf "Draw!\n"; show; return 1; }      # no move so a draw
 show $p; turn $OP $ME                                                  # opponent moves


printf "Bic Bash Bow\n" show; RANDOM%2 -eq 0 && { turn O X; exit $?; } || turn X O



(nice ANSI formatting is not shown)

Bic Bash Bow
  0 | 1 | 2
  3 | 4 | 5
  6 | 7 | 8
X moves 1
  0 | X | 2
  3 | 4 | 5
  6 | 7 | 8
O move: 5
O moves 5
  0 | X | 2
  3 | 4 | O
  6 | 7 | 8
X moves 2
  0 | X | X
  3 | 4 | O
  6 | 7 | 8
O move: 0
O moves 0
  O | X | X
  3 | 4 | O
  6 | 7 | 8
X moves 4
  O | X | X
  3 | X | O
  6 | 7 | 8
O move: 6
O moves 6
  O | X | X
  3 | X | O
  O | 7 | 8
X moves 7
X wins!
  O | X | X
  3 | X | O
  O | X | 8


Microsoft Small Basic

This game has a simple AI. <lang smallbasic>place1 = 1 place2 = 2 place3 = 3 place4 = 4 place5 = 5 place6 = 6 place7 = 7 place8 = 8 place9 = 9 symbol1 = "X" symbol2 = "O" reset: TextWindow.Clear() TextWindow.Write(place1 + " ") TextWindow.Write(place2 + " ") TextWindow.WriteLine(place3 + " ") TextWindow.Write(place4 + " ") TextWindow.Write(place5 + " ") TextWindow.WriteLine(place6 + " ") TextWindow.Write(place7 + " ") TextWindow.Write(place8 + " ") TextWindow.WriteLine(place9 + " ") TextWindow.WriteLine("Where would you like to go to (choose a number from 1 to 9 and press enter)?") n = TextWindow.Read() If n = 1 then

 If place1 = symbol1 or place1 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place1 = symbol1

ElseIf n = 2 then

 If place2 = symbol1 or place2 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place2 = symbol1

ElseIf n = 3 then

 If place3 = symbol1 or place3 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place3 = symbol1

ElseIf n = 4 then

 If place4 = symbol1 or place4 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place4 = symbol1

ElseIf n = 5 then

 If place5 = symbol1 or place5 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place5 = symbol1

ElseIf n = 6 then

 If place6 = symbol1 or place6 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place6 = symbol1

ElseIf n = 7 then

 If place8 = symbol1 or place7 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place7 = symbol1

ElseIf n = 8 then

 If place8 = symbol1 or place8 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place8 = symbol1

ElseIf n = 9 then

 If place9 = symbol1 or place9 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place9 = symbol1

EndIf Goto ai ai: n = Math.GetRandomNumber(9) If n = 1 then

 If place1 = symbol1 or place1 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place1 = symbol2

ElseIf n = 2 then

 If place2 = symbol1 or place2 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place2 = symbol2

ElseIf n = 3 then

 If place3 = symbol1 or place3 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place3 = symbol2

ElseIf n = 4 then

 If place4 = symbol1 or place4 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place4 = symbol2

ElseIf n = 5 then

 If place5 = symbol1 or place5 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place5 = symbol2

ElseIf n = 6 then

 If place6 = symbol1 or place6 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place6 = symbol2

ElseIf n = 7 then

 If place7 = symbol1 or place7 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place7 = symbol2

ElseIf n = 8 then

 If place8 = symbol1 or place8 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place8 = symbol2

ElseIf n = 9 then

 If place9 = symbol1 or place9 = symbol2 then
   Goto ai
   place9 = symbol2

EndIf If place1 = symbol1 and place2 = symbol1 and place3 = symbol1 or place4 = symbol1 and place5 = symbol1 and place6 = symbol1 or place7 = symbol1 and place8 = symbol1 and place9 = symbol1 or place1 = symbol1 and place4 = symbol1 and place7 = symbol1 or place2 = symbol1 and place5 = symbol1 and place8 = symbol1 or place3 = symbol1 and place6 = symbol1 and place9 = symbol1 or place1 = symbol1 and place5 = symbol1 and place9 = symbol1 or place3 = symbol1 and place5 = symbol1 and place7 = symbol1 then

 TextWindow.WriteLine("Player 1 (" + symbol1 + ") wins!")

ElseIf place1 = symbol2 and place2 = symbol2 and place3 = symbol2 or place4 = symbol2 and place5 = symbol2 and place6 = symbol2 or place7 = symbol2 and place8 = symbol2 and place9 = symbol2 or place1 = symbol2 and place4 = symbol2 and place7 = symbol2 or place2 = symbol2 and place5 = symbol2 and place8 = symbol2 or place3 = symbol2 and place6 = symbol2 and place9 = symbol2 or place1 = symbol2 and place5 = symbol2 and place8 = symbol2 or place3 = symbol2 and place5 = symbol2 and place7 = symbol2 then

 TextWindow.WriteLine("Player 2 (" + symbol2 + ") wins!")


 Goto reset


ZX Spectrum Basic

<lang zxbasic> </lang>

Batch File

This is just a game between two human players. <lang dos>@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion


set a1=1 set a2=2 set a3=3 set a4=4 set a5=5 set a6=6 set a7=7 set a8=8 set a9=9 set ll=X set /a zz=0


cls echo Player: %ll% echo %a7%_%a8%_%a9% echo %a4%_%a5%_%a6% echo %a1%_%a2%_%a3% set /p myt=Where would you like to go (choose a number from 1-9 and press enter)? if !a%myt%! equ %myt% ( set a%myt%=%ll% goto check ) goto display1


set /a zz=%zz%+1 if %zz% geq 9 goto newgame if %a7%+%a8%+%a9% equ %ll%+%ll%+%ll% goto win if %a4%+%a5%+%a6% equ %ll%+%ll%+%ll% goto win if %a1%+%a2%+%a3% equ %ll%+%ll%+%ll% goto win if %a7%+%a5%+%a3% equ %ll%+%ll%+%ll% goto win if %a1%+%a5%+%a9% equ %ll%+%ll%+%ll% goto win if %a7%+%a4%+%a1% equ %ll%+%ll%+%ll% goto win if %a8%+%a5%+%a2% equ %ll%+%ll%+%ll% goto win if %a9%+%a6%+%a3% equ %ll%+%ll%+%ll% goto win goto %ll%


set ll=O goto display1


set ll=X goto display1


echo %ll% wins! pause goto newgame </lang>


This code makes a version of Tic Tac Toe with more features: <lang dos>@ECHO OFF

 REM Skill level
 set sl=
 echo                       Tic Tac Toe                                 (Q to quit)
 echo        Pick your skill level (press a number)
 echo               (1) Children under 6
 echo               (2) Average Mental Case
 echo               (3) Oversized Ego  
 CHOICE /c:123q /n > nul
 if errorlevel 4 goto end
 if errorlevel 3 set sl=3
 if errorlevel 3 goto layout
 if errorlevel 2 set sl=2
 if errorlevel 2 goto layout
 set sl=1
 REM Player turn ("x" or "o")
 set pt=
 REM Game winner ("x" or "o")
 set gw=
 REM No moves
 set nm=
 REM Set to one blank space after equal sign (check with cursor end)
 set t1= 
 set t2= 
 set t3= 
 set t4= 
 set t5= 
 set t6= 
 set t7= 
 set t8= 
 set t9= 
 echo   (S to set skill level)       Tic Tac Toe                         (Q to quit)
 echo                               You are the X player. 
 echo                    Press the number where you want to put an X.     
 echo   Skill level %sl%                    7 8 9 
 echo                                       4 5 6
 echo                                       1 2 3
 echo                                       :   :
 echo                                     %t1% : %t2% : %t3%
 echo                                   ....:...:....
 echo                                     %t4% : %t5% : %t6%
 echo                                   ....:...:....
 echo                                     %t7% : %t8% : %t9%
 echo                                       :   :
 if "%gw%"=="x" goto winx2
 if "%gw%"=="o" goto wino2
 if "%nm%"=="0" goto nomoves
 set pt=x
 REM Layout is for keypad. Change CHOICE to "/c:123456789sq  /n > nul"
 REM for numbers to start at top left (also change user layout above).
 CHOICE /c:789456123sq /n > nul
 if errorlevel 11 goto end
 if errorlevel 10 goto begin
 if errorlevel 9 goto 9
 if errorlevel 8 goto 8
 if errorlevel 7 goto 7
 if errorlevel 6 goto 6
 if errorlevel 5 goto 5
 if errorlevel 4 goto 4
 if errorlevel 3 goto 3
 if errorlevel 2 goto 2
 goto 1
 REM Check if "x" or "o" already in square.
 if "%t1%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t1%"=="o" goto player
 set t1=x
 goto check
 if "%t2%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t2%"=="o" goto player
 set t2=x
 goto check
 if "%t3%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t3%"=="o" goto player
 set t3=x
 goto check
 if "%t4%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t4%"=="o" goto player
 set t4=x
 goto check
 if "%t5%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t5%"=="o" goto player
 set t5=x
 goto check
 if "%t6%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t6%"=="o" goto player
 set t6=x
 goto check
 if "%t7%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t7%"=="o" goto player
 set t7=x
 goto check
 if "%t8%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t8%"=="o" goto player
 set t8=x
 goto check
 if "%t9%"=="x" goto player
 if "%t9%"=="o" goto player
 set t9=x
 goto check
 set pt=o
 if "%sl%"=="1" goto skill1  
REM (win corner to corner)
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t3%"=="o" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4  
 if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
 if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
REM (win outside middle to outside middle)
 if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
 if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
REM (win all others)
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
 if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
 if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
 if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
 if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
 if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if "%t6%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
 if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
 if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
 if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
 if "%t8%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
 if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
 if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
 if "%t9%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
REM (block general attempts) -----------------------------------------------
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
 if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
 if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if "%t6%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
 if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
 if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
 if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
 if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
 if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
 if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
 if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
REM (block obvious corner to corner) 
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4  
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
 if "%sl%"=="2" goto skill2
REM (block sneaky corner to corner 2-4, 2-6, etc.) 
 if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
 if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
 if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7  
 if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
REM (block offset corner trap 1-8, 1-6, etc.)
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
 if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
 if "%t9%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
 if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
REM (block outside middle to outside middle)
 if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
 if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
REM (block 3 corner trap)
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
REM (just take a turn) 
 if not "%t5%"=="x" if not "%t5%"=="o" goto c5
 if not "%t1%"=="x" if not "%t1%"=="o" goto c1
 if not "%t3%"=="x" if not "%t3%"=="o" goto c3
 if not "%t7%"=="x" if not "%t7%"=="o" goto c7
 if not "%t9%"=="x" if not "%t9%"=="o" goto c9
 if not "%t2%"=="x" if not "%t2%"=="o" goto c2
 if not "%t4%"=="x" if not "%t4%"=="o" goto c4
 if not "%t6%"=="x" if not "%t6%"=="o" goto c6
 if not "%t8%"=="x" if not "%t8%"=="o" goto c8
 set nm=0
 goto update
 set t1=o
 goto check
 set t2=o
 goto check
 set t3=o
 goto check
 set t4=o
 goto check
 set t5=o
 goto check
 set t6=o
 goto check
 set t7=o
 goto check
 set t8=o
 goto check
 set t9=o
 goto check
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t3%"=="x" goto winx
 if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" goto winx
 if "%t7%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t4%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" goto winx
 if "%t2%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t8%"=="x" goto winx
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t6%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
 if "%t1%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t9%"=="x" goto winx
 if "%t3%"=="x" if "%t5%"=="x" if "%t7%"=="x" goto winx
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t3%"=="o" goto wino
 if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" goto wino
 if "%t7%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t4%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" goto wino
 if "%t2%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t8%"=="o" goto wino
 if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t6%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
 if "%t1%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t9%"=="o" goto wino
 if "%t3%"=="o" if "%t5%"=="o" if "%t7%"=="o" goto wino
 if "%pt%"=="x" goto computer
 if "%pt%"=="o" goto update
 set gw=x
 goto update
 echo   You win!
 echo   Play again (Y,N)?
 CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
 if errorlevel 4 goto end
 if errorlevel 3 goto begin
 if errorlevel 2 goto end
 goto layout
 set gw=o
 goto update
 echo   Sorry, You lose.
 echo   Play again (Y,N)?
 CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
 if errorlevel 4 goto end
 if errorlevel 3 goto begin
 if errorlevel 2 goto end
 goto layout
 echo   There are no more moves left!
 echo   Play again (Y,N)?
 CHOICE /c:ynsq /n > nul
 if errorlevel 4 goto end
 if errorlevel 3 goto begin
 if errorlevel 2 goto end
 goto layout
 echo Tic Tac Toe
 REM Clear all variables (no spaces after equal sign).
 set gw=
 set nm=
 set sl=
 set pt=
 set t1=
 set t2=
 set t3=
 set t4=
 set t5=
 set t6=
 set t7=
 set t8=
 set t9=</lang>


Requires an intepreter with working support for numeric input, which unfortunately excludes most online implementations.

Plays reasonably well, but not perfectly, so can be beaten.

<lang Befunge>v123456789 --- >9 >48*,:55+\-0g,1v >9>066+0p076+0p^ ^,," |"_v#%3:- <


74 1098709<^+55"---+---+---"0<v520 69 04560123 >:!#v_0\1v>$2-:6%v>803 6 +0g\66++0p^ $_>#% v#9:-1_ 6/5 5 vv5!/*88\%*28 ::g0_^>9/#v_ "I", ,,5v>5++0p82*/3-:*+\:^v,_@ >"uoY", 0+5<v0+66_v#!%2:_55v >:^:" win!"\ 1-^ g >$>0" :evom ruoY">:#,_$v>p \*8+ 65_^#!/*88g0** `0\!`9:::<&<^0 v >:!67+0g:!56+0g *+*+0" :evom " >"yM">:#,_$ :. 1234+++, 789*+ \0^< "a s't"98:*+>:#,_$@>365*+"ward"48* </lang>

 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

Your move: 1

 X | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

My move: 5 

 X | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

Your move: 2

 X | X | 3
 4 | O | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

My move: 3 

 X | X | O
 4 | O | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

Your move:


Opening alternates between human and computer. Computer never loses. <lang C>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

int b[3][3]; /* board. 0: blank; -1: computer; 1: human */

int check_winner() { int i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (b[i][0] && b[i][1] == b[i][0] && b[i][2] == b[i][0]) return b[i][0]; if (b[0][i] && b[1][i] == b[0][i] && b[2][i] == b[0][i]) return b[0][i]; } if (!b[1][1]) return 0;

if (b[1][1] == b[0][0] && b[2][2] == b[0][0]) return b[0][0]; if (b[1][1] == b[2][0] && b[0][2] == b[1][1]) return b[1][1];

return 0; }

void showboard() { const char *t = "X O"; int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++, putchar('\n')) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) printf("%c ", t[ b[i][j] + 1 ]); printf("-----\n"); }

  1. define for_ij for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)

int best_i, best_j; int test_move(int val, int depth) { int i, j, score; int best = -1, changed = 0;

if ((score = check_winner())) return (score == val) ? 1 : -1;

for_ij { if (b[i][j]) continue;

changed = b[i][j] = val; score = -test_move(-val, depth + 1); b[i][j] = 0;

if (score <= best) continue; if (!depth) { best_i = i; best_j = j; } best = score; }

return changed ? best : 0; }

const char* game(int user) { int i, j, k, move, win = 0; for_ij b[i][j] = 0;

printf("Board postions are numbered so:\n1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9\n"); printf("You have O, I have X.\n\n"); for (k = 0; k < 9; k++, user = !user) { while(user) { printf("your move: "); if (!scanf("%d", &move)) { scanf("%*s"); continue; } if (--move < 0 || move >= 9) continue; if (b[i = move / 3][j = move % 3]) continue;

b[i][j] = 1; break; } if (!user) { if (!k) { /* randomize if computer opens, less boring */ best_i = rand() % 3; best_j = rand() % 3; } else test_move(-1, 0);

b[best_i][best_j] = -1; printf("My move: %d\n", best_i * 3 + best_j + 1); }

showboard(); if ((win = check_winner())) return win == 1 ? "You win.\n\n": "I win.\n\n"; } return "A draw.\n\n"; }

int main() { int first = 0; while (1) printf("%s", game(first = !first)); return 0; }</lang>


This implementation is purposely wordy because Tic-Tac-Toe is often a starting level program.
It tries to show a number of C# code features while still keeping each function small and understandable.

<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

namespace RosettaTicTacToe {

 class Program
    *Pieces (players and board)
   static string[][] Players = new string[][] { 
     new string[] { "COMPUTER", "X" }, // computer player
     new string[] { "HUMAN", "O" }     // human player
   const int Unplayed = -1;
   const int Computer = 0;
   const int Human = 1;
   // GameBoard holds index into Players[] (0 or 1) or Unplayed (-1) if location not yet taken
   static int[] GameBoard = new int[9];
   static int[] corners = new int[] { 0, 2, 6, 8 };
   static int[][] wins = new int[][] { 
     new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, new int[] { 3, 4, 5 }, new int[] { 6, 7, 8 }, 
     new int[] { 0, 3, 6 }, new int[] { 1, 4, 7 }, new int[] { 2, 5, 8 }, 
     new int[] { 0, 4, 8 }, new int[] { 2, 4, 6 } };

    *Main Game Loop (this is what runs/controls the game)
   static void Main(string[] args)
     while (true)
       Console.WriteLine("Welcome to Rosetta Code Tic-Tac-Toe for C#.");
       int currentPlayer = rnd.Next(0, 2);  // current player represented by Players[] index of 0 or 1
       Console.WriteLine("The first move goes to {0} who is playing {1}s.\n", playerName(currentPlayer), playerToken(currentPlayer));
       while (true)
         int thisMove = getMoveFor(currentPlayer);
         if (thisMove == Unplayed)
           Console.WriteLine("{0}, you've quit the game ... am I that good?", playerName(currentPlayer));
         playMove(thisMove, currentPlayer);
         if (isGameWon())
           Console.WriteLine("{0} has won the game!", playerName(currentPlayer));
         else if (isGameTied())
           Console.WriteLine("Cat game ... we have a tie.");
         currentPlayer = getNextPlayer(currentPlayer);
       if (!playAgain())
    *Move Logic
   static int getMoveFor(int player)
     if (player == Human)
       return getManualMove(player);
       //int selectedMove = getManualMove(player);
       //int selectedMove = getRandomMove(player);
       int selectedMove = getSemiRandomMove(player);
       //int selectedMove = getBestMove(player);
       Console.WriteLine("{0} selects position {1}.", playerName(player), selectedMove + 1);
       return selectedMove;
   static int getManualMove(int player)
     while (true)
       Console.Write("{0}, enter you move (number): ", playerName(player));
       ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey();
       Console.WriteLine();  // keep the display pretty
       if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape)
         return Unplayed;
       if (keyInfo.Key >= ConsoleKey.D1 && keyInfo.Key <= ConsoleKey.D9)
         int move = keyInfo.KeyChar - '1';  // convert to between 0..8, a GameBoard index position.
         if (GameBoard[move] == Unplayed)
           return move;
           Console.WriteLine("Spot {0} is already taken, please select again.", move + 1);
         Console.WriteLine("Illegal move, please select again.\n");
   static int getRandomMove(int player)
     int movesLeft = GameBoard.Count(position => position == Unplayed);
     int x = rnd.Next(0, movesLeft);
     for (int i = 0; i < GameBoard.Length; i++)  // walk board ...
       if (GameBoard[i] == Unplayed && x < 0)    // until we reach the unplayed move.
         return i;
     return Unplayed;
   // plays random if no winning move or needed block.
   static int getSemiRandomMove(int player)
     int posToPlay;
     if (checkForWinningMove(player, out posToPlay))
       return posToPlay;
     if (checkForBlockingMove(player, out posToPlay))
       return posToPlay;
     return getRandomMove(player);
   // purposely not implemented (this is the thinking part).
   static int getBestMove(int player)
     return -1;
   static bool checkForWinningMove(int player, out int posToPlay)
     posToPlay = Unplayed;
     foreach (var line in wins)
       if (twoOfThreeMatchPlayer(player, line, out posToPlay))
         return true;
     return false;
   static bool checkForBlockingMove(int player, out int posToPlay)
     posToPlay = Unplayed;
     foreach (var line in wins)
       if (twoOfThreeMatchPlayer(getNextPlayer(player), line, out posToPlay))
         return true;
     return false;
   static bool twoOfThreeMatchPlayer(int player, int[] line, out int posToPlay)
     int cnt = 0;
     posToPlay = int.MinValue;
     foreach (int pos in line)
       if (GameBoard[pos] == player)
       else if (GameBoard[pos] == Unplayed)
         posToPlay = pos;
     return cnt == 2 && posToPlay >= 0;
   static void playMove(int boardPosition, int player)
     GameBoard[boardPosition] = player;
   static bool isGameWon()
     return wins.Any(line => takenBySamePlayer(line[0], line[1], line[2]));
   static bool takenBySamePlayer(int a, int b, int c)
     return GameBoard[a] != Unplayed && GameBoard[a] == GameBoard[b] && GameBoard[a] == GameBoard[c];
   static bool isGameTied()
     return !GameBoard.Any(spot => spot == Unplayed);
    *Misc Methods
   static Random rnd = new Random();
   static void initializeGameBoard()
     for (int i = 0; i < GameBoard.Length; i++)
       GameBoard[i] = Unplayed;
   static string playerName(int player)
     return Players[player][0];
   static string playerToken(int player)
     return Players[player][1];
   static int getNextPlayer(int player)
     return (player + 1) % 2;
   static void displayGameBoard()
     Console.WriteLine(" {0} | {1} | {2}", pieceAt(0), pieceAt(1), pieceAt(2));
     Console.WriteLine(" {0} | {1} | {2}", pieceAt(3), pieceAt(4), pieceAt(5));
     Console.WriteLine(" {0} | {1} | {2}", pieceAt(6), pieceAt(7), pieceAt(8));
   static string pieceAt(int boardPosition)
     if (GameBoard[boardPosition] == Unplayed)
       return (boardPosition + 1).ToString();  // display 1..9 on board rather than 0..8
     return playerToken(GameBoard[boardPosition]);
   private static bool playAgain()
     Console.WriteLine("\nDo you want to play again?");
     return Console.ReadKey(false).Key == ConsoleKey.Y;


Welcome to Rosetta Code Tic-Tac-Toe for C#.
 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

The first move goes to HUMAN who is playing Os.

HUMAN, enter you move (number): 5
 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 7 | 8 | 9

COMPUTER selects position 7.
 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 X | 8 | 9

HUMAN, enter you move (number): 0
Illegal move, please select again.

HUMAN, enter you move (number): 1
 O | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 X | 8 | 9

COMPUTER selects position 9.
 O | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 X | 8 | X

HUMAN, enter you move (number):


<lang cpp>

  1. include <windows.h>
  2. include <iostream>
  3. include <string>

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- using namespace std;

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum players { Computer, Human, Draw, None }; const int iWin[8][3] = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 5 }, { 6, 7, 8 }, { 0, 3, 6 }, { 1, 4, 7 }, { 2, 5, 8 }, { 0, 4, 8 }, { 2, 4, 6 } };

//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class ttt { public:

   ttt() { _p = rand() % 2; reset(); }
   void play()

int res = Draw; while( true ) { drawGrid(); while( true ) { if( _p ) getHumanMove(); else getComputerMove();


res = checkVictory(); if( res != None ) break;

++_p %= 2; }

if( res == Human ) cout << "CONGRATULATIONS HUMAN --- You won!"; else if( res == Computer ) cout << "NOT SO MUCH A SURPRISE --- I won!"; else cout << "It's a draw!";

cout << endl << endl;

string r; cout << "Play again( Y / N )? "; cin >> r; if( r != "Y" && r != "y" ) return;

++_p %= 2; reset();




   void reset() 

for( int x = 0; x < 9; x++ ) _field[x] = None;

   void drawGrid()

system( "cls" );

       COORD c = { 0, 2 };

SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), c );

cout << " 1 | 2 | 3 " << endl; cout << "---+---+---" << endl; cout << " 4 | 5 | 6 " << endl; cout << "---+---+---" << endl; cout << " 7 | 8 | 9 " << endl << endl << endl;

int f = 0; for( int y = 0; y < 5; y += 2 ) for( int x = 1; x < 11; x += 4 ) { if( _field[f] != None ) { COORD c = { x, 2 + y }; SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), c ); string o = _field[f] == Computer ? "X" : "O"; cout << o; } f++; }

       c.Y = 9;

SetConsoleCursorPosition( GetStdHandle( STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ), c );

   int checkVictory()

for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { if( _field[iWin[i][0]] != None && _field[iWin[i][0]] == _field[iWin[i][1]] && _field[iWin[i][1]] == _field[iWin[i][2]] ) { return _field[iWin[i][0]]; } }

int i = 0; for( int f = 0; f < 9; f++ ) { if( _field[f] != None ) i++; } if( i == 9 ) return Draw;

return None;

   void getHumanMove()

int m; cout << "Enter your move ( 1 - 9 ) "; while( true ) { m = 0; do { cin >> m; } while( m < 1 && m > 9 );

if( _field[m - 1] != None ) cout << "Invalid move. Try again!" << endl; else break; }

_field[m - 1] = Human;

   void getComputerMove()

int move = 0;

do{ move = rand() % 9; } while( _field[move] != None );

for( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { int try1 = iWin[i][0], try2 = iWin[i][1], try3 = iWin[i][2];

if( _field[try1] != None && _field[try1] == _field[try2] && _field[try3] == None ) { move = try3; if( _field[try1] == Computer ) break; }

if( _field[try1] != None && _field[try1] == _field[try3] && _field[try2] == None ) { move = try2; if( _field[try1] == Computer ) break; }

if( _field[try2] != None && _field[try2] == _field[try3] && _field[try1] == None ) { move = try1; if( _field[try2] == Computer ) break; }


_field[move] = Computer;


int _p; int _field[9]; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {

   srand( GetTickCount() );
   ttt tic;
   return 0;

} //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- </lang>


Computer plays 'X' and human plays 'O'

 1 | 2 | X
 X | 5 | 6
 7 | O | 9

Enter your move ( 1 - 9 )

Common Lisp

<lang lisp> (defun generate-board ()

 (loop repeat 9 collect nil))

(defparameter *straights* '((1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9) (1 4 7) (2 5 8) (3 6 9) (1 5 9) (3 5 7))) (defparameter *current-player* 'x)

(defun get-board-elt (n board)

 (nth (1- n) board))

(defun legal-p (n board)

 (null (get-board-elt n board)))

(defun set-board-elt (n board symbol)

 (if (legal-p n board)
     (setf (nth (1- n) board) symbol)
     (progn (format t "Illegal move. Try again.~&")

(set-board-elt (read) board symbol))))

(defun list-legal-moves (board)

 (loop for i from 1 to (length board)
    when (legal-p i board)
    collect i))

(defun get-random-element (lst)

 (nth (random (length lst)) lst))

(defun multi-non-nil-eq (lst)

 (and (notany #'null lst)
      (notany #'null (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (eq (car lst) x)) lst))
      (car lst)))

(defun elements-of-straights (board)

 (loop for i in *straights*
    collect (loop for j from 0 to 2

collect (get-board-elt (nth j i) board))))

(defun find-winner (board)

 (car (remove-if #'null (mapcar #'multi-non-nil-eq (elements-of-straights board)))))

(defun set-player (mark)

 (format t "Shall a computer play as ~a? (y/n)~&" mark)
 (let ((response (read)))
   (cond ((equalp response 'y) t)

((equalp response 'n) nil) (t (format t "Come again?~&") (set-player mark)))))

(defun player-move (board symbol)

 (format t "~%Player ~a, please input your move.~&" symbol)
 (set-board-elt (read) board symbol)
 (format t "~%"))

(defun computer-move (board symbol)

 (let ((move (get-random-element (list-legal-moves board))))
   (set-board-elt move board symbol)
   (format t "~%computer selects ~a~%~%" move)))

(defun computer-move-p (current-player autoplay-x-p autoplay-o-p)

 (if (eq current-player 'x)

(defun perform-turn (current-player board autoplay-x-p autoplay-o-p)

 (if (computer-move-p current-player autoplay-x-p autoplay-o-p)
     (computer-move board current-player)
     (player-move board current-player)))

(defun switch-player ()

 (if (eq *current-player* 'x) 
     (setf *current-player* 'o)
     (setf *current-player* 'x)))

(defun display-board (board)

 (loop for i downfrom 2 to 0
    do (loop for j from 1 to 3

initially (format t "|") do (format t "~a|" (or (get-board-elt (+ (* 3 i) j) board) (+ (* 3 i) j))) finally (format t "~&"))))

(defun tic-tac-toe ()

 (setf *current-player* 'x)
 (let ((board (generate-board))

(autoplay-x-p (set-player 'x)) (autoplay-o-p (set-player 'o)))

   (format t "~%")
   (loop until (or (find-winner board) (null (list-legal-moves board)))
      do (display-board board)      
      do (perform-turn *current-player* board autoplay-x-p autoplay-o-p)
      do (switch-player)
      finally (if (find-winner board)

(format t "The winner is ~a!" (find-winner board)) (format t "It's a tie."))))) </lang>

CL-USER> (tic-tac-toe)
Shall a computer play as X? (y/n)
Shall a computer play as O? (y/n)


Player X, please input your move.


computer selects 8


Player X, please input your move.


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.algorithm, std.conv, std.random,

      std.ascii, std.array, std.range, std.math;

struct GameBoard {

   dchar[9] board = "123456789";
   enum : dchar { human = 'X', computer = 'O' }
   enum Game { going, humanWins, computerWins, draw }
   const pure nothrow @safe @nogc invariant() {
       int nHuman = 0, nComputer = 0;
       foreach (immutable i, immutable c; board)
           if (c.isDigit)
               assert(i == c - '1'); // In correct position?
           else {
               assert(c == human || c == computer);
               (c == human ? nHuman : nComputer)++;
       assert(abs(nHuman - nComputer) <= 1);
   string toString() const pure {
       return format("%(%-(%s|%)\n-+-+-\n%)", board[].chunks(3));
   bool isAvailable(in int i) const pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
       return i >= 0 && i < 9 && board[i].isDigit;
   auto availablePositions() const pure nothrow @safe /*@nogc*/ {
       return 9.iota.filter!(i => isAvailable(i));
   Game winner() const pure nothrow @safe /*@nogc*/ {
       static immutable wins = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8],
                                [0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8],
                                [0, 4, 8], [2, 4, 6]];
       foreach (immutable win; wins) {
           immutable bw0 = board[win[0]];
           if (bw0.isDigit)
               continue; // Nobody wins on this one.
           if (bw0 == board[win[1]] && bw0 == board[win[2]])
               return bw0 == GameBoard.human ?
                             Game.humanWins :
       return availablePositions.empty ? Game.draw: Game.going;
   bool isFinished() const pure nothrow @safe /*@nogc*/ {
       return winner != Game.going;
   int computerMove() const // Random move.
   out(res) {
       assert(res >= 0 && res < 9 && isAvailable(res));
   } body {
       // return availablePositions.array.choice;
       return availablePositions.array[uniform(0, $)];


GameBoard playGame() {

   GameBoard board;
   bool playsHuman = true;
   while (!board.isFinished) {
       int move;
       if (playsHuman) {
           do {
               writef("Your move (available moves: %s)? ",
                      board.availablePositions.map!q{ a + 1 });
               readf("%d\n", &move);
               move--; // Zero based indexing.
               if (move < 0)
                   return board;
           } while (!board.isAvailable(move));
       } else
           move = board.computerMove;
       writefln("\n%s chose %d", playsHuman ? "You" : "I", move + 1);
       board.board[move] = playsHuman ? GameBoard.human :
       playsHuman = !playsHuman; // Switch player.
   return board;


void main() {

   "Tic-tac-toe game player.\n".writeln;
   immutable outcome = playGame.winner;
   final switch (outcome) {
       case GameBoard.Game.going:
           "Game stopped.".writeln;
       case GameBoard.Game.humanWins:
           "\nYou win!".writeln;
       case GameBoard.Game.computerWins:
           "\nI win.".writeln;
       case GameBoard.Game.draw:


Tic-tac-toe game player.

Your move (available moves: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])? 1

You chose 1

I chose 2
Your move (available moves: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])? 5

You chose 5

I chose 3
Your move (available moves: [4, 6, 7, 8, 9])? 9

You chose 9

You win!


It uses minimax with alpha-beta pruning. Therefore, the computer never loses.

Run it

<lang>len f[] 9 state = 0 linewidth 2 textsize 14

func init . .

 color 000
 move 0 0
 rect 100 100
 color 666
 move 36 4
 line 36 68
 move 60 4
 line 60 68
 move 16 24
 line 80 24
 move 16 48
 line 80 48
 for i range 9
   f[i] = 0
 if state = 1
   timer 0.2

. func draw ind . .

 c = ind mod 3
 r = ind / 3
 x = c * 24 + 24
 y = r * 24 + 12
 if f[ind] = 4
   color 900
   move x - 7 y - 7
   line x + 7 y + 7
   move x + 7 y - 7
   line x - 7 y + 7
 elif f[ind] = 1
   color 009
   move x y
   circle 9
   color 000
   circle 7

. func sum3 a d . st .

 for i range 3
   s += f[a]
   a += d
 if s = 3
   st = -1
 elif s = 12
   st = 1

. func rate . res done .

 res = 0
 for i range 3
   call sum3 i * 3 1 res
 for i range 3
   call sum3 i 3 res
 call sum3 0 4 res
 call sum3 2 2 res
 cnt = 1
 for i range 9
   if f[i] = 0
     cnt += 1
 res *= cnt
 done = 1
 if res = 0 and cnt > 1
   done = 0

. func minmax player alpha beta . rval rmov .

 call rate rval done
 if done = 1
   if player = 1
     rval = -rval
   rval = alpha
   start = random 9
   mov = start
     if f[mov] = 0
       f[mov] = player
       call minmax (5 - player) (-beta) (-rval) val h
       val = -val
       f[mov] = 0
       if val > rval
         rval = val
         rmov = mov
     mov = (mov + 1) mod 9
     until mov = start or rval >= beta

. func show_result val . .

 color 555
 move 16 76
 if val < 0
   # this never happens
   text "You won"
 elif val > 0
   text "You lost"
   text "Tie"
 state += 2

. func computer . .

 call minmax 4 -11 11 val mov
 f[mov] = 4
 call draw mov
 call rate val done
 state = 0
 if done = 1
   call show_result val

. func human . .

 mov = floor ((mouse_x - 12) / 24) + 3 * floor (mouse_y / 24)
 if f[mov] = 0
   f[mov] = 1
   call draw mov
   call rate val done
   state = 1
   if done = 1
     call show_result val
     timer 0.5

. on timer

 call computer

. on mouse_down

 if state = 0
   if mouse_x > 12 and mouse_x < 80 and mouse_y < 72
     call human
 elif state >= 2
   state -= 2
   call init

. call init</lang>


The program will randomly chose if the computer ("X") or the user ("O") starts. The computer look ahead is only one level. Perhaps the computer might lose? <lang Erlang> -module(tic_tac_toe).

-export( [task/0] ).

task() -> io:fwrite( "Result: ~p.~n", [turn(player(random:uniform()), board())] ).

board() -> [{X, erlang:integer_to_list(X)} || X <- lists:seq(1, 9)].

board_tuples( Selections, Board ) -> [lists:keyfind(X, 1, Board) || X <- Selections].

computer_move( Player, Board ) -> [N | _T] = lists:flatten( [X(Player, Board) || X <- [fun computer_move_win/2, fun computer_move_block/2, fun computer_move_middle/2, fun computer_move_random/2]] ), N.

computer_move_block( Player, Board ) -> computer_move_two_same_player( player(false, Player), Board ).

computer_move_middle( _Player, Board ) -> {5, Y} = lists:keyfind( 5, 1, Board ), computer_move_middle( is_empty(Y) ).

computer_move_middle( true ) -> [5]; computer_move_middle( false ) -> [].

computer_move_random( _Player, Board ) -> Ns = [X || {X, Y} <- Board, is_empty(Y)], [lists:nth( random:uniform(erlang:length(Ns)), Ns )].

computer_move_two_same_player( Player, Board ) ->

       Selections = [X || X <- three_in_row_all(), is_two_same_player(Player, X, Board)],

computer_move_two_same_player( Player, Board, Selections ).

computer_move_two_same_player( _Player, _Board, [] ) -> []; computer_move_two_same_player( _Player, Board, [Selection | _T] ) -> [X || {X, Y} <- board_tuples(Selection, Board), is_empty(Y)].

computer_move_win( Player, Board ) -> computer_move_two_same_player( Player, Board ).

is_empty( Square ) -> Square =< "9". % Do not use < "10".

is_finished( Board ) -> is_full( Board ) orelse is_three_in_row( Board ).

is_full( Board ) -> [] =:= [X || {X, Y} <- Board, is_empty(Y)].

is_three_in_row( Board ) -> Fun = fun(Selections) -> is_three_in_row_same_player( board_tuples(Selections, Board) ) end, lists:any( Fun, three_in_row_all() ).

is_three_in_row_same_player( Selected ) -> three_in_row_player( Selected ) =/= no_player.

is_two_same_player( Player, Selections, Board ) -> is_two_same_player( Player, [{X, Y} || {X, Y} <- board_tuples(Selections, Board), not is_empty(Y)] ).

is_two_same_player( Player, [{_X, Player}, {_Y, Player}] ) -> true; is_two_same_player( _Player, _Selected ) -> false.

player( Random ) when Random > 0.5 -> "O"; player( _Random ) -> "X".

player( true, _Player ) -> finished; player( false, "X" ) -> "O"; player( false, "O" ) -> "X".

result( Board ) -> result( is_full(Board), Board ).

result( true, _Board ) -> draw; result( false, Board ) -> [Winners] = [Selections || Selections <- three_in_row_all(), three_in_row_player(board_tuples(Selections, Board)) =/= no_player], "Winner is " ++ three_in_row_player( board_tuples(Winners, Board) ).

three_in_row_all() -> three_in_row_horisontal() ++ three_in_row_vertical() ++ three_in_row_diagonal(). three_in_row_diagonal() -> [[1,5,9], [3,5,7]]. three_in_row_horisontal() -> [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]. three_in_row_vertical() -> [[1,4,7], [2,5,8], [3,6,9]].

three_in_row_player( [{_X, Player}, {_Y, Player}, {_Z, Player}] ) -> three_in_row_player( not is_empty(Player), Player ); three_in_row_player( _Selected ) -> no_player.

three_in_row_player( true, Player ) -> Player; three_in_row_player( false, _Player ) -> no_player.

turn( finished, Board ) -> result( Board ); turn( "X"=Player, Board ) ->

   N = computer_move( Player, Board ),
   io:fwrite( "Computer, ~p, selected ~p~n", [Player, N] ),
   New_board = [{N, Player} | lists:keydelete(N, 1, Board)],
   turn( player(is_finished(New_board), Player), New_board );

turn( "O"=Player, Board ) ->

   [turn_board_write_horisontal(X, Board) || X <- three_in_row_horisontal()], 
   Ns = [X || {X, Y} <- Board, is_empty(Y)],
   Prompt = lists:flatten( io_lib:format("Player, ~p, select one of ~p: ", [Player, Ns]) ),
   N = turn_next_move( Prompt, Ns ),
   New_board = [{N, Player} | lists:keydelete(N, 1, Board)], 
   turn( player(is_finished(New_board), Player), New_board ).

turn_board_write_horisontal( Selections, Board ) -> Tuples = [lists:keyfind(X, 1, Board) || X <- Selections], [io:fwrite( "~p ", [Y]) || {_X, Y} <- Tuples], io:fwrite( "~n" ).

turn_next_move( Prompt, Ns ) -> {ok,[N]} = io:fread( Prompt, "~d" ), turn_next_move_ok( lists:member(N, Ns), Prompt, Ns, N ).

turn_next_move_ok( true, _Prompt, _Ns, N ) -> N; turn_next_move_ok( false, Prompt, Ns, _N ) -> turn_next_move( Prompt, Ns ). </lang>

96> tic_tac_toe:task().
"1" "2" "3" 
"4" "5" "6" 
"7" "8" "9" 
Player, "O", select one of [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]: 5
Computer, "X", selected 2
"1" "X" "3" 
"4" "O" "6" 
"7" "8" "9" 
Player, "O", select one of [1,3,4,6,7,8,9]: 1
Computer, "X", selected 9
"O" "X" "3" 
"4" "O" "6" 
"7" "8" "X" 
Player, "O", select one of [3,4,6,7,8]: 3
Computer, "X", selected 7
"O" "X" "O" 
"4" "O" "6" 
"X" "8" "X" 
Player, "O", select one of [4,6,8]: 8
Computer, "X", selected 6
"O" "X" "O" 
"4" "O" "X" 
"X" "O" "X" 
Player, "O", select one of [4]: 4
Result: draw.


Taken from ERRE distribution disk: comments and messages are in Italian.

! TRIS.R : gioca a tris contro l'operatore


DIM TRIS%[9],T1%[9],PIECES$[3]




! Disegna lo schema del gioco

! Pone i pezzi sulla scacchiera
  FOR ROW%=6 TO 12 STEP 3 DO     ! posizioni assolute sullo schermo
    FOR COL%=32 TO 48 STEP 8 DO

    2-> C1%=C1%+1            END ->
    4-> C2%=C2%+1            END ->
    8-> S1%=TRUE  S2%=TRUE   END ->
    3-> N1%=N1%+1            END ->
    9-> N2%=N2%+1            END ->
   27-> S1%=FALSE S2%=FALSE  END ->

! Prepara la mossa del calcolatore
   FOR K%=0 TO 2 DO

! Coordina le mosse del calcolatore
  FOR I%=1 TO 9 DO
    IF TRIS%[I%]=1
       EXIT IF S2% AND NOT S1%
       IF S1% AND S2%
       END IF
       IF MV%=0
       END IF
       END IF
    END IF
  IF NOT S2%

! Gioca l'avversario umano usando i tasti cursore per lo spostamento
  PRINT("Tocca a te ....                  ")
      IF LEN(B$)=2 THEN
        CASE ASC(RIGHT$(B$,1)+CHR$(0)) OF
          77-> ! codice tastiera per CRSR =>
             PRINT(" ")
          END ->
          75-> ! codice tastiera per CRSR <=
             PRINT(" ")
          END ->
          80-> ! codice tastiera per CRSR DOWN
             PRINT(" ")
          END ->
          72-> ! codice tastiera per CRSR UP
             PRINT(" ")
          END ->
       END CASE
      END IF
     UNTIL B$=CHR$(13)
     MM%=ROW%+COL%/8-10 ! da coordinate schermo a coordinate scacchiera
  PRINT(" ")
  PRINT(STRING$(45," "))

  DATA(" ","+","o")
    S1%=FALSE    S2%=FALSE   ! determinano lo stato della partita
    FOR Z%=1 TO 3 DO
    FOR Z%=1 TO 9 DO
    PRINT("Giochi per primo ?")
    UNTIL A$="S" OR A$="s" OR A$="N" OR A$="n"
      IF A$="s" OR A$="S"
          EXIT IF S1% OR S2%
          EXIT IF S1% OR S2%
          EXIT IF S1% OR S2%
          EXIT IF S1% OR S2%
      END IF
     (S1% AND NOT S2%)->
        PRINT("E' finita pari !!!     ")
     END ->
     (S2% AND NOT S1%)->
        PRINT("HAI VINTO !!!          ")
     END ->
     (S1% AND S2%)->
        PRINT("HO VINTO IO !!!        ")
     END ->
   PRINT("Vuoi giocare ancora ?       ")
   UNTIL A$="S" OR A$="s" OR A$="N" OR A$="n"
 UNTIL A$="N" OR A$="n"

A game example

 ░░▒▒▓▓                                                                  ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ ┌───────────────┐   ╔═══════╤═══════╤═══════╗   ┌────────────┐   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ │───── TRIS ────│   ║   +   │   o   │   +   ║   │Il calcola- │   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ │               │   ║       │       │       ║   │tore non può│   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ │Si gioca contro│   ╟───────┼───────┼───────╢   │perdere e   │   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ │il calcolatore.│   ║   +   │   o   │   o   ║   │perciò il   │   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ │Per muoversi   │   ║       │       │       ║   │giocatore   │   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ │usare i tasti  │   ╟───────┼───────┼───────╢   │può al mas- │   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ │cursore e ◄──┘ │   ║   o   │   +   │   o   ║   │simo pareg- │   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ │per confermare.│   ║       │       │       ║   │giare.      │   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓ └───────────────┘   ╚═══════╧═══════╧═══════╝   └────────────┘   ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓                                                                  ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓                                                                  ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓  ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐  ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓  │  Vuoi giocare ancora ?                                     │  ▓▓▒▒░░
 ░░▒▒▓▓  └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘  ▓▓▒▒░░


Works with: OpenEuphoria

No computer AI <lang euphoria> include std/console.e include std/text.e include std/search.e include std/sequence.e

sequence board sequence players = {"X","O"}

function DisplayBoard() for i = 1 to 3 do for j = 1 to 3 do printf(1,"%s",board[i][j]) if j < 3 then printf(1,"%s","|") end if end for if i < 3 then puts(1,"\n-----\n") else puts(1,"\n\n") end if end for

return 1 end function

function CheckWinner() sequence temp = board for a = 1 to 2 do for i = 1 to 3 do if equal({"X","X","X"},temp[i]) then puts(1,"X wins\n\n") return 1 elsif equal({"O","O","O"},temp[i]) then puts(1,"O wins\n\n") return 1 end if end for temp = columnize(board) end for if equal({"X","X","X"},{board[1][1],board[2][2],board[3][3]}) or equal({"X","X","X"},{board[1][3],board[2][2],board[3][1]}) then puts(1,"X wins\n") return 1 elsif equal({"O","O","O"},{board[1][1],board[2][2],board[3][3]}) or equal({"O","O","O"},{board[1][3],board[2][2],board[3][1]}) then puts(1,"O wins\n") return 1 end if

if moves = 9 then puts(1,"Draw\n\n") return 1 end if

return 0 end function

integer turn, row, column, moves sequence replay while 1 do board = repeat(repeat(" ",3),3) DisplayBoard() turn = rand(2) moves = 0

while 1 do while 1 do printf(1,"%s's turn\n",players[turn]) row = prompt_number("Enter row: ",{}) column = prompt_number("Enter column: ",{}) if match(board[row][column]," ") then board[row][column] = players[turn] moves += 1 exit else puts(1,"Space already taken - pick again\n") end if end while


if CheckWinner() then exit end if

if turn = 1 then turn = 2 else turn = 1 end if end while

replay = lower(prompt_string("Play again (y/n)?\n\n"))

if match(replay,"n") then exit end if

end while </lang>

 | |
 | |
 | |

O's turn
Enter row: 1
Enter column: 1
O| |
 | |
 | |

X's turn
Enter row: 3
Enter column: 3
O| |
 | |
 | |X

O's turn
Enter row: 3
Enter column: 1
O| |
 | |
O| |X

X's turn
Enter row: 2
Enter column: 1
O| |
X| |
O| |X

O's turn
Enter row: 2
Enter column: 2
O| |
O| |X

X's turn
Enter row: 1
Enter column: 3
O| |X
O| |X

O's turn
Enter row: 1
Enter column: 2
O| |X

X's turn
Enter row: 3
Enter column: 2

O's turn
Enter row: 2
Enter column: 3


Play again (y/n)?


A purely-functional solution with a naive (but perfect) computer player implementation. The first move is played randomly by the computer.

<lang fsharp>type Brick =

| Empty
| Computer
| User

let brickToString = function

| Empty -> ' '
| Computer -> 'X'
| User -> 'O'

// y -> x -> Brick type Board = Map<int, Map<int, Brick> >

let emptyBoard =

 let emptyRow = Map.ofList [0,Empty; 1,Empty; 2,Empty]
 Map.ofList [0,emptyRow; 1,emptyRow; 2,emptyRow]

let get (b:Board) (x,y) = b.[y].[x]

let set player (b:Board) (x,y) : Board =

 let row = b.[y].Add(x, player)
 b.Add(y, row)

let winningPositions =

 [for x in [0..2] -> x,x] // first diagonal
 ::[for x in [0..2] -> 2-x,x] // second diagonal
 ::[for y in [0..2] do
    yield! [[for x in [0..2]->(y,x)]; // columns
            [for x in [0..2] -> (x,y)]]] // rows

let hasWon player board =

   (fun ps -> List.forall (fun pos -> get board pos = player) ps)

let freeSpace board =

 [for x in 0..2 do
    for y in 0..2 do
      if get board (x,y) = Empty then yield x,y]

type Evaluation =

| Win
| Draw
| Lose

let rec evaluate board move =

 let b2 = set Computer board move
 if hasWon Computer b2 then Win
   match freeSpace b2 with
   | [] -> Draw
   | userChoices -> 
      let b3s = List.map (set User b2) userChoices
      if List.exists (hasWon User) b3s then Lose
      elif List.exists (fun b3 -> bestOutcome b3 = Lose) b3s
      then Lose
      elif List.exists (fun b3 -> bestOutcome b3 = Draw) b3s
      then Draw
      else Win

and findBestChoice b =

 match freeSpace b with
 | [] -> ((-1,-1), Draw)
 | choices -> 
   match List.tryFind (fun c -> evaluate b c = Win) choices with
   | Some c -> (c, Win)
   | None -> match List.tryFind (fun c -> evaluate b c = Draw) choices with
             | Some c -> (c, Draw)
             | None -> (List.head choices, Lose)

and bestOutcome b = snd (findBestChoice b)

let bestChoice b = fst (findBestChoice b)

let computerPlay b = set Computer b (bestChoice b)

let printBoard b =

 printfn "   | A | B | C |"
 printfn "---+---+---+---+"
 for y in 0..2 do
  printfn " %d | %c | %c | %c |"
   (get b (0,y) |> brickToString)
   (get b (1,y) |> brickToString)
   (get b (2,y) |> brickToString)
  printfn "---+---+---+---+"

let rec userPlay b =

 printfn "Which field do you play? (format: a1)"
 let input = System.Console.ReadLine()
 if input.Length <> 2
    || input.[0] < 'a' || input.[0] > 'c'
    || input.[1] < '1' || input.[1] > '3' then
    printfn "illegal input"
    userPlay b
    let x = int(input.[0]) - int('a')
    let y = 2 - int(input.[1]) + int('1')
    if get b (x,y) <> Empty then
      printfn "Field is not free."
      userPlay b
      set User b (x,y)

let rec gameLoop b player =

 if freeSpace b = [] then
   printfn "Game over. Draw."
 elif player = Computer then
   printfn "Computer plays..."
   let b2 = computerPlay b
   printBoard b2
   if hasWon Computer b2 then
     printfn "Game over. I have won."
     gameLoop b2 User
 elif player = User then
   let b2 = userPlay b
   printBoard b2
   if hasWon User b2 then
     printfn "Game over. You have won."
     gameLoop b2 Computer

// randomly choose an element of a list let choose =

 let rnd = new System.Random()
 fun (xs:_ list) -> xs.[rnd.Next(xs.Length)]

// play first brick randomly printfn "Computer starts." let b = set Computer emptyBoard (choose (freeSpace emptyBoard)) printBoard b gameLoop b User</lang>

Example game:

Computer starts.
   | A | B | C |
 3 |   |   | X |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 |   |   |   |
Which field do you play? (format: a1)
   | A | B | C |
 3 |   |   | X |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 | O |   |   |
Computer plays...
   | A | B | C |
 3 | X |   | X |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 | O |   |   |
Which field do you play? (format: a1)
   | A | B | C |
 3 | X | O | X |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 | O |   |   |
Computer plays...
   | A | B | C |
 3 | X | O | X |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 | O |   | X |
Which field do you play? (format: a1)
   | A | B | C |
 3 | X | O | X |
 2 |   |   | O |
 1 | O |   | X |
Computer plays...
   | A | B | C |
 3 | X | O | X |
 2 |   | X | O |
 1 | O |   | X |
Game over. I have won.


Objective: write program in less than 100 lines, not using semicolons. Computer never loses, but plays as random as possible. Player gets first move of first game. Afterwards, first move alternates between computer and player. <lang fortran> ! This is a fortran95 implementation of the game of tic-tac-toe. ! - Objective was to use less than 100 lines. ! - No attention has been devoted to efficiency. ! - Indentation by findent: https://sourceforge.net/projects/findent/ ! - This is free software, use as you like at own risk. ! - Compile: gfortran -o tictactoe tictactoe.f90 ! - Run: ./tictactoe ! Comments to: wvermin at gmail dot com module tic

  implicit none
  integer :: b(9)


  logical function iswin(p)
     integer,intent(in) :: p
     iswin = &
  end function iswin
  subroutine printb(mes)
     character(len=*) :: mes
     integer          :: i,j
     character        :: s(0:2) = ['.','X','O']
     print "(3a3,'   ',3i3)",(s(b(3*i+1:3*i+3)),(j,j=3*i+1,3*i+3),i=0,2)
     if(mes /= ' ') print "(/,a)",mes
  end subroutine printb
  integer recursive function minmax(player,bestm) result(bestv)
     integer :: player,bestm,move,v,bm,win=1000,inf=100000
     real    :: x
     if (all(b .ne. 0)) then
        bestv = 0
        bestv = -inf
        do move=1,9
           if (b(move) == 0) then
              b(move) = player
              if (iswin(player)) then
                 v = win
                 call random_number(x)
                 v = -minmax(3-player,bm) - int(10*x)
              if (v > bestv) then
                 bestv = v
                 bestm = move
              b(move) = 0
              if (v == win) exit
  end function minmax

end module tic program tictactoe

  ! computer: player=1, user: player=2
  use tic
  implicit none 
  integer :: move,ios,v,bestmove,ply,player=2,k,values(8)
  integer,allocatable :: seed(:)
  call date_and_time(values=values)
  call random_seed(size=k)
  seed = values(8)+1000*values(7)+60*1000*values(6)+60*60*1000*values(5)
  call random_seed(put=seed)
  mainloop: do
     b = 0
     call printb('You have O, I have X. You enter 0: game ends.')
     plyloop: do ply=0,4
        if (player == 2 .or. ply >0 ) then  ! user move
           write(*,"(/,a)",advance='no'),'Your move? (0..9) '
           getloop: do
              readloop: do
                 read (*,*,iostat=ios),move
                 if (ios == 0 .and. move  >= 0 .and. move <= 9) exit readloop
                 write(*,"(a)",advance='no'),'huh? Try again (0..9): '
              enddo readloop
              if (  move  == 0) exit mainloop
              if (b(move) == 0) exit getloop
              write(*,"(a)",advance='no'),'Already occupied, again (0..9): '
           enddo getloop
           b(move) = 2
           if(iswin(2)) then   ! this should not happen
              call printb('***** You win *****')
              exit plyloop
        v = minmax(1,bestmove)   ! computer move
        b(bestmove) = 1
        if(iswin(1)) then
           call printb('***** I win *****')
           exit plyloop
        write(*,"(/,a,i3)"), 'My move: ',bestmove
        call printb(' ')
     enddo plyloop
     if(ply == 5) write(*,"('***** Draw *****',/)")
     player = 3-player
  enddo mainloop

end program </lang>


Intermediate, like Python's "Better skilled player." Computer wins and blocks where it can, but otherwise plays randomly. Plays multiple games and keeps score. Player gets first move of first game. Afterwards, loser gets to go first, or after cat games, first move alternates. <lang go>package main

import (



var b []byte

func printBoard() {

   fmt.Printf("%s\n%s\n%s\n", b[0:3], b[3:6], b[6:9])


var pScore, cScore int var pMark, cMark byte = 'X', 'O' var in = bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

func main() {

   b = make([]byte, 9)
   fmt.Println("Play by entering a digit.")
   for {
       // start of game
       for i := range b {
           b[i] = '1' + byte(i)
       computerStart := cMark == 'X'
       if computerStart {
           fmt.Println("I go first, playing X's")
       } else {
           fmt.Println("You go first, playing X's")
       for {
           if !computerStart {
               if !playerTurn() {
               if gameOver() {
                   break TakeTurns
           computerStart = false
           if gameOver() {
               break TakeTurns
       fmt.Println("Score: you", pScore, "me", cScore)
       fmt.Println("\nLet's play again.")


func playerTurn() bool {

   var pm string
   var err error
   for i := 0; i < 3; i++ { // retry loop
       fmt.Printf("%c's move? ", pMark)
       if pm, err = in.ReadString('\n'); err != nil {
           return false
       pm = strings.TrimSpace(pm)
       if pm >= "1" && pm <= "9" && b[pm[0]-'1'] == pm[0] {
           x := pm[0] - '1'
           b[x] = pMark
           return true
   fmt.Println("You're not playing right.")
   return false


var choices = make([]int, 9)

func computerTurn() {

   var x int
   defer func() {
       fmt.Println("My move:", x+1)
       b[x] = cMark
   // look for two in a row
   block := -1
   for _, l := range lines {
       var mine, yours int
       x = -1
       for _, sq := range l {
           switch b[sq] {
           case cMark:
           case pMark:
               x = sq
       if mine == 2 && x >= 0 {
           return // strategy 1: make winning move
       if yours == 2 && x >= 0 {
           block = x
   if block >= 0 {
       x = block // strategy 2: make blocking move
   // default strategy: random move
   choices = choices[:0]
   for i, sq := range b { 
       if sq == '1'+byte(i) {
           choices = append(choices, i)
   x = choices[rand.Intn(len(choices))]


func gameOver() bool {

   // check for win
   for _, l := range lines {
       if b[l[0]] == b[l[1]] && b[l[1]] == b[l[2]] {
           if b[l[0]] == cMark {
               fmt.Println("I win!")
               pMark, cMark = 'X', 'O'
           } else {
               fmt.Println("You win!")
               pMark, cMark = 'O', 'X'
           return true 
   // check for empty squares
   for i, sq := range b {
       if sq == '1'+byte(i) {
           return false
   fmt.Println("Cat game.")
   pMark, cMark = cMark, pMark
   return true


var lines = [][]int{

   {0, 1, 2}, // rows
   {3, 4, 5},
   {6, 7, 8},
   {0, 3, 6}, // columns
   {1, 4, 7},
   {2, 5, 8},
   {0, 4, 8}, // diagonals
   {2, 4, 6},



Simplified version of Tic Tac Toe for player vs. player (no AI computer-controlled option). <lang Groovy>class Main {

def input = new Scanner(System.in)

static main(args) { Main main = new Main(); main.play(); }

public void play() {

TicTackToe game = new TicTackToe(); game.init() def gameOver = false def player = game.player1

println "Players take turns marking a square. Only squares \n"+ "not already marked can be picked. Once a player has \n"+

   			"marked three squares in a row, column or diagonal, they win! If all squares \n"+
   			"are marked and no three squares are the same, a tied game is declared.\n"+

"Player 1 is O and Player 2 is X \n"+

   			"Have Fun! \n\n"

println "${game.drawBoard()}"

while (!gameOver && game.plays < 9) {

player = game.currentPlayer == 1 ? game.player1 :game.player2 def validPick = false; while (!validPick) {

def square println "Next $player, enter move by selecting square's number :" try { square = input.nextLine(); } catch (Exception ex) { }

if (square.length() == 1 && Character.isDigit(square.toCharArray()[0])) { validPick = game.placeMarker(square) } if (!validPick) { println "Select another Square" }


(game.checkWinner(player))? gameOver = true : game.switchPlayers() println(game.drawBoard());

} println "Game Over, " + ((gameOver == true)? "$player Wins" : "Draw") }


public class TicTackToe {

   def board = new Object[3][3]

def final player1 = "player 1" def final player2 = "player 2" def final marker1 = 'X' def final marker2 = 'O'

   int currentPlayer

int plays

public TicTacToe(){


   def init() {
       int counter = 0;
      (0..2).each { row ->
          (0..2).each { col ->
               board[row][col] = (++counter).toString();

plays = 0 currentPlayer =1

   def switchPlayers() {
       currentPlayer = (currentPlayer == 1) ? 2:1
   def placeMarker(play) {

def result = false

       (0..2).each { row ->
           (0..2).each { col ->
               if (board[row][col].toString()==play.toString()){
                   board[row][col] = (currentPlayer == 1) ? marker2 : marker1;
                   result =  true;
       return result;
   def checkWinner(player) {
   	char current = (player == player1)? marker2:  marker1
       return checkRows(current) || checkColumns(current) ||checkDiagonals(current);
   def checkRows(char current){

(0..2).any{ line -> board[line].every { it == current} }

   def checkColumns(char current){				

(0..2).any{i -> (0..2).every{j -> board[j][i]==current } }

   def checkDiagonals(char current){

def rightDiag = [board[0][0],board[1][1],board[2][2]] def leftDiag = [board[0][2],board[1][1],board[2][0]] return rightDiag.every{it == current} || leftDiag.every{it == current}

   def drawBoard() {
       StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder("Game board: \n");
       (0..2).each { row->
           (0..2).each {col ->
               builder.append("[" + board[row][col] + "]");
       return builder.toString();



Computer player has three strategies: 1. Try to block the opponent first, 2. Try to guess a good position for the next move, 3. Place a piece randomly. There are lots of comments throughout the code. <lang Haskell> module Main where

import System.Random import Data.List (intercalate, find, minimumBy) import System.Environment (getArgs) import Data.Char (digitToInt) import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe, mapMaybe) import Control.Monad (guard) import Data.Ord (comparing)

-- check if there is a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of -- X or O tictactoe :: String -> Bool tictactoe a = tictactoeFor 'X' a /= tictactoeFor 'O' a

-- check if there is a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line -- for the given player "n" tictactoeFor :: Char -> String -> Bool tictactoeFor n [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] =

   [n,n,n] `elem` [[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i],[a,d,g],

-- empty game board start :: String start = " "

-- check if there is an X or an O at the given position isPossible :: Int -> String -> Bool isPossible n game = (game !! n) `notElem` "XO"

-- try to place an X or an O at a given position. -- "Right" + modified board means success, "Left" + unmodified board -- means failure place :: Int -> Char -> String -> Either String String place i c game =

   if isPossible i game
   then Right $ take i game ++ [c] ++ drop (i + 1) game
   else Left game

-- COMPUTER AI -- get the number of movements, starting from a given non-empty board -- and a position for the next movement, until the specified player -- wins or no movement is possible -- the positions are chosen sequentially, so there's not much -- intelligence here anyway developGame :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Char -> String -> (Int, Char, String) developGame iterateMore moves i player game

   | i > 8 = 
       -- if i arrives to the last position, iterate again from 0
       -- but do it only once
       if iterateMore
       then developGame False moves 0 player game
       -- draw game (after one iteration, still no winning moves)
       else (moves, player, game)
       -- draw game (game board full) or a win for the player
   | moves == 9 || tictactoeFor player game = (moves, player, game)
       -- make a move, if possible, and continue playing
   | otherwise = case place i otherPlayer game of
       -- position i is not empty. try with the next position
       Left _ -> developGame iterateMore moves (i + 1)
                   otherPlayer game
       -- position i was empty, so it was a valid move.
       -- change the player and make a new move, starting at pos 0
       Right newGame -> developGame iterateMore (moves + 1) 0
                   otherPlayer newGame
           otherPlayer = changePlayer player

-- COMPUTER AI -- starting from a given non-empty board, try to guess which position -- could lead the player to the fastest victory. bestMoveFor :: Char -> String -> Int bestMoveFor player game = bestMove

       -- drive the game to its end for each starting position
       continuations = [ (x, developGame True 0 x player game) |
           x <- [0..8] ]
       -- compare the number of moves of the game and take the
       -- shortest one
       move (_, (m, _, _)) = m
       (bestMove, _) = minimumBy (comparing move) continuations

-- canBlock checks if the opponent has two pieces in a row and the -- other cell in the row is empty, and places the player's piece there, -- blocking the opponent canBlock :: Char -> String -> Maybe Int canBlock p [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] =

   listToMaybe $ mapMaybe blockable [[a,b,c],[d,e,f],[g,h,i],[a,d,g],
       blockable xs = do          
         guard $ length (filter (== otherPlayer) xs) == 2
         x <- find (`elem` "123456789") xs
         return $ digitToInt x
       otherPlayer = changePlayer p

-- format a game board for on-screen printing showGame :: String -> String showGame [a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i] =

   topBottom ++
   "|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |\n" ++
   topBottom ++
   row "0" [[a],[b],[c]] ++
   row "3" [[d],[e],[f]] ++
   row "6" [[g],[h],[i]]
       topBottom = "+----+---+---+---+\n"
       row n x = "| " ++ n ++ "+ | " ++
           intercalate " | " x ++ " |\n" ++ topBottom

-- ask the user to press a numeric key and convert it to an int enterNumber :: IO Int enterNumber = do

   c <- getChar
   if c `elem` "123456789"
   then do
       putStrLn ""
       return $ digitToInt c
   else do
       putStrLn "\nPlease enter a digit!"

-- a human player's turn: get the number of pieces put on the board, -- the next piece to be put (X or O) and a game board, and return -- a new game state, checking if the piece can be placed on the board. -- if it can't, make the user try again. turn :: (Int, Char, String) -> IO (Int, Char, String) turn (count, player, game) = do

   putStr $ "Please tell me where you want to put an " ++
       [player] ++ ": "
   pos <- enterNumber
   case place (pos - 1) player game of
       Left oldGame -> do
           putStrLn "That place is already taken!\n"
           turn (count, player, oldGame)
       Right newGame ->
           return (count + 1, changePlayer player, newGame)

-- alternate between X and O players changePlayer :: Char -> Char changePlayer 'O' = 'X' changePlayer 'X' = 'O'

-- COMPUTER AI -- make an automatic turn, placing an X or an O game board. -- the first movement is always random. -- first, the computer looks for two pieces of his opponent in a row -- and tries to block. -- otherwise, it tries to guess the best position for the next movement. -- as a last resort, it places a piece randomly. autoTurn :: Bool -> (Int, Char, String) -> IO (Int, Char, String) autoTurn forceRandom (count, player, game) = do

   -- try a random position 'cause everything else failed
   -- count == 0 overrides the value of forceRandom
   i <- if count == 0 || forceRandom
           then randomRIO (0,8)
           else return $
               case canBlock player game of
                   -- opponent can't be blocked. try to guess
                   -- the best movement
                   Nothing -> bestMoveFor player game
                   -- opponent can be blocked, so just do it!
                   Just blockPos -> blockPos
   -- if trying to place a piece at a calculated position doesn't work,
   -- just try again with a random value
   case place i player game of
       Left oldGame -> autoTurn True (count, player, oldGame)
       Right newGame -> do
           putStrLn $ "It's player " ++ [player] ++ "'s turn."
           return (count + 1, changePlayer player, newGame)

-- play a game until someone wins or the board becomes full. -- depending on the value of the variable "auto", ask the user(s) to -- put some pieces on the board or do it automatically play :: Int -> (Int, Char, String) -> IO () play auto cpg@(_, player, game) = do

   newcpg@(newCount, newPlayer, newGame) <- case auto of
       -- if both players are human, always ask them
       0 -> turn cpg
       -- if both players are computer, always play auto
       1 -> autoTurn False cpg
       -- X is computer, O is human
       2 -> if player == 'X' then autoTurn False cpg else turn cpg
       -- X is human, O is computer
       3 -> if player == 'O' then autoTurn False cpg else turn cpg
   putStrLn $ "\n" ++ showGame newGame
   if tictactoe newGame
   then putStrLn $ "Player " ++ [changePlayer newPlayer] ++ " wins!\n"
       if newCount == 9
       then putStrLn "Draw!\n"
       else play auto newcpg

-- main program: greet the user, ask for a game type, ask for the -- player that'll start the game, and play the game beginning with an -- empty board main :: IO () main = do

   a <- getArgs
   if null a
   then usage
   else do
       let option = head a
       if option `elem` ["0","1","2","3"]
       then do
           putStrLn $ "\n" ++ showGame start
           let m = read option :: Int
           play m (0, 'X', start)
       else usage

usage :: IO () usage = do

   putStrLn "TIC-TAC-TOE GAME\n================\n"
   putStrLn "How do you want to play?"
   putStrLn "Run the program with one of the following options."
   putStrLn "0 : both players are human"
   putStrLn "1 : both players are computer"
   putStrLn "2 : player X is computer and player O is human"
   putStrLn "3 : player X is human and player O is computer"
   putStrLn "Player X always begins."



Player X is computer, O is human.

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ |   |   |   |
| 3+ |   |   |   |
| 6+ |   |   |   |

It's player X's turn.

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ |   |   |   |
| 3+ |   | X |   |
| 6+ |   |   |   |

Please tell me where you want to put an O: 1

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ | O |   |   |
| 3+ |   | X |   |
| 6+ |   |   |   |

It's player X's turn.

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ | O |   | X |
| 3+ |   | X |   |
| 6+ |   |   |   |

Please tell me where you want to put an O: 7

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ | O |   | X |
| 3+ |   | X |   |
| 6+ | O |   |   |

It's player X's turn.

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ | O |   | X |
| 3+ | X | X |   |
| 6+ | O |   |   |

Please tell me where you want to put an O: 6

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ | O |   | X |
| 3+ | X | X | O |
| 6+ | O |   |   |

It's player X's turn.

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ | O |   | X |
| 3+ | X | X | O |
| 6+ | O | X |   |

Please tell me where you want to put an O: 2

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ | O | O | X |
| 3+ | X | X | O |
| 6+ | O | X |   |

It's player X's turn.

|    | 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 0+ | O | O | X |
| 3+ | X | X | O |
| 6+ | O | X | X |


Icon and Unicon

The following works in both Icon and Unicon. The computer plays randomly against a human player, with legal moves enforced and wins/draws notified.

<lang Icon>

  1. Play TicTacToe

$define E " " # empty square $define X "X" # X piece $define O "O" # O piece

  1. -- define a board

record Board(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)

procedure display_board (board, player)

 write ("\n===============")
 write (board.a || " | " || board.b || " | " || board.c)
 write ("---------")
 write (board.d || " | " || board.e || " | " || board.f)
 write ("---------")
 write (board.g || " | " || board.h || " | " || board.i)


  1. return a set of valid moves (empty positions) in given board

procedure empty_fields (board)

 fields := set()
 every i := !fieldnames(board) do 
   if (board[i] == E) then insert (fields, i)
 return fields


procedure game_start ()

 return Board (E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E, E)


procedure game_is_drawn (board)

 return *empty_fields(board) = 0


procedure game_won_by (board, player)

 return (board.a == board.b == board.c == player) |
        (board.d == board.e == board.f == player) |
        (board.g == board.h == board.i == player) |
        (board.a == board.d == board.g == player) | 
        (board.b == board.e == board.h == player) |
        (board.c == board.f == board.i == player) |
        (board.a == board.e == board.i == player) |
        (board.g == board.e == board.c == player)


procedure game_over (board)

 return game_is_drawn (board) | game_won_by (board, O) | game_won_by (board, X)


  1. -- players make their move on the board
  2. assume there is at least one empty square

procedure human_move (board, player)

 choice := "z"
 options := empty_fields (board)
 # keep prompting until player selects a valid square
 until member (options, choice) do {
   writes ("Choose one of: ")
   every writes (!options || " ")
   writes ("\n> ") 
   choice := read ()
 board[choice] := player


  1. pick and make a move at random from empty positions

procedure random_move (board, player)

 board[?empty_fields(board)] := player


  1. -- manage the game play

procedure play_game ()

 # hold procedures for players' move in variables
 player_O := random_move
 player_X := human_move
 # randomly determine if human or computer moves first
 if (?2 = 0) 
   then {
     write ("Human plays first as O")
     player_O := human_move
     player_X := random_move
   else write ("Computer plays first, human is X")
 # set up the game to start
 board := game_start ()
 player := O
 display_board (board, player)
 # loop until the game is over, getting each player to move in turn
 until game_over (board) do { 
   write (player || " to play next")
   # based on player, prompt for the next move
   if (player == O)
     then (player_O (board, player))
     else (player_X (board, player))
   # change player to move
   player := if (player == O) then X else O
   display_board (board, player)
 # finish by writing out result
 if game_won_by (board, O) 
   then write ("O won") 
   else if game_won_by (board, X) 
     then write ("X won")
     else write ("draw") # neither player won, so must be a draw


  1. -- get things started

procedure main ()

 play_game ()

end </lang>


To subsequent j poster: replacing this entry is fine by me. <lang J> Note 'ttt adjudicates or plays'

  use:  markers ttt characters
  characters represent the cell names.
  markers is a length 3 character vector of the
  characters to use for first and second player
  followed by the opponent's mark.
  'XOX' means X plays 1st, O is the other mark,
  and the first strategy plays 1st.
  'XOO' means X plays 1st, O is the other mark,
  and the second strategy moves first.
  The game  is set  up for  the computer as the
  first strategy (random), and human as second.
  A standard use:
  Example game reformatted w/ emacs artist-mode
  to fit your display:
  w│e│r                     w│e│r        ....    -│e│r           .    -│e│#
  ─┼─┼─                 .   ─┼─┼─       ..       ─┼─┼─         ..     ─┼─┼─
  s│d│f                 .   s│#│f      ..        s│#│f        ..      -│#│f
  ─┼─┼─                ..   ─┼─┼─      .         ─┼─┼─      ...       ─┼─┼─
  x│c│v               ..    -│c│v      .         -│c│#     ..         -│c│#
  d                  ..     v         ..         r         .          VICTORY
  w│e│r             ..      w│e│r     ..         -│e│#     .
  ─┼─┼─           ...       ─┼─┼─     ..         ─┼─┼─    .
  s│#│f         ...         s│#│f     ..         s│#│f    .
  ─┼─┼─        ..           ─┼─┼─   ...          ─┼─┼─  ...
  x│c│v                     -│c│#                -│c│#
  -->cell for -?            -->cell for -?       -->cell for -?
  x                         w                    s


while=: conjunction def 'u ^: v ^:_' NB. j assumes while is a verb and needs to know while is a conjunction.

ttt=: outcome@:((display@:move) while undecided)@:display@:prepare

blindfolded_variant=: outcome@:display@:(move while undecided)@:display@:prepare

outcome=: {&(>;:'kitty VICTORY')@:won NB. (outcome does not pass along the state) move=: post locate undecided=: won nor full prepare=: , board@:] NB. form the state vector

Note 'locate'

 is a monadic verb.  y is the state vector.
 returns the character of the chosen cell.
 locate=: second_strategy`first_strategy@.(first = mark)
 locate=: human_locate NB. human versus human

) locate=: human_locate`computer_locate@.(first = mark)

display=: show [: (1 1,:5 5)&(];.0)@:": [: <"0 fold

computer_locate=: [: show@{. board -. marks NB. strategy: first available computer_locate=: [: show@({~ ?@:#) board -. marks NB. strategy: random

human_locate=: monad define

 state=. y
 m=. mark state
 b=. board state
 cells=. b -. marks state
 show '-->cell for ' , m , '?'
 whilst. cell -.@:e. cells do. cell =. {. (1!:1]1) , m end.


post=: 2&A.@:(3&{.)@:[ prepare mark@:[`((i.~ board)~)`(board@:[)}

mark=: {. NB. mark of the current player from state marks=: 2&{. NB. extract both markers from state board=: _9&{. NB. extract board from state first=: 2&{ NB. extract first player from state

show=: [ smoutput

full=: 2 = #@:~. won=: test@:fold fold=: 3 3 $ board test=: [: any [: all [: infix_pairs_agree |:@:lines

lines=: , diagonal , diagonal@:|. , |: diagonal=: (<0 1)&|: all=: *./ any=: +./ nor=: 8 b. infix_pairs_agree=: 2&(=/\) </lang>


This version works in the terminal itself, and uses the numpad for data entry. The computer is unbeatable, but some lines can be removed to avoid that. There's also an override that thrown in, just for fun. <lang java> import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.util.Hashtable;

public class TicTacToe { public static void main(String[] args) { TicTacToe now=new TicTacToe(); now.startMatch(); }

private int[][] marks; private int[][] wins; private int[] weights; private char[][] grid; private final int knotcount=3; private final int crosscount=4; private final int totalcount=5; private final int playerid=0; private final int compid=1; private final int truceid=2; private final int playingid=3; private String movesPlayer; private byte override; private char[][] overridegrid={{'o','o','o'},{'o','o','o'},{'o','o','o'}}; private char[][] numpad={{'7','8','9'},{'4','5','6'},{'1','2','3'}}; private Hashtable<Integer,Integer> crossbank; private Hashtable<Integer,Integer> knotbank;

public void startMatch() { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.print("Start?(y/n):"); char choice='y'; try { choice=br.readLine().charAt(0); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } if(choice=='n'||choice=='N') { return; }

System.out.println("Use a standard numpad as an entry grid, as so:\n "); display(numpad); System.out.println("Begin"); int playerscore=0; int compscore=0; do { int result=startGame(); if(result==playerid) playerscore++; else if(result==compid) compscore++; System.out.println("Score: Player-"+playerscore+" AI-"+compscore); System.out.print("Another?(y/n):"); try { choice=br.readLine().charAt(0); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); }


System.out.println("Game over."); } private void put(int cell,int player) { int i=-1,j=-1;; switch(cell) { case 1:i=2;j=0;break; case 2:i=2;j=1;break; case 3:i=2;j=2;break; case 4:i=1;j=0;break; case 5:i=1;j=1;break; case 6:i=1;j=2;break; case 7:i=0;j=0;break; case 8:i=0;j=1;break; case 9:i=0;j=2;break; default:display(overridegrid);return; } char mark='x'; if(player==0) mark='o'; grid[i][j]=mark; display(grid); } private int startGame() { init(); display(grid); int status=playingid; while(status==playingid) { put(playerMove(),0); if(override==1) { System.out.println("O wins."); return playerid; } status=checkForWin(); if(status!=playingid) break; try{Thread.sleep(1000);}catch(Exception e){System.out.print(e.getMessage());} put(compMove(),1); status=checkForWin(); } return status; } private void init() { movesPlayer=""; override=0; marks=new int[8][6]; wins=new int[][] //new int[8][3]; { {7,8,9}, {4,5,6}, {1,2,3}, {7,4,1}, {8,5,2}, {9,6,3}, {7,5,3}, {9,5,1} }; weights=new int[]{3,2,3,2,4,2,3,2,3}; grid=new char[][]{{' ',' ',' '},{' ',' ',' '},{' ',' ',' '}}; crossbank=new Hashtable<Integer,Integer>(); knotbank=new Hashtable<Integer,Integer>(); } private void mark(int m,int player) { for(int i=0;i<wins.length;i++) for(int j=0;j<wins[i].length;j++) if(wins[i][j]==m) { marks[i][j]=1; if(player==playerid) marks[i][knotcount]++; else marks[i][crosscount]++; marks[i][totalcount]++; } } private void fixWeights() { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) for(int j=0;j<3;j++) if(marks[i][j]==1) if(weights[wins[i][j]-1]!=Integer.MIN_VALUE) weights[wins[i][j]-1]=Integer.MIN_VALUE;

for(int i=0;i<8;i++) { if(marks[i][totalcount]!=2) continue; if(marks[i][crosscount]==2) { int p=i,q=-1; if(marks[i][0]==0) q=0; else if(marks[i][1]==0) q=1; else if(marks[i][2]==0) q=2;

if(weights[wins[p][q]-1]!=Integer.MIN_VALUE) { weights[wins[p][q]-1]=6; } } if(marks[i][knotcount]==2) { int p=i,q=-1; if(marks[i][0]==0) q=0; else if(marks[i][1]==0) q=1; else if(marks[i][2]==0) q=2;

if(weights[wins[p][q]-1]!=Integer.MIN_VALUE) { weights[wins[p][q]-1]=5; } } } } private int compMove() { int cell=move(); System.out.println("Computer plays: "+cell); //weights[cell-1]=Integer.MIN_VALUE; return cell; } private int move() { int max=Integer.MIN_VALUE; int cell=0; for(int i=0;i<weights.length;i++) if(weights[i]>max) { max=weights[i]; cell=i+1; }

//This section ensures the computer never loses //Remove it for a fair match //Dirty kluge if(movesPlayer.equals("76")||movesPlayer.equals("67")) cell=9; else if(movesPlayer.equals("92")||movesPlayer.equals("29")) cell=3; else if (movesPlayer.equals("18")||movesPlayer.equals("81")) cell=7; else if(movesPlayer.equals("73")||movesPlayer.equals("37")) cell=4*((int)(Math.random()*2)+1); else if(movesPlayer.equals("19")||movesPlayer.equals("91")) cell=4+2*(int)(Math.pow(-1, (int)(Math.random()*2)));

mark(cell,1); fixWeights(); crossbank.put(cell, 0); return cell; } private int playerMove() { System.out.print("What's your move?: "); BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); int cell=0; int okay=0; while(okay==0) { try { cell=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); } catch(Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); } if(cell==7494) { override=1; return -1; } if((cell<1||cell>9)||weights[cell-1]==Integer.MIN_VALUE) System.out.print("Invalid move. Try again:"); else okay=1; } playerMoved(cell); System.out.println(); return cell; } private void playerMoved(int cell) { movesPlayer+=cell; mark(cell,0); fixWeights(); knotbank.put(cell, 0); } private int checkForWin() { int crossflag=0,knotflag=0; for(int i=0;i<wins.length;i++) { if(crossbank.containsKey(wins[i][0])) if(crossbank.containsKey(wins[i][1])) if(crossbank.containsKey(wins[i][2])) { crossflag=1; break; } if(knotbank.containsKey(wins[i][0])) if(knotbank.containsKey(wins[i][1])) if(knotbank.containsKey(wins[i][2])) { knotflag=1; break; } } if(knotflag==1) { display(grid); System.out.println("O wins."); return playerid; } else if(crossflag==1) { display(grid); System.out.println("X wins."); return compid; }

for(int i=0;i<weights.length;i++) if(weights[i]!=Integer.MIN_VALUE) return playingid; System.out.println("Truce");

return truceid; } private void display(char[][] grid) { for(int i=0;i<3;i++) { System.out.println("\n-------"); System.out.print("|"); for(int j=0;j<3;j++) System.out.print(grid[i][j]+"|"); } System.out.println("\n-------"); } } </lang>

Use a standard numpad as an entry grid, as so:

| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
What's your move?: 4

| | | |
|o| | |
| | | |


Computer plays: 7
|x| |o|
X wins.

Score: Player-0 AI-1
Game over.

This version uses javax.swing. <lang java>import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.logging.Logger; /**

  • TicTacToe Application
  • @author Steve Robinson
  • @version 1.0
  • /

class TicTacToeFrame extends JFrame {

JButton [][] buttons= new JButton[3][3];
JTextField statusBar;
GamePanel panel;
Integer turn;
GameListener listener=new GameListener();
Integer count;
public TicTacToeFrame()

setLayout(new BorderLayout());

 panel=new GamePanel();
 statusBar=new JTextField("Player1's Turn");
 setTitle("Tic Tac Toe!");
class GamePanel extends JPanel
 public GamePanel()
  setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
  turn =1;
  for(int i=0;i<3;i++)
   for(int j=0;j<3;j++)   {
    buttons[i][j]=new JButton();
    buttons[i][j].putClientProperty("INDEX", new Integer[]{i,j});
    buttons[i][j].putClientProperty("OWNER", null);
class GameListener implements ActionListener
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
  JButton b=(JButton)e.getSource();
  Integer[]index=(Integer[]) b.getClientProperty("INDEX");
  //System.out.println(turn); //turn                  //   //System.out.println("["+index[0]+"]"+"["+index[1]+"]");         //
  b.putClientProperty("OWNER", turn);
  Icon ico=new ImageIcon(turn.toString()+".gif");
  boolean result=checkVictoryCondition(index);
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Player "+turn.toString()+" Wins");
    statusBar.setText("Player2's Turn");
    statusBar.setText("Player1's Turn");
   JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Match is a draw!");
 Integer getOwner(JButton b)
  return (Integer)b.getClientProperty("OWNER");
 //PrintButtonMap for Diagnostics
 void printbuttonMap(Integer [][]bMap)
  for(int i=0;i    for(int j=0;j     System.out.print(bMap[i][j]+" ");
 boolean checkVictoryCondition(Integer [] index)
  /*Integer[][]buttonMap=new Integer[][] {
    { getOwner(buttons[0][0]),getOwner(buttons[0][1]),getOwner(buttons[0][2])},
    { getOwner(buttons[1][0]),getOwner(buttons[1][1]),getOwner(buttons[1][2])},
    { getOwner(buttons[2][0]),getOwner(buttons[2][1]),getOwner(buttons[2][2])}
  printbuttonMap(buttonMap); */
  Integer a=index[0];
               Integer b=index[1];
  int i;
  //check row
  for(i=0;i<3;i++)  {
   return true;
  //check column
  for(i=0;i<3;i++)  {
   return true;
  //check diagonal
   //left diagonal
   for(i=0;i     if(getOwner(buttons[i][i])!=getOwner(buttons[a][b]))
    return true;
   //right diagonal
    return true;
  return false;
void initComponents()
 for(int i=0;i<3;i++)  
  for(int j=0;j<3;j++)  {
   buttons[i][j].putClientProperty("INDEX", new Integer[]{i,j});
   statusBar.setText("Player1's Turn");

} class TicTacToe {

public static void main(String[] args) {
 EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable(){
  public void run()
   TicTacToeFrame frame=new TicTacToeFrame();

} </lang>

Graphical Java Example <lang java> import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*;

//Make sure the name of the class is the same as the .java file name. //If you change the class name you should change the class object name in runGUI method public class ticTacToeCallum implements ActionListener {

 static JFrame frame;          
 static JPanel contentPane;    
 static JLabel lblEnterFirstPlayerName, lblEnterSecondPlayerName, lblFirstPlayerScore, lblSecondPlayerScore;    
 static JButton btnButton1, btnButton2, btnButton3, btnButton4, btnButton5, btnButton6, btnButton7, btnButton8, btnButton9, btnClearBoard, btnClearAll, btnCloseGame;     
 static JTextField txtEnterFirstPlayerName, txtEnterSecondPlayerName;  
 static Icon imgicon = new ImageIcon("saveIcon.JPG");
 Font buttonFont = new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 20);
 //to adjust the frame size change the values in pixels
 static int width = 600;
 static int length = 400;
 static int firstPlayerScore = 0;
 static int secondPlayerScore = 0;
 static int playerTurn = 1;
 static int roundComplete = 0;
 static int button1 = 1, button2 = 1, button3 = 1, button4 = 1, button5 = 1, button6 = 1, button7 = 1, button8 = 1, button9 = 1; // 1 is true, 0 is false
 public ticTacToeCallum(){
   frame = new JFrame("Tic Tac Toe ^_^");
   contentPane = new JPanel();
   contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(6, 3, 10, 10));
   contentPane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(20, 20, 20, 20));
   btnButton1 = new JButton("");
   btnButton2 = new JButton("");
   btnButton3 = new JButton(""); 
   btnButton4 = new JButton("");
   btnButton5 = new JButton(""); 
   btnButton6 = new JButton(""); 
   btnButton7 = new JButton(""); 
   btnButton8 = new JButton(""); 
   btnButton9 = new JButton("");
   lblEnterFirstPlayerName = new JLabel("Enter First Player's Name");
   txtEnterFirstPlayerName = new JTextField("");
   lblFirstPlayerScore = new JLabel("Score: " + firstPlayerScore);
   lblEnterSecondPlayerName = new JLabel("Enter Second Player's Name");
   txtEnterSecondPlayerName = new JTextField("");
   lblSecondPlayerScore = new JLabel("Score: " + secondPlayerScore);
   btnClearBoard = new JButton("Clear Board");  
   btnClearAll = new JButton("Clear All");  
   btnCloseGame = new JButton("Close Game"); 
 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
   String eventName = event.getActionCommand();
    if (eventName.equals("CLICK1")) {
   	 if (button1 == 1){
   		 if (playerTurn == 1){
  	  			 playerTurn = 2;
   			 button1 = 0;
   		 } else if (playerTurn == 2) {
   			 playerTurn = 1;
   			 button1 = 0;
     } else if (eventName.equals ("CLICK2")) {
   	  if (button2 == 1){	
   	  	if (playerTurn == 1){
 	  			playerTurn = 2;
   	  		button2 = 0;
   	  	} else if (playerTurn == 2) {
   	  		playerTurn = 1;
   	  		button2 = 0;
     }	else if (eventName.equals ("CLICK3")) {
   	  if (button3 == 1){	
     	  	if (playerTurn == 1){
 	  			playerTurn = 2;
     	  		button3 = 0;
     	  	} else if (playerTurn == 2) {
     	  		playerTurn = 1;
     	  		button3 = 0;
     }	else if (eventName.equals ("CLICK4")) {
   	  if (button4 == 1){	
     	  	if (playerTurn == 1){
 	  			playerTurn = 2;
     	  		button4 = 0;
     	  	} else if (playerTurn == 2) {
     	  		playerTurn = 1;
     	  		button4 = 0;
     }	else if (eventName.equals ("CLICK5")) {
   	  if (button5 == 1){	
     	  	if (playerTurn == 1){
 	  			playerTurn = 2;
 	  			button5 = 0;
     	  	} else if (playerTurn == 2) {
 	  			playerTurn = 1;
 	  			button5 = 0;
     } else if (eventName.equals ("CLICK6")) {
   	  if (button6 == 1){	
     	  	if (playerTurn == 1){
 	  			playerTurn = 2;
 	  			button6 = 0;
     	  	} else if (playerTurn == 2) {
 	  			playerTurn = 1;
 	  			button6 = 0;
     } else if (eventName.equals ("CLICK7")) {
   	  if (button7 == 1){	
     	  	if (playerTurn == 1){
 	  			playerTurn = 2;
 	  			button7 = 0;
     	  	} else if (playerTurn == 2) {
 	  			playerTurn = 1;
 	  			button7 = 0;
     } else if (eventName.equals ("CLICK8")) {
   	  if (button8 == 1){	
     	  	if (playerTurn == 1){
 	  			playerTurn = 2;
 	  			button8 = 0;
     	  	} else if (playerTurn == 2) {
 	  			playerTurn = 1;
 	  			button8 = 0;
     } else if (eventName.equals ("CLICK9")) {
   	  if (button9 == 1){	
     	  	if (playerTurn == 1){
 	  			playerTurn = 2;
 	  			button9 = 0;
     	  	} else if (playerTurn == 2) {
 	  			playerTurn = 1;
 	  			button9 = 0;
     } else if (eventName.equals ("CLICKClearBoard")) {
         button1 = 1;
         button2 = 1;
         button3 = 1;
         button4 = 1;
         button5 = 1;
         button6 = 1;
         button7 = 1;
         button8 = 1;
         button9 = 1;
         playerTurn = 1;
         roundComplete = 0;
     } else if (eventName.equals ("CLICKClearAll")) {
         firstPlayerScore = 0;
         lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore);
         secondPlayerScore = 0;
         lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore);
         button1 = 1;
         button2 = 1;
         button3 = 1;
         button4 = 1;
         button5 = 1;
         button6 = 1;
         button7 = 1;
         button8 = 1;
         button9 = 1;
         playerTurn = 1;
         roundComplete = 0;
     } else if (eventName.equals ("CLICKCloseGame")) {
 public static void score(){

if (roundComplete == 0){ if (btnButton1.getText().equals(btnButton2.getText()) && btnButton1.getText().equals(btnButton3.getText())){ if (btnButton1.getText().equals("X")){ firstPlayerScore += 1; lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } else if (btnButton1.getText().equals("O")){ secondPlayerScore += 1; lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } } if (btnButton1.getText().equals(btnButton4.getText()) && btnButton1.getText().equals(btnButton7.getText())){ if (btnButton1.getText().equals("X")){ firstPlayerScore += 1; lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } else if (btnButton1.getText().equals("O")){ secondPlayerScore += 1; lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } } if (btnButton1.getText().equals(btnButton5.getText()) && btnButton1.getText().equals(btnButton9.getText())){ if (btnButton1.getText().equals("X")){ firstPlayerScore += 1; lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } else if (btnButton1.getText().equals("O")){ secondPlayerScore += 1; lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } } if (btnButton7.getText().equals(btnButton8.getText()) && btnButton7.getText().equals(btnButton9.getText())){ if (btnButton7.getText().equals("X")){ firstPlayerScore += 1; lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } else if (btnButton7.getText().equals("O")){ secondPlayerScore += 1; lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } } if (btnButton7.getText().equals(btnButton5.getText()) && btnButton7.getText().equals(btnButton3.getText())){ if (btnButton7.getText().equals("X")){ firstPlayerScore += 1; lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } else if (btnButton7.getText().equals("O")){ secondPlayerScore += 1; lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } } if (btnButton3.getText().equals(btnButton6.getText()) && btnButton3.getText().equals(btnButton9.getText())){ if (btnButton3.getText().equals("X")){ firstPlayerScore += 1; lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } else if (btnButton3.getText().equals("O")){ secondPlayerScore += 1; lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } } if (btnButton4.getText().equals(btnButton5.getText()) && btnButton4.getText().equals(btnButton6.getText())){ if (btnButton4.getText().equals("X")){ firstPlayerScore += 1; lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } else if (btnButton4.getText().equals("O")){ secondPlayerScore += 1; lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } } if (btnButton2.getText().equals(btnButton5.getText()) && btnButton2.getText().equals(btnButton8.getText())){ if (btnButton2.getText().equals("X")){ firstPlayerScore += 1; lblFirstPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + firstPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } else if (btnButton2.getText().equals("O")){ secondPlayerScore += 1; lblSecondPlayerScore.setText("Score: " + secondPlayerScore); roundComplete = 1; } } } if (roundComplete == 1){ button1 = 0; button2 = 0; button3 = 0; button4 = 0; button5 = 0; button6 = 0; button7 = 0; button8 = 0; button9 = 0; }

  * Create and show the GUI.
 private static void runGUI() {
   ticTacToeCallum        greeting     = new ticTacToeCallum();
 //Do not change this method
 public static void main(String[] args) {
   /* Methods that create and show a GUI should be run from an event-dispatching thread */
   javax.swing.SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
     public void run() {

} </lang> The following program may be executed for a player-against-player game. <lang java> import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.Border; import java.awt.*;

public class TicTacToe {

       private static int turnNumber = 0;
       private static final JPanel panel = new JPanel();
       private static final JTextField ta = new JTextField("Player A's Turn (X)");
       private static final JButton r1c1 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton r1c2 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton r1c3 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton r2c1 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton r2c2 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton r2c3 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton r3c1 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton r3c2 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton r3c3 = new JButton("");
       private static final JButton restart = new JButton("New Game");
       private static final JPanel startMain = new JPanel();
   public static void main(String[]args){
       JFrame frame = new JFrame("Tic Tac Toe");
       restart.addActionListener(e -> {
           ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
       r1c1.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r1c1.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       r1c2.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r1c2.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       r1c3.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r1c3.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       r2c1.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r2c1.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       r2c2.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r2c2.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       r2c3.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r2c3.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       r3c1.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r3c1.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       r3c2.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r3c2.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       r3c3.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       r3c3.addActionListener(e -> {
           if(turnNumber % 2 == 0){
               ta.setText("Player A's Turn (X)");
               ta.setText("Player B's Turn (O)");
       panel.setLayout(new GridLayout(3,3));
       startMain.setLayout(new GridLayout(5,5));
       JButton start = new JButton("Start");
       JLabel main = new JLabel("Tic Tac Toe", SwingConstants.CENTER);
       main.setFont(new Font("Trebuchet MS", Font.PLAIN, 70));
       start.addActionListener(e -> {
           frame.add(restart, BorderLayout.PAGE_START);
           frame.add(ta, BorderLayout.PAGE_END);
           frame.add(panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
   public static void checkWin(){
       if(r1c1.getText().equals("X") && r1c2.getText().equals("X") && r1c3.getText().equals("X")){
           ta.setText("Player A Won! (X)");
       }else if(r1c1.getText().equals("O") && r1c2.getText().equals("O") && r1c3.getText().equals("O")){
           ta.setText("Player B Won! (O)");
       }else if(r1c1.getText().equals("X") && r2c2.getText().equals("X") && r3c3.getText().equals("X")){
           ta.setText("Player A Won! (X)");
       }else if(r1c1.getText().equals("O") && r2c2.getText().equals("O") && r3c3.getText().equals("O")){
           ta.setText("Player B Won! (O)");
       }else if(r1c1.getText().equals("X") && r2c1.getText().equals("X") && r3c1.getText().equals("X")){
           ta.setText("Player A Won! (X)");
       }else if(r1c1.getText().equals("O") && r2c1.getText().equals("O") && r3c1.getText().equals("O")){
           ta.setText("Player B Won! (O)");
       }else if(r2c1.getText().equals("X") && r2c2.getText().equals("X") && r2c3.getText().equals("X")){
           ta.setText("Player A Won! (X)");
       }else if(r2c1.getText().equals("O") && r2c2.getText().equals("O") && r2c3.getText().equals("O")){
           ta.setText("Player B Won! (O)");
       }else if(r1c2.getText().equals("X") && r2c2.getText().equals("X") && r3c2.getText().equals("X")){
           ta.setText("Player A Won! (X)");
       }else if(r1c2.getText().equals("O") && r2c2.getText().equals("O") && r3c2.getText().equals("O")){
           ta.setText("Player B Won! (O)");
       }else if(r1c3.getText().equals("X") && r2c3.getText().equals("X") && r3c3.getText().equals("X")){
           ta.setText("Player A Won! (X)");
       }else if(r1c3.getText().equals("O") && r2c3.getText().equals("O") && r3c3.getText().equals("O")){
           ta.setText("Player B Won! (O)");
       }else if(r3c1.getText().equals("X") && r3c2.getText().equals("X") && r3c3.getText().equals("X")){
           ta.setText("Player A Won! (X)");
       }else if(r3c1.getText().equals("O") && r3c2.getText().equals("O") && r3c3.getText().equals("O")){
           ta.setText("Player B Won! (O)");
       }else if(r3c1.getText().equals("X") && r2c2.getText().equals("X") && r1c3.getText().equals("X")){
           ta.setText("Player A Won! (X)");
       }else if(r3c1.getText().equals("O") && r2c2.getText().equals("O") && r1c3.getText().equals("O")){
           ta.setText("Player B Won! (O)");
       }else if(!r1c1.isEnabled() && !r1c2.isEnabled() && !r1c3.isEnabled() && !r2c1.isEnabled() && !r2c2.isEnabled() && !r2c3.isEnabled() && !r3c1.isEnabled() && !r3c2.isEnabled() && !r3c3.isEnabled()){
   public static void disableAll(){
   public static void enableAll(){
       turnNumber = 0;

} </java>


HTML5 Canvas implementation. Should play perfectly or near-perfectly. <lang Javascript> <!DOCTYPE html>



   <meta charset="utf-8" />



   <canvas id="canvas" width="400" height="400"></canvas>
       //All helper functions
       isBetween = (num, a, b) => {
           return num >= a && num <= b;
       randInt = (low, high) => {
           return Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low + 1)) + low;
       choice = arr => {
           return arr[randInt(0, arr.length - 1)];
       //Checks if every value in an array equals an item
       equals = (arr, item) => {
           return arr.filter(a => {
               return a === item;
           }).length === arr.length;
       //Returns number of items in array that equal an item
       equallen = (arr, item) => {
           return arr.filter(a => {
               return a === item;
       //Checks if any value in the array equals an item
       equalanyof = (arr, item) => {
           return equallen(arr, item) > 0;
       //Should be scalable, but it uses default elements for calculations and tracking
       let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
       let ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
       const width = canvas.width;
       const blockSize = canvas.width / 3;
       const lineSize = blockSize / 5;
       //Draws background
       ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(225, 225, 225)";
       ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 400, 400);
       //Title page
       ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0, 0, 0)";
       ctx.font = width / (250 / 17) + "px Arial"; //34
       ctx.textAlign = "center";
       ctx.fillText("Tic Tac Toe", width / 2, width / (2 + 2 / 3)); //200, 150
       //Button for starting
       ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(200, 200, 200)";
       ctx.fillRect(width / 3.2, width / 2, width / (2 + 2 / 3), width / 8); //125, 200, 150, 50
       ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(0, 0, 0)";
       ctx.font = width / (200 / 9) + "px Arial"; //18
       ctx.fillText("Start", width / 2, width / (40 / 23)); //200, 230
       //Uses an array so a forEach loop can scan it for the correct tile
       let tileArray = []; //Contains all tiles
       let available = []; //Contains only available tiles
       class Tile {
           constructor(x, y) {
               this.x = x * blockSize;
               this.y = y * blockSize;
               this.state = "none";
           draw() {
               ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(175, 175, 175)";
               ctx.lineWidth = blockSize / 10;
               if (this.state === "X") {
                   ctx.moveTo(this.x + blockSize / 4, this.y + blockSize / 4);
                   ctx.lineTo(this.x + blockSize / (4 / 3), this.y + blockSize / (4 / 3));
                   ctx.moveTo(this.x + blockSize / 4, this.y + blockSize / (4 / 3));
                   ctx.lineTo(this.x + blockSize / (4 / 3), this.y + blockSize / 4);
               } else if (this.state === "O") {
                   ctx.arc(this.x + blockSize / 2, this.y + blockSize / 2, blockSize / 4, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
               //Removes this from the available array
               const ind = available.indexOf(this);
               available = available.slice(0, ind).concat(available.slice(ind + 1, available.length));

       //Defines the game
       let game = {
           state: "start",
           turn: "Player",
           player: "X",
           opp: "O"
       //Generates tiles
       for (let x = 0; x < 3; x++) {
           for (let y = 0; y < 3; y++) {
               new Tile(x, y);
       //Gets the mouse position
       getMousePos = evt => {
           let rect = canvas.getBoundingClientRect();
           return {
               x: evt.clientX - rect.left,
               y: evt.clientY - rect.top
       //Checks for win conditions
       checkCondition = () => {
           //Local variables are created to make access easier
           let as = tileArray[0].state;
           let bs = tileArray[1].state;
           let cs = tileArray[2].state;
           let ds = tileArray[3].state;
           let es = tileArray[4].state;
           let fs = tileArray[5].state;
           let gs = tileArray[6].state;
           let hs = tileArray[7].state;
           let is = tileArray[8].state;
           //Equals function checks if each value in the array has a state of X or O
           if (equals([as, bs, cs], "X") || equals([ds, es, fs], "X") || equals([gs, hs, is], "X") ||
               equals([as, ds, gs], "X") || equals([bs, es, hs], "X") || equals([cs, fs, is], "X") ||
               equals([as, es, is], "X") || equals([cs, es, gs], "X")) {
               alert("Player wins!");
               game.state = "over";
           } else if (equals([as, bs, cs], "O") || equals([ds, es, fs], "O") || equals([gs, hs, is], "O") ||
               equals([as, ds, gs], "O") || equals([bs, es, hs], "O") || equals([cs, fs, is], "O") ||
               equals([as, es, is], "O") || equals([cs, es, gs], "O")) {
               alert("Opponent wins!");
               game.state = "over";
               //It is a tie if none of the above conditions are fulfilled and there are no available tiles
           } else if (available.length === 0) {
               alert("It's a tie!");
               game.state = "over";
       //Controls the opponent. Uses many nested switches/if-else for efficiency
       oppTurn = () => {
           if (game.state === "game") {
               let tile = 0;
               //Similar local variables as the win checker
               let at = tileArray[0].state;
               let bt = tileArray[1].state;
               let ct = tileArray[2].state;
               let dt = tileArray[3].state;
               let et = tileArray[4].state;
               let ft = tileArray[5].state;
               let gt = tileArray[6].state;
               let ht = tileArray[7].state;
               let it = tileArray[8].state;
               let all = [at, bt, ct, dt, et, ft, gt, ht, it];
               /*The AI will automatically win if possible
               I considered using a filter based system, but it was ugly and
               inelegant, and also redundant
               I used a nested if-else instead
               Equallen checks how many values in the array equal the given value*/
               if (equallen(all, "O") >= 2) {
                   if (equallen([at, bt, ct], "O") === 2 && equallen([at, bt, ct], "X") === 0) {
                       if (at === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[0];
                       } else if (bt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[1];
                       } else if (ct === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[2];
                   } else if (equallen([dt, et, ft], "O") === 2 && equallen([dt, et, ft], "X") === 0) {
                       if (dt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[3];
                       } else if (et === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[4];
                       } else if (ft === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[5];
                   } else if (equallen([gt, ht, it], "O") === 2 && equallen([gt, ht, it], "X") === 0) {
                       if (gt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[6];
                       } else if (ht === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[7];
                       } else if (it === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[8];
                   } else if (equallen([at, dt, gt], "O") === 2 && equallen([at, dt, gt], "X") === 0) {
                       if (at === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[0];
                       } else if (dt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[3];
                       } else if (gt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[6];
                   } else if (equallen([bt, et, ht], "O") === 2 && equallen([bt, et, ht], "X") === 0) {
                       if (bt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[1];
                       } else if (et === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[4];
                       } else if (ht === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[7];
                   } else if (equallen([ct, ft, it], "O") === 2 && equallen([ct, ft, it], "X") === 0) {
                       if (ct === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[2];
                       } else if (ft === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[5];
                       } else if (it === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[8];
                   } else if (equallen([at, et, it], "O") === 2 && equallen([at, et, it], "X") === 0) {
                       if (at === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[0];
                       } else if (et === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[4];
                       } else if (it === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[8];
                   } else if (equallen([ct, et, gt], "O") === 2 && equallen([ct, et, gt], "X") === 0) {
                       if (ct === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[2];
                       } else if (et === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[4];
                       } else if (gt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[6];
               //Stops player from winning if possible
               if (equallen(all, "X") >= 2 && tile === 0) {
                   if (equallen([at, bt, ct], "X") === 2 && equallen([at, bt, ct], "O") === 0) {
                       if (at === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[0];
                       } else if (bt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[1];
                       } else if (ct === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[2];
                   } else if (equallen([dt, et, ft], "X") === 2 && equallen([dt, et, ft], "O") === 0) {
                       if (dt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[3];
                       } else if (et === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[4];
                       } else if (ft === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[5];
                   } else if (equallen([gt, ht, it], "X") === 2 && equallen([gt, ht, it], "O") === 0) {
                       if (gt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[6];
                       } else if (ht === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[7];
                       } else if (it === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[8];
                   } else if (equallen([at, dt, gt], "X") === 2 && equallen([at, dt, gt], "O") === 0) {
                       if (at === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[0];
                       } else if (dt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[3];
                       } else if (gt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[6];
                   } else if (equallen([bt, et, ht], "X") === 2 && equallen([bt, et, ht], "O") === 0) {
                       if (bt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[1];
                       } else if (et === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[4];
                       } else if (ht === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[7];
                   } else if (equallen([ct, ft, it], "X") === 2 && equallen([ct, ft, it], "O") === 0) {
                       if (ct === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[2];
                       } else if (ft === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[5];
                       } else if (it === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[8];
                   } else if (equallen([at, et, it], "X") === 2 && equallen([at, et, it], "O") === 0) {
                       if (at === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[0];
                       } else if (et === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[4];
                       } else if (it === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[8];
                   } else if (equallen([ct, et, gt], "X") === 2 && equallen([ct, et, gt], "O") === 0) {
                       if (ct === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[2];
                       } else if (et === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[4];
                       } else if (gt === "none") {
                           tile = tileArray[6];
               //Other options in case the above are not fulfilled
               //Controls the course of play over the game
               if (tile === 0) {
                   switch (9 - available.length) {
                       case 1:
                           //If the center is taken, it plays randomly in the corner
                           //Otherwise, it takes the center
                           if (et === "X") {
                               tile = tileArray[choice([0, 2, 6, 8])];
                           } else {
                               tile = tileArray[4];
                       case 3:
                           if (et === "X" && (equalanyof([at, ct, gt, it], "O"))) {
                               /*To counter the strategy of
                                   O - -
                                   - X -
                                   X - -
                                   O - -
                                   - X -
                                   - - X
                               and related strategies*/
                               if (at === "X") {
                                   if (it === "none") {
                                       tile = tileArray[8];
                                   } else {
                                       tile = tileArray[choice([2, 6])];
                               } else if (ct === "X") {
                                   if (gt === "none") {
                                       tile = tileArray[6];
                                   } else {
                                       tile = tileArray[choice([0, 8])];
                               } else if (gt === "X") {
                                   if (ct === "none") {
                                       tile = tileArray[2];
                                   } else {
                                       tile = tileArray[choice([0, 8])];
                               } else if (it === "X") {
                                   if (at === "none") {
                                       tile = tileArray[0];
                                   } else {
                                       tile = tileArray[choice([2, 6])];
                           } else {
                               tile = choice(tileArray);
               //Generates a random number if it could cause an error
               if (tile.state != "none") {
                   tile = choice(available);
               //Draws the selection
               tile.state = game.opp;
               game.turn = "Player";
       //Click handler
       document.onclick = event => {
           let pos = getMousePos(event);
           switch (game.state) {
               case "start":
                   //Checks if the button was clicked
                   if (isBetween(pos.x, width / 3.2, width / (16 / 11)) && isBetween(pos.y, width / 2, width / 1.6)) {
                       game.state = "game"
                       //Draws the setup for the game
                       ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(225, 225, 225)";
                       ctx.fillRect(0, 0, 400, 400);
                       //Draws the lines
                       ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(200, 200, 200)";
                       ctx.fillRect(blockSize - lineSize / 2, 0, lineSize, width);
                       ctx.fillRect(blockSize * 2 - lineSize / 2, 0, lineSize, width);
                       ctx.fillRect(0, blockSize - lineSize / 2, width, lineSize);
                       ctx.fillRect(0, blockSize * 2 - lineSize / 2, width, lineSize);
               case "game":
                   if (game.turn === "Player") {
                       //Goes through the tile array, checking if the click occurred there
                       tileArray.forEach(tile => {
                           if (isBetween(pos.x, tile.x, tile.x + blockSize) && isBetween(pos.y, tile.y, tile.y + blockSize)) {
                               if (available.indexOf(tile) != -1) {
                                   tile.state = game.player;
                                   game.turn = "Opponent";


</html> </lang>

A Node.js implementation using strategy heuristics as defined in the Wikipedia page linked above. Some of the steps can be embargoed until the board only has n plays left. This makes for a bit of randomness in the gameplay. Human is X and goes first.

<lang Javascript> // Board const topLeft = 1; const topMid = 2; const topRight = 3; const midLeft = 4; const center = 5; const midRight = 6; const botLeft = 7; const botMid = 8; const botRight = 9; const tiles = [

 topLeft, topMid, topRight,
 midLeft, center, midRight,
 botLeft, botMid, botRight

]; const corners = [

 topLeft, topRight,
 botLeft, botRight

]; const sides = [

 midLeft, midRight,

]; const winningCombos = [

 [topLeft, topMid, topRight],
 [midLeft, center, midRight],
 [botLeft, botMid, botRight],
 [topLeft, midLeft, botLeft],
 [topMid, center, botMid],
 [topRight, midRight, botRight],
 [topLeft, center, botRight],
 [topRight, center, botLeft],

]; const board = new Map();

// Utility const reset = () => tiles.forEach(e => board.set(e, ' ')); const repeat = (s, n) => Array(n).fill(s).join(); const fromBoard = e => board.get(e); const notSpace = e => e !== ' '; const occupied = e => notSpace(fromBoard(e)); const isAvailable = e => !occupied(e); const notString = s => e => fromBoard(e) !== s; const containsOnly = s => a => a.filter(occupied).map(fromBoard).join() === s; const chooseRandom = a => a[Math.floor(Math.random() * a.length)]; const legalPlays = () => tiles.filter(isAvailable); const legalCorners = () => corners.filter(isAvailable); const legalSides = () => sides.filter(isAvailable); const opponent = s => s === 'X' ? 'O' : 'X'; const hasElements = a => a.length > 0; const compose = (...fns) => (...x) => fns.reduce((a, b) => c => a(b(c)))(...x); const isDef = t => t !== undefined; const flatten = a => a.reduce((p, c) => [...p, ...c], []);

const findShared = a => [...flatten(a).reduce((p, c) =>

       p.has(c) ? p.set(c, [...p.get(c), c]) : p.set(c, [c]),
   new Map()).values()].filter(e => e.length > 1).map(e => e[0]);

const wrap = (f, s, p = 9) => n => {

 if (isDef(n) || legalPlays().length > p) {
   return n;
 const r = f(n);
 if (isDef(r)) {
   console.log(`${s}: ${r}`);
 return r;


const drawBoard = () => console.log(`

 ${[fromBoard(topLeft), fromBoard(topMid), fromBoard(topRight)].join('|')}
 ${[fromBoard(midLeft), fromBoard(center), fromBoard(midRight)].join('|')}
 ${[fromBoard(botLeft), fromBoard(botMid), fromBoard(botRight)].join('|')}


const win = s => () => {

 if (winningCombos.find(containsOnly(repeat(s, 3)))) {
   console.log(`${s} wins!`);
 } else if (hasElements(legalPlays())) {
   console.log(`${opponent(s)}s turn:`);
 } else {


const play = s => n => occupied(n) ? console.log('Illegal') : board.set(n, s);

// Available strategy steps const attack = (s, t = 2) => () => {

 const m = winningCombos.filter(containsOnly(repeat(s, t)));
 if (hasElements(m)) {
   return chooseRandom(chooseRandom(m).filter(notString(s)))


const fork = (s, isDefence = false) => () => {

 let result;
 const p = winningCombos.filter(containsOnly(s));
 const forks = findShared(p).filter(isAvailable);
 // On defence, when there is only one fork, play it, else choose a
 // two-in-a row attack to force the opponent to not execute the fork.
 if (forks.length > 1 && isDefence) {
   const me = opponent(s);
   const twoInRowCombos = winningCombos.filter(containsOnly(repeat(me, 1)));
   const chooseFrom = twoInRowCombos.reduce((p, a) => {
     const avail = a.filter(isAvailable);
     avail.forEach((e, i) => {
       board.set(e, me).set(i ? avail[i - 1] : avail[i + 1], opponent(me));
       winningCombos.filter(containsOnly(repeat(s, 2))).length < 2
           ? p.push(e)
           : undefined;
     avail.forEach(e => board.set(e, ' '));
     return p;
   }, []);
   result = hasElements(chooseFrom)
       ? chooseRandom(chooseFrom)
       : attack(opponent(s), 1)()
 return result || chooseRandom(forks);


const defend = (s, t = 2) => attack(opponent(s), t);

const defendFork = s => fork(opponent(s), true);

const chooseCenter = () => isAvailable(center) ? center : undefined;

const chooseCorner = () => chooseRandom(legalCorners());

const chooseSide = () => chooseRandom(legalSides());

const randLegal = () => chooseRandom(legalPlays());

// Implemented strategy const playToWin = s => compose(

   wrap(randLegal, 'Chose random'),
   wrap(chooseSide, 'Chose random side', 8),
   wrap(chooseCorner, 'Chose random corner', 8),
   wrap(chooseCenter, 'Chose center', 7),
   wrap(defendFork(s), 'Defended fork'),
   wrap(fork(s), 'Forked'),
   wrap(defend(s), 'Defended'),
   wrap(attack(s), 'Attacked')


// Prep players const O = n => playToWin('O')(n); const X = n => playToWin('X')(n);

// Begin reset(); console.log("Let's begin..."); drawBoard(); console.log('X Begins: Enter a number from 1 - 9');

// Manage user input. const standard_input = process.stdin; const overLog = s => {

 process.stdout.moveCursor(0, -9);

}; standard_input.setEncoding('utf-8'); standard_input.on('data', (data) => {

 if (data === '\n') {
   overLog('O: ');
 } else {
   overLog(`X: Plays ${data}`);

}); </lang>


Let's begin...
X: Plays 1
O: Chose random corner: 7
X: Plays 5
O: Defended: 9
X: Plays 8
O: Defended: 2
X: Plays 3
O: Chose random side: 6
X: Plays 4



One move look-ahead algorithm. Computer plays to win or at least draw. <lang julia>const winningpositions = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [1, 4, 7],

   [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9],[1, 5, 9], [7, 5, 3]] 

function haswon(brd, xoro)

   marked = findall(x -> x == xoro, brd)
   for pos in winningpositions
       if length(pos) <= length(marked) && pos == sort(marked)[1:3]
           return true


function readcharwithprompt(prompt, expected)

   ret = '*'
   while !(ret in expected)
       print("\n", prompt, " ->  ")
       ret = lowercase(chomp(readline()))[1]


availablemoves(brd) = findall(x -> x == ' ', brd) cornersopen(brd) = [x for x in [1, 3, 7, 9] if brd[x] == ' '] int2char(x) = Char(x + UInt8('0')) char2int(x) = UInt8(x) - UInt8('0') getyn(query) = readcharwithprompt(query, ['y', 'n']) gettheirmove(brd) = char2int(readcharwithprompt("Your move(1-9)", int2char.(availablemoves(brd))))

function findwin(brd, xoro)

   tmpbrd = deepcopy(brd)
   for mv in availablemoves(tmpbrd)
       tmpbrd[mv] = xoro
       if haswon(tmpbrd, xoro)
           return mv
       tmpbrd[mv] = ' '
   return nothing


function choosemove(brd, mychar, theirchar)

   if all(x -> x == ' ', brd)
       brd[rand(cornersopen(brd))] = mychar # corner trap if starting game
   elseif availablemoves(brd) == [] # no more moves
       println("Game is over. It was a draw.")
   elseif (x = findwin(brd, mychar)) != nothing || (x = findwin(brd, theirchar)) != nothing
       brd[x] = mychar # win if possible, block their win otherwise if their win is possible
   elseif brd[5] == ' '
       brd[5] = mychar # take center if open and not doing corner trap
   elseif (corners = cornersopen(brd)) != []
       brd[rand(corners)] = mychar # choose a corner over a side middle move
       brd[rand(availablemoves(brd))] = mychar # random otherwise


function display(brd)

   println("| ", brd[1], " | ", brd[2], " | ", brd[3], " |")
   println("| ", brd[4], " | ", brd[5], " | ", brd[6], " |")
   println("| ", brd[7], " | ", brd[8], " | ", brd[9], " |")


function tictactoe()

   board = fill(' ', 9)
   println("Board move grid:\n 1 2 3\n 4 5 6\n 7 8 9")
   yn = getyn("Would you like to move first (y/n)?")
   if yn == 'y'
       mychar = 'O'
       theirchar = 'X'
       board[gettheirmove(board)] = theirchar
       mychar = 'X'
       theirchar = 'O'
   while true
       choosemove(board, mychar, theirchar)
       println("Computer has moved.")
       if haswon(board, mychar)
           println("Game over. Computer wins!")
       elseif availablemoves(board) == []
       board[gettheirmove(board)] = theirchar
       println("Player has moved.")
       if haswon(board, theirchar)
           println("Game over. Player wins!")
       elseif availablemoves(board) == []
   println("Game over. It was a draw.")





Board move grid:
 1 2 3
 4 5 6
 7 8 9

Would you like to move first (y/n)? ->  y
Your move(1-9) ->  5
Computer has moved.
|   |   |   |
|   | X |   |
| O |   |   |

Your move(1-9) ->  1
Player has moved.
| X |   |   |
|   | X |   |
| O |   |   |
Computer has moved.
| X |   |   |
|   | X |   |
| O |   | O |

Your move(1-9) ->  3
Player has moved.
| X |   | X |
|   | X |   |
| O |   | O |
Computer has moved.
| X |   | X |
|   | X |   |
| O | O | O |
Game over. Computer wins!


Translation of: C

<lang scala>// version 1.1.51

import java.util.Random

val r = Random() val b = Array(3) { IntArray(3) } // board -> 0: blank; -1: computer; 1: human

var bestI = 0 var bestJ = 0

fun checkWinner(): Int {

   for (i in 0..2) {
       if (b[i][0] != 0 && b[i][1] == b[i][0] && b[i][2] == b[i][0]) return b[i][0]
       if (b[0][i] != 0 && b[1][i] == b[0][i] && b[2][i] == b[0][i]) return b[0][i]
   if (b[1][1] == 0) return 0
   if (b[1][1] == b[0][0] && b[2][2] == b[0][0]) return b[0][0]
   if (b[1][1] == b[2][0] && b[0][2] == b[1][1]) return b[1][1]
   return 0


fun showBoard() {

   val t = "X O"
   for (i in 0..2) {
       for (j in 0..2) print("${t[b[i][j] + 1]} ")


fun testMove(value: Int, depth: Int): Int {

   var best = -1
   var changed = 0
   var score = checkWinner()
   if (score != 0) return if (score == value) 1 else -1
   for (i in 0..2) {
       for (j in 0..2) {
           if (b[i][j] != 0) continue
           b[i][j] = value
           changed = value
           score = -testMove(-value, depth + 1)
           b[i][j] = 0
           if (score <= best) continue
           if (depth == 0) {
               bestI = i
               bestJ = j
           best = score
   return if (changed != 0) best else 0


fun game(user: Boolean): String {

   var u = user
   for (i in 0..2) b[i].fill(0)
   print("Board postions are numbered so:\n1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9\n")
   print("You have O, I have X.\n\n")
   for (k in 0..8) {
       while (u) {
           var move: Int?
           do {
               print("Your move: ")
               move = readLine()!!.toIntOrNull()
           while (move != null && move !in 1..9)
           move = move!! - 1
           val i = move / 3
           val j = move % 3
           if (b[i][j] != 0) continue
           b[i][j] = 1
       if (!u) {
           if (k == 0) { // randomize if computer opens, less boring
               bestI = r.nextInt(Int.MAX_VALUE) % 3
               bestJ = r.nextInt(Int.MAX_VALUE) % 3
           else testMove(-1, 0)
           b[bestI][bestJ] = -1
           val myMove = bestI * 3 + bestJ + 1
           println("My move: $myMove")
       val win = checkWinner()
       if (win != 0) return (if (win == 1) "You win" else "I win") + ".\n\n"
       u = !u
   return "A draw.\n\n"


fun main(args: Array<String>) {

   var user = false
   while (true) {
       user = !user
       var yn: String
       do {
           print("Play again y/n: ")
           yn = readLine()!!.toLowerCase()
       while (yn != "y" && yn != "n")
       if (yn != "y") return


Sample game:

Board postions are numbered so:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
You have O, I have X.

Your move: 2
My move: 1
X O   
Your move: 8
X O   
My move: 5
X O   
Your move: 9
X O   
  O O 
My move: 7
X O   
X O O 
Your move: 3
X O O 
X O O 
My move: 4
X O O 
X X   
X O O 
I win.

Play again y/n: n


This example is incomplete. Computer doesn't play - it merely manages the board. Please ensure that it meets all task requirements and remove this message.

This example uses an HTML form for the UI, buttons representing the game state, and Lasso's built inn session handler to keep track of who's turn it is, what the game matrix state is, and the winner history.

As image uploads has been disabled, a live version can be viewed at: http://jono.guthrie.net.nz/rosetta/Tic-tac-toe.lasso <lang Lasso>[ session_start('user') session_addvar('user', 'matrix') session_addvar('user', 'winrecord') session_addvar('user', 'turn') var(matrix)->isNotA(::array) ? var(matrix = array('-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-')) var(winrecord)->isNotA(::array) ? var(winrecord = array) var(turn)->isNotA(::string) ? var(turn = 'x')

if(web_request->params->asStaticArray >> 'reset') => { $matrix = array('-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-') $turn = 'x' }

with i in web_request->params->asStaticArray do => { if(#i->name->beginswith('p')) => { local(num = #i->name->asCopy) #num->removeLeading('p') #num = integer(#num) #num > 0 && $matrix->get(#num) == '-' ? $matrix->get(#num) = #i->value $turn == 'o' ? $turn = 'x' | $turn = 'o' } }

local( istie = false, winner = 'noone', clear = false )

// determine if we have a winner if($matrix->find('-')->size < 9) => { local(winners = array('123','456','789','147','258','369','159','357')) loop(8) => { local(xscore = 0,oscore = 0,use = #winners->get(loop_count)) with v in #use->values do => { $matrix->findposition('x') >> integer(#v) ? #xscore++ $matrix->findposition('o') >> integer(#v) ? #oscore++ } if(#xscore == 3) => { #winner = 'x' $winrecord->insert('x') #clear = true loop_abort } if(#oscore == 3) => { #winner = 'o' $winrecord->insert('o') #clear = true loop_abort }


} // determine if tie if(not $matrix->find('-')->size && #winner == 'noone') => { #istie = true #winner = 'tie' $winrecord->insert('tie') #clear = true } ] <form action="?" method="post">

[loop(3) => {^][^}] [loop(-from=4,-to=6) => {^][^}] [loop(-from=7,-to=9) => {^][^}]
<button name="p[loop_count]" value="[$turn]"[
       $matrix->get(loop_count) != '-' || #winner != 'noone' ? ' disabled="disabled"'
]>[$matrix->get(loop_count) != '-' ? $matrix->get(loop_count) | ' ']</button>
<button name="p[loop_count]" value="[$turn]"[
       $matrix->get(loop_count) != '-' || #winner != 'noone' ? ' disabled="disabled"'
]>[$matrix->get(loop_count) != '-' ? $matrix->get(loop_count) | ' ']</button>
<button name="p[loop_count]" value="[$turn]"[
       $matrix->get(loop_count) != '-' || #winner != 'noone' ? ' disabled="disabled"'
]>[$matrix->get(loop_count) != '-' ? $matrix->get(loop_count) | ' ']</button>

</form> [if(#istie && #winner == 'tie')]

It's a tie!

[else(#winner != 'noone')]

[#winner->uppercase&] won! Congratulations.


It is now [$turn]'s turn!


<a href="?reset">Reset</a>


Win record: [$winrecord->join(', ')]


[if(#clear == true) => { $matrix = array('-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-','-') $turn = 'x' }]</lang>


The standard way to create GUI apps in Lingo is to use the authoring tool "Director" as GUI builder. The code below instead uses a simple framework (stored in global "$") that eases programmatic GUI creation.
Screenshot of application window: http://valentin.dasdeck.com/lingo/tic-tac-toe/tic-tac-toe-lingo.png
"Human" cannot win this game. <lang Lingo>global $ -- object representing simple framework global gBoard -- current board image global gBoardTemplate -- empty board image global gHumanChip -- cross image global gComputerChip -- circle image global gM -- 3x3 matrix storing game state: 0=free cell, 1=human cell, -1=computer cell global gStep -- index of current move (1..9) global gGameOverFlag -- TRUE if current game is over

-- Entry point

on startMovie

   -- libs
   -- window properties
   _movie.stage.title = "Tic-Tac-Toe"
   _movie.stage.rect = rect(0, 0, 224, 310)
   _movie.centerStage = TRUE
   -- load images from filesystem
   m = new(#bitmap)
   m.importFileInto($.@("resources/cross.bmp"), [#trimWhiteSpace:FALSE])
   gHumanChip = m.image
   m = new(#bitmap)
   m.importFileInto($.@("resources/circle.bmp"), [#trimWhiteSpace:FALSE])
   gComputerChip = m.image
   -- create GUI
   m = new(#bitmap)
   m.regpoint = point(0, 0)
   s = $.sprite.make(m, [#loc:point(20, 20)], TRUE)
   s.addListener(#mouseDown, _movie, #humanMove)
   gBoard = m.image
   gBoardTemplate = gBoard.duplicate()
   m = $.sprite.newMember(#button, [#text:"New Game (Human starts)", #fontstyle:"bold", #rect:rect(0, 0, 180, 0)])
   s = $.sprite.make(m, [#loc:point(20, 220)], TRUE)
   s.addListener(#mouseDown, _movie, #newGame, 1)
   m = $.sprite.newMember(#button, [#text:"New Game (Computer starts)", #fontstyle:"bold", #rect:rect(0, 0, 180, 0)])
   s = $.sprite.make(m, [#loc:point(20, 250)], TRUE)
   s.addListener(#mouseDown, _movie, #newGame, -1)
   m = $.sprite.newMember(#field, [#name:"feedback", #editable:FALSE, #fontstyle:"bold", #alignment:"center",\
       #border:0, #color:rgb(255, 0, 0), #rect:rect(0, 0, 180, 0)])
   s = $.sprite.make(m, [#loc:point(20, 280)], TRUE)
   -- show the application window
   _movie.stage.visible = TRUE


-- Starts a new game

on newGame (whoStarts)

   -- reset board
   gBoard.copyPixels(gBoardTemplate, gBoardTemplate.rect, gBoardTemplate.rect)
   -- clear feedback
   member("feedback").text = ""
   -- reset states
   gM = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
   gStep = 0
   gGameOverFlag = FALSE
   if whoStarts=-1 then computerMove()


-- Handles a human move (mouse click)

on humanMove ()

   if gGameOverFlag then return
   -- find cell for mouse position
   p = _mouse.clickLoc - sprite(1).loc
   if p.locH mod 60<4 or p.locV mod 60<4 then return
   p = p / 60
   x = p[1] + 1
   y = p[2] + 1
   if gM[x][y] then return -- ignore illegal moves
   gM[x][y] = 1
   -- update cell image
   p = p * 60
   gBoard.copyPixels(gHumanChip, gHumanChip.rect.offset(4+p[1], 4+p[2]), gHumanChip.rect)
   -- proceed (unless game over)
   gStep = gStep + 1
   if not checkHumanMove(x, y) then computerMove()


-- Checks if human has won or game ended with draw

on checkHumanMove (x, y)

   if sum([gM[x][1], gM[x][2], gM[x][3]])=3 then return gameOver(1, [[x, 1], [x, 2], [x, 3]])
   if sum([gM[1][y], gM[2][y], gM[3][y]])=3 then return gameOver(1, [[1, y], [2, y], [3, y]])
   if x=y and sum([gM[1][1], gM[2][2], gM[3][3]])=3 then return gameOver(1, [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]])
   if x+y=4 and sum([gM[1][3], gM[2][2], gM[3][1]])=3 then return gameOver(1, [[1, 3], [2, 2], [3, 1]])
   if gStep=9 then return gameOver(0)
   return FALSE


-- Checks if selecting specified empty cell makes computer or human win

on checkCellWins (x, y, who)

   wins = who*2
   if sum([gM[1][y], gM[2][y], gM[3][y]]) = wins then return [[1, y], [2, y], [3, y]]
   if sum([gM[x][1], gM[x][2], gM[x][3]]) = wins then return [[x, 1], [x, 2], [x, 3]]
   if x=y and sum([gM[1][1], gM[2][2], gM[3][3]]) = wins then return [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3]]
   if x+y=4 and sum([gM[1][3], gM[2][2], gM[3][1]]) = wins then return [[1, 3], [2, 2], [3, 1]]
   return FALSE


-- Handles game over

on gameOver (winner, cells)

   gGameOverFlag = TRUE
   if winner = 0 then
       member("feedback").text = "It's a draw!"
       -- hilite winning line with yellow
       img = image(56, 56, 32)
       img.fill(img.rect, rgb(255, 255, 0))
       repeat with c in cells
           x = (c[1]-1)*60 + 4
           y = (c[2]-1)*60 + 4
           gBoard.copyPixels(img, img.rect.offset(x, y), img.rect, [#ink:#darkest])
       end repeat
       member("feedback").text = ["Human", "Computer"][1+(winner=-1)] & " has won!"
   end if
   return TRUE


-- Calculates next computer move

on computerMove ()

   gStep = gStep + 1
   -- move 1: select center
   if gStep=1 then return doComputerMove(2, 2)
   -- move 2 (human started)
   if gStep=2 then
       if gM[2][2]=1 then
           -- if center, select arbitrary corner
           return doComputerMove(1, 1)
           -- otherwise select center
           return doComputerMove(2, 2)
       end if
   end if
   -- move 3 (computer started)
   if gStep=3 then
       -- if corner, select diagonally opposite corner
       if gM[1][1]=1 then return doComputerMove(3, 3)
       if gM[3][3]=1 then return doComputerMove(1, 1)
       if gM[1][3]=1 then return doComputerMove(3, 1)
       return doComputerMove(1, 1) -- top left corner as default
   end if
   -- get free cells
   free = []
   repeat with x = 1 to 3
       repeat with y = 1 to 3
           if gM[x][y]=0 then free.add([x, y])
       end repeat
   end repeat
   -- check if computer can win now
   repeat with c in free
       res = checkCellWins(c[1], c[2], -1)
       if res<>FALSE then
           doComputerMove(c[1], c[2])
           return gameOver(-1, res)
       end if
   end repeat
   -- check if human could win with next move (if yes, prevent it)
   repeat with c in free
       res = checkCellWins(c[1], c[2], 1)
       if res<>FALSE then return doComputerMove(c[1], c[2], TRUE)
   end repeat
   -- move 4 (human started): prevent "double mills"
   if gStep=4 then
       if gM[2][2]=1 and (gM[1][1]=1 or gM[3][3]=1) then return doComputerMove(3, 1)
       if gM[2][2]=1 and (gM[1][3]=1 or gM[3][1]=1) then return doComputerMove(1, 1)
       if gM[2][3]+gM[3][2]=2 then return doComputerMove(3, 3)
       if gM[1][2]+gM[2][3]=2 then return doComputerMove(1, 3)
       if gM[1][2]+gM[2][1]=2 then return doComputerMove(1, 1)
       if gM[2][1]+gM[3][2]=2 then return doComputerMove(3, 1)
       if (gM[1][3]+gM[3][1]=2) or (gM[1][1]+gM[3][3]=2) then return doComputerMove(2, 1)
   end if
   -- move 5 (computer started): try to create a "double mill"
   if gStep=5 then
       repeat with x = 1 to 3
           col = [gM[x][1], gM[x][2], gM[x][3]]
           if not (sum(col)=-1 and max(col)=0) then next repeat
           repeat with y = 1 to 3
               row = [gM[1][y], gM[2][y], gM[3][y]]
               if not (sum(row)=-1 and max(row)=0 and gM[x][y]=0) then next repeat
               return doComputerMove(x, y)
           end repeat
       end repeat
   end if
   -- otherwise use first free cell
   c = free[1]
   doComputerMove(c[1], c[2])


-- Updates state matrix and cell image

on doComputerMove (x, y, checkDraw)

   gM[x][y] = -1
   gBoard.copyPixels(gComputerChip, gComputerChip.rect.offset(4+(x-1)*60, 4+(y-1)*60), gComputerChip.rect)
   if checkDraw and gStep=9 then gameOver(0)



on sum (aLine)

   return aLine[1]+aLine[2]+aLine[3]



Version for LuaJIT with or without ffi, negamax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning and caching of results. Human can't win. <lang Lua>#!/usr/bin/env luajit ffi=require"ffi" local function printf(fmt,...) io.write(string.format(fmt, ...)) end local board="123456789" -- board local pval={1, -1} -- player 1=1 2=-1 for negamax local pnum={} for k,v in ipairs(pval) do pnum[v]=k end local symbol={'X','O'} -- default symbols X and O local isymbol={} for k,v in pairs(symbol) do isymbol[v]=pval[k] end math.randomseed(os.time()^5*os.clock()) -- time-seed the random gen local random=math.random -- usage of ffi variables give 20% speed ffi.cdef[[ typedef struct{ char value; char flag; int depth; }cData; ]] -- draw the "board" in the way the numpad is organized local function draw(board) for i=7,1,-3 do print(board:sub(i,i+2)) end end -- pattern for win situations local check={"(.)...%1...%1","..(.).%1.%1..", "(.)%1%1......","...(.)%1%1...","......(.)%1%1", "(.)..%1..%1..",".(.)..%1..%1.","..(.)..%1..%1", } -- calculate a win situation for which player or draw local function win(b) local sub for i=1,#check do sub=b:match(check[i]) if sub then break end end sub=isymbol[sub] return sub or 0 end -- input only validate moves of not yet filled positions local function input(b,player) char=symbol[pnum[player]] local inp repeat printf("Player %d (\"%s\") move: ",pnum[player],char) inp=tonumber(io.read()) or 0 until inp>=1 and inp<=9 and b:find(inp) b=b:gsub(inp,char) return b,inp end -- ask how many human or AI players local function playerselect() local ai={} local yn for i=1,2 do repeat printf("Player %d human (Y/n)? ", i) yn=io.read():lower() until yn:match("[yn]") or yn== if yn=='n' then ai[pval[i]]=true printf("Player %d is AI\n", i) else printf("Player %d is human\n", i) end end return ai end local function endgame() repeat printf("\nEnd game? (y/n)? ", i) yn=io.read():lower() until yn:match("[yn]") if yn=='n' then return false else printf("\nGOOD BYE PROFESSOR FALKEN.\n\nA STRANGE GAME.\nTHE ONLY WINNING MOVE IS\nNOT TO PLAY.\n\nHOW ABOUT A NICE GAME OF CHESS?\n") return true end end -- AI Routine local function shuffle(t) for i=#t,1,-1 do local rnd=random(i) t[i], t[rnd] = t[rnd], t[i] end return t end -- move generator local function genmove(node, color) return coroutine.wrap(function() local moves={} for m in node:gmatch("%d") do moves[#moves+1]=m end shuffle(moves) -- to make it more interesting for _,m in ipairs(moves) do local child=node:gsub(m,symbol[pnum[color]]) coroutine.yield(child, m) end end) end --[[ Negamax with alpha-beta pruning and table caching ]] local cache={} local best, aimove, tDepth local LOWERB,EXACT,UPPERB=-1,0,1 -- has somebody an idea how to make them real constants? local function negamax(node, depth, color, α, β) color=color or 1 α=α or -math.huge β=β or math.huge -- check for cached node local αOrg=α local cData=cache[node] if cData and cData.depth>=depth and depth~=tDepth then if cData.flag==EXACT then return cData.value elseif cData.flag==LOWERB then α=math.max(α,cData.value) elseif cData.flag==UPPERB then β=math.min(β,cData.value) end if α>=β then return cData.value end end

local winner=win(node) if depth==0 or winner~=0 then return winner*color end local value=-math.huge for child,move in genmove(node, color) do value=math.max(value, -negamax(child, depth-1, -color, -β, -α)) if value>α then α=value if depth==tDepth then best=child aimove=move end end if α>=β then break end end -- cache known data --cData={} -- if you want Lua tables instead of ffi you can switch the two lines here, costs 20% speed cData=ffi.new("cData") cData.value=value if value<=αOrg then cData.flag=UPPERB elseif value>=β then cData.flag=LOWERB else cData.flag=EXACT end cData.depth=depth cache[node]=cData return α end -- MAIN do local winner,value local score={[-1]=0, [0]=0, [1]=0} repeat print("\n TIC-TAC-TOE\n") local aiplayer=playerselect() local player=1 board="123456789" for i=1,#board do draw(board) tDepth=10-i if aiplayer[player] then negamax(board, tDepth, player, -math.huge, math.huge) board=best printf("AI %d moves %s\n", pnum[player], aimove) else board=input(board,player) end winner=win(board) if winner~=0 then break end player=-player end score[winner]=score[winner]+1 if winner and winner~=0 then printf("*** Player %d (%s) has won\n", pnum[winner], symbol[pnum[winner]]) else printf("*** No winner\n") end printf("Score Player 1: %d Player 2: %d Draw: %d\n",score[1],score[-1],score[0]) draw(board) until endgame() end</lang>

> time echo "n\nn\ny\n"| ./tictactoe.lua                                 ⏎


Player 1 human (Y/n)? Player 1 is AI
Player 2 human (Y/n)? Player 2 is AI
AI 1 moves 1
AI 2 moves 5
AI 1 moves 9
AI 2 moves 2
AI 1 moves 8
AI 2 moves 7
AI 1 moves 3
AI 2 moves 6
AI 1 moves 4
*** No winner
Score Player 1: 0 Player 2: 0 Draw: 1

End game? (y/n)? 


echo "n\nn\ny\n"  0,00s user 0,00s system 69% cpu 0,002 total
./tictactoe.lua  0,03s user 0,00s system 98% cpu 0,035 total

M2000 Interpreter

Computer May loose; <lang M2000 Interpreter> Module Tic.Tac.Toe {

     Dim Board$(1 to 3, 1 to 3)=" "
     RandomPosition=lambda -> {
           =(random(1,3), random(1,3))
     BoardItemEmpty=Lambda p (x, y) -> {
           =Array$(p, x, y)=" "
     BoardSetItem=Lambda p (x, y, w$) -> {
           link p to a$()
           a$(x, y)=w$
     Repeat {
           Print "Computer Move:"
           if WinGame Then Print "Computer Win": Exit
           if T=0 then exit
           Repeat {
                 GetRowCol("Input Row", &R)
                 GetRowCol("Input Column", &C)
                 If BoardItemEmpty(R,C) then call boardsetitem(R,C,"O") : exit 
           } Always
           if WinGame Then Print "You Win": Exit
     } until T=0 or WinGame
     Sub DrawBoard()
     Print "R/C 1 2 3"
     Print " 1) "; Board$(1,1);"|";Board$(1,2);"|";Board$(1,3)
     Print "    -+-+-"
     Print " 2) "; Board$(2,1);"|";Board$(2,2);"|";Board$(2,3)
     Print "    -+-+-"
     Print " 3) "; Board$(3,1);"|";Board$(3,2);"|";Board$(3,3)
     End Sub
     Sub CheckWin()
           local i,j,three$
           For i=1 to 3
                 For j=1 to 3 : three$+=Board$(i,j) : Next j
                 For j=1 to 3 :  three$+=Board$(j,i) :Next j
           Next i
           For i=1 to 3 : three$+=Board$(i,i): Next i
           For i=1 to 3:three$+=Board$(i,4-i): Next i
     End Sub
     Sub CheckThree()
           if instr(three$," ")=0 then  WinGame=WinGame or Filter$(three$, left$(three$,1))=""
     End Sub
     Sub CompMove()
           if T<9 and Board$(2,2)=" " then {
                 call boardsetitem(2,2,"X")
           } Else {
                 local i=3, j=3, found=false
                 if T<=6 then {
                 let i=3, j=3
                 If Not found And T<6 then {
                 If not found then {
                       Repeat {
                             If BoardItemEmpty(!comp) then call boardsetitem(!comp, "X") : exit
                       } Always
     End Sub
     Sub CompThink(Bad$, Good$)
                       While i>0 {
                             While j>0 {
                                   if Board$(i,j)=" " then {
                                         if WinGame then {
                                                Board$(i,j)=Good$:i=0:j=0: found=true
                                         } Else Board$(i,j)=" "
     End Sub
     Sub GetRowCol(What$, &W)
           Print What$;":";
           Repeat {
           } until W>=1 and W<=3
           Print Str$(W,"")
     End Sub

} Tic.Tac.Toe </lang>

Computer Move:
R/C 1 2 3
 1)  | | 
 2)  | | 
 3)  | |X
Input Row:2
Input Column:2
R/C 1 2 3
 1)  | | 
 2)  |O| 
 3)  | |X
Computer Move:
R/C 1 2 3
 1)  | | 
 2)  |O| 
 3) X| |X
Input Row:3
Input Column:2
R/C 1 2 3
 1)  | | 
 2)  |O| 
 3) X|O|X
Computer Move:
R/C 1 2 3
 1)  |X| 
 2)  |O| 
 3) X|O|X
Input Row:2
Input Column:1
R/C 1 2 3
 1)  |X| 
 2) O|O| 
 3) X|O|X
Computer Move:
R/C 1 2 3
 1)  |X| 
 2) O|O|X
 3) X|O|X
Input Row:1
Input Column:3
R/C 1 2 3
 1)  |X|O
 2) O|O|X
 3) X|O|X
Computer Move:
R/C 1 2 3
 1) X|X|O
 2) O|O|X
 3) X|O|X


<lang>DynamicModule[{board = ConstantArray[0, {3, 3}], text = "Playing...",

 first, rows = 
  Join[#, Transpose@#, {Diagonal@#, Diagonal@Reverse@#}] &}, 
    Table[With[{i = i, j = j}, 
      Button[{White, Rectangle[{i, j} - 1, {i, j}], Black, 
        Dynamic[Switch[boardi, j, 0, Black, 1, 
          Circle[{i, j} - .5, .3], -1, 
          Line[{{{i, j} - .2, {i, j} - .8}, {{i - .2, 
              j - .8}, {i - .8, j - .2}}}]]]}, 
       Which[text != "Playing...", board = ConstantArray[0, {3, 3}];
        text = "Playing...", boardi, j == 0, 
        If[board == ConstantArray[0, {3, 3}], 
         first = {i, 
            j} /. {{2, 2} -> 1, {1 | 3, 1 | 3} -> 2, _ -> 3}]; 
        boardi, j = 1;
        Which[MemberQ[rows[board], {1, 1, 1}], text = "You win.", 
         FreeQ[board, 0], text = "Draw.", True, 
         board[[Sequence @@ 
             SortBy[Select[Tuples[{Range@3, Range@3}], 
                boardSequence @@ # == 
                  0 &], -Total[
                   Sort /@ 
                   board, # -> -1]] /. {{-1, -1, -1} -> 
                   512, {-1, 1, 1} -> 64, {-1, -1, 0} -> 
                   8, {0, 1, 1} -> -1, {_, _, _} -> 0}] - 
                 Switch[#, {2, 2}, 1, {1 | 3, 1 | 3}, 
                  If[first == 2, -1, 0], _, 
                  If[first == 2, 0, -1]] &]1]] = -1; 
         Which[MemberQ[rows[board], {-1, -1, -1}], 
          text = "You lost.", FreeQ[board, 0], 
          text = "Draw."]]]]], {i, 1, 3}, {j, 1, 3}], Thickness[.01],
     Line[{{{1, 0}, {1, 3}}, {{2, 0}, {2, 3}}, {{0, 1}, {3, 1}}, {{0,
         2}, {3, 2}}}]}], Dynamic@text}]</lang>


Allows for choice between any combination of human or computer players. Computer players are intelligent, but not perfect. It implements the "rules" used by the Newell and Simon's 1972 tic-tac-toe program (as explained by Wikipedia), but this implementation does not factor in the move before the move causing the fork (either for creation or prevention). <lang MATLAB>function TicTacToe

   % Set up the board (one for each player)
   boards = false(3, 3, 2);    % Players' pieces
   rep = ['   1 | 4 | 7' ; '   2 | 5 | 8' ; '   3 | 6 | 9'];
   % Prompt user with options
   fprintf('Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe!\n')
   nHumans = str2double(input('Enter the number of human players: ', 's'));
   if isnan(nHumans) || ceil(nHumans) ~= nHumans || nHumans < 1 || nHumans > 2
       nHumans = 0;
       pHuman = false(2, 1);
   elseif nHumans == 1
       humanFirst = input('Would the human like to go first (Y/N)? ', 's');
       if length(humanFirst) == 1 && lower(humanFirst) == 'n'
           pHuman = [false ; true];
           pHuman = [true ; false];
       pHuman = true(2, 1);
   if any('o' == input('Should Player 1 use X or O? ', 's'))
       marks = 'OX';
       marks = 'XO';
   fprintf('So Player 1 is %shuman and %cs and Player 2 is %shuman and %cs.\n', ...
       char('not '.*~pHuman(1)), marks(1), char('not '.*~pHuman(2)), marks(2))
   if nHumans > 0
       fprintf('Select the space to mark by entering the space number.\n')
       fprintf('No entry will quit the game.\n')
   % Play game
   gameOver = false;
   turn = 1;
   while ~gameOver
       if pHuman(turn)
           [move, isValid, isQuit] = GetMoveFromPlayer(turn, boards);
           gameOver = isQuit;
           move = GetMoveFromComputer(turn, boards);
           fprintf('Player %d chooses %d\n', turn, move)
           isValid = true;
           isQuit = false;
       if isValid && ~isQuit
           [r, c] = ind2sub([3 3], move);
           boards(r, c, turn) = true;
           rep(r, 4*c) = marks(turn);
           if CheckWin(boards(:, :, turn))
               gameOver = true;
               fprintf('\nPlayer %d wins!\n', turn)
           elseif CheckDraw(boards)
               gameOver = true;
               fprintf('\nCats game!\n')
           turn = ~(turn-1)+1;


function [move, isValid, isQuit] = GetMoveFromPlayer(pNum, boards) % move - 1-9 indicating move position, 0 if invalid move % isValid - logical indicating if move was valid, true if quitting % isQuit - logical indicating if player wishes to quit game

   p1 = boards(:, :, 1);
   p2 = boards(:, :, 2);
   moveStr = input(sprintf('Player %d: ', pNum), 's');
   if isempty(moveStr)
       fprintf('Play again soon!\n')
       move = 0;
       isValid = true;
       isQuit = true;
       move = str2double(moveStr);
       isQuit = false;
       if isnan(move) || move < 1 || move > 9 || p1(move) || p2(move)
           fprintf('%s is an invalid move.\n', moveStr)
           isQuit = 0;
           isValid = false;
           isValid = true;


function move = GetMoveFromComputer(pNum, boards) % pNum - 1-2 player number % boards - 3x3x2 logical array where pBoards(:,:,1) is player 1's marks % Assumes that it is possible to make a move

   if ~any(boards(:))     % Play in the corner for first move
       move = 1;
   else                    % Use Newell and Simon's "rules to win"
       pMe = boards(:, :, pNum);
       pThem = boards(:, :, ~(pNum-1)+1);
       possMoves = find(~(pMe | pThem)).';
       % Look for a winning move
       move = FindWin(pMe, possMoves);
       if move
       % Look to block opponent from winning
       move = FindWin(pThem, possMoves);
       if move
       % Look to create a fork (two non-blocked lines of two)
       for m = possMoves
           newPMe = pMe;
           newPMe(m) = true;
           if CheckFork(newPMe, pThem)
               move = m;
       % Look to make two in a row so long as it doesn't force opponent to fork
       notGoodMoves = false(size(possMoves));
       for m = possMoves
           newPMe = pMe;
           newPMe(m) = true;
           if CheckPair(newPMe, pThem)
               nextPossMoves = possMoves;
               nextPossMoves(nextPossMoves == m) = [];
               theirMove = FindWin(newPMe, nextPossMoves);
               newPThem = pThem;
               newPThem(theirMove) = true;
               if ~CheckFork(newPThem, newPMe)
                   move = m;
                   notGoodMoves(possMoves == m) = true;
       possMoves(notGoodMoves) = [];
       % Play the center if available
       if any(possMoves == 5)
           move = 5;
       % Play the opposite corner of the opponent's piece if available
       corners = [1 3 7 9];
       move = intersect(possMoves, ...
           corners(~(pMe(corners) | pThem(corners)) & pThem(fliplr(corners))));
       if ~isempty(move)
           move = move(1);
       % Play an empty corner if available
       move = intersect(possMoves, corners);
       if move
           move = move(1);
       % Play an empty side if available
       sides = [2 4 6 8];
       move = intersect(possMoves, sides);
       if move
           move = move(1);
       % No good moves, so move randomly
       possMoves = find(~(pMe | pThem));
       move = possMoves(randi(length(possMoves)));


function move = FindWin(board, possMoves) % board - 3x3 logical representing one player's pieces % move - integer indicating position to move to win, or 0 if no winning move

   for m = possMoves
       newPMe = board;
       newPMe(m) = true;
       if CheckWin(newPMe)
           move = m;
   move = 0;


function win = CheckWin(board) % board - 3x3 logical representing one player's pieces % win - logical indicating if that player has a winning board

   win = any(all(board)) || any(all(board, 2)) || ...
       all(diag(board)) || all(diag(fliplr(board)));


function fork = CheckFork(p1, p2) % fork - logical indicating if player 1 has created a fork unblocked by player 2

   fork = sum([sum(p1)-sum(p2) (sum(p1, 2)-sum(p2, 2)).' ...
       sum(diag(p1))-sum(diag(p2)) ...
       sum(diag(fliplr(p1)))-sum(diag(fliplr(p2)))] == 2) > 1;


function pair = CheckPair(p1, p2) % pair - logical indicating if player 1 has two in a line unblocked by player 2

   pair = any([sum(p1)-sum(p2) (sum(p1, 2)-sum(p2, 2)).' ...
       sum(diag(p1))-sum(diag(p2)) ...
       sum(diag(fliplr(p1)))-sum(diag(fliplr(p2)))] == 2);


function draw = CheckDraw(boards) % boards - 3x3x2 logical representation of all players' pieces

   draw = all(all(boards(:, :, 1) | boards(:, :, 2)));



Computer goes first and plays perfectly:

Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe!
Enter the number of human players: 1
Would the human like to go first (Y/N)? n
Should Player 1 use X or O? x
So Player 1 is not human and Xs and Player 2 is human and Os.
Select the space to mark by entering the space number.
No entry will quit the game.

   1 | 4 | 7
   2 | 5 | 8
   3 | 6 | 9

Player 1 chooses 1

   X | 4 | 7
   2 | 5 | 8
   3 | 6 | 9

Player 2: 4

   X | O | 7
   2 | 5 | 8
   3 | 6 | 9

Player 1 chooses 2

   X | O | 7
   X | 5 | 8
   3 | 6 | 9

Player 2: 3

   X | O | 7
   X | 5 | 8
   O | 6 | 9

Player 1 chooses 5

   X | O | 7
   X | X | 8
   O | 6 | 9

Player 2: 8

   X | O | 7
   X | X | O
   O | 6 | 9

Player 1 chooses 9

   X | O | 7
   X | X | O
   O | 6 | X

Player 1 wins!

Computer goes first, but misses opportunity to set up for a fork, setting up human player instead:

Welcome to Tic-Tac-Toe!
Enter the number of human players: 1
Would the human like to go first (Y/N)? n
Should Player 1 use X or O? x
So Player 1 is not human and Xs and Player 2 is human and Os.
Select the space to mark by entering the space number.
No entry will quit the game.

   1 | 4 | 7
   2 | 5 | 8
   3 | 6 | 9

Player 1 chooses 1

   X | 4 | 7
   2 | 5 | 8
   3 | 6 | 9

Player 2: 9

   X | 4 | 7
   2 | 5 | 8
   3 | 6 | O

Player 1 chooses 2

   X | 4 | 7
   X | 5 | 8
   3 | 6 | O

Player 2: 3

   X | 4 | 7
   X | 5 | 8
   O | 6 | O

Player 1 chooses 6

   X | 4 | 7
   X | 5 | 8
   O | X | O

Player 2: 7

   X | 4 | O
   X | 5 | 8
   O | X | O

Player 1 chooses 5

   X | 4 | O
   X | X | 8
   O | X | O

Player 2: 8

   X | 4 | O
   X | X | O
   O | X | O

Player 2 wins!

mIRC Scripting Language

<lang mirc>alias ttt {

 if ($2 isin %ttt) || (!%ttt) {
   var %ttt~ = $remove($iif(%ttt,%ttt,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9),$2,X,O)
   var %ttt~~ = $replace($iif(%ttt,%ttt,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9),$2,X)
   set %ttt $replace(%ttt~~,$iif(($regex(%ttt~~,/(?:O . . (?:(?:. O .|O) . . (\d)|(?:. (\d) .|(\d)) . . O)|(\d) . . (?:. O .|O) . . O|. . (?:O . (?:O . (\d)|(\d) . O)|(\d) . O . O) . .)/)) || ($regex(%ttt~~,/^(?:. . . )*(?:O (?:O (\d)|(\d) O)|(\d) O O)(?: . . .)*$/)),$regml(1),$iif(($regex(%ttt~~,/(?:X . . (?:(?:. X .|X) . . (\d)|(?:. (\d) .|(\d)) . . X)|(\d) . . (?:. X .|X) . . X|. . (?:X . (?:X . (\d)|(\d) . X)|(\d) . X . X) . .)/)) || ($regex(%ttt~~,/^(?:. . . )*(?:X (?:X (\d)|(\d) X)|(\d) X X)(?: . . .)*$/)),$regml(1),$iif($remove(%ttt~,2,4,6,8,$chr(32)),$iif((5 isin $remove(%ttt~,2,4,6,8)) && ($rand(0,$numtok($v2,32)) == 0),5,$gettok($remove(%ttt~,2,4,6,8),$rand(1,$numtok($remove(%ttt~,2,4,6,8),32)),32)),$gettok(%ttt~,$rand(1,$numtok(%ttt~,32)),32)))),O)
   tokenize 32 %ttt
   if ($regex(%ttt,/(?:X . . (?:X|. X .) . . X|. . X . X . X . .)/)) || ($regex(%ttt,/^(?:. . . )*X X X(?: . . .)*$/)) {
     echo -ag $me Wins
     tokenize 32 %ttt~~
     unset %ttt
   elseif ($regex(%ttt,/(?:O . . (?:O|. O .) . . O|. . O . O . O . .)/)) || ($regex(%ttt,/^(?:. . . )*O O O(?: . . .)*$/)) {
     echo -ag $me Loses
     unset %ttt
   elseif (!$regex(%ttt,/\d/)) {
     echo -ag Draw
     unset %ttt
   echo -ag � $+ $iif($1 isnum,$chr(32),$1) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($2 isnum,$chr(32),$2) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($3 isnum, ,$3)
   echo -ag � $+ $iif($4 isnum,$chr(32),$4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($5 isnum,$chr(32),$5) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($6 isnum, ,$6)
   echo -ag � $+ $iif($7 isnum,$chr(32),$7) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($8 isnum,$chr(32),$8) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($9 isnum, ,$9)
 else {
   echo -ag Place Taken
   tokenize 32 %ttt
   echo -ag � $+ $iif($1 isnum,$chr(32),$1) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($2 isnum,$chr(32),$2) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($3 isnum, ,$3)
   echo -ag � $+ $iif($4 isnum,$chr(32),$4) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($5 isnum,$chr(32),$5) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($6 isnum, ,$6)
   echo -ag � $+ $iif($7 isnum,$chr(32),$7) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($8 isnum,$chr(32),$8) $+ $chr(124) $+ $iif($9 isnum, ,$9)



<lang mk-61>9 С/П ПП 28 пи * cos x<0 16 ИП2 ПП 28 1 - БП 51 ИП7 ПП 28 ИП7 ПП 28 КИП2 ИП2 ВП 4 4 С/П 1 - x=0 33 8 П2 С/П П7 ИП2 4 - x#0 43 x<0 45 8 + П8 ИП7 - x#0 55 ИП8 ВП 6 6 С/П ИП2 В/О</lang>

Cell numbering 1 to 9; starts from the upper left cell, then clockwise in a spiral. The first move is a calculator. Result: 44 - draw, 66 - victory of the calculator.


Tic-tac-toe game using Minimax algorithm. <lang objeck>class TicTacToe {

 @board : Char[,];
 @cpu_opening : Bool;
 enum Status {
 consts Weights {
   MIN := -1000,
   MAX := 1000
 function : Main(args : String[]) ~ Nil {
   cpu_score := 0;
   player_score := 0;
   for(i :=0; i < 5; i += 1;) {
     game := TicTacToe->New();
     result := game->Play();
     if(result = Status->PLAYER_WIN) {
       player_score += 1;
       "\n=> Player Wins!"->PrintLine();
     else if(result = Status->CPU_WIN) {
       cpu_score += 1;
       "\n=> CPU Wins!"->PrintLine();
     else if(result = Status->TIE) {              
       "\n=> Tie."->PrintLine();
     else {
   "\nHuman={$player_score}, CPU={$cpu_score}"->PrintLine();
 New() {
   @board := Char->New[3, 3];
   for(index := 0; index < 9; index += 1;) {
     j := index / 3;
     i := index % 3;
     @board[i, j] := '1' + index; 
   @cpu_opening := true;
 method : Play() ~ Status {
   players_turn := Int->Random(1) = 1 ? true : false;
   if(players_turn) {
     @cpu_opening := false;
     "\n*** NEW (Player) ***\n"->PrintLine();
   else {
     "\n*** NEW (CPU) ***\n"->PrintLine();
   playing := true;
   do {
     status : Status;
     if(players_turn) { 
       status := PlayerMove();
       players_turn := false;
     else {
       status := CpuMove();
       players_turn := true;
     if(players_turn) {
     select(status) {
       label Status->INVALID_MOVE: {
         "\n=> Invalid Move"->PrintLine();
       label Status->PLAYER_WIN: {
         return Status->PLAYER_WIN;
       label Status->CPU_WIN: {
         return Status->CPU_WIN;
       label Status->TIE: {
         return Status->TIE;
       label Status->QUIT: {
         playing := false;
   return Status->QUIT;
 method : PlayerMove() ~ Status {
   move := System.IO.Console->ReadString();
   if(move->Size() = 0) {
     return Status->INVALID_MOVE;
   option := move->Get(0);
   if(option = 'q') {
     return Status->QUIT;
   if(LegalMove(option, 'X')) {
     if(IsWinner(@board, 'X')) {
       return Status->PLAYER_WIN;
     else if(IsTied()) {
       return Status->TIE;
     else {
       return Status->PLAYING;
   else {
     return Status->INVALID_MOVE;
 method : CpuMove() ~ Status {
   if(@cpu_opening) {
     select(Int->Random(2)) {
       label 0: {
         @board[0, 0] := 'O';
       label 1: {
         @board[1, 1] := 'O';
       label 2: {
         @board[2, 2] := 'O';
     @cpu_opening := false;
   else {
   if(IsWinner(@board, 'O')) {
     return Status->CPU_WIN;
   else if(IsTied()) {
     return Status->TIE;
   else {
     return Status->PLAYING;
 method : Minimax(board : Char[,], depth : Int, is_max : Bool, alpha : Int, beta : Int) ~ Int {
     score := EvaluateMove(board); 
     if(score = 10 | score = -10) {
         return score; 
     if(IsTied()) {
       return 0;
   if(is_max) { 
         best := Weights->MIN;
         for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) { 
       for(j := 0; j < 3; j += 1;) {
         if(board[i,j] <> 'X' & board[i,j] <>'O') { 
           test := board[i,j];
           board[i,j] := 'O';     
           best := Int->Max(best, Minimax(board, depth + 1, false, alpha, beta)); 
           alpha := Int->Max(alpha, best);
           board[i,j] := test;
           if(beta <= alpha) { 
             return best;
     return best;
   else {
     best := Weights->MAX;
         for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) { 
       for(j := 0; j < 3; j += 1;) {
         if(board[i,j] <> 'X' & board[i,j] <>'O') { 
           test := board[i,j];
           board[i,j] := 'X';     
           best := Int->Min(best, Minimax(board, depth + 1, true, alpha, beta));
           beta := Int->Min(beta, best);
           board[i,j] := test;
           if(beta <= alpha) { 
             return best;
     return best;
   method : BestCpuMove(board : Char[,]) ~ Nil {
     best := Weights->MIN; # empty 
     best_i := -1;
     best_j := -1;
     for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) { 
     for(j := 0; j < 3; j += 1;) {
       if(board[i,j] <> 'X' & board[i,j] <> 'O') { 
         test := board[i,j];
         board[i,j] := 'O';    
         move := Int->Max(best, Minimax(board, 0, false, Weights->MIN, Weights->MAX)); 
         board[i,j] := test;
         if(move > best) { 
           best_i := i;
             best_j := j;
           best := move;
   @board[best_i, best_j] := 'O';
   method : EvaluateMove(board : Char[,]) ~ Int {
     if(IsWinner(board, 'O')) {
       return 10;
     else if(IsWinner(board, 'X')) {
       return -10;
     else {
       return 0;
   method : CopyBoard() ~ Char[,] {
     board := Char->New[3, 3];
     for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) { 
     for(j := 0; j < 3; j += 1;) {
       board[i,j] := @board[i,j];
   return board;
 method : LegalMove(move : Char, player: Char) ~ Bool {
   if(move >= '1' & move <= '9') {
     index := (move - '1')->As(Int);
     j := index / 3; i := index % 3;
     if(@board[i, j] = 'X' | @board[i, j] = 'O') {
       return false;
     @board[i, j] := player;
     return true;
   else {
     return false;
 method : IsWinner(board : Char[,], player : Char) ~ Bool {
   # --- diagonal --- 
   check := 0;
   for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) {
     if(board[i, i] = player) {
       check += 1;
   if(check = 3) {
     return true;
   check := 0;
   j := 2;
   for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) {
     if(board[i, j] = player) {
       check += 1;
     j -= 1;
   if(check = 3) {
     return true;
   # --- vertical ---
   for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) {
     check := 0;
     for(j := 0; j < 3; j += 1;) {
       if(board[i, j] = player) {
         check += 1;
     if(check = 3) {
       return true;
   # --- horizontal --- 
   for(j := 0; j < 3; j += 1;) {
     check := 0;
     for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) {
       if(board[i, j] = player) {
         check += 1;
     if(check = 3) {
       return true;
   return false;
 method : IsTied() ~ Bool {
   for(i := 0; i < 3; i += 1;) {
     for(j := 0; j < 3; j += 1;) {
       if(@board[i, j] <> 'X' & @board[i, j] <> 'O') {
         return false;
   return true;
 method : Draw() ~ Nil {
   a1 := @board[0, 0]; a2 := @board[1, 0]; a3 := @board[2, 0];
   b1 := @board[0, 1]; b2 := @board[1, 1]; b3 := @board[2, 1];
   c1 := @board[0, 2]; c2 := @board[1, 2]; c3 := @board[2, 2];
   " {$a1} | {$a2} | {$a3} "->PrintLine();
   " {$b1} | {$b2} | {$b3} "->PrintLine();
   " {$c1} | {$c2} | {$c3} "->PrintLine();



A basic negamax search (with caching) is done to find the best move. If there are several equally good moves, one of them is selected randomly.

The computer player is not perfect, and so a human player can sometimes win.

This is not perl's fault, but mine; it ought to always be a tie, or a win for the computer. Anyone who can identify the mistake, is welcome to fix it.

<lang Perl>use warnings; use strict;

my $initial = join ",", qw(abc def ghi); my %reverse = qw(X O O X);

  1. In list context, returns best move,
  2. In scalar context, returns the score of best move.

my %cache; sub best_move { my ($b, $me) = @_; if( exists $cache{$b,$me,wantarray} ) { return $cache{$b,$me,wantarray}; } elsif( my $s = score( $b, $me ) ) { return $cache{$b,$me,wantarray} = (wantarray ? undef : $s); } my $him = $reverse{$me}; my ($best, @best) = (-999); for my $m (moves($b)) { (my $with_m = $b) =~ s/$m/$me/ or die; # The || operator supplies scalar context to best_move(...) my $s = -(score($with_m, $him) || best_move($with_m, $him)); if( $s > $best ) { ($best, @best) = ($s, $m); } elsif( $s == $best ) { push @best, $m; } } $cache{$b,$me,wantarray} = wantarray ? $best[rand @best] : $best; }

my $winner = q[([XOxo])(?:\1\1|...\1...\1|..\1..\1|....\1....\1)]; sub score { my ($b, $me) = @_; $b =~ m/$winner/o or return 0; return $1 eq $me ? +1 : -1; }

sub moves { my ($b) = @_; $b =~ /([^xoXO,\n])/g; }

sub print_board { my ($b) = @_; $b =~ s/\B/|/g; $b =~ s/,/\n-+-+-\n/g; print $b, "\n"; }

sub prompt { my ($b, $color) = @_; my @moves = moves($b); unless( @moves ) { return; } while( 1 ) { print "Place your $color on one of [@moves]: "; defined(my $m = <>) or return; chomp($m); return $m if grep $m eq $_, @moves; } }

my @players = ( { whose => "your", name => "You", verb => "You place", get_move => \&prompt }, { whose => "the computer's", name => "Computer", verb => "The computer places", get_move => \&best_move }, ); my $whose_turn = int rand 2;

my $color = "X"; my $b = $initial;

while( 1 ) { my $p = $players[$whose_turn]; print_board($b); print "It is $p->{whose} turn.\n"; # The parens around $m supply list context to the right side # or the = operator, which causes sub best_move to return the # best move, rather than the score of the best move. my ( $m ) = $p->{get_move}->($b, $color); if( $m ) { print "$p->{verb} an $color at $m\n"; $b =~ s/$m/$color/; my $s = score($b, $color) or next; print_board($b); print "$p->{name} ", $s > 0 ? "won!\n" : "lost!\n"; } else { print "$p->{name} cannot move.\n"; } print "Game over.\nNew Game...\n"; ($b, $color, $whose_turn) = ($initial, "X", int rand 2); redo; } continue { $color = $reverse{$color}; $whose_turn = !$whose_turn; } </lang>

It is your turn.
Place your X on one of [a b c d e f g h i]: e
You place an X at e
It is the computer's turn.
The computer places an O at c
It is your turn.
Place your X on one of [a b d f g h i]: a
You place an X at a
It is the computer's turn.
The computer places an O at f
It is your turn.
Place your X on one of [b d g h i]: i
You place an X at i
You won!
Game over.
New Game...
It is your turn.
Place your X on one of [a b c d e f g h i]:


AI copied from C. User goes first, as does loser. After a draw the start player alternates. <lang Phix>sequence board = repeat(' ',9) -- {' '/'X'/'O'}

constant wins = {{1,2,3},{4,5,6},{7,8,9},{1,4,7},{2,5,8},{3,6,9},{1,5,9},{3,5,7}}

function check_winner()

   for w=1 to length(wins) do
       integer {i,j,k} = wins[w],
               boardi = board[i]
       if boardi!=' ' and boardi=board[j] and boardi=board[k] then
           return boardi
       end if
   end for
   return 0

end function

procedure showboard()

   printf(1," %c | %c | %c\n---+---+---\n %c | %c | %c\n---+---+---\n %c | %c | %c\n",board)

end procedure

integer best_i function test_move(integer val, integer depth) integer score = check_winner() integer best = -1, changed = 0

   if score!=0 then return iff(score=val?1:-1) end if
   for i=1 to 9 do
       if board[i]=' ' then 
           {changed,board[i]} @= val
           score = -test_move('O'+'X'-val, depth + 1)
           board[i] = ' '
           if score>best then
               if depth=0 then
                   best_i = i;
               end if
               best = score;
           end if
       end if
   end for
   return iff(changed!=0?best:0)

end function

integer user = 1

function game() integer key, k, win

   board = repeat(' ',9)

   printf(1,"Board postions are numbered so:\n1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9\n");
   printf(1,"You have O, I have X.\n\n");
   for n=1 to 9 do
       if(user) then
           printf(1,"your move: ");
           while 1 do
               key = wait_key()
               if find(key,{#1B,'q','Q'}) then return "Quit" end if
               k = key-'0'
               if k>=1 and k<=9 and board[k]=' ' then
                   board[k] = 'O'
               end if
           end while
           if n=1 then --/* randomize if computer opens, less boring */
               best_i = rand(9)
               {} = test_move('X', 0);
           end if
           board[best_i] = 'X'
           printf(1," my move: %d\n", best_i);
       end if
       user = 1-user
       win = check_winner()
       if win!=0 then
           return iff(win=='O' ? "You win.\n\n" : "I win.\n\n");
       end if
   end for
   return "A draw.\n\n";

end function

while 1 do

   string res = game()
   if res="Quit" then exit end if

end while</lang> Sample game (after a draw), with the boards cut/pasted into the horizontal

Board postions are numbered so:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
You have O, I have X.

 my move: 5     your move: 2     my move: 1     your move: 9     my move: 4     your move: 6     my move: 7
   |   |           | O |         X | O |         X | O |         X | O |         X | O |         X | O |
---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---
   | X |           | X |           | X |           | X |         X | X |         X | X | O       X | X | O
---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---     ---+---+---
   |   |           |   |           |   |           |   | O         |   | O         |   | O       X |   | O
I win.

Board postions are numbered so:
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
You have O, I have X.

your move: Quit


A simple interactive version for the browser. NOTE: While PHP can considered a super-set of HTML/JS, usage has been kept to a minimum to focus on the more specific PHP parts.

<lang PHP> <?php const BOARD_NUM = 9; const ROW_NUM = 3; $EMPTY_BOARD_STR = str_repeat('.', BOARD_NUM);

function isGameOver($board, $pin) { $pat = '/X{3}|' . //Horz 'X..X..X..|' . //Vert Left '.X..X..X.|' . //Vert Middle '..X..X..X|' . //Vert Right '..X.X.X..|' . //Diag TL->BR 'X...X...X|' . //Diag TR->BL '[^\.]{9}/i'; //Cat's game if ($pin == 'O') $pat = str_replace('X', 'O', $pat); return preg_match($pat, $board); }

//Start $boardStr = isset($_GET['b'])? $_GET['b'] : $EMPTY_BOARD_STR; $turn = substr_count($boardStr, '.')%2==0? 'O' : 'X'; $oppTurn = $turn == 'X'? 'O' : 'X'; $gameOver = isGameOver($boardStr, $oppTurn);

//Display board echo '<style>'; echo 'td {width: 200px; height: 200px; text-align: center; }'; echo '.pin {font-size:72pt; text-decoration:none; color: black}'; echo '.pin.X {color:red}'; echo '.pin.O {color:blue}'; echo '</style>';

echo '

'; $p = 0; for ($r = 0; $r < ROW_NUM; $r++) { echo ''; for ($c = 0; $c < ROW_NUM; $c++) { $pin = $boardStr[$p]; echo ''; $p++; } echo ''; echo '<input type="hidden" name="b" value="', $boardStr, '"/>'; } echo '

if ($gameOver || $pin != '.') echo '', $pin, ''; //Occupied else { //Available $boardDelta = $boardStr; $boardDelta[$p] = $turn; echo '<a class="pin ', $pin, '" href="?b=', $boardDelta, '">'; echo $boardStr[$p]; echo '</a>'; }

echo '


echo '<a href="?b=', $EMPTY_BOARD_STR, '">Reset</a>';

if ($gameOver) echo '

Game Over!




This solution doesn't bother about the game logic, but simply uses the alpha-beta-pruning 'game' function in the "simul" library. <lang PicoLisp>(load "@lib/simul.l") # for 'game' function

(de display ()

  (for Y (3 2 1)
     (prinl "   +---+---+---+")
     (prin " " Y)
     (for X (1 2 3)
        (prin " | " (or (get *Board X Y) " ")) )
     (prinl " |") )
  (prinl "   +---+---+---+")
  (prinl "     a   b   c") )

(de find3 (P)

     '((X Y DX DY)
        (do 3
           (NIL (= P (get *Board X Y)))
           (inc 'X DX)
           (inc 'Y DY)
           T ) )
     (1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1)
     (1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3)
     (1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1)
     (0 0 0 1 1 1 1 -1) ) )

(de myMove ()

     (game NIL 8
        '((Flg)     # Moves
           (unless (find3 (or (not Flg) 0))
                 (for (X . L) *Board
                    (for (Y . P) L
                       (unless P
                                (cons X Y (or Flg 0))
                                (list X Y) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
        '((Mov) # Move
           (set (nth *Board (car Mov) (cadr Mov)) (cddr Mov)) )
        '((Flg)     # Cost
           (if (find3 (or Flg 0)) -100 0) ) )
     (let Mov (caadr @)
        (set (nth *Board (car Mov) (cadr Mov)) 0) )
     (display) ) )

(de yourMove (X Y)

     (sym? X)
     (>= 3 (setq X (- (char X) 96)) 1)
     (num? Y)
     (>= 3 Y 1)
     (not (get *Board X Y))
     (set (nth *Board X Y) T)
     (display) ) )

(de main ()

  (setq *Board (make (do 3 (link (need 3)))))
  (display) )

(de go Args

     ((not (yourMove (car Args) (cadr Args)))
        "Illegal move!" )
     ((find3 T) "Congratulation, you won!")
     ((not (myMove)) "No moves")
     ((find3 0) "Sorry, you lost!") ) )</lang>
: (main)
 3 |   |   |   |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 |   |   |   |
     a   b   c

: (go a 1)
 3 |   |   |   |
 2 |   |   |   |
 1 | T |   |   |
     a   b   c
 3 |   |   |   |
 2 |   | 0 |   |
 1 | T |   |   |
     a   b   c


Works with SWI-Prolog.
Uses a minimax algorithm with no Alpha-beta pruning, as the max depth of the recursion is 8. Computer never loses.
A GUI interface written in XPCE is given. <lang Prolog>:- use_module('min-max.pl').

-dynamic box/2.
- dynamic tic_tac_toe_window/1.

% Computer begins. tic-tac-toe(computer) :- V is random(9), TTT = [_,_,_,_,_,_ ,_,_,_], nth0(V, TTT, o), display_tic_tac_toe(TTT).

% Player begins tic-tac-toe(me) :- TTT = [_,_,_,_,_,_ ,_,_,_], display_tic_tac_toe(TTT).

display_tic_tac_toe(TTT) :- retractall(box(_,_)), retractall(tic_tac_toe_window(_)), new(D, window('Tic-tac-Toe')), send(D, size, size(170,170)), X = 10, Y = 10, display(D, X, Y, 0, TTT), assert(tic_tac_toe_window(D)), send(D, open).

display(_, _, _, _, []).

display(D, X, Y, N, [A,B,C|R]) :- display_line(D, X, Y, N, [A,B,C]), Y1 is Y+50, N3 is N+3, display(D, X, Y1, N3, R).

display_line(_, _, _, _, []). display_line(D, X, Y, N, [C|R]) :- ( nonvar(C)-> C1 = C; C1 = ' '), new(B, tic_tac_toe_box(C1)), assertz(box(N, B)), send(D, display, B, point(X, Y)), X1 is X + 50, N1 is N+1, display_line(D, X1, Y, N1, R).

% class tic_tac_toe_box % display an 'x' when the player clicks % display an 'o' when the computer plays

- pce_begin_class(tic_tac_toe_box, box, "Graphical window with text").

variable(mess, any, both, "text to display").

initialise(P, Lbl) :-> send(P, send_super, initialise), send(P, slot, mess, Lbl), WS = 50, HS = 50, send(P, size, size(WS,HS)), send(P, recogniser, handler_group(new(click_gesture(left, , single, message(@receiver, my_click))))).

% the box is clicked my_click(B) :-> send(B, set_val, x), send(@prolog, play).

% only works when the box is "free" set_val(B, Val) :-> get(B, slot, mess, ' '), send(B, slot, mess, Val), send(B, redraw), send(B, flush).

% redefined method to display custom graphical objects. '_redraw_area'(P, A:area) :-> send(P, send_super, '_redraw_area', A), %we display the text get(P, slot, mess, Lbl), new(Str1, string(Lbl)), get_object(P, area, area(X,Y,W,H)), send(P, draw_box, X, Y, W, H), send(P, draw_text, Str1, font(times, normal, 30), X, Y, W, H, center, center).

- pce_end_class.

play :- numlist(0, 8, L), maplist(init, L, TTT), finished(x, TTT, Val), ( Val = 2 -> send(@display, inform,'You win !'), tic_tac_toe_window(D), send(D, destroy) ; ( Val = 1 -> send(@display, inform,'Draw !'), tic_tac_toe_window(D), send(D, destroy)  ; next_move(TTT, TT1), maplist(display, L, TT1), finished(o, TT1, V), ( V = 2 -> send(@display, inform,'I win !'), tic_tac_toe_window(D), send(D, destroy) ; ( V = 1 -> send(@display, inform,'Draw !'), tic_tac_toe_window(D), send(D, destroy)  ; true)))).

% use minmax to compute the next move next_move(TTT, TT1) :- minimax(o, 0, 1024, TTT, _V1- TT1).

% we display the new board display(I, V) :- nonvar(V), box(I, V1), send(V1, set_val, V).

display(_I, _V).

% we create the board for minmax init(I, V) :- box(I, V1), get(V1, slot, mess, V), V \= ' '.

init(_I, _V).

% winning position for the player P ? winned(P, [A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9]) :-

      (is_winning_line(P, [A1, A2, A3]);

is_winning_line(P, [A4, A5, A6]); is_winning_line(P, [A7, A8, A9]); is_winning_line(P, [A1, A4, A7]); is_winning_line(P, [A2 ,A5, A8]); is_winning_line(P, [A3, A6, A9]); is_winning_line(P, [A1, A5, A9]); is_winning_line(P, [A3, A5, A7])).

is_winning_line(P, [A, B, C]) :- nonvar(A), A = P, nonvar(B), B = P, nonvar(C), C = P.

% Winning position for the player eval(Player, Deep, TTT, V) :- winned(Player, TTT), ( Player = o -> V is 1000 - 50 * Deep; V is -1000+ 50 * Deep).

% Loosing position for the player eval(Player, Deep, TTT, V) :- select(Player, [o,x], [Player1]), winned(Player1, TTT), ( Player = x -> V is 1000 - 50 * Deep; V is -1000+ 50 * Deep).

% Draw position eval(_Player, _Deep, TTT, 0) :- include(var, TTT, []).

% we fetch the free positions of the board possible_move(TTT, LMove) :- new(C, chain), forall(between(0,8, I), ( nth0(I, TTT, X), ( var(X) -> send(C, append, I); true))), chain_list(C, LMove).

% we create the new position when the player P clicks % the box "N" assign_move(P, TTT, N, TT1) :- copy_term(TTT, TT1), nth0(N, TT1, P).

% We fetch all the possible boards obtained from board TTT % for the player P get_next(Player, Deep, TTT, Player1, Deep1, L):- possible_move(TTT, LMove), select(Player, [o,x], [Player1]), Deep1 is Deep + 1, maplist(assign_move(Player, TTT), LMove, L).

% The game is over ? % Player P wins finished(P, TTT, 2) :- winned(P, TTT).

% Draw finished(_P, TTT, 1) :- include(var, TTT, []).

% the game is not over finished(_P, _TTT, 0) .

% minmax must knows when the computer plays % (o for ordinateur in French) computer(o).

</lang> Module min-max.pl defines minimax algorithm. <lang prolog>:- module('min-max.pl', [minimax/5]).

% minimax(Player, Deep, MaxDeep, B, V-B) % @arg1 : current player at this level % @arg2 : current level of recursion % @arg3 : max level of recursion (in this version of the game no use : set to 1024 !) % @arg4 : current board % @arg5 : B is the evaluation of the board, the result is V-B to know the new board

% Here we get an evaluation minimax(Player, Deep, MaxDeep, B, V-B) :- ( eval(Player, Deep, B, V) -> true ; % in this version of the game this second division always fails ( Deep > MaxDeep -> V is random(1000) - 1000)).

% here we must compute all the possible moves to know the evaluation of the board minimax(Player, Deep, MaxDeep, B, V) :- get_next(Player, Deep, B, Player1, Deep1, L), maplist(minimax(Player1, Deep1, MaxDeep), L, LV), maplist(lie, L, LV, TLV), sort(TLV, SLVTmp), ( computer(Player) -> reverse(SLVTmp, SLV); SLV = SLVTmp), SLV = [V | _R].

lie(TTT, V-_, V-TTT).



The computer enforces the rules but plays a random game. <lang python>

   Tic-tac-toe game player.
   Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.

import random

board = list('123456789') wins = ((0,1,2), (3,4,5), (6,7,8),

       (0,3,6), (1,4,7), (2,5,8),
       (0,4,8), (2,4,6))

def printboard():

   print('\n'.join(' '.join(board[x:x+3]) for x in(0,3,6)))

def score():

   for w in wins:
       b = board[w[0]]
       if b in 'XO' and all (board[i] == b for i in w):
           return b, [i+1 for i in w]
   return None, None

def finished():

   return all (b in 'XO' for b in board)

def space():

   return [ b for b in board if b not in 'XO']

def my_turn(xo):

   options = space()
   choice = random.choice(options)
   board[int(choice)-1] = xo
   return choice

def your_turn(xo):

   options = space()
   while True:
       choice = input(" Put your %s in any of these positions: %s "
                      % (xo, .join(options))).strip()
       if choice in options:
       print( "Whoops I don't understand the input" )
   board[int(choice)-1] = xo
   return choice

def me(xo='X'):

   print('I go at', my_turn(xo))
   return score()
   assert not s[0], "\n%s wins across %s" % s

def you(xo='O'):

   # Call my_turn(xo) below for it to play itself
   print('You went at', your_turn(xo))
   return score()
   assert not s[0], "\n%s wins across %s" % s

print(__doc__) while not finished():

   s = me('X')
   if s[0]:
       print("\n%s wins across %s" % s)
   if not finished():
       s = you('O')
       if s[0]:
           print("\n%s wins across %s" % s)


   print('\nA draw')


Sample Game

    Tic-tac-toe game player.
    Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
I go at 9
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 X
 Put your O in any of these positions: 12345678 1
You went at 1
O 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 X
I go at 3
O 2 X
4 5 6
7 8 X
 Put your O in any of these positions: 245678 4
You went at 4
O 2 X
O 5 6
7 8 X
I go at 2
O 5 6
7 8 X
 Put your O in any of these positions: 5678 7
You went at 7
O 5 6
O 8 X

O wins across [1, 4, 7]

Better skilled player

In this version, The computer player will first complete a winning line of its own if it can, otherwise block a winning line of its opponent if they have two in a row, or then choose a random move.

<lang python>

   Tic-tac-toe game player.
   Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.

import random

board = list('123456789') wins = ((0,1,2), (3,4,5), (6,7,8),

       (0,3,6), (1,4,7), (2,5,8),
       (0,4,8), (2,4,6))

def printboard():

   print('\n-+-+-\n'.join('|'.join(board[x:x+3]) for x in(0,3,6)))

def score(board=board):

   for w in wins:
       b = board[w[0]]
       if b in 'XO' and all (board[i] == b for i in w):
           return b, [i+1 for i in w]
   return None

def finished():

   return all (b in 'XO' for b in board)

def space(board=board):

   return [ b for b in board if b not in 'XO']

def my_turn(xo, board):

   options = space()
   choice = random.choice(options)
   board[int(choice)-1] = xo
   return choice

def my_better_turn(xo, board):

   'Will return a next winning move or block your winning move if possible'
   ox = 'O' if xo =='X' else 'X'
   oneblock = None
   options  = [int(s)-1 for s in space(board)]
   for choice in options:
       brd = board[:]
       brd[choice] = xo
       if score(brd):
       if oneblock is None:
           brd[choice] = ox
           if score(brd):
               oneblock = choice
       choice = oneblock if oneblock is not None else random.choice(options)
   board[choice] = xo
   return choice+1

def your_turn(xo, board):

   options = space()
   while True:
       choice = input("\nPut your %s in any of these positions: %s "
                      % (xo, .join(options))).strip()
       if choice in options:
       print( "Whoops I don't understand the input" )
   board[int(choice)-1] = xo
   return choice

def me(xo='X'):

   print('\nI go at', my_better_turn(xo, board))
   return score()

def you(xo='O'):

   # Call my_turn(xo, board) below for it to play itself
   print('\nYou went at', your_turn(xo, board))
   return score()

print(__doc__) while not finished():

   s = me('X')
   if s:
       print("\n%s wins along %s" % s)
   if not finished():
       s = you('O')
       if s:
           print("\n%s wins along %s" % s)


   print('\nA draw')</lang>
    Tic-tac-toe game player.
    Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.


I go at 2

Put your O in any of these positions: 13456789 5

You went at 5

I go at 1

Put your O in any of these positions: 346789 3

You went at 3

I go at 7

Put your O in any of these positions: 4689 4

You went at 4

I go at 6

Put your O in any of these positions: 89 9

You went at 9

I go at 8

A draw


The program provides standard interface for implementation of any zero–sum game with perfect information such as tick-tack-toe, Nim, the 21 game etc. It is possible to create interactive players (as objects) with different playing strategy (AI-driven, user-driven, random etc.) and let them play with each other through message-sending technique.

The optimal strategy is implemented via lazy minimax algorythm with α-β-pruning and arbitrary depth of the recursion.

The program consists of separate modules:

+ minimax.rkt    -- Written in Lazy Racket, implements the general minimax algorythm as 
|                   given in Wikipedia.
|                   Knows nothing about games.
+ game.rkt       -- Written in Lazy Racket, defines general classes for the game and players.
|                   Knows nothing about tick-tack-toe, only about zero-sum two-player
|                   turn-taking games with perfect information in general.
+ tick-tack.rkt  -- Written in Racket, implements the tick-tack-toe game.

The minimax.rkt module: <lang racket>

  1. lang lazy

(provide minimax)

(define (minimax tree)

 (! (let minimax ([node tree] [α -inf.0] [β +inf.0] [max-player #f])
        [(number? node) node]
        [(empty? node) 0.0]
         (let next ([x node] [α α])
           (if (or (empty? x) (<= β α)) 
               (next (cdr x)
                     (max α (minimax (car x) α β (not max-player))))))]
         (let next ([x node] [β β])
           (if (or (empty? x) (<= β α)) 
               (next (cdr x)
                     (min β (minimax (car x) α β (not max-player))))))]))))


The game.rkt module:

<lang racket>

  1. lang lazy

(require racket/class

        (only-in racket/list shuffle argmax))

(provide game%

Class representing the logics and optimal strategy
for a zero-sum game with perfect information.

(define game%

 (class object%
   ;; virtual methods which set up the game rules
   (init-field my-win?         ; State -> Bool
               my-loss?        ; State -> Bool
               draw-game?      ; State -> Bool
               my-move         ; State Move -> State
               opponent-move   ; State Move -> State
               possible-moves  ; State -> (list Move)
               show-state)     ; State -> Any
   ;; optimal-move :: State -> Move
   ;; Choses the optimal move. 
   ;; If several equivalent moves exist -- choses one randomly.
   (define/public ((optimal-move look-ahead) S)
     (! (argmax (λ (m) (! (minimax (game-tree S m look-ahead))))
                (shuffle (possible-moves S)))))
   ;; game-tree :: State -> (Move -> (Treeof Real))
   (define (game-tree S m look-ahead)
     (let new-ply ([moves (cycle opponent-move my-move)] 
                   [i 1] 
                   [s (my-move S m)])
         [(my-win? s)        (/  1 i)] ; more close wins and loses
         [(my-loss? s) (/ -1 i)] ; have bigger weights
         [(draw-game? s)     0]
         [(>= i look-ahead)  (/ 1 i)] 
         [else (map (λ (x) (new-ply (cdr moves) (+ 1 i) ((car moves) s x)))
                    (possible-moves s))])))
   ;; make-move :: State (State -> Move) -> (Move State Symbol)
   (define/public (make-move S move)
       [(my-loss? S)   (values '() S 'loss)]         
       [(draw-game? S) (values '() S 'draw)]   
       [else (let* ([m* (! (move S))]
                    [S* (my-move S m*)])
                 [(my-win? S*)    (values m* S* 'win)] 
                 [(draw-game? S*) (values m* S* 'draw)]
                 [else            (values m* S* 'next)]))]))))
Mixin representing an interactive game player.
The parameter `game` defines a game which is played.

(define (interactive-player game)

 (class game
   (inherit-field show-state)
   (inherit make-move optimal-move)
   (init-field name
               [look-ahead 4]
               [opponent 'undefined]
               [move-method (optimal-move look-ahead)])
   (define/public (your-turn S)
     (define-values (m S* status) (make-move S move-method))
     (! (printf "\n~a makes move ~a\n" name m))
     (! (show-state S*))
     (! (case status
          ['stop (displayln "The game was interrupted.")]
          ['win  (printf "~a wins!" name)]
          ['loss (printf "~a wins!" name)]
          ['draw (printf "Draw!")]
          [else (send opponent your-turn S*)])))))

a simple macro for initialization of game partners


 (define-partners game (A #:win A-wins #:move A-move) 
                       (B #:win B-wins #:move B-move))
   (define A (class game 
                [my-win?  A-wins]
                [my-loss? B-wins]
                [my-move  A-move]
                [opponent-move B-move])))
   (define B (class game 
                [my-win?  B-wins]
                [my-loss? A-wins]
                [my-move  B-move]
                [opponent-move A-move])))))
the main procedure which initiates the game

(define (start-game p1 p2 initial-state)

 (set-field! opponent p1 p2)
 (set-field! opponent p2 p1)
 (send p1 your-turn initial-state))


The tick-tack.rkt module: <lang racket>#lang racket

(require "game.rkt"

Tick-tack-toe game implementation
the structure representing a board

(struct board (x o))

sets of X's and O's

(define xs board-x) (define os board-o)

(define empty-board (board (set) (set)))

(define all-cells

 (set '(1 1) '(1 2) '(1 3)
      '(2 1) '(2 2) '(2 3)
      '(3 1) '(3 2) '(3 3)))

(define (free-cells b)

 (set-subtract all-cells (xs b) (os b)))

(define winning-positions

 (list (set '(1 1) '(2 2) '(3 3))
       (set '(1 3) '(2 2) '(3 1))
       (set '(1 1) '(1 2) '(1 3))
       (set '(2 1) '(2 2) '(2 3))
       (set '(3 1) '(3 2) '(3 3))
       (set '(1 1) '(2 1) '(3 1))
       (set '(1 2) '(2 2) '(3 2))
       (set '(1 3) '(2 3) '(3 3))))
a predicate for winning state on the board

(define ((wins? s) b)

 (ormap (curryr subset? (s b)) winning-positions))
player moves

(define (x-move b m) (board (set-add (xs b) m) (os b))) (define (o-move b m) (board (xs b) (set-add (os b) m)))

textual representation of the board

(define (show-board b)

 (for ([i '(3 2 1)])
   (printf "~a " i)
   (for ([j '(1 2 3)])
     (display (cond
                [(set-member? (os b) (list j i)) "|o"]
                [(set-member? (xs b) (list j i)) "|x"]
                [else "| "])))
   (display "|\n"))
 (display "   1 2 3    "))
The definition of the game
general properties

(define tic-tac%

 (class game%
    [draw-game?       (compose set-empty? free-cells)]
    [possible-moves   (compose set->list free-cells)]
    [show-state       show-board])))

(define-partners tic-tac%

 (x% #:win (wins? xs) #:move x-move)
 (o% #:win (wins? os) #:move o-move))
Computer players

(define player-A (new (interactive-player x%) [name "A"] [look-ahead 6]))

(define player-B (new (interactive-player o%) [name "B"] [look-ahead 6]))

The interactive user

(define User

 (new (interactive-player x%) 
      [name "User"]
       (λ (b) (let make-move ([m (read)])
                (match m
                  ['q (exit)]
                  [(list (or 1 2 3) (or 1 2 3)) m]
                  [else (make-move (read))])))]))
The dummy player plays randomly

(define Dummy

 (new (interactive-player o%) [name "Dummy"] [look-ahead 0]))


Sample games:

Computer plays with the computer:

> (!(start-game player-A player-B empty-board))

A makes move (3 1)
3 | | | |
2 | | | |
1 | | |x|
   1 2 3    
B makes move (2 2)
3 | | | |
2 | |o| |
1 | | |x|
   1 2 3    
A makes move (1 1)
3 | | | |
2 | |o| |
1 |x| |x|
   1 2 3    
B makes move (2 1)
3 | | | |
2 | |o| |
1 |x|o|x|
   1 2 3    
A makes move (2 3)
3 | |x| |
2 | |o| |
1 |x|o|x|
   1 2 3    
B makes move (3 2)
3 | |x| |
2 | |o|o|
1 |x|o|x|
   1 2 3    
A makes move (1 2)
3 | |x| |
2 |x|o|o|
1 |x|o|x|
   1 2 3    
B makes move (1 3)
3 |o|x| |
2 |x|o|o|
1 |x|o|x|
   1 2 3    
A makes move (3 3)
3 |o|x|x|
2 |x|o|o|
1 |x|o|x|
   1 2 3    Draw!

Computer plays with the dummy:

> (!(start-game player-A Dummy empty-board))

A makes move (3 1)
3 | | | |
2 | | | |
1 | | |x|
   1 2 3    
Dummy makes move (2 3)
3 | |o| |
2 | | | |
1 | | |x|
   1 2 3    
A makes move (1 1)
3 | |o| |
2 | | | |
1 |x| |x|
   1 2 3    
Dummy makes move (3 3)
3 | |o|o|
2 | | | |
1 |x| |x|
   1 2 3    
A makes move (2 1)
3 | |o|o|
2 | | | |
1 |x|x|x|
   1 2 3    A wins!

User plays with the dummy:

> (!(start-game Dummy User empty-board))

Dummy makes move (2 3)
3 | |o| |
2 | | | |
1 | | | |
   1 2 3    (1 2)

User makes move (1 2)
3 | |o| |
2 |x| | |
1 | | | |
   1 2 3    
Dummy makes move (3 2)
3 | |o| |
2 |x| |o|
1 | | | |
   1 2 3    (1 3)

User makes move (1 3)
3 |x|o| |
2 |x| |o|
1 | | | |
   1 2 3    
Dummy makes move (3 3)
3 |x|o|o|
2 |x| |o|
1 | | | |
   1 2 3    (1 1)

User makes move (1 1)
3 |x|o|o|
2 |x| |o|
1 |x| | |
   1 2 3    User wins!

As an example of another zero-sum game consider the classical Nim game:

<lang racket>

  1. lang racket

(require "game.rkt"

The definition of the game

(define initial-state '(3 5 7))

(define (move s m) (map - s m))

(define (win? s) (= 1 (apply + s)))

(define (show-state s) (displayln (map (λ (n) (make-list n '●)) s)))

(define (possible-moves S)

  (λ (heap n) 
    (map (λ (x) (map (curry * x) heap))
         (range 1 (+ 1 (min 3 n)))))
  '((1 0 0) (0 1 0) (0 0 1)) S))

(define Nim% (class game%

               [draw-game?       (const #f)]
               [possible-moves   possible-moves]
               [show-state       show-state])))

(define-partners Nim%

 (first%  #:win win? #:move move)
 (second% #:win win? #:move move))

(define player-A

 (new (interactive-player first%) [name "A"] [look-ahead 4]))

(define player-B

 (new (interactive-player second%) [name "B"] [look-ahead 4]))


Computer plays with the computer:

> (!(start-game player-A player-B initial-state))

A makes move (0 0 2)
((● ● ●) (● ● ● ● ●) (● ● ● ● ●))

B makes move (1 0 0)
((● ●) (● ● ● ● ●) (● ● ● ● ●))

A makes move (2 0 0)
(() (● ● ● ● ●) (● ● ● ● ●))

B makes move (0 2 0)
(() (● ● ●) (● ● ● ● ●))

A makes move (0 3 0)
(() () (● ● ● ● ●))

B makes move (0 0 1)
(() () (● ● ● ●))

A makes move (0 0 3)
(() () (●))
A wins!

With use of memoization it is easy to train automatic players so that they would never lose and play very fast.


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2018.03

The computer plays a random game.

<lang perl6>my @board = 1..9; my @winning-positions = [0..2], [3..5], [6..8], [0,3,6], [1,4,7], [2,5,8], [0,4,8], [6,4,2];

sub get-winner() { for @winning-positions {

       return (@board[|$_][0], $_) if [eq] @board[|$_];

} }

sub free-indexes() { @board.keys.grep: { @board[$_] eq any(1..9) } }

sub ai-move() { given free-indexes.pick { @board[$_] = 'o'; say "I go at: { $_ + 1 }\n"; } }

sub print-board() {

   print "\e[2J";
   say @board.map({ "$^a | $^b | $^c" }).join("\n--+---+--\n"), "\n";


sub human-move() { my $pos = prompt "Choose one of { (free-indexes() »+» 1).join(",") }: "; if $pos eq any(free-indexes() »+» 1) { @board[$pos - 1] = 'x'; } else { say "Sorry, you want to put your 'x' where?"; human-move(); } }

for flat (&ai-move, &human-move) xx * { print-board;

   last if get-winner() or not free-indexes;


if get-winner() -> ($player, $across) { say "$player wins across [", ($across »+» 1).join(", "), "]."; } else { say "How boring, a draw!"; }</lang>


This REXX program uses an analytical solution instead of hard─fast choices that can be assumed for a   3×3   game board.

Options used within the REXX program:

  •   a separate numbered grid is used instead of coördinates for easier marker specification
  •   the game board is separated from the numbered grid, this makes it much easier to see the playing field
  •   straight lines (wins) are handled dynamically instead of hard─coding them
  •   allows the human player to:
  •   specify any   N×N   size tic─tac─toe board   (a square grid)
  •   specify who plays first   (default is the human)
  •   specify what markers (symbols) to be used for both players   (can use hexadecimal pairs)
  •   quit (exit) the game at any time
  •   win   (if the human goes first   and   makes a certain move)

A fair amount of code was dedicated to error detection and the presentation of the tic─tac─toe game boards (grids). <lang rexx>/*REXX program plays (with a human) the tic─tac─toe game on an NxN grid. */ $=copies('─', 9) /*eyecatcher for error messages, prompt*/ oops = $ '***error*** ' /*literal for when an error happens. */ single = '│─┼'; jam= "║"; bar= '═'; junc= "╬"; dbl=jam || bar || junc sw = linesize() - 1 /*obtain width of the terminal (less 1)*/ parse arg N hm cm .,@. /*obtain optional arguments from the CL*/ if N== | N=="," then N=3; oN=N /*N not specified? Then use default.*/

    N = abs(N)                                  /*if N < 0.  then computer goes first. */
   NN = N*N                                     /*calculate the   square of  N.        */

middle = NN % 2 + N % 2 /* " " middle " the grid. */ if N<2 then do; say oops 'tic─tac─toe grid is too small: ' N; exit 13; end pad=left(, sw % NN) /*display padding: 6x6 in 80 columns.*/ if hm== then hm= "X"; /*define the marker for a human. */ if cm== then cm= "O" /* " " " " the computer. */

               hm= aChar(hm, 'human')           /*determine if the marker is legitimate*/
               cm= aChar(cm, 'computer')        /*    "      "  "     "    "      "    */

parse upper value hm cm with uh uc /*use uppercase values is markers: X x*/ if uh==uc then cm=word('O X', 1 + (uh=="O") ) /*The human wants Hal's marker? Swap. */ if oN<0 then call Hmove middle /*Hal moves first? Then choose middling*/

        else call showGrid                      /*showGrid also checks for wins & draws*/

/*tic─tac─toe game───►*/ do forever /*'til the cows come home (or QUIT). */ /*tic─tac─toe game───►*/ call CBLF /*process carbon─based lifeform's move.*/ /*tic─tac─toe game───►*/ call Hal /*determine Hal's (the computer) move.*/ /*tic─tac─toe game───►*/ end /*forever*/ /*showGrid subroutine does wins & draws*/ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ aChar: parse arg x,whoseX; L=length(x) /*process markers.*/

      if L==1                        then return testB(     x  )     /*1 char,  as is. */
      if L==2 & datatype(x, 'X')     then return testB( x2c(x) )     /*2 chars, hex.   */
      if L==3 & datatype(x, 'W') & ,                                 /*3 chars, decimal*/
         x>=0 & x<256                then return testB( d2c(x) )     /*···and in range.*/
      say oops  'illegal character or character code for'    whoseX    "marker: "    x
      exit 13                                   /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ CBLF: prompt='Please enter a cell number to place your next marker ['hm"] (or Quit):"

        do forever;                 say $ prompt
        parse pull  x 1 ux 1 ox;    upper ux    /*get versions of answer;  uppercase ux*/
        if datatype(ox, 'W')  then ox=ox / 1    /*normalize cell number:  +0007 ───► 7 */
                                                /*(division by unity normalizes a num.)*/
          select                                /*perform some validations of X (cell#)*/
          when abbrev('QUIT',ux,1)  then call tell 'quitting.'
          when x=                 then iterate                    /*Nada?  Try again.*/
          when words(x)\==1         then say oops "too many" cell#  'specified:'   x
          when \datatype(x, 'N')    then say oops "cell number isn't numeric: "        x
          when \datatype(x, 'W')    then say oops "cell number isn't an integer: "     x
          when x=0                  then say oops "cell number can't be zero: "        x
          when x<0                  then say oops "cell number can't be negative: "    x
          when x>NN                 then say oops "cell number can't exceed "          NN
          when @.ox\==            then say oops "cell number is already occupied: "  x
          otherwise                 leave  /*forever*/
          end   /*select*/
        end     /*forever*/
                                                /* [↓]  OX is a normalized version of X*/
      @.ox=hm                                   /*place a marker for the human (CLBF). */
      call showGrid                             /*and display the  tic─tac─toe  grid.  */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Hal: select /*Hal tries various moves. */

              when win(cm, N-1)   then call Hmove , ec      /*is this the winning move?*/
              when win(hm, N-1)   then call Hmove , ec      /* "   "   a blocking   "  */
              when @.middle==   then call Hmove middle    /*pick the  center  cell.  */
              when @.N.N  ==    then call Hmove , N N     /*bottom right corner cell.*/
              when @.N.1  ==    then call Hmove , N 1     /*   "    left    "     "  */
              when @.1.N  ==    then call Hmove , 1 N     /*  top  right    "     "  */
              when @.1.1  ==    then call Hmove , 1 1     /*   "    left    "     "  */
              otherwise                call Hmove , ac      /*pick a blank cell in grid*/
              end   /*select*/

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ Hmove: parse arg Hplace,dr dc; if Hplace== then Hplace = (dr - 1)*N + dc

      @.Hplace=cm                                           /*place computer's marker. */
      say;  say  $   'computer places a marker  ['cm"]  at cell number  "    Hplace
      call showGrid

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ showGrid: _=0; cW=5; cH=3; open=0 /*cell width, cell height.*/

          do   r=1 for N                                    /*construct array of cells.*/
            do c=1 for N;  _=_ + 1;  @.r.c=@._;    open=open | @._==
            end   /*c*/
          end     /*r*/                                     /* [↑]  OPEN≡a cell is open*/
      say                                                   /* [↑]  create grid coörds.*/
      z=0;          do     j=1  for  N                      /* [↓]  show grids&markers.*/
                      do   t=1  for cH;    _=;  __=         /*MK is a marker in a cell.*/
                        do k=1  for  N;    if t==2  then z=z + 1;        mk=;     c#=
                        if t==2  then do;  mk=@.z;       c#=z       /*c# is cell number*/
                         _= _  || jam || center(mk, cW)
                        __= __ || jam || center(c#, cW)
                        end   /*k*/
                      say pad  substr(_, 2)  pad  translate( substr(__, 2),  single, dbl)
                      end     /*t*/                                 /* [↑]  show a line*/
                    if j==N  then leave
                       do b=1  for  N;       _=_ || junc || copies(bar, cW)
                       end   /*b*/                                  /* [↑]  a grid part*/
                    say   pad  substr(_, 2)  pad  translate( substr(_,  2),  single, dbl)
                    end        /*j*/
      if win(hm)  then  call tell  'You  ('hm")  won"copies('!',random(1, 5) )
      if win(cm)  then  call tell  'The computer  ('cm")  won."
      if \open    then  call tell  'This tic─tac─toe game is a draw   (a cat scratch).'

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ tell: do 4; say; end; say center(' 'arg(1)" ", sw, '─'); do 5; say; end; exit /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ testB: parse arg bx; if bx\==' ' then return bx /*test if the marker isn't a blank.*/

      say oops   'character code for'      whoseX      "marker can't be a blank."
      exit 13                                   /*stick a fork in it,  we're all done. */

/*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ win: parse arg wm,w; if w== then w=N /* [↓] see if there is a win. */

      ac=                                               /* [↓]  EC ≡ means Empty Cell. */
           do   r=1  for N;      _=0;   ec=             /*see if any  rows are a winner*/
             do c=1  for N;      _=_ + (@.r.c==wm)      /*count the # of markers in col*/
             if @.r.c==  then ec=r c                  /*Cell empty?  Then remember it*/
             end   /*c*/                                /* [↓]  AX≡means avaiable cell.*/
           if ec\==  then ac=ec                       /*Found an empty?  Then use it.*/
           if _==N | (_>=w & ec\==)  then return 1=1  /*a winner has been determined.*/
           end     /*r*/                                /*w=N-1?  Checking for near win*/
           do   c=1  for N;     _=0;   ec=              /*see if any  cols are a winner*/
             do r=1  for N;     _=_ + (@.r.c==wm)       /*count the # of markers in row*/
             if @.r.c==  then ec=r c                  /*Cell empty?  Then remember it*/
             end   /*r*/
           if ec\==  then ac=ec                       /*Found an empty? Then remember*/
           if _==N | (_>=w & ec\==)  then return 1=1  /*a winner has been determined.*/
           end     /*c*/
      ec=                                               /*EC≡location of an empty cell.*/
           do d=1  for N;       _=_ + (@.d.d==wm)       /*A winning descending diag. ? */
           if @.d.d==  then ec=d d                    /*Empty cell?  Then note cell #*/
           end     /*d*/
      if _==N | (_>=w & ec\==)       then return 1=1  /*a winner has been determined.*/
      _=0;                                  r=1
           do c=N  for N  by -1;   _=_ + (@.r.c==wm)    /*A winning ascending diagonal?*/
           if @.r.c==  then ec=r c                    /*Empty cell?  Then note cell #*/
           r=r + 1                                      /*bump the counter for the rows*/
           end     /*c*/
      if _==N | (_>=w & ec\==)       then return 1=1  /*a winner has been determined.*/
      return 0                                          /*no winner "    "       "     */</lang>

This REXX program makes use of   LINESIZE   REXX program (or BIF) which is used to determine the screen width (or linesize) of the terminal (console);   this is used to determine the amount of padding for a centered display of the two grids.

The   LINESIZE.REX   REXX program is included here   ──►   LINESIZE.REX.

output   when using the input of:     -3

(a negative   3   indicates a grid of   3x3   and that the computer should play first.)

Note:   the user input is shown along with the program output.

───────── computer places a marker  [O]  at cell number   5

                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║     ║                           1  │  2  │  3
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  O  ║                           4  │  5  │  6
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║     ║                           7  │  8  │  9
                        ║     ║                              │     │

───────── Please enter a cell number to place your next marker [X]     (or Quit):
2         ◄■■■■■■■■■■ human player's move.

                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  X  ║                           1  │  2  │  3
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  O  ║                           4  │  5  │  6
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║     ║                           7  │  8  │  9
                        ║     ║                              │     │

───────── computer places a marker  [O]  at cell number   9

                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  X  ║                           1  │  2  │  3
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  O  ║                           4  │  5  │  6
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║     ║  O                        7  │  8  │  9
                        ║     ║                              │     │

───────── Please enter a cell number to place your next marker [X]    (or Quit):
1         ◄■■■■■■■■■■ human player's move.

                        ║     ║                              │     │
                     X  ║  X  ║                           1  │  2  │  3
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  O  ║                           4  │  5  │  6
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║     ║  O                        7  │  8  │  9
                        ║     ║                              │     │

───────── computer places a marker  [O]  at cell number   3

                        ║     ║                              │     │
                     X  ║  X  ║  O                        1  │  2  │  3
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  O  ║                           4  │  5  │  6
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║     ║  O                        7  │  8  │  9
                        ║     ║                              │     │

───────── Please enter a cell number to place your next marker [X]    (or Quit):
7         ◄■■■■■■■■■■ human player's move.

                        ║     ║                              │     │
                     X  ║  X  ║  O                        1  │  2  │  3
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  O  ║                           4  │  5  │  6
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                     X  ║     ║  O                        7  │  8  │  9
                        ║     ║                              │     │

───────── computer places a marker  [O]  at cell number   6

                        ║     ║                              │     │
                     X  ║  X  ║  O                        1  │  2  │  3
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                        ║  O  ║  O                        4  │  5  │  6
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                   ═════╬═════╬═════                    ─────┼─────┼─────
                        ║     ║                              │     │
                     X  ║     ║  O                        7  │  8  │  9
                        ║     ║                              │     │

────────────────────────────── The computer  (O)  won. ──────────────────────────────

output   when using the input of:   5   db
(which indicates a grid of   5x5   and that the marker for the human is a hexadecimal   db   [█].)

         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║            1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║            6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │ 10
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║           11  │ 12  │ 13  │ 14  │ 15
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║           16  │ 17  │ 18  │ 19  │ 20
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║           21  │ 22  │ 23  │ 24  │ 25
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │

───────── Please enter a cell number to place your next marker [█]    (or Quit):
5         ◄■■■■■■■■■■ human player's move.

         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║  █         1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║            6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │ 10
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║           11  │ 12  │ 13  │ 14  │ 15
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║           16  │ 17  │ 18  │ 19  │ 20
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║           21  │ 22  │ 23  │ 24  │ 25
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │

───────── computer places a marker  [O]  at cell number  14

         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║  █         1  │  2  │  3  │  4  │  5
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║            6  │  7  │  8  │  9  │ 10
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║  O  ║           11  │ 12  │ 13  │ 14  │ 15
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║           16  │ 17  │ 18  │ 19  │ 20
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
    ═════╬═════╬═════╬═════╬═════     ─────┼─────┼─────┼─────┼─────
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │
         ║     ║     ║     ║           21  │ 22  │ 23  │ 24  │ 25
         ║     ║     ║     ║               │     │     │     │

───────── Please enter a cell number to place your next marker [█]    (or Quit):
q         ◄■■■■■■■■■■ human player's response.

────────────────────────────────── quitting. ──────────────────────────────────


Easy and simple implementation of tecTacToe in ring programming language with human-human type of game(for now).

This implementation is a gui implementation using the default gui provided by the language

The tecTacToe.ring is provided here <lang ring> Load "guilib.ring"

  1. Provide a list to save each button status in numeric readable format
  2. 0=nothing 1=X 2=O


  1. Provide onScreen button status and style


  1. Define who has the turn


   app=new qApp
       frmMain=new qMainWindow()

{ setWindowTitle("TicTacToe!") resize(300,320) move(200,200) //buttons pos=0 for y=0 to 2 for x=0 to 2 //Creating Buttons on the screen pos++ Add(lst,0) Add(btns,new qPushButton(frmMain) { setGeometry(x*100,y*100,100,100) setText("-") setclickevent("Disp(" + pos +")") setstylesheet("font-size:24pt ; font: bold ; color:yellow ; background-color: green") }) next


//StatusBar status=new qStatusBar(frmMain) {


setwindowflags(Qt_dialog) setStatusbar(status) show()


exec() }

//Restart the game by re init buttons status func reStart

   for i=1 to 9


func Disp x

   if isXTurn=true and lst[x]=0

btns[x].setText("X") lst[x]=1 isXTurn=false but isXTurn=false and lst[x]=0


winner = CheckWinner() #if there is no Winner and still there is ability to winner #continue playing. if winner<1 return ok

//Who is the winner!

   switch winner
       on 1
           new qMessagebox(frmMain)

SetWindowTitle("We have a winner!")

               SetText("Good job X you won!")
       on 2

new qMessagebox(frmMain)


SetWindowTitle("We have a winner!")

               SetText("Good job O you won!")
       on 3
           new qMessagebox(frmMain)
               SetWindowTitle("Oh no it's a tie")
               SetText("Oh no it's a tie!")

func CheckWinner

       //vertical check
       for v=1 to 9 step 3
           if lst[v]!=0 and lst[v+1]!=0 and lst[v+2]!=0

if lst[v]=lst[v+1] and lst[v+1]=lst[v+2]

                   return lst[v]
       for h=1 to 3
           if lst[h]!=0 and lst[h+3]!=0 and lst[h+6]!=0
               if lst[h]=lst[h+3] and lst[h+3]=lst[h+6]
                   return lst[h]
       if lst[1]!=0 and lst[5]!=0 and lst[9]!=0
           if lst[1]=lst[5] and lst[5]=lst[9] return lst[1] ok
       if lst[3]!=0 and lst[5]!=0 and lst[7]!=0
           if lst[3]=lst[5] and lst[5]=lst[7] return lst[3] ok
       for i=1 to 9
           if lst[i]=0 tie=false exit ok
       if tie=true return 3 ok return 0





This implementation splits functionality into four classes: Game, Player, HumanPlayer, and ComputerPlayer. A game can be played between any combination of HumanPlayers and ComputerPlayers.

The AI for the computer uses certain heuristics to ensure that it never loses, but the AI is not as aggressive as it could be. The AI defends against the opening corner trap, but does not exploit it in its offense.

This implementation stores the board as a one-dimensional array and hardcodes all possible straight lines in LINES, rather than storing the board as a two-dimensional matrix and identifying straight lines dynamically.

module TicTacToe

 LINES = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9],[1,4,7],[2,5,8],[3,6,9],[1,5,9],[3,5,7]]
 class Game
   def initialize(player_1_class, player_2_class)
     @board = Array.new(10) # we ignore index 0 for convenience
     @current_player_id = 0
     @players = [player_1_class.new(self, "X"), player_2_class.new(self, "O")]
     puts "#{current_player} goes first."
   attr_reader :board, :current_player_id
   def play
     loop do
       if player_has_won?(current_player)
         puts "#{current_player} wins!"
       elsif board_full?
         puts "It's a draw."
   def free_positions
     (1..9).select {|position| @board[position].nil?}
   def place_player_marker(player)
     position = player.select_position!
     puts "#{player} selects #{player.marker} position #{position}"
     @board[position] = player.marker
   def player_has_won?(player)
     LINES.any? do |line|
       line.all? {|position| @board[position] == player.marker}
   def board_full?
   def other_player_id
     1 - @current_player_id
   def switch_players!
     @current_player_id = other_player_id
   def current_player
   def opponent
   def turn_num
     10 - free_positions.size
   def print_board
     col_separator, row_separator = " | ", "--+---+--"
     label_for_position = lambda{|position| @board[position] ? @board[position] : position}
     row_for_display = lambda{|row| row.map(&label_for_position).join(col_separator)}
     row_positions = [[1,2,3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]
     rows_for_display = row_positions.map(&row_for_display)
     puts rows_for_display.join("\n" + row_separator + "\n")
 class Player
   def initialize(game, marker)
     @game = game
     @marker = marker
   attr_reader :marker
 class HumanPlayer < Player
   def select_position!
     loop do
       print "Select your #{marker} position: "
       selection = gets.to_i
       return selection if @game.free_positions.include?(selection)
       puts "Position #{selection} is not available. Try again."
   def to_s
 class ComputerPlayer < Player
   DEBUG = false # edit this line if necessary
   def group_positions_by_markers(line)
     markers = line.group_by {|position| @game.board[position]}
     markers.default = []
   def select_position!
     opponent_marker = @game.opponent.marker
     winning_or_blocking_position = look_for_winning_or_blocking_position(opponent_marker)
     return winning_or_blocking_position if winning_or_blocking_position
     if corner_trap_defense_needed?
       return corner_trap_defense_position(opponent_marker)
     # could make this smarter by sometimes doing corner trap offense
     return random_prioritized_position
   def look_for_winning_or_blocking_position(opponent_marker)
     for line in LINES
       markers = group_positions_by_markers(line)
       next if markers[nil].length != 1
       if markers[self.marker].length == 2
         log_debug "winning on line #{line.join}"
         return markers[nil].first
       elsif markers[opponent_marker].length == 2
         log_debug "could block on line #{line.join}"
         blocking_position = markers[nil].first
     if blocking_position
       log_debug "blocking at #{blocking_position}"
       return blocking_position
   def corner_trap_defense_needed?
     corner_positions = [1, 3, 7, 9]
     opponent_chose_a_corner = corner_positions.any?{|pos| @game.board[pos] != nil}
     return @game.turn_num == 2 && opponent_chose_a_corner
   def corner_trap_defense_position(opponent_marker)
     # if you respond in the center or the opposite corner, the opponent can force you to lose
     log_debug "defending against corner start by playing adjacent"
     # playing in an adjacent corner could also be safe, but would require more logic later on
     opponent_position = @game.board.find_index {|marker| marker == opponent_marker}
     safe_responses = {1=>[2,4], 3=>[2,6], 7=>[4,8], 9=>[6,8]}
     return safe_responses[opponent_position].sample
   def random_prioritized_position
     log_debug "picking random position, favoring center and then corners"
     ([5] + [1,3,7,9].shuffle + [2,4,6,8].shuffle).find do |pos|
   def log_debug(message)
     puts "#{self}: #{message}" if DEBUG
   def to_s


include TicTacToe

Game.new(ComputerPlayer, ComputerPlayer).play puts players_with_human = [HumanPlayer, ComputerPlayer].shuffle Game.new(*players_with_human).play</lang>

Computer0 goes first.
Computer0 selects X position 5
Computer1 selects O position 9
Computer0 selects X position 3
Computer1 selects O position 7
Computer0 selects X position 8
Computer1 selects O position 2
Computer0 selects X position 1
Computer1 selects O position 4
Computer0 selects X position 6
It's a draw.
X | O | X
O | X | X
O | X | O

Human goes first.
1 | 2 | 3
4 | 5 | 6
7 | 8 | 9
Select your X position: 3
Human selects X position 3
Computer1 selects O position 6
1 | 2 | X
4 | 5 | O
7 | 8 | 9
Select your X position: 7
Human selects X position 7
Computer1 selects O position 5
1 | 2 | X
4 | O | O
X | 8 | 9
Select your X position: 4
Human selects X position 4
Computer1 selects O position 1
O | 2 | X
X | O | O
X | 8 | 9
Select your X position: 9
Human selects X position 9
Computer1 selects O position 8
O | 2 | X
X | O | O
X | O | X
Select your X position: 2
Human selects X position 2
It's a draw.
O | X | X
X | O | O
X | O | X


<lang runbasic>' --------------------------- ' TIC TAC TOE ' --------------------------- winBox$ = "123 456 789 159 147 258 369 357" boxPos$ = "123 231 456 564 789 897 159 591 357 753 132 465 798 174 285 396 159 471 582 693 147 258 369 195 375" ai$ = "519628374" ox$ = "OX" [newGame] for i = 1 to 9

box$(i) = ""

next i goto [shoTic]

[loop] for j = 1 to 2

tic$ = mid$(ox$,j,1)
for i = 1 to 25
 b$	= word$(boxPos$,i," ")
 b1	= val(mid$(b$,1,1))
 b2	= val(mid$(b$,2,1))
 b3	= val(mid$(b$,3,1))
 if box$(b1) = tic$ AND box$(b2) = tic$ AND box$(b3) = "" then
    box$(b3)  = "O"
    goto [shoTic]
end if
next i

next j if box$(1) = "O" AND box$(5) = "X" and box$(9) = "X" then

if box$(3) = "" then
  box$(3) = "O"
  goto [shoTic]
end if
if box$(7) = "" then
  box$(7) = "O"
  goto [shoTic]
end if

end if for i = 1 to 9

b1 = val(mid$(ai$,i,1))
if box$(b1) = "" then
  box$(b1)  = "O"
  exit for
end if

next i

[shoTic] cls ' ---------------------------------------- ' show tic tac toe screen ' ----------------------------------------

html "

" for i = 1 to 9 html "" next i html "

   if box$(i) <> "" then 
    html box$(i)
   button #box, " ";box$(i);" ", [doTic]
          #box  setkey(str$(i))
   end if
if i mod 3 = 0 then html "


gosub [checkWin] wait

[doTic] box$(val(EventKey$)) = "X" turn = 1 gosub [checkWin] goto [loop]

' --- check for a winner ---------- [checkWin] for i = 1 to 8

b$ = word$(winBox$,i," ")
b1 = val(mid$(b$,1,1))
b2 = val(mid$(b$,2,1))
b3 = val(mid$(b$,3,1))
if box$(b1) = "O" and box$(b2) = "O" and box$(b3) = "O" then
  print "You Lose!"
  goto [playAgain]
end if
if box$(b1) = "X" and box$(b2) = "X" and box$(b3) = "X" then
  print "You Win!"
  goto [playAgain]
end if

next i

moveCount = 0 for i = 1 to 9

if box$(i) <> "" then moveCount = moveCount + 1 

next i if moveCount = 9 then

 print "Draw!"
 goto [playAgain]

end if RETURN

[playAgain] input "Play again (y/n)";p$ if upper$(p$) = "Y" then goto [newGame] end</lang>


Functional implementation.

Computer vs. human. Human starts. Computer plays 'O' and human plays 'X'. Computer moves are legal, but random. <lang scala>package object tictactoe {

 val Human = 'X'
 val Computer = 'O'  
 val BaseBoard = ('1' to '9').toList
 val WinnerLines = List((0,1,2), (3,4,5), (6,7,8), (0,3,6), (1,4,7), (2,5,8), (0,4,8), (2,4,6))
 val randomGen = new util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis)


package tictactoe {

class Board(aBoard : List[Char] = BaseBoard) {

 def availableMoves = aBoard.filter(c => c != Human && c != Computer)
 def availableMovesIdxs = for ((c,i) <- aBoard.zipWithIndex if c != Human && c != Computer) yield i
 def computerPlays = new Board(aBoard.updated(availableMovesIdxs(randomGen.nextInt(availableMovesIdxs.length)), Computer))
 def humanPlays(move : Char) = new Board(aBoard.updated(aBoard.indexOf(move), Human))
 def isDraw = aBoard.forall(c => c == Human || c == Computer)
 def isWinner(winner : Char) = 
   WinnerLines.exists{case (i,j,k) => aBoard(i) == winner && aBoard(j) == winner && aBoard(k) == winner}
 def isOver = isWinner(Computer) || isWinner(Human) || isDraw
 def print { 
   aBoard.grouped(3).foreach(row => println(row(0) + " " + row(1) + " " + row(2))) 
 def printOverMessage { 
   if (isWinner(Human)) println("You win.")
   else if (isWinner(Computer)) println("Computer wins.")
   else if (isDraw) println("It's a draw.")
   else println("Not over yet, or something went wrong.")     


object TicTacToe extends App {

  def play(board : Board, turn : Char) {
   // Reads a char from input until it is one of
   // the available moves in the current board
   def readValidMove() : Char = {
     print("Choose a move: ")
     val validMoves = board.availableMoves
     val move = readChar
     if (validMoves.contains(move)) {
     } else {
       println("Invalid move. Choose another one in " + validMoves)

   if (board.isOver) {
   if (turn == Human) { // Human plays            
     val nextBoard = board.humanPlays(readValidMove)      
     play(nextBoard, Computer)
   } else { // Computer plays
     println("Computer plays: ") 
     val nextBoard = board.computerPlays 
     play(nextBoard, Human)
 play(new Board(),Human)




(human is always first)

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Choose a move: 1
X 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
Computer plays: 
X 2 O
4 5 6
7 8 9
Choose a move: 3
Invalid move. Choose another one in List(2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9)
Choose a move: 4
X 2 O
X 5 6
7 8 9
Computer plays: 
X 2 O
X 5 6
7 8 O
Choose a move: 7
X 2 O
X 5 6
X 8 O
You win.


Can be a game of human v. human, human v. machine, or machine v. machine. Machine moves have a hierarchy: firstly, it looks for a winning move; secondly, it looks for a way to block the opponent's victory; lastly, it makes a random move.

<lang>function [] = startGame()

   //Board size and marks
   N = 3;
   marks = ["X" "O"];
   //Creating empty board
   board = string(zeros(N,N));
   for i = 1:(N*N)
       board(i) = "";
   //Initialising players
   players= [%F %F];
   players = playerSetup(marks);
   //Console header
   header = [strsplit(marks(1)+" is ----")';...
             strsplit(marks(2)+" is ----")'];
   for i = 1:2
       if players(i) then
           header(i,6:10) = strsplit("P"+string(i)+".  ");
           header(i,6:10) = strsplit("COMP.");
   //Game loop
   win_flag = %F;
   count = 0;
   while count<N*N
       //Clear console, and print header and board
       printf("%s\n %s\n",strcat(header(1,:)),strcat(header(2,:)));
       //Find which player should move
       player_n = modulo(count,2) + 1;
       if players(player_n) == %T then
           //Human plays
           pos = [];
           valid_move = %F;
           disp(marks(player_n)+"s turn.");
           while valid_move ~= %T
               [pos,valid_move] = readHumanMove(board);
               if ~valid_move then
                   disp("You should input a valid cell number.");
           if valid_move then
               board = updateBoard(board,pos,marks(player_n));
               error("Invalid move.");
           //Computer plays
           disp("Computer is playing.");
           board = ComputerMove(board,marks(player_n),marks);
       //Count number of movements
       count = count + 1;
       //Check if the game has finished
       [win_flag,winning_mark] = detectWin(board)
       if win_flag then
   //Clear screen at the end of game
   disp("Game finished:");
   //Print results
   if win_flag then
       disp(winning_mark+" won!");
       disp("Its a tie.");
   //Play again?
   play_again = "";
   while play_again ~= "Y" & play_again ~= "N"
       play_again = input("Would you like to play again? (Y/N)","s");
       play_again = strsplit(play_again);
       play_again = convstr(play_again(1),"u");
       if play_again ~= "Y" & play_again ~= "N" then
           disp("Invalid answer.");
   if play_again == "Y" then
       disp("Quit game.");


function players = playerSetup(marks)

   //Determines who plays which mark
   players = [%F %F]; //True for human, Flase for computer
   printf("\n%s always starts.\n",marks(1));
   for i = 1:2
       user_input = "";
       while user_input ~= "Y" & user_input ~= "N"
           user_input = input("Would you like to play as "+marks(i)+"? (Y/N)","s");
           user_input = strsplit(user_input);
           user_input = convstr(user_input(1),"u");
           if user_input ~= "Y" & user_input ~= "N" then
               disp("Invalid answer.");
       //Print choice
       if user_input == "Y" then
           players(i) = %T;
           printf("%s shall be player %d (P%d).\n\n",marks(i),i,i);
           printf("%s shall be the computer (COMP).\n\n",marks(i));


function [] = dispBoard(board)

   //Print ASCII board on console
   //Get board marks
   marks = [" " " "];
   mark_inds = find(board ~= "");
   if mark_inds ~= [] then
       marks(1) = board(mark_inds(1));
       mark_inds = find( (board ~= "") & (board ~= marks(1)) );
       if mark_inds ~= [] then
           marks(2) = board(mark_inds(1));
   //Transpose to display for humans
   //[compatibility with readHumanMove()]
   disp_board = board';
   rows = 3*size(board,'r');
   cols = 4*size(board,'c');
   ascii_board = string(zeros(rows, cols));
   strsplit("   |")';...
   strsplit(" "+marks(1)+" |")';...
   strsplit("   |")';...
   strsplit(" "+marks(2)+" |")';...
   strsplit("   |")';...
   strsplit("   |")';...
   for r = ([1:size(board,'r')] - 1 )
       for c = ([1:size(board,'c')] - 1)
           if disp_board(r+1,c+1) == marks(1) then
               ascii_board((r*3 + 1):((r+1)*3),...
                           (c*4 + 1):((c+1)*4)) = mark_1;
           elseif disp_board(r+1,c+1) == marks(2) then
               ascii_board((r*3 + 1):((r+1)*3),...
                           (c*4 + 1):((c+1)*4)) = mark_2;
               ascii_board((r*3 + 1):((r+1)*3),...
                           (c*4 + 1):((c+1)*4)) = Blank_mark;
   for i = 1:cols
       if modulo(i,4)>0 then
           ascii_board(rows,i) = " ";
   for i = 1:rows
       ascii_board(i,cols) = " ";
   for i = 1:size(ascii_board,'r')


function moves_board = availableMoves(board)

   //Find empty cells on the board
   moves_board = board;
   for i = 1:(size(board,'r')*size(board,'c'))
       if board(i) == "" then
           moves_board(i) = string(i);
           moves_board(i) = "_";


function varargout = readHumanMove(board)

   //Read human input
   printf("\nAvailable cells:");
   moves_board = availableMoves(board);
   x = input("\nEnter a move (0 to quit game): ");
   valid = %F;
   pos = 0;
   total = size(moves_board,'r') * size(moves_board,'c');
   //Check if it is a valid move
   if x == 0 then
       disp("Quit game.")
   elseif (x>=1 & x<=total) then
       if (moves_board(x) == string(x)) then
           valid = %T;
           pos = x;
   varargout = list(pos,valid);


function varargout = updateBoard(board,pos,player)

   //Add move to the board
   if board(pos) ~= "" then
       error('Error: Invalid move.');
   board(pos) = player
   varargout = list(board);


function varargout = detectWin(board)

   //Detect if there is a winner or not
   win_flag = %F;
   winner = "";
   //Get board marks
   marks = ["" ""];
   mark_inds = find(board ~= "");
   marks(1) = board(mark_inds(1))
   mark_inds = find( (board ~= "") & (board ~= marks(1)) );
   marks(2) = board(mark_inds(1));
   //If there is a minimum number of moves, check if there is a winner
   n_moves = find(~(board == ""));
   n_moves = length(n_moves)
   if n_moves >= size(board,'r') then
       board_X = (board == marks(1));
       board_O = (board == marks(2)); 
       for i = 1:size(board,'r')
           //Check rows
           if find(~board_X(i,:)) == [] then
               win_flag = %T;
               winner = marks(1);
           if find(~board_O(i,:)) == [] then
               win_flag = %T;
               winner = marks(2);
           //Check columns
           if find(~board_X(:,i)) == [] then
               win_flag = %T;
               winner = marks(1);
           if find(~board_O(:,i)) == [] then
               win_flag = %T;
               winner = marks(2);
       //Check diagonal
       if ~win_flag then
           if find(~diag(board_X)) == [] then
               win_flag = %T;
               winner = marks(1);
           elseif find(~diag(board_O)) == [] then
               win_flag = %T;
               winner = marks(2);
       //Check anti-diagonal
       if ~win_flag then
           board_X = board_X(:,$:-1:1);
           board_O = board_O(:,$:-1:1);
           if find(~diag(board_X)) == [] then
               win_flag = %T;
               winner = marks(1);
           elseif find(~diag(board_O)) == [] then
               win_flag = %T;
               winner = marks(2);
   varargout = list(win_flag,winner)


function threat_pos = findThreat(board,player)

   //Returns a list of moves that can finish the game
   //Available moves
   move_inds = find(~( availableMoves(board) == "_" ));
   //If there is a minimum number of moves, check if there is a threat
   threat_pos = [];
   if (size(board,'r')*size(board,'c')) - length(move_inds) >...
      (size(board,'r') - 1) then
       for i = 1:length(move_inds)
           temp_board = updateBoard(board,move_inds(i),player);
           [win_flag,winner] = detectWin(temp_board);
           if win_flag & winner == player then
               threat_pos = [threat_pos move_inds(i)];


function varargout = ComputerMove(board,mark,all_marks)

   //Atomatically add a move to the board with no human input
   //Find winning moves moves
   move_inds = findThreat(board,mark);
   //If there are no winning moves, find opponent's winning moves
   //to block opponent's victory
   if move_inds == [] then
       if mark == all_marks(1) then
           opponent = all_marks(2);
       elseif mark == all_marks(2) then
           opponent = all_marks(1);
       move_inds = findThreat(board,opponent);
   //If there are no winning moves or threats, find all possible moves
   if move_inds == [] then
       move_inds = find(~( availableMoves(board) == "_" ));
   //Choose a random move among the selected possible moves
   pos = grand(1,"prm",move_inds);
   pos = pos(1);
   //Update board by adding a new mark
   board(pos) = mark;
   varargout = list(board);    




Basic playable TicTacToe in SQLite using only the sqlite3 CLI. The CLI wasn't really designed for this, making the interactivity a little bit clunky. However, some of the higher-level constructs in SQL allow for some intriguingly elegant game logic. <lang SQL> --Setup drop table if exists board; create table board (p char, r integer, c integer); insert into board values('.', 0, 0),('.', 0, 1),('.', 0, 2),('.', 1, 0),('.', 1, 1),('.', 1, 2),('.', 2, 0),('.', 2, 1),('.', 2, 2);

-- Use a trigger for move events drop trigger if exists after_moved; create trigger after_moved after update on board for each row when new.p <> '.' and new.p <> 'O' begin

   -- Verify move is valid
           when (select v from msg) like '%Wins!' then raise(ABORT, 'The game is already over.')               
           when (select old.p from board where rowid = rid) <> '.' then raise(ABORT, 'That position has already been taken.  Please choose an available position.')            
           when new.p <> 'X' then raise(ABORT, 'Please place an X')
   from (
       select rowid rid from board
       where p = new.p
       select p from board where p = old.p
   -- Check for game over
   update msg set v = (
               when max(num) >= 3 then 'X Wins!'
               when (select count(*) from board where p = '.') = 0 then 'Cat Wins!'
               else 'Move made'
       from ( -- Is Game Over
           select count(*) num from board where p = 'X' group by r union -- Horz
           select count(*) num from board where p = 'X' group by c union -- Vert
           select count(*) num from board where p = 'X' and r = c union -- Diag TL->BR
           select count(*) num from board where p = 'X' and (2-r) = c -- Diag TR->BL
   --Have computer player make a random move
   update board set p = 'O' 
   where rowid = (select rid from (select max(rnd),rid from (select rowid rid, random() rnd from board where p = '.')))
   and (select v from msg) not like '%Wins!';
   --NOTE: SQLite doesn't allow update order by in triggers, otherwise we could just use this beautiful line:
   -- update board set p = 'O' where p = '.' order by random() limit 1;
   --Check to see if the computer player won
   update msg set v = (
               when max(num) >= 3 then 'O Wins!'   
               else v
       from ( -- Is Game Over
           select count(*) num from board where p = 'O' group by r union -- Horz
           select count(*) num from board where p = 'O' group by c union -- Vert
           select count(*) num from board where p = 'O' and r = c union -- Diag TL->BR
           select count(*) num from board where p = 'O' and (2-r) = c -- Diag TR->BL


-- UI to display the logical board as a grid drop view if exists ui; create view ui as select case when p = '.' then col0.rowid else p end c0, c1, c2 from board as col0 join (select case when p = '.' then board.rowid else p end c1, r from board where c = 1) as col1 on col0.r = col1.r join (select case when p = '.' then board.rowid else p end c2, r from board where c = 2) as col2 on col0.r = col2.r where c = 0;

drop table if exists msg; create table msg (v text); insert into msg values();

-- Readme select * from ui; .print "Use this to play:" .print "->update board set p = 'X' where rowid = ?; select * from ui; select * from msg;"'


(Assuming the above code is in a file called ttt.sql)
sqlite>.read ttt.sql
Use this to play:
  update board set p = 'X' where rowid = ?; select * from ui; select * from msg;

sqlite> update board set p = 'X' where rowid = 1; select * from ui; select * from msg;
Move made

sqlite> update board set p = 'X' where rowid = 2; select * from ui; select * from msg;
Move made

sqlite> update board set p = 'X' where rowid = 3; select * from ui; select * from msg;
X Wins!


Some Basic AI for obvious losing and winning conditions <lang Swift> import Darwin

enum Token : CustomStringConvertible { case cross, circle

func matches(tokens: [Token?]) -> Bool { for token in tokens { guard let t = token, t == self else { return false } } return true }

func emptyCell(in tokens: [Token?]) -> Int? { if tokens[0] == nil && tokens[1] == self && tokens[2] == self { return 0 } else if tokens[0] == self && tokens[1] == nil && tokens[2] == self { return 1 } else if tokens[0] == self && tokens[1] == self && tokens[2] == nil { return 2 } return nil }

var description: String { switch self { case .cross: return "x" case .circle: return "o" } } }

struct Board { var cells: [Token?] = [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil]

func cells(atCol col: Int) -> [Token?] { return [cells[col], cells[col + 3], cells[col + 6]] }

func cells(atRow row: Int) -> [Token?] { return [cells[row * 3], cells[row * 3 + 1], cells[row * 3 + 2]] }

func cellsTopLeft() -> [Token?] { return [cells[0], cells[4], cells[8]] }

func cellsBottomLeft() -> [Token?] { return [cells[6], cells[4], cells[2]] }

func winner() -> Token? { let r0 = cells(atRow: 0) let r1 = cells(atRow: 1) let r2 = cells(atRow: 2) let c0 = cells(atCol: 0) let c1 = cells(atCol: 1) let c2 = cells(atCol: 2) let tl = cellsTopLeft() let bl = cellsBottomLeft()

if Token.cross.matches(tokens: r0) || Token.cross.matches(tokens: r1) || Token.cross.matches(tokens: r2) || Token.cross.matches(tokens: c0) || Token.cross.matches(tokens: c1) || Token.cross.matches(tokens: c2) || Token.cross.matches(tokens: tl) || Token.cross.matches(tokens: bl) { return .cross } else if Token.circle.matches(tokens: r0) || Token.circle.matches(tokens: r1) || Token.circle.matches(tokens: r2) || Token.circle.matches(tokens: c0) || Token.circle.matches(tokens: c1) || Token.circle.matches(tokens: c2) || Token.circle.matches(tokens: tl) || Token.circle.matches(tokens: bl) { return .circle } return nil }

func atCapacity() -> Bool { return cells.filter { $0 == nil }.count == 0 }

mutating func play(token: Token, at location: Int) { cells[location] = token }

func findBestLocation(for player: Token) -> Int? { let r0 = cells(atRow: 0) let r1 = cells(atRow: 1) let r2 = cells(atRow: 2) let c0 = cells(atCol: 0) let c1 = cells(atCol: 1) let c2 = cells(atCol: 2) let tl = cellsTopLeft() let bl = cellsBottomLeft()

if let cell = player.emptyCell(in: r0) { return cell } else if let cell = player.emptyCell(in: r1) { return cell + 3 } else if let cell = player.emptyCell(in: r2) { return cell + 6 } else if let cell = player.emptyCell(in: c0) { return cell * 3 } else if let cell = player.emptyCell(in: c1) { return cell * 3 + 1 } else if let cell = player.emptyCell(in: c2) { return cell * 3 + 2 } else if let cell = player.emptyCell(in: tl) { return cell == 0 ? 0 : (cell == 1 ? 4 : 8) } else if let cell = player.emptyCell(in: bl) { return cell == 0 ? 6 : (cell == 1 ? 4 : 2) } return nil }

func findMove() -> Int { let empties = cells.enumerated().filter { $0.1 == nil } let r = Int(arc4random()) % empties.count return empties[r].0 } }

extension Board : CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { var result = "\n---------------\n" for (idx, cell) in cells.enumerated() { if let cell = cell { result += "| \(cell) |" } else { result += "| \(idx) |" }

if (idx + 1) % 3 == 0 { result += "\n---------------\n" } } return result } }

while true { var board = Board() print("Who do you want to play as ('o' or 'x'): ", separator: "", terminator: "") let answer = readLine()?.characters.first ?? "x"

var player: Token = answer == "x" ? .cross : .circle var pc: Token = player == .cross ? .circle : .cross


while true { print("Choose cell to play on: ", separator: "", terminator: "") var pos = Int(readLine() ?? "0") ?? 0 while !board.atCapacity() && board.cells[pos] != nil { print("Invalid move. Choose cell to play on: ", separator: "", terminator: "") pos = Int(readLine() ?? "0") ?? 0 }

if board.atCapacity() { print("Draw") break }

board.play(token: player, at: pos) print(board)

if let winner = board.winner() { print("winner is \(winner)") break } else if board.atCapacity() { print("Draw") break }

if let win = board.findBestLocation(for: pc) { board.play(token: pc, at: win) } else if let def = board.findBestLocation(for: player) { board.play(token: pc, at: def) } else { board.play(token: pc, at: board.findMove()) }


if let winner = board.winner() { print("winner is \(winner)") break } } } </lang>

Who do you want to play as ('o' or 'x'): x

| 0 || 1 || 2 |
| 3 || 4 || 5 |
| 6 || 7 || 8 |

Choose cell to play on: 4

| 0 || 1 || 2 |
| 3 || x || 5 |
| 6 || 7 || 8 |

| o || 1 || 2 |
| 3 || x || 5 |
| 6 || 7 || 8 |

Choose cell to play on: 6

| o || 1 || 2 |
| 3 || x || 5 |
| x || 7 || 8 |

| o || 1 || o |
| 3 || x || 5 |
| x || 7 || 8 |

Choose cell to play on: 1

| o || x || o |
| 3 || x || 5 |
| x || 7 || 8 |

| o || x || o |
| 3 || x || 5 |
| x || o || 8 |

Choose cell to play on: 5

| o || x || o |
| 3 || x || x |
| x || o || 8 |

| o || x || o |
| o || x || x |
| x || o || 8 |

Choose cell to play on: 8

| o || x || o |
| o || x || x |
| x || o || x |

Who do you want to play as ('o' or 'x'): 


Translation of: Python

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6

  1. This code splits the players from the core game engine

oo::class create TicTacToe {

   variable board player letter who
   constructor {player1class player2class} {

set board {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} set player(0) [$player1class new [self] [set letter(0) "X"]] set player(1) [$player2class new [self] [set letter(1) "O"]] set who 0

   method PrintBoard {} {

lassign $board a1 b1 c1 a2 b2 c2 a3 b3 c3 puts [format " %s | %s | %s" $a1 $b1 $c1] puts "---+---+---" puts [format " %s | %s | %s" $a2 $b2 $c2] puts "---+---+---" puts [format " %s | %s | %s" $a3 $b3 $c3]

   method WinForSomeone {} {

foreach w { {0 1 2} {3 4 5} {6 7 8} {0 3 6} {1 4 7} {2 5 8} {0 4 8} {2 4 6} } { set b [lindex $board [lindex $w 0]] if {$b ni "X O"} continue foreach i $w {if {[lindex $board $i] ne $b} break} if {[lindex $board $i] eq $b} { foreach p $w {lappend w1 [expr {$p+1}]} return [list $b $w1] } } return ""

   method status {} {

return $board

   method IsDraw {} {

foreach b $board {if {[string is digit $b]} {return false}} return true

   method legalMoves {} {

foreach b $board {if {[string is digit $b]} {lappend legal $b}} return $legal

   method DoATurn {} {

set legal [my legalMoves] my PrintBoard while 1 { set move [$player($who) turn] if {$move in $legal} break puts "Illegal move!" } lset board [expr {$move - 1}] $letter($who) $player($who) describeMove $move set who [expr {1 - $who}] return [my WinForSomeone]

   method game {} {
       puts "    Tic-tac-toe game player.
   Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.\n"

while {![my IsDraw]} { set winner [my DoATurn] if {$winner eq ""} continue lassign $winner winLetter winSites my PrintBoard puts "\n$winLetter wins across \[[join $winSites {, }]\]" return $winLetter } puts "\nA draw"



  1. Stupid robotic player

oo::class create RandomRoboPlayer {

   variable g
   constructor {game letter} {

set g $game

   method turn {} {

set legal [$g legalMoves] return [lindex $legal [expr {int(rand()*[llength $legal])}]]

   method describeMove {move} {

puts "I go at $move"



  1. Interactive human player delegate

oo::class create HumanPlayer {

   variable g char
   constructor {game letter} {

set g $game set char $letter

   method turn {} {

set legal [$g legalMoves] puts ">>> Put your $char in any of these positions: [join $legal {}]" while 1 { puts -nonewline ">>> " flush stdout gets stdin number if {$number in $legal} break puts ">>> Whoops I don't understand the input!" } return $number

   method describeMove {move} {

puts "You went at $move"



  1. Assemble the pieces

set ttt [TicTacToe new HumanPlayer RandomRoboPlayer] $ttt game</lang> Sample game:

    Tic-tac-toe game player.
    Input the index of where you wish to place your mark at your turn.

 1 | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9
>>> Put your X in any of these positions: 123456789
>>> 1
You went at 1
 X | 2 | 3
 4 | 5 | 6
 7 | 8 | 9
I go at 5
 X | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 7 | 8 | 9
>>> Put your X in any of these positions: 2346789
>>> 7
You went at 7
 X | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 X | 8 | 9
I go at 9
 X | 2 | 3
 4 | O | 6
 X | 8 | O
>>> Put your X in any of these positions: 23468
>>> 4
You went at 4
 X | 2 | 3
 X | O | 6
 X | 8 | O

X wins across [1, 4, 7]


Human play first with the "X". You must choose the row and the column you want to play... <lang vb> Option Explicit

Private Lines(1 To 3, 1 To 3) As String Private Nb As Byte, player As Byte Private GameWin As Boolean, GameOver As Boolean

Sub Main_TicTacToe() Dim p As String

   printLines Nb
       p = WhoPlay
       Debug.Print p & " play"
       If p = "Human" Then
           Call HumanPlay
           GameWin = IsWinner("X")
           Call ComputerPlay
           GameWin = IsWinner("O")
       End If
       If Not GameWin Then GameOver = IsEnd
   Loop Until GameWin Or GameOver
   If Not GameOver Then
       Debug.Print p & " Win !"
       Debug.Print "Game Over!"
   End If

End Sub

Sub InitLines(Optional S As String) Dim i As Byte, j As Byte

   Nb = 0: player = 0
   For i = LBound(Lines, 1) To UBound(Lines, 1)
       For j = LBound(Lines, 2) To UBound(Lines, 2)
           Lines(i, j) = "#"
       Next j
   Next i

End Sub

Sub printLines(Nb As Byte) Dim i As Byte, j As Byte, strT As String

   Debug.Print "Loop " & Nb
   For i = LBound(Lines, 1) To UBound(Lines, 1)
       For j = LBound(Lines, 2) To UBound(Lines, 2)
           strT = strT & Lines(i, j)
       Next j
       Debug.Print strT
       strT = vbNullString
   Next i

End Sub

Function WhoPlay(Optional S As String) As String

   If player = 0 Then
       player = 1
       WhoPlay = "Human"
       player = 0
       WhoPlay = "Computer"
   End If

End Function

Sub HumanPlay(Optional S As String) Dim L As Byte, C As Byte, GoodPlay As Boolean

       L = Application.InputBox("Choose the row", "Numeric only", Type:=1)
       If L > 0 And L < 4 Then
           C = Application.InputBox("Choose the column", "Numeric only", Type:=1)
           If C > 0 And C < 4 Then
               If Lines(L, C) = "#" And Not Lines(L, C) = "X" And Not Lines(L, C) = "O" Then
                   Lines(L, C) = "X"
                   Nb = Nb + 1
                   printLines Nb
                   GoodPlay = True
               End If
           End If
       End If
   Loop Until GoodPlay

End Sub

Sub ComputerPlay(Optional S As String) Dim L As Byte, C As Byte, GoodPlay As Boolean

   Randomize Timer
       L = Int((Rnd * 3) + 1)
       C = Int((Rnd * 3) + 1)
       If Lines(L, C) = "#" And Not Lines(L, C) = "X" And Not Lines(L, C) = "O" Then
           Lines(L, C) = "O"
           Nb = Nb + 1
           printLines Nb
           GoodPlay = True
       End If
   Loop Until GoodPlay

End Sub

Function IsWinner(S As String) As Boolean Dim i As Byte, j As Byte, Ch As String, strTL As String, strTC As String

   Ch = String(UBound(Lines, 1), S)
   'check lines & columns
   For i = LBound(Lines, 1) To UBound(Lines, 1)
       For j = LBound(Lines, 2) To UBound(Lines, 2)
           strTL = strTL & Lines(i, j)
           strTC = strTC & Lines(j, i)
       Next j
       If strTL = Ch Or strTC = Ch Then IsWinner = True: Exit For
       strTL = vbNullString: strTC = vbNullString
   Next i
   'check diagonales
   strTL = Lines(1, 1) & Lines(2, 2) & Lines(3, 3)
   strTC = Lines(1, 3) & Lines(2, 2) & Lines(3, 1)
   If strTL = Ch Or strTC = Ch Then IsWinner = True

End Function

Function IsEnd() As Boolean Dim i As Byte, j As Byte

   For i = LBound(Lines, 1) To UBound(Lines, 1)
       For j = LBound(Lines, 2) To UBound(Lines, 2)
           If Lines(i, j) = "#" Then Exit Function
       Next j
   Next i
   IsEnd = True

End Function </lang>

Loop 0
Human Play
Loop 1
Computer Play
Loop 2
Human Play
Loop 3
Computer Play
Loop 4
Human Play
Loop 5
Human Win !


<lang XPL0>\The computer marks its moves with an "O" and the player uses an "X". The \ numeric keypad is used to make the player's move. \ \ 7 | 8 | 9 \ ---+---+--- \ 4 | 5 | 6 \ ---+---+--- \ 1 | 2 | 3 \ \The player always goes first, but the 0 key is used to skip a move. Thus \ it can be used to let the computer play first. Esc terminates program.

inc c:\cxpl\codes; \intrinsic routine declarations def X0=16, Y0=10; \coordinates of character in upper-left square int I0,

       PMove,          \player's move (^0..^9)
       Key;            \keystroke

int X, O; \bit arrays for player and computer

                       \ bit 0 corresponds to playing square 1, etc.

proc HLine(X, Y); \Draw a horizontal line int X, Y; int I; [Cursor(X, Y); for I:= 0 to 10 do ChOut(0, ^Ä); ]; \HLine

proc VLine(X, Y); \Draw a vertical line over the above horizontal line int X, Y; int I; [for I:= 0 to 4 do

       [Cursor(X, Y+I);
       ChOut(0, if I&1 then ^Å else ^³);

]; \VLine

func Won(p); \Return 'true' if player P has won int P; int T, I; [T:= [$007, $038, $1C0, $049, $092, $124, $111, $054]; for I:= 0 to 7 do \check if player matches a bit pattern for 3 in a row

   if (P & T(I)) = T(I) then return true;

return false; ]; \Won

func Cats; \Return 'true' if no more moves available (Cat's game) [if (X ! O) = $1FF then \all bit positions played

       [Cursor(17, 20);
       Text(0, "A draw!");
       return true;

return false; ]; \Cats

proc DoMove(P, M, Ch); \Make move in player's bit array and display it int P, \address of player's bit array

       M,              \index 0..8 where bit is placed

int I, X, Y; [P(0):= P(0) ! 1<<M; \make move

I:= M / 3; \display move X:= Rem(0) * 4; Y:= (2-I) * 2; Cursor(X+X0, Y+Y0); ChOut(0, Ch); ]; \DoMove

func Try(P); \Return the value of the best node for player P int P; \address of player's bit array int P1, I, I0, V, V0; [P1:= if P = addr X then addr O else addr X;

if Won(P1(0)) then return -1; if (X ! O) = $1FF then return 0;

V0:= -1; \assume the worst for I:= 0 to 8 do \for all of the squares...

   if ((O!X) & 1<<I) = 0 then          \if square is unused
       [P(0):= P(0) ! 1<<I;            \make tenative move
       V:= -(extend(Try(P1)));         \get value
       if V > V0 then                  \save best value
               [V0:= V;  I0:= I];
       P(0):= P(0) & ~(1<<I);          \undo tenative move

return V0 & $FF ! I0<<8; ]; \Try

proc PlayGame; \Play one game [ChOut(0, $0C\FF\); \clear screen with a form feed HLine(X0-1, Y0+1); \draw grid (#) HLine(X0-1, Y0+3); VLine(X0+2, Y0); VLine(X0+6, Y0);

X:= 0; O:= 0; \initialize player's bit arrays to empty loop [loop [PMove:= ChIn(1); \GET PLAYER'S MOVE (X)

               if PMove = $1B\Esc\ then
                       [SetVid(3);  exit];     \restore display and end program
               if PMove = ^0 then quit;
               if PMove>=^1 & PMove<=^9 &      \check for legal move
                  ((X!O) & 1<<(PMove-^1)) = 0 then quit;
               ChOut(0, 7\Bel\);               \beep the dude
       if PMove # ^0 then
               [DoMove(addr X, PMove-^1, ^X);
               if Won(X) then
                       [Cursor(17, 20);
                       Text(0, "X wins!");
       if Cats then quit;
       I0:= Try(addr O) >>8;                   \GET COMPUTER'S MOVE (O)
       DoMove(addr O, I0, ^O);                 \do best move
       if Won(O) then
               [Cursor(17, 20);
               Text(0, "O wins!");
       if Cats then quit;

]; \PlayGame

int CpuReg; [SetVid(1); \set 40x25 text mode CpuReg:= GetReg; \turn off annoying flashing cursor CpuReg(0):= $0100; \ with BIOS interrupt 10h, function 01h CpuReg(2):= $2000; \set cursor type to disappear SoftInt($10); loop [PlayGame;

       Key:= ChIn(1);                  \keep playing games until Esc key is hit
       if Key = $1B\Esc\ then
               [SetVid(3);  exit];     \clear screen & restore normal text mode



In the classic style. <lang Yabasic>5 REM Adaptation to Yabasic of the program published in Tim Hartnell's book "Artificial Intelligence: Concepts and Programs", with some minor modifications. 6/2018. 10 REM TICTAC 15 INPUT "English (0), Spanish (other key): " IDIOMA : IF NOT IDIOMA THEN RESTORE 2020 ELSE RESTORE 2010 END IF 20 GOSUB 1180: REM INICIALIZACION 30 REM *** REQUISITOS PREVIOS AL JUEGO *** 40 FOR J = 1 TO 9 50 A(J) = 32 60 NEXT J 70 FOR J = 1 TO 5 80 D(J) = 0 90 NEXT J 100 CCONTADOR = 0 110 R$ = "" 120 GOSUB 1070: REM IMPRESION DEL TABLERO 130 REM ** CICLO PRINCIPAL ** 140 GOSUB 540: REM MOVIMIENTO DEL ORDENADOR 150 GOSUB 1070: REM IMPRESION DEL TABLERO 160 GOSUB 870: REM COMPRUEBA LA VICTORIA 170 IF R$ <> "" GOTO 240 180 GOSUB 980: REM SE ACEPTA EL MOVIMIENTO DE LA PERSONA 190 GOSUB 1070: REM IMPRESION DEL TABLERO 200 GOSUB 870: REM COMPRUEBA LA VICTORIA 210 IF R$ = "" GOTO 140 220 REM ** FIN DEL CICLO PRINCIPAL ** 230 REM ***************************** 240 REM FIN DEL JUEGO 250 GOSUB 1070: REM IMPRESION DEL TABLERO 260 PRINT: PRINT 270 IF R$ = "G" PRINT MENSAJE$(1): BANDERA = -1 280 IF R$ = "P" PRINT MENSAJE$(2): BANDERA = 1 290 IF R$ = "D" PRINT MENSAJE$(3): GOTO 430 300 REM ACTUALIZACION DE LA BASE DE DATOS 310 FOR B = 1 TO 5 320 FOR J = 2 TO 9 330 IF M(J) = D(B) GOSUB 370 340 NEXT J 350 NEXT B 360 GOTO 430 370 REM ** REORDENACION DE LOS ELEMENTOS DE LA MATRIZ M ** 380 TEMP = M(J + BANDERA) 390 M(J + BANDERA) = M(J) 400 M(J) = TEMP 410 J = 9 420 RETURN 430 PRINT: PRINT 440 PRINT MENSAJE$(4) 450 PRINT: PRINT 460 FOR J = 1 TO 9 470 PRINT M(J), " "; 480 NEXT J 490 PRINT: PRINT 500 PRINT MENSAJE$(5) 510 INPUT A$ 520 GOTO 30 530 REM ************************ 540 REM MOVIMIENTO DEL ORDENADOR 550 P = ASC("O") 560 X = 0 570 J = 1 580 IF A(W(J)) = A(W(J + 1)) AND A(W(J + 2)) = 32 AND A(W(J)) = P X = W(J + 2): GOTO 750 590 IF A(W(J)) = A(W(J + 2)) AND A(W(J + 1)) = 32 AND A(W(J)) = P X = W(J + 1): GOTO 750 600 IF A(W(J + 1)) = A(W(J + 2)) AND A(W(J)) = 32 AND A(W(J + 1)) = P X = W(J): GOTO 750 610 IF J < 21 J = J + 3: GOTO 580 620 IF P = ASC("O") P = ASC("X"): GOTO 570 630 REM ** SI NO SE GANA SE BUSCA UN MOVIMIENTO DE BLOQUEO ** 640 REM * ENTONCES SE USA LA SIGUIENTE SECCION * 650 J = 1 660 IF A(M(J)) = 32 X = M(J): GOTO 750 670 IF J < 10 J = J + 1: GOTO 660 680 H = 0 690 H = H + 1 700 X = INT(RAN(1) * 9): IF A(X) = 32 GOTO 750 710 IF H < 100 GOTO 690 720 R$ = "D": REM ES SIMPLEMENTE UN DIBUJO 730 RETURN 740 REM ********************* 750 REM REALIZA EL MOVIMIENTO 760 A(X) = ASC("O") 770 CCONTADOR = CCONTADOR + 1 780 D(CCONTADOR) = X 790 BANDERA = 0 800 FOR J = 1 TO 9 810 IF A(J) = 32 BANDERA = 1 820 NEXT J 830 IF BANDERA = 0 AND R$ = "" R$ = "D" 840 REM SI TODAS LAS CASILLAS ESTAN LLENAS Y R$ ESTA VACIO, ENTONCES ES SIMPLEMENTE UN DIBUJO 850 RETURN 860 REM ********************* 870 REM COMPRUEBA LA VICTORIA 880 J = 1 890 IF A(W(J)) = 32 J = J + 3 900 IF J > 23 RETURN 910 IF A(W(J)) = A(W(J + 1)) AND A(W(J)) = A(W(J + 2)) GOTO 940 920 IF J < 22 J = J + 3: GOTO 890 930 RETURN 940 IF A(W(J)) = ASC("O") R$ = "G": REM EL ORDENADOR GANA 950 IF A(W(J)) = ASC("X") R$ = "P": REM EL ORDENADOR PIERDE 960 RETURN 970 REM ************************ 980 REM MOVIMIENTO DE LA PERSONA 990 PRINT: PRINT 1000 PRINT MENSAJE$(6) 1010 PRINT MENSAJE$(7); : INPUT MOVIMIENTO 1020 IF MOVIMIENTO < 1 OR MOVIMIENTO > 9 GOTO 1010 1030 IF A(MOVIMIENTO) <> 32 GOTO 1010 1040 A(MOVIMIENTO) = ASC("X") 1050 RETURN 1060 REM ********************* 1070 REM IMPRESION DEL TABLERO 1080 CLEAR SCREEN 1090 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT 1100 PRINT " 1 : 2 : 3 ", CHR$(A(1)), " : ", CHR$(A(2)), " : ", CHR$(A(3)) 1110 PRINT "----------- ------------" 1120 PRINT " 4 : 5 : 6 ", CHR$(A(4)), " : ", CHR$(A(5)), " : ", CHR$(A(6)) 1130 PRINT "----------- ------------" 1140 PRINT " 7 : 8 : 9 ", CHR$(A(7)), " : ", CHR$(A(8)), " : ", CHR$(A(9)) 1150 PRINT 1160 RETURN 1170 REM ************** 1180 REM INICIALIZACION 1190 CLEAR SCREEN 1200 DIM A(9) : REM TABLERO 1210 DIM M(10) : REM ACCESO A LA BASE DE DATOS 1220 DIM W(24) : REM DATOS DE VICTORIA O BLOQUEO 1230 DIM D(5) : REM ACCESO AL MOVIMIENTO EN EL JUEGO ACTUAL 1235 DIM MENSAJE$(1) : READ M$ : N = TOKEN(M$,MENSAJE$(),",") : RESTORE 1240 REM DATOS DE VICTORIA O BLOQUEO 1250 FOR J = 1 TO 24 1260 READ W(J) 1270 NEXT J 1280 DATA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 1290 DATA 1, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, 9 1300 DATA 1, 5, 9, 3, 5, 7 1310 REM BASE INICIAL DE DATOS 1320 FOR J = 1 TO 10 1330 READ M(J) 1340 NEXT J 1350 DATA 2, 6, 8, 4, 7, 3, 1, 9, 5, 2 1360 RETURN 2000 REM MENSAJES EN ESPAÑOL 2010 DATA "YO GANO,TU GANAS,ES SIMPLEMENTE UN DIBUJO,ESTA ES MI PRIORIDAD ACTUALIZADA,PULSE LA TECLA <RETURN> PARA CONTINUAR,REALICE SU MOVIMIENTO,MOVIMIENTO: " 2020 DATA "I WIN,YOU WIN,IT'S JUST A DRAWING,THIS IS MY PRIORITY UPDATE,PRESS <RETURN> TO CONTINUE,TO MAKE YOUR MOVE,MOVEMENT: " </lang>