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<lang factor>USING: kernel random math math.functions math.vectors sequences locals prettyprint ;
IN: dice7
! Output a random number 1..5.
: dice5 ( -- x )
random-unit 5 * floor 1 + >integer
! Output a random number 1..7 using dice5 as randomness source.
: dice7 ( -- x )
0 [ dup 21 < ] [ drop dice5 5 * dice5 + 6 - ] do until
7 rem 1 + >integer
! Roll dice using the passed word the given number of times and produce an
! array with roll results.
! Sample call: \ dice7 1000 roll
: roll ( word: ( -- x ) times -- array )
iota [ drop dup execute( -- x ) ] map
! Input array contains outcomes of a number of die throws. Each die result is
! an integer in the range 1..X. Calculate and return the number of each
! of the results in the array so that in the first position of the result
! there is the number of ones in the input array, in the second position
! of the result there is the number of twos in the input array, etc.
: count-diceX-outcomes ( array X -- array )
iota [ 1 + dupd [ = ] curry count ] map
swap length
over sum
! Verify distribution uniformity/Naive. Delta is the acceptable deviation
! from the ideal number of items in each bucket, expressed as a fraction of
! the total count. Sides is the number of die sides. Rnd-func is a word that
! produces a random number on stack in the range [1..sides], times is the
! number of times to call it.
! Sample call: 0.02 7 \ dice7 100000 verify
:: verify ( delta sides rnd-func: ( -- random ) times -- )
rnd-func times roll
sides count-diceX-outcomes
dup .
times sides / :> ideal-count
ideal-count v-n vabs
times v/n
delta [ < ] curry map
vall? [ "Random enough" . ] [ "Not random enough" . ] if
! Call verify with 1, 10, 100, ... 1000000 rolls of 7-sided die.
: verify-all ( -- )
{ 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 }
[| times | 0.02 7 \ dice7 times verify ] each
<pre>USE: dice7 verify-all
{ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 }
"Not random enough"
{ 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 }
"Not random enough"
{ 11 12 18 22 12 13 12 }
"Not random enough"
{ 151 130 172 138 145 141 123 }
"Not random enough"
{ 1404 1446 1371 1460 1431 1440 1448 }
"Random enough"
{ 14311 14139 14388 14346 14150 14405 14261 }
"Random enough"
{ 142877 143514 142441 142380 143141 143203 142444 }
"Random enough"</pre>

Revision as of 19:58, 9 April 2015

Verify distribution uniformity/Naive
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

This task is an adjunct to Seven-dice from Five-dice.

Create a function to check that the random integers returned from a small-integer generator function have uniform distribution.

The function should take as arguments:

  • The function (or object) producing random integers.
  • The number of times to call the integer generator.
  • A 'delta' value of some sort that indicates how close to a flat distribution is close enough.

The function should produce:

  • Some indication of the distribution achieved.
  • An 'error' if the distribution is not flat enough.

Show the distribution checker working when the produced distribution is flat enough and when it is not. (Use a generator from Seven-dice from Five-dice).

See also:


<lang Ada>with Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random, Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Naive_Random is

  type M_1000 is mod 1000;
  package Rand is new Ada.Numerics.Discrete_Random(M_1000);
  Gen: Rand.Generator;
  procedure Perform(Modulus: Positive; Expected, Margin: Natural;
                   Passed: out boolean) is
     Low:  Natural  := (100-Margin) * Expected/100;
     High: Natural  := (100+Margin) * Expected/100;
     Buckets: array(0 .. Modulus-1) of Natural := (others => 0);
     Index: Natural;
     for I in 1 .. Expected * Modulus loop
        Index := Integer(Rand.Random(Gen)) mod Modulus;
        Buckets(Index) := Buckets(Index) + 1;
     end loop;
     Passed := True;
     for I in Buckets'Range loop
        Ada.Text_IO.Put("Bucket" & Integer'Image(I+1) & ":" &
        if Buckets(I) < Low or else Buckets(I) > High then
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(" (failed)");
           Passed := False;
           Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(" (passed)");
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Perform;
  Number_Of_Buckets: Positive := Natural'Value(Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line);
  Expected_Per_Bucket: Natural := Natural'Value(Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line);
  Margin_In_Percent: Natural := Natural'Value(Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line);
  OK: Boolean;


  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(  "Buckets:"    & Integer'Image(Number_Of_Buckets) &
                         ", Expected:" & Integer'Image(Expected_Per_Bucket) &
                         ", Margin:"   & Integer'Image(Margin_In_Percent));
  Perform(Modulus  => Number_Of_Buckets,
          Expected => Expected_Per_Bucket,
          Margin   => Margin_In_Percent,
          Passed   => OK);
  Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Test Passed? (" & Boolean'Image(OK) & ")");

end Naive_Random;</lang>

Sample run 1 (all buckets good):

Buckets: 7, Expected: 1000, Margin: 3
Bucket 1: 1006 (passed)
Bucket 2: 1030 (passed)
Bucket 3: 997 (passed)
Bucket 4: 985 (passed)
Bucket 5: 976 (passed)
Bucket 6: 1024 (passed)
Bucket 7: 982 (passed)

Test Passed? (TRUE)

Sample run 2 (some buckets too large / to small):

Buckets: 7, Expected: 1000, Margin: 3
Bucket 1: 1034 (failed)
Bucket 2: 985 (passed)
Bucket 3: 1025 (passed)
Bucket 4: 933 (failed)
Bucket 5: 1000 (passed)
Bucket 6: 1016 (passed)
Bucket 7: 1007 (passed)

Test Passed? (FALSE)


<lang AutoHotkey>MsgBox, % DistCheck("dice7",10000,3)

DistCheck(function, repetitions, delta) { Loop, % 7 ; initialize array

  {  bucket%A_Index% := 0

  Loop, % repetitions ; populate buckets
  {  v := %function%()
     bucket%v% += 1
  lbnd := round((repetitions/7)*(100-delta)/100)
  ubnd := round((repetitions/7)*(100+delta)/100)
  text := "Distribution check:`n`nTotal elements = " repetitions
        . "`n`nMargin = " delta "% --> Lbound = " lbnd ", Ubound = " ubnd "`n"
  Loop, % 7
  {  text := text "`nBucket " A_Index " contains " bucket%A_Index% " elements."
     If bucket%A_Index% not between %lbnd% and %ubnd%
        text := text " Skewed."
  Return, text


Distribution check:

Total elements = 10000

Margin = 3% --> Lbound = 1386, Ubound = 1471

Bucket 1 contains 1450 elements.
Bucket 2 contains 1374 elements. Skewed.
Bucket 3 contains 1412 elements.
Bucket 4 contains 1465 elements.
Bucket 5 contains 1370 elements. Skewed.
Bucket 6 contains 1485 elements. Skewed.
Bucket 7 contains 1444 elements.


<lang bbcbasic> MAXRND = 7

     FOR r% = 2 TO 5
       check% = FNdistcheck(FNdice5, 10^r%, 0.05)
       PRINT "Over "; 10^r% " runs dice5 ";
       IF check% THEN
         PRINT "failed distribution check with "; check% " bin(s) out of range"
         PRINT "passed distribution check"
     DEF FNdistcheck(RETURN func%, repet%, delta)
     LOCAL i%, m%, r%, s%, bins%()
     DIM bins%(MAXRND)
     FOR i% = 1 TO repet%
       r% = FN(^func%)
       bins%(r%) += 1
       IF r%>m% m% = r%
     FOR i% = 1 TO m%
       IF bins%(i%)/(repet%/m%) > 1+delta s% += 1
       IF bins%(i%)/(repet%/m%) < 1-delta s% += 1
     = s%
     DEF FNdice5 = RND(5)</lang>


Over 100 runs dice5 failed distribution check with 3 bin(s) out of range
Over 1000 runs dice5 failed distribution check with 1 bin(s) out of range
Over 10000 runs dice5 passed distribution check
Over 100000 runs dice5 passed distribution check


<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <math.h>

inline int rand5() { int r, rand_max = RAND_MAX - (RAND_MAX % 5); while ((r = rand()) >= rand_max); return r / (rand_max / 5) + 1; }

inline int rand5_7() { int r; while ((r = rand5() * 5 + rand5()) >= 27); return r / 3 - 1; }

/* assumes gen() returns a value from 1 to n */ int check(int (*gen)(), int n, int cnt, double delta) /* delta is relative */ { int i = cnt, *bins = calloc(sizeof(int), n); double ratio; while (i--) bins[gen() - 1]++; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ratio = bins[i] * n / (double)cnt - 1; if (ratio > -delta && ratio < delta) continue;

printf("bin %d out of range: %d (%g%% vs %g%%), ", i + 1, bins[i], ratio * 100, delta * 100); break; } free(bins); return i == n; }

int main() { int cnt = 1; while ((cnt *= 10) <= 1000000) { printf("Count = %d: ", cnt); printf(check(rand5_7, 7, cnt, 0.03) ? "flat\n" : "NOT flat\n"); }

return 0;


Count = 10: bin 1 out of range: 1 (-30% vs 3%), NOT flat
Count = 100: bin 1 out of range: 11 (-23% vs 3%), NOT flat
Count = 1000: bin 1 out of range: 150 (5% vs 3%), NOT flat
Count = 10000: bin 3 out of range: 1477 (3.39% vs 3%), NOT flat
Count = 100000: flat
Count = 1000000: flat


<lang cpp>#include <map>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <cmath>

template<typename F>

bool test_distribution(F f, int calls, double delta)


 typedef std::map<int, int> distmap;
 distmap dist;
 for (int i = 0; i < calls; ++i)
 double mean = 1.0/dist.size();
 bool good = true;
 for (distmap::iterator i = dist.begin(); i != dist.end(); ++i)
   if (std::abs((1.0 * i->second)/calls - mean) > delta)
     std::cout << "Relative frequency " << i->second/(1.0*calls)
               << " of result " << i->first
               << " deviates by more than " << delta
               << " from the expected value " << mean << "\n";
     good = false;
 return good;



The code could be shortened if the verify function did the output itself, but the "Clojure way" is to have functions, whenever possible, avoid side effects (like printing) and just return a result. Then the "application-level" code uses doseq and println to display the output to the user. The built-in (rand-int) function is used for all three runs of the verify function, but first with small N to simulate experimental error in a small sample size, then with larger N to show it working properly on large N. <lang clojure>(defn verify [rand n & [delta]]

 (let [rands (frequencies (repeatedly n rand))
       avg (/ (reduce + (map val rands)) (count rands))
       max-delta (* avg (or delta 1/10))
       acceptable? #(<= (- avg max-delta) % (+ avg max-delta))]
   (for [[num count] (sort rands)]
     [num count (acceptable? count)])))

(doseq [n [100 1000 10000]

       [num count okay?] (verify #(rand-int 7) n)]
 (println "Saw" num count "times:"
          (if okay? "that's" "   not") "acceptable"))</lang>
Saw 1 13 times: that's acceptable
Saw 2 15 times: that's acceptable
Saw 3 11 times:    not acceptable
Saw 4 10 times:    not acceptable
Saw 5 19 times:    not acceptable
Saw 6 17 times:    not acceptable
Saw 0 121 times:    not acceptable
Saw 1 128 times:    not acceptable
Saw 2 161 times:    not acceptable
Saw 3 146 times: that's acceptable
Saw 4 134 times: that's acceptable
Saw 5 170 times:    not acceptable
Saw 6 140 times: that's acceptable
Saw 0 1480 times: that's acceptable
Saw 1 1372 times: that's acceptable
Saw 2 1411 times: that's acceptable
Saw 3 1442 times: that's acceptable
Saw 4 1395 times: that's acceptable
Saw 5 1432 times: that's acceptable
Saw 6 1468 times: that's acceptable

Common Lisp

Translation of: OCaml

<lang lisp>(defun check-distribution (function n &optional (delta 1.0))

 (let ((bins (make-hash-table)))
   (loop repeat n do (incf (gethash (funcall function) bins 0)))
   (loop with target = (/ n (hash-table-count bins))
         for key being each hash-key of bins using (hash-value value)
         when (> (abs (- value target)) (* 0.01 delta n))
         do (format t "~&Distribution potentially skewed for ~w:~
                        expected around ~w got ~w." key target value)
         finally (return bins))))</lang>
> (check-distribution 'd7 1000)
Distribution potentially skewed for 1: expected around 1000/7 got 153.
Distribution potentially skewed for 2: expected around 1000/7 got 119.
Distribution potentially skewed for 3: expected around 1000/7 got 125.
Distribution potentially skewed for 7: expected around 1000/7 got 156.
#<EQL Hash Table{7} 200B5A53>

> (check-distribution 'd7 10000)
#<EQL Hash Table{7} 200CB5BB>


<lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.math, std.algorithm, std.traits;

/** Bin the answers to fn() and check bin counts are within +/- delta % of repeats/bincount.

  • /

void distCheck(TF)(in TF func, in int nRepeats, in double delta) /*@safe*/ if (isCallable!TF) {

   int[int] counts;
   foreach (immutable i; 0 .. nRepeats)
   immutable double target = nRepeats / double(counts.length);
   immutable int deltaCount = cast(int)(delta / 100.0 * target);
   foreach (immutable k, const count; counts)
       if (abs(target - count) >= deltaCount)
           throw new Exception(format(
               "distribution potentially skewed for '%s': '%d'\n",
               k, count));
   foreach (immutable k; counts.keys.sort())
       writeln(k, " ", counts[k]);


version (verify_distribution_uniformity_naive_main) {

   void main() {
       import std.random;
       distCheck(() => uniform(1, 6), 1_000_000, 1);

}</lang> If compiled with -version=verify_distribution_uniformity_naive_main:

1 199389
2 2
4 200016
5 200424


<lang Erlang> -module( verify_distribution_uniformity ).

-export( [naive/3] ).

naive( Generator, Times, Delta_percent ) ->

   Dict = lists:foldl( fun update_counter/2, dict:new(), lists:duplicate(Times, Generator) ),
   Values = [dict:fetch(X, Dict) || X <- dict:fetch_keys(Dict)],
   Average = lists:sum( Values ) / dict:size( Dict ),
   Delta = Average * (Delta_percent / 100),
   Fun = fun(_Key, Value) -> erlang:abs(Value - Average) > Delta end,
   Too_large_dict = dict:filter( Fun, Dict ),
   return( dict:size(Too_large_dict), Too_large_dict, Average, Delta_percent ).

return( 0, _Too_large_dict, _Average, _Delta ) -> ok; return( _N, Too_large_dict, Average, Delta ) -> {error, {dict:to_list(Too_large_dict), failed_expected_average, Average, 'with_delta_%', Delta}}.

update_counter( Fun, Dict ) -> dict:update_counter( Fun(), 1, Dict ). </lang>


Calling dice:dice7/0 few times shows skewed distribution.

61> Fun = fun dice:dice7/0.
62> verify_distribution_uniformity:naive( Fun, 100000, 3).
63> verify_distribution_uniformity:naive( Fun, 100, 3).   

Euler Math Toolbox

Following the task verbatim.

<lang> >function checkrandom (frand$, n:index, delta:positive real) ... $ v=zeros(1,n); $ loop 1 to n; v{#}=frand$(); end; $ K=max(v); $ fr=getfrequencies(v,1:K); $ return max(fr/n-1/K)<delta/sqrt(n); $ endfunction >function dice () := intrandom(1,1,6); >checkrandom("dice",1000000,1)


>wd = 0|((1:6)+[-0.01,0.01,0,0,0,0])/6

[ 0  0.165  0.335  0.5  0.666666666667  0.833333333333  1 ]

>function wrongdice () := find(wd,random()) >checkrandom("wrongdice",1000000,1)



Checking the dice7 from dice5 generator.

<lang> >function dice5 () := intrandom(1,1,5); >function dice7 () ... $ repeat $ k=(dice5()-1)*5+dice5(); $ if k<=21 then return ceil(k/3); endif; $ end; $ endfunction >checkrandom("dice7",1000000,1)



Faster implementation with the matrix language.

<lang> >function dice5(n) := intrandom(1,n,5)-1; >function dice7(n) ... $ v=dice5(2*n)*5+dice5(2*n); $ return v[nonzeros(v<=21)][1:n]; $ endfunction >test=dice7(1000000); >function checkrandom (v, delta=1) ... $ K=max(v); n=cols(v); $ fr=getfrequencies(v,1:K); $ return max(fr/n-1/K)<delta/sqrt(n); $ endfunction >checkrandom(test)


>wd = 0|((1:6)+[-0.01,0.01,0,0,0,0])/6

[ 0  0.165  0.335  0.5  0.666666666667  0.833333333333  1 ]

>function wrongdice (n) := find(wd,random(1,n)) >checkrandom(wrongdice(1000000))




<lang factor>USING: kernel random math math.functions math.vectors sequences locals prettyprint ; IN: dice7

! Output a random number 1..5.

dice5 ( -- x )
  random-unit 5 * floor 1 + >integer

! Output a random number 1..7 using dice5 as randomness source.

dice7 ( -- x )
  0 [ dup 21 < ] [ drop dice5 5 * dice5 + 6 - ] do until
  7 rem 1 + >integer

! Roll dice using the passed word the given number of times and produce an ! array with roll results. ! Sample call: \ dice7 1000 roll

roll ( word: ( -- x ) times -- array )
  iota [ drop dup execute( --  x ) ] map

! Input array contains outcomes of a number of die throws. Each die result is ! an integer in the range 1..X. Calculate and return the number of each ! of the results in the array so that in the first position of the result ! there is the number of ones in the input array, in the second position ! of the result there is the number of twos in the input array, etc.

count-diceX-outcomes ( array X -- array )
  iota [ 1 + dupd [ = ] curry count ] map
  swap length
  over sum

! Verify distribution uniformity/Naive. Delta is the acceptable deviation ! from the ideal number of items in each bucket, expressed as a fraction of ! the total count. Sides is the number of die sides. Rnd-func is a word that ! produces a random number on stack in the range [1..sides], times is the ! number of times to call it. ! Sample call: 0.02 7 \ dice7 100000 verify

verify ( delta sides rnd-func: ( -- random ) times -- )
  rnd-func times roll
  sides count-diceX-outcomes
  dup .
  times sides / :> ideal-count
  ideal-count v-n vabs
  times v/n
  delta [ < ] curry map
  vall? [ "Random enough" . ] [ "Not random enough" . ] if

! Call verify with 1, 10, 100, ... 1000000 rolls of 7-sided die.

verify-all ( -- )
  { 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 }
  [| times | 0.02 7 \ dice7 times verify ] each


USE: dice7 verify-all
{ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 }
"Not random enough"
{ 3 3 1 1 1 1 0 }
"Not random enough"
{ 11 12 18 22 12 13 12 }
"Not random enough"
{ 151 130 172 138 145 141 123 }
"Not random enough"
{ 1404 1446 1371 1460 1431 1440 1448 }
"Random enough"
{ 14311 14139 14388 14346 14150 14405 14261 }
"Random enough"
{ 142877 143514 142441 142380 143141 143203 142444 }
"Random enough"


Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

<lang fortran>subroutine distcheck(randgen, n, delta)

   function randgen
     integer :: randgen 
   end function randgen
 end interface
 real, intent(in) :: delta
 integer, intent(in) :: n
 integer :: i, mval, lolim, hilim
 integer, allocatable :: buckets(:)
 integer, allocatable :: rnums(:)
 logical :: skewed = .false.
 do i = 1, n
   rnums(i) = randgen()
 end do
 mval = maxval(rnums)
 buckets = 0
 do i = 1, n
   buckets(rnums(i)) = buckets(rnums(i)) + 1
 end do
 lolim = n/mval - n/mval*delta
 hilim = n/mval + n/mval*delta
 do i = 1, mval  
   if(buckets(i) < lolim .or. buckets(i) > hilim) then
     write(*,"(a,i0,a,i0,a,i0)") "Distribution potentially skewed for bucket ", i, "   Expected: ", &
                                  n/mval, "   Actual: ", buckets(i)
     skewed = .true.
   end if
 end do 
 if (.not. skewed) write(*,"(a)") "Distribution uniform"

end subroutine</lang>


<lang go>package main

import (



// "given" func dice5() int {

   return rand.Intn(5) + 1


// function specified by task "Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice" func dice7() (i int) {

   for {
       i = 5*dice5() + dice5()
       if i < 27 {
   return (i / 3) - 1


// function specified by task "Verify distribution uniformity/Naive" // // Parameter "f" is expected to return a random integer in the range 1..n. // (Values out of range will cause an unceremonious crash.) // "Max" is returned as an "indication of distribution achieved." // It is the maximum delta observed from the count representing a perfectly // uniform distribution. // Also returned is a boolean, true if "max" is less than threshold // parameter "delta." func distCheck(f func() int, n int,

   repeats int, delta float64) (max float64, flatEnough bool) {
   count := make([]int, n)
   for i := 0; i < repeats; i++ {
   expected := float64(repeats) / float64(n)
   for _, c := range count {
       max = math.Max(max, math.Abs(float64(c)-expected))
   return max, max < delta


// Driver, produces output satisfying both tasks. func main() {

   const calls = 1000000
   max, flatEnough := distCheck(dice7, 7, calls, 500)
   fmt.Println("Max delta:", max, "Flat enough:", flatEnough)
   max, flatEnough = distCheck(dice7, 7, calls, 500)
   fmt.Println("Max delta:", max, "Flat enough:", flatEnough)

}</lang> Output:

Max delta: 356.1428571428696 Flat enough: true
Max delta: 787.8571428571304 Flat enough: false


<lang haskell>import System.Random import Data.List import Control.Monad import Control.Arrow

distribCheck :: IO Int -> Int -> Int -> IO [(Int,(Int,Bool))] distribCheck f n d = do

 nrs <- replicateM n f
 let group  = takeWhile (not.null) $ unfoldr (Just. (partition =<< (==). head)) nrs
     avg    = (fromIntegral n) / fromIntegral (length group)
     ul     = round $ (100 + fromIntegral d)/100 * avg
     ll     = round $ (100 - fromIntegral d)/100 * avg
 return $ map (head &&& (id &&& liftM2 (&&) (>ll)(<ul)).length) group</lang>

Example: <lang haskell>*Main> mapM_ print .sort =<< distribCheck (randomRIO(1,6)) 100000 3 (1,(16911,True)) (2,(16599,True)) (3,(16670,True)) (4,(16624,True)) (5,(16526,True)) (6,(16670,True))</lang>


<lang lisp>(import [collections [Counter]]) (import [random [randint]])

(defn uniform? [f repeats delta]

Call 'f' 'repeats' times, then check if the proportion of each
value seen is within 'delta' of the reciprocal of the count
of distinct values.
 (setv bins (Counter (list-comp (f) [i (range repeats)])))
 (setv target (/ 1 (len bins)))
 (all (list-comp
   (<= (- target delta) (/ n repeats) (+ target delta))
   [n (.values bins)])))</lang>

Examples of use:

<lang lisp>(for [f [

   (fn [] (randint 1 10))
   (fn [] (if (randint 0 1) (randint 1 9) (randint 1 10)))]]
 (print (uniform? f 5000 .02)))</lang>

Icon and Unicon

This example assumes the random number generator is passed to verify_uniform as a co-expression. The co-expression rnd is prompted for its next value using @rnd. The co-expression is created using create (|?10) where the vertical bar means generate an infinite sequence of what is to its right (in this case, ?10 generates a random integer in the range [1,10]). <lang Icon># rnd  : a co-expression, which will generate the random numbers

  1. n  : the number of numbers to test
  2. delta: tolerance in non-uniformity
  3. This procedure fails if after the sampling the difference
  4. in uniformity exceeds delta, a proportion of n / number-of-alternatives

procedure verify_uniform (rnd, n, delta)

 # generate a table counting the outcome of the generator
 results := table (0)
 every (1 to n) do results[@rnd] +:= 1
 # retrieve the statistics
 smallest := n
 largest := 0
 every num := key(results) do { # record result and limits
   write (num || " " || results[num])
   if results[num] < smallest then smallest := results[num]
   if results[num] > largest  then largest  := results[num]
 # decide if difference is within bounds defined by delta
 return largest-smallest < delta * n / *results


procedure main ()

 gen_1 := create (|?10) # uniform integers, 1 to 10
 if verify_uniform (gen_1, 1000000, 0.01) 
   then write ("uniform")
   else write ("skewed")
 gen_2 := create (|(if ?2 = 1 then 6 else ?10)) # skewed integers, 1 to 10
 if verify_uniform (gen_2, 1000000, 0.01) 
   then write ("uniform")
   else write ("skewed")

end</lang> Output:

5 99988
2 99998
10 99894
7 99948
4 100271
1 99917
9 99846
6 99943
3 99824
8 100371
5 49940
2 50324
10 50243
7 49982
4 50295
1 50162
9 49800
6 549190
3 50137
8 49927


This solution defines the checker as an adverb. Adverbs combine with the verb immediately to their left to create a new verb. So for a verb generateDistribution and an adverb checkUniform, the new verb might be thought of as checkGeneratedDistributionisUniform.

The delta is given as an optional left argument (x), defaulting to 5%. The right argument (y) is any valid argument to the distribution generating verb. <lang j>checkUniform=: adverb define

 0.05 u checkUniform y
 n=. */y
 delta=. x
 sample=. u n              NB. the "u" refers to the verb to left of adverb
 freqtable=. /:~ (~. sample) ,. #/.~ sample
 expected=. n % # freqtable
 errmsg=. 'Distribution is potentially skewed'
 errmsg assert (delta * expected) > | expected - {:"1 freqtable

)</lang> It is possible to use tacit expressions within an explicit definition enabling a more functional and concise style: <lang j>checkUniformT=: adverb define

 0.05 u checkUniformT y
 freqtable=. /:~ (~. ,. #/.~) u n=. */y
 errmsg=. 'Distribution is potentially skewed' 
 errmsg assert ((n % #) (x&*@[ > |@:-) {:"1) freqtable

)</lang> Show usage using rollD7t given in Seven-dice from Five-dice: <lang j> 0.05 rollD7t checkUniform 1e5 1 14082 2 14337 3 14242 4 14470 5 14067 6 14428 7 14374

  0.05 rollD7t checkUniform 1e2

|Distribution is potentially skewed: assert | errmsg assert(delta*expected)>|expected-{:"1 freqtable</lang>


Translation of: Tcl

<lang javascript>function distcheck(random_func, times, opts) {

   if (opts === undefined) opts = {}
   opts['delta'] = opts['delta'] || 2;
   var count = {}, vals = [];
   for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) {
       var val = random_func();
       if (! has_property(count, val)) {
           count[val] = 1;
           count[val] ++;
   vals.sort(function(a,b) {return a-b});
   var target = times / vals.length;
   var tolerance = target * opts['delta'] / 100; 
   for (var i = 0; i < vals.length; i++) {
       var val = vals[i];
       if (Math.abs(count[val] - target) > tolerance) 
           throw "distribution potentially skewed for " + val +
                 ": expected result around " + target + ", got " +count[val];
           print(val + "\t" + count[val]);


function has_property(obj, propname) {

   return typeof(obj[propname]) == "undefined" ? false : true;


try {

   distcheck(function() {return Math.floor(10 * Math.random())}, 100000);
   distcheck(function() {return (Math.random() > 0.95 ? 1 : 0)}, 100000);

} catch (e) {


}</lang> Output:

0       9945
1       9862
2       9954
3       10104
4       9861
5       10140
6       10066
7       10001
8       10101
9       9966

distribution potentially skewed for 0: expected result around 50000, got 95040


<lang Mathematica>SetAttributes[CheckDistribution, HoldFirst] CheckDistribution[function_,number_,delta_] :=(Print["Expected: ", N[number/7], ", Generated :", Transpose[Tally[Table[function, {number}]]]2 // Sort]; If[(Max[#]-Min[#])&

[Transpose[Tally[Table[function, {number}]]]2] < delta*number/700, "Flat", "Skewed"])</lang>

Example usage:

CheckDistribution[RandomInteger[{1, 7}], 10000, 5]  

->Expected: 1428.57, Generated :{1372,1420,1429,1431,1433,1450,1465}

CheckDistribution[RandomInteger[{1, 7}], 100000, 5]  

->Expected: 14285.7, Generated :{14182,14186,14240,14242,14319,14407,14424}


<lang ocaml>let distcheck fn n ?(delta=1.0) () =

 let h = Hashtbl.create 5 in
 for i = 1 to n do
   let v = fn() in
   let n = 
     try Hashtbl.find h v 
     with Not_found -> 0 
   Hashtbl.replace h v (n+1)
 Hashtbl.iter (fun v n -> Printf.printf "%d => %d\n%!" v n) h;
 let target = (float n) /. float (Hashtbl.length h) in
 Hashtbl.iter (fun key value ->
   if abs_float(float value -. target) > 0.01 *. delta *. (float n)
   then (Printf.eprintf
     "distribution potentially skewed for '%d': expected around %f, got %d\n%!"
      key target value)
 ) h;


This tests the purportedly random 7-sided die with a slightly biased 1000-sided die. <lang parigp>dice5()=random(5)+1;


 while((t=dice5()*5+dice5()) > 26,);


cumChi2(chi2,dof)={ my(g=gamma(dof/2)); incgam(dof/2,chi2/2,g)/g };

test(f,n,alpha=.05)={ v=vector(n,i,f()); my(s,ave,dof,chi2,p); s=sum(i=1,n,v[i],0.); ave=s/n; dof=n-1; chi2=sum(i=1,n,(v[i]-ave)^2)/ave; p=cumChi2(chi2,dof); if(p<alpha, error("Not flat enough, significance only "p) , print("Flat with significance "p); ) };

test(dice7, 10^5) test(()->if(random(1000),random(1000),1), 10^5)</lang> Output:

Flat with significance 0.2931867820813680387842134664085280183

  ###   user error: Not flat enough, significance only 5.391077606003910233 E-3500006

Perl 6

Since the tested function is rolls of a 7 sided die, the test numbers are magnitudes of 10x bumped up to the closest multiple of 7. This reduces spurious error from there not being an integer expected value. <lang perl6>my $d7 = 1..7; sub roll7 { $d7.roll };

my $threshold = 3;

for 14, 105, 1001, 10003, 100002, 1000006 -> $n

 { dist( $n, $threshold,  &roll7 ) };

sub dist ( $n is copy, $threshold, &producer ) {

   my @dist;
   my $expect = $n / 7;
   say "Expect\t",$expect.fmt("%.3f");
   loop ($_ = $n; $n; --$n) { @dist[&producer()]++; }
   for @dist.kv -> $i, $v is copy {
       next unless $i;
       $v //= 0;
       my $pct = ($v - $expect)/$expect*100;
       printf "%d\t%d\t%+.2f%% %s\n", $i, $v, $pct,
         ($pct.abs > $threshold ?? '- skewed' !! );
   say ;

}</lang> Sample output:

Expect  2.000
1       2       +0.00%
2       3       +50.00% - skewed
3       2       +0.00%
4       2       +0.00%
5       3       +50.00% - skewed
6       0       -100.00% - skewed
7       2       +0.00%

Expect  15.000
1       15      +0.00%
2       17      +13.33% - skewed
3       13      -13.33% - skewed
4       16      +6.67% - skewed
5       14      -6.67% - skewed
6       16      +6.67% - skewed
7       14      -6.67% - skewed

Expect  143.000
1       134     -6.29% - skewed
2       142     -0.70%
3       141     -1.40%
4       137     -4.20% - skewed
5       142     -0.70%
6       170     +18.88% - skewed
7       135     -5.59% - skewed

Expect  1429.000
1       1396    -2.31%
2       1468    +2.73%
3       1405    -1.68%
4       1442    +0.91%
5       1453    +1.68%
6       1417    -0.84%
7       1422    -0.49%

Expect  14286.000
1       14222   -0.45%
2       14320   +0.24%
3       14326   +0.28%
4       14425   +0.97%
5       14140   -1.02%
6       14275   -0.08%
7       14294   +0.06%

Expect  142858.000
1       142510  -0.24%
2       142436  -0.30%
3       142438  -0.29%
4       143152  +0.21%
5       142905  +0.03%
6       143232  +0.26%
7       143333  +0.33%


The following function takes a count, and allowed deviation in per mill (one-tenth of a percent), and a 'prg' code body (i.e. an arbitrary number of executable expressions). <lang PicoLisp>(de checkDistribution (Cnt Pm . Prg)

  (let Res NIL
     (do Cnt (accu 'Res (run Prg 1) 1))
        (N (/ Cnt (length Res))
           Min (*/ N (- 1000 Pm) 1000)
           Max (*/ N (+ 1000 Pm) 1000) )
        (for R Res
           (prinl (cdr R) " " (if (>= Max (cdr R) Min) "Good" "Bad")) ) ) ) )</lang>


: (checkDistribution 100000 5 (rand 1 7))
14299 Good
14394 Bad
14147 Bad
14418 Bad
14159 Bad
14271 Good
14312 Good


<lang PureBasic>Prototype RandNum_prt()

Procedure.s distcheck(*function.RandNum_prt, repetitions, delta.d)

 Protected text.s, maxIndex = 0
 Dim bucket(maxIndex) ;array will be resized as needed
 For i = 1 To repetitions ;populate buckets
   v = *function()
   If v > maxIndex
     maxIndex = v
     Redim bucket(maxIndex)
   bucket(v) + 1
 lbnd = Round((repetitions / maxIndex) * (100 - delta) / 100, #PB_Round_Up)
 ubnd = Round((repetitions / maxIndex) * (100 + delta) / 100, #PB_Round_Down)
 text = "Distribution check:" + #crlf$ + #crlf$
 text + "Total elements = " + Str(repetitions) + #crlf$ + #crlf$
 text + "Margin = " + StrF(delta, 2) + "% --> Lbound = " + Str(lbnd) + ", Ubound = " + Str(ubnd) + #crlf$
 For i = 1 To maxIndex 
   If bucket(i) < lbnd Or bucket(i) > ubnd
     text + #crlf$ + "Bucket " + Str(i) + " contains " + Str(bucket(i)) + " elements.  Skewed."
 ProcedureReturn text


MessageRequester("Results", distcheck(@dice7(), 1000000, 0.20))</lang> A small delta was chosen to increase the chance of a skewed result in the sample output:

Distribution check:

Total elements = 1000000

Margin = 0.20% --> Lbound = 142572, Ubound = 143142

Bucket 1 contains 141977 elements.  Skewed.
Bucket 6 contains 143860 elements.  Skewed.


Works with: Python version 3.1

<lang python>from collections import Counter from pprint import pprint as pp

def distcheck(fn, repeats, delta):

   Bin the answers to fn() and check bin counts are within +/- delta %
   of repeats/bincount
   bin = Counter(fn() for i in range(repeats))
   target = repeats // len(bin)
   deltacount = int(delta / 100. * target)
   assert all( abs(target - count) < deltacount
               for count in bin.values() ), "Bin distribution skewed from %i +/- %i: %s" % (
                   target, deltacount, [ (key, target - count)
                                         for key, count in sorted(bin.items()) ]

Sample output:

>>> distcheck(dice5, 1000000, 1)
{1: 200244, 2: 199831, 3: 199548, 4: 199853, 5: 200524}
>>> distcheck(dice5, 1000, 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#30>", line 1, in <module>
    distcheck(dice5, 1000, 1)
  File "C://Paddys/", line 54, in distcheck
    for key, count in sorted(bin.items()) ]
AssertionError: Bin distribution skewed from 200 +/- 2: [(1, 4), (2, -33), (3, 6), (4, 11), (5, 12)]


<lang r>distcheck <- function(fn, repetitions=1e4, delta=3) {

     fn <- get(fn)
     stop("fn is not a function")
  samp <- fn(n=repetitions)   
  counts <- table(samp)
  expected <- repetitions/length(counts)
  lbound <- expected * (1 - 0.01*delta)
  ubound <- expected * (1 + 0.01*delta)
  status <- ifelse(counts < lbound, "under", 
     ifelse(counts > ubound, "over", "okay"))
  data.frame(value=names(counts), counts=as.vector(counts), status=status)   

} distcheck(dice7.vec)</lang>


Translation of: Tcl

Returns a pair of a boolean stating uniformity and either the "uniform" distribution or a report of the first skew number found.

<lang racket>#lang racket (define (pretty-fraction f)

 (if (integer? f) f
     (let* ((d (denominator f)) (n (numerator f)) (q (quotient n d)) (r (remainder n d)))
       (format "~a ~a" q (/ r d)))))

(define (test-uniformity/naive r n δ)

 (define observation (make-hash))
 (for ((_ (in-range n))) (hash-update! observation (r) add1 0))
 (define target (/ n (hash-count observation)))
 (define max-skew (* n δ 1/100))
 (define (skewed? v)
   (> (abs (- v target)) max-skew))  
 (let/ec ek
    (for/list ((k (sort (hash-keys observation) <)))
      (define v (hash-ref observation k))
      (when (skewed? v)
        (ek (cons
             (format "~a distribution of ~s potentially skewed for ~a. expected ~a got ~a"
                     'test-uniformity/naive r k (pretty-fraction target) v))))
      (cons k v)))))

(define (straight-die)

 (min 6 (add1 (random 6))))

(define (crooked-die)

 (min 6 (add1 (random 7))))
Test whether the builtin generator is uniform

(test-uniformity/naive (curry random 10) 1000 5)

Test whether a straight die is uniform

(test-uniformity/naive straight-die 1000 5)

Test whether a biased die fails

(test-uniformity/naive crooked-die 1000 5)</lang>

'(#t (0 . 96) (1 . 100) (2 . 103) (3 . 86) (4 . 94) (5 . 111) (6 . 106) (7 . 99) (8 . 108) (9 . 97))
'(#t (1 . 169) (2 . 185) (3 . 184) (4 . 163) (5 . 144) (6 . 155))
'(#f . "test-uniformity/naive distribution of #<procedure:crooked-die> potentially skewed for 6. expected 166 2/3 got 262")


<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm simulates a # of trials of a random digit, show it's skew %. */ parse arg f t d s . /*obtain arguments (options). */ if f== | f==',' then f='RANDOM' /* func ¬specified? Use default.*/ if t== | t==',' then t=1000000 /*times " " " */ if d== | d==',' then d=1/2 /*delta% " " " */ if s\== then call random ,,s /*use some seed for repeatibility*/ highDig=9 /*use this for the highest digit.*/ !.=0 /*zero all possible random trials*/

     do j=1  for t                    /* [↓]  perform a lot of trials. */
     if f=='RANDOM'  then ?=random(0,highDig)            /*random func.*/
                     else interpret '?='f"(0,"highDig')' /* user  func.*/
     !.?=!.?+1                                           /*bump counter*/
     end   /*j*/                      /* [↑]  trials ───► pigeonholes. */
                                      /* [↓]  compute the dig skewness.*/

g=t/(1+highDig) /*calculate # of each digit throw*/ OK?='OK skewed' /*words to show skewed or if OK. */ w=max(8,length(t)) /*maximum length of # of trials. */ pad=left(,9) /*this is used for indentation. */ say pad 'digit' center("hits",w) ' skew ' "skew%" 'result' /*hdr. */ say pad '─────' center(,w,'─') '──────' "─────" '──────' /*sep. */

                                      /** [↑]  show header & separator.*/
 do k=0  to highDig                   /*process each of the possible #.*/
 skew=g-!.k                           /*calculate the skew for the dig.*/
 skewPC=(1-(g-abs(skew))/g)*100       /*    "      "    "  percentage. */
 ok=right(word(ok?,1+(skewPC>d)),6)   /*it's gotta be one or the other.*/
 say pad center(k,5) right(!.k,w) right(skew,6) format(skewPC,,3) ok
 end   /*k*/

say pad '─────' center(,w,'─') '──────' "─────" '──────' /*sep. */ y=5+1+w+1+6+1+6+1+6 /*width*/ say pad center(" (with " t ' trials)',y) /*info.*/ say pad center(" (skewed when exceeds " d'%)',y) /*info.*/

                                      /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/</lang>

Execution note:   quite a few runs were needed and the skew% lowered before a skewed result was obtained.

output using the default inputs:

          digit   hits    skew  skew% result
          ───── ──────── ────── ───── ──────
            0      99790    210 0.210     OK
            1      99564    436 0.436     OK
            2     100061    -61 0.061     OK
            3      99797    203 0.203     OK
            4      99877    123 0.123     OK
            5      99578    422 0.422     OK
            6      99889    111 0.111     OK
            7     100619   -619 0.619 skewed
            8     100414   -414 0.414     OK
            9     100411   -411 0.411     OK
          ───── ──────── ────── ───── ──────
                (with  1000000  trials)
              (skewed when exceeds  0.5%)


Translation of: Tcl

<lang ruby>def distcheck(n, delta=1)

 unless block_given?
   raise ArgumentError, "pass a block to this method"
 h =
 n.times {h[ yield ] += 1}
 target = 1.0 * n / h.length
 h.each do |key, value| 
   if (value - target).abs > 0.01 * delta * n
     raise StandardError,
       "distribution potentially skewed for '#{key}': expected around #{target}, got #{value}"
 puts{|k, v| "#{k} #{v}"}


if __FILE__ == $0

   distcheck(100_000) {rand(10)}
   distcheck(100_000) {rand > 0.95} 
 rescue StandardError => e
   p e


0 10048
1 9949
2 9920
3 9919
4 9957
5 10087
6 9835
7 10026
8 10069
9 10190
#<StandardError: distribution potentially skewed for 'false': expected around 50000.0, got 95040>


<lang runbasic>s$ = "#########################" dim num(100) for i = 1 to 1000

 n = (rnd(1) * 10) + 1
 num(n) = num(n) + 1

next i

for i = 1 to 10

 print using("###",i);" "; using("#####",num(i));" ";left$(s$,num(i) / 5)

next i</lang>

  1    90 ##################
  2   110 ######################
  3   105 #####################
  4   100 ####################
  5   107 #####################
  6   133 #########################
  7    85 #################
  8    96 ###################
  9    82 ################
 10    92 ##################*


<lang tcl>proc distcheck {random times {delta 1}} {

   for {set i 0} {$i<$times} {incr i} {incr vals([uplevel 1 $random])}
   set target [expr {$times / [array size vals]}]
   foreach {k v} [array get vals] {
       if {abs($v - $target) > $times  * $delta / 100.0} {
          error "distribution potentially skewed for $k: expected around $target, got $v"
   foreach k [lsort -integer [array names vals]] {lappend result $k $vals($k)}
   return $result

}</lang> Demonstration: <lang tcl># First, a uniformly distributed random variable puts [distcheck {expr {int(10*rand())}} 100000]

  1. Now, one that definitely isn't!

puts [distcheck {expr {rand()>0.95}} 100000]</lang> Which produces this output (error in red):

0 10003 1 9851 2 10058 3 10193 4 10126 5 10002 6 9852 7 9964 8 9957 9 9994
distribution potentially skewed for 0: expected around 50000, got 94873


<lang vb>Option Explicit

sub verifydistribution(calledfunction, samples, delta) Dim i, n, maxdiff 'We could cheat via Dim d(7), but "7" wasn't mentioned in the Task. Heh. Dim d : Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") wscript.echo "Running """ & calledfunction & """ " & samples & " times..." for i = 1 to samples Execute "n = " & calledfunction d(n) = d(n) + 1 next n = d.Count maxdiff = 0 wscript.echo "Expected average count is " & Int(samples/n) & " across " & n & " buckets." for each i in d.Keys dim diff : diff = abs(1 - d(i) / (samples/n)) if diff > maxdiff then maxdiff = diff wscript.echo "Bucket " & i & " had " & d(i) & " occurences" _ & vbTab & " difference from expected=" & FormatPercent(diff, 2) next wscript.echo "Maximum found variation is " & FormatPercent(maxdiff, 2) _ & ", desired limit is " & FormatPercent(delta, 2) & "." if maxdiff > delta then wscript.echo "Skewed!" else wscript.echo "Smooth!" end sub</lang> Demonstration with included Seven-sided dice from five-sided dice#VBScript code: <lang vb>verifydistribution "dice7", 1000, 0.03 verifydistribution "dice7", 100000, 0.03</lang> Which produces this output:

Running "dice7" 1000 times...
Expected average count is 142 across 7 buckets.
Bucket 2 had 150 occurences      difference from expected=5.00%
Bucket 7 had 147 occurences      difference from expected=2.90%
Bucket 6 had 146 occurences      difference from expected=2.20%
Bucket 5 had 141 occurences      difference from expected=1.30%
Bucket 1 had 152 occurences      difference from expected=6.40%
Bucket 4 had 115 occurences      difference from expected=19.50%
Bucket 3 had 149 occurences      difference from expected=4.30%
Maximum found variation is 19.50%, desired limit is 3.00%.
Running "dice7" 100000 times...
Expected average count is 14285 across 7 buckets.
Bucket 5 had 14420 occurences    difference from expected=0.94%
Bucket 4 had 14298 occurences    difference from expected=0.09%
Bucket 2 had 14202 occurences    difference from expected=0.59%
Bucket 7 had 14201 occurences    difference from expected=0.59%
Bucket 6 had 14237 occurences    difference from expected=0.34%
Bucket 3 had 14263 occurences    difference from expected=0.16%
Bucket 1 had 14379 occurences    difference from expected=0.65%
Maximum found variation is 0.94%, desired limit is 3.00%.


This tests the random spread over 0..9. It starts at 10 samples and doubles the sample size until the spread is within 0.1% of 10% for each bucket. <lang zkl>fcn rtest(N){

  do(N){n:=(0).random(10); dist[n]=dist[n]+1}
  if (dist.filter((10.0).closeTo.fp1(0.1)).len() == 10)
     { "Good enough at %,d: %s".fmt(N,dist).println(); return(True); }


n:=10; while(not rtest(n)) {n*=2}</lang>


Reported numbers is the percent that bucket has of all samples.

Good enough at 163,840: