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Existing solutions may be found at https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Hello_world/Newbie#Binary_Lambda_Calculus
Existing solutions may be found at https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Hello_world/Newbie#Binary_Lambda_Calculus


<syntaxhighlight lang="c">#ifndef M
#define M 50000
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
enum {I,O,V,A,L};
long n=44,i,c,T[M]={L,A,8,A,2, V,0,L,L,V,
A,14,L,A,2,V,0,L,A,5,A,2, V,0,O,O,A},b,s;
long nc = 0, nf = 0, na = 0; // number of cells, number freed, number of allocs
typedef struct _{long t,r; struct _*e,*n;} C;C*e,*f,*l,*S[M];
void x(long l,long u){for(;l<=u;T[n++]=T[l++]);}
long g(){i--||(i=b,c=getchar());return c>>i&1;}
void d(C*l){!l||--l->r||(d(l->e),d(l->n),l->n=f,nf++,f=l);}
long p(long m){if(g()){for(T[n++]=V;g();T[n]++){}n++;}else
T[m]=n++&&g()?(T[m+1]=p(++n),A):L,p(n);return n-m;}
int main(int t,char **_){char o;
case I: g();i++;assert(n<M-99);if(~c&&b){x(0,6);for(T[n-5]=96;i;T[n++]=!g())
case O: t=b+t>42?(o=2*o|t&1,28):(putchar
case V: l=e;for(t=T[t+1];t--;e=e->n){}
case A: t+=2;
case L: if(!s--){printf("\n%ld cells\n%ld freed\n%ld allocated\n", nc, nf, na);return 0;};S[s]->n=e;e=S[s];t++;break;
printf("%ld cells %ld allocated\n", nf, na);
return T[t+2];

Revision as of 17:10, 21 February 2024

Universal Lambda Machine
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

One of the foundational mathematical constructs behind computer science is the universal machine, as a machine that can emulate the behaviour of any other machine, given a description of it. Alan Turing introduced the idea of a universal Turing machine in 1936–1937.

The lambda calculus is an even older, and in many ways simpler, model of computation. That simplicity is reflected in the Binary Lambda Calculus (BLC for short), which describes lambda terms with binary tokens 00 for lambda, 01 for application, and 1^n0 for variable n (which binds to the n'th enclosing lambda).

BLC also specifies a way to represent bits and lists as lambda terms, which provides the following I/O convention:

The lambda universal machine parses the binary encoding of a lambda term from the start of its input, applies that term to the remainder of input, and outputs the result interpreted as a list of bits or bytes.

BLC as a programming language has its own entry on Rosetta Code at https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Binary_Lambda_Calculus which links to more detailed descriptions of the language.


Simulate the universal lambda machine Or in other words, write a BLC interpreter. Support either bit-mode or byte-mode, or preferably both (with byte-mode as the default, and a -b command line flag for bit mode).

To test your universal lambda machine, you should execute the following BLC programs.

For bit-mode, one should reproduce the BLC Rosetta Code solutions of

producing as much output as possible before running out of stack/heap space).

Also, the 342 bit program


should produce output


For byte-mode, one should reproduce the BLC Rosetta Code solutions of

Existing solutions may be found at https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Hello_world/Newbie#Binary_Lambda_Calculus


#ifndef M
#define M 50000
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
enum {I,O,V,A,L};
long n=44,i,c,T[M]={L,A,8,A,2,  V,0,L,L,V,
    A,14,L,A,2,V,0,L,A,5,A,2,  V,0,O,O,A},b,s;
long nc = 0, nf = 0, na = 0; // number of cells, number freed, number of allocs
typedef struct _{long t,r; struct _*e,*n;} C;C*e,*f,*l,*S[M];
void x(long l,long u){for(;l<=u;T[n++]=T[l++]);}
long g(){i--||(i=b,c=getchar());return c>>i&1;}
void d(C*l){!l||--l->r||(d(l->e),d(l->n),l->n=f,nf++,f=l);}
long p(long m){if(g()){for(T[n++]=V;g();T[n]++){}n++;}else
          T[m]=n++&&g()?(T[m+1]=p(++n),A):L,p(n);return n-m;}
int main(int t,char **_){char o;
  case I: g();i++;assert(n<M-99);if(~c&&b){x(0,6);for(T[n-5]=96;i;T[n++]=!g())
  case O: t=b+t>42?(o=2*o|t&1,28):(putchar
  case V: l=e;for(t=T[t+1];t--;e=e->n){}
  case A: t+=2;
  case L: if(!s--){printf("\n%ld cells\n%ld freed\n%ld allocated\n", nc, nf, na);return 0;};S[s]->n=e;e=S[s];t++;break;
 printf("%ld cells %ld allocated\n", nf, na);
 return T[t+2];